Energy and Air Pollution
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Copyright © 2006, United Nations Environment Programme ISBN: 92-807-2668-4 UNEP/GCSS.IX/INF/2 UNEP Job No. DEW/0773/NA Disclaimers The content and views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the contributory organizations or the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and neither do they imply any endorsement. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNEP concerning the legal status of any country, territory or city or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers and boundaries. Mention of a commercial company or product in this publication does not imply the endorsement of UNEP. © Maps, photos and illustrations as specified. 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An Overview of Our Changing Environment 2006 UNEP Contents Preface iii 2005 Overview 1 Global 2 Africa 11 Asia and the Pacific 15 Europe 19 Latin America and the Caribbean 23 North America 27 West Asia 31 Polar 35 Feature Focus: Energy and Air Pollution 39 Defining the Energy and Air Pollution Challenge 41 Indoor Air Pollution from Solid Fuels 44 Urban Outdoor Air Pollution 46 Long-Range Transport of Air Pollution 48 Dealing with Air Pollution 51 Conclusions 56 Emerging Challenges – New Findings 59 Crop Production in a Changing Climate 60 Fish and Shellfish Farming in Marine Ecosystems 66 GEO Indicators 71 Atmosphere 72 Disasters Caused by Natural Hazards 75 Forests 75 Biodiversity 76 Coastal and Marine Areas 77 Freshwater 77 Urban Areas 78 Global Environmental Governance 78 Acronyms and abbreviations 81 Acknowledgements 82 ii GEO YEAR BOOK Preface It was the French novelist, Victor points out with regard to the findings with the energy consumption that Hugo, who said: “There is nothing of the MA, although many of the contributes to air pollution are so powerful as an idea whose time benefits that ecosystems provide do increasing global concerns over has come”. That idea is the role of not pass through the formal market climate change, and energy security nature and natural capital in system, they are often among the and access. On the other side of the overcoming poverty and most valuable to societies. coin, cleaner energy technologies are underpinning the wealth of nations. The MA findings also point out that now available but are not always 2005 has witnessed the economic and public health costs being widely adopted. These issues unprecedented interest in the associated with damage to will be discussed at the annual UNEP economics of the environment and ecosystem services can be Global Ministerial Environment Forum the goods and services that nature substantial. This was clearly (GMEF) in 2006. A key challenge will provides. The wealth of nature was demonstrated in 2005 – for several be to identify ways in which the global emphasized by, among others, the regions of the world where the impact community can continue to meet the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment of diverse natural disasters were rising demand for energy without (MA), the findings of the Millennium worsened because environmental compromising energy needs – Project – the initiative of the buffers had been previously removed. particularly those of the poor – and Secretary-General designed to inform The Feature Focus this year still address the negative impacts of the review of the Millennium elaborates on the environmental, energy-related emissions. Development Goals (MDGs) – and the socio-economic and public health In the past, the goods and services 2005 World Summit. impacts of energy-related air delivered by nature have often been The message emerging from these pollution. There are many reasons seen as free and available at little or different processes, quite clearly, is why air pollution needs to be no cost. This will have to change as this: targeted investments in the addressed urgently – not only these resources become increasingly environment and in the restoration of because of its huge toll on human scarce and society demands higher damaged and degraded ecosystems health in areas where it originates but standards of environmental care. The have enormous long- and short-term also because it is too often an chapter on Emerging Challenges economic benefits. As the 2005 uncontrolled and unwelcome export addresses two topics of policy Overview of this GEO Year Book to neighbouring countries. Associated interest related to food security. iii The first topic explores the issue of elsewhere in the Year Book that rising crop production in a changing greenhouse gas emissions are climate. Global warming could resulting in ecosystem change, such seriously compromise the ability of as accelerating ice thickness losses the environment to meet food of mountain glaciers, and that requirements in the future. Action is increasingly intense exploitation of needed at the national and global fisheries stocks is leading to serious level to ensure that we adapt as best depletion. we can to the changes that are However, the Indicators also show already taking place, while addressing that there is hope. Where action has the root of the problem by reducing been taken, there are positive harmful greenhouse emissions in the results. The global consumption of future. The entry into force of the chlorofluorocarbons continues to Kyoto Protocol earlier this year is a decrease. The proportion of the first historic step, but we still have a Earth’s surface affording some form long way to go. of environmental protection to The second topic identifies biodiversity continues to increase. environmental effects and best The GEO Year Book is intended to practices related to fish and shellfish provide a bridge between science farming in marine ecosystems. and policy. More than 140 experts Caution, planning and good were involved in preparing the management is needed to ensure that sections of this Year Book. Previous current practices do not compromise volumes have stimulated calls for the services provided by marine action – including by UNEP’s ecosystems in the future. Governing Council. I hope that you Klaus Toepfer The GEO Indicators depict major will find this edition both stimulating United Nations Under-Secretary General and developments and trends. They and informative. Your feedback Executive Director, support the findings reported is very welcome. United Nations Environment Programme iv GEO YEAR BOOK Source: NASA/Still Pictures Source: Kevin Schafer/Still Pictures Overview ● GLOBAL ● AFRICA ● ASIA AND THE PACIFIC ● EUROPE ● LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN ● NORTH AMERICA ● WEST ASIA ● POLAR Source: Sean Sprague/Still Pictures Global The linkages between environmental well-being, vulnerability and poverty emerged as a critical issue in 2005. Extreme weather events and new research and data were so dramatic that the year may prove a turning point in the urgency of our awareness and response. In a year that brought compelling evidence for biodiversity loss, climate change and a host Box 1: A year of weather extremes of other environmental threats, the global January community showed signs of improved Drought across eastern and southern Africa and the Rockies in North America. Indonesia and Sri response. Major events such as the G-8 Lanka experience flooding. Costa Rica, Panama and Guyana have heavy rainfall and flooding that Summit in July and the 2005 World Summit in affects 200 000 people. Algeria has its heaviest snowfall in half a century. September reinforced the intent to act on February environmental challenges and their links to Avalanches kill over 200 people in Kashmir after heavy snowfall. Heavy snow causes problems in development goals. In December the first Tajikistan, Iran and much of Europe, especially in the Balkans, as temperatures fall to record lows. Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol March produced a better than expected outcome. Ongoing drought causes a state of emergency in southern Brazil and food shortages in Eritrea. Flooding affects Algeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Madagascar and Angola, causing multiple deaths And at the year’s close, at the sixth World and injuries and displacing thousands. Trade Organization Ministerial Conference, April rich countries agreed to end export subsidies Persistent drought affects eastern Africa, including Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. Drought and water for cotton by the end of 2006 and for all shortages affect an estimated nine million people in Thailand. agricultural products by 2013. By improving May the incomes of poor farmers in poor Flooding displaces 25 000 people in Kenya and kills dozens in Ethiopia. countries, this should reduce the pressure to June farm marginal land and clear forests.