Admissions Criteria for Entry September 2021 St Mary’s College Open Day (Virtual) 35 Northland Road Twitter: @stmarysderry Voluntary Maintained Saturday 6th February 2021 Derry Facebook: Secondary School (10am – 2pm) BT48 0AN stmarysderry Girls (More details to follow on Telephone: 028 7136 2154 Acting Principal: Mr Brendan Age Range: 11 – 18 our Social Media & Website Email:
[email protected] McGinn Admissions No: 130 from January 4th 2021) Web: Chairperson of the Board of Enrolment No: 825 Governors: Mrs Gay Durkan Roll: 893 Mrs Leanorah Maxwell Learning Assistant with daughter Orlaith Year 13 Mrs Colleen Canning Finance Officer with daughter Grace Year 13 34 ST. MARY’S COLLEGE Our Lady of Lourdes (Steelstown) Respective Functions of the Board Of St Mary’s (Creggan) Governors and Principal in Relation to Strathfoyle, Strathfoyle/Enagh Lough Admissions Templemore (St Eugene’s, St Columba’s Long Tower) The Board of Governors draws up the admissions criteria and delegates to an Admissions Sub-Committee, which includes the Principal, the responsibility Three Patrons (St Patrick’s Pennyburn, St Brigid’s Carnhill, St Joseph’s for applying these criteria. Any reference herein to the term the Board of Galliagh) Governors includes any Committee or Sub-Committee appointed by the 3. Pupils presently resident in the above named parishes (in no particular order) Board of Governors for the purposes of applying the Admissions Criteria set who have chosen St Mary’s College as their first preference all ability school. out herein. 4. Pupils presently resident in the above named parishes (in no particular order).