Kyler by Isabell Kraemer

Kyler © 2018 a handknit design by Isabell Kraemer/grasflecken. This pattern is for unlimited personal use. Do not reproduce or sell the pattern or sell items that are knitted from this pattern. For any questions, please contact [email protected]

Kyler © Isabell Kraemer/grasflecken 2017 Set up Chart

Garthenor RONAS [229 yds (210m) per 50g], 40 5 skeins or approx 1090 yds (1000 m); shown in color Shale 39 38 37 Please note that most testers used more yarn to finish the 36 35 shawl as written. Consider purchasing an extra skein. 34 33 32 Needles 31 30 US 6 (4 mm) circular needle, 40" (100 cm) long or size 29 needed to get . 28 27 26 25 Gauge 24 20 sts x 27 rows = 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) in pattern after 23 22 . 21 Gauge is not crucial for this project but will affect yardage 20 19 and final size when different. 18 17 16 Finished measurements 15 88" (223 cm) wingspan, 55" (140 cm) wide at full side of 14 13 right edge. 12 11 10 Notions 9 8 1 stitch marker, tapestry needle, blocking tools. 7 6 5 Notes 4 Kyler is worked from the narrow point of the left edge. 3 2 Stitches are increased every right side row in the lace 1 pattern and then onward into the Stockinette stitch section. At the end of the shawl there is a rib border which is Lace chart punctuated by some last rows of the lace pattern. The 8 combination of lace, stockinette and ribbing give this shawl a 7 6 sophisticated yet casual look. 5 4 3 Abbreviations 2 1x1 Rib: (K1, p1) to end. 1 approx: approximately Legend CO: cast on inc: increase RS: k; WS: p pattern repeat k: knit RS: p; WS: k kfb: knit into the front loop, then into the back loop of the yo same stitch (increase) kfb k2tog: knit 2 stitches together (decrease) k2tog m: marker p: purl ssk pm: place marker SK2P rep: repeat RS: right side SK2P: slip 1 stitch knitwise, k2tog, then pass slipped stitch over (double decrease) Read charts from bottom to top , RS rows from right to left, sl: slip (purlwise) WS rows from left to right. sl m: slip marker ssk: slip 2 stitches knitwise, one at a time, then knit these 2 stitches together through the back loop (decrease) st(s): stitch(es) WS: wrong side yo: yarn over (increase)

Kyler © Isabell Kraemer/grasflecken 2 2017 Instructions Stockinette stitch and Lace pattern With US 6 (4 mm) circular needle and using the long-tail cast Row 1, 3, 5, 7 (RS): Work Lace Chart (starting with Row 1) to on, CO 4 sts. DO NOT JOIN. m, sl m, knit to 2 stitches before end, kfb, k1. First Row (WS): P2, k1, p1. Row 2, 4, 6, 8 (WS): K2, purl to m, sl m, work Lace Chart to end.

Work Rows 1-8 28 more times – 220 sts Set up Lace pattern Work Rows 1-40 of Set up Chart – 24 sts 1x1 Rib Work Rows 25-40 of Set up Chart nine times – 96 sts Row 1 (RS): Work in 1x1 Rib to 2 stitches before end Work Rows 25-38 of Set up Chart – 103 sts (slipping marker as you go), kfb, k1. Row 2 (WS): K2, work in 1x1 Rib to end. Work Rows 1 and 2 five more times – 226 sts

Next row (RS): Rep Row 1. Next row (WS): K2, purl to m, sl m, work Row 8 of Lace Chart to end – 227 sts

Stockinette stitch and Lace pattern Row 1, 3, 5, 7 (RS): Work Lace Chart (starting with Row 1) to m, sl m, knit to 2 stitches before end, kfb, k1. Row 2, 4, 6, 8 (WS): K2, purl to m, sl m, work Lace Chart to end – 231 sts

1x1 Rib Row 1 (RS): Work in 1x1 Rib to 2 stitches before end (removing marker as you go), kfb, k1. Row 2 (WS): K2, work in 1x1 Rib to end. Work Rows 1 and 2 nine more times, then Row 1 once more – 243 sts

Next row (WS): Purl to end.

Loosely bind off all stitches knitwise (or use a stretchy bind off method). Set up Stockinette stitch and Lace pattern Weave in ends and wet block. Row 1 (RS): Work Row 39 of Set up Chart to 2 stitches before end, pm, kfb, k1. Row 2 (WS): K2, p1, sl m, work Row 40 of Set up Chart to end – 104 sts


88" (223 cm)

Direction of

Kyler © Isabell Kraemer/grasflecken 3 2017