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February 25th 1987


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1 -T'. • • 25 i98r Abzug Speaks At CSUSB i Bella Abzug, noted feminist and and other women's organizations. believed in education for women ' New York politician, will talk Currently, she is president of and encouraged her daughters to about 'Political Power for WOMEN-USA, a new national pursue any profession to which American Women' at 8 p.m., activist group designed to reach they aspired. No goal was Tuesday, March 3 in the Upper out to grass roots women who unattainable, in her view, When Commons at CSUSB. want to identify with the women's Bella won the primary on first Ticket information is available movement go^ of equality and running for Congress, her mother through the Cal State Student Life economic justice. said: 'Well, Bella, congratulations. Office at (714) 887-7407. Bella Abzug was bom in the Let's hope next time it will be for Bronx in 1920 - the year American President.' Bella Abzug, lawyer, peace women won the right to vote. By the time Bella Abzug activist, TV commentator and 'Sometimes I am asked when I graduated from high school, she former three-term Congress- became a feminist,' says Bella knew that she wanted to be a woman, has been voted in many Abzug, 'and I usually say, the day lawyer. She went on to Hunter polls as one of the most popula^ I was bora.' Collie, ran for class president in women in the United States, and, The atmosphere in Bella her first year and later was elected according to a Gallup Poll, 'one of Abzug's home was conducive to president of the entire student the twenty most influential the forming of an independent body of 4000. After comj^eting women in the world.' spirit. Her father, Emanuel Hunter, she applied to Harvard She helped to organize the Savitsky, a Russian Jewish Law School, but was told that Bella Abzug: Coming to Cal State women's vote credited with immigrant, called his butcher 'we take no females.' She then got providing the winning margin in shop, The Live and Let Live Meat a scholarship to Columbia defended people accused of New York governor Mario and the United States resumed Market,' in keeping with his University, where she became subversive activities by the late Cuomo's 1982 electicm. Ip 1982, nuclear testing, she helped to philosophy. A gentle man, he editor of the Law Review and Sen. Joseph McCarthy. Her firet she also directed a six-state pilot found Women Strike fm* Peace. abhorr^ war,- loved music and obtained her LL.b. degree in 1947. civil rights case was the defense of project of WOMEN-USA to As its national legislative was an important influence in She specialized in labor law, William McGee, a young increase women's Titration and representative throughout the shapii^ Bella's values. He died and civil rights and civil liberties Mississippi black man convicted voting turnout. IS^'s, she led lobbies and mass when she was 13, in the midst of cases, and also became prominent of raping a white woman and Bella Abzug is a founder of the demonstrations to Washington on the Depression. Bella's mother, in Democratic reform politics and sentenced to death - a case which National Women's Political behalf of the nuclear test ban, Ester Savitsky, then took over the the women's movement. An active drew world-wide attention. Caucus and a member of NOW support of her two daughters. She disarmament and an immediate opponent of McCarthyism, she In 1961, when the Soviet Union end to the war in Vietnam.

Comedy Night by Shama Wilson The laughs were non-stop when three L.A. comedians Steve Greenstein, Tim Jones, and Howie Gold, did stand-up routines Thursday night at Comedy Night in the upper commons. Greenstein, who performed first, acted as M.C. of the program and introduced the other performers. Originally from New York, he humorously highlighted the differences between his old home town and L.A., where he now performs. He also incorporated a violin and a harmonica into his act which showcased his talent all the more. Next was Tim Jones, whose routine made fun of everything from drugs and beer to lesbianism. The theme of drug and alcohol abuse was also recurrent in Howie Gold's routine, and while the inferences were hilarious; subtle messages of stay away from drugs and alcohol were there. A technique of all three •f- i i comedians was audince participation. This showed their skill at improvisation. The evening was both crazy and fun for all. Comedian Howie Gold about to chug a beer during his act at comedy night last Thurs Photo by Mary Anne Gotheridge Tke Ckronicl e FeLroary 25, 1987 LETTERS V To THE EDITOR staff Letter to the Editor Development Center and Office of touch the comment on women and Student Life believe so. Whynotdo husbands!), and a host of other Mr. Koch's commentary, both Mr. Koch? qualities which make us unique Editor-ln-Chief "Alternative Employment" (Feb. An education will have a and productive individuals. "Alternative Employment" constructive impact on all areas of In short one's education will (February 11) has provided fertile one's life—not only on one's Job or certainly enhance one's career, but EIrond G. Lawrence ground for presenting a brief income level A career path that enhancement is only a side treatise on career development arui incorporates all aspects of living— benefit for what it will do for you as the role higher education plays in not simply the means of earning a a fulfilled and growing person. Managing Editor it wage. Come on in Mr. Koch. Talk to Education provides skills for us. We're sold on the idea that your Kathleen Audet Mr. Koch seems to believe his oral and written communication college education could make you college education is his career and the ability to distinguish fact a better construction journeyman. path: either he goes to school or he from judgment (what about your Are you? becomes a journeyman. Would he comment that the real reason for Copy Editor Sincerely, have us assume those in the an education is that it provides only Laura F. Mihid building trades who have a college job preparation...could this be a Jack Dexter, Ed Schneiderhan, education have wasted their time? judgment stated as fact?). andLynn Moss, Career Business Manager Could a college education possibly Education provides an apprecia­ Development Center and Randy enhance a carpenter's life and tion for the arts, the humanities, Harrell, Office of Student Life Heidi Becker career? We in the Career and cultural differences (we won't Advertising Manager Jeff Tucker Judicial Committee Returns Dear Student Body of CSUSB, and obtain the necessary forms to situation involve a point of law Layout Artists This letter is to inform you th^ start the process. Here are the which is in the jurisdiction of the after three years of non-existance, general guidelines to test to see if Associated Students Board of Patti Caiiaghan the Judicial Review Committee of you have a case or not: Directors to render a decision and CSUSB is alive and well. The which the board can offer a Susan Choiniere purpose of the Judicial Review remedy or Judicial relief? Committee is much the same as 1. Does the plaintifffs) have Typesetters the Supreme Court of the United standing to sue? That is, is or was If you can answer "yes" to these States. If you feel that a decision or the plaintiff a party to an action or questions then the Judicial policy enacted by the Associated situation in which he is or was Review Committee would like to Kimberiy Neubauer Students has wronged you in one adversely affect? help you. way or another, visit the AS office Kevin Homey 2. Does the damaging action or

Photographer Maty Anne Gotheridge Inside Circulation Manager Cal-Staters Paui Kiliburg Page 5 Talk Tennis

(he Coyote Chrootcte is pottty fufsded by on onnuol allocorion from the Assocloied Students to ccr»ef the cost of printing ond expenses. The tenrwlnder of the funding is generored by the Hong Kong: Chtonide itself. It is distributed free to students ond the community. The Chronicle is published under the control of tfse CSUSD AAedta Conrsmssion. Ir Is published weekly during tfse school yeor Page 8-9 - excluding quotrer breairs ond holidays - for o total of thirty <00) issues A First Hand Look Advertising reques's should be oddtessed or dfreoed to the Advertising Monoger or Dusiness Monoger of the oddress or number below. The Chronicleoccef« odvetising in good foirh, but mokes no wottonry, ond does nor check odvettised goods or services for volidity. Story contributions from students ond fooriiy ore welcome Copy deodlines orettie Vednesdoy or 12:CC noon, preceding the dofe of publicotion. Copy received after itxst dote will o jpeor 1986: The Top Music Page 11 Chronicle on o spoce-ovoiloble basis. Letters to the Editor most be written in good tos ••. • Include the" writer's name, oddress, phone rvimber. ond stgnorute. All sobmltied copy must be typed, ond double spaced. ^ f' Editoools ond/or commentary that ore unsigned represent tfse mojority oplnitx on St, and not necessarily those of ttse Cci State Chrorside, For further informotion, Contod: Bloom County Page 13

The Coyote ChronMe CSOO Uolverrity Parkway Saa Bemardhio, CA 9X4*7 Black Enrollment Drops Page 15 Tke Ckronicle Fek ruary 25, 1987 wmM Minorities Question Williams' Speech Task Force Attitudes To the Editor opposing the required course. His Strayed From Point response was that all minorities On February 17, a group of should support this requirement, for some 800 years now. Black, Cfaicano and other and implied that it was not To the Editor opportunity to hear and meet such Although her speech was both Hispanic students attended an therefore necessary to listen to us an extraordinary woman, the main In these times of heightening highly informative and passionate, open meeting sponsored by the or register our complaint. We conclusion drawn by myself and global tensions, the call for peace Mrs. Williams lost track of its General Education Task Force. would like to know how the my colleagues was that Mrs. becomes more and more prevalent purpose as time progressed. She This committee is in the process of professor knows what all Williams should not have strayed as each day passes. Here in the fell into a lengthy discussion of her revisit^ the General ^ucation minorities should or should not do from the topic of the presentation- U.S., our concerns cover a wide present activities to bring help to requirements. The students were or think? This is the very that being the progress of the spectrum of issues: from the starving Third-World nations opposing the proposal to require a stereotyping we have come to present peace movement in war- oppression-torn South Africa to we read often about. Though multi-ethnic course as part of the expect from dilettante professors ravaged Ulster (Northern Ireland). the U.S.-Soviet Arms Race. But highly commendable, it took General Education package. who only pretend to be interested And as a final note, a word to the for those who have to live through considerable attention away from These courses, taught principally in minorities, but have an entirely organizers of the presentation: as war on a daily basis, the goal of the main topic. She seemed almost by elitist professors, tend to different ideological agenda to students, we are reminded time peace can b^me a lifetime's to say: "...well things are moving perpetuate racial and ethnic push. We are disgusted that such a and again of the importance of work. On Thursday, February 12, right along in northern Ireland stereotypes and thereby insult person should occupy such a properly preparing ourselves when we were treated with one such now, so lefs go on to bigger and minorities. position of prominence in the writing a paper, taking a test, or person; Betty Williams, who, better things." Next came remarks After we had registered our faculty at Gal State. giving a speech. This could have along with Mairead Corrigan, was by three unrelated and highly protest. Professor Elliot Barkan, We encourage students to been heeded by those who the recipient of the Nobel Peace irrelevant panelists who were the task Force Chair, replied '1 attend future Task Force meetings obviously threw together, at last Prize in 1977 for her part in the obviously chosen at the last minute don't understand why you people and protest this authoritarian minute, tb^ presentation witnessed Irish peace crusade; which is in order to accomodate the don't support this proposal since it attempt on the part of the faculty that evening. attempting to bring a semblance of requirements of a panel discussion is in your interest." We replied that to force students to take this civilization to an area of the world group. by Pete Huben "you people" is hardly an worthless course on minorities. It that has been ripping itself apart Though highly grateful for the appropriate manner to address may serve as an elective in General individuals, and that he obviously Education, but, like the Black and thought that all minorities think Chicano courses that have always alike. We replied that we wanted been a part of the curriculum, it to be considered as individuals, should not be required. not members of groups, racial or otherwise. Barkan's response was to treat us with utter contempt and by A. Berrios Assured MIIVI condescension. Zircumference L. Buford Furthermore, Barkan refused to Jorge P. Moreno - accept a petition we had prepared STORA.GE 502 W. 40TH STREET 886-8493 The Moral Majority: CLEAIV OUT YOUR An End of Freedom? CLOSETSIIII JUST AROUND THE CORNER FROM To the Editor about the stages which these CAMPUS SIZES: 3 x 6 TO 10 x 15 parents go through on their road to acceptance; not unlike those faced OR Will the freedoms of speech, by terminally ill patients and their press and assembly ultimately be significant others. 2180 trampled under the boot of the After the film, a brief W. HIGHLAND AVE. minority who feel that their morals impromptu discussion occured. are sacrosanct? In the not too One person attending was a guest SAN BERNARDINO distant past, in the name of the to this campus. In her attempt to preservation of freedom, find the location of the 887-2411 numerous Asian Americans were presentation, she felt the onslaught incarcerated for the duration of a of prejudice in the form of SIZES war. Many German Americans unfeigned shock and chagrin at the 5x5TO 10 X were queried and watched closely fact that she was inquiring to ascertain if sympathies toward concerning the whereabouts of the their "homeland" existed. meeting. The advisor asked how I Children in these bUingual families came to know about the were often humiliated in front of presentation. I stated that I had their classmates by being made to read one of the fliers on the LARGE demonstrate the Heil Hitler Salute. bulleting board. I was appalled A little farther distant from our when the members indicated that ENOUGH time, but just a second on the numerour fliers had been removed eternal clock, "witches" were recently and others defaced by FOR BOATS burnt by sanctimonious prejudicial and lewd comments. moralizers. How can we, members of this AND CARS Has the new "moral majority" edifice of higher education, react crusade to save the nation touched in this manner? As John Stuart you yet? Will this crusade Mill, the great 19th century ultimately end in loss of freedom philospher, once stated IVO for all? Reptitious echoes "...whatever crushes individuality o£.."When will they ever learn?" is despotism,...whether it professes SECURITY DEPOSIT fill my mind as I reminisce on the to be enforcing the will of God or afternoon of February 18. The the injunctions of men." Are we in WE ALSO ACCEPT VISA/MASTERCARD Gay and Lesbian Union presented the 20th century technologically a film. It was poorly attended. The and yet, in the d^k ages socially? $ 5.00 OFF ANY UNIT WITH THIS AD. film poignantly shared the feelings Do we still fear that which is and insights of several parents who different from us? Will our fear learned that their children were bind us so tightly that social homosexual. I gained empathy tyranny will choke out our toward these parents. I learned individual liberties? TLe Ckronicle FeLruary 25, 1987

Black History Month: Baha'i Club To 24-Hour HELPline Preucil Family To Sponsor Discussion Available Larry Carroll Speaks "Racism—A Barrier To Perform Feb, 28 World Peace" is the topic for an Do you know a HELPline is by Shama Wilson influence." Although Carroll sees open discussion Tuesday, March 3 available for you? The HELPline The fourth concert in the In celebration of Black History no end to racism,(Racism in at 7 p.m. in the Student Union is a 24 hour crisis line staffed by Intimate Performances Series will Month, channel 7 newscaster endemic in the species, it will Room B. The public is invited. trained counselors. (714) 68^ be presented on Saturday evening, Larry Carroll spoke on 31ack always be here") he feels emphasis The discussion, sponsored by HELP. February 28th at 8:15 p.m. in the Present, Black Future" February should be put on keeping it under the CSSB Baha'i Club, will focus How about an information and Recital Hall of the Creative Arts 14 at 8pm. in the Recital Hall here control. on the need for the unity of the referral service? Have you ever Building here on campus. The at Gal State. As for Africa, Carroll talked on races of mankind in the common needed something and not Preucil Family Players will present The evening opened with the obvious opression of the black goal of World Peace. Baha'is known where to go. Call I&R and a program of music for string Natalie Arterbeiry, accompanied people and he suggested that Black believe that an agreement amongst they will be happy to help you. instruments. They bring a new by Gr^ Thomas, singing the Americans can help their distant the nations to war no more can (714) 6864357. dimension to ensemble playing. Black National Anthem followed kinsmen overcome the radsm of and will not last unless man can Do you know a senior citizen Vidinist and father, William Sr. is by an introduction by Dr. Michael South Africa and other countries. eradicate racism, which is, that is in a loi^ term care fecility joined by family members Doris, Pounds, new Associate Professor How? Economically. according to the Universal House and you believe the person is not William Jr. (the Concertmaster of of Communications. of Justice of the Baha'i Faith, "one gettii^ the proper care. Call our Ghana has more diamonds and the Atlantic Symphony) and of (our) most baneful and Ombudsman Program and let us In his opening statements, Niger has more Uranium than Jeanne on the violin, Walter on persistent evfls." help you. Carroll expressed his views about South Africa could ever have. the cello and Anne on the harp to These are just a few of our the once a year celebration of They have the resources and we present an evening of varied and BSU Sponsors programs. If you woidd like more blackness. "Trying to put 6000 Black Americans) have the delightful music. information please call the years of African history into one management. Doesn't that sound Commenting on their 1980 Music Groups Volunteer Center Riverside. month, February, the shortest like the basis of a partnership to Cam^e Hall debut the New by Eric T Grunewald (714) 686-4402. month of the year, is ludicrous." your York Times wrote: The family's Carroll's message, which reported Carroll, a writer and reporter The groups Divine Intervention dignified rapport-despite the age the the black condition in Africa, for some 15 years, was clad in the and X-pres-sion played Sunday Stock Exchange differential, ttey treat one another as well as the United States, was traditional dress of an Ethiopian night, at 7:30, in the Recital Hall in as artists equal-was itself a very enlightening. while givii^ his speech. This was recognition of Black History Tour In L.A. pleasure to obs^e." In the United States, Carroll to reiterate his admonishment of Month. The Concert was to In addition to the Saturday feels that the momentum of the Black Americans to familiarize expose the groups and to help raise All students interested in evening concert the group will be Blac^ Movement is losing fervor themselves with Africa and its funds for the Blacks Student touring the exciting Pacific Stock in residence here on Friday when and at exactly the wroi^ time history, which is, in essence, the Union(BSU), according to Helen Exchange in the Los Angeles they will present two children's because,"for the first time we history of the Black American. Thornton, president of BSU. Both financial district, are invited to concerts, one at 10:00 a.m. and occupy positions of power and groups are from San Bernardino, meet at the University Parkway one at 1:00 p.m. For these and play a mixture of soul, pop, tumaround (by the bookdrop) at programs children from the local Get The Jump On and fiink music. 8:30am. on Friday, March 6. This schools will be bussed in to attend. Admin Fellows The Recital Hall was nearly frill, event is sponsored by the Financial Summer Jobs and the audience enjoyed the Management Association (FMA). Gay and Lesbian Applications Due music. According to Thomton, Transportation will be provided Get the jump on summer "Everbody is welcome at these by Ctd State University and there March 13 employment now by looking functions, it is not just for blacks. It is no charge. Seating is limited, so Union Meets through the seasonal positions is a time to come and learn about please sign up now at AD-162. posted in the Career Development another culture." Dor further information The next meeting of the Gay Applications to participate in Center. For more information call February is Black History concerning this trip, call Mike and Lesbian Union will be held on the CSU Administrative Fellows Jack Dexter, Job Developer, Month, events and activities will DeGrasse at 862-3634 or Frank Wednesday, March 4 from noon - program during 1987-88 should Career Development Center, SS- continue on scheduled days for the Smedly at 8864245. 1:00 p.m. in Student Services 171. be filed with the Office of 116, R87-755I. rest of this month. Academic Personnel by March 13, We will get a sneak preview of the reminds Associate Vice President Clinton/Roma novsky and Phillips performance which will J.C. Robinson. '^Meet the Candidates'" The program is intended to Alpha Kappa Psi be held on March 12. Tapes smuggled from XXXXX will be provide opportunities for upward To Be Held Feb. 25 mobility, particularly for women Hosts Realtor played. Our next meeting is and persons from ethnic minority The Cal State's Organization for Collie sch^uled for March 18. Tickets backgrounds. Participation is open Women, Young Democrats and Young for the performance by comedien Robert Henly, San Bernardino to academic and ^ministrative Republicans Clubs will be presenting a "Meet Kate Clinton and singer- realtor-developer will speak to personnel who have tenured/per­ the Candidates Evening" on February 25, songwriters Romanovsky and Alpha Kappa Psi members and manent or probationary positions. Wednesday, from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m., in the Phillips are available at Student visitors on Thursday, February 26, Fellows normally are assigned to a Lower Commons-Sycamore Room. Life Office, SS-122, 887-7405. at 11am. in the Alder Room, campus other than their own to Candidates running for office in the dty of San For more information, contact Upper Commons. work under mentors who hold Bernardino will be available for questions and faculty advisor Dr. Craig Mr. Henley will speak on positions at the dean's level or comments from the voters. For info: Lee Ann Henderson, [3ean of Students "Getting Started in Today's above. or Penni Overstrcet (714) 820-0272. Office, 887-7524. Application forms and Market." He is a past president of complete information on the the San Bernardino Chamber of selection process are available Commerce and the CSUSB Board CSU Fresno Sponsors from Academic Personnel, AD of Councillors. All business majors History Club 109. and interested students are invited Research Competition to attend. CSU, Fresno is sponsoring a Interested students need to find Meets Mar. 9 Student Research Competition on a faculty sponsor who will then May 8-9 aiming at highlighting the request a registration form from the office of the Associate Dean, Bowata Speaks To FMA The History Club will have its fact that undergraduate and Graduate Programs. The CSUSB next general meeting on March 9 graduate research of high quality is On Tuesday, Mardi 3, the February 24, 1987 at 4:00 p.m. nominees will be selected based from 6-8:30pm. in the Sycamore being done on the various CSU FMA will host Bob Bowata, a Mr. Bowata works at SCE upon a paper (not longer than 20 Room, Lower Commons 106. The campuses. Financial Analyst from SCE. Mr. headquarters in Rosemead p^es) and a one-page (500 word) program will feature a Any graduate or undergraduate Bowata will be speaking on California. He spoke at an FMA abstract of it due in AD-182 (the Corporate Finance and meeting las^ year on the presentation entitled: "Women currently enrolled as well as Acccimtii^ as it applies to electric peculiarities of accounting Organizing for Peace: A Woman's students who received a d^ree in office of the Associate Dean, utility companies. practices for electric utilities. He Peace Camp in England" made by Spring/Summer/Fall of 1986 are Graduate Prc^rams) on Thursday, will also answer questions Amber and Sunny Wallick. Also eligible. Research should represent March 5. Final judgments will be Mr. Bowata will be sending r^arding career opportunities in included will be a video, "Carry an achievement appropriate to the based on interviews held during SCE annual reports in advance so the electric utility industry. All Greenham Home"(Greenham is student's discipline and career the week of March 16. goals. that students can familiarize interested students are encouraged the site of the peace camp), All expenses of each candidate themselves with the company. to attend. The meeting will be held followed by a panal discussion. Cal State, San Bernardino can will be paid. Those wishing to attend the in the Senate Chambers room of All interested members of the nominate up to ten candidates to meeting and want to receive an the Student Union. The talk will campus community are invited to compete for ten $500 prizes that The nominees will be selected annual repoit should attend the begin at 4:00 p.m. and attend. For more information will be awarded to the winners at by a committee created by the FMA meeting on Tuesday, refreshments will be served contact Beth Tillitson, X-7612. Fresno. Faculty Senate. J Xke Ckronicl e February 25, 1987 Cal-Staters Talk Tennis

by Kim Schnepp It's wanning up outside once that started in 1985. There is one again and that means tennisseason retuming player from last year is starting. This years CSUSB also. mens tennis team has four Tennis isn't the only sport these returning players from last year. three play together. They also play Three of these players are Rich in intramurals on campus; softball Blackey, Tim Streck and Mike and football. Last year they won Catalano These three are the only supersports 1985. This is when remaining players who were on four team members participate in the team Ae first year CSUSB 10 different events. began the tennis program. Rich Blackey is a graduate of The tennis team b^an practice Eisenhower High School. He has in January and their first match been playing tennis for nine years. was February 11th. They've one Two of those years he's play^ in a win and one loss. league. He has also done some The team's season continues tournament playing. During high From Left Mike Catalano, Tim Streck. and Richard Blackey. Photo by Matt Pollack through April. The big match school he was ranked number 1 on against the Pomona Pitzers is on his tennis team and third in the Tim Streck is also a junior at Tennis is the first sport at wasn't bad, he only hit me a few Saturday, February 28th at Cal Citrus Belt League. He won the CSUSB. His major is physical CSUSB to have a player rank in times during the season." Poly, n'his is a tough team captains award, most valuable education. He would like to coach nationals. Golf now has also had Catalano attributes his success because they're a Division III player award, and various other tennis after college. Besides someone rank. Both Blackey and to his first coach, Mike Muscare, school. We're a Division III awards in high school. playing tennis, Streck likes to fish Streck are ranked 10th in west who is now at Cal State Fullerton. school but our league is Blackey is a Junior here. His and golf. 'I also like stringing regionals. Catalano was bom in Upland independent," Streck said. major is Business Administration racquets," Streck said. Mike Catalano hasn't been where his family still lives. One of with a concentration in Streck was bom in Azusa, playing tennis as long as Blackey Mikes < favorite hobbies is All three feel the team has good information management. He also California. He went to Gladstone or Streck. The first time Mike ever collecting sweaters. He's a junior potential. Their coach, Jim Ducey, minors in economics. After High School in Covina. He was a hit a tennis ball was his freshman here and majors in business also coaches the women's tennis graduation Rich plans on going nmner-up in league finals during year here when he decided he liked management. After graduation he team and men's basketball. He has back east to get his masters. high school. He was also a three- CSUSB and was going to continue plans on going back east with a busy schedule along with the fact While playing for CSUSB Rich year finalist in league. In high school here. Catalano played Blackey to get his masters in that this is his second year has received the most valuable school he won the most valuable baseball and basketball in Ugh hospit^ administration. coaching. "The season is off to a players award and most improved player award three times. school at Damien Prep school in The three teammates have been good start and we have a chaiKe to player. Last year be had the best During his three years here he La Veme. At the time he entered good friends since their first year be the best," Blackey said. singles record on the team, 14 wins has won the coaches award, co- college, CSUSB didn't have a on the team. Catalano and Streck "We're looking forward to a and 6 losses. most valuable player, and co- baseball team and basketball share a room in the Morongo good season this year. Up till now Blackey was bom in New York. captain award. His freshman year practice didn't fit his schedule. dorm, while Blackey has a room to we've been average, out we're He likes to travel and have fun he was ranked 5th in the nation in Being his first year playing himself across the hall. The three ready to break out of our shell," with his friends. Rich also enjoys doubles. In singles he was ranked tennis, Catalano claims he had a of them feel like the three Catalano said, adding "After all music and likes to dance. And of SOth. Streck has been playing good year. Blackey seemed to musketeers in a sort, being the only we're not flamboyant, we're just course, he loves teimis. tennis for 10 years. agree with him saying, "ya, he players left from the original team regular guys." Hiking Club Takes Action Wrestling Comes At 8:15 AM sharp we took off mountain," - it was obvious, we from the Ranger Station where we had real hikers in our group. We had met and headed towards the followed the tracks in the snow. to Cal State Santa Ana river bed and Vivian "How much farther to Creek. We parked the cars. "midpoint,Joe?" O.K., it was tacky to promote a San G, class of '86. Start working It was Sunday, February 15, "Just about 1000 more feet up" legitimate wrestling event by using out now and get ready for the main 1987, and this was our Hiking came the answer. pictures and the names of event, tentatively scheduled for Club's first official outing. The air "What is it going to be like?" "professional" wrestlers. We are Thursday, March 12th at 8:00 felt nippy, and we dived into "Just like here, snow, trees and sorry if we offended anyone. The p.m. A sign-up sheet will be posted additional jackets and sweaters. rocks." fact is, we want to conduct a real on the Intramural Bulletin Board Matthew (13), Elena's brother, It was here when I buried my intramural wrestling tournament. in the Physical Education decided to take the lead. He hopes for "Mc Donalds." There are wrestlers on campus Building. For more information, carried the compass and the Then - suddenly, there it was! with high school experience, like come to the Recreational Sports magnifying glass. Natasha, Joe The brightest and bluest sky, I ever Mark Seymour, Dave Malone, Office, in Morongo Residence and Elena followed him closely. saw. Golden sun rays were chasing Ernesto Guzman and the guy from Hall no. 119 or call 887-7416. Next came Wes and David. a few left over candy tuft clouds, (David Neighboers is the New and the mountain peaks were in Hiking Club's Advisor). Bob and I ftUl sight. We had arrived! took the tail end of the expedition. The down hill walk was more Although, someone had like a skid. It was fun to recognize mentioned "McDonalds" (up in former landmarks, rocky bridges the mountains?), I had packed a across the aeek, broken trees on few snacks like granola bars, some the trail and a waterfall. Far RECREATIONAL chips and string cheese. Other than below, the world was embedded in that our backpacks were light. Bob clouds. It was great! (Although, SPORTS SCHEDULE had recovered from a Triple we never found "Mc Donalds." February 26 CO-REC VOLLEYBALL 8:00 - 9:30 P.M. GYM Bypass Surgery about a year ago. Thank Goodness.) As we walked leisurely and Are you interested in joining the February 26 WRESTLING WORKOUTS 8:15 - 10:00 P.M. SMALL GYM stopped frequently during the CSUSB Hiking Club? Meetings February 27 "B" BASKETBALL 2:45 P.M. GYM initial climb, we really enjoyed are held regularly every Thursday February 27 CO-REC HOCKEY 3:00 - 5:30 P.M. COURTS some great sights. The air was at PL 54 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 February 28 WEEKEND RECREATION 1:00 - 5:00 P.M. P.E. BLDG. streaked with moisture. Walking PM. March 1 WEEKEND RECREATION ' 1:00 - 5:00 P.M. P.E. BLDG. on throu{ .. forest we sought P.S. No age limit is required. March 2 "B" BASKETBALL 2:45 P.M. GYM Also, bulletins will be posted for shelter in ihe hollowed trunk of a March 2 "A" BASKETBALL 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. GYM tree. Rain turned to light snow. future and additional events. For March 3 SKI SLALOM 1:00 P.M. GOLDMINE "How come, you are so slow? more information call Christa March 3 CO-REC 4:4 BASKETBALL 4:00 P.M. GYM I've been all over that Bush at 714-359-8715. ; 3| ''ill TLe Okronicle Fekruary 25, 1987 Leverenz an Asset to Women's Tennis by Eric T. Grunewald in high school, and three years on the varsity team. The CSUSB women's tennis season has started, and for Kelly The CSUSB women's teimis Leverenz that means a second team plays in the NCAA Divisic«i collegiate tennis season. Leverenz three league, but this year, they comes to CSUSB from Molalia, will play some Division two Or^on. She chose to come to teams. The current team record is 2-1, while Leverenz's record for both doubles and singles is 3-1. school here because of the friendly people and the Southern California weather. When When in a tennis match, Leverenz first came here, she was Leverenz concentrates most on her not planning to play tennis. "I serve. "You can't win if you don't IS'I start^ hitting the1^ around with have a good serve, it effects all t fj some of my friends, they suggested your other shots," she said. "My I try out for the tennis team,"she strongest stroke is the volley, while said. my weakest is my forehand," Leverenz stated.

Termis is not a new sport for After graduating from college, Leverenz, she has been playing for Leverenz Wants to work in the six years. "I started playing Los Angeles area in advertising. Volleyball, but after taking a tennis One of her favorite things about class 1 decided tennis was for me," playing tennis for CSUSB is the she said. Leverenz played one year team members. "I really enjoy all of tennis on the junior varsity team the people on the team," she said. Tom Lescher sits with his team mates at the game Saturday even though he is injured. Photo by Mary Anne Gotheridge n Injury Sidelines Athlete ^ jBrandl N by Kim Schnepp Lescher is a Business management major. He plans on The newest sport on campus graduating in December of next this year is baseball. The team is off year. Lescher is also responsible i IikJ. lan Creek Vi to a good start with two wins and for starting a new firatemity on two losses. Tom Lescher, campus, Chi Tau Omega, which is outfielder for the team, hasn't been still in the process of being LitaxTULFy A^pantiiueiiits as lucky however. Four days chartered on campus. before the season started he tore Lescher may be able to play ligaments in his ankle diving for a again in two to three weeks. He's FREE ball in practice. in the process of receiving therapy Lescher has been playing so it's too early to tell just when Microwave-Washer/Dryer hookups baseball "since I was old enou^ to he'll be returning to the team, and ceiling fans in every unit... MONTH RENT hold a bat," he said. He started in "If our team plays to their full little league when he was eight. A potential every game we should *1&2 Bedroom Available 6 MONTH LEASE graduate from Redlands High have a good season," Lescher said, 'Swimming Pool Schod, Lescher had a successful adding "Everyone is hungry to put 'Recreation Room senior year which lead him CSUSB on the map in baseball." 'Exercise Room directly in to playing for UCR his Lescher also said it takes a while 'Jacuzzi Freshman yeu in college. An for a team to get togdher, but 'Sauna injury kept him out for the they've had no problems so far 'Lighted Tennis Courts remainder of the season. getting along. 1basically just concentrated on "Coach E>eagle knows how to 'Wood Burning Fireplace Available school after this, which is keep people within their 'Washer & Dryer Available important to me," Lescher said. limitations, he lets us play, and 'Fi'Frost-Free Refrigerators Available He then transferred to CSUSB his have a good time, without any ego jj-L,arge Patios or Balconies w/storage sophomore year. trips," Lescher said, "He's really a Assigned, night-lighted cov'd parking After a two and a half year good guy to play for." Sorry, no pets CZ^ absence, during which time he The Coyotes have already won didn't even pick up a baseball, against Cal Baptist and University Lescher's back in the eame again. of Redlands, (which was a double STUDENTS header). There are 35 games "I hadn't planned on playing remaining and "if the team can $25 off rent baseball here, as a matter of fhct I stay injury free," according to per month. missed the first couple of da)^ of Lescher, it sho^d be a good practice," he said. season. .I-2U> Ski Slalom on March 3rd IMVERSITY PARKWAY The Intramiual Ski Slalom will determining the winner. T-Shirts ^ IB "4 be on Tuesday, March 3rd, at will be awarded for Men's Open, INDIAN CAL STATE Goldmine Ski Area in Big B^. Men's Novice, Women's Open CREEK and Women's Novice, providing Participants must purchase their VILLAGE own lift tickets and roister for the there are at least five entries in each race on The Deck," between cat^ory. All participants are 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. For those digible to win a door prize, who buy a fiill day ($23.00) lift donated by San Bernardino Ski & 1930 College Ave, San Bernardino ticket, a "premium" prize wiU be Sport. For more information, call inclu^. Each skier gets two t^ Recreational Sports Office, 1 (714) 880-1884 starts, with the best single time 887-7416. Tte Cbronicle FekruAiy 25, 1987 health comen^lr^Vv^

CALUNG ALL STUDENTS! scheduled for March lOth at 1:00 FRANKLY SPEAKING phil frank ALL NEW students bom after If you cannot provide actual EARN A UNIT OF CREDIT! p.m. in the Health Center January I, 1957 (b^inning as of proof of being immunized AU CASHAUpA Conference Room. The staff at the 6AU0N OF "AtATCA/tAOT JtBCE . Fall Quarter, 1986); (through physician, high school Student Health Center really want The Student Health Advisory records, or public health our services to be helpful and Committee (SHAG) needs you. department), the Health Center is effective for you. We need you to This organization is directly providing free measles/rubella help accomplish this goal. involved with you, the CSUSB immunizations Monday through ....ALL NEW students born after student, and your Student Health Friday. Also, personal or medical January 1,1957 who are applying Center. This is one way to exemptions will be accepted. for readmission; represent students on our campus Any student who gels actively Contact the Health Center at 887- by voicing your concerns, involved with this committee may 7641 if you have any questions. suggestions, opinions concerning also be eligible for 1 unit of credit suggestions, and opinions in Health Services 399. Talk to Dr. concerning Health Center policy. To avoid a delay in the Cindy Paxton in PS-1I3 or ext. ....ALL students who reside in processing of your Spring The committee not only promotes 7393 for details. So, circle March campus residence halls; registration materials, stop by the health education and student 10th on your calendars, and get Health Center today! awareness of Health Center involved!! programs, but it represents student opinion. Its mission is to receive input from students that will lead ALL students whose primary INLyfL^WS PROJECT to improvements and changes in REMINDER! and secondary education were the Health Center. obtained outside of the United P. 0. Box 8330, San Bernardino, CA 92412 States; Think about what you are or are INLAND AIDS PROJECT was formed by a group of concerned not receiving from the Health Students who have not yet citizens of the Inland Empire who want to reduce the impact of AIDS Center. Evaluate the benefits that complied with the measles on our community and especially on persons with AIDS. you do receive and see what could requirement are urged to do so Students who are participating be better about them. If you're not as soon as possible to avoid a in: dietetics, medical technolc^, INLAND AIDS PROJECT provides: yet using the services, think about delay in their Spring nursing, physical therapy, and any -Professional and peer counseling for persons with AIE>S why that is. What is keeping you registration. Only students who practicum, student teaching or -Confidential referrals for HTLV III Antibody test awa;^ (It can't be financial fall in the following five field work involving pre-school -Speakers on a variety of subjects relating to AIDS considerations, since most services categories are required to children or school-age children -Opportunities for citizens to become volunteers are free to students.) Jot down provide documentation of being (including the Children's Center) your ideas and join the SHAC immunized for both measles and or taking place in a health care In this health crisis, there are needs for positive social growth. We members. The next meeting is rubella (German measles): setting. must give emotional and financial support to those who have or are at risk of AIDS, and foster a community network to provide a supportive atmosphere. National Condom Week: WE ARE COMMITTED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE! For more information call: Promoting "Safe Sex" (714) 784-AIDS or 820-AIDS

The stress is also being placed on us. Departmefil o( Health 8 Human Services by Kim Schnepp and and by 1:00 p.m. all packets 'safe sex". were gone. The next day 300 Were you surprised to see a packets were made and by 1:00, 'Collie students who are group of people handing out these too were gone. sexually active need to be aware condoms in front of the library last "Students were very receptive, that there is a need to change their week? Did you think maybe it was not many declined a package." sexual habits." Paxton said. a fraternity prank? It wasn't, it was Paxton said, adding "people TEST Previously "National Condom something that was happening at taking the information dir^y to Week" was just to promote the campuses all over the United them." condom as a form of States for National Condom Paxton was prepared for some YOUR contraception. Week. controversy and was pleased when The project this year wa s CSUSB joined in the there appeared to be none. overwhelmingly successful, educational effort along with If any fraternity, sorority, KNOWLEDGE according to Paxton. Distribution several other universities to dormitory, or any group is Q: How many of the people who died of lung was planned for Wednesday, promote the use of condoms as a interested in viewing a video cancer last year were smokers? February 18th and Thursday 19th prevention against A.I.D.S., intitled "Sex, Drugs and AIDS", A. 25% from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The B.40% acquired immune deficiency they can contact the health center first day 200 packets were made C. 60% system syndrome. Information and ask for Dorinda at 887-7641. 0.80% packets containing an A.I.D.S. pamphlet and a condom were distributed last week as part of this Help bring the world together. program. The project was co-sponsored . Host an exchange student by the on going AIDS Advisory Committee on campus and the ^temational Youth Exchange, a Inland AIDS Project. The dential Initiative for peace, brings teenagers committee on campus was from other countries to live for a time \vith appointed by Dr. Evans. Dr. American families and at­ Cindy Paxton, assistant professor of he^th science, is co-chairman of tend American schools. the committee with Dr. Savage, Learn about partici­ director of the Student Health pating as a volunteer^ Onter. host family.

Wite: YOUTH EXCHANGE The major goal of condom Pueblo, Colorado 81009 week was to make students aware QUITTING. IT COULD BE that AIDS isn't only contracted frTil The Intei-nationdJ Vbuth Exchange through homosexuals and IV use. THE TEST OF YOUR LIFE. %08 ueiu ajoui s.ii 'o TLe Ckronicle February 25, 1987 HONG KONG: Arricle/ Phofogrophy City of many. Land of beauty by Mofr Ftollod^

Have you ever wondered what Hong Kong the city which people mean when they say that a England is leasing from the city or a country has been People's Republic of China until 'westernized? 1997, has one major difference Webster's Dictionary says that from many other western cities- it's to 'westernize' mams to make streets are emaculate. in this small something "western" in its city which houses over 5.7 million characteristics, habits, ideas, etc. If residents, the streets are free of that's the case, then what is litter. Because of the small area, western? Webster's states that however, the skies are filled with 'western' is somewhere in the pollutioK western hemisphere of the globe, The first two things I noticed with the Uni^ States being the when flying into Hong Kong were focus of the west its many tall buildings and the If Webster's definition of smog. "No different than a Los westernization is fact, then I have Angeles or a New York City,"I seen the city/country that they thought When I looked closer, based their definition OK Hong however, things were much Kong. I was lucky enough to visit different this city over New Year's with a To begin with, the tall buildings small tour group from CSUSB. (mostly apartment complexes) This large city, located in the looked alike. They were the same southern portion of China and on height and had the same the South China Sea, is the perfect appearance. It was as if these model for other cities or countries buildings were built at t^ same around the world which want u> time, a sltyscraper version of tract app&v like an American city. housing. Hong Kong has all of the The majority of Hong Kong's characteristics of a 'western'city. It residents live in these buildings. On is commercialized and has the average, a family of three to modem architecture, clothing seven people occupy an apartment alucation, entertainment foods of300 to 500 square feet in size. and transportatioK However, It brought a few thoughts to my Hong Kong still contains mind when thinking of so many reminents of its past- people living people living in so many buildings on boats. that look alike. For one, I TLe Ckronicle February 25, 1987

ntdered how a person figures cmt We ate at Jumbo, a multi- rtifA building he lives in after a floored construction valued at over ^ of heavy drinking. Maybe he $10 million The high value of ihis pes home with a friend. restaurant is probably due to the Other construction that Hong layers of gold that highlight the hug has includes a four-floored dining room ceilings. At Jumbo, hopping mall that is about a mile which contains identical dining This mall is located in the rooms on each side, we ate Chinese Iwloon area and is accessible specialties such as Peking Duck. jrm three hotels, including the Our seven person group also took hince Hotel where we stayed fVe a group photograph on a royal we also able to cross the street to throne that was located at the end mother mall by the means of a of the dining room for tourist enclosed bridge photographs. There is also a 1.7 mile long ToreachJumbo, wetookaferry taael under the South China Sea boat across from Hong Kong hat connects the Kowloon area Island Ferry boats are just one cf oA Hong Kong Island The the many forms of transportation taael was built in 1972as another that exist in Hong Kong. People Kons of travel to the island which may also travel on the water by )mes 1.3 million of Hong Kong's means of speedboats, hydrofoils, wdents. jetfoils and steamships to name a Hong Kong Island is the site few. You can also travel by there ancient China and the airplane, train, bus and of course, wdemized world live as one. One automobile. However, Hong Kong RO of the island, Aberdeen, is roads are on the British driving A flooring resfouronr: The "Sec Poloce' there the Hong Kong 'boat system-they drive on the 'wrong' ''people' live Here, thousands of side of the road k^boats fill the water with many When we were traveling on the electronics shops, though the Hong Kong is to look for sales or popular restaurant in Hong Kong- ^the city's people road we saw a few different things. prices vary greatly from shop to go to a tailor shop. -McDonald's. fVe saw a few large A week before we arrived in We saw a few double-decker shop. In addition. Hong Kong has The best bargains in Hong McDonald's outlets in the city and Hong Kong many of the wooden British buses carrying people. The the new models on the shelves Kong are found on the streets they were constantly busy. in Aberdeen were destroyed majority of the automobiles we saw months before the U.S. does. People set tables on the sidewalks fire No deaths were reported, were Japanese-made and there filled with silk lies and other AII of this and more only goesto w over 1,700 people were left were a few Mercedes and Rolls Though the prices of electronics articles of clothing and toys to sell pro ve that Hong Kong is one of the kmeless. According to our tour Royces. in Hong Kong is compatable to to the hords of people passing by. world's most modernized cities and pde, Alan, many of these people The registration of these that of the U.S., the price of Another low priced commodity is a big money-maker. The we wealthy and lost their money automobiles can be costly, clothing is exuberant In one case, is food In Hong Kong you can People's Republic of China has Wf jewelry when their houseboats however. Some people will pay up we saw an acrylic sweater selling find any type of food-American, recognized this fact too and has lamed to $500,000 to obtain a certain for $150 U.S. which costs $40 Italian, French, Mexican, Thai, stated that they are not going to One of the major attractions of lucky license plate number for here. The latest fashions are etc.-and it tastes good too! You change Hong Kong when they it Aberdeen area, though, is the their cars. These numbers are available, however, the best bet in can also find the world's most assume jurisdiction in 1997. Kssive floating restaurants that owned for the remainder of the car on the water. The appearance owner's life. these restaurants is spectacular, Obtaining a driver's license in peir many bright lights of many Hong Kong is also a troublesome xohrs illuminate the evening sky task. Prospective drivers must go to ad the two largest- 'Jumbo' and driver's school for 15 to 20 hours Ae 'Sea Palace'- are two to three (at $10 per hour) before taking the dm the length of a footballfield test Many people fail the test a couple of times before they become licensed drivers and when they do, they pay $3 (United States) for a gallon of gas to keep their vehicles going. Another important facet of Hong Kong is its educational system. The government pays for the first nine years of a child's education-through the flrstpartof secondary school If parents want to send their children to a college preparatory school (high school) and then to a university, they must pay the expenses. There are two universities in Hong Kong-Hong Kong University and China University. There is also a great deal of bars and nightly entertainment for 'students and tourists to hangout in The majority of the people I met in bars and discotheques were students from Hong Kong's high schools and universities. These students stay out until 2 am. or 3 am. on weekni^hts and after the students go home, the city remains lifeless until 7 am. Besides discos and bars, people can go watch a movie (current with what's in the U.S.) or listen to their 'hi-tech' stereos or watch their 'hi- tech' televisions and VCR's. All of the brand names such as Sony, Hong Kong: Panasonic, Sanyo and Hitachi are The people Imng on boots In Aberdeen available in Hong Kong's Tke Ckronicle Fetruaiy 25, 1987 A Feature Poge Sponsored by the Communicotion Deportment

Dr. Easton : A New Twist To Study Skills Raise A Diophantine Approximation Chances of Survival By Sharna Wilson

"It's hard to teach In Today^s Colleges somebody something you think is really neat and have By Karen Reese them have the attitude that it's a bunch Ives, wizards and research, this takes into ac­ of crap," he leprechauns are magic; count your body's natural said. E study skills are the energy levels, which rise and On the per­ results of hard work and men­ fall, said Palmer. It also sonal side, tal toil. Some students believe allows for material to be learn­ Easton is these skills have a magical ed in smaller, more more like he technique that will give them a manageable chunks. appears- quick and easy way to get Palmer describes how to atMetic. He "A's". bribe oneself into studying. runs, swims, "Set yourself a prize or small and likes the Unfortunately for many, indulgence that you can look outdoors. He there is no sure-way, accor­ forward to at the end of your travels, loves ding to experts, to get good study period." hockey and grades in college. Study skill In his research, Patrick baseball. So techniques build on skills that Mullen, Ph.D., in the educa­ how did a students already have. tion department at CSUSB, man this in­ In the first paragraphs of has found study skill techni­ terested in the book, "Brain Train- ques substantially improve sports get Studying for Success," by student's grades and organiza­ Richard Palmer and Chris tion of their study time. involved in mathematics? Pope, Palmer bluntly says "While we can't improve Although he is not married, what he believes is the basic "I just sort of fell into it, he does have a girlfriend, premise of learning (and of his Ulrike, who is still in Canada, book): I was always good at " If a student is really math and Hike finishing a master's degree in "All success requires care electrical engineering. She is and industry: if you've picked motivated and has average learning." the motivation behind a Ger­ up this book hoping for some ability, he can survive man course he is taking, since smart alec way to by-pass she and her parents both speak necessary toil, you might as in college. his bachelor's, master's and a the language. He likes to read, well put it down again right Motivation is the key»" ust by looking at him, doctorate in mathematics) he mainly history and detective away." one would never suspect was ready for a change. So stories, and is meeting new One way a student can help Jhe'd be interested in why here, out of all places in people and getting to know his his studies is to discover what straight A-students grades," mathematical "diophantine the United States? Mainly surroundings. his own best method is. Dr. Mullen said, "we often approximation." As a matter because of the weather. Using Easton, who lives in San Palmer stresses this is an in­ can help them reduce the time of fact, it would be much a publication issued by the Bernardino, likes it here dividual matter and what they spend studying and get easier to picture him lying on a American Math Society that because it's different. One dif­ works for one will not work them better organized so they beach, involved in sports, or lists all jobs available in North ference that amazed him, for another. don't have to take so long.'' doing something other than America, Easton found there however, was the traffic. He uses himself and his Dr. Mullen said that some teaching Cal State students were far too many openings, "I've never seen so many father as an example. He likes subjects can't be studied in the pre-calculous and number so to narrow down his choices cars in my life," he said. "I've to work with background same way—for example a theory. Yet David C. Easton, he decided to apply only to been to L. A. inrush hour." music on while his father history or science class. new associate professor of places whereit was warm. Easton seems to be getting works best in silence. Both "Some people automatically mathematics, is as intellectual "I don't like the smog, but I along well. Although he ways are equally correct for switch their type of studying as he is athletic. love it when it's sunny and wouldn't be called shy, he has each person. from subject to subject," he Easton, 29, is tall, slender, clear," he said."It' s great.'' a reservation and manner of Studying in short blocks of said. blond-haired and blue-eyed. Now that he's here, Easton speaking that makes him quite 25-30 minutes, allowing a five- For college students. Dr. He is cooly at ease and at is settling into life at Cal State, interesting. When asked how minute break between each Mullen said, "Selecting a home in his new surroundings. and is busy teaching he likes his new office he said, block, improves the quality of socially significant piece of Arriving in mid-August from mathematics courses. Please See Page 14 study time. Backed by clothing (such as a t-shirt with his native Canada, Easton had the words "I'm Studying no expections of what it would Now. Do Not Bother.") ac­ be like in Southern California. tually helps students concen­ He was looking for a job, and ' A trate. It's the same idea as after 11 years at the same when you were in grade school university (the University of and your teacher said, "Let's Waterloo, where he received Horrors?** put on our thinking-caps," he By Sue Barcus added. Even with computerization changes, schedul­ classes from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and at 6 p.m., Study skill techniques can't ing has always been the thorn in the side of col­ according to Dr. Jerrold Pritchard, associate help people whose real pro­ lege students throughout California. Many vice-president for academic affairs, is blem is emotional, medical, or due to times a student will need two different classes understandable but unrealistic. a lack of basic skills," Kaleidoscope is pubiished that have the same schedule. Dr. Mullen said. "Sometimes weekly by the Department of Often with classes being offered infrequent­ the problem can be hidden and Communication to augment ly, because of low demand or inavailabiUty of hard to find. I came across a classroom instruction. Inquiries instructors, the student can face a wait of up to Commentary case once where a student was getting poor grades. They and comments may be addressed a year before it is offered again. rinally figured out that it was to Kaleidoscope, care of the It is difficult for the student and frustrating Students can help by checking with their par­ for the college. Lack of department funds because her eyes focused in Department of Communication, ticular departments to keep abreast of what will two different directions and Cafifomia State University, San preclude offering a class during the day and at be offered, when, and to plan as far ahead as night. not because she was studying Bernardino, 5500 University possible. incorrectly. Parkway, San Bernardino, The problem is funding and available space. Schools will never come up with unlimited Please See Page 14 California 92407. Looking for options that ease overcrowding, finances. These problems will remain, and only Dianne Hamre, editor within the time constraints given, and student by planning and dilligence by both students and scheduling dilemmas should always be first in staff will any progress be made. Elaine Patrick, photography priorities. The schools must offer comprehensive infor­ Editing and Sue Barcus, photography Students must be more willing and flexibile in mation and the students must act on that Layout By John Kaufman, advisor their demands. The fact that most people want information. Sue Barcus Xli® Ckronicle February 25, 1987

TH YOP speaking His Peoce by John Cloud BEST ALBUMS As 1986 came to its bitter end, 1. The Saints/All fools day we see the music/radio scene (AUSTRALIA) USD© become seemingly better and 2. Various/What a nice way to better. This may possibly provide a turn seventeen (UK) ray of hope in the future for those 3. Husker Du/ Lii[b(g[] of us who appreciate good music. 4. Husker Du/Candy apple grey ArtSsfi ^OlbiiaDiTi] As 1987 arrived, most wise and 5. Scruffy the Cat/High Octane "self righteous" radio station Revival managers and music critics rack BEST SINGLES Jsiii their memories and feverishly 1. Cramps/What's inside a girl assemble their synopsis of what 2. Husker Du/Walking around with my head in the clouds... 1. Ben Sidran One the live side Magenta was considered the b^t and worst of the 1986 music year. Since I am 3. Babylon Blues/Har vi inte gravt 2. Chris Hunter Chris Hunter Atlantic for manga hal (SWEDEN) 3. Stanley Jorden Standards Vol. 1 PDK no exception to this tradition, I will without further adue present 4. Kate Bush/Hounds of Love 4. Peter Kater Two hearts Blue Note my considerations for the top best 5. In Embrace/This iH'illiant 5. K. Young/M. Donoto Justin Time evening (UK) 6. Software Computer fantasy Suite Beat 7. Ron Eschette Christmas Expressions Bain Bridge albums, and singles of 1986; the BANDS TO LOOK 8. N. Landgren/Wallen Miles from duke STIM worst of 1986; and the artist that I FORWARD TO IN 1987 9. Paul Horn Sketches Lost Lake Arts will (and everyone else should) Master's Voice (Sweden), 10. Lattitude Lattitude Life Style look forwai d to hearing more of in Catawhaul, Divine Horseman, E>a 1987. Flyers, Drivin and Cryin, Flying Colors, Victims Family, The IR@(glk THE WORST BAND, ALBUM, Balancing Act, David and David, MUSIC AND JOKE OF 1987 and Brothers Brothers Broken Sigue Sigue Spumik Toys (Sweden)

1. Blue for Two Blue for Two Radium (Sweden) 2. Fr^htwig Kill, KUl Caroline Illustrations Exhibit at 3. E.LE.I.O. Land of opportunity Frontier 4. Minuteflag Yes this is the way... SST 5. Balancing Act New campfire songs Type A CSUSB Gallery II 6. Drivin and Cryin Scarred but smarter 688 "Illustrations - 200 Years of Science Department for a series of 7. Various Love kills Soundtrack MCA Constitutional Government" will public lectures by distinguished 8. Colin Newman Commercial Suicide Enigma be on exhibit in the CSUSB scholars. 9. Various Gods favorite dog Touch and Go Gallery ,11 from' February 16 "Phott^aphy 1 Photographs" 10. Divine Horsemen Devils river SST through March 9th. The gallery will be on exhibit in the CSUSB hours are 8 AM to 10 PM, Gallery II from March 9th through Monday through Friday. March 27th. The Gallery hours are 8 AM to 10 PM, Monday through Friday. The exhibit consists of The exhibit consists of two- illustrations produced by the black and white photographs 1. Justin Hines/Dominos Travel with Love Nighthawk students in Professor Golojuch's created by the students in 2. The Itals Give me power Nighthawk banning and advanced Art 380- Professor Golojuch's Art 383 3. Wayne Wright Abeny Bee Cat Communications Design. The Beginning Photography class 4. Rula Brown Many a time Bee Cat theme of the exhibition, during the first 8 weeks of this 5. Burning Spear People of the world Slash "Illustrations - 200 Years of winter term. The photographs 6. The gladiators Country Living Heartbeat Constitutional Government' was were selected from assignments 7. Black Uhuru Brutal Ras selected from a class assignment to based on the themes of Water, 8. Judy Mowatt Working women Shanachie create an illustration for a poster Texture, Reflections, Times-Past 9. Ethiopian/Gladiators Dread prophecy Nighthawk design for the CSUSB Political and Motion. 10. Various Calling Rastafari Nighthawk Serrano Corner [i[](Lo©s

1. Johnny Winter 3rd Degree Alligator Family Feud, Etc. 2. Joe Henry Talk of Heaven Profile 3. Mr. B Shinning the pearls Blind Pig by Eric T. Grunewald player from each side had to 4. The Bluesbusters Accepts no substitute Landslide Serrano Comer is a new answer the opening question to 5. The Heartfixers Cool on it Landslide column devoted to the events and enable their side to play the round. 6. Chris Thomas The Banning Arhoolie activities in Serrano Village. Each The West side dominated the 7. T. Bull & H. Sutton Bloodshot eyes Flying Fish week, this column will feature first half of the game by answering 8. Lil Ed/Blues Imperials Rough-housin Alligator Serrano Village people, events, such questions as; "What is the 9. Duke Robilliard Too Hot Rounder and activities. most popular soap among college 10. Nannette Natal High Fi baby Benyo Music On Wednesday, February II, students?" The number one in the Commons, dorm residents answer was "Days of Our Lives". could be found watching "Dorm At half time, the West had 535 F@lllk Feud". Similar to "Family Feud", points, and the East had 360. "Dorm Feud" used two volunteers The East made a comeback from each dorm. The dorms were during the seccmd half of the game. 1. Silly Wizard A glint of Silver Green Linnet divided into the East side and the They answered such questions as; 2. Special Consensus Freight Train boogie Turquoise West side. On the West side were "What is the most popular 3. Eric Tingstad The Gift Cheshire Badger, Morongo, Shandin, and drinking game on campus?" The 4. Kevin Roth Voyages Flying Fish Waterman. Making up the East number one answer was, 5. Mark Nelson Southern Lights Flying Fish side were Arrowhead Jc^hua, "Quarters". 6. No Strings Attached Dulcimer Dimensions Turquoise Mqjave, and Tokay. The East side comeback was 7. Spider John Koeiner Nobody knows... Red House To win points, either side would not enough to stop the West. The 8. Lenny Anderson Hot off the press Lions Roar have to guess the correct answer to final score was West 615, East 9. New lost City Ramblers 20th Anniversary... Flying Fish a survey question. The survey 555. 10. Christy Moore Live Green Linnet questions were asked of one Until next time, see you in "The hundred dorm residents. One Village". Xke Ckronicle FeK ruaiy 25, 1987

They turn the other way But you choose plastic over paper and punish (when they do) and soon you will be building by taking green paper homes and factories over dump^ away from rooms piled high with it piled high with waste But this does nothing for me that will never die. and it cannot clean my lakes and I cannot understand Why green paper is more important. Every morning when the sun greets you, I try to get your attention. And then they give this green paper But you hurry off to work to men who think up bombs In individual autos--Ieaving and detonate them in my crust smoke behind. and in my oceans

And they have no idea of the death If you do not bear me they are bringing on themselves. I may soon die— and if I die— You too will die.

earth soliloquy But you are also cause You may feel that you are only one of much concern to me. and one is not important by James Yarrow .Yet I cannot and all of this recycles not enough to make the impact to the people of your age. You create engine-machines needed for my healing. I^m the earth and ride in them and I must have some words with you • ,Vour Fathers have raped the hillsides ^1 over the beautiful deserts Yet I implore you- Long ago I spoke to your Fathers and tapped my underground so that plants and animals are dying as Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters- through the trees and lakes and animals and taken what they pleased all who live in the Human Family with no regard for me. And the ecosystems to take initiative for change. But you do no seem to listen. keeping you alive So I must approach you in this way They take away~but do not replace are the very ones You will be the planners, and my stocks are nuining thin. they you are destroying the dreamers, the visionaries, I am the earth the decision makers. Please listen to my plea I am afraid that the gifts the containers that you purchase I intended to give to your children- I am unable to break down And if enough of you ' The Fathers of your age fossil fuels, fresh water, mountainsides, The plastics-bo'ties, jugs, plates as individuals have left a residue will not be left for me to give. Hear my voice on the mountains, and springs, They will not desintegrate and see my words on beaches and in space and I cry for your children because of gilis they'll never see. I remember when your Fathers Perhaps both of us can see your children They have discarded nuclear waste would use glass, tin and paper— enjoy the sunrise and left toxic waste for And the men you place in power or even when you use aluminum and the birds me to deal with they allow these things. these can be recycles and the setting sun again.

CSUSB Presidents Discuss The Chronicle is Issues At Recent Forum looking for a few good by Linda Whitney University President Anthony be completed by Jime. When asked about her Evans and Associated Students Evans' final announcement accomplishments during her President, Penni Overstreet, made concerned an increase in student presidency, Overstreet replied 'I writers. Pay rate is 804^ comments and fielded audience fees for fall. While a small budget f^l I have increased student questions during the Presidential problem this spring was representation and I hope to Forum held in the Student Union accomodated without a fee maintain that student representa­ on February 11th. increase, a small increase of tion.' She would also like to After an introduction by approximately S6S will probably increase activities and make per column inch. Associated Students Vice- occur for the next academic year. students more aware of the President, Steve Hekman, Dr. Evans stated that the University services available to them. She Evans opened the forum with his preferred 'small incremental would like to see more non- WET 3 DANCE FLOORS comments on the university. increases over large increases. traditional types of activities. T-SHIRT • AFTER HOURS Evans said he has 'never felt more DANCING As the question and answer To conclude the meeting, Evans (fri. & sat.) positive about the university and portion of the forum began, the asked the audience what problems • 3 DISC JOCKEYS . what is happening here.' He relatively small audience shared they have a CSUSB. The responses 3GIANT classified his attitude as 'upbeat' EVERY their concerns about such things as included needing more computers METROVISION and said, 'the potential here is VIDEO SCREENS classroom space, academic and business machines, expanding WEDNESDAY exciting. I feel we have a major curriculum changes, and activities. the number of hours a student can RELAXING institution in the making.' NIGHT LOUNGE Evans admitted that more work on campus, providing more Evans continued with some dassroom space is going to be • FULLSERVICE support services to students, and MOST RESTAURANT announcements of future plans. needed soon and added that plans making students more aware of DRINKS • 10 BARS Concerning the parking problem, are in progress for a new classroom what services are available. Evans 'thinks progress is occiuing building. When asked why the SfOO Overstreet dosed by saying the OPEN: in thobc areas.' He stated the new foculty office was given 7 Nlles a Weak priority over new dassrooms Associated Student officers 8 P.M. TILL 2 P.M. architectural plans are now in HAPPY HOUR Friday & Saturday u progress for a new parking area Evans replied, 'We ran out of 'always welcome student input.' ALL NIGHT 8 P.M. TILLS A.M. which would accomodate about required faculty space before She also announced upcoming classroom space and unfortunately A.S. officer elections in April. 18 & OVER INVITED 18 & OVER INVITED 400 cars. This is supposed to be FRIDAY completed by September. Evans we must exhaust our potentid More information on elections MONDAY HOT LEGS CONTEST NU-WAVE DANCE CONTEST sees the gro>^ and development before something can be done.' will be forthcoming. The A.S. "eoiiceci Orink price' &ii Nign^ SATURDAY BATTLE OF THE SEXES of the campus as 'encoiu'aging.' Concerning academic curriculum officers are hoping for a good voter TUESDAY Female Befte' Maif'Men s Macbo Body LIP SYNC CONTEST changes, Evans said that in general turnout this year. SUNDAY Besides the new parking area, WEDNESDAY FUNK NIGHT Evans also revealed that plans are when cl^ges are made 'students WET T-SHIRT CONTEST We te Packed' Evans feels that the biggest THURSDAY WED. thru SAT. underway for doubling the size of follow the guidelines that were in problem on campus is student MALE EXOTIC SHOW NEW YORK UNDERGROUND the boolatore. The lower part of effect when they entered the — NevL f Expenence— activities. He feels they need 'more the bookstore will be us^ for university.' In response to questions about vitality' and he is confident that extra classroom space. Also, the 60 FWY 9 the new directors 'will provide student Union wfll be expanded more activities, Overstreet ffi outstanding leadership.' Evans S o MISSION 0LVD and eventually there will be announced tbm she has appointed ' (714)682-3322 hopes to make concentrated z a student apartments. In two new chairmen over the 91 5714 Mission Blvd. efforts in this area in the next two 1 CLUB 1 5 S FWY MISSION PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER addition, the new faculty office activities committee and is IMETROI < Riverside, CA to three years. currently under construction will confident they will do a good job. Xke Ckronicle Pek ruary 25, 1987

• • • BLCX>M COUNTY by Berke Breathed , Bmuy f ^NKuy} OFficeymsew f IT'S (OiNO COUUPN'T YOU I m Rtoip IF mnopiNO'iomNO TVFe JUST STICK CfU\L \rMy you MidBi/me, RoeeKTsuNpeR 1 FBApyFOR-me^ IN JOWUL OUT you... A5 YOU'U. meep, Bem£NTyy&iR9 fA&em£, piscussm -nm. ^ Tim NOW/ opmievedA mmm^. FlNANCeS ? M /

BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed -T ATiBtm, emscxN! Biuice YouRseLves. suTNommK/ I im JUST succeeoFP Ne mY weu. iose flu, eVBN AO 15P&\K, IN mtm A SHixmcT IN SUBSCRimONS OTTNe COPY BOY MUX) Id ACROSS 62. Exist • BLUNT 5WRS ON sa 'Lfiptes CHUmMUFFIN aUB. • FerCHINb VARIOUS borm I. Able mppmcHBmh. OFFeN&Ve ANP 63. N. American Indian 4. Pop 61. Bright star / 4^ eMBARRAoem 8. Ocnn Nt INQRPBFROMOUR 66. Aid FORBtPPRN-WORP II. Lady 68. Erer (Poetic) o vwunornKF 12. Former Rnulao 69. Freshwater duck TWO STORY A Emperor 70. Each RFAUTY-U 13. Small bug sC 14. Article DOWN 15. 7tb Greek Letter 1. Water channel 17. Elater 2. Form of be 19. Make tattii^ 3. Bom 21. Old 4. Old 23. Hymn 5. Bone 24. Expression of sorrow 6. Bit 26. Dine 7. Region 28. Mistakes 8. Irony 30. Scar 9. Grow 32. nth Greek l.etter 10. Eat (p.t.) 34. Self 11. Informatioo 35. Atop 16. At , 37. Timgue L., 18. Before (Poett(^~ 40. Prefix meaning in 20. Cap HAWAIIAN 41. Sack 22. Territory of an earl 43. Done 25. Unhappy 44. Haul 27. Article 46. Tehran Is the capital 29. Father's boy 48. Gang 31. Free SO. Substance 33. Fall month (abbr.) 53. Iran's monetary unit 35. Sash 55. Angry 36. Tell DANCE 57. Peak 38. Focus 58. Park police 39. Clothes 60. HelpI 42. Type of dive Date: Friday February 27th 45. Sage 47. Gripe Answers on pg.ll 49. Lowest 51. Serious Time: 9:00-1:00 am 52. Allowance 54. Season of fasting 56. Achieve 58. Woe Where: SUMP 59. Fish eggs 51. Sucker 65. Eastern Slate (abbr.) •What^s Happenin^: 67. Exist Prizes for .See "How Enjoy the most Low Can Today's Exciting Law- Enforcement Hawaiian You Go" at Hottest entry positions starting at Hulaers the limbo Music! $18358. ^ntry exam waived for 3.5 Gradsrads and upper 10% contest students). UNLIMITED FUTURE !! Call Art Gilbert at Price: U.S. Customs Service (213) 215-2611 With Hawaiian Attire- 50 (t OR See him on campus 2-27-87, from l:30-3pm. Without Hawaiian Attire- $1.00 outside Library Inquire with Placement *College I.D. Required for Entrance Center J

Xke Ckronicle Fekruary 25, 1987 AWORDFROM 'WTHOrnSCWODtWRESlUR ABOUTMILLetLin


® 1986 Milfer Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wl THERn * ONIYONE LinBBR


Math Society which met in New Orleans. Easton was Easton brought back to Cal State where he gave a one-hour Survival Skills Coot. From Page 10 "A student needs to know seminar on his thesis work. the range of their abilities- '*! like it. It's the first office The department, as a whole, Cent. From Page 10 their highest and their I've ever had that's had win­ decided they liked Easton, and really motivated and has lowest," said Gibbs. "It's an dows. I have a computer ter­ hired him. average ability, he can survive individual issue. A student minal. It's great. I'm a "He has an energetic, George Gibbs, CSUSB in college. Motivation is the can't compare their best with somebody." upbeat attitude and he really SAIL counselor, has found key factor,'' said Gibbs. someone else's best. If you set Impressed by his resume seems to enjoy life," says that study skills rarely help if a Although most college set­ your goals too high, you set and letters of recommenda­ Stein. student has major difficulty in tings tend to encourage the yourself up to fail," he added. tion, the math department, Although it had some im­ reading comprehension. student to strive for the top— Gibbs advise to students is chaired by Bob Stein, decided portance, Easton's specializa­ Reading comprehension, he the "4.0-grade point to learn something extra in to talk to Easton about the tion was not a prerequisite for feels is a basic necessity in col­ average"— Gibbs believes that college. "If you haven't learn­ : • job. They sent J. Paul employment. lege and without that skill, a students should also learn to ed your limitations in college Vicknair, associate professor "When we see a good per­ student won't get very far. be realistic, a trait that he feels you've probably missed half of mathematics, to the winter son," says Stein, "we find a Those skills can be learned, is important for all of their of what you should have learn­ meetings of the American way to fit them in." he stressed. "If a student is life. ed,"hesaid. XLe Cbronicle Februarv 25. 1987

HELP WANTED (714) 882-2476

A College Degree MET. TEXACO SERVICE and no plans? SPECIALIZING IN TUNE UPS - BRAKES FOR SALE LUBRICATION - TIRES- BATTERIES Become o TOWING For Sale: Harmony Guitar Amp Lawyer's Assistant Exc.Cond. $150. Marcus METRI HAWATMEH «030 KENDALL DR. Accoustic Guitar with hard The UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO, in cooperation with OWNER SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92407 case, Exc.Cond. $150 neg. Call the National Center for Paralegal Training, offers an in­ 10% Discount- Students and Faculty 2-iij-25.3-ii 780-9378 John Jr. tensive post graduate 14 week day or 36 week eve­ ning LAWYER'S ASSISTANT PROGRAfVl, This Program PROFESSIONAL TYPING: Neat, accurate & timely. SKI MONTANA - March 28- will enable you to put your education to work as a April 4. No MISC. skilled member of the legal team, Reasonable fees. Mrs. Vincent, 882-5398. . nights at Big Sky, Montana. All • Specialties offered In the foliowing fields: inclusive package. Close to Found: Plain Gold Wedding; 14 Generalist Civil Litigation A.M./P.M. Typing: Computer­ Yellowstone. $600.00 Contact: karat; "August 4, 1984" Genera! Litigation Corporations & Real Estate ized editing. IBM compatible. inside; Found near theater arts • ABA Approved Hillsens Tours and Travel. 211 • internship Save a disk program. Shirley building. CaU 788-7296, Florence E. State St., Redlands, (714) • Employment Assistance Lewis, 887-3527.3-11 793-2411 or 825-5964. For a free brochure about this career opportunity call Attn. All Two Wheel Motor (619) 260-4579 or mail the coupon below tcu Driven Cycle Owners: It's Time RESUMES: Sell yourself. Experienced writer gathers GRADS— Go to Hawaii. $454 For Your Cycles "Spring Clean!" T University of (San Diego Room 318. Serra Hall extensive data on your per person, double occupancy. K's Cycle Knows Students Value Lawyer's Assistant Program San Diego, CA 92110 Time And Money, So K's Is c:s3 background and objectives June 23-30. Air transportation, Offering $5 Off (Reg.$25) To All Name resulting in a strong resume. Call transfers, 7 nights. Lei greeting, CSUSB Students. For Oil, Filter, Current evenings or. weekends, 796- tax, tips and porterage. Contact & Plugs Clean & Detail! Call 882- Address 5276. 3-25 Hillsens Tours and Travel. 211 827« East State, Redlands. 793-2411 or City, .State. -Zip. 825-5964. HOUSING Current Phone# TRAVEL CROSSWOKD Roommate Wanted: Feminist Permanent Phone # ANSWERS oriented male/female, 10 min. The UniversUy o< San Diego does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, or handicap from campus. Private entrance in its policies and programs. SKI MAMMOTH- Feb. 6-8 or tuscin imnn & bath, kitchen,laud, privil^es. March 27-29. Round trip motor mm nan rnnanno Contact Frank at 794-7467 - - - ooach, 2 nights accomodaticMtt. $150 per person. ana aoa mnnm High quality, fast dependable Word processing: Whether you nnnp ona hibbb TYPING typing service. Call Mrs. Smith. need typing, editing, or word uma hihh m innnoBBH 886-2509 between 9:00 and 1:00 processing, we can help! We do Expert typing and word or at 884-5198 other times.(6-6) E>!nm term papers, theses, dissertation, SKI INNSBRUCK— March 13- processing service. Serving all Typing- Term papers, reports, resumes. Call us for quick, 22, 8 nights. Site of 1964 & 1976 your word processing and typing nnna ramni linn letters, theses, resumes. Will create professional results at reasonable 01ymi»c Winter Games. Seven needs. Special rates for students. FgmHBE3 HHS tm resumes to look professional. prices. AS YOU LIKE IT. Ask for ni^ts in Innsbruck, one night in Call Pam at 882-6502.1-28,3-ii. Beverly, (714) 825-2659. Jill or Elizabeth at 792-1411. 3.11 Amsterdam. $875. Black Enrollment Drops What if you 1985, the total enrollment was i by Linda Whitney A big part of Ms. Jones' job is "When asked his opinion on the 6,513 with 7% black students. advising students. Of the minority reasons behind the decline, Dr. don't get into Winter quarter of 1986 showed students she talks with she says she Evans stated that he believes the ^ I The United States of America total enrollment at 6,344 with was heard "more complaints of decline goes along with the the school of I has been called a 'melting pot." It 6.8% black student*. Spring discrimination" in the past year national decline." In the past 7-8 your choice? i is a country in which people of quarter of 1986 showed 6,315 than she has in the past six years years the percentage of blacks in i many different races, cultures, and Of course, you may get into versus 6.6% black students. The she's worked on this campus. higher education has steadily i beliefs came to live to enjoy some other school, but why fall of 1986 showed 7i,423 versus While the exact complaints are declined throughout the nation." settle? Prepare for the admis­ I freedom in one form or another, 6.2% black students. Finally, the confidential, there are some He feels this is because the drop­ sions exam you're facing- j However, not everyone was given predicted enrollment for winter of general similarities. Some students out rate of blacks in high sch(x>l be it SAT. LSAT, GMAT GRE, f their right to this new freedom on 1987 is 7,434 with 5.8% black feel they are not being treated has increased and the availability MCAT or others—with j an equal level. Over the years this students. fairly by teachers. They feel they of financial aid has declined. He the best test prep company , I has caused words such as also stated that he is "cognizant of Stanley H. Kaplan. Why are fewer black students are not represented by the : } discrimination, segr^ation, and these trends" and that the staff is For nearly 50 v€ars.Kaplaris attending CSUSB? According to administration. Some also feel that f I prejudice to become common- making an effort to reverse the test- taking tech niques have Cita Jones, President of the Black their problems are overlooked. 1 place in our society. Minorities of trend. prepared over one million stu­ i many forms must struggle for Faculty and staff organization on dents. boosting their scoring I equality. This struggle exists campus," the administration, It has been speculated that the What then can be done about power and test confidence. j everywhere, including here at Cal faculty, and staff need to work decline of black student this problem? Ms. Jones reasserts So call Kaplan. Why go to {State San Bernardino. together and become sensitive to enrollment in the past quarter that "more must be done about just any school, when you the needs of black students and all might be attributed in part to the recruiting black students." Jones can go the one you want? students." Jones feels changes controversy ignited by a letter j It was reported recently that the stated that the complaints she need to be made in student published in the fall of 1986. The t black student enrollment receives are all against HCAPLAN recruitment. "The university is not letter written by Dr. Evans, StANKT H. KAfUN (DUCATKWAl aNT» IfO. I percentage at CSUSB has been administration and faculty. She working effectively to recruit President of the university, was THE WORLD'S LEADING I dropping steadily over the past has not received complaints about black students," said Jones. Ms. controversial among minorities. TEST PREP GRGANIZAnON J year. After recent investigation it clubs or the student body in Jones' organization meets While Ms. Jones declined to ENROLLING NOW! Visit was discovered that this claim was general. She feels the us at our center, 11185 regularly once a month, more comment on the letter itself, she true. The statistics provided by the administration must not forget this Mountain View Ave., often if necessary to plan events did say that she was "unaware of school research department show purpose. "The number one no.I61, Loma Linda, Ca and fundraisers for scholarships. the impact" of the letter on 92354. Or caii us flays, a definite decline in the percentage concern or main objective of this Besides herself; there are eight students and that she has "not evenings or weekends. Our of black students on campus. campus is to educate." As our other black faculty and spoken to anyone who refused to phone number (714) 796- Beginning with Fall quarter of forefothers said "with liberty and _ 3727. approximately 62 staff members. come here b^use of the letter. justice for all." 'imr'

m Xke Ckronicle Fekruary 25, 1987 ABZUG continued from front page United States Senate from New CHOOSING A COLLEGE MAJOR WORKSHOP York, finishing less than 1% In 1970, Bella Abzug decided to behind the winner. In 1977, she The ADVISING CENTER with THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER wll X be seek office for the first time and competed with Mayor Ed Koch Offering a workshop for students on how to pick a college major. challenged an incumbent for foe mayoralty of New York. You will have the opportunity to determine your Interests, Manhattan Congressman who had About Ed Koch she comments: "If Values, and Skills and evaluate them in relationship to available been in office for 15 years and was college majors. Further consideration will be given to how I were the only woman political various majors fit into future careers and bow all majors can be considered imbeatable. By running leader Koch attacked it could be marketed. on a platform advocating equal put down as a simple case of The following questions will be addressed in this workshops rights for women, aid to the cities mutual dislike, but he has also it. and an end to the Vietnam war, made a point of stomping on other • Can I major in my favorite subject and still get a job? •• -* -- • she attracted national attention • Should I choose an applied or academic major? women political leaders, whom he • What are my primary career/life interests? and won a startling upset victory. regards as competitors." Her slogan was This Woman's In 1977, President Carter Place is in the House - the House of Marcia Albert - Retention Coordinator named Bella Abzug presiding and Representatives." She was re­ officer of the National Ed Schneiderban - Career Counselor elected to Congress in 1972 and Commission for the Observance will co-facilitate this workshop which is open to all students 1974. of International Women's Year, On her very first day in the which sponsored the first No pre sign-up is necessary House, Bella Abzug offered a Date: Thursday, February 26, 1987 federally-funded National Time: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. resolution to end the war, and Women's Conference in Houston, Place: Bucalyptus Room in the Lower CooBons before long had become the first in Texas. The conference, authorized Congress to call for the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE ADVISING CENTER AT: under legislation introduced by 880-7911 OR DROP BY PL 107 impeachment of Richard Nixon. Abzug, was called by Time in its Earning a reputation as a 1983 anniversary issue, "a coming shrewd parliamentarian and a of age for American women" and prod^ous worker, she fought for "a watershed in their history and increased funding for mass transit, n that of the nation." PSI CHI seeking - and for the first time Bella Ateug was appointed by winning — the support of rural President Carter co-chair of the presents Congressmen for urban National Advisory Committee for the sixth event in a colloquio series transportation aid. She worked for Women, but was dismiss^ on environmental I^islation, harbor January 12, 1979, after the Dr. Nikolai Khokhlov clean-up measures, and aid to the Committee criticized his decision elderly and handicapped She to cut funds for women's "Biofleld Approach to Cell Assemblies" helped expose and held hearings programs and increase military Thursday, March 5 from 12 PM - 1;30 PM on the anti-Israel Arab economic spending. Her firing was followed boycott and authored the first by the resignation of a majority of Lower Commons Room 103 resolution ever passed by the Committee memb^, including House rect^nizing New York's heads of many women's WEAR YOUR PSI CHI T-SHIRT TODAY! demonstrations of support for organizations, making the event Soviet Jewry. In her last year in known as "The Friday Night Befreshments will be served. All psychology students are invited Washington, she product bills Massacre." J that brought $600 million to New York City. Bella Abzug is author cX Bella: As chair of the House Ms. Abzug Goes to Washington and co-author, with Mim Kelber, Subcommittee on Government Information and Individual of Gender Gap: Bella Abzug's Rights, she conducted important Guide to Political Power for American Women, being YC>U HAV£ TWflf CVAKTIKS, inquiries into the covert and illegal 'TILL Vou'tte . . activities of the CIA, FBI, and the published by Houghton Mifflin on March 16, 1984. I Tveec VEdfil Next Internal Revenue Service and other government agencies. She She lives with her husband of helped to write and pass the more than thirty years, Martin .^2 ^ Abzug, in Manhattan. Martin Freedom of Information and Issue Privacy Acts and the milestone Abzug is a stockbroker and novelist. They have two daughters, Government in the Sunshine" Eve, a sculptor, and Liz, a lawyer. law, which for the first time opened up government agencies to public scrutiny. While in Congress, Bella Abzug The presentation of Bella Abzug / Kl SoCH A QOOKIC,' wrote the first law banning is cosponsored by the Intellectual I t>0AfT CLBA: MAiT discrimination against women in Life and Visiting Scholars A MAJCA / obtaining credit, loans and Committee, the Associated mortgages, fought for Title IX Students' Special Events Equal Opportunity in Education Committee and Committee for Laws and introdu^ many other Clubs. Her appearance was The bills to improve the status of arranged by the Cal State women. Organization for Collie Women. In 1976, Bella Abzug became Chronicle the first woman to run for the

Newman Club: Survey More Than Just A Religious Club

There are numerous clubs and during this quarter. Everyone is every first and third weekend of evening at 7:30 p.m. in the organizations here at CSUSB. welcome! We discuss community the mcMith. They include ski trips, Arrowhead dormitory, room 218. There are career-oriented dubs, events, political issues, religious beach trips, hiUng trips, dances, The members of the Ne\^man foreign language clubs, sororities, life, and each other's concerns. and going to foe movies. Spiritual Club know you are busy with your fraternities, religious organiza­ The moderator is Fr. Chris Potter. retreats are held periodically classes, your jobs, your families, tions, and the Newman Club. The His office is at John XXIII during each quarter. Thursday, your relationships, and the other Newman Club is a Catholic Newman Center, 5365 North February 26, there will be a panel organizations you belong to, but Finally! organization, but it is also much "E" St. The phone number is 882- discussion on the existence/non- we encourage you to give the more. It combines spiritual growth 1248. Fr. Chris can also be found existence of God at 8:00 p.m. in Newman Club a try. You might be and prayer with community roaming foe campus during the the Student Union. Ash surprised at the fiin you will have, events and fellowship. week. Mass is celebrated every Wednesday services w^l be held the interesting things you will The Newman Club meets every Sunday evening at 7:00 at foe on March 4 at 12:00 p.m. There is learn, and foe friends you will Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. in foe Senate Newman Center. an on-campus Bible study group make. We welcome you with Room of foe Student Union Community events take place that meets every We^esday open arms and eagerness.