Folder 7: SNCC News Releases, April-September 1963
NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMI'rl'EE 6 R~rmond Stz,er:ts No:iWo FOR IMMEDIATE RELF.A.SE At,-·"l t"' ,i. ( ,,: • ,·1·'·,:.·•\q ..Lt:2. '. ·- "· ,r, ~- ~·"'\" ;,' .~<l •· . .,. ' ' !-..,, ".. ·'- • JULY, 1963 Tel: c: SNCC CHAIR.l\!AN MAKES SPEIJIAL APPF.AL FOR 68 IN PARCW.iAN STATE PENITENTIARY GREENWOOD, MISSISSIPPI, JULY ·· 30 - Jchn Lewis., chairmm of t.he Student Nonviolent. Coordinating Co!llITlittea, a.ppeal.ed Juo::lay to t,.i.'-1e 11·A.r.1ed.oan ci M.zen.ey''' to "'insist"' on the relt, of 6C Negro H:i.1,l'd.s~:l.::,pl .ans i mp:t"is oned in Ps.rchma.n Penitentiary only be- town m5,;:<,~11.1. ~ ,s cf:ficc to p•'.:,t.sTt, iJ1e smoh ·,-bombing of their voter registration meet- ing. Th~7 i-.cre char g,:1d w:l. ~~ "breach of the peace,"' and sentenced the next day to six mo::-.tha i::i j d .1 and $500 fine each. Bou.d was set at $500 per woman and $750 r cr" Th c;i ct l. 1:~ r .:-::t•rnst,s ·l?Gk place in GrerJ11"'"'1ood on June 25 and 26 when 22 Negroes, most of t,h-2,-;;1 i'1~11 .... t. a n ~. voluntf3er SNCC staff workers, were arrested inside the Leflore Count y G:::n :::-t h.01:J',c 3.f Neg:,... o ~itt zens refused to move from the closed regiatra:'.' r. !;, of.f\ :'. e~ All 1!e:·:-e se;:itenced t-.:> six months in jail on "breach of the peace" ch.~.r gcs 1<i.{J1 bond set at, $500 per person'!> A.11.
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