6 X 10.5 Long Title.P65 .P65
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71373-3 - The Cambridge Companion to Harold Pinter, Second Edition Edited by Peter Raby Index More information MAIN INDEX Abrezkov, Maxim 191–2 213, 216–18, 223–4, 228, 250–4, 297, absurdism 74, 76, 123–4, 252 301, 303 Adams, Tim 272 All That Fall 77 Adler, Larry 269 Embers 77 Afsharov, Yuri 172, 182, 191 Krapp’s Last Tape 77, 204, 216–17, 219, Aldwych Theatre 166, 298 223–5 Allen, Keith 60 Murphy 199 Almeida Theatre 56, 127 Play 77 Althusser, Louis 284 That Time 77 Amis, Kingsley 28 Waiting for Godot 28, 74, 76–7, 190, Amnesty International 31, 107, 110, 112, 195, 198 116, 306 Watt 77, 198–9, 201, 204 Anderson, Lindsay 28–9 Belton, Cathy 211 Anderson, Michael 91 Benn, Tony 276 ‘Angry Young Men’ 28, 74–5 Bensky, Lawrence M. 91 Annan, Kofi 106 Bentley, Eric 28 Arden, John 39, 44, 74–5 Bernhardt, Sarah 147 Live Like Pigs 39, 75 Bertish, Suzanne 150, 157 Serjeant Musgrave’s Dance 39 Billington, Kevin 148 The Waters of Babylon 275 Billington, Michael 61, 63, 76, 80, 112, 116, Atwood, Margaret 123, 200, 217, 223, 246, 259, 266, 273, The Handmaiden’s Tale 89 277, 298 Auden, W. H. 162, 225–6, 309 The Birthday Party (band) 276 For the Time Being 225 black comedy 51, 54, 110, 136, 175 Austen, Jane 167 Blair, Tony 105, 117, 226, 269, 270 Ayckbourn, Alan 44, 150, 275 Bleasdale, Alan Ayer, A. J. 29 Jake’s Progress 276 Boal, Augusto 305 Barker, George 241 Bogarde, Dirk 91 Barker, Howard 242 Bolt, Robert 97 Barker-Caven, Michael 211 Bond, Edward 68, 138, 242, 298, 302 Baron, David (Harold Pinter’s stage Lear 242
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