Protecting the Rights of Patients, Nurses, and Others Participating in Research
1.5 ANCC CONTACT HOURS Protecting the rights of patients, nurses, and others participating in research BY JOANN MICK, PhD, RN, NEA-BC Abstract: Clinical nurses are in a unique CLINICAL NURSES are in a unique position to support research that studies position to support research on the the effects of interventions, symptom effects of nursing interventions, management, education, and treatment plan symptom management, education, adherence in their patients. Nurses may also and treatment plan adherence in participate in research studies that aim to their patients. Nurses may also par- advance professional nursing practice. Using ticipate in research studies that aim a quiz format, this article addresses clinical nurses’ role in research, the history of federal to advance professional nursing regulation of research, basic human rights practice. and potential violations during the conduct A fundamental principle of nurs- of research, and specific nursing actions ing practice is respect for the inher- required when research is conducted in the ent dignity, worth, unique attributes, practice setting. and human rights of all individuals.1 Nurses who understand legal and Keywords: Belmont Report, Common Rule, ethical protections for human sub- Declaration of Helsinki, Good Clinical jects can contribute to research by Practice guidelines, human rights, human serving as advocates for their patients subjects protection, Kefauver-Harris and helping to ensure that studies Amendments, Nuremberg Code, thalidomide, Tuskegee study, Willowbrook are conducted in an ethical, legal, State School study and scientifically valid manner. ISTOCK Test your knowledge of the clini- / cal nurse’s role in research by taking ASISEEIT 26 l Nursing2019 l Volume 49, Number 7 Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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