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STATE GOVERNMENT BOARDS and COMMITTEES REGISTER Minister Portfolio Board Total No [299] STATE GOVERNMENT BOARDS AND COMMITTEES REGISTER Minister Portfolio Board Total No [299] Hon Roger Cook MLA Health [94] Animal Resources Authority Board Armadale District Aboriginal Health Action Group Armadale Mental Health Service Consumer Advisory Group Bentley District Aboriginal Health Action Group Bentley Health Service Mental Health Consumer Advisory Group BreastScreen WA General Practitioner Advisory Committee CAC: Armadale Health Service (AHS) Community Advisory Council CAC: Bentley Health Service (BHS) Community Advisory Council CAC: Community Advisory Committee, Rockingham General Hospital CAC: Community Advisory Council (CAC) CAC: King Edward Memorial Hospital Community Advisory Committee CAC: NMAHS Area Community Advisory Committee CAC: Osborne Park Hospital Community Advisory Council CAC: Royal Perth Hospital Community Advisory Council Cardiovascular Health Network Executive Advisory Group Minister Portfolio Board Total No [299] Hon Roger Cook MLA Health [94] Child and Adolescent Health Service Provider Board Department of Health WA Human Research Ethics Committee (DOHWA HREC) DHAC: Blackwood District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Broome and Surrounding Communities District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Bunbury District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Central Great Southern District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Derby and Surrounding Communities District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Eastern District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Gascoyne District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Geraldton District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Goldfields District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Kununurra/Wyndham and Surrounding Communities District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Leschenault District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Lower Great Southern District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Mid West District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Naturaliste District Health Advisory Council DHAC: South East District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Southern District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Warren District Health Advisory Council DHAC: Western District Health Advisory Council Diabetes & Endocrine Health Network Executive Advisory Group East Metropolitan Health Service Provider Board Minister Portfolio Board Total No [299] Hon Roger Cook MLA Health [94] Eating Disorders Program Consumer Advisory Groups Falls Prevention Health Network Executive Advisory Group Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Advisory Committee Graylands Hospital Management Team Meeting Graylands Reconfiguration and Forensic Taskforce Health Support Services Board Implementation Leadership Team Local Health Authorities Analytical Committee MAC: Albany Hospital Medical Advisory Committee MAC: Blackwood Hospital Medical Advisory Council MAC: Bunbury Hospital Medical Advisory Council MAC: Busselton Hospital Medical Advisory Council MAC: Central Great Southern Medical Advisory Committee MAC: Denmark Medical Advisory Committee MAC: Donnybrook Hospital Medical Advisory Council MAC: Eastern Medical Advisory Council MAC: Geraldton Medical Advisory Council MAC: Margaret River Medical Advisory Council MAC: Plantagenent Cranbrook Health Service - Medical Advisory Committee MAC: Port Hedland Medical Advisory Council MAC: Southern District Medical Advisory Council MAC: Warren District Hospital Medical Advisory Council Minister Portfolio Board Total No [299] Hon Roger Cook MLA Health [94] MAC: Western District Medical Advisory Council Musculoskeletal Health Network Executive Advisory Group North Metropolitan Health Service Provider Board Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia Board of the Psychology Board of Australia PaRK Mental Health Service Clinical Governance Committee PathWest Board Peel Mental Health Consumer Advisory Group Perinatal and Infant Mortality Committee Pharmacy Registration Board of Western Australia Psychiatry CAG: Royal Perth Hospital Psychiatry Department Consumer Advisory Group Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Trust Radiological Council Renal Health Network Executive Advisory Group Respiratory Health Network Executive Advisory Group Rockingham Mental Health Consumer Advisory Group Royal Perth Hospital Animal Ethics Committee Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Mental Health Unit Project Working Group South Metropolitan Health Service Provider Board State Perinatal Mental Health Reference Group Stimulant Assessment Panel Sustainable Health Independent Oversight Committee WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Audit Liaison Committee Minister Portfolio Board Total No [299] Hon Roger Cook MLA Health [94] WA Country Health Service Human Research Ethics Committee WA Country Health Service Provider Board WARTC: Counselling Committee WARTC: Embryo Storage Committee WARTC: Licensing and Administration Advisory Committee WARTC: PGD Technical Advisory Committee WARTC: Scientific Advisory Committee WARTC: Western Australian Reproductive Technology Council Western Australia Board of the Medical Board of Australia Western Australia Board of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Western Australian Child & Youth Health Network Executive Advisory Group Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation (Healthway) Board Women's and Newborns' Health Network Executive Advisory Group Mental Health [4] Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Board Mental Health Advisory Council Mental Health Tribunal Ministerial Council for Suicide Prevention Hon Stephen Dawson MLC Disability Services [2] Disability Services Commission Board Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability Minister Portfolio Board Total No [299] Hon Stephen Dawson MLC Environment [19] Animal Ethics Committee (DEC) Animal Ethics Committee (Perth Zoo) Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Board of Management Cockburn Sound Management Council Conservation and Parks Commission Contaminated Sites Committee Dieback Consultative Council Environmental Protection Authority Board of Western Australia Keep Australia Beautiful Council Board Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Advisory Committee Northwest Shelf Flatback Turtle Conservation Program Advisory Committee Northwest Shelf Flatback Turtle Conservation Program Scientific Panel Purnululu World Heritage Area Advisory Committee Roadside Conservation Committee Shark Bay World Heritage Advisory Committee Swan River Trust Board Waste Authority Board of Western Australia Yoorrooyang Dawang Regional (Miriuwung Gajerrong) Park Council Zoological Parks Authority Board Hon Sue Ellery MLC Education and Training [15] Building and Construction Industry Training Board Minister Portfolio Board Total No [299] Hon Sue Ellery MLC Education and Training [15] Central Regional TAFE Governing Council Curtin University Council Non-Government Schools Planning Advisory Panel North Metropolitan TAFE Governing Council North Regional TAFE Governing Council Public Education Endowment Trust School Curriculum and Standards Authority School Curriculum and Standards Authority - Curriculum and Assessment Committee School Curriculum and Standards Authority - Standards Committee South Metropolitan TAFE Governing Council South Regional TAFE Governing Council State Training Board Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia Training Accreditation Council Hon Bill Johnston MLA Energy [5] Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation (Synergy) Board Electricity Networks Corporation (Western Power) Board Regional Power Corporation (Horizon Power) Board Rule Change Panel Western Australian Electricity Review Board Minister Portfolio Board Total No [299] Hon Bill Johnston MLA Industrial Relations [6] Commission for Occupational Safety and Health Construction Industry Long Service Leave Payments Board Mining Industry Advisory Committee Ministerial Advisory Panel on Work Health and Safety Reform WorkCover Western Australia - Medical Committee WorkCover Western Australia Authority Mines and Petroleum [1] Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia Hon Dave Kelly MLA Forestry [1] Forest Products Commission Board Science [1] Governing Board for the Chemistry Centre (WA) Water [6] Board of the Water Corporation Bunbury Water Corporation (Aqwest) Busselton Water Corporation Board Carnarvon Water Allocation Advisory Committee Geographe Catchment Council (Geocatch) Warren-Donnelly Water Advisory Committee Youth [1] Ministerial Youth Advisory Council Minister Portfolio Board Total No [299] Hon Fran Logan MLA Corrective Services [2] Dangerous Sexual Offenders Review Committee Supervised Release Review Board Emergency Services [2] Emergency Services Levy Referral and Grants Advisory Committee State Emergency Management Committee Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC Agriculture and Food [15] Agricultural Produce Commission Board Animal Ethics Committee (DAFWA) Animal Welfare Act Review Panel Biosecurity Council of Western Australia Cattle Industry Funding Scheme Management Committee Cattle Industry Funding Scheme Review Panel Grains, Seeds and Hay Industry Funding Review Panel Grains, Seeds and Hay Industry Funding Scheme Management Committee Industry Funding Scheme Appointments Committee Rural Business Development Corporation Board Sheep and Goat Industry Funding Scheme Management Committee Sheep and Goat Industry Funding Scheme Review Panel Soil and Land Conservation Council Veterinary Surgeons' Board Western Australian Meat Industry Authority Board Minister Portfolio Board Total No [299] Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC Ports [5] Fremantle Port Authority Board Kimberley Ports Authority Board Mid West Ports Authority Board Pilbara Ports Authority Board Southern Ports Authority Board Regional Development [16] Avon Industrial Park Advisory
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