2018 Conference in Very Good Heart
ILA 2018 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA 78TH BIENNIAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW ASSOCIATION HOSTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL LAW ASSOCIATION – AUSTRALIAN BRANCH 19-24 AUGUST 2018 Developing International Law in Challenging Times CONFERENCE PROGRAM #ILAConference2018 • Facebook: @ILAConference2018 • Twitter: @ILA_Australia ILA 2018 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA 2 ILA CONFERENCE 2018 • www.ila2018.org.au ILA 2018 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA Welcome Message from the Chair of the International Law Association The Right Hon the Lord Mance Welcome to the 78th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association! The Australian Branch, presided over by Dr Christopher Ward SC, presents to us in this programme a rich feast of subjects, speeches and sessions, inter-mixed with reports from ILA committee and study group work, and book-ended by opening and closing ceremonies and evening events. As chair of the International Law Association’s Executive Council, I congratulate the Branch on the conference’s variety, scope and quality. It is an indication of the relevance attached to international law in domestic courts, as well as a great pleasure, that the conference will be opened by the Chief Justice of Australia, The Hon Susan Kiefel AC, and that our keynote speakers include The Hon James Allsop AC, Chief Justice of the Federal Court, and The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG, formerly of the High Court. The topicality of the conference sessions is clear. Cite merely some, they include: climate change, the environment and health, gender issues, indigenous peoples, outer space, refugees, modern slavery, new technology, use of force, law of the sea, international trade and investment, international dispute resolution, public interest engagement, international criminal law, enforcement.
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