MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 4: Administrative Files, 1945-1994.

Box Folder 36 17

Ben-Gurion, David. 80th birthday. 1967.

For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website.

3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO JOIN IN A TRIBUTE TO :JfolZ. Vavtd 'Ben (.iUriOlZ









GUEST SPEAKERS HON. NELSON A. ROCKEFELLER Governor of the State of New York JACK D. WEILER " Honorary Cha1r:r:nan of Trustees

Monday• .Ma .rcll13.196?

A.rnerlcan& Hotel. Se'l.'entl.l Avenue o.t 52 Street

Coekto.lla and b ors d·OCUVN:8 at 5:46 p .D'1.

Dinner at 6:30 I).ln. Couvert 1816.00


1967 GENERA\.. CHAIRMEN Benjamin Duhl Andrew Goodman Morris L. Levinson Albert Parker Chester H. Roth



CHAIRMAN Charles Mayer

Barney Balaban Louis J. Lefkowiu: Cha Rev50n Cherles C. Sassine Samuel D. Leldesdort Edwin Rosenber& A. David Benjamin Samuel Lembers: WilHtlm Rosenwald Louis Broido Morri, L. Levinson Chester H. Roth Sol W. Cantor Gustave L. Levy Benjamin Duhl Samuel Rubin Solomon Litt Charles Frost Lawrence Schacht Andrew Goodman JOSeph M. Mezer Semuel S. Schneier50n Monroe Goldwater William Mazer M. Peter Schweitzer Sylvan Gots.hal M. Lester Mendell Theodore H. Silbert samuel Hausman A. Louis Oresmen Rudolf G. Sonneborn Sol Kittay Albert Parker Jerome I. Udell B enjamin LaZt\lS T heodore R. Racoosln Edward M. M. Warbur8 UNIlID JEWISH APPW. OF 1I1i1tEA1II NEW YOU: • 220 W. 51 SL • Ne. Yortc, N. Y. 10019 Please make .... _._... ___. reservations for me at the Inaugural Dinner of the 1967 Campaign of the United Jewish Appeal of Greater New Yorlc: in tribute to Israel', former Prime Minister DAVID BEN GURION and honor· ing the General Chairmen of the 1966 Campaign: ANDItEW GoooMAN, MOUlS L. LBvlNSON, GUSTAva L. LavY, A U ERT PAIlKn and CHESTER H. ROTH. GMtJI Splains: GoVBlNOA NeLSON A. RoexUELLEB.. JACK D . WEILn Mood.y, Much H. A.mcric:ana Hotel Cocktails , :,,' P.M. • D inner 6:30 P.M.

Nllml._ .• _._._ ...... _.... _.. __ ~._ ...... _ .. _____ .• __ .• _ .•__ ._ .. _._. Firm ..... _.... _.. __._._ ... _ .__ .. __ . __.. __ .. _ .. _... __...... _. ... __._.

A dtlrlss._. __ .. __ .. ___ ...... _...... __ .. _.. __ .. _.... _...... '''.00 per plate. Please make checb PAyable to S. D. LEm£SOOllJ', T,e.sllr", or UNrTED }IIWlSH MP1!AL Of' GIUIATU. N EW' YORK Diewy Laws Obsc:rvd • Business O otbes (li!t I I/IlII 01 '111"1' sid, ) INAUGURAL DINNER COMMITi'EE

United lewiJh Af'peal oj weilJer New York


NEW YORK. N. Y. 10019

ROOM 602 I

, •

JTJlIlIRAIIT ar IIlYIII ..-cRJllJCII nsJT to !IIJft!) ftAftII

..._ • - IIoUCII la. 1167 .. •••

• 'IBIJIlSJlAY. IWICII 2. 1es1

•• 000A •••

01.51 ....

-ptt"" at Jreunady A1.1'!!OlI't

A. I!oo!pU... c:o-tu..

1) "pre"".t'"_ 01 Qowe of lanel .) Two de1epwa ••• trca oJ'CaDlaatlou oc.pr181q "Pub110 o.-1lt.. tor tbe OIlabratS01l 01 ,t. 1Ot~ 81.l1't1lM7 ., ilia.... _011"

• 4) .P' IIDtatlwa 01 It... 01 ... 'Jon

c. hi.•• te ~ ...... t .17po1"t toJ" ,..acI1Dc b7 ... De 0:a1._ of .tate.llt '01 ....ptuoa of mlXW

_ .... ,...... 11 ... Jre ....dy A1.1'J)O!'! to P1 ... Bota1. 61Itb.!!• .... rutbA.....

- car J .... hn-Ourl_ ..... A. Beft'P, Mr. II. Anlcm. • Rabbi rn._. -..rltF - Cu> II 1lIw. a.r.-o.n._. Dte_ of MN. Bea-Gurloa, ...., lin. Me •

- Car III JD_....

•• 7IIIDo\Y. IWlQI S. 1967

10.00 - 11.30 A•• . _tSD~ wUh Adn.~ __ 01 •• _l·_Uoa I'IIDd at 1'1... Bota1 , 1lI.00 _

Buta.... AirU.... 1'1l~ht a - c1epan. t .... Ken" Airport - Ani... 111 ..1 AilJ'POrt - 81GO P .•

_pU... at 111_ AI","" p1_ I>F Stata 01 Ional • __ 00& DlnU_ - Dr. ___

· e .. I


10.00 .t .• . - 12.00 __ Private ...tiDp Willa l1ldlndl&al. ill OODDIIotlOil , wltb tbe X..... l &ducatl. rUDd

.-.Jleaa1nder of ,lie u:, p1_. 117 ltaw of 1a.... 1

,.00 ••• 00 P ••.

•• ,0 P._. 8,.w of 1a_1 __ ~._ - Bowl • ....t.1AblMQ

•• •

• S1IIDo\V . 1IAl>CB 5 , 11167

10:00 A II • 13.00 __

12,30 P . II . . 'Departun .fro. Rotel POllta1nbl•• u to 1I1am1 Airport

1.25 P.II. ·

3.37 1'.11 •

•• IlllcepU"" at PhUadelphia Airport •

8.00 1'.11. Coab1ned Meetlag 91th atudenta and ~aculty ot Drop1oie and ar-ta con.",•• Location to be tlet.n>tned

, • I

.. • IDmAY, IWtCB 8 , 1861 (PH~.1!JA)


10,46 A.II. wy1q at wreatb at V..,rlal to Sa JUl110D

12,00 __ • 1,00 P.IL Luncheon ntb individual. wbo by tht. data ba...... their cm.1tMata to tlIe IU.druba

3,00 P .•. a.COpUOIl .t C1t7 Ball

4,00 ••,00 P.•. Rea, •

.,,00 P ••. DiJ:me1' - FaderattOQ 01 .r.wub ~l1Ct •• of • Gn.ta.. PIllla*lplola .t Botal ••rnclc

..I. • ,

• TUESllAY. !!ARC!! 7. 1966

10.05 A.II.

12.13 P.II.

".l~ng Committe. at Loa Ange1•• Airport

A. Israell Consular ot:ftctals • 8. Loa """"Ie. City otf101a18

C. 14adera~p at tha Loa AD.plea J&\71ab • Fodoratio:a-CoUDC11 • D. Repre8entatt... of Jewtab ~outb or~tzatlona act achool. of tbe ctty td Loa Angeles Will fOrD. :reception 11_ All 1Ir. BeD.-Guri.on leavea tlla plalle.

Prosa conforence at airport tor TV . radio, DOwapapora and otOOr nen mGetta. ConfOrGnco to be bold in .peel_l roog ' lD the Satellite Building wbaN flr. BeD-Guriou Will a.rrivo. Tht. cont.ronce to be 8cbaduled approximately one-halt hour atter plane arr1val. Conference la expected to last about one-balt bour to tortrt1ve minute_ .

Polloo:nn~ pre.. conteJ'9l1C8. departUN to • Beverly Billa Botel. REST - - to eDlll>le Ur. ...d 1lH. Ben-Gurion to time 41ft.renee between Phl1adolpht. aIld Loa .

• WBlImSDAY. !MRaI 8, 1961 - LOS ANCELES

9 13 0 - 11. 30 A.Il. Private cootlnes With tndlvldual. til COI1DQC'Uon with the Israel Uucatlon Fund

12.00 II""" tloott!lll sponsored by Bl11el Council of me .end tJCLA ~or J'ovtah atudonta at botb unlvoraltiea. ~t1n;' to bo bald CD tba UCLA ClmPWI.

1.30 ..1l. Luacheon with UCLA fAculty • &0.1: - Vice e.ncel1or of UCLA .

Ill". Boll-Gurlou will 1"Oturn to the Se.... rl,. Rill... Bot.1 • 8JId Will ..... ~ durill& ~be ~te_.

•• 00 P.IL Lo. An:el•• UAlted ..Je9iab Wel1u. J'UDd 1"Ocepttca .

7.00 P.Il. Loa Angel.. Ont ted Jonah t/'ol1aN FuDd. campatp balIq.. t - aowrly Bilton Bote1 • • ..

• !!'!l!.sDAY, tlARCII 9 - LOS ANC2Ll!S

A.II. Privato mcGttn~ 91th indlvldunla in connection With tbo Israol Education Fund

U.OO Noon Younc: Loodershlp luncheon, With invitationa to eo to tile foUov1l1lf IlI'OUPII

_. b) Sun Fernando VallGY Comaun1 ty Servlc:o Cca:I.1 tt..

c) UJA YOUDC t.aderahip CJ'O'UP 1raa thzooqbout • SoutbeJ'D CalUomla

7.00 P.II. A prlv:!.te d1nner to be held at tho bo:e of Ur. l!u Bay, Pres1t!ol1t at tbe Loa Anpl•• Jev1.b FederaUOI1-<:Ouncll. InVS tot ion 118t would be c=poeed ot the tolloWlDI; croupa of lpdlvtdualal

a) $25,000 and over coatributors

b) Kay ottlcora of J'aw1ah Fec:loratlcm-Counc11 and l:'eUare Pund. • • c) A te... specially lIolect.d individual.. In tho latter category aN Edward D. Ii1tcholl. Louie B. Boyar ond Benjamin B. 1Iw1.: •

• PRIMY, !WlaI 10, 1967 •

9.00 A.II. OiIparture tor ChlCQgo - United AlrllDOIi Pl1.ght 104

2.40 1'.11. Arrival Ollcac:o Airport:

!lr:lyor Daley of Cb.tCD~ - crran::ln,e Reception at alJ'POrt and D01:0rc:.ade to City Ball • Hotel: Pelmor Bouse - ToRr Sutte

9.00 1'./,1. Private _ettns: with Ie.dora af CblcoC'Q J'o"Crish cOIIaUDl t,7 at ~ 04 eon.ul Avldar •

• • • i"

" GATtlIUlly. IIA!lCIl 11. l~ =-CHICAGO


3.00 - •• 00 P.II. · Private !!ootlZltl With Indlvlduab tn connoctloD vith the Israel Bclueatlou Fund.

•• 00 P.II. - 6.00 neat

7.00 P.II • D:lllD8r - J'ewtab WeUa;re J"und of IIDtropolttan ChlCA£'C) • Botell . Plek-CoDp.88

• • ,. •

, SU!roAY t l.!AnCH 12 - CHICAGO "

gl30 - 11;30 A 101 . !5c:ottnr: at Cblc:af:Q Ctrelo Cm:tpus of UnlVGralty 0: Il11n01s. with studont3 Gl1d faculty of unlvonl ttcs lD~ Cb.l~3'O Drea ADd at Jowloh institutions ot highor lo~lna arranead by B n:al S ' 1'1 til B11101 P'oundatlOD.S1

12:00 Noan - •• 00 P.M. World Jow1oh Bible Soc1ety

6.00 P.M . Dapartun lo~ Nov York ... ~rtcaZl Airlines night 320

• 8145 P.II. Arrival 1D Now York - La Guardia Airport

Botel. Plaza

FOR PaOTECT1at - In ease of Incle.tl8ut we.thor. roaervatl0D9 'have been - - aocured for tAf3 tr:11u ('h'sntlotb Century Lietted) which departa :froc Cblca~ at 4:30 P . U . on Sunday Ilarch 12. arrlv1n1: 110. Yor!< at 9.30 A.II. OIl IIm>doy 1!a.rch 13 • • lIeat ,. • I


• ~y. IWICII 13 - Jill\\' YORIC ClTY

I,ll - U,U ,l.1l. IfH:ttna With .t.. at. aDd facu1t7 of Bebrew union ColleII'> - J.wl.1> lDaUt.. te or IIoUpoa. co w..t 68 St.

1:1100 __ - 11100 P ••. Lunoheon With thoae 1Ddindu1.a wbo . by 'thl. date , btl.... aade tbell" ocaa1 beAU to t_ Ilidnaba

2,,,/ - .,00 P.II.

C,OO - 1,00 P."

• 7,00 P.II• .

• •




10.00 - 12.00 11_

12.30 - 11110 P.II.

•• 30 - •• 00 P.M. Bea.

•• 15 - •• 11 P .•• _tiDIr Witb 1_nUp af ....riCOD JeWi.b ~tt_ at 164 •. latb .at •

1.'0 P ••• Dimlel' with ...... tata,.. .. ",..It. ec-..tttee" at • n..a Hotel • •

• • •


8,10 - 11.14 A,M. Iroettnc Witb atudenta and faoult,. of Jewt_h Tbeo1octcal Be !··17 at 12aa4 .t.• BroadWay

11.00 __ - 1.00' •. 11. LlmcbeOD wU" __noaa Pri._ of Tel-An.. Un.1veralt)'

1;00 p,_, - ••10 P,M, Academic CoD.ocatlO1l aDd 1ID8tlq with atudenta ., and ,.cult}< of y ..hln IJDI ....It}< .t 186tll St . &Del A.teJ'daa Aft .

• 1'.00 P,M, teave Pl... Sotel tor KaIlDedJ Airport .0'1' departure at; ••10 P.II. - 11-.\1 nip' ao - urlrilla 1 ....1 4.15 P .II. ... 'l'III'.. _,.. _ l' .

•• 00 p,1I. Lea.. Piau Botel 101" maimed)' Airport tor departUJW OIl 'nIA nlcbt 1140. departlae" 10,15 P .11. - urlviae 1..... 1 at •• 00 P. M. _ '1'1..... _,.. 110 ..... 18. • r •

• -"

,.•• Ge.eral ad' ......

• Iot-,.*,.. ,. \lie 11.' .1 orpal.... l .....1011 ...... p'" \M ....r at ••mac _ \M ",.U. C:C:_.. ,,,.. ,. \lie ...... ". at ... lOtIo "",.. ., at Ian. '.8 0arI ••

• l' • #


-' •

l11l1LIC ~'iTf£ TOR 11l£ eEl fmAUfI':l , OF TIUl ~ lIIaflllll.'l fir IIlVlD J!Fl!-Q!III1lII • lUX II. n SIIEB, CIIIJRIUII

AcJa.dal' J:nda Peal. Zl_ JMrloa-I...... l 0 ...." ., ... I..a.U7 . , , 'WOri .... Aa ...t ..u .. tor J ..S.b U.... \I .. JMri_ I.r... ' 1'II'U. AI'aln c:..l'_ .Aaeri..... " ..Sob ~ .."" • .wort_ 01 ..1 •• eft, ...

JMri_ J ..s ... .1.1.' Di."".. " .. ~,_ ....ri ... 01 ..1_ ""_ ter 1_1 ....ri_ GIlt V.Mr." ..

B'w B'rl\b D'w U ... • c:...t.n1 Coa,...... , JMri_ 1Iabb1.

Coat.roo.. of Prea! _I.e at lle,ter ....ri ... 01 ..1." 01'pD1 ...'1..- c-.oU ., 01 .., •• V...... t.I_ .... , W.lfare ...... • VoJ'boAd • • 8iat.e4ra\b bri\b .t...... s ...

J.wS_ ApI., - ....ri_ IHU.. J ..t ... L.lIor c:-l',," 1 01 ..1_ 11.. '1--' v..

( ...... ) • •

..t , .J ...J .. "'~ v.toe ..._ .f i.he V. S. A.

Labor Zlo"h~ Or_I.U.. • , _ri... - Poal. ZI ..

lI.tlMa! c-oU .1 .I ..d •• '1_ la\loaal CooAoil 0' toaoa 1...-1 ..\1_1 F..... 4aU .. 'or or.... aIl C.U.... 11.\1 ...01 or.wl ... '1.lf.... IIoori • Rablllol ...1 ....."""17 Rabbiol ...l C...... l .r Morloa 11011&1 ... U_l.w .r .AMrlO& Sww .1 1 ...... 1 II.... OrpoI.. U ..

SJllaPaao Cwa.U ., .lMrio&

Illata 01 0t-t.U4oa oJ ••lall ~_ .r .lMrio&

Val ...' .Mori_ 1Io~ eM, :aU_ 1:'11".4 Baa Ilerri .. • Val w4 1.,... 1 Appeal Val w4 oI ..IaIl 'PpOAl

U.iw4 S",""._ .r .lMri_

'1_·.~'orl ...... l • • u ..I.t. OI';aal.U.. ., -s.. .. • VISIT

1dAIla\ 2 - 15, 1967


FRIDAY. IIAIIal 3 .. IIEW YORK CITY A.II. Meeting wi til Isrnel Bducatl00 Fund Advisol")' Council

P.II. Departure f'or lrIioml

SATIlIUlAY, I/AIIaI 4 MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA • State of Israel Bonds Organization SUNDAY. IIAIIal Ii 'Leavos tor Philadelphia, Pa.


i'ec1orntlon of .Jewish Agonctes of Greater Ph11adolphla

TllESDAY; JIARaI 7 Departs tor Los Angeles, Callf. , • WEDlIBSDAY - nnlRSDAY LOS AlIGBLEB, CALlPORlIIA MARCH 8 - IlARCli 9


Departure for

SATIlIUlAY, !lARa! 11 CHICAGO, ILLIlIOIS Jewisb Welfare Pund of .Me ,tropol1tan Chicago

SUNDAY. IIARat 12 iletum to lIew York Ci t7 . , •

(more) '. . " r: . . - 2 -



A.If. laraol Education ~d Solicitation (As per Henry Bernstein) - P.II'. UJ'A of Greater NeW' York - Dinner • • TuesdaY -. MAR. N 9.15 - 11.15 -'.11. Hebrew Union College - Jewis h Institute of Roligion­ St ude nts and Faculty. (Confirmed by Rabb1 Steinberg over the telepbooe)

12.15 - 2,15 P.II. Luncheon B'na1 8'rlth Leade rship (Suggested to J. Kaufman - not acceptablo) •, • 4,15 - 6.15 P.II. American ~wiBb Comelttee -- Reception and Meeting at AJC Bui1dlng With top leadership - attendance .o.pp. 100. (Aceepted and cou:flnt19d. over telephone .. • by Mr. Gruen) .

7.45 - P.M. Dlnner -- Public .eoc.lttee 11

l'ednesd!lY "11At. I~

9115 - 11.15 -'.11. Jewish Theological Seminary (AccePted, lN~ conI i l'lied ) , , 3:00 - 4,30 P.II. Yeshiva University - Studeuts Ie. Faculty (Accepted and contlnned., over phone, by Rabbi Rackmo.n) .' .' 5:00 - 6:30 P.II. Acadomic Convocation - Albert Einstein MCdlca1 • School. (Accepted by Jack Weiler: not oonfirmed • pending discus.ton With New Yo~ ~)

late P.II. Departure for IarGel (or possibly morning at Thursday. March 16) • • • NOTII The Friends of the Tel-Aviv University have not Deon contacted. 11 the above schedule i8 approved by everyone concerned. we can conelder • 12:00 to 2,00.. P.II. Luncheon on Wedne.da;v, IIareh 15, tor Te1--'vlv IInlY&nlty •

• ZCV1. •• • (11/29/66) -_.. Karch 20, 1967, n DINNER IN HONOH OF THE HON. DAVID BBlI-(lURION P . Sponsored by Hotel Pierre - March 14, 1967 National - 72 New York City - 171 Total - 24) ATTl'lIDANCE

ARIZONA NEW JERSEI' - continued TUCSON NEW BRUNSWICK Rabbi Albert T. Bilgray Mr. '" Mrs. Harold H. Brosk1n COLORADO Mr. '" Mrs. Herbert Goldstein DERVER Rabbi &: Mrs. Yaacov Hilfenrod Bruce Paul Mr. '" Mrs. Harry B. Kroll Hr. &: 1\-s. Isadore Sapiro WASHINGTON, D. C. Mr. '" Mrs. Nat T. Sedley Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein Mr... Mrs. Leon Smith Rabbi &: Mrs. Isadore Breslau TEAN&:K Mrs. Yael Goldberg Mr. &: Mrs. Adoll C. Robison Rabbi Jay Kauf'man I. L. Kenen VINELAND Mr. '" Hrs. Samuel Levitsk;y Mr. '" Hrs. Ben Zion Leuchter Mr. &: Hrs. Joel Leuchter

FLORIDA YEW YORI HIAHI BII«lBAIITOII Dr. '" Hrs. David Lehnoan Illrton Koffman Rabbi Irving Lehrman Gerald Schwartz ROCHESTilR 11.11 J. IIorry ILLINOIS CHICAGO OHIO Rabbi Jacob J. Weinstein CINCINNATI Joseph H. Kanter LOUISIANA NEW ORLEANS CClIlJIIWS Mrs. Joseph L. COben Mr. '" Mrs. Hillard CUnm1ns Mrs. Alice Katz Label A. Katz PEllllSILVANIA HAHRISlIJRG Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Javitch

Mrs. Jacob Blauste1n WILKES-BARRE Louis J. Fox Mr. &: Mrs. Charles M. Nelson

MASSACHU~S TEXAS BHOCKTON DAU.AS Dr. &: Mrs. Dewey D. Stone Mr. &: Mrs. Jacob Feldman Mr. &: Mrs. Moses Feldman MICHIGAN DETROIT VIRGINIA Max M. Fisher NORFOLK Phill1p Stollman Mr. &: Mrs. Milton Knn.aer Mr. &: Mrs. Josapb Strelitz FLINT Joseph Hegdell

NEW JERSEI' EliGLEWOOD Dr. & Mrs. Sidney M. Edelstein Mr. '" Hrs. Harold N. Rosenberg Gerard Weinstock

JERSEr CITY UK)re ••••••••••••••• Hr. '" Mrs. Louis A. Fall<

NEWAHK Mr. '" Mrs. David M. Litwin D. Beryl Hanischew1tz page 2



Ho""rd Agronin Miss Catha Maslow Amh. &: Mrs. Michael Amon !Ir. & Mrs. Will !laslow Dr. & Hrs. Milton Aron Hr.. Regina Medz1n1 Mrs. I. Arons Rabbi Israel MUler Mr. &: Mrs. Zev Barash !Ir. & Hr•• Isaiah M. Itlnkoff Manuel Batshaw Mr . & Mrs. Yaakov Morris Mr. &: Mrs. Harry Bauer Earl Morse Dr. Yehuda Bauer Fmanuel Muravcb1k Hon. & Hrs. David Ben-Gurlon Bess Myerson Miss Julliet Benjamin Rabbi & Hrs. Ludwig Nadellwm Mr . &: Mrs. Charles J. Bensley Raymond M. Patt Rabbi & Hrs. Bernard Bergonan Woolf Perry Paul llern1ek Mr. & Mrs. Mauriee Plesser PIlilip Bernstein Dr. & !Irs. Joachbl PrinZ Hr. & Hrs. Louis S. Bing Fred Pomerant. +4 Gerard Hlumonthal He man Z. Qu1ttman Peter Blumenthal Mrs. Max M. Rosenberg Hr. & Hrs. S ... Boeker _or Rosenfeld Max Borgenicht Bathan1el S. Rothenberg Mr. &: Mrs. Max Borttza r Paul sarro Hr. & Mrs. Irving BoxenbauJa Dr. a: Mrs. Maurice Sage Miss Hannah Br1IIat Abram Salomon Hr. & Hrs. Louis Broido Mrs. Hid> Salpeter Harold W. Carme:Q­ Rabbi Herschel Schacter Richard Cohen Lawrence Schacht Hrs. Sbragai Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Abrahaa Schenker Cantor & Mrs. Sumner A. Crccket Matth.... Schoenwald Samuel Davis Hr. ol Hrs. A. P. Schoolman Mr. & !Irs. Irving Oiclaaan Dr. & Hrs. Joseph J. Schwartz Rabbi &: Mrs. Ira Eisenstein Mrs. Kerr1s Schwartz !Ir. & !Irs. Gabriel Feigenbaum I!dward Sharf Hr. & !Irs. Abraham Feinberg Rabbi Philip Shnairson Julius Fox Rabbi & Hrs. Henry Siepan Dr. Miriam Freund Judge ol !Irs. Edvard S. Silver Hr. & Mrs. Harold Friedman Mashe SCmaers Mr. &: Mrs . Harry K. Friedman Harry steinberg Herbert A. M.r. & Mrs. Israel stolarsky James H. Geffen Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Sultan1k Mrs. MorriS Gershbaum MiS' Marie Syrkin +1 Miss Hannah L. Coldberg Mr. & Mrs . Jacques Torczyner Hr. & Ilrs. Jack A. Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Toubin Paul L. Coldman Yehuda Tyberg Rabbi & !Irs. David I . Golovensq Mrs. Israel Usdan Rabbi Harold H. Gordon Y. Weingarten Joseph " Greenleaf Dr. & IIrs. SOl Weintraub Mr. &: Mrs. Nahum Guttman Herman L. Weisman Hrs. SatIIlel Haber Louis Weitz Amb. Avram Harmon Nissan Zeit !Ir. & 'irs. Itzhak nan Judge Jacob T.. Zuckerman Hr. Leon nutovich Col. Elchanan Isha1 Mr. &: Mrs. Carlos L. Israels Mr. &: Mrs. Gaynor I . Jacobson Mrs. Mortimer Jacobson Mr. &: krs . Charles H. Jordan Mr. &: tirs. Israel Kalish Nr. &: Mors. Murray !tass Rabbi & Hrs. Mordecai KirshblU1l1 Mel Lavitt !Irs. Sidney Leff Jack Lefkowitz Mrs. Aaron Leifer Sr. Harris J. Levine & Mrs. Norman G. Levine Mr. &: Mrs . Eleazar Upsky Norman London Mrs. Edward Lusterman Dr. & Mrs . Samuel Margoshes , -. March 9, 1967 - 9:)0 a.m. DINNER IN HCliOR OF THE HOtI. DAVID BEN-GURICIi Spon:sored by THE PUBLIC CCI1MrI'TEE Hotel Pierre - Nev York C1t" March 14, 1967 Nat10nal - 53 • Pe1d New York Cit" -12& Total -17 ACCEPTANCE:>

PENliSYLVANIA HARRISIlJRG Rabb1 Albert T. B1lgra" ( CCAN) Mr. & Mr •• Lee Javitoh

WASHINGTON, D. C. WILKES-BARRE Herschel Blumberg Mr. &: Mrs. Charles M. Nelson 'Rabt>1 & Mrs. Isadore Bre.lau (AAJE) Rabt>1 J BY Kaufman (BB) RHODE ISLAND Mr. & Hr •• Samuel Levitsk;r (BB) PROVIDENCE Dr. W1ll1am A. Wexler (BB) Mr. & Mrs. Merrill L. Hassenfeld

ILLINOIS TEXAS CHICAGO DALLAS Rabb1 Jacob J. Weinstein (CCAN) Mr. &: Mrs. Jacob Feldman Mr. &: Mrs. Moses Feldman LOOISIANA N&I ORLEANS 'fl/!lINIA Mr.. J o.eph L. Cohen JIORFOLK Mrs. Al1ee Katz (BB) *Mr. & 1Irs. Milton Kramer Label A. Xatz (BB)

MAR!LAIID BALTIMORE Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Adelman lDuis J. Fox IIICHIGAII MASSACHUSETTS DETROIT BROCKTON Ph1ll1p Stollman ~. &: Mrs. Dewey D. Stone Jmi YOM N&I JERSEY cm *Mr. & Mrs. Max Abr.... (Bonds) ENGL&IOOD "Eli... er Argov (JIfl') Dr. & Mr.. S1dne" M. Edelstein ·Dr. & Mr •• Milton Aron (JIfl') *Mr. & Mr •• Harold N. Ro.enberg Dr. Yehuda Beuer (JDC) Gerard We1nstock (AJC) *Mi •• Juli1et Benjamin (Hadassab) Mr. & Mr •• Charles J. Ben.l.,. JERSEY CITY 'Rat;l)1 Dr. Bernard Bergman (RZA) *Mr. & Hrs. Loui. A. Falk (AJLI) Paul Bernick (ORT) Henr;r C. Bernote1n N&IARX .Pt>1l1p Bernstein (CJF1oIF) *Mr. & Mr.. David M. Litvin Leuis 5. Bing (ORT) D. Ber:yl Manischev1tz (ORT) Mr. & lir•• Sam E. Bloch (JA) *Max Borgen1eht (JRF) PATERSON Mr. & Irving Boxenbaum (NCLl) *Kr. Mra. Saul. Rosen .Ir.. a: Marold W. Ca"..17 (ZOA) Mr. & Mrs. Irving Diekman (JDC) TEANECK *Rabb1 & Mrs. Ira Eisenstein (JRF) Mr. & Mrs. Adolf C. Rob1son (NCJW) OCabriel Fe1genba... (RZA) -Mr. &: Mrs. Abraham Feinberg (Bonds) VDiELAND 'Mendel N. Fi.her (JNF) "'Mr. a: Mrs. Ben Zion Leuchter +2 'Jul1us Fox (AHFZ) *Dr. M1riam Freund (Hada.soh) • Mr. & Mr •• Harold Friedman (Hias) *Mr. & Mrs. Harr:y M. Friedman (Hi •• ) Leon Germanov *Mr. & Mr •• James H. Gef"fen (AJC) Mr. & Mr •• Jack !. Goldfarb (SCA & OHIO AJC) CINCINNATI 'Paul L. Goldman (AHFZ) Joseph H. Kanter 'Rat;l)1 & Hrs. David I.;r 'Rabbi Marold H. Gordon COIllMIl1S Joseph W. Greenleaf (ZOA) Mr. & Mrs. M1llard C1l1IIII1ns Mr. & Hrs. Nabum Guttman (NCLl) Mrs. Samuel Haber (JDC) 'IIr. & Mr.. 5aDI1el W. Halprin (J A) Leon nutovich (EOA) *Mr. & ,Ir •. Carlos L. loraels (H1 ... ) *Mr. & Mr •• Ga;rnor I. Jacobson(HIAS) more ••••••• ----

Page 2 BnI-GURIC!I DINNER Harch 9. 1967 a.m.

N&I YORK CITY - continued -Mrs. Mort1..mBr Jacob3on (H~dassah) Hr. & Mrs. Char1es H. Jordan (JDC) >4Mr. & lofrs. Israel Kalish (Pioneer L) Hr. & Hrs. Hurray Kass (JDC) "Habbi & Hrs. Hordecai Kirshb1um (JA) -Jerema Klorfein Hr. & Hr•• Israe1 Krakowsky (JA) "Hrs. Sidney Leff (ptoneer L) Jack Lefkowit.z (ZQ>.) "Hrs. Aaron Leifer (HWOA) "Dr. Harris J. Levine (BZ) "Norman G. Levine (BZ) "Hr. & Hrs. Eleazar Lipsky (AJLI) "Hr.. Edward Lust.erman (Badassah) Dr. & Hrs. 5a=e1 Margolles (JH1i') Ear1 Horse (AJC) "Hr. & Hrs. WiU H•• 10w (AJC) Habbi Israel Hi11er (AZC) "Hr. & Mrs . Isaiah H. Minkoff (HAC) "Habbi & Hr•• Ludwig Nadelmann (JFR) "Dr. & Hrs...... 1 N...ann (J.I.) "Raymond H. Pat.t. (BZ) "Herman Z. Quit.tman (BZ) Hrs. Vax H. Bosenberg (ORT) "Nat.hmie1 S. Bothenberg (BZ) Pau1 Sarro (ZO.l.) "Abram Salawn (JIlF) "Mrs. Hi~ Sal~er(~sah) "Habbi Herscbel Scbacter (B2A) Hat.thew Schoenwald (ORT) A. P. Schoclman (AZe) "Hrs. A. P. Schoolman (JRF) "Dr. & Hrs. Joseph J. Schwartz (Bonda) "Edward Sharf (BZ) "Habbi Philip Shoairson (JH1i') Habbi & Hrs. Henry Sie_n (SCA) "Judge & Hr•• Edward S. Silver (Bonda) Sanford SOlender (NJWB) "Samue1 Spar (B2A) Harry steinberg (AZe) Hr. & Hrs. Israel St.01arsl<;y (NCLI) "Hr. & Hrs. Kalman Su1tanik (ULI) Jacque. Torezyner (ZOA) Hr. & Mrs. IoIa.c Toubin (AAJE) "Yebuda Tyberg (AHPZ) "Hrs. Israe1 U.dan (Hada.sab) "Hr. & Mrs. Herman L. Weisman (JH1i') "Louis Weit.. (AHPZ) Jacque. Zwibek (ORT) Howard J.gron1n (LZ) "Dr. & Mrs. SOl Weint.raub (AJLI) •

CO.FIDBNTIAL VISIT Q'p-TiE-iDt7 DAV!O SElf- GeRtON IIABCB 1 to MARCIl 21, 1967 statt Reap.

SCBBOOLI FJDf IlARCR 10 (Figures represent .atl.. ted .ttpn~nce)

All Depart Los Angeles for Chicalo

Early PM Welcome et Airport and Motorcade to City Hall wi Mayor Ricb3rd J. 0.18Y ( 250 )

3:45-4:15 PI( Press Cont. 1n the Mayor's Conference RD.. at City Hall RL

4:15-5:tO PM Civic Reception in the Ctty Council Chambers BIB

5:30-7;00 PM Rost

Evening Reserved for private appolnt.ents

SA'l'tJRDA Y I IIARCH 11 8:15 AM TV Taping wI I.Kupclnet at Plck-Concre•• Hotel RL , 9:30-11:30 AM sabbath Services at Loop aunagocue (600) ZC -'

12-2 :30 PI( Tl_ reserved for IBJ' and c...,.lpa appU . RIG. SIlA,JIP

2:30-5:00 PM Reat

6-6:30 I'll Re •• rved tor reeeivtDIl a few top leaden 1n prtYate .ulte lIP

7:40 PI( B8oquet-Jew1sb 'leIfare Fwld Pick-Conere•• Botel B.l1~ (750) lIP

CHICAGO- /IIl1I YORK -PLAZA HOTEL SUNDAY, IlARCH 12 9:15-10:15 AM Meeting with s tudenta and facult, at Chicalo Circle ea.pus- Illinois Rooa (1,000) ZC,BIJI

12:30-1 :(;,0 AI Appearance at Tecbr&ioa LuDcbeoa. at Houee 10:45-6:30 PM ConLerence-World Jewisb Bible Society Foundatioa at Paleer Bouse ZC,IIDB 10:45-11 AM Address-at Conference

3:00 PI! Address at Conference "Jewiab Survival and Bible"

Bvening Depart Chicago for N-. York RIG (Note: In the event of incle.. nt weatber, reservation. _ill be available departing 1n tbe afternoon and arriviD& New York Monday .orn1ng.)

W>NDAY. MARCH 13 8:30 AM Congre.... n Ogden Reid appt. at Plaza Botel

9:15-11 All Meeting with .tudents and faculty of Hebrew Obion College-Jewish Inst. 01 Religion (500) ZC,AP 40 ...t 68th Street

11 :30 All Appt. with Max stern at Hotel Plaza RJG

12-2:00 PM Reserved for lEY donora and delegation of Haganab Veterans RIG,SRA

3:30 I'll Appt. with Senator Jacob K. Javlta at Plaza RIG

4-5:30 PM ZC,AP

1:00 PM Banquet-UJA 01 Greater NL. York at He tel ~rieana Ballroom (1500)

(more •• • ) Scbedule- David BeD-Gurion - 2 - Staff Resp.

8:00 AM Breakfast w1t~ Jacob Blaustein '!C,AF

9:00 AM Mtg .•/J ~wish Agency Exec.Amer.sec. at Plaza (10) '!C , M

10-12:00 Noon Meeting with Hadassah leaders (1200) '!C,BDB Leon Lowenstein Aud.-Temple Emanu-El

12:15-12:45 PM De1eg.- Jewish National FUnd '!C,M

1-2:30 PII Luncbeon leaders (S~gal Educ,center) '!C,M at Botel Plaza (200)

4:00 PII Appt. with Prof. Benr1que Rodriguez Fabregat RIG at Plaza

5:30-6:15 PM Meeting with leadership of American Jewish Committee - B(,.tel Plaza (50)

6:30 PM Banquet- "Public COlIDittee for the Celebration ZC 1 RL, of the 80th Birthday of David Ben-Gurion" BDB,M,PBC, Botel Pierre (400) DB

WBQlESDAY, IIABCII 15 8-8:30 AM Tent. Appt. nth Prof. carat (Scientific RIG Inatitute at Ared)

9:15-11:00 AM Meeting with students and faculty of (500) '!C,M 3 ••ilh Tbeblogl~.l Seainary-Bdwy. • 122nd St.

11:30-12:15 PK- Meeting with Biatadrut C~1cn Leaderahip at 33 Baat 61th St. (50)

12:15-2:00 PII - Luncheon-American Friends of Tel-Aviv Univ. Hotel Phu (100) ZC,AF

3;00-4:00 PM Lecture at Yeshiva Univ. atudents and faculty Amster~ •• 186th st. (1500) ZC,Hr.6

4:00-4:45 PM Tea at Yeshi.. UDiv.- Dr. Samuel Belkin,Pres.Bost

6:15 PM Private dinner at RYU-Vanderbllt RaIl '!C,M Boata; Allan K. cartter, Chancellor; M. Hester, President

8:00 PIlI Lecture-lfYU Law School Auditor1\11l (400) '!C,M

TIIORSDA.Y. IlAItCII 16 8 :30-10:15 AM - Breakfast .eeting w1th Tarbuth Host: Dr. E. Neu.aDn- at Botel Plaza (100) ZC,M

10:15-12 Noon Surface Travel to Princeton univers1ty M

12:15-1:00 PM Luncheon-Woodrow Wilaon Scbool of Public (15) '!C Affairs. Princeton Univ. Boat:Dean "rver Bernstein

1:00-2:00 PM Lecture at Woodrow Wilson School (200) ZC

2:30-4:30 PM Surface Travel to N~w YLrk from Princeton M

5:15-6:00 HI Meeting with Bible Contest Winners at Jewish Agency- 515 Park Ave. SO. (300) ZC,M

7:15 Pili Banquet- B'na1 B'rith Leadership-Hotel Bllt.ore (500) ZC,AF

All Depart Hew York for Boston AF

PII Visit to Brandeis University ZC, BDB RL. RIG SA~Y, KARCH 18 (Statler-Hilton Botel for day use) AM Visit to Brandeia University

7P11 Reception-Banquet-Comblned Jewiah Philanthropies lIP Statler-Hilton Hotel Bellroom (1,000) BLACK TIE (IIOre ••• ) •

Scbedu}e- Devld Ben-Gurion - 3 Staff Reap.

8OSTO(-IIONTREAL - QUBEN ELIZABETH OOTBL St.lflll\y. YA.RCII 19 9:JO All Meeting With s tudents at Boston Hebrew Teachers college, incl. Jewish students and faculty of MJT, Harvard UDiv • • Boaten Uoiv. (address in Hebre.) - (5GO) ZC, IIllB

Early PM Depart Boston for Montreal IIllB

Bven1n.c tsrael Bond Rally at Queen Elizabeth Be tel (2500) ZC


T~ lp to Ottowe tor luncheon with ZC Paul Martin, Minister of External Aftaira and other Cabinet officiala

PII Travel to Toronto frca Ottowa zc

7P11 Dinoer- OJA of TOromto ZC


Free Diy for Reat


lIllB:bd , • • CONFIDENTIAL VISIT OP-THB-HON:- DAVID BBN-GtTRION IIARCH 1 to JIARCB 21. 1~7 REVISED SCHElXJLB lEftBMW' 88, Ian ~/" ~)i lfp/ staff Resp. (Figures repreaent estimated attendance)

NEW YORX- PLAZA HOTEL WEDNESDAY, JIARCH 1 tate afternoon - Arrival in New York BDB,PBC,BH,RL,RIG,lB

Official welcome at JFK Airport's International SynagOSUe Asseably Ball - including press conference (300) ZC,AP,BH,RL,DHW

THURSDAY, IIARCB 2 11:00-12:00 Noon -Interview with editors re publ1eati~ ZC,HIE of new Ben-GUrion book-Grossman PUb. at Plaza Hotel (50-70)

_ 18:0:" .11&&

4:00-5:30 PI( Tea at TWentieth Century FUnd-4l B. 10 St. (20) RIG Hoats: Auguet Becltaeher • Prof. Ernst D. Berg:U:nn

7:00 PIf Dinner .eet1ng-IEP Advisory Board and IEP RIG, BRA proepects-E.aex Bouse (Colonnades) - (150)

!lEW YORK-MIAIII - FOfiTADlEBLBAll IIOTBL FRIDAY, IfARCB 3 9:30-l0:~0 All Keeting with Gov.Hel.oo A.Rockefeller-Plaza HCB,ZC

Early PI( Dep81rt for J(iaai-Iarael Bonda PrOCra. RIG Recepttoa and Pr.... CoDt. at )lJ.Ul1 Airport RIG , RL Au.picea-Iarael DoDds (250)

5:00 PM Iarael &oDd Reception at Fontainebleau RIG,RL


SAl't1RDAY, KARCH 4 9:00-11:30 All Tt.e reaerved for lEP appointaenta RIG

PII Time reserved for Iarael Benda RIG

6:30 PI! Banquet-Iar.el Bonda- Fontainebleau Botel RIG,RL aallroo. - (BLACK TIE) (1,000)


12:.:10 HI preparation at NBC-TV Studio RIG.RL 1:00 PI! Appearance on ,<.-.-et- the Press "

Barly afternoon Depart lIiaat for Philadelphia RIG

Late afternooD Welcome at philadelphia Airport (250) AP,PBC

8:30 PM Coab~ned aeetinc with .tudent. and faeulties 0< Dropsie and Gratz COlleges at Gratz College Audl toriua (500) ZC,AP

III»IDAY, JIARC8 6 (CBS TV ~tation ICAU,Phil~,) 9:00-10:15 All TIIping of TV proar.. ~p Obto lIy Peet BL

10;4.5-1:45 PM Ti.e reserved for e ••paign appta.,IFr appts., and visita to bookabope RIG,KP,PSC

2:00 PI! Placing of wreath at Memorial to Six 1I1l110n(500+) ZC,AP 3-3: .:1 0 PII Reception at City Ball (300) AF 7:00 PI! Banquet-Allied JeWish Appeal lIP Warwick Hotel Ballrooa- (400)

PHILADBLPHIA-lDS ANGBlBS - BEVERLY-BIL'IO( HOTEL TUESDAY, IIARCB 7 All Depart Ph1ladelphia for Los Ancel•• AP (IDOre ••• ) Schedule David Ben-Gurion - 2 - Staff Resp.

Barly AI Welcome at Los Angeles Airport, !ncl.Press Cont. (250) ElnI.RL 6:00 PM Meeting with IIAfIAlr-Amer. Vet. of Israel War of Independence- Beverly-Bilton Hotel (50-75) EWM.RIG Evening Res t

WEIl(ESDAY, IL\RCB 8 9:3G-ll:30 All Time reserved for IEF and ca.paign appts. RIG,EWIl 12 Noon Keeting at UCLA c._pus (Billel) (1500) ZC,EWII

1 :JO PM Luncheon with UCLA faculty (30-3~) ZC,EWII 6:00 PM Reception and Banquet-Beverly-Hilton Rotel (1,000) EWM Ballrooe - united Jewish Welfare Fund (BLACK TIB)

TH'ORSDAY, KARCH 3 9:00 AM Reserved for individual appo1ntDents EWM,RIG 11:00 All TV teping w/Nonun Corwin- at &everly-Hilton EWII,RL

12:00 }fOOD Young Leadershlp LUDeMon at &every-Bilton (1:50) E1III

4-5:00 HI Address before BebNy-apeaking croup at Botel (150) BWII (au.p.Bureau of Jewi.b Education) 6-7:30 PM DillDer .IVictor carter. aelected le.den (10-15) BIll

8:00 PI( Rally -Hollywood PtlUad1 __-Unlted Je•• Wel.P'UDd (2500) EWJI

AM Depert ~ Ancelea for Chicago BWII

Early AI Welco.e at Airport aDd Motorcade to Clty Hall HII! wI Mayor Richard J ...ley (250)

3:45-4:15 PM Preas_Conf. ln the "yor'a rooa8 at Clty Hall RL

4:15-5:00 PM Civlc ReceptiOD ia the Cit1 Council Cbaabe~ BDB 5:30-7:00 PM Reat Bvening Reserved for private appointments

SATURDo\Y, IIARCB 11 9:30-11 :JO All sabbath Service. at Loop Synacocue (600) ZC 12-2:>0 I'll Tille reserved for IEF and C8JIPlliCU appta. RIG. SIIA, lIP 2:30-5:00 PM Rest

6:00-6:30 PI( Reserved for ncei.. !n& a few top leaders lIP in private au1te 7:40 PM Banquet-Jewiah Welfare Fund CODgre.a-Pick Hotel Ballroom (750) lIP

9:30-10:4~ All Meeting with atudent. and faculty at Chicago Circle ca.pu8 (1,000) ZC,BIII

11-7:00 PI( Conference-World Jewiah Bible Society Foundation at Fabler Bou.a:e ZC,HDB Bveninc Depart Chicago for New York RIG (Note: In the event of lncle.. nt ..atber, train reservatioas will be avathble depert1nc in the afternoon and arrlving New York Monday .aming.)

II)lfDAY, IIARCB 13 9:15-11:00 AM Meeting with studenta and faculty of Hehre. union College-J.wish Inst. of Relieion ZC-Al' 40 Weat 68tb Street (500) /I ' » -1..... 4--t-" ""' rv.-I- ~ cd- IUo-_ ~ 3 n 0 2:00 PI( Reserved for IEF donora 71" - RIG-BRA 4-5:30 PM Tea w/Kayor John V. Lindaay at Grace Mana ion (20) ZC-U

7:00 PM Bsnquet- DJA ot Greater New York (1500) HCB-BDB at Hotel Americana Ballroom (Dlre ••• ) r

Scbedule- David Ben-GurlOD - 3 - staff Resp. JltlJ. p4/{Jft/~ 8:00 ... I/;;tas: "~"h Agency Exec.- ZC,AF ~rlc.D Section at Plaza (10)

10-12:00 Noon Meeting with Hadns •• b leaders (1200) ZC,HDB Leon Lowenstein Aud . -Temple Eaanu-Bl

12:JO-2:30 PI( Luncheon Farband leaders (Segal Bdue.Oenter) ZC-AI' at Botel Plaza (200)

4:15-6:15 Hi Meeting with leader8h1p of American 3ewlsh Oo~ttee - Hotel Plaza (50) ZC-HIII

8:30 HI Banquet-"PubUC c:o-1ttee for the Celebration ZC,RL, of the 80tb Blrtbday of David Ben-GUrion" HD8 , U, PBC Botel Pierre (400) BB

WBlJO!SDAY, IIARCB 15 9:15-11:00 All Meeting with awdeata and faculty of (500) ZC,AI' Jewish TbeolOCical Sea1nary -Bdwy •• 122Dd St.

11:30-12:15 PM Meeting with Biatadrut ea.palgo at 33 Bast 67th Street (50) ZC,lIDB

12;15-2:00 .. LuncbeoD-~rlc.D Frieada of Tel-Aviv DDtv. Botel Plaza (100) ZC,AF

3 :00-4:00 PM Lecture at Y•• h!va Uni •• student. and faculty ~te~ and 188 St. (1500) ZC,HIII

4:00-4:45 .. ZC,HIII

6:15 PII Private dinner at ~Pre.ldent'a sutte Boats: Alhn II. c.rtter,Cbaacel1orj .1___ M. ZC,AI' Hester, Preatdent

8:00 PM Lecture- NYU Law School Audltorlua (Prof.Katsh)(400) ZC,A'

T'IItlRSMy, IIARCR 16 8:30-10:15 ... Breakfast ...tine Y1 th Tal'butb Hoa:t; Dr, R. Heualnn at PIau Hotel (100) %.C,AP

10:15-12 MOOD Surface travel to Princeton Dl1venlty AI'

12:15-1;00 PII Luncheon-Woodrow Wilson Scbool of PUblic (15) ZC Affairs, Prineetoll tlbiv. IIGst: Dean Marver Bern.teiD

1:00-2:00 PM Lecture at Woodrow Wil80D School (200) ZC

2:30-4:30 PM SUrface travel Prince too to Mew York AI'

5:15-6:00 PM Meeting with Bible Contest winDers at Jewish A,ency- 51S park Ave.SO. (300) ZC,AI'

7 : 15 PM Banquet with Blnai B'rlth ....derahip ZC,AF at Hotel Bl1taore (500)


PM Vislt to Brandei. university ZC,HIII RL,RIG

... ViSit to Brandeis university ZC,HIII RL,RIG l;;;PM Res 2" '. Banquet-Statler-Hilton Hotel lIP Ballroo.- eo.bined Jewish Philanthropies (1,000) (BLACIC TIE)

(more ••• ) , •

Schedule - David 8e.n-GurloD - 4 - Staff acap.

9:30 All lleeting with atudents at Boston Hebrew Teachers COllege. iDel. JewUh students and faculty of KIT, Harvard onlv., Boston UDiv. (address in Hebrew) - (500) ZC,HIII

Baldy PM Depart Boston for Montreal

BV8ninC Iarael Bond Rally at QUeen Elizabeth Rotel (2500) zc


as tea. to 8"" f¥U zc

zc •



f?ltik C(lO'l1t?JU~ ?' de C(l~timt 0/de ~{Jd ~v4'((ur o/!!)cwd ~f!/Jt ~ cgWJ




Ambassador Michael Arnon Mr. Joseph H. Kanter

Honorable David Ben-Gurion Mr. Label A. .::1"... \oGo...... Mrs. David Ben-Gurion Mrs. Asro~ Leifer

Rabbi Philip S. Be~nste1D Rabbi Irving Le~

Rabbi Isadore Breslau Rabbi Israel Miller

Mr. Charles ;r. Bensley Or. FlDanuel NeumBll::l (!.c~ • ...... "''''';'.0 Rabbi Ira Eisenstein Dr. Joachim Prillz ""~ S~"'" """" "aLp .. 1Ir. Abrahem Feinberg Rabbi Herschel Sehacter

Mr . Max M. Fisher Dr. ;roaeph J . Schwartz

Mr . ltJuis J. Fox 1Ir. Bdward Sharf

Mr. Herbert A. ETiedman Mr. De"ey D. Stone ~'~l""G=cb .... S 1 Wi g a, t WI'. Jacques Torczy!ler

Ambassador Avraham Baml8ll. Rabbi Jacob;r. Weinstein

Mr. Carlos L. Israels Mr. Herma::l L. Wz!S!D80.

Mrs. ti.ortimer Jacobson Dis "Be Table List

Table #1 Table #4

Mr. Herschel Blumberg Mr. Alben B. Adelman Mr . Millard Cuomina Mra . Albert B. Adelman Mrs. Millard Curnnin s Mrs . Charles J . Bensley Mr. Mel Lavi tt Mr. Irving Bernstein Dr. David Lehrman Mrs. Irving Bernstein Mrs. David Lehrman Mrs. Herbert A. Friedman Mr . Charles M. Nelson Mr . Merrill L. Hessenield Mrs. Charles Nelson Mrs . Merrill L. Hassen:feld Mr. Niel J. Norry Rabbi J BY Kaufman Mr. Bruce Paul Mr . Lawrence Schacht

Table #2 Table #5

Mr . Henry C. Bernstein Mr . Philip BemateiD Mrs. Ira Eisenstein Mrs. Joseph L. Cohen Mr. Leon Gel'lDBllOW Mr. Relph I. Gold=n Mrs. Leon GermanOlr Mr.. Relph I. Gold=n Mrs. Carloa L. leraels Mr. Itzhak Ilan Mr . Jerome Klorfe1n Mrs . Itzhak lIen Guest of Mr . Klorfein Col. Elchanan Ishai Mr. Joseph M. Mazer N.Y.C. Policeman Mrs. Joseph M. Mazer Mr. Sanford Solender Mrs, Dnanuel Neumann Mr. Edward R. Vajda Mr. Phillip 8tollman Mrs. Edward R. Vajda Mrs . HeIman L . Weismen

't.• '. Table !l6 Table #3 " ~, Mr . Harold M. BruskiD Mrs. Michael Arnon Mrs. Harold M. Bruak:1n Mrs. Jacob Blaustein Mr. Iouis W. Garelick Mrs. Isadore Breslau Mrs . Louis W. Garelick Mrs. Abraham Feinberg Mr . Herbert Goldstein Mr. Bemuel W. Halprin Mrs . Herbert Goldstein Mr . David Iowenthal Mr. Rarry B. Kroll Mrs. Regi.D.a Medzin1 Mrs . Harry B. Kroll Mrs . Joseph J. Schwartz Mr . Nat T. Sedley Mrs . Dewey D. StoDe Mrs . Nat T. Sedley Mr . Nlssan Zeit Mr. Leon Sm1 th Mrs . Leon Sm1 th - - 2 - Table #'1 Table #10

Mr. Harold Friedman Mr. Harry Bauer Mrs. Harold Friedman Mrs. Harry Bauer Mr. Harry M. Friedman Mr. Max Bor1 tzar Mrs. Harry M. Friedman Mrs. Max D;)rl tzer Mr. Jack A. Goldfarb Mr. Jacob l'eldmsn Mrs. Jack A. Goldfarb Mr •• Jacob l'eldmaD Mr. Gaynor 1. .Jacobson Mr. Iileos l'eldmsn Mrs. GaYnor I. Jacobacn Mrs. I.bses Fel~ Mr. Harl Iilree Dr. Riobard Gould Mr. Gerard Weinstock Mrs. Ricb8.rd Gould Mr. Miclley SClleenen Mrs. Micbey Sclleenen

Table 16

Mr. Ben Zion Leuchter Table III Mrs, Ben Zion Leuchter Mr. Joel Leuchter Mr. Paul Bernick Mrs. Joel Leuchter Mr. loUie S. BiDg Mr. David M. Litwin Mr. Max Braude Mrs. David M. Litwin Mrs. Max Braude Mr. Adolf C. Robison Mr. D. Beryl Manischewi tz Mrs. Adell C. Robison Mrs. Max M. Rosenbers Mr. Saul Rosen Mr. IIatthew SChoenwald Mrs. Saul Rosen Bon. Edward S. Silver Mrs. Edward Sllver Mr. Jacques Zwibek

Table #9

Dr. Sidney M. EdeLstein Table #12 Mrs. Sidney M. Edelstein Mr. Lee Javl tch Dr. Yehuda Bauer Mrs. Lee Javltch Mr. Gerard Blumenthal Mr. t.Ulton Kramer Mr. Peter Blumenthal Mrs. Wilton Kremer Mr. Irving Dickman Mr. Harold N. Rosenberg Mrs. Irving Dickman Mrs. Harold N. Rosenberg Mrs. 68D11el Haber Yr. Leonard R. Strelltz Mr . Charles Jordan Mrs, Leonard R. Strelltz Mrs. Charles Jordan Mr. ~s.y Kass Mrs. ~s.y Kass - 3 -

Table #13 Tsble #16

Mr. Harold W. Carmely Rabb1 Bernsrd Berl!lD8l> Mr . Joseph W. Greenleaf' Mrs. Bemsrd Berl!lD8l> Mr. Leon Ilutovlch Mr. Gabriel Feigenbaum Mr. Jack Le_wi tz Mrs . Gabriel Feigenbaum Miss I:orothy ~v1ne Rabbi I6:>rdecs1 Kirshblum Dr. Harris J. Levine Mrs. I6:>rdecs1 Kirshblum Mr. tbrman G. Levine Mr. Nathan Its1danb8UID Mr. Ila;imond M. Patt Mrs. NathOD IIs1denbsum Mr. Heman Z. Qu1t~ Dr. Maurice Ssgs Mr. Nathaniel S. Rothenberg Mrs . Maurice Sage Mr. Paul Safro

Tsble #17 Table #14 Rabbi Albert T. Bilgra;­ Yr. E11ezer uppv Rabbi David I. Golovensky Dr. Mil ton Axon Mrs. DaYi d Golo~eneky Mrs • Milton Axon Rabb1 Harold H. Gorden Mr. Mendel N. P1Bher Mr. Yehuds Hellman Dr. Samuel Margoshes Mr. I. L. Kenen Mrs . Samuel Margoshee Mr . Iss1ah Minkoff Mr. Abrall Salomon Mrs. I ss1 ah Minko it Rabbi Philip Schns1rson Rabbi Henry S1sl!l"aD Mr. Isaac Toubln Mrs. Henry Sie~ Mrs. Isaac Toubln Mr. Harry Steinberg

Table #15 Table #lB

Miss J'ulllet Benjamin Mr . Max Borgen1cht Mr. Harry D. Biele • Mr. J..".,s H. Getten Dr. Miriam Freund Mrs. James Getten Miss Hannah Goldberg Mise Catha Maslow Mrs. Alice Katz Mr . 11111 Maslow Mr. Samuel Le~1 tsky Mrs. W111 Maslow Mrs. S8IDlel Lev!tsky Rabb1 Ludwig Nsdelman Mrs. Edward LwlteIlll8D Mrs. Ludwig Nadslmsn Mrs. High Salpeter Mr. A. P . Schoolmsn Mrs . Israel Uadan Mrs. A. P . Schnolmsn - 4-

Table #19 Table #22

Mrs. I . Arons Mr. LeuisFalk Mr . Julius Fox Mrs . Leuia Fslk Mr. Paul L. Coldmezl Mr. David Lang Mr. Israel Kalish Mr. Eleazar Lipsky Mrs. Israel Kalish Mrs. Eleazar Lipsky Mrs. Sidney leff Mr. Edward Rubin Mr . Emanuel Muravehik Mr. Ke' mpn SU1 tarik Mrs . abrr1s SChwartz Mrs . Ke'men SUl tarik Mr. Yehuda Tyberg Dr. Sol WeiDtraub Mr. Louie Wei tz Mrs . Sol We1ntreub Hon. Jacob T. Zuckerman

Table #1. Table #20 Mr. SSIIl Boeker Itr. I!oward AgroniD Mrs . Sem Boeker Itr. Zev llareBh Mr. Ahner Roaentald Mrs . Zev Barash Mr. Abrahsm Schlenker Itr. IrvUlg fuxenbaum Mrs . Abraham Schlenker Mrs. Irving fuxenbaum Mr. Y. Weings.rten Itr. Nahum Qlttman Mrs . Nahum Guttman Itr. Yaako v IIorris Mrs , Ya.ekov Morris Itr. Israel S"tolarsky Mrs. Israel S"tolarsky Miss Marie Syrkin ,.. /i • Table #21 • ., Mr . Zev Bellmgnld Miss Hannab llrimat Itr. ZeUg Chini t. Cantor Sumne:r A. Crocket Mrs. SUmner A. Crocket Itr. Benj amin IIan1't Mr. R..,hael leyY N.Y.C. PoUceman Mr. Maahs Somners ~ Table Table Mr. Al.bert B. Adelman 4 Rabbi PhiUp S. !lernste1D IlB1s

Mrs. Albert B. Adelman 4 Mr. Pb.1l1p Bernstein 5

Mr. Howard Agron1n 20 Mr. Harry D. B\ele 15 Mr. El1ezer ArffJv 14 Rabbi Al.bsrt T. E11gray 17

Jmbassador II1chael Arnon Dais Mr. Louis S. BinS 11

Mrs. 1I1chP..el Amon 3 Mrs. Jacob m8WItein :3

Dr. 1I11too Axon 14 Mr. Herschel B1cm~erg 1

Mrs . Milton !ron 14 Mr. Gerard mU!'1entha.\ 12

Mrs . 1. A..."ns 19 Mr. Peter IDumc:lthal 12

1Ir. 8l1li Boeker A

II lira. S ... Bocl::e:- A

Mr. Zev &r:lSh 20 1Ir. IIaE Borgenich' ~ 18

Mrs. Zev Barash 20 Mr. Max Bor1 tzer 10

Mr. Harry Bauer 10 Mrs. Max Be!"i t::;er 10

Mr.. Harry Bauer 10 Yr. Irving a,xon~aum 20

Dr. Yehude. Bauer 12 Mrs. Irving Box?nb8UID 20

Mr. Ze. Baumgold 21 Mr. IIaE Braude 11

Hon . David Ben-Gurion • Dais Mrs. Max Braude 11

Mrs. David Ben-Gurion Dais Rabbi Isadore Bre.leu Dei.

Miss J'Ull1et Benj em1n 15 Mrs. Isadore Bresleu :3

Mr. CherI.. J. Bensley Dais Miss Hannah Brlma.t 21

Mrs. Cherles J. Ben.ley 4 Mr. Herold II. Bruskin 6

P.abbi Dr. Bernard Bergnsn 16 Mrs. Herold II. Bruskin 6

Mrs. Bernard Bergnsn 16

~t!' • Paul Bernick 11 Q

M:-. Henry C. Bernstein 2 Mr. Herold W_ Carme1y 13

Mr. Irving Bernstein 4 Mr. ZeUg Chini t. 21

Mrs. Irving Bernstein 4 Mrs . Joseph L. Cohen 5 - 2 -

Tab1e Table

Canto:r sumner A. Crocket 21 Mr. Mendel N. Fisher 14

Mrs . Sumner A. Crocket 21 Mr . Julius Fox 19

Mr. Millard CUI!IIlins 1 Mr . louis J. Fox Dais

Mrs. Millard CUI!IIlins 1 Dr. Min ... Freund 15

Mr . Harold Friedman 7 !l Mrs. Harold Friedman 7 Mr. Irving Dio1anan 12 Mr. Harry II . Friedman 7

Mrs. Irving Dio1anan 12 Mr. . Harry M. Friedman 7

Mr . Herbert A. Friedman Dais

11l Mrs . Herbert A. E'r1eanan 4 Dr. Sidney M. Edelstein 9

Mrs. Sidney M. Edelstein 9 Q

Rabbi Ira Eisenstein Dais Mr. louis lI. Gareliok 6

Mrs . Ira Eisenstein 2 Mrs . louis 17. Gorelick 6

Mr . Leon Cermanow 2 r Mrs . Leon Germanow 2 Mr. louis A. Fall< 22 Mr. James H. Gattan 18

Mrs . louis A. Fall< 22 Mrs . James H. Geffen 18

Mr. Abraham Feinberg Dais Mi •• Hannah L. Goldberg 15

Mr. Jacob Feldman 10 Mr. Jack A. Goldfarb 7

Mrs. Jacob Feldman 10 lira. Jack A. Goldfarb 7

Mr. !.baes Feldman 10 Mr. Paul L. Golanan 19

Mrs. ~8eB Feldman 10 Mr . Relph I. Goldman 5

Mr. Gabriel Feigenbaum 16 Mrs . Relph I. Goldman 5

Mrs. Gabriel Feigenbaum 16 Mr. Herbert Goldstein 6

Mrs . Abraham Feinberg 3 Mrs. Herbert Goldstein 6

Mr. Max M. Fisher DaiS Rabbi David Goloveooky 17 - 3 - Table ,r Table

Mrs. DRv1d 1. Gal.ovenal:y 17 Mr. Gaynor I. JanooscD 7

Rabbi Ha..""Old H~ Gordon 17 Mrs. Gaynor L Jaco';:)son 7

Dr. Richard Gould 10 Mrs. MOrtimer Jacobson Dels

Mrs. Rieberd Gould 10 Mr. Lee Javitch 9

Mr. Josep~ W. Greenleaf 13 Mrs. Lee Jav! tch 9

Mr. Nahum au ttman 20 Mr. Charles H. Jord!!%l 12

Mrs. Nahum G'J.ttm911 20 Mrs. Charles H. Jorden 12

!! ~ Mrs. Samuel Raber 12 Mr. Israel KaJ.ish 19

Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin Daie Mrs. Israel Kalis:!:. 19

Mr . Scmua.l W. IIe1pr1n 3 Mr. Joseph R. ~~O~ Dais

M::. Ben I!a:ltt 21 1Ir. M.z:.."Tay Ka:;s 12

Ambassador Av:8bem Heman Dais Mrs. Murray '3;18-9 12

Mr. Marrill L. Hsssenfeld 4 Mrs. Alic.e Katz 15

Mrs. Merrill 1. Hassenfeld i 4 Mr. Lebel A. Katz Dais

Mr. Yehuda Hellman 17 Rabbi Js;y Keu£msn "" Mr. I. L.. K~en 17 1 Rabbi /.I>rdecai Kirshb1utl 16 Mr. Itzhalt !len :; Mrs. Mordecai Kirs!'.1IIl 16

Mrs. Itzha..1t lIen 5 Mr. Jerome norfein Z

Mr. Leon nutov1ch 13 Guest of Mr .. norf'ein z

Col. Elchanan Ishai 5 Ml-. Milton Kramer 9

Mr. Carlos L. Isrsals Dais Mrs. Milton Kramer 9

))£8. Carloa L. Israels 2 Mr. Harry B. Kroll 6

Mrs. Harry B. Kroll 6 - 4 - k Table M Table Mr. David Lang 22 Mr. Nathan Maidenbaum 16

Mr. Mel Lavitt 1 Mrs. Nathan Maidenbaum 16

Mr •• Sidney Leff 19 Mr. D. Beryl Manischew1 tz 11.

Mr. Jack Lefkowitz 13 Dr. Samuel Margosbe. 14

Dr. DavidLehl'lllan 1 Mrs. SBIDlel Margoshes 14

Mr •• David Lehl'lllan 1 Miss Catha Maslow 18

Rabbi Irving Lehrman Dais Mr. Will Maslo\7 18

~. Aaron Leifer Dais Mrs. Will Maslow 18

Miss Dorothy S. Levine 13 Mr. Josepl: U. M&ier 2

Dr. Harris J. Levine 13 Mrs. Josep!J. M. Mazer 2

Mr. Noxman G. Levine 13 Mrs. Regina lled.ini 3

!C. SalDJel Levitsky 15 Rabbi Israel Miller Dais

M!-s. SBmleJ. Levi t"sky 15 Mr. Isaie:. f! . Minkoff 17

Mr. R....- Levy 21 Mrs. Isai3!l M. Minkoff 17

Mr. Ben Zion Leucbter 8 Mr. Yaalrov Morris 20

Mrs. Ben Zion Leuchter 8 Mrs. Yaskov Morris 20 Mr. Joel Leuchter • 8 Mr. Earl Mlrse 7 Mrs. Joel Leuchter 8 Mr. Emanuel Muravchik 19

Mr. Eleazar Lipsky 22

Mrs. Eleazar Lipsky 22 Ii Mr. David M. Litwin 8 Rabbi Ludwig Nadelmanll 18

Mrs. David M. Litwin 8 Mrs. Ludwig Nadelmanll 18

Mr. David lowentbel 3 Mr. Charles M. Nelson 1

Mrs. Edward Lustexman 15 Mrs. Char:'.es M. Nelson 1

Dr. Emanuel NeumaDll Dais

Mrs. Emanuel Neumann 2

Mr. Neil J. Norry 1 - 5 -

Table Table l'ol'YC Policeman 5 Mr. Abram Sal.omoD 14

NYC Policeman 21 Mrs . High Sa.1peter 15

Mr. Lawrence Schacht 4

P Rabbi Herschel Schecter Dais

Mr. R..,mond M. Patt 13 Mr. Michey Schaenen 10

Mr. Bruce Paul 1 Mrs . Michey Schaenen 10

Dr. Joachim Prinz Dais Mr. Abrahan Schenker A

Mrs. Abrabem Schecker A

Ii Mr. Matthew Scboenwal d 11

Mr. Berma':} Z. Qui ttman 13 Mr. A. P. Schoolman 18

Mrs. A. P. Schoolm~ 18

!l. Dr. Joseph J.o S~hwa.'!:'tz Dais

Mr. Adolf C. Robison 8 Mrs . Joseph J. Schw3-~z 21

Mrs . Adolf C. Robison 8 Mrs . Mlrrls Schwanz 19

Mr. Saul Rosen 8 Mr. Nat T. Sedley 6

Mrs. Saul Rosen 8 Mrs. Nat T. Sedley 6

Mr. Harold N. Rosenberg 9 Mr. Edward Shari' Dais

Mrs. Harold N. Rosenberg 9 Rabbi Philip Shnairson 14

Mrs. Max M. Rosenberg 11 Rabbi Henry Siegnan 17

Mr. Ahner Rosenfeld A Mrs. Henry Slegnan 17

Mr. Nathaniel S . Rothenberg 13 Judge Edward S. Silver 11

Mr. Edward Rubin 22 Mrs . Edward S.. 8i1ver 11

Mr. Leon Smith 6

§ Mrs. Leon Smi th 6

Mr. Paul Safro 13 Mr. Sanford Bolender 5

Dr . Maurice Sage 16 Mr. Moahe SoIIIllers 21

Mrs . Maurice Sage 16 Mr. !larry Steinberg 17 - 6 - Table ! Table

Mr. Israel Stolersky 20 Mr. Y. Weingarten A

Mrs. Isreel Stolereky 20 Rabbi Jacob J. Weinste1.n Dais

Mr. Phillip StollmeD 2 Mr. Gerard lIe.lll8tock 7

Mr. Dewey D. Stone Dais Dr. Sol Weintraub 22

Mrs. Dewey D. Stone 3 Mrs. Sol Weintraub 22

Mr. Leonard R. Strelit. 9 Mr. Herman L. Weisman Dais

Mrs. Leonard R. Strelitz 9 Mrs. Herman L. Weisman 2

Mr. Kelman SUlt8Z1i.k 22 Mr. loUis Wei t. 19

Mrs. KG'me n SUl tenik 22 Dr. William A. Wexler Dais

Miss .Merie Syrkin 20 ;. 1 Mr. Nisssn Zeit 3 Mr. Jacques Torczyner Dais Judge Jacob T. ZUckennsn 19

Mr. Isaac Toubin 14 Mr. Jecquee Zwibsk 11

Mrs. Isaac !l'oub1D. 14 Mr. Yehuda Tyberg 19 /i l- • !i. -K Mrs. Isreel Usdsn 15 y

Mr. Edward Vajda 5

Mrs. Edward Vajda 5 ..

Mr. Paal. L. Golclaaa •••tl. Secretary 111' ••Uli .. "bel", Preatdellt Acbd.Q'C: A,yoda-Poele Eiaa Mori.... Oft hde1'oU ... 305 B.road.wy - aoc. 810 au Put:: A...... We. York ... Ton. 10007 w•• r~ .•. Y. 10003

.... _11 II. _ P ...._t Rabbi hrael II1ller. <2La1:Jwall. ,",-rtca-lar•• 1 a.. t,l' at C RCA Mon..... Zt_.t CoaDeU and lDduatry all Pan. ...a._ 250 ...t 17tk 8t. II.., York. II. Y. loaD W•• York R.Y. 10019

Mr. AYJ"ataaa 8qbeDkel" •••,1. Chlilraa Mr. ! •••c 8tarD P,..atdellt A.el"Icaa. tor 'rocreaat98 Iarael - ~rlc.-J.ra.l Cultural ~oUDdatlon ".b~r ..t ••ir " 5.1:b at. 110 rtft" A... - _ 700 Wew York • . Y. 10022 II.., YorI<. II.Y. 10011

bbbi 1 ••doN a,...l.. , Preelc1n.t: Dl'. 911lt._ 1IMU1er. Pnddea.t Mori_ AuoohtlOD tor J-U" • _1 .·rin -.racatl00 1 __ Ialalld A.... II.Y. 101 ruth AftDae YaH1qt_. D.C. 20038 II.,. York. II. Y. 10003

.... __• Pft.~_t • u1 11011 80 ...t a7t" 8t • .... York. II. Y. 10019

Dr. Jacob ..lutein. Pftaident Mr. Morrte B. Abraa. Pftaldellt Celltral Coaf.... a.ce of "-1'10_ Rabbi_ ....ricH .lewt.1l ec-s.tt_ 710 Mldi.OIl Ave • l.a _.. t aeth St • ... Yort. B.Y. 10021 ••• York ••. Y. 10012

Dr. Joaobb! Pr1Da, Cbai-zsaa Dr. ArtbuJo Le17ftld. P,...ldn.t CroarP'eD~ at Pnatclea:t. of "jor "'rlcan .lett'U1l OrpnlsaU... "-r1cu Jewtab eoapw•• 8U Pan A__ 15 kat Nt.. 8t. h. Ton, •. Y. 10021 Mae Yorio. B. Y. lOOlZ

1Ir. Lout. Brotdo, aaal~ Ib'. Loal. J. :ra, ~t.Dt &.ori..... J ...hh .fo1l1t Di.tr1hut1011 CouIlcU at J-u" _ ..~t ..... c.-tttae uul "Ua.. ruu. 3U Pan A.... __ t.h 80 ...t 42IuI St. Ra .. York ••. Y. 10017 Ra .. Yon:. II. Y. 10010

Louis A. Falk, Vice-Chairman 1Ir. r ?T4DL7"'PT7~irf" 111'. S. BOIlcllek, Pretident Aaerlc~ 3.91._ teaeue for l.rae1 :r.rband 30 ••• t .and Bt. 878 A...... at the Mori"" Be .. Yort. B.Y. 10017 ••• York _.T. · ~ - 2 -

1Ir. _ 001_. Cllal_ ..., ...... u. C UF _a._. _MI7_11 "'1'_••. 1'.1_ 11_'_". ... Yol'll ••. Y. 10018 Dr • .,_ Pl1e1a. _1_. 1Ila.-.. hrltll "" _rl_ .... ,,~ Willa •••U. _1_. 110 _. l'tIl It. ..U. C :11 "" _ ... _ ... 1'_••. Y. 10011 oaa .Tt" It . ... 1'__t .•. 1'.1__ .... _1 __ .Cllal_ .left... fa .,., - Meri._ leoti. III _A__ 111'. ..UIaa . 5 atela, hNu..t "'1'_••. 1'.1_ ••U. C -11 "" 1'_ Iuaa1 3 _. 1 .... It• ... 1'_ •• 1'. 10011 1Ir._ .•Adol Labor_t_...... 1 •••: • ., e , ....t _ .... 1Ir. ~1 .t...... U. _I_t "'1'_ •• 1'. 1_1 _1.. S 71- t ... _. CIIlt_ Ill_A. ...• ... 1'_.•. 1' ._0 1Ir ..._ L ...~. _. "nta ••• Ueaal p.- a ...t .... It. 1Ir. Loou1. ltora. _1_t ... YOI'll ••. 1'. 100II .,tf.e! ~ ... • 11.,.. 80ud 1 __ a_ It. _1'_••. 1'.1_ .....1 In "_tata. _l_t .lewU1l _. t: euttaaiet.o 1e's.. 11 _t .... It. .... __••• U. _1_. ._ 1'_.•• 1'. 1-.. "_1'-h_t _ It. _ Yoi'll. 17.1'. 1Ir. ..lpSa PI"".,. P.... l_t _ •••ar Yata_ "" tlla U.I.A. 1na ...... U .. A...... 1 ... 0 toe, • ...... -. D.C._ ~ ~tll; 1_1 "" _ 1~_t _It. .... Yoi'll. 17.1'. 1_ 1Ir• ., "bo. _1_t LDor st..t.t Oi. at utt_ of _rioa -PooJ.a 8lGa lallbi Dt A•• ) .t ...... t .., 100 Pal'll Aw. _. ....t.t .., *, 91, "'1'_••. 1'. 1_ 1010 .I'Dlh., .... 1'_••. 1'.

lira. Aoroo LaU.r••• U. _ldaat 171 ___'. Oopa1oaU_ _1 Paul La_to _1_t au PaI'llAw ..... __eel C t 1 "" _ri_ ... 1'_.•. 1'. 1_ M PUt. A...... 1'_.•. 1'. 10011 1Ir. "-'" lUl_rw _l_t .nl. __ tar .... 1_1 aa ...t ,Tt .... ""1'-••. 1'. ~ .... ) - 3 -

111'. 8 __1 Spar, bee. Vlce-hea!.dent 1Ir. -.. •••.•_ ..... P1'en_. "ltctou. ZlOD1at. at "'rica 'DDt'ted "'.n.h Appeal at OJ"eater _. Y. aoo ...... 4... a""tIl JI20 .... 51.10 ...... fon; ••• t. 10003 ••• York, •. Y. 10019

1Ir. Ab_ hlDM... P1'e01.... 1Ir. _.., •• Rapaport ...... o1dea. State of Iu'.. l BoIHI OrpJd..u:UOD 11111_ SJl1&_ of _lco 2lJS I'oartll Ana_ 30808..... _7 II.. ton;. II. Y. II... York, •• Y. 100II fla!:f;i, 1Ie_:l. CoMa. Preo1_' lira. Jack Stan, P ....l.nt BJI1&K_ COWlcU of .\arica'. Leacue top Ierael 23& ruth A"Il. 18808_., lie. YOJ'k, II. Y. 10018 .... York II. Y. 10013

1Ir ...... Eop1"" _ 8ec:nta.., lin. "",riae eaa.a. Pre.idea.t Tbo Ihee _ of 10.. 1 ~ • OIWMlutloa tJII. &.poel "wi Knobi 247 .... 93ft B...... M .... lnbJl...... Yon, K. T. 100:II "w ton; •• f 100CD

1Ir. :l°1:Gf-.r:!:.~.1~~ j 7 at 1Ir. k. 'I'u: .....r Prea1deDt 1101 ... of Crtllod.. :1..... 10 c..acr.caH.... Zl...... OopaiCOUOD of .\arico of A.rlca ua loot 3l11ld 8 •. ... Fifth .Yell ...... Ton; ••. f. l00Ur ..... Yorit. II. Y. 10011

111". .I_cob Go t a", Cba8:raaa. Dr. llaartoe BiMDctrattt, Preaidu:t VawJ'lUla .ludu.n aatul101U1, IJIl10R of .\arico.. "10.... Coqro.. U ... 870 ...... 10 4ve. 838 I'l:ftb A".u_ II... Tork, •• Y. 10018 !law York. II.Y. 10021

1Ir. 110m!, I. au.-tel... P.... l_. United. Bl.. Ben-ioa 200 Pan. Awnae Soutk !law yon; ••• f. 10009

1Ir. Dowol' D. .._. PrNlde... tIDt'ted 1 .....1 Appeel, IDe. na Pork "Yea ...... forit. II.Y. 10022

.... lID: II. fl._her o.aeral aa.alzwan Unit.. hn... Appeal 1280 4".. of .100 .\arlc.. !law yon;. II. T. 10019

ZC/l. (2/13/87) •


(Figures represent estimated attendance)

Late afternoon - Arrival in Ne. York

otficial welcome at JPK Airport's International synagogue Assembly Hall - including pre•• conference (300) ZC,AF,BB,RL,DHW

mt:RSDAY. IIARCB 2 11:00-12:00 Noon -Intervie' with editors re ZC.BIII of Dew BeD-Gurion book-Groaaman PUb. at Plaza Botel (50-70)

~2'Q9 JltH5h bwleh: ..,i~" Jue" BUy.hill U PieLa (1"eatathe)

':00-5:30 PII Tea at twentieth Century Pund-41 E. 10 St. (20) RIG Boata: August Heckacber • Prot. Ernat D. Bergaann

7:00 PM Dinner .eating-IEF Advi80ry Board and lEV RlG,SHA prospects-E•• ex House (ColoDnades) - (150)

9:30-10:,jO All ....ting witb Gov,Nel.oa A..Rocketeller-Plau HCB.ZC

Barly PM Depart for 1Uaa1-Iarael Bonda procraa RIG

Reception and Prea •• Coaf. at 1l1aai Airport RIG,RL Auspicea-Iarael Bonds (250)

5:00 PM I.rael Bond Baeeption at Fontainebleau RIG,RL

7:00 PM Private dinner .itb Bond leadership at Hotel RIG.RL

SATURI:l.\Y I MARCH 4 9:00-11:30 All RIG

PII Tta. reaerved for Iarael Bonde RIG

6:30 PM Banquet-lara. I Bonds- Fontainebleau Rotel RIG,RL Bal1roo. - (BLACK TIE) (1.000)

All Tiae reserved for Israel Bonda RIG

12: JO PM Preparation at NBC-TV StudiO RIG.RL 1:00 PII Appearance on ....Meet - the Pres. "

Early afternoon Depart Ml ••i for Philadelpbia RIG

lAte afternoon Welcome at Pbiladelpbia Airport (250) AP. PI!C

8:30 PI( Combined .eating wlth student. and faculties of Drops!e and Gratz OOll~e. at Gratz College Auditori\Dll (500) ZC.AF

MONDAY, MARCH 6 (CBS TV Station WCAU,Phil.,) 9;00-10:15 All Taping of TV program 'U.p Unto lIy Feet' RL

lO:4S-I:45 PM Time reserved for campaign appt •• ,IFF appts., and visits to booksbope RIG,KP,PBC

2:00 PII Placing of wreath at lIeaorial to Six ~11ion(500+) ZC,AF 3-3:JO PM Reception at City Ball (300) AF 7:00 PII Banquet-Allied Je.ish Appeal lIP Warwick Hotel Ballraa.- (400)

Depart Philadelphia for loa Angeles AP (.ore ••• ) Schedule Dav1d Ben-GUrion - 2 - Shff ReSp.

Early PM Welcome at Los Angeles Airport, incl.Press Cont.(250) EWM,RL 6:00 PM Meeting w!th KAUAlrAaer. Vet. of Israel War ot Independence- Beverly-Hilton Hotel (50-75) EWM.RlG Evening Rest

WEIlfESDAY, IIARCB 8 9:3G-ll :30 All Tt.e reserved for lEY aDd cupaign appts. RIG,EWK 12 Noon (Hillel) (1500) ZC,E1I'II

1 :JO PM Luncbeon with UCLA faculty (30-35) ZC,E1I'II 6:00 PM Reception and Banquet-Beverly-Hilton Botel (1,000) Bal1ro01D. - United JewiSh Welfare Fund (BLACK TIE)

THtJRSDAY, KARCH 3 9:00 AM Reserved for individual appoint_nte EWII,RIO

11:00 AM TV taping w/Nonun Corwin- at Beverly-Hilton E1I'II, RL

12:00 NOOn Young Leadership IAmcbeon at Severy-Hilton (150) E'WIl

4-5; 00 PII Address betore Hebrew-apeakiD&' group at Botel (150) E1III (suap.Bureau of J ..iah Education) 6-7:30 PII Dinner ./Victor Carter. aelected leadera (10-15) BWM 8:00 PM Rally -Hollywood PIIUacl1u.-t1Dited Je.... l.7\lDd (2500) EWII

IDS MOBLES-CHICAGO - InIGIIB8S-PIat IIOIBL FRIMY, MARCIl 10 All »es-rt Loa Ancelea for Chicago E1I'II

Early PM 1I'el~ at Airport anel Motorcade to City &all Hili wI Mayor Richarel J. Olley (250)

3:45-4:15 PI( Prea • . COnf. in the "'yor'. ~ .t City Ball RL 4:15-5:00 PM Civic Receptiou ta the City Council Cballbers HDB 5:30-7:00 PII Re.' Evening Reserved for pri•• te appointments

SATURllAJ', MARaI 11 9:30-11:30 AM sabbath Servicea at Loop Syna,ocue (600) ZC 12-2: ..1 0 PM Tille reserved for IBF and c ..paien appta. RIG, SBA, MP 2:30-5:00 PM Reat

6:00-6:30 PII Reserved for RutTing a tew top leaders lIP in private au1te 7:40 PII Banquet-Je.iah welfare Fund congress-Pick Hotel Ballroo. (750) lIP

9:30-l0:4~ All Meeting with students and faculty at Chicago Circle campua (1,000) ZC,Bm

11-7:00 PI( Conference-World Jewish Bible Society Foundation at Bouae ZC,8D8 Evening Depart Chicago for New York RIG (Note: In the event of inclement ..ather. train reservations .ill be available departing in the afterDOOn and arr1vtDg New Yo rk Monday IIOrning.)

II)HDAY J IIAROI 13 9:l~-1l:00 All Keeting .ith students and faculty of Hebrew union College-Jewiah last. of RellC10n ZC-AY 40 West 68th street (500) 11:30-2:00 PII Reserved for IBP donors RIG-SO 4-5:30 PM Tea ../Mayor John V. Lindaay at Grace Mansion (20) ZC-AY

7:00 HI Banquet- UJA of Greater New York (1500) HCB-1DlB at Hotel Americana Ballroom (IDOre ••• ) Sc:hedule- David Ben-Gurion - 3 - Staff Resp.

HB1f' YORK - PLAZA HOTEL TUESDAY, MARCH 14 8:00 All 1£,» Plau (10)

10-12:00 Noon Meeting with Had&soah leaders (1200) ZC,HDB Leon Lowenstein Aud.-Teaple Emanu-Bl

l2:JO-2:30 PII Luncheon Farband leaders (Segal Bduc.Center) ZC-AF at Hotel Plaza (200)

4:15-6:15 PM Meeting With leade~h1p of American ae~sh Co..tttee - Hotel Plaza (50) 1£-JiOO

6:30 I'll Banquet-"Publ1c COImIittee tor the celebration ZC, RL, of the 80th Birthday of David Ben-Gurion 11 HDB,AP,PSC Botel Pierre (400) BB

WBIlfESD&Y, IIARal 15 9:15-11:00 All Meeting w1th atudents and faculty of (500) 1£,'" Jewieh Tbeolorical Seainary -Ba., .• 122Dd St.

11:30-12:15 PM Meeting with Bistadrut ca.~lrn Leader8bip at 33 laat 67th Street (50) 1£,m:e

12:15-2:00 PM Luncbeon-Aaerican 7rienda of Tel-Avtv UDiv. Botel Plaza (100) 1£,»

3:00-4:00 I'll Lecture at Yeahiva Ubiv. students and faculty AMterdea and 186 St. (1500) 1£,Hm!

4:00-4:45 JIll 1£,HIB

6:15 I'll Private di.naer at WYU-Presldent'. suite Hoata: AIle II. C8rtter,Chancellorj Jamea M. 1£,AF Beater, Preatdent

8:00 PJI Lecture- 1fY1J LaW Scbrtol AuditoriUII (Prof.Katsh)(400) ZC,AF

TIR1RSDA.Y, MABat 16 8:30-10:15 All Breufast 8eetll'lg With Tarbuth Hoat: Dr. E. NeUMDD at Plaza Botel (100) ZC,AF

10:15-12 Noon SUrbce travel to PrlncetOil Dli vereity AF

12:15-1:00 PM Luncheon-Woodrow Wileon SCbool of Public (15) 1£ Affairs, Princeton tl11 v. Boat: Dean Karver Bernstein

1:00-2:00 PM Lecture at Woodrow .11.00 School (200) 1£

2:30-4:30 PM Surface tnvel Princeton to Mew York All 5:15-6:00 I'll Meetlnc with Bible Contest winners •• Jewiah Agency- 51~ park Ave.So. (300) 1£,AF

7:1~ PI( Ballquet with B'nal 8'rith Leadership 1£,AF at Hotel Biltmore (500)


PM Visit to Brandeis University ZC,HIB RL,RIG

All ViSit to Brandeie Ubiversity ZC,1IUI R.BIG 5:00 PI( Reception and Banquet-Statler-BUton Hotel lIP Bal1rooa- eo.bined Jewish Philanthropies (1,000) (BLACK TIE)

(more ••• ) -

Schedule - David Ben-Gurion - 4 - Staff Reap.


9:30 All Meeting with students at Bostoa Hebrew Teachers COllege, incl. Jewish students and faculty of MIT. Harvard Unlv. , BoatoD UDlv. (addres. 1D Hebrew) - (500) ZC,IIDB

Barly PM Depart Boetoa for IIOfttreal

Bvening Ierael Bond a.lly at QUeen Elizabeth Hotel (2500) zc

.:amAY t IIARCH 20 Side Trip to ottowa for ..till, with Minister of Fore1cn Affairs

Return to Montreal

8:00 HI CaUd.1an .Jewiah CoDere" Ban, zc at Queen nl_betb Botel

'J'OB8o.\Y, JL\RCII 21 All n.pert IIoDtreal for 'lbroato zc ill tae for LuDcbeoo- 11.1'\ of Toroato

I'll zc

hdb:bd , Pl.Alli kffl/1l!fI'1 CO},"PIDElfTIAL FINAL SCHEDULE #1 - VISIT OF HON. DAVID BBN-GtJRION TO 'mE UNITED STATES IIAacH 1 to IIARCH 20, 1967 1/31/61

HBW YORK - PlAZA HOTEL Staff WEUlillSDAY. nARCB 1 RespcoDibl11ty Late afternooD- arrival in New York I:W

Offica! Welcome at JFK Airport'. Int'l. Synagogue - including pres. eonference BIiJ- BH- ZC

11IURSDAY. W.RCH 2 AM or early PM Appt. w1th Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller HCB (being arranged by Samuel aausmaD • Ben~y Bernstein)

2-4:00 PM Rest

4-5:30 PM Tea at TWentietb Century Fund RIG Hosts: Au,,"Ol Beckscber and Prot. Ernst D. sergaann

1:00 PI( Dinner with IBF Advisory Board RIG at PUu Hotel


Barl, PI( Depart for Ilia.!

Receptioa .t lI1aai Airport Auaplces Israel .8QDd8 -Dr. Schwartz

SATURDAY, IIARC8 4 All JEF appolot.ents RIG

PII Isnel Bonds progr•• HDB

6:30 PI( Israel Bonde' cont. at Fontainebleau


12:30 PI( studio preparatlon-KBC TV BL - • 1:00 PI( Appearance on .....eet tbe Preas ..

PI( Depart Miaa1 for Philadelphia Welcoainc Ca.m1ttee at Phila. Airport

8;.JO PM Comb1ned Meetlua with students and faculties of Dropsle and Gratz Colleges zc

IIOHDA.Y, KARCH 6 10-11:30 AM iiplce iGJC !'If "lSauea • Ana.en" (tent)

12-1:30 PM IEF appts. (or Visit to BoOk Shops) RIG

2:00 PM Laying of wreath at MClDOrial to Six Millton zc

3-3:30 PM Reception at City Hall zc

7;00 PM ~nner- Pederation of Jewiah Agencies at Hotel warwlek lIP

LOS AIIGBLBS- BB"lBBLY-BIt.'roR IIOTBL TtlESDAY, IIARCR 7 AM Depart Philadelphia for Loa Angeles Welco.e at Airport, including Press Conference BB

6:CO PM Meeting with ~ ADer.Veteran8 of Israel War at Independence (arranged by eonsul Caapi (held at Beverly-Hilton Hotel) Evening- Rest (continued) - 1 Schedule - Ben-Gurion - 2- Staff (CODt) Responsibility

9:.10-11:30 All IEF appolnt.anta RIG

12 Noon M8etina at UCLA Ca.pua (Hillel) zc- EWII

1:30 PM Luncheon with UCLA faculty zc- BWII

6,00 PM Reception-United Jewish Welfare Fund

7:00 ~II S.nquet-Unlted ~e.18b Welfare Fund at Beverly-Bl1toa Hotel

'I'IRJRSDA. Y I IIIABCB 9 9:00 All IBP b~.kt•• t with • few leaders R;:G

11:00 All TV tapinc w/lfonaaD Corwtn at Beverly-Bilton Hotel (Blaine Att!•• ) BWII

12 !fenn YOUDI leadership Ltmcheon ED

Addres. before He brew-speaking group BWII

7:00 PM Private dinner at belle of Victor Carter ED

CBlCAOO - CQRGI!ES8-PICK IKn'EL PRIMY, IIARC8 1 0 All Dtpert Loa Angel •• for Chic.CO BWII

..leca1DI o:-tttH at Airport and IIotorcade to C1 ty Ball __/Mayor Daley BIB

9:00 .. Prl.. te ...tlae with Chic.CO l ••ders at CODeN.a - Pl ck Bote1 lIP

SATtJRIlI\y, KARCH 11 10:30 All zc 2-4;00 PM Private .eetlng with individual. re lEP RIG

6:00-6:45 PI( a ..l1 reception for top l •• ders In private 8ul~e MP

CBlCAOO AIIIl !lEW JroRJ[ - PLAZA HOTEL Sttm.\Y, IIARCH 12 9:JO-I0:45 AM MeetiDg with student. and faculty at Chlcap eirele Caapu. zc

11-8 PM International Biblical SOCiety zc Eveninc- Depert Chicago for .e. York RIB (Rote: In the event of lncle.ent ..atber, train re.ervatiOllS wUl be avaUabla depertinc in the afternoon and arriving'" York MOnday ~rning.)

IIOIfDAY, KAKlB 13 9;15 All IIHt1Dc ,,1t1l atudenU and faculty of ZC Hebrew ~on Oollege~ewiah Inat. of Bel~gion

12-2 PM Luncheon with IEP donors RIG

4-5:30 PM Tea with Kayor Llnd8;ay-Graele Jlcioal0D ZC

7:00 PM Dlnner-W'A of Greater N.Y.-Americana HIm

T1JBSIlo\Y. IIARCII 14 10-12 All lleeting wi tb gada.aah 1ea~nh1p zc at plaza Rate) trw,l'!. YW~WII - FL 12:30-2:30 PM Luncheon with leadership of Verband and/or Histradut-P1au Botel (Tent) zc 4:15-6:15 PM Meetine with leadership of Amer. Jewish eo.-ittee at PIau Bote1 zc 7:30 PM Dinner with repres. of "PUblic ec-ittee" zc at Pierre Bote1 (cont) - ,

Schedule Ben-Gurion- 3- Staff Responsibility !lEW (cout)

9:15-11:15 AM Mtg. with students and faculty of Jewiah Theological Sea1nary zc

12-2:00 PM Luncheon wIth ~r.Frlenda of Tel-Aviv Ubiversity zc 3-5:00 PM .tg. with .tudents and faculty of Yeshiva University zc

8:00 PM lleetinc at NYU (Prot. X._tab) zc (addre. . in Hebrew)


10-12 JUg. with leren Tarbutb (arr.Dr.B. HewaanD) ZC Plaza 80tel Lunch B_ of Goe.~ Boucbek (40 B. 9th St.) (Tent) zc 7:00 PM DiD.Der wUb B oal B' r1 th Leadership ZC at Pierre

(Aec~tiODS at Brandeis university) IIARCII 17 All Des-rt Rew York for Bostoo

8~ndel. Ubl9&ralty Oral Ht.tory-arr. by Or. A~ s.cber zc

SATURDAJ', MABCB 18 Oral BUtory- BraDdel. OIIi"1"81t, zc

'"SUNDAy,. IIABCH 19 All -

1:00 "" lleettac ..1 tb students of Boetou Hebrew ZC COlle... aad Jewish atudents and faculties of JUT. Banard, ud BoatOD Volv. (Tentattve)

Evening Receptton- ao.ton Jewish Federation UP

T~ n ~t,. g,...... ~ "

1IOSTOII -1I:JIfTRIlAL IIOlf'DAY, KARCH 20 .All )Cenoedy ·lDItltute (teotlti") RIG

Early PM Depart Bo.tOll for IIODtre.l

Procra. iD JIootreal. arranged by CaoadiaD Jewish Coners8.

TUBSDAY,JIARCB 21 progna io )Iootreel arranged by canadiaD Jewish Conere••

WEmlBSDAY, KARCII 22 .... Depart JlaDtreal for Tel Aviv

Itinerary coordinated by Barry D. Biele

&m:bd · .

February 23. 1967

Invitation to David Ben-Gurion Birthday Dinner WBreh 14. To UJA Nat1oll8l cea:pe.1gn cabinet (OID1tt1n& l!xe<:ut1ve COam1ttee). Women'a Division cabinet and Youns Leadership Cabinet

It gives me pleasure to eztend this cordial invitation to you to attend a dinner in celebration o~ David Ben-Gurion's 80th birthday, to be beld Tuesday, March 14, 1967 at 6:30 P.M. at the Botel Pierre, J'ltth "venue and Glat Street, New York C1t,-.

The celebrat10n w111 be sponsored b,- the Fubl1c COIIm1ttee eetablished tor this purpose, comprising all the maJor Jewish organizations in New York City.

I am hapN to 1tiorm you that 1Ir. and 1Irs. Ben-Gurion w111 be with ua on this oC08sion. I hope that you will Join us in this historic tribute to one o~ the great Jewish leaders ot our time. Please ind1cate your acceptance OD the enclosed card. Cordially.

~I4a% • 71!her .-

Pebruary ~. 1967

Mr. Herbert A. Friedman

Zell~ Cblnltz


1. Tarmao - Ambassadors Barman and Arnon, HAP Dod Edward Ginsberg (Ginsberg to hand tlowura to Mr_. Ben-Gurion)

2. Pre». Conference 1n Uuseum Room at International Synagogue - BG on rai.ed platLorm flanked by Bara.n and GiD.bere (who will chair Pre•• CoDtereDce) • Benaley, HAP. Gin_bere. Ben-GurioD, Baraan, Arnon

3. Dalll List in_ide Jnternational SJllagogue Aa ••ably Halll

),Ir. and Urs. Ben-Gurian

Repreoantlng UJA:

Herbert A. Friedman Edward Ginsborg Charlae Ben.ley Jo!;oph Kantor

Representing GovernQent at Israol:

Ambassador Avrahnm Barman Con8ul General Ulohael Arnon

Representing New York City:

Commissioner John p. Palmer

Representing Now York Stato: , ' Stewart G. Anc1erson, Special Asaiatant to the Governor

• RepresentinG Port Authorityt

Austin J. TOb1n. Executive Director

Ropresenting International Synagogue and N.Y. Board at Rabblst

Rabbi Edward Sandrow. President NYDR Rabbi Harold GordOQ, Executive Director NYBR Rabbi Iarael Uowabowttz, Chaplain International Synagogue Charles B. Silver or 8ub.tltute tor Intemat10nal 8yna&,~ - 2 -


Pollowing tho Prese Conference, tir. and .ura. Ben-Gurion will be taken up to tho Daia.

A. Ed Ginsberg ~ll thon make his walco~lng romarka 1n beholt of Uax Fisher, the UJA, tho audience and the Public Com=dttee.

B. , Ginsborg will thon introduce tho mombora or tho Dais QDd call upon Rabbi Israel Wowshowltz, Chaplain at the International SynaflOgue

C. Ginsberg will thon colI upon Mr. Charloe Bensley to Ilroet Bou.-Gurlou 10. bobaU' of the Iarael Bclucatlon FUDd.

D. Glnuberg will thou Introduco Ben-Gurion Gud juet bo~oro BG bggtnD h1. atatODCnt ot welcomo, a 12 year old girl viII preaent Ia. and l1ra. Ben-GurioD With 110l/Qra ond a 12 yoar old boy Will f;l'eet Iir. and &Ira. 8en-Gurion witb a two lina atatemeat 111 Bebrow.

i. Stat... nt of welcome by Ben-Gurton.


. , March 14, 1967

Ambassador Michael Arnon, Israel Consul General to United States

Hon. & Mrs. David Ben-Gurion , former Prime Minister of Israel

Mr. Charles J . Bensley, PreSident, Israel Education FUnd, New York City

Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein, Chairman, American Israel Public Affairs Committee

Rabbi Isadore Breslau, PreSident, American Association for Jewish Education / Mr. Louis Broido, Chairman, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee / Mrs . Shragai cohen, PreSident, Women's organization of Rapoel Hamizrachl

Rabbi Ira Eisenstein, PreSident, Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation I

Mr. Abraham Feinberg, PreSident, State of Israel Bond Organization

Mr. Max M. Fisher, General Chairman United Jewish Appeal, Detroit

Mr. Louis J. Fox, PreSident, Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, Baltimore

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, Executive Vice-Chairman, United Jewish Appeal

Rabbi Harold Gordon, Executive Vice-PreSident, New York Board of Rabbis

Ambassador Avraham Harman, Israel Ambassador to the United States, Washington

Mr. Carlos L. Israels, PreSident, United HLas Service

Mrs. Mortimer Jacobson, National PreSident, Hadasash, WZOA

Mr. Joseph H. Kanter, National Chairman, United Jewish Appeal, Cincinnati

Mr . Label A. Katz, PreSident, National Foundation for Jewish CUlture, New Orleans

Rabbi Jay Kaufman, Executive Vice-PreSident, B'nai Brith, Washington

Mrs. Aaron Leifer, PreSident, Mizrachi Women's Organization

Rabbi Irving Lehrman, Chairman, United Jewish Appeal Rabbinical Advisory Council Rabbi, Temple Emanu-El, Miamd Beach

Rabbi Israel Miller, Chairman, American Zionist Council

Dr. Emanuel Neumann , Chairman, Jewish Agency American Section as of April 1.

Dr. Joachim Prinz. Chairman, Conference of Presidents of Major Amer. Jewish Organizations

Rabbi HersChel Schacter, Member of Presidium of Religious Zionists of America

Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, Executive Vice-President. State of Israel Bonds,

Mr . Edward Sharf, PreSident , B'nai Zion

Mr. Dewey D. Stone, PreSident, United Israel Appeal, Inc. .; 'Golftlnued ---- March 14, 1967

Mr. Jacques Torczyner, President, Zionist Organization of America

Rabbi Jacob J. Weinstein, President, Central Conference of American Rabbis

Mr . Herman L. Weisman, President, Jewish National Fund

(T) Henry C. Bernstein, Executive Vice-President, United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York

(T) SMIrUld S616IIder, 2XbCdEIO@ DiiOCeol t Vic@ h . d t, National Jewish Welfare Board ~u41 ~,~~ 11)1.,.. H N~1. 'S'K'IIIc.c..t 'B-G: THE I CROWDED DAYS

Mr. Da\'ld Ben-Garton hu ended hl, ('rQ"ded 'wo--week tour of the U.~. A corrMpond,.nt, Ebud Ye)o nay. gins IL 1.irtUf'C. of three typl. eal day" af IUr. Ben·Gurioo's stay in tile Vnlt(!d SI'atM. Mr. Damd: Bell-Gm;"" 11II/i tho MQ.~or 0/ Lilld-3uy. in the Ubml'7l 0/ Gracie Ma1l31on, f'('ridaflCC, an.m Mr. Ben-purlon'lI three. day visit W\() Lo~ Angel(1l1 Wal ~lvl'n llttle 1'!U~' lIelty alTlong the g'eneraJ. popu,latton, It had a. tremendous Impact all. the Jewitlb communlt.y. The !;Il'c5ident of the Jewhlh i'edernUon Council of Greoter Los AngcJel, VI<:tor M. Carlef, dcacribt-4 th& rcspolUlf'J oC the commun.lty as "uilprc­ cedent-·d." Mr, Brn-Gurion, who WiUI a gutllt fir the United Jewl.h Welfare FUnd, WU re­ ceivl'd by local Israeli and JeWish leadera, 81J well 0Jl hy 80 members or B'nd A'kl­ VB. who IIllng' "i{cvclnu Shalom Ale.Tchem" whrn h,. "rrlved at Lo:l Ang(!Jl:'s'port. Thn highlight of the Vil'llt wall .B"n­ GurIon'1\ nppearance a.t the University of C3l1fornla. In Loll Angelu, where •. MKl stllcl~ntl, Jew. and Don-Jewll, packed Ute Grand Ballroom to hear him speak, Hundreds ot people were turned 8w'f· Mr. BUl--Gurian '?Oke of the establish­ ment lJ.nd developmenl ar the State of'" l~ratl, I\'ncl wu gl.\'en a tremendous stand-_ lng aVILUan both before and niter hla speech. A trw .A rah .tudenlll attracted 80JM, I{nrll'feter, Yehosh\la Shtamper and Ze'ev attention outllirle the building by protest­ Dubnov. Ing Illtoinst Mr. Bcn-Gurion's visit. TI1ny It was at thJIi gn.thllrlnr; that. we })egn.ll displayed plo.Co.roH /laying: "B.G. Is H(t1nb to notiCe p,eoplll we h(ld Also "!len at the of lh~ Mlddlo ERlt," "The refugees wfult I\trport, tben at the U.O.L.A.; p\!ople we to ('.ome home,:' n'ld others. LoC(l.I J'ewioh wllr;,e to see durIng othu B.G. appearances. IItudel)ts carrleij out a "counter-dem."llstrll­ They bad been follOy.'lng him thl'(lughout tlon." bla vl.Blt, .listening to all his speecbCll. c.rowcllng'a.roy.n'd htm whenever they could, Correctinl' 'mietakes' I:!ringlng blm photograptui· ""4nd . books to be autographed. v,"hUe roep(lr~en' qucsUonJi during the Bp.n-Gudol:l carrIed out Jl hectto dally pr"'~!1 con1ennCtlIl revolved mostly round .t.hedule ot speechca, m.e.etlngll., apP9lnt­ world affairs, e.nd touched Israel only all menta, and ptess conference.. We could subjects wbleh have reacbed the tront not. notice. a trace. ot straLn as he went pagel receDtly, .tudentA· q'Uestionfl dlreet~cl about his rounds, received wltb the utmost at. Mr. Ben-Cllrlon revealed broad know­ courtesy and care whl'!l'tlVCr he went. ledge of !.ami'll and III pJ;oblems. On his fint day In Lo. Angeles B.G. Then there was the nlght when a crewll atte.nded a luncheon with n. grQUp of young ot 1,2M came to the Beverly Hilton Hotel Je.wlah leaders, with whom he dIscussed ;ip Loa Angelefl for the innugural dinner the meanlng of (I. Jew. of lM 1967 Unlle~ JewJab. Wcltar.! Fund campaJgn at which Mr. Bt:n-Gurlon was A few bours later he spolta to en the guest Of honour. A campaign leAder, audlence at nearly 2,000, all .Heb~w-Bpeak­ Mr. Albert .A.. $plegel, announced that lng and most Qf them American. "Yqu $2.2Gm. had ,already been raised. Mr. Spie­ mean you nIl speak Hebrew Even the gel pNl5ented Mr. Bcn-Gurion with a 17th women 1" quipped Bfin·Gurton. Determined C:1!Jl~u.ry volUme of the "Song ot Songs" to make: tllet meeUog 1IIto Il. dlaklg\lc, B.G. In several langus.gel'l, lImong them Latin. a.,'4ked the audience whether their know­ In hlft n.rt('r·dlnner speech, Mr, Ben-Gu· l(.ldge. of Hebrew cOns.tltutcs .. .(I./=n step rlon lirt O\lt to tl)rrect two "mteta\l:es,!' towa.rd "~endtDg" to When lever"l li'lr5t, he lIald thnt although he WRR 80, answered thll.t they must litny hore to th(o counting ot hIs "real nge" started tcaeh Hebre.w. 13.G. was fn.s~ 10 luggellt from ,thn day he cnme to Eretz lljrllel, 00 & deal: "You come to I&rael, and we will yt!Ol't ago. Rnd Hebrew t~lLcheru hero." The .",cond mllitake, ho ,aid. waJl made Mr. Ben·Gurlon concluded hla vialt to the by thOMl wh.o had att.rlbu~ed to him a mil.­ City of Angels with. a speech made at jar role in brlngfng Dbout the eltabl15h~ & Unlted Jewish Weltare Fund contribU­ meal of the State ot brae]. Six mtct!; could tor's meeting. Speaking to lin be described as having been rtllpDn8ible o~ 2,000 that trued thl! HollyWOOd Palla­ fot the c:~ttOD ot the Stale: Baron Ed­ dium. B.G, told the story of tho State ot mund de RotblChUd, Herd, Wclzmann., brael and ita ann)'. Tuesday, February 28, 1967

BEN-GURION LEAVING FOR U.E . TOMORROW; STATES AIMS OF HIS TRIP JERUSALEM, Feb. 27. (JTA) -- David Ben-Gurion, Israel's former Prime Minis­ ter, envisaged here today the expansion of the population in tbe Negev Desert to 2,000, 000 in the next 20 years, and said that advocacy of Negev development is the main reason for his forthcoming trip to the United States. Mr . Ben-Gurion discussed the plans for Negev development at a conference today with foreign correspondents here, who honored him prior to his departure, scheduled for Wednesday, for a tour of the United States, Canada and B r itain. Another of his principal aims during the tour, he declared, will be to urge an in­ cre ase in the,teaching of the Bible to the younger generations of Jews . He called the Bible "one of the main links among the Jews today, a link which will become even mOre import­ ant in the future . " The development of the Negev, he told the journalists, is "practically the key to Israelis future . " To accomplish that goal, he said, the Negev will need an increase in pio­ neering as well as "the most efficient tools of mode rn technology, both in industry and in agriculture. II l'If I had my choice, II stated the ex- Premier, "I would want every Jew immigrating to Israel to settle in the Negev. II Asked whether he thought many would do so, he replied: IIMaybe not many, but certainly some. II Mr. Ben-Gurion declared that on his three-week tour abroad, he will not confer with any national leaders in the countries he is to visit, and that he will refrain from dis­ cussing internal Israeli political affairs. In the United States, he is scheduled to deliver five major addresses under the sponsorship of the United Jewish Appeal and the UJA's Israel Education Fund, as well as before the Israel Bond conference to be held at N.''.iami Beach. Among the cities he will visit will be New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston and Philadelphia, as well as Miami. In Canada he will spend several days. During the trip, Mr. Ben-Gurian will also celebrate the' 50th anniversary of his marriage. He and the former Miss Paula Munweis were married in Brooklyn in 1917. Mr. Ben-Gurian recalled that the marriage was in the afternoon because, that morning, he was busy addressing a meeting of the in New York. Wednesday, March I, 1967

BEN-GURION ARRIVES IN U.S. TODAY; 400 JEWISH LEADERS TO WELCOME HIM NEW YORK. Feb. ZS. (JTA) -- More than 400 Jewish lay and religious leaders, representing SO national Jewish organizationl:S, will meet David Ben-Gurion. former Prime Wrinister of Israel, at Kennedy lnternational Airport upon his arrival here tomorrow for a three-week stay in the United States, where Jewish communities will celebrate his 80th birthday. The invitation to Mr. Ben-Gurion to come to the United States was extendeci by the United Jewish Appeal and the "Public Committee for the Celebration of the 80th Birthday of David Ben-Gurion" of which Max M . Fisher, general chairman of the UJA is also cbairman. Tbe Committee is composed of Jewish organizations representing every Shade of opinion in the Jewish community. Mr. Ben-Gurion will visit five major cities on behalf of the United Jewish AiJPeal's 1967 national campaign. They are Philadelphia. on March 6; Los Angeles, March 8; Chicago. March 11j New York, March 13; and Boston, March 19. He will also address the Israel Bond Organization's Annual Banquet at the Fontainebleu Hotel in Miami Beach, Fla., on March 4. In each of these cities, Mr. Ben-Gurion will also meet with Jewish leaders on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal's Israel Education Fund which is conducting a capital fund program to build and equip schools, libraries and youth centers in Israel. While here, Mr. Ben-Gurion will be the guest of COllege students and faculty mem­ bers at the follOwing institutions of higher learning: Hebrew Union College -- Jewish In­ stitute of Religion, Jewish Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University and New York Uni­ versity, in New York City; Dropsie and Gratz Colleges in Philadelphia; the B'nai B'rith

Hillel Foundations of the University of fouthern California and University of CaliforniaJ Los Angeles in Los Angeles; the University of illinois and other universities in the Chicago area; and in Boston, the Boston Hebrew College, Harvard University, Brandeis University and Boston University. In New York, Mr. Ben-Gurion will receive the Herbert H. Lehman Memorial Award for Distinguished Humanitarian Achievement at the Inaugural Dinner of the united Jewish Appeal at which Governor Nelson A . Rockefeller will be one of the principal speakers. The award was established by the United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York in the form of a bronze medallion. One of its previous recepients was Edward M. M . Warburg, l'Tew York UJA president. Thursday, March 2, 1967

BEN-GURION ARRIVES IN NEW YORK; THANKS U . S . PRESIDENTS FOR AID TO ISRAEL NEW YORK, March 1. (JTA) -- David Ben-Gurion, Israel's eldest statesman, a fOWlder of tbe State of Israel and its first Prime lv.i.inister, arrived here this evening for a three-week visit to the United States. He was full of confidence that Israel will achieve its principal aims of building a democracy that will contribute vitally to world peace and the intellectual, scientific and economic development of the entire Middle East region. The BO-year-old Israeli leader, hale and vigorous after a direct flight from Lydda Airport in Israel to the John F. Kennedy International Airport here, voiced first of all, upon his arrival, his and israelis gratitude to the four U. S. Presidents who have been in office since Israel was reborn in 1948. To Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, the late Mr. Kennedy and President Johnson he expressed bis "grateful appreciation for the help they have extended to us on behalf of the American people .. " "From tbe first," he stated, "Americans everywhere bave understood Israel' s democratic hopes and ambitions. Cn every level they have been our warm supporters and friends. II (On his departure this morning from Israel, Mr. Ben-Gurian said at the Lydda airport that during his stay in the United States he will speak l10nly on the past and the futurell and not on the present internal issues in Israel. ) As M...r . Ben-Gurion and his wife -- whom he married in Brooklyn exactly 50 years ago - - stepped off the £1 Al Israel Airlines plane that brought them here, they were greeted formally by a distinguished gathering representing officially the City of New York, the Israeli diplomatic corps in the United States, and the sponsor of the trip to America. the United Jewish Appeal. Included among the small g r oup on the airport's tamarc were Avraham Harman, Israel' s Ambassador to the United States; Edward Ginsberg, of Cleve­ land, associate general chairman of the UJA; New York City Commissioner Jobn F . Pal­ mer, representing Mayor Lindsay; Rabbi Herbert A . Friedman, executive vice-chairman of the UJAj and Mi chael Arnon, IsraePs Consul-General in New York.

From the field. the guests were taken in a caravan to the airport' 5 International Synagogue. There, an overflow assembly of 400 Jewish lay and religious leaders greeted them. Mr. Ben-Gurion submitted to interviews and photographs by a large corps of newsmen representing press, television and radio. In ceremonies at the synagogue. Mr. Ben-Gurian was greeted by Mr. GinSberg; Rabbi Israel Mowshovitz, chaplain and chair­ man of the board of the International Synagogue, and two 12-year-old girls who are students at Hebrew day schools in New York. The girls, Leslie Grossman and Merryl Hiat, greeted the guests in Hebrew, and presented flowers to both Mr. and Mrs. Ben-Gurion.

Urges U.S. Jews to Help Build Educational Institutions in Israel After paying homage to Presidents Truman. Eisenhower and Johnson, and the memory of President Kennedy, Mr. Ben-Gurion told the audience that packed the syna­ gogue about Israel's yeoman work over the years toward the llingathering of the exiles. " H e noted that Israel has admitted and is in the process of absorbing 1, 250, 000 immigrants I'from all corners of the world, more than half of them coming from backward lands -­ without skills, without knowledge of life in the 20th Century, and without education. " tlGiven the right kind of help, II he emphaSized. Ilthese newcomers and their children will become notable builders of Israel, as were our pioneers. II During his visit to the United States, Mr. Ben-Gurion will visit five major Americ­ an Jewish centers -- New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles and Boston -- on be­ half of the UJA and the UJA's Israel Education Fund. The UJA' s current campaign for $75,620, 000 will be devoted principally to welfare, health and rehabilitation programs. These programs, Mr. Ben-Gurion said, will speed the social and economic absorption of tbe Jewish immigrants now in Israel. He said he hoped, also, to spur the efforts of the Israel Education Fund for the builcllng of additional high schools, training centers and other educational institutions in Israel, ~esigned to close the lIeducational and intellectual gapll among the various communities in Israel .. Through these efforts, among others, he said, he believed IlIsrael can become an important nation and make its contribution to world peace." But such an aim, he added, can be realized Ilonly through the pursuit of excellence in education, science and intellectw activities. II Turning to his favorite, personal project -- the establishment of a high school and an institution of higher learning in Kibbutz Sde Boker. his home in Israel -- h e said he hoped IIwith the help of a great many friends and the UJAII to achieve that goal too. Mr. Ben-Gurion then discussed prospects for development of the Negev Desert, where Sde Boker is located. Three-fifths of Israel' 5 area, he noted, is in the Negev, IInow a derelict waste .. II "But with science. with people. and with pioneering spirit, we shall yet turn the desert into a flourishing garden and worksbop. II He had told the luess in Israel before his departure that he hoped the population in the Negev would rise to 2, 000, 000 in the next 20 years.

U. J . A . Leader Generous Response of American Jewry A pledge that the American Jewish c!Jrnmunity would respond generously to Mr. Ben-Gurion's appeal was voiced during the slnd.[c6u~ session by Mr. Ginsberg. He said American Jewry will work arduously toward carrying out lithe great social tasks that re­ main to be done in Israel -- the full absorption of all of Israel's immigrants; the greater advancement of education and science in Israel; the attainment of economic self-sufficiency and the peaceful conquest of the Negev. 11 Mr. Ginsberg noted that, on this occasion, he represented not only the UJA but al­ so 50 other national Jewish organizations that make up the Public Committee for the Cele­ bration of the 80th Birthday of David Ben-Gurion. These organizations and the UJA, "which, in its way, represents a majority of American Jews, II he said, IIspeak for almost the entire American Jewish community. 1\ After spending two days in New York -- during which period he will meet with Gov. Rockefeller, will be honored at several receptions and will be the guest of honor at a dinner tomorrow night to be given by the Israel Education Fund's advisory board, Mr. Ben-Guri. n will go to Miami Beach. There. Safurday night, he will address tbe annual dinner launChing the State of Israel bond campaign for 1967. His next stop, Sunday, will be in Philadelphia. While in the United States, Mr. Ben-Gurion will also meet with faculties and some students, including Israeli students, at the various universities in the cities he will visit. as well as at Princeton University. "

Friday, March 3, 1967

U. J . A . LEADERS PLEDGE BEN·GURION TO BUILD HIGH SCHOOL IN NEGEV NE:W YORK, March Z. (JTA) -- David Ben-Gurien, Israel's first Prime Ministe r of Israel who has retir ed to Sde Boker, in the Negev, and who came yesterday to the United States with a view to s timulating the int~'rest of American Jewry in the development of the Negev. was visibly moved tonight by an announcement made at a dinner tendered in his bonor by the Israel Education Fund of the United Jewisb Appeal that the Fund will build a higb school at the regional educational center in the Negev founded by Mr. Ben-Gurian. The announcement was made at the dinner by C h arles J. Ber.sley, president of the 7und. The ,planned high school will provide e:: continuing regional student base for the Negev institutions of special study and higher education, which include a teacher's seminary, an archaeological survey unit, a school of Negev field studies, a museum devoted to flora and fauna, and a library. It will be a dormitory school.. housing children from towns, villages and settlements scattered over the entire region, most of tbem from immigrant families originating in the Moslem countries of North Africa and Asia. Mr. Ben-Gurian, in his address at the dinner -- the first since his arrival in this country -- called the IEF decision on the Sde Boker higb school project Ilan act of faith and spirit. A desert area like the Negev can be conquered only by such acts, applied to the broadening and deepening of education for our immigrant Children, II he said. He stressed that most of Israel's natural resources have been discovered in the Negev, a barren region covering the southern two-thirds of the country, and that development of the Negev is con­ sidered essential to the country' s future industrial and commercial expansion. Joseph Meyerhoff of Baltimore, the Fund's chairman, presided at the dinner wbich was given a t the Essex House. Earlier in the day, Mr. Ben- Gurian was honored at a reception tendered to him at the Plaza Hotel on the occasion of the appearance here today of "Days of David Ben-GurioD. II a l60-page pictorial biography published by Grossman Publishers, Inc. The Israeli leader reminisced at the reception cn the years he spent in the United States where he married bis wife, Paula. Mr. and Mrs. Ben-Gurion will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their marriage in New York. JTA Daily News Blllletin -4- Mar ch 6, 1967

U.S. ORTHODOX RABBIS PLAN TO BUILD $25,000,000 INSTITUTE IN ISRAEL NEW YORK, March 5. (JTA) -- The Rabbinical Council of America, an organiza. tion of Orthodox rabbis, announced plans for the development of a $25, 000, 000 institute in Jerusalem for the advancement of Judaic studies. Under the plan. tbe Council stated. it will build the new institute near Mount Heral. providing facilities for the study of Jewish subjects as well as residential quarters for about 100 students. All of the students, the Council said, would be American rabbis or­ dained by Orthodox rabbinical seminaries in this country. The students would continue their studies at the Institute for a year before joining the active rabbinate in this country.

REFORM RABBIS BACK ORTHODOX SOLDIER ON REFUSAL TO SERVE IN ARMY WASHINGTON. March 5. (JTA) -- Rabbi Jacob Weinstein, president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, said today that he has started action to support the rights of Pvt. Robert Levy, an Orthodox Jewish soldier confined by the Army in a mental ward because he sought to conscientiously object to military service in Viet Nam on a basis of Jewish convictions. Army authorities said that U.S. Army chaplain Martin Feinsod. an Orthodox rabbi, agreed witb the decision to com mit Levy. They said the chaplain was the only clergyman granted visiting privileges and was seeking to bring Levy's religiOUS thinking into conform­ ity with Army requirements. Rabbi Weinstein challenged "the self-assumed right of an Orthodox chaplain to a r bitrarily rule out conscientious objection by a soldier of Jewish faith. II He indicated that steps were being taken to have a rabbi other then Chaplain Fein­ sod visit Madigan General Hospital, Tacoma. Wash. J to give Levy religious counsel in response to Levy's request. Reliable source8 in Seattle have revealed that Levy sought to pray and fast in a Seattle synagogue but was ejected on grounds that his presence might embarrass the con­ gregation. He was locked up in the Army psychiatric facility. an Army spokesman said, after Chaplain Feinsod told authorities he did not consider Levy's conscientious objection and fasting to be acceptable beh avior in the Orthodox interpretation. Pvt. Levy's attorney. William Hanson. meanwhile revealed that Dr. Arthur Kobler, a E'eattle psychologist in private practice, examined Levy immediately prior to the Army' s action against him. After a thorough examination, Dr. Kobler concluded that Levy was Ita thoroughly reasonable, serious, thoughtful young man possessed of sincere and deep relig­ ious convictions. " There was no evidence of psychosis.

MICHIGAN POLICE HUNTING FeR ARSONIST Wl-iO SET FffiE TO SYNAGOGUE TR ENTON, Mich., March 5. (JTA) - - Police authorities of this quiet residential town southWest of Detroit were still hunting today for an arsonist who had set fire last Wednesday night to Beth Israel Synagogue, causing damage estimated at tens of thousands of dollars. The fire was discovered in the evening, several hours after the building had been vacated by the last class of Jewish children attending the synagogue1s religiOUS school. There was no one in the building when the fire started. On a blackboard in one of the base­ ment classrooms. firemen found scrawled in yellow paint a swastika and the word "Juden. 11 Police Inspector Paul. Dechene said the fire was IIdefinite1y" the wOrk of an arsonist. a sick person. II Meanwhile, the congregation used yesterday the facilities of Faith Metho­ dist Church, where it had conducted its services until it erected its own synagogue three years ago.

MALAMUD WINS NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FOR NOVEL BASED ON BElLIS CASE N8W YORK, March 5. (JTA) -- B ernard Malamud, the American-Jewish author. was announced today the winner of the National Book Award in fiction for his latest novel. ti The Fixer, II a story based on the notorious Mendel Beilis ritual murder case of 1911 in Czarist Russia. The award, carrying with it a prize of $1,000, will be the second for Mr. Malamud. He received the National Book Award in 1950 for his collection of short stories, liThe Magic Barrel. II

The award is given annually by ~om mittee representing booksellers, publishers and manufacturers. A coveted prize, It ranks in this country on a level with the annual Fulitzer Prize. In the Beilis case, a Jewish brick-kiln worker in Kiev was falsely accused of murdering a Christian boy "for ritual purposes." After a prolonged trial which attracted worldwide attention, Beilis was freed. He came subsequently to the United States, and died at Saratoga Springs in 1941. JTA Daily News Bulletin -3- March 7, 1967

B8N-GURION Ope;NS 1967 ALLI!;;;:' JEWISH APFEAL DRIVe; IN PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA, March 6. (JTA) - - A speech this evening at the inaugural dinner of the Federation of Jewish Agencies 1967 Allied Jewish Appeal climaxed David Ben- Gur­ ion's visit to Philadelphia. Earlier in the day, Mr. Ben-Gurion took time out from his busy schedule to lay a wreath at the Monument to the 6,000. 000 Jewish Martyrs on Benja­ min Franklin Parkway as a huge crowd looked on. Later he was tendered a reception by the City of Philadelphia in the Mayor's recep­ tion room to which leaders of the Jewish community and members of the City Council were invited. At the ceremony, Frank L. Newburger, Jr., president of the Federation of Jew­ ish Agencies, and Raymond G. Perelman, general chairman of the Allied Jewish Appeal, both praised the first Prime Minister of Israel for his continued interest in the welfare of the Jewish people. Pledges made in response to the former Prime Minister's plea for maximum sup­ port of UJA' s immigrant absorption programs in Israel were called the most impressive in a decade by Philadelphia leaders,. Effective absorption, especially through improve· ment of social and economic conditions and expansion of educational opportunities in devel­ opment towns, is the key to the future, Mr. Ben-Gurion asserted. Be called on American Jews throughout the country, in making their 1967 UJA gifts, to match the spirit and level of giving for education which he ha~ encountered in New York and Miami where close to $l~ 000. 000 was pledged to the UJA's Israel Education Fund for construction of a high scbool and for teacher training scholarships in Sde Boker. Mr. Ben-Gurion was presented with a small replica of the Liberty Bell by Mayor James H. J . Tate, who pointed out that the inscription on the bell "Proclaim Liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof" came from the Book of Leviticus in the Bible. He said the bell was a symbol of the friendship of the people of Philadelphia for the people of Israel and expressed the hope tbat Israel would be able to live in peace with its Arab neighbors.

Speaks at Gratz College; Wants U.S. Youtb to Come to Israel At the Allied Jewisb Appeal dinner. Edward Ginsberg of Cleveland, Associate General Chairman of tbe United Jewish Appeal, pOinted out that in Israel Jews walk proud­ ly as free men. In other bright free corners of the world Jews walk more proudly because of what has been accomplished in Israel, he added. In most parts of the world still dark with oppre'ssion. Jews faced their misery fortified with hope that some day they may be able to go to Israel, Mr. Ginsberg said. Mr. Perelman presented Mr. Ben-Gurion with a bOWld replica of a letter by a Philadelphia Jew describing the community rejoicing in 1788 upon the ratification of that article of the Constitution guaranteeing religious freedom to all. Mr. Newburger cited Mr. Ben-Gurion for his "years of sacrifice and courage" that led to the establishment of the modern state of Israel. A memento of the inaugural dinner was presented to each of the community leaders attending -- a bronze Ben-Gurion medalion in a specially inscribed presentation box. In an address in Hebrew at Gratz College last night, Mr. Ben-Gurion linked past and future by pointing to the great achievements of Jewish history, based on unity and moral strength, as a model for Israel's efforts in the coming decades. ItIsrael needs diaspora and diaspora needs Israel. II he said. IIIf only five percent of idealistic American Jewish youth would come, it would be tremendous encouragement to others. This is a question of life and death for the future of Jews in Israel and America. It Mr. Ben-Gurion will leave for Los Angeles tomorrow morning on the third leg of his UJA-sponsored itinerary. They will also spark the UJA community campaigns in Chi­ cago and New York and will visit Boston before departing, via Montreal and LonclonJ for Israel.

Ben-Gurian Refuses to Discuss Israel's Internal Issues MIAMI, March 6 . (JTA) -- IsraelIs ex-Frime Minister David Ben-Gurian, visiting here to address an Israel Bond conference, refused firmly yesterday to deviate from the pledge he made prior to leaving Israel for his current visit to the United States to avoid any discussion about Israel's present Government or policies. Mr. Ben-Gurion appeared on a coast-to-coast National Broadcasting Company tele­ vision program, "Meet the Fress. 1I Lawrence Spivak, who conducts that program, tried in a half-dozen different ways to get lv.:r. Ben-Gurion to discuss I1Israel today. 11 But Israel's eldest statesman refused even to tell the reasons why he would not enter into such a discus­ sion. Three local newspapermen who made up the panel of questioners on the program met the same fate when the-y attempted to involve Mr. Ben-Gurion in answering questions con­ cerning Israel's current economic or internal political situation. JT A I:aily l' ews Bulletin -4- lo.,arch 7, 19{·'

II'"TE.CRATlOl\ OF J<:WISF OAM~U~ L IF E: II'TO COMMUl\ITY P!...Ar..S URGE:D W_-\Sl-. lr-:CTOI\, ~;arch 6. (JTA) --T he Hpower structure" of the American Jc.. dsh community was criticized today for its fa ilure to integrate Jewish campus life into the community's Il p1an, pror,rams anclleadership. II Members of the 1': ationa1 Commission of B1nai 51 rith 1- illel Foundations, many of V",em university educ;ltors, strongly endorsed the view of Rabbi Benjamin W . Kahn, f. ille1's national director, that the J e wish community is Ilunwisely over100kinb an important poten­ tial of creative supporttr by its tendency to regard the colletJ,e campus a s !Ian appenc.iage to rather than an intt"[,. ral part of the total community. II nAn e vocative development of Jewish life on campus is that it is acquiring its own continuity as a rooted community and can no longer be dismissed as merely a four-year transitory period, II Rabbi Kahn told the I- illel Commission a.t its annual meetinb here. This 5 rowing stability, he said, is drawn from one-fifth of the Jewish students who enroll in A merican universities. IIT'":lis is the large proportion that, aft er graduation . marries and establishes a family life while remaining on campus many more years for post-&radu­ ate work, and even, in increasin..;. n umbers, staying put in academic careers. II Cn the same theme, Rabbi Jay Kaufman, B ' nai Blrithls executive vice-president, contrasted the American Jewish student or6anization IIwhicb begins and ends its activities on campus and is allowed little involveme nt in adult communal a ffairs 'l and its counter­ parts in ~ urope and elsewhere tbat are encouraged to be a part of the decision-making pro­ cess and not limited to the periphery of Jewish community life. II recalled for a "com­ ,. : cr.i~y nwart"r.-oo:s'· of the cl-:~n ~ i·~t,; .l.rr.~rican campu£ and Ilstubborn efforts to involve it in Jewish affairs with a t least the same organized intensity as is given to Jewish suburbia. II

Jewish Academicians V.; elcom e Discussions on Their l- erita~e An indication of the burgeoning growth of a permanent campus community is a n illel estimate that by 1970 the number of Jewish faculty members II will have doubled in a decade. II This was based on reports from directors at many of the 235 American col­ le.:. es where Hillel now functions. Further evidence of this growth was g iven b y Dr. Louis Gottschalk of the University of Chicago, Commission chairman, who reported that a Eille1 prof.,rarn to encourage Jewish study, scholarship and research among faculty members, beE:,un as a " pilot effort at 17 schools three years ago, has since spread to 103 colleges. "These beginning results are a conVincing demonstration that many J ewish academ­ icians welcome a continuing oppoxtunity to probe, interpxet and discuss tbeir r eligious heritage and cultural traditions on a level reflecting the intellectual needs and standards of the aca.demic community. 11 Dr . Gottschalk said. He described the faculty program as rlself-motivated and self-determined" by Jewish faculty members rtwho consciously feel a need for some kind of affiliation with Jewish interests. II ,""any of these academicians, he said, "largely removed from organized J ewish life, can be persuaded to take on active identities with the lar~er Jewish communities when the isolation of their own campus community is diminished. '

15 CROUFS FORM BODY TO FKFT N . Y_ STAT" AID TO RELIGIOUS SCl-iOCLS NEW YORK, March 6. (JTA) -- Fifteen civic, educational and religiOUS organiza­ tions joined today in announcing formation of a statewide Committee for Public Education and Religious L iberty to oppose any changes in the State Constitutional provision barring public aid to parochial schools. Establishment of the committee, which uses the acronym PEARL. was announced at a news conference in Stephen W ise Congress House. Spokesmen said the group would work lito inform the public about the danger to public education and church- state separa­ tion posed by efforts to water down or destroytr Article XI, Section 3 of the New fork Con­ stituti on at the Constitutional Convention opening next montb in A lbany. The provision for­ bids state grants trdirectly or indirectlyll to any school lIunder the control or direction of any religiOUS denomination. The 15 sponsors of PEARL are: American Ethical Union; American Jewish Com­ mittee, f',Jew York Chapter; American Jewish Congress, New York Metropolitan Council; Americans for Democratic Action; Anti-Defamation L eague of B'nai Blrith; National Coun­ cil of Jewish Women; National Women's Conference, American Ethical Unioo ; New "York Civil Liberties Union; New York State Council of Churches, l\1ew York State F ederation of Reform Synagogues; Protestant Council of the City of New York; Public Education Associa­ tion; State Congress of Parents and Teachers, New York City District; United Federation of Teachers; United Parents Association. Leo Pfeffer, special counsel of tbe American Je\\'ish Congress and professor of constitutional l aw at Long Island Unive rsity, is serving as t emporary chairman of PEARL. $2,876,580 RAISE:D BY PHILADELPHIA APPE:AL AT DINNE:R FOR BE:N-GURION PHILADELPHIA. March 7.{JTA) -- The Allied Jewish Appeal, fund-raising arm of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, announced last night that it raised $2, 876~ 580 at its inaugural dinner which was addressed by former Premier David Ben-Gurian. The amount was the second largest raised in 20 years. The goal of the 1967 campaign is $4, 758, 000. Mr. Ben-Gurian told the dinner that his visit to Philadelphia was an unforgettable experience and said he would remembe-r it lias long as I live . II He cited the warmth of the welcome extended to him and to N~.rS . Ben-Gurien and the "real excitement" of seeing I. such an active Jewish community life. II He touched on Israel's position in the world and referred particularly to Communist China as a I1threat. II He called this regrettable, describing China as "a great nation with a high culture. II He deplored Communist China's emnity toward Israel. He attributed the Red Chinese stand to a desire to win over the Arab states and called that possibility not only a political danger but also a military one because, he said, China mightgbc the atomic bomb to the Arab countries. He also discussed Israelis problems in obtaining adequate arms for defense. A small group of A rabs picketed the hotel whe re the dinner was held. They carried anti-Israel placards. JTA Daily News Bulletin -3- March 9. 1967

B<:N-GURION HONORED IN LOS Al-!GELES; TALK~ TO STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITY LOS ANGELES, March 8. (JTA) -- Seventy-five members of California Machal, made up of Americans who fought for Israel's liberation in 1948, and some 50 Jewish L egionnaires who fought with British forces to liberate Palestine in World War I welcomed Dav~d B en -Gurion at separate meetings here last night following his arrival. The Machal members, most of them in their forties, led by president Frank Bear, hailed Mr. Ben-Gurian as their former commander-in-chief. The Legionnaires, most of them in their late sixties and early seventies, welcomed him as their former comrade­ in-arms. Both groups presented checks to the former Premier to be used for schoolbooks and school materials at his Medrasha at Sde Boker in the Negev. But the enthusiasm of both groups was turned into embarrassed silence when the former Premier asked each in turn "Since you fought to give an independent Israel, why haven't you come to settle among us or send your children to Israel? II A number of Machal members declared that they still hoped to setUe after a while. Mr. Ben-Gurion was greeted upon his arrival by more than 100 schoolchilC:ren waiting in the American Airlines Catellite, who serenaded him with Israeli songs. ne was welcomed by Victor M. Carter, president of the Jewish Federation-Council; Albert A. Spiegel. general chairman of the Vlelfare Fund and Av Shalom Caapi, consul general of Israel for the western states, plus 40 Federation officers and welfare fund leaders .. Today he visited students at the University of California, Los Angeles cam) us, and tbe UCLA Eillel Council.. Additionally. he was the guest of honor at a luncheon tender­ ed by Chancellor Franklin Murphy and some 30 faculty members. In the evening, he was guest of honor at the inaugural dinner of the 1967 United Jewish WeUare Fund drive at the International Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel. JTA Daily News Bulletin Merch 10, 1967

,; 2, ~85, 000 RAISED ,\T LCS ANGELES DINNER HONORING BEN-GURION LOS ANGELES, March 9, (JTA) -- David Ben-Gurian, former Prime Minister, told 1,000 volunteer workers at the inaugural dinner of the Jewish Federation-Council's 1967 United Jewish Welfare Fund campaign last night that no one man was tbe architect of present-day Israel.

Lauded bycl~c.::'rman Albert ':piegel, campaign and dinner chairman. as the lIarchi­ tect of present-day Israel, It Mr. Ben-Gurion said that at least six outstanding men had contributed to the modern state. :he listed these as including Chaim Weizmann, Theodor Herzl, and such unknowns as Charles Netter, who established the first agricultural train­ ing school in Palestine in 1870, as well as Baron Edmund de Rothschild, who established the first colonies. At the dinner the vclunteers were told that a record $2.685.000 in advanced gifts had been pledged to the welfare fund drive. Earlier in the day, at the University of California at Los Angeles, Mr. Ben-Gurian founc! himself in the midst of a spiritec ex­ change with Arab students when addressing an audience of some 500 at the college. Asked by one Arab lIif God asks you a long time from now why you took the land of the Arabs in Palestine -- and kicked them out against their will, what will you reply? II Ben-Gurian said: "Well, if God asks me this question, I will answer him, you promised this land 4,000 years ago to Abraham and his children." The audience broke out in cheers at Ben­ Gurian's response. He added to the Arab student "we were there. I think you will agree, long before you came there. II Mr .. Ben-Gurian held a number of private interviews today with outstanding figures in the Los Angeles Jewish community. At lunch in the grand ballroom of the Beverly Hil­ ton Hotel, he met with 150 members of the UJA Young Leaders Cabinet and Community Service Committee and other Jewish youth groups in the Greater Los Angeles area. Irwin Field, vice-president of the UJA Young Leadership Cabinet, chaired the meeting. Later in the afternoon today, the former Premier delivered an address in Hebrew to some 400 students, faculty members of the Hebrew Union College-Jewil::h Institute of Religion, University of Judaism, the Hebrew department of UCLA and other Hebrew-speak­ ing organizations in the Los Angeles area.. In the evening, he spoke to 3.000 persons gathered inside the Los Angeles £:alladium at a community-wide tribute to him. 1-. e was introduced by Victor M .. Carter, president of the Federation-Council. JTA Daily News Bulletin -3- March 13. 1967

BE:N-GURION ADDRESSE:S OPE:NING OF JE:WISH BIBLE: SOCIE:TY IN CRICAGO ChICAGO, March lZ. (JTA) -- Unquestionably tired after almost two weeks of an American tour in behalf of the United Jewish Appeal and Israel bonde that hae taken bim as far south as Miami and as far west as Los Angeles, David Ben-Gurion devoted the entire IZth day of hie visit to the openine of an American branch of the World Jewish Bible SociEty.

'The former Israel Prime ~iinister, who is president of the Israel Society for Bible Research, made four appearances today at tbe founding conference at the rEr.lmer House of an American Jewish Bible Society, one of which was his participation in an intensive 90- minute Bible study group discussion on three cbapters from the Book of Exodus. Declaring that the "greatest reward of his American tour will be the successful establishment of an American Jewish Bible Society, II Mr. Ben-Gurion proudly reported the 'tkey position achieved by Bible study in Israel" and expressed the hope that hundre d s of Bible study groups will be founded in the United States. That his dream may come true, was indicated by a simple one-sentence resolution unanimously adopted by more than Z, 000 participants saying: "The modern Jew must re­ establish a close connection between his deep self and his Bible, so that, together, he can find identity and strengtb for Jewisbness, and the Bible can become vital in his life-. II

Stating that he was lIproud to be a Bible missionary, 11 Mr. Ben-Gurion said that the "Bible is one of the main links among Jews today -- a link which will b ecome even more important in the future. \I Referring to the growth of Israel, and recalling his early days .as a pioneer on a farm in what was then Palestine, the 80-year-old former Prime 1- "inistcr said: liThe cultivation of the soul is as hard as the vultivation of the soil. The f'urv-t'·a1 and return of our people to the Tbird Jewish Commonwealth would not have been possible had they not carried in their consciousness the existence of two national homelands , and geographical territory, and the cultural, spiritual fatherland -- t1:e Bible. Were not the eternal Book of Books inscribed in tbe Jewish heart, the survival of our people -- a miracle to some, an enigma to all -- could not have been feasible." A statement from Mrs. Rose L. Halprin of New York, chairman of the Am0rican section of the Jewish Agency for Israel. was read when sbe was '\mabIe to attend because of an indisposition. She pointed out that American Jewry has a Biblical heritage both a s Americans and Jews. Calling for a renaissance of Biblical study and interest in tbis country, especially among our youth, she said: liAs Jews, we are the spiritual heirs of the great testament tbat is so basic to the Judaic-Christian tradition of our western civilization. The Ten Commandments of Moses, the glorious Psalms of David culd the inspired prophetic writings of Isaiah and Jeremia'" are the essence of Judaism. And as Americans, we are the heirs of our Puritan fore­ fathers, the men for whom, ab Lecky, the British historian said, "Hebrew cemented the foundation of American democracy. 11 It is even true that as the Mayflower sailed across the Atlantic almost 350 years ago, the Pilgrim fathers held a little known meeting that considered the choice of Hebrew as the official language for the colcny that was to be settled as Plymouth. /tOur colleges, too, were Hebrew o:riented. Hebrew appears on the official seal of Yale. One of the first presidents of Harvard read a chapter of the Bible in its original Hebrew every morning in the COllege ball. And the first president of Columbia said 11as soon as a lad bas learned to speak and read English well, it is best to begin a learned edu­ cation with Hebrew -- the mother of aU language and eloquence. II

Chicago Bible Society to Establish Ben-Gurion Institute Harry H. Ruskin, Chicago attorney, who is president of the American Jewish Bible Society. in introducing Mr. Ben-Gurion, said the organization has been founded in response lito the conditions and needs of the American Jew. There was a time, 11 be pOinted out, I1 when the question concerning the American Jew was whether he was an authentic American. Torlay the question is whether we are authentic Jews. There was a time when personal closeness to our Bible was the distinguishing characteristic of the Jew. Today. tbe Bible is like a revered relic or classic, to be h eld in high repute, but not in one's bands. Today, unhappily, the personal involvement of the Jew with his Bible, the primary intere­ est of the Jew in past ages, has largely ceased in America.

lIWhat the modern Jew needs, II Mr .. Ruskin said, tlis a new dimension of involve­ ment within the modern world through which he can remove himself increasingly from the severely depersonalizing influences of modern life , and from which his deep inner self can derive strength and a sense of fulfillment. It is tothe Bible that the modern Jew must turn to find for himself the dimension of inner involvement with life which he r equires. Nothing written, no work of man or L&ture, none of life's encounters can affect the deep self and the totality of the modern Jew so deeply as his Bible . " Dr. Bairn M. Gevaryahu, of Jerusalem, director of the World Jewish Bible SOCiety Foundation, announced that the new American group bas already made arrangements for the establishment of the Ben-Gurion Institute for Advancement of Group Bible Activity at JTA Doily r

$2, 55Z, 000 RAISED AT CHICAGO DINNER HONORING BEN-GURION; I, ZOO ATTEND CHICAGO, March 12. (JTA) - - More tban 1.200 Jewish leaders, the largest grou ever to attend a Jewish fundraising function in this city jammed the ballroom of the Pick Congress Hote~ last night to hear David Ben-Gurian. The occasion, the dinner launching the 1967 drive of Chicago1 s Combined Jewish Appeal for local. national and overseas nee netted the record sum of $2, 552, 000 in contributions. This sum represented a 27 perc en increase over the gifts these 1,200 contributors gave in 1966. The drive is seeking $6, 750, 000. The State of Israel and Nir. Ben-Gurian were praised by Max M. Fisher, Gener Chairman of the United Jewisb Ar>peal, and Rabbi Ralph Simon, chairman of the Chicago drive. Mr. Fisher calle' the creation of Israel. in which Mr. Ben-Gurian played a majo role, the fulfillment of a dream that summed up the longings of a hundred Jewish genera­ tions. "It was a hope which represented the deepest desire of a people oppressed and dispossessed for Z, 000 years," he said. Rabbi Simon credited Mr. Ben-Gurian with re­ moving a Z, OOO-year-old stigma of the IIwandering Jew" with the simple declaration that no Jew who seeks a home in Israel would be denied admission. Mr. Ben-Gurion, in his address, again appealed for Jewish contributions of man­ pcwer. know-how and technical skill to belp develop Israelis area -- the Negev. liThe Negev, largely desert, which occupies 60 pt.:rcent of Israel's territory has great economic potential, " the former Prime Minister said. "Given the industrial develoj ment that modern technology can make pOSSible, the Negev can become a flouriShing cen­ ter of trade with East Africa, and thuB speed the day vf Israel's economic independence ... Early this morning, Mr. Ben-Gurion went to the Circle Campus of the Unive rsity of illinois to speak to the Btnai B'ritb Hillel Foundations of Chicago. Some 1.000 students attended. Mr. Ben-Gurian, who arrived here from Los Angeles Friday, was greeted by Mayor Richard J. Daley and by Lt. Gov. Samuel H. Shapiro, representing the State of lllinois. Representatives of Chicago's City Council presented Mr. Ben-Guricn with an embossed scroll reproducing a City Council resolution, hailing Israel's eldelt statesman as lithe giant of the 20th Century" for his achievements on behalf of the State of Israel.

Las Ve~as Jewish Leaders Pledge $100,000 for Negev School CHICAGO, March lZ. (JTA) -- A group of leaders of the Las Vegas Jewish com­ munity told former Israel Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion that they 'Would .:on!.:ribute :;100, 000 toward the construction of a high school in his Negev desert home community of Sde Boker. In the group, which met with the Israel during his stay in Los Angeles, were Eank Greenspun, publisher of the Las Vegas Sun; Jack Entratter, president of the Sands Hotel and of Temple Beth Sholem in Las Vegas; and Jerome D. Mack, banker and president of the Las Vegas Combined Jewish Appeal. The gift brings to $800, 000 the mon­ ey raised by the Israel Education Fund of the United Jewish Appeal for the construction of a million-dollar regional high school and for teacher-training scholarships at the Yidrasha in Sde Boker, the College of Negev Studies founded by Mr. Ben-Gurion. u.s. JEWISH RELIGIOUS REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS VALUED AT 7 BILLION DOLLARS NEW YORK, March lZ. (JTA) -- American synagogues and other religiOUS Jewish institutions in the United States were reported today to have real estate holdings totaling $7,000, 000, 000, according to an estimate by Bishop James A. Pike, In an article in Playboy Magazine advocating the imposition of taxes on the proper­ ty and income of religious institutions, the Episcopal bishop estimated Catholic church hold in~s in this country at $44,500,000,000 and Protestant and other church holdings at $Z8, 000,000,000. Bishop Pike contended in the article that tbe wealth of organized religion in this country has become a "menace" and, without carrying its share of public expense, has grown so large as to threaten the American economy. Vol. XXXIV - 50th year Tuesday, March 14, 1967 No. 51

NEW YORK U.J.A. hONORS BEN-GURroN; ANNOUNCES nO, 000, 000 IN GIFTS NEW YORK, March 13. (JTA) -- More than $ 10,000, 000 in giving was announced here tonight by the United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York at a dinner formally launch­ ing its 1967 campaign with David Ben-Gurian as honored guest. About 1, ZOO leading con­ tributors to the UJA attended the dinner, at which Mr. Ben-Gurian was presented with the Herbert H. Lehman Memorial Award for his "prophetic vision" and l eadership. Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller made the formal presentation to Israel' s former Prime Minister of the medallion wbich symbolized the New York Jewish community's tribute to Mr. Ben-Gurion at the age of 80. Presiding over the dinner was Charles Mayer, chairman of the trustees of the United Jewish AF-pcal of Greater New York. Mr. Ben-Gurion made a plea on behalf of one group of those overseas depending on the help of UJA- supported agencies -- the immigrants who come to Israel from backward lands IIwithout skills, without knowledge of life in the Twentieth Century and without edu­ cation. 11 Immigrants from North Africa and Asia are the equal of any of Israel's citizens, when they are given the opportunity to develop their potential, h e said. "Hundreds of thousands of the m have already taken their places as full participants in Israelis modern, rapidly industrializing, democratic society. It he stressed.

There must be a great ex~ansion and intensification of educational and cultural programs, social services and economic assistance to enable these immigrants and their children to achieve full citizenship in Israel, Mr. Ben-Gurion stated. Other speakers at the dinner included Jack D. Weiler, honorary chairman of New York UJA trustees; Charles C. Bassine, a co-chairman of its board of directors; and Mrs . Burt J. Siris~ chairman of its speakers bureau. The inaugural dinner was also an occasion for honoring the five general chairmen of the 1966 New York UJA campaign -- Andrew Goodman, Morris L. Levinson, Gustave L. Levy, Albert Parker and Chester H . Roth, in recognition of their rroutstanding leadership in saving Jewish lives. II

Ben-Gurion Tells Truman ' You Have Become an Immortal in I sraeli Two old friends -- former cresident Harry S. Truman and David Ben-Gurion were reunited by long-distance telephone today_ Mr. Ben-Gurian who had placed his call earlier in the day, received the call during a meeting with 75 members of Mahal, an or­ ganization of Americans who fought as volunteers in the Israel army during the War of Independence.

"1 couldn't leave the United States, II Mr. Ben-Gurion told President Truman, rrwith­ out expressing the gratitude that our people and Jews throughout the world feel for what you have done to help establish the Jewish State. Cur heart is with you and I know " "OU;1:6 :s with us. You have become an immortal in our country. II Mr. Ben-Gurion closed with a "5hanim Rabot" -- may you have many years -- and with "Shalom. II Returning to the meeting, he explained to the Israel war veterans that Mr. Truman did more for Israel than any other man, noting that Mr. Truman was the first head of state to recognize Israel and made possible Israel's first grant-in-aid, which amounted to $ 100, 000, 000. The veterans group is composed of 500 members in the United States and Canada, 5 percent of whom are Christian. Reuben E . Gross, a St aten Island lawyer, who served in the Israel Air Force, is ~"lational commander. Earlier in the day Mr. Ben-Gurion addressed an audience of 300 students and facul­ ty members at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, and appealed to them to encourage American J ewish youth and Jewish scienti sts to spend at least some part of their careers studying and working in Israel. Wednesday, March 15, 1967

U.J.A. PRESENTS BEN-GURrON ~ l, ZOO, 000 FOR NEGEV SCHOOL AS BffiTHDAY GIFT NEW YORK, March 14. (JTA) -- The United Jewish Appeal presented tonight a birthday gift of $ 1, ZOO, 000 to David Ben-Gurian to build a secondary school as part of the Institute of Higher Studies, the regional educational center which the former Premier is building at Sde Boker, the kibbutz in the Negev desert where he now makes his home. Some 400 people attended the event. The gift was announced tonight by Joseph H . Kanter of Cincinnati and Miami, a national chairman of the UJA and the UJA's Israel Education Fund, at the dinner given in Mr. Ben-Gurion's honor by the ::?ublic Committee for the celebration of his 80th birthday. at the Hotel Pierre. Max M. Fisher, UJA chairman is also chairman of the Public Committee. Mr. Kanter revealed that the Israel Education Fund had originally sought $1,000,000 for the high school and that its oversubscription by $200,000 represented a 50th wedding anniversary gilt to the Ben-Gurions. The funds were raised at two dinner meetings given by Mr. Kanter in lI.... iami and by Albert Parker in New York. Mr. F arker is a general chairman cf the Unitec1 Jewish Appeal of Greater New York. Mr. Kanter, who headed the IEF special drive to raise tbe funds for Mr. Ben·Gurion's birthday gift, which was publicly pledged by Charles J. Bensley, IEF preSident, named the follOwing donors: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Farker,of New York; Fred D. Pomerantz,of New York; Mr. Kante r; Mr. and Mrs. Andre Aisenstadt, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Blaustein, Bal­ timore; the Sol Bloom Foundation of New York City: Mrs. Rosaline Feinstein, of Phila.­ delphia; Seymour Grubman. of Los Angeles; Dl·rtcn and Richard Koffman, of Binghamton, N. Y.; Mrs . Emma Schaver. Detroit; Leo Rosner, New York and Miami Beach; and a group of Las Vegas Jewish leaders headed by Hank Greenspun, editor and publisher of the Las Vegas Sun; Jack Entratter, president of the Sands Hotel; and Jerome D. Mack, vice­ chairman of the Bank of Las Vegas.

Ben-Gurion Lauo.s :aole of U.S. Jewry in Building Israel Addressing a meeting earlier in the day of the American Section of the J e wish A gency, Mr. Ben-Gurion declared that he was "never more impressed with the

The former Israel Prime r.t.inister, who for many years was chairman of th ~ exec­ 'lt ive of the Jewish Agency, laid down three priorities as the pressing tasks for American ) ~ w ry: 1. The teaching of Hebrew; 2. the study of the Bible; and 3. the promotion of ,liy.:!h. In introducing Mr. Ben-Gurian to the members of the Jewish Agency and leaders 0; the American Zionist Council, M rs. Rose L. Halprin, who presided at the meeting, calle d him "our beloved colleague and friend whom we are happy to honor as he visits \1S a g ain on the occasion of his 80th birthday. His s e rvices to the cause of Israel hav ~ made him a legend even in his own time. If

Sees Danger of A::. similation of Jews in the United States Speaking at a special Hadassah Bible Stucly !:eminar here this morning, attended by more than 1,200 Hadassah members, Mr. Ben-Gurion paid tribute to the freedom and equality Jews enjoy in America but saw in it a dange r of assimilation. He called upon A m e rican Jewish parents to send their children to Israel, conceding that "it is not so easyll for the older generation to emigrate to the Jewish State. He stressed the importance of Hebrew in the lives of Jews. E~ paid tribute to Hadassah for its contributions to the advance m e nt of the State of Israel. Mrs . Mortimer Jacobson, national president of Hadassah, announced that the main entrance cou:rt of the Hadassah-Eeb:rew University Medical Center in Jerusalem is to be known as "Ben-Gurion Square. 11 $he also presente d Mr. Ben-Gurion with a check for JTA Daily News Bulletin -2- March 16, 1967

Harold Sanders, White House adviser on the region. The two American officials are on a study mission to the region. The Premier also described Israel's basic security problems. The Premier also discusseci. Israel's water problems and referred to the projected Israel- United States project to build a $200,000.000 experimental plant to use nuclear energy to desalt brackish water. A third United :::tates official. Assistant Defense Secre­ tary Townsend Hoopes, left Israel yesterday. The Premier also conferred with Sir Alec DouglaS-Home, former British !=rime Minister, discussing Middle East and international developments. Sir Alec was guest at a dinner given by the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee of Parliament.

Bt:N-GURION HONORED BY NEW YORK UNNERSITY; ADDRESSES STUDENTS NEW YORK, March 15. (JTA) -- David Ben-Gurion, former Prime Ministe r of Israel, spent his 15th day in the United States today meeting with representatives of major theological educational institutions and making extended addresses in three languages -­ Hebrew, Yiddish and English. His morning began with a meeting with 500 students and members of the faculty of the Jewish Theological Seminary where he was greeted by Dr. Louis Finkelstein, Chan­ cellor, and faculty members. In an extended address, he urged immigration of American youth to work and live in Israel. The afternoon was spent with 1,500 students and faculty members of Yeshiva Uni­ versity of New York. He spoke Hebrew there. Dr. Samuel Belkin. president of Yeshiva University, was host for the occasion. In the evening, maintaining his hard-driving schedule, he was received by an audi­ ence of 400 in the auditoriwn of the New York University Law School where he lectured in English. He was awarded the degree of Honorary Doctor of Laws by Dr. James lv~ . Hexter, president of NYU. Earlier he was given a private dinner in the President's Suite at NYU by Allan M . Carter, Chancellor and President Hexter.

8arlier he met with lead ~ rc of the Histad:-ut Campaign. where Mr. Ben-Guricn spoke in Yiddish. He spoke on what has emerged as a major theme of his American visit -­ the need to develop and settle the i'!egev. He was welcomed by Joseph Schlossberg, 92- y ear-old president of the National Committee for Labor Israel, who came to the reception despite his frail condition. Dr. :::01 Stein, national director of the Histadrut Campaign. introduced the guest 0,£ honor.

Tel Aviv University to Have Ben-Gurion Chair for Bible Study The establishment of a Chair for Bible Study at Tel Aviv University to carry the name of David Ben-Gurian was announced here today by Dr. George S. Wise. president of the university. at a luncheon in honor of Mr. Ben-Gurian tendered by the American Friends of the Tel Aviv University at the Plaza Hotel. The funds for this chair will be contributed by Dr. and Mrs. Wise. In celebration of Mr. Ben- Gurion's 80th birthday, tbe American Friends are also establishing 80 Ben-Gurion Scholarships of $1, 000 each at Tel Aviv University, it was announced at the luncheon by Daniel G. Ross, chairman of the board of directors. These will be a part of the 3,500 scholarships which the American Friends is undertaking to provide for students of the university. The Israel statesman, addressing the selected audience of more than 150 people who attended the luncheon, painted to the need of expanding Tel Aviv University to serve the cultural interests of the 400, 000 residents of Tel Aviv and the many thousands of young Jews in the vicinity of Tel Aviv who are seeking univerSity education. B8N-GURION ADDRE;SSE;S STUDE;NTS AND FACULTY AT PRINC8TON UN IV8RCITY PRINCI!:TON, N . J . , March 16. (JTA) -- David Ben-Gurian, on the 16th day of his American tour under the auspices of the United Jewish Appeal. expanded today on one of his favorite themes when he tol d an audience of 300 students and faculty m embers that li the Negev must be resettlec: and developed if Israel is to become economica lly inde­ pendent. 11 At the same time , he once again turne back hostile questions from A r ab stud­ ents in the audience, with quick and pithy answers. JTA Daily News Bulletin -3- March 17, 1961


NEW YORK, March 16. (JTA) -~ David Ben-Gurian r eturned tonight to the Biltmore Hotel ballroom here where, 25 years ago, he presented the historic !!Biltmore Declara~ tionl! ~- which called for the establishment of a !lJzwish commonwealth!! in Palcstine -- to a wartime Emergency Zionist Conference. The e i ght-point declaration became a rallying point for almost a ll of American J ewry in support of the cause that led to Israel' s stat ehood six year 5 late r. The SO-year-ald former Prime Minister, still springy in step and spirited in voice despite his exh austing schedule, ended his four-day stay in New York City with an addr ess to a Blnai B'rith dinner at the Biltmore Hotel where 600 guests joined him in commemorat­ ing adoption of his famous statement of aims and principles. Mr. Ben-Gurion recalled the 1942 conference. the first gathering of all major American Zionist groups since "{arld War I. He examined a blow-up of a photograph showing conference leaders, including him, on the dais. He recalled the unanimity with which the Biltmore Declaration was accepted. Dr. William A. Wexler, B'nai Blrith president, called the Biltmore Platform !Ian act of magnificent Ihutzpahlll in its demand "th at the very maximum of Jewish prorilise be­ come the very minimum of Jewish reality!! and ita affirmation at a time when Nazi Ger~ many dominated most of Europe. lilt was not the 'hutzpaht of a stubborn unreasonableness but of an unreasonable stubbornness which denies the expedient, defies the insurmountable, multiplies itself as impossible barriers pile higher, and becomes an h eroic expression of Jewish determination and perSistence, II Dr. Wexler added. Philip M. Klutznick, a former B lnai Blrith president, called Mr. Ben-Gurionls visit as one "encouraging us toward a new set of prophecies for an American Jewish com­ munity of great er breadth and deepening content. It Mr. Klutznick said Am::!rican J::wry could sustain the Israe li statesman's plea for increasing self-knowledge "by adopting for this generation a second Biltmore Leclaration of educational and cultural objectives for its own maturing that would equal in spirit and determination the political objectives of the first declaration. II

Serves as Quiz Mast er on Bible for 200 Youngsters The former Premier served today as quiz master on the Bible for 200 youngsters, between the ages of 12 and 16, who have been finalists in the national Bible contests spon­ sored for the past seven years by the Department of Education and Culture of the Jewish Agency for I srael, American section. The quiz was part of a reception for Mr. Ben­ Gurion, who conducted the Bible ruiz entirely in Eebrew. A highlight of the reception was the presentation of a scroll to Mr. Ben-Gurian, by a committee of past Bible contest winners, which paid tribute to his efforts in behalf of Bible study and his continued support of the Bible contest for children. Mrs. Rose L. Halprin, chairman of the American section, said that in 1960, when the Bible competition was started, there were about 2, 000 contestants and lithis year, we will have more than 10, 000. II At another event today, lv.j.r. Ben-Gurion was presented with a copy of the first volume published by the Tarbut Foundation in a series of modern Hebrew texts s~:)e:cially edited for Hebrew students at the college level. The presentation was made by Ral~)h Wechsler. a Tarbut Foundation board member, at a breakfast in the visitor' s honor. Dr. Emanuel Neumann, Tarbut Foundation honorary president and member of thc Jewish Agency executive, told the breakfast meetine that the publication of the texts, IIdc­ signed to simplify the teaching and study of Eebrew is a new and expanded aspect of the program of the Tarbut Foundation which was established in 1962 with the generous support of Abraham and Jacob Goodman. II Abraham Goodman, president of the Tarbut Foundation, opened the event with a welcome to Nir. Ben-Gurion. Also present to honor Mr. Ben-Gurian were students from 25 Hebrew schools in Greater New York. JTA Daily News Bulletin -3- March 20, 1967


BOSTON, March 19. (JTA) ~- David Ben~Gurion left the United States today after completing a strenuous 19-day cross-country visit at the invitation of the United Jewish Appeal, in which he Bought aid for absorbing Israel's immigrants, and for enlarging op­ portunities for the high school education of their children. Departing for Canada, for a 2-day atay before leaving for London, Mr. Ben-Gurion had words of thanks and praise for the American people and the American Jewish commun­ ity, who had received bim enthusiastically. "The American people and the American government have long been among Israelis warmest friends, II be stated. "I was happy to see that the feeling of friendShip for Israel is as strong as ever, and I thank everyone for the warm way they received me and Mrs. Ben-Gurion."

liAs for the American Jewish community, II Mr. Ben-Gurion declared, "without their deep interest in Israel and their outstanding support it would have been impossible to have established the State, or for us to make the great progress we have made in the last 18 years. American Jews fortunately recognize that their support is still needed for the important progress we must still make." The former Prime Minister said that two things bad moved him most on his visit. The first was the fact that a vastly growing number of American Jewisb children now learn and speak Hebrew. The second was the action of a group of American Jewish leaders who presented him with an 80th year birthday gift in the form of $1.200. 000 in contributions to build a new regional high school at ~de Boker, the Negev desert community where he makes bis home. . The school will be one unit of a Midrasha -- Institute of Higher Studies which Mr. Ben-Gurion wishes to see built at Sde Boker to train the personnel, and carry out the re­ searcb, which will help lead to the peaceful conquest of the Negev. The desert constitutes 60 percent of Israelis land mass. The $1 , ZOO, 000 sum represents twelve contributions of $100,000 each, and was furnished by individuals and community groups in a special cam­ paign of the Israel Education Fund of the United Jewish Appeal.

$2,200,000 Raised in Boston at Dinner Honoring Ben-Gurion Last night, Mr. Ben-Gurion addressed 1,200 persons attending the community-wide dinner launching the campaign of the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston. Mortimer Weiss, general chairman of the campaign, announced that $2,200,000 had been raised before the opening of this year's campaign. He said this was the largest amount ever raised here in pre - campaign pledges. Lewis H . Weinstein, a past president of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. announced that $80,000 -- $1,000 for each of Mr. Ben-Gurion's 80 years had been earmarked for projects in the Negev. Sidney R . Rabb, a prominent Boston Jew­ ish leader, presented Mr .. Ben-Gurion with a group of lithograpbs by Mane Katz., the well­ known Jewish painter. Dewey D. ['tone, national chairman of the United Israel Appeal, Inc •• and Bernard D. Grossman, president of the CJP, also addressed the dinner. Before his departure today, Mr. Ben-Gurion addressed an audience of 500 i,lersons at the Hebrew Teachers College in Boston. Mr. Ben-Gurion, who spoke in Hebrew, was introduced by Philip Lown, president of the college and Dr. Eizig Silbershlag, dean. The Brandeis University Board of Trustees voted to establish tbe David ancl Pailla Ben-Gurion Israeli Fellowship Fund, in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. The an­ nouncement came at a dinner for the Ben-Gurions at tbe Brandeis campus. The fellowship fund, which will be underwritten by the UniverSity, will enable an Israeli graduate student to spend a year at Brandeis.

$1,000,000 Israel Bonds Sold at Ben-Gurion Dinner in Montreal MONTREAL, March 19. (JTA) -- More than $1,000,000 worth of Israel bonds were sold here tonight at a dinner honoring IsraelIs former Prime Minister David Ben-Gurian. The event, held at the Queen Elizabeth notel, was attended by Z, 500 person::! and was one of the largest gatherings of its kind in Canadian Jewish history. Mr. Ben-Gurion arrived by air from Boston earlier today. and was greeteC: at the airport by leaders of Canadian Jewry, under the chairmanship of Samuel Bronfman. The reception committee included SO leaders of the Canadian Jewish community and a number of members of Mahal, Jewish volunteers from abroad who fought in Israelis war of inde­ pendence in 1948-49. In his address at the dinner, Mr. Ben-Gurion stressed again Israelis need to devel­ op the Negev desert and Israel' 5 need in general for new technology perfected in Nortb America. Mr. Ben-Gurion, who is accompanied by his wife, is SCheduled to leave tomor­ row morning for Toronto on the last leg of their American tour, which opened March 1. when they landed in New York. From Toronto, they will leave for Israel. with a stopover in London. JTA Daily News Bulletin -3- March ZZ, 1967

BEN-GURION LEAVES CANADA FOR LONDON; GREETED BY ACTING PREMIER TORONTO, March Zl. (JTA) -- David Ben-Gurian, Israel's first Prime Minister, left here today for London, completing his highly successful. visits to the United States and Canada during which he helped the United Jewish Appeal and the Israel Bond Organization in their campaigns and was pledged by lZ American donors the sum of $ 1 , ZOO, 000 for his educational work in the Negev. His last act on the American continent was to address a dinner here last night at­ tended by more than 1,200 Canadian Jewish leaders. The dinner was arranged by the United Jewish Appeal of Toronto of which Rabbi Stuart E. Rosenberg is chairman. Paul Martin, Canadian Minister for E:xternal Affairs, and currently Acting Prime Minister. greeted the Israeli statesman at the dinner. Mr. Martin saluted Ben- Gurion's whole career as a demonstration of the eminent practicability of looking beyond the immediate difficulty and aiming at distant goals. liThe illumination of a farther vision," he said. "is a theme often touched upon in the Bible of which you, Mr. Ben-Gurion, are a renowned student and an important part of the common cultural heritage which Canada and Israel share." BEN-CURJON BACK IN ISRAEL; IS I}";FRESSED WITH AMERICAN JEWISH YOUTH

T~L AVIV, March 26. (JTA) -- FOrmer Fremier David Ben-Gurian returned home this weekend from his journey to the West, which he had begun March 1; full of cheer and particularly enthusiastic over the quality of the American Jewish youth whom he met dur­ ing his visits to the United States, and Canada.

"I bring you regards from the American Jewish youth, 11 he told the welcoming committee that greeted him at Lydda Airport. "These youth are as good as those who had come h e re during the Second Aliyah. II That phrase referred to the Jewish immigration which included many who are today the backbone of Israel' s public life.

About 200 persons met Iv~r. Ben-Gurian and his wife at the airport. Included were President Shazar1s military aide; the assistant director-general of the Fo:reign Ministry; leaders of Histadrut~ the Israeli federation of labor; and leaders of Rafi, the Israel Workers Party headed by Mr. Ben-Gurion. On hand also were members of his kibbutz at Sde Boker. Addressing the group, Mr. Ben-Gurion said: liThe old generation, whose love for Israel was exemplary, has been led to believe that by giving money, they were doing every­ thing to ensure Israel's survival. It is not their fault. They always argued that Israel must speak to the Jews directly, but 1 was always outvoted on that score even when 1 was in the Government. 11 · Ben-Gurion Plum; U.S. Visit to Mark His 80th Birthday JBWSTO FOR~E

Ben-Clirion Will Speak M.... k 12 Chicago ~1I'tI"gji~~~!=;:=~~Ji 'I'm: DAy..J,CWiSHJOTWllN .. -

"'l'~~~C~ jm ~itJ 1QJ'l*jf' lfr,~ h ~~~ ~, jl' plTt)"" U -"'" q'lN P'~t!"'~1S tfJl'TJ!~1S tlW '1IJ'5~' tl~~ It! ,tl~ .1P::l,lr"M. Ii:lU'l "tc 'T'I !Qyn op ~ ,1V1"N • trt'll TI' lIP ~.;m J1D ",I C'"'lP1m ,,~ 11ft ,..- 172""'" ~I .1'J 1>"P'OO~.,.. ll!C:ll!P''etn T\!D'U III 0'2 'wK'S'TT ~ T"P tI,~ - ~ l"X ItPJ 1'M V'1'I l"K' .", 1JtI": D~ fT'1\f'P '1n If"',D 'W"l ... 1J'N I VIa ". 1'1I'l) '1IS II"'" l"'l D~ ....~ .....- no" 'J7"SIIa I'll "...... , lJ"1¥TIn ._ IV"! """ ~ ., m ...... 15 D'm •• U"'1M. ."IJDJ: lJl"'I'a lJDVll"IC"IID IIf1 1'111 ;na"'l,. ".,.. .lJft '1ro12 1fJJDn'Hl 1F1tt "" ,. ~ ~. lJlJP C"lll:1m IrII'f ~" I TU? ,r.."", ,.. ~ , 0,,"' ""]J"t'K Iq ~I:ID'rn 1JW ."'IP"Q .... ~ =- I'aI .u 6)P. , fM!l"l:I "In '"D"'T ". ,." ,. ...,q ~ T'¥ DIU'~ ,"2 1-01110"'.' J'III ...... ~ m .~ ...... "'..... , " .• ..". p ....,...... -s'f ml"'_ DJ'1 JIll al, jib. ''''''''liO JW MD_IIS 1P"~ r:a ..... ~ ...... , 11Ft ..,... "'f _ .lJWWDn ."..... W'IC'IW'!1 :.... IS • : I¥ , ..,...... a", "DIll CIJ1 J1II ~'¥:t JD95 ' .D1aD'1"ll DJ1; pta ..."mvrK T1J1I .\JD."..,. .". ___p.'''''' ., '" "PI "" .....__ _..,..Tll"tll'!'ll ....

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· p~ 'I": 1"'1' Il:Q~"lt M .... ~ jl"U i~ ,..;".. ._ .mIS'S ""'IJ ;"'~ ,..,.. '"" 1"1 .~"lU 1'1 "., 1Jl> 10JI m !'Mt .1'1t ... - .~'Q .. 1111 'DU 1'1,. Oft'll n'D'lPJ1YJ .-11ltr"1D 0 Ii!/; bio i '"tolM pi ·$Wi i II 1111 'V'::nvn ", .O'~" ". T1e2 .' .l TIll ""OW'!" n''CTIpyl';'J ,."." ""511 "tC::un DlTU"JP ....,.... _ 1f¥l • ." ;.. II 0" _, I'? lID)'Jll' r. ""'" c.... ", e ,. _ _ .,."".... aOl" .. ".» TN• ••" YOU Tl

B-Curion R ....',. Firat ViM: To U.S. When He Fell in Love

David Ben~on. to New York as patrfarchal *tesmu aIWtber v1sI.t ago WIlen be was - Without THlDAY.J&WISHJOUIUfAL_I_ ~ II 'In 1967 ;l T"l110 ~p., l~~nc i~'~l i'l~~'~ 11 rrlP~C~" ~ll 11'"1U P "'" ;1'17_'" 0"1 0'11 n~ "rrtllll_aJ aO,l 'l'~nll'" 400 - ,'1"\11 1"1 11'0 a"ll'/ - ,"~'D D'K ,lJ'l"""'1l 11 ,:rtI&, 1JVnfIl 11 - ,!T1MU llWO''';lJ1';:,';a,1;1'' - ,'lin.'" O'1!MP 1'''1W 0¥11!J1p0'1a ., 0'""" 11'"1U - -1l"'II "11iMJ~ T1!l ~'m 1IJl11lt ?nr 'lID .?nlF' 11 ,ro&' 'llllJlllrl'lJ1I 0'''' apm

r)oot"" ...... ""-) ,.' e'v, I ~. r.a

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"1:). "...... J%4'" lit" ,""'" ...? J ,... JIII"D la' Itlll I)~D nn )"1 TJrjJCI, tim "S ~ J'lit ,1942 filii ..,.."J ~, 25 IV'''''''' IS ~l) 1"K ,~e· ~n~ "1"'U '"ST ,J JJIJl"Sd, li)t:iT "m ~ ~r;I me TIIftC:ltM ~1fJ .;n;., ru"l::I nc 1m' --g WC'''UI$3. tVm'! tnl"; "af' l"'~ l~';'C ,,"s I: mn~ ,.". D7TI wnl~ IV."", .,.." " "'" ""0"";.1 ~ ~~.", "nt ~ ,'llTIc~ ,til'f» "., Ttl U ,D'l'n lIl':).,n .. ." • 'MI -.&I) "II'i\D'D DJ'1\ TI"'JU~ I)," ~ .11"'Ill P ~ nil: lJ'OJ'O'rBn'l't1l: "1J:2 .,~II " ,... 'IW"IPl1 .l'tttlC~'l twtl80 1"1 ..,.",. ~l ;r'lS" 80 l"I ~!I'M en ~) C~ " lim ,1:)."" ~"K ovn " lWI'I ,1i't2¥DW "tI'l TIK JW"'T'III: 11'1) 111"" 6" ll~'n lnI~'HK rtm T"i> '~"e:l'1i ~:lt!C ~~'1'C -.3 C'l 'WI lIl"J TS'tllCnmK " .nr 'rl n OiW'l D~ ~:::: I "lJ"'l,'lDC TIll: lY"w:~5'D''''III ~ ...". .• mwn'" .... " "'1~ m'llt\)'p ·lJlnl"TVtt .oJ. ,'DI'D T1k '111 la.tln, .. am .,..,... "11"1t "80 C'l'M\1T.I TIe ll",."I'IC ., .,...... ,.., ,...". ,!!t ~rD' 1'tC Jll)P1! 'liIII Wi IJillil' }f'l'I' T'C'itl'lt lPtI'f'1n ~l:I"TI't InrTI lftjODT31 tJDC .....,... :w .., ". "",,,,",,,, 1 ""I;" ...; Intl'DCl'lI: "1JrT')I:) R""N ~l¥"J~l 50 N ~ ;~1¥' '1'1 ~ ~ 0;' '"'n:I' 11 "'110 1Jl,'DA 1"" 1M! ""11:6'0 In"~ ~I ,~l oJ, "'" 'Sonw 'P:'K '11!) ~ !)Pll J'lD onD"" ID1 ~1P ... .,. UN i • Ii IQ'W' .."1IIl "* If": .01l:'I1"~ alii ,,"111 -l~ 1'tC g'll!ll!i) ~ SO '611,...... ~ 'W1 1, ,o110ll " 0,,"' "l lUI ,1"1t OJ'" f'll Ollr: .,"111 1P~~ 'I'IIlPll ; 1~ is'W'''I'IJ tJll"l~t"'''''' 't-"; .'!Pm," JII)",l ~ 1'tC "S" Cil'I .0;;" TI m .. "'IX "Ii'i I'll "ISl'CI'''' 1f:l - .ilU'M:) 27 ,li:• .11'7,,", 6;; ii~ "'GlrmYJJ. Ti .1'''TU aD'" '"Jl!t'J!:tl "!to~ "7n -en DS"CIm alto' n~ 010": ,;x,l" n:''tD rra 'S'Dn ?K'W' 'Y;'J 11a- TJTG'OJl$y "!IP';i 't"'I1IC .lIaol:l~l 1JtI-80 ~'D"II "SDI&1 '" ~~"1X I:Il"iI ., 1""SD lD4 c:n ,'''Jl$i'l,l"W$ 'J.::1 Rll'l"'~1 ., 1'1 ,,If:j. l"'1 1m" m,. ... ' '20 T'1C 11 .1m .'e't"l tz:I~'tI T"aI: 0'" l1?lenJ ,~ 0" milO" 72" nK lYl,,1m lU an l'J. '''1$11 Ttn Tnt 'r'nI'm' 15-' Ti"S"" """:'~~' "•.~"~! .1JT'1t T8~ '"ttl trtl CD'Cn:l rll: MI" l"l 1"1 ll'D'D ~ __ ,..~ I , a~lC1 '"-nn Olil ~ lG r'1' 111 1It"Nt ca~ " '/II tim nn " .r"1n JJa13 n",1 __"", u.."",,,,,,,,,,:.:;;:.:""",";:: ., :ta ,,~ tn' Uj,bOW ~, 1111 In'l"IrV!ii "In 1"f ,",,0 1$ IMIt ,1967 N l"JID5' " •..,.., ""''' 16 HP TIl i'D '"D a,. *~ 'IIIII"OPif "'''' lIU ~en,~~~,Due HeTe Today, 0f!flines His A


~en-G ifr.ion Here Seeking U. S. Migranfs for Israel !'y NORMAND POIJIIEB fund raJsing campalgn on bebalf of the yoong American Jews 1» settle as 'jtioDeers" desert. He -.Id that '"the Russians ~~~~~~~~:~;Is~bland modem great N"azlsare doIIig 4d, InQirituttD;r tbetr day. what physic- the r. the Ne- all)'~ By this I IM8.n the closIng .;;;,.;"''' ,,,,';i,;:- to a of ayn.agogues and our SChools OJ and the put1:iJair down of the The wbite-baJred founder and Jewisb way of Ure.... ftt:st PrIme JIIalster 0( the Slate ot' Israel Is scheduled 10 viSIt ApP!l8l CriI.idars 'siX cities and speak at Harvard, RIchard Kom, president 01 PrincetotJ, ~ Brandeis U!dver. the American Council for Juda· slties. Tomm'row he'll \)e. guest :ism and sharply critkal of Ben· of honor at The :tsra.e1 .Bond con· Gurion and his visit, said his Jerence In Miami wiwttc 2.500 "u..nwrnlshed appeals" to Jews Jewish leaders lrom aD part., of to "consider immJgration to 1$­ the Country will celebrate his rael as an obllptiou have been 80th. birthday. a ~emonslrable.souree o~ .lnstab- On arikal at Kennedy airport, llity in th~ MIddle East" and oa Ben-Gur\on appealed espeda.Il~· source 01 concern among Amen· to AmeriCan J e.w:ish "studeDts Clln JeW'>. I ~drsi~ It~::;eU:~d :~~ rn!!~,e~r:~b~::a~~r~~s "~~ them all come, but.1 knOW they American organizattons ot Jews won't co it." bave stamped to join the !;Iand- In answer to other questions. wagon of Battery" or Ben-Guri· he said th.e present Tegfule in on. Germany Is not one o( Na:ili;m Korn said thls is a ''m1srepre-. and added that "00 $(Ion should sentatlon of the loraltic;s a:Dd. 2pf! 11M Jor .. 0( Ids ... =:-,:.,~ ausnlMa at. ~, \ Ben-Gurion's Plea: Help Develop Negev DROPS IN ON -US. . . Former IsraeU PrIme David Ben~G1II'Ioa holds preIS coaler· enet! Oft his anini at Iea.necb' lnLernational Akport. Be wDl1eDc1 his support to the United ...... __ Appears. I1ii7 "'"\::'f'P'. . "FI"& . ...-