All who want to live in such a country, join us!



Address: 121165, Moscow, Studencheskaya St., 30, bld. 2, offi ce 22 Tel: +7 499 249 07 03 Center for Scientifi c Political Th ought and Ideology (Sulakshin Center) Website: www. Email: [email protected] RUSSIAN FEDERATION

All who want to live in such a country, join us!

New Strategy of a Successful Russia (Sulakshin’s program “True Socialism”)

Moscow Science and Politics 2019 UDC 334.3:321 LBC 66.3 (2Rus) 0 P 69

New Strategy of a Successful Russia (Sulakshin’s program “True Socialism”) / Draft ed by S.S. Su lak shin — Moscow: Science and Politics, 2019. — 56 pages.

ISBN 978-5-519-65929-1

Based on a 20-year span of scientifi c research, expert studies and design performed by hundreds of professionals in various areas of knowledge, Sulakshin’s program aims to examine the condition and development of Russia under the political regime of liberalism–Putinism. It has been positively established that this model of the country and its constitution of 1993 ensure the degradation and historical collapse of Russia and spell terrible disaster for the Russian nation. Th e political regime of Putinism is eff ectively precipitating it. Th e country’s grim outlook must be changed. For this purpose, we are bringing forward a political Program designed to replace the constitution of the country, change its political system, image and model, improve the living conditions of most of the population and the overall viability of Russia. We have developed a full set of key state-building projects: a new Constitution, new doctrines, laws, concepts and mechanisms. Th e Program is intended to ensure that its suppor- ters — the majority of the nation — acquire the plenitude of power in a peaceful and lawful manner and the country’s condition is subsequently rehabilitated. It is aimed at a peaceful and lawful revolution as a transformation of Russia! Th e Program puts forward the relevant political formula for a peaceful and lawful acquisition of power and a transitional period. Russia can become a moral-based, labor-oriented, popularly governed state, a state of justice, a state consistent with its cultural and civilizational Russian identity, a true socialist state acting for the benefi t of all and everyone! All people who support Sulakshin’s Program may join the community of its sup- porters to take part in the implementation thereof for the benefi t of Russia and the Russian nation. Contents

Preamble ...... 4

1. Key formula of the Program ...... 4

2. Status of the Program ...... 5

3. Primary political position of the Program’s supporters ...... 5

4. Th eoretical and ideological framework of the Program ...... 7

5. General diagnosis and political situation of the country ...... 10

6. Program goals and objectives of transformations ...... 13

7. Action plan for the transitional period and subsequent periods ...... 15

8. Current political formula. Call of the majority of society upon President V.V. Putin ...... 16

9. Plan for the correction of key distortions caused by liberalism–Putinism and subsequent reorganization of Russia ...... 17

10. First Steps in Power (plan) ...... 41

11. Sources of the Program — scientifi c, theoretical and project-related works and documents ...... 43

12. How will the country, all and everyone benefi t from the Program? ...... 46

3 Preamble

Th e New Strategy of a Successful Russia (Sulakshin’s program “True Socialism”) is a response to the current historical challenges facing Russia and at the same time a po- litical working paper. It off ers the Russian nation, elites, decision-makers, professional practitioners and the world a fair, scientifi cally grounded plan based on public and transparent values and goals and designed to resolve the perilous developmental dead end, the imminent severe multidimensional confl ict and crisis. Th is plan also provides a principle of successful development “forever”. Th e scientifi c framework of the New Strategy of a Successful Russia is based on the humanity’s absolute values, laws of de- velopment and orientation towards the future as objectively intended by the universe. The problems identified and addressed in the New Strategy of a Successful Rus- sia were defined as threats to the above-mentioned absolute values and as sources of crisis and dehumanization of the person and society. The objectives of the New Strategy of a Successful Russia suggest ways to overcome the aforesaid threats. The solutions to these objectives and a specific plan of public and government actions set out in the New Strategy of a Successful Russia are intended for the Russian nation, elites and government as well as all for people concerned about Russia’s destiny. Russia must realize the severity and danger of the dead end it has run into, all causes thereof, and the relevance of the solutions and methods proposed in the New Strategy of a Successful Russia to rehabilitate Russia and put it back on the historical path of successful development. Th e New Strategy of a Successful Russia (Sulakshin’s program “True Socialism”) (hereinaft er, “the Program”) is put forward as an ideological and organizational pivot of the country for the time of its historical consolidation and subsequent heroic salva- tion and recovery, as a substantive basis for the union of all political, social and popular forces opposing liberalism–Putinism.

1. Key formula of the Program

“RECOVER MORALITY AND JUSTICE, LABOR AND FREEDOM, SOVEREIGNTY AND IDENTITY” Recovering morality and justice, labor and freedom, sovereignty and identity in Russia is not is not a return to its past, but a deliberate retrieval and reanimation of the lost meanings, values and goals, development potentials, mind, honor and con- science, True Human Being liberties, social harmony, morality and justice; recovering losses and overcoming the distortions caused to Russia in the post-Soviet period — the period of liberalism–Putinism. Th is also means reintroducing the vital principle of a True Human Being and human society: “interests of all and everyone”.

4 All the above is a mandatory prerequisite for the country to escape from the dead end and advance into the future. Th e main operating algorithm of the Program is: a consistent and systemic recovery of Russia as a living, healthy, autonomously deve- loping socio-political organism and state; its systemic reorganization; a peaceful and lawful establishment of a new, more successful and progressive political system to be named “True Socialism”. Russia will become diff erent, i.e. a moral-based, popularly governed, labor-oriented state rather than a parasitic one, a state consistent with its cultural and civilizational Russian identity, a state of sociality, justice and freedom. Russia will be liberated to be a diff erent, advanced and forward-looking state! Th e Program proclaims the way to achieve this. Th e country’s dangerous temporary distortion caused by liberalism–Putinism will be history.

2. Status of the Program

Th e Program is the primary document for the ideological and organizational union of all its supporters, which sets forth their value-based and political position and an action plan for the transformation and administration of Russia. Th e association based on the Program may be organized either as a political party or as a broad coalition, alliance, movement. Th e Program sets forth, in a concise form, the scientifi c, ideological and relevant political and organizational foundations for the plans and day-to-day activities of the association. Th e Program is based on a dedicated fundamental scientifi c and theoretical framework and puts forward the Big Project of the historic salvation and reorganiza- tion of Russia (the design and planning part of the Program). Th e Program comprises: • A theoretical and ideological framework • Th e current diagnosis of the country • Th e goals and objectives of transformations • An action plan for the transitional period and subsequent periods. Th e Program is intended for the whole community of its supporters. It spans the preparatory period, the transitional period and the subsequent period of steady state- building and public administration (the third period is supposed to last forever).

3. Primary political position of the Program’s supporters

Th e basic and mandatory prerequisite for the implementation of the Program is a peaceful and lawful acquisition of the plenitude of power in Russia by the Program’s supporters. 5 Th e supreme and ultimate goal of transformational changes and public administration is a moral-based, just, identity-based, sovereign state; a moral-based, just, free society; a moral, just, free person. Freedom is a person’s right to choose between Good and Evil, the right to become Human in the highest sense of the word. True Socialism is a political and societal system that achieves the universal good i.e. the good of all and everyone, forms the True Human Being and makes human society truly Human. Russia’s successfulness is the continuous achievement of its publicly declared deve- lopment goals in the best interests of the person, society and the state. Th e acquisition of power: theoretically and in view of the global history of state de- velopment, there are three ways to come to power: 1) winning an election. 2) via a peaceful and lawful resignation of the ruling group (including personal resignations and collective dissolution of authorities) and transfer of authority to other, transitional political leaders and forces. 3) by means of a disruption of the peaceful and lawful political process (an illegiti- mate overthrow or collapse of the ruling government). In the latter case, a progressive outcome is only possible if the forces that gain tem- porary authority amid a threatened uncontrollable situation and collapse of the country eff ectively work to restore, as soon as possible, the peaceful and lawful political process on a permanent basis. Th e fi rst option, i.e. via an election, is not possible for Russia in the context of libera- lism–Putinism since a criminal state-run system of massive electoral fraud has been in place. Th e third way carries high risk and is highly undesirable for the country. Th e second option, even though it does not have a probability of 100%, is still theo- retically possible, least risky, peaceful and lawful, and is therefore chosen as the way to implement the Program. Th e key principle of the Program supporters’ political activities is orientation towards a transparent, peaceful and lawful nature of political transformations and public ad- ministration in the country. If the peaceful and lawful process is disrupted through the fault of any forces including the ruling group, we must make every eff ort to restore the peaceful and lawful process. Key challenges of Russia: 1) Liberation of Russia from the historical dead end of liberalism–Putinism, which has made the country parasitic, immoral, aggressive and hardly predictable, backward and archaic, degenerating throughout its territory, dying, destroying its own civilizational identity, having marked fascist trends, a threatening rogue state, with an increasingly high probability of its historical and geopolitical col- lapse. 2) Reorganization of Russia into a moral-based, popularly governed, labor-oriented state, a state consistent with its cultural and civilizational Russian identity, a state of justice, a viable and progressive state, a state of freedom.

6 Our current political position: the Program’s supporters oppose the political regime of liberalism–Putinism on a systemic basis. A peaceful and lawful revolution means lawful systemic transformations and reforms (constitutional and political, fi nancial and economic, foreign and domestic policy- related, regional, social and humanitarian, cultural, educational, scientifi c, technological and other) of revolutionary proportions in the country. Th e primary confl ict in society and humanity (including Russia) is the dehumaniza- tion of the human being and humanity. Th e key principle of settling the diff erences between “the majority and the vociferous minority”, between labor and parasitism, between sociality and freedom understood as “I can buy everything” is the knowledge of, respect for and implementation of all legitimate interests of all legitimate interest groups, of all and everyone. Th e aforesaid diff erences may be settled via active public administration and arbitration, setting goals based on the three key values — “Labor, Justice, Freedom” — in line with the principles of True Socialism. Th e supreme value in Russia is a single, indivisible Russia, the sole Homeland for all its citizens. Th e state is not an oppressor of liberties and personality, but a social framework created by society to maximize the universal good, the good of all and everyone. Th e state is responsible “for everything”, namely, for the results of development in all areas of the country’s life, by governing directly, laying down mandatory rules and motivating free entities towards certain behaviors. Private property is legal and necessary; it is socialized by means of due state regula- tion of unearned income, thus being transformed from a factor of confl ict and parasi- tism into a factor of progress and social harmony. Entrepreneurship is transformed from a type of parasitism based on economic rent into a type of labor by means of due state regulation. Russian cultural and civilizational identity is a key factor of the country’s successful- ness.

4. Th eoretical and ideological framework of the Program

Th e Program’s supporters are struggling for power to establish fair rules and pro- cedures for the formation of state authorities and to exercise proper, i.e. successful, public administration. Th e state works to address the interests of the following three parties: 1) the state (country); 2) society (people); 3) the person (personality, citizen). Th e target image of Russia is seen as a civilizational state, a sovereign, moral-based, popularly governed, labor-oriented state rather than a parasitic one, a state consistent

7 with its cultural and civilizational Russian identity, a state of sociality, justice and freedom. Society is seen as free, intrinsically valuable and equal to the state, capable of infl u- encing on and restraining the state. A person (personality, citizen) is seen as a True Human Being, i.e. free, moral, just, collectivist, laboring, creative, merciful, committed to self-improvement, having an estab- lished worldview (values), patriotic, cultured, educated, development and ideal oriented, physically and spiritually healthy, family-loving, having children, a loving parent. Th e attempt to counterpose the principles “the state for the person” and “the person for the state” as a fundamental dichotomy is a disguise for a dogmatic, preposterous and inappropriate manipulation. Th e person, society and the state are all essential parties to relationships and all have their own interests. Th e liberal requirement of a minimalistic state (limited to the security and lawmak- ing functions) does not stand up to scrutiny or a reality check. Th e state is created by society to ensure the highest possible universal good, i.e. the good of all and everyone at the same time. Th e state will exist forever as a historically specifi c form of admi- nistration in a socially organized multitudinous human community. Th e word may die out, but the administrative function and institution will remain. Th e state is responsible for all end results of development in all areas of such com- munity’s life. It governs people in an administrative and directive manner, lays down mandatory rules (laws) and motivates autonomous communities and free individuals to perform due actions. Th e optimal share of the state in fi nancial and economic material fl ows and social relationships (statism) varies by country. For Russia, it is 50–70% in view of the country’s objective, historically established success factors. Th is includes the share of state budget in GDP, the share of private property in the total amount of property, the share of pay- rolls in GDP and other indicators. Th is is the proportion that ensures a combination of justice and freedom, and maximum successfulness of the country. Private property may and will be socialized to combine private and public interest. Th is means that surplus value will be distributed between the state, society and the person (both a wage and salary worker and the business owner), in a manner regulated by the state, to achieve harmony between their interests and common progress. Th e labor of a wage and salary worker and the business owner must be duly remu- nerated, and the business owner’s economic rent (on capital, fi nance, natural resources, information etc.) should not exceed the threshold set by the state, exceeding which would make private property a factor of parasitism rather than a factor of motivation and progress. Natural resource rent must belong to the whole society and the country in general and be operated by the state. Th e benefi ts of a citizen include both remunera- tion for his personal labor, income from property or entrepreneurship and target funds for public consumption established by means of centralized budgetary redistribution of national wealth and new assets created in the country. A person’s freedom is by no means his ability to buy anything he wants, to domineer or maltreat others. Th is is the right and possibility to choose between Good and Evil, the

8 right to become a Real Human Being, a True Human Being. A person’s freedom defi ned and understood in this way is certainly supported and protected by a moral-based state. Th e core principle of public administration is to make best decisions based on the criterion of the highest possible universal good, which comprises the good of all and everyone, the good of the person, society and the state. Th e key principles of state sys- tem, property and human liberties are detailed in the new Constitution of Russia. On the face of it, the highest meaning of life, whether for the person, society or the country in general, lies in their life i.e. existence itself, in their ability not to be sick, not to decay or die prematurely, which, in practice, implies continuous and specifi c administrative work aimed at increasing their viability. However, it is essential for society and the person not only “to be/exist”, i.e. only to eat, digest, avoid danger and reproduce, but to be a True Human Being. Russia is organized as a federal, moral-based, labor-oriented, popularly governed state; a state consistent with its cultural and civilizational identity; a state of justice; a righteous, social, law-based, secular and religiously tolerant state. Russia is an autonomous Russian civilization, one of the world’s seven local civiliza- tions, so it does not have to mimic Europe or Asia, or strive aft er chimerical hybrids. Why do we say “the Russian people and all brother peoples of Russia”? Because the overwhelming majority of Russia’s population consists of the Russian people and all other ethnic groups of Russia that form a brotherhood of peoples. A professional and responsible political opposition is necessary and mandatory for the country and must be protected by law. Political discourse, competition between candidates, fair rules of election, absence of political or budgetary advantages for the candidates and parties in power, election debate, rotation of state offi cials and limitation of their term of offi ce, and criminal punishment for electoral fraud are mandatory. Equality in Russia will mean not only a fair distribution of material assets, not only equal rights and opportunities, but, most importantly, maintaining and protecting the person’s dignity. Th e “Russianness” of the country in the cultural and civilizational sense is its suc- cess factor and will be protected by the state. Th e Russian people and all brother peoples of Russia will live in friendship and have respect to one another, comprising a single Russian Nation. Th e ideology of the Program combines rather than counterposes the values of labor, justice and freedom. It ultimately settles the historical confl ict of interest by amalgam- ating them. Th e Program dissociates itself both from the entrenched left ist dogmatism and from the rightist anti-humanist social Darwinism and social racism that tends to grow into fascism. Th e political technology of state-building and administration inside the association of the Program’s supporters itself is centrism.

In essence, this Program aims to build a TRUE SOCIALISM; to bring Russia back on the humanity’s path of irreversible advancement into the future!

9 5. General diagnosis and political situation of the country

Aft er the dissolution of the USSR, an almost 30-year period of extreme liberalism, social Darwinism and social racism developing into fascism, partial loss of sovereignty and increasing criminality of the government, Russia has degenerated heavily in all key areas of the country’s life. Th e social structure has changed; wealth divide has increased enormously; the processes of decline in population and human potential, emigration (especially of young people) and uncontrolled immigration are accelerating rather than being halted; destitution and poverty are growing; people’s health, intellect, culture, education and qualifi cations are declining. Th e territorial distribution of economic potentials and productive forces as well as population has been out of balance, internal migration is increasing. Th e country’s economy and fi nance have been made non-sovereign, Russia has be- come dependent on and vulnerable to the external environment, and dropped out of the top ten global economies. Th e country’s industrial mix is increasingly gravitating towards exports of low added value commodities, which minimizes the effi ciency of the national economy. Russia has become a threat to the world, a rogue nation. It has been thrown into a state of war, external sanctions and isolation, and has lost almost all of its geopoliti- cal alliances. In various global ratings, Russia has fallen to the level of developing and underdeveloped countries. Th e country has lost the goals and meanings of its development, and people no longer perceive Russia as Homeland, as the supreme value. Public administration has been deprofessionalized, corrupted and made extremely ineffi cient. Th e population, especially young people, is looking to emigrate. Th e quality of the culture, education, science and healthcare systems has deteriorated. Th e state budget as a proportion of GDP has been unreasonably curtailed in favor of an excessively large private sector, which weakens Russia’s statehood and reduces its development capabilities. Th e country’s fi nancial system has been bled dry by mo- netarist and liberal experiments. Th e country’s decay and increasing dangerous proximity to the historical and geo- political collapse are the inadequate constitution and the principles set forth therein. Extreme liberalism as an ideology and practice, cultural de-Russianization, and in- creasing criminality of the government are all not only the results of the country’s “development”, but a dangerous concept and political technology consciously chosen by the ruling elite. A specifi c Russian modifi cation of liberalism that has developed over the period of Putinism includes extreme monopoly of power and corruption of state authorities, massive electoral fraud and imitation of electoral procedures instead of democratic elections, counterfeit social and political institutions, lowest ever pro- fessionalism of public administration, destruction of the federal nature of the state, unreasonable suppression of the state’s potentials, excessive openness to global ties and privatization. Political and media censorship is tightening as well as repressions.

10 Society has been rendered almost incapable of, and is repressed for, political demon- stration and oppositional activities. State, budgetary and fi scal federalism has been undermined. Russia has turned into a “privatized state” with a junta-like criminal mafi a-style lob- byist type of government and an unchanged ruling group. Elections no longer serve the purpose of renewing the government team and promoting the best representatives of society to state authorities. A mechanism of poor talent selection has been created. Th e law-based nature of the state has been undermined by the destruction of checks and balances that are theoretically based on the separation of powers, autonomy of the branches of power and a two-level federal system. Human rights and liberties have been suppressed and actually replaced with the right of a rich person “to buy anything he wants”. Th e country is undergoing a creeping fascistization, i.e. segregation of people by “quality”, and economic and repressive violence used by some against others. Th e objective indicators of the country’s successfulness and viability are dropping to the threshold of the state’s geopolitical stability, below which a full-scale crisis and collapse in the USSR scenario will occur, as predicted by theory. Th e almost desperate situation of the country and hopelessness of its ruling group require a complete ideological and governmental transformation rather than cosmetic improvements. We need a peaceful and lawful change of the ruling group, ideology, constitution and political system. A critical and sad assessment of the situation in Russia is not the goal of this Prog- ram. Th is is a starting point for the identifi cation and listing of the country’s problems. Based on this list, the Program aims to save Russia from a collapse and carry out a full-scale reorganization of the country, creating a new system alternative to liberalism– Putinism. Th e Program sets out, in practice, active transformational steps to address all the problems identifi ed above. Th e criteria for choosing the best possible solutions and actions are based on the values set forth in the Program. Russia’s current international standing is a result of the improper foreign economic policy that has made the country non-sovereign, and of an unstrategic, extremely un- professional foreign policy as such. Th e country has lost a great amount of its national sovereignty and lives from crisis to crisis, stagnating in the interim periods and being dependent on external factors, which are largely adverse. With the degradation of national economy and social policy, Russia has become an international donor of fi nance and material assets: the country’s actual fi nancial trade balance (including both legal and illegal capital outfl ow) is negative, exports are considerably higher than imports, emigration is incommensurate with immigration in terms of human potential, the country is depleting its material and humanitarian resources. Russia has lost its position of a global power, its global stature and infl uence, entering the stage of decreasing potentials characteristic of a regional power and losing its ability to build international alliances. Th e attempted claims for sovereignty and global leadership, inadequate in view of the country’s real situation and ideology (Putin’s Munich speech of 2007, the confl ict with Ukraine, scandals related to covert involvement in other countries’ national elec-

11 tions, participation in the Syrian war, shady deals in Latin America, threatening the world with cutting-edge weaponry), provoked international reactions that resulted in the political isolation of Russia, its exclusion from the key processes setting the global agenda, fi nancial and economic sanctions and blockade, identifi cation of Russia as a global and military threat, and creation of military mechanisms to oppose and restrain Russia. Th e country’s political and military security has been reduced to an alarmingly low level. Russia is gaining a permanent status of a rogue state. Th e aforesaid processes continue to develop, the inadequate foreign policy of Putin’s regime is not improving. Russia’s foreign policy is a failure, aggravating the the loss of its economic sovereignty and global isolation, worsening its geopolitical and geoeco- nomic situation. Th e balance of economic, humanitarian and migrational cross-border exchanges is shift ing heavily against Russia. Th e semi-latent problems of national separatism and disintegrative domestic pro- cesses are gaining momentum due to the general socio-economic degradation. Th e population tends to vote with their feet in an increasing political frustration. People’s confi dence in the government is decreasing, and public sentiment is growing more oppositional. Th e ruling group is satisfi ed with the allegedly high ratings of the Presi- dent and the United Russia party, but their actual support among the population is signifi cantly and increasingly lower than the offi cial fi gures. Th e government is stepping up the use of political technologies related to menda- cious and manipulative propaganda, administrative and economic pressure on, and subjugation of, national mass media, polling companies and other social infl uencers. Th e political and social leadership, parties and organizations, and the political system in general are becoming counterfeit, institutions do not perform their traditional func- tions. Th e presidential administrative hierarchy and security agencies are artifi cially breeding (fi nancing and hyping up in the media) fake leaders and political parties. Public funds are spent on the creation of controlled parties and social agencies to serve the ruling regime. Political opposition has been made almost completely fake. Elec- tion laws have become overtly preferential for the ruling regime and persons in power and restrictive for the opposition. Political competition, national discourse between the government and opposition, public professional debate all have been stifl ed. Th e national parliament has lost its autonomy. Th e proportion of deputies elected to the parliament illegally, in violation of the criminal code, stands at a few dozen per cent (these are representatives of the ruling party). It has come down to multiple cases of nationwide electoral fraud at the elections to the and presidential elections, where the voting results were falsifi ed to an extreme degree. Th e degradation of the political system and political class has reached the point of no return. Th e system has entered a phase of self-reproducing and escalating degradation, crime and hopelessness. Such system cannot fi nd its own, evolutionary way out of the political dead end. A real, professionally competent political opposition must emerge in the country, and a Program for the Reorganization of Russia must be implemented. Th e Program aims to establish such united opposition and future government, and their activities.

12 6. Program goals and objectives of transformations

Th e ultimate goal is to create a moral-based, just, sovereign state; a moral-based, just, free society; a moral, just, free person; and to bring harmony and progress to Russia. Th e two primary goals are: − to prevent a geopolitical and historical collapse of Russia; − to reorganize Russia from an extreme liberal, immoral, asocial, parasitic, non- sovereign, unjust, unviable, degenerating criminal state, devoid of ideology and lacking civilizational identity, into a moral-based, just, labor-oriented, popularly governed, culturally and civilizationally Russian, advanced, progressive and development-oriented state. Th e objectives and their solutions set out in the Program suggest ways to achieve the aforesaid goals in the form of projects and practical actions of the Program’s sup- porters.

Program agenda aimed at achieving the aforesaid goals

Objectives: − to create a full-fl edged, professional, capable, consistent political force opposing the regime of liberalism–Putinism, V. Putin as the leader and backbone of this system and the relevant group that has usurped power in Russia; − for the purposes of the Program implementation, to build a mass political organization, a united opposition — promoter of the new ideology and a Program for the Reorganization of Russia; − to arm the Program’s supporters and political allies with a modern theory, methodology and an independent, professional political project, the Big Project, for the reorganization and administration of Russia in line with the declared goals; − to inform Russian political fi gures and organizations, the general public and the international community of the Program and the draft of a new constitution, gain the understanding and confi dence of the majority of the Russian nation and convince them that the Program is right, adequate and benefi cial for all and everyone, for the Russian people and all brother peoples of Russia, for Russia in general and for the international community; − to gain the plenitude of power in Russia peacefully and lawfully; − to prepare to fi ght off extremism and any attempts to disrupt the peaceful and lawful political process in Russia, whether made by domestic or external forces; − to ensure the adoption of the new Constitution of Russia and the whole set of already prepared related doctrines, laws, resolutions and concepts that aim to reorganize Russia in line with the goals of the Program; − to restore Russia’s viability, sovereignty, national security, defense capabilities and progressiveness; correct the distortions and repair the damage caused by

13 the liberal period; recreate a harmonious economy, civilized business, fi nance, the humanitarian and social aspects of science and education, healthcare, environmental protection, culture, social welfare and pension benefi ts; improve payrolls; recover the importance of a true political and budgetary federalism, a true popular rule, real human and civil rights and liberties, Russian civilizational identity, friendship of peoples, morality and sociality, justice, precedence of labor over parasitism, precedence of the interests of the majority, all and everyone; − to restore the purity and integrity of government, the principle of government serving the Russian nation and state; − to recover the international confidence in, love and respect for Russia, its attractiveness as the pivot of the Russian civilization and reunifi cation of the greater common historical Homeland based on the free will of the nations and states that have been artifi cially divided and set against each other; − to recover modern scientifi c theory and methodology of diagnosis, forecasting and design, construction planning and national development management in the process of real public administration; − to enter into and develop a geopolitical alliance with friendly international forces based on the new Russian ideology. Key solutions to the above-listed objectives are contained in the draft of a new Constitution of Russia. Th ey are developed and methodologically supported by the scientifi c, theoretical and project-related works and documents issued by the think tank of the Program developers, Center for Scientifi c Political Th ought and Ideology (Sulakshin Center).

Key ways to achieve the Program’s goals are: − political struggle for the achievement of program goals. Struggle for power. Aft er coming to power, reorganization and administration of the country in line with the program goals and values, planning documents, and the new Constitution of Russia; − continuous public informational and educational activities, propaganda and agitation among the population, international political cooperation; − accumulation and utilisation of intellect, scientifi c knowledge and expertise; scientifi c and expert support for the party’s and its supporters’ activities and planning thereof; − accumulation and augmentation of the party’s human, professional, intellectual, organizational, informational and fi nancial resources; − forging new political alliances; − participation in the elections of state authorities at all levels; − training “shadow cabinets”; − work during the periods between elections (daily activities); − continuous self-checking for the integrity of intentions, actions and status of the association based on the Program, its originators and leaders, allies and supporters;

14 − continuous responsiveness to changes in the political process and vigorous management of our own activities.

7. Action plan for the transitional period and subsequent periods

Th e Program’s Goals and objectives relate to three autonomous periods of activity. Th e fi rst is the period of political construction and oppositional activities, with- standing political and media repressions and censorship, preparation for a transitional period in the context of the current regime of liberalism–Putinism. Th e second is the period of a highly unstable process that off ers an opportunity to acquire the plenitude of power, i.e. the transitional period. Th e third is the period of our ruling the country aft er coming to power. Th e Program’s objectives are structured by period and scale. During the preparatory period of oppositional activities, we will be creating a politi- cal entity, united opposition and political alliance. We will be building up our media capabilities, the number of the Program’s supporters, resources, public awareness and infl uence on society, the upper social strata and the general public. During the transitional period, the Program’s supporters will endeavor to ensure the priority and actual process of a peaceful and lawful transition of authority, or to restore peace and rule of law, should such process be disrupted. Th is period is fraught with increased risk, requires mobilization of resources, planning and massive ground- work. Any conspiratorial, clandestine or illegal activities are viewed as unacceptable by the Program. Activities on a transparent platform have priority for the Program’s supporters. Th e Program’s supporters are likely to be opposed by the forces that will try to disrupt the peaceful and lawful process, including, as modern experience suggests, the criminal and illegal actions of the collapsing political regime itself. In such extreme scenario, success may be achieved through a broad political coalition, widespread ideological and organizational popular support that should be secured during the fi rst, preparatory period. Another success factor is the understanding and solidarity of the international community, meaning that the latter should be made aware of this Program as fully as possible during the fi rst period. Th e current political formula of the Program’s supporters’ activities is to issue as widespread as possible a call upon the political regime. Th is call will be the fi rst step in accomplishing a peaceful and lawful transformation of the country under the pre- sent regime.

15 8. Current political formula. Call of the majority of society upon President V.V. Putin

“President V.V. Putin, it is hereby proposed that, in accordance with the eff ec- tive constitution and laws of Russia, you submit a voluntary resignation from the offi ce of the President of Russia, dismiss the Prime Minister, dissolve the govern- ment, and dissolve the State Duma by means of voluntary resignation via the United Russia party that is “accountable” to you. It is suggested that Members of the Federation Council should resign voluntarily in the same manner. We propose that you issue a Decree appointing an acting President of Russia nominated by the association of this Program’s supporters.”

Th is demand is legal. It will be satisfi ed in the event of active peaceful and lawful support from millions of people, the great majority of the Russian nation. It is only a massive, nationwide call that can convince those in power, including V.V. Putin himself, that their resignation will be benefi cial for the country. Th e acting President of the Russian Federation representing the Program’s support- ers will: start the implementation of the transitional period in line with the Program; take action to ensure security and stability in the country; guarantee the rights and safety of the removed government offi cers and elected offi cials; form provisional fe- deral state authorities for the transitional period, using his constitutional right to issue transitional regulatory Decrees, if necessary. A constitutional process will be launched that will end in the adoption of a new constitution. Early elections to representative federal state authorities will be held in accordance with the new constitution. Th ese will be followed by a presidential election in accordance with the new constitution. Th e country will enter a new historical period peacefully and lawfully. Th e scenario described above may be possible owing to its lawful nature and in the event of mass support. Th e above call of the population upon the president should become universal, all-embracing, persistent and nationwide, and be underpinned by all types of lawful social activities, political advertising and a publicity campaign. Society must make a special eff ort to ensure that the transitional process is peaceful and lawful. Mass dissemination of this Program will ensure that the public eff orts are predict- able, open and transparent. Th e transition of authority at the presidential level, adoption of a new constitution and elections to all state authorities will usher in a period of reorganization and sub- sequent administration of the country based on a new model. A new ruling group will be formed, new human resources will appear, political and social institutions for the interaction of the masses and regions with the new government will be installed. A new legislative framework will be created. Russia will be newly positioned globally. A politi- cal, social and economic reorganization will be launched. A period that started amid a crisis will segue into the next period of the country’s stable life. In a harmoniously organized country with eff ective administrative mechanisms that tap the potential of

16 the Program, this next period is expected to last forever. Th e provisional institutions, mechanisms and practices of the transitional period will be transformed into perma- nent ones, operated on a legal, constitutional and democratic basis.

9. Plan for the correction of key distortions caused by liberalism–Putinism and subsequent reorganization of Russia

Th e plan for correction of key distortions caused by liberalism–Putinism and subsequent reorganization of Russia is based on a special scientifi c methodology of problem tree analysis. In the current country model created by Putinism, the supreme values chosen for the ideology of True Socialism and goals based on these values are undermined by the specifi c circumstances and principles of country’s life. Fac- tor analysis has allowed ascertaining these undermining factors. Th e administrative and state-building solutions, and constitutional formulas for the new image of Russia are designed as specifi c and adequate means of eliminating these factors. Th e plan is not cooked up, but designed on the basis of the problem–cause relationship. It lists the measures, solutions, actions, ways and means required to “cure” the causes of the country’s affl iction. Part of the specifi c administrative solutions aimed at the coun- try’s rehabilitation address several problems and undermining factors simultaneously and are therefore inevitably repeated in diff erent items of the plan. Th e whole plan comprises over a thousand solutions and program packages, and constitutes a strictly self-consistent, integrated system.

General ideological matters

1. Recovering Russia’s ideals and meanings, hope and faith, development goals and goal-setting, a Big Project and a national development strategy. Recovering the supreme values of the state and society — a uniform national ideology as a set of dominant values of life. Recovering public confi dence in the state and the government. We will launch a massive awareness-raising and ideological campaign to promote our program documents; undertake public activities to disseminate the Program online, in the mass media and via publications; promote the draft of the new Constitution of Russia, doctrines, laws, concepts, the overall ideology of True Socialism, and the Big Project of country transformation among the general public. Aft er we come to power, the supreme values of Russia will be enshrined in the new Constitution of Russia and the state policy; the educational, cultural, media and propaganda spheres of the country will be reformed to operate on the basis of these supreme values; educational and methodological materials and standards will be re- vised; the ideological orientation of the cultural and media content contracted by the government will be enhanced. 17 Senior state offi cials will be institutionally obliged to pursue a clear ideological line publicly. A pool of ideologically-minded offi cials will be created. Public administration will be geared to the implementation of Russia’s supreme values. Th e state will be built as value-oriented. Th e personnel and content produced by the national mass media will be changed. Mechanisms of moral censorship will be launched. Spiritual values, goals and behavioral imperatives will be fostered in the public consciousness. Public consciousness will grow more humanlike.

2. Recovering the concept and institutions of the greater common historical Homeland of the Russian people and all brother peoples of Russia. Th e draft of a new Constitution clearly defi nes this position. In its foreign policy, Russia will restore its political line of a regional, and potentially a global, center of ideological integration. For this purpose, we will retrieve the idea and concept of the greater common his- torical Homeland of the Russian people and all brother peoples of Russia in the state ideology and public rhetoric of senior state offi cials. Th e concept will be introduced into the foreign policy doctrine of Russia and penetrate educational and historical literature as well as fi ction. Th e state will start cultural and media propaganda of this concept and put it on the agenda of public procurement, mass media, publishers and networks.

3. Recovering the country’s Russian civilizational identity. Recovering the country’s historical and cultural Russianness. State policy will retrieve the understanding of civilizational identity as a success fac- tor of Russia. For this purpose, we will develop a special area of state policy and public administration. Th e principles of education, culture, propaganda and advertising will change. New history textbooks will be written (a four-volume coursebook has been already created). A uniform value-based methodological criterion for the evaluation of historical events and persons will be introduced: “What is good for Russia, should be presented as right and positive historically”. Federal State Educational Standards will be revised: Russophobic (whether aimed against Russia or against the Russian people) and excessively cosmopolitan ideas will give way to patriotic and civilizationally identical content. Th e expenditure on culture as an item of the state budget will be increased more than tenfold, because it is culture that makes a person human, provides him with supreme, humanizing values and helps him become a patriot and citizen of his country. Th e Russian language will be protected, the use of Latin alphabet in signage and advertising will be eradicated (a tax on a Latin letter will be introduced). Public contract in the social sphere will support identity-oriented cultural and artis- tic products. Foreign cultural products featuring anti-Russian content will be restricted from release and distribution on the basis of public, transparent criteria. Culture and the cultural state policy will be the key factor building the public consciousness of the Russian population.

18 Th e Russian people will regain their ethnic and political identity to become a people with a capital P again.

4. Recovering the prestige and precedence of labor, creation and progress. Th e constitutional state doctrine of “labor support and limitation of economic rent” will stop the country from degenerating into a parasitic model. Th e government will introduce the relevant administrative practice and adopt a Law on Interest and Ba- lance, which will set a limit on profi ts and bank margins, exceeding which would make profi tability a factor of speculation, parasitism and stagnation rather than a factor of progress and development. Th e state policy on propaganda, advertising, education, culture and mass media will view labor as a supreme value again. Excessive unearned income will be justly called parasitism again. A critical law will be adopted that will reinstate a workers’ association as a social entity. Th is will pave the way for the revival of real trade unions. Remuneration for labor will again be based on the principle that creative and highly intellectual labor should require a higher remuneration than simple manual labor. Th is will be the cornerstone of the relevant state policy on productivity, incentives and remuneration. Th e level and diff erentiation of remuneration for civil service will be made rational and fair again. Th e salaries of top management at state-owned companies and public institutions will be legally tied to the average salary in the relevant organization (the maximum wage gap will be 5–7 times). Th e salaries of deputies, governors, ministers and admi- nistrative personnel will be based on the national average salary, global practices and standards of decency (the maximum wage gap will be 5–7 times). Inventors, pioneer scientists and artists will receive a transparent and fair mechanism of royalties that will also negate claims for parasitic income arising from imbalanced and excessive intellectual property rights. Cultural, intellectual and other information products will be more accessible to the public.

5. Recovering morality and justice. Th e draft of a new constitution is packed full of mechanisms implementing the concept of a moral-based state, a state of justice. Th e future constitution views morality and justice as supreme values of Russia. Th ese will be included in the evaluation criteria to be used by the Chamber of Supreme Values and the key criteria for policy-making and actions of all civil servants including the country’s highest offi cial. Supreme values will be incorporated into the country’s educational, awareness-raising, propaganda, advertising and media mechanisms and relevant state policies. Th e goal of these state policies will be a True Human Being, a moral person, a moral society. Th e offi ce of the Human Aff airs Commissioner will be created that will be subor- dinate to the President and have an extensive network of branches to be within easy reach for citizens in all regions of the country. Th is institution will work to identify injustice against individuals and help them overcome it.

19 All state policies will be aimed at the person, human life and psychological comfort of all and everyone. A Law on Human Life (already developed) will be adopted that will protect human life as a supreme value of Russia.

Reorganization of the state

6. Recovering Russia’s sovereignty. Sovereignty as the right and ability of a country to make its own policy consistent with national interests will be the main criterion of any area of state policy again. Th is will be established in the new Constitution of Russia, its doctrines and laws. Th is prin- ciple will be reincorporated into the national fi nancial system and economy. Th e Central Bank of Russia and the way it functions will be changed. For this pur- pose, a new law on the Central Bank of will be adopted. Th e draft of a new constitution provides a basic constitutional formula related to the Central Bank and fi nance. Th e Central Bank will be made a state bank, subordinate to the state and geared to assist in national development (draft regulations have been prepared). Th e currency board (that makes money issuance dependent on export revenues) will be replaced with standard money issuance and an adequate level of ruble money supply in the economy. State authorities will be able to manage national development and control infl ation. Th e role of the state in export and import transactions will be restored as well as foreign exchange control. Business will participate in international trade at a an adequate level in a controlled manner. Uncontrolled capital exports will be stopped. Th e ruble will have multiple fi xed exchange rates (based on the commodity or pro- duct group) controlled by the state. Currency speculation on the stock exchange (and related insider trading) and international attacks on the ruble will be stopped. For the purposes of international humanitarian exchanges, the population will be allowed to purchase and exchange foreign currency. Th e state will regain control over, and responsibility for the result of, domestic and outward investment. Th e disparity between exports and imports will be eliminated. Th e state will guaran- tee a sovereign level of gross savings at the expense of its own funds and funds raised from business. All physical and administrative infrastructure that secures the economic, political and cultural sovereignty of the country will be restored. Th e solutions chosen will be optimal between the Scylla of self-isolation (characteristic of the Iron Curtain period) and the Charybdis of loss of sovereignty (characteristic of the present liberal Putinist period).

7. Recovering Russia’s role as a regional (and potentially a global) center of consolida- tion, attraction and geopolitical integration. Russia will consistently recover its historical mission of a civilizational state that integrates lands and peoples into a large geopolitical family.

20 For these purposes, Russia will give up its foreign policy adventures, initially focusing on the domestic development agenda. Aft er solving the domestic problems of economic and fi nancial recovery, Russia will put forward the Russian global project (already developed) that makes it attractive for geopolitical and geoeconomic alliances. Th e process will commence with regional consolidation and then expand its scope as results are demonstrated. But the fi rst indispensable stage is the country’s internal rehabilitation, reorganization, development, and demonstration of the success of its new model.

8. Recovering the optimal role and participation of the state in the country’s life and development (optimal statism). Th e new constitution and organizational principles of the state and society will restore the role and place of the state in the country’s life. Th e liberal mutilation and privatization of the state will be brought to an end. Th e state will again be “responsible for everything”, i.e. for all ongoing results and trends of national development by go- verning, motivating and laying down rules. Th e state will ensure the country’s success and provide opportunities for entrepreneurship. Th e share of the state in economy and fi nance will recover to the optimal 50–70% of GDP. Most importantly, the state will eliminate the detrimental and criminal “privati- zation of the state” and again become a social framework that maximizes the universal good, the good of all and everyone. Th is will be achieved by a self-consistent elabora- tion of this imperative into specifi c objectives for all 72 areas of state organization and administration.

9. Recovering high qualifi cation, professionalism and integrity in public administration. An anti-corruption policy (the relevant doctrine has been developed) will be intro- duced in fi ve specifi c areas of corruption. Th e state will implement innovative measures like civil servant surveillance — a new security agency subordinate to the President, and adopt extensive anti-corruption legislation (including around 25 systemic solu- tions). Preferential treatment of civil servants by the existing legislation will give way to the principle: “Civil service is an aggravating circumstance for any off ense or crime”. Th e state will introduce the concepts of “illegal proceeds” and “illegal property” into legislation as off enses that will be eff ectively punishable. Any violations of law resulting in illegal proceeds and illegal property will be remedied. Death penalty will be introduced, on a temporary basis, for large-scale crimes of civil servants related to corruption, misappropriation of public funds, damage to the state or treason. Th e law “On the Political Responsibility of Public Offi cials in the Rus- sian Federation” will help to purge state authorities of cronyism, good-for-nothings, loafers and talking heads. Liberal tenets and scholasticism, deeply ingrained “cognitive weapons” (destructive false scientifi c theories) will be removed from the education and training of civil ser- vants. Textbooks and Federal State Educational Standards will be revised and re-issued.

21 State offi cials (the President, ministers, governors etc.) will be personally liable for the personnel decisions they make. Th e immunity of elected offi cials will be signifi cantly revised.

10. Recovering popular rule and the liability of government. Th e new Constitution, the law “On the Guarantees of Popular Rule” and the law “On the Political Responsibility of Public Offi cials in the Russian Federation” (already developed) will establish an imperative system of true popular rule, i.e. the will of the majority infl uencing the formation and activities of state authorities. Th e practice of the President’s annual address to the Federal Assembly will be changed. Th e President will be concurrently the Prime Minister and will be responsible for national development. Th e election system will change, popular oversight will be introduced, and voters will acquire a new right to recall elected offi cials and give a public assessment of their per- formance, which includes issuing a warning to, and impeachment of, the President. Th e preferential advantages granted to government-favored candidates at both presidential and parliamentary elections will be eliminated. A real political opposition, public discussions and debate will be introduced and protected. Party-list voting will be changed to a diff erent election mechanism, where no party lists full of “dark horses” will be allowed. Th e parties that get their members elected in single-member districts will form parliamentary groups out of these members. A new mechanism of professional and social co-optation will be introduced, meaning that representatives of social and professional groups may be co-opted to the lower cham- ber of parliament. Th e practices of using administrative pressure at elections, electoral manipulation and fraud, dissociation of the elected persons from their voters, and complete lack of responsibility for pre-election pledges and current promises will be criminally pro- secuted and brought to an end.

11. Recovering service, duty and responsibility within society and the state. Alongside human rights and liberties, the new Constitution and laws will establish such categories as human and civil obligations, responsibility and duty. Th e category of “service to the state” will also be introduced. Th e sociality of behavior will be en- hanced. Th e following types of duty will be established: the duty of parents towards their children, the duty of children towards their parents, the duty to labor and the duty to be a True Human Being.

12. Introducing the Supreme Values of Russia, the Russian community, historical and civilizational space. Th e Supreme Values of Russia will be introduced in the Constitution, the government system, public administration and in the whole country’s life. Th ese values, selected by the people throughout their history, will constitute the state ideology. Th ese are the

22 values that make a person a True Human Being, and a multitude of people — Human Society. Russian civilizational identity will start functioning as a success factor of the coun- try. It will be reintroduced into the state policy and rhetoric, into culture, arts and humanities, into the ideological arsenal of education, propaganda, advertising and moral development. Th e Russian community will become a spiritual and political reality, veritable and attractive. Th e historical and civilizational space of the greater Russia will become a cultural and mental reality again, purged of distortions, aggression and false images. Th e people that constitutes the majority of Russia’s population will again become the Russian People, an agent of culture, policy and national development, a Nation as the brotherhood of all peoples of Russia.

Reorganization of public administration

13. Rectifying the methodology and rehabilitating the values of state policy. Restoring the full cycle of national development management. Th e state will restore and organize the full cycle of public administration, namely strategy, goal-setting, planning, administration, monitoring, adjustment, control, re- porting and sanctions for failures in state policy. Th e unity of public administration and the principle that “the state is responsible for everything, i.e. for all results of national development” will be restored. Alongside prescriptive administration, motivational and entity-specifi c public administration will be organized. Th e unity of strategic, medium-term and ongoing administration will be restored. Public administration will again be based on ideology as mandated by the basic constitutional imperative of the Supreme Values of Russia. Scientifi c support of public administration will be restored. Society and citizens will again see the country’s development goals, gain confi dence in the future and reasons to be proud for their country. Public administration will be based on the harmonized interests of the person, society and the state. Th e following principles will function again: − “One human being is a friend, a comrade and a brother to another human being”. − “Make way for the young, honor the old”; − “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”; − “Equality of all persons in their dignity”. A dedicated state policy will be introduced to ensure the freedom and protection of entrepreneurship and property. State policies on education and moral development will ensure that children are taught labor, that moral education is back to school and university, and that people regain reasons to be proud for their history and historical heroes.

23 State policies on education, propaganda, mass media and advertising will retrieve the idea of a woman as the mother, a woman as the keeper of the family, a woman as the Woman; the ideas of indispensable and perpetual love between a man and a woman and protection thereof; the idea of a big family with children.

14. Creating the institutions of multidisciplinary scientifi c, consulting and project sup- port of public administration. Supreme state authorities will be provided with “intellectual boosters” in the form of multidisciplinary scientifi c and consulting support from newly established dedicated centers. Insured against corrupted lobbyist and ideologically-based distortions by their administrative independence, these centers will solve the problems of development and security, develop administrative solutions and create projects and programs. Th e obsequious habit of pleasing a superior offi cial, even by misrepresenting fi - gures, that has developed under liberalism–Putinism, the mendacious and deleterious sabotage activities, and the implantation of anti-Russian cognitive weapons will be brought to a defi nitive end. Industrial research and academic science will be restored, the “demolished” Academy of Sciences will be restored to its former status.

15. Reorganization of the interface between the President and the government, govern- ment structure and hierarchy. Th e President will transform from an irresponsible hyped-up potentate into a re- sponsible administrator. Concurrently, he will be the head of the Government. Th e President’s activities will be subject to oversight by the Parliament and the Chamber of Supreme Values. Th e state will introduce public assessment of supreme state offi cials, a system for their recall and a real mechanism for issuing a warning to and impeaching the President. Th e government will be restructured. Th ere will be no dozens of Deputy Prime Min- isters, but the status, powers and responsibility of ministers will be enhanced. Hierarchi- cally, the chief ministry will be the Ministry of Security and Development. Development will be the imperative function of the Government. Th e Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Economic Development and the ministry of Territorial Development will constitute the second level of the government hierarchy. Line ministries will be in charge of the state’s key responsibility areas related to national development. A full-fl edged federalism will be restored. Th e upper chamber of parliament, which represents the constituent entities of the federation, will truly represent their interests, align them with federal interests and stop depending on and serving solely the central ruling group. Th e branches and hierarchical levels of government will be made independent again. Th e “reign” and political monopoly of the President will be ended and replaced by coordinated work and responsibility for the nation and the country.

16. Recovering the role of all branches of government in the processes of public ad- ministration.

24 Th e constitutional relationship between the powers of the President, parliament, elected state offi cials and society will be restructured. Th e balance between the pow- ers of the President and each of the aforesaid parties will be redressed. Th e President’s omnipotence and monopoly of power will be rectifi ed. Th e legislative, executive and judicial branches as well as mass media will be guaranteed independence. Th e constituent entities of the federation will be granted a true autonomy in express- ing and defending their interests. Th e country will recover an adversarial political and administrative system, and administrative decisions will be selected on a competitive basis. Th is will ultimately improve the quality of public administration.

17. Recovering controllable national development — the role of public administration, the share of the state in economy and fi nance. Such national success factor as the state’s optimal participation and role in the administration of the country will be restored. Th e share of state-owned property in the total amount of property will be optimized to around 55–60%. Th e proportion of state budget in national GDP will be optimized to around 60%. Th e fundamental role of the state in operating the natural resource rent and cont- rolling export and imports transactions will be restored. Th e latent privatization of natural resource rent will be brought to an end. Th e state will recover the principle of entity-specifi c administration using the “car- rot and stick approach”, i.e. fi scal measures and sanctions vs. benefi ts and subsidies. Resources will be eff ectively syndicated via public private partnerships. Th e principle that “the state is responsible for everything” will be primarily aimed at achieving the national development goals publicly declared by the state, both by using the administrative capabilities and resources of the state itself and by creating incentives and stimuli for the private sector.

18. Restoring national development planning and public administration aligned across the strategic long term, medium term and short term. Th e state will recover its traditional administrative functions of responsible pub- lic goal-setting, development planning based on goals and administrative planning aimed at achieving these goals, a truthful monitoring of the country’s condition, adjustment of goals and administration itself as a cycle of resource allocation, control, assigning responsible parties and allocating their responsibility. National development planning will be aligned across three timeframes: the strategic long term, medium term and short term. Both senior offi cials and staff will be subject to sanction for inadequacy, incompetence or dishonesty.

19. Recovering the guaranteed individual, societal and national security. At the top level of the government will be the integrative Ministry of Security and Development. All resolutions of the administrative branch will be guided by security goals. Th e President’s Annual Address to the Parliament will have a statutory “Secu- rity” section.

25 Th e very concept of security will be revised and categorized into “threat-based secu- rity” and “consequence-based security”. Th e security-related doctrines will be revised accordingly. Th e concept of “preparedness plans” will be introduced. Th e concept of a “guarantee” as set forth in the Constitution will be introduced in public administration. A “guarantee” will imply the provision of powers and resources as mandated by goals.

20. Recovering the priority of population preservation. A Ministry of Population Preservation (Demographic Policy) will be established, and an integrated state policy on demography will be developed on the basis of a four- factor demographic management model. Th e aim is to stop the depopulation of Russia, create a positive demographic process and control migration. Any and all state policies will be aligned with the top-priority task of population preservation.

21. Recovering the state policy on friendship between the peoples of Russia. A clear state policy on nationalities will be introduced, based on the fundamental principle of “friendship between the peoples of Russia”. Th e largest ethnicity, the Rus- sians, will turn into an important sociopolitical force. Th e cultural needs and religious traditions of all peoples of Russia will be protected by the law “On the National and Cultural Autonomy” and the law “On the Interaction of Religious Associations with State Authorities and Popular Self-Government Authorities” (draft s have been prepared). Th e Spartakiad of the peoples of Russia and cultural festivals of the peoples of Rus- sia will be revived. Inter-ethnic tensions will be settled by the law “On Preventing Discrimination”. Th e state will clamp down on Russophobia, chauvinism, racism, nationalism, segregation, anti-Semitism through vigorous state policies on education, culture, moral develop- ment, propaganda and mass media. A culture of mutual respect between all Russian citizens, irrespective of their ethnicity, will be recreated. Th e state policy on nationalities will view the civilizational Russianness of the count- ry as a goal and a means of increasing Russia’s viability.

Social and humanitarian rehabilitation of the country

22. Recovering harmonious proportions in Russia’s life and organization as well as citizens’ free time. Income distribution among the population will be made more even. Social diff eren- tiation and its characteristic income ratio will decrease to no more than 5–7. Th e state will introduce a progressive taxation system will be introduced for the individual in- come tax and establish target funds for public consumption. Th e regional policy on the allocation of productive forces will be operated at the federal level. Internal migration will be controlled by state authorities using both ad- ministrative and incentive measures.

26 Th e industrial mix of economy will be reorganized through targeted investment in underdeveloped industries and fl exible industry-specifi c taxation. Th e workload of citizens will be regulated so as to ensure that the person has free time for rest, family and personal development.

23. Recovering the state policy on mercy towards disabled, isolated and elderly per- sons. A systemic state policy on the disabled will be reintroduced. Its main principle will be the equality of human dignity, and the main way of implementing this policy will be to ensure best possible living conditions for disabled persons that will compensate for the limitations they experience. A state policy on care of the elderly will be developed that will save them from oblivion, abandonment and lack of attention.

24. Recovering merited and fair levels of pensions and remuneration for labor. Public administration will be premised on the macroeconomic principle of adequate remuneration for labor. Th e national payroll budget will be increased to around 55% of GDP. At the micro-level of a business entity, this will be governed by the law “On Interest and Balance” to the required extent. Progressive taxation of individuals will be conducive to fair remuneration for labor. Pensions will be raised in proportion to the increase in payroll budget. Pay-as-you-go pension system will have priority. Th e increase in state budget resulting from restored money supply and the improvement of national economy by means of industrial reor- ganization will support the pension fund during the transitional period. Retirement age will be aligned with the actual life span of Russian citizens in the current historical period. Th e primary objective is to restore the retirement age of 60 / 55 and a replace- ment rate of at least 40%.

25. Recovering guaranteed employment. Th e state will be responsible for job creation by investing budgetary funds and rai- sing investment from business. Th e funding of this policy will be based on the cost of creating one job (an average of 1 million rubles). Supreme state authorities will report on job creation on a public and continuous basis. A high and steadily increasing level of unemployment will entail resignations and impeachment.

26. Recovering the true meaning of culture. Of all the state budget expenditures that will be increased compared with the budget model of liberalism–Putinism, the increase in cultural spending will be the highest. Th e state policy on culture will crack down on the cultural and civilizational de-Russianization of the country. Th e “Hollywoodization” of Russian cinema will be brought to an end. Culture will recover its traditional function of humanization instead of the current commercial model that makes it solely a fi eld of leisure and entertainment. It will again

27 work to make the person Human, edify him, help him become a citizen and patriot of his Homeland. Artists will be protected by the law on royalties, and people will gain more access to cultural products. Th e state will combat dirt, meanness, the cult of strength, and porno. A law “On the Protection of Morality, Mental Health and Psychological Status of the Consumers of Mass Media, Web and Publishing Products” (already draft ed) will be adopted. Th e laws on access to public information will be adjusted to eliminate parasitism based on unearned income arising from the improper regulation and excessive com- mercialization of copyright.

27. Recovering the accessibility and quality of healthcare, education and living condi- tions. State target funds for public consumption will be established that will subsidize education, healthcare, housing, recreation, fi tness and sports, and culture (so called “free benefi ts”) for the whole population of the country. Th e designed model of national macro-balance assumes that the Russian Nation will receive over 64% of all benefi ts created in Russia. A new Social Doctrine will be adopted. Healthcare and educational system, which turned into types of business and commerce and replaced their humanitarian and socially important goals with profi t-making in the period of liberalism–Putinism, will retrieve their true goals guaranteed by the state: health, education and culture of people.

28. Recovering the potential, status and prestige of the Academy of Sciences, industrial research and academic science, creative work and innovation. Th e absolute increase in the proportion of state budget in GDP will allow increasing the funding of science, creative work and innovation both in relative and absolute terms. Th e remuneration of scientists, inventors and artists will be high relative to average. State propaganda, advertising and reward system will aim to restore the prestige of intellectual and creative labor. Th e state will restore the conditions (public contract and business incentives) for the revival of industrial research and academic science. Russia will see new particle accelerators and testing facilities, engineering bureaus and laboratories, discoveries and patents. Science will regain prestige, and scientists will not have to move abroad to do serious research or creative work, as they do today under liberalism–Putinism.

29. Recovering the future and opportunities for the Russian youth. A clear state policy on youth will be formulated. Th e criteria and goals of this policy will be the qua lity of education and qualifi cations of young people, their physical and spiritual health, jobs, upward social mobility, ability to create a nuclear family and have children, aff ordable housing for young families.

28 A moral, healthy, successful and optimistic generation will be among the key goals of state policy, supported by real budgetary expenditure.

30. Recovering the good traditional Russian school, moral and truthful textbooks, gentle and clever fairytales and games for our children. Th e uniform school for all social strata and the traditions of Russian pedagogy will be restored. School will retrieve moral education, art and craft lessons, the inculcation of true patriotism and respect for the teacher. It will be cured from the curse of “service sector” and will no longer have the task of making money. Th e state will recover its responsibility for free, mandatory and accessible universal education. School will resume teaching, educating, edifying, and helping individuals to become True Human Beings and patriots of their Homeland. Textbooks will be unifi ed across the country. Public contract and state regula- tions will recover gentle and clever fairytales, cartoons, youth cinema and computer games. A law “On the Protection of Morality, Mental Health and Psychological Status of the Consumers of Mass Media, Web and Publishing Products” (already draft ed) will be adopted. Th e state will revive technical clubs for children, children’s and youth magazines that promote knowledge and creative work, specialized schools with a focus on phy- sics and mathematics or on the humanities, which will help to fi nd and support young Russian talent. Dedicated TV channels will be created. Teachers will again be recognized by society in terms of both remuneration and respect. Th ose who want to spend a large amount of money to receive special “educational services” will have such opportunity on a private basis.

31. Restoring the potential of higher school. Th e Unifi ed State Exam at schools and the Bologna system at universities will be abolished. Th e system of specialized secondary education and fi ve-year higher educa- tion will be restored. Serious career guidance will be provided in the higher grades of the secondary school. Th e notorious “competencies” will be changed back to “quali- fi cations”. Th e proportion of state-funded places at higher educational institutions will prevail over commercial places. Buying ready-made dissertations, scientifi c articles or monographs, and scientifi c plagiarism will be recognized as criminal off enses. Th e remuneration of scientists and university teachers will restore their dignity and prestige of these professions. Th e university will recover its socializing functions of moral education and deve- lopment of a citizen. Budgetary expenditure on academic science will be increased. Higher educational institutions will again become major contributors to science.

29 Th e paper chase and bureaucracy generated by the Ministry of Education will be eff ectively eradicated. Th e state will manage and monitor human resources development plans for the specializations that are in high demand for the national economy and social sphere.

32. Releasing sports from the captivity of commerce. Sports and fi tness will be transformed from the current commercialized aberration back into a socially valuable and necessary institution. Non-commercial motivations for highest sporting achievements will be fostered again. Th e state will support a wide- spread availability of recreation grounds and sporting activities. Th e development of such sports will be funded from the SNBILF1. A state policy on a healthy way of life and propaganda of health and beauty will be launched.

33. Making forests, waters and nature accessible to the whole Russian Nation again Th e Forestry Code and the Water Code will be revised. Th e commercial lease of forest areas — a shady scheme that actually constitutes a latent privatization and predatory exploitation of Russian forests — will be terminated. Th e forestry service, light forest aviation, air medical services, fi re-fi ghting aviation and forest management oversight will be restored. Sovereign investment will be made in Russian forests (from the SNBILF). Russia will export fi nished wood products rather than lumber. Th e lakeshores and river banks illegally appropriated by private persons will be made publicly accessible again. Th e covert plans of tax authorities to impose taxes on legal fi shing and wild harvesting will be publicly rejected.

Reorganization of fi nance

34. Changing and rehabilitating the status and functions of the Central Bank of Russia, reintroducing the principle that money is not the goal, but a means of national development. Recovering the optimal amount of sovereign ruble cash in circulation and establishing an institution of national development. Th e Central Bank of Russia will be reorganized in accordance with a new constitu- tional provision and a new law on the Central Bank. It will be charged with responsibi- lity not only for the stability of national currency and liquidity of the banking system, but also for national development. Th e Central Bank will become a state bank. Th e sabotage of stripping national economy of money supply will be stopped, and fi nance rehabilitated. Th e new Central Bank will issue М2 type ruble cash in the amount of 150–160% of GDP (this value is justifi ed by global experience and specifi c model- ling for Russia) to achieve maximum GDP and minimum infl ation. An institution of national development, the State Non-Budgetary Investment and Loan Fund (SNBILF), will be established that will be analogous to KfW in the post-war

1 State Non-Budgetary Investment and Loan Fund 30 Germany. Th e fund will be provided with cash by means of resumed money issuance and operated by a multilateral representative body of the branches of government and regions. (A set of regulations establishing the fund has been already developed. Predictive modelling has been completed.) Th is fund will help to increase national gross savings to 40% of GDP. Th is means that hundreds of millions of US dollars in ruble equivalent will be invested in the economy annually. Both loan and subsidy investment will be intended for certain sectors, namely, small and medium enterprises, the population (for housing development), regional development projects, natural monopolies and private business. Th e interest rate on “social” mortgage loans granted to citizens will be equal to zero (or even negative). Part of highly profi table business will be provided with loans at a market interest rate that will ensure cash fl ow return and bank capitalization. Th e purpose of this new state incentive mechanism will be not to earn more money from banking (interest on fi nancial leases), but to boost development, achieve the publicly declared goals, and support the areas, projects and facilities critical for the citizens and the country. 35. Creating a proactive mechanism to control unearned income and prevent fi nancial parasitism. A state policy on the socialization of private property will be introduced. Business and private property will be insured against demagogic attacks and demands for expro- priation. However, the distribution of surplus value among the business owner, wage and salary workers, society and the state will be governed by relevant laws. Violation of such laws will result in a change of ownership. Th ese measures will help to align and implement the interests of all the aforesaid parties, settle the perpetual confl ict between labor and capital and eliminate parasi tism. Civil wars and class struggle will give way to a harmony of interests. Private property will regain its traditional role of stimulating progress and devel- opmental success, creating new jobs, products and technologies. Th e statutory limit imposed on margins (and other unearned income) to keep them non-parasitic will settle the primary confl ict and dichotomy between private property as a social factor and private property as a vehicle for private egoism.

36. Restoring sovereignty in the monetary, export and import policies, and currency exchange rate control. Th e renewed Central Bank will restore a proper level of sovereign ruble circulation in Russia. Th e amount of money to be issued will no longer be imposed or dictated from outside the country, reducing its sovereignty. Th e exchange rate policy will change. Th e ruble will have multiple fi xed exchange rates based on the commodity group. Th e mechanism for determining the ruble exchange rate will be free from the latent internal system of corrupted insiders, external manipulations by international fi nancial speculators and special operations of foreign states. Th e state will regain control of large-scale export and import transactions, main- taining the freedom of currency conversion and cross-border money transfers for the

31 population and small and medium enterprises. Th e natural resource rent arising from exports will be fully managed by the state via budget procedures and operation of the target funds for public consumption in order to be used by the majority of population and by the state again.

37. Recovering investment in development. Th e failed policy of relying on external and private investment in national develop- ment will be canceled. Th e state will restore the investment process using SNBILF, launch a mechanism for syndication of investment funds via a PPP2 and increase national gross savings to 40% of GDP. Once honest external investors come to see that Russia invests in itself and is interested in development, they will invest in it, like they are investing in China.

38. Reorganizing the taxation system so as to make it stimulate development in addi- tion to its fi scal function. Introducing progressive and diff erential taxation. Th e new tax code will restore diff erential taxation based on region, industry and social status. Alongside selective subsidizing and preferential approach in the public–private partnership, taxes will again become a tool of goal-oriented motivational public ad- ministration. Tax mechanisms and policy will support cross-sectoral capital fl ow, investment in the country’s critical projects, industries and regions, social justice and responsibility. Progressive tax rates will be introduced for the individual income tax and for taxes on parasitic unearned income.

39. Restoring a harmonious fi nancial federalism in the relations between the center and regions. Th e distribution of budgetary revenues and expenditures across the Russian federal structure that shift ed heavily towards the center in the period of liberalism–Putinism will be restored to the optimal ratio, i.e. 50% for the center and 50% for the constituent entities of the federation.

Reorganization of economy

40. Transition to a sovereign “economy of short distances”, i.e. production, distribu- tion and consumption of commodities domestically. Establishing the optimal level of autarky. Th e ratio of the domestic economic fl ows of production, distribution and consump- tion to exports and imports will shift more towards national sovereignty. A state policy on combating shadow economy will be launched (the doctrine has been prepared).

2 Public–private partnership 32 Th e level of autarky will be optimized on the basis of the country’s general success- fulness, which will be monitored in the course of daily public administration. A positive balance of payments will be used to invest in national economic deve- lopment instead of fi nancial manipulations, freezing funds and investing in foreign economies. Th e level and structure of Russia’s gold and foreign exchange reserves will be opti- mized according to Reddy’s rule and the criterion of national security.

41. Establishing target funds for public consumption. Apart from the budgetary and fi scal system, the mechanisms for public redistribu- tion of national income operated by the state will include newly established funds for public consumption that will subsidize education, healthcare, housing and utilities, sports, culture and recreational industry.

42. Retaking control of natural resource rent so that it is paid into the state budget and used for public consumption. Making it the property of the whole Russian Nation again. Th e country’s key liquid natural resources will be assigned the status of “wealth of the Russian Nation”. Th e covert schemes for their actual privatization and moving the relevant sales proceeds off shore, devised in the period of liberalism–Putinism, will be eliminated. Th e proceeds from the development and sales of the aforesaid resources will be operated using budgetary mechanisms and target funds for public consumption and reallocated for national purposes by the state.

43. Restoring industry and industrial self-suffi ciency. Th e restoration of considerable state investment potential and allocation of new resources for syndicated PPP will allow an active industrial reorganization that will re-orient industries towards higher added value products, fi nished products. Fixed assets will be retrofi tted and increase in numbers. New jobs will be created. A new institution of development, SNBILF, which will have reserves worth hundreds of billions of US dollars, will be able to create many thousands of jobs annually, with an average cost of a creating job at around 1 million rubles. Investment in production assets, in the real economy of industry and agriculture will take priority. Fiscal measures and subsidies will provide both coercive and motivational incen- tives to revive industrial research and private contracts for R&D. Enhanced government funding will revive academic science and industrial re- search. Th e political and administrative mechanisms of state policy on technological development will be restored. For the purposes of recovering sovereignty and resto- ring national security, the country’s manufacturing industry will be oriented towards achieving self-suffi ciency.

33 44. Establishing a progressive role and social nature of property in Russia (socializa- tion of private property). Optimizing the share of state-owned property. Private property will be recognized and protected by the new Constitution of Russia. Th e new constitution defi nes entrepreneurship as a type of labor (provided that the state controls unearned income). However, private property will be socialized to harmonize national interests and public interest, the interests of wage and salary workers and those of the business owner. Th e state will establish a mechanism for the government control over proceeds from private property and for diff erentiation between earned and unearned income. A threshold of non-parasitic unearned income will be set. Parasitism based on eco- nomic rent will be prevented using economic and administrative methods. Real public–private partnership and syndicated investment will be developed on the basis of the state’s investment potential that will be utilized again for the benefi t of the economy. Th e state will create craft unions (of employers and employees) that will participate in the development and adoption of related policies. Natural resource rent will be recognized as the wealth of the Russian Nation and operated by the state.

45. Creating a modern industrial mix required for an effi cient economy. Maximizing the effi ciency of national economy. Th e industrial mix of the economy deformed by liberalism (producing mainly raw materials, low added value, reliant on exports) will be transformed by means of invest- ment fl ow and induced cross-sectoral capital fl ow. Th e state will do this on a manda- tory basis (at the expense of the SNBILF), and the business will be motivated to invest in the relevant industries and projects by new laws providing for fi scal measures (“the stick”) and subsidies (“the carrot”).

46. Recovering the principle of planning and locating the productive forces. A state policy on national territorial development will be introduced, and the Ministry of Territorial Development will be re-established. Research and design institutes for ter- ritorial development will be restored (Council for the Study of Productive Forces etc.).

47. Recovering the government’s attention to and funding of rural areas and the ag- ricultural industry. Russian agricultural industry will gain a new level of government funding and centralized administrative focus. Seasonal cyclical lending will be based on the rates of “social lending” by SNBILF rather than on the rates of the commercial fi nancial market, and include a mechanism for providing grants. Th e government will create a network of government-funded advisory offi ces for ag- ricultural producers, centralized institutes for pest, blight and animal disease control. Th e antinational practice of raw grain exports by private companies will give way to the conversion of grain into meat, for which purpose the state will create and operate

34 the relevant national infrastructure. Grain production will be aligned with the goals of a sovereign livestock industry again. Th e state will be responsible for, and invest in, rural infrastructure (roads, utilities, communications) again. Incentives and coercive measures will aim to create large agricultural businesses and provide cultural and housing conditions for life in rural areas. A strict limit will be imposed on sole ownership of arable lands. Th e development of latifundia will be stopped. Th e disparity between prices at the beginning and at the end of the agricultural sup- ply chain (rural area — urban area, rural area — exports) will be redressed by creating “non-profi t suppliers”, introducing a universal product safety data sheet, limiting the number of intermediaries and regulating markups. Th e state policy on rural areas will be guided by national security requirements.

Reorganization of the domestic policy

48. Th e destinies of political prisoners will be reversed. “Political amnesty” will be declared. Th e political prisoners who were wrongly convicted and/or or won lawsuits at the ECHR will receive legitimate compensation. “Political” sentences passed on obviously trumped-up charges will be revised. People who have suff ered covert repression will have an opportunity for rehabilita- tion and compensation. Th e list of such persons will include foreign citizens as well. Some unacceptable practices of the Federal Penitentiary Service will be humanized or eliminated.

49. Developing a state ideology on the basis of the key formula “MORALITY — LA- BOR — FREEDOM — JUSTICE” and relevant institutions. All components of the state policy will be based on the supreme values of Russia. Th e state policy will be ideologically integrated and have value-based goals. Education, moral development, mass media, propaganda, advertising and cultural development will share this principle. Th e country will regain its meanings and values in all areas of its life.

50. Eliminating the model of a criminal privatized state with a junta-like type of go- vernment ingrained in the post-Soviet Russia, and combating the large-scale corruption. Th e new constitution and supporting set of laws (key draft s have been prepared) is intended to change the political and governmental system. Th is will put an end to electoral fraud, unlimited retention of power, abuse of administrative power, suppres- sion of opposition, and corruption, including political corruption. Th e institution of political opposition will be legalized and protected. A system of already prepared specifi c measures will put an end to the monopoly of power held by “one offi ce”, the excessive powers of the President will be balanced, and the indispen-

35 sable role of the branches of government will be restored. Th e mechanism of impeach- ment will become realistic. Popular rule and true democracy will be restored. Th e election procedure and role of political parties will be changed. Th e law will entitle political parties to establish grassroots party associations both on a local and organizational basis. Society will gain the rights to oversight of state authorities, public assessment of their performance, early recall and re-election, electoral mandate. A mechanism for society to restrain the government will be put in place. Electoral fraud will be subject to criminal and political liability. Th e government will create a special anti-corruption service and launch a state policy on combating corruption. A law on lobbyism will be adopted. Capital punish- ment will be reinstated on a temporary basis, including for major corruption-related off enses. For the same purposes, special operational measures will be introduced, i.e. so-called civil servant surveillance. Th e Doctrine of Combating Corruption will be adopted (draft has been prepared). State offi cials will be prohibited by law from holding elective positions for more than two terms in total. Th e terms of immunity for deputies and other elected persons will be revised. Discredited state offi cials will be put on a blacklist that will prevent them from holding offi cial positions for the rest of their life. Mass media’s right to legal and truthful criticism of the government will be pro- tected.

51. Restoring the political responsibility of state offi cials and authorities, and rotation of state offi cials. Each state offi cial, including the President, will go through the following cycle: “powers — responsibilities — obligations — result — reporting — performance as- sessment — consequences”. Elected offi cials will be subject to the new law “On the Political Responsibility of Public Offi cials in the Russian Federation”. Th e term of offi ce for elected offi cials will be strictly limited, and all possible ways to circumvent such limitation will be prevented. In certain cases where state offi cials are discredited or commit crimes, they will be disqualifi ed and banned from holding offi cial positions for life. Th e law “On the Guar- antees of Popular Rule” will establish mechanisms for the rotation of state offi cials. In criminal law, being a state offi cial will be an aggravating circumstance for an accused person.

52. Restoring the true role of political parties and the public in the aff airs of the state. Recovering real elections, real opposition, true democracy. A number of changes in the laws on elections, political parties and public associa- tions will restore the sound principles of political competition, a professional opposi- tion and a positive sociopolitical upward mobility within state authorities. Party lists will be abolished. Elections will be held in single-member districts, and parties will be entitled to form parliamentary groups out of their elected members.

36 Government funding of parties, preferential advantages related to signature gathe ring, and the right of the President and other state offi cials to remain in offi ce during an election will be abolished. Th e representation of society in state authorities will be enhanced by a new mecha- nism of social and professional co-optation. Business will be given new opportunities to be involved in policy-making via “craft unions”. A law “On the Political Responsibility of Public Offi cials in the Russian Federation” will be adopted.

53. Implementing the principle of territorial justice. Th e undiff erentiated administrative approach to balancing economic conditions and social situation in diff erent regions of the country will be abolished, especially for the northern and remote territories. Th e social standards established by the state will be supported by fi scal and subsidy mechanisms regulated on a territorial basis. Every Russian citizen, regardless of his place of residence, will personally feel the principle of “territorial justice in a large country” working.

54. Creating a moral-based state, a state of justice, a state consistent with its cultural and civilizational Russian identity. Th e new constitutional principle of a moral-based state, a state of justice, a state consistent with its cultural and civilizational identity will be implemented in the state policies on education, culture, moral development, science, propaganda, media, ad- vertising and other. An offi ce of the Human Aff airs Commissioner will be created that will be subor- dinate to the President and have an extensive network of branches to be within easy reach for citizens in the regions and population centers of the country. Every person in Russia will be paid attention to, cared about and protected. 55. Restoring the incorruptibility and justice of courts, and the role of trial by jury. Th e judicial branch will transition to a system whereby judges will be elected and may be recalled. Th e state policy on the development of judicial system will be based on the fol- lowing criteria. Procedures for the control over the immunity of judges by the public will be put in place. Purely accusatorial at present, court trials will gradually shift to a truly adversarial process of establishing guilt. Th e proportion of not guilty verdicts will increase, and the ratio between guilty and not guilty verdicts should ultimately reach 50:50 percent. Th e punitive nature of justice will be history. Framing charges and trial will be sub- ject to criminal liability, and relevant control and oversight will be introduced. Th ose who pass unjust judgments refuted by an international court, thereby in- fl icting fi nancial damage to Russia, will be held personally liable, including fi nancial liability.

56. Restoring the dignity of military and police personnel and the popular nature of the army and police.

37 Th e liberal anti-statist trend towards commercializing national military forces will be halted. Private enterprise in the military sector and any mercenary activities will be banned and punishable. Civilian use of short-barreled guns will be banned. State policies on military service and law enforcement will ensure that personnel (including the military, police, security services and national guards) receives remu- neration and benefi ts packages, and is protected from the threat of corruption and the risk of receiving illegal orders. Th e defense budget and funding of advanced R&D will meet the actual needs of national security. Th e transparency and public oversight of military spending will be enhanced. Th e new Military Doctrine will be clear on the “potential adversary”. Russia will focus on its national development and cease its unreasonable, aggressive military and “special” activities globally.

57. Restoring the morality, responsibility, freedom, independence and protection of mass media. Mass media will receive government subsidies suffi cient to ensure their economic independence from private interest. Advertising in mass media will be limited and channeled into dedicated publica- tions and programs. Moral censorship will be introduced. A law “On the Protection of Morality, Mental Health and Psychological Status of the Consumers of Mass Media, Web and Publishing Products” will be adopted. Repression for criticism of the government will be stopped, and mechanisms will be introduced to protect legal and truthful criticism of the government.

58. Recovering true popular self-government. Th e uniform system of public government will include three levels: the federal gov- ernment, the government of the constituent entity, and the local government. Popular self-government will constitute the fourth level. Th e erroneous post-Soviet model of “local self-government” will cease to exist. A true popular self-government will be established alongside local state authorities.

Reorganization of Russia’s foreign policy and international trade

59. Manifesting a new image of the Russian foreign policy based on peace, good neigh- borliness, equality and commitment to international law. Remedying Russia’s shady, opportunistic and evidently anti-Russian foreign policy and international trade that is a legacy of liberalism–Putinism. To celebrate the end of liberalism–Putinism, Russia will issue a Foreign Policy Declaration of the New Russian Government “To the Peoples and States of the World”

38 immediately aft er we come to power. It will provide an evaluation of the phenomena and processes of the previous period that will be altered, and state new approaches, including those to the accumulated tensions and confl icts. Russia will withdraw its expeditionary force from Syria. Russia will discontinue its policy of unreasonable, “refl exive” confrontation that leads Russia to an unjustifi able isolation and the status of a rogue state. Russia will no longer need to conduct secret cyber operations to foment national- ism, cause political turmoil or interfere in elections in various countries. It will openly promote its clear values and ideology of True Socialism and the Russian Global Project. Russia will demonstrate its system and organization of the state and society, which will speak for itself. Russia will determine the degree of criminality in its formal and informal interna- tional trade and stop the unacceptable practices as they are discovered. Russia will declare non-alignment in its military policy, its readiness to establish and develop military, political and technological contact and interaction with various global centers of power. Th e policy on the conferment of Russian citizenship will be vigorous, open and transparent. Russia will stop supporting anti-popular and illegitimate regimes and prevent such politico-economic activities and shady dealings henceforth. Russia will cease instigative sales of equivalent weapons and military hardware to countries confronting each other in military confl icts. Russia will do away with the practice of unreliable and unpredictable international “partnership and alliance”, regaining the status of a reliable partner and ally. Russia will stop provoking an arms race and concentration of military threats to Russia, switching to a restrained foreign policy and control of military buildup. Russia will cease secret illegal counterinsurgency operations in other countries aimed against the citizens of these countries and guarantee non-use of such methods internationally. Russia will announce its constitutional territory integral, indivisible and inviolable, reaffi rm its actual current national boundaries and clearly declare its readiness to de- fend its territorial integrity with all available means. As the UN-recognized successor state to the USSR, Russia will be ready to assume responsibility for the political and diplomatic recognition of, providing protection and assistance for, and establishing all forms of full-scale relations with, new states created according to the will of their peoples; for humanitarian rela- tions with such peoples that strive to halt the disintegrative geopolitical processes associated with the illegitimate (in view of the all-Union referendum ignored) dissolution of the USSR and integrate the destroyed historical and civilizational space, and therefore need Russia’s assistance and protection from military aggres- sion, genocide, destitution, political Russophobia, repression and involvement in hostility against Russia.

39 60. Bringing forward and proposing to the world an ideologically imbued Russian Global Project. Aiming to ensure that Russia achieves foremost and leading international positions and gains global respect and love. Russia’s foreign policy as well as all its international activities will change dramati- cally. Th e “economized” and corrupted foreign policy “based on gas prices and guided by the interests of one family” will be brought to an end. Th e imperative of national security and national interests will be restored. Russia will withdraw from the WTO for the whole period of recovering sovereign real economy and optimal self-suffi ciency potential. Th e export of corruption and latent privatization of international trade and currency exchange will be eradicated. Th e state will regain control over Russia’s international trade and currency exchange. Foreign policy will again be based on clear and publicly declared goals. Th e mendacious, aggressive, unpredictable, unreliable and opportunistic behavior of the state will be history. Russia will bring forward the Russian Global Project, a moral imperative for the development of humanity. It will point out the main challenge to all nations — the dehumanization of human beings — and the path to morality and true nature of the person, society and the whole humanity (draft has been developed). Th e Russian Global Project will generate the idea, and trigger the construction, of the New International as a global union of countries built on the uniform value-based platform. Russia will point out the mechanisms of global parasitism to the world and propose alternative solutions (already developed) in twelve global areas from the rostrum of the UN: 1. A global fi nancial system to provide for currency exchange. 2. A system of commodity exchanges: trade. 3. An alternative to the current global cyberspace. 4. A system of military and political control and oversight of the world. 5. A system for use of force in international relations. 6. A special system (security services) for covert operations. 7. A global system of culture and arts. 8. A system for global ideological development. 9. A global system of environmental, cosmogonic, geological and natural security. 10. A global natural resources management system. 11. A system for consolidated coordination and management of the global political process. 12. A system for consolidated coordination and management of the global humani- tarian process (migration, demography, food supply, healthcare, education). Russia will again aim for an objective and scientifi cally grounded global thought leadership, attract numerous countries, recover its historical geopolitical signifi cance and attractiveness. It will regain its role and attractiveness in the historically related areas. Aft er recovering its true potential and sovereign fi nance, Russia will focus its foreign policy on spiritual and political global leadership and a broad geopolitical alliance rather than solely on mercenary interests.

40 * * * Th e plan for correction of key distortions caused by liberalism–Putinism and further reorganization of Russia is open for adjustment as required by actual practice and the current situation in the country and in the world.

10. First Steps in Power (plan)

1. Th e fi rst and primary step of the Program is to gain the plenitude of power in Russia, including the position of acting President, in a peaceful and lawful manner. Th is will be followed by subsequent coordinated and organized steps. We will initiate and legislate on a special transitional period; announce and legislate on the guarantees of a peaceful and lawful nature of the transitional period. We will accept the dissolution of the parliament and executive authorities of the previous political regime and establish transitional authorities. We will renew the existing government personnel and recruit new personnel from the supporters of transformations, while preventing repression against the retiring offi cials. 2. We will publish the “Address to the Russian Nation” including a program for the rehabilitation and new construction of the country, and promulgate the Foreign Policy Declaration of the New Russian Government “To the Peoples and States of the World”. We will start vigorous diplomatic activities of the emerging renewed Russia. 3. We will institute multidisciplinary scientifi c and expert support of the government and comprehensive continuous statistical, sociological, and qualitative and quantita- tive fi eld monitoring and identifi cation of the country’s actual status. We will promptly inform the Russian Nation on the results thereof. Based on an accurate review of the country, we will adjust the adopted management and construction plans. We will make urgent, top-priority, clear programmatic decisions necessary for the majority of people and the state, including provisional and transitional ones. We will update and implement measures to ensure continuous provision of essential services and national security as well as preventive and responsive measures against the despoliation of the country, sabotage of lawful transformations and various types of aggression during the transitional period. 4. We will hold a nationwide referendum to adopt the new Constitution of Russia and form (by way of election) new permanent executive and legislative bodies of Rus- sia based thereon. We will launch a lawmaking process to rehabilitate and renew legislation in view of the provisions of the new Constitution and the Program. 5. We will renew the structure and personnel of the top level of government in a systemic manner. Th e Government and subordinate agencies will transition to a new image and makeup.

41 We will renew the scientifi c and expert support and personnel of state authorities. We will establish competent public and professional (sectoral and social) expert and advisory councils and “craft unions”. 6. We will create a hierarchical system of consultative party and popular represen- tative bodies, appoint Presidential Envoys to each region to ensure that constitutional guarantees to the people are implemented at the local level, and establish the offi ce of the Human Aff airs Commissioner. 7. We will adopt a set of presidential decrees, doctrines and key laws that will prog- ram the rehabilitation of Russia: − Doctrine on Security and Development − Doctrine on Combating Corruption − Doctrine on Population Preservation − Th e Military Doctrine − Doctrine on Foreign Policy − Th e Economic Doctrine of Russia − Th e Social Doctrine of Russia − Th e Environmental Doctrine of Russia − Doctrine on the Protection of Civilizational Identity and Historical Memory of Russia − Doctrine on a Moral-Based State − Doctrine on a State of Justice − Doctrine on the Russian Federalism − Doctrine on a Secular and Religiously Tolerant State − Doctrine on the Political System of Russia − Doctrine on Healthcare in Russia − Doctrine on Education in Russia − Doctrine on the Protection and Development of Culture in Russia − Doctrine on Public Administration in Russia − Th e Budgetary and Fiscal Doctrine of Russia − Doctrine on Labor and Economic Rent in Russia − Doctrine on the Guarantees of Human Rights, Liberties and Responsibility in Russia − Doctrine on the Development of Creative Activities, Science and Technology − Th e Energy Doctrine of Russia − Th e Transport Doctrine of Russia − Doctrine on the Communications and Utilities Of Russia − Law “On the State Bank of Russia” − Law “On Interest and Balance” − Law “On Privatization and Nationalization” − Law “On Prevention of Discrimination” − Law “On the Socialization of Property” − Law “On the Political Responsibility of Public Offi cials in the Russian Federation” − Law “On the Guarantees of Popular Rule”

42 − Law “On Political Competition and Opposition” − Law “On State Foreign Exchange Control” − Law “On State Monopoly” − Law “On the Guarantees of Russian Federalism”. Further lawmaking will follow. 8. We will renew government personnel throughout the hierarchy of federal execu- tive authorities and start renewal in the state authorities of Russia’s constituent enti- ties. 9. We will change the status and procedures of the former Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and revise the policy on money issuance, monetary and banking policies. 10. We will adopt an integrated set of interrelated urgent measures that will trigger the correction of fi nancial, economic, social and territorial distortions of a liberal and non-sovereign nature, the recovery of the country’s social nature, and transition of the state, fi nance and economy to identity, sovereignty and self-suffi ciency. 11. We will adopt a set of remedial, rehabilitative and protectionist laws (on fi nance, economy, information, humanitarian and social issues, pensions, healthcare, education, science, culture, environment, protection of entrepreneurship, housing and utilities). 12. We will adopt a set of laws to correct political distortions. Th e chambers of the supreme legislative body of Russia, the President of Russia, the state authorities of Russia’s constituent entities and local self-government bodies will be re-elected in ac- cordance with the new Constitution. 13. Th e transitional system and environment will gradually develop into a perma- nent model of the country, state-building and public administration.

11. Sources of the Program — scientifi c, theoretical and project-related works and documents3

1. Manifesto of Humanity to Come. “To Be a Human Being. To Be Humanity” / V.E. Bagdasaryan, S.S. Sulakshin. Moscow, 2016. 2. Th e Constitution of Russia (draft ). / Under the general editorship of S.S. Sulakshin. Moscow, Scientifi c Expert, 2013. — 264 pages. 3. A Scientifi c Pattern of the New Constitution of Russia. / Under the general editor- ship of S.S. Sulakshin. Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2011. — 456 pages. 4. Th e National Idea of Russia. / Under the general editorship of S.S. Sulakshin. In 6 vol. Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2012. 5. A Message to Russia: “What’s Happening to Us? Why? What Shall We Do?”/ Under the editorship of S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan. Center for Scientifi c Political Th ought and Ideology. Moscow: Science and Politics, 2015. — 232 pages. 6. A Quantitative Th eory of Civilizational Genesis and Local Civilizations / S.S. Su- lakshin Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2013. — 176 pages.

3 All publications are available at: 43 7. Superiority, Appropriation, Inequality / V.E. Bagdasaryan, S.S. Sulakshin. Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2013. — 304 pages. 8. A Complex Social System in the Vital Approach / V.E. Bagdasaryan, S.S. Sulak- shin — Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2013. — 392 pages. 9. Modern Fascism: New Appearances and Manifestations / V.E. Bagdasaryan, S.S. Sulakshin — Moscow: Science and Politics, 2017. — 328 pages. 10. Supreme Values of Russia. “Political Axiology” series / V.E. Bagdasaryan, S.S. Sulakshin. Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2012. — 624 pages. 11. Value-Based Foundations of State Policy: Coursebook. / V.E. Bagdasaryan. Moscow: INFRA-M, 2018. — 286 pages. 12. The Ideological Transformation of Government. History and Typology / V.E. Bagdasaryan, S.S. Sulakshin — Moscow: Scientific Expert, 2011. — 344 pages. 13. Is Russia in for a Revolution? Transition to a Postliberal Model of Russia (algorithm and scenarios) / S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, I.M. Berezina et al. Moscow: Science and Politics, 2016. — 712 pages. 14. A Moral-Based State. From Th eory to a Project. / S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, M.V. Vilisov, M.S. Netesova, E.G. Ponomareva, E.S. Sazonova, V.I. Spiridonova. Under the general editorship of S.S. Sulakshin. Moscow: Science and Politics, 2015. — 424 pages. 15. A State of Justice — a Righteous State (from theory to a project) / S.S. Sulakshin, V.N. Argunova, V.E. Bagdasaryan, A.A. Gaganov, N.A. Zakharenko, L.I. Kravchenko, N.I. Shishkina. Moscow: Science and Politics, 2018. — 505 pages. 16. State Policy on Combating Corruption and Underground Economy in Russia. In 2 vol. / S.S. Sulakshin, S.V. Maksimov, I.R. Akhmetzyanova, M.V. Vilisov, L.M. Kolodkin, A.S. Malchinov, M.Yu. Pogorelko, E.S. Sazonova, A.Yu. Yarutich. Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2009. — 304 pages. 17. Th e Party and Political System of Russia and Public Administration. Current Analysis. / S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, I.Yu. Kolesnik, O.V. Kuropatkina, L.A. Makurina, M.S. Netesova. Under the general editorship of S.S. Sulakshin. — Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2012. — 320 pages. 18. New Technologies for the Destruction of Russia’s Statehood. / V.I. Yakunin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, S.S. Sulakshin. 3rd edition, revised and updated. — Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2013. — 472 pages. 19. Th e Problematic Agenda of Contemporary Russia. / S.S. Sulakshin, D.B. Novikov, A.A. Gaganov, N.A. Khvylya-Olinter / Moscow: Science and Politics, 2015. — 184 pages. 20. The Civilizational and Value-Based Foundations of Economic Solutions / V.I. Yakunin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, S.S. Sulakshin — Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2008. — 160 pages. 21. Recovering Motivational Tools in the Russian Public Administration. / V.I. Yakunin, S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, M.V. Vilisov, I.V. Repin. Moscow: Scientifi c Expert. — 224 pages.

44 22. Th e Quality and Successfulness of State Policies and Administration. “Political Axiology” series. V.I. Yakunin, S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, I.B. Orlov, S.M. Stroganova / Moscow: Scientifi c Expert. — 496 pages. 23. State Policy to Solve the Demographic Crisis in Russia. 2nd ed. / V.I. Yakunin, S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan et al. Under the general editorship of S.S. Sulakshin. — Moscow: Economics Publishing House, Scientific Expert, 2007. — 888 pages. 24. Th e Ideology of Economic Policy: Th e Problem of Russia’s Choice / V.I. Yakunin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, S.S. Sulakshin Moscow: Scientific Expert, 2008. — 288 pages. 25. State Economic Policy and the Economic Doctrine of Russia. Path to a Smart and Moral-Based Economy. / Under the general editorship of S.S. Sulakshin. In 5 vol. Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2008. 26. National Macrobalance as a Tool and Reality. / S.S. Sulakshin, L.I. Kravchenko. Moscow: Science and Politics, 2018. — 91 pages. 27. Th e State Non-Budgetary Investment and Loan Fund. / S.S. Sulakshin, M.V. Vilisov, E.S. Sazonova et al. Moscow: Science and Politics, 2014. — 190 pages. 28. On Infl ation “Not Kudrin’s Way”. / S.S. Sulakshin — Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2009. — 168 pages. 29. Russia and the World. Russian Global Project. In 2 vol. / S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bag- dasaryan, S.S. Balmasov et al. Under the general editorship of S.S. Sulakshin. Moscow: Science and Politics, 2016. 30. Th e Challenge of Cultural De-Russianization (Russophobia) and the Government Response. / S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, V.V. Volk et al. — Moscow: Science and Politics, 2017. — 400 pages. 31. Public Administration and Labor in Russia. Remuneration, Motivation, Performance. / S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, I.Yu. Kolesnik — Moscow: Scientifi c Expert, 2010. — 248 pages. 32. State Policy on the Protection of Morality and Mass Media. A Legislator’s Handbook. / S.S. Sulakshin, E.S. Sazonova, A.I. Khvylya-Olinter. Moscow: Science and Politics, 2014. — 359 pages. 33. Set of Draft Legislation for the Adoption of the Federal Law “On the Political Responsibility of Public Offi cials in the Russian Federation” / S.S. Sulakshin, A.A. Gaganov, M.V. Troitskaya. Moscow: Science and Politics, 2016. — 111 pages. 34. Th e Catechism of the Party of a New Type. Th eoretical, Ideological, Political, Administrative and Project-Related Positions of the Party / V.E. Bagdasaryan, S.S. Sulakshin — Moscow: Science and Politics, 2018. — 245 pages. 35. Basic Knowledge for Party Members. A Course of Lectures. / S.S. Sulakshin — Moscow: Science and Politics, 2018. — 231 pages. 36. Th e Initial Program of a Future Party. / Under the editorship of S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan. Center for Scientifi c Political Th ought and Ideology. Moscow: Science and Politics, 2015. — 24 pages.

45 37. Th e Political Platform of a Future Party/ Under the editorship of S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan. Center for Scientifi c Political Th ought and Ideology. Moscow: Science and Politics, 2015. — 112 pages. 38. Party of a New Type. A Scientifi c and Educational Handbook of a Party Builder. In 2 vol. / S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan, T.I. Voloshinovich, A.A. Gaganov, A.S. Degtev, L.I. Kravchenko, N.A. Khvylya-Olinter, N.I. Shishkina. — Moscow: Science and Politics, 2017. — 1078 pages.

12. How will the country, all and everyone benefi t from the Program?

Russia will get a new constitution, new political system, new model and new im- age! Th e country will be sovereign again! Th e life of the majority will be diff erent! Th e viability of Russia will be restored forever! Russia will recover the higher values and meanings of its historical existence! Russia will become one of the most advanced and respected countries again! Th e world will get an amicable, reliable, open, understandable, peaceful and forward- looking country! National security will be improved! Th e country will retrieve its geopolitical allies! Russia will be a center of transnational integration again! Th e historical areas of a greater country will unite again under a common fl ag! Th e political system of the country will be a system of true popular rule! Electoral fraud will be criminally punishable! Russian society will become independent and capable of controlling and restrain- ing the government! Military personnel and law enforcement offi cers will gain a high meaning of their service, respect and trust of society. Military service will again be viewed as the “pro- fession of the defender of Homeland”, and the defenders will know whom and in the name of what they are defending! Our reliable and kind guardians, the militia, will come back! Th e law enforcement system will be honest, incorruptible and just! Th e people repressed on trumped-up charges for political reasons will be released from prison, rehabilitated and receive compensation from the new state! Th e national economy will become effi cient, self-suffi cient and advanced! Natural resources will be used to the benefi t of the whole nation! High added value industries and optimal industrial mix will be restored! Entrepreneurs will get a fair business environment, aff ordable development loans, confi dence of society, protection from corruption and support of the state! Rural areas will get due attention and support of the state! All regions will be equal — the principle of territorial justice will be implemented! Science and scientists will regain respect and prestige, receive proper funding and due priority!

46 Education, healthcare, culture, fi tness and sports, housing and utilities will be fi - nanced from the target funds for public consumption and be “free” again! Th e standard of living, jobs, remuneration for labor, and pensions will become the focus of a responsible state policy again and reach an adequate level! Labor will be a matter of honor, valor and heroism again! Parasitism will get its just deserts! National payroll budget will almost double! Th e retirement age will be set back to 60/55! Pensions will increase in the same proportions as salaries! Th e youth will regain the opportunities for high-quality education without the Uni- fi ed State Exam and the Bologna fake! Th ey will be really able to fi nd a job, maintain a young family, get a place to live in and make a career! Th ey will no longer have to seek their fortune overseas! Russia will recover its Russian identity! Freedom will again be the right to choose between Good and Evil rather than “to buy anything you want”! School will recover Russian pedagogic traditions, and children will retrieve the gentle humane fairytales and cartoons! Th e arts and culture will again serve the humanization of people and society and be purged of the false goals of profi t-making! Artists will get fi nancial protection and confi dence, and all people will get access to the arts and culture! Human health will again be the goal of healthcare — we will get rid of the vile sys- tem of making money on people’s health or death! School and university will again teach knowledge and morals, make children and young people citizens and patriots of their Homeland as well as skilled professionals! Education will be purged of the commercial goals that are alien to it! Th e values of love and family will be recovered, and the idea that “it is good to have a lot of kids” will prevail again! Friendship between the peoples of Russia will be restored! Th e Russian people will be the Russian People again! Nature, forests, rivers and lakes will be returned to the people! Th e state will again be the hope and support of the person and society, the State will be equal to the Homeland! Russia will retrieve morality and justice, collectivism and attention to the person, the priority of labor and True Humanity, higher values and the true meaning of human life!

All this will be recovered and regained for all and everyone! Th e New Strategy of a Successful Russia (Sulakshin’s program “True Socialism”) give a historic chance to Russia! All who want to live in such a country, join us!

47 Stepan Stepanovich Sulakshin

Sulakshin was born on April 29, 1954 in the city of Tomsk. He is Russian and Or- thodox Christian. His parents were Stepan S. Sulakshin and Galina A. Sulakshina. Aft er they gradu- ated from the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute in 1952, both his parents were assigned to the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, where they worked for the rest of their lives. Both had a degree of Doctor of Sciences. Sulakshin’s father founded and headed, for a long time, the Department of Mineral Exploration Technology. A war veteran, a holder of high military awards, wounded multiple times, he taught Sulakshin to stand his ground and serve the Homeland. In 1975 Sulakshin graduated from the Radiophysical Department of the Tomsk State University. He is a Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1981), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1995) (doctoral thesis on nuclear-pumped space lasers), Doctor of Political Sciences (2000) (dissertation on the theory and practice of political centrism), professor.

Career history:

1976–78 — Siberian Physical-Technical Institute, Tomsk. 1978–89 — Head of laboratory at the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics under the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, Tomsk. 1989–91 — A People’s Deputy of the USSR, member of the Economic Reform Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 1991 — A member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 1991–93 — Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation to the Tomsk region. 1993–99 — A deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, I and II con- vocations; deputy chairman of the Committee on Industry, Construction, Transport and Energy; chairman of the subcommittees on defense industry, closed cities and city-forming enterprises. Since 2002 — Head of the Institute of Legislation and Regulatory Development. 2006-April 2013 — General Director of the Center for Problem Analysis and State Administration Design 2011-April 2013 Ї the initiator, deputy head and professor of the State Policy Depart- ment at the Political Science Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University 2006-April 2013 — Advisor to the President of Russian Railways 2013 — General Director, Center for Scientifi c Political Th ought and Ideology

Public activities:

1980–89 — Member of the CPSU. 1989–90 — Co-Director of the Democratic Platform in the CPSU. 1990–91 — Co-Chairman of the Republican Party of the Russian Federation. 48 1989–92 — A People’s Deputy of the USSR, member of the Interregional Deputy Group. 1990–91 — A People’s Deputy at the Regional Council of People’s Deputies of the Tomsk Region. Since 1996 — Chairman of the Board, Foundation for the Development of Political Centrism. 1999–2003 — Leader of the Russian Movement for Political Centrism. 2002–2006 — Chairman of the Committee for Industrial Development and High Technology, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Sulakshin is the author of 650 published works (32 books) and 24 inventions, the author and co-author of 56 draft laws. He entered big time politics at the age of 35 in 1989, when he was elected a People’s Deputy of the USSR for the Tomsk region at the fi rst democratic election despite the strong resistance of the ruling government. Th is was the beginning of Sulakshin’s second “school of life”: in 1989 he was a member of the Economic Reform Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, from 1991 to 1993 he served as the Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation to the Tomsk region. Sulakshin’s fi rst theoretical political paper was published in 1991 and titled “In Sup- port of Democratic Market-Oriented Reforms”. In this work, he challenged the reforms introduced by Ye. Gaidar. In 1992 Sulakshin gained a full understanding of the self-defeating and cruel way of development (eff ectively, demolition) chosen by Russia, which he described in a confi dential report to President Yeltsin. During the confl ict between the President and Parliament that led to the Storming of the White House in October 1993, Sulakshin prevented a tragedy in Tomsk, where public confrontation was about to turn into bloodshed. By that time, the military and law enforcers had been splitting into the pro-Government and pro-Parliament factions, both sides being armed. He was also involved in the Moscow events in a non-public manner, by submit- ting the request of the Tomsk public for the construction of a protective wall around the White House to isolate the group that started calling for an armed rebellion and bombardment of the Kremlin. Th e task Sulakshin was faced with in Tomsk was to avert a civil war. Aft er the sub- sequent tragic events, Sulakshin realized that he could no longer work for “such” a president and resigned from the position of Presidential Envoy. He did not want to be a contributor to the policy of social racism and demolition of the country. Later in 1993 Sulakshin won an election to the 1st State Duma and became a deputy. Aft er two years of working in the State Duma, he became an independent deputy op- posing Yeltsin. In 1995 he was re-elected to the 2nd State Duma. In the State Duma, Sulakshin was the deputy chairman of the Committee on Indust- ry, Construction, Transport and Energy, and the chairman of the subcommittees on

49 defense industry, closed cities and city-forming enterprises; addressed the problems of real sector; led a federal target investment program; supervised the secret budget (defense expenditures); developed laws on defense, nuclear weapons industry and closed cities; addressed social issues and pension laws. Sulakshin wrote, and presented from the rostrum, many dozens of laws, but it was very diffi cult to resist the anti-popular, anti-patriotic government machine that was emerging in Russia. At that time he gained experience of cooperation with diff erent political parties and formed his own independent worldview. Sulakshin developed his main principle: if you have brains, set your own goals. He had to refl ect on and realize what government power is, what the state, political process and political parties are, how to serve the country, how to construct its systems and infrastructures to the benefi t of the majority. Th en he had to convert the solutions into his own project. Since February 1994 Sulakshin began to develop an independent theory and project of political centrism. Th is was a response to the challenges of the 90s, when the lef- tist demagogy, coupled with extreme right-liberal cruelty, literally tore the country to pieces. Sulakshin and his colleagues formed the idea of a multidimensional political spectrum and that the political system may and should take into account the interests of all and everyone: social issues of the majority and freedom of self-fulfi lment for the minority. Since there is nothing more practical than a good theory, it became clear that the future model of the country should be based on a theoretical framework. Th e follo- wing project step was to embody the model of the future country in a Constitution, doctrines and laws. In 1998 Sulakshin wrote the book “Treason”, in which he described how and by whom the destructive reforms were carried out in Russia. Th e writing took him just a few days. In 1999 Sulakshin was invited to Nikolay Svanidze’s TV program “Mirror”, where he wished Yeltsin the fate of N. Ceausescu, and has been an unwelcome person for mass media since then. From 2000 Sulakshin focused on multidisciplinary social research. From 2006 to 2013, he created and headed the Center for Problem Analysis and State Administration Design until its elimination. Th is was, in fact, a prototype of a think tank to support the country’s leader. In 2011 Sulakshin initiated, created and was the deputy head of the State Policy Department at the Political Science Faculty of the Moscow State University. At that time, he undertook, in partnership with V.I. Yakunin, a tremendous work related to designing the transformation of the country in all areas of life. Th is included draft ing a new Constitution, which was presented to the public in 2012. Sulakshin managed to build temporary creative and research teams made up of hundreds of experts that developed dozens of subjects. Yakunin’s reputation among the elite was so high that this Constitution was even informally called “a Putin’s constitution” — they still hoped that Putin would be able to change the country’s political course. But in 2011 it became quite obvious that it was Putin (and Putinism) that caused the country’s degradation, and therefore no changes could be expected.

50 In 2013 Sulakshin published his proprietary mathematized reconstruction report on the results of elections to the State Duma in 2011 and presidential election in 2012. Th e report exposed massive electoral fraud and actually proved both the State Duma and President Putin illegitimate. Th is resulted in Sulakshin being turned away by Yakunin, dismissed from all his professional positions and actually “kicked out into the street”. Th is started a new phase in Sulakshin’s life: his independent and less restrained creative work to design a complete, comprehensive project of a new Russia that ad- dressed all areas of public administration and aimed to create a new political system and a new Constitution. His work also included the forecasting and modelling of the transitional process itself described as a peaceful and lawful revolution. Almost thirty years passed since the beginning of Yeltsin’s rule. Over this period, Sulakshin completed studies in his second university, wrote his second doctoral thesis, accumulated his own scientifi c and practical life experience that enabled him to build an original theoretical framework that involves his own discoveries. Sulakshin’s theory develops, and at the same time fi nds errors in, the Marxist idea of social transforma- tion, arguing that a transition to a moral-based, just, popularly governed and righteous state is possible without a civil war. In 2016 Sulakshin, co-authored by V.E. Bagdasaryan, prepared the Manifesto of Humanity to Come “To Be a Human Being. To Be Humanity” based on the theoreti- cal research into the primary global confl ict of the present times, namely, the struggle between the true, moral human being that is the goal of nature and evolution, and the anti-human, a dehumanized human being. At the beginning of this path, Sulakshin had to search for political leaders and off er them his help, but now he has come to the diffi cult conclusion that he has to assume leadership by himself. Nobody else has all this knowledge and nobody is willing to take such serious risks. To proceed to practical activities, Sulakshin founded the Party of a New Type in 2017. Its name is not a fl ashback to Lenin’s Order of Sword-Bearers, but an indication to the crucial diff erence between this organization and the “special interest clubs” integrated into the existing system that are now called political parties. Th e Party of a New Type has its own theoretical framework that covers the party’s ideology, internal structure and organizational methodology. In modern political terms, it is not a party but a union, movement, a broadly-based association of corporate enti- ties, social agencies, political organizations as well as individual citizens. Th is is a kind of People’s Front against Putinism. Like Early Christians, the Party of a New Type aims to “save” human beings and humanity. Like back in those times, today we must save Russia from dehumanization, degradation and collapse, and reorganize it into a moral-based, labor-oriented, just, popularly governed, culturally and civilizationally Russian, forward-looking and vi- able country, viable forever! In 2018 Sulakshin published a report on that year’s presidential election, which proved that a government system of massive electoral fraud was in place in Russia.

51 In 2019, the year of potential life-changing events, he called on the Russian Nation to put forward a peaceful and lawful demand that the government should replace the Constitution of Russia and start building a moral-based, labor-oriented, just, popularly governed, culturally and civilizationally Russian state. Sulakshin is married and has four children. Areas of scientifi c interest: modeling and management of complex social systems; design of state-building, public administration and political processes; social design; methodology of scientifi c creativity; civilizational genesis; political forecasting; as well as physical and mathematical study of life, consciousness, evolution and the latest breakthroughs in the basic understanding of the universe.

February 14, 2019. Sulakshin’s program. Fundamentals

52 Notes Notes Notes Scientifi c publication

New Strategy of a Successful Russia

(Sulakshin’s program “True Socialism”)

Draft ed by S.S. Sulakshin

1 Format 60×90 /16. Off set paper No. 1. Minion type. Off set printing. 1000 copies. Order No.

Printed in full conformity with the layout provided. T8 Publishing Technologies, Public Joint-Stock Company 109316 Moscow, Volgogradsky Prospect, 42, bld. 5 All who want to live in such a country, join us!



Address: 121165, Moscow, Studencheskaya St., 30, bld. 2, offi ce 22 Tel: +7 499 249 07 03 Center for Scientifi c Political Th ought and Ideology (Sulakshin Center) Website: www. Email: [email protected]