Jan-Feb 2016
January - February 2016 NEWSLETTER OF COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Cusat Vice Chancellor Dr. J. Letha presided over the function. Dr. K. Poulose Jacob, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Dr. K.A. Zakkaria, Sri. R.S. Sasikumar (Syndicate Members), Dr. K.G. Nair (Director, Centre for Sciene in Society) and Dr. S. David Peter, Registrar offered felicitations. The Prof. M.V. Pylee Award consists of a purse of Rs. 1 lakh and a citation. Dr. Jancy Dr. M.S. Valiathan is presenting Prof. M.V. Pylee Award for the best Academician James, who was earlier a pro- of India to Dr. Jancy James, former Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University. fessor at Institute of English Tough to find Best Teacher : Dr. Valiathan The main goal of a teacher country require a lot of scaling and Director of the Centre for should be to teach the stu- up despite advancements in Comparative Literature at the dents effectively, said Padma the higher education sector. University of Kerala, was the Vibhushan Dr. M.S. Valia- She also advised researchers first woman to become a than, noted educationist. not to look for shortcuts while University Vice Chancellor in pursuing their goals. the state of Kerala. In his address after pre- senting the Prof. M.V. Pylee Award for the Best Academi- cian of India instituted at Cusat to Dr. Jancy James, former Vice Chancellor of Central University, Kasargod, at Cusat on 16th February, Dr. Valiathan pointed out that the number of teachers encourag- ing their students to follow their dreams seems to be decli- ning. It has become tough to find best teachers, he said.
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