Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(1): 29-39 (2020) -( DOI: 10.22120/jwb.2019.115300.1093 Research Article

Genetic structure and diversity of Black in Uttarakhand, Western Himalaya,

populations (2.99%). Overall the populations of 1* 2 Priyanka Negi , Atul Kathait , Tripti black francolin were genetically variable with Negi3, Pramesh Lakhera1 high adaptive potential in Uttarakhand, Western

1* Himalaya. Department of Zoology, Eternal University Baru sahib, India Keywords: Conservation, heterozygosity, 2 School of Life Science, ApeejaySatya University, homozygosity, genetic diversity, microsatellite Gurgaon, India markers, polymorphic sites 3School of Environment and Natural Resources, Doon University, Dehradun, India Introduction *email: [email protected] The increased pressure of habitat fragmentation, Received: 04 October 2019 / Revised: 12 November 2019 / Accepted: 02 November 2019 / Published online: 05 January overhunting and induced anthropogenic activity, 2020. Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology, Arak put the number of species in threat. The University, . Himalayan geographical region is facing the Abstract same. The protection of species requires a The present study evaluates the genetic diversity thorough understanding of species biology as well as of the level and distribution of genetic of black francolin ( francolinus diversity (Neel andEllstrand 2003). The latter is asiae) in Uttarakhand on the basis of an important factor for the adaptation and microsatellite loci. For this purpose, we survival of the natural populations in the examined five populations from three changing environment (Lande 1988; Landeand geographical zones of Uttarakhand, Western Shannon 1996). However current conservation Himalaya. Microsatellite markers were practice focused on captive breeding, which polymorphic with the number of alleles per reduces genetic diversity and this can severely locus ranging from 4-21, effective number of affect the capability of a population to cope with alleles per locus from 1.34 to 4.93, the the fluctuations in the environment (Landeand Polymorphic Information Content (PIC) value Shannon 1996, Frankham 2002, 2010). ranged from 0.22 to 0.85. The averaged The Himalayan ecosystem is a kind of sky observed heterozygosity across all loci was island, where the distribution of species restricts to their geographical boundaries. This provides Ho=0.320.12 and averaged expected uniqueness in genetic diversity among the heterozygosity He=0.510.06 respectively. The species. are widely distributed in genetic structure showed that there were two the entire Himalayan range. The black francolin genetically distinct clusters. The Lesser is one of the key species of genus francolin with Himalayan and Himalayan foothill population the presence of five of species and six sub forming a single cluster and population of the species (Forcinaet al. 2012). Black francolin Tarai region forming another cluster. The (Francolinus francolinus asiae) widely pairwise FST results showed a sizeable genetic distributed from Kashmir to West Bengal along difference between the population of higher and with the foothills of central Nepal, Bihar, and lower altitudes. The AMOVA showed that thence through Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya higher levels of variation were observed among Pradesh to the Chilka lake in Odisha (Ali and Ripley 1983, McGowan and Kirwan 2015). individuals within populations (64.36%) and Although the Life International (2016) lower differentiation observed among listed black francolin is stable at global level, but 30 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(1): 29-39 (2020) there were some reports indicate that its Material and Methods population is declining in many parts of its native range (Behbash et al. 2010, Riaz et al. Study Area 2011). The Uttarakhand (28044’ to 31028’N and 77035’ Despite habitat preference, feeding habit and to 81001’ E) encompasses 53,483 Km2 and is population abundance (Negiand and Lakhera situated in the Western Himalayan region of 2016, 2019), there is no significant study on India. It is India ‘s youngest mountain state and genetic diversity of the black francolin in India. according to biogeographical classification by the Wildlife Institute of India, the state comes In Indian Himalayan region, there is a strong into the Biogeographic Zones 2B Western need for conservation programs based on Himalaya and 7B Shiwaliks (Rodgers et al. genetic data. In the present work, our aim is to 2000). Uttarakhand is divided into five distinct carry out the first in-depth genetic study of black topographic regions i) snow cover Trans francolin in the Garhwal Himalayan region to Himalaya, ii) Sub Himalaya, iii) Lesser get useful information and offer logical Himalaya, iv) Bhabar Himalayan foothills and management recommendations for the purpose v) Tarai. The black francolin is distributed from of sustainable use and long-term protection of 100m to 2200m asl. So, to cover all the species within an adaptive conservation representative topographic zones, five sites were framework. In this work, the genetic makeup of selected. Two sites were selected from Lesser the black francolin resident in Western Himalaya (Rudraprayag and Jaunsar), one from Himalaya was characterized using microsatellite Bhabar Himalayan Foothills (Kotdwar) and two (short tandem repeats, STR) DNA markers. from Tarai region (Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar) (Fig. 1). A total 56 samples were collected from the period of 2013 to 2015.

Figure 1. Different sampling sites of black francolin from Uttarakhand, India

31 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(1): 29-39 (2020)

DNA extraction and genotyping 64D4, MCW104, MCW 145). The important A combination of the standard phenol- details of the markers are given in Table1. PCR chloroform method was used for the extraction was performed in 25l reaction mixture, of DNA from tissues (Sambrook and Russell containing 50-100ng DNA, 100ng of each 2001) while a modified phenol-chloroform primer, 2.5mM of each dNTPs, 10X Taq assay method (Barbanera et al. 2005) and Qiagen buffer and 3U Taq polymerase. DNA isolation kit were also used for feathers. In The amplification conditions were: 4 min initial view to examine the quality and concentration of denaturation at 94°C, followed by 35 cycles of extracted DNA, 2 μl of each DNA sample was denaturation at 94°C for 40 s, annealing at a loaded into a 0.8% agarose gel containing specific temperature (Table 1) for 50 s and ethidium bromide. The concentration of DNA extension at 72°C for 1 min with a final was visualized under UV transilluminator. A extension at 72°C for 5 min. Subsequently, the total of eight polymorphic cross-amplified PCR products were separated by capillary microsatellite markers was standardized for the electrophoresis on analyzer ABI 3500XL genetic analysis of black francolin (Negi and (Applied Biosystems) and the allelic sizes of the Lakhera, 2018). All individuals were genotyped fragments were estimated based on with eight dinucleotide microsatellite loci fluorescently labeled forward primers (FAM, (MCW81, MCW330, MCW183, MCW11, and HEX) using the GENEMAPPER 3.7 MCW206, (Applied Biosystems, USA) and Peak analyzer 1.0.

Table 1. Description of microsatellite loci used in the study Annealing Fluorescent Amplicon Loci 5’-3’ Sequence temperature Label size 0 TA ( C)









32 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(1): 29-39 (2020)

Data analysis Carlo (MCMCs), with 10 independent runs for Genetic diversity and population differentiation: each K, using the admixture model with Allele frequencies and genetic diversity correlated allele frequencies. The most reliable measures were calculated using GenAlEX 6.5 value of K was chosen according to Evannoet al. (Peakall and Smouse 2012) and FSTAT 2.9.4 2005, implemented in STRUCTURE (Goudet 1995). These measures included the HARVESTER (Earl and VonHoldt 2012). number of alleles (Na), number of private alleles Analysis of Bottleneck: For analysis of the (Ne), expected heterozygosity or Gene Diversity recent detection of bottlenecks in different (HE) and observed heterozygosity (HO). demographic population software GENEPOP 4.1 (Rousset 2008) was used to infer BOTTLENECK 1.202 (Piryet al. 1999) was possible departure from the Hardy-Weinberg used. In the present study, a one-tailed Wilcoxon Equilibrium (HWE) at each locus and evidence signed-rank test of heterozygosity of excess of linkage disequilibrium. Using allelic (Luikartet al. 1998) detected under the Stepwise frequencies, Polymorphic Information Content Mutation Model (SMM), the Infinite Allele (PIC), a measure of marker informativeness was Model (IAM) and the Two-Phase Model (TPM). calculated with CERVUS 3.0 (Kalinowskiet al. 2007). Genetic differences between populations Results were analyzed with pairwise FST (Weir and Genetic Diversity: A total of 86 alleles were Cockerham 1984). The significance of detected in the 56 individuals. The number of hierarchical analysis of molecular variance alleles detected per locus for the polymorphic (AMOVA) was estimated within and between loci ranged from 4 (locus MCW206) to 21 (locus different populations with the software MCW11) with an average of 10.75  1.97 (Table ARLEQUIN 3.5 (Excoffier and Lischer 2010). 2). The effective number of alleles Ne per locus Population structure ranged from 1.34 (locus MCW81) to 4.93(locus Population structure was assessed by the MCW104) with an average of 2.56  0.41. The Bayesian model-based approach implemented observed and expected heterozygosity across the in the STRUCTURE v.2.3 software (Pritchard et whole sample and all loci were HO=0.32  0.12 al. 2000) and Neighbor-Joining (NJ) and HE=0.51  0.06 respectively. All eight phylogenetic tree (Saitou and Nei 1987). An microsatellite loci were highly polymorphic and individual-based Bayesian clustering procedure the PIC value ranged from 0.22 (locus MCW81) in STRUCTURE was run with values of to 0.85(locus MCW104) with an average of 0.58 K ranging from 1 to 10, with 200,000 burn-  20 (Table 2). interactions and 1.0105 Markov Chain Monte

Table 2. Genetic diversity parameters estimated at each of eight microsatellite loci across the all F. f. asiae population. Locus Allele (K) PIC NE HO HE MCW 81 08 0.223 1.343 0.134 0.231 MCW 206 04 0.315 1.450 0.040 0.266 P6A1 11 0.734 2.930 0.336 0.644 MCW 11 21 0.738 3.314 0.605 0.681 MCW 330 08 0.691 2.390 0.040 0.523 MCW 183 06 0.505 1.858 0.022 0.432 MCW 145 16 0.584 2.284 0.440 0.545 MCW 104 12 0.854 4.935 0.982 0.787 Mean 10.75+1.97 0.580+ 2.563+0.41 0.325+0.12 0.514+0.06 K= number of alleles, PIC= Polymorphic Information Content, Ne= No of effective alleles, Ho= Observed heterozygosity, He= Expected heterozygosity, F= Fixation index 33 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(1): 29-39 (2020)

Overall, the high level of genetic diversity departure from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium within population was observed (an average, (HWE) but the departure was not significant. Na=4.50  0.37, Ne=2.56  0.20, Ho=0.32  Linkage disequilibrium was not detected 0.05, He=0.51  0.03, Appendix 1). Average between all pairs of investigated loci). alleles per locus (Na) were found highest in Population differentiation and Structure Rudraprayag (6.5±0.86) and lowest was The pairwise FST was observed significantly observed in Haridwar (3.63 ± 0.62). The average different among higher and lower altitude number of effective alleles (Ne) ranges from populations (Appendix 2). The maximum 2.34 ± 0.39 for Haridwar to 3.02 ± 0.55 for the difference was observed between Jaunsar and Rudraprayag population. The number of private Haridwar (FST = 0.15) followed by Jaunsar and alleles was observed minimum in Haridwar UdhamSingh Nagar Population (FST= 0.14). The (0.13 ± 0.12) and maximum in Rudraprayag lowest FST differentiation was observed between (2.63 ± 0.8) (Appendix 1). Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar population The observed heterozygosity (Ho) was found (0.03) and Jaunsur and Rudraprayag (0.03) higher in Udham Singh Nagar (0.44 ± 0.14) and (Appendix 2). The AMOVA showed that a lowest heterozygosity was found in Jaunsar higher level of variation was observed among (0.18 ± 0.13). The expected heterozygosity (HE) individuals within populations (64.36%), was found higher in Rudraprayag (0.59 ± 0.06) sizeable variation among individuals between and lower in Haridwar (0.47 ± 0.08) (Appendix populations (32.63%) and lower differentiation 1). The multilocus test showed that populations observed among populations (2.99%) (Table 3). were deficient in observed heterozygotes and

Table 3. AMOVA design and results for different population of F. f. asiae inferred from eight microsatellite markers Percentage Source of Variation Sum of squares Variance components variation

Among populations 35.632 0.11702 2.99139

Among individuals within 321.948 2.51796 64.36899 populations

Within individuals 71.500 1.27679 32.63962

Total 429.080 3.91177

STRUCTURE was applied to the entire dataset. samples from the Kotdwar region included The result indicated a strong pattern of individuals from both clusters (Fig. 1). population differentiation with two population Neighbor-Joining tree based on Nei genetic clusters (Fig. 2). The highest value of ad hoc distance also detected two clustered population quantity (Delta K) was observed 396.72 at K = structures. The first cluster (Cluster A) 2. All samples from Haridwar and Udham Singh comprised two populations of Lesser Himalaya Nagar population were grouped into a single (JaunsarandRudraprayag) and one from Bhabar cluster (red cluster), while those samples from (Kotdwar) and the second cluster (Cluster B) Jaunsar, Rudraprayag and Kotdwar population consisted population of Tarai (Haridwar and were grouped into another (green cluster). The Udham Singh Nagar) (Fig. 3).

34 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(1): 29-39 (2020)

Figure 2. Bayesian admixture analysis of black francolin genotypes computed by STRUCTRE software, showing k=2

Figure 3. Neighbor Joining tree based on Nei genetic distance from microsatellite markers

Analysis of Bottleneck Three mutation models (IAM, SMM, and TPM) IAM, TPM, and SMM were not found to be were used under the Wilcoxon signed test for significant (p>0.05). The results suggested that bottleneck assessment in five different there is no recent reduction in the demographic populations of Black Francolin. Under the population size of black francolin in the area of Wilcoxon rank test, the probability values of Uttarakhand (Table 4).

35 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(1): 29-39 (2020)

Table 4. Probability of heterozygosity excess according to Wilcoxon sign-rank test under three mutation model in F. f. asiae from different sampling sites Population IAM SMM TPM

Jaunsar 0.12500 0.42188 0.67969

Rudraprayag 0.14844 0.65625 0.90234

Kotdwar 0.09766 0.42188 0.80859

Haridwar 0.12500 0.27344 0.57813

USD 0.37109 0.62891 0.90234 IAM = Infinite allele model, SMM = Stepwise mutation model, TPM = Two phased model of mutation. P>0.05, no population has experienced bottleneck.

Discussion markers. In this study, all microsatellite loci This is the very first study on black francolin proved highly polymorphic value (PIC=0.58, all genetic structure based on microsatellite data loci). Thus, on the basis of the number of alleles from Uttarakhand. In the Garhwal region, the and PIC values, most of the loci invested in this species is under threat due to rapid habitat study showed high polymorphism. fragmentations. Although Indian Himalayan is Unfortunately, very few data are available for known for the rich diversity of Galliformes, this bird to compare our genetic diversity results most of them fall within threaten categories with others from previous studies based on (Kaul 2007). Our previous study on habitat microsatellite loci. Although to the best of our preference and distribution pattern of black knowledge, a single study on genetic diversity francolin also suggests that population of black francolin with microsatellite marker is abundance is lower in the Tarai region due to reported by Forcinaet al. 2014, who genotyped higher anthropogenic pressure (Negi and 77 samples from with 9 microsatellite Lakhera 2019). For considering this fact, we loci. They used cross-amplification loci from evaluated Lesser Himalayan, Bhabar Himalayan red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) and foothill and Tarai population of Uttarakhand on chicken but in their study, out of nine loci only the basis of the genetic study. four were found polymorphic so this study did For the present work, microsatellite markers not detect relevant inference of genetic diversity were standardized from Red jungle fowl (Gallus for comparing this present study. However, very gallus) and these markers were highly low observed and expected heterozygosity polymorphic in nature (Negi and Lakhera 2018). emerged in that study (Nicosia, Ho 0.07 He In Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus), 0.07; Paphos, Ho 0.14 He 0.12) for the F. f. the number of alleles was 5 for MCW11, 5 for francolinus. Their result showed almost 10 MCW 330, 4 for P6A1 and 7 for MCW81 folds’ lower heterozygosity in F. f. francolinus (Thakur et al. 2011). In red jungle fowl, these compared to F. f. asiae. were 7 for MCW11 (Mukeshet al. 2011). The The number of alleles (Na), effective alleles selected markers for this study were highly (allelic richness) and private alleles were found polymorphic viz. 21 alleles for MCW11, 8 for high in the population of Rudraprayag, Jaunsar MCW 330, 11 for P6A1, 8 for MCW81 with a and Kotdwar region. The expected and observed mean value of 10.74 alleles per locus. The PIC heterozygosity were observed higher in Tarai value of markers is one of the informative population. This can suggest that maximum parameters in population genetic analysis genetic diversity parameters were higher in (Botstein et al. 1980). The PIC value of more Lesser Himalayan and foothill population as than 0.50 indicates higher polymorphism in compare to Tarai populations. The Lesser 36 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(1): 29-39 (2020)

Himalayan region has its unique geography and Udham Singh Nagar) form another cluster. is very rich in bird biodiversity (Kaul 2007). The The observed genetic differences between the impact of habitat fragmentation is lower as two clusters were relatively significant. The compared Bhabar foothills and Tarai area. The absence of differences between populations high number of private alleles in Rudraprayag within the clusters could be explained by two supported the fact that local microclimate has an hypotheses. The first hypothesis suggests that impact on population structure (Adam et al. geographically proximate populations are well 2016) and higher species richness of connected by gene flow comparative to a larger Galliformes also reported in this area (Kaul distance population. The other hypothesis 2007). suggests that genetic diversity between On the other hand, the Tarai region is highly populations is the result of historical gene flow affected by anthropogenic pressures. processes which lead to the fragmentation of the Nevertheless, at the same time, the reason for larger population (Lowe et al. 2004). The first higher heterozygosity in the Tarai population hypothesis can apply to geographically could be due to higher gene flow between proximate Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar due to a lack populations with no geographical barrier of physical barriers. It is also well known that hampering gene flow. The second hypothesis landscape connectivity influences the gene flow could explain the clustering between higher and among the populations (Vas et al. 2001, Coulon lower altitude regions taking into account that et al. 2004, 2006). Allele frequency distribution physical barriers like mountain ridges, exhibited a mix of shared and private alleles, highlands, dense forest patches are expected to possibly indicating shared ancestral imply less genetic exchange. The population polymorphism and recent divergences. Sub dispersed upstream from a lower altitude and the structuring among groups, populations, and microclimatic conditions of Lesser Himalaya individuals was highly significant based on and Himalayan foothills supposedly shaped the AMOVA. Differentiation among the genetic structure of the bird. So, these two populations was separated by much greater clusters are geographically and ecologically geographical distances. AMOVA data distinct from each other. It is also suggested that suggested that the genetic variability is higher in individuals who are on the edge of regional a distant population than nearby ones. It was boundaries can mediate gene flow among suggested that the gene flow is mostly limited to populations. Indeed, there is evidence of fine spatial scales and higher in closer affinities. admixture, but that is limited to the Kotdwar The N-J tree based on Nei genetic distances population (foothill), where the geographical among populations provided a clear indication boundaries of Lesser Himalaya and the Tarai of genetic divergence between populations into region are shallow. It can be hypothesized that two groups. Bayesian analysis of population the population of the Himalayan foothill act as a structure gave the highest probability of the data natural bridge or connecting Lesser Himalayan with K = 2, also suggesting that from five and the Tarai population. It is assumed that in different locations split into two distinct genetic past all these populations might be more clusters. 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