Public Environmental : Review •
PORT MANDURAH STAGE 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 PUBLIC ENVIRONMENTAL : REVIEW • • • I APPENDICES i I DURAH) PTY LTD 711.58:626.1 BOW flfl II 1111111111 UthIU 1111 II Iul II CopyA 950210/1 Department of Environmental Protection Library -- - low qroa !4- APPEND! CES UBRARY [i :P'JiTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Port Mandurah Stage 2 WESTRALIA SQUARE Public Environmental Review (PER) GEORGES TERflACE. PERTH APPENDIX A Guidelines for the Preparation of the PER Department of Environmental Protection, 1994 APPENDIX B Environmental Conditions and Commitments for Port Mandurah Stage 1. Minister for the Environment, 1989 APPENDIX C Rate Payer Referendum. City of Mandurah, 1990 APPENDIX D Report on Groundwater Aspects for Public Environmental Review. Port Mandurah Stage 2. Dames & Moore, February 1995 APPENDIX E Marine Engineering Aspects. Port Mandurah Stage 2 PER. Port & Harbours, February 1995. APPENDIX F Waterbird Conservation within the Port Mandurah Stage 2 Project Area. Ninox Wildlife Consulting, E. Goble- Garratt and Associates, MJ and AR Barn ford, January 1995. APPENDIX G Report of an Aboriginal Heritage Survey for the Proposed Port Mandurah Housing Development Project, Halls Head. McDonald Hales & Associates, Jan. 1995. APPENDIX H Heritage Conservation Report. Sutton Farm Heritage Precinct. Old Coast Road, Mandurah. Palassis Architects, January 1995. APPENDIX I Summary of Environmental Conditions and Commitments for Port Mandurah Stage 1 and their Relationship to the Commitments for Port Mandurah Stage 2 BOWMAN BISHAW GORHAM APPENDIX A Guidelines for the Preparation of the PER Department of Environmental Protection, 1994 GUIDELINES FOR THE CONSULTATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FOR THE PROPOSED PORT MANDURAH STAGE 2 CANAL ESTATE, MANDURAH Overview In Western Australia, all environmental reviews are about protecting the environment, which for this proposal means that the environmental values associated with the land west of the new Mandurah traffic bridge is protected.
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