United Nations OCHA/UNRWA Barrier Gates open to July 2008


District Gate Name Status District Gate Name Status

Jenin Al Mutilla S/W Qalqiliya ‘ ‘Atma CACpt

Jenin South S Qalqiliya S

Jenin Faqqu’a East S 6DO¿W Masha North S

Jenin North S 6DO¿W Masha West S

Jenin ‘Arrabuna Door S 6DO¿W Az Zawiya S

Jenin At Tayba West S/W 6DO¿W 6DO¿W'RRU PC West Jenin Anin S/W 6DO¿W 6DO¿W'RRU PC

Jenin Al ‘Araqa North S 6DO¿W 6DO¿W'RRU(DVW PC

Jenin Tura CACpt PC LEGEND Jenin Reikhan Barta’a CACpt Ramallah Khirbet Dasra PC Type Description No. Closed Area Primarily designed to allow Jenin Dhaher Al ‘Abed S/W Ramallah PC Community communities in the Closed Areas Checkpoint access to the wider for 4DI¿Q S/W Ramallah Bilin 24 hr (CACpt) essential services, schools etc: generally open during the day and 8 Tulkarm Nazlat Isa North S/W Ramallah Kiryat Sefer PC closed at nights. Can also be used by farmers with visitor permits to Tulkarm Nazlat ‘Isa CACpt Ramallah Saffa PC access land in the closed area. South Tulkarm Zeita South S/W Ramallah Beit Sira PC Agricultural Open daily, generally for one hour (A) early morning; noon; late afternoon Tulkarm ‘Atil A Ramallah Beit Nuba PC to allow farmers holding valid permits access to their land in the Tulkarm Deir al Ghusun A Jerusalem H. Adar/B.Surik PC closed areas. Only a minority of permit-holders, generally herders, 11 Tulkarm Shweika A Jerusalem K. Abu Laham PC are not allowed to stay on their land North overnight. Tulkarm Far’un S Jerusalem K. Abu Laham PC South Seasonal/ Open seasonally, usually only Tulkarm Jubara CACpt Jerusalem Beit Surik PC weekly (S/W) in olive harvest, to allow farmers access to olive groves in closed Tulkarm Sal’it A Jerusalem Har Smuel PC areas; and one to three days weekly throughout the year, to allow 7 Qalqiliya Falamya North A Jerusalem Giv’on PC for ploughing, weeding, pruning etc. Hahadasha Qalqiliya Jayyus North A Jerusalem Beit Ijza PC Seasonal Only open during the olive season, (S) October – December. 12 Qalqiliya Jayyus South A Jerusalem Al Jib PC Prior Access is not dependent on permits Qalqiliya An Nabi Elyas S Jerusalem Jaba’ PC Coordination but by ID cards and/or list of names (P) on gate. Gates are open through Qalqiliya =X¿Q CACpt Jerusalem Hizma PC prior coordination with the DCL 27 usually seasonally, and sometimes Qalqiliya Jaljoulia CACpt Hebron Khirbet Ad Deir PC several days weekly.

Qalqiliya Isla A Hebron Tarqumiya PC Other Bil’in is open 24 hours following a 1 order by the Israeli High Court of Qalqiliya Kafr Thulth S Hebron Idhna PC Justice

Qalqiliya Ras ‘Atiya CACpt Hebron Deir Samit PC Total 66

Qalqiliya Habla A Hebron Beit Awa PC

Qalqiliya ‘Izbat Salman A Hebron Deir Al Asal PC North Qalqiliya ‘Izbat Salman A Hebron Ar Ramadin PC South

OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS, UNRWA (+972) 2-582 9962, www.ochaopt.org (+ 972) 2- 589 0408 ,www.unrwa.org UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs LEBANON SYRIA West Bank Barrier Route Projections July 2008

West Bank Gaza Strip

JORDAN Barta'a


Area Affected

r The Barrier’s total length is 723 km, more than

e v

i twice the length of the 1949 Armistice Line R

n () between the West Bank and Israel.

West Bank a

d r

o The total area located between the Barrier J and the Green Line is 9.8 % of the West Bank,

Qalqilya including East Jerusalem and No Man's Land. Qedumim Finger When completed, approximately 13 % of the Barrier will be constructed on the Green Line or in Israel with 87 % inside the West Bank.

Biddya Area Populations Affected Ari’el Finger If the Barrier is completed based on the current route: Az Zawiya Enclave Approximately 35,000 Palestinians holding West Bank ID cards in 35 communities will be located between the Barrier and the Green Line.

The majority of the approximately 250,000 Kafr Aqab Palestinians with East Jerusalem ID cards Bir Nabala Enclave will reside between the Barrier and Biddu Area the Green Line. However, Palestinian Shu'fat Camp No Man's Land communities inside the current municipal boundary, Kafr Aqab and Shu'fat Camp, Ma’ale are separated from East Jerusalem by the Green Line Adumim Barrier. Settlement Jerusalem Bloc Approximately 125,000 Palestinians will be surrounded by the Barrier on three sides. These comprise 28 communities; the ISRAEL and Biddu areas, and the city of .

Gush Etzion Approximately 26,000 Palestinians in 8 Settlement communities in the Az Zawiya and Bir Nabala Bloc Enclaves will be surrounded on four sides a by the Barrier, with a tunnel or road e connection to the rest of the West Bank.



a e Barrier Route

D Completed ne Li en re Under construction G Planned

Cartography and Barrier Themes: OCHA-oPt IMU Map December 2007 Kilometers Base data: MoPIC (2000) updates OCHA (2006) 05102.5 Reproduction and/or use of this material is only permitted with express reference to "United Nations OCHA oPt" as the source. The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat For comments contact of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Tel. +972 (02) 582-9962 http://www.ochaopt.org