Published By The Associated Students Of The Colorado State College Of A. & M A


Close Politicians Anticipate Race As PERFORMER Eight Students To 600 School Students Combine For High Groups Nominations Represent Ags At

jenerd Assembly For Nomination Of All Student Tennessee Meet Meet On Campus Next Officers Is Set For Monday, March 18, At 3:00 Will Colorado State will be repre- /Men College Day Plans Be Discussed Also sented at the National Pi Kappa Week For Stock Judging Delta meet to bo held in Knox- Wr 1 .minations for student officials still f. da off body ,r vs ville. Tennessee on March 25. 26.

lions O* already mmiqi ip for 27. 2F, and 29 by eight students ~ Members Of Future Farmers Of America Groups eWtions. The scheduled -OO Dowell Watts Robert Kbpple 1,,. , if —mabljr for :? p m Robert Hall. Helen Jamison. Jac Throughout Colorado Will Be Represented Here rob IS in the Men's Gymnasium will . . Ms .naisi .. qiieline W.lken Virginia Kasdorf. • talks eoneemins the varum* rand. : r... . p and Eldon Andersen will leave the Colorado State will pl&v host to •.pproxiraat ' N I .tanee of the nominations March 21 , campus for Tennessee high school students next week when the Future Farmers of

-nts will be nominated to fill the offiees of ..f Of her schools from Colorado >• pmvident America hold their animat meeting and the state jndpring contest Students of Colorado Stale (Hii. which have Pi Kappa Delta chap- l„ toil -j-, .re . ■ on the earn pus. Most of the meetings will Ik* held in the Student ters and are sending delegates are "'>■ secretary and <~ti* rsa ; i . 1 Fnion huihlinir with the final meetingr being scheduled for Old Colorado State Teachers College nation? Nominations f-,1 )#•£■• and State Main 1 00 or; afternoon. Dr. Diaries A. will be and must possess the same qualifi- Western Teachers Col- Saturday fjory vacancies on the ath- r fill i cation? as the president lege. the speaker for the Roundup at that time. will also be made. c To The question to be debated is Dr G. A. is of qualify for second vicc-presi Schmidt, who in charge all campus arrange- \ d.; 1 nation of latent plants V Resolved: That the United States dent, the candidate must at the will be made at ments. urges students to look up all the from their home nr Coll- tr* Day people | a should maintain strict policy of hc»ln that time of election be tnwn ii to a junior wom- I?n ar^ 1 assembly, also. Indi- town and help to see that they are jrf.n**ra an. isolation (economic ard political) that the celebration proper!} entertained. Many of •atiotis *’• from all warring nations outside The secretary must be a sopho- 1939 Grad Receives these boys are prospective stu- be enlarged to a two-day af- < viplain the five-gaited trick horse shims above, will be in'll the western hemisphere. more while serving and dents and he hopes all students baricod by the college in which it is hip one of the main performerv the Little International livestock Show fcir at In addition to the debate there Forest duty to keep records of ill meet- Appointment will treat them with the utmost KDipbasi" will be placed on high next week on Fridai. March lii. The horse, which is owned hy Glenn wjR he rounds of extemporaneous tnps of the Student Council. courtesy. T. Watt of lioalder. Oolorawlo, Is n<»i*Vl tbe for itis f • tlumughovt country As A oratory and a parlia- Special Agent speaking, the 5 F ve and manhts, howc sitv >hak's Each of 6 chapters of I? rises ’ b€*en functioning tliie showmanship pivots lies down, up. mentary session. kisses F. A in the state will send reek t plans definitely lined hands, people, and mounts a pedestal with his front feet mean* two Opening a new field of em- To practice for the national up Director Comments while official delegates and others but ar - i' W'u on paper. moving around it with his hind fee*.. many ployment for graduates of the for- tournament Colorado State debat- will In addition to t.l»e touslv ;»r»ri>‘un- d horse elansts for the show, be here for the public speak The T »rd of Pnblications will pr< < estry division of Colorado {state On ers and Coach Frank Davis will Of S< hlotlianer, manager >»f the latile Int of the former class of Greeley imately 20 boys will receive the 1 by aspiring a five-gaited one Ifarch journalists Longmont, who was graduated in March 14 for an intercollegiate Iowa State's Band horse#*. award of State Farmer, the high- at to h<«vy draft in M; r r afternoon 1:30 3 939, has been appointed special meet. est award that can be made by the pass on the eligible candidates for agent for the federal department Lowell Watts Robert Klipple State organization of F. F. A. us Both editor and of bp ra- posts. The low a State band is "almost the interior. Dean J. Lee Deen Colorado Farmers Plan Robert Hall. William Harrison. Judging contests will be held in the Tues- manager of the Silver as as a Senior of forestry division said highly organized circus Engineers Extensive Tree Eldon Andersen. Virginia Kasdorf livestock grain and potato, poal- are Planting Jproce ihat serving this year crew.” according to Alvin R Kd- day. Helen Jamison. Jacqueline Wilk- try. Insect identification, and Cor- mv* applied for re-election, gar. director, who also states that Herwy has just received word Vie For Honors June MorrisoD, Marian Kretz- plant Identification No is al- This spring Colorado farmers en. man ■Mipor: ng officers of the "the hand members can ‘tear that his appointment as special srbmar. Jean Dooper, ar.d Flor- lowed to judge in more than one really intend to plant trees—and lotrDt& u Collegian must be sen- in the division of investiga- down' and be underway in an av- agent and ence Houston will contest Prizes will be Leonard Zick. Ed Trainor. many of them. comprise the awarded w> }< |nrs serving erage time of five minutes." tions in the department has been in teams which will compete against at the Roundup on Saturday aft- Frank Thomeic were selected by With recent snows many Qua r ications for president of The 7 5-piece band will appear Greeley. ernoon for winners in the the students of the engineering de- parts of the state., more trees than judging the pi ent are set forth in at the men's gym Friday March body, for the and also the Public con- partment as candidates usual arc being ordered hy ranch- Speaking !he . litution of the Associated 22 at 7 p m . uses several such who test “Honor Engineer.’ will be mf’ii and farmers for their shelter- Indents and cumbersome instruments the specify" that he shall as The F. F. Convention presented to the student body on belt and windbreak plantings this Livestock A. will bass horn, etringhass, tvmpani and Group I# a p udent who is in line for new officers Engineer’s Day. March 23 Com- year. elect on Friday after- ir;-r :on in thf folio wins* marimhaphone. When the last year noon and make plans for the petition for this honor wap re- Most f *>; trees. approved by Secretary of the In- to special remaining to help with the er meetings players of Halt an. Hubert Bar- March number of : • rp want 1,000 or secretary. to Denver sometime before terior Harold L. frkes. The larger horns. It requires two men first vice-president serves Colorado State College’s junior ker of Yuma, treasurer tree? ders to date av- and Lau- 23 to interview members of the more He will report for duty at bis absence to take a sousaphone apart and team to the of the president. livestock judging placed rence Longar n 400 trees per re of Fort Morgan Colorado Engineering Council who eragf more headquarters in Albuquerque. N. wrestle it into one of the large sixth of 16 from other out teams reporter. make the selection. farm. will Mex., about Friday. March 15. buses in which the band travels colleges and universities Saturday Ford > l 1- ted for farmers The. Sigma Tau award will also After majoring in range man- is at the Fort. Worth Stock. Show, it The same speed and precision the and ranchers r * state sjiedtes- be presented at this time to the agement, a department ot the for- Famed Is exercised In setting up for a con- was announced Monday by H. R Physicist of tre#-s to*- tb r proved hardi- sophomore who had the highest estry division. Hervey successful- cert.. Reason for the haste is the Osland, head of the animal hus- Collegiana ness and ab .-y to endure federal and civil average during his freshman year. ly passed the ser- To Here For close schedule followed by the bandry department at the college Speak By Margaret Preston Throughout the day the engin- drought. vice test for junior range examin- band on its 10-day tour. On some Frank J. Jndish of Berthoud, a eering and physics buildings will er and obtained a good rating. He Faculty Meeting days four concerts are played, member of the Aggie team was graduate of Colorado be open for inspection, and vari- is the "l wish wore a moron many miles apart.. Dram Club Plans declared to be the best judge of to be appointed in ous exhibits will be arranged. elate College Dr. Bono Gutenberg, an interna- states at And dm't #rive a damn, The band is touring four livestock the show. The afternoon meeting will con- this particular field, according to tional authority on earthquakes I' would be be vacation, 22 fun to a moron. daring sprin playing Allen J. Hoover, another Colo- at L. H Week-End Prof. Enoch W. Nelson, head of and the structure of the vene 4:00, and Captain Party earth, Mi I concerts the I.SOO-mile trip God—r»«rhaps am.” on rado Aggie, of Adroan, Texas, was Dawson of Dowry field will speak the department of range and pas- will speak before faculty members announced the best cattle Kiri ood Inn in Estes as of the on “The Air Corps in Modem Hushes ture management. Colorado School of Mines Random overheard at awem- the setting for judge. The college team placed Warfare/’ Park will pro <■ and the universities of Colorado, Hy: fifth 1n judging sheep, third on Has Two Glen Cullor w ill be master of the Colored State Dramatic Denver, and Wyoming, and Colo-

- Lyceum .Sin so dumb mho thinks sixth cattle and elev- you Cluh’s vemight house- horses, on rado State College ceremonies at th" banquet, which anmiji Predicts A in the college '■an Avery tell r-ar’s enth according a tele- a horse-power hy week-^flad. on hogß. to f will be In the cafeteria of the Stu- party this Student Fnion building Monday Uftbic the >K»od and the Features gram to Osland from Coach Mel- covnttng Saturday 7:00 Tic- Approximat’ thlrty memhers at € Z 0 m. dent Union building at : p. I'lulis assistant Which reminds roe ( vin Hazaleus, profesßor Enrollment at 00 cents of the club v leave Saturday Large Cora5nr to Fort Collins kets are being sold per from the UM*n ilaTiirerous of animal husbandry corvee are afternoon v* iitcasoß, portalde Pasadena. where lie t? professor of "Three Smart Girls Grow Up," ■ plate. toow si hr the driver .. of food It was the first time that a r The of the hall which virtTOlßK BTi PUltf itl geophysics and director of the a to the popular story of highlight For 1940 Session Wbeu t sequel told Him we wore mvuring Colorado Stale College livestock Carnegie * will begin at 9 :00 will be the &n- tow to fnsurf f *mselveH against seismalogical laboratory "Three Smart Girls.' will be the ♦l»c Great «aid TVivide be .1 dnr the twenty-four judging team had competed at the of Th«- CaJi foraifc Institute -} nouncement of the Engineers’ 'hunger ■ . of Terh- lyceum March lf> and 2f> at Old >“»!** 1 mliare’ Give “Prospect* for a rword break- my ... a making. Cabins Fort Worth si ->w■. and college a u m logy. Dr. Gutenberg r She will be selected from hours of utfr V 'ill d* ilvf Main Auditorium. Deanna Dur- - Queen ari enrollment for tiff 19 4 0 Sum rope and ctif’O try to «*d tinoritie? were well with rag illustrated lecture i the following Lois Tarr, have been re* with plenty Of pleased an on “The bin. Charles Winninger. Nan girls: mill Session t'erv bright Hoi thing time results mer &vem Stm'tttre every French. Betty Mae Wil- beds but pa?' "rience has prov- the of the Earth." Helen Parrish are star- Winifred '»tl the Grey, and Dr G. T. Avery, Tw-bu of tb* V'.very dof lias his k of is al- Bay* after his lard. Bernice Dexter. Margaret ed that the p ; hilarity Other members of the Aggie Immediately addres* in this picture. red Summer ReBsio® I>r Avery ha* hut lucky d<»Rs have their w 'retime bo if tra- he will leave for Washington, Preston. Helen .lam ison. and ways reached team were Tom Black ton to of Das D Saturday evening the King's «4&t* Just reiurned from a trip through bed* C Music, contributed dition prevails will be un- Animas. Dowell Watt* of Tlmnath . to attend a conference on the Quartet will be on the u Grace Knapp. - Ambassador Si Louis. Chicairo, Kb awa s City Wasno State Vdlope Oolleßmn of the < Pitre and his orchestra, used and Cliff Kaser of Fort Collins physic* earth. in addition to the by Bill stage in person and Milwaukee at which he at- the Dr. Gutenberg t will be furnished for the admis- The party 1 return to * ure « ;11 b< men, singers of the ( movie. These tended meetings pi re® by the var- bfprh«arfl ftemn the tw» boys w price of couple. campus Sii T) d - Hftemoon. (Ccrairaued on page 2) also famed for r sion fl.oo per *wtch highest merit, are Wildlife Group Studies ious Alumni in order that he bel accomplish- enrollees iWc their bringing might meet prospective y the On Field ments. Antelope Trip Milwaukee. Dr. Avery at- Of At Hell "Peanuts" Shows Life a of former stu- no. Of tended meeting they ain't wore out Study the "BONER" Will Head Twenty-two members of dents and prospective students at view T Klipple and National Guard Colorado State Wildlife Society, which the r-airipufi points, and of the week —-Student 1 a e.. Devotion to Aggies accompanied by Professor L. B. summer sessions in general were

A tfH? Forensic Group Daniels, visited the antelope ref- discussed. Here Dr. Avery met 1 and his money are some north of C. S. CL turn. uge about twenty miles David Fee. graduate of a Two AGR Engineers. Kenneth when be him as HBOV AVIVFRSOK a mascot bougtit elected By Fort Collins last Saturday an editor of the Collegian Bob KUpplP presi- on former a white Enjrlis* BuTldop poppy in 1 Peanuts wat a dog th* pride *''•* ’I" Delta, national all-day field trip. and now production manager for extreme «U« ara Woe.. dent of Pt Kappa played intelligence las' that knid of b Denver air hone 1 1W urinr glory of C. S. C. For never t>w. Hm'i Cofn-nanv ihe meeting t and forenatr fraternity, at They Raw s herd of about fifty- Saturday night. Being short of are trim, will come out. hut v* maßrot fti Ag- character juet Iwn will aur- lotig year* be (Continued on page 2) on Tortorluy even Inc He nine pronghorn antelopes and fol- transportation they borrow*- Fa - y«iiwork isn’t big rmougti him for only a few not officially, you under- after keeping law who has served J gie*. lowed them for several miles to car to yiwrr hand, . ceed Bill Harrison, ulty Advisor Dwight BaiTd’s nrf ligfl*, wffks, Professor Crabbe add him but be tva* t-be kind of a ",! BT.aDd, of these ani- * ? out l "<™ as this year. determine the sp**ed transport the Beta Phi Alphas yon ran flghi president Fiord Croat now dean of men friena of everyone to Imi. thee dog that was a be rv.rry Baird talked to mals. which they found to *OTTOB to the chapter bouae. The boy# wrnrv jK bank: Dwighl patholopy. who third boy to the and professor 1 Stu- from the water n»n Oir the "Possibilities of about thirty-five or forty miles returned Mr. Baird‘s car to a gar- vm-lrl j* a croup on to the old APL fra- whirl, He was presented him 4 of the college. ynvr Assembly” hut noc, president an hour. age. A friend of Mr. Baird"* rec- lifr i„ a dent Forums for of 1S12. p«arl, be didn't ternity in the spring All membera of nil staff? J* to be maßcot. and TO| In taken, though b bora a ognized the and informed him .Tipp*. definite action was Other points of interest on the car ymiVr drank of In that role Peanut* mad» of t'hs fMivr Sjiroc** aad 1 need official confirmation he n1 any of ita whereabouts. The boys' further will discussed trip were frhe Folßotn Pits, a coy- —The Mirror plans friends with err rybody. and he in- fVM-kn MnaiiUii) r«Deo>a he was just accepted hi* status: mind* are still in a muddle, but roeetinga den. and a natural fort. They future fluenced by hecwnhnp sick ote Btudent and far- people to aerv# r as Bach by every Out Edith Gunn was elected Cheyenne and visited wtrrwa the ser- also drove to oot3. i)m>arding ear): — Rich that he required » ftfro Sn tbeir reappc- member almost the firitt time mt) «»n Kave Elflcr as* ultv by four block*. With- la vlce-preadlcmt; and the zoological gardens and the right garage V(«h, the

PaMlahnd Thnnday br the AHOdtted ®f Next Wednesday

THE COLORADO STATE COLLEGE OF at 2:55 p. m.. our your puttees on inside Promptly nutt w. ARTS March 15 mid-week dance and a AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC Friday, Another definitely did shave ** perspiring, young, and ya last? Ths ■ Auditorium. Printed by the Roblnuon Printing Company 7:15 —Lyceum. Old Main including num- p.m. variety program tore his room and sergeant scrawled r** Phone *37 green hero from a few OFFICES: Room Sll, Johneon Hail tag dance. Student Union. Bo 9:30 p.m.—Regular bers by members of Miss Imogene ’ Fort Collin*. Colorado drawn-out curse as he his card and the Ht Went Oak Street uttered a two ins.* 1 Baird's dance class and talent in REfMISINTEQ TO* NATIONAL. ADVERTISING »T behind him. stiffly stepped to .J* slammed the door the port March 16 is Tor. Saturday, the Barb organization planned mili- erectus.” 05 National .advertising Service, his “silky” black lost Sign Still tying Paiiisbm 1 Club will leave Old Main for Canyon. the Asso- Caffe ge Fepretentatn :30 p.m.—Hikers for the next meeting of bolted down the street Hall. tary tie. he For ten minutes 2 Avi NiwYchk N. Y. 35c from 4 to 5 o’clock Friday in JohDson 4 - b v.;. xr.w and pay Students Wed- up ciated Independent shoulders "John, was rubbing * ■* '• AHG.CLIS • : *» f»*ecisco and soon smoldered there under Cm and Quartet. Old Main he J! 7 15 p.m.—Lyceum King's March 20. in the Stu- , C nesday. four hundred with some of the less sky until ho Dance. 30c felt at the post office. Fort Collins. Colorado a 30 p.m.—Student Union per coup! Entered 68 second-class matter dent Union. C. and fifty other R. O. T. pledges would melt away, yi at p. m ah stu- fe4rfy* and the Beginning fi:4s their , full of awaiting M. • v, r with privilege* Western Intercollegiate already lined up the consequences, he Monday, March 18 will dance to the music of manaiM , Rooky Mountain Intercollegiate Press Association dents doom. keep the "old for nomination /fleers —Men s Jaw bore" J 3 00 p.m.—General Assembly until 7:30 when the ttp a nickleodeon command of Editor At the throaty some of the Marvin Fleming protruding gymnasium. part of the evening’s enter- next his wandered Phone 1821-J “dress right.” eyes strecher” in the chest 4:00 p.m.—A. W. 8. Meeting for nomination of officers—Men’s cavity ***«“» Ed,,or tainment starts. The program Tcnn - of heads ■nafeetk g down the bobbing liDe keep the eyes glaring gymnasium. all ahead wS «•»»»»' committee has suggested that NenlaUr - him Rot and it suddenly dawned upon waiting for the officers to Phone 775 who eat at the Stu- Independents bareheaded. A chill Assistant Manager that he was ize the rest of the K C Rock \\ March 20 platoooa. cdncfeday, denl Union cafeteria remain for his that made l>/mT crept down spine It was F.ance pupils will present a fifteen remembered it Feature. Too late he placing Chi r'.-oo Trrmtmr AH Foresters, including freshmen and tre requested .*' vet lr sophomc which will be fol- marching ma So under his tie at home, and in :• 11 . water, th. bulletin board in the Forestry building .for plans ron- mat ion over the finely ® * lowed a program of special B->»b. r)l l>on by the pulrerin J. bn A haste he had picked up only . ■ tl.- • ; of th* first day of spring “terra firma” combined ... . Co!Ip*I«e» Barb the *«w * „ * numbers members of the . by 1 - "halter” and left the “crown __ ___ with dust and left organization. some very there. Hall Name, piece" lying LOST Theta pin between Johnson and Th- *us« gy countenances. Stewart Case, president of A. I Student Opinion Surveys was a bit more flustered, ir. By back Return to Theta house. Re 5 He Maxine H- -* n ' Needless to sav fr-w S.. has urged that all freshman fev Prs , . blushed a hit, as the in- % i.twU-nts fact he \ iiii L-- an- vligiMv suit from winter women obtain late leave permis- fotrr,aUon(i -* him. Dairy Lab. specting officer approached ten Dairy S. ienee Club, first and third Tuesdays. 7:3d freshman ••:(tn».«i N-. tions, marly nine nut of every sion for Wednesday night so that no boy takt-s a ~, , n : ■ asked. and without pausing | they can take part in the enter- three o’clock on fchmial nor be allowed to fro to the polls before they any believe they “Where’s var hat? Why’ve ya got the nfternoon. If the weather Stewart To ATA tainment and in very import- is h* are 21, Speaks ant business meeting that will most of them “wiggle” imtionni conducted the Student throgji This is si.own in a study by follow. two afternoon classc* ami T. G. Stewart agronomist for Will Talk are tw Asked. "Are for or low- Lawyer Sm <■;. >of America you against subjected to a “borine Opinion the Colorado State College exten- good” answered the from 21 to IST” only 11 per cent Laws ture. The Frosh definitely ering voim g ape sion service impressed members of Zeta Elects Judish On Wage Alpha these formations, y.-t '' yes,' ’ Alpha Ta Alpha of the need of statiitta show that on an gta conserving soil fertility at a meet- of to most stu- average, .'-age is for adults seems to Vie a firmly-set tra- A topic interest Thill s-,i only Alpha Zeta elected officers for boys from every freshman ing of the fraternity Tuesday eve- dents who are to enter r&g voters as well as non-voting stn- the the last planning dition with tl e American people, coming year at regu- elect to take Advanced Mflhan STUDENT SORUM ning. any phase of commercial endeav- lar meeting March i'. Am. rii in, Ii -lifote of Pul,in- on Thursday. \ . ieiTly Training. addressed the future voca- or will be discussed at a meeting He 2. Frank Judish was elected the in June. 1939. pointed out that cent of nation Opinion S 3 per 1 Dear Doc: tional agriculture teachers on the of the Dairy Science Club tonight. Saleswork — House to the to 18. 1< reducing suffrage age In this column last week. Bill subject of soil conservation and March 14, at the dairy building. opposed College students preferred, section of students in referred a Collins law- Interviewing a cross Johnson and Bill Marsh emphasized the importance of ero- Jerome Smith, Fort carefully-selected commission, write me 0. the election as ‘a fine who teaches the commercial sires found: to recent sion control and methods of im- yer all types and of institutions, the Surveys Lakewood. Colorado. Roi ??*| example of inefficient manage- proving fertility. law course on the campus, will For Against Send address and I wiil call. ment’ and an ‘I don’t care atti- talk concerning wage hour and Also at the meeting the group All students 11% 89% ...... tude’ on the of the student of- part decided to award a banner to the compensation legislation. 21 Students or over 12% 88% ficers These hoys bad an axe to Anyone who is interested in this second winner in high school place .lnst IWoro That s>anrr grind and were without a doubt FRANK JUDISH has been invited by the spon- Students less than 21 10% 90% stock judging team competition to topic justified in doing so, but in all soring clnb to attend the meeting The tabulations show that opinion is heavily in the opposition, be held or. March 22. The live- Northern Hotel chancellor; Bob Chase, censor, ;]; fairness to Greeks. Independents, which is scheduled for 7:30 p. m. identical It stock club presents the winning and all student groups agree by almost percentages. Neal McKinstry. scribe; Bob Hos- and Lew Wendel. we think the BARBER SHOP tpam with a banner. should Vie noted that it is the themselves who are 1 tetter. treasurer; and Don Ken- younger people boys should have looked Into th# chronicler. to 2V vote Students 21 being nedy. Schedule most opposed to allowing minors IS to or reason for their names Assembly The newly elected chancellor less to i checked from the voting list. They over —a group of nearly half a million are slightly opposed Famed Physicist—- will attend the national Alpha Ze- —Student Nom- , would have found that many March 18 Body a and adult nfill-students are the least against. The such change, ta conclave which is held every Greeks were checked off the list inations. Ted usual in the student poll was that voting should be Carpenter r-ason given two years. reason and was not (Continued from 1) March 25—Honor Day. | for the same page restricted tiecause 18 or 19 do not know enough about before of the Colo- young people unfair politics. a joint meeting April I—Spring Vacation. I MOVING and tend to show that rado State College faculty club, of April B—Freshman Assembly. government Surveys: figures however, some- A member of the Independent Predicts— which Dr. Robert G. Dunbar is Avery times college students are better informed than the average voter council became interested in this April 15—Don Bolt, news com- STORAGE president, and Sigma Xi. honorary Institute that t question when a Greek just ahead mentator. For example, an American poll brought to light scientific which (Continued from page 11 her society of Dean WELCOMES , of him in line found name April 22—Freshman Assembly. one-third of the voters not familiar with the activities of the were N. A. Christensen of the college there. had been checked off the list. He the of col- April 29—Music Department. Again Dies Committee. The found 17 cent the engineering division is president At a banquet in St. Louis in Aggies Surveys only per investigated and found the lists honor of C. S. C. graduates. Dr. 6 —Freshman Transit Members of Sigma Xi at the May Assembly. Aero-Mayflower legians had no opinion on the same subject. had been used previously by the Reed Bass Charles School of Mines and the univer- Avery me! and May 13—Senior Day Assembly. Co., Agent Whether to give voice in the government Registrar’s office and many names younger persons a 132 Ave. sities of Colorado. Denver, and Beggeman both former students % Laporte had been checked off for various May 27—Commencement. Gie when the Ameriean Youth was brought into headlines recently is Wyoming have been invited to at- here. Reed Bass now director • reasons thus causing the confu- Commission out that the number of Rankin School pointed constantly-increasing tend. Members of the Fort Col- of the new David sion. This does not clear the of- to sneh also there and Charles Beggeman is the people, who are eligible vote, is rr.akinf possible pro- of careless- lins Engineers’ Club have aged ficers from the charge - ! GET YOUR EARS SET DOWN AT - -- been invited. principal of Hadley School of Vo- the fioeial Se Yet while youth, which is not en- and neglect, but it does point gram* as .rity ness cations. and is planning on coming Dr. solution of its; to the fart that illegal voting was It was Gutenberg who made franchised. ha' no power to bring about government THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP here this summer to obtain his unlikely. the first era/ determination of problems. Masters Degree in science, trade, UNDER CITY DRUG We would also like to say that the radius of the earth’s core. He jl and industry. Wendell deserves much credit was born and educated in Ger- iag too many questions, and dwel- In Kansas City, Avery visited for bis efforts to make the election many and served in the German the l!np too rniirh on detail. Another new Manual Arts Vocational Congratulations And as clean, fair, and square as he army through four years of the School, where a large number of apparently woll-iskod snrveylnr could. We are sure that if any World War In 1924 be joined State graduates are teaching Mr. tactics were used were the of the Electrical Condemnations prof is described by *wh unfair they faculty University of Stallings Supply Company A H, Day. principal of the school not because he mad# room for Frankfurram-Maine and in 19?/* a« "a pood instructor.” “pre- 142 South College Ave. Phoru- 542 j has his Masters Degree from this them. Failure of an Independ- came to the United States as pro- material that it ip to EVERYTHING ««-nts ,*f> *apy - hooL ELECTRICAL ent to be at the polls every hour fessor of geophysics and metr-nr- ENGINEERING understand/’ bnt “grrades pretty Dr. Aver}' also attended meet- w as our own negligence. ology at California Institute of ings of the National Society of hard.” If the Rills bad checked more Technology. He has tdner be- Nine of the teachers in the* en- School Administrators and was closely they would have found that come an American citizen. ’‘One of the lnstructors en- U'M HKS AND FOUNTAIN SERVICE dceering division gained general present at the broadcast of “Town the names DID appear on the bal- We f>o Vo* < approve 1 in the questionnaire* in coontered in four years,” Meeting of the Air.” «ter to the Jjottd and Boisterous Element lot in the order of nomination hour for - : *t«denlF ratc-d teachers JaM h work and he has not STIDENTO WEIjOOMK « ”a prof in the department.” frood We are sure that on our coming rest 909»9OBO9O0OS sri.t-sifT. Quit* general dislike of organized the of his staff of denied the ruj.' “I wish the department had i * lection, no one will be SPENCER FARMER 14 so the three teachers in tjhe civil and me- people they do work 104 ir.or* like him.” “best In i right to vote because of careless- L. J. RITTER EAST MOUNTAIN AVE. prof they should. chanical department* way expresr* student will f f-hool/' and "'‘we need more tearh- m*F,t and hope every OPTOMETRIST Wi ho* f ve.r. The proof of the argument will he is” only , Take the advantage of the right to er« an human as are a r»ao-w be shown in future issues of the TrfqJi'HK* b liked rtf tlioM’- who were or* few of the complimentary' vote for efficient leadership. phrase# U ilMrti ItMir. paper since students who have not the ric»l engineering tea-rher* riven to the third civil engineer- Yours for better elections, formerly worked on the described by Students paper are high jnr tnstmetor. The only criticisTn* s Associated Independent out seeking to get more advertis- President are that he “river too many abet, ‘‘Stew” Case ing and thus allow us a six jtTid "I fp|jsh al3 profs pag» ruiiv ’ and "elbow** impa lienee

** paper every week, or at least more Do j Ilk#- to *«ur inviidblf '•lid Editor: y. liiijv miaconwtrued by many people good teacher Is often marked and busin g * which should be corrected. manager may both tty treffcoda are approved find he down as too sarcastic, ridi- know bow much -* being; is due the w*ll SSknl. An other of th % 1 had no intention of convey- money culing; certain students. ( especially paper and bow much have Is diclike-L ing the idea that I thought the they the Flneet fn JewITT p? trr '-st not. wholly Only there having low being averages), left to spend till the end of the T • it **to talk too tDtvh ; business manager was not hand- impatient, and showing; off his in- that year. This would have at Office for vThowt having anytUtr” and "to ling the funds correctly or he completely HOFFMAN Inquire However, student tell rence one cleared the problem without ’a23f t - C■ "' Ti.t ct was embezzling any money I d«d any JEWELRY STORE ' ot»ir-eats that "'his work is worse • argument. a?fr O • ■ih ' f'f * 'hh* Itfg elsß not fe*] that this was true. f c* E. Mtn. l*bone W than bis bite.” 107 550. "fh ild wcrkicp -on to* tt!** In the meeting last Thursday. Again may I say. I don’t think NEW LOW RATES " thr , was attended by about 100 the business manager is crooked ila Two T„*i ■• t seiufif-ter’s instructor In which for hut 1 don't think rrif-'.t.anh'fcl Innrrctet»•*, d?.d not r*- “Rtrenrtb of Materials” accuse-d j people, the retson the incor- be has tried to i« [«♦»! rie-'T* rt-ry r^C^Tt’ a* :rr : i reet statement came out. The earn the salary which he is vr *r frequently of “cutting class re- on an whose business ceiving. To Roy, • in* faroril csEjpmwloß too much/' “being unprepared for r manager wants the stu- you. my apolo- *‘C!-t w*»*l?** to 30c gies those r«-'-*iT»d ma»r ftoxn- ret r dent body asses? themselves for people who took ■ j • and lecturing too far (iki.s|i tin. or hi' and ridjenl- more and expected them letter To the students, Barrswn behind outolde assignments.” HisR per year my wrong. ENGRAVING COMPANY ALL-ELECTRIC KITCHEN cf f:ir while H to take financial does someone to ?ng .*•»!!«, oth*r t*»sts are described as “not overr the statement have have a

cf hfdsc mliV a ’bout eftion s-rrifcod dt jci in class material,” .“not over Import- qu * riminal charge against him be- Printing Main ''ISHS.** The I had grind in the fore wake what ant points/'* and “not logical.” axe to you up to you may for Every Purpose t was I didn’t Stod*T:' tily tho One- student says. “He couldn't f letter that feel the reasonably expect? If the prob- fwttiso -I I lintratorfc drU f teadien In pass hip own quiz in an hour.” business manager has worked T*ry lem is settled then we have done I)ni|}nm rc 'jst tmmef. On* prot, allhonith and many say that bis method off hard in an even honest attempt to pome good. Somebody is going to Dimi.roiotADo PHONE the 42 -aid to b* s “rood t*a*tior, ‘ is alb.winr students to giad* each i give students a good newspa- be in the wrong. I will let you erKicbefl What out of ;r. a tddud- Giber’s paper is very unfair per. came In the meet- students be the judge TAlior 6244

t4Be, Wta’-et ing was that he Is ED.ak.nir too dry. fol- getting, by his Signed, [«♦»= lowing tb* book too ojoe*jy, a*k- I*ammi/-p CollfgUa Advertisers. own admission, about a dollar per That Junior Student. ,-«snAY. MARCH 14. 1940 Tr THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLLEGIAN THREE Judith Nominates Russell Will Alliance Group Kappa Delta Entertains Contemporary Club Has Lead Delta Delta Discussion On Art Value The actives of Del- Girls For Rushees At Supper Sun and pledges ta Delta Delta entertained the Eight Delta Year “Why have art?” This was the Coming The Kappa Delta house opened members of the local Tri Delia topic discussed by members of the Petty its doors for ten rushees last Sun- Alliance at a dessert party last By Contemporary Club Sunday eve- Selection As the result of a recent elec- day evening when the chapter Wednesday evening at the chapter ning when twelve members of the tion Judith Russell will preside at members entertained at house. eight Aggie supper. of the club met at the home of Rutile Pictures the Delta Delta Delta house as Those nominated last who shared the K. D. who were Mercer for a regular meeting. , ies their president LOST: Mutt led Lifetime Sheaf- for the coming girls' for the Sweet- hospitality were Dorothy ek as .indidates year. Mr. Stimmel, sponsor of the fer's Fountain Pen. Return to Hutchinson. Jean La- Gamma Rho. will Thackeray, of Alpha led the discussions Reward. Phone heart The other officers elected club, group Charles Lumley. at the Rue Nelson, Jean Maloit, Pat Pool. George B. Petty, sent to pertaining to music, drama, litera- be same time 1560. „ were: Vice-president. Margaret Fulton, Eleanor Scbles- of femi- and portrayer and dance. After a review- . mir<,r Winifred Lamb; ture. recording secre- singer, Audrey Ball, Vergean Wil- who will select on "The Role of Art in the Lives in(, pulchritude, tary, Alexine Hardenbrook; treas- liams. and Susan Lininger. believes to he the most members of the club one he urer, of People” me Margaret Bennington; cor- sweetheart. cam© to the conclusion that art responding Don't typical secretary, Jeanne Hill; Forget chosen hy their re- Greeks girls plays an essential part in every T l,e rush captain. Hope Hapney; and V i will want to remember are as follows: i groups one’s life, although few people rc-n vive social chairman. Mary Louise the folk:- at homo arui Smith. Gamma Phi Beta: Wade Hampton and Joe Smith lize this importance. Everyone |J your Eleanor Hull. sweetheart with to I7J Hunger. Kappa Alpha were pledged Phi Kappa Tau has his own idea concerning Barbara Beta Mary Ellen Haney. Wednesday night. modern art and it depends entir* The„ EASTER Haworth, Delta Alpha Kay Rockwell Hall Sigma Chi has added Ed Wood* !y upon one’s taste as to the * n Phi Residents Bonier. .lonJ Kappa ranks as a new pledge. joyment and education received CARDS tvlta Do:' ■ Entertain Hekkers, Dept Heads , Mary Beth Inde. from it. pelta: New of the pledge but- wearers i KASTKR IS MARCH 24 Doris Carlson, Rockwell music ton of Alpha Gamma Rho are Following a discussion of Thursday the evening girls of «'<>rtir in for C’arcis Wing: and Retly Ann (3 • w ■ Louie Pnragona and Van Srhark- the club members decided that, al- 'he Hast :»rd W’• •« wit r.f A '. . k«el1 Hall. East Wing n R terle. though jazz appealed to people’s Rockwell Hall entertained the I emotions, symphonic music has heeds of the various departments Alpha Tau Omega has announc- to the 'd the proved be more uplifting BOWEN'S on pledging Dick Hunt. Counselette, Tio Group the campus at a formal dinner. , The 1 guests were Mr. and Mrs. 0 Pledging wa Id last week at The College of the City of New BOOK Talk Of Hobbies R Jones, STORE Hear Miss Sarah J. Kettle, th»- Lambda Cl Alpha house for York movie club is making a spe Mr •Tack and Mrs. Gregory finer he, Mr. J Murray, Jack M. Murray. cial film of undergraduate life at 147 South College Ave. **Hobbies' will be the subject I and Mrs. L. W Durrell, Mr. and Dale McOlaren. arid Don Sonnen. the metropolitan institution "T— —I-. talk t> Miss Josephine Cope- of« Mrs. I*ouis R. Bryant, Mr. and sponsored by Tau lota Omepa land Mrs. Stewart Macdonald. Miss March 7:30 .Tuesday, 19, at p ipn Mary F. Cave, and Mr and Mrs. Ammons Hall. ;m in George F Henry. Prove the music for the members and Miss Copeland possesses an un- Radio Dances To their dates on Saturday evening i:tUSj rp'*: ion of dolls that she Be Week's Diversion when they all danced at the chap- Connselettes and otb- rill fibow tn Secretary To Dean Of ter house. Dr. and Mrs. Bills / L attend the lecture. rs that S. A. E.’s Women Marries In Mich. and their personal chaperoned the affair. a dates danced to record and radio a Guests of the Sigma Nu’b were: Miss Esther Olson, music at the house Fri- Holsinger-Ray secretary to chapter Bottnye Alley, Dora Ann Cham- Dean Amy O. Parmelec. mar- day night. was pion, Winifred French, Marian SILK STO C K IN G S ried to Dr. Herbert Viergutz on Coeds present were Muriel Wil- Twins, Doris Carlson. Glynn Flan- Announcement has been made March 7 in Detroit, Michigan. Miss liams, Ruth Davison. Mildred ders, Dorothy Van Schooten. Mar- of dm marriage of Miss Vivian Olson has worked for several Hamil, Margaret Hamil, Marjorie thelien Ticen, Barbara Bunger. Holeinger to Leslie C. Ray of 3 Happy Easter Gilt years In the Dean’s office and Dr. Fowler, Eleanor Smith. Shirlee Margaret Ann Graham, Margaret Windsor. Viergutz was recently graduated Peasley, Betty Ragan, and Orpha Preston, and Virginia Miller. Mrs Ray was a freshman on the from the Division of Veterinary South wick. in the little Box last semester ma- Aggie campus Week-End Medicine here. He now is head of joring in home economics. The ■ a pet shop and veterinary hospital The Tri Deltas were hostesses are living in Windsor rnople Week-end guests of Kappa Del- in Detroit. at dances at the house where Ray is in a entertain- Mr employed were Marian Jackson and Ruth ing three fraternities during th< c-wspaper office. Banks. Jimmy Pardue spent the week-end. Frye-Swanson Wedding w. ek-end at the Sigma Nu house. and Lambda Chis members of 2 Patrl tf Takes Place In Denver Lovely gift for a lovely lady’s Easter m » the American Commoners Club Bonnot Box A , Sunday mornine initiation by »<■ Wish This A

<»nr IJn#» of Dinner Guests

Skirts Guests of Sigma Alpha Epsilon

and 9 for dinner on Sunday were Dean

and Mrs Floyd Cross. Mrs Haus-

Sweaters ••••>■ er and Mary Lou Hauser of Mont- *",b 41bwm ,0 Which Will Make- the rose. and Mr and Mrs. Dwight ft* bob-*leook Twlre and son r SPEED Edna Poyner, Olivia Binford. Tlmw Inusual New '-r« Dorothy Hutchinson. Jean Thack- ■ ,«r -mriilWTirlUG for *m<*“*g Ruffled Grace Slips eray, Knapp, and Mary Beth Hekkers were Gamma Phi dinner -4% Pajamas guests on Wednesday, evening. During the week the A. G. R.'s Which Arc Perfect entertained at dinner for Van for lUm kwell Hall and

Sorority hou**c u«tr Schackterle, Arthur Maxey, Earl Gail and Clarence And thoee Willis, Rumley, Rhodes. you want to know how it feels to po Slacks Theta as Sun- Necessary Kappa Alpha had J'F . BO miles uii hour on a rucinp hole-led, day dinner guests Glen Bolton for siirinfz: Vacation THRILLS FOR. THE Wells of Keene Valley. \ Y. Warren Stinnett, and Bill Harri- “Bucky" All Found at - tell He’s done it of times. and'extras’in SMOKING ran you. plenty son. He likes those speed-thrill? on a racing Company at the Beta Phi chap- EXTRA MILDNESS comes Jane boh. But when it to cigar. -tie*, ter on Wednesday for dinner was OFF! Streaking down the milt-long trough of the THKV'RE hiJ. ...the ‘'Burk'* Well- i- on the slow Maloit, Wells Jean Stewart, Jean and Ml. Van run a! Luke f'Jarid. N. Y.v i Bm ky" EXTRA COOLNESS nhtu-hurnini: -id. Thai means i amels! * * r** Kraxberger Ltiella Bybe. driving. Fifteen breath-taking turn- to go. Fifte. i lianres tn taste :■ •‘l've smoked Camel- for 'ear-:, and I La Rue of But fttnokinc •1 fferent, FLAVOR Jeon MaloM and Nelson the supreme thrill- speed. in i 1 very EXTRA i * know they hum dower.’* "Bucky** say“- i< me,** ISfi Wcm Mountain Avenue were dinner guests at the Kappa different, *“I slrnv burning that mak»> a cigar* I k with < 'Ther. cool comfort in a io»el. Mild what he 1 tdow-burn* AND EXTRA SMOKING—I PICK f»* iut }<'■>;■ * Tuesday evening. “Bttdty" Vi.ll* *av». And lie mean* says, u*e flavor. And slow _ hurtling foi more inp Camel* have Item hi- • igarette ten years- THE SLOW-BURNING CIGARETTE ■ Ye-, for menu* extra trunking. penny he-! jM tinv. Camels are the cigarette buy. a ...CAMEL amel!*** I d walk a mih- for u t.

■ Why would anvdf.nly feel that way

a Camel and *ee. New Arrivals in ,hout hi- • iguretU ■ Try Idmd of ( jiin*’l> are a mat. hie-- eostlter

tohaceon...slow*ln»rning. They give more Coats park. Spring pieawrt* per puff, more puffs per


Silhouettes o f suave new sfi-

Woolens so sophistication! y CAM£I S In recent laboratory tests. fine and rich that exquisitely of burned 25% tlower than the average win the instant ap- brand* they’ll the 15 other of the larp. -t lling of who know qual- m proval you than of them. That » tested—slower any From the impeccably 5 ity! means, on the overage, a smoking plus tailored to the softly feminine equal to dressmaker styles you’ll find coats at their spring he crew hobs, O-BOIf I ONE-TWO-BOB!” 4ml • collec- “ONE-TH 7*S> smartest in our new r**H niilw an hour, Iriving high on d “Barky" pick* op tpred...6o-70-80 1 tions. - 1 sled around wall of ir<- In- -win|£, tlur quarKr-lun the pla„> a. -necdster gives kxtiia llie field of eiaaretl.llii, ilariue Ibr curve*. Hill in 51 ini- in Camels. Priced of *fon iba! In Now Specially tile laurel, in the qualify burning SMOKES that C; -1* hum cooler, " mellow la-lr You rann tell »)fn iheir mild,'“"'H . have confirmed this. (See pan* !, right.) slower -and scientist* CwUns to $29.50 to4o. tt.4. UeyavltUTobaccoCoapav. Wlaatoo-Btieia..Nurtii $12.95 I'.tlKi»a< k:


mvMm per FTFF

MOKE the ctaarettc ofCostlier 'tobaccos PUFFS PER PACK! Camels THTRSDAY. M.UiPW THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLUEGIAN i, FOUR Bueche Arranges for Nu Wrestlers State's Divisional Champs Skiers Meet Sigma Diana Might Aggie Intercollegiate B and intramural Champs By JANF, HARTSHORN LOT OH Concert Ski Teams And PATLINE This College Year Sigma Nil's matsnen won the hi

tram viral wrestling title last Sat Representatives of At Winter Park th e b five Colorado in the State gymnasium h\ conduct- and r.rday In the swimming meet tutlona of ~ ® scoring 20 points to the Beta X classes last Saturday, higher loar ed between nin Winter Park will be the site of 15. Epsilon Ri'e an boys’ Sigma Alpha freshman swimmers placed Intercollegiate Hwt to the baM ' the Intereolfeei&U* Ski be ' third in the meet with 11 cert in Fort Collin* placed with a score of 54. The „ first yf'jt , The Sig Ep? AGR’s. and cording to Mr. points. came second with a Gregory week 7h> the last meet of the sophomores fc ’ nine thre* head of the Phi Tatis garnered the music score of 47. and junior-seniors f.:g* V- i' r,.- >< 1..:-r; Ed M- ♦'?- division, junior- senior every y«>ar-~in Deti vr-r. n Russell sophomores p 0« «M»ri Herb Rtsd-er Sparks. riu -..0nrr1,,. I l.rt.nrv 151 »h«n it won 111), divi- Th.- Colonulo Sl«:.- WrrMliiiK tmm pnnnl ||. i, . free style re- line,, and Bouider The result- freshmen. HO yard one vp« Je Nfcgb Vie Cm ?? M.Vfr»- r l . . '!»" lh.- 'Kiri* tonni lia* i»k«i t»««w »rovjlinK till,- IU IV.uld.T TTih. (, th«. »«ml ■ iv>- )«r 75 in Denver, , ei: ..r.i* and fonifortalili- marytin wi.-r tin t.-am wtiirh I .MniM-r*. with a irf »7 ■ on forfeit. Til.- ikmiii.. freshmen, sopho- alternate years o Independent won on a yard medley ~

wa* in *4*eond plan*. relay dates have been f El Is bury took second place, mores 100 yard free- style s* j ? , r thf. -' •• liih the team i tpa t - 1 l l' pfcW ' * .4 ’ r*«*| and a thinl <>nlx one man «w \gg>* gr;, failed us pla«-<-. lim> (irmnd. |».tmd-; turn. iuhman. in Nu. first; Ramsey. Sigma Phi Ep- I —-N. J. Bloom, E. Gunn, P. Pool. May. inat.-h by pin. Tin- n**w l.ampi..ns IMMirni. r.-iaim-d th.-ir laM jw'. tith—. winning i»r "nil. .-n-n a , • - ml Miller, Beta Xi, First optional—E. Gunn. P. Pool. McKinstn lt s pnimN. FOR RENT A am IHto KudiMt.T. t:p, pound,. tt.nd Vml : ? bird. F Best. Second optional—P. Pool. M of Braver, inn nevertheless b. Ivirt-t Miller lost bis b.v.\ >«i-iclil title lo hig t'ni.b" oudenberit and cold water. "c Hikers Plan Rist Canyon 1 36-poond /-lans —— Danielson X J. Bloom, F. Best. MHi tMed to H» 134 ,..rd..n Harm ml pb ••Herk.v [il»»4 pmmd Street. - ram • Wiiuig and. < For March 16 gma Alpha Epsilon, first: Scott. Trip Sat., Whitlow was fourth in the I2S class. In ;• pendent pound second; Onffy, Sig- Members of Swan There is an Phi Epsilon, third, ma Monday night. Radio Hiker* f'Jub has planRed a hike important meeting Service If we art- victorious. 14 class Silverman next year Fort 5-pound Writes Letter March IS. I V,Ulus in Hist Ca v. for, scheduled from Hodgson Beta Xi. first; Walker, Sigma Al- Foresters Issue Incidentally whose lawn do you muiu shop 30 to after S:00 1 ; sometime p, n>. To Life Of '• 1 have College Day '• Bncar.!, pha Epsilon, second; Hyatt. Inde- plan to borrow o r us to our Pro,, to Saturday Mar. h 16 which all The w innate’ Champion wins fSyl Tnbee) pendent. third. picture taken on? interested persons aro invited, ac- To The 111 W<=#t QUtp Challenge •Tames G. Hodgson, librarian of volleyball tournament! There are 155-pound claws —Hovde, Barb- We feel that we might further Call 10? cording to Mike Colgate, presi- the Colorado State Library has a few remaining games to be wire. first; Beta Xi. Spishokoff, bind this tradition by jointly pur- dent . Mr. R written a letter to Henry hut according to the second; Picks. Sigma Nu. third. Engineer Majors played. chasing a banner as a trophy. The Rist Canyon is located north- Luce, editor of Life magazine, Dora Champion's class—Larey, Sigrna brackets. Anne 165-pound winning team would retain the west of Fort Collins and affords explaining of the activities \\ F SKI .4 HI U Til ., Gross. some team is victorious. An exciting Nn, first Sigma Phi Ep- A Proclamation banner for a year following their of the which is rugged scenery, good hiking, and annual College Day of the week was played silon, second ; Hoflfawn, Burbw ’ game by We. the members of the For- victory &nd the loser would have plenty of climbing, but no rock- sponsored bv the Aggie Livestock Sullivan's the Counselette team headed by third. Col- sewed on Dairy estry Club of Colorado State the date of th- victory work such last Club He suggested to Luce that a* was encountered Frink, and Cranson’s team—the lege. do hereby challenge the Rtn- the banner for th* winner. week-end on the rock he on hand all-day Gray staff photographers winning a one first; Garcia latter by point mar- pendent, Independ- denTfi of the Fngineerlng Division Student Engineering Council ‘-vent Mountain trip. Also opportuni- when the big occurs so that of tour- ent, second; Hegler. Phf gin. The final game the Kappa to a softball game to be played on Leonard Zick. ties for wildlife observation are pictures could be obtained for use Tan. third. nament will be played Monday. the Oval at 4:00 p. m. on the first, President. possible. in the “Life Goes To A Party" class Roberts Heavywegiht day of spring. Thursday. March Hikers Club members will invite feature. L. Goodwin Sigma first: Snider Independ- Roy Nu. 21, 1940. not A Tradition persons In she club to make out that the Hears i >PTX >MKTRIST ent. second; Burton. Beta Xi. Hodgson pointed Group Experiences Two officials will be appointed, the trip and will be assessed fifty The of the above Tested third. publication parade of floats, the rodeo, and Eyw faction involved. Of Extension Worker cents couple all others will one from each I per proclamations marks the advent the dance in the evening were all upi irat <*d These officials must be honest and pay thirty-five cents each to cover of another spring. A soft-ball "different, newsworthy, pictorial 140 S.. College Ph. 1154 NOTICE TO VATATORS! vision reliable, possess good and T transportation and grub at the ;■ "Extension work MM?#***#* r: between " • r- re, features of the all-school celebra- is a grand ad- have a thorough knowledge of the camp supper in the evening. the Engineers is an annual spring tion. venture." said Mrs. Helen Pierce, srSJ Coach Tommy Tompkins an- A program has came. campfire been tradition, established last year by a member of the home economies nounced that the intramural swim- It the of the chal- planed that will include group will be duty the Foresters, who won the first staff of the college, who on dition. inaugurated last and spoke ming mc« would start Thursday year JOE COOK in singing, customary tall stories, lenged team to put the diamond of the series by a score of her experiences as a state nutri- game suggested by the comfortable afternoon at 4 15 o’clock, with ap- and entertainment of order including filled sacks spontaneous proper 5 to 4. tionist at the regular Home Eco- costume a German ex- And His The preliminaries to be run off. pearing of Orchestra varied bases, satisfactory nature for a backstop, nomics Club meeting Ammons * hang** student, Rolf Rau. who at The finals will be staged at 3:00 with pitcher's box Margie Scott All students w'tao plan to make chalked hasei ines, Hall Monday afternoon. Another Tradition often affected similar outfit. p. m. on Saturday. a Blues the trip are asked to sign up Fri- and other customary improve- Charming In keeping; with their celebra- "Although one suffers many day evening in the main lounge of ments. Songstress tion of spring, the Forester* will Dr. R. W Roskellv's hobby is hardships while doing extension betVOCT Mr. Bruce Red Cross represen- Johnson Ha U 4 :00 and It will be the duty of the chal- Available for all Occasions observe another annual tradition, collecting items of propaganda. work, in the end it proves to be a in '• on tative. will hold a rlas« pre- p. m lenger to furnish balls and bats. PHONES 110. 330-W appearing on the attired He has excellent examples real joy," Mrs. Pierce stared. liminary training for Water-Safety campus many To the winers will be awarded Another feature of the sth in shorts, flannel shirts, boots and of various techniques used by pro- meeting 902 Avenue Instruction beginning next Wed- the privilege of having their pic- cruising , on March 21. This pagandists in influencing public was a piano solo by Beverly Haak- Longmont, Colorado f7 -. nesday from 4:15 to 5:20 p. m. ture taken on the losing team’s is another newly established tra- opinion. enson. The Advance Course will be staged lawn.

from March 2 5 to 2$ Class ses- C. S. C Forestry Club sions will be at night from 7 00 Ralph L. Mather. until 3 0 0© o’clock President.

Jumpin The ollege free-throwing con- Aggieville Directory test will get underway March 19. An Answer engi- and will end on the following day We. the members of the ~ £ student body, do hereby c- £ i i* * i £ Twenty-five throws will be tried neering ' 3 * ■ ; a 5 - s CN each time. accept the Forestry Club’s chal- to ONLY THE BEST: W E Q Jive lenge to play a soft-hall game on iA r March 21. 194b. at 4:00 p. m. on r- Recently elected officers of the co • SERVICE! the Oval. Agronomy Club are Paul Hay- A (X CO PRACTICAL, We also ward. president: James San den, will prepare the field • GASOLINE! the vice-president. Robert Chase, sec- even though we B*el duties to Mr

COLLEGE and However, we MAN, retary-treasurer Jin Kern, be rather one-sided. > OIL! li I BE i • same si fit reporter. will expect the from you 111 | 5 = = = * I COLLEGE SERVICE = STATION I £ * v. O as- oc £ ? i- “i <


l’ State Prompt and Sports Strip TRY YOUR COLLEGE GROCERY Guaranteed Shoe Repair Service SHOE SUPPLIES: By JOHN ROZBORIL For Good Things to Eat 1. Saddle —Cotton Soap. 2. Boot Grease I We In Gobordine 110-liuin ’ I vvi*h I wm* in IHvl« «»r Nt. |*H«i*s|)urg. lorldUt—where Specialize

for tin- What with the S. »io \t«nk*. nft- mobilizing Major L*«triM‘ wars. Shoe Laces. HELPING ALL THE "BATCHERS" Stitched m. lieiir the a- morgue. WOLFER - CAHILL lionif4iiii<- in h-ntlwr mitt* over in tin- gym! Vep Marw Maroon thumping of COLLEGE SHOE SHOP linxi-lutll Anil Mm ha*, in- halt* i \ warming up for the mtmmhi. rorje e>ooo'* ioooowooooooDeooooooooooooooo.oo.ooooDODOooaoDoaawooooovE or Green m ihe fi**ldhotm-e C<*a«’ti Harr\ »* tinkering with hi** 11*10 fnmfhall

nt rtUMli«lah**> are still

Bends to li*r who tin vet** i' > ll< arm- T(Wl4'rf(i*t in* trying to gi»t the jump on 'Where Well Groomed Trade"

—You've Uo* !*■«}* Kenneth Murphy, and Boh He****. (lay !h*nt. 2 COMPETENT BARBERS Easter Parade Seen 'em REVIEWS 4M> Itlvi'OWorri IUM.: Colorado State and I'tah

on the con* si at» tied fttr lionorv >e* the third highest curing tiuinlds in the JOHN FITZGERALD SAM STAPLETON 116 West Laurel 1144 tin- Phone Campus (i rfiiic with 4i 12.5 average ... lit scoring Blake annexed Samoa C‘Oo^oooc*oc^ocH:iOoc^ooC‘Ooooooos^ocH^iwwooocaa«scB^oc> - • irdi pi of*. Parker and Bergman twelfth, and emled It Blake made himoikl renter r —Easy to ? up in the Isi *.|H»t .. team all-efmferenee while the three meiiti

.. The CHICAGO 1811 V NEWS contiidirs wrestling a* drama nmm, section. VationaJ not *|Hirt*- . Tlte Ikooklyti Ikwlger* of tin- lieugue, who, of {

in the fir*t in CAMPUS SHOP Clothing, inc. all thing*. flni*h plane were flatly rejected by j the Airline Co., who didn’t want te liear the risk. I fAnnnQt MARCH 14, 1940 THE ROCKY MOrNTATX COLLEGIAN FIVE Has Invitation To Present and back Hotton Study of Peanuts—- up sent to Fort Col- For Prize In Art Contest lins to await the Battery’s victor- Print ious return, but that (Continued also was de- from page 1) Grandfather And Father nied him. Peanuts My Went, did not live to normal vital self. Hatton, who Is in Delta Phi Clara Delta is a national welcome home Miss his beloved Bat- Mascot ar’ section of the Dl- art FYaternfiy So Now I'm To Colo. State of the honorary society open to tery A, Going rKe men for on April 28, 1918, he It was nJee to Economics of the and be mascot of a Home women students - Pf majoring in came to an unhappy end. Five and invited to fraternity to have so been pre- art ip the many days has leading universities, later this death notice * friends, but ap- national honor he was an ambitious to the colleges, and art Just a family tradition, this cham- a print schools in the peared beneath his picture in the player, playing on the same dog and had his Phi Delta. The United States. eye on higher I'ernity. Relta. Rocky Mountain Collegian: going to Aggies. said Harlan pionship team as Dean Cross. His things—like being used as a prise for mascot for the Hankins, Sigma will he a Nu pledge, when schooling was cut short because of „t “Peanuts, mascot of the Misß Hatton is an entire college! So Aggie works submitted alumnus of one day he asked why of the best team he was here at Aggies. the war. but he mentions the oH ' for six years and for Alpha Chapter made his debut. He a year for the National Con- of the entered Old “My father and grandfather both custom to Tstudents fraternity the pride of of going Greeley for Main Battery A, was found Chapel one held in June. at the Monday during went here, and I have heard so to be University of Kansas. poisoned last dates. ation Saturday. There is assembly hour. He listened for a much about C. S. C. that I no Just Harlan, the third use wasting good American as generation, minute to a cornet solo being wouldn’t think of any other further russwords on the person who did states that in about two played, then stalked with self as- school.” •he trick.” years his sister will probably be surance and quiet dignity dowm On Eileen Harlan’s grandfather. U Reflections Rockwell Yes. You were gritty, S. here. too. Hall the aisle to the Peanuts was dead, but game, and snap- rostrum where he they Hankins, to Colorado ping. came with sat down would not forget him—not for until the soloist had fin. a his father, Harlan’s grand long while. No one ever caught napping. great ished. Then after The students wanted you H<*re arc a few tips from those surveying the father, in a wagon train. In those in the fall of to stuff him You were with our team a-srrap- “in the „ And then much. That knee's the and put him in the know'* a* to how to wobbly enough audience, entertainment, and get a days there was an open season dorm to house college but Ping, on date: came the new now. the situation in genera] museum, taxidermists 939. and find- Indians, Just beneath remember” In 188”-9 he fairer contingent found this impossible for the Aggie goal. undert lass "Now, ing them he some ob- 1. SiNurc w’here we? Oh satisfactory, returned an approved list of were yes. eame to Aggies, lived in the music scure to physiologies.' . .. r , student body. about the audience Rnd Even as a canine. tel (f tll(. the boys that came watched the Peanuts, you ep|tonennn i hers. to the conservatory, and majored in they had to be content ag- j It. ’most every- show go on. with bury- were never much for looks. Af! dorm You could S. S our usually tell riculture. In those days R O. T up the car, be pleased ing him. seemed to very to when ’twas From that Rut you had a certain something the young swain's frist day forward he C, 3. was was a good stiff course in Hormn the pro « of two modern dorm on Dog Heaven we admire. a beautiful, visit. He’d have taken into the hearts live on a necktie and of all Ag “squads right” and “as skirmish- cokes. the You were always campti* —‘specially boys, bis finger gies and He was a dog and a mascot up and coming. he nails would be clean. was ever after known «« Rut ers. deploy”—instead of artillery I. Oct h ear. boys look- And think the were we*- you kept, things ever hum drtn’t The Aggie when he died, he sent to R color of his face ranged from ! ' • rfi.-iMCf ) I- wasp 1 Y.n Bog >’ V«- food "Id. iti? doughboy :• m r*. IP* ld« is* ulnae- with th building so much, Heaven in ming, agree up at a delicate pfnk shade to a coat a blaze of glory And of . try. the date. they were at No one ever saw running bonith. as looking tarHv adpoted without a dissenter they dedicated you deep crimson, which stretched by everyone. The- His J. Harlan Hankins to son. at- ' «. (ret a ear. Can’t exactly blame this to Or quitting under fire be Inmates. include both were just taken jn by his poem him: tended ears The very bash- feai- in 1 913-1 4-1 6, and besides ■hk the girl wlu* not being Interested In owns one. hem for ful was less his keen boy very hard on the carriage, eye. grace Peanuts, you’re a dog. but being active in Alpha Tan Omega rugs PEAYT'Ts your hHectare when there an right ful alertness, podern in front of the lounge be- and his fighting heart is solid he was a very popular football gold. tblncse onties alumnus of kanwas so many running bulldog jaw\ cause he’d scrape his feet back He was the spirit of Peanuts, you’re a dog, and an ugly You were loyal from your ugly Slate College at with ankle socks on < a refugee troand there and forth aU Aggies; he would never one at that the whfh h< wa give up nose to tail. Yet when we are old and hoary. in Hongkong, bn*- tied in their hair. now a job n* a ribbon' Football Victories But B„d waiting for his lady-love to enter there's a mighty lot of human You have "Gone Out West” in We will tell our boys your story— result of hi*- work the I b -v< in animal Speaking of boys. did ever Give he in soul up never did although your glory. Without fail. “Then the ‘God’s hnshandr>. r gift to t.he tell about the w ay the boys the you going was tough at times. He ladeis’ would breeze in, throw his ned to aoi when they came to the led the football team through sev- hat-—if he had one—in the corner, With 118 girls living there eral lorm? years of defeat and. at last, and then go tickle the first girl bound to be a lot of there was to two crashing conference vic- he saw under the chin. She’s around all the time, try toys hanging tories. it all he SPECIAL OFFER Through could be TO SORORITIES, to look mad, but as we all knew, FRATERNITIES, ETC. is, one Sunday afternoon found pact on the side lines in a green she really liked it. I took a friend of mine blanket rhen by with a yellov. blocked Members of combine any Club or Organization can their C.REEN STAMPS and obtain asked me if it Most of the boys, the love lorn there, he was a "A” on the side, cheer barking to valuable merchandise for their favorite and otherwise, group. Just trade where you get Green dorm or a boy’s dorm. were real Aggies—- the Stamps pirl’s team in defeat and barking up-and-coming All kinds of boys came to the young men their praises in victory. Visit 41J&, They all the though perhaps a hit boisterous at the Green the lorm ranged way Yet to hie Zt-H. Stamp at in addition duties as Display - times. from real cave men to pre-hen mascot of the college and of the Wij [>ecked milquetoasts. But as they “But then Willie, 'all the world A PL. he found time to also be MEYER STORE and Learn Full Details were Aggies, of course most all of loves a lover:’ so when it to comer, mascot of Battery A, the Field Ar- iheni were right nice boys. ihe time when we read the scale tillery unit of the National Guard Willie, if you want your Grand- of values, that girls dorm should stationed at Fort Collins, com- to teli you 'bout how college receive its just rewards for be- ma posed almost entirely of Aggie fdkp did when he went to school, ing the meeting place of FOR many men. Loyal Peanuts followed the ron’ve got to quit wiggling so happy lads and lassies.'* M R fiTVR COMPLETE TEXACO SERVICE colors with Battery A until a few MOTHER w eeks before his death. S«H When SISTER Battery' A was called out (iRKEX STAMPS GASOLINE PRICES THE LOWEST and sent to Golden for training SWEETHEART . Almost But Cowhide, Cat, during the Mexican trouble in REGULAR 16c WHITE 14c Everything Flowers for Easter .... 1916, PeaDuts was right there. He Dog, Is In The Coat Of Colors suffered the hard weather and COMPLETE LUBRICATION 75c Many ... hard PAUL WOOD knocks along with the boys,

and whe* they came was r back, he FLORIST COMPLETE WASHING 75c welcomed as a veteran among the in SOT TH HOLLRGE PHONE 868-AN u What a colorful sight, this Ag- been offered $26.00 for this rain- p] veterans. campus is; not only do the bow be won’t pi* jacket, sell -“SI _ Green It is not to be thought that Pea- <6 H- Stamps the of the grb wear all colors The jacket contains all of the nuts led an unexciting life. Far in hoods, parkas, coats more furs from it! He common and many of was too much of a udmiftens. but the color bug has the more rare ones: Alaska seal, dog for that. Sometimes, for in- THE ANDREWS AUTO CO. bitten the boys too Neckties so monkey, otter, karakul, northern stance. he would discover some- DRESS UP lead that they must be placed in seal. Russian fitch, squirrel, and one he liked to bite. At the frat 230 SOUTH Ske closet so that their owners COLLEGE AVE. many others, but no dog, cat or he was chained up for many days nay sleep, of such a vivid- ....FOR EASTER cowhides because he even though he has been once simply couldn’t that dark glasses are being accused of possessing these three resist nipping the milk man. *om by the fairer sex. sox so Let Us Renew and Remodel furs. Jailed Your Last GKT YOUR SA H bright that the trouser cuffs have One day after strolling ahout C.RRKN STAMPS »i f This shows that I PETTY The Jeweler •r he weighted to keep them from just even men town, he jumped in a car at the Years Outfit to This Years % ran wear Styles V f arlinp and best of all is the pretty clothes if they GRIFFITH'S up Always Yonr Momn'* Worth curb for a little nap. Naturally ♦j* *j* coat want to do so. ’Joseph’s' of many colors he disliked having his inter- BEAUTY SALON nap 118 North Oolleep tom 'Buzz' X by Leonard Zatter- !*».. S7f*-\* S. Collrgr $ rupted by the owner of the car DE LUXE CLEANERS & TAILORS 128 itrom, freshman P. E. major. who was so indiscrete as to wake

Thiß jacket of Buzz’s was made Together him Bo it is not. surprising that We Give Z?M~ Green Stamps k the winter of *37 of odds and be not only refused to leave the Rids Bleep and downy blankets (Continuously £ saved from the time when "nr but also threatened to chew a Wendell P. Martin Snow and shiny Rkis, was working as a fur-cutter in chunk out of the owr ner if he tried Better Since 1904 : t tincoln. I always think of both things Nebraska. From the time to get in. The owner summoned a Phone 1000 Milk *•“ When T think of one of these. aaved the first piece until the policeman who put Peanuts in jail Ackf-r was completed took just to think over his sins until some Cream Fall and smoking bonfires. BETTER month; the total cost only 98c of the APL boys could get him re- m •the Flags and martial airs. VJr cost of t he lining, as he even leased on a promise of good be- Butter Things of experience the leather buttons where he my havior. EASTER CARDS rf Alw-ays go in We Gh’e S.VH Stanif*- ICE CWEAM >rkedi. Even though he has pairs. On another occasion he tried to Homogenized Milk EVERY 1> Y CARDS bite one of the Battery A horses, Furs and liv’ried chauffeurs, GIFTS Phone La Porte Avenue but the horse was quicker than he GIRLS 252 128 ... Library Books Give Sea and breath of fog was. and he kicked the poor mas- •••••►•••••••••♦••♦••«3**!**r**r**i**t*****^*^**!*< i**i**r**’.**!*4i“****^**i**!*,i**i“*’**i**i*,*“,i,****!**!**i**’**!*, i**i**i**r*****i,*i***®*!**i‘ Are and OUT WEST as smoke chimneys, cot in the teeth, thereby making COME Advice On a boy T • Popping Or and dog. a wiser if sadder dog of him. GIF SHOP He picked fights with occasion- Question West To Men i. 112 Oak Street • IN ' Now it’s simple logic. al dog intruders during Chapel Be Sure You Get "All Three That and nothing more. hour bo frequently, and was Just This year Is • AND open season on Where there is greed and hatred as frequently kicked out. that he girh and it’s your chance to There is certain to be war. finally rofupod to attend Chapel in Your New Coat or Suit! »ome fancy catching. Even • SEE altogether. Marjorie Hfllta, author of “Live By Katherine Houston, While taking a sun bath on the fce has • OUR ir fimftnfl Member of Scribbler’s Club street-car tracks at Golden, a trol- B R ,BIJ ETTY { favor of "practicing ley ran over him He was saved •hat she • SMART j * caches’’ and is married from only because no part injury .r . &iw before nity pin hung on you Hornell Has Them t was Tj f leap year. of him on the rails. Another We Give Norris Hart’s book, "Personality Golden he stow- • EASTER f thing to consider be- time at played “Vogue*” fnatuml styling .. " and the Family," will quickly ban Den- Green Popping the question’’ is to away on the in terror to Stomps Kxrlufdvr smartnoss far you! think the change your mind if you • FOOTWEAR r* you will be ver. Aroused, all Battery A pour- accepted, for You Get the Saving An “inside* frt<»ry" of finwit bosom of your family is the place a Into Denver after him. but he or u silk dress is small ed fabrics and workmanship! to let down your back hair and and rode back for the embarrass- gave them the slip “be natural.’’ Innings piHrantml for the* of SHEPHERD being refused. alone—on the trolley. Bo to be SPl(f’R lif«* of the garniont! sure of Other authors point out that Atlantic the best results, a rs °naJ big problems as ! check-up on marriage involves His greatest honor, however, yourself is SFAN SHOE STORE And the* most remarkable The Colorado well as little ones, and that you came during the War when he Betty Rested stRtG ,i. SHOP part about Rose Is the should decide w'hethor you can af- followed his Battery through three PASTRY fact that prices art- exceed- hoo? Revwral clp verly written 0 b east on budge? on ford husband and too. training to the shores of ingly your charm, manners, beauty, a a career, camps 144 W. Mountain Ave. 128 South College ftaats and Muit* for Spring amo: There are also suggestions for do- the Atlantic. He followed the which is Elinor Ames Phone 182-W * of Modern ing the proposing indirectly—- from Fort Collins to Camp Etiquette, by Ju- boys Addifc less dangerous.) North Carolina, from there L $12.503to $27.95 Burning on how to de- (this sounds Green. Phoenix 0 Hosiery P charm, York, and to A. student* Nulmilt their which (if to Camp Mills, New 11. C. Ia l you have 8o decide whether or not you PaUße Merritt, New He to flic Complaint* Com- to “adore this Camp Jersey. complaint* you are Interested in marriage 2-3-4 Threod truiT 1 (Ma in floor at your feet liis Battery to become one mittee of the Orßattliratioiw Con- j the love that another In helped leap year (there’s ,VGB and he with Constructive Mifr- on* y of the best in the Service, trol Hoard charming 1 94 4 ), check on personal m t 0 a up your *orna.Dan motorized. And to hovr improvement* Headquarters And then saw' that it was trestion* a* Peter's Shoes you won’t a few little B^ assets, and correct for 0 followed that Bat- could Ik* made. The reecmunondn- Pop the question." he would have things that might cause a fly In “S4.H” Green battlefields of Flan- tkw conwtiw action are Velvet - not^6r tery to the for Steps tell TheD your off.-: d the weight to crush the engineer, ■ necessary ambitious foods for the soul—H radio and are to enter Girls, w T hen writing your keep, block. von mischief.” this field are especially encour- notebook here’s a chance for origi- She acquired W The contest closes Thursdav aged to take part in this competi- nal ideas. Those food notebooks knowledge by managing “w

tion Tor which two $3OO scholar- a Mc- Phan's home . *■_ be snap with Mr. and X y .. should A at will he broken at ’he Civil build- onßi school. H ships are awarded. Cracken to help you. sery ing on Saturday. March 23 at 1:00 to Men with the ability plan, “Doc” Jones got ac- Do you Perhaps suppose jiia p p. m.. and winners will be notified . r write, and announce farm pro- quainted with the commoner in- Johnson’s know]* : immediately. are employed by grams. many sta- sects while acting as janitor in the which included ext. vr- tions and the field is still which is grow- domestic science building tion of water softener aavJuS" ing. Experience in this type of To now the conservatory of music. the embarrassment r diajj work may lead to employment as OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK of yon home economics girls hands. For three any . r>r j iJSj directors continuity program “Doc” he give expert son had a promises can dish- washing JtfbjM! M I VMM It* #mrn*m tflMfer. writers, producers, announcers or demonstration in the art of peel- Bethany College. W salesmen, either with stations or ing potatoes. Fortunately “Doc” l) u« ighl I Hrt ali t\ tw«l Hl<>rh U». with advertising and SOOSfOOOOOOOOOC agencies received this household experience ~.oootw

If Nmm- at o w> CiUor »o ... I while hashing the San Juan S<„ Tlt I farm market. boarding house. The Wagner Lab- | Ft. Collins Hot Shop! Realizing the need of a grim 1- or Act specified a minimum wage lurtilly educated men in radio, the Cx Shining Parlor hour set by the government which I.V* \orf|, < “Nation's Station” last year inau varies according to the population £! Opposite Arm-rh n T'lu-ai,* 1 gurated the WLW Practical Schol- of the town, twenty-seven and one- arships in Radio Training. Two half cents being the minimum 1n scholarships «il! be awarded again Colorado State Proves To Be Fort Collins, put to shame the Library falter by now. so ask— this year The two winners of the Maiden wages “Doc” received in 1913. scholarships will be given inten- Sugests Johnnie, don’t you think it Paradise For Scholars And Bookworms Every male student as he recalls sive six months training •would be fun to have a periods For to col- Technique Leap was required work on the at WLW from July 1 through De- house with roses outside just 1* is no: unusual to see them van- lege farm two hours a day. receiv- cember 31, 194©. The of built for two?” amount Year Seeker three (- I it: by twos, but ofion times Spouse ing the whole sum of to ten THURSDAY FRIDAY each scholarship will be $500.00. He should be interested they come to the library one at a quite by cents an hour. It was indeed an to be apportioned in sal- ON THE STAGE weekly now. but be careful or you’ll time At the entrance of the For the ben< f ? of the most very honor to be reimbursed the top to the two successful candi- ary bashful husb.v ker who spoil everything. natiniM reading room they pause drama- >< sum of ten cents per hour. dates. to i irally, look and even listen. Their wishes take vantage of leap “I know where there's just the One wonders if Mr. W. R Ros- and Competition requirements for glances hop from face to face un- year, a one tin n.aiden lady—- house. 1 like it very much and I kelley, who worked his way Nieht the contest Include scholarship not til the searched-for object is fin- though by e—wishes to just know you’d love it too.” th: urn college, picked up so BUtal round of i ran scripts, a ally Whether submit the folic • magic words A spied. these couples nc long pause and now in many of his human interest stories the biology i-ading How. in room biographical outline, and achieve- l or is which sweetest O pet any work done ever try finally captured hiir . your voice. “Johnnie, as he industriously earned bis way MAJOR iS evf-T th' r» :i3 kingdom com •- i- on ment records, but In addition spe- a question. Setting. mo ~ht and roses wouldn’t you like for us iempha- BOWES the Every kind a m second floor. and cify that the applicant must inter- Cornell University has fresh- size) move into PRIZE —old but good to our (empha- people from all walks are to he Also who studying together are the view a successful farmer in regard man student represents the X size’' dream house March 2; " on WINNERS found in the main reading room Time: Late at right when he is “psi-pssters Undoubtedly these to his methods and results In one fourth generation of her family to you know that’s the date my REVUE There the ‘‘gaze into spacers,” not thoroughly k* are jaw sessions are better than or more of farm activity enroll at that institution. no phases of grandmother had her coming out 10.10 A Atmosphere: they appear. ten-minute interview script is air heavy wifh o liijr Ads 10 party—just 4 0 years ago tomor- the world go by They are to be to mixed perfumes it helps to dull Surely there must be then He written to be applica- some peo- row.” found any place in the library For Bwt Valn« in Tovtb ble for a radio his senses. ple who study in the reading program. If he doesn’t get the point by a. JMHfIK-m At the southern extreme fit must . room! Reserved seats claimed In addition, a five-minute re- Situation: sn -pled close to are up this give bad tune, it up as a job. o\ ni k snu i:\ be due to the idea of a winter cording is to be of tc cor- FORT DRUG by many of the best students. made a farm him—always fol: him a I too to a § He's stubborn make good Oftn«JtAnop Moor' vacation in the southland » are the and The department with the larg- news broadcast using current news ner if he moves o husband anyway. Tom Brown in "lick a finger and turn the pag- 100 South fWlejtP est percentage in the reading releases as a basis. Clear your t: >at and in the § P. S. If when 1941 arrives you - MA HITS MAKING ers.” These favored sons and F.TES 00 T room is not known for certain Also, a 1,500 to 2.0 w ord pa- “ringing-vine” v . begin: are still “Miss” reluctantly signing AT ME daughters make use of the maga- is be The home economics, sociology, per to written on the subject “Johnnie J nnie. have you before your name, don’t give up—- zine section. Seldom do they sit economics. English, education, ag- that has been chosen for the main < ever been in love' If he gives a leap year will come again in four STARTS upright but dreamily ha*k in riculture. and veterinary depart- theme. negative answer .*k— Co. years And remember “Faint Hodgson Jewelry storvlsnd. SATURDAY Students to enter ments are usually quite well desiring the You’d like to be though, rep- heart never w o n fair gentle- Your Fraternity and resented. Foresters and science competition should notify George i wouldn’t you Johnnie? It’s grand .” fU.*' n At the northern end of the li- men.” Sorority Jeweler I*ls*^sl** ''K-':f C ” director of If still negative “Johnnie, m•; ■•■b-n i * busy 1 hem selves on re- Bigger, program ,'*o* brary are the ”1 (eye) spyers Armstrong Hotel Bldg. not later than search. The engineer's rarely fre- WLW. April 1. < don’t you think that if a girl loved Patronize G>lkfian Advertisers. The material quent the library to study. They on which the judg- you. and she could cook real, real be i Try Oar FVuboi» carry their cerebral gleanings at- ing will based must be mailed good, as good as your mother, that ;^C<-C<<^rCrt?OC-O^.oC"t>C<<<-CCfC«>&OOOO<>o< ossooe o GOLDEN tached to their belts and in to Rigger not later than midnight. you could learn to love her?” (TU'ST BREAD not HOWDY AGGIES their back pockets May 10. Always mention good cooking as you may 1 HOME BAKERY The !Cl previously have supposed. winners of the scholarships ; and whether you can boil water or C C. STONE AND CO. ft

rhom- 2382 fW»f» s M*#*on will be announced 2F> not. The to a man’s heart is Shaeffer's Pens by May way and Pencils and *■’ Vnality rv-pen

1 ■■■—■■l—■ - Hl—— ■o;‘0o:-a'>:":'>>;-oc<^oo060o.5c^s?mw

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