ITF Wheelchair Tennis Tournament Planner

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ITF Wheelchair Tennis Tournament Planner Swisse Melbourne Wheelchair Tennis Open UNIQLO Wheelchair Tennis Tour ORDER OF PLAY Tuesday 19 Jan 2016 Week of City,Country Tourn. Key ITF Referee 18 JAN 2016 Melbourne, AUS WC-ITF2S-AUS-02A-2016 Les Killer 02 03 04 11 12 13 14 Starting at 9:00 AM Starting at 9:00 AM Starting at 9:00 AM Starting at 9:00 AM 1 QS QS QS QS Dylan Alcott (AUS) [1] Chu-Yin Huang (TPE) Heath Davidson (AUS) Pablo Araya (CHI) vs. vs. vs. vs. Tzu-Hsuan Huang (TPE) Andy Lapthorne (GBR) Antony Cotterill (GBR) Lucas Sithole (RSA) [2] Not Before 10:00 AM Not Before 10:00 AM Not Before 10:00 AM Not Before 10:00 AM Not Before 10:00 AM Not Before 10:00 AM 2 WS WS WS WSC MSC WS Sabine Ellerbrock (GER) [3] Marjolein Buis (NED) [5] Yui Kamiji (JPN) [1] Janel Manns (AUS) Henry De Cure (AUS) Diede De Groot (NED) [8] vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. F. Mardones Hui Min Huang (CHN) Kgothatso Montjane (RSA) [7] Yi-Shan Wu (TPE) David Phillipson (GBR) Zhenzhen Zhu (CHN) or L. Shuker Not Before 12:00 PM Not Before 12:00 PM Not Before 12:00 PM Not Before 12:00 PM 3 MS MS MS MS Nicolas Peifer (FRA) [3] Gustavo Fernandez (ARG) Ben Weekes (AUS) Shingo Kunieda (JPN) [1] vs. vs. vs. vs. Adam Kellerman (AUS) Gordon Reid (GBR) [4] Joachim Gerard (BEL) [2] Alfie Hewett (GBR) 4 Not Before 5:00 PM Not Before 5:00 PM Not Before 5:00 PM Not Before 5:00 PM Not Before 5:00 PM Not Before 5:00 PM Not Before 5:00 PM 5 MD MD MD WD WD WD MD Michael Jeremiasz (FRA) / Adam Kellerman (AUS) / Ho Won Im (KOR) / Pauline Helouin (FRA) / Dana Mathewson (USA) / Sarah Calati (AUS) / Gustavo Fernandez (ARG) / Nicolas Peifer (FRA) [1] Ben Weekes (AUS) Ji-Hwan Lee (KOR) Polina Shakirova (RUS) Kaitlyn Verfuerth (USA) Katharina Kruger (GER) Joachim Gerard (BEL) vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. Evans Maripa (RSA) / Henry De Cure (AUS) / Alfie Hewett (GBR) [2] / Hui Min Huang (CHN) / Janel Manns (AUS) / Macarena Cabrillana (CHI) / Marc Mccarroll (GBR) / David Phillipson (GBR) Keegan Oh-Chee (AUS) Gordon Reid (GBR) Zhenzhen Zhu (CHN) Ziying Wang (CHN) María Diaz (CHI) Maikel Scheffers (NED) Any match on any court may be moved Order of Play released Tournament Director ITF Referee 18 JAN 2016 5:08 PM Gary Purcell Les Killer.
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