• • Durant on state board of ed's VISIOn, philosophy, By Chip Chapman ,\lUll It til, 11111\\ ' P ,t"l I dllt 'ophl "llt, ml Ilh SfaftWnler lhl" ldll.,lfl me to LOIlIl' HI' III (ll~1tI( Bllt." DLlI .,,11£1 lOlllLll n.... llld que <"1lIHh l dl ....( d "At this first meetln~, the \11th olle ht ,lid It \\.1" III It'> ..t1lOllt d"lI ..ldel I ,'hH '> hel'" tn (n the Pl.-Ill l ( l"rrl\ tOt Ilg,lIdlllg <1111 PdUllll'Hl Ii 'I, 0/ new qtate Board of EduwtlOll If ndl ,t to hllllg .lImut lUT1\l'l ~d h011 Olll ..hould III l' mUlh tht ,h,rI(JgLH hlll tun III \l'dllhdll 'lid ( III "f lIon \\lth I)('OP!t I'ho (,Hl 'I he phIlIN,phy ~tdtemlnt I)", ,1111 "1Il1 lo( II .I" m, I< II I lk took a bold step In eduldtlOll l'll"'( POlllt, !l "d( nl IIld III II liH)Ut ou\ llld 1\ ho \Ie .It l I1laI1ltdll" thdt till (Jug-holll Ing "'lJITll Pd..,,,, \gl.., I] om tilE Iefol m 10 a 7 0 vote by ddopl kltl., .. bOdlt! pll"l (1It'l,1! ll) tll( phIl,,,,,, futw e ,~nd nature of publit edu DUI11l1 If, dll It tOllH \ dlll\ 1'0111[« 'lIld ,'c,HIL'nnl l"(wJleml' . phI '(.Ill ment h to I(',\(h I catton, read a nells Ieled~e (.I<,,~e .south I\he' e hl~ /OIII1U I III \I11'\dl'nt of lilli, , Let.. ,t.1I t t.,lkmg ..h"ut dllld 1IId(,,1 III ('fld I' .. \el\ last week by the state bOdId of tI ,ught(, "d tUlilOI dd!e «(Jllel-(t, 11'.11III(I ,ho,tII ,peclill wit fm the lldlhe. ,HId education 1hl ,odt 01 wndutt make" v,llue", lh.ll ..llt" .mtl ..mp'J\\ll dltel bung eJI Lled III Nmelll mg PdJelih to dlOO.,e IIlnlh that \Ie dIt dll LJe oj And spark It did le!plenw to Ullllll1dl behavIOl, hel thdt III thl' 12 ) edl" of Ih ....\Kh {\~ Idpe and ,u ....nn, a.nd ~choob thell dllldJ ell 1\111 ..It God 'J h,ll LOme~ It am the Del "We wanted to conve.\ a un e\I.,lellle the qdtp hOllld of ,d lit ,1\Ion" Itk" gun~ ..lIld knw ..., tend ami \\ lllch s'IbJett'> \1 III h, J.ll,ltroll of InuI'pendL'ncl Ity 10 our message and d liluty UtdtlOll )hlll 110 11.,1011 \111110'0 , I h,\\ I .1111

Your Community Nelmpaper Grosse News Vol. 56, No, 4 40 pages Gr o~~c Pointe, Mkhiwm Since 1940 .January 26, 1995 Election day draws

Thursday, Jan, 26 near for a pair of Realtor Mary Ann BaldoUl' addresses the Women's CouncIl of Realtors on how millage proposals to "Increase YOUI' Emmngs wIth T~ Awareness" from 8 30 a m to 12'30 p m at By Shirley A McShane and -econd home~\ fOt five the Grosse Pomte Woods SlalfWrlter leOlS The ,l'lle lequnes all Community Centel Fee IS The GIO."e Pomle "lhool dl., school dIStlllh to .I"k \ ateI'> to $20 for WCR members and tlld \<;a~kmg \ oteh on Feb 7 applO\ e thI~ amount to en"U1 e to Ienel\ It~ eXlstmg millage $25 for non.membeLs that the dl.,tlilt \\ III I ell'l\ e It~ Idte. \\ hIch e'llIle~ m June .,tate funded foundation gJ dnt lhe Imllage lene\'al whlLh • Addltlon,11l1' tl1l' sthool db \~ compo,>,,1 of t\\O ~ep,u..lte bal 29 tllel \'>a,kmg 'olel ~ lo applo\e Sunday, Jan. lot plOpo"..lh e.,sentJalh ask, 8;; m "g of appl o'lm ..ltd\ <1,8'l00 (1 la"{ Inlled~e 1 he ,chool bo..lld \>lOh"hh Tuesday, Jan. 31 E\ "n though t.1,pa~ pI<, - e<, \1 \Il not !t', I lhe Im\'lI11\lI11 f.-, peclall-, homestead pIOpelh Grosse Pomte Woods resl In till ti, ,l \(.II ' ..IllI (llll' dent Barbara Labadte, Behind the scenes 01\nel' - ell Joyed .. "lg1\l1lC..1l1t F pn!on, choo] plOpell\ ate" about ::.2 mlllton tm the Happy Groundhog Dayl tm:", \\ele elmun,nerl Subse • Park taps Jarboe as municipal judge "hool ') -tern quent to that .,ome people The (;,o,-e POlI1(e Publrc L! The technology lab at Pdr By Jim Stlckford Been In then I eVlewed Jal J.n boe h,IS been l11allied fOl thought then total t.n. IJlll In an .,ep.n dtld flom the ,"hool cells middle school holds an Stall Writer hoe s qu.dlficatlOns He ~dlU 15 \ Pill', <.lndha~ fil e chIl(h en \\ould go c!0I\11 5U pellent ThiS dhl1lLt 1,I,t \ e..11 .md !d"l Sap open house at 7 p m ThIs One month ,llle' leallllng tll<.lt .J..u boe att ..nded MIcl1H~an ..I plnn on lunmn{.[ fOt elel I'> a ,L!1001 ta\ 'elm 111,not ta, tembel I otel' .Ippl 01 E'd a 1 7 thdt the Pm h. \\ ould nled a I In event IS open to all I egIs St,1te Um\el ~Ity and j.," aduated lion to the Judge's pOSItIOn 111 efOt m gpnel aJ null ta\ 1,ltl' to en.lhle the Ile\\ mUnICipal J.ldg-e. t]l< Clt\ Votel' 'vi III b.. a,ked to ap tered voters 111Grosse Pomte III 1978 \\ lth h01101 s Jill hoe No\embel \1hen thI' appolllt nell h mdepl'lldll1t ltbl ill} to counlll voted Mond.{) mght to p'O\e tllO plOpo~..I, Woods and Harper Woods lhen attended Wayne State'., ment e",pll es, ~alrl Jal boe opel ate apPolllt Call ,Jalllol' 10 the lob 11\1 "hool \\hele h~ edited the • f)1l' d"'ll ICt I' a,kmg for Ib Undel ~(ate I,m 1\ hen Ih''''lU'"e, lentdl plOputl See MILLAGE, page 17A 1\lth o\el half the of hl~ Ol he' County ('n WIt jlIdg(' ACte\ j.,'1 ad\1<\tlllg fl om h\\\ te, m of omce left ... 111 E'lectlOn INSIDE MaYllI Pillmel Hl'PIl.1ll beg.lIl 'cbool he del ked fOI MKhlgan 1ll11~tbe helrllo fill the pO~ltlOn Millage Rates For Grosse Pointe Schools MOlldav's COlInll I IIwL!lIlg hI ('0111 t of Appeals judge Michael at the jUlISI(!JctIOn ~ ne ...t 1egu (1995-98 SubJect To Voter Approval) Opznwn 6A announcmg that thp counlll 1<,,111f,OIll 1981 1983 For the larly <;cheduled elect lOn, In tllh Autos IDA bad deudpd upon ~l Occup ~.od I Feb. 26 Th n9 bael< 'h.~~ SC(' .,tm \. IMI-(c L\

...._------~------January 26, 1995 ~2A News Grosse Pointe News Farms, City sign new water contract 8y Chip Chapman The prevIOus "tllggel pomt" Staff Writer Park The }'t"k, Shores and when rate changes would occur Woods get their water from De- In a move to keep costs and was 10 percent revenue movmg III the same trOIt All five POlntes send se "If we have oln mClease III wage water to DetrOIt's plant dlrecllOn, the Grosse POinte our operatmg costs, I\e have to Farms CIty Councll Jan 9 ap- Currently, the Farms charges mcrease our rate" to our Its reSIdents a qUarWrl) late of proved a re\"Ised I\atel .>dl" \!<'arms)customers," said Falms agreement Wlth the City of $8 24 per thousand cubiC feet city managel RIch Soldk "We Grosse Pomte that would for treated water, plus a $2 fee IIant to be able to lecOUpthat fOI Improvements, and DetrOIt change rates If Farms costs m- from the CIty of GIO<;sePomte crease or decrease more than 5 charges a $11 52 per thousand percent as nell " cubiCfeet sewage fee for a total The Clt f G P The Farms has ItS own plant of $21 76 per thousand cubIC I y 0 rosse omte and prOVidestreated 1\ater to feet counci approved the contraet Farm;, and City ICsldents and on Dee 19 untleated wdter to Hlghldnd The Farms charges the CIty $4 57 per thousand cubiCfeet of Judge':':'>:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':';::'~;:~::;~:.~~~~~::.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:.:.;.:.-.;treated water and DetrOIt charges CIty reSIdents $8 43 From page lA Heenan said It was Impor pel thousand cubIC feet of se Jarboe as Frank's replacement tant that the councll act wage WIth maintenance was difficult because the coun qUickly, and a\old the plOblems charges added by the City, Its cd had to choose among so of 1987, where the counCil was reSidents pay a total of $23 30 many excellent candidates unable to select a Judge Frank per thousand cubiCfeet ''The number of qualified was eventually elected to the The new proVISIOnshould re people who offered their ser- pOSItIOn suIt In between $12,000 and Grosse Pointe's Wayne county commissioner Andrew Richner. was recently sworn in vices to the councll was truly Jarboe's appollltment 1\ as $15,000 m addItIOnal revenue for his second term 01 office by Michigan Court 01 Appeals judge Maura Conlgan. Ri. msplnng," saId Heenan "We unammously approved by the fOlthe Farms chner will chair the commission's subcommittee on legal affairs. as well as serve as the agomzed over the chOIces, but council Vlce chairman of the Youth at Risk Task force. and IS a member of the subcommittee on also felt that we had to make a lederal Investigation of the Youth Home. deciSIOnqwckly We are very fJu'tn nt~adopted Jan 19 dIscerning heal"! and to be d In August 1991, Durant her as a Judge" I Old Watches (wml or pockel) b) the ~hchlgan Stdte Boald self responsible CitIZen \\ ho helped found the COInerstone ''There were 20 candIdates I Class Rings • Antique Jewelry of EducatlOn leads a full and good life as Schoolo, three ecumenIcal, under conSideration," saId I COinS (Silver & Goldl • Plahnum VISion a productive and contrLbut- Chnst-eentered schools at two councJ1member Vernon Ausher- I Ste~Iea Sets, Flatware,ete We. the Michigan State mg membel of a flee society sites In DetrOIt A strong sup- man. "Twenty-one, If you con. _:Ji'sz,g' i;f--j.,. "Boald of EducatlOn. gIateful Mission porter of charter schools, he SIder my 15.mmute candidacy to Almighty God for the We, the MIchIgan State said hIS posItion on the state But the counCil had to select blessmgs of fleedom, do ear Board of Education, umted board of educatIOn would only one candIdate We dId not re nebtl) de<;lle to se<:urethese In VISIOn and philosophy, be a COnflictof Interest If the Ject 19 candIdates, we selected @,;wcifY @rok: 'blessmgs undiminished for one.) empowered by our Constltu. Cornerstone Schools received 1900 I Mack Ave OUI chIldren A blessmg of tlOn to respond With leader- state fundmg, which they do CouncJ1member Steve Sarra (1 Blks S of Morass) 884-3325 fl eedolll IS to reaffirm an slnp, humbly serve to en- not nek echoed Ausherman and ,Important truth ReligIOn, able, promote and inspire a Although Gov John Engler Heenan's sentiments and "',[ morahty and knowledge are new spmt and birth of free asked Dlll

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- t ------II!R _._ .•l~1IIlI!_!!IIII!S.'.k __ n _ • I January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News News 3A Couple to keep satellite dish, but City will say where to stick it By Chip Chapman to take away property," said a light to control where the wlthlll height IImlt~ of the-zon the spot where the dIsh IS pres street north of Elmslelgh, spoke StaCfftwnlerth 1 t A attorney Gary WJ!son on behalf dIshes are" mg dlStlltt \\here the home I., ently located IS the only place out agaillst the satellite dIsh, hI mg e s mendment of hl~ chents, Mr and MIS Sec 9043 of the CIty Code located quahty reception can be ob citIng aesthetIC reasons rig t to receive mfonnatLOn R be addresses satellite dIsh anten • dl.,h mw,t be located III talned d th 5th d h 0 rt Rosehep, of Elm.lelgh an e an 14t amend nae It states apphcatlons fOl a back yard between rear bUIld Smcf' thf' RO'f'hep. 11'\d the CIty "-!ayar Susan Whe-eler ment rIghts proteetlll~ cltl7en" The Roseheps h:ld :l ::l2foot "dtelhte dl.h, With a sIte plan, mg lme and real lot lme and satellite dish Ill.talled, the City suggested that an Impartial ex from havmg "property" taken hIgh, 10 feet III dIameter satel should be submItted to the City must comply \\Ith requIred set has receIved two letters III sup pert be consulted to detennme tlway bv the government, the hte dish Installed m theIr back bUlldlllg department backs for the zOlllng dIstrict POIt of the dIsh and two op If the satelhte could be placed attorney for a City of GlOsse yard In Decembel 1993 No per Roof lll.tallahon I~ permitted posed to It III a part of the Roschep's yard Pomte couple said that federal mlt was obtamed from the CIty The deSign standards must as long as the antenna and sup where the receptIOn IS not af. law pre-empts local ordmances before the satelhte dl~h was comply WIth the followmg ports ale not VISIble from the La;t Monday was the first fected and where It would not III determining whether resl constructed • one dIsh per lesldentlallot stleet pubhc healing concelnlng the be as mtruslve to neighbors. dents may erect satelhte dIshes "It's our posltlon we have a • maxImum dIameter of dish • the dIsh must meet bUild dIsh Five neIghbors, one who The hearing wJlI contInue at III therr yards good ordInance," said CIty at 10 feet mg code safety leqUlrements hves on Elmslelgh and four the Clty's next counCil meetmg "Aesthetics are not a reason tomey John FJldew "We have • maXImum height must be The Roseheps maintain that who hve on Stratford, one on Feb 27 King resigns; Airport study committee gets a new leader By JIm Sllckford Center Line and Harper Woods, worned that Jets landing at the Kmg chaIred the commIttee hattOn a reVised plan lor a cernmg airport development StaflWnler after a plan to expand DetrOit aIrport would have to fly over for free, and said that he and 6,000 foot runway, which IS too "People should realIZe that After many years of servIce, CIty Airport was announced by their cltles, creatmg excess hIS replacement, General Mo small for the bIgger Jets I also we don't oppose City AIrport," John L Kmg has stepped down DetrOIt offiCIals nOise and mterfellng With the tors attorney Patrick Mc thmk the FAA probably won't Bald McCarroll "We oppose as chaIrman of the DetrOit City ReSIdents and offiCials of the quahty of hfe Carroll, recently met With City approve the plan anyway be puttmg a square peg In a round Arrport Study CommIttee commIttee's member cItIes felt "I felt now was a good time Alrpolt chIef John Clalk and cause CIty AlrpOlt no longer hole The DetrOit City CouncJl King, an attorney and former and still mamtam that an ex to resIgn," Bald Kmg "I spent learned that DetroIt has drastI. has Jets flymg out, and lost Its late last year approved a three- counCilman and mayor of the panded CIty AIrport capable of the last seven years of my hfe cally reduced the scale of Its only commuter alrlme last month, $850,000 subSidy to CIty of Grosse Pomte, had handlmg the Itllgest Jets would chaLrmg the commIttee, and be proposed arrport expansIOn year There Just Isn't a demand keep the airport runnmg charred the cornrlllttee for the posc an undue burden on area fore that I wa!> the mayor of "DetI Olt ongmally pi opo~d for a larger runway at the air Trying to transform the eXISt- past seven years The commit reSIdents m the form of higher the City of Grossc POinte, and an elt.panded 8,400-foot run port " Ing airport mto something big. tee was formed by several east taxes before that I was a counCil way," saId Kmg "Sometime McCarroll saId that he hopes ger IS a waste of taxpayers' SIde commumtles, Includmg the Several Grosse Pomters, and member That's a lot of tIme next month they Will ~ubmlt to to contillue Kmg's work and money, gIven the current set of five Grosse Pomtes, Warren, reSIdents In other CItIes, are devoted to public servIce" the Federal AVIatIOn Admmls wJ!1 c10scly follow the news con cIrc umstances " Woods sells long strip of land it didn't even know it owned for $3,000

By Jim Stlckford quest to purchase the stnp of "Much to our surpl"lSC, the tItle posal He offered $1,000 for the the cIty does not grant the van McCafferty agreed to the SlaffWllter property from the city He said search revealed that Grosse land, but the councIl rejected ances McCafferty needs to bUIld councIl's condItions, and said After some debate, the that cIty representatIves did Pomte Woods owned the land" the offer because the cIty asses- on the property, the sale IS hiS next step IS to get planrung Grosse Pomte Woods City not even know the cIty owned McCafferty needs the land to sor placed a value of between VOIded These vanances concern commiSSIon approval of hIs pro- CouncIl agreed to sell a lO-foot the land untIl he dId a title complete constructIOn of two $6,000 and $12,000 on the setbacks, whIch If enforced by Ject He Said the commission by 275 foot strip of land to ar search on the property homes at 631 Vermer He In. land the city would prevent con wIll be reVlewmg it shortly chltect and developer Charles tends to spht the lot and bUild The counCil balked at seIlIng structlOn of the two proposed The planmng comlmsslon's rec. McCafferty, openmg the way "CIty offiCials and I orgmally the homes on It In order to land for $1,000 that the city's homes ommendatlOn, whatever that for development at the south thought the Grosse Pomte have suffiCIent room for two own assessor saId was worth The councIl, on the other mlght be, WIll then be for. west corner of VernIer and School Dlstnct owned the par houses, he sald he needs the conSIderably more McCafferty hand, made the sale of property warded to the City couneJ! for a Mornmgslde cel because It'S very close to small cIty stnp SaId that the land was worth conditional bascd on council vote Last month, McCafferty ap Grosse Pomte North HIgh McCaffelty ran mto counCIl less to anyone who was not apPloval of the constructlon The councIl IS not oblIgated proached the counCil WIth are. School," saId McCafferty opposItion With hIS first pro- planmng on developmg the ad site plan Normally, If a bUIlder to follow the commISSIon's rec Jacent lot meets all city regulatIOns, the ommendatlOn, but It rarely The sale request was tabled counCIl does not have the nght fall s to do so McCafferty wd Haigh honored by Grosse Pointe Shores unhl such tIme as the cIty and to halt constructIon for esthetIC he IS optimIstIC that hIS bUIld. McCafferty could agree upon a reasons Ing plans WIll meet Wlth coun- mutually beneficLal pnce In Mayor Robert Novltke said Donald J Haigh was taken CIl approval thIS case It was $3,000 The at ItS last councll meeting that "I'm trymg to bUIld some by surpnse at the Grosse counCil agreed at Its last meet the counCIl IS very concerned Pomte Shores ChrIStmas lunch thmg that WIll do JustIce to mg to sell the plot to Mc about mamtalnlng the tone of Grosse Pomte Woods," SaId eon on Dee 20 when he was se- Caffertv the neIghborhood, and dId not McCafferty "1 thmk the COUll lected to receIve the 1994 T1'" ~dle, however, IS subject want to blmdly permIt con. clI WIll be very pleased WIth Grosse POinte Shores Preslden to condItIOns on both Sides If structlOn of two new homes tIal Award the plans"

The Baccarat crystal vase WIth the VIllage logo IS pre- sented annually to a reSIdent or This girl was recognizable in Binghamton, reSIdents whosc tIme, talents New York22 years ago. and efforts have been gIven vol. untanly, above and beyond the call of duty and over a number Now she's recognlZed at the of years toward the betterment CONNECTION of the comml1mty Grosse Pointe News/THE Newspapers. HaIgh has served on the Shores' Planmng ComrmsslOn smce 1986 and on the board of Grosse Pointe Shores President John Huetteman m. left. pre. trustees for Grosse Pomte senls Donald J. Haigh with the 1994 Grosse Pointe Shores ";4taftlul 40tlt ~~ TownshIp smce 1990 Presidential Award. MARY ELLEN VAN DUSEN Nursery school registration time is soon at Assumption

AssumptIon Nursery School need a growth year), are also lows children to expenment and Toddler Center WIll begIn prOVIded WIth rhythm, melody and In takmg regIstratIOns for the OptIOnal ennchment classes stroment playmg 1995-96 school year on Monday, WIth special Instructors mclude Ideally SLZedfol' young chIld Feb 20 Kalo for KIC!s exercise program, I en, the aIr-conditioned faclhty Mormng developmental deSIgned to meet the chJ!d's has a gymnasIUm, nature classes are offered for preschool psychomotor needs and to help courtyard and spacIOus play (34 year-olds), transItion (2-112 estabhsh a healthy lIfestyle at grounds 3 years), toddler (12 months-2 a young age, Cooking, where Theresa Swalec, dIrector of years), and kindergarten Full, children prepare and eat a well AssumptIOn Nursery School, day chIld care IS avaIlable from balanced lunch whIle learmng mamtams a profeSSIOnal staff 6 30 a m to 6 P m 'I\vo days table manners and settmg, of teachers and assIstants who, attendance IS reqUired, 'Vlth Computers, to familIarize pre like the school's philosophy, are fleXIble hours for workmg par schoolers \Vlth keyboard and dedIcated "to the development ents remforce baSIC readIness con of each child as a total mdlVld Afternoon classes for 3- and cepts; CI eatlve Dance by An ual - socially, emotIOnally, 4-year-olds and young 5's (for gels Kennedy Dance StudIO, phySIcally and cogmtLvely - m kmdergarten age children who and Creatmg MUSIC, which al a secure and canng atmo- sphere" Located at 22150 Marter Edison to demolish river landmark Road, the school calendar fol lows that of the Grosse POinte WE ARE DEDICATED To You THE GROSSE POINTE CONSUMER DetrOIt EdIson plans to demo lemams as a futme powel and South Lake school~ Sum 1Ish palt of the utility's Con SOUl ce fOI the company mer Camp regIstratIOn begIn~ MOTOR CITY •Additions • Garages • Rec. Rooms nels Creek Powel' Plant on the When the plant was undel Malch 13 Dormers • Bathrooms • Windows Detl'OIt RIVer consh uctlOn m the eally part of MODERMZATION • Call 810 7724477 for details The oldest portIon of the the century, ItS fm nace was 777.4160 .All types of ExterIor SidIng' References Available regardmg fall and summer pro power plant on DetlOlt's <;Quth consldeled so 1mge and lmpres grams east Side was offiCially I etll ed Sl~e that then DetlOlt EdIson VISIT OUR BCAUTIFUL KITCHCN POINTE WINDOWS IS YOUR m 1983 Its low plessure tm pI e~ldent Alex 00\\ \\ anted to AND \fH SHOWROOM Cl-RTlFIrD Pn LA CONTRACTOR bme/genmators \\ele sold eal ,hm' It off n her thIS year to a Flonda firm A false flool \\as Illstalled that plans to mount them on and Do\\ Ill\ lted more than 40 shIps to produce electllclty m people to ga\\ k and enJoy a fOI Thll d WOJld countfle~ mal dmnel patiy m"lde the fm "We've re:lched the end of an naee \,hleh \\a", nearl) fOUl el a •. 'l8ld Frank E Ago~tl, sen ~tOJH'~ tall lor Vice pI e'ldent, powel sup Detl Olt Edl~on \\ 111 save ply "We Will ml~s the olel nem h $14 mIllion o\el the plant, but demohtlOn WIll allO\I ne,t 20 ,em, b) eltmmatmg u,; to Ieduce expen"€~ llnd 1m heatmg. mamtemmce and III pI ove alii competitIVe pO~ltlOn '1II ance ("pen~e' .l',ocJa(cd 15 Years of EXTRAORDlN~RY ROOMS BtalN IVrnJ SUPERIOR Pointe Windows Inc. A <;apmate 'high pre,'uH 1\ It" the p

_ a ..... _ January 26, 1995 4A News Grosse Pointe News PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS WDET host offers a musical mixture By Shirley A. McShane By Margie Reins Smith dyke ProgIam" alrs from 1 to 4 Feature Ed.tor p m Monday~ through Fridays The host of WDET FM's Park woman fOld "I enJoy playmg diSCS, but "Martm Bandyke Program (1 hve intervieWS 81 e my favor While Woods polIce ques to 4 pm weekdays at 101 9 Ite," he Said "Last summer I robbed in lot tlOned the passengel Inside the FM) piCks the musIc for each mtervlewed an LA band, La, truck, Shores pohce ran a II >\ 74 yeal-old Grosse Pomte day hke most of us choose what Lobos I've mtervlewed Joan P,Uh. \\oman was robbed of $10 cense plate check on the truck to wear m the mormng and lem ned It was regl .!Ned to B:JCZ Inc, D:J\C Bmbcck b) b\ two men who approached "It'" nut ple<1Mable It de phone, Charlte Watts of the hel m a parkmg lot at Way Trmgale pends on the weather, my Shores police, actmg on a tip, Rolhng Stoncs by phone bw nand Jeffersotl on Jan 19 mood, the day of the week," "One of my favonte mtel \\ent to a house on Sheldon m The robbery occuned at 745 Bandyke said views was With Angeltque a m as the woman \\as carry Grosse Pomte Shores, whele "If It's Fnday, for Illstance, 1 they found the mountain bIke KldJo, an artist from Benm m mg an al mload of packages might play somethmg With an Afnca She had an mterestmg through the pm kmg lot The IYlllg on the front lawn and end-ofthe.week party feelmg If story to tell and was one of the men walked pa"t hel and saw the man who had fled the It'S rammg, I'll play SDmethlng church pal king lot commg most lively, VivaCIOUS,energetIc stopped at a public telephone gloomy and dark " people I've ever met - full of and then turned around, ap alound the Side of the house Bandyke, a reSIdent of spmt proached hel fI om behmd and \Vhen the man saw pollee, he Grosse POinte Park, enthUSIas- "But she kept swemmg This demanded her wallet The hopped on the bike and fled tIcally offers hiS lISteners a was Itve No tape delay ThIs \\oman complied The robbels thlough adJOlnlng back yards mUSical mIXture that he knows was Just the way she talked, did not appear to be armed Po After a chase and a search of they won't find anywhere else her vernaculal E\en lime ~he lice are mvestlgatmg the neighborhood, Shores pollee on their radIo mals \\ere Illltially unable to locate did It, she'd stop and put hel "I play rock, Jazz, blues, folk, hands over hel mouth Ridge home the man A search of the house bluegrass, alternatlve, film on Sheldon revealed a back "I was torn between stoppmg soundtracks, mdIgmous musIC the mtel View, or LOlltlnumg be burglarized dool had been forCibly opened from all over the world," he and an alarm panel disman- cause she wa" so fasc',atmg" A homeowner who bves In said He emphasIZeS new re tled It also appeared that a Bandyke said that WDET. the 300 block of Ridge told po- leases and features plenty of bedroom had been seal ched and FM, because It IS a faIrly lalge bce that someone broke mto hiS live, m-studIo mtervlews and a safe prIed open radIO statIOn, won't be greatly house somel1me between 4 p m performances He mIXes In a Woods police, meanwhIle, affected If the federal govern Jan 20 and 7 a m Jan 23 few film reviews and live and had questIOned the other truck ment cuts funds for public radiO The burglar kicked m the phone mtefV1ews WIth VariOUS and teleVISIOn statIOns passenger and, after learnmg "The Martin Bandyke Program" airs on WDET.FM weekdays leal door to gam entry and performers for gOod measure. "CorporatIon for PublIc he was wanted on several out from 1 to 4 p.m. Bandyke offers a mixture of music (claSSical, stole a cellular phone flOm a On the day of our mtervlew, Broadcastmg fundIng IS les;, standmg warrants, placed hIm rock, jazz. blues, folk, bluegrass. alternative. film soundtracks kitchen countel Pollee are In he noted that NatIOnal Public than 10 percent for us We al under arrest The passenger and more) as well as interviews. hIm reviews and live. in- vestlgatmg RadIO'S "Mormng Edltlon," ways run a tight ShiP, but we'll told police he had purchased studio performances. which airs on WDET-FM from survIVe Our Signal IS powerful the truck from Trmgale and 6 to 10 a m weekdays, was Bandyke started playmg stIlI be there at the end of the Rowdies that the transactIOn had taken - 79,000 watts It goes out to runmng a week long senes of drums when he was 7 or 8 mght about a 60 mde radIUS Our place earlier that day at a mtefV1ews on human sexualIty years old "My parents were "We didn't get p81d much, smash window house In Harper Woods budget IS $1 8 mllhon and more PolIce were called to a house He held up a copy of Ravel's very tolerant people," he SaId but we got msco.mts on drmks than 50 percent of that IS from Shores police waited at the "Bolero," wluch he planned to Gro\vmg up m the 60s, Ban- and we got to perform fOI live on McKmley In Grosse Pomte house m Harper Woods and ar lIsteners Other funds come Farms at 945 P m Jan 21 play on that afternoon's show dyke's favontes were the Roll. aumences from co-sponsorshIps and some rested Trmgale a short time Also booked for that smne af- ing Stones, Frank Zappa, and "Retro also served as the when a group of teenagers be later major underwriters Cuts are gan creatmg a disturbance that ternoon ThroWIng Muses from the Beatles, espeCially John openmg act for natIOnally worrisome, but smaller StatIOns Shores pohce are contmumg Newport, R I., who would pel- Lelmon known artISts like Iggy Pop, led to a broken front wmdow theIr investIgatIOn of the mCI are m more trouble than we form hve m the studIo, wluch IS He SHld he glew up steeped John Cale, Robert Fnpp, Slm. When Farms pollee arrived, dent are" most of the teens had fled the near Wayne State Umverslty's In Detroit's wonderful Motown pIe Mmds, Gang of Four and Bandyke IS engaged to area on foot The remammg They're new campus scene, which mcluded more fa Pere Ubu" WDET.FM's KIm Sllarskl, teenage boys said they dId not Bandyke grew up In Dear- vontes lIke Bob Seeger, MC5 Bandyke earned a hvmg as a former news anchor for Na know \\ ho threw an object at on the beat born, graduated from Dearborn and Iggy Pop buyer for several letall record tlonal Public RadIO'S "Morning the house that smashed a 9 High School and earned a bach In the lUId-60s, Bandyke re stores In 1983, he got a chance EdItIOn" They plan to marry mch.by4-mch wmdow pane elor of arts degree In ramo, tel. calls IIstemng to local ramo sta. to become a program host at thiS summer Three new pubhc safety offi- eV1SlOnand fihn from the Um. tlons "WKNR-AM had a dl WDETFM With former Retlo cers m Grosse Pomte Park He IS a film buff, and wntes verslty of Miclugan III 1976 verse playhst," he saId "And bass player Ralph Valdez They about films, books, music and Woods, Shores were sworn In on Monday, Jan "I started workmg on a mas- WABX FM was part of the un were hosts of "DimenSIOn," a 23 art as a freelancer for local hold suspects ter's degree in commumcation derground scene That was the two-hour weekly program that publicatIOns like Metro Times, JOining the force are James at Wayne State Umverslty," he begmmng of the free-form radlo featured alternatlve mUSlC and Lawrence Weaver, 27, a gradu The DetrOIt News and the Ob- in burglary sald, "but I soon ran out of scene m DetroIt WIth ongmal often covered happenmgs m the server & Eccentnc Newspapers ate of the Oakland Pohce Acad money and motivation I have free-thmklng DJs .. world of film, literature and ShOles and Woods police re emy Weaver has an assocIate's SIX or eight more classes to Bandyke played drums m a art HIS hobbles mclude auto rac- degree m law enforcement from sponded to a report of SUSpl take and a major paper to band, Zooks, WIth some frIends In 1990, Bandyke began mg, partIcularly Indy Car and CIOUSactlV1ty m the parkmg lot Vmcennes Umverslty m Indl wnte" he met m hlgh school workmg full- tlme at WDET. Formula One races, attendmg at Our Lady Star of the Sea ana, and graduated from a nul He smd hiS mUSIcal tastes "The most senous band I FM Since 1991, he has been a all kmds of mUSical perfor church on Jan 18 and arrested ltary law enforcement academy have always been eclectic "My was part of was Retro, from program host five days a week mances, and gomg to art exhlb. while enlisted In the U S AlT a man m connection With a dad worked part-time in a re 1979-82 We were part of the CllITently, the "Martm Ban ItS home burglary m Grosse Pomte Force cord store He brought home punk/new wave heyday of the Shores Steven Keith Rickert, 22, has promo c('ples of 12 Inch vIllyl late '70s and early '80s," he Farms reSident Michael a bachelor of science degree In LPs - everythmg from Van said "We played at a place DaVid Trmgale, 28, also known crImmal JustIce from Fems Cliburn plaYIng Prokofiev's called Bookle's on McNIchols State Umverslty and completed A+Computer as Michael DaVld Patsy, stood ThIrd Plano Concerto to Jazz west of Woodward It was a mute to the chm ge of second baSIC police academy reqUIre. bassist Charles Mingus' dmgy little club You never degree home mvaslOn at hiS ments as part of that program "Mm~AhU~" knew whether your car would Jan 20 arraignment m Grosse Gregg Thomas Allen, 25, has Tutors Pomte Shores Mumclpal Court an associate's degree In lawen- c,.RPETC,€-_ CHEl\;f:'-DRY He IS bemg held m Wayne forcement from Oakland Com- Personalizcd Business & Home Trainin~ mumty College and IS a state ~.;.

AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE CODE NO 11-10, ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE MAINTENANCE OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES For baby,things are looking up. IN THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS" Sit down and lake a lock 01 every1hing from your child's perspecllVe What's on rile end 01 that electncal cord? That handle The Cr!y of Grosse POlOte Farms Ordaws hangmg over Ihe edge of the slave looks interestrng. Wowl What a preHy plant - f wonder if i1lastes os good as IIlooks? Secllon 1 Secllon H-303 9 of Ihe Properly Malnlenance Code, Children are cunous And while there's no SlJbstitute for adu~ supervision, there are some extra sleps yoo can lake to oTlgmall) added by Ordinance No 215, IS hereby amended 10 read In lIS help safeguard your Irttle ones The £mergenty Department 01 Bon Setours HospllollS offenng the top ten common entlretl as folIo"s sense Hps to cMdproof your home and prevent needless injuries Keep your children out 01harm's way with H 3039 Smoke Detectors A minImum of one approved Single stallon or mult'ple-slallon smoke detector shall be lOstalled on every story D Safety latches on floor.Ievel rupboards and slorage areas (mcludmg Ihe basemenl, ,f appJrcable) of a dwelhng ufill In dwelhng umt~ '\lth sphl le\Cls and w'lhoUl .n mlelVemng door belween Ihe ~ Medicine and household cleaners IlXked and oul of sight adjacent leHls, but prov,ded Ihal the lower level,s less Ihan One full story beTow the upper level, the requlfement of the preceding sentence ~ Pots and pGnson back burners wrth handles turned ,"word shall be deemed sallsfied by the mslaliatlOn of at leasl one smoke UJ Safety cov~ on all eledncol outlets. detector on the upper level On any story or level contammg a sleepmg area Ihe smoke detector (s) shall be located 10 close plox,m,ly 10 such ~ Go1es on doorwuys and stOI~ sicepmg area If any story or level contams mare Ihan one separale sleeping area. al TeaSI one smoke detector ~hall be reqUired for each ~ Hot weter tonk dialed down to 120°F sepal ale sleeping area For purposes of Ihe foregOIng reqJlfement, bedrooms or sleepmg room separated by other use areas such as il Coffee pot. iron and other elecfncol cords bundled to keep from danglmg over (oonters kitchens or II'mg rooms (bUl nol merely hallways or balhrooms) ~hall [j (fibs free of plonlcs he consldercd separale sleepmg areas ~ Vertical bhnd and curtain pul~ au! of baby's reach Dch smoke detector reqUired under thiS SectIOn shall, when actuated, proVide an alarm ~ullahle 10 warn a<:cupanls wlthm the applicahle rllJ AdvICefrom the American Academy of PedrolTl

E -. ..------.. 43 January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News SA VILLAGE FOOD

HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSl 18328 Mack Avenue ~ Grosse Pointe Farms • 882-2530 ~ Fax 884-8392 Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m .• We Deliver Fine Wines and Liquor • Prices in effect January 26, 27, 28, 30, 31 and Feb. 1 UAKVEST Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast $1.69 lb. Whole Leg of Lamb $2.69 lb. FRESH Rump Half Leg of Lamb $2.59 lb. PRODUCB Leg Half Leg of Lamb $2.79 lb. Boneless Rolled Lamb Shoulder Roast ...... •..•.....••.$3.49 lb. CREEN PEPPERS Pre-carved Lamb Shoulder Roast $3.98 lb. and CUCUMBERS YOUR CHOiCE ! FOR 98~ Boneless Seasoned Leg of Lamb $3.95 lb. SWEET AND JUICY Loin Lamb Chops $6.98 lb. HONEY TANGERINES 4 FOR 98~ Rib Lamb Chops $4.99 lb. FRESH Fresh Ground Lamb patties $2.29 lb. Fresh Lamb Shanks $2.29 lb. BANANAS 28~ LB. Round Bone Lamb Chops ...... •••••.....•$2.98 lb. IDAHO BAKING Shoulder Blade Lamb Chops $2.69 lb. POTATOES 18~LB. Semi.Boneless Leg of Lamb $3.99 lb. HAWAIIAN Rack of Lamb $5.99 lb. 38 Ground Beef from ChuCk $1.59 lb. PINEAPPLE WHOLE OR CORED & PEELED $2 EACH Ground Beef from Round $2.49 lb. BELCUIM Oround Beef from Slrloin $3.99 lb. 28 ENDIVE $1 LB. Village Food Market Sausage STOUFFER'S Specials of the week LEAN CUISINE SALE Bulkcountry Pan Sausage .....$1.79 lb. Fls~ GInn tIIICten 8af"- C11lc11., Pfeata -, _t'ff"~..- It a11an Sausage...... $1 99 Ib. C!IIctf/l_n 0_1_ eo.'" Past3 .,C1ldl., _ Q\ICUol Q\_'~ crBltlI Dun., Sa1Sa ~tIii polish sausaae $1.99 lb. PAUL MASSON SollSWry stmt C1azH 01_ CJIHM USO....• /CIlI'I Sweet ItJnan $1.99 lb. Snl2t" 1\II'k8l'-.lnl CIIICk., IU'Ora1lt8 SQ. SWfttIS ... OIICken CI\lCIlHIIibnOI. Sirloin _ ~ Bratwurst $1.99 lb. 3 Liters _y M_rd OIlcten CIIJCteft _ allllS. C!IIct... Chlb lis, Rose. MeatI .... 1IDCanlIII & CIl1d<0ll11>lbno HettI RoastecI ChlCUol Q\lckOll _ tIlItIl1n ~narl Burgundy. Rhine. Lt a- • Chablis. White $699 label Clllcbn Pot Roast CNcboI ~ _~":' crenache. White 00 ~ Zinfandel SAVE $3 00 YOUR CHOICE 2 FOR $4 DUNNEWOOD ,,~ SEALTEST [][jVgl'~~=2FOR Chardonnay. cabernet $ 79 - b-- fl 1/2% MILK ~ R"UI9ht. SUgar $4 750 SAVE $3.20 5 89 mi. _ I 79 gal. _ J $1 ='1~m:.-:r,Fat Discover Dunnewood W- YOUR 0l()K.t! "Best BUY" 'EA(,LE BRAND SEALTEST LICHT N' LIVELY PRETZELS cottage Cheese $169 MARCUS JAMES BU~a~'p~~c:'~~~S~I~:EE 24 oz. Chardonnay, cabernet $299 BREMNER WAFER ELAN NATURAL Boston Scrod $7.99 lb. '-""iI'''' and Merlot 150 ml. $3 99 Ib .. SAVE $2.00 In the Oreen Tin SPRINO Hake Fillet...... • \~C~HATEAU STE. MICHELLE $489 WATER Sea Scallops ....•••...••.....•.••...•••••.•.•....$10.29 lb. ~C MARRAKESHEXPRESS BORDEN'S Sword Fish Steaks $9.99 lb. Washington states Finest (i 100% PURE $6 99 Ib ~:~~d$~~Y' 750 ml. $ 6 gg MOR~~C~~u:ASTA g~ ORANGE JUICE Hanbu~ s~eaks~...... •..SLICED.ro oRnER Cabernet 750 mi. $7 49 :.~~I:.V:~ $1S9 '=' 99'112 gal. q1o-.. !-~.t:'":.. AT TIlE FAMILY SAVE $4.50 Sauvignan Blanc $ 549 $;~~ TOMBSTONE ~~ FR:~~~~~~ON DELICATESSEN 750 mJ. ~;~;TIANI S: Buy ~~~~:eget \i1 CHIP DIP I f' _~ _ 1.5 LITER ~. 1 Large FREE 59~pInt Thin and Trim Virginia Ham $3~99lb. ~11' ChardonnaY,Cabemet, $ HILL"S BROS. RORDEN'SHALFOALLON Newl Thin and Trim pastrami.. $4.39 lb. m Merlot. Zlnfandel. Plnot 1FAC COFFEE MILK Nolr. JO Rlesl\ngand Fume 659 New! Thin and Trim Lace Swiss •...... $3.69 lb • .:=;. Slanc SAVE$3 40 $489 ~ Homo. 2%, 99~ 'W11lteZlnf3nclel.5auvlgnOn $5 ~ Skim, 112% '" Village Own Cheese Spread $1.99 lb. ~Ianc, Frenclt Colombard, 29 26 oz. ,,~ill!: YOUR CHOICE PEPPERIDGE FADM.. ST':J~~O:~~.~:ES HollandEda~ ;~:;;;~~~E 99 JjNew or CROUTONS $2 100Z. .• ~~~~:~:~.yMc;'rf~tet$389 6 oz. box 4 VARIETIES PROCRESSO / - • Smoked GOuda $2.99 lb. 750 mi. SAVE$2.10 Season.onlon/earlle. -IARTICHOKE IN BRINE Jarlsburg SW.ISS $2 591b WhIte Zlnfandel. 2 $6 Cheese/carlle:. 79., .,. -. . 00 Cheddar & Romano \ Sauvlgnon Blanc FOR Cheese YOURCHEESE 99" 14 oz. Soleo Red Zlnfandel ,,~'fi, PETER VELLA HCOATRNC"OTCIOONACOC":~A'LNTpEERA'SNUTSSourdough Round Bread $1.99 loaf ,1f.",. SUPER BOWL SPECIAL • Assort. Flavors n. I,. $ 59 Marble Bread or RegularPrice Jrn.99 a n 10ct. box Tomato Bread while supply last .••$1.19 loaf 5 LITER Sale Price 7.59 89ce YOUR 1pre..prlce ALL Less' Mall.ln Rebate ..00 ~ - CHOICE $199601 Fruit Tarts 79C each TYPES FINAL COST $3.59 NAPAVALLEY 10501 ORVillE REDENBACKERS Cram Bars 3 for $1.05 CLOS DU BOIS GOURMET SALSA bOx ;g;~"O~~ BETTERMADE STEWARTS OLD FASHIONED Barrel Fermented ~g~R~~O'I~lId$199 =.. . /lIrtunllUtter Lite $169 POTATO CHIPS SAVt$1ooROOTBEER I otN I ca"A.net $799 '~'l!ll""-.. N~tunl Mo~lewl $ 9 orlllinal, Diet. Clngeruer: $249 :~~;:~Y7:onml. :A~;"oo 15 1/2 oz. ..."l"IeW. blltter I'OU~CliOICI Reg.. BBO.waves 14 Diet Cream Ale 4 PaCks' • sauvignon BlanCSAVE$3.20 $579 .. OREO $2 NIKI'SOOURMET Large Bag CREAMALE 6 pack $279 • • OrlVlnal,lIOUIlle 29 SALAD DRESSINO stUff !leel Fat, Creek, Feta, Creamy gg~ DAIRY FRESH WISPRIDE ~carllc YOIS~c;~~LTONECOS MINI-CHEESE BALLS MIDWEST20~~=~D 6911 CHUNK CHEESE ",4 ORADEAA LAROE Your Choice 99ct :~s:.~::.varletleS$189 ICE CUBES bag 'J Sg~dOZ. 8oz.

e. As for the CritIC'S contentlon that the school bom d should not sponsor a vote on Is tax revolt a five-year renewal unless it had a five- year budget, the state requires annual ready to clip budgets and does not hnk them to votes seekmg new or renewal levies Despite the crItic's complamts, the local schools? Opinion teachers' contract for the 1993-94 school year called for a 2 75 percent pay m Ill the contmumg tax revolt af. crease, while the majority of comparable distrICts granted wage boosts of 3 percent, fect the outcome of the Grosse Under these cll'cumstances, some people In addItion, a second ballot item seeks Pomte school dlStllCt's millage and the two-year contract approved last W may decIde not to vote at all OJ to vote author1zatlOn for an 8 5-null levy on July set a :2 percent mcrease tor each con. renewal vote Feb 7? agam~t the fiye year CAwnSlOll vf what homesteads, whIch, along mth the state's It I" Jlm ..uu tv anbwel that question tract year are, m pomt of fact, renewals that Will own 6 mllllevy, will prOVIde another 14.5 Mamtalmng teachers' pay at or POSSI- because little opposItion has been pubhcly help cut overall school property taxes mills, about half of the total leVled before explessed to lenewal of the authonzatlOn bly even below the Inflation rate surely is To counter the cntlcs and 1eassure approval of Proposal A preferable to the 7 percent mcreases in of an 18 mill leVYon non-homestead prop other people haVing questIOns, Parent- It IS encouraging to renewal backers el ty and an 8 5 mill levy on homesteads the preVlous three.year contract, WhICh, Teacher OrgamzatlOn~ and other school that Rep. WIlliam R Bryant, Jr, of we emphaSIZe, was negotIated at a tIme However, on school Issues critics some- supporters have been moblllzmg to make Grosse Pomte Farms, In hIS column else- of high mf1atlOn times are reluctant to express public opm- sure the facts about the renewal vote ale where m today's 1ssue of the Grosse IOns In letters to the editor, III dIrect con known and that those favoring the contm POinte News, wrote that he "wholehear- We think the low rate of mcreases in velsatlOns wIth !:>ChooloffiCials 01 In other uatlOn of the two leVies go to the polls on tedly" supports the millage requests, add- the 1993-94 and 1994-96 contracts for ways Feb 7 IOg,"They are absolutely needed" Grosse Pomte's senior teachmg staff rep- In addItion, the leorgamzatlon of public As a retired preSident of the school He also explamed that that he and resents success m last year's negotlatIOns school fundmg undel Proposal A and boal d saId In one of four letters endorsmg former Sen John Kelly persuaded the and reflects a responsible board's efforts other legislatIOn approved In 1994 con- the levies in last week's Grosse Pomte Legislature to approve a $2.4 mllhon lee- to control school spending tams complicated language, has been sub News, the vote on renewing the levies way to enable the district's fundmg to Overall, we believe voters who support Jected to different mterpretatIOns, and, to WIll gIVe the dlstnct's taxpayers the op- keep pace Wlth Inflation the levy renewals WIll be mvestmg m the be honest, IS difficult to understand portumty to make another mvestment In In another letter to the edItor last Pomtes' most valuable asset, Its young One specific consequence of repeal of the future of their school system. week, a frequent school crltlC apparently people, by offermg them excellent educa- property ta\. leVIes that formerly financed As she remmded us, every school dIS- dId not realize that closed sessiOns of tIOnal opportumtJes to help them face the the local schools and theIr replacement by trict in the state is required to seek au- school boards are authorized to conSIder challenges of the 21st century_ new finanCing IS the confusmg language thOrIZatIOn of an 1S-mlll non homestead' labor negotiatiOns and reach tentative Beyond that, It has been WIdely be. of the two mIllage proposals. tax, which m the Grosse Pomtes WIll agreements but publIc sessions are re- heved for years m the Pomtes, and still Both al e worded as If they were m- raise about $5 mllhon for the-.local school qUired for final votes on union contracts IS, that maintenance of the excellent qual- creases m leVIes, even though they are system ' He also erred in statmg that "around Ity of our school system helps protect the baSIcally renewals The wording is re- Voter approval of that authOrIZatIOn 25 people spoke, of which at least 20 values of homesteads and other Pointe qUIred because last year's repeal left the Will assure the $5 mllhon for the schools spoke agamst the raIse" for teachers The propertIes school system WIthout any replacement, but If It falls, the state also WIll reduce Its school board's mmutes show seven people These are among the reasons the whIch means the new leVles legally start foundatlon grant from $6,500 to $5,900 spoke agamst the raIses and SIX In sup- Grosse Pomte News backs the renewal of from zero per student per year. POlt of them both mill ages on Feb. 7

EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED OISPLAY ADVER'IlSlNG CREATIVE SERVICES Robert G. Edgar 882 0294 882~900 882-3500 ANDPRODUcnON Publisher John Mum ... &blor. HJ 5590 Anne Mulhe"" SU..., l>I.anJgOr Roger B ~ Ad.. rtlSlIlg Manager 882-6090 RoraldJ Semas, AsslSW1, Edsror lclaBouer J ~GuUfn:. M.L Valeaac'1.lclttei" Managu MarJIe Ran5 Snuth, F...... Eds"". 341-5594 Sb1rloy Ch«lt Asmlant Ad.. tt>smg Mtn.tger Valenc: F.ncbeff, Assocute ;\hruger Robert B. Edgar Chuclt Kloak.. Spons &btur, J4J 5591 Melamc Mahoney Kun hi Kozlowola, AssISW1' 10 the SY"OIllJ ond Prodtu:tte, StaffWnw,l4J 5591 F.... Velanlo J SbmyEm."d M. S"cld"on!, Stall Wnw, 343-5591 CIRCULATION Advc:mung Represelltllltwe J...... KAthlcaa M. Stenn5Oa, ~HaII Grosse Point~ News PoblishImager and MOl)' Ellen Var>Du.tm, TonySclnpom Ll.. The .""""' ...... 96 KeR::henJ A,c. p.- JGAnno Burt", Consul...\1 Asmlan' aAlS,fied MOIlAg

Did GOP hear Engler appeal? YOUR. IdnatlOnal GOP leaders hear Gov basiS. ~cec~AA\'1 John Engler's appeal for national The governor's speech suggested further DattentIon during his State of the downslZmg of government, such as elinu- UMM ... WE£..L.yoo SEe State speech m Lansmg last week? And nation of many tlme-consummg state re- If they dId, what do they thmk of Engler qUlrements now imposed on the pubhc T"~sRSAl-Ly 'BIG as a GOP candIdate for preSident or vice sChools, lOcludmg repeal of the 172.page 'DoG ATE IT. preSident m 1996? state school code and Its replacement yEAH' We don't know, although the easily re with local school codes /4 RoE-AlL. Y RE:ALL. Y elected governor, already a natiOnal GOP However, Engler apparently did retain figwe because of hIS welfare and educa. for Lansing the centralized power over 10- 8'C; {)06/1., bon poliCies, did feature m hiS talk a $1.5 cal school spendmg that was acqUlred bIllion tax cut over five yealS - at $300 thlough approval of Proposal A a year mllhon a year - plus new welfare and ago. education reforms That shift stlll womes many educa- tional and ciVlc leaders 10 Mlcmgan who Like hIS GOP counterparts m Washmg- beheve local commumtles can better ton, the governor recommended cuttmg mamtam accountablhty and control over taxes by $187 milhon a year for business financmg and other educatlOnal problems and mdlVlduals In fact, the governor than the state can practlcally ordered the Legislature to In addltlOD, several superintendents take action on hIS proposed tax cuts 10 30 were crItical of the abohtlon of the school days when he added, "Just do It " code because, as they told the DetrOIt MIchigan Ian a surplus of about $300 Free Press, some mandates m the state milhon m the past year, which, If mam- school code now apply pressw'e to dIs tamed, would be sufficient to finance the triCts to move ahead and make needed $1.5 bIllion cut over five years changes Demociats and other entIcs, however, Both mdIVlduals and busmess interests have questIoned whether the surplus can wlll welcome further state tax cuts, but be contmued If a slIght economic down welfare clients and other needy people turn occurs They also emphasIZe that the who face new reductIOns m servIces WIll $200 mllhon the governor promised for have more causes for complamt if Engler more new pnsons Will be an addltlOn to carnes out hIS announced alms the budget that WIll have to be financed But the State of the State message fo- As a consequence, en tiCS questlOn whe- cused on the bnght Side as Engler and ther It was WIse for the governor to rec- the Repubhcans contmued to celebrate ommend spec1fic tax cuts on a pennanent their bIg November VlCtory , God and the public schools Letters lal k DUlant of Grosse Pomte, pnnclple of separatIOn of church and School board which voters approved In earmark that money to newly elected preSIdent of the state state September No millage rate provide badly needed tech , Board of EducatIOn, created a mild Durant himself sees no COnflIct of mter- president says has been set by the dJstnct nology for our students C over the next five years ; controversy last week by persuading hiS est in the fact that while he 15 preSIdent hbrary board yet, but we We decIded It was more board to adopt a new mISSion statement of the state board of education, he also is vote yes WIll probably pay the same amount we paid In 1993 to cost effectIve to earmark for the state's pubhc school system one of the founders of the Cornerstone To the Editor: The school millage elec ~upport the library Some the money rather than ask In an intervIew, however, Durant ex- Schools, three ecumemcal, Chnst-eentered tJon scheduled for Tuesday, reSIdents conSIder thiS an voters to approve a bond plamed that the statement, the first ever private schools In DetrOit, which he saId Feb 7, I~ of utmost Impor "mcrease" smce we paid no Issue, whIch would mclude Issued by the board m Its 32 year hIStory, would be unlikely ever to seek state aId tance to our community thousands of dollars III m grew out of dISCUSSIOnshe had with hiS Twenty-elght percent of our terest All seven members fellow board members and some fnends In answer to a question, Durant con school system's budget IS at of the board endorsed thiS m busmess and educatlOn. ceded that Gov John Engler's proposed stake The loss of such a More letters set aSIde plan The purpose, he saId, was Simply to pro abohtlOn of the state school code "had substantIal amount of The board of education Vide a fiamework for public diSCUSSIons been part of the broader diSCUSSIOn"he money would drastIcally on page SA has always followed conser. about the problems confronted by chIld had WIth the governor after the electIOn change the educational sys vatlve fiscal policy III fund ren. parents and the schools In dellvermg They are m accord on the statement, tern our commumty has 109 the schools As a result too Both Engler and the state supenn bUIlt and supported over separate library tax III educatIOn III a modern era our school system Will be the years Tn fact, the statement already has pro. tendent of educatlOn. both ex-offiCIOboard 1994 Our school system completely debt free In Our school taxes WIllnot agreed to fund the hbrary voked debate about the purposes of educa members, Signed the document July 1995, a claIm very In Durant's Vlew, the statement offers go up If thiS millage pas uslOg $2 4 millIon of Its few dlstnets m thIS state 'tlOn, Its rehance on freedom, and the ses In 1994, a home WIth a ways to Improve character trammg m the operatmg funds for one can make broad role of government SEV of $100,000 wa~ taxed year while the hbrary pubhc schools, even though some words On Feb 7, I urge you to However, It also has prompted critICIsm at a rate of 146 mills to made the tranSItion to a alarm clVlI hbertanans who seek to pro- vote yes to preserve our became It mentIOned God at least four support the schools The dlstnct library schools and malOtalO our tlmes, even though the CItatIOns were tect the constltutlOnal separatIOn of homeowner paId $1,460 In Because the hbrary will property values Without m- 'taken flOm the state ConstItutIOn and church and state school taxes Under current once agam have Its own creasmg our school prop , othel hlstonc documents The statement also offers strong back- law, our school millage separate millage m 1995, erty taxes , Some observers who faulted these Clta mg for the charter school movement rate cannot exceed 145 the board of educatIOn had Carl Anderson tlOn" support the current ban on organ whIch other cntlcs see as a threat to the mIlls to decIde whether to reduce President In 1995, we WIll pay a the gap millage request by ized prayer III the publIc schools and see future of the tradItiOnal pubhc school sys. Grosse Pointe Board of separate lIbrary mIllage, 12 mlll~ ($24 mllhon) or a conflIct between the statement and the tern Education 24 hour 800 numbers look hke spider legs, hence the thIS hand Someone dangled It Domestic Tableaux were more than ar mckname) have grown down- from the maIlbox I slammed It tlStlC arrangements of frwts ward and dangle on the bath m my daughter's car trunk, let and vegetables and vases and room counter tlng the fingers drag on the flowers and hve people, how My daughter dIslikes thiS bumper She fixed It to hang scenes ever They often depleted elabo- plant She Ignores It She £01 from a closed tOilet seat I put rate scenes Illustratmg the hfe gets (or refuses) to water the My fanllly does tableaux It In the dryer She put It m of a famous person, the details poor thmg Tableaux are httle set up my sock drawer And so on of a hlstoncal event or a nug scenes that tell a story. They ISay She found It one evemng m a Then we got truely creative get of worldly Wisdom often mcorporate hve people, desperate, parched state, beg Tableaux mama Someone would be Betsy gmg for mercy but ours rarely do I found the hand on the top Ross, for Instance She would The hve people of our ta Margie Reins Smith One stem grasped a half rack of my dishwasher, holding Sit motionless, In Betsy Ross emptv can of dIet Coke An bleaux are usually crouched a y.me gl

Gros~ Point~N~ws January 26, 1995, Page 7A The Op-Ed Page ~~ • $2.4 million lY.;;...i _ leeway vital From Chairing group from the Pomtes and sur MeITIIl Lynch AssIStant V-P to quality roundmg area who get together Steven Morrish, Dennis A, the meeting over a continental breakfast to Gates of Lutheran FinanCIal Lansing pass referrals on to each other ServiceS, Barbara Eaton of of schools The WIld-lookmg guest had and have fun In the process Moms & Berke Real Estate, the floor despite not bemg m- I was mVlted by Paula Judith Lee Sieber of HIICbIe Vlted to the general meetmg of The "hold harmless" rmllage Wetzel, who helps people buy Maxon, Douglas Annas of Sig William R. Bryant Jr. POinte Par or lease cars at ExecutIVe Vehl nature Fmanclal Group, Ne- election coming up on Feb 7 IS Stale Re resentative ent-Teacher an Important one I wholeheart- ele Sales, and once there I ville Pack of The Optical LI- Orgamzatlons qUIckly ran mto other famIliar edly support the rmllage re- operating revenue, WIth a very that $24 rmlhon leeway, that brary and Sears Taylor, of the last Thurs folks talking up their busmess, quests They are absolutely llmlted ablhty to mcrease that "extra" money It could ask vot- cleanmg and restoration servIce day In South such as needed. revenue in the future, and al ers to approve? Because, 'VIth Attention to DetaIl HIgh's Cle- War Memonal program In the millage campaign for lowmg those dJstncts to offset out that leeway, our excellence, mmson Hall dIrector Bunny Denler, land 85 "hold harmless" nulls, a only a portIOn of the ravages of mescapably, would be roSSI- Everyone gets a c~ance to "He first scape artist Michel Pilorget; question has surfaced concern mflatlOn, whIch WIll occur over pated over tIme as we were pro- present a one mmute commer- ran around secretarial serVIce operator Gin mg the amount that formerly time hlblted, othefWIse, from keep- Cial," and also hear a speaker m back of Bober, Mike Kramer of Kra- was hbrary mtllage, before the I fought m the Legislature to mg pace 'VIth mflatton go !Uto detaIl about hIS or her the room, mer's Bed, Bath & Window lIbrary was spun off and voters allow our voters to maintam WIthout thIS $2 4 rmllion lee- busmess, as well as collect whIch caused FashIOns, Rosann Kovalcik, approved separate rmllage for our buymg power, our program, way, the only amount we can others' busmess cards to pass a lot of fuss, of WIld Blfds Unhrmted, and the new dlstTlct lIbrary to be able to fully meet cost m- mcrease nur per pupil revenue out to potent18l contacts but I thmk the poor thing was Gerry Connolly, of Connolly Our dlstnct, hke some others creases caused by cost of IIvmg by from one year to the next IS more scared than the parents Travel and the Carlson Travel which had operated therr local Increases I dId not prevail by the dollar amount the foun To nosh and network along were," saId an FYI Informant Network With your neIghbors, call outgo- public hbrartes, had legally and I fought to allow us, at least, datIOn grant mcreases who was there properly reported that lIbrary to be able to count the hbrary The foundatIOn grant IS now Other Pomters In the group mg BNI preSident Sandy Finally, one of the parents are architect David Laven- millage and revenue to the mJllage, as It had always been $5,500 For ease of giving an Beard at 885 2349 or David who was addreSSing the group der, attorney Mark Alexan- Lavender at 885 7060 state as part of the school ms- counted, as part of our 1993-94 example, let's assume our pre of about 35-40 stood on a chaIr mct's "operatmg" rmllage and operatmg revenue, whether or sent expendIture IS half agam der of Chaffee Alexandel PC, to aVOId haVIng to confront the hypnotheraplst Shae Brace, revenue When the school fi not we later spun off the h more than that, $5,500 plus whIskered VISItor, or maybe agent Vicki Heim of Donald nance revolutIon of 1993 oc- brary to stand on Its own On $2,750, or $8,250 If mflatlOn IS I{you have an Fl7 tip, call Just for the fun of It "At that K PIerce and Co Insurance, Ken Eatherly at 8224091. curred, the Leglslature deter that Issue, Sen_ John Kelly and 3 percent and state school aId pomt the whole meetIng dls mined to brmt future allowable I prev91led fund revenue Increases mirror solved m laughter," said my expenmtures of high spending Why md we seek the abIlIty See BRYANT, page llA source dlstTlcts based on their 1993-94 for our school dJstnct to have The mouse finally went wherever rmce go, and a sembI IBuc Naked' and other alien tales ance of order was restored, but people still kept Jolung about Hey, Flonda IS one qUIrky buy Bucsl" whether they should leave place - or IS It Just that a new- Meanwhile, George Stem some cookIes behind to pay for comer notices the oddities that brenner has been gnpmg about the mght's floor show famIlIanty mIght cause one to the way the deal was handled As for our WItness, she pre overlook? He and some partners who In fers to remam "anonymouse " The owner of a nude dance cluded Lee Iacocca and Jimmy club IS runnmg for Tampa CIty Nederlander came m at the Have they got Council - although city fathers last minute m a sort of whIte- say he Isn't qualIfied because kmght bId to keep the team In a deal for you he hasn't voted recently, hav- Tampa From 7 to 8 30 every mg been conVIcted on cocame about to give up the gllnrmck The sellers have said the Wednesday mormng at the charges He's the same guy Dunng his mauguratlOn ear- Stembrenner offer amved too War Memonal they make your that local sports wnters floated lier thIS month, ChIles showed late for consideratIOn, WhICh he busmess their busmess - If fake-but-zany rumors about a up m coon regalia, a coat WIth rebutted charactenstlcally He you're a member of the local few weeks ago when everybody raccoon heads, taIls, and claws got m when someone "who 1 chapter of Busmess Network Orthopedic surgeon specializes on Earth was offenng to buy still attached He-coon stew was trust very much told InternatIOnal, a hIgh energy the Tampa Bucs football fran served to the hangers-on along me the trtJStees saId, 'Have in total joint replacement ehlse They said he'd closed a the parade route Not satISfied George get III and get m deal and the team would now WIth that, Chiles got out a qUIckly' " He didn't divulge Henry Ford Cottage Hospllal announces th~ addlllOn of Naresh K be called "Buc Naked" homemade launcher and bom- the name of hIS trtJSted frIend, Grosse Pojnt~ N~ws Nayak, M D ,10 Ihe medical staff Dr Nayak 1S an mternauonally Well, maybe you had to be barded the parade, the voters, but between you and me, I'll (USPS 230 400) uamed OrthOpediCsurgeon With specml mtcrest and slolls In total JOint there and finally the governor's man- whIsper that It was defimtely Published every Thursday replacement I don't know what Tampa sIOn WIth potatoes Not mashed, George Costanza By Anteebo Publishers Located m IDeHenry Ford Medical Ccnter - Pierson Cllmc, will do for city offiCials Also JUst raw bakers It looks 1Ike a lot of people 96 Kercheval Avenue 131 Kercheval Avenue, 10 Grosse Pomte Farms, Dr Nayak's pracuce not runnmg, although she It's a good thmg the Bucca- have been out In the sun too Crosse Pointe, MI 48236 badly wants to be mayor, IS bI neers are finally sold Plenty of long also mc\udcs JOint disorders and orthopediC fractures HIS reSCllrch kml-and-frwt-weanng Bomta people around here were tIred Fmally, a month after PHONE: 882.6900 work Involves randoml7ed outcome stmlles of total hip replaccment, ConchIta MartIta Havana Ba of heanng about potential Christmas comes a card and See-ond CIc1~'S Post.lge p.illd .aT OelrOtl wear charactensucs of hip replaccmcnls, and shoulder surgery M chlgan ~nd dddltlOnJI mailing nana Pulovsky She hasn't been deals The Bucs have the worst note from one of my favonte of"c~ Dr Naya!rton Advertls ng copy for Se-C!lon"8" mu~( Fellow 10 the Dcpartment of OrthopediC Surgery at thc Royal Prmcc 109 up the struggle, but the The great mass of fans were Maybe It was the part where be In the advC"ISII1& dcp,H1m£'nl hy Alfred HOspll;J!,Sydncy. Auwalw, and AO Trauma Fcllow 10 the nude dance kmg says he'll be votmg "ho-hum," however he offered to go tell It on the n 00 a m on \'iond.ay The dead] ne back, perhaps runmng for the When the St Pete TImes call m mountain for advertiSing copy for $eWO"' A. S- Dcparlmcnt of ACCHICnLand Tr

...-....._-~...._~-~._------January 26, 1995 8A Letters Grosse Pointe News

the supermtendent when I else to do hkewlse the savmgs we taxpayers took place 111 "the Pomtes" School board's II Iote hIm about the nego- Somewhere leason must wel e supposed to receIve Triumph and m 1994, namely the retire- arrogance tlatlon~ Illth the teachers prevail over arrogance from the very genelous tragedy ment of over 100 highly umon IS also a case III Fred W. Gerow earlv letnement buyout skilled, hIghly profeSSIOnal To the EdItor: POlllt The negotiatIOns ap Grosse Poin~ Farms progl am that cost us 104 of To the Editor: educators Hel (' \1 e go agam parently were conducted on some of OUI most expel I. Fn'St, I would hke to I believe that when any When Proposdl A paS!>ed, the baSIS of a percentage Board member enced people hke Berme WIsh all my fnends and col orgamzatlOn, but partlcu Illclea;,mg the sale;, tal> fOi wage mClease I suggested says vote no Lemlem, and Bob Button leagues III Grosse POlllte a larly a school system, ex ochool tal> I efm m and re that he and the board con new year filled WIth hope, penences the loss of over ducmg the millage home Sider negotlBtlllg on a real To the Editor: The school admmlstra- happmess, and a touch of 20 percent of Its profes- ]O\(' o\lllelS would have to pay, dollar baSIS, because 14 I recently contnbuted to lIOn ", :mts to bUIld In a ,,10 II iii staff, thiS becomes a I J.ll':;1\ 1\'; I\ould elell~U pel cent (as I recall) of Save the ChIldren I re yearly ~urplu ~ that raIse Speakmg of "the new noteworthy event I suspect ally be leqUll ed to pay $30,000 IS mOle III real dol. celved a brochure that had, yow taxes 32 percent over year," I read With g1eat m that one could view thiS DC both lals than 14 percent of as one would expect, a what yaw school and h. terest the Jan 5 editIOn of currence as both "tnumph The millage upon whIch $20,000 Apparently, he touchmg photo of a deserv bl ary tal>es should be If the Grosse POll1te News, and tragedy" we Will vote ne"t month IS dIdn't want to understand mg child on the cover But the admlmstlatlOn wants palilculally the artIcle on TJIUl11ph m that these not the same as we paid that the Grosse Pomte on the back flap was a pie $20 millIOn, It should sub "tllumph and tragedy" m wonderful educators com befOle, but It IS Just the be school teachers were paid chali that showed how 85 mlt solid spendmg propo~ 1994 Mr Mmms did hiS blned have devoted over gmmng of the poverty plea con;,ld€l ably more than the percent of money went dl db that pa;,s the test of a usual excellent pIece of re 3,000 years of teachmg, portmg the top stones of we hear f10m the schools, teachers In our sun ound rectly to the chIldren With bond Issue Now you have leaullng expenences to the and I should know smce mg school dlstncts, but only 15 percent for admm no gulllantees where thiS '94 But I do beheve he young folks of Grosse I've lived hel e slllce 1930 they still wanted the same ISt1atlOn and fundralslng money Will go may have overlooked an and gI aduated flOm these percentage wage raise The appeal on the cover othel slgmficant event that See LETTERS. page 9A By dehbet dtely Illflatmg schools as dId my children It has recently been pub- remmded me of the emo- The quahty of education IS lished that the Grosse tional Bhtzkneg campaIgn the school and hblary budgets by 32 percent, we not the same, but the hue POinte teachers are the see bemg waged by the school CIty of ~arp.er ~oobs, Michigan WIll be qUIckly approachmg and cry for male money IS ond hIghest paId group of system seekmg our dp SYNOPSIS. REGUlAR crn COUNCIL MEETING OUi Headlee state spendmg JANUARY 4, 1995 The anogance of the teachers In the state No proval of the millage How levels The admmlstIatIon Tht 'ttoJbl C~I)'COOl'lC1m«lll'l$ WILlaUed to onkrby \18)'ilt Jam.es R HlleY.1 i 30 P m school bOald astounds me wonder the schools ale al many mailings from 389 lefuses to take advantage .&.Q1.J....CAU. All Q)urx: IpetSOM 'WtlC prrJenl Last year we sePal ated the \1 ays crymg poverty I 8t Clair have you re of even easy cost reductIOn library from the schools would hate to thmk that C€lved? Remember, you are MODObS PASSEQ OppOltUllltIes When 11 1 ) To rC'«I\C app'O\c and filc the minutes oflhe RtgulU air eouocll Mcttllli bc:ld Deccm.bef 19 1994 and the school board found our school board thmks paYing fm these In addl tlOn, admlmstrators, teach eIellCal people recently =[~'th~~~~~~~e:Thn:s:~~ei~~I~e[~~~~e~lr.=~ut more than a mllhon dollals thiS tax money IS funny tilat the leMOX TownshIp.5.ltc ~Id not be pun-ucd. The C ly ManlJU 10COlllJ:llc.n1 s.boWd be ccn:cdey proved for the use by the If the school board can orgamzed mto a very efrec ,""... library when It was a pali tlve pohtlcal machme de senously at reorgamzatlOn 4 ) lhallhe ~ of !.hengu'u ell:)' COllne.I trlet;4fls MY fl8 betll acted UJX'f!. the muting ISht:eby tmues to be IrresponsIble u'JOUtTled118 12 p.m.. 01 out soulcmg optIOns hke of the schools What did m such a simple concept, I Signed to get out the vote "for the children and our ADP fO! pa) 1011, for exam RESQl !1Trot:{$ PASSeD the school boal d do? They am not sure the l11l1lage 1) Tetpprcm. ",")e roilowUlllttmr; OQ the Co!uaILAgmda Approve lht: lK"COIJnb payablt I1slJl18 ofCbcck. pIe They took out a help Numbers 376821hrouJh 371f27ln the a.moutatofi824 166 lJ wbm Ited by the City CoacroLicr and l2Jt; C:J dIdn't give It to the hbrary mcrease It has requested IS future " wanted ad for 12 people III Nor did they give It back really needed The school Unfortunately, along \ ~U~~~:te;t=vn~~r:.=~l~~:~~llJ'~l~~~tm~~~~:~~~unl to the ta."payel s They de WIth all the orgamzatlOnal thiS very newspaper' ~=~n~c~tJ.~~~~~DT:~t=~~S~~'=;S~t~n,CilYoi bom d's published JustIfica. oovtllng the pwod Jac\J.llY Ilhrough Ju.ne JO 1994 clded to keep It even tlon for the mcrease IS not hype and the emotIOnal %.) To appon the Confcrace of Eastern Wa)'lltAmCndN Il1terloctt Airte.lftetl.l IS '!'Wbmltled by \he C\lj The bloated 50 percent An"",,y though It was not mtended convmcmg "for th~hlldren" spm m 3 ) To Id)O\lrn 10 ExCCU1I\lt St.UIOQ fOf 1tM:purpose of dl$Cldi:l.ln, pc:ndln. htlgoilion overhead SIde of our school JU2el for the schools I am, therefore, gomg to support of the mJllage, the R. Kale,. school administration has dollar WI)] soon begm chok. hi."" The lack of understand vote no on the nnllage m. MIrke:yD1bdId, mg out our chIldren's class o PNJIlle ConntcllOD OII2619~ CLlyCltrk mg of simple arithmetic by crease and urge everyone forgotten what IS really good for our chIldren and room and other actlVltJl'S our future None of our tax and.spend I urge you to vote no on admmlst1ators Will admit Recipe for happy new year thIS 8 5 mJlI homestead, to thiS They want your The week had ganged up on me and the weekend prom five-year mIllage I recom. taxes for schools and 11 lsed to be even bUSier I hadn't given thIS column much mend a 6 43 null home. brarles higher thought and a deadhne was loommg. As so often happens m stead, three-year mIllage hfe, somethmg occurs that will fuel a thought or an event ThIs 643 gap millage WIll Please dehver the meso takes place that practically wntes a column for Itself fill the gap and fund all sage that you want respon- Such was the case thiS past Saturday when a fnend programs that we now Sible spendmg and cost con handed me the followmg In hopes that It would someday have, fully troIs Vote no on thIS work Its way to a broader readmg audIence Too often mow. Why do your school ad- millage By the way, the attempts to work through our day to-day problems, we over- lII111lstrators want 8 5 admmlstratlon has aheady analyze and thereby complicate faIrly sImple SituatiOns mJlls? So they can generate scheduled two more votes WIth the author's permISSIOn and my appreciation we share over $20 lllIlllOn m surplus In case you don't buy mto these Wlse words They are not only tllnely, but uncomph funds III five years This thiS one rated money should remam WIth Sears Taylor "Take 12 whole months Clean them thoroughly of all bIt- homeowners $2 4 l11lllton School board member terness, hate, Jealousy Make them Just as fresh and c/{!an as used to go to the hbrary for Grosse Pointe Park possIble whIch we now have a sepa. Now cut each month Into 28, 30 or 31 dIfferent parts, but rate l11lIlage, and the other , Homeowner." Cuh F•• t' Full Service Interior Design don't make up the whole batch at once Prepare It one day at $1 6 mrlbon comes from -'5I1lJld 2ncl1olonflovo purd-. '" ,.1Inenoo a tIme out of these ingredIents "l.II1d""'" .....-.ang • HCIpony"Slow ClOdII oJ(. I MIX well mto each day one part offmth, one part of pat 'Slit ~ ... Of. Eaoy "C4112C Hours ...... ~ I F"1OO/1CltCC<'p ence, one part of courage, and one part of work Add to ecu:h FIlEE __ Grosse Pointe Park, MI (313) 822-1090 day one part of hope, faIthfulness, gelreros!ty and kindness BUYING A NEW CAR1 ~2Z!1 Brend WIth one part of prayer, one part medltatwn, and one good deed. Sea.~on the whole WIth a dash of good ~Plrlts, a $50 OVER DEALER sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play, and a cupful of good humor Pour all of thlS mto a vessel of love Cook thoroughly over INVOICE radiant JOY,garmsh WIth a smIle, and serve WIth quzetness, unselfIShness and cheerfulness You're bound to have a happy GUARANTEED new year" Anonymous PARMS 8vfARJ@T - OfferIng from the loft 1.800.304.7489 ~. , ON THE CAMPUS Fax 882.0220 OW 1,355 FISHER RD. WE DELIVER 882.5100 r: OPEN 8 to 5 30 p m DAilY, Wed tll Noon - Closed Sunday EVERY PIANO, DIGITAL PIANO ALL THE t{, _ ~ U PS PICK.UP DAILY SALEPRICES GOOD Jalllllry 26th. February1st AND ORGAN CLEARLY TAGGED LEAN BUTIERFlY SUPER BOWL SURF & TURF B~'0~~~S GOOD STUFF WITH OUR LOW SALE PRICE. SHOP EARLY, BECAUSE, WHEN CHOPS lum~(oo~eQ&deaneQ~H~IM~$13~5 IT'S GONE, IT'S GONE! ;gO~~ ,fllJl ~3~~(~\ ~ $3~~CMlre11lllDflMONICO11Wl $6~!!" .~"&.'S~. OVER 150 NEW BALL PARK STUFFED ~599 FARMS RANCH STYLE t10FFMANS VERTICAL PIANOS • ALL BEEF PORK q BACON HARD SALAMI from $2,548 HOT $}99 TENDERLOIN lB ~"'" SHARP $3~~ Select from Stemway, Yamaha. DOGS PKG ::J'~:~';:"we:r:~:'s':'':~~ 1~~CHEDDAR $399 Kohler & Campbell and Charle~ Walter SERVES:1 Plec.orSllced LB SelectIon \anes by locatIOn OUR "O~ MADB COCKTAIL SAUCE $1.99 LB •• MOIRS STEAK SALT $1.79 ~A. NEW GRAND PIANOS from $5932 DAIRY FRESH REESE fl 1993 MILWAUKEE'S Over 100 planas - In stock - in Polished Ebony, Ivory, II STRAWBERRY CRAB MEAT t! SEBASTlANI MIDGETKOSHER White and classic wood finishes 79~ $' 99 CIIARDONMY DILL PICKLES PLAYER PIANOS In Detroit. only Hammell 14o~~P'MOLD~u::::e 2 '- _ $7~~Ut, $31~.JMl MUSICoffers all three of the a..aJlable systems Yamaha EAGLE Disklavter . Planomatlon from QRS - and PlanoDlsk ' 4A. CltI;/~ Player piano Sj stems for the 21st centu!) Grand and .. @ .TORTILLA ~ ~ LITE PEPPERONI console ~tyles SAlSA $ 239 ~ $Cr~J ~~~~~~~L1TE Shop early 2/$700 DIGITAL PIANOS from ROLAND HOT, MW. NILD 16 OZ J4R:ia~a~t Style CASE. DEP $) 99 220Z and get the be~t buy" on dIgItal pianos from our teach- ing labs floor samples, demomtrators and loaners ' :- ' ij GEORGIA LONDON DAIRY .. r ~ GREEN BEANS ~g=CLEANED 'I 99' FRENCH ONION DIP l 1\11stores open M-Th9 ~OA\1-8 30PM,fn &Sat 930-5 OOPM K£fRIED $ I79 ~~99tt BABY CARROTS BAO BEANS 1~OZ ,~~ L8 99~Pm HAMMELL MUSIC LARGE PASCAL HEAD FLORIDA TEMPLE CALIFORNIA LETIUCE ORANGES K1WIFRUIT I 1\ Ol1lcl.15630 Mlddlebelt N ofI lve Mile. 313- 427-0040 , CEl~RY CJa\wlI1 ° 329 W 14 Mile Rd . r ofemo"". 810-435-3550 lJtrccl° 4';265 Van Dyke. N of M-'i9 (Hall Rd). 810-254-8550 ~ I 89 BUNCH ~1~:~2/99'~6/89'4/99"~ - January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News l.Jetters 9A supplemental millage leagues, by students, the nously addI e'>S the Iligh 10<-,111\ 'old nnlldge '" ('I' d \ otel s m the five Letters ; :. This vote IS about ac vast maJonty of whom cost of admmlstratmg dnd PII('_ III 19')r; \ b,lIlo\ IlIll r t,ll'''l Pomtes and Harper countablhty of the school were most responsive to From page 8A mamtdmmg the Gl o~se po~,d !Il1"l I, g,d 1\ II, \\'''0<1" 22 pel cent voted 111 dlstnct's admmlstrators to my mstructlOn, by parent5, Pomte schools AI"o, (all \\oHluJ h tin 11111 f thp last schoul electIOn the voters and taxpayers of ~"'f who were at once demand. for a thl ee year plan to 1(> Pomte now have an Oppol Both l ....""lH ... dl t t( IIf \\ \I" \'1I} few take the time to the dlstnct, and whether a mg of the best for their off tumty to become mvolved dUle taxes while at lh! (, HI hull' If k" (1lII>\I'1 I v 1 (t~e tl\l' Amellcan school district should estab sprmg and supportIve of same tIme mcredsmg tll<' In other life endeavors ,1'111 101 h! I ( ,II, IgUI, lIHI Ilgill \0 vote' hsh a mIllage rate for a pe- me, by admmlstrators, who TrIUmph m that an InflUX rabo of dollal s spent on "'dlfJol ....~...,h III .t11 l..,h,H f d \I and parents, we SImply for our children than Just Grosse Pointe Park remmded me of some baSIC speCIal a chIcken ,-,rmeaJ Intra hllh suie dun. want our publIc school tax "keep school" We want facts about school electIOns dollars spent Wisely and ur nJ 711110 school expenences to be I came to Grosse Pomte (nil (J/I} 1181 mal<' rtrmal'onr b) noon 0" subject to control and scru \f(lndaJ of thr ~t('J. )OU ~(lnt de/l)'try aligned With the future, we Millage request m 1940 and was a teachm tmy by the voters We urge want our students to be and prmclpal m our fine the voters of the Grosse a 22% hike? Tu. 2/7 1urk.;) I ('('muni ready to face the "trIUmphs school system Many school 11,<1:1/8 Pu!al (h"k .. & \auCt \uprtm •• IRlCt l1iaf Pomte school dIstnct to and tragedIes" of !Ife, To the Editor: elections were held OVel Tu. 2114 Botu! Bourgul~nOmrt h/noodJes vote no on the nullage pro- ready to contnbute to SOCI In readmg the matenal those mterestmg years of 1I,d. 2111 Irafood lla""Im. rnfilo pastry .lIh Frull posal on Feb 7 (USIng ab ety bemg provided to the rapid growth and develop lahul sentee ballots If necessary) I WIsh and hope for the Grosse POInte taxpayers, ment Almost all the mil Michael Whitty very best to Grosse Pomte, there IS a serIOUS mistake. lage electIOns were success Eastside Republican Its school personnel, Its You are recelvmg a 22 ful, though a few dId faIl Club parents, the communIty percent mcrease m taxes If School electIOns do not and, most especially, the you approve the 8 5 nulls attract a large vote A ml students (particularly my the school board IS callmg norlty of voters, usually Retired teacher for The school calls the h students at South HIgh dedicated parents, 01 gam7e brary millage a renewal, School) knows secret to clarify the Issues, get but It did not tell you that Bernie LeMieux To the Editor: people to the polls and ,e State of the Art Sarasota, Fla. It segregated It from the cure a posItive vote to The Jan 12 Issue of the 8 5 they are askmg for Grosse Pomte News con mamtam our schools We now ThIs means that If owe so much to theml Wireless Accountabi Iity tamed a letter from Gall you approve the 8 5 mills, The language and pI I) FrederIck, a new staff you are now paymg 10 2 is the issue member of the local school cess of school financ181 sup Alarm mIlls for the schools and li- port have been changed b} To the Editor: system, who wrote from a braries the state ThIs may call~e Bya 37-3 vote at Its Jan poSItIOn of expellence and As voters, thIS Issue some confusIOn as resldent'i uary meetmg, the EastsIde a concern about the effects System shall anse a mInImum of approach the electIOn of Republican Club adopted a of a mIllage defeat on an three tImes, If defeated Feb 7 Bnefly, there roe INCLUDE.S: resolution encouraglng vot- other school system She Vote no three tImes and two Issues and, while the ers of the Grosse Pomte urged support for the Feb • 8 Zone Panel • Talking Siren ask your supenntendent of language of the ballot school dIstnct to vote no on 7 mIllage based on a frank • Standby Baltery • $1995 Monthly schools to put away hIS l-eads otherWIse, thel e IS no the proposed mIllage at the concern fOl her own Job • 2 Door COlilacts MOnltonng" smoke and mltrors and se !Dcrease !D taxes Smce all electIOn on Feb 7 and a concern for the long • 1 Mollon Detector " 2 Year Warranty on Parts ThIS mIllage vote IS not range effect on our com • MOIll[oring COlinectlon • Other Options Available about good schools, we all mumty should It faIl v '" want good schools I understand Ms Freder- ThIS vote IS not about Ick's concern as an active, INSTALLED Investmg ill technology for mvolved local teache!' As DISTRIBUTINGX&XCO. .. (Comrne{(lJI our schools, If WISely made, one who speaks from the o~\'/$395 ,lightly higher) such spendmg would bene relatIve tranqUIllity of re fit our students and our tlrement, I can only echo Cleamng Milterials commumty her sentIments about the & EqUIpment This vote IS not about Importance of the Feb 7 selfish or greedy taxpayers mIllage vs teachers and students I taught m Grosse Pomte WEDELlVER ThIS vote IS not even for 3~ years, the last 27 of about whether or not there whIch were at Grosse 884..0520 WIll be a supplemental mIl Pomte South HIgh Those lage to add to the state rev- 27 years were made fulfill 16734 E. Warren enues now prOVIded by mg for me by a team of :-....Detroit, MI 48224 ~ sales taxes, there \VIII be a dedICated, skIlled col 1995 INTEGRA LS 3 - DOOR

Lease For ONLY WINTER 36 Months at $259* $999 Month Power Windows p I moonroof air cond duol air bogs DOWN STORM ABS AM/FM cass and morel Slk "'5T046 .45 ()(X) m AHFC ctosed -end lease Advance paymo'"1t CO'lS s1nq d r rst payrrent $27454 rofundable secunty depos t 5275 hcense lax 8< Me Sl09 cap caslleauclon S105.170 Tala OfpyCDl,\;8') M Opl 0 r. ~t'o,a at ema ano 510950 40 E,ceSl rnl at 150 pel rnl •Add 6% usa tax ADVISORY: 1995 LEGEND 1-1SEDAN GET AWAY NOW! Lease For ~ ~. FLY NONSTOP FROM DETROIT TO 24 Months at $399* Month



------, ' __ e • ._ _ January 26, 1995 lOA Automotive Grosse Pointe News '95- Eldorado looks tough in luxury car market One-of the n~lIlgs about the lot. light ne"t to the dool ------all but the most unusual phy- Cadlllacs I~ that they are easy now It does not look lIke a siques and probably most of ASIdefl om thl' mystlcal Lell.UScoupe or a BUICkRIVI those. to park Not that they are qualIt, - \\hlch Cddtllac fO! small 01 hIghly maneuverable some leason has nevel Included el a It IS mOle of a wedge It IS A console houses the auto- The Eldorado ISa t"Wo-door In ItS ad,elilslIlg - the 1995 dlstmctlVely Eldorado matlc's T bar shift lever Its coupe, but It ISnot ~ma!l It Flrm'ldo IS :J Cold,]:.," III the Powering the EldOiado ISthe gate provides a notch for each leels heavy and It IS tLadlllon of old BIg, conuOli CadIllac Northstar 4 6 !Iter dou- 0 S forward gear, but the shJfter re- ble ovelhead-cam 32 valve V-8 lease may test your little finger But for some reason, m a PO\\ Aut able, elful and a pledsure It I~lated at 300 hp, up five strength Cadillac you always find a good to dllve palkmg spot We have notIced Thl~ bodj ,tj Ie took a httle flam last year due to better m Easy to-read analog gauges thIS over the years CadIllacs whtle to get used to when It take Iunners for Its port fuel are set m an attractive mstru- ,dways find spots nedl the door first came out The Eldorado mJectlOn The Eldorado Tourmg ment panel and controls are Coupe's North~tar IStweaked easy to use With thiS m mmd, \\ e confi lookb different With dn oddly By Richard Wright dently entered the crowded lot angulal rooflme that become~ up to 300 hp, agam a gam of The rear seat ISroomy and when we returned the car and elegant as JOU get used to It five flOm the plecedmg year Ity Cadillac says no tuneup IS Side to SIde as the car aeeeler Wide enough for three, very drove confidently to the door The EldO!ado IS not as lounded DespIte the power output du- needed for 100,000 mIles ates, !tmltmg torque steer comfortable for two With the In felence, Cadillac says the El The Northstar V -8 IS lInked Torque steel, \\hlch has swmg-down armrest swung Thel e \\as the one spot open ab most cms 011 the malket dOlado m eIther fOim can go 0 to Cadillac's 4T80 four speed plagued other high-performance down The trunk is sizable, well I - 60 mph m 75 seconds, electromcally controlled auto- front-drlve cars In the past, IS fimshed, and fitted WIth coun. ~.'.~•••... although the Tounng Coupe IS mahc transmiSSIOnWIth a VIS not noticeable 10 normal dnv terbalanced hmges that allow .... allowed to achieve a higher top cous converter clutch, resultmg 109 you to lIft the lid WideWIth one - speed of 140 mph, while the m heSitatIOnfree shIfts Lue- Cadillac's Integ'lated ChaSSIS hand while holding a bag of Winter braking distances Eldorado ISlestllcted by com tllne Dextran ill transmlSslOn Control System Improves stop- groceries In the other from 20 !"ph putel to 112 mph flUld ISutlhzed on all '95 Cadll pmg distances, mcreases brak CadIllac enJoys advantages In Smce top speed IS,for most lac models Ing stabl!tty m tUlns and re power and pnce over Its Japa. 150' drivers, an academiC questIon, The engme and transmiSSion duces activatIOn of the tractIOn nese and German nvals and Eldorado drIvers who do not are hnked electromcally by the control system In low.speed the Eldorado should be a tough have "ETC" on their trunk lIds Powertram Control Module, tight turns competItor In the luxury coupe need not feel Infenor Zero-to-60 two 64.kllobyte computers The Eldorado ISqUIeter and field 125' m 7 5 seconds ISvery Impres whIch morntor numerous en- more powerful than before and It looks good and feels good, Slve, especl8l1y In a ear that IS g'lne and transmission func Its body ISa bit stiffer, which a very mce package for base almost 17 feet long and weighs tlOns The transmiSSion calcu- makes It a much stronger con pnce startmg at $38,220 The close to two tons The Tourmg lates eng'lne torque output to tender m the very tough luxury TOUTIngCoupe starts at Coupe ISalso dlstmgulshed by determme ROWmuch preSSUl'e coupe segment $41,535 There ISno gas guz_ 100' a body-color grille, whlie the ISreqUITedm the transnusslon IfCleature comfort IShIgh on zler tax on the Eldorado as regular Eldorado has a chrome to ensure a smooth shift The your hst of automotive deSires, EPA rates It at 16 mpg city tnmmed gnlle 4T80-E also features equal you WilllIke the Eldorado's and 25 hIghway Not bad for a The Northstar's eng'lne out- length drIve axles which rmm- leathered mterlOr Seats have car that ISmost defimtely not 75' put was Improved by refine. mJZeangle dIfferences from enough adjustment!. to satIsfy an econobox ments m the intake manuold, part of the Northstar's reVIsed nUld mductlOll system The ne\\ lost-core thennoplastlc in- 50' take manu old With Improved mtake runner geometry m- creases the eng'llle'S breathmg effiCIency,allo\Vlngfor smaller 25' mtake plenum volume whIch Improves Idle stability, CadIllac saId The Northstar eng'lne also features a "limp-home" mode that keeps the engme operatmg even WIthout Vital eng'lne c0o- lant m emergency SituatIOns. Platmum tipped spark plugs, a dlstnbutor-less dIrect fire electromc IgnitIon system and a sequent1ally IIIJectedelectronlc fuel management system pro- VIdemamtenance free durabll-


NOW SAVE 50.60~ OUR ORIGINAL PRICES Intermed ate markdowns may have been ta~en

THAT'S RIGHT Come in now and enloy even greater savings on fall and wmler c10lhmgand accessories ONLY PER MO. $399* In misses and peille sizes e Butdon'l wall, quanllhes are limited CADILLAC CRt-A IINC. A 1-11<.Hf R S II\NDI\RD

fl, I n qC;;;'R r f c'J7 9-42 1Z r"oO G\lAC'mn1 u-He .../S~ 4\. (Jr-~~I oeJ (l!!.T1tnl ~ I OPEN MON. AND THURS. TIL 9 SPECIAL STORE HOURS. Open Thursday 8 a m 9 p m and Sunday 12 noon 6 p m Mall c;torec; WIll close at Ihl!lr regUlar hours TUE~., (e) Gera ey Ann Arbor 51-1 E Washmgton 51 (313) 9948686 Groue Pointe 17015 Kercheval St (313) 884 5595 • LIvonia Laurel Park Place (313\ 4629420 Troy Somerset Collection Talbots anct Talbots Petites (810) 6499300 TalbOls Kids (810) 6499310 Talbots Intimates (8101 8160600 '-94 & 8 Mile Rd. (810) 465.2020 (313)343.5300 Novl Twelve Oaks Mall (8l0) 3496500 January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News Letters 11A back and be so non suppor- voters to rally to the cause co chaIrman for acquisl these Jobs under the new 'wo veteran Letters twe? Do they realIze how We need all of you to vote tlOns for South's all mght heading, non Instructional many AmerIcans have no on the millage on Feb graduatIOn party, as a co- personnel seeks peers From page 6A g1Ven theIr hves and how 7 W~ )'1"t stop thiS tre chairman for reservatIOns To the EdItor: many more are malffied nwn,;ol be In the school for Grosse Pomte South's I am very concerned WIth It's almost 50 years ago port the efforts of fellow and lIvmg m veterans' hoo budget Irom $37 mdhon In Sprmg BenefIt, as a the people 111 thIS commun to the day that I WIth Grosse Pomte CitIZenswho pltals and homes so that 1983 to $71 mllhon m 1995 founder of the Grosse Ity who feel that there may many other young Amen do attend these meetings, voters can step mto the - faster than InflatIOn Pamte South Alumm Asso- be retrIbution against them who do express their opm- booth and cast their votes? This m",e WIll not mter CIatIOn,and as one of the and theIr children If they cans sortied from Emewe. tok Atoll a:. a P81t of It IOns and devote many The veterans from Bunker fere WIth our students edu le"ulIlg volunwers WIth take a "lanu agaml>~ the how'S 01 their tree time to HIli through all the wars catIon or other act!Vibes thIS school system for the millage Navy armada to IDvade address Important matters faced bullets We can ex and capture the Japanese ' The school board could past 19 years, It IS WIth I am mostly concerned and represent the taxpay press our OpinIOnsWith bal run three successive mI!. outpost, Iwo Jlma great concern that I must that thIS millage IS bemg ers and CItizens of the lots lage electIOns Be prepared urge our commumty to "sold" as a stop gap mIl We were there for two or Grosse POInte communities We, the very few, are to vote no on all three mil vote no against the pro- What makes voters Sit callmg on all registered lage when m fact It IS an three months We person lage electIons posed nullage mcrease , If you don't have time to ally saw the flag raIsing . I am very concerned WIth atop Mount Surabachl We vote durmg the regular the fear tactICSused by the The 8 36 mills the ad assiSted In kllhng many ••:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.':':':':':':':':':':':r..:::.:.:.:hours, please use an absen school admmlstratlOn con ministratIOn ISusmg IS not Bryant: : ::.:.:::.:.:.:.: tee ballot Japanese soldIers We saw From page 7A vote for those funds SImplyto cemlng thIS vote We Will the true figJlre The 8 36 Let's make thiS the bIg. graves dug m the black maIntam necessary InstruC not lose our qualIty schools mdls also mcluded the op sand that prOVIdeda rest. gest voter turnout In the If thiS does not pass, and that Increase, so that the state tlOnal programs at the level of eratIon costs of the lIbrary Ing place for too many of Increases the foundatIOn grant excellence hIstory of Grosse POinte there IS no reason why pro- system before It became a Let's show the people of our bravest and best by 3 percent, the foundatIOn There ISabsolutely no sym grains should be cut or distrIct lIbrary You must I hope there IS no Iwo grant mcrease and our allowa. pathy m Lansmg for hIgher other commumtIes that we class sizes elevated subtract 1 15 mdls for II have pnde and really do Jlmd memonal gathenng ble Increase would each be 3 spendmg schools dIstncts Only 50 percent of our brary costs, If you want a No grandstands filled WIth percent of $5,500, which equals There was none In 1993, and care school budget IS spent on true comparison Jim Perry over stuffed pohtlcos No $165 But that $165 would be there ISnone now the students Tlus 50 per The "gap" they want to alI-expenses paid tours m Grosse Pointe Woods cent covers all the supphes only a 2 percent Increase fOl us Ifwe thInk, as reSIdents of fill IS not 836 to 85, but cludmg free air fares - $8,250 times 2 percent the Grosse Pomte school dls- and textbooks, etc, and all rather 7 21 to 8 5 equals $165 We would lose tnct, that we can fat! to protect Volunteer the faculty salanes, mclud- ThIs ISnot stop-gap but a But I would hke to hear bUYingpower m that year In our schools and yet mamtam Ing those of the specIal true tax raIse, and I urge from any Iwo veteran read. flatlOn would have made each and mcrease the value of our says vote no teachers you to vote against thIS 109 thIS who could share a $1 of cost now cost $103 and homes, we are wrong We A whoppmg 24 percent rmllage until a program of To the Editor: few moments WIth me In we would only have $1 02 should not attempt to deceive of our budget IS spent on cutting administrative recaIlmg the greatness of Over the years that erosIOn ourselves We are a dose m As a CO-sponsorof mne adnumstratlve costs, WIth costs ISIssued classes for Grosse Pomte Amenca that was at Iwo In buying power WIllbe senous suburb, bordered on two sides no program In place to re- Just 50 years ago. and Its effects wIll be cumula by a giant and, for the foreseea Commuruty EducatIOn, as duce these costs As for the Cindy McDougall a PAC member and Math Henry Gage tlve The worst erosIOnwIll oc ble future, crumblmg city. The proclauned cut m adImrns. Pangborn Pentathlon volunteer, as a Grosse Pointe Farms cur when the rate of mflatlOn only reason we are a Vlable tratlve staff, you can find Grosse Pointe Farms 313-884-6930 exceeds the rate by whIch the community ISthat we have foundatIon grant mcreases In C8l ed about our schools and our example, suppose state aid have been wIllmg to support revenues and thus the founda them, WIth our yes votes on tlOn grant went up 3 percent mlilages, WIth our hard-earned but InflatIOnwas 5 percent, tax dollars, at the level of ex- then our 2 percent allowable cellence Excellence ISnever AVAILABLE ONLY AT increase would be much less cheap Losmg that excellence, YOUR AMERITECH DEALER than the 5 percent rate of mfla however, would be far more ex- AMumCN OINI .... au.UIIoI SAW tion at winch our costs would pensive auu .... um.s r 1 II< "'~'" 1.< ~\I [r \ " have increased So, please, vote yes for the 18 _,born , The escape valve, the only mIlls on non-homestead prop III HI1 0.0110. au.u .... AHO .... 01NG escape valve, ISthe $24 mIl. erty and the 85 nulls on home [oJtp

prove that protectIOn mcludlng a cut m the Single AFli~ HINDIUON GWS The school board has said It busmess tax, the mcome tax La1tl.rup Vllageo nu.UIIoI "I ...... \I \1t"fJ vt" .. 1 "'J n can get by next year without and, yes, finally, a repeal of our ...... {\... \ ..... usmg the extra $24 mIllion for least favonte tax, the MJ.clugan l"~, ul progralns, that It WIlluse It Intangibles Tax IlIU.Y au.uLIoI 1\.J:t \hl.)1Ptl ~,.....,...I~ fbum only for technology and equIp- Vote yes on Feb 7 Vote to 5••"l,field i III ..... 11 ~ TdTI ..:"..... \13 ment and such That 18 appro- mamtam our commumtles as I.~.m\t(llna 1 l'N1 LUD OIOU' one ~-\.J..I...-Tln ....'l""''l" 1ft'-ll COMMUNICAnOIf "'rla -'vo \!1I1\rh. MISJAOf UN1I1 MOl11l flii 1 l!.. COMMUNICIonClflS Governor sees cuts f.Jo.l .... 1.-TM \1 lJ.1l1t'"ft'. Ale ONI,"1i: ('If"-~~\ ....lb! -..j .. oI'l .... 1 ...... il>\\"'-l\'Jrr .. rlllt-,lJ, l ....m~OLI(I..'\Il AndIS 1111 ",'" "'I'" Mmoau. nev.m 10K WAUIIOUH in State of the State 1l'l....tl'Th .. 1" ... "l '\ I I 'nk-tl ..... l1Jrtj.. Wh ~ . rw-. nl<,. Ihe rw.. n.. nt]u,:J of I r\r By Jerry EIsinger RItz Carlton Hotel In Washmg- lall HIHlllNI \ . CapitalNews Bureau ton DC MIDWIST .w..n," AUDIO Lansing - In hIS State of 18 A "WOTIL HIY1QS HllIegonds saId It an ...... 'Un'\,l("H"I ....~\ hrhJ)~ i1i1IiJj..j..HI ROdI \\ m~m/lll the State speech, Gov John 1"1) '.,tW award that "should go to all Minutes \"1 .~.!I Engler lald out many new pro- the members of the House who AUTO AMEIlCA au.ulIo. MIOWUT ILlCT1IGHIU &OWSarml posals, m. served dunng the 87th legisla Month T. -\r~J i lOnl'HlWnll.l ....3 tl eluding a tlve sessIOn" Hertel added that I-NH I "'T\R , '" $1.5 bllhon the "last sessIOn was far more MMUI (OMMUNICAnOIlS AUTO UaftMINT, 11K. HIVICIS tax cut over productive than anyone would 1 ib \\~""'l. \tal It< R lJ \\J 11"\\l.o1).t' :.Wll~I1,1l\ •• 1", tr I -\ t'1Ut I" r ~ gler also partIes .. 1~Hl I"~"" 111 i l) ~ I j I called for IUHIND THI WHIEL KG' COIOI cutting $400 Morberg testifies h I hl1J " \hlt ~\ll n" r \ HH ....llllhj..Jl1-\\ I P. fO< tl nulllOn from against Binion ."1 ) ' ....1 I ~i ... l4 the 199596 •• UNOS N.MUftl( I .....\Ilfl~l '''In , 1.~1 \ \\ ~111... ..l II' ~l 011. budget, (.q I #1l"" whIch he John Moroorg, the conVIcted A Month. I t>-l H former House FIscal Agency CAW. SOUND AND ALUMS NOI nc. INe. WIlloffer early ne"t month /hI J h"h \1Jr ... ., H j..hl dIrector, testified as a WItness ~ ~I f >t I!< ~I (",,'1 I On other Issues, the governor i"l 1.,1. l ~ ~ 1 ~ wants to spend an addItIOnal against a former employee, C&J EXPlI5I N.GUtG PlUS John BmIon, m Ingham County 1),.;uborl1 $200 mIllIon for pnsons The I l ( ",,'11 10: .1,,~ l.,l~ 1 r~ 111) .....11.:11 old Newberry hospital Will be CIrCUItCourt Morberg saId he " , turned over 21 checks to BmlOn converted mto what the gover. a~ MOINO PI.IIIII m return for monetary kIck COMMUNlCAnONS \\-.J\lk}]u -\ nor referred to as a "punk pns Ounng our new "AffordablePortable"promotIOn,youcan activate your l !Irolrkh t'1'l A.m I \, c "i\\\ ....., \ backs ~~,.. I I on" to deal \Vlth the escalatmg 1 I BinIOn IS charged With con new Arnentech cellular lme, WItha 3-year Convemenceplan and get a problem of youth VIOlence In Motorola nip phone plus 15mmutc~ of81rtlme Motorola. CIlAMl'tOll "'.CO IUmONICJ splracy to take more than COMMUNlUnONI .... hut 1,1,[' f the state '\.l\anl"k .... ,'1,,11 ..1 I Mill On educatIOnal Issues, the $50,000 from the agency Mor- e,erymonth Allforunder$.25 a month Flip Phone "I' ..... berg was flown In from the fed ,.IMIII nu.UIIoI governor called for returnmg Or,youcan have yourchOIceofother affordable I'od./ACIQj COMMUNICIonON eral pemtentlary m Flonda ...... \\ ...... 99ovnce, COIlClI'TS ,,, more authonty to parents "It's phones\\1tha ,anety ofselVlceplans I"lf \,r .... lr. where he IS serving a 6- to 10. H II time to stop controllmg educa • 100 m,nu!e, talk hme 1" I ~I .l.Jrj_ year sentence for conspiracy to In addltlOnto all that. you automaticallyget one •32memofl \\ Binsfeld released a month go\\1thAmentechcelJularThe cellular companydeSigned ., Hillegonds, Hertel ,\11 from hospital around you And vour budget UPfD N.o.11 IHe I \fl. H Id l.. honored with a For more mformatlOn and the Amenteeh dealer near wu COM",", .. IDle j ".... '1r ~ \. \rh- Lt Gov Conme Bmsfeld was , , ' " released from the MIchIgan call 1-800 MOBILE I lOYAL lADfO national award I "'U\Y>Tllr'l(l 'qll c1"-<,,,, 1(10 \'11 \f'~ ,,.,\" In .. ~ 11~,rHlrrl IMl~IN'1 IIUS & "IVla CapItal Medical Center one OfJ..r"...-.dlhr ,,"\hr"l~t,-.j ""~.'r ... 1.. hI ''''''' !"nUl' ll"h('( rtmllrl(.l.rl DITIon '0' "'0'110 \ h " 'l~ '\1 II' r. AND au.UIIoI h .. I CooperatIOn dUrIng the week after guadruple bypass l!,.....~,'f II, r shared power arrangement last qurgery Total recovery IS ex. SKYMlt 1 \\ I( \ '" I In pected to ta ke four to SIX DISCOUNTYIOEO , sessIOn resulted an award for , Speaker Paul HIlIegonds and weeks SOUND IDVAIIY.OI Rep CurtIS Hertel The two Her phySICIans have recom CALll-800-MOBILE-l TODAY. ~ d \ r 0 k \ IX_II "'DING -, , WIll be honored by Govelmng mended that the heutenant SnnMI.11K 1 .. \. \1 magazme as two of the 1994 governor rest dunng the up- ~ l .. Public OffiCIals of the Year In commg weeks and concentrate festiVIties to be held at the on her recovery "NIINING TOU(H" MOTO.,HO U I tANKCIoID ~erite~ 't .J I l , , " ,UT1I.E SOUND U S wrIIUSS, III( \ o\J \" For the fun of it, see YOUR LINK TO BETTER l" \[" " " ~ Entertainment in Section B ~ eml M UN IC' ATI ON

• 5 _ _ ~ .•------.....

12A January 26, 1995 Schools Grosse Pointe News

~, Star connection Our Lady Star of the Sea mIddle and elementary schools in Grosse Pointe Woods WIll host an open house Culture and cuisine on Thursday. Feb. 2. from'] to 8:30 p.m. to showcase the newly constructed corrIdor that now links the two Brownell Middle School students recently completed

Shirley Lewis and other members of Grosse Pointe United MethodIst Church gathered to wrap chtldren's books \~llIlJ( Read Parmenter, rt'lllll t(l{llI1uhrnO\rrlt! THL For the second year In a row. a team of '1eopardy!". 1 III II "IIIJ II. ~(lttllH! tlli .. \U\{ mlmhrr PRINCETON loving computer WIzards at St. Clare of Montelaleo Cath- Page7A u[lllli '1IIfU'" f1.L:ht III.l \~felll!.! lut III ~ REVIEW oltc school in Grosse Pomle Park have earned the Think- Hr\l "ln~hLllt.;( <;)\llllr"llorf'\\tlllir ing Cap QUIZ Bowl trophy for being the third best III/.!ht r ....1111 (lilt L! "l hnm~ tltmn tlUIii (800) ~'REVIEW seventh-grade team in MichIgan. Team members are, \\1 11t!l!rt 1\( U..,IIHlIlll hIWI\ !)(I HII r 110 • I from left. Ben Blackwell. Aaron Chateau. Aaron Linen- berger. Jay Navarro and Mike VanHeyde. They scored 1.12'] points on the aD-minute computer program whIch STOBART tested their knowledge 01 academic and non-academIC subjects. is coming ... THE FRAMING GAllERY 885-3743

Pre-School K-8

Building for the Future... Our Lady Star of the Sea

~ ...--" 0"",",",-~ ~/ .. 't( ..~{r; <40., 'TAIt 0' "{"to ST. PAUL Educating Students • Spintually • Academically • Emotionally • Socially CATHOLIC SCHOOL e Physically

N Meet our Faculty N Tour our Facility N

Thursday. February 2 • 7.8:30 p.m. Sunday, January 29th 467 Fairford • Grosse Pointe Woods

• Preschool - 3's. 4's, Kindelgarten 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. • Elcrl1entary - grades I - 5 • Middle School - grades 6,7, and B • Extended D8y Services 170 Grosse Pointe Blvd. Registration information (313) 884-1070 Grosse Pointe Farms call 885-3430 Sandra J. Favrow, Principal Accredited by the State of Michigan January 26, 1995 Grosse POinte News Schools 13A

Hunger fighters Honored Parcells Middle School students d.d their part this holiday season to help reduce hun. Grosse Pointe South students, left to right. Justin Rlmbo. Lindsey Pettite. Kate Dalbec, ger, Students organized a dance on Dee, 2 that required an entrance fee 01 hve .tems of Marcie Richardson. Leah Anderson. Claire Molloy and Geol! Anderson have been se- canned goods The collected lood Items was donated to Crossroads Volunteers lrom lected to be members of the Michigan School Vocal and Choral AssocIation's grade 7.9 Crossroads recently VISited Parcells to thank the students lor then eUorts. honors choir. The students audItioned in October at Central Michigan University. Since then. they have traveled around the state rehearsmg wllh the other 100 choir members who will perform at the University of MIchIgan on Saturday. Jan. 21 In Hill Audltonum. Gifted child? Find out Jan. 30 Are you The GlOs~e POInte Publ1~ Student Spotlight Sthool S, ,tern I' heglnl1lng It'- listening to me? IdentificatIOn pi ow,,; fOI mtel lectuall} dnd d~"deml('dlh ListenIng IS a powerl'ul but Alexander Muse gifted studenh \\ ho al e e\1l frequently neglected commum lentl} III the III st thlollgh catIOn skIll Effective hstenmg fmll th gI dde" WE ACCEPf MANUFACTUReRS COUPONS enhance~ lelahon~hlps, m Each Ii cell IIi tl", ",IWIIII we An mfol mdlHmoil OIl etIn!! creases trust, Implovcs cledlbll rows all the [WI k of (I stlldellt \\ III be held Monda" Jdn 3D, SKINL.rS~WH"g:60GS $19~'O Ity, reduces confu;lOn and ml" It (-all be a poem 01 ,hart ~ton "t 7 30 p III In th( ,ludltOllum AMERICAN OR KO-JACK CHEESE$19~" of GIO~'>e POllltt South High takes and makes people mOle or essaj POTATO, COLE SLAW, MACARONI SALADS 98~LS wIllmg to coopel ate Few pea Ale)'Qllder Mil,,' i~ 8 )ear; School, 11 Glo"e Pomte Boule RUSSER BRAND BAKED HAM $299 pie, however, ro-e effectIve !Is old alld a 'lwnd-gradu at Vald The meetmg \\ III Include teners RIchard s(hool it! Grosse POlllte speCIfic IllfOlmoillOn on the Identification amI pal enl noml HOMEMADE ITALIAN SAUSAGE 99 Grosse Pomte Commumty Farms 3 VARIETIES $1 LB EducatIOn IS co sponsol mg, lIatlon Pi oces&, the Mugnet PH) REGULAR, HOT OR WINE 8< CHEESE along wIth George Maltm of Can you .. b'lam optIOn and dlffel enlmtlOn G&M ConsultIng, a semmar fOl b'lfted ~ludel1h WHOLE BEEFTENDERLOIN 98 entitled "PoweIful Llstemng,' TRIMMED FREE $4 LB from 7 05 p m to 9 35 P m on Can you drive d ColI to the Denby reunion U S.O.A CHOICE $ 89 Tuesday, Jan 31, at Barnes moon? BONElESS TOP SIRLOIN STEAK LB school, 20090 Mornmgslde, In Can you hit the "tdfS With a for class of '75 Grosse Pomte Woods spoon? 12 PK. BOTIlES Can you look at the ,un With 1 he .JanUdl) und June The fee IS $15 Call 31334,3 claSheS of 1975 oit Denb} High your eyes? LABATIS LIGHT ICE 2178 to register Schoo] \\ III hold a 20 ) eal Ielln Can you go up to Mars thlOugh Alexander Muse IOn on Fllda} Oct I') FOI LARGE SELECTION OF the sky? mOle mformatlOn, c,ll1 Lmda Can you have fun on the moon? Can you Jump up to space With READY TO EAT FOODS Scholarships Bahl al 313 88l 0920 Can you go up m space? anyone? :for B students Can you take Youl bike to a Can you Jump to the sun" star? Can yOll see mto spate \ en HIgh school student~ \\ Ith a Can you bleathe the all \\nele fal? glade POint avelage of B 01 bet you are? Can you Jump off a ~tm I ter and who are U S cItizens are eligible to apply fOl $1,000 college scholarships The dead PATRICIA A HEFTLER,A C SW lme IS Wednesday, March 15 IsPleased to Announce the Opening of the New Offices ot . Application, may be obtaIned • by wntmg the EducatIOnal ELDER CARE OPTIONS • CommulllcatlOns S~holarslllp ProVIding genalnc care managemenl for seniors, their families and to . FoundatIOn, 721 N McKmley medical and legal profeSSionals Assessment & planning for home care Rd, PO Bo ....5012, Lake FOI or placement In a facility SupportIVe counseling for seniors & families est, Ill, 60054-5012 In home or office Requests for applIcatIOns invites your family and friends tojoin us at our must mclude the student's 16610 Mack Avenue, Grosse POinte Park, MI 48224 name, address, glade pamt av 313 881 3001 erage and year of graduatIOn ApphcatlOns WIll be sent by OPEN HOUSE AplIl 15 Scholarships Will be awalded to 150 students based on academic pelf 01 mance, m volvement In e"tra-cun Icular Public School: Sunday, February 5, 1995 actIvitieS and finanCial need No Better Place To Start! Contest for 2:00 . 4:00 p.m. Pointe teens

GlOsse Pomte area teenagCl S have until Feb 28 to ~ubmlt entries fOl a $50,000 pl17e III An'walk Foot\'. eal's Trmt Your Judgment contest Teen~ who feel they have used good Judgment In a CIVIC, school or fanlllv SItuatIOn should wlIte a hi ief summar) and ~ubmlt It to Schummel" SkI Shop, 20778 Mack, In Grosse POInte Woods Old Eastern

celebrates 50th Early School (ages 2 1/2 - 5 Years) Lower and Middle School (Grades 1.8) The cla~s of 1944 46 of Old Our kindergarten program offers: Eastern HIgh School In Detroit are 1m lIed to attend a 50th Ie Q Halfday and fullday sessions umon CIUl~ to the Callbbean OUR SMALL CLASS SIZES ASSURE OUR TEACHERS WILL Oct 30 Nov '3 ('all Tcn, at Q Opportunities to learn and 3138852562 01 Earl al 313 explore KNOW, CHALLENGE AND ENRICH 884 0174 fOI addl e% 1I1fOlma Q Warm, nurturing environment t!On and mfO!miltlOn on tlck!'t YOUR CHILD re<;crvallOn~ Q Respect for each child's individuality and needs For Further InformatIon Conlact Molly M, Dermott For more Information call Dm:ctor of Adnll';~IOn~ your neighborhood schoo! pnnclpal 01,) 886-122\ or Dr Suzanne Klein \71 Lake Shore Road • Gro~~e POinte Farm~, Mlch1gan • 4R2% ASSistant Superrntendent for Instructional Services 3432029

1 he (rros.sc POinte ;\(..adcrny docs not dl~nTTUnate on Ih", ba.<;.I'IiofracC" se", rchglOfl crflor (If' ethmc ongm To Reserve o,splay AdvertJslng Space The Grosse Pointe Public School System By 2 00 p m Frtday Excellence in Education-Qur Proven Tradition

.E•• ---- ..- ....- .....-- ...--- ••- .....-..--~~-.------12A January 26, 1995 Schools Grosse Pointe News

Our Lady Star of the Sea middle and elementary schools In Grosse Pointe Woods will host an open house on Thursday. Feb. 2. from 7 to 8:30 p.m. to showcase the Culture and cuisine newly constructed corridor that now links the two schools. Monsignor Dennis Harrity. left. the Rev. Bob Brownell Middle School students recently completed a Fisher and Sandy Favrow. principal. recently led the Unit of study on appreciation of other cultures, Sixth students in a blessing of the passageway. graders. left to right. Caitlin Shapiro. Caitlin Howe. Ka- thy Ball. Paul Loredo. Arthur Sandt cmd Andrew Vlasak prepared dishes from around the world. The project was orgamzed by teachers Bob Abel and Lynne Mogk.

~r~~ < ,,' ~.,,.~ J . '... A '< "'-c.<---'--'-- 1. ~ . "

Shirley LeWIS and other members 01 Grosse Pointe United Methodist Church gathered to wrap children's books as part 01 the Detroit Free Press Gift of Readmg drive. The books will be delivered to kindergarten. through third-grade students at Hosmer Elementary School In Detroit. The Grosse Pointe Public Library col- will SA'r stand? lected 1.400 books and $200 toward the proJect. where your score "llllllhi fr ffltfrlll/.!uf,,\T.,((Jt'(, all c f,ltq~' ~lltll hlJol,.~ might nut IJ lip to III "lip 11.. U"IIIII, I hll ur Irll.,.' U,dttt "ltl~,IH lh'l:n~(~ "'1 Hll f1 IIr I .., II .. lnlc I'IOplt lI01l1 flll'~ I It 11I~(...Ir. Ilrgpllll~ ('\( nunl 'I ! J. Ird l\ 'tdJthtmi't rhl (II B, \111 "11ur .. III nil "'11I1l \\,H rr\ft11 h n I 10\ Iln lr r, !I(l rlll~ '" \T ,/ Mr, 1111' Avid bowl-ers f!IlI ....lI ~n, pll 1'-' }.fl\l 11\ a ( III jtlJ. \ ... '"'\T"'ur("",,1I1l Read Parmenter, r '.1111 ,tin m Itll .rlU \ rl II For the second year 111 a row. a team of "Jeopardy!". THL lOVing computer wizards at St. Clare of MQntetalco Cath. \ollli "'lit! hi ~1 ttllH, th. "11m rJlIllilll r PRINCETON Page7A ~r 4lll "'W.Il' right Irlll \\ Will.. 1'"1 th. ~ REVIEW ollc school in Grosse Pointe Park have earned the Think- tun \\ltlihm~l -";'\UlIT"ourr"IIIIH ing Cap Quiz Bowl trophy tor being the third best lll~tll T "'HIII (lit 1£ .. h.llil\\ 1Il111JI 1111"1- (800) ~'REVIW seventh-grade leam In Michigan, Team members are. '\l Ilt.llr (1, \\1 "lIu) III hn)\\ lilt \fl r from left. Ben Blackwell. Aaron Chateau. Aaron Linen- berger. Jay Navarro and Mike VanHeyde. They scored 1.127 points on the SO-minute computer program which STOBART tesled their knowledge of academic and non-academic subJects. is coming ... THE FRAMING GAIJ..fRY 885-3743

Pre-School K-8

Building for the Future... OUf Lady Star of the Sea

o,,~~.,---(.--"~t; ~/..--J .. ST. PAUL "0)' -TAIt o,'t",t. Educating Students • Spiritually • Academically • Emotionally CATHOLIC SCHOOL • Socially • Physically

N Meet our Faculty N Tourour Facility N

Thursday, Februaty 2 • 7.8:30 p.m. Sunday, January 29th 467 Fairford • Grosse Pointe Woods

• Preschool - 3'5. 40's.Kindergarten 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. • Elerncntary - grades I - 5 • Mldcilc School - grades 6, 7, and B • Exter lcJeci DRy ServIces 170 Grosse Pointe Blvd. Registration information Grosse Pomte Farms (3) 3) 884-1070 call 885-3430 Sonara J, Favrow, Principal Accredited by the Stote of Michigan

••• ------~.!"l'!,l'l'J...:JIlP\lllu!!JIa.I!!!!!l!.1!1l!1 •• I ...... _ January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News Schools 13A

} Hunger Fighters Honored Parcells Middle School students dJd their part this holiday season to help reduce hun- Grosse POInte South students. left to rJght. Justin RImbo. Lmdsey Pethte, Kate Dalbec, ger. Students orgamzed a dance on Dec. 2 that reqUired an entrance fee of five items of Marcie Richardson. Leah Anderson. Claire Molloy and Geoff Anderson have been se- canned goods. The collected food Items was donaled to Crossroads. Volunteers from lected to be members of the MichIgan School Vocal and Choral Association's grade 7-9 Crossroads recently VISited Parcells to thank the students for the If eUorts honors chOir. The students auditioned m October at Central MIchigan UniversJty. Smce then. they have traveled around the state rehearsing with the other 100 chOir members who WIll perform at Ihe University of Michigan on Saturday, Jan. 21 In Hill AuditOrIum. Gifted child? Find out Jan. 30 Are you The GIO~bC Pomte PublK Student Spotlight Slhool Sy"tem I', be ..fJnnmg Ib listening to me? IdentificatIOn Pi oce.,~ fOl mtel lectuall) dnd ,K

Grosse POInte area teenagel s have until Feb 28 to submit entnes fm a $50000 pll7e m Amvalk Foot",eaJ ., 1'1u~t YOlll Judgment contest Teens \\ho feel thev have used good Judgment In a CIVIC, school or famIlv ~Ituatlon should wllte a bllef summar) and submIt Jt to SchummI'I ~ Ski Shop, 20778 Mack, In Gro~ Pomte Woods , .. Old Eastern '..~- '~':_~'~~,.~~~~.: ..,- ~'-"~ " celebrates 50th Early School (ages 2 112.5 Years) The classes of 1944 46 of Old Our kindergarten program offers: Lower and Middle School ( Grades 1.8) Eastern High School In Detlolt are 10\ Ited to attend a iOth Ie o Halfday and fullday sessions umon Cr\l1<;C to the Callbbean Oct 30 Nov 'l Call TenV' at o Opportunities to learn and OUR SMALL CLASS SIZES ASSURE OUR TEACHERS WILL 3138852562 01 Earl at 313 explore 884 0174 fOl add! e<;5 InfO!ma KNOW, CHALLENGE AND E~RICH tlOn and mformatlOn on ticket o Warm, nurturing environment reservatlOn~ o Respect for each child's YOUR CHILD individuality and needs YOU CAN For more mformatlon call For FUl1her Informallon Contact Molly Ml Dermott your neIghborhood school pnnclpal DIrector of AdnllS~lOn~ ADVERTISE TOO! (111) 886-1221 or Dr Suzanne Klem C ALL 171 Lake Shore Road • Gro~~e POlOle Farm~, MIchIgan' 48216 ASSIstant Superrntendent for Instruclional Services 882-3500 343.2029

The ('rrosse POlnle Academy (joes nol dlS<..nmmate: on lhe ba'\110 of ra~c sc'( rcllgLOfi color or e-thme anglO To Reserve Display Ad'Ie"tJslng Space The Grosse Pointe Public School System By 2 00 p m FMay Excellence in Education-Our Proven Tradition

...... ------

January 26, 1995 14A Obituaries Grosse Pointe News

Dr. Elizabeth M. nearly 50 years She was actne Arrangements were made by Sophia F. Nowosielski abella, Cannehte ThIrd Order, In several plOfesslOnal orgam the Chas Verheyden Ine Fu the Orchard Lake Ladtes Awnl Downie zatlOns and was pI eSldent of neral Home III Grosse Pomte ServIceS were held Saturday, 11Il}' (past Woman of the Year) ServIce, were held Monday, the Detlolt Dental Chmc Club Park Jan 21, at Our Lady Queen of and a founder of the Corona Jan 23, at the Chas Verhey In 197677 Memonal contllbutlOns may Peace III Harper Woods for So Club phla F Nowoslelakl, 85, who den lnc Funeral Home In An aVId leader and formlda be made to the Capuehm Soup She IS survtved by a son, Dr Grosse Pomte Pal k for Dr Ehz ble bridge playel, Dr Dowme KItchen, 1740 Mount Elhott, dIed Wednesday, Jan 18, 1995, PeteI' F Nowoslelskl, three abeth M Dowme, 88, who died was a member of the DetroIt DCtlOlt, ~11Ch 19207 at the St John Bon Secour" grandchildren, lour great. IhwMlav. Jan 19, 1995, at hel '1: acht tAub :::'aIlorettes, the Selllor Commumty Center III grandchIldren, and two Sisters, resIdence In Ann Arbor Grosse POinte Woman's Club, DetrOIt Frances Sypmewskl and Hen the DetrOIt Institute of Arts' lletta Pocock She was prede- Bm n m DetrOIt, Dr Dowme Cora Buhl Barbour Born III Ene, Pa, Mrs No- \\ as a former resIdent of the Founders Society, the GlOsse ceased by her husband, Peter Cora Buhl Barbour, a long woslelskl was a reSident of CIty of Grosse Pomte POinte Symphony SocIety and W Nowoslelskl tIme reSident of Ovando, Mont, Grosse Pomte Farms She g1aduated from North the Grosse Pomte Cmema Interment IS at ResurrectIOn died FrIday, Jan 20, 1995, at She conti acted peho at age 2 westelll High School and was a League She traveled e...ten Cemetery m Chnton TownshIp her daughter's home In Spo- and her mother took her to the 1928 gtaduate of the Umver slvely m MeXICO,Elliope, Scan AJTangements were made by kane, Wash She was 78 St Anne de Beaupre Shrme, slty of MIChIgan She worked dmavla, HawaII, Japan and the Chas Verheyden Ine Fu Born m DetrOIt, Mrs Bar- where she was cured In gratl- bllefl~' as a dental assIstant be- elsewhere III the 01 lent neral Home m Grosse Pomte bour was a former reSIdent of tude, MIs Nowoslelskl and her fore entellng dental school at Dr Dowme IS survived by Park Grosse Pomte Farms mother promised that they the Umverslty of MIchIgan, one two meces, Margaret Ann MemOrial contnbutlons may She attended the Masters would lead a "novena of pIl of only two women In her class Wedge and Janet E Lang, and be made to Orchard Lake St. School m Dobbs Ferry, NY, grlmages" to St Anne's She Dr Dowme recel\'ed her DDS three nephe\\s, Ronald B, Rob Mary, attn MonsIgnor Stanley and Sarah Lawrence College led hundreds of ptlgnmages to m 1934 and was elected to Om ert H and Frank L Dowme Mtlewskl, 3535 Indtan '!'rat!, On March 11, 1941, she mar shnnes m Canada, MeXICO,Eu IClon Kappa UpSilon, becommg Interment IS at Woodlawn Orchard Lake, Mlch 48324 Bernard Anthony Conway fled Thomas Edwlll Barbour rope and the Holy Land the first woman In the state to Cemetery III DetrOIt The couple developed The Mon- Known by the last five Popes, JOIn a natIOnal dental fratern- Memonal contnbutlOns may be made to the AlzheImer's As Bernard Anthony ture Ranch m Ovando, ralsmg Mrs Nowoslelskl brought thou- Ity sands of pIlgrIms to the Vatt- SOC13tlOn, 919 N MichIgan commercIal and regIStered cat She practiced dentIstry In the Conway Ave, SUIte 100, ChIcago, III tie can, beglnnmg m 1950 for Car Caregivers DaVId WhItney BUIlding for dmal Spellman Durmg VISItS 60611 ServIceS WII! be held at 11 Mrs Barbour was a member a m today, Thursday, Jan 26, of the Tau Beta Assoc1atton to Rome m 1954 and 1957, she workshop set at St Clare of MontefalC

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8:}O A,M...6:00 p,M. POINTE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT AND GIFTS MASTER CARd MON..FRi MAck AVE, GROSSE POiNTE ViSA 20927 Woods (Jl J) 882,0040 DiSCOVER 10:00 A.M...}:OO p.M. (across from Trattoria's) SATURdAy CREdiT CARds WE PArlTicipATE WiTH MEdiCARE, Blus CROSS, PPOM, CHAMpUS ANd MEdiCAid INSURANCE.

P' If X 7 January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News 16A Seniors New Year is a time of hope throughout the world

: As "Melly Christmas" reallW that all of us want to figures of samts, crowns, bells al'e mumed shortly before blended mto 'Happy New !lve III peace and equammlty CIOsseS,exotic flowers, colorful mldmght so they may sound a :Veal" there came the euphorIc The) do not want to send buds WIth gay plumage, SWIm mournful tone to show the grief feeling that all IS light wIth their young people off to a no- mmg fish of every descriptIOn for the passin~ vear It was thIS ~he "orld We touched base wm \\al or to hve In fear (If dud dlllllUlls of all kmds Each custom that InspIred Tenny- with all of our fnends by way anmhllatlOn They have the sectIOn IS made to go off sepa son's hnes Of cards and notes We renewed same hopes and deSires we do rately, the whole castle takmg "nd strengthened ties WIth our Our common behefs and prac 20 mmutes to a half hour to "Rmg out WIld bells, to the loved ones as we gathered to tlces are nowhere more appar Prime Time se If-destruct Wild sky/I'he flymg clouds, the eelebrate Christmas We gave ent than m OUI celebl atIon of It IS surpnsmg to us that In frosty lIghtJ the year IS dymg ~nd we receIved, and It IS drlli- the New Year some countnes New Year's In the mghtJ Rmg out Wild ~ult to decide which made us In fact, the New Year has By Marian Trainor takes precedence over Chnst bells, and let hIm die" JIapPler It was \\onderful to been called the grandfather of mas as a hohday For II1stance, In western Ireland, on the Jlave loved ones thmk of us m all other festIvals that have New Year's IS the big hohday last mght of the year, It IS an ~ special way, and It was gratl- been held the world around through Jan 10 There are the bIrthday of a town's patron of the year m Scotland In old custom for the head of the fymg to see the happy, pleased In almost every country of skatmg parties, hockey and skI samt falls on New Year's, there Wales and England, New household to take a large took on the faces of those to the world the New Year has parties and IIdes over the snow IS a double celebratIOn Year's IS not an offiCIal hohday Chnstmas loaf, speeclally pre :SVhomwe gave gifts become a time of feastmg and 111 sleighs pulled by horse Some of the small VIllages of and people go to work on Jan pared for the occasIon, to the . Now It IS over and we look fun People are thankful for the teams There aJ I' gaily orna- MeXICOcelebrate New Year's 1 New Year's Eve m Scotland outside of the house and ham- forward to a new year With blessmgs that have come to mented trees In homes, schools Eve With a festival called IS known as Hogmanay, mean mer It agamst the barred doors hope and, of course, resolutIOns them dunng the year They and pubhc buJldmgs The most Noche de Pedmenton, the Cross mg New Year WIth Mistletoe and wmdows As he does so, he ~Ve look back once more and feel kmdly toward theIr fellow elaboratedly decal ated and the of PetItIOn Here the) make Famlhes tradItIOnally gllther repeats an old Insh rhyme bid- pray that no matter what hI'S men as they look forward to tallest tree of all IS mstalled In thell' WIshes for the commg on Hogmanay eve III the home dmg famllle to keep away from ahead we will all be together the prormse of the New Year the KremlIn's Tall1lsky Garden, year and buJld mlmature repro- of the older member of the fam- the house durmg the commg next Christmas While customs differ III other where chJldren gather to watch ductIOns of theIr WIshes, which Ily, who holds an open house year We know that modem tech countnes, the SaIl'e SPll'lt pre ancIent RUSSian fables come to they set up on the glound sur- As the clock stnkes mldmght, We could travel the world nology has shrunk the world to v81ls as the New Year IS wel hfe rounding the cross someone dashes qUickly to the over and find that the amval the pomt that the one we once corned In RUSSia, New Year's Closer to home, m MeXICO, An excltmg fll'eworks chsplay front door and opens It to hurry of the New Year WIth Its prom- knew no longer eXISts, and the IS a chlld-eentered affaIr It IS people celebrate the event 18 the grand climax of every the old year out and to usher Ise of new beginnings IS cele- one that \\1' now know must the favonte festival of all the much as we do But they have fiesta 111 MeXICO On New the new year m Toasts are brated III every town and VIl- survive on dIfferent strategies yeal some customs that dIffer. Year's mght, the dIsplay lasts drunk and all the family and lage. This worldWIde than those whIch once worked It comes at the beglnnmg of In the small towns and CIties, for hours The most beautiful fnends lmk arms and smg mamfestatlOn of hope for a bet- We know too, that our future the school holidays and the fun Jan. 1 IS celebrated as one and mtl'lcate dIsplays are "Auld Lang Syne" ter year IS a bond that umtes eXIsts at a pohtlcal level, but lasts for 12 days It IS a time great carmval-hke fiesta called castles and are some Rmglng bells on New Year's people everywhere It IS a bond we hope that those mchargI' for non stop children's parties, Streets are decorated With po. times 100 feet h1gh These 81 I' Eve 1~an old English tradJtlOn that surmounts pohtlcsl differ- Will look beyond ambItIOn and whICh last from Dee 30 per streamers and flowers If made m sectIOns to represent In some parts of the cQuntry, ences Hike in Social Security tax

Beginning WIth tax returns due for the taxable year 1994, a new two-tIered method of computmg taxes due on SocIal SecurIty benefits WIll be used that may mean more tax for hIgher earners

You mclude 85 percent of your SocIal Secunty benefits In your taxable income If you are a marned couple earrnng over $44,000 a year or a smgle per son (or married person sepa rated from their spouse the en- tire year) earnmg $34,000 You mclude the current rate of 50 percent of benefits m figurmg your taxable Income on earn mgs between $32,000 and $44,000 for couples, and $25,000 and $34,000 for sm Adult day care turns 10 gles For an explanatIOn of taxable Photo by Rooh S,Uars benefits, call IRS for Pubhca- A special treat A Friend's House Adult Day Care Center in Warren re- tlOn 915, Tax InformatIOn on cently celebrated its 10th anniversary with an open SocIal Secunty Benefits (and house and rededication ceremony at Which auxiliary Stall members from the Wendy's restaurant in Harper Woods served burgers and fries TIer I Ra1lroad Retl1'ement to tbe residents 01 the Henry Ford Belmont Continuing Care Center in Harper Woods last bishop, the Mosl Rev, Bernard Harrington, officiated. Benefits), IRS Pubhcatlon 553, The bishop. righl. talks with Veronica Foresl. left. c;z week. The restcxurant's management wanted to thank the community's senior citizens HIghlIghts of the 1993 Tax who patronize Wendy's on a regulc;zr basis. "This is just one way for us to give something client since 1987. and A Friend's House director. Suzanne Changes (that affect your 1994 Szczepanski-While of Grosse PoInte Woods. Foresi, 75. back." said Tanya Callc;znds, general manager of the restc:nuant. Wendy's employ_ dec- tax return), and IRS PublIca orated the center's dining room for the occasion. "We recognize tbal our residents' social lives alone and enjoys traveling to visit her children. At tlon 554, Tax InformatIOn for A Friend's House. she participates in supervised social, needs are as important to their well-being c;zsgood medical care:' said Belmont Center Older AmerIcans The IRS administrator Phyllls DeYonle mJunes like carpal tunnel syndrome and ten Bon Secours and Bons Secours compamonshlp to people expen ms elbow HospItal," saId Sadler encmg memory lo~s Those who Q. What WIll the IRS accept from the chanty shOWIng Its A number of events are \olunteer receive an OrIenta as proof that I made a cash do- name, the amount and the date planned dunng the upcommg lIOn that pro\'lrles them WIth Gro~se Pomte Park re~ldent Patrocina Torrieo, RN, was re nation to a chanty? of the contnbutlOn yeal 1I1c1udmg a commumty- the IOfO!matlOn and skIlls to cently named nurse manager of the mtenslVe care/cardiac care A. If you contnbute cash, you For more mformatlOn about WIde open hou'>e next summer Improve the life of someone umt at Mercy HospItal In Detroit A natIVe of the Phlhppmes, must keep one of the follOWIng recordkeepmg, call 1-800-829 "We want to extend the cele \\Ith AI7helmer'~ Tomco ha~ led the development of a cardiac arrhythmia techm for each contnbutlOn a can- 3676 to order the free Fubhca bratlOn to mclude reSidents, To leal"l1 more or to volun clan program to promote cost containment efforts Before coming celed check or a finanCIal ac tlOn 552, Recordkeepmg for In their famIlieS, employees and tee I, call Adam Sterling 810 to ME'rc)', Tomco wa~ the nuNC manal(er of the mtennedlilte care count statement or a receIpt dl"ldual~ the commumty," Sadler said 5578277 umt at WIlliam Beaumont HQ<;pltalm Tloy January 26, 1995 Grosse Point~ News News 17A It's tradition; Millage information Anticipated 1995 Tax Bills (Homesteads) TAX CITY FARMS PARK SHORES WOODS HARPERWDS. Portion of CP meetings draw few interested voters Schools Wayne County 673 (1994) By Shlr1ey A. McShane In Grosse Pomte tend to be StaffWnter are necessarv and what the dls COllolv Va,I 090 (1994) aldel lesldents 01 the COmmun trlct faces Ifthey should fall RESA ISD CItIZens workmg to get the Ity Many young famlhes and 200 (1994) tax rate renewed for the Grosse The parents said they have wcec new famlhes m the school dIS- heard only posItive remarks 1.28 (1994) Pomte school dLstnct are wor- trict have not yet registered to ried that voter complacency about the school dlSllct and the HCMA 023 (1994) vote .. upcoming electIOn and that may defeat their efforts State School 600 The school system hosted most people they know beheve The dlStnct IS askmg voters seven meetmgs m the last Local School Debt 020 (1994) on Tuesday, Feb 7, to approve the millage proposals Will be week at vanous schools around School Hold Harmless two proposals renew 18 mJlls approved 837' (1994) the dIStrICtm an effort to edu But Marr said she Isn't sure LLbrary on non-homestead properties cate the pubhc on the upcom- 170" and renew an addItional "gap" that ISa good sIgn mg mdlage electIOn Most of CIty 1362 11 75 1433 1442'- 11.82 millage of 8 5 mJlls to retam "My concern IS that If people 2226 the meetmgs were sparsely at- Total the chstnct's per-pupil spendmg don't sense the wgency, they 41.09 39.22 41.80 41.89 42.76 .... 51.03- tended won't vote," she saId "If every levels School dIStrict ,s askLng voter to applO"e • rate of 85 on Feb 7 School admmlstrators say one thmks thIS WIll pass, they _. Doe. not mdude flat rate of $121 "Our last school ffilllage pro- that mformatlOnal meetmgs .. Votero apprO\ed a rate of up to I 7 last September for the library budget per household for MJlk RlVU ProJecl posal passed by only 300 won't thmk thele's a need to go traditionally are poorly at for Shores reSIdents In Wayne County only Includes 0 65 townshIp tax votes," Bald Carol Marr, a out and vote I don't thmk any tended and reSIdents who are one wants to go through thIS InclLde' 3 61 10,11. for the Mtlk RI"er Project former Grosse Pomte school seekmg mfonnatlOn about the board trustee and current agam I was on the school RESAISD RegIOnal EducatIon ServIce Agency HCMA Huron Chnton Metro AuthOrity ffilllage electIOn are placmg board when a mIllage faded chairman of the Homeowners calls chrectly to the admlmstra- for Eduction and Local Prop- Then everyone asks us, 'Vv'hy tlve offices In response, the dldn't you tell us thiS was so erty Values (HELP) CoIDffilttee, school dlstnct has a senes of which has launched a cam- fact sheets It wJlI maJl to mter- Irn.th~~:"'mlllage electIOn In Millage':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':'::':':';.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:...:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':':':~':':':':':"':':':':':':""':':':':':':':':':':':':':':';':':':':':':':':'. plilgn to get the ffilllage propos- ested reSIdents The central of als approved fice has received about 400 February 1992 asked voters to From page lA the state calls "hold harmless" taxed the 6 mLlls by the state "We are very nervous about calls concernmg the upcommg renew 2755 m 0pelatmg mIlls succe~sfully separated from the mIlls, whICh are adchtLOnal along With the 2 ffilll for bond the turnout on Feb 7, .. Marr electIOn and 13m hbrary mIlls About school system, new school fi. mIlls leVied to help the school debt, whIch WIllbe paId off thIS told a gathenng of four parents The meetmgs were hosted by 20 percent of the registered vat nancmg laws prohibit school system reach Its prevIOus per- year Non homestead owner" at Mason school on Tuesday, a central office achrumstrator ers m the school dlstnct went dtstrlcts from levying separate pupil spendtng Homestead tax also WIll be taxed 6 ffillls by Jan. 17 "If you look at who and a school board member At to the polls and the Opelatmg mlllages for pubhc ltbrarles payers were leVled14 mills thIS the state turns out to vote, It'S only 20 the Mason meetmg last week, mIllage passed by 309 votes And even though school fi. year, about 50 percent of what Shine emphasIZed two pomts percent of the regtstered voters the four parents m attendance The lIbrary mlilage passed by a nanclng changed dramatIcally theIr school taxes were for The "gap" mIllage and the who go to the polls In local elec. heard a presentatIOn on what Wider margin of 984 votes m 1994, the Grosse POinte 1993 94 18 mills on non-homestead tlOns And the frequent voters the proposals mean, why there school system's millage rates The school dlstnct cannot property account for about $20 had not yet expIred m 1994, so levy more than 85 mLlls, Fen mJlhon or 28 percent of the the board was allowed to con ton saId If property assess. 199495 budget If both propos tmue to levy taxes under the ments mcrease (and they are als failed and cuts were made The extra $2.4 million explained new lowel' rates WIthout voter capped at 5 percent or the rate In non mstrllctlOnal areas of approval of Inflation, whIchever IS less, the budget - adnumstrators, By Shirley A. McShane celve revenue that reflects brary and agam through local Before school finance reform, accOlchngto the new laws) the classroom assIstants, secretar StaffWrIter money preVIOuslycollected for The questiOn' has been l'alsed tax dollars leVIedby the school homesteads and non-home "gap" mlllage must be rolled les and clerks, CustodIans, so- system the hbranes steads were taxed at the same back so that the dlstnct cantm Clal workers, nurses, hbrarlans as to whether taxpayers m the Grosse Pomte schools super- The answer ISyes and no rate Now, those who own a ues to lecelve the same reve- counselors and p;"YchologJsts_ Grosse Pornte PubliC School mtendent Ed Shme said the Voters last September ap. busmess, rental property or a nues the school dlstnct stIli could Sy'ltem are paYIng for the pub- dlstnct needs to Ieplace out proved a request by the Grosse second home m Grosse Pomte What II one or both of the not make up for the loss hc lIbraries twice - once dated computers and agmg boll POinte lIbrary board for a maxI- are levied 18 mills for school proposalo falls? "At the end of this year the through the tax imposed by the ers and W1ndowsand he sa\\ mum of 1 7 mllls to fund the operatIOns and an addItional 6 If the "gap" nll11agefalls, the school dIstrict WIllbe free of all newly mdependent chstnct II the $24 mllhon as a fiscall) lIbrary system, wmch last year ml!l~ Imposed by the state on dlstnct loses about $15 mIlhon voted debt," Shme Sald to responsIble alternative float all plopertles for a total of 24 III revenues and W11lonly be Admllllstrators emphaSize ended Its longstandlng relatIOn- Ingbonds smp with the pubhc school sys- mills able to spend $6,500 per pupl!, that the two proposals are what Election day tem Dlstnct adrmmstrators noted Homestead property owners If the 18 nulls falls, the dlstnct IS left of the taxpayers' local that all bond debts Will be paId were le'led the same 6 mIlls loses about $4 mllhon m reve control of theIr taxes Before The lIbrary board expects to by the end of the fiscal year set a tax rate of 1 3 mJlls when Imposed by the state and an nues, Willonly be able to spend school finance reform, the dls information and beglnmng W1ththe 199596 It approves Its 1995 96 budget additional 84 mills In what the $5,900 per pupil and the state tnct collected 96 percent of Its year, the dIstrict Will be debt. The school system last spnng Grosse Pomte school dlstnct IS WIll not make up the loss revenues locally, that number, The millage renewal elec- free calhng "gap' mIlls and what Homeowners would only be has been reduced to 28 percent ' tIon on Tuesday, Feb 7, for reported to the state Its reve. the Grosse Pomte school chs. nue sources for the 199394 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~~~~~A. tnct ISonly 11 days away school year and mcluded m Polls wJIl be open from 7 those sources the taxes It col pOINTE: a m to 8 p m ReSIdents of lected for the pubhc bbrary DO YOU THINK ' Grosse Pomte Park vote at Those numbers, accorchng to AmerIcaISdeclmIng; Government Pierce MIddle School, 15430 state Rep Wllliam R Bryant trade poliCIeshave been the root Kercheval, City of Grosse Jr, R Grosse Pomte Farms, FITNESS & TRAININ(} cause;Governmenthas selectively Pornte voters go to Matre were colIt:Ctedto set hmlts for scorned manufacturmg; and the Elementary, 740 Cacheux; future allowable expenchtwes f,x requires the electIon of for hIgh spenchng chstncts CENTES "AmericaFirst" poUtlClans? Fanns reSidents can cast a ballot at Brownell MIddle "I fought to allow us, at least, to be able to count the h. "Where You Belong" School, 260 Chalfonte, Then treat yourselfto a book that Grosse Pomte Shores resI- brary millage, as It has always offersremforcementand hope Re. dents vote at the VIllage been counted, as part of the manufacturing The Amenc.n 1993-94 operatmg revenues, MuniCIpal Offices, 795 Lake- OUR PRE-OPEMNG Dream, by D J Ogden ($1895), shore, Woods voters go to whether or not we later spun can be orderedthroughyourlocal off the bbrary to stand on Its Parcells Middle School, SPEmtPRICE book store or by callmg Vmtage own," Bryant Bald III a column AuthorD.} Ogden 20600 Mack, and resIdents of S GrossePomteNatIVe Press at 1-800-882.3273 the portIOn of Harper Woods in the Grosse Pomte News Bryant emphasJzed.in his col OF 270 Wlthm thE' Grosse POinte .¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥. school system vote at Pou umn that the adchtional reve- nue - about $24 mtlhon - IS FOR THE YEAR pard Elementary, 20655 Len- money the school system IS non, m Harper Woods Expires January 30,1995 gomg to need over tune to keep If you cannot make It to 17243 Mack pace Wlth InflatIon the polls during voting hours "WIthout thIS $2 4 mllhon," North of Cadieux 885-3600 or antIcIpate berng out of he Bald, "the only amount town on electIOn day, you where we can mcrease our per may cast an absentee ballot pupil renvenue from one year ApphcatlOns are aVlillable to the next IS by the dollar C,lyof ~aqler ~oo.hs Mlchlgan • at Barnes school, 20090 amount the foundatIOn m 19617 HARPER AVENUE Mornmgslde, Grosse Pomte HARPER WOOD<;, MI4822S Woods; at the school chs- creases " Super Prices FOrThe The operatmg mJllage and trict's admmistratlOn butld- REQUEST FOR mDS NOTICE revenue reported to the state mg, 389 St Clarr In the City Mn1CE lStiEREBY GlVE\l WI 1M ell} ClfH.arp« w..>oJs '1>0 III he ac ...ep: rlC bids ((If lhe pon.hasc ofOl1oe 'I) and leVIed by the school dls t>.al E;l,i1rH: Tl'U("k ~1C"d Com'Mn,uKlfI Q:r..i'l 8u1~C1t;U'lrr "Itch n~ '" lh I:.J.scmerl Fludll:1 ~SUPER BOWL of Grosse Pomte; or at any of (I tnct, WIth the voters' approval, E11d'6xtlments aad ~prorC~1 om c~n 1>" OlXMl'\ed from. ~C"~m,( of h Clly C cd. b<'N-((O \hE Mill''' of 9'00 the pubhc hbrary's three A.M lnd.5-OOPM .. rd:daY' 9 IS reflected IJ1 the "gap" rmll WHOLE BEEFTENDERLOlN...... branches $4 16 lage request of 8 5 mills, said Bl~ mllu ~ t«,tIVC..1 by 9"00 .. m \fo'lda) FtbrtUil') 13 1995 In the OtT"1Ct "If the C I) Out 19617 Harpt'l If you cannot get to any of A'C'l'Iue " ....per \\bot pub l<"ly l"C;aj 3loud.. ~ C y r~rHS l11e r gtll to Chris Fenton, assIstant super rq«1lny (l( :all t»ds, 10 WIrVC: atl~ lnf-omullt n; In 1M bl~ltllii proccn 1!l1I pl'ojX'Ql.lnd III k'Ctpc lhe ~ d dttmrd JUMBO SHRIMP SHELLON ~79C8;~ to be Illilhe C ly s. ~l ncereu B ck musl N: SLob.-nlIed n a SC'.aled,O~lle tn\el roe nu k:td.u. r lknvs. those locatIOns, call the ab- mtendent for busmess sentee ballot office at Barnes Cma..ERtI, LEAN BEEF STEW $299 The $2 4 mIllIon paId to the CrrvOF HARPER \\OOD$ at 313-343-2062 1%17}f'RPERAVF~UE: roR SUPER BOWL.S'TEW••••••••••••• " .. U ...... , •• " ... ' LB dlstnct hbrary thIS year and to IfARPER '\\0000, MIOi.IOA"l: 4ll.~lS be AppllcatlOns must be filled retamed by the school sys- "Bros rOR.O\E(l) DUALE\G!\E FRESH LEAN GROUND CHUCK $5793 LB TRUo.. \fOtl\TID CO\1:OI~AnO"" CATCH tem m subsequent years trans PKC out and returned to Barnes BASf\ SEWER CL£Ao"ER "'ACH\ ...E wml FOR SUPERBO'WJ. CFlILI", , If the applicatIOn IS hand-de lates to about 1 15 mills of the FA!:;rMF.NT FU <;t1ER" 99 $2 l6 hvered to Barnes, the apph- 85 "gap" mIlls, Fenton said G PN.IThe Conne-o,:loon OIlZ6i'l}j: \.hc-ley 0 TNod.C')I C1rr1c. ROLLED RUMP ROAST lBONELESSj...... In 199596 and beyond, that ..- .., cant may cast a ballot at Ur .....no.L~ SPIRAL SLICED HONEY that tIme Othel'Wlse, ballots amount WIll go toward a five year plan of technology and m ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID .. ~.!::-_- GLAZED HAMS $419 are returned by mall to ~ ~ 1/2 or Wbole lB Barnes frastructure Improvements throughout the school dIstrict The Board of I:ducallon of The Gro~~ePOInte Public School Glazed The Old Fashioned Scrumptious Way Applications are avatlable Fenton said the 1 15 mills - System, Wayne Count}, MichIgan, WIllrcce,ve scaled bids for a Windowpro]eCIal our Pierce MIddleSchool until 7 pm Monday, Feb 6 or $2 4 mllhon - could be con CUSTOM MADE PARTY TRAYS!!!. The absentee ballot office strned as money collected by SpeCIficationsand Brd Form~Willbe availableat a MANDATORY Large Bunch Fresh BroccoU 99( I Wlll only be open to recelVe the school system for the II PRE-B1DMEETING on Wedne~day,February 8, 1995, al 10 00 ballots on electIOn day Of brary, but It IS not an accurate a m at PierceMtddleSchool, 15430Kercheval,Gro~sePOmlePark. Mini Carrots 99(pkg ~~, flce hours are Monday mterpretatlOn of the numbers MIbeglnnmgm the RccelvmgRoom Leaf Lettuce 69(lb ,~~ through Thursday, 11 a m to or the SItuatIOn Florida Temple Oranges 6/99( '~,., 7 pm, FrIdays, 11 a m to 4 "There IS nothmg de~lgnated Sealcdbld~wtllbe due Wednesday,February22. 1995al 1000 a m pm, and Saturday, Feb 4, for the hbrary It's not WrItten al the AdmlOlstrallOnBuilding of The Grosse POInte Board of only from 9 a m to 2 p m anywhere and It'S not many EducatIOn,389 SI ClaIr Ave. Gro~sePomle, MI 48230 at which limeand placeIheblds will be openedandpubliclyrcadaloud G)JJ.!J!% ICE Light 1'\ The school dlstnct, unhke budget We are not obhgated to $~~=,;/\ pay for the hbrary," he saId 111<:11 IIH 24 CANS .if some of the Pomte mumc] Plea~e dIrect que~tlOn~ 10 Larry Yankau~k1~, Supervl~or of pahtles, does not automatI- A school finance specialIst for BUlldmg~and Grounds,343 2070 ROBERTALISONCHARDONNAY ORCABERNET 2/$900 cally mall absentee ballots to the MIchigan Department of 'lCmor CItIzens or to persons Educa tlOn told the Grosse Board ofEducatIOn FISHER COACH HOUSE $1 299 who have voted USIng the POInte News last fall that Th~Grosse POl11tePubhe SchoolSystem INSIGNIA CHARDONNAY BOT many school dlstncts III MIchl ab'lCntee ba llot m prevIous NOW AVAILABLE CUSTOM MADE BIRTHDAY electIOns gan that operated pubhc h Linda Schneider, branes are contmumg to re G PN 01/26/9~ & 02/02'9~ Secretary CAKES & PIES FROM CAKE MASTERS BAKERY! • R on •• THIS FRIDAY. SATURDAY. SUNDAY FRIDAY 12.9 • SATURDAY 9.9 • SUNDAY 9-6 Yesterday's Treasures, Toys, Antiques, Select Collectibles, Nostalgia & Vintage Items, Including: Old & Rare Books, Victorian Period Furniture, Pattern Glass, Reference Books, Porcelain, Movie Items, COMING EVENT ... China, Primitives, Silver & More! GUN & KNIFE SHOW FEB. 3-4-5


• r Bndge 3B January 26, 1995 Churche\ ...... 4B Grosse Pointe News Features entertainment .. 7B All are welcome COME ON IN AND HAVE A PEW By Margie Reins Smllh Feature EdJlar The Rev Jack Zleglel, pa"tOl of Glos"e Pomte Woods Pre"bytelldn ChUl rh, thmks SignS In front of churches aJ e generally ho hum; bormg, ummagmatlve "Most say. 'All ale Welcome,''' he sald, "whIch is a wonderful mes"age, but It Isn't very creatlve " NO GOD A small Sign da ectly III flOnt of the . church at 19950 Mack m Globse Pomte NO LIFE Woods lists the pastols' names and the tOPiCof the next sel mon Hardly anyone KNOW GOD nobces lt Photo b} MargJe Rems Smith Woods P1esbytellan ChUl ch ha" another, KNOW LIFE The Rev, Jack ZIegler larger sign, hO\\eVel, that gets plenty of notIce The hOlJzontal glass enclosed case "A 74 year old woman who passes by the SIgn every day has been collectmg these stretches diagonally across the southwest WOlds," he saId "She's a member of Star corner of the chUlch' 20 plOpel ty and faces of the Sea Cathollc Church She saId, northbound tlaffiC on Mack Avenue at the cornel of Ton ey Road 'Keep up the good wOlk You and your be- "It gets noticed because of Its location," hefs are a blessmg m our neIghborhood '" The ph13ses are hke headhnes, ZIegler ZIegler said, "and ItS angle And because sald Or bumper stIckers They plque one's theIe's a traffic hght there People have to mterest WIth word play, puns, odd phrases, stop fO! the hght and there's nothmg to do mtelestmg combinatIOns of words to relay but read the SIgn. They can't mISS It " a message that may be IehgJous or secu- Plenty of people notIce It la! Plenty comment on It, too ZIegleI has an Inch thIck file foldel stuffed WIth let "When III doubt, pI ay It out," for m- tel's, postc3l ds, notes, comments and sClIb stance Or "Angels fly because they take themselves lIghtly" bled suggestIons for future SIgnS "VISIOn IS the art of seeIng the mVISI. "Our chU!ch sexton Jack Lucas changes It about once a week, usually on FIldays ble " Or "The Ten Command ments are Sometimes I do It," Zlegiel saId "It's fun not multlple chOIce" During the OlympICS because people WIll stop and talk, toot "WorshIp IS an event of OlympIC propor- tIons" their horns, whIstle and wave" Wntten comments come flOm members Sources for the phlases V3l-y,Zleglel of other churches, reSIdents, pa,,~els.by, saId He makes some up People suggest non-residents and others some He finds some whJ1e readmg or hs. tenmg or convelsmg He gets phone calls, too Two 01 three a week, he Sald And plenty of vel bal feed "I find myself hstenmg With a thud ear back flom members of hIS own congJega for these thmgs," he sald bon and thell' guests "ThIngs go better WIth God" IS hIS clea- Nearly all comments ale posltlVe tlOn SO IS "Ben are of false profits" End "Once a lady called," Zleglel ~ald "She In case anybody needs to be remmded - said, 'I don't have a ChUlCh YoU! SIgn 1S my church '" even though the SIgn doesn't say It - ZIe- gler saId, "All are welcome" THE FINAL MARKDOWN Select Group Select Group BEST Women's Shoes Children's Shoes 19 CARPET ~. 90 and~9.90 ~.90 and $19. EVER MEN'S, WOMEN'S, MADE! CHILDREN'S • ALLEN EDMONDS SHOES • VANELU • JOHNSfON MuRPHY • Ecco Is On Sale Now! • SEBAGO 10% OFF • SEBAGO An Amencan favonte, EmplTe Suite, IS now specially • BIRKENsrocK pnced for ItS 10th anmversary. ThIs high quality carpet • BASS offers lasting beauty at an affordable pnce Ask us about • Ecco • HAFLINGER the vanety of colors to complement any decor 'TEVA 10% OFF 'SAS JACK ROGER'S • BASS IN-STOCK MEN'S. WOMEN'S LADIES HANDBAGS Ed Maliszewski CHILDREN'S BOOTS 500/0 OFF Carpeting SELECTED S1YLES • PERLINA 40>/0 • 00>/0 • GANSON • GEM • VAN GOGH 21435 Mack Ave (between 8 & 9 MIle) 776.5510 OFF • TIMMY WOODS

HOURS: Mon - Sat 10-530 Thurs 10-9 Sun 12-5 _ A~, ~ 17112 KERCHEVAL IN-THE-VILLAGE' GROSSE POINTE '\ MILLIKEN ~ 881-1191 ------January 26, 1995 28 Community Grosse Pointe News

St. John Hospital helps make Park man named Mason of the Year Raymond MKhael of GIOSse pIe m Grosse Pomte Woods on surgery less scary for children Pomte Park was na'11ed Mason Jan 11 of the Yeal bv Composite Scleroderma Lodge No "S311 Through Sm gelJ,":1 to the pl'e-op aJ'lM where child 499 101 hI> meeting planned outstanding ped18tnc educatIOn progJ am re ren and parents are gJven &te The United Scleroderma selVlce and cently mtroduced at the St rile gear to wear In the operat FoundatIOn Will host an open dedicatIOn to John Surgery Center m St mg room Once m the OR, they meetmg on Saturday, Feb 4, at hiS fl atelll Clair Shores, IS helpmg parents can try on the anesthesia mom 1 p m m the FIsher Audito- and children calm the arunety tors. and breathe mto the mask Ity A Free rIum 111 the PrOVidence Medical mason smce and fear they may have about and anestheslR machmes to see BUlldmg, 22250 PrOVidence 1958, MI undergomg surgery what It'S hke The last stop of Dnve m Southfield ThIs event chael sel I'ed S8I1 Through Surgery IS a the tour IS the recovery room WIll prOVide an opportumt) for tour that offers patients (12 hIS lodge as patIents to share mformatlOn years and under) and thelr par After the tour, children and mastel In and tIpS on hvmg With sclerod ents or caregivers an opportu parents have a questIOn and 1993 erma There IS no charge. For nlty to VISit the surgery center answer sessIOn With Vann and Michael was honored at a dIrectIons and more mforma to famlhanze themselves WIth members of the nursmg staff. dmnel at Pomte MascnIc Tem tlOn call (810) 443.Q858 the surroundmgs before theIr All chIldren receIve a treat bag surgery and a SaIl Through Surgery "Parents love It because they certIficate get the opportunity to see ~hat ''The whole process IS very St. lohn Hospital nurse anesthetist Lisa Parus demonstrates goes on," s8ld Dr MaryAnn mteractIve Parents and child. an anesthesia mask for Sophie Mair. From lelt. Chad Miller. Vann, director of anestheslOl ren get to partICipate," Varm Ryan MlIler and Alexander Paul check out the monitors on ogy at St John surgery center said "It faImharIzes them With the hospital's S'lil Through Surgery tour. a program designed "ChIldren benefit because when the procedure from start to fin to alleviate the fears of children who are about to undergo they come back for surgery, Ish Hopefully, It wIll replace surgery. they're not fnghtened by the the need for certam drugs that surroundings" mIght be reqUIred m order to The Sail Through Surgery sedate the child" Staying Stopped meets at Cottage tour IS offered every Wednes- For more mformatlOn on SaIl day at 4 p m and lasts 60 to 90 Through Surgery, call the St Henry Ford Cottage HospI mmutes The tour begJns m the John surgery center at (810) tal's Staymg Stopped, a smok Stopped mcludes developmg a PIERRE BITTAR GALLERY relnstr"hnn ar"a and proceeds 477 5000 109 lOterventlOn ploglam, plan, behaVIOr techniques, ---- 'J'If.nch [fmp.'1E.Hionij.m ---- meets at 7 p m Wednesdays m stress management, weIght con School of Government met Jan. 25 the cardiac rehablhtatlOn area tral and phySical actIVIty, and BIRMINGHAM staymg smoke.free The School of Government Her topiC was "Keep Detroit on the fIrst floor of Cottage 296 W Maple. 810433.9917 The fee for the five week pro- Inc held ItS first meetmg of Beautiful" HospItal, 159 Kercheval m 1995 Jan 25 The speakel was Grosse Pomte Farms gram IS $90 For more mforma Grosse Pomter Ida Mae Mass The club's current preSident PartiCIpants may Jom the tIon or to regJster, call (313) nick. Immediate past presIdent IS Mary Ellen Stempfle program at any time Staymg 884-8600, ext 2596 Engagements

Pomte schools Hartnett earned a bachelor of sCience degree III mechanIcal engJneermg from the Univer- sity of EvanSVille He IS a pro- gJ am engJneel WIth Masco • Classical Ballet Tech, Masco Co • Pointe e Tap • Jazz Ages 4 yrs. to Adults All classes under personal supr. of Robert Labib Hishmeh and LOIS MEISSNER Timothy ErIch lenzen and Robin Anne Locn1skar and Margaret Brady Hannah Jane Hetchler Michael Patrick Hartnett D.M.A., D.W.M., C.N.DoM. George McKmley artz and Brady- Hishme h Catherme Anne Jacques Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 3:30 - 9:30 p.m. Hetchler-]enzen Locniskar- Mr and Mrs Edmund M Sat 9:00 a.m•. 3:30 p.m. LaU1'le J Hetchler of Grosse Jacques- Hartz Brady Jr of Grosse POinte Pomte Woods and Robelt M Hartnett Shores have announced the en 27735 ~ UM 111IfIIe, Mr and Mrs Waltel A s.e.s. Hetchler of Mount Clemens gagement of theIr daughter, Jacquehne Locmskm AddIS Jacques of Grosse Pomte Fanus have announced the engage of Palm Harbor, Fla , and Dana Margaret Brady, to Robelt La 313-112-6245 • 110-777-3660 have announced the engage. ment of then daughter, Han Locnlskar of GIOSse Pomte bib Hlshmeh, son of Mr and ment of their daughter, Cather nah Jane Hetchler, to TImothy Prok, have announced the en Mrs Basem Lablb Hlshmeh of me Anne Jacques, to George Ench Jenzen, son of Beverly E gagement of their daughter, Montvale, N J A May weddmg McKmley Hartz, son of Mr and For the fun of it, see Jenzen of Blmllngham and the Robm Anne Locnlskar, to MI IS planned Mrs Jonathan Read Hartz of late WJ1ham R Jewen A May chael Patnck Hartnett, son of Brady earned a bachelor of the CIty of Grosse Pomte An weddIng IS planned James H,n tneU of Grosse scIence degree m nursmg from August weddmg IS planned Entertainment in Section B Hetchlel earned a bachelor of Pomte Park and Susan Hart- the Umverslty of Velmont She Jacques earned a bachelor of scIence degree m psychology nett of the City of Grosse IS a regJstered nurse at St science degree m speech pathol from Central MichIgan Unlver Pomte An Apnl weddmg IS Luke Presbytel'lan Hospital III ogy and audIOlogy from Purdue slty and a legal assIstant's cer planned Denver Umverslty She works for tdicate from Roosevelt Umvel' Hlshmeh earned a bachelor's Locnlskar earned a bachelor ChJ1dren's Orchard m Ann AI' >It) She IS a legal a"slstant of science degree from MIChl degree m englneel'lng manage- \\ Ilh th" Fm d Motm Co gan State Umverslty and IS en bar ment from the Umverslty of Hartz earned a bachelor of Jenzen earned a bachelor of Vermont and a master's degree WE ARE PLEASED lOlled m t he master of rots scIence degree m geology from scIence degree m bus mess ad teachmg program at Wayne m manufactunng engJneenng Eastern MIchIgan Umverslty ml lllstratlOn from Centl al State UnIversIty She IS stu from Colorado State UniversIty TO ANNOUNCE A He I\orks for Hartz & Asso- !;!Ichlgan Umvel Sit) He IS an dent teachmg In the Grosse He IS a project manage! fOl ClRtes m Warren assIstant ,tate manager \\ Ith Western States Fire ProtectIOn the Houoe of SeagJam "You Want The Best Care For The One You Love" ITyou ale 11)'lDg 10 balance the demands or work and ramJly wlule carIng for your parent Call us today for full details.. or drop In and VISIt of the CALVARY DAY CARE FOR ADULTS de GRIMME GALLERY A Center of Lutheran Social service. of Michigan in honour of FAMILY HAIR CARE 4;50 Gate.he.d neer Meck and Moro •• II FOR MEN & WOMEN HILDEGARDE and JOSEPH de GRIMME 19609 MACK AVE G P W 881.3374 881-0010 Paroally furlded by the Umted Way and the DetrOIt Area AgerlCY on Aging NOW IN THE MICHIGAN DESIGN CENTER OSTEOPOROSIS STUDY: ARE YOU AT RISK? .. speCialiZing In European Fme Art Bryce Martm Mulz and Sheila .. An extraordinary and unique collection Clare Mermer Half of all women Will develop one or more fractures of the spine by the age of 7S because of osteoporosIs. OsteoporosIs IScalled the Silent epidemiC because. unbl you suffer a fracture, .. One-of.a-kind reverse hand.pamted Mermer-Mutz ostEoporosIs causes no symptoms The more we know about thlS painful disease. the better we'll lamps by VIla Darni :\lr" Noel :\lermel of Gro,'iC be able to assISt those who suffer from It Women are needed to partJapate In a natJOnal study * ProfeSSIOnalDesign Services Pomte Falln" ha" announced companng an investigatIOnal drug and estrogen for osteoporosIs preventIOn and treatment the engagement of her daugh ter Sheila Clale Mermer, to Call us If you are: For an appointment or further information Bl)ce Martm l\1utz 'iOn of Mrs Kathleen Mutz of Napen IIII.', • Healthy and beween 45-75 years of age call 810/649-4664 III A June \\ eddmg I" planned • Three years postmenopausal Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9 am.S pm \1(, mel gl aduated flom • Undergone a hysterectomy at least three mont1ls pnor to entry Hllhdall College \'lth a bache • Not taking estrogen, progestln. anaboliC stErOids, or calCitonin 101 of art<, defrl 1.'1.' m finance She I' an mw,tment analv,t Each partiCipant Will receive a free screening bone density test Those partiCipants whose bone \\ Ith ~mlth Barney Inc In Chi cago density IS low and If other reqUirements are met Will be asked tOJom the St!.AJy 1\11study related .. Mut? h~adu'ltcd from :vhchl treatment Includmg complete phYSical exam mammogram and latora/ory Icsl1ng Will be 6RI(J)(I)€- gan St,'lte Unl\el "Ity \\ lth a proVided free of chargf' Parking ISprovided Study conducted by the Bone and Minerai DIVISion GALLERY h~chelm" d(l,~cc III hu<,me" of lienry Ford Hosp/tEl and Medical Center at Lakeside and CoItEgf' Hosp/tEl. Crosc;e Pomte M,ch,gan DesIgn Center IS al 1700 Stutz, Troy, North off admml,tratton accountmg He Farms for more mformatlOn please call sandra Sp/tcn at (313) 876 7f 35 Maple bnween Crooks and Coolidge I, a CPA "lth ('OOpel' & Ly hranrl rhlcagn January 26, 1995 Faces & places Grosse Pointe News 38 Detroit Artists Market's whimsical golf benefit opens /an.28 Detlolt'~ becondmmlaLule the ongomg benefit, \\ hlch runs The Rhll1ocelOS,RI\el10wn Sa vate partles golf season - Fme Art II - thlough July, at 6 p rn FllddJ' loon and Woodbndge Tavel n FOI mOle mfOlmatlOn,call \\Ill begin SatUldd) Jan 28, at Jail 27, With d '50s theme Grosse Pomtel Margie the Detl OItArtlst~ Market at 300 River Place The fundialsci Gue~t~ ale mVlted to dle,~ In FitzRimon~ 1< chmrrn'ln of the ,313) 393 1770 IO!the DeLIOILArtl'l, Malket fmmally 01 In '50s attire and to event PIeVlewparty tlckets Includes 18 holes of mdool 'TlIn JOInhonorary golf pro Wayne ale $50 and 1esenatlOns me Volunteers needed: lature golf, each CI eated by d County commlS~lOnelEd Mc- necessary different MIchigan ,1I11SL,each The Mlchlgan Cancel Found!! Namara, for tOUinament golf tlOn needs help With ItS mnth "Ith a name, hke "Rub a Dub, flOm6 30 to 8 30 pm, and Open play on the umque "Puttermg Alound the OflICI', annual Stnl.e for the Cure, a open play and dancmg to course will contlnuc through bowhng tournament m memm\ "Into the Tomb," "Old Flshmg Moo~eand Da' Shalk~ flOm 9 Sunday, July 2 Houl~ ale Hole," "The Gleat American of Blanche Robmson. The Villanova alumni meet to 11 pm 11 30 a m through 5 30 P m benefit \\ III take place on Sat HIgh\\a) and "Gomg Through A light buffet will be belved ThUlsda)~ and Sunda)s, 11 30 The Detro}l ehapler 01 the Villanova University Alumni Hell " urday, March 4, at five metlO by several Rlvel10wn le~tau- a m to 8 p m Fllday~ The polltan DetrOIt bowlmg centel " Association recently held a reception at the Detroit Alh A P'C\le\\ pal t\ \\ III kick 011 HInts, mrllldmg Dunlcdvy Z COUI,emdVbe rented fm pI I VolunteCls al e needed to be lellc Club for alums and their guests. captams Bnd orgamze teams From left. are Grosse Pomter lohn /. McLellan, presl dent of the Detroit chapter: Clifford Russell. press secre- Call Lynn Baker at (810) 294 tary to Delrolt's Mayor DenniS Archer: the Rev. Edmund 1140 J. Dobbin. preSident 01 Villanova UniverSity: and Gary R. Olsen execullve duector 01 alumni affairs for the UDlver More volunteers: The sity. Detroit Institute of Arts needs gallery service volunteers, espe clally on weekend aftelnoons The next trammg sessIOnWIll be flam 10 a m to noon m the 88 Kercheval AvenUi Holley Room of the DIA, 5200 G ros~e Pointe Farm" Woodward Cdll (313)8330247 between 9 a 10 and 5 p m 885-4028 weekdays \[011 -Sal 9 30 5 30

Still more: The PBl1neis Agamst enme program m De trOlt has openmgs for volun teers who want to share then time and talent as one to-one mentors With probatIOners from Det!Olt'S36th DIstrict Court (Grosse Pointers involved with preparations for the Detroit Artists Market's second miniature The next orientatIOn program golf course/fundraiser are shown at last year's benefit. Standmg, from left, are Michael Fitz. Willbe Saturday, Feb 11 Call Simons, Ron Dalby. Margie FitzSimons, Brian Dalby and Lloyd Semple. In the front row. from (313) 964 1110 left. ~re Ann Dalby, Anne Dalby and Goody Semple. The alien beings prefer anonymity. - Margie Rems S,mth ...rE======:::iI •• :- HAVE A PLEASANT AT PERfECTION': I had the pleasure of an hour-long VISitwith him a while TRy back and It was an extraordinary event. Of all of his favonte :.BRIDGE BY WOODY BOYD t'.+ .1 partners of the past, Ira Remdel was his special choice and that was a man of rare talent on the tennis coun or at the table. In Jim's opmlOn, the changes In the game, espeCIally I am seasoned enough to recognize I have accomplished the biddmg, have Improved the game dramatically. What very little at the bndge table and yet shrewd enough to your partner's cards were used to be a guess, but the new undenaand that I can snllleam much With detennmatlon If I conventions have been helpful In conveymg partners' high apply myselfm the time left that I have been allotted. cards and shape The real test IS defense, for that, in hiS Today 1 want to tell you about an amazmg parr from thIS Judgment, ISwhere the awards should go for great play. He community who recently had a noteworthy impact upon had a hand from the past to prove hIS point "I was much opposite ends of life's spectrum. younger and sharper then," he SaId (He was 91 or 92) and On Sept 15, James Beattie of Beverly Htlls observed hlS It was played at the golf club with his fnend Alex centennial birthday upon thIS earth whIch makes him, 1 Manoogian belIeve, the oldest livmg active bndge player in MIchIgan. Two months later, on Nov. 17, Dan HlfSchman of Southfield HIS Vylnerable QJ107 became, at the tender age of 10, the youngest life master 10 •., K 1043 [T'S OUR ANNUAL 842 A.C.B.L history • A5 FOURTH SIDE FREE SALE In time, much Will be wriuen about Dan because of hiS '" N where you'll get the fourth side of ABS • K 32 anythIng you frame absolutely FREe early start and wonderful comprehension. So today I Will .,• You can frame II or we can frame It 765 " 2 devote the rest of thlS scnpt to our distinguished centurion A5 .JIM [i]ALEX • KQJ87 The deal still slands. Jim's embarkation 1010 our wonderful game followed the • QJ983 '" 10742 And tile sIde that's FREE Is always the larger one. WlJlch makes your bottom line a smaller one. first great war 10 1919 and he has been playmg steadily ever '" S since. In those early days they played "Aucnon" which was 854 •., AQJ •• the forerunner of "Contract Bridge" created by Commodore 1083 lilnJ~lIOOiiIB lIU> }I UI Partnrr J11 FrammgT'rl Vanderbilt m his eulogized Panama cruise of 1925 Jim dis- • K8 W.ledD Ace tinctly remembers hiS first playmg date with DetroU's bridge .Hm It'" Alu 20655 Meek • Grosse Pointe Woods • 884.0140 Sol•• "d. 2/18 Nol ValId W,th Otl.er Offer. legend, Russell Roosen. m 1927 and the list of his partners 1C 1D 1H• since it is impreSSive He's played with many of Detroit's 2H 3C celebrated resldenlS who asprred to the game and nearly all 3H DBL of our outstanding players of the past 70 years In 1947, he started playing more often than thIS favorite JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE priority of his should have allowed him, but he feels It has At trick (2), Jim contmued a small diamond which Alex been espeCially worthwhile m keeping hIS mmd Vibrant and won and played his queen, West pltchmg the spade nme. At he annbutes thiS exercise to his srill exceptional comprehen- (4), East played a small spade, Jim wlnmng hiS ace and 30% to 50% OFF sion. It has only been the past five years that hiS dnvmg pn- returning the eight. Now East won the kmg and gave hIS on all vileges were seized (much against hiS Wish) and that has cur- partner a spade ruff The defenses damage repon was a plus- tailed hIS play conSiderably Yet he sull enJoys hIS 500 and In thiS one's opmlOn, that's preny fine bndge Note FURS AND LEATHERS Wednesday neIghborhood game, often with hiS daughter that Alex aVOIded trymg to gIve Jim a dlllmond ruff aI trick JoAnne Gruschow and his Saturday afternoon game at the (4), which would have failed because he had no trump high golf club. Even ~o, twO weeks ago here was JIm playmg at enough to succeed over declllIer So the defense brilliantly Dave and Judy Bosklrk's Saturday evenmg Summit Place transferred the ruff to spades, which declarer had no power to game and that 24 board ordeal keeps one thinkmg unlll well control :.1'ast11 pm .:

OPEN HOUSE Beechwood Manor SUNDAY Assisted Senior Living FEBRUARY 5th 1.3 p.m • ... when a nursing home is not what you need. • 24 Hour 'lupet\ ",on The Giving Tree • A~,,~tance W,th MediC ,I,on MONTESSORI SCHOOL • Private Bath rac"",e~ • Emergme} Call Bullon~ The Montessori Method IS a system of education that • Separate Heat/Air CondlllOnLng uses observation of a chIld s development to offer Control~ curriculum appropriate for that chIld at that stage • Meal~, lIou~ekceplOg So. The Glvmg T,ee IS a member of the American Laundry '>et\ lee~ Included Montessori SocIety and The MIchigan Montessori • Beauty And n \tbcr ';hop Society All teachers are certified Montessori Scrv,ce~ A\ nll,lble Dlrectoresses • PrI\ dlc and Sel11' Prlvale R,'(101~ Social And Rccreatif\nJI Acli\ ities Programs Offered: Infant Toddler Pre-School I hlh.. rmOl IAlh.C 'it. Clair Kindergarten Elementary Grades 1-6 Call [UI' Morc Ddail~ 773.5950 Detailed curriculum guide available Inquiries and observations welcome Kt\~:l~~<£> 2..J6H11 GI catcr Mac!" l3131 886-7715 Call 881.2255 Mor{ nf'Clr Moro~s INext to Woods 1heatre) 4351 Marseilles (Area of Rivard and Mack) 19261 MACK AVE., GROSSE POINTE WOODS January 26, 1995 48 Churches Grosse Pointe News The Pastor's Corner St. Clare Church offers workshop Holy rest "A Way to God for Today," a three part spIrItual develop- By the Rev David H Wick ment senes at St Clare of Grosse POinteBaptistChurch Montefalco Church, began Jan The sIght was unusual SIXBaptlst pastors, sItting 25 qUIetly erect, their feet flat on the floor, theIr hands Usmg Videotapesby Anthony dzMello, SJ, the senes WIll fo- folded loosely m their laps, theIr chms on theIr chests, cus on three aspects of splfltual then eyes closed, each engaged m the ancIent Ortho hfe' sdence, peace and JOY dox practlce of hesychastlc prayer, prayIng sIlently, The Rev Fred Taggart, pas "Lord Jesus Chnst, Son of God, have mercy on me, a tor of St Clare Church, Will be smner," or sbme other medItatIve prayer. the moderator ThIs hour long prayer expenence was only a small "A Way to God for Today" part of a course called "LlVlng the SplTltual LIfe m WIll also meet Feb 1 and 8, Contemporary SocIety," taught by Dr Stephen Brach- from 7 30 to 9 pm, In the fac low, professor of church hIstory and spmtuahty at the ulty lounge of St Clare School North American Baptist Seminary in Sioux Falls, S D_ St Clare of Montefalco The course plofoundly challenged my thinkmg about Church and school are located on Mack at Whittier In Grosse my spmtual !lfe Pomte Park For InformatIon, I saw how much I emphasIZe definmg myself by call (313)885-4960 what I do, lathel than by who I am ThIs cultural em- phasIs on domg vs bemg seems to be a pervasIve and unfortunate part of our AmerIcan culture. Lay Theological Surely I am not '\fl'ong m wantmg to put my faith III Academy plans class actlOn? No, that IS the right thmg to do, and It has plenty of blbhcal support. But there must be space, "Dreams and Wholeness" IS which (m Luke 10 400 Mary dIscovered and Martha the topiC of a program spon- dId not, for Just slttmg at the feet of Jesus, domg the sored by the Lay TheologlcaJ one needful thmg Surely It is valId to find serenity on Academy from 9 a m to 2.45 p.m. SaturdaY, Feb 4, at St the busy pavement, to hear the lappmg of the waves Deeplands Garden Club Paul School, 170 Grosse POInte on GalIlee's shore "m the deep heart's core." Blvd in Grosse Pointe Farms But there must also be tIme to come apart, to be 51. The class WIll be presented lent, to become rather than to merely do I am not The Deeplanc:ls Garden Club began its 30th year Sept. 13 with a trip to the Wmdsor by Shlfley A CushIng, an edu- Gardens. The November meeting included a guest speaker. Cynthia Feldman of Frank's spendmg myself enough on what Jesus called the one cator who has conducted medi- needful thing I am focusmg too much on domg, not Nwsery. who gave a talk on the care of Christmas plants. tatIon prayer classes and dream In December. the club held a potluck luncheon. In January. tbe club heard a talk. "Her- enough on bemg and becommg bal Cosmetics," workshops The class IS $20, wIDch m- From left. are Cecelia Barr. publicity chairman; Lucllle Daniels. treaswer: Phyllls Rab- The woods are lovely, dark and deep, eludes lunch Registrations bideau. preSIdent: Joan Kolbus. program chairman: Anne Rector. corresponding secre- must be made before Fnday, But I have prorruses to keep, tary; Valerie Persegna. program chairman; and Marieke Allen. recording secretary. And mIles to go before I sleep, Jan 27 Call (313) 885 7022 or And mIles to go before I sleep. send a check to Nadme Hunt, 375 Lothrop, Grosse POInte Wellness Forum offers program on adult ADD Farms, 48236 Robert Frost's poem "Stoppmg by Woods on a Snowy Evemng" seems at first lIke a ratlOnalIzation for aVOId- "AttentIOn DefiCit DIsorder peclally adults who have gone Reservations are requlfed mg contemplatlOn But what dId he mean by repeatmg m Adolescents and Adults" IS untreated The genetIc compo- First Friday Wellness Forum Support group the last line? the toPiC of the Frrst Fnday nent of the Illness also WIll be community luncheon programs is for people The contemplative process was already going on. The Wellness Forum commumty dIscussed are held on the frrst Fnday of snow would contmue to fall; he would watch; the prom- luncheon program on Fnday, Guevara IS a member of the each month. They are spon with depression Feb 3 Ises would be kept a httle later and the mIles covered, Amencan MedIcal AssociatIon, sored by Cottage Hospital men AttentIOn defiCit disorder tal health servIceS to prOVIdea A new support group for pe0- m due time the Amencan Psych18tnc Ass0- (ADD) has been known for CIatIon, the MichIgan Psychlat convenient, educatIonal alterna ple WIth depreSSIOnand manic Frost also wrote, "I have been one acquamted with many years among children nc Society and the Wayne and tIve to the usual lunchtIme rou depreSSion IS sponsored by St the mght." Frost was drawn to contemplation m soli- and adolescents Recently m Macomb county medIcal SOCI-tIne Changmg topICSdeal WIth John Hospital and MedIcal tude and Silence But there is always a tension Prom- creased awareness of the condl eties real hfe problems Center The group meets from IseS must be kept and the rrules must be covered, and tIon mdIcates It may perblst Lunch WIll be from noon to For reservatIons or more m. 2 to 4 P m on the frrst and there never seems to be time enough for both contem- mto adult hIe 115 pm m the lower level fonnatlOn on the Frrst Fnday thml Sundays of each month In platIOn and actIOn Dr Walter Guevara, a psy boardrooms of Henry FOld Cot Wellness Forum commumty the hospital's medIcal educa Then I remembel that Martha, too, had promises to chiatnst WIth Henry Ford Cot tage Hospital, 159 Kercheval m luncheon programs, call Dur- tIon btnldIng, 22101 Moross in keep Mary could have helped her Mary should have tage HOSPital, wIll explore thIS Grosse Pomte Farms The cost styne Farnan, (313) 884-8600, DetrOIt For more mfonnatIon, helped her disorder m adolescents and e;. for the luncheon program IS $7 ext 2537. call (313) 343-7000 But no, that IS not what our Lord swd He saId few thmgs are needful, m. deed only one; and what Mary had chosen would WORSHIP SERVICES not be taken from her ContemplatIOn seems St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church GRACE UNITED St James Lutheran Church to be, therefore, a splnt- 881-6670 + CHURCH OF CHRIST 170 McMillan Rd • near Kercheval ual rIght, or to use a ~OROUN 375 Lothrop at Challionte E9 Kezeheval al Lakepolllle Grosse POInte Farms. 884-0511 al- Grosse Pomte Park 822.3823 8 15 Adult Study modern cultural para 900& 1115 a m WOrshiP Sunday - Worslup 10 30 a.m. 9"00 Sunday School Opemng Grosse Pointe Unitarian dIgm, an entltlement NURSING HOME 10 10 a m EducaMn Hour Tuesday. Thnft "Shop 10 30 - 3.30 Church 8045 EAST JEFFERSON Wednesday - 9 30 WOrshiP and Sunday School t DETROIT, MICH t Nursery Avadable AmaZll1g Grace SelllDrs 11 - 3 00 11"00 WOnlhlp "Dog aM Pon, Sltow J.-- Rev Fred Harms' Rev Colleen Kamila COME JOIN US Pr Troy G W811e See PASTOR, page 5B 821.3525 Religion" -r', QUALl1Y NURSING CARE 10:30 am SlIMC9 & Church School Rrst English Ev, Lutheran Church Redeemer United 17150 MAUMEE GROSSE.POINTE Venner Rd at W~gewood Dr. Methodist Church 881-0420 Grosse Pomte Woods Rev Joh';Ca;;~d" Unt"'", UNITED 884-5040 20571 Verruer Just W. of 1-94 8.30 & BOO a.m. WorsJup H8I]l9r Woods Grosse Pointe CHURCH 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 884-2035 (f 10 30 a.m. Worslup UNITED AFFIUATED WITH THE UCC AND ABC Dr. Walter A. Sclutudt, Paslor 2AO CHALFOm"E AT LOTIiROP 9:15 Sunday Bible School METHODIST 884.3075 ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL Christ the King CHURCH ''The Little Things" CHURCH A Fnendly Church for All Ages PsalmS ~ 20475 Sunningdale Park Lutheran Church Rev Wally Zmk, preaclung Grosse POInte Woods, 8844820 Mack at Lochmoor 211 Moross Rd. 10-00 A M FAMILY WORSHIP Sunday 884-5090 Grosse Pointe Farms (CRle ROOM AV"'I.A8LEI 8 00 a.m Holy EuchanSl 10<>0 A M CHURCH SCHOOL.. 886-2363 11-0<> .. M ADULT EDUCATION a CHOIR 1&1 S a.m 0Jm:h School 1&.30 a.m 010raI &":11.",, 9 00 - 10 3D am WorshIpServices 9:00-11:15 a.m. Wo~hJp Rev Nancv Rohde. Inlenm Muusw- 9.00 a m. Sunday School (1\ur=y AVI.1lab1e) 10.15 a.m. Sunday School & Blblc Gasses .~ Grosse PUIn1e It-THE UNITED 'ii"~ WOODS .:.:: CHRIST Randy S. Boelter, Pastor ~ METHODIST CHURCH ~ ~i!I~ PRESBYTERIAN EPISCOPAL Joseph P. Fabry, Pastor emeritus ~ Church THE SUBJECf FOR THIS ~hdarit 19950 Mad< (berween MoIOSS& Vo"""" CHURCH $tna ~ SUNDAY IS: g ~dnen' 11142 9:00 a.m. Worship & Saturday 5.30 p m Hdy Euchansl "Love" ~ QI~urdt Children's Hour IJld•.N~HIIl AngU.. n Sunday First Church of Christ, 10:00 a.m, Adult Education 8'00 a.m Hdy Euchansl All Flftfls Wlloo,.. Still Is. TIlt Iala 8 ... 01Co,.,".., "'- ~15am Famtly ElIChanst Scientist Grosse Pointe Farms~ ""'rIIy 1:34 ..... Holy CoOt,.","" We're not a big Impersonal corporation 11:00 a m. Worship & 10:20a.m Church Sebtd and 10,1$ Ad.un .. Study 282 Chalfonte Ave. 1\ 00 Holy Co",,,"""'•. Cllurcll headquartered In a far distant city or even Children's Hour AdoItFlr1llIl School' N• ...,., 4 blocks West of Moross foreign country We're a family. And, like 1115 a m Hdy Eocllanst (I" T1lwIdIJ 12:1D ~'" Holy CoalOt"' •• you, we make dedsions that suit our Nursery Services Available Mornmg Prayu Sunday 10.30 am. 1Iar1..... 0IIKarl PIau II lh. T...... rIM Paning, r.. d GIIIgO community. not necessarily someone ~45-1115am Sup!mseO Nu~ry Sunday School 10:30 am. from 9 00 a m to Noon Wednesday 8:00 p m. fill" II W.. dwanl , .It"..... else's We think that makes a great TIlt fin. RIcllard W 1"fIllo, _., 81 Oro ... Pointe Blvd. difference In the care and service we offer ALl_ ARE WELCOME 886.4300 (31318a5-4841 313.259.2206 the families who come to us. The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Grosse Pointe Baptist Church Eaabldhod IBM TIle "'"""""'" Olurdl (USA) 21336 Mack GPWoods Phone 881 3343 Ordinationllnslallatlon or Officers THE REV. JOHN FRANKLIN preaching lOVing Infanl Toddler Care/Sunday SchOOl 1995EcumemcalMIDISIer, NewZealand Preschool Regtster Now for Fall 9 00 WorshIp 10-00 Educauon for All __((,kilt Junior High Tuesday 6 30 PM II 00 Worship 8.45-12 15 Cnl>rrodd1erCare 16100M.ckll"nuc ~ Senior High - Sunday 6 30 PM 12 15 pm Ecumemcal MmISler Lunch & Presentation (Jro~o;;.cPomtc MH..hl~an 41\224 The Bible Taught Herel C/J"h.f'1/eYJ 16 Lakeshore Drive, Grosse Pointe FannJ 832-5330 (11)) SRI RIOO ." .... Worship - Sunday 11 AM A ~n.PHIoN MTNlSTRY and LOGOS Congregatlon ~."....,-,.------~-- January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News Community 58 Smith College Clubs plan lunch, Women's Republican Club to meet speaker on Febo 4 The Women's Republl{an Club of GIObBe Pomte \\ III meet The Smith College Clubs of at 730 pm Tuesday Jan 31 DetrOIt and Blrmmgham Will 'It First English Luth,,! "n hold a centenmal celebration of ChUlch The wmmumty IS III the Smith College Botamc Gar. \ Jted to the IIee meetmg den at 10.30 a m. Saturday, The speaker WIll be GlOS>C Feb 4, at the DetrOIt Club, 712 Pomter Bmbara Labadie, co Cass m Detroit founder of Women In the Sen The speaker Will be Richard ate and House (WISH), an 01 Munson, director of the Botamc gamzatlon that ralseb money Garden A luncheon wdl follow for Republtcdn \\ omen office The public IS welcome TIckets seekers, and chall man of Laba are $14 die Capital Management, an For reservatIOns or Informa. mvestment film She Willspeak tlOn, call Ann Wllhams at (313) on "Women 111 POlttICS" 885.2197 or Dorothy Mooney at Labadie, a gl aduate of (313) 884 9432 Wayne State Umver~lty and Newcomers Alumni Marygrove College, IS a fOlmel Montesson teacher and bank The committee for the Grosse Pointe Newcomers Alumni Club Christmas party at the portfolto manager FOI mOle :n ~roSlle.Pointe Hunt Club In~luded. from left. Graham and Kathleen Briggs. Wanda and formatIOn about becomll1g a Windmill Pointe Bdl LeIth. Allen and Pat FreIwald. chairman Frank Huster. Jane Schott and Doris Huster. member of the Women's Repub Not shown are Mary Anne and DonDraper. hcan Club, call Maltl Mille! at Barbara labadie Garden Club (313)886 3785 will meet Feb. 1 Members of the Windmill Celebrate Super Bowl with nutritional game plan cJ?efr£C!C!aCamp.en, c/lI(.!b, POinte Garden Club will meet It's an event celebrated an cheese, somethmg along that on Wednesday, Feb 1, m the bles and one or two dips," she 230md {!e~tl(ted LIZ f])wnato[0f}!J home of Mrs J Mertz, With nually that, m many places, line, Just to kind of take the said "Maybe your weakness IS Mrs. E Hathaway serving as has become larger than the edge off your hunger and keep dessert You could hmlt that to co-hostess game Itself - Super Bowl Sun- you In control," said Con Fa. a half portIOn of dessert or The program will be by Bar. day Fast on the heels of hoh gan, a dietitian and mstructor maybe a piece of pIe, but no Ice gene~at:De~mafotof}!J • -Shr.n. -Su~ge~!J bara Hayes "Trees WInter day partying and new year res in the Healthy Habits Weight cream" shapes" olutlOns to lose or control Management P!oglam at St • "Alcohohc drmks contnb -Skill (!ance~ :Ddution and9~eatment weight, Jan 29 mIght be a real John Hospital and Medical ute a large number of calol'les test for some people Center She S31d to adopt a to your total party Intake If (!~!J0iu~ge~!Jof<1!1,{nt:..• dfal~ and dValli There are tips to consider game plan you must have alcohol, try al Workshop will "Have a light snack before • "If your weakness IS hors ternatlng met sodas or seltzer o:::/lI1ofei e .1!ef) Ii 1 10 ~I/ll I OptlOflal JU'I add '3"' ''For what profit ISthere that I VISA Of MASTERCARD 1 exira for a &Ill we live m Jerusalem, If we do I Mati to. Anteebo Publishers• 96Kercheval. GroS15ePomte Farms, MJ48236 1 not ~~ the face of the Kmg?" 8ltenllOn getter' ------~ ~nl~ mnlrnll~' Ihmllqh l1n/1/1'1/I InOlwrrl 10

______nlljpr_r------~---~~----.-~ _ ------~--~~-----~--,------~~-- January 26, 1995 Weddings Grosse Pointe News

edged chapel length veIl \\ d:o. With satm trim and d whIte of Kentfield. Calif, Jenlllfer VanderbIlt Ulllverslty WIth a held 111 place b) a double bOIl gal dema ~~ 1st corsage Hoovel of MunCIe, Ind, Jams bachelor of arts degree In eco- tllmmed Illth pearls and sou The groom's mothel 'lore a Rose, DebbIe Kleckner and nomIcs and European studIes, tdche and she can led a Ulscade two pIece plllk Imen Sll, With Amv Dunlap, all of NashVIlle, and from the Umverslty of of whIte bndal loses, stephana embloldery tnm and a whIte Tenn, ValerIe Key of SIgnal South Carolma WIth a master's tIS and tratlmg Ivy gal dema corsage Mountam, Tenn, and MllItha degtee In mternatlOnal busl The maId of honor was ReadeIs were the gloom's SIS Wenzler of Chapel HIli, N C ness She IS a finanCIal consul Heathel McMIllm of Boston tel, Chllstllle Yea. and Mau JUnIor brIdesmaId was Anne tant for KPMG Peat Marwlck IWll Hu""lullgCI Delllll; HI ",Iahouey of Indlanapoh; m!vlob(.ow Blldesmalds \1 ere the Vat d was the solOIst The !lowerglll was JIIhan The groom earned a bachelor gt oom'; SIsters, Amy Krueger The bllde eal ned a bachelor Balser of Baltimore of science degree m busllless of Madison, WIS, and Sarah of science degree m educatIOn Attendants wore tea length admllllstratton and finance Schuetze of Racme, LIsa Kutas from Eastem MIchigan Umvel gowns of hunter green Silk or from the Umverslty of South of San FranCISCo, KImberly slty She teaches l>€cond grade ganza WIth pOltratt collars and Carolina He IS a regIOnal McCann of Boston, ElaIne MUI dnd IS workmg on a master's pearl buttons They carrted En dnector for InternatIOnal Tel phy of Dallas. and VICtona 01 degtee at Oakland Umversltv ghsh shrub roses tied With an cell Inc , a pagtng and satelhte lIson and JulIa Osborn, both of The groom earned an asso tlque satm rIbbons The !lowel TV company m RUSSIa GlOsse Pomte Farms clate's degree m busmess man glrl wore a gown of antIque The newlyweds traveled to agement from Macomb Com batIste London and to the Island of Attendants wOIe flam length Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Bernard mumty College and IS worklllg The gtoom wore the MacNeIl Mauntlus They hve m Mas fuchSia stlk SUIts and carned Schwartz on an engtneellllg degree He tS tartan kIlt and a Prlllce Char cow Mr, and Mrs J. Lewis Cooper cascades of bndal pInk roses a plUchasmg agent he formal Jacket III and freeSia Peters-Schwartz The couple tlaveled to Ja The groom's blOthel, Ross Gregory-Cooper The best man was Samuel Lmda Rose Petel s, daughter maICa They live 1Il St Clan Lachlan Roy MacNeil, was the Walker of Boston of John and MaryLou Peters of ShOles best man He and the groom's Nelson-Lesesne .1 11 Ehzabeth GlegOlY of Groomsmen wele Fledellc Warren, man led Jerome Bel father WOIe waistcoats made of ElSie Cecl1ta Nelson of New Ro he,tel, daughtel of Jud} Hahn of Cambndge, Mass. Ste ndrd Schwartz of St Clair the MacNeIl tartan York CIty married Dr Carroll I l HZ of Rochester and Douglds ven Houselander of Mtlwaukee, Shores, son of Robert and Bar Groomsmen were JamIe B Lesesne, son of Dr and Mrs (,Ilgor; of Chatle\olx, mauled DaVId Krueger of MadIson, bill a Schwartz of Grosse :PoInte Ehades and John VanSyckle. John M Lesesne of Grosse J I CI\IS Coopel III, son of MI Enc LUSSier of Boston, Wtlham Woods, on Aug 6, 1994, at St both of the City of Grosse Pomte Falms, on Dee 2, 1994, , l;\h; J LeWIS Coapel JI of Patton of Racllle, and the Joan of Alc CatholIc Church POInte, Cory Flemmg, Robert at St Thomas EpIscopal 'J "'e Pomte Woods, on Sept bnde's brothers, Enk Mathews Galfleld and Marty Mc Church m New YOlk City ,U 1994, III the gm den of the and Mark Mathews, both of The Rev Genu d LeBoeuf of Clennan, all of ColumbIa, S C , .\IJldl1cahhes and IVy San DIego, and the groom's SIS The mati on of honor was the ter, Mary Mras of Las Vegas SUIt WIth a beaded top and car The bnde graduated from I he matt on of honO! \I as the brtde's slstel, Karen Swamec of rled shrub roses bllde s sIster, Jenmfel Clubb of UtIca ShIpley &hool She IS a parale Choral accompanIment for The groom's mother wore a Brlde;malds were the bride's gal Roche"tel the ceremony was prOVided by gold gown WIth a macrame Budesmalds wele the bllde's Sister, Anne MalIk of Warren, Mr.

Clly of ~ttrper ~nnbs, MIchIgan SYNOPSIS REGULAR CITY COUNCILMEEflNG JANUARY 16, 1995

The ttgIollarQryCoondLmttt n£;wucal1od.lOotdallyM.trorJltneL R H.l~ .., 7.30p..m

ROLLCALL AJl Counl;J!petJI:lQS .. -ert prescm.

MQDQM PAssE P 1 ) To rrar.-e, ~ &lid file: Ibt mlJlUles or thr Rcplu Qty Q:lu.nQ1 MMltlg held Jlmwy C 1995 atd ~ rco:~~ I:tld file the mnllJles of !he Bocd of Trvs:a«s RetltallCCI 5yRem MCCMg 'held i~~9 1995 and '\he m nvtes of 1M 1..oc:I10fficetI CJ,m~hOG CcrmrnwQI MCelma held JI!IWTy

2) To add 101M II~ ddtusuon U14lof ~hOG 0I'll:he m:oC::llnetldauoa f-om i.he" 1...oCIlOffia:J"I Com~11M CommdVOn lO jl'lCftatt bodllhe Mayor Ind Cow'lt1lmnabm sallry by $tOO for 1l»S-9r6. 3) lMllhc ..geDdl.of the Jq'IIlar City Coutlcll meclll\i Mv-ni been.aed !:pOI'\, the mee1l111$I:S hereby IdfourMdllSj5pln.


Schuetze Enjoy the cuisine and cullure of different countries - ,!l.ll£' Eh7aheth :-'l-athel\s, Performances by professional dancers and musIcians d,lUghter of Challes and JudIth The World Awaits You! Mathe"" of Grosse Pomte Fal ms maITIed Matthel\ Paul ITALY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH Schuetze, son of JudIth Flynn Featunng the r A C C "Coro lIal,ano" Strollers of Racllle, WI", and [AI1T) and Sumpluous lIallan !luffel

Su-an SdlUet7£' al"o of Racme, 600 P",,1 0 nnCf ,'rid (nit T\) nml~nt on Sept 17, 1994, at Cnnst $ 12 10 PN P~"on ('!JUI ch Gl0"<;(' Pomlt The Re\ Edl\md II M Cob Fulure D.lI!'s Sp,"n Sunday May 21 SI den ,Jr of ChI ht Church and (,rcl'c!' SUnd.ly '\ugusl 20lh tlll H, \ ,John E \mbelang of Call (810) 77%111 (0' hmllcd seating 'Ker".lIons St \lJch'lel'<; ChUl eh In RaCine, offiCIated at thl' 4 pm cere A,'liumpllon rurrur,ll [tnlc, 21RIHl M1r(U R01(1 mon\. 1\ hlch "a- foIlO\\£'d by a 51 (lw Short <, (Iro",,,(' POln1t \\00<1 ... n C( pt IOn at t!Il' (;, 'l'S<' POintl' Yacht ( luh fllt !Jll(le 1\ (II(' ,I CIeam col If it happened here, it's in the CATERING FOR AU OCCASIONS OI£';()utache and a Off-prelnae cotellng avollable Gros~ Pointe News th IP( 1 illl).,1!I lIam Hcr ,atm

~~"'''JIllF'''W'17i''.liolIi'''''••• C.II!!_'2•••••• .,... January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 78

Audition Jarvi shows Notices sorcery in concert

Blass set the tone at last The Purple Rose Theatle weekend s DSO conceIts as Company \\111 hold audltlOn~ Neeme Jdl VI opened hIS plO for "Hang the Moon" gram With a fanfare and a It umpet con<.elto AudJtlons for adults Will be The fil st was a welcome on Monday, Jan 30 and Tues sample of musIc by Paul MOleovel, It IS poSSible that day, Jan 31 flom 1 to 8 pm Dukd;, otherWise known al the patllotlc message attnb Auditions fm the child's role most e"cluslvely fOJ "The uted to the musIc IS a com WIll be SatUlday, Feb 4 flOm SOlcel'" Applentlce" The plete mlSlnterpretdtlOn The 10 a m to noon ;plne tlllglmg sounds from composer gave conflletmg In the combmed hOJn;, burn formdtlnn pets, tlOrnbones and tuba re Jal VI'; treatment of thiS The;e auditIOns ale fOl mdl vedled sophisticated musical gigantic hoUl and 10 mmute vlduals who Wel e not seen at craftsmanshIp that genel- symphony gave It a ConVlnL the general auditIOns m Au ated CUlIOSlty to heat the Ing l>ense of rel1eetmg the gust They are by appomtment Iest of the ballet SCOIe of "La compose I's mnel tensIOn and only and \\111 be held at the Pell ' Given a lOUSing tledt unhappmes; The notollouS Purple Rose'; Garage Theatre, ment by Jru VI and the bwss maleh theme, lampooned by 137 Park Stleet, Chel;ea Christian Slater, left, and Kevin Bacon star in "Murder in the FIrst" It also "het the appetite fOI Bartok In hiS Concerto fOI "hat follo\\ed OrehestJa and played With "Hang the Moon" by Sill The DSO's Pllnclpdl trum bombast by many othel con anne BUIT, WIll be directed b) pet Ramon Pal cells, stepped ductOl s, became an echOing 'Murder' is a first-class thriller T Newell KI mg The available out to peliOl m a concelto by mtruslOn hele, temporanly By John Mlskelly a damp and leaky cell known roles al e 1 Afllcan Amellcan the contemp0l8lY Almeman Interruptmg With melody the Special Wnter as part of the realm called "the female, ern Iy 50s 1 ASian composeJ A.lexandel Aru maJOI theme of the sym Tolel ance can be mistaken Murder in the First dungeons" He gives an out- Amencan male 40 01 oldel, 1 tluman It's a work rue With phony - ItS mood of sombre for kmdness and kmdness can standing phYSICal perfonnance Rated R; violence Afncan Amencan male, eally tnlls and llfTS - enough to mtl ospectJon be mistaken fOI weakness So 40s, 2 males, eally 40s, 2 males In emphaslzmg that thiS I~ thlill tI umpet fans and chal says assooate walden Mr Young lurks around In hl~ Starring KeVin Bocon and 2040, and 1 ASian Amellcan a WOIk of mood and tensIOn lenge the be;t of playel s It Glenn, plaved by Gary Oldman SUite SIZed cell Itke a chlmpdn child, 10 14, to portlay a young III whIch melody IS only mCI Chnshan Slater IS also filled WIth harmomes In the new mOVie "Muldel In zee nght down to dragging of boy dental, Jarvi brought gI eat and fJ agJnents of melodies the Fllst' hiS hands on the ground as he force to It and made It a remll1lSCent of the natIVe Those \\ 01 ds al e the basiS of moves I Don't Bother deeply moving experience All audltlOnees must pI esent Al mel1lan musIc that has the mmle, 111 whIch pnsoner ~ 2 - NothJng Special two contrastmg contempOlal'Y become famJllal In Katcha Moreover, he aVOIded the Henry Young, played supelbly Slater IS very good as the ~ 3 II He. Moment> monologues, combmed tIme not tunan's many populal sym tlap of making It a piece of by KeVin Bacon, I~ heated WIth young, but not terribly Ideahs .4 Belter Than Mo.t mOle than thlee mmutes and phomc wOIks progl am mUSIC about the such dlsregal d that he IS Ie hc lawyer, who IS aSSigned the 5 o"r.tondong brmg a head shot and lesume But Al utmman has hIS ~Iege of Lemngrad HIS duced to a blOken shell case Fmally Slater has shaken !J For an appOIntment and dnec own IdIOm and as mterpl e achievement was to demon At one pomt Young remarks the young punk persona he tlOns to the Garage Theatre, ted by Pdlcell's exubelant stlUte that, In fact, thIS sym to Jame~ Stamph1l1, hIS pubhe seemed to have cornered the call the ammmstlatlOn office at perf 01 mance, It was lOusmg phony encompasses one of defender played by Chl'lstlan market III With mOYle~ like on radIO ovel m IllS head (313) 4755817 between 10 am and Impl esslve HIS sweet, the peaks of tm ment and Slater t hat they al e the same "Pump up the Volume" One ploblem \\ Ith the liIm IS and 5 pm Tuesdays thlOugh full tone m the adagiO, com sufTellng III the entire 20th age, 24 But the thl ee plus ho\\ dll ectOl Mal e Rocco 0\ el Fnday; billed WIth uttelly deal ar- century WIth compellmg 1m yeal; Young has spent In soh The movie centers on u~es da! k calms like blues and tIculation of the cascadmg pact talY confinement III Alcatraz Young'; tnal for murder, but gI eens The maJOIlty of the This weekend's concerts • GIOsse Pomte TheatJe will note", well' a thl III to hedr have dged hIm tlemendously, as the tale unfolds, thel e IS a movie 1; 0\ ('I loaded \llth dm k begin tomon ow at 10 45 hold open audItions for "Broad ThIs was only pi elude. thanks III Pdlt to the sadIsm of bIt of humor calm s It Isn t nece;~al1 The am dnd ple;ent Jon KI way Bound" by Nell Simon on ho\\ "'Vel, and the hgh the warden ~ubJect - about a man's fight mura Parker playmg Moz One particularly mtel estlng Saturday and Sunda), Feb 11 thearted mood till ned to an Ba~d on a tl ue story, "Mur to legam wntlOl of hIS life _ I" art's Plano Concerto No 20 bit IS \\hen Young cntIclzes and 12, fl am 1 to 5 pm, at 315 gUtsh and introspectIOn With del' tells the tale of a young dal!, enough The movie; lack and CI alg Rlfel With Saint Stamphdl's lack of knowledge Fisher Road at Maumee Gro~e the Seventh Symphony of man who I" Impllsoned fm of any blIght color" can be an Saen's Olgan Symphony concernmg baseball The two Pomte Shostdkovlch composed dur- ;teahng $5 He attempts to es noymg at tllne~ Ing the Infamous siege of (No 3) The concert opel,s cape, IS Iecaptlll ed and IS so exchange InfonnatJOn conceln In the end the film IS able to \\lth ROSSIni's overtme to mg the Amencan pastIme Those audltlonmg should Lemngrad and Hltlel's lIlva beaten down he becomes a sta) ml dy flOm bemg too "The Barbel of Seville," and throughout Young even later check m no later than 3 p m slOn of the SOViet Umon mUldeler on the same day he hea") handed 01 overbealll1g wll! be repeated Sdturday IS wleased from sohtary explodes when he learns that the mdlvldual performances on Sunday The hlStOlIC context IS es C\ enmg and Sunday aftel StamphJ11 doesn't really follo\\ shme and as a whole, that peclally ImpOItant heI e The DnectOJ Barbala Bentley I~ noon Conductol IS EIJI Oue, Bacon's pelfOlmance IS mas the game To try and keep sane makes the mo\ Ie 'MlIIdel III Impact of the wal and Sta- seeking two women flOm 45 to a natIve of HIroshima Japan telful He plays Young as a In solitary , Young would replay the Fllst ' a top Jate courtlOom 11n'~ 0ppleS~lOn of creatIve 50, and foUl men flOm 23 to 75, and plOtege of Leonm d Bel n- man leduced to l)lng naked III ever) game he ever listened to drama altlsts hke Shostakovlch IS ;tem For tickets and mfOl to fill the roles In thiS semi au often lead mto the mUSIc tOblOgI aphlcal comedy FOI more information andlol scnpt matlOnca1l83337 OO . 6 Newman's still 'Nobody's Fool' pel usal call (313) 886-8901 OJ GPAA meets Monday,F eb (313) 881-5619 By Manao Tramor The GIOSse Pomte ArtISts The dSSOCl!ltlon \" 111 host 01 plays pol,er and seems to en Specral Wnter "BlOadway Bound" Will be ASSOCiatIOn WIll hold ItS renowned art hlstOl Jan and JOYevery minute of It To lank Paul Newman's Nobody's Fool perfonned at Fnes Audltonum monthly meeting Monday, artist Hope Palmer \\ho WII! OccaSIonally he dJop~ m on pel fOl mance III 'Nobody's m the Grosse Pomte Wal Mem Feb 6, at 7 30 p m at the cntlque membel's work The Roebuck's lonel) \\ lfe, Tob) Fool" a~ among hl~ finest IS Rated R onal Api'll 26 through May 6 GlOsse Pnlnte Wal Memo- clltlques \\111 start at 8 pm <,nt d\\( 11 on It he \ (',Il "lIlh <, hum,ml'l11 1I11ong Re"entment hOI el ~ l1ke anolhel bl u"he, II oil \\ Ith ,I lOhe 01 tlwm 1\l1('n hI ,lnnd.. 111 the pa ...... cngCl \\ Ittlcl~m ho \I dN! up hC))h' hl once Slllh lenh a 100m flOm ~h"s Petu a~h~ hIm to JOIl1 thl 01\ l1('d \lid t.lIh" of )11)\\ hi' B<>I'\ (thl \,It\' .je"'In1 Tand\ I lamlh fOl Thank~gJ\ mg elll1 [,1\\)('1 Ihu""d h,- moth( 1 She h,.. eighth 1,'1adC' teachel \1ho nel \1hlch till n- Ollt to he I \I,h ,lith ,1 IIttl( Ih'Il": dl1d he 10\('" hel fm m( I pupil becau'-(' dl~a,tll but I p,"lt" \11 Su III (ould l( ,1111l11,lh, 1111 11\ h(' IlP tleah hu 1n tllP "amc gJuff becnmmg fllend" \I Ith hI_ ....n.., nl'lnnel h( doe~ P\ en one e1<,(' gI and-on and fOI the fil,t tl1111 '\ oho(h ,Foill "ddinlleh Sull\ 'p('nd, hI' da\, m hT\I feeling commlt!C'd U)

McNally, who has been at University 01 Northern Colorado for five years has brought TlH (1'] 0, ...(' POIntf C'nnlnllll1 tlOn' all that I" I('qllll «I h ,I l-!I1' I (,lIdlnl1 11 In II 'I'll the theater department mto National Awards and recognItion WIth 250 maJors and a It\ C)'OIII' IInd( I the d1lect\On 1o\(' of mll<,ICand "Inh'1ng OI)()1) world wide reputation lor excellence In education and employment 01 his actors. of Rohpli \\ olf I' t (1,11 '>1101<'" ('1\lC The South students are learnmg first hand the technIques taught to college level actors ne\\ 'II1/-(Ch " It h{'j.,.,n~ Ie d\llIng the \eal and mpmhf.'1 (,hOllh h b( gUlIllllg Il'lw,lI 'ai, as well as the disciphne, creativity and skills that Professor McNally \s so well known he,1l'11- fOI lh IInnl1al "pI Ing 'h1p I~ "1,,) a )P:1I fOl 1(' 19<); -PIII1~ Will ('11 RC' for, c[lnc('li at IhC' (;10,-'(' Pomt(' Th(' ChOlll" I C'he:1l<'nl, ,ll' hC'~I,d, 11(' It 7 1O pm \Ion The Mother's Club of Grosse Pomte South High is sponsormg thiS unique opportunIty \Val Mr mOil Ii 111 \Lw Tllc'oiin\<, ,II 7.JIj pm III Ih, d,l\ I I( 11111~'1111111ch01l 100111 for the students at South. ch01l loom chool No J Tracy Ganem, at lei I. will play the Leadmg Player and John Riley, ughl. Will play PiP- Th' h'10llr l' Op(,11to nn\onC' NOIih Hlgh ~h()(]1 llld1tlon_

• .., ri 9 ".,1:':;;------.------.------~---~----~ __ ---~ ..... January 26, 1995 88 Entertainment Grosse Pointe News

'Eating a healthy breakfast Fmally, gJ.apefl Ult JUIce can Grapefruit's l'i a lIIuch 11101 e natlll al \\ ay to play an Important !Ole m an diet, he ''') s" It s not a good exel clse I egJ.men, \1 hlch IS Crltl not just for ldea to sklJl ble,lkfast and de cnl III enSUI mg the success of a PII\!' yOlll body of food until \\ eIght management plogJ.am breakfast Iatel III the day ThiS lIlay GI apefl Ult JUlce, befOle 01 allel tause peopl(' to eat 1Il00e at the ph) slcal actn It), IS a natural end of the rhv \\ Iwn thpll h;1 fa ... to mlllgfe with

Gallery ServIce volunteers " ,oK .. - so you WII'l SIt and . are urgently needed to greet ':Watch the game In your ~. and assIst VISItorS m the De- " fU-nderwear hke you do at . trOit Institute of Arts' gal. "Ji'ome But that's the o,,'~ . lenes Afternoon weekend "' ,~wback JOIn us for a Super . volunteers are especIally i til Sunday to remembel'! . rreeded \ ~~"'" ~.:., . $ , . Trammg sessIon IS Satur. '~ '~IO Gr Mackat9M''Rqld day, Feb 4, from 10 a m to see/air Shores. 773.~ . noon m the Holley Room, . The DetrOIt InstItute of Arts, <~~.mOO66 . 5200 Woodward Avenue, De- ~ &'s ~ '" ':' :' trOIt . For more Information, call . (313) 8330247, 9 a m to 5 ..' pm weekdays :'." Acting courses ~: begin Feb. 7 :. The Purple Rose Theatre • Company Will olfer a general : actmg course deahng With :: performance techmques Tues- • day evemngs from 7 to 9 p m : for SIX \\ eeks begJ.nmng Feb 7 : at the Purple Rose Theatre • Company's Garage Theatre, • 137 Park Street In Chelsea : Janet Mayhe, a profeSSIOnal actress and actmg m,tructor WIth the Umverslty of MIChl gan department of theatre and drama, returns for her thIrd year of teachmg the PRTC Course Under her mstructlOn : the course 'VIII cover a range of topICS, mcludmg monologues, cold readmgs, prepared two- • person scene work and content less scene \\ork In addItion to JAN. 25 thru FEB.5 • her teachmg responslblhtles, Mayhe has also appeared as Sally m the PRTC production FOX THEATRE : of Shoe Man and as Dr How- ard III the PRTC productIOn of The Vast DIfference nckets $13, $10 & $8 The course WIll be lImIted to ()) sale NOW at the Joe LouIS Nero ard 18 students Due to the hmlted enrollment, partICIpants must Fox Theatre Box Offices ard all TlCketM:1sterlocatials regIster III advance The cost IS • $100 and IS non refundable ALL SEATS OHLY $2 : Payment WIll be reqUIred pl'lor Charge by Phone 810'645-6666 to the first day of class $1 WEEKEHD MATIHEES • For more mformatlOn or to : regJ.ster call the Purple Rose General Wormatloo 313'396'7600 • Theatre Company admmlstra Groups (20 a more) 313'396'7910 tlOn office at (313) 4755817 Regular office hours are Tues day through Fnday between the hours of 10 a m and 5 pm The BibBo-file column . returns next week, 9 MILE & MACK • ST. CLAIIt StfOItES "

------(--~------....7------~---.:l'l,,-$1I!;;i!'l!!l!$$Z!II!IlUI!!!UM.lIt'lIIl1 ••••• IIil'...t.IlIIIII ••• IIII.IJ-.I. January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News

The Match Box IS a IIstmg of Jack's Waterfront RestauranT H E MATCH BOXMo-unt-Clem-ens-T,ck-ets "-"'are---. _•• _98 local events. To be mcluded, fill 24214 Jeffer'on In St Clair Shores, features BIg Band $2250 .md mclude dmner at 6 30 1'be Men's Ecumemcal FnddY out the form on thlS page. Call Dancmg featunng the EmJ! Mora Compiled by Ronald J. Bernas pm and show at 8 p m Call (810) Breakfast meetmg Will be at 7 30 882-0294 wlth any questions. Big Band and vocahsts Judie 4690440 am Fnday, .lan 27, at GraSSL Cochlll and Danny Ascenzo from • • • Pomle Memonal Church, 16 8 30 p m to mldmght on the The romantic comedy "The VOlce Lakeshore m Gro!>se Pomte second Tuesday of each month of the Turtle" plays at the Farms Guest speaker IS Father Call (810) 4458080 Anderson Center Theater In JIm Le"rv of the C'apuchm SOUl' Henry !"ord Museum In Dearborn K1tchen Call (313) 8854841 ••• Fndays and Saturdays Feb 3- • • • m~"SL,S March 11 TIckets are $10 WIth !.YJ Symphony dmner, tickets are $2950 Call SelectIve Singles SOCial and Orchestra under the baton of Travel Club, a group for smgle guest conductor EIJI Oue presents 1!1I-~h-e Tw-orks-of (313) 271-1620, ext 383 profeSSIOnalsover 40 WIllmeet at the musIc of Mozart and Rossml several artIsts • • • 7 pm Fnday, Jan 27, at Cleme's Jan 26-28 Guest soloist IS pian- 6.J The Purple Rose Theatre Nautical MIle Cafe at 24223 mcludmg Cartmell, Zubel, ISt CraIg Rlfel Call (313) 833- Company, 137 Park Street m Jefferson Call 1.800 867 0888 3700. Sanchez and Berdenskl WIllbe on Chelsea, presents the drama • • • display through January and "Only Me and You" by local play The DetrOlt ArtiSts Market will • • • February at the Ashley-Chns wnght KIm Carney through The Grosse Pomte Umtanan Gallery, 15126 Kercheval III March 12 Call (313) 475-7902 host a Golf ClassIc Preview Party Church, 17150 Maumee m the Grosse Pomte Park Call (313) from 6 to 11 pm Friday, Jan 27, Clty of Grosse Pomte, presents 824-0700 at 300 RIver Place In DetrOIt "An Evemng WIth Dave Wagner" TIckets are $50 a person whIch featurmg organ musIc and witty I N E M A On view at •Arubleslde•• Gallery, mcludes a tournament and a buf conversatIOn, at 8 p m Fnday, 375 FIsher m the City of Grosse The DetrOit FIlm fet dlnner Call (313) 393-1770 Jan 27 TIckets are $10 and $25 "Weddmg Band," a play by Alu:e Childress about mter- Pomte, are two orlgmal oJ! pamt racial love. will run at the Bonstelle Theatre at Wayne C Theatre at the • • • Call (313) 881-0420. mgs by Norman Rockwell Also, State UniverSity Jan, 27-Feb. 4. Call (313) 577.2972. DetrOit Institute of Arts presents The Michigan Clchhd watercolors b) Phil Hobbs, Nigel the 1994 US film "Vanya on Take II, a barbershop••• contest Price, BrIan Johnson and Rita 42nd Street," a drama based on AsSOCiatIOnIS hostmg Its annual featunng Sweet Adelmes from Smith, oLls by Kenneth Denton Fnes Audltonum m the Grosse vary WSU's Bonstelle Theatre Chekov's "Uncle Vanya," Jan 27 wmter auctIOn at 11 a m across the area WIllbe at 3 and 8 and Hemer Herthng, wddhfe by POlDte War MemorIal, 32 presents Alice Childress' "Wed- 29 TIckets are $5 Call (313) 833- Saturday, Jan 28, at the Mount pm Saturday, Jan 28, at the Richard Sloan, Matthew Hillier Lakeshore m Grosse Pomte dmg Band" from Jan 27 through 2323 Clemens Commumty Center, 300 North Groesbeck m Mount Macomb Center for the and Pat Preu,t, Botamcals by Farms Performances are at 8 Feb 4 Call (313) 577-2972 Performmg Arts TIcket pnces Vicky Cox and Mary Beth Koeze pm TIckets are $10 Call (313) • • • Clemens Call (810) 254-6160 8814004 • Madonna Umverslty Will pres- vary Call (810) 772-6678 Call (313) 885.8999 Nell SIIDon's•"Laughter• on the ent the film "PassIOn Fish" at 1 30 • The Castle, •506•Parkvlew In 23rd Floor" plays at the Fisher and 7 30 p m Thursday, Feb 2, lD • DetrOlt, wLlIhost Its third annual The DetrOIt•Concert••ChOIrper- Grosse Pomte••Gallery,• 19869 St Gertrude Players••will pres Theatre m DetrOIt through Jan Kresge Hall on the campus forms an Evensong concert at St Mack m Grosse POinte Woods, ent their annual chIldren's play at 29 Call (313) 872-1000 AdmlssLOn IS free Call (313) 591- bridal show from 11 a m to 4 Peter Catholic Church, 19851 presents the watercolors of Pomte 730 pm Jan 27.28 an:! 2 pm 5197 pm Sunday, Jan 29 AdnusslOn Jan 29, at the church's actiVIties ISfree Call (313) 822-7090 Aruta, In Harper Woods, at 4 p m artist Carol La Chlusa Call (313) The Gem Theatre,• • on•Woodward bUlldmg, 28801 Jefferson III St Sunday, Jan 29 Call (313) 882- 884-0100 across from the Fox Theatre, ClaIr Shores Tickets are $1 50 for • 0118 presents "Beehive" through Feb The Mlclugan Cat•Show• wJlI be children and $3 for adults Call APPENINGS from 10 a m to 4 pm Saturday, The DetrOIt•Institute•• of Arts, (810) 777.9120 26 TIckets are $12 25 and up • •• Call (313) 963 9800 Cal's Plzzana, Jan 28 and 9 a m. to 4 pm Preludes East Wlll host a cham- 5200 Woodward In DetrOIt, IS [l] pagne brunch at noon Sunday, 17323 Harper near Sunday, Jan 29, at the Dearborn exhlbltmg "An EvolutIOn of 20th CIVICCenter, 15801 MIchIgan m Jan 29, m the Crystal Ballroom Century Sculpture" through July The St ClaIr• Shores• • Players • •• Cadieux, WIll host a psychiC mght present the comedy "Funny Michael Frayn's "Benefactors" begmnmg at 730 P m Thursday, Dearborn AdmiSSIOn IS $4, $3 of the Grosse Pomte War 31, 1995 Also, the work of Will be presented at Oakland Memonal A concert by the St Valentmes" at 8 pm Feb 3 4 at Jan 26 A half-hour readmg IS semors, $2 chIldren Call (810) DetrOit artIst Charles McGee Will Umverslty's Meadow Brook 681-4863 Clair TrIO follows TIckets are be on display through Feb 26 the ItalJan Cultural Center, 28111 $30 Call (313) 884-3590 Impenal Dnve m Warren TIckets Theatre through Jan 29 Call $20 Call (313) 962-1000, ext Call (313) 833 7900 (810) 377-3300 285 are $8 for adults and $7 for semors and cluldren Call (810) • •• 773-7076 Sesame Street• LIVe••WIll be pre The Preservation•• •Hall Jazz The Scarab CI ub, 217 ~------, sented through Feb 5 at the Fox Band Will appear at 3 pm Farnsworth lD DetrOIt, IS hostmg : DO yOU... : the DetrOIt Pubhc School Art Broadway Vldeostage,• • • a new Theatre m DetrOlt 1'Jckets are Sunday, Jan 29, at the Macomb $13, $10, and $8 Call (313) 396- Center for the Performmg Arts Teacher's Show Jan 27 through form of hve theater, WIll present I want to be included in The MATCH box? I Feb 26 A reception IS Jan 27 at the comedy-mystery "The SOCial 7600 TIckets are $20, $18 for students I Then fill out thiS form and turn It In to the Grosse POinte News I 7:30 pm Also, artwork by Pat Secunty Murders" Frldays- and sewors Call (810) 286-2222 by 3 P m the Fnday before pubhcatJon Izzo and Gllla ContI IS on dIsplay Sundays through Feb 19 TIckets Rodger McElveen• • ProductIons• I I • • III an exhlblt titled "Hat=Art" are $15 and speCial rates are presents "To Forgive, Dlvme," a I Event I The Center for Creative• Studles' Call (313) 831-1250 aVllllable Call (810) 771-6333 comedy, on Saturdays through Flrst Thursdays at Noon concert Feb 11 at the Golden LIon senes contmues Thursday, Feb •• • • DInner Theatre, 22380 Moross III I Date Tlme. 1 2, at the Boughton Audltonum, The Hllberry•• Repertory Company at Wayne State DetrOIt TIckets are $2295 Place 200 E. KIrby m DetrOit With a Dmner IS at 7 p m and the show I I concert of dlgttal musIc TIckets HEATER UniversIty presents Shakespeare's "Romeo and IS at 8 p m Call (313) 886 2420 I Cost I are $8, WIth II lunch, tickets are Grosse POlDte Juhet," "Measure for Measure" Rodger McElveen ProductIOns $13. Call (313) 872-3118 Theatre presents also presents the comedy "The and "Mrs Warren's ProfeSSIOn"10 L: Reservations& Questions?Call______~: UWilham Inge's claSSIC comedy Butler DId It" through March 4 at rotatmg repertory TIcket prIces Contact Person _ • •• "Bus Stop" t~rough Jan 28 at The HeIdelberg, 43785 Gratiot m

Children's acting classes planned

Trechouse Players Will hold be held flOm 9 30 to 11 d m sprmg theatncal workshops for CharactellzatlOn classes fOl the chIldren and young adults on more advanced, or oldel stu Saturdays, Feb 11 May 6 dent, \\111 be held flOm 11 30 Two sessIons are bemg of a m to 2 p m POI more mfO! fered at 1515 Broadway lD De matlOn call Cathy Shah at trOlt The actmg skills seSSIOn, (313) 8810224 OJ (31'3) 965 for students 6 to 11 years old, 1515 or for the begInmng actor, wlll • 2nd entree of equal or lesser value Sunday thru and Fnday & Saturday before 7 pm w/coupon Last week's Thursday EXP 3/31/95 puzzle solved Not valId on Holidays

mE FINEST FRESH SEAFOOD. STEAKS CHOPS AND PASTA ACROSS (Men 1 Form fuzz on fabnc 24026 JEFFERSON 810.n3.7nO WekomeJ 5 ClaSSified ~ Items Besl View of Lake 51. Clair on the Nautical Mile 8 Track evenl GRILL OPEN TILL I :00 AM 12Scotlo's solo 13 Creek EVERY NIGHT 14Involved WIth 15 Cape m Cornwall JO OPEN SUNDAYS AI 5 PM 17Two-- (dance) 18Mauna - :l3 18666 Mack Ave. • Next to the Post Office • 881.5675 19 Ernplles the pool 21 Tendon 24 Bock or lager 25 God of love 26 Prammenl fealure m a regIon 30 Lalm I word 31 Goddess of 51 agncuhure 32 FIght or fire 49 "L,ve and weapons lR Naollli s lead In Lel-" 9 Agamst c110se n name 33 He gets 50 England's 10Tommy's gun? w Wood or dollar.;for Aillhony 11 Schooldances slone lead m 40 Gennan quarters ~1AnllY 16 Fan I breeder Now OPEN for LUNCH 35 "A - of Two member.;? 20Cmemn'h pl111a country 5 One Iype 29 "'fVou - 43 Buned SllSIt. ... of rug HOURS: e~plos"e 6GI1nga- 31 Doh 48 Colummsl 34 Thearctfare 7 MadeI1nhappy MOI1(hy - Saturd,ly II 00 - 2 00 am BarTell 35 London's nv

• • January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News 108

P((l)iiJl1lte Cc01Ull1ltelr P((l)iiJl1lts Bkathleen stevenson An EaMside Tradition For 28 Years ~ ~fYVlitJ;; (1:h. YOUR CHILD'S ts HEALTH C::::!Vit 6.-a' 6.- ~ Draperies and Interiors FANTASTIC-SAVINGS are going on Your chzld's dental health zs import- NOW!!! OUT winter SALE is happen- ant to you! You can see a "video tour" Speciallzing zn Custom QualLty To all our loyal customers we would ing ... SAVE-SAVE-SAVE - Hurry to of your child's mouth with state of the Wmdow Fashions, FabriC, Accents, hke you to know that we handle most Connie's and receIve 50% OFF on art technology at Robert C. Gorskl Reupholstery, wallpaper, Insurance plans, plus now we carry select winter merchandise ... We are D.D.S. Dental SerVlces ... Or call for a and carpeting. hap To hap members - THE NOTRE the largest independent children's complimentary brochure with informa- Complete Design Service Available DAME Pharmacy can fill all new, old clothing store in Michigan - we even tion about your child's dental health 28983 Little Mack • SCS and even transfer your prescnptions carry Stnderite ... Hurry in for the (313) 886-7890, Vermer at 1-94. (810) 772.1196 to our store ... come visit us at ... 16929 best selectIOns... at 23200 Greater Kercheval m-the-Vlllage, (313) 885- Mack Avenue, one block south of 9 2154 Mile Road, (810) 777-8020.

Final January CLEARANCE SALE zs gomg on now wLth 30%.70% OFF all fall and wmter merchandLse ... at 23022 Mack Avenue, (across from francesco~ S.c S. post office) 810-774-1850 __ salon- francesco~ Finest of Kitchen Cookware Been looking for SUSAN __ salon- PRESSER, the full naIl service tech- PRE.INVENTORY SALE .. nician and pedicurist (formerly of Our storewzde SALE is happemng L'Vogue)? SUSAN has JOlOed We are pleased to announce NANCY - only three days left ... Recewe 20% FRANCESCO'S SALON staff, 17007 LARSON, well known CERTIFIED "MIKE'S ANTIQUES" OFF everythmg m store (except bake Kercheval, m-the-Vlllage, and IS tak- MASSAGE THERAPIST, Ln the goods). Hurry in for the best selec- ing appointments Tues. through Sat, Grosse POLnte area, has Jomed Aubusson canopy settee, cIrca 1850 (313) 882-2550. twns ..Sale ends Saturday. Store - floral rehef carved frame - round- FRANCESCO'S SALON, 17007 hours are Monday Saturday 9:30 - Kercheval, tn-the- Vdlage NANCY lS ed arms to back Aubusson tapestry 530. at 88 Kercheval On-The-Hzll, upholstery parlor chairs - circa 1850 e::tpenenced I n STRESS 313-8854028. MANAGEMENT, THERAPEUTIC - Loms XV style - plus Persian RELIEF and AROMATHERAPY She hand woven carpet - new and used . WIll be avaLlable Tuesday through and a vanety of American furniture .. Saturday by appomtment only - (313) 5 M r W T F So at 11109 Morang, (313) 881-9500. Jacobson's I • 882-2550 ;) .. !I 6 1 .e 9 10 PI 12 lJ U U 16 Organize Unlimited 11 r.e 19 20 11 22 2J .11 Calendar • 2So 16 2'1 1B 29 30 For less frustratIOn and more convenLence m your home or office, STOREWIDE CLEARANCE contm- ues ... Wlth further reductions ... Hurry organize with Organize Unlimlted. in for the best selectIOn ... ~E~l~ Call ... 313-331-4800, Ann Mullen, francesco~ Joan Vlsmara Insured, bonded and __ salon- ~FCARPENTRY~ January 26th (Thursday) confidentwl. Join us for a delicIOUSdinner buffet WE'RE RENOVATINGI (all you can eat) from 4:30 - 7'30. Update your home with... A new Adults $9.95 and children (10 years mantel; staLr razl, crown moldzng, FRANCESCO'S SALON is being French doors, book cases, a recreation completely renovated! We are remo- and under) $5.95. In our St. ClaIr Room Restaurant. room, paneled lLbrary, new kztchen or deling from top to bottom! We apolo- windows ... Finzsh carpentry specwlLst gize for any inconvenience to our - 313-881-4663. clientele. JANUARY 31st will be the February 18th (Saturday) "Spring Bridal Event 1995" Ed Maliszewski first day in our ALL NEW ELEGANT Carpeting surroundings -17007 Kercheval in- "Petals, Porcelams and Pastries" the-VIllage. Please call (313) 882-2550 Crowmng Touch Bridal Veil Show for your next appomtment from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm and a Formal Keep your area rugs flat and in Bridal Show at 11:00 am, both in the place on wood or tile floors with our Bridal Salon. A bndal registry event non-slip rug pads .. at 21435 Mack will be from 11:30 a.m. -3:00 p.m .. Avenue, (810) 776-5510. Store For The Home CtlL\RTEQI1~E (f)CO

If you have an old pocket watch you don't use, why not sell it to the buyers at Charterhouse. They purchase inter- PORTRAIT DESIGN estmg, unusual, or comphcated pocket watches especially those by Patek Philippe and Cartier. grosse pointe MIDWINTER PORTRAIT Weekdays 9:00 to 5:00 - ... at 16835 SPECIAL Jom us for ONE 23's three course florists, inc. Kercheval In the Village - (313) 885- Growers of Fme Flowers 50% OFF Every Other Photograph "Winter Warm Up, n Monday thru 1232 or (800) 233-2233. .. (313) 343-9169 Thursday for $16.95... at 123 Bnng a little touch of Sprmg mto Kerchevalon-the-Hill, (313) 881-5700 your home' Come and choose from our bnght and colorful selectIOn of _ daffodils, ms, tulzps, pnmroses ~ and other spnng favonte::... at 174 Kerby Road, Grosse Poznte BOri-LOOT Farms, (313) 885-3000 The caravans have arnved at BON- LOOT, 17114 Kercheval, in the CLEARANCE SALE ... on all sea- Village Come in and see the exquisite sonal merchandIse ... at 20148 Mack at new thmgs from our recent bUYing Oxford, (313) 886-7424 trips m Turkey and Tumsla: Antique Berber Silver, KIlm Bags & Shoes, fabulous Byzantme Gold and Vermeil Jewelry, beautIful hand knit woolen It's that great-tIme of year agam for socks and gloves, to mention a few- our annual Colonial of Cape Cod box direct from the exotic bazaars to candle SALE. Startmg on Wednesday THE FRUITTREE you ... 313.886.8386. KISKA JEWELERS February 1st through February 28th II Time to start thznkzng about your recewe 20% OFF on each box! Choose favonle Valentine ... choose from a from a large variety of beautLful col- vanety of fashIOn jewelry-beautiful ors. Perfect time to stock up and The FRUIT TREE has something heart pendants and earrzngs-or SAVE ... In our Stationery for that someone special in your hfe. choose from our large selection of Department .. at 72 Kercheval on-the- Send a champagne b lsket, gourmet dzamond heart Jewelry wLth a prLce Hill, (313) 882-6880. chocolate candy or a WIne and cheese range to suzt everyones budget ..at 63 tray thiS Valentine's Day We also DETROIT Kercheval on-the.Hzll, 313-885-5755 CUSTOM FRAMING have a pasta dinner basket including candles and wme glasses for a roman- tIc evemng. Gayles Chocolates are Highest Quality - Lowest Price _--.. ...: - --~~ also on display. Place your order today. at 20129 Mack Avenue, Now is the time to bnng m your -----~-~_=::~~~- Grosse Pomte Woods, 313-886-2352. favonte pictures and we'll be glad to assIst you wIth the perfect frame .. by hair co. Sports On The Dill Year end Clearance SALE IS gomg on January Special... receive $5.00 now. ReceIve 30% - 70% OFF all in- OFF any sefV1ce during the month of Planmng a spnng vacatIOn or To advertise In thiScolumn stock custom and ready made January with Jenna - first time cli- cruise? Well-you must check out our call Kathleen Stevenson frames. at 19571 Mack Avenue, ents only (Saturday excluded).. at new large selectIOn of men and wom- at (313) 343-5582 Grosse Pomte Woods, (313) 881-6922 15229 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Park, ens bathmg SUIts at 92 Kercheval or (313) 881-6956. (313) 822-8080 on-the-Hlll, (313)-343-9064. by 2 00 p m Flldays -p------~------," .

Section C Prep ba~J..clb,I!J 3C January 26, 1995 Soulh hockey 4C Sports Cj.I~~lfICd de Gros~ Point~N~ws

By Chuck Klonke men's lead back to 10 pomt~ Shelden, Brett Colhns and Gehrke thl ee Ielav~ If an) of OUI big Mahnowskl, 100 backstroke Sports Editor With one event lemammg O'Connor welP double wmnel~ "Gehrke could be dnother guy., don't Wilm well \IC'le not Ld~t Saturday, North and Mike O'ConnOl hopes that O'Connor had confidence hiS fm the NOI~emen, who ale 21 Chdd Hepne!,' MichalIk ~dld, gomg to heat a team hke South along WIth top ranked hIs good fllend Fled Michalik blCdststlOkels would do the Job In the MAC Red Shelden won lefelllllg 10 the fO!mel South Grove' We can t affOid an off Blother RIce, partiCipated m a will get as much out of his and they dIdn't let hIm do\\ n the 200 flee,tyle 'n 15149 and "tate dlVlllg champIOn who I" day flOm them tn meet 111 which no team Grosse Pomte South sWimming Kno~t ha~ had some gieat had a ~tdte qualifylllg time of nO\1 the top dlvel on Mlt-hlgdn North won five of the eight scores were kept team when It meets FOId II on dlOps this) eal and BI ent ha., 54 96 III the 100 butterfly Col State'~ ~wlmmlllg learn IndiVidual sWlmmmg events, Shelden posted a personal Feb 2 as MIchalik did last been m the bred~tstlOke only Iins hdd a ~tate qualIfylllg time NOIth'~ othel be,t times \1el e led h) Shelden'~ first~ 111 the best 111 \lInnmg the 200 mdl- week when the Blue Devl!~ two meets, so he's been a pleas of 4 54 b III the 500 fl eesty Ie af posted by RIck Helm, 200 fIee~ 200 mdlvldual medIc) and the Vidual medley, while O'Connor. faced O'ConnOl'S Olosse Pomte ant ~U1pnse," O'Connor smd tel wlIll1lng the 200 mdlvldual tyle, 20847, and .1effVollmel, 100 butterl1y The younger 0' was first In the 500 freestyle North squad Knost's 1 0556 \\ a~ hiS best medley III 2 06 58 O'ConnOi 200 1M, 2 19 43 ConnOi won the 100 back dnd was JL1"ttouched out m the "Fred's kIds can beat FOId If time and leplesented mOle qualIfied fOi the state III the "It was a good meet,' coach Shake, Fmkelmann WdS Iii st m 100 backstroke and Collins was they sWIm lIke thev dId to thdn a three 'lecond dlop smce 100 backstlOke (5544) and also O'Connor s8ld "We all t-ame the 500 freestyle and Atl asz second m the 500 free~ty Ie I1Ight," O'Connol smd dllel the beginning of the season and I\on the 100 freestyle III 5132 out w)nners 1I won the 100 bIeaslstlOke Shel Other best times were re.' North's 9987 VlctOiV ovel NwlubO\\Icz 1 11 36 was al~o a Both of O'Connor's times were NOIth's coach wa~n't qUite a~ den had hiS be~t time 111 the cOlded by DaVid Nlelubowlcz South m a Mdcomb Aled Con pel"ondl best pelsonal bests and so was Shel pleased Illth the NOI~men'~ butterfl) and Atrd~Z po~led a and Helm, 200 freestyle, Bla feI ence Red DlVIsIOn sho\1 'The brea~tstroke \\ as the den's 111 the 200 fteestyle and 103-83 l%~ to BII mmghdm personal Icwld In the bJeast ZaltlS, 50 freestyle, Vollmer, down tUlnlng pomt: Michalik ~dld Colhns' 111 the 200 1M GlOves the followlllg I1Ight stlOke 500 free.,tyle, and Atrasz, who Michalik d{,'1eed "It was a good meet We'le North's team of John FmkE'1 Groves was ranked ~econd m Othel best hme~ came flOm missed a state qualifYlllg tune "If we stav hedlthy, \\e could s\I'lmmll1g better than I ell. mann, Colhns, Shelden and the state la~t week Dan Leehl, 200 mdlVldual med. by five tenths of a second III the beat them," he Said pected we would A lot of OUI O'Connor lIon the 400 freestyle "I wa~ a little disappolllted ' Ie) John Vel~lcal dnd Vollmel, 100 brea~tstroke A South vIctor) against FOld youngel kids dre dOll1g d nice relay m 3 32 65 he said "I thought It \\auld at 50 fleest \ Ie Chn ~ Coopel, 100 South ~ Mike Vandeputte II would plObabl) CI eate a Job .. South's C J Hurd was a run led~t go to the Idst 11'1.1\ ,lIld so bulted1v, And) Btv8I!Js dnd had hl~ be~t tIme of 5 00 08 three way tie fOi the diVISIOn Michalik figured It would be awaywmnel 111 the dlvmg com. dId GH'\'" en It h W, '",\ ,II Helm 100 flee"t\le ,md .Jlm the 500 fl ee',{yle dual meet championship be a tough task to beat North thiS petitIOn With 236 5 pomts and tween North, South and the yeal South has excellent the Blue DeVils took the 200 Falcom, who mpped the NOI'le depth, but the Norsemen, who fleestyle relay m 13733 WIth men by a pomt a couple of won 10 of the 12 events, have the team of Chlls Olhson, Nat weeks ago more state-calIber ~\IImmers Spun, John Peabody and Tim South had 5e\ el al excellent "1 \\01 ked on puttmg to KImmel performances agamst Nm th gether IlI1eups for 4 1/2 hoUi s," Other excellent performances and the Blue De\ lIs trailed by MIchalik said "Fmally, I went flOm South sWImmers "ele only two pomts, 79 77 , after to bed at 1230 and my \\Ife Chn" Harwood, 100 backstroke, John Spam, Scott Van de SaId, 'If you have to plan that 1 0684, Pat Spam, 100 brea~t Vusse and Chns Harwood went long fm the meet, you mIght as stroke, 1 1198, Kenny Mazel 23-4 m the 100) al d back well fOlget It '" SchmIdt, 100 bl eaststroke, stroke Nmth never tl ailed aftel 1 1283, Adam Zleglel, 200 m But North came back shong wmnmg the 200 medley relay dlvldual medley, 2 16 34 and 111 the breaststlOke as Tony m 1 4686 With the team of 500 freestyle, 5 21 94, Marty Atrasz and Jason Knost went Mike O'Connm, Jeff Shelden, Lmclau Miller, 200 freestyle, 12 and Brent Nlelubowlcz fin Tony Atlasz and DaVid Nlelu 2 05 26 and 500 fl ee~tyle, Ished fourth to boost the NOIse bOWIe? 54131, and freshman diver Joe Freshmen spark Norsenten By Chuck Klonke off to a good st art than and Shefferly won on Sports Editor While the Phllhps Dwmhy falls There's a blight futm e for bout was a tossup, Bordato s South's IHnners wele Snan GIOSse Pomte North wrestling 14-8 VIctory over Aaron Frasel Goldstem (l06), James HilI A strong shOWing by these three breaststroke swimmers was the turning point In Groslle If DClek PhJlhp, and Gdry Bar at 142 pounds was mOle of a (151), Rob Shanow (160), POlnte North's 99.87 vlCtOry ovet Grosse POinte South In a Macomb Area Confetence Red DiVi- data are any mdlcatlOn SUrpllSC Keven Butts (172) and heavy SIon meet. Tony Atrasz, center, was !lrst In the bteaststroke, while Jason Knost. right, came in The two freshmen each "Bordato did a great Job," weight Al Missant Goldstem, second and Brent Nle1ubowlcz was fourth. Knost and Nle1ubowicz each posted personal.beat posted key vlctones last week RobClts said "I was figunng HIll dnd Sharroll each pmned times. as the Norsemen beat Grosse that wClght was gomg to hIS opponent Pomte South 34 27 III a Ma South It was the turnmg POlllt Followmg are the re"ults comb Area Confelence Blue of the match" from each \\ eIght class DIVISIOn meet Both teams are NOith IVan three matches on 100 pounds Derek Phllllps North now 1 1 III dIVISIOnactIOn pm~ and South coach Larry doc Joe 1)\'aIh) South 6-4 "These freshmen are bomg to Can saId that was also a factor 106 Bnan G ''"~ Roberts "Thele's a lot of poten backs and we had to 'I'm 119 Phil Nathan, North pmnrd tlal thel e" through from 142 to 185," Can Mall D,PaOlO South 1 02 The mh.ch between Phllhps sa,d 126 Bill Pollard North doc Rldn Par;hall South 102 and South sophomme Joe North's other victories came THE LEASE YOU CAN DO! 134 Charhe Vasapolh \Iorth doc Dwmhy at 100 pounds "as a from Kevlll Brandon (112), Phil Mdtt O"tro\\.k, South 12;; claSSIC hIgh school bout Both Nathan (119), Bill Pollard (126\, 142 Gal) &rdato North dl'<.:.r\"lnm Fraser South 14 8 1995 Cadillac Sedan DeVille are e"cellent wlestlCl sand Chal lIe Vasapolli (134), ChI 15 151 Jame' Hlil South pmned Joe PhlllIP~ came a\\ay \\Ith a 64 tmn Lemmnger (185) and Dan EQUIPPEDWITHChrome Whllels,lea tile' seals leatller Soals, 1SBPackage" Se<:u,ltySystem 200 HP.4 9 Utel V.BEngine TotollyRedes1gned BodY.AnlHocK deCISion to get the NOI,,~men Shefferly (215) BI andon, Na See WRESTLING, page 2C Brakes, Alrbank System. Speed Sensltlve Steering STK .5:159495

1995 Cadillac Eldorado EQUIPl'EDWITH Chrome Whllels,lealher seats, Security System, 270 HP.32 Valve, NorlllstolSystem V.B,Fulll!ange Trae~onControl, Real nrrw Road S8N1ng SUlpenslon, Speed Senll"ve SI.. ~ng, AlrlXInkSystem, Anti lock !kake. Eldorado t $13,321.' I Z4::'.t...SloP .. - 1995 Cadillac Seville SLS EQUIPPEDWITH Chrome Wh.. ls Leothe, SeOll security System, 270 HP 32 Valve, Northstar System V.B, FullRonge Ttacllon Control Reel 11me Rood sensing SUspe~slon Speed Seml""e Steering A[,banKSyllem. Anll lock Brokel


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Gary Bordato 01 Grosse Pomte North looks like he's m trouble as Grosse Pomte South s Aaron Fraser attempts to throw him to the mat durmg thelf 142 pound bout m last week's wrestlIng meet won by the Norsemen 34 27. Bordato came back to Win a 148 deCISion for one of North's key victOries. January 26, 199..5 2C Sports Grosse Pointe New~~

Neighbortmd Highlights C L U B

The emollment th,s year m tIn Walker and JamIe Handley prOVIdedgood defense and reboundmg thl' NeH;hlmr"rxxl Clt'b'" youth Ihe CosmoslVereled otTensJvelyby M1 basketball plogram IS the l8lg chael Jarboe, KeVin Herzog, Ro\>ert est el'el wlth 980 children In Bashara and M.chael Htrt, whIle Ev~ klndel garten thlOUgh eIghth Breen, Alex Oddoand GeorgeAlsalaius grade pJaymg on 109 teams dId IIell defensl'ely Fourteen kmdergarten and first grade gJrls are partlclpat More basketball mg In a specml InstructiOnal A basketball extension progJam to lealn the funda league IS avallable for seventh mentals of the sport Under the and elghth grade boys at th~ dllectIon of an Instructor and Neighborhood Club volunteer dSlolstants, the girls Games wlll be played on learn how to shoot, pass and weekends, beginning Feb 25 dJ Ibble Aftel practice, they Teams wlll begJn each sessIOn playa scrimmage game WIth a half hour practice, fol- Kmdel garten and first grade lowed by a one.haur game, COh- boys are placed on teams that slstlng of two 25 minute halves, play each weekend, usmg A champIOnship tournamen~ smalIer balls and lowered nets Will be played after the regul6.r FollOWing 81 e results from sea~n ; the openmg "eek of the kmder The cost IS $45. Partlclpanl$ garten and first grade boys must have a 1994 95 club me1JJ' leagues bershlp, WhlCh may be pur} PhotobyRosh&,11.", chased at registratIOn : • BOYS KINDERGARTEN Youngsters mterested m J01~ Rob Sharrow of Grosse Pointe South has control of Grosse Pomte North's Ryan Plunkett during their lBO-pound bout. mg the league must Sign up b:l Sharrow pmned Plunkett at 3:49 and kept South's victory hopes alive. Last weekend, Sharrow won his weight class at the 1 MlSSlies12, Dynamos 0 Feb 6, eIther m person or Oy Lake Shore Invitational. Gunnar Groesbeck led the Mlssdes mall to the Neighborhood Club; ",th SlX pomts, "hlle T,m Deters had 17150 Waterloo, Grosse Pom~~ four and Mark Rlashl two The Mlssles 48230 For more Informatloltl Wrestling :.:~~:;~;:~:r~.;.~.:.:.:;~;;:.~;:.:.:::.:.:~;~~.:.;~:~;:.:.~:~:.:~:::~~~.;:;~~:.:.~:;:::.:;~;~~.:.:=~:.:~:~;:.:::.;~.got eAeeJlentdafensIle pia) from Chns call 8854600 :: Lang, Patne!. 10" andolVskl,Deters and mask," said coach Larry Carr Jordan Grover each fimshed to tIe the match, then got the Rlashl The Dynamos made ,",veral Pitching clinic ~: From page Ie "The mask broke and we had second Matt OstrowskI was wmnmg takedown a mmute goodplays but weren't ab'e to crack the MISSIlesdefe""" Fastpltch pltchmg clJrnes Brennan North 130 to rush thmgs With the IllJury thl1'd at 134 pounds mto the overtime" are avaIlable at the Neighborhe<¥l 160 Rob Sham>". South pinned time Carr was also pleased WIth Stars 4, C.t week m a 15-12, 15.0 MLcomb two opponents 01,en scoredfour pOlnl1;forSupernalas plonshlp "When they went out of four matches He had two sec whIle Damen Hamngton and Bobby Area Conference Wlute DIVI- "He dIdn't wrestle a real South's sophomore and fresh. bounds we told Chnstlan to let ond penod pIns, a 15 1 decISIOn D.ehl also figured m the sconng NICho- SIOn volleyball VIctOry over good match m the champIOn man wrestlers competed m the him go and gJve up the pomt and a 15.2 deCISiOn over Por las Hy and Mlcbael Mallls d'd a good Ford II ShiP, but he's been havmg prob JObofbnngmg Ihe hall up the court and Garden City InVItatIOnal last and then try for the takedown," tage Central's Andy Hedgspeth Maureen Zohk had four kills lems With a bloody nose and J,mm.l McMIllan and Wtlham Dorda weekend and Matt Sperhng Roberts said "He got the take m the consolatIOn final passed "ell and five saves for the Lady Pollard dropped a 4 0 deci Norsemen, while teammate High school sports schedule Slon to Walled Lake Western's Customcraft [4. Cosmos 8 Lynette Pone added seven Steve Atwell, then won three Danny Pressler MIke LaclUra and saves Here IS the schedule of var Fnday, Jan 27 straIght matches, meludmg a Curt Mumall d'd tho Clb"iomtraftsror North also had a strong all slty athletiC events mvolVlng University Liggett School pm at 420 agamst Farmmg 109 John V.cler and Ke\1n Kelly han around petformance m Its 15.0, the three Grosse Pomte high Basketball at East Deirmt 730 Pm Fnday. Jan 27 ton's Chuck Jaeger m the con diedIhe ball "ell and JelfPalms Quen 15-6 sweep of East DetrOIt schools All times are subject to solatIOn final at 119 pounds Saturday, Jan 28 Basketball vs Lutheran North" est change 7 pm Hocke) at Cahnm 8 pm Boys hockeyvs Milwaukee Unl\er slty School 6 p m Monday, Jan 30 Grosse Pointe North Saturday, Jan 28 Wrestlmgat Cousmo630 pm SOllWP KnrCf1fJ!Mi Volle)ball at Country Day wuma SALOON & RESTAURANT Thursda), Jan. 26 Tuesday. Jan 31 ment 830 am G,mn"st",,, \s Clarence\llle 7 pm Basketball \S Fraser 7 30 pm Tuesday, Jan 'll (JUt 20th YeiJ S\\lmmmg \s Fraser 7 pm \I ...",tll ng at Warren IV00.,11 al U 'I !ourmment TIlA \Vhat's that about the Don't get caught short \fondal, Jan 30 election campaign? Or on information. Get a Volle,tnll " Swr"ng Hughts 7 'l0 pm that incredible play in subscription to The the game last night? Grosse Pointe News And what did the critics and the information is B",e' boll at \\ "ITen\\ oodsTo"er 7'lOpm think of opening night? yours to make your

Wedne,da), Feb I Just as you were way through at your getting really own pace for only Volle\ b111 a' R" ....\ lIlt 7 10 pm interested, someone $24.00 for one year. So ThUr<;dahreh 2 had the nerve to turn stop reading over (.\ mn1<.,tl("<; I, .. Trenton 7 pm the page before you someone's shoulder. ~\("1mmlng \ .. F'1.rrmn,h'1:nn 7 pm \he,'lmi: 1t I An"" ,rou"" 6 '10 finished reading! Get your own copy. pm Call now. Grosse Pointe South JOE RICCI AUTOMOTIVE GROUP 313.343.5577 1I!!I@6!! \\ rf'''tII n.... \<, I ..lk( \ l( i\ BIOOUT ICI~.=- Hire :')10 pm Grosse Point~ N~ws ~'l,lmmln/-. "11Eo flilC'nhn cr 7 pm ( .... mnl11<.., 1t \\ 1 n£> \1. mon tl H3()(}33 RICCI h 10 pm January 26,1995 Grosse Pointe News Sports 3C • • "Defense sparkles as Blue Devils WIn Chuck Klonke agaIn , By sively so far thIS season ence WhIte DIVISIongame~ North, "but we fimsh up WIth , Sports Editor Wlnnmg, but we have to come stood out the most, South had He would hke to see a httle "SIX of our next <;evengames four of Ourlast five at home" : Grosse Pomte South coach to play," he saId "We can't af. several other players make slg more consIstency fI am the of are on the IOdd," Pl..trouleas Pet! ouleas doesn't want to , GeOlge PetlOulea~ has no plOb ford to look pa~t anyone We're Illficallt wntnbutlOns to the fense, however a~ the Rhl(> C:;(lHi '1ft(>1 Sc- ~tr '1l-l.u.n.J look too fill dhedd I~m~ I'lth the" 3) hi' b",h.t:t still not as consistent In our of VICtory DevIls hedd mto a tough stJalght MAC White, IdOl) - "Evel)' game m the confer ball team has played defen fenslve executIOn as I'd lIke to "Bl'Ian Nugent played an. stl etch of l\lacomb Alea Confel a 60-43 IIIn 0\ el L' <\nx' ell use ence IS one we're capable of be We have some very good other good defenSIve game penods and then we have some against one of the better guards perIods that aren't as good A In the diVISion," Petrouleas lot of that comes from our mex saId "Matt Agnone had seven penence aSSISts, Jake Howlett played "DefenSIvely, we've played another steady game, Pat War- pretty well all season We've rell played well and Ben Har- only had two games where our wood came back from mlssmg a opponents have scored more game WIth an mJury to gwe us than 55 POints and even m eIght pomts and five rebounds those the other team has scored A lot of dIfferent people contnb off our offensIve mIstakes" uted and It really showed m South outscored LCN m each the second half" quarter, the first time the Blue LaDanus DaVISled the Cru- DeVIls have accomplIshed that saders WIth20 potnts thIS year South, 53 overall, plays at South held a 29-26 halfhme East DetrOItFnday lead and the margin probably Sharks seeking should have been even larger. "The lead should have been new swimmers 12 or 15 pomts at halfhme, but The GlOSsa Potnte Shores we got a lIttle careless and they Sharks sWlmmmg team IS re- had a three pomt Just before crUltmg new members for next the half ended that was a re summer's team suit of our mIstake at the other By the end of the month, all end," Petrouleas saId ehglble chIldren between the The Blue DeVIls got an out. ages of 5 and 18 who bve In standmg all around game from the Shores, WIllreceIve an mVI Jumor center Charlte Wascher, tattOn to attend the first KIck Whofinished WIth a career.hlgh off Breakfast on Apnl 1 at the 27 pomts and also collected Shores mUnicIpalbUlldmg seven rebounds and three The youngsters Will be blocks greeted by Mayor John Huette- "We went to the hot hand," man and Sharks' coach Mlck Petrouleas saId "Charhe has Serafinskl will answer ques as good a first step as any bIg tlons about the squad , man on the east SIdeand North This year's sWIm SUIt may Grosse Pointe South basketball coach George PetroLLleQ5 Photo by Rosb Sillars had a tough time defendmg also be purchased at the break .jives instruchons to his players during a timeout at the Blue won the game to remain unbeaten In the Macomb Area Con- hIm He created a lot of hIS fast Team members wrll re Il,vils' game with L'Anse Creuse North last weekend. South ference White Divislon. own opportumtJes," celVe duffie bags wrth the

1; WhIle Wascher's statistics Sharks logo North overpowers Shorians to stay unbeaten By Chuck Klonke really an 8 0 team," Stavale Sports EdltOI sure, but we'll find out a lot teams," Stavale saId "They're Macomb County school, Lake "Wmnlng those close games saId WIth a chuckle after the thIS week ", Grosse Pomte North's basket dIfferent, but they're equally Shore came lOto the game early In the season was a bIg Norsemen remamed unbeaten ball team IS gammg belIevers The Norsemen, who have tough" agaInst the Norsemen lookmg WIth a convmcmg 57.30 VICtory boost for our confidence," Sta f;;very week, but coach Dave won both of theIr MAC Blue That's what Lake Shore for Its fl!st VIctoryof the year vale saId "Now we've won a Stavale hasn't convmced at agamst defendmg state Class B contests, faced Chntondale on wasn't last week North, on the other hand, champtOn Lake Shore maMa couple games gomg a" ay and ~ast one member hIS famIly Tuesday and they'll play at L' In a major role reversal from doubled last year's VIctorytotal we'll try to bUIld on that It's comb Area Conference Blue that the Norsemen drc dB good Anse Creuse on Fnday last season when the Shonans fun II DIVISIongame WIth Its eIghth Win as theIr recO!d were undefeated on thel! way "A couple tImes I thought to One of the thmgs that made "Both Clmtondale and L'. to wmnmg the fIrst boys bas- myself, 'I can't beheve thIS IS Stavale happIest about the ,' "My dad asked me If we'1e "I told hIm, 'I don't know for Anse Creuse are very good ketball state champIOnshIp by a Lake Shore,'" Stavale saId, re Lake Shore game was that four callmg some lopSIded scores In Norsemen scored In double fig e other dIrectIOn dunng the ures Ryan Rouls and Dan Vor- 1. two seasons melker led the way WIth 11 ~Faststart helps ULS beat Pioneers Now, Instead of worrying pomts apIece and MIke Melhem about where the next VIctoryIS and Steve Champme each col John MIskelly ~ By gresslve on the boards early m to pull down 11 rebounds, the first game I put 'I'ymrak In gOing to come from, Stavale's lected 10 Spec,al Wnler the game, outreboundIng Har. whIle Cowells had 10 POInts the one (pomt guard) spot " concern lS that hIS players Rauls had four steals and SIX UniverSIty LIggett School's pel Woods 104 before finIshing and five rebounds Corneau finIshed WIth 16 don't get caught up In the wm assIsts, while Champme also 'basketball team used a fast WIth a 37-33 advantage Joe Cassm returned for the thIrd nlng streak and state rankmgs had four steals RIChWmsmm , ,Stalt to Improve Its record to 2- pomts and WIlhams added Grant and Rod WIllIams each quarter, but Harper Woods con mne Although he scored only "I've addressed that III talk skI led WIth five rebounds , 2 In the Metro Conference last had seven rebounds for ULS tlnued Its comeback and took a one pomts, 'l'ymrak had five mg to the team," he saId "I Steve Zachary, MIke Aubrey - 'week WIth a 5747 VIctOry at Grant, who was m foul trou. 30 29 lead early m the penod rebounds and showed excellent don't want them thmklng and ChrIS Copus also played 'Harper Woods ble for most of the Kmghts' on a three pomt basket by poIse In dlstnbutmg the ball about the \Vlnnmg streak I well for North "The first quarter hurt us," prevIOus game WIth Lutheran KeVin Pace ULS wasn't able to put Har. want them to be thlnkmg "Vormelker has really come ~Id Harpel Woods coach Scott East and had one pomt and Pace came off the bench to about Improvmg With each on m the last couple weeks," Waak per Woods away and led 50-44 five rebounds, bounced back lead the PIOneers WIth 12 WIth 232 lemalntng The game ThIS week IS what It'S Stavale saId "I had hoped he'd • The KnIghts ran out to a strong agamst the PIOneers He pomts, Includmg two tnples Kmghts then took the ball all about It's the week we've come around (from a knee In qUIck 13-4 advantage and scored 17 POints, mcludmg a "He can make up a lot WIth down low and drew several been waltmg for We have a Jury) to about 40 percent of ended the first quarter WIth a tlu ee pomt goal and four free hIS qUIckness," Waak saId fouls ULS capItalized on Its streak on the line and we're what he was last year, but now ~79 lead Part of ULS' success throws ULS got some long.range opportumtes from the Ime, playmg two fine teams that we he's around 70 percent He - \vas due to the defenSIVework shootmg of Its own from Chns makmg five of eIght attempts, have to beat If we lVant to wm made some movements on of done on PIOneers' forward DIm f Brad Cassin got mto early Comeau, who hIt a pal! of while the PIOneers mIssed all the league champIOnshIp It's a fense and defense agamst Lake i the 19 second mark and Braun ) Ken Klenk saId after the Lady game wlth Juh out," Klenk follows: saId made It 2-0 at 1.56. Graffius , .< Kmghts beat Sacred Heart notched hIS second goal at 3 05 Academy 15-6, 115, 15.13 and After ULS won easily In the PRECINCT A - All voters in the City of Grosse Pointe Park vote at of the first penod, but Huron PIERCE MIDDLE SCHOOL, 15430 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Park, dOlIned DetroIt Country Day first game Wlth Sacred Heart, Klenk made wholesale substItu- scored two qwck goals to cut Michigan 15 13, 15 7 In a paIr of non. the lead to one before Starrs conference dual matches tIOns In the second game and the seldom-used members of scored hIs first at 11 22 PRECINCT B - All voters in the CIty of Grosse Pointe vote at MAIRE ULS then made a good show South kept rolling In the sec ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 740 Cadieux, CIty of Grosse Pointe, the squad struggled Michigan Ing In the 12 team Wayne "Then when the starters ond penod, boostmg Its lead to State InvItatIOnal last week. came back, they had Cooled 7.2 nudway through the penod PRECINCT C - All voters m the Clty of Grosse Pointe Fams vote at end, advanCing to the quarter down so we had a tougher time Terry Brennan had South's BROWNELL MIDDLE SCHOOL, 260 Chalfonte, Grosse Pointe Farms, finals of the mostly Class A than we should have had III the final goal. Kmunel had three Michlgan tournament before lOSing 15-6, third game," the coach saill. assISts, Terry Brennan two and 15 8 to Windsor (Ontano) Bren- Earlier, ULS beat Lutheran Nick Lmn, Wlutehead, Prues PBECINCT D All voters m the CIty of Grosse Pomte Woods vote at nan Northwest 15-6 In the fIrst and Braun added one aplece PARCElLS MIDDLE SCHOOL, 20600 Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods, 'We played a whale of a game but lost the next two 15- South won Its first crosstown Mlchlgan match against Brennan," 13 and 15-6 battle WIth Grosse Pomte PRECINCT E - All voters in the 'lbwnshlp of Grosse POinte vote at Klenk saId "We were up 6-0 In "Those first two games were North 5-1 as Braun and Terry Brennan each scored tWIce and the GROSSE POINTE SHORES ADMINISTRATION OFFICES, 795 the first game We mIght have two of the finest I've seen," Lakeshore, Grosse Pointe Shores, MIchIgan bIt off a httle too much In thiS Klenk saId "We've been play. goalie Todd Dunlap had an ex- Ing a very strenuous schedule cellent game PRECINCT F - All voters m the CIty of Harper Woods portion of The tOUInament, but we were and we just ran out of steam In "Both teams played well," Grosse Pomte Pubhc School System vote at POUPARD ELEMENTARY happ) WIth the way we played that thu'ti game " Bopp said "And we had two of SCHOOL, 20655 Lennon, CIty of Harper Woods, MIchigan It showed us what we have to The Lady Kmghts' other the best goalies In the league do against good teams" Metro Conference setback was In Dunlap and Chuck Scher- ABSENT VOTER COUNTING BOARD' - (All absentee voter ballots) a 5 15, 15 7, 15-3 loss to Lu VIsh" Votlng places at BARNES SCHOOL, 20090 Mommgslde, Grosse ULS beat Ford II tWIce In Pointe Woods, MIchIgan. pool play, but dropped two theran Westland Braun opened the sconng for games each to Brennan and "I've been real pleased Wlth South from Ryan Allard and Proes and Terry Brennan made Each person voting in SBldelection must be a regIstered elector m the City or'lbwnshlp Redford Thurston the way we've played In a tran withm this School Distnct in which the person resides sltIOn year," saId Klenk, who IS It 2-0 on a goal Wlth KImmel Laura SomogyI, KIm Rendz m hIS first season as coach at and Starrs assIstIng NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the follOWIngstatements have been receIved from and LaUIa Haggarty contInued ULS "The seniors have been Braun scored from Terry the County Treasurer of Wayne County as to previously voted Increases m the theIr con~lstent play for the very SupportIve of what we're Brennan In the second penod constitubonal tax rate limitation affectmg taxable property In the School Dlstnct, to wit Lady Kmghts In the toW7la trying to do' and Allard pIcked up a power ment Stacey Corbm dId an out ULS is Idle untIl the Country play goal WIth Patnck Brennan MI,RAYMOND J. WOJTOWICZ, County Treasurer of Wayne County, standmg Job of hlttmg' and Juh Day InVItatIonal on Saturdav and Graffius assIsting as South Michigan, do hereby certify that, as of November 21, 1994, the total of all voted Increases III excess of the constitutional fifteen mill tax rate limItatIon and the years such Increases are effectIVe are as follows affectmg the taxable property of The Grosse Pointe Pubhc School Inconsistency plagues South System located m Wayne County :" Date of By Chuck Klonke Everyone who's played has had Voted Sports Edllor performances Molly McKenzie Local Unit ElWi2Il ~ Years Increase Effes:twe Glo,h In dll of oUl !idlll"", but second period U18 got a goal apiece from when he talked about Untver pl,Ke With Detroit Country "We took bOrne untImely pen everyone has to do that. espe Port Hw-on broke the dead Andrew RICCI, Malk Joseph~, sity Liggett School's Stl uggle to Day altJes and that hurt us," Fow. ually against the good teams lock at I 10 of the third period Eh Wulfmeler and Peter Blrg- make head\\av m the MichIgan lei said Port HUt on dlso fOH' that we play" Em her 10 the season, U18 on a goal by Paul MorItz, who bauer Josephs' goal was hIS Prep Hockey League standIngs checked better th"n "e did and The Kmghts went mto the beat Port Huron 7 2 fOJ Its onlv had two goals and three assiSts first on the varsity "As soon a!> \\e !>tdrt pia) Ing OUI breakout people didn't ad thud pellOd agamst the Big confelence wm to take over the MPHL sconng Bologna collected five assists like a tean, \\e II start \\ mnmg Just \Iell to then fOlecheckmg Reds tied 33 aftel WaldlOn's Coach John FO\\ lei knew lead WIth 16 POInts Montz' for the Kmghts and Todd Ka 'I'm \elY hdpp, With man\ PdS~ put Jim Bologna In the shot del1ected off U18 defens mm had three Waldron, Fmes mdn Ian McMillan's skate and and Wulfmewl picked up two goalIe' Andy Arbdnas dIdn't assiStS apiece, while McMillan, have a chance to make the Blrgbauer, ChriS Ford, RICCI, "ave Fran Blake, Don Wolford and Minutes later, Port Huron goalie Paul Huebner each had tallied a power play gOdl for a one two goal advantage Huebner played wen, makmg "We had our chances 10 the 13 saves - seven of them m third l penod," Fowler said the third period "When you create good offense ULS, whIch IS 5-8 overall, and don't fimsh the plays it hosts Umverslty School of MIl- comes back to haunt you" waukee on Fnday at 6 pm ULS Jumped out to a 2 0 lead on first pellod goals by Bologna Tracy makes from Tom Dehsle and John McN~ughton and Ian FlOes from Waldron and Dehsle, but honor roll Port Huron scored a power play goal WIth 337 left m the pe JUnlOI goaltender Tnpp nod Tracy of Grosse Pomte Farms "I had half a dozen people was named to the Eastern Col tell m~ that was the best penod lege Athletic Conference honO! of hockey \\ e've played all ron for hiS role In leadmg Har year," Fowler said vard's hockey team to victories ThJ BIg Reds scored the first agamst Velmont and Dart- two goals of the second penod mouth to lead 3 2 before Bologna's Tracy, who graduated from breakaway m the final seconds Unlverslty Liggett School, EarlIer. ULS rolled to a 14.2 made 57 saves and allowed non league VictOry against AI only five goals m the two gonac as McNaughton scored games five goals and had two assists He made 37 saves, mc1uding Dehsle had three goals and Ja- 14 m the thIrd penod of the 53 Three straigh t! son Santo added a pair Win ovel Dartmouth The save The game was orlgmally total IS a personal high for . The Grosse Pointe Bulldogs hockey team won their cli- least one hat Irick. The team was coached by John Hack- scheduled to be played at Joe Tracy, who made 33 stops tWice . vision for the third straight season as they posted a 20-0 ett. whose assistants were Rick Gram. Bnan Schulte and LouIS Arena as a prehmmary prevIOusly record in the SqUirt AA dIvision of the Little Caesars John Marchewka. The team is sponsored by Don and before a Red Wmgs' game, but The mght before he turned . Amateur Hockey League, The Bulldogs outscored their Cheryl Giffin of Giffin International. In the bottom row • the lockout and reVised NHL away 20 shots In a 5 2 Win over , league opponents 122-23 and had six shutouts as goahes from left. are Jason Elliott. Michael Vojinov. Mike Hack- schedule forced the contest to Vermom . Austin Freshour and Kyle Tannheimer did an excellent ett. Kyle Scott. Dgnny Poggiolo and Neal Gram. In the be played at ULS Tracy has won hiS last five I job. The defense corps of Jason Capaldi. Jason Elliott. middle row. from left. are Trevor Mallon. Jason Capaldi. "It was a mismatch, but we starts to Imprm e hIS season re Trevor Mallon, Phil Mannino and Michael Vojlnov was Austin Freshour. Kyle Tannhelmer. Phil Mannino. Wil- mtenl1ed to mVlte them to play cord to 9 5 1 He has an 890 : nearly impossible to penetrate. while forwards Neal liam McMahon and Brandon Hanney. In back. from left at Joo LoUIS," Fowler said "It save percentage and a 3 06 : Gram. Mike Hackett. Brandon Hanney. William Me- are Paul Mallon, Rick Gram. head coach John Hackett. was a game where we cbdn't goals agamst average HIS GAA t Mahon. Danny Poggiolo and Kyle Scott each had at Mike Capaldi. John Marchewka and Bnan Schulte. have to hit at all We Just In ECAC games IS 2 72, the played complete puck control second best In the conference

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8O"COOKTOP • Easy 10clean, hfl-up cooklop • Two 6" and two 8" Calrod surface healing unrts Mode TBXI8JAT Model GS0500TBA • One-prece chrome dnp 19.8 CU FT CAPACITY 182 CU FT CAPACITY bowls REFRIGERATOR 3.CYClE BUllT.IN DISHWASHER REFRIGERATOR ~!od, GSCJOOT\VH ONLY 'AdJuslabl. glass shelves -:.:1'::::= ~_ .Adillstable spIt level 1X1"F ...... ~ CONVERTIBLE DISHWASHER • Meat pan With adjustable glass shelves 00 temperature ONLY -Snark pan 00 • Portable now bUll In ater $776 • EqUipped for optIOnal ONLY • Qu c~C ean controls • 2 vegetab~e frill: pans ONLY $276 ONLY aLtomat C Icemaker 00 • EqUipped for opllonal .5 cvcles B options $896 aulomatlc Icemaker 00 • POTSCRUBBER eye • 00 $646 $376 GE HEAVY DUTY WASHER & DRYER PAIR LARGE CAPACIlY Sa ve Coun terspace I 2 SPEED WASHER (~~ORN) SPACEMAKER J1~ .3water e'wf'1selectIOns PAO "4 ..'.I~s'" (,,,se temfj,,"r11\lreS MICROWAVE OVEN )I SPACEMAKERPLUS~ .AuIO rallC bleach & -800Wans 8 Cl ft oven cavity MICROWAVE OVEN tab If sottenf'l d "[1 nsers • Electronic lOl ch controls • Alltornatlc cook n.g COf\trol~ -----~ • 650 watts 11 cu ft oven ca. "I • Under cab net mstallal on kit -Convemence Cool(mg Controls 00 avaIlable at extra cosl , ... Popcorn Reh.al Snacks and I~ll!;d, ONLY $306 ., . Cook pads ONLY Mo e JEM13, LARGE CAPACITY 00 • LJ .2 speed high capacity $3"600 ONLY $160 eXnaJ5t fan: and 7 ~ CYCLE DRYER cooklOp I ght • ~\l tom;;1 t.1r"l ...u t ,I & T n cd RUI j!ar q. c \ S ../ .. ~ rl mpr II ('.., leI 1nS .Rcvu<;.blc 1110 "\'w \q 00 ONLY $316

I tosse Pointe News he Connection Classified Advertisin January 26, 1995

(313) 882-6900 Fad 343-5569 DEADllNES 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms. MI 48236 953P1anoT~ '12 NoonFrlCla1- INDEX 917 Piaslamg Real Es~ ClassIled aIC= 957 PlurTtrlg & HoirJtog &II."""", Ads ANNOUNCEMENrS SITUATION WANTED 508 Pel GlOomng REAL ESl'ATE FOR RENT 958 Pool SoMes .1o\0Ild;q 5p 1lI-,uBORDtR&'ld REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GUIDE TO SERVICFS 903 R81,....ala SeMcs 100 P8rscnals 300~ 701~Ja~,- • See 0lI MagaMll Seclllme lot all ClassIlOd Real !l29!lr)'wi1 ~ ~,\"",'be"'Otfcl'<»by 960 Roofng SeMcs 102 lo:.I ana Founcl 3OZ~Care 6OOA.I,IC Courty Estal. ads BUSIness !lIIEl.C111:a1 SeMoes MondaySp m. 103 Alillrneylo1.ogals 961 SClssaISaw SiIaJpenrIg :nl OayCare SOl CIYysIet 702 Aj>M'....I~'- ClWO'1lll.WS &'ld Cetnele<)' lots 931 Energy Samg Sotvce 'loIond"14 P m. - A.ll CllNCaS DI 104 insutance S02FOtd p, I 963 S6pbc Tank Rll>u 304 General 51 Cia< SI,o""iMacMt> !l31~Mrlg CHANGES rT'U$1 be 11 """il'" 964 Seww ~ Sotvce 305 !iou5e Clean~ 603 GeneralII~Ol\ Courty GUIDE TO SERVICES !lIIExcava!Jlg bj lIonday 4 p.m. 965 5ewII>g 1I1d1l"i8 Repa.r SPECIAL SERVICES 306 !iou5e SIIlrg 604~c 703 ApM"JalSilluplet- 000 AI ConMgn Wanleha.II Pi'lrog Repar 938 Fumlt1le Reftu!.Il"9' addrt.llnalword6Oe $1 OOIeoIOl 962 SlOIfII and ScreBf1s 1011Entetlanmenl MERCHANDISE 609 RmlaMeaslll9 706 Delil)<1I\lalatlQ> 'II,,",, Coollly 905 AlII<>'Truck Repar blrog ~ 968S1UC1Xl "0 Errand SeMce 400 An!.ques 610 Spotts Cars 707 I1ou>ES- 006 AsbesIC6 SeMce 93!l Glass AutDllXlllYe OPEN AAltS Mea$wed adl $15 72 969 90Immg Pod SeMce III He.ilil&Nutr!tc Wal\\ed 10 Renl 009 BlC)'CIel\opalrs t.l.. ntooance 942 Garages charges lor plQOl, 1lIt'llOl~ Bl~ 972 TeMI$ Coull \\4PanyPial~ 404 GaJagaIYW'llasetrent SaJes 614 AlIIo Insufanal 7011TOWllhousestCoodos FOI fleft 910 Boat fl'!l"JrsMaInl61'llll'lCe 943Snow~ng ClASSIFYING & CENSORSHIP We 973 lilo WoIt. liS SChooIi 405 ESlaIe SaJes W 710 T"""I ..""",'Coodos Wanled 911 8nc:11\e Repar 946 Halling Thop<.tllW _Iho rJ]ld 10 938 UpIloIslory 118 TloIllllI9Educallln 406 Hc>Jsehold Sales 651 &a!5andl.10101S 713 InduslJlOl Ware!lo'JSB RernaI 914 CaJpenuy 947 Ho.ilng and Coo/rog od.1l11 r8JeC1c:opySlbm6clIor % 974 \\:R 409 MoceIlaneous Mdes 652 Boa! Insuranc:e 714 LNng Ouart~ 10Shanl 915 Carpet CJearong 946lrGulalJon Rll>u pWIcalrll1 97S ValWIIl $aIe$ISeMc:e HELP WANl'ED 4\QIlUOlClI InslJlltnenls 653 Boa! PiWls and Sernce 715 M~OI Homes For 'leJ1 916 Carpet InslaI1aIJon 94!l Janlorral5eMce CORRECTIONS & ADJUSTMENTS ZOO Gonetat 41' 0If.<&'ll1J$U'i!$S Equlml"l 654 Boa! StlI~ 716 Off""'ConmlmaI FOI Renl 917Celng~r 976 Vontial.ot\ Sotvce Responsblly lor d.play and cIas 950 Lawn t.l.-lSnow Bi<7Mlf 20t ~ WanTed BabysllIa 412 warted 10 BU'f 6S5~ 717 OIIQlS,'Coera~oIlhod\a'~ 903 YBsJ>erIDry", 203~Wanted ANIMALS 6571.1~~ 719 Rent ~h Op!IOn III Bill 920 Chlrmey Repar 952 L~1N1l .. a 'o-run c41tle pOIllOn n ."01 lJentaI,1IIedlCal 658 MOlOI 907 Walorp:oaIi'9 SOOAdqlla Pal Horres 720 Rooms fOI Relll 921 Clocldlepwr 940 III"'" SoMes NOlJIcaIOI rT'U$1 be 9"6'1 11 !me 659SnoomJbies 97a Wal8I SoIisMg 204 ~Wanted DoI11IslC 501 Brd F", Sale 721 VacatIOn Rental- Florea 922 Co'I.,ltlefoc'-'9 660 T...es 979 Wel:tlng 2ll5~Wantedl8gal 502 lioBes FOf Sale 722 VacatIOn Rental- OJ! 01 SlaIe 923 Consll1l:llOn SI!MC8 953 /,(ll$C IiI$lnIment Aepat ISSue We "'SUrT'e no respoosbi- 206 He!> VIanIod Pan- TIIT1B 503 Housohold Pet5 FOI Sale 723 VaQII"", Rental-- Nonhe!n 924 Oecool!rg SeMoe 9!10 Windoir> tylotlhe$i1l1'lal\elllle1inl 9S4 "alll'fl9"Deor>'i1V9 sat Windoll'I'*hrog 207 ~ WaI1Ied Sales 504 Humane Soaelm REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Midlrga'l 925Decf

01 Wk O 2 Wks O. 3 Wks ,O 4 Wks ~Wks _ AMOUNT ENCLOSED ° CilIC CJ III # _ $840 SIGNATURE E,XP DATE _ $9 00 $9,60 $1020 $1080

$8.40 for 12 words. Additional words, .60e each. $1140 $12.00 $1260 $1320

110 nUND 117 T.AH5POnATlON/ I 00 ~n50NAl5 1 00 ~l_50PlA1S 101 ~UYE.S SERVICE ruvfI 1 U ruro_INGlfDUCATION III TUTO_ING/EDUCATION A & K Vending Buy, sell, re- WINSTED'S ClJstom Frall\Ing r GROSSE POINTE COMPUTER help Windows pa" vending machines Framing, malting QuaJrty NOVENA TO ST, JUOE SHOPPING or erra~s Retfe • B & K TYping Se",ce- term 24-ftr_.co __ e Many avaJlable Call 313- LEARNING CeNTER Dos In your home Call work Ae:sSQna'c\e rates May the Sacred Heart 01 epnlcescallrea~na e81~~~ papeffi resumes medical 810-774-8353 875-0250 Margaret 331-2378 Jesus be adored glon- 3072ease enny Iransc"pbon 810-773-4504_ 'Tutonng All Subjects GROSSE POINTE fied, loved and preserved ------rl"" ROUND tnp tlCI- Aaults Your home G~e yo",self a l'esses & In3 ATTOllMfYS/UGALS AcademiC lanet & John Case of less, pray for us M oo.,col • lA'J1tal • Legal Say thiS prayer 9 11mes a Walk In legal Clime leUe", • Re~rls • Memos ~~~~ cAmpo'rt ghuffi!e day By the 8th day your 15200 Jefferson Ste 105 Exira Wide ';preadshocts announce the birth prayer WIll be answered Thursdays 1.5821.1100 Bookkocpmg Mulbp.rt InvOlonf\ of their grond.daughter II has never been known Debra Arlen Blackburn Cassclle Tra.n~ph()n • Amanda NICole Case to fall never Publicanon Standard. M,cro • M,m must be promised 10' umnAINMEPIT Dl"Skt"p Publ"hmg Thanks St Jude lor Ophcal OlaractC'r S:..ans JACKIE'S prayer answered Special PIANO enlenalnment Add Pcrsonah7ed PET 8 PAL thanks to our M01her 01 ambtenceto wedd"'gs fast>- Repehbve letler; SF:'\0 \ , \U~'\TI'\ J;.S flilUm'l1'\f. SERVICE Perpetual HeJp C F K ron shows brunches wrth GershWin Porter & classICS Ef\\dopcs • Label' .\n TO\01 RUn I-;nO"I~! S£Rll\G TIlE GROSSE POI\TES NOVENA TO ST JUDE 885-6215 Mallmg u.sf MamlC'nanC<" May the Sacred Heart of * PnvaleA,rpol1 Sholl I. CLASSICAL musIC10' any ex: Tht""£"'Ci, • Dl'., ..c;crtatlOn.s It's easy, ltS fun, It's inexpensive, and best of all, that speCial someone 1.. Penonal (Jl,uffeur Jesus be adored glon caSlOn Solo duo too qUIfl- Tcnn Papers' M,nu" your payment, and your message of affection will appear in our and forever Oh Sacred Slafl"tJc;." TablC"'; I Charts )13.527.Z440 INKY THE a.OWN & DINKY ValentIne's eduJOn. Feb 9th Heart of Jesus pray for TOO' Face painting bal R<""'umk .. VIla£' Cove, I cller; • Appl,cat,on, f..... r\ us Worker of miracles loons and magIC 5217416 Ir------:--.AME---- _ I pray for us St Jude Ctrll{ltd P,oftSSlOIIaI IADDRESS I FAIRY Godmolher available ~./ Notning Could \,::"..) helper of the hopeless Rlsllrni' Wnter for enlMa mnq at ch Idren s I pray for us YOUR VALE:--'TI:\E'S MESSAGE r Be Finer parties Carr Chanlelle 331 822-4800 Say IhlS prayer 9 times a 7705 '.lJ Il/IrR ,------1 nan to be a ForlV Niner day By the Slh day your • N'Mnal Rkllmc Bank prayer Will be answered o J ING for all occas,Ons Sundav Morning Wedding Specials • Prof(W',~10nll A,,'i('I(latlon "pcoal V.lont,nc 1------1 It has never been known of RC<.ume \\roler; I ------I' BeSI sound vanely & P"c~ Greetmg Rate I ------YOUR PHONE:\0 1 ~GO TEAMl to fall never PublicatIOn • Natloral A~<.,(....tJh 268 1481 )(rJ') for 12 \lr,-orJ~ 24;,' musl be promised Sccrct"lrlft1 '-"'rvIC4..""" I Vaknllrtc'~ Greetlrlgs mu,1 be received by Monday, Feb 6, 1995 Payment mu,t be I each addillonal "01d Thanks SI Jude for , •• #0 • "-1drop< lIt"ln l).:.trOlI ' I cncl~ed for the lid to n.n, or can 882 6900 to place iour Valentine's Greetmg on I SUPER BOWL XXIX prayer answered SpecIal Offill:' <"lln'( rt 'xrvl('("'o Optional Jll

200 Hfl' WANTED G!NEIlAI 200 HIl' WANTID GENEUL 201 HELl' WANUO 10J Ilnl' WANTED ~oo HUP WAHUI) GlNWl ."21ll Hfl" WANTEDGfN[ItAI 202 HIl~ WANTED ClIRICAL UIYSITHR DENTAL/MID/CAt 205 HEI' WArmO LEGAl SEEKING expenenced wter HAIRDRESSER needed WIth Accounting Assistanl LUNCHROOM Sup.erv,sors CAREGIVER needed for 2 OPHTHALMIC PATIENT .. 109 Consuhant lor large vol- TEMPORARY expenence In Grosse Pomte Full or pan ttme Some ac Elemenlary Mrddle and children In my home Part CARE ASSISTANTCE SECRETARY office manager: ume operatron Telephone salol1 8817253 1o, busy one allomey office , counting and computer HIgh School posllrons lime haulS and salary neg0- OFFICE STAFFING Full & part trme Due to re- ebquette & computer skJlls tiable Calt 882 912O WordPerfect sJo11sneeded are a must Apply Grosse MAID SelVoceIooJongfor ex. expeTlence helpfUl Send These posllrons requrre Immediate full time cent expansion 01 ser good Judgement and abIlity Call 313-882-3579 after 7.. POinteNews Box Q.3(J() 96 penenced person full or resume to Michigan I'M Ihree and my Sister IS 3 positions for expellenced Vices a malor DetroJt 10 wor!- bJe, oon-smoker With refer patients & fleXible With Irabllrly IrhgallOn requIred ~ healthcare expenence 2 4 pm 14726 G,allOt(be- pay Nice working emmon- at Mr C s Gar Wash 18651 pie skrlls Great WOflongal ences a must asslgnmenls Compell WordPerfect 5 1 (80 wpm) i tween 7 & 8 Mile) ment Call Laura Andress preferred JOin our large CompehtrvesaJaJy and ben--{ Mack mosphere Call momrngs BABYSITTER- couple 1I1OVI'lg IJve salary and Irberal 3712090 healthcare system and eflts Send resume 10:6 LATC1iKEY CaregN9fS and 884-7151 10 Grosse POInie Park on fnnge beneflts for lUll AUTO TECHNICIAN enjoy Ihe benefltsl lime & competillve houny Grosse POinle News BoX} SUbstitutes needed $6 00 ACCOUNTANT for CPA firm FebruaJy 5th Need part R 100 96 Kercheval, NICE INCOME Colonial Amoco has a'1 per hour Expenence Wllh 10 to 20 hours per week 3- tlme srnerfor a 5 year old In wage for part lime Grosse POlnie FamlS, MI : opening for day time children grades K 5 a plus 4 years expenence W1th our home, from 3 30 P m to Call 810.772.5360 EOE P'ART TIME 48236 " II techn,cla'1 expenenced 1'1 Momrng hours 715 am 10 Wnte- Up & Tax work Mall 1230 am 3 to 4 days per Send resume to Grosse +. Our Harper Woods suspension PllId tram.. 8 45 a m (may add add.. resume to Ms Ashton 1429 week $5 00 per hour Re- FLEXSTAFF POinte News Box U-47, 20. HIl' WANTED honal haurs, App1y ''1 per. Devonshire Rd Grosse 5pOIlSlbie references, own 'UT TIME "- Bus:ness Office Ing. vacation, unrforms affiliated Wllh ST JOHN 96 Kercheval, Grosse ..". son al the Grosse POinte POiniePar!< MI 48230 transportalJOn Call collect (est 1968) plus excellent comml5- POInte Farms MI 48236 RECEPTIONIST needed b Schoo S ~"" ------1-410-7964103, by February HEALTH SYSTEM tar: Seeking personable, slon Medical and life In. Pu hc I yslem ""~ CASHIER part hme mln,mum 3rd eoe EXPERIENCEO medrcal aSSIs Wednesday Fnday and Sat. : sincere and dependable surance aVaJlable Apply SI aalf Ave Office hours 8 wage AI s AUlOWash 313- _ lanl to faclirtatepabent care urday Computer eXjl9rJerlCe.: Individuals who possess In person at 9 Mile & Jet. • 4 521 7790 SITTER needed 2 to 3 nights SECRETARY. part tIme days helpful 31J.886.668a ,;., for construction firm Win- In a busy neurology prac good telephone skills to terson, 9 am 106 P m O IVERY d th ------Harper Woodsl Grosse ..: EL RVer Wl some HIGH Volume Shell selVlC9 POInte Woods area 882. dews, Word Perfect and tlce Send resumes 10 '; oversee our SaleslOrder ------Insrde help required for fIo. stallO<1looking 101 help In 7813 22151 Moross Surte 223 201 Hit' WANTlD SAm Desk Dept Customer NAll- Tech Rent or commIs- nst Good dnvlng record back room. mechamc s _ clellea I expenence pre " Sion Vacation, bonus In- ferred Fax resumes 10 810- DetrOIt MI 48236 Mn Dr IRep contact enhanced come plans Excellent op. 886-0600 helper Must have valid dnv. PROFESSIONAL couple m-Ol56 G,ancarlo SUPPORT with some sales portuntty B84-m5 WANTED Pan hme photo er's Ircense Also Ioolong seeks expenenced babysrt. You Can Count On SECRETARYI housekeeper MEDICAL ReceplroOist very backgrourld, however -- _ /OumallS1Darkroom expen- lor an expenenced cashrer ter for our Grosse POlnle The bigger somelhlng pat1 bme 81()'29J.7171 busy lamrly praetrce 1 2 Will train Mngt HAIR models needed lor free ence (color and black & Full and part hme Apply at home Monday, Tuosday, ------years expenencewrth kno-w grows, the more support opportunrty available ~~ Edwin Paul Salon whrte) requrred S9nd re- 18701 Mack Avenw ask Wednesday $110 week WARREN area. Genaral office, ledge 01 computers lnsur It needs The larther MInimum hours are _ surne and oover lenel 10 lor Doug Comlorlable surroundings computer I~erate Resumes ances, appolntmenlschedu!- somelhlng reaches, the ------and low stress Relerences 500.930 pm Daily - ORTHODONTIC offICe seeks Box H-34, Grosse POlnle Sf Paul AthletICClub rSlook 88Hl925 only to Grosse POlnle Ing Conlact Barbl Joanna more suppon II needs, News 96 Kercheval Grosse rng lor girls softball coaches _ News, Box W.loo 96 Ker. 313-8817400 9 00.300 Sat fnendly front desk perscn The grealer your goals, POinteFarms MI 48236 and a coach for 5th 6th BABYSITTER, my home Two cheval, Grosse Pornte ------Safe, pleasant, wrth excellentphone person- Ihe more you can counl COOK- short order_ day shIft 9rade boys baseball teams children References Farms, MI 48236 OPPORTUNITY avarlable for Protrtablp W th base arily Windows expenence can on us to help requrred Approximately 30 Apply TJ sCale, 19524 Contact I(rt loUlselle, 343- after 7 pm, leave message, ------denial assrslant In Grosse SECRETARYI Housekeeper POinte Penodontal praClrce salary, ccmmlSSlon hours per week 110 week. Kelly (between 7 & 8 Mtle) 0943 313-884-6497 Coldwell Banker ard generous ends Send resume to LNe ''1, must type Call BIo- Hours & salary negollable Schweitzer Real Estate 293-7T71 882.5600 bonuslincantlve plan 24100 Greater Mack, St 526-8889 SWIM Instruetorsl Ideguardsl C1iURCH nursery babysrtter Call Kathryn Thomas It NEED extra money? Seiling cash19rneeded Sou1h lake needed 10worll every Sun- Leave message for Clair Sholes MI 4OOllO 203 HIl' WANTED DENTAL Hygrenlst.Enlhuslas- (810)m-4940. Avon may be the answer' Schools IS IookJngfor qual.. day momlng from 9 a m to DENTAL/MEDICAL Mr Bryanl SECURITY guards- over 18, Fast, fun and easy Call t~ fied personnel to war!< at 12 30 pm You must be at tiC person needed lor pre- EXCEPTIONAL Income opper. vention onented praclrce (313) 886.1763 must have car All shifts day lor more ,nlormalJOn hrgh school pool W S I & I.. least 18 years of age We OPHTHALMIC Iunity Reputable rntem. aVaJlable313-8811200 10 810-294-8151 fesaYlngcerhficale required W111pay $20 00 a Sunday WIth pleasant atmosphere tronal cosmelrc firm. Fortune TECHNICIANS Please call B1D-771.Q124 ARE YOU SERIOUS to 4 Monday through Fnday Please call 81Q.445.42BJ al Please come In and fill out a FULL & PART TIME 500 subsKfrary No expen- COUNTER help. lIeXlblehours ler 6 p m JOb applrcatlOn If yeu have ABOUT A CAREER WAITRESS wanted- Apply In Due to recenl expansion of ance necessatY Ten open- ,n a lamrly owned senrng ------___ any questronsplease submll Ings 81D-m-38Jl IN REAL ESTATE? person The Ongrnal POlnle Retrrees and homemakers GENERAL Labor. Full time Ihem rn wrnrng We W111set seMces, a mBJor DetrOit ~e C/c>#, We have the lools Barbeque 17410 E War. welcome Apply In Person position available Apply up ,nteM-779 Avenue, betweerl 7 & B AND For Your convemence In ---- _ Experienced people 3680 Mile, Grosse Pomle space rese rvatron please NO COLLECTINC INVOLVED needed for long and Woods Apply 2. 4 P m have your VIII8 or INSURANCE. Grosse Pomte short term asslQnments MasterCard available Stale Farm office seeks cus NOW hrnng snow plow opera- Some are temporary 10 tamer selVlce rep Tela- 10rs Start pay $121 hOur <:0NEE:imN permanent MEDICAL ASSIstanllor Grossa ******* e Pomte WOOdSInlemlst of HOUSEKEEPING phone and computer skJlls must have 2 years expen- Is seeklng reliable & conscientious Individuals to legal & Execullve rmportant W/II Irarn Call af er>ceJdnvers locense Also lice Expenenced /'1 EKG Americana deliver In st. Clair Shores & Harper WoOClS Secretanes ~b'~~1qrt ter 5 pm and leave mes- hlryng Spnng IaboII Fore- PFT Pegboard call 313- KELLERMEYER Word processors 881~7 * QS~OO9I~~ sage 886-3060 men We are a DRlJG FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL Dala Entry Clerks BUILDING ASkh Fb'i SiIiil SCHOOL crossing guard FREE company 88&-2248 DENTAL hyglenrst Thursday Recepllomsts 45 wpm 526.6500 • 330-1999 $6 80 per hour Must be 18 DAY WAITRESSES Respons.. Fraser office Call 81().2!l4- SERV1CES, INC. 8'0-294-'555 Pleasanl Workrng or olde' Grosse POintePall< ble seoous Conscrentroos 4455 JOO SITUATION WANTEO atmosphere Dept of PubliC Safety need only apply $4 501hOur MEDICAL Ass,slant posrtron U.YSITTl~S RUTH PARADISE TEMPS Eleanor or Sgt Can B22 plus Irps 822 2242 1 2 years recent expenence GROSSE POINTE* WOODS 4416 $$$$$$$$$$$ 964.0640. AMBITIOUS college pre mad wrth knowledge 01 EKGs Omcr Bille; lAx'ATIO\' studenl WlWS to be your SpHometry lnlectlOns pr~ ch Idrenstull tl'l1B nanny '" MAMA Rosa s Przzena needs SECRETARY cedures and laboratory RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT I your home Expenenced cooks pizza makers and Very busy lamlly practoce I Part Time $550/HOUR IV Ih rnlants References phone person Apply In per I * For eSlabllshed Contacl Joyce at 313-881 ava lable 823-2211 son after 400 pm 15134 ARBY'S ROAST BEEF 7400 PART..TfME FVLNING f'!l Grosse POinte firm Mack Sybra Inc one of the nallOl1s largesllranch Isers of My s Roasl Beef OFFICE CLFANING BABYSlnER avaIlable EV&- I n ngs & weekendS In yllUf Restaurants W1lhover 150 stores now has Immediate opemngs for 884-6600 202 HIl' WAHTED CUltleAl NAIL Tech wan1ed- poSilon Arbyx 5 10 PM MO'w, Female 25 Own transpona- Clair Shores 1810 77B WORDPROCESSING SECRETARIE S 'liomemil:k.t~fRC'tlu'C\* • IncentIVeboouses • RapJdadvancement lion Nonsmoker' EnJOy 8870 • MSW wdh WindOWS' Word Per/eel 5 1/6 0 • Insurance paCkage • Pardvacation '''0 WfEKE ....DS RFQtlRfD children Please call 888- • Excel' Pov.crrol1t • Pagernaker • Lotus 1 23 7305 , 401K retlremenl program ' Pardholrdays .c),.cellen1 WOTk En'\-If01imCnl 'Ad ..anccrncnIOppol1unllle\ Studentsl • S dayl45 hour war!


ANTIQUE wooden carousel ELECTRIC stove $50 Gas SEASONED Ilrewood $60 BAMBOO 3 piece sectlOl1a1 BAHAMA Cruise- 5 daYS! 4 Manchester Antique Mall horses lrom the 1890 s stove $95 Refrigerator face mrd DeIIVe4 2934 lure dependable (Need Mall hours Leave message 810-786- desk All In excellent cond. refreshments Enter a 5731 evenings 35MM CANON AE.l program help dunng our Wmler lime 9045 IJOn 882-8982 evenIngs blahs?) Call Geme & Ga I raffle for an AmIsh Canon T.50 OIympus OM COMPETENT FURNITURE refinished ce- IN-HOME CARE SERVICE 81Q-776-6171 Wall hanging by donating a MOVING SALE I 60 years of 1 All Wllh many aocesso- KITCHEN bedroom liVing- palced stnpped, any Iype of TLC elderly children clean used blanket for the treasures Including oak lur- nes Basi offecs 31~ room, 24 pteces FumlSh an canrng Froo esllmates 345- nlshlngs ""Ikglass ctySlal NORTHERN Hourly, overnight rates THE HOUSE.le=d -.:tI ...... -...... HOME HEALTH CARE Glass Repair 296-6518 ESTATE SALE • Miy bOoIh 00. V> l:>x 10am.4pm Learnl ng center llcensed days per week 24 hours BnlS'! Polishing Red Cross lralned 313-527 Expect The Best DEALERS WANTED 313531 4658 Furniture Refinishing 1526 Chateaufort PL 4339 can anytime RAINBOW ESTATB SALES Lafayette Park (Downtown) JUNE'S Learning Cenler ServlOg Your Personal No of Jefferson, E ofl-75, take Orleone Summer day care LJcensed Needs SlOce 1 985 ADS ESTAIE SALIS 40S ESTATE SAlES SAT., JAN. 28th (9:00.2:00) off Jefferson to Cheateaufort 80 Ir1Sured certified teacher 8&4.()721 569 Neff Will take care 01 your child- Grosse Pointe City ren 10 my St Clalr Shores Home of former owner of Detroit Race Course. nome 111IH7!'r02:;5 Estate Sales! WHOLE UPPER FLAT ESTATE SALE FEATURING D,R.C Continuence reSIdence for 30 yre This ExqUISite mahogany balloon back sellee mahogany channmg townhouse hu loads of good qualIty , SU M MER only day care u- gate.leg table, old tabrlc 2 Victorian chesls of drawers thlnga Contemporary 8< entlque Blll:Carat, LoUIS censed & Insured certified Call 810-901.5050 With leal handles, magnl1icant mahogany sewing chest, Vuntton trunk. leather IOfa, Phllhp Veme teacher Reasonable & nex. angel fireplace seteen, rush seat armchalc old trunks, La For Dlrechons, table. 30 yeaTS of highest designer clothes, ble 81Q.775-023.5 Dates & Details Silver plate mahogany t v calJlnet, brass book SClcls Iron lemstand glassware & china pieces, sewing machine channel, Halston, DIOT,Otelat suit, furs, tanning 304 SItUATION WANTlD end more THIS IS A SMAll SALE, BUT WHAT WE bed, the contents of a basement Insh Pl.Ib & huge GENERAL To Schedule a Sale HAVE IS VERY OLD & IN WONDERFUL CONDITION amounts of misc Something for everyone See SIGN IN SHEET PlEASE NUMBERS 7 30 A M SAT LOVING, tender caregIver 810-855-0053 you there' light housekeeiJIng errands LOOK FOR THE RAlNBOWllI dependable mature exce~ EDMUND FRANK lenl relerences 371 7002 LIQUIDATOR &,ApPRAISERS 305 SITUATION WANTED Do you 869.5555 HOUSE on Iaff CONNECTION P' ,ervlce 10 ,",ver 850 \Olisf,ee1 clrents • 'Rfferences Tor More InformarlOn NEWSPAPERS Call]1 ~-891-6655 PATRlel" KOLOJESXI HOUSEHOLD (All T1IF 24 HOtR 1I0TII\!': 8851410 EXPERIENCED - PROfESSIONAL SERVICE 810.970-2478 Pager HlR LP< O\lI\G 'oAI F f\HIR\lATIO' . . (313) 882-6900 313 885 6604 EsTATE • Movl~G .. .. Grosse Pointe News January 26, 1995 The Connection :

40' MISCEllANEOUS 40' MISCIilANEOUS 601 AUTOMOTIVE '04 AUTOMOTIVE .ll AUtOMOTIVE 700 APTS/flATSJDUPlIX 700 ArTSjflATS/DUPUX ARtIClES ARTlCLlS 412 WANTED to JUY CHRYSlER ANTIQUE/CLASSIC lJUCKS Poi.'es/Hor,., W.. ~. 'oioles/lIef,.r W..... SNOWBLOWER. Anens 4 SHOTGUNS niles and hand- CHRYSLER, smail 4 door ex ATTRACTIVE well kept 1 & 2 MAHOGANY 1971 Lincoln Conllnental Mark 1989 CHEVY S-10 Blazer BEACONSFIELD, sooth 01 ~I horsepower, 2 stage se~ Ira clean $1800 214 Mc 18 350 ollglnal miles bedroom rentals Includes guns Parker BrOWning III 86 000 miles Excellenl lerson 3 bedroom loW(lr INTERIORS propelled electrIC sta~ 884- MJIIan appl ances ca rpellng mosl W,nchesler Coli Luger new pamt took 2nd place ,n shape automatic air fully carpeted new kllchen (Fine Furniture 9553 utlilltes pnvate parking co n others Collector 478-53 I5 DODGE Shadow 92 ES 4 owners club $6 5001 Ilrm $79501 best 885-3741 and separale basement w~11 & Anllque Shop) 3 I 3-527 9OB4 laundry From $4301 mO~lh AQUARIUM. 135 gallon door medium blue 47000 laundry laclilires No pe!s 506 S. Washington WANTED!! 1984 GMC Suburban S",rra 886-2920 wroughl Iron sland com miles aulo all power cas $650 Relerences requlled Royal Oak, MI JEWELRY WATCHES ,OS AUTOMOTIVE Class,c 1500 clean 1 plele set-up everythIng Im- selte sunrool (Loaded) VIlt.AGE executJVe sludro loft 862-6064 IO~EIGN owner tow oal"'!.r::,\cr p'(r""ol (5 Blocks Nor1h of 696 aginable $500 Fresh waler DIAMONDS, $6800 Excellent (,""Ond1.0 r apartmenl Furnished com- 701 APT5IFl.ATS/DUPlEX Freeway al10 MJie SlInqray 10 dlampt",- ~ GOLD &. SILVER lenl cond lIOn $3 700 886- 313-8827154 MERCEDES Benz 1982 300 2350 plete wllh dishes lowels De,roit/W'rn. Counlr Take WOOdward/ Main 773-1012 PromoliOnal Model Cars SO, Silver With black lealher and hnens (maid sel\Tlce op- 1986 COL r V,sta needs re- DEVONSHIRE. two bedroom Street eXll ) LIVING room fur"'lure 3 GM FORO CHRYSLER Perleel condition all re- .12 AUTOMOTIVE tional) ChIC and modern parr $500 Of besl offer 3 I3- W,I' travel lor deals In cords Best oftet 331 9455 VANS With Icemaker dishwasher upper flat No pels Refer Monday through Saturday couches charrs solid oak 881 9242 after 6 11 to 530 wall unit With coftee and excess of $1 000 microwave and TV Ultl,lleS ences d"poslt 810 79? 1990 300E Mercedes black! 1993 Ford Aeroslar XL auto 3215 end tables pncad 10 sell 1986 Dodge Aries runs greal Included DePOSit on tele- Closed Wednesday Evemng appomtments grey leather 37K miles alT 16000 miles green Call 313-343-0606 after good shape $900 or best phone reqUired Weekly NEAR CadIeux! Harper 2 bed and SUnday available phone alarm car cover great condrhon $13500 500pm offer 521-0706 $220 Monlhly $825 Call THE GOLD SHOPPE rarely d nven 01 ust see room ranch stove remgera 881 1013 B86-&\27 1982 Plymouth Rei ani no $24900 81o-B79-8135 tor washerl d'Yer carpel Baby grand plano, burled WANTED 10 purchase- older 22121 GRATIOT rust clean ,ntenor alr very 1986 GMC Starcraft Conver 1033 Maryland- upper Large curtams ce Img fans 9a or antrque mahogany EASTPOINTE walnut 4x6 exeeulJVBS 1990 Acura Integra LS power sion runs well fair COndl rage alarm No basemenl serverl buffel Must be m rehable $1 300 or best 8To- two bedroom flat washerl partners desk, Baker 810-774-0966 moon roof all 49K tint 1111 hon $2 700 Leave 1ll hVlng room, din Royal Dolph"" SimplICity, 14 1989 TOYOr A van dual all appliances Basement $490 AOOP1 A'ET new Ilres $6 300 810-775- "'g room counlry kitchen PieceS separately) Sets place settIngs acd,llonal 1969 Toyota Gresslda Top of dealer marnlalned Excellenl pluS deposll eo7 -4290 5851 hne loaded 1 owner stove telngerator washe of Mahogany dmmg poece5 Never used best 01 ALL Breed Rescue- Wa", a condllton Must sell $7400 MUST seel Bnghl sunny one 55 000 miles While greal and dryer newly decorated room chaJrs (Chippen- fer 810-7725333 after 5 purel>re<1? Call 31 3 278 1994 Chrysler LHS, fully 8104694322 bedroom lower fireplace condition V6, 190hp $3651 month plus utllilies dale, Hepplewhlle, Dun pm 4317 loaded 22 500 miles cat large kllchen pantry dIsh- "3 AUTOMOTIVE 822-5651 has unique h,slory $2 I 399 Grosse POlnle Woods can Phyle and more) COUCH, Ioveseal 2 end Ia NORTH ERN Suburbs Animal WANTED 10 IUY washer beauUtul floors au 8B4-J227 $6 500 Blue Book $11 500 ONE O€droom upper flat new Wonderful mahogany bles sola table & lamp Wellare Leagu&- 754-8741 tomat,c door garage laKe- 854-9187 paint and carpet $3501 bedroom pieces (4 poster Very good condition $650 KIMns only 773-0839 602 AUTOMOTIVE TOWS 'R' US pOintel Jellerson S595 1988 AGURA Legend Sedan Includes heal 886-1924 mOnlh plus utilities Storage beds Including queen 882-8966 10~D Top dollar paid tor any car Best Friends LS Black! saddle 'ntenor available Ca II 886-5488 sIZe) dressers, chests, or truck REMO DELED townhouse 494 LENOX china Rutledge' 1987 Mercury Grand MarqUIS fully loaded 5 speed Exce~ leave message Dog Training $100- $10,000 Neff 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath nlghtstands and tradi- gold tnm prelty hand LS- loaded excellent COndl lenl condilion All receipts Ava/lable March $1075 E Slale Faill Hayes Chee", 2 tional size beds Chip- parnled deStQn service for lion 82 000 miles New 109,000 m les $g 850 886- Anytime, Fast response 8821001 be- $78001 best 810-978-7686 cord s like Partners Insur lered 882--7116 SIOO eo year old noll- 412 WANTED TO IUY SI000 each 810-778-7483 J!I~S/~-WHI£1 IJV,"g room din ng room moi1lh 5 rooms 2 bed- John New decor appl smoker owner $3500 293- SMITH Corona XD typewnler after 5 pm kllchen Wllh eallng space rooms 313-824-7900 ances S550 pfus utll t es 5497 1994 Grand Cherokee Laredo- newer carpet separate Wood bunk bed (complete) WOULD like a 4 x 8 pool ta BREEDER Cockaltel lemales TWO O€droom lower appl~ 822-0755 V -8 28F Gold CD 30 000 basement a nd uti lilies large Zenrth 25 remote floor ble Good qualrtyl Good available 718-7483 1984 Chevy celebrrty V-6 au- ances newly decorated miles $23 500 John 510- perch oft slreet park ng MACK! MOl'OSS area 4985 model TV $75 each Good tomatIC 2 door 98K power hardwood floors garage pnce' 886-9411 after 6 p m CANARIES I\mefJcan Singers 754-1890 Ashley lower !la! 2 bed condl1JOn ~798 steenngl brakes air rear $450 Easlsicle Ma nagemenl secunty deposil 884-3084 females $10 810-294- room heal and waler n DEALER lravels 10 buy all- $30 defogger AMIFM clean 1992 Jeep Laredo- 4 X 4 4 Co 884--4887 MENS watch Omll98 Co1S\lla 2386 NE FF 8 room upper garage cluded $500 pe mon I tlque & collectible glass very good condrtlon many door V-6 automallC power BEACONSFIELD near Jeffer tlOl\ 18K 'MIh stamless gold high effiCiency furnace All For appolnlmenl call 88 I porcelain fumlture & other 503 KOUSEHOLD I'm new parts $1900 854-9132 V/1ndows and locks AMIFM son T bedroom newly lace $1999 new SI 0001 we appl ances Frreplace In 3J05 or 862 5994 Interesllng Ilems John s FO. SAlE 5- lap m Anytrme week casse"e alam> S 15 900 best Gift musl sell 882 decorated heal appliances eludes water & outSide Antiques 882 5642 Grosse ends 822 2518 Mike laundry garage 824--3849 MORANG! Ballour clean 0 e 8029 SHEL TIE male 10 weeks maintenance No pelS POlnle Woods after 6 p 01 bedroom apartment ut I t f"~ wormed shots Vel 1988 Corsica black & grey 1989 WRANGLER 5 speed $875 810-778-5671 BEAUT/FU L hghl MlOk & Fox 357 51 Clair Grosse Pornle mc'uded $360 plus 5{'Cu cheeked SIW 810-329 Loaded NICe car Mileage Black 2 tops saddle bags City neWly decor aled 2 jackel like new medium 1955- 1972 Automobile parts bed- 961 No",ngham large 3 O€d IIty 884-3312 5119 119K $1 800 331-8285 or console mag wheels new room upper all appliances $ I 000 Grosse Pointe Pari< accessones memorabl\a room lower flat flfeplace 886-5153 GSA tiles cassene Pin Included S800 per month Harper & Morang area Excel 313499-3593 manuals emblems promo- oak floors and moldings sin ping secullty system 885-5725 lenl locahon 5 bedroom 2 tIOnal Ilems etc 810-293- 50S lOST AND roUND 1987 Cutlass Oera 4 doot all leaded glass w ndows SNOWBLOWER Toro 2 Excellenl condition 55K balh basement $575 plu< 0957 power sunrool S2800 or 1352 Somersel 10lally redone French doors garage well stage 26 8 HP Tuned up FOU ND- small coco rolored $8700 313-886-9217 deposl' eo7-4;>q,1 best 313-881 9120 7 foom uppe' Two lire- mamtalned Available March and ready to go Cash short ha r dog roaming area BUYING china (complele or places sun loom screened 1st $685 per month RICk $600 886-1825 lor last 10 days 10 Mdel Lrt 1989 Cava',er 2 door aulO- 1993 GRAND Chero~ee L,m parftal sels) 810-731-8'39 porch Brand new pa nl 823-5154 lie Mack area Call Ondy al matlC 4 cyl oder all slereo lied power sunroof CD after 6 pm Jan wallpaper ca rpel and W1 0- l.aoo-4&>-3851 nlre $2950 810-778-3485 loaded while $26 3001 GROSSE POinte Villas 2 O€d MAHOGANY BABY dow trea'menlS MICrowave Rea. h FISHING, hunltng and SPO~lng best L ke new' Ca I BB5- rooms heal a r appl ance"> GRAND PIANO PAIR OF VOLUNTEERS For A mrnals GRAND AM 1993- 4 door hardwood floors laundry 7612 evenl ngs Included $7001 monlh Call 150,000 equlpmenl wanted A wha Ie have dogs & puppaded new tires red ex 7872 NOTTINGHAM 2 bedroom NEFF- ground floor spac ous I buy used NOl'dlC Tracks 822 FOUND Whtte female Hus cellenl cond lion 72 000 CHA1RS BUFFETS upper Flleplace garage 'X.'h('n \iH! lJ\ crtl~ miles Orlgln<:J1 owner 2 bedroom duple, '" Grosse 4289 key St John HOspilal area Appl an.:es $525 ~470 CHINA CASINETS 1990 Pontiac Be nneville LE Po nte Ideal for retirees ~)nur H )mC' (or sale m 810-7315974 after 6 p m $14700 313-393-6618 or Loaded very clean 53 MIRRORS 000 313-821 1146 THREE & 2 be .11 AUTOMonVE 6714 s!eenngJ Windows! door carpeting separale base- dresser oak headboard & LIONEL 0- Gauge Iralns and 1993 DOOGE Col 2 door 5 ,auas loe ks 6 cyll nder a" 59 000 ment With washer & dryer 1007 Beacon sfleld 2 be

702 APTS/fUTS/DU~LfX 705 HOUm fOR MNT 705 ItOUSES rot RENT 70' TOWNHOUm/CONOOS 7.' OfFICIS!COMME~C1AL 7 •• OfFICES/COMMERCIAL 72\ VACATION RENTAl 723 VACATION IINTAl S.C.S/M.<.m~ Counly ~.inl.s/H",,,,, W.. 4s '.;.10$/ H.r, ... W."$ fOR RENT fOR RINT FOR RtNT flORIDA NORTHERN MICHIGAN ".. FULLY furnished one two. WARREN! 9 MIl&- 1 bedroom GROSSE POlnle Schools Hunt QUAINT 2 bed'oom apph ST Cia" Shores Marter Road NORTH Hutchmson Islalld three and fou r bedroom. ! $400, 2 bedroom $492 Club 3 bedroom ranch no anees Basemen! 2 car ga Beaullful Spac,ous Two DELUXE office 11X15 Imme- FRESHLY REDECORATED fully furn Ished 28 trailer I\) condes These properties' • monthly rent Includes heat basemenl $735 884-0501 rage Close 10 v,lIage $6501 Bedroom Townhouse $600 d18te occupancy Includes resort $6501 month per sea are wlthm 5 mIles of Boyne : i water appl ances blinds month 61lJ.879-Q754 (810)-559-2962 ulIl,ll$ Harper! 8 Mile GROSSE Pomte Farms Pnme son Februa/)' Ih ru Apll I Highlands and Nubs ~ laundry taClllt es call 774- GOOD LOCATION STIEBER 81()'7754900 Neb • loca(lOn 2 bedroom up liv 403 Kerby 3 bedroom ga ST Cia" Shores Marter Rd 1 81 ()'779-1947 Ski Resorts MlllnY proper • ~ 0080 Ing room dm ng room new rage $650 menlh Ava lable Jefferson area Clean 2 bed HARPER WOODS FOR Sale- Grosse POInte lies wlln Indoor pools and : 722 VACATIDN RENTAL i\VIERA Terrace 9 M,lel Jet kilchen garage $750 885- February 15th 884-785 7 room second floor ccnd-777 2635 STORAGE for fur",lure! mls Mr. F/.h•• beach Available January MRP dlscounls 1-81().776- area 3 bed,oom 2 balh Charm ng 3 bedroom 1 1,2 cellaneous Dry sale area 1 bedroom vertrcals ce;hng 2591 MOROSSI Kelly 3 bedroom GROSSE P",nte Park 15005 AprIl monthly minimum 1 SkJ reservallOns 810-851 fan carpeted carport bath Cape Cod home $650 8812944 monthly plus ul,lrt,es Aval~ excepl ona I cond.IJOn $525 81Q-056.7619 7620 healed 61O-2!lO-1912 East Jefferson 200 square HILTON Head- lovely 2 bed- secunty 313-882-4132 PAYING too much for slor able Immedlalely 81 ()'258- 1001 office aVaJlable $125 to MARCO Islafld. 2 bedroom 2 room 2 bath CondO In HARBOR Spnngsl Petoskey ONE bedroom apartmenl all 6716 after 6 p m age? Auto boat, RV slaltln9 $225 a monlh 313-624 ShIpyard Planlallon Pool luxury condos! collages for HOME ava lable February 1st bath ccndo on beach From condlllOning appliances at at $35 24 hour access 372 7900 hot tUD tenms Call for groups 01 2 12 Fireplaces, GROSSE POINTE Woods Cheslerl Morass! Mack $1 100 per week 3 bed- tK: storage $4101 month 0118 Video $500 per week or pools cable TV Mmutes houses lor renl 1591 & area Very nice clean- all KENNEDY BUILDING room, 2 balh walerway Plus secunty depoSIt Wm $1 200 per month 1-81 (). 1599 Boumemouth 19228 home From $1 300 per Irom Boyne Highlands & Lockard ReMy 81().5!i6- appl,ances futnJshed $475 714 LIVING QUARTERS Affordable office sUites week Jim or Kalen Harbor 294-2929 313-729-4668 Nubs Nob Resort Property Raymond $85(). $900 pe, per month plus secunty TO SH"lU Large area/Single sUItes 8910 view Realty 600-494-8838 Management Co 800-968- monlh 263-7500 882 1488 for details 18121 East 8 Mile Road OLD Eighl Mile near I 94 FEMALE roommate needed 2644 GROSSE Pomte Pa.r1I 3 bed- opposrte Eastland Mall Lovely large 1 bedroom 707 HOUSES fOR RENT tor bUsy female proteSSlOflal LOOKlIl HARBOR SPRINGS Ski room remodeled kllchen CLASSFIED apartment heat & water ,n- S.C.S./MfC.nm Counly resKllng In l.aJ-776-13S1 10 share) Nonsmokmg Ie- as 3200 square teet Com- & Nubs 885-6771 616-526- room house 3 1/2 baths 2 rental sperulhsl al 'Ule~" male roommate Rent $375 , merCIal office space aVill~ FAX 3963 car garage central al r mcludes ul,l,l,es 1-81()'779- able tor The Punch & Judy (313) 343-5569 HARBOR Spnngs 2 bedroom $1 200 per month 884- 701 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT 6486 block as well as 'The HilI' Lucille Jordan AssocLates loll 2 bath JacuzzI ski 9493 S W FORT Myers Beach- area R G Edgar & Asso- Nubs! Boyne 664-0025, FURNISHED home or conde QUIET Jemale (41) noncus- Tropical paradise foundl Be- BARRINGTON, beauliful 3 lodlal patenl seeks room- c,ates 886-6010 lWeen Naples & Sanibel (508) 228-4449 ST CI",r Shores- 1 & 2 bed In Grosse Pomte Ail condl HARBOR Spnngs skI season bedroom, family room natu mate for large upper flat HIStory beau1y & romantIC 8 Federal Streer •=~room apartments $460 aJnd tloned June 1st thru Nov- KERCHEVAL renlals Twe to 4 bedroom ral fireplace, full basement ; up 61().772-0B31 ember Former Grosse near Village 884-4531 Pnme Hill locallon Modem sunsets on the Gulf 8each Nnntuckel, MA 02554 homes & condomlnrums 2 car garage all appliances condos From $625/ week 1 block from WindmIll Pomte Farms residents No GROSSE Pointe area Person burld Ing 2500 sq It at ava:lable Please call tor call loday' LRE VacatIOns 723 VACATION RENTAL POinte Parl< perfect for lam Children no pets, non to share home, working ref $13 50 tnple net fease rates & dates Graham Mgt , ST. CLAIR 1-600-7412986 NORTHERN MICHIGAN 163 E MaIO, Harbor Ily Gene 624-2668 after 5 smokers Please call 407 erences Must like animals Central air. 2 lavs, stor- 234-8364 SONfT A Spnngs Ronda near Spnngs MI49740 616-526- SHORES pm 884-6950 age Ample parking SHANTY Creek- all seaSOn 8 112 Mile & Mack area Naples 2 bedroom fur 9671 dose to all shoppng On Ideal for retail, office, In. chalet 313-885-4217 BEAUTIFUL 112 acre lot on 70. TOWNItOUSES/CONDOS 71. OFFICES/COMMERCIAL nlshed house on Ihe Bay HOMESTEAI). Four bedroom bus Ime clean one Lake St Clair 3 bedroom FDR RENT surance, manufacturers HARBOR Spongs condo- 1 bedroom uMS New fOR RENT Evenings 613-566-1567 lake Melllgan resort condo boal ho,sl $1 300 mcn(h rep, attorney, etc Va- apphanees and carpet mile Irom s!4420 a~er 6 p m week Ski golf reunions HARPER woods- 2 bedroom 6 771-0900 Shores Gulltronl Condos- I! LAKESHORE Village town- Free brochure 313-426 . IMMEDIATE month money saver rent for 702 UTS/flATS/DU'LlX 2 bedroom trom $7501 week house- 2 bedrooms finished 701 APTS/JUTS/Dl,IPLEX 2507 cheap Home for sale Need (plus taxi cleaning- unlll 41 basement washer Included S.C.S/Moc.,"~ C.un'y S.C.S / Mo<.,"~ C,unly OCCtJpancy 526-1017 28195) Pnvale balcony fully BOYNE Mounta,n area aean OCCUPANCY! Near CluDhouse and pool eq u,pped 90 minutes to Or sleeps 22 2 ftreplaces fa GROSSE POinte schoolS- lan- No pels $625/ month plus 1 lando 800-2319831, Jack CUZZI 3 full baths 19 miles I\PIS. & ~RI'-8IYLE caster 4 bedroom $650 months secunty deposrt 1 Colhns Realty 7 days! ot snowmobIle tratl 81lJ.648- Home 313-94HJ607 wort(>ns &: B.alh~ [1C('r!J('d& hSJrt'd FINE RESTAURANTS Our commuOlty on-Lhe lake Is situated In a 296-5005 247-4454 Rc{rT£,r'CC'S • SWIMMING POOL & park hke atmosphere 24 hour security, 19r~~r~1\"l'OO Dnve .07 USIMENT H,'1"-' Wood' \II :WlAGEGREEN ON dell\ery scrv1ce~ rmd Grosse Pointe shoppm~ CLUBHOUSE WATER~ROOflNG :..- -'" ~-9J32~_~ are onl~ a fcw rcasons among the many IAKESf.CIAIR reason<; to reSIde at The Shore Club American Basement We arc now renling apartments So come and Waterproofing :1810) 791.3093 sce why The Shore Club ts the most Licensed & Insured presllg,Ol's address on the v.atcrway 10 year guarantee Mm-FnIM I 2 And;) Bedroom~ Mailable from $670 FREE ESTIMATES Sat 9-5 526-9288 Sun. 12-5 THE SHORE CLUB MARINA., J ,no\\ a{'cepllng apphcatJon5 for the 1995 5C<1<;Q!l Mark W. Anderson OPENWE.EKE'\'DS! BASEMENT EHO 771-3124 Welj<; ~tarlln~ at $1,000 WATERPROOFING 'tFcaturcc; &. pnces mav Open 9.5 :Hannay lhnl Friel:!} Rc<;cnc a II ell bv Febnlary 1<;( Iq95 10 YEAR GUARANTEE rcccile a 10"r d,'rount FREE ESTIMATES vary hO'cd on unll slylc ,m" L- --' 881.8035 881-5135 s - Grosse Pointe News) January 26, 1995 The Connection Directory of Services


MONARCH RenovatIOnsoHets GREAT LAKES SERVING THE PAINTING, walJpapenng wall JOHN'S PAINTING DAN ROEMER ROOFING Be SIDING yo~ complete Home Irr' washing senior D,scounl Infenor.Extenor SpecialiZ- Replacement HOME IMPROVEMENT SAFE FLUE GROSSE POINTES provemenIsi Repalrsl Code Call Jan 1l8lalled ELECTRIC INC • Husband Wife Team Licensed and Insured • Drywall AFFORDABLE Supe' Handy caulking, wallpapenng • Morlar and Master Llcensed & - Wallpapering 772-2614 • Roofing man Electneal plumbing Also, paint old aluminum '73 111E WORK Damper - Painting • K,tchens Insured carpentry plaster paln'lng SIdIng All war!< and ma- COMPLETE Repa" • Residential. CommerCIal • Balhrooms • Animal Rcmoyal all general repa"s Semor 885.2633 lenal gua, anteed CERAMIC Tile & Marble All o Fast Emergency $eNlce PLUMBING • Flooring C""I'""j Mall'" Sweep discounts Free estlmales ANDERSON PAINTING Reasonable Grosse types renovation & Insur • Windows SENIOR CITIZENS' Rob 81o-m-8833 POinte references Free SERVICE anee work 15 years expen- TOM TREFZER 882-4993 ence 1 year warranty 810- • Decks DISCOUNT estImates MARTIN VERTREGT SCHNEIDERS Home Repairs Expenence In Custom 488-8616 • Patios 882-5169 Licensed Master Plumber Plumb,ng e1ectncal carpen- Renovations 882.5038 • Fencing 886.4448 try palnlrng code VlolalJOns Grosse Pomte Woods CERAMIC tile Installation-your 15215 MACK BRIAN'S PAINTING • Masonry 88&4121, pager 810-903- CUSTOM Inleno,l exterior 886.2521 tile or mine' 810-716-9432 • parnLIng Plaster repair ProfeSSional palntmg Inle- • Electrical COLVILLE 6351 New work repairs, renova. TRAPANI T,le & Marble- All COACHLIGHT Guarantee FREE Estl nor and extenor Special. Malar construction and CARPENTRY, bnck work, tlons, water heaters Vie and marble Installabons ELECTRIC CO. mates Ltcensed & Insured IZIng m all types of pal nt- finish carpentry experts CHIMNEY SWEEP CO. pamtlng remodeling resto- sewer cleanmg, code VIO- Reasonable rates 81().643. Stal. LaMed Ranges, Dryers, SeNlces Nor1heaslem Improvemenls Ing CaUlkIng, Window Lakeshore Or ralron Licensed Insured lations All work guaran 0325 SIS4 Doorbells Inc 372 2414 glazIng and plaster re- & Local refe rences Reister Construcllon 313- teed CERAMIC krtchen counters, ClWnreys CIoans312O 9 to 5 Long Distance 910 WINDOWS GARY'S carpet seMce In FURNITURE refinished re- Agent for GLASS block wrndOwS Jr_ stallatlon restretchlng Re- STORM DOORS pa"ed stnpped any lype of Global Van Lines palrs Carpet & pad avail- canrng Free estimates 345- :iIJ U f1DI~'I $~~~~~~g$ stalled all year round Free' able n4-7828 6258 661 5520 SUPREME Hrating & Suppl.y Co" Inc. esllmates Kevn 810-779c DOORWALLS - For all YOIJr 6226 CARPET mstalJalionand repair All Major Brands! '~2 GARAGES Plumbll>g Need. UNIQUE Window & Door Cq S9Mce ResldenhaJ& Com- ~ s.w.n'60 mei'Clal Glue downs Pad CommerCJal & Residenva! Complimentary GARAGE slralghtenlng and 885-2400 DnlIllJ '40 New installation & repa,rs r~placement and repalls door alignment board re- 822-4400 W'rf'( PAY MORE22 Call 313-5279084 Estimates 776-2970 pa" crack and cement re- • large and Smoll Jobs 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAIlABLE 7 DAYS 24 HOURS S & K CARPET pa" licensed and 'nsured • P,anos (our specialty) 88'.2224 John Pnee llS2{)746 - Appliances TAKf A IOOtCArOUR ReSidential Commercial • Boilers • Furnaces GLASS BLOCK Stressing Quality '43 lANDSCAPERS/ - $atu rdoy, Su ndoy ~it;~~! ServICe MIL THE PLUMBE WINDOWS Reasonable Pnces GAIOENERS • Central Air Conditioning Hi. l: (.TN'A. "S CALL GENE, 885-5730 • Semor Discounts FATHER & SONS 881-2123 SQUIER MAC'S TREE AND JOHr-JJ Cfllt Owned & Operated 'S~ PAINTING/DICOIATING .54 PAINTING/DECORATING Since 1949 r...... IoO" JB ~ ~ ...... er'"....~ .17 (ElLING/PLASTERING I SHRUB TRIMMING Stelnmger ....- -, BllLMASITR Sashand Serun By John PLUMB£RSTDNY CEILING repairs waler dam- COMPLETE WORK 11850 E. JelFer$On Reasonable rates, quality STMN'S PAINtiNG TI1O'.1BQUa BS6-3768 882-0029 ,&\ WINOOW WASHING age cracks palntln9 pias- 19807 Mack Ave. MPSC-L 19675 EXTERIORjUvTERIOR ter texture Or smooth Joe servIce Gall Tom 776- lICensed . Ins ured Custom DesIgn PaJnhng llSll085 Grosse POInte Woods 4429 ''0 ROOfiNG SEllVla FAMOUS Malnlenance- sent "~FREE ESTIMATES 15 Years In Gralle Panlle Ing Grosse POinte Snee SEAVER'S Home Malnte Snow Plowing! R£!SO\ABLE '/NS&RED RESHINGLE, repa" all types 1943 ucensed bonded 'n- 'lance Plaster d OuaIrty !~!!i Specmllzmg 10 IrllonorJExtollor Painting We otter the [ (810) 445-6455 OR 1800-459-6455 • Gutte Clea""'9 & Repa.ls Reasonable pnce$ bosl In preparation bclore pa nllng and use only tno SFE HOW AffORDABLE QUf\UTY C<\N BE' • Sma I Rool Repa: rS rnatenaI 1:i' I nost malellals lor tM lon90s1 las~ng rosulls Greal to year workmanship warranty :t~r~~n~~~;~val Allwork GtWanteed I Weslern people are quality mlndcxl and couneous • S>d"9 & De" InSlallalon G.C&Se Po,"" rllll/er>e6S 25 year or longer material warranty formaTe REASONABLE RATES SpecialiZing InTEAR OFFS 882.0628 Call Mike anytime l_«>d ", forma rlon I~ FREE ESTIMATE. FULLY INSURED YOU KNOvV 777.8081 ~ 886.7602 CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATEI SOMETHING NICF IS BEING DONE iI, 774.0781 THE HOLIDAYS ARE OVER ...

Now's a great time to buy or lease a new Ford car or truck. You'll save hundreds of dollars with our Cash Back Coupons . .------, S'95,""':.FORD BRONCO

COUPON L CASH BACK* ~ Forqualified buyers I r------, '95 FORD TAURUS ! i-:'" ,-, - - I

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.Speclal A PR Fmancmg or Cash Back from Ford for quallhed buyers LImited.tIme offer See dealer for complete detaIls $1000back on '95 Taurus SHO,$500back on '95 Taurus GL, LX, SEmodels, "Cash Back flOm FDAFand FMCC 101a total at $750back on 94/95 $1000back on Ford Bronco. or $300back on Escort Dealer partIcIpatIon Aerostars WIth a 24-month Red Carpet Lease Offer ends 1/31/95 may affect savmgs Take new retaIl delIvery from dealer stock See dealer tor detaIls

Bloomfield H,II. Delr'Olt Femdale RUSS MilNE FORD Redford Southgate Troy ALAN FORD JORGENSEN FORD EO SCHMID FORD 43870 Gmt ot Avenue PAT MILLIKEN FORD SOUTHGATE FORD TROY FORD, tNC 1845 S Telegraph 8333 M eh gan Avenue 21600 Woodward A,e 1810j 293 7000 9600 Te eqraph Rd 6')01 Fort St 777 John R 11131584 2250 18101399 1000 11131?553100 III 31 ?82 3616 (81015854000 (8101 333 3000 Northville Flat Rock Rochester St Cia" Shores Centerline McDONALD FORD SALES DEAN SELLERS FORD Wayne STARK HICKEY WEST SUPERIOR FORD HUNTINGTON FORD ROYO BRIEN BOB THIBODEAU 550 VI Seven M Ie Rd ?600 W MaDle Rd JACK DEMMER FORD ? IlbO VI Seven M Ie Rd ??675 G braltar Road 2890 S Rochesler Rd ?2?0 N ne M Ie Rt! 26333 Van Dyke 1810J 149 1400 18101643 7500 37300 MIChigan Ave n 1 ,38 6600 1313,782 ?400 1810185? 0400 8101 '76 7600 (81017552100 (313) 721 2600 livonIa Oak Park Royal Oak SterlIng Heights Warren RIVERSIDE FORO SALES AL lONG FORD WesUand Dearborn BILL BROWN FORD MEL FARR FORD ROYAL OAK FORD JEROME DUNCAN 18'l3E JeHe'sonA,e 24750 Greenfoeld 137\ 1 E Eight Ml'e Rd NORTH BROTllERS FORO FAIRLANE FORD SALES 3?2,;? PI,moutll Road 550 N Vlood.ard Ave dOOOford Country llne 33300 Ford Rd 111 3, '>67 O?'>O 1810,9573700 (810) 777 ?700 14585 M,eh gan Ave 131114?I 1000 18101 ')484100 18101268 1'i00 (313) 421 1300 (311) 8465000 Farmrng10n H,lls Mt Clemens Plymouth SouthfIeld Taylor Waterford Woodhaven VILLAGE FORD TOM HOLZER FORO MIKE DORIAN FORD !lLACKWELL FORD AVIS FORD RAY WHITFIELD FORD FLANNERY MOTORS GORNOFORD ~ ?353') M,h'gan A,r 1'J100 1/ 101~ r R')1 J )30r II 1 A ....f> '1001 P ,mOil" Rd ?9?OO Telrgnpl Rd lono,,, Tr rgnpl Rd '900 H ghland Rd 22025 Allen Rd ~ 1313) 56" 3'J0~ HI D 1 • 1'" 1~ 81') 1CV 11)0 1'31'0,11100 81013~" 7',00 ,111 ?91 0300 18101J~6 1260 1313) 6762200

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'I....~ .. 1 /,/ } f Shop These Pages for Outstanding Savings from Area Merchants

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Grosse Pointe NewsIThe Connection Thursday, January 26, 1995

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Page 2 Grosse Pointe News/The Connection Thursday, January 26, 1995

C? C? C? C? Announcmg After Inventory C? C? C? A Grand Celebration C? for Doll & Bear Lovers , "\.', ~ ~ _. - ~ l~'.' WINTER CLEARAWAY Step into the World of

C? C? I Beauti/itl Dolls & Loveable Bears C? S and 00 OC? C? ave 10...30% 0 0 500/0 OFF C? C? on IOO's of Items 0

• Madame Alexander • Royal • Dolls by Jen • Lee Middleton • Heidi Ott ORIGINAL PRICES* • Robin Woods • Johannes Zook • Gotz • Wendy Lawton • Corolle • Hlldegard Gunzel BEARS & ANIMALS • Annette Hlmstedt • Gmny on winter merchandise • Raikes • Slelff • Sabine Esche • Flba • Cantelbury • Gund • Cann Losntlzer • Pauline *DESIGl\T£RS ORIGINAL SWEATERS 1/3 OFF • Kathe Kruse • Effanbee • Vanderbears • VIS • Let's Play Dolls • Fanouche • Hermann • Misses Sports'lvear • Skirts • Blazers • Blouses COMING SOON FROM MADAM ALEXANDER • Pants • Sweaters • Coats (Reserve Dolls Today WIth a $10 DepOSit) Alice In Wondtrland Serlu .,.. tAl \\'be Mad Hatter. While Rabbit. Queen of Hearts &. More) ~ .• \ ,~• I Special Occaslom • b~ J;., (foolb Pauy. 110YeYou. EaJ1llr Bonnet, M~r 's Day)

-' \ '<. The Lillie Women. Bible Series , ~'J(4 ":/'''7,.. tV THE DOLL HOSPITAL & TOY SOLDIER SHOP 3947 W. 12 Mile Rd. • Berkley • 810-543-3115 (Conveniently located near 1-696) Hours: M-Sat: 10-5:30, Fri: 10-8 AREHOUSE SAL USIO . - DADY SEE HUNDREDS OF USED '-- ~~ ~-=-~ I GRANDS 'PIANOS. ORGANS • DIGITALS ,~> - I NEW • USED • RENT RETURNS PIANOS -;'1'~' ' II t199500 Discontinued Models-Scratch or Dent l ~, ..01" st.'" 30% • 60% , ..01" ~69500 ~ A BALDWIN LOWREY D.B. BALDWIN DIGITAL 'ROM CONSOLE SAVE ORGANS 'ROM DADY GRANDS PIANOS t849" PIANOS 20.40% SEETHE NEW MODElS ~1995 INCRATESPECIAl $4995 -~------. ------. --

.~ % E_V8lA 0. SOUTH BLVD ~ WAREHOUSE u SQUARE LAKE ...w 671 V\lOODV\lARD ...w -----,mU/I( PONTIAC LONCi LAKE ._-.....-_---,..------< - - - ....

Thursday, January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News/The Connection Page 3 ,0 ~t::) '~o~tJ"o~tJ.~1 Oii.t::) .'O,tJ ~O COME JOIN THE CELEBRATION!!! ~ 0: V · HAS CHANGED THEIR NAlV1E ~ T thePet o Practice,. o • SAME EXCEPTIOnAL STAFF AND VETERInARY CARE • SAME GREAT SERVICE •D • 16 COHVE"'fHT I1f'GHBORHOOD LOCATIONS



NEAREST LOCATIONS: OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Grosse Pointe/Detroit Sot Clair Shores 16361 Mack Avenue 2S101 Harper (313) 343-5665 (810) 445-1970 Mack and Outer Drive Harper at 10 Mile Hours: 7:30am-7:00pm Mon - Fri Hours: 24 houn a day 8':OOam-S:OOpm Saturday 10:00am-S:OOpm Sunday -- -_ea_=_c_-QJ - __=_:__

Page 4 Grosse Pointe NewslThe Connection Thursday, January 26, 1995 ~Je~~GMLp~ ~e~ EST. 1971 ElDily~s IIHOME OF THE MEAT PIE" GERMACK PISTACHIO.S Pride of Germack ~/CaliforniaColossalll lib. bag $350 31b bag $995 ,5 Jb bag $159;',i4t-9li

APPETIZER SIZE Meat, Spinach & COOKED KIBBEE BALLS' Provence, France is Here! Chicken Pies PIe-~~ 19~adoten ~'H5 Stuffed Grape Leaoes • Kibbee • Taboull Salad • Original Santons Meat Pies. Hommus BAKLAVA Packaged Cookies • Traditional Faience 60 Piece Party Tray $2395 Only $795 (earthenware) (walnuts. butter. sugar. ftlo sheets. flour. water. corn Assorted Walnuts or starch. vag 01 and salt.) Date Filled BEER • WINE • POP FILLO DOUGH • SYRIAN CHEESE • FETA CHEESE • BULK OLIVES • Table Linens

• OPEN 7 DAYS • Monday 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday 9:30 a.m .•9:00 p.m., Sunday 11:00 a.m .•7:00 • And Much More! 22205 MACK (between 8 & 9 Mile Roads) 777-2256 St. Clair Shores 84 KERCHEVAL AVENUE - GROSSE POINlE FARMS, MI 48236 .1Ie!!Pl_ --313-882-3969 FAX.313-882-5682--'" (Parking in Rear use front entrance) ~ IEIII

ffe.a1thRiders ~06IcRi:te.r -

Thursday, January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News/The Connection

...... , , DirtDetD ~ ..~-..f " • Revolvmg brush for .,- deep deanlng ~ • Great for stairs, pet hair, ,,/ _J- .<.._ GREeK XL 8 LB. i cars, ete I ~;;~~..~ ORECK SUPER BUSTER B. • Extra-long power cord '" I "'~.' - ,'-:.-1 HOTEL UPRIGHT VACUUM .. ~ r.... ~... I ;lm'lI_aa..:::-, COMPACT VACUUM " ... "'-(,,, .. " / • New MicroSweep allows you • So powerlul it can lift a 161b. to go from carpet to bare - bowling ball, yet weighs only floors without adjusting 4lbs. vacuum height. • Air blowing as welf as vacuuming. • New Glide-Ease system Eureka (orvette~ • Ideal for car, office, ~itchen. tends to propel cleaner Hand Vac forward effortlessly. wi" I 0 p<.ltlaa...t 5It • Full size power In the palm of your • Cuts cleaning time in half hand. with 100% more bristles, No tradE req cleans twice as fast, uses • 25 fool 50% less electriCIty. power rord • Weighs only 8 Ib.s Model 55 I YOUR CHOICEI $3499

HOOVER~ Encore'. ~~~C Eureka EnllfgY Efficient WllI\ C""';Ilg An.t1 .... ts ~. Bravo@ Boss'" I Upright Vacuum H Vacuum Cleane, (lEA,. "'Go ErF«~:::;'«5S /5 0 • ei8tWclclin.t\CJ • (}.Jclo:& easyb-!. cnat'9ll .. L,~~fI,l,lI g~ • LonQ cora \fIIo"1tl OlJl,.k relc!ue • B LJSt'~ &dQ8 c-~ar-..rc • On-board cleaning .. Ur'\CC"'lJIQn.i!l I ~'&a - Q...,1 anI.. attachment set 2.0 Pealo: H P Motor provide~ a cleaning .Compilcl FUll SIZe C;JrIsle. lIac.uumC!naer reach ot 96" • l,no.allV' W~"I O'''in fOi I YOU R MoreSlab,l,11 CHOICEI .::::-..,~:.."."'l

• 1d&aJfor deanlng 99 corners and mole I • Interchangeable ~ ....[ffl parts convert $59 - ,:.!'I!"ij' qUICkly Into 4 ... vacuums 1111 ~ • Lightweight - less than 6 pou nds • High Performar ce • One year warranty 11.0A~ Motor LITE~ • Surge Switch lor YOUR CHOICE! Extra Cleaning • The compact nozzle maneuvers easllv around, Power between and under furniture • 4 to 1 ExpanSIOn • Powerful and lightweight - weighs only 10 pounds. Hose and 5 BUilt In 99 Machments tor • Ideal for cleanrng big and small areas Powerful Above • Ihe uprrghllhatIS easy to handle ™ $89 Model H06410 Floor Cleaning


STORE HOURS M-F 9- 6 21533 Kelly Rd. SAT 9-5 (at 8 1/2 Mile) Eastpointe LV/SA:) II 771.2350

, , ------...._------______6 .... 40IRI e-_...... -_~-...... ~~ --...------~~-_- ..-I

Page 6 Grosse Pointe News/The Connection Thursday, January 26, 1995 f>-#~~~~O~~ RE.GRAND OPENING ~ ~ - MONDAY JANUARY 30th - ~~ at ~

~ A landmark In Macomb County for over 30 years. l~ "_ t I I,_i} ...<,.~ • ,...... J 1 <..~_\F- lYe C'an:v a C0111p!f te LUte oj: -".~~/1 ~iA, GAS LOGS j?-!/~ ~ 1iEAj.N'-dP" FIREPLACES . CUSTOM FIREPLACE DOORS, INC~J \!!. ~•. PORTLAND and BECKWOOD DOORS \?::",. ~ ~~~

~ 0 Tool Sets ~, \'_, -''''-. fSJ.. · BBC Grills \ .,' 1't · Wood Baskets, etc. ~;~'" STOREWIDE <: · Parts & Accessories €fi:.r,; '9- (for grills & Iff~ ~~~ CLEARANCE fireplaces) ~) -, <' '" 4..~~... ~ 21714 Harper Ave. (at 812Mile) St. Clair Shores • 810-771-6770 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-5 SALE Et~DS FEB. 28TH r'~1", ~ , 6-", )::. -:1fT~~'"'"~:~ '~ r:"- .,"1~~ <:--!~~;..it."'~~"V'" ~ ...... :...... ~ ~~i!?tWi1P:sf!aP'J'?iP7TIU77 r&i lG R'f 37t":piIJjfrt~ ~ Up To 28" Wide -+- --'080DY BEATS

). ..c:: EALee~ .~ :t: :: ?-

~ / / "~ 7 7.0 0 ~% ~ ~ & tIWe_"'''''-~.'« NEW HIGH.TECH WINDOWS I fT>':>":":"Y'" : Warmer Than Wood Windows 'f *: .;",,: ~ .' ~ ~ 7 ; ~'Wlth Optional Foamed Frames t I . . / l .= ::.:> ..... ,," ;":: .... OPTIONS • Foamed Frame & Sashes Each Installed Eight windows or more • • Pittsburg Sungate Glass • Up to 6 7R Factor Reduced NOise Improved Comfort Reduced , Fabnc Fading Supenor Insulation FACTORY SALE ORDER NOW!

~j Pittsburgh Sungate 100 Glass Wmter Warm and Summer Cool- Better Than All Other Insulated Glassl Don 't Purchase Wmdows WIth Afummim Glass Spacers Specializing in: Several large double hung windows In stock, odd sizes. $75 00 each samples $10 each • Vmyl Sldmg, Tnm, Gutters • Conan Counters • Entry Doors - Standard & Fancy - Fiberglass, Steel, • Baths - Complete Jobs or Partial Wood REPLACEMENT WINDOWS & DOORS • Kohler - Delta - Moen - Ceramic Tile Deal With The Owner • No Commission • 20 Years in Business • Roofll1g . Overlay or Tear Off [nstallallons • !

CALL OR VISIT OUR SHOWROOM • 22001 HARPER, ST. CLAIR SHORES, MI 48080 ~ ------..:"-r-...... "l'" .... 1= p- ,. T:;'.." ... r ... -;t'"ll '~25116 JEFFERSON • ST. CLAIR SHORES • =wu _ "~_F~ ' _

Thursday, January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe News/The Connection Page 7

--- __ r.s''''''''ea __ '3!I : _iMI R...... """""' ...... ".,,_...,_ _--~S~"'l~~dE.U~"l"".a."i7~~'l;:.lt~ .. ~~) ....~~ ...~..... nom,...."....,. F ~

...!...~.olF"_~ ...b...__ .r.r.l .... .- .J;V" ..""Q> ,,"'~:r ",...... ~..""'u.oe"-...r ~.J~"""-'~~~V:r~~t.~--n.v~""-G.>':'" 'l:"""(~~~c.~k ...... 3:>;...- ...-.. ... to:: ~~ t"M"1.JWi,...l...1- ....~~....,~a::a1lll .. "Ul!.:JL.~ Just Onee a Year! It~sthe Season~sGreatest Savings Event! Our FOUR-DAY i~FTER-INVENTORYCLEARANCE!

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And enjoy Imperial Mattress traditional quality, value and service

Thursday 10 to 9 Friday 10 to 9 Saturday 10 to 6 Sunday 12 to 5

IMPERIAL DISCOUNT MATfRESS DAYS SAME ~ FREE 90 ~~ 33251 GRATIOT AVENUE AS CASH * .,!' ~ 2 BLKS. N. OF 14 MILE DELIVERY $200 00 minimum purch;l~C ;lnd 'l~ _ 'f;' with approved credit) ~~ ~ , Within rumr"d , 4tlivery 41U Page 8 Grosse Pointe News/The Connection Thursday, January 26, 1995 ~l1~~~~~ ~~l1~ BUY NOW and SAVEI

Enjoy the best prices on recliners, sofas, love seats, tables, lamps and wall accessories. Nothing Goes Better with the Excitement Now through February. of the Super Bowl than Super Food HAM SUPUME SHOPS have the perfect line of treats for all you arm chair athletes! SUPREME SUBS... Stacked with mouth watering fixins, available in 3, 4, 5 and 6 feet. i----$5°00FF----lisPI~sLIcEDflR~mAZJrolliWl Any Party Tray Order $2.50OFF $500 OFF I Not \ ahd \\ llh other coupons I 1/2 Ham Whole Ham I TREMENDOUS SALESPEOPLE ~~~~~-- __ ---~~~~W~~~~~~~~~~~-~2~~ LARGE SELECTION BBQ RIB Includes a Slab of RIbs, $13 OF ALL TOP BRANDS I DINNER FOR 4 95 ChOICe of 2 Ibs of Cole Slaw, Potato or I I Macaroni Salad and 1/2 Dozen Rolh I ~~~~~~~~~~~~---- W£~~ • Flexsteel • Peters - Revington p .... -~-.;...... • Stanley • Hooker • Lexington 'SPiral slicRney glaZ~~' boneless turkey breast

...... """'_~ ...... Yo I ...... ~ ~- Fournier's Furniture 11 Mile ~ "Often Imitated But Never Duplicated" 27113 Harper, St. Clair Shores Centennial ~ D~ 21615 Harper • St. Clair Shores 776-8900 10Mlle (bet. 8 & 9 MIle at Shady Lane) Call ahead for fast & easy Carry-out Open Mon ,TllUrs 10-8 30, Tues , Fn & Sat 10-5 30, CLOSED WED & SUN 774 ..2.820 III UEJ lGl ------. r:-Alternative Hair I Do you want Luxurious hair? Do you want to keep your Perfect hair Secret hair? (As seen on T.V) Alternative FX now has Alternative hair! Clip in pieces of hair you can put in to Still tilDe to give make hair longer and fuller. Custom cut your FURNACE a and colored specifically for you in a few SAFETY CHECK I short days. and CLEANING L- Callfor an appointment 0 771-8210~ only NOW WOMEN WITH HAIR LOSS CAN HOLD THEIR HEADS HIGH. • Exclusively for women with hai r loss • Certified technicians will provide you • Designer Registers with the compassion & dignity you • Humidifier Pads deserve • TRANE" • 1st quality Human Hair semi-permanent • Repairs • Service essentially becomes your own • Parts available (most brands) It's hard to stop a Trane 23760 Harper • St. Clair Shores I FREE Private Consultation I • 8IO-777-I929 • ~.q=L~E-~J2~~iCTE F~ 26717LlttleMack. St ClaIr Shores .Fa<;yacce<;<;{roml-69h (810) 771-8210

I •• .------.... • .. .i " Thursday, January 26, 1995 Grosse Pointe NewslThe Connection Page 9

, ~f WINTER CLEARANCE l Now in Progress :0, AT '-t4CI(

STOREWIDE '., a:.,z "- MERRYTIME MEATS - PRODUCE - BAKERY We're Your Complete Market Specials Good through February 4th 40% OFF 60% OFF 75% OFF

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RED WING JERSEYS $5999 Page 10 Grosse Pointe News/The Connection Thursday, January 26, 1995 7U1d In,IJ'CP;,~DSOR 69 Years Of • Distinguished If you've put off calling a Fashion Furs house cleaning service • Ultimate Quality because you don't want a stranger in your home ... t Exceptional me!tJ' It's time to meet Service maidS@ • COME IN AND VIEW The U.SA's house cleaning experts. r------;4~4, 1995 Partnl'r~ in the Sl'r\'in~Ma~tl'f I SAVE~ $25.00\ I I (Ju:Llity ~l'r\'icl' Net work ~ $5 Off Your First Five ~~ SeJ"l'ICe,I1A.\II.N", TERM'N'X~meny maids .. I \ Weekly or Biweekly Visits L"~ Professionally Trained: . '!)~9uu. • Bonded • Insured I Bonded • Insured • SocIal • Quality Service Guarantee : Security & Workers' Comp Paid No Duty, No Sales Tax Take Advantage of the High U.S. 1995 Currency Rate During Our SALE : \~ 885.3360 Collection More than 150,000 I I I NO"' Customers I ON ~t:!!l~P~~NDSO. I 484 Pelissier, Windsor 1.519.253.5612 can't be ~: New customers only. Not valid with SALE wrongl OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9-5:30 L_ .2.t~~~~ !x~~!2.2E:.6j!~_.J

--....:::= Restore Your Marble To Its Natural Beauty Est. 1956 Professional Care & Maintenance from MARBLELIFE ...... o It's ~iek~~ CHICKEN 15% AdlUtional Charge for White Meat Upon Request Chicken Dmner. $499 Barbecued...... $599 4 pIeces of dellclOus brO

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IJod'>tone oak and \I rought Iron at a pflle thaI I a rcallrlat

Soul Sugg Reclil ~895 Dim I n the ekgaoCl o! IRth ( enllln Simplicity ... Stl Img "lIh this \\'1\, ltit\ (, IU"] dlnmg room cratted In maple" IIh a glOl\lng churl hrmh This ILlite mcludll tahle Hearth tour Iide chJlf~ and matching chilla Ann chairs available III addlllonal cost Hanllony ... Also available III oal

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ll'111.!C ",k at' Prill ''1ft \(I 1,1t ", 11 !l d, Make a fresh new start WIth the beauty of ONLY $1795 ThomawJlle and brthg Sugg Reclil $2910 home phenomenal savings \\ akc up to the Clal\ll \ 11\IIOn today. But there's no time \t1'11I1g ot this I~f.-111111I'1 hedroom to walt ... hurry In and trailed III oak \llIh 1\ rought Inm take advantage of d(\admg Pmt H)c!m!c, a heautltul Thomasvtlle's spectacular queen me hed a matching I1lght sales event today! Ilalld and triple drcwr \lllh mirror Sale Ends February 22, 1995. This offer callnO( be comhllled with 1ny other offer Sale pnces suggested by ThomasvIlle Aililems '\lhl~1 to pnor s;,le mnpp 111uruiture 183 South Main, Mount Clemens Pllone 810-469-4000 I'l mile., north {)f !\1ptropohtiH1 PiHh\l,cll, (16 1\11 Hd l

\I, 'Ao .... I -. ------...

Page 12 Grosse Pointe News/The Connection Thursday, January 26, 1995

, , NOW FEATURING: , ~- , , n ~..--~ • Large Selection of Fine Wines • 't ...... ( " ' • Fresh Roasted Coffee • Specialty Teas • Gourmet Foods • Custom Gift Baskets • Specialty Imported Beers • American Spoon Foods EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE • Camille Beckman Body Products Uncover The East Sides Best Kept Secret • Seasons Potpourri & Gifts

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( Featured Cover Home, p. 2 ~ Houses for Sale, p. 6 "c Real Estate Resource, p. 4 Condos/Apts.lFlats, p. 6

...:...... :1 - ~ . , .r~ ;}...... "l." .... .;...... , ...... __ ~ _ ...... \..,..,.._ -I _ '" ...... _ .- "'- ... 'oJ ~~, ._ ....v...- __ -.., -...... _-- - Page 2 VourHome Thursday, January 26, 1995 Mapping circuits and stripping wall covering

Most electrical panel breakers or easiest of all. You simply work a about 10 minutes, try scraping offthe fuses are not marked to show what comer loose with a knife and peel the covering with a wide knife. If they operate. This article wilt help. THE HELPFUL covering oft'the wall. If this doesn't necessary, wet again. 'Ib identify which receptacles and work you're going to have to dry strip Use steam to remove stubborn fixtures are on each circuit, you will the paper off the wall, providing the wallcoverings from plaster. You can need only a pencil, paper, and a INSPECTOR walls are composedofgypsum board. rent a steamer. It consists of a boiler '\oltage tester or a small lamp. With a razor knife, make horizontal connected by a hose to a perforated Make a rough drawing of your cuts spaced 8 to 10 inches apart plate that you hold against the wall. home's floor plan and mark each horizontally and vertically. Work a Steam is forced through the pores of permanent electrical feature. Then slitter tool into a slit at an angle and the paper, softening the paste behind. turn off the first 120-volt breaker or By Michael J. Kalkhoff gently loosen the covering. Peel the After you've steamed a 6-foot section fuse in the panel and plug your paper upward. of the wall, scrape off the covering up the number of openings on each Wallcovering on plaster walls can with a knife. If the wall covering tester or lamp into each outlet. Also circuit. operate each wall switch that be removed by slitting or scoring or resists steaming, slit or score through 'Ib determine if a circuit is at or perforating the surface and soakingit. the surface and steam a second time. controls a mounted fixtu-re. On your near capacity, assign each outlet a map, write the circuit breaker or fuse Or use a rented steamer. Do not use Michael J. Kalkhoff is the owner of value of 1.5 amps. At that rate, a 15- water or steam to strip covering from The Home Team Inspection Service, a number next to the symbol for every amp circuit will accommodate 10 dead outlet or fixture that you find. drywall; moisture will soften the local residential and commercial outlets, a 20-amp circuit 13 outlets. gypsum board's face. inspection company. (810) 412-0165. Now turn on the breaker, turn off How you go about removing old the next one, and repeat the process. First slit the wallcovering with Write to: The Helpful Inspector, the wallcovering depends in part on horizontal cuts, or score through with Grosse Pointe News, 96 Kercheval Do thp same to map each of the other what's underneath it. Strippable circmts. When you are finished, total a serrated scraper. Then spray with Ave., Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. materials, usually vinyl's, are the water or liquid paper remover. After 48236. JUmp on remodeling bandwagon at Novi Spring Home & Garden Show The third annual Spring Home & WXYT radio's Glenn Haege will award prizes daily along with many BASM also sponsors the 77th Garden Show will be in full bloom broadcast "Ask the Handyman" live exhibitor offerings including a natural annual International Builders Home, once again from Feb. 2 - 5 at the Novi from the show Saturday and Sunday. gas grill; gift certificates for beds and Flower and Furniture Show at the Expo Center - just in time to help He will be available following the customized space planning solutions; a Cobo Conference-Exhibition Center homeowners jump on the remodeling broadcasts to answer home decorating spree; installed transparent and the third annual Fall Remodeling bandwagon. improvement questions. window films; a basic security system; Show at the NoviExpo Center. Nationally, residential remodeling Metropolitan Detroit Landscape a high-efficiencyfurnace; carpeting for The Novi Expo Center is located at expeanditures are projected to have Association members will design a 12 foot - x - 12 foot room; a ski 1-96 and Novi Road. Spring Home & increased almost 9 percent over the gardens to give showgoers ideas from machine; an acrylic backboard and Garden Show hours are from 2 - 10 past two years. The top three home the pros. Stone and brick paver rim; an 1S-inchsatellite dish system; a p.m. Thursday and Friday; 10 a.m. _ remodeling projects are kitchens, pathways, indoor and outdoor ponds fireplace; custom window treatments; 10 p.m. Saturday; and 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. bath/powder rooms and remodeled or for water gardening, retaining walls and a central vacuum cleaning system. Sunday.Admissionis $6 for adults; $4 added decks or patios. and colorful flowers to delight the In addition, most exhibitors offer show for seniors; $3 for children 6-12; with "Our show features products and senses will be found in these expertly specials. children under 6 admitted free. services for these top remodeling created gardens. More than 200 exhibitors will show Family tickets for two adults and projects as well as a multitude of Floral arrangements based on the latest technology, products and accompanying children are available others," said Janet L. Compo, spring and holiday themes will be on services for yard/gardens, doors, at Farmer Jack for $9. Discount preSIdent of the Builders Association display courtesy of local Professional windows, kitchens, baths, remodeling, admission coupons were mailed to of Southeastern Michigan (BASM) Allied Florist shops. furniture, arts and crafts, decorative homeowners in their Detroit Edison and chief executive officerofJames D. Demonstrations and how-to accessories, electronics, appliances, bills. Ample parking is available at Compo Inc. of Farmington Hills. "A workshops on decorating, home heating and cooling. the Novi Expo Center for a fee. For survey of real estate agents shows repair and remodeling will be held more information can (810) 737-4478. that a .high. percentage of the cost of continuously throughou~ th~ show. Free booklet helps gardeners harvest backyard dollars these Jobs IS recouped when homes Some of the demonstrations mclude . are sold." wood preservation on gazebos, the Accordmg to a rec~nt survey by For the gro~er ~thout a. garden BASMis the sponsor or the event. "quietest dishwasher you never Rodale Press, one 10 e'!ery fi~e spot, th~re IS 1nfO~matlon on Everything under the sun in home heard," a multi-functional ladder gard:ners has expressed ~n Interest In hydropomcs, and grow1O~ gourmet and garden products can be found at system, the making of throw coats, making extra moneygrOWIngplan~. mushrooms and sprouts 10 a spare the show from brass beds to brick stenciling and faux finish basics, Now a free~32~page booklet hsts room..basem~n~or garage. ~ resource ::>avers, doors to decks, gazebos to basket weaving with natural dozens of way~to harvest ~I)ney from sectlo~, 1.1StIng .growIng and greenhouses, kitchen cabinets to materials, sewing tricks, attracting the back yard garden. ~rofitable n:arketmg 1Ofor:natl on. for over 20 carved fireplace mantels, log homes to blue birds and back yard birds, home Plants - Your GUIde t~ "he Best high-value crops, IS also mcluded. lightmg, sauna rooms to security theater systems and exercise Backyard C~sh Crops l"clu~es 1b get the free booklet, send your systems and whirlpool baths to equipment. valuable ~oWIng and marketIng tIps name and address, along with a windows. The Treasure Chest contest will on everythmg from herbs and flowers stamp, to Homestead Gardens, P.O. to bambooand vegetables. Box 1058, Bellingham, WA 98227-_ 1058. First Offering" Beautiful Dutch Colonialon Yorkshire Road

FOl, J' bUHOOMS A.~D CHARM IS merely the oegmnl'lg In desenblOg thIS home \.1any updates throut-. Jul 'Ill i m",m )es Include' hardwood l1oo.~. natural fireplace, form~1 dining ruom Sltualed I on d::. ~Idl- Il" III Gro~:,e Pfl \lle Park l~",ate(, ,('r I lea' ]\,flIt< ;)l-IIool. shoppmg dnd Ir

- f I ------C;TN(i<;P'R;Vlrr 1lA'1('H1r;~ ')SOCIA'" ON'()?RCA1TORSANt-HF'NAnO'l~1 ~ NOPRL"ITO 886-9030 ~------W-q II

Thursday, January 26, 1995 YourHome Page 3 NAR: Real estate must be part of new legislative agenda - As the new U.S. Congress gears up Several tax provisions beneficial to practical way to encourage investing in resurface in 1995. Although no details for the 1995 legislative session, the real estate are included in the home ownership. have been disclosed on what such National Association of Realtors will Republican Party's "Contract with Although some proposals have been legislation may cover, it is possible strive to ensure that measures America." The plan contains a NAR- floated within Congress to reduce the that a provision allowing banks to beneficial to real estate owners are supported provision to cut in half the deductibility of mortgage interest. the enter into real estate brokerage could included in the public policy agenda. tax rate charged on long-tenn capital Clinton administration remains be included. According to N AR president gains. The maximum rate would be 15 committed to preserving the deduction In addition, the comptroller of the Edmund G. Woods Jr., legislation percent. The capital gains measure in its current form. NAR opposes currency has issued a notice stating it affecting real estate has a ripple would treat real estate equally with further reductions in the mortgage will propose a regulation permitting impact on the entire economy. other assets. interest deduction, because it is a key real estate brokerage by subsidiaries "Everything that touches real Another maasure, designed to benefit for home owners that spurs of banks with a national charter. NAR estate is tied to other industries," encourage long-range investment, movement up the housing ladder. analysts are reviewing the notice to Woods said. would permit a property's basis to be The Clinton administration wants to detennine the potential impact on the Woods noted that the Republican adjusted for inflation, for purposes of transform the Federal Housing real estate industry. takeover of the House of determining capital gains. In addition, Administration (FHA) into a In general. NAR opposes real estate Representatives and Senate, a new method for calculating property "streamlined, market-driven development and brokerage activities combined with federal agency depreciation is being proposed that enterprise" that would provide by financial institutions. restructuring proposed by the Clinton would have long-tenn benefits. mortgage insurance in partnership Three pieces of environment-related administration, has caused some Both the Republicans and the with other organizations, including legislation - the Clean Water Act, uncertainty about public policy Clinton administration are advocating private mortgage insurance companies, Endangered Species Act and priorities for the coming year. penalty-free withdrawals from state and local housing finance Superfund - are scheduled for However, he said NAR looks forward individual retirement account and agencies, the Federal National reauthorization this year, any of to working with the new Congress 401(k) plans for home purchases by Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) which could contain provisions and the administration on issues first-time buyers. Such proposals have and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage affecting private property rights. related to the real estate industry. long been supported by NAR as a Corp. (Freddie Mac). FHA's partners N AR strongly supports the would be required to share the risk on preservation of private property rights any insurance delivered. and believes property owners must be Builders Association reports Although NAR supports the concept compensated fairly in cases involving of risk-sharing, the proposal has raised regulatory takings. concerns that scaling back FHA's "Real estate plays a vital role in best year in well over a decade insurance operations in this manner keeping the nation's economy strong," Single family home pennits issued in keeps us an affordable and active could shut out low- and moderate- Woods said. "Issues affecting all facets 1994 for southeastern Michigan market," Compo said. income people most in need of the of the residential and commercial real increased 20 percent over 1993 and are "Home buyers in 1994 were taking program. As FHA restructuring estate industry must be at the expected to maintain this level in 1995, advantage of the rates and upgrading of develops, it is crucial to ensure that forefront of our national priorities." said Janet L. Compo, 1995 president of new homes that include the latest the agency continues to meet the needs The National Association of the Builders Association of luxury features, such as master of those not served by the private Realtors, "The Voice for Real Estate," Southeastern Michigan (BASM) and bedroom suites, fitness areas, home market, according to NAR. is the nation's largest professional chief executive officer of James D. offices and sophisticated technology for It is possible that banking association, representing nearly Compo Inc. in Fannington Hills. security and home entertainment." deregulation legislation could 750,000 members involved in all 'Ibtal single family permits issued for The average square feet of a new aspects of the real estate industry. 1994 were 14,541 in Wayne, Oakland, single family home being built in the Macomb, Washtenaw, Monroe, St. Midwest increased from 1,540 in 1971 Clair and Livingston counties, to 2,075 in 1993, according to the U.S. compared with 12,075 for 1993. Bureau of Census. Two-car garages or "This was the best year the building larger were buil t in 85 percent of new industry has had since the 1970s," homes in 1993 as compared to only 53 Compo said. "The economy has picked percent of homes in 1971. Air- up and interest rates are still low conditioning is installed in 78 percent of compared to the early '80s when they new homes vs. 25 percent in 1971 and 2 were in the double digits." 1/2 baths or more are found in 48 The hottest areas for new percent of 1993-built homes while only & construction in 1994 were in Canton, 16 percent of homes built in 1971 had Retired Craftsmen Macomb and Shelby townships and that many baths. sM Troy, she reported. Other Experts Southeastern Michigan is a very Builders remain concerned about the stable market in tenns of housing shortage in the labor supply. prices and number of permits issued on Offer Low-Cost Home Repairs & Remodeling a year-to-year basis, Compo said. The "We're in a growth period now," number of permits issued has been Compo said. "In fact, the housing • CARPENTRY • WALLPAPER • HANDYMAN JOBS between 10,000 and 15,000 for the past market is doing amazingly well. Our • ELECTRICAL • PAINTING • PLASTERING nine years. labor supply has simply not kept pace • PLUMBING • DRY WALL • CERAMIC TILE "The stability of prices in our region with the demand for new home construction." FULLY INSURED Residential construction stimulates the economy directly by generating Work You Can Trust • Guaranteed For 1Year jobs, wages and tax revenues and

mag a Z I r) e indirectly as the demand for goods and services created by the construction of BUYING' SElLING' GARDENING' IMPROVEMENT new homes "ripples" through the Published by economy. Anteebo Publishing, Inc. 96 Kercheval, BASM will sponsor the third annual Grosse POinte Fanns,MI 48236 Spring Home & Garden Show in 1995 at the Novi Expo Center, Feb. 2 - 5; the John MInn1s - Editor 77th annual International Builders 882-0294 Home, Flower and Furniture Show at Display Advertising Coho Conference-Exhibition Center. March 18 • 26; the Parade of Homes 882.3S00 throughout southeastern Michigan, Real Estate Resource March 18 - April 9 and the third annual For Free Information Call our Hotline: 882-6900 Fall Remodeling Show at the Novi Expo Center, Sept. 28 - Oct. 1. 313-882-6006 ------

Page 4 YourHome Thursday} January 26, 1995 Thursday, January 26, 1995 YourHome Page 5 + + +, +

. 1. GROSSE~ POINTE SHORES .' III. GROSSE POINTE FARMS VIII. ST. CLAIR SHORES ... Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone ,Address Bedroom/8ath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone McKinley Colonial. Fam. Room. Exc. Condo CaJi 885-6937 Berkshire 60 x 172 lot located between Mack & NO LISTINGS 3/t.5 1055 Woodbridge 2/2 OPEN SUN. 1-4. Sharp Dorset Unit. Charlevoix. Century 21 East, Inc. Call Nick 886.5040 Stieber Realty Co. Call 810-775-4900 99 Kercheval Beautiful 3,200 sq. ft. commercial building. large open area plus 2 27560 Uttle Mack 3/1 Brk. bung. wHam. rm., Oak firs., walk-in separate offices. 2 lavs. easy parking. Cedar closet. Cenlllry 21 East, Inc. $75,500 886-5040 R.C. Edgar & Associates Rental 886-6010 22717 Carolina 3/1 Brk. ranch w/newer rum., CIA, new II. GROSSE POINTE WOODS 286 Merriweather 311.5 OPEN SAT/SUN. 12.5. Exc. condition. Call 882-1407 VI. DETROIT steel doors. Century 21 East, Inc. $85,000 886.5040 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone --- - ' 32 Lakecrest Lane 2/2.5 OPEN SUN. 2-4. Charming colOnial with Address Bedroom/8ath Description Price Phone Jefferson 131 x 75 lot with lake access. ljC terms. library and garden rooml $329,000 886-3400 Century 21 East, Inc. Call Henri E. 886.504{) 521 Roslyn 3/2.5 OPEN SUN. 2-5. Or. entrance Colonial, 16647 Rossini 2/1 Sharp updated home, finished bsmt. atl. 2 car gar., 1ge. lot, newer furnace, CIA. Moran Road 5/2 & 3/2 Classic brk. Georgian. No brokers. $460,000 885-6741 wlbath. 2.5 car garage. New furn/alr. 1,800 sq. ft. Near schools & lake. Reduced 886-0409 20224 Edmunton 4/2 & 2.5 ColonIal fin. bsmnt. Enclosed porch. Andary Real Estate $45,000 large lot. Owner Call 774.2894 Hollywood 4/2 1,800 sq. ft. Fam. rm., Den. $127,000 886-4233 28212 Rosebriar 3/1 OPEN SUN. 1-4. Brick ranch (See Class 800). 1555 Hawthorne 3/2 Cape Cod (see class 800). $185,900 885-4299 $103,000 610.398-6651

882.3155 IV. GROSSE POINTE CITY , Roslyn Road 3/1.5 Colonial - finished basement. $179,000 ? . Address Bedroom/8ath Description Price Phone 737 Peartree 4/3 3,800 sq. ft. of luxury living. Family . VII. HARPER WOODS room w/ wet bar, 28 x 23 balcony off 389 lincoln Road 3/3 Cape Cod, charm galore, unique library, Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone master bedroom, steam room In finished newer kit. R.G. Edgar & Associates. basement and more. Andar; Real Estate $359,000 886.5670 Price reduced Call 886-6010 19764 Beaconsfield 5/2.5 Family room wI fireplace, mudd roam, 990 N. Brys 3/1.5 Price reducedl Sharp ranch, family room 27 fisher Road 3/3 OPEN SUN. 2-4. Many custom fge. kitchen, dining room, living room, ALL OTHER A~EAS . w/ wet bar, 20 x 30 patio, fin. basement. featuresl Must see! $291,500 886.3400 all. garage. Over 2,600 sq. ft. Andary Address Must seel Andary Real Estate $195,900 886.5670 Real Estate $159,000 886-5670 Bedroom/8ath Description Price Phone 897 -899 Rivard 5/5 Beautiful all brick 5/5 income complete TROY TOWNHOUSE Elegant & impeccable Troy townhouse. 1616 Roslyn 3/1 Colon. w/neutral decor, hrdwd. firs. with tenants. Must see. R.G. Edgar 20846 Lennon 3/1 Brk. bung. completely updated. NFP. Marble fireplace, form. dlO. rm. Weir, Fully remodeled. Cenlllry 21 East, Inc. $125,900 886.5040 & Associates $168,000 886-6010 Much more. Century 21 East, Inc. $115,000 886.5040 Manuel, Snyder & Ranke $179,900 810~89.7300

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882.6900, "- ~: .. , ... I" .. :< ...... ,,'" _._c.....

Page 6 YourHome Thursday, January 26, 1995

bOO HOUSES fOR SAlf 303 CONDOS/ APTS/FLATS 815 OUT OF STATE PROPERTY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BOO HOUSES fOR SMI GROSSE POinte Woods North 23305 EDSEL Ford 2 bed- Colorado High!! TODAY'S room, main floor, $47,500. 800 Houses for Sale 815 Out of State Property Oxford ColOnial 3 bedroom, Century 21 Kee, 810-751- 816 Real Estate Exchange BEST BUYS 2.5 bath. Updated krtchen. 38 plus fantastic acres, 801 Commercial Buildings GROSSE POINTE 6026. 817 Real Estate Wanted Formal dining room, family with exceptional views of 802 Commercial Property - NEW LISTING room, central air, spnnkler 818 Sale or Lease REAL ESTATE 14,000 foot peaks, lush 803 CondoS/Apts/Flats Near the Village, two bed- system. Excellent conditIOn. DEADLINE 819 Cemetery Lots wildflower meadows, B04 Country Homes room, remodeled cot- 9- 6. 882-7930. Evenings & FRIDAY, NOON!! including a great mix of 820 Business Opportunities weekends. 881-5150. 805 Farms tage, updated kitchen, Please call 882-6900 tree cover. Easy access to 806 Florida Property bathroom, plumbing, Classified Advertising Visa or MasterCard Colorado mountain Friday Noon deadline electrical, new carpeting. 882-6900 accepted. getaway, with its 807 Investment Property (subject to change during holidays) BOB Lake/River Homes Move in condition. Re- Retail AdVertising - ST CLAIR SHORES abundance of wildlife. All duced to $89,5001 terms. 882-3500 809 LakelRiver Lots WOODBRIDGE this and more for only CASH RATE: 12 words $8.40 GROSSE POINTE News Room $42,000. with terms. This 810 Lake/River Resorts Each additional word ~ 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath NEW LISTING 882-2094 Carter unit. Good, quiet will not last! Call today. 811 Lots For sale 3 bedroom frame single, WINDMILL Pointe Sub- 4 bed- location. $79,500. Bob Clegg, 1-719-783- 812 MortgagesA.and formal dining room, 2 1/2 room home, over 2500 Stieber Realty 2614. LPI Contracts baths, side drive. new square feet, yard- 75 X 175 813 Norlhefn Michigan Real Estate Resource ads, kitchen, deck & 2 car ga- Call Judy CIos, Century 21 81o-n5-4900 817 REAL ESTATE WANTED Homes $8.50 per line rage Very clean, move- East, 81Q.294-3655 , can leave message 806 flORIDA PROPERTY 814 Northern Michigan Lots 08" (313) 882-6900 In condition. Only Fax (313) 343-5569 $79,900 or offer. CLASSIC brick Georgian Colo- CASH SARASOTA FLORIDA. Excep- WARREN mal, 4000 sq. ft., in pnme tional lifestyle In wortd fa- FOR HOMES NEW LISTING Farms location. 1 5 blocks mous community. Lakefront Serving Area Since 1938 from lake. By owner- no bro- 2 bedroom single. Gas home on 1/2 plus 1 acre, 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE heat, new carpeting, side kers. $460,000 885-6741 Stieber Realty Rutenburg desIgn In golf 810-nS-4900 drive, fenced-In yard. NEAT & CLEAN commumty, $349,000. LUX- OPEN SUN 1.4 CUTE & cozy turn of the cen- Very neat. Only $31,900, HARPER WOODS URY townhouse overlooking tury, restored farm house In ST. CLAIR SHORES bay. $399,500. Two acre es- Grosse POinte Woods Two easy terms Brick ranch. Many updates 819 CEMETERY LOTS 28212 ROSEBRIAR tate on the bay With dock- bedroom, central air, one GROSSE POINTE include new carpet, new (Between 11 & 12 Mile). 3 age. tennis court, pool, car garage $89,900 372- NEW LISTING kitchen floor. freshly bedroom ranch, 1,368 $1,695.000. Just a sampling FOUR WhIte Chapel cemetary 6-6 brick 2 family flat, sepa- painted. All appliances. 3696 of exceptional properties lots, $4700/ WIll sell for sq. ft., famIly room, fin- rate furnaces, basement, Garage. Immediate occu- WARREN. Hoover/ 11 area, 3 Contact Judy Nlmz, $3,000 264-8220 ished basement with full garage. Side drive, deep pancy. Asking only bath, full kitchen, wet bedroom ranch Attached (813)951-6660 or (813)922- St. John cemetery garage, rec room Great lot Priced to sell!! $58,900. bar. Covered patiO, ga- 1015. reSidence. MIchael Fraser- property for 2 area $90,000 Bedford, 810- CROWN REALTY Stieber Realty Saunders & Company. plus stone. rage. $103.000. Owner. 776-6100 810-398-6651 . TOM MCDONALD & SON 810.775.4900 $850. or offer. THREE bedroom Cape Cod 821.6500 808 LAKE/RIVER HOMES 939-9473 GROSSE POinte Woods- 4 central aIr, formal dining, 2 bedroom, 2 bath. family ST. Clair Shores- RIO Vista bath, Flonda room, country 801 COMM~RCIAL BUILDINGS room, den 1800 square kItchen, cedar deck With hot CHECK Dnve. 2,000 square feet. 3 820 BUSINESS teet Hollywood, west of tub, many extras $185,900. bedroom bnck ranch on OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTIFUL Mack. $127.000 886-4233 1555 Hawthorne, Grosse THE 8Oxl30 canal lot. Formal 3,000 sq. ft medical PartnerlManager Wanted CLINTON Township- Blake POinte Woods 313-885- Resource Pages dIning room, country office Dry cleaner experience, bUilt condo In pnvate cuk1e- 4299 For A kitchen, family room, 2 fire- bUilding located on places, central air, alarm Send resume to: sac sub 3 bedroom wrth full ATTORNEY QUICK Mack system, 1 1/2 bath, full P.O. Box 805913, bath In full bath In full fin- For your Real Estate sale Ished basement. Menllat Reference Guide Ave., Grosse Pointe basement with full bath. St Clair Shores, or purchase. $300. krtchen, lots of closet space Woods. Boat hoist Reduced below MI. 48080. Thomas P. Wolverton, To SEV. $245,000. Tera Real and more' Call Chuck Man- J.E. DEWALD & KENNEDY BUILDING IacI. Coldwell Banker 209-4177 BY OWNER Estate, 810-776-7505 ASSOC Affordable office suites. Schweitzer Real Estate, GROSSE Pomte Farms- 3 bed- & REALTOR 810-774-4666 Large area/single suites. ~5800 room, 1 1/2 bath Colonial. CLASSFIED Family room, new krtchen, LISTINGS OF ADVERTISING 18121 East 8 Mile Road HOUSES opposite Eastland Mall. Classified Advertising finished basement Excellent FAX condition 885-6937 & 303 CONDOS/ APTS/FLATS (313) 343-5569 776.5440 882-6900 CONDOS EASTPOINTE. GratIOt! 9 area, That are currently on the ELEGANT bnck, 2 bedroom, garage, ,... & IMPECCABLE TROY ...._---.. basement. Terms. Bedford, market!!!!! 810-776-6100. Call 882-6900 for more in- TOWNHOUSE Overlooks 1~114Eamunton, SCS formation. creek & trees. Premium Prime SCS neigt'OOrtlood Classified Advertising FAX upgrades. 9' ceilings on colonial. Features 4 882-6900 343-5569. 1st floor. Marble fire- place. Formal dining bedrooms, extra large Retail Advertising GROSSE Pomte Woods- 3 kitchen, step down family 882.3500 bedroom colomal, 1 1/2 room, loft library Profes- room with natural News Room bath. finished basement Sionally finished daylight fireplace, 2 full and 2 half 882-2094 Asking $179,000 882-3155 lower level 2 car at- baths including bath in tached garage Place a real estate advertisement in finIshed basement with $179,900. the "YourHome" section of wet bar, office aoo Iaurdry WEIR, MANUEL, The Grosse Pointe News and room. Enclosed porch. CUSTOM' CUSTOM' CUSTOM! SNYDER & RANKE The Connection newspapers and :--lew: Windows, roof, Located In exclUSIvearea of East POJnte. (810)689- 7300. siding, cement, patio, Features Include r, 732 sq. ft of perfectJon, reach over 150,000 potential buyers! landscaping and decor. CLINTON Twp - Schultz Es- Extra large pie shaped Jot 3 SpaCIOUS bedrooms, 2 full haWs, 1st ftoor laundry, tates, 2 bedroom, 1 5 bath, Friday, Noon deadline In Cuk:Je..sac. CA.C. By basement, attached garage. The list goes on. 1 car attached garage, pn- vate fenced yard wrth cedar (313) 882-6900' owner. No Br'OketS. $t t9,900 Rei.... Suburban - Chrl. or Pam deck, fireplace, full base- F~~(3.3}343-5569 810-566-2121 or 110-566-2'88 ment $87,900 810-228- 774-2894 9304 Thursday, January 26, 1995 YourHome Page 7 Smoke detectors double your chances of survival in a fire The statistics say it all. Occupants were no smoke aetectors in use. Most level of the dwelling. The most of a home with at least one smoke Buckles said. "Therefore, smoke units victims die from inhalation of smoke important locations are near bedrooms almost always provide a faster alarm are twice as likely to survive a and toxic gases, rather than from and stairs, in hallways, and in the fire. warning." flames. living room. The units should be .Smoke detectors provide an early Buckles also suggests planning and Aside from saving lives, smoke affixed to the ceiling at least six inches practicing use of alternate escape warning which can allow residents to detectors reduce fire injuries and help from the point where it meets the escape before the house is fully routes in case of fire. Also, family control property losses. It is vital, wall. members should agree upon a safe engulfed in flames," said Terry however, that the devices be properly The state fire marshal's office Buckles, president of Michigan place to meet once they are outside installed and maintained. recommends the use of smoke the bUrning structure. Association of Insurance Companies Buckles said smoke alanns should detectors, rather than heat detectors. (MAIC). MAle is a non-profit. public be tested at least once a month to The latter respond to a certain In 1993, the last year for which information organization ensure that they are working properly. temperature; however, smoke alarms representing 54 property I casualty complete data are available, there Under most circumstances it is detect the visible and invisible were 233 fire-related deaths in insurance companies in Michigan. recommended that batteries be products of combustion. The association sponsors a number of Michigan. Almost 40 percent of these changed annually. "Normally, there is detectable smoke occurred in residences where there consumer education and information Alarms should be installed on each before there is detectable heat," programs.

....." v ....~ ...... ' VIV"/'JJ' ...... , '""" ...... ,Ho~Tips

COOKIE TIP - When I was in a stick a penny on the end of the tape so FRESH SCENTS - I take the easy and fast. Barbara M., hurry one day, I discovered a shortcut it doesn't stick to the 1'011 and can be fragrance sample cards that come in Rochester, N.'¥. for making peanut butter cookies. found easily. Roger F.. Chicago magazines and put them between Instead of chilling the dough, I Heights, m. the pad and the cover on my ironing SODA CLEANER - I had ugly sprayed the palms of my hands with board. When I'm ironing, the heat black scuff marks on my kitchen cooking spray to keep the dough from releases the fragrance and adds a floor and I couldn't remove them. My sticking. It worked great! THOUGHTFUL CALENDAR - A sweet smell to the clothes. Kimberly mother showed me how to use In addition to being able to bake the tip that helps make my wheelchair-- R., Washington, D.C. baking soda to do the job: Use a cookies immediately. I didn't have to bound mother's days brighter is a damp cloth to pick up the baking grease the cookie sheet since the family calendar. SHOWER FRESHENER - To soda, then rub the cloth and baking cookies already had cooking spray on I put the month and day on 365 4x6- wipe down shower stalls and walls, I soda on the area. The scuff marks them. Betty C., Fayetteville. N.C. inch plain index cards. I then divide use a little squeegee. Then I hang it disappear in minutes. Julie V., Fort them equally among family members. backward on the faucet knobs. It's Myers, FIB. EASY ACCESS - I keep a small Each person in the family wrote a plastic container filled with one- message, quoted a verse of poetry or tablespoon slices of margarine. Scripture or wrote just a short note. When a recipe calls for a tablespoon The young children even drew Giveyour kitchen a new look! of margarine. I don't have to fuss with pictures. cutting or measuring. I simply take as The cards were all sent back to me many slices as I need out of the and assembled and then put in a SCOTT'S CUSTOM WOOD WORK container. It works wonderfully with holder to let Morn know she is thought no mess. Karen G., S. Euclid. Ohio of each day. Kitchen & Bath • It was entitled uA Year of Love and • PICKLED BEETS - I was Hugs." Mom loves it and looks forward Countertops & Cab'inefs recently reading a recipe for sweet to see what each day's message is. DO dills and it reminded me of something It helps to make those long days Specializing in rve been doing for years. away from the family a little brighter. Save the juice from sweet pickles. Emily D.•Sunnyside, N.Y. Solid Surfacing - Open a can of sliced beets. drain. and add to the jar of sweet pickle juice. Put them in the refrigerator for about 24 SOAP SLIVER - When bath soap hours. gets to be a sliver, lay it on the new They taste great and last as long as cake when both are wet. Let it sit until 774-8546 pickles do. They go well with so many the next day and they will adhere. things that need a little zing to wake You'll never again waste that sliver! them up. Rosa N., Papillion, Neb. Gina R., Snyder, Texas • • SHOULDER PAD USE - I take the shoulder pads out of most blouses HOT WATER BOTTLE - When in I buy (they never seem to fit properly). need of a cheap hot water bottle, I find I put them in my rag bag and use you can use any two-liter pop bottle or • FREECONSULTATIONS them for cleaning chores. If they get even a dish soap plastic bottle. • EXCELLENT REFERENCES / too dirty, I just throw them away; if However,make sure the top is screwed Additional Services / not. I wash them and back to the rag on tightly and it's wrapped in a thin Available; cloth if it's too hot to the touch. Be bag they go. Carpentry. Painting sure you don't squeeze it too tightly The shoulder pads with self. Vinyl & Ceramic Tile gripping fabric tape make good when using it for the comfortable heat. Code Violation Repair scrubbies. Elisa K., Del Mar, Calif. T.R.,Mansfield, Ohio

TAPE DISPENSER - I wa s RACK IT UP - When we bought constantly fightmg with rolls of tape our new dishwasher, r saved the rack The end of the tape would always from the old on(' I attached it to the disappear into the roll, especially on wall in my sewing room and use it for (313) 372-2414 the clear packing-tape roll. spools of thread and bobblns. Fran v., . - . ------

Page 8 YourHome Thursday, January 26, 1995 Real Estate One merges FIRST OFFERING FIRST OFFERING with Johnstone & Johnstone Real Estate One Inc., Michigan's sellers, and Relocation America, Real largest real estate company, has Estate One's full service relocation merged with Johnstone & Johnstone, management corporation. Real Estate of Grosse Pointe Farms, the largest One is also the exclusive home sener in the Grosse Pointe area. representative in the Metro Detroit 1315 Berkshire 1247 Cadieux Johnstone Johnstone has been in & area for the Genesis Relocation Grosse Pointe Park Groeee Pointe Park q business more than 75 years and has referral network. Elegant English Tudor with tremendous Premier brick and fieldstone Cape Cod, ~ one of the most experienced sales "Our company has been interested curb appeal and extremely well excellent condition, new roof, newer '. staffs in Michigan. in entering the Grosse Pointe market maintained. four bedroom, two and one driveway, updated throughout. Features The Johnstone & Johnstone office for a number of years," said Dan half baths, features mclude library, include three very spacious bedrooms, will maintain the Johnstone & Elsea, president of Metro Detroit screened in porch, finished third floor two full baths, master with private bath. expanSIon, finished basement, central air, Gorgeous living room with formal stair Johnstone name and continue in its NorthJEast Division for Real Estate new three car brick garage, new roof. case to second floor updated kitchen with Kercheval location "On The Hill" in One. "Now, for the first time, a single $279,900. built.ins. Florida room., exterior wood Grosse Pointe Farms. The offices will real estate company will offer full deek, fmished basement and much, much be renovated to accommodate sales coverage of the entire five county more. $149,000. associates from the Johnstone & metropolitan area. We are proud to Johnstone location in Grosse Pointe have Johnstone & Johnstone, Grosse Woods. Johnstone & Johnstone sales Pointe's oldest and largest Teal estate associates will remain at the current finn, associated with our Kercheval office, as will the current organization." management team of Mary Lou "Real Estate One is a leader in the Ferrante, Pam Gladstone and Katy industry with the latest and most up- Yaklin. to-date sales, marketing and The attentive and professional promotional programs. I am excited service long associated with about bringing these innovative ideas Johnstone &: Johnstone will continue, to the Grosse Pointe market," said 734 Barrington 517 Barrington strengthened by Real Estate One's Paris Di Santo, owner of Johnstone & Grosse Pointe Park Grosse Pointe Park corporate services staff and exclusive Johnstone. Three bedroom, two and one half bath SOLD!!! programs, including MarketPower, Di Santo, who has more than 40 center entrance Colonial. Spacious rooms, Center entrance Colonial near Windmill the most advanced market evaluation years' expenence in real estate, will open staircase. Kitchen has large Pointe. Features include three bedrooms, system in existence for buyers and remaIn With the company. breakfast area, sharp den with rich two and one half baths, family room, paneling and pegged flooring, Florida finished basement. Spaciousness. room. Loads ofpotentiaI. $149,900.

17111 Jelfel'8OD 5749 N. River Road Condo Marine City Luxury condo in Grosse Pointe City. Handy man priced on the river. 30 x 250' Desirable first floor unit. Two bedrooms, lot. 1100 square foot home, needs repair, two baths spacious rooms. Central air steel sea wall. Only $79,900 with L.e. priced to settle estate. terms. First Offerings East English Village

3450 Yorkshire 5760 Kensington Three bedroom, one and one half bath Completely renovated English Tudor Enghsh Colomal near Mack Charm and Colomal In East Enghsh Village. character. Leaded glass and hard wood Featunng a large hvmg room with tnm throughout. e>.tremely spaclOUS natural fireplace, formal dmmg room, Huge unfimshed thIrd floor With endless hbrary, large kitchen WIth breakfast potentIal Hurry. $89,900 room, three bedrooms, second floor terrace, updated electrical semce. Forced alr/heat For $62,900 In move In condltton 5261 Grayton Four bedrooms, two full baths, custom double brick English bungalow that has been renovated from top to bottom with a new Timberline roof, professionally painted in and out, new ca..-peting, updated kitchen, copper plumbing throughout, new electrical service and more. The original builders personal residence. a fabulous home for $86,900.

We are proud to announce thot Paul Rochon has lomed the ReMox In The Pointes team of professionals. Paul comes to ReMox Wlth 6 years of fun time real estate experience He IS fully committed to dellvenng 10 his customers supenor serYIce. The kind of service thol WIll eam your trvsl, respect and future business

REIMAX In The Pointes 881.9020 18472 Mack Ave. - Grosse Pointe Farms For All Your Real Estate Needs J Chris Cotzias & John Cotzias, Broker/Owners Don Elsea's Real Estate One Is Joining Paris 01 santo's ..bhnstone & .bhnstone Each Office Independently Owned and Operated on the Hill. L _.7'1 ~----- Page 8 YourHome Thursday, January 26, 1995 Real Estate One merges with Johnstone & Johnstone Real Estate One Inc., Michigan's sellers, and Relocation America, Real largest real estate company, has Estate One's full service relocation merged with Johnstone & Johnstone, management corporation. Real Estate of Grosse Pointe Farms, the largest One is also the exclusive home sener in the Grosse Pointe area. representative in the Metro Detroit Johnstone & Johnstone has been in area for the Genesis Relocation business more than 75 years and has referral network. one of the most experienced sales "Our company has been interested staffs in Michigan. in entering the Grosse Pointe market The Johnstone & Johnstone office for a number of years," said Dan will maintain the Johnstone & Elsea, president of Metro Detroit Johnstone name and continue in its NorthJEast Division for Real Estate Kercheval location "On The Hill" in One. "Now, for the first time, a single Grosse Pointe Farms. The offices will real estate company will offer full be renovated to accommodate sales coverage of the entire five county associates from the Johnstone & metropolitan area. We are proud to Johnstone location in Grosse Pointe have Johnstone & Johnstone, Grosse Woods. Johnstone & Johnstone sales Pointe's oldest and largest real estate associates will remain at the current finn, associated with our Kercheval office, as will the current organization." management team of Mary Lou "Real Estate One is a leader in the Ferrante, Pam Gladstone and Katy industry with the latest and most up- Yaklin. to-date sales, marketing and The attentive and professional promotional programs. I am excited service long associated with about bringing these innovative ideas Johnstone &: Johnstone will continue, to the Grosse Pointe market," said strengthened by Real Estate One's Paris Di Santo, owner of Johnstone & corporate services staff and exclusive Johnstone. programs, including MarketPower, Di Santo, who has more than 40 the most advanced market evaluation years' expenence in real estate, will system in existence for buyers and remaIn With the company.

Don Elsea's Real Estate One Is Joining Paris 01 santo's ..bhnstone & .bhnstone on the Hill. .. FIRST OFFERING FIRST OFFERING

1315 Berkshire 1247 Cadieux Grosse Pointe Park Groeee Pointe Park q Elegant English Tudor with tremendous Premier brick and fieldstone Cape Cod, ~ curb appeal and extremely well excellent condition, new roof, newer '. maintained. four bedroom, two and one driveway, updated throughout. Features half baths, features mclude library, include three very spacious bedrooms, screened in porch, finished third floor two full baths, master with private bath. expanSIon, finished basement, central air, Gorgeous living room with formal stair new three car brick garage, new roof. case to second floor updated kitchen with $279,900. built.ins. Florida room., exterior wood deek, fmished basement and much, much more. $149,000.

734 Barrington 517 Barrington Grosse Pointe Park Grosse Pointe Park Three bedroom, two and one half bath SOLD!!! center entrance Colonial. Spacious rooms, Center entrance Colonial near Windmill open staircase. Kitchen has large Pointe. Features include three bedrooms, breakfast area, sharp den with rich two and one half baths, family room, paneling and pegged flooring, Florida finished basement. Spaciousness. room. Loads ofpotentiaI. $149,900.

17111 Jelfel'8OD 5749 N. River Road Condo Marine City Luxury condo in Grosse Pointe City. Handy man priced on the river. 30 x 250' Desirable first floor unit. Two bedrooms, lot. 1100 square foot home, needs repair, two baths spacious rooms. Central air steel sea wall. Only $79,900 with L.C. priced to settle estate. terms. First Offerings East English Village

3450 Yorkshire 5760 Kensington Three bedroom, one and one half bath Completely renovated English Tudor Enghsh Colomal near Mack Charm and Colomal III East Enghsh Village. character. Leaded glass and hard wood Featunng a large hvmg room with tnm throughout. e>.tremely spaclOUS natural fireplace, formal dmmg room, Huge unfimshed thIrd floor With endless hbrary, large kitchen WIth breakfast potentIal Hurry. $89,900 room, three bedrooms, second floor terrace, updated electrical sefVlce. Forced alr/heat For $62,900 In move In condltton 5261 Grayton Four bedrooms, two full baths, custom double brick English bungalow that has been renovated from top to bottom with a new Timberline roof, professionally painted in and out, new ca.-peting, updated kitchen, copper plumbing throughout, new electrical service and more. The original builders personal residence. a fabulous home for $86,900.

We are proud to announce thot Paul Rochon has lomed the ReMox In The Pointes team of professionals. Paul comes to ReMox Wlth 6 years of fun time real estate experience He IS fully committed to dellvenng 10 his customers supenor serYIce. The kmd of service thol WIll eam your trvsl, respect and future business

REIMAX In The Pointes 881.9020 18472 Mack Ave. - Grosse Pointe Farms For All Your Real Estate Needs I Chris Cotzias & John Cotzias, Broker/Owners Each Office Independently Owned and Operated L _.7'1