the orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report

planting seeds for the future orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 2 I these activities arethese activities found throughout thisannual report. a few of D ouractivities. significant inmanyareas. impact vital H F T 2016 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ n 2016 theO ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ oundation asourgenerous donors allowed usto make a he year 2016 was anappointed timefor theO Give shall measure and it begiven the toyou...for you measure with will be measured back to you. willbemeasured back toyou. you measurewith Continued building uponoursuccessful F including O leaders from several dioceses across southern California, U Sponsored theinaugural Easter season seriesof CarillonConcerts (USCCB) Mass anddinneronChrist Cathedral campus S H Gibson, thefilm’s producer, andE Christ Cathedral campusalong withafascinating discussionby Mel P Christ F Celebrated thelargest event ever heldintheD Weeks Set record attendance at our2016 spring and fall Wills andT Business &E I E four of ourCatholic schools I project P campaign enthusiastically approved by Launched theO visitors books inE P ncreased attendance andnet revenue at our2016 Conference on ncreased theamount granted to ourschoolsfor tuitionassistance upported theU articipated inbringing thelocalpremier of Hacksaw Ridge to artnered withShea F nhanced thelevel of technology provided to thestudents rovided funds to complete the cathedral’s window reinforcement nderwrote thebeautiful andinspired S osted the2016 R est, forest, its40th Anniversary nglish, Spanish,andVietnamese, to Christ Cathedral range, SanD thics range Catholic F highlights ur Ladyof LaVang Shrine P nited S egion XIS amily Charities to install airconditioning at Luke 6:38 iego, L tates Conference of Catholic etails andgraphics representing tewardship Conference for clergy and os Angeles, andSanBernardino W TN’s host,R oundation or Christ F ighlighted below are tations of Mercy prayer aymond Arroyo iocese of O roject whichwas range Catholic orever capital range, rusts 2016 highlights Catholic faith following each donor’s intent. and grant fundssupportingof allaspects the D works incollaboration withmembers of our We are anautonomous, piousfoundation that mission D Catholic life for theentire community inthe work to sustain and enhance of all aspects Catholic philanthropy incarrying outChrist’s a premier, nationally recognized steward of O T vision overall diocesan mission.T of O foundation that exists to benefit theD corporationcharitable andanautonomous pious T about the F be Catholic P fundraising programs including theP F and other specialevents. T & E campaigns, theConferencecapital onBusiness donor’s intent. funds andgrants funds according to each manages endowments andvarious charitable “There is anappointed“There is andatime time, oundation plansandconductsmajordiocesan hrough theinspiration of theH he O iocese of O iocese of O range Catholic F for every affair theheavens.” under thics, theannual Wills andT To everything, aseason thereis ... range, including its parishes,schools,and or Christ F range Catholic F range. astoral Services Appeal (PSA), range to raise, manage, grow, E orever andChrist Cathedral cclesiastes 3:1 oundation strives to become oundation isa501(c)(3) he O he F oundation also range Catholic pirit, the oly Spirit, rusts Weeks roud to iocese Our Ladyof LaVang Shrine Project Heavenly Lights Stations of Mercy For Christ Forever Campaign Capital Christ Cathedral -ACommunity of Communities 24 Catholic Responsible Investing Giving Guide What Wills &Trusts Week to Light of Christ Legacy Society Legacy Support Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA) 20 Planning Donor 18 Conference onBusiness &Ethics Profiles Donor Schools Benefiting from Tuition Assistance 14 Profile Making aDifference inOurSchools 2016 1 1 Parish Grants Board Stewardship 8 Letter from Bishop Kevin Vann of Letter from our Chairman and Executive Director Education table ofcontents Directors 7 6 Orange Catholic Foundation Team Donor Financial Recognition Statements 30 28 Board Committees & Volunteers

22 19 18 16 12 10 27 39 38 26 26 25 21 9 5 4

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 3 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 4 Chairman of theBoard P funds managed by theO Among the2016 data shared at theMarch 2017 meeting was oursignificantgrowth inthe number of donors. principally ourinvestments andgrants, andthat we expand theaudience to includeallinterested the subsequent 2017 meeting suggested that we make thisanannual event to review ouractivities, A S You are anintegral of part ourmission,andwe thankGodfor you andallyou doinH parishes, schools,institutions, andministries today andfor many years to come. and staff are proud to serve alldonors whose meaningful giftsenableus to sustain andenhance our T of theirfamilies. people understand of theimportance creating andupdating anestate plannow for thefuture needs pleased to say that since thefirst Wills andT A 2016. managers, schooladministrators, andO a “P I our aging addedconfidence for adignified retirement. youth, advance religious vocations, helpparishesandschoolsrenovate andrepair facilities, andgive O of our other many programs, events, and various funds and endowments. Your contributions to the on Business & Appeal (PSA), F We extend ourheartfelt gratitude to allof ourdonors whosupported our2016 P contributions of andtreasure. time, talent, community in A D n thespiritof appreciation andtransparency, onMarch 15,2016, theO incerely yours inChrist, his isyour foundation. T ttendance at ourspring and fall Wills andT s we lookbackon2016 we trulygive thanks to Godthrough Jesus Christ for thegrowing Catholic lan R.Arnold Cynthia Bobruk ear F range Catholic F lanting theSeedsforO riends, O E or Christ F range County and for the many generous ways our faith is expressed through diverse thics, Christ oundation allow usto support ministries that feed andclothe thepoor, educate our range Catholic F he O orever campaign,Christ capital Cathedral Campaign,Conference Capital ur F F est the 40th anniversary celebration of our range Catholic F uture” stakeholder meeting, whichincludedpastors, parishbusiness range Catholic F oundation: 68fundstotaling $45,425,597 asof D rusts sessionsalsogrew significantly in2016. We are rusts sessionlaunched in2011, we have helped3,507 oundation belongs to you. O resident andE oundation donors. T range Catholic F xecutive D D iocese of he success of thisand ur board of directors irector is name. astoral Services O oundation held range and any ecember 31, ecember 31, Most R Bishop of O us intheD solid, andsustained buttresses andthetireless efforts ofmasons, architects, andlaborers. I through itsmagnificent refraction S of light. stained glasswindow suspended withinagothic cathedral’s majestic walls whichbeckons allto experience thedivine O we are blessedaswe are calledinto thepath theL light of this,we are ledto commit ourselves to begrateful to Godeach day andto strengthen theheritage withwhich emerging asthecenter of thelife of ourgrowing localChurch andisagreat blessing never to betaken for granted. I and planning for new churches in will beinparishesthiscoming year for study andinternship. O studying anddiscerning thepriesthood, including two transitional deacons just ordained andten seminarianswho T of Christ as we work inourworld to be“MissionaryD visible andinvisible contributions alongside me–thankyou! Your faith andsupportsustain meandallof usintheBody your families’ efforts allourachievements and support, along thispath together would not bepossible. F labors intheL our D also inpassion,energy, andengagement. O impossible to become reality. but alsogreat of ourD T being noticed across theBodyof Christ worldwide! H it beE touched by theCatholic evangelical outreach emanating from thecampus,whether every detailof thisstory andwhat iscurrently takingplace here, having already been Church’s historic acquisition andrenovation of thecampus.Many of themknow P Christ Cathedral campus.T consistently askquestions oroffer comment aboutour efforts to transform the When Itravel around thecounty andeven beyond, those withwhomIinteract D Gratefully yours intheL especially thankyou for your personal supportandprayers for myself andmy family. P capable of filling life withnew splendorandprofound joy, even inthemidst of difficulties.” means showing that to believe inandto follow himisnot onlysomething right andtrue, butalsosomething beautiful, aptly stated by theH ogether ourD hese interactions—or “encounters” asP ower” television program, thelegacy of D lease be assured of my prayers for you and your families, and most of all, thankyou for allthat you do for so many. ear Brothers andS eart radio programs that are broadcast throughout the country. ur story of theChrist Cathedral acquisition andtransformation garners attention andesteem akin to abeautiful iocese during theGreat Easter Vigil. I everend Kevin W. Vann, J.C.D W TN programs that airaround theglobeoroneof ourmany I iocese of O range ord’s Vineyard that enablesthisstory to betold, inspiring millionsaround theworld. Without you and iocese andtheO isters inChrist, oly F range withthecare of theH iocese: thestory of thevibrant andgrowing faith community that hasenabledthe seemingly ord, ather inhisMarch 2015 address to theE hey are captivated by thestoried center of the“H O range Catholic F ur D Ladera ., D iocese has experienced remarkable growth, not onlyinterms of numbers, but .D ope F . R r. R n June of thisyear, sixnew priests were ordained. We have 28seminarians anch and uch aninspirational work of cannot art besupported withoutsignificant, n Easter of thisyear we welcomed more than1,000 new Catholics into obert Schuller,obert andtheR rancis callsthem—provide to opportunities share what islesserknown oundation are advancing thevisionof ourcathedral andChurch, so

oly Spiritasourguide, whohasdoneandcontinue to dotheloving ord isbeckoning us. Santa isciples,” astheH Ana. ur Catholic schoolsare growing, andwe are building I t is only fitting that the Christ Cathedral campus be piscopal Conference of Korea: “P T he influence of the oman Catholic oly F mmaculate ather says. our of D iocese of t isourfamily of faith, allof O roclaiming Christ range is already or your many n I

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 5 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 6 R Chief E Treasurer Mr. Fernando Jimenez S E Sperry Chief E Vice-Chairman Mr. Rand Sperry San Antonio de P H A Secretary Mr. Don Hunsberger H H Vision Solutions & Chief T E Chairman of theBoard Mr. Alan Arnold Mission Basilica,SanJuan Capistrano Birtcher Anderson P Co-Chairman, C EO andP Mr. Robert Anderson Bishop of O E Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann, JCD, DD directors officers Mr. Scott R We would like to recognize theretiring members of our2016 Board of D for meaningful initiatives that have along-lasting onourcommunity. impact mission of theChurch throughout O introducing t. T t. xecutive Vice P JI x Officio ttorney unsberger Law Offices oly F oly T ur Board of D nternational CPA homas More, I rinity, Ladera R amily Cathedral, O xecutive Officer xecutive Officer quities echnology Officer range ichmond. T resident adua, Anaheim irectors iscomprised of talented andcommitted lay and religious leaders actively engaged in supporting the rvine roperties anch s hey leave alegacy andexample of leadership that willbenefit theO range rincipal O range County. I our H Sales Manager Steven Grant* O P Dr. Vincent Nguyen, DO S MF P Vice P Mr. Stephen Muzzy Christ Cathedral, Garden Grove O D Sister Katherine Gray, CSJ Santa Clara deA S I Chief E Dr. Jacqueline DuPont S R Mr. Christian Dubia N F Mr. Boynton S Mrs. SuzanneCameron H S Mrs. J directors rvine Cottages t. Kilian, Missiont. Viejo E t. t. E t. t. E t. E t. inancial A etired A hysician irector, Mission I oly F idden Villa R ew York Life I ur LadyQueen of Angels, N ngoing F dward theConfessor, D dward theConfessor, D dward theConfessor, D dward theConfessor, D artners acqueline Brady* resident amily Cathedral, O xecutive Officer ttorney ormation dvisor 2017 2017 ndividually andcollectively, theiradvice andcounsel provide the spark anch nsurance/Eagle S sis, Yorba Linda ntegration and (cont.) range

ana P ana P ana P ana P board ewport Beach trategies LL oint oint oint oint irectors: Mr. ArthurBirtcher, Mr. R C of H T E N Mrs. Cynthia Bobruk S P Monsignor John Urell O Latham &Watkins, LLP P Mr. Treska S and T T Mr. Andrew Talley O R Mrs. SusanStrader S A Chairman Mr. Douglas Stephen D Vicar General &Bishop’s D Father Steve Sallot O P Reverend Jim Ries alley &Company, A t. T t. Anne, Sealt. Beach Anne, Sealt. Beach he O astor artner astor etired E xecutive D gF iocese of O oly T on-Voting D ur LadyQueen of Angels, N ur LadyQueen of Angels, N ur Ladyof F range Catholic F ast Corp. andS imothy, LagunaN alley Law Group, LLP rinity, Ladera R range Catholic F Bac * A Bishop Kevin V. Vann S N D S Jacqueline D F Boynton, F Andy T Gray, C Cameron, Jacqueline Brady, S Michael T dire ducator tephen, Monsignor John U teve A Sallot, ront R on H ot Shown: S dded to Board in2017 irector andP k R range irector atima, SanClemente unsberger alley, D ow (L ow (L SJ, F reska, S ernando Jimenez tep’n Components, LL r. Jim R -R -R uP C oundation forever. teven Grant*,D r. Vincent N anch yan Kerrigan, and lan Arnold,S iguel ): R c ): Christian D ont, R ont, oundation teve Muzzy, S obert Anderson,obert resident ies, Cynthia Bobruk, tors esignate and Sperry, F ewport Beach ewport Beach guyen, D usan S rell, and ubia, D ouglas ister Kit uzanne trader, avid r. r. C hosted aday-long S O treasure at theparishlevel. inviting engagement of parishioners through time, talentand S publication resources, andanannual diocese-wide P laity, parishstewardship networking events, onlineand through conferences, stewardship days for clergy and life, the to beformed inthebiblicaltruthsof stewardship asaway of P individuals more fullylive theirbaptismal callto discipleship. itself are calledto modelChristian stewardship, wherein O good Christian stewardship throughout theD T everyday lives. (the very word means thanks) andintheway we live our gratitude isexpressed inourcelebration of theE we can’t helpbutrespond withprofound gratitude. T we trulybelieve thisandexperience aconversion of heart, how we use the many gifts are belongs to Godandthat we willbeheldaccountable for Christian stew subjects that supportstewardship formation intheparish. with nationally known speakers andexperts onmultiple sessions from whichto choose including atrack in Spanish Bernardino dioceses attended. T parish leaders from O of F parish ste forming grateful stewards tewardship Weekend andR he O roviding for opportunities ourclergy andparishlay leaders n O range. I atima Church inSanClemente. Over 330 clergy and ctober 22, 2016,ctober 22, theO range Catholic F O range Catholic ndividuals, families, parishesandthediocese catholic schoolsupport annual grants awarded number offunds endowment expenditures endowment net assets total annual revenue &support total assets &liabilities educ T ards recognize that everything we have and he O range Catholic F tewardship Conference at O range, SanD oundation fosters thepractice of F oundation promotes stewardship God has entrusted to our care. ation five yeargro w range Catholic enewal inN iego, L he conference offered 16 T ardship he chart belowhe chart illustrates thisgrowth over thepast five years. oundation continues to experience significantgrowth inallsegments of our work. os AngelesSan and ovember for F oundation iocese of ur Lady ucharist arish 2011 his I f $ 12,481,141 $ 20,505,959 $ 11,391,785 $ 1,499,959 $ 9,756,215 $ 369,919 w 33 th chart 2016 $22,799,142 $ 23,405,698 $ 70,624,252 $ 24,598,467 $ 6,413,300 $ 885,557 68 % change 188% 188% 344% 239% 428% 216% 234%

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 7 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 8 *PSA Parish Rebates, andFCF fundsraised for theOrange Catholic Foundation Endowment fundsare As receiveduse eachonehas agift, it to serve oneanother reflected onthe revenue section of the 2016 Statement of Activities on page 29. as goodstewardsas of God'svaried grace. 2016 grants 1 Peter 4:8-10 materials for theirstudies at anytime from anywhere. T US. T library; the first of itskind among Catholic school districts inthe I internet communications inevery Catholic school. elementary nation to offer a1:1 technology program using secured, high-speed supported technology programs, making ours thefirst diocese inthe T S 10. of thesefundsandalist of theschoolsbenefiting are listed onpage grant $2,133,545 to 27 schoolsfor the2016-2017 schoolyear. T O more likely to become engaged Catholics asadults. R rooted inthegospel values of Jesus Christ. Center for Applied continue theireducation andbecome better versions of themselves, T statistically prove theadvantages of aCatholiceducation. elementary difference inthelives of many across ourD T God’s children to attend ourCatholic schools.I n 2016, ourfunding launched adiocesan-wide electronic lending oday, students are ableto readily access books andother resource tudies out of TUITION ASSISTANCE ANDPROVIDES LIVES CHANGES he O his is especially true for disadvantaged youth, who are more likely to esearch intheApostolate studies (C hanks to your generosity, theprograms andinitiatives of theO ur generous donors enabledtheO making differenceinourshools his library system allows access to more than10,000 titles. range Catholic F AN ETERNALRETURNONINVESTMENT ELECTRONIC LIBRARY OFFERS MORE THAN10,000 TITLES N otre oundation I D ame and nformation andT range Catholic F L oyola Marymont ARA) alsosuggest they are iocese of O n turn,they joinusinstrengthening Christ’s Kingdom onearth. echnology F range. T oundation to U he origin niversity ogether, withyour we are support, enabling alarge number of und range Catholic F For nothing willbeimpossible for God. will help them.” and know iftheperson that God inneed, is because but told himto it do theytrust God the signof Not thecross. because someone Ihaveseen ofthe side theroad, myson make when theysee someone on dog oradead hurt Josephlearned fromSt. School for example, not theydo things that realize they that for others.compassion They oftentimesdo respecttreat people with and demonstrate are brightandfullof love for others. They arebecoming. ourchildren Theypeople that because we havebeento able see thebeautiful been impactedgrant familyhas bythis “Our oundation in2016 willcontinue to make a Luke 1:37 P atricia Cortez Salano

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 9 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 10 grant from T compassion andservice to all those whoare fed by ourgarden.” from ourH creation andintheR we are an ‘Easter people’, a community that sees hope in all of T and homelessat H produce from thegarden,; serving itto faculty, students, andthepoor was sohigh that they were barely ableto keep upwiththeamount of blueberries and tomatoes, produced one large bowl a week. to two large trays of saladonaweekly basis.O tiered planters produced enough lettuce, kale, andpeppers to fillone tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, carrots and peppers. planted avariety of fruitsand vegetables including kale, lettuce, 2016. U funded T hanks to agenerous donation from Joan S he students namedthisgarden the“ sing state of hydroponic theart vertical gardening, students he Garden of H garden ofhope T eavenly F he For we areGod’s co-workers; you are God’s God’s field, building PIMC elping H ather. We hopeto bring theseedsof love, faith, esurrection andinevery good deedthat comes O F 1 Corinthians 3:9 oundation, the ope at Christ Cathedral A ouse onChrist Cathedral campus. GARDEN OFHOPEbecause O range Catholic teen, andamatching ur taller planters,ur taller with cademy inearly F oundation T he yield T he six orange catholic foundation Christ Cathedral A Blessed Sacrament School O Mission BasilicaSchool La PurisimaSchool O School of O S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S TOTAL S t. Angelat. Merici School t. AnneSchool,anta Ana t. t. Barbarat. School t. Cecilia School t. Catherine’st. A Catherine oft. S t. Columban School t. t. E t. t. F t. t. H t. t. I t. t. Joachimt. School t. Johnt. theBaptist School t. Josepht. School,P t. Josepht. School,anta Ana t. Juliannat. F t. Justint. Martyr School t. N t. t. P t. t. P t. tuition assistance for the ur Ladyof F ur Ladyof GuadalupeSchool schools benefitingfrom renaeus School rancis of A olycarp School dward P ius VSchool edwig School orbert School orbert 2016-2017 schoolyear ur Lady arish School alconieri School atima School ssisi School cademy iena School cademy lacentia $ 75,000 $ 35,000 $ 60,000 $ 165,000 $ 65,000 $ 110,000 $ 203,515 $ 18,000 $ 208,515 $ 20,000 $ 130,000 $ 25,000 $ 20,000 $ 80,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 25,000 $ 45,000 $ 25,000 $ 15,000 $ 65,000 $ 203,515 $ 18,000 $ 160,000 $ 29,000 $ 2,133,545 $ 193,000 $ 110,000 L 1920s, where hemet andmarriedF H emigrated from Czechoslovakia to theUS. A D generosity and legacy live on, thanks to the F In Memory of Fred V. Duda I back to theChurch. expressed a strong desire to continue giving Before passing away in1992at 87, he Justin Martyr inAnaheim. participating intheseniors program at S his Catholic faith by attending Mass and A Co. (now Jewel Companies). as afood retail executive withtheJewel T T honor hiscommitment to hisCatholic faith anddevotion to young people. work ethic.I financial need.A through theirsupport of thesetwo funds.T “H T graduates of S T D n that spirit, hissonanddaughter,n that spirit, F ee. F red D he F he D he fundsbenefiting S s ayoung boy, F fter retiring, F uda family. uda Scholars currently attend Mater D e moved to southernCalifornia inthe e wanted to give backto hisCatholic roots,” says D red V. D uda family iscommitted to honoring their father’s memory by remaining involved withS or nearly four decades,F uda may nolonger bewithus,buthis donor profile 2016 t sets agood example for young peopleto seehishard work.” uda E t. Justint. Martyr whoare continuing theireducation at Catholic high schoolsintheD dditionally, theF red reconnected with ndowment F red andhisfamily t. Justint. Martyr were gifted to theO red worked und provides annual tuitionassistance awards to selectedS red V. D ountiene ritz D ei, R ea uda andD t. t. uda Scholarship F he lasting ontherecipients impact continues to contribute to D osary A cademy, Servite, andCornelia Connelly high schools. r. F r. P ountiene P rince. “ range Catholic F und for S O ur father was ableto have avery successful life through astrong The DudaThe Family rince, established scholarships intheirfather’s nameasaway to t. Justint. Martyr schoolawards need-basedscholarships to oundation inA ugust 2016. t. Justint. Martyr Schoolanditsstudents t. Justint. Martyr Schoolstudents with iocese of O uda’s legacy. range. E ight F red V.

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 11 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 12 A founder of Sperry Co-founder of S if not exceeded, the requisite criteria. Marie Gray, has formerly beengiven to 27 honorees whomet, R expanding educational for opportunities children. ending hunger, supporting theenvironment, and supports various initiatives, charitable including 70 locations nationwide. H Wahoo’s F Bishop of T business. celebrating of theimportance ethical leadership in 14th Annual Conference onBusiness & E T for E members of ourcommunity, withtheBishop’s A Bishop Kevin Vann honored two outstanding the event’s emcee. news andpublicaffairs program S Business Journal andco-host of PB Wahoo’s F Catholicism. H and radio programs andtheaward winning series, Barron isauthor of 11books, host of television ire Catholic Ministries. Wing LamistheCEO of he event featured BishopR he O ick R ward for E 2016 xemplary Business I eiff, E range Catholic F F L ish ish T os xemplary Business I ditor at Large of theOrangeCounty T Angeles, and Wing e isalsothefounder of Word on acos, a restaurant chain with over acos, askeynote speakers. Bishop c t. John’st. Knits, andR E quities, received the Bishop’s ðic onference onbusiness For also be. there will yourheart whereyourtreasure is, ntegrity. T oundation sponsored the obert Barron,obert A is family’s foundation ntegrity in2016. tudio SoCal, was his specialaward Lam, S oCal’s weekly and Sperry, Co- thics (CBE), F ounder of uxiliary uxiliary ward Matthew 6:21 author, speaker, andretired P Spitzer isaJesuit philosopher, , physicist, educator, forefront of businessthrough thisfaith-based initiative. O I faith, integrity andservice above selfare often overlooked. I best practices intheir dailylives. knowing that they share acommon commitment to ethical religious, andphilanthropic academic, leaders cangather, where afaith basedcommunity of influential business, T Catholic schools. $2,300,000 to support tuitionassistance grants for ourlocal Conference onBusiness &E school studentselementary in the County, italsoraises fundsto provide financial aid for Catholic is to provide anannual forum for business leaders inO While thepurpose of theConference onBusiness &E of O in supportof tuitionassistance for theneediest of theD the AnaheimH T E of R H A F t hasbecome atradition andremains agreat honorfor the n today’s competitive businessclimate, thecornerstones of armers &Merchants Bankalsopresented aLifetime his forum hasbecome thepremier event inO he 2016 CBEdrew nearly 1,000 attendees and 82 sponsors to thical L chievement e is founder and currently range Catholic F eason andF range’s 19,000 students. eadership. A ilton onMarch raising 4, more than$300,000 ward to aith andP oundation to bring thesevalues backto the F ather resident of theSpitzer Center of P resident of Gonzaga U resident of the Magis Center thics hasraised more than R obert obert D iocese of Spitzer, range County O range. SJ. niversity. F iocese range ather thics s T he THANK YOU! Catholic schools. Your efforts and contributions set anew record of showing financial support forour T H EW Clearinghouse CDFI Cagney E T F Sponsors Presenting S S R R Miracles from H Millie andSeverson Kenny theP C2 I Buchalter N Ben’s A T Sil S S S Santa Margarita Catholic H Shamrock S T T G D Birtcher- Bank of America/Merrill L Gold Sponsors R H Yvonne andD Bill andH A Platinum Sponsors E Sperry Principal Sponsor Vision Solutions T Catholic F Catholic Charities of O Century Building Solutions John Barganski A A Bronze Sponsors Christ Cathedral Catholic Corporation Catholics at Work OC hank you to oursponsors andguests of the2016 Conference onBusiness &E errance andBetty Barry racy I usan andT Kilian Catholict. Church Josepht. H Josepht. H Johnt. Knits armers &Merchants Bank he O he Busch F he H osary A R. obert JI CPAS lta E lta uP oly T oly SpiritF ugustine I lliance for Catholic H rayse ver Sponsors TN maging ont R nvironmental amra F rinity Catholic Church range County R ndustries sphalt quities/ Anderson R cademy esidential- I nterprises elen Close uneral P nstitute edwitz &Co. upply Co. emer imothy S rinter irm -N orum oag H ealth amily amien Jordan eaven perry CommercialSperry ealth lan apa I ealty, LL trader rvine Cottages egister ealth Care range County nstitute ynch igh School C * D US Bank C.T T S S Junipero Serra Catholic School S S S SOAR! S S Servite H Scripsense William P ORC James andS J Serra Catholic H O O T N O Bill Milligan Mater D Magis I L L K Johnson F D L D Dynamic Catholic T Curci Companies Corpus Christi Catholic Church Cofiroute USA Mr. and D Mr. and Mrs. R D Mr. and Mrs. T Mrs. Gerda Khouw Mr. andMrs. Michael Kehoe Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. F Mrs. Sandra D Mr. andMrs. F Mr. andMrs. A Sponsor ourSTUDENT Mr. andMrs. Charles Walker Mr. R D ait &A oyola I eadership Consultants I ee &A wett &Crawford t. P t. t. Johnt. Vianney P Joachimt. School Cecilia School t. isters of S he O he D SJG zida, Carey &S r. &Mrs. Vincent N r. andMrs. T r. and Mrs. Kenneth T orthern T orthern ’Connor Mortuary rbit P range County Business Council onation of $1,500 andabove. olycarp P obert Wanzongobert O Block ubia F ’N nstitute rinting nstitute of Spirituality ssociates ssociates ei H eill Group, I upport O upport ollack igh School r. T ain rust Company t. Josepht. of O ruxaw andA amily F igh School usan T homas S arish homas Mauro avis rank P rank Coughlin homas Kleinbauer aul Kartiko ick Muth lan R.Arnold teinman ur A igh School arish ecca oundation nc . Kavanaugh guyen utton ging R ait ssoc., I ssoc., nt’l, I range eligious nc. s nc. *

thics. raised for tuition increase inevent $ 125,700 $209,472 advertising and gift donations $335,172 sponsorships, revenue from sponsor our ticket sales net revenue attendance assistance net event students 25% 25%

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 13 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 14 and family. T Married 50 years andblessedwith4children and11grandchildren, theS the couple helpedestablish thefirst L efforts, including hisservice ontheboards of theUCIF community, education, thearts, andhealth care. T Giving to others has been a way of life for the has reached far beyond thecounty’s borders. been at the leading edge of numerous projects that continue to benefit Case inpoint: T I to theCatholic Church asS “ complete Christ Cathedral, enabling Catholics now andinthefuture to celebrate Mass setting. inaspectacular Bishop Kevin Vann recruited theS Christ Cathedral since 2012. large to part thewonderfulefforts of T T lawyer helped form the city of County P O t’s beensaidthat ifyou really want to get things done, askabusy person. Better asktwo.yet, T he goal of thefundraising effort’s finalphase is $20million. range County –and,inparticular, thelocalCatholic community –insomany ways. T he finished worship space willbemore thanacathedral,” T erforming Center Arts (today Segerstrom Center for theArts). H heir faith isat theheartof allthey do, and“ im andS usan S t. P t. atrick’s Cathedral isinN I rvine in 1971. rvine in 1971. trader, two very busy philanthropists andvolunteers whofor decadeshave helped traders to lead thecampaign committee that willhelp raise thefundsneeded to egatus Chapter inO im andS donor profile 2016 H S e and traders, who have been involved in projects that benefit the spiritual usan S Tim & Susan StraderTim & Susan im hastaken thelead onanumber of philanthropic andcommunity S usan helped found ew York.” T trader andthemany generous donors whohave supported he most of aspect important family isspirituality,” T oundation, theI range County in1989. im says. “We here thinkthiscampuswillbeasimportant O ne way oranother, this goal will be realized, thanks in OC residents and visitors, and their influence traders are motivated by two sources: faith Santa Margarita Catholic rvine H is leadership andprofessional skillsasa ealth F he N oundation, andtheO ewport Beach couple has H igh School, and im says. range the couple in2015 at H A children attended schoolthere. in Anaheim.Soonafter, the couple began attending S system. A T H mind long before they got hesays. “Ijust it,” knew itwould beareal blessing.” John strongly endorsed theacquisition of theformer Crystal Cathedral by theD Catholic F to supporttheongoing renovations of theChrist Cathedral campusthrough generous donations to theO When itcomes to giving, John andL responsibility to provide from theirown abundance for thebenefit of others. Giving is,andalways willbe, acornerstone of theCatholic faith. A Catholic Church there be aresounding success.” “I feel that the Christ Cathedral building is a unique and timeless structure,” John says, “and the O campaign to renovate thewidelyrecognizable building into aCatholic worship space. T T hroughout hiscareer, John was involved inseveral high-profile projects, such asthespace shuttle’s guidance he McKinneys have translated their support of the Christ Cathedral campus into annual donations to the capital fter Brenda passed away in2011, John met hiscurrent wife, L ailing from afarm inP range Catholic F fter earning hismaster’s degree at Kansas S oundation. oundation through agiving option calledtheCharitable IRA R oly F arsons, Kansas, John traded therural life for cutting-edge work intheaerospace industry. amily Cathedral. John andL yn McKinney dofar T more thanjust thetalk.” “talk John andLyn McKinney donor profile 2016 tate U t. Anthony Clarett. Catholic Church. Years later, theirthree yn enjoy square dancing several timesaweek at local clubs. niversity, heandhisbride, Brenda, moved west, settling yn, whileonatripto I ll devoted parishioners know that they have a srael. BishopKevin Vann married iocese of O ollover. hey make theirdonations to he couple hascontinued range. “I I want to see the t was onmy range

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 15 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 16 He whogive poor tothe suffers no want. Proverbs 28:27 2016 pastoral ser F T have reached theirown individualparishgoal infundsreceived. gives to parishestheopportunity raise significant funds by earning rebates afterthey support ministries andservices that serve allparishesandthelocalcommunity. I F “It not was youwhochose Iwhochose but me, youto goforthandbear fruit.” By supporting thePSA and mission. met or exceeded its goal, you also helped your parish move closer to realizing its vision helped aseminarian,deacon, andapriest intheirformational studies. I Word of GodandSacraments to someoneincarcerated andaway from theirfamily. You understand andbecommunicated to inAmericanS and a lay leader grow in their ministry. You helped someone unable to hear the Mass to children to Catholic school.You helpedacatechist, adirector of religious education, serve theneedy, thehomeless andthehungry. You helpeddeserving families sendtheir T campaign, about7.5% of alldollars raised. O centers for theirown projects. vital T the I the endof thecalendaryear to complete theirpledge. T n 2016, 27,697 families contributed $10,533,166 that resulted in$6,362,048 granted to ebruary eachebruary year to prayerfully discern apledge to thePSA oundation heldonbehalfof theD he faithful of all62 parishesandcenters are invited by theirpastor inJanuary or hank you to allwhoparticipated inthe2016 P he P range Catholic F PSA funded ministries and services and $4,171,118 returned to the parishes and astoral Services Appeal (PSA ) isanannual campaign of theO oundation covers alltheadministrative costs associated withthetotal , you are among those whomJesus addresses inJohn 15:16: vices appeal his isawin-win for thediocese andparishes asthe iocese of O astoral Services Appeal. Your gifthelped to range andraises andgrants fundsto ign Language. You helpedbring the . D onors thenhave until range Catholic f your parish t also

andyourin ourdiocese parish your 2016 psa $6,362,048 ministries funded: 2016 total dollarsat work rebates for parish projects: $4,171,118 $10,533,166 raised for psa in2016! 2016 total

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 17 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 18 P church willcontinue to beaneffective,growing, dynamic force inour diocese andour community for many years to come. Members of theLight of Christ L we want to honoryou asamemberof theLight of Christ L Catholic school, or diocesan ministry. O membership andannual celebrations. T T are now serving theCatholic faithful inmemoriam. I for thelong-range financial stability of ourCatholic parishes,schools,andministries of ourlocal Church of O T n 2016, the O he he lease contact theO range. P Light of Christ Light of Christ lease consider including theO range Catholic F light ofchrist lega L L egacy egacy range Catholic Society was established to recognize and thank supporters of the Society reflects the faith of its members ministries in the vital provided by our Catholic Church of oundation was blessedto receive over $3.7 millionfrom generous donors whose plannedgifts egacy Society gather for aMass withBishopVann followed by brunchto celebrate that our F I oundation for more information onlegacy gift planning orLight of Christ L f you have already included the Catholic Church in your or other will, trust, planned gift, elephone 714.282.3021 orvisitourwebsiteelephone 714.282.3021 range Catholic F world. Whoeverworld. follows mewillnot walkindarkness, oundation inyour long-range financialplans to benefit yourparish, Jesus saying spoke light of "Iamthe the tothem, egacy Society, andmore importantly, we want to thankyou today. the diocese. at individual parishes, schools, and organizations throughout fulfill requests for educational workshops on planned giving have identified areas of training and recruited trainers to creating anetwork of like-minded professionals. I R O organizationsschools, andcharitable intheD staff and volunteers that givingsupport inCatholic parishes, established in2016 theCatholic P ofaspects Catholic life, the strategic giftplanning charitable to sustain andenhance all A Catholic faith community for years to come. that support the spiritual, social, and educational needs of our financial goals andtransforming gifts into charitable legacies wonderful resources to assist families inmeeting their your Church. you hopeto share withyour loved ones,your community, and about thelegacy you wishto leave behindandthemessage O R testament of whowe are, what we value, andwhomwe love. T o leave alegacy isto reveal ourhearts,for our legacy isafinal ound T egardless of your age, circumstances, or economic status, the lega s part ofs part ourcommitment to inspire and educate about range are invited to participate. T range Catholic F C but willhave light ofbut the life." ATHOLIC PHILANTHROPI able aimsto strengthen philanthropic giving by cy T o that end, ourP cy ROUNDTABLE oundation encourages you to begin thinking John 8:12 societ planning D iocese of O lanned hilanthropic R range Catholic he Catholic P O Giving team provides range, who provide range. y egacy Society ound T hilanthropic F n 2016, we oundation iocese of able. A ll Each who canprovide additionalguidance to helpaccomplish objectives. specificfinancialandcharitable I helped more than3,500 peopleunderstand of theimportance anestate planinprotecting andproviding for loved ones. representatives, and more. covering such topics as wills,trusts, estate taxes, probate expenses, guardianship of minor children, of selection personal parishes andschoolsthroughout theD months of participating inWills andT Wills andT ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ While learning how to effectively planalegacy, attendees atthesesessions received answers to suchquestions as: advantage of ourSpanishWills andT sessions. F n 2016, we hadrecord attendance at ourtwo Wills andT ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Who willbetheguardian of my dependent children orchild with specialneedsifsomething happens to me? Who shouldwe appoint asourtrustees andsuccessor trustees? H What are theadvantages of pre-planning for my funeral expenses? What happensifIpassaway withoutanupdated estate plan? What isthedifference between awillandtrust? Who willhave thepower to manage ourfinances if we are nolonger able to manage ourproperty orfinancial affairs? Who willmake my healthcare decisionsif I amnolonger abletoonmy act own behalf? year inthespring andfall, theO ow canwe leave alegacy of faith? or thefirst time, we were able to offer sessionsinSpanish,two each inthespring andfall. Over 150 peopletook rusts attendees are eligible to receive a complimentary consultation withanestate planning attorney within six 2017 FALL OCTOBER SESSIONS: 16-21,2017 We greatly appreciate thefollowing Catholic estate planning attorneys R R D Amy H William S.Brodak P For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. so works dead. is alsowithout faith dead, aspirit is For without just abody as aige Baker obert J.obert Matthews Lamm obert and financialadvisors whoprovidedtalents theirtime and in2016: on H unsberger aupert A wills andtrusts week ttorne S ince its first Wills and save rusts sessions. y T S Jill Schachter T Michael Offenheiser Beth Vasquez. rusts Week. F iocese of O odd T ue C.S imothy CahillP s: range Catholic F illman wisher range. L thedate! amilies are directed to discussany giftwiththeirprofessional advisor, T rusts Week in the fall of 2011, the ickart ocal Catholic estate planning attorneys lead information sessions James 2:26 oundation hosts Wills andT rusts Weeks serieswithover participants at atotal 1,300 of 22 Jim McN F Will F R D Financial Ad ernando R.Jimenez, CPA obert L obert avid E etter . Boynton, C LU . Brown amara, CLT rusts Weeks incollaboration with O visors: . range Catholic , ChF s , MST C, CLT C F oundation has

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 19 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 20 Catholic Church inO T Youth Ministry E S S O La PurisimaChurch L F Christ Cathedral F P Aregger F School Endowment Funds R O O Scholarship E O O Mater D E Mater D Mater D Mater D Mater D La PurisimaSchool’s T La PurisimaSchoolE H Christ Cathedral A Blessed Sacrament SchoolE Bishop Kevin W. Vann Marian A S S S School of O S S S S S S S S S S S here are many options whenitcomes to giving. Below are someof thefundsandendowments that supportthemissionof the t. E t. E t. t. Bonaventuret. Catholic E Barbarat. P AnneSchoolE t. t. I t. H t. F t. Cecilia SchoolE t. Catherine oft. S t. I t. t. N t. Josepht. SchoolE Joachimt. SchoolE I t. t. P t. riends of S osary A arish Endowment Funds oly F ur Ladyof Mount CarmelE ur Ladyof F ur Ladyof F ur Ladyof F ur Ladyof F ndowment F renaeus P renaeus P renaeus School E rancis of A olycarp SchoolE The LORD thestorehouse will opentheheavens, of to bounty, send his in rainonyourland lizabeth AnnSeton Church –Mary R.&James E lizabeth AnnSeton ChurchF edwig Catholic School F orbert P orbert amily Cathedral SchoolE ei Monarch L ei Monarch L ei Monarch L ei Monarch L ei Monarch L cademy SalernoF amily T ur LadyE t. Mary’st. E arish SchoolE arish SchoolE arish SchoolBooker E arish SchoolE atima P atima P atima P atima P ssisi SchoolF ndowment F und uition A iena SchoolE ndowment F ndowment F acilities &Maintenance E cademy E ndowment F ndowment F ndowment F egacy F ndowment F velyn H ndowment F egacy Saavedra E egacy F egacy F egacy E arish SchoolT arish SchoolLauren D arish SchoolLauren Bernardo Memorial arish SchoolE egacy E ndowment F anya Mayer Memorial E ndowment F range County. ssistance-H amily Scholarship E ducation E ndowment A ndowment F und ndowment F und –Cisneros F und ndowment F ughes T ndowment F und –H und –A ndowment F und ndowment F ndowment F und und ndowment F lliance E ndowment F und und und** und und und und und uition A ndowment F ndowment F oly F uition A season andto bless allthework of yourhands lumni L elen S ndowment F ndowment F ndowment F what to und ccount und amily Cathedral School und** und und und und teves H ssistance E onovan E egacy F und ndowment F ssistance E und amily E ndowment F ndowment F und und und** onorary und und ndowment F und . L ndowment F ndowment F e May ndowment F Deuteronomy 28:12 und und und und und und und support Endowment Funds O I Donor Advised Funds ScholarsSperry E James andH H Maria andGabrielF T Named Endowment Funds R P Ministry Endowment Funds T C Current F P O O F Conference onBusiness andE Christ F Christ Cathedral Campaign(P O T Scholarship Funds T S Gerald W. andI S E Christ Cathedral Music Ministry SpecialI Special Interest Funds Monsignor John F T T R School T Seminarians E S Maureen Aregger T H H nformation andT aller SanJose E or Christ F Martin D t. t. Cecilia SchoolpecialI t. velyn H he F he F he U homas O he Bradley J. D arishes inN astoral Services Appeal F etired P oger andLindaChaixF agan F oly F is H range Catholic F ur Ladyof LaVang ShrineF range Catholic F atholic Non-ProfitOrganiz ther Funds t. I t. ands Christian Services SpecialI red VD red VD niversity Catholic Community at UCISpecial renaeus School Special I amily Cathedral Schoolpecial-I est F amily E uition A unds asof May 2017 **N 24, ughes T riests E . Markel F e P orever CampaignF Capital eather Madden E und eed E uda E uda Scholarship F ducation E orres –E ndowment F la L ssistance E uition A illahunty ’02 Memorial Scholarship F ndowment F ndowment F echnology F ndowment F . SammonE oundation O oundation F ndowment F owder R ndowment F uition A errucci R amily T mil Vena A ssistance for amily F ndowment F nterest F und (PSA) rust F ssistance SpecialI ndowment F etired P und etired P und und und ndowment F und hase 3)F und ndowment F und nterest F thics F perating F und for S und oundation und und ew fundestablished in2017 cademic F riest SpecialI und riest E und und nterest F nterest und und und und t. Justint. Martyr School nterest F und und und ndowment F und nterest F ations und nterest F und nterest F und und und und und perry ScholarsSperry E James andH School T Seminarians E R S Monsignor John F Donor Advised Funds H Maria andGabrielF T Named Endowment Funds P Ministry Endowment Funds T Endowment Funds C P Conference onBusiness andE Christ F Christ Cathedral Campaign(P O T Scholarship Funds Gerald W. andI E Christ Cathedral Music Ministry SpecialI Special Interest Funds T T R O O O I F S S Maureen Aregger T H H T nformation andT aller SanJose E or Christ F Martin D t. Cecilia SchoolpecialI t. velyn H he F he F homas O he Bradley J. D he U arishes inN astoral Services Appeal F etired P oger andLindaChaixF agan F oly F is H ur Ladyof LaVang ShrineF range Catholic F range Catholic F atholic Non-ProfitOrganiz ther Funds t. I t. ands Christian Services SpecialI red VD red VD niversity Catholic Community at UCISpecial renaeus School Special I amily Cathedral Schoolpecial-I est F amily E uition A ughes T riests E . Markel F e P orever CampaignF Capital eather Madden E und eed E uda E uda Scholarship F ducation E orres –E ndowment F la L ssistance E uition A illahunty ’02 Memorial Scholarship F ndowment F ndowment F echnology F ndowment F . SammonE oundation F oundation O ndowment F owder R ndowment F uition A errucci R amily T mil Vena A ssistance for amily F ndowment F nterest F und (PSA) rust F ssistance SpecialI ndowment F etired P und etired P und und und ndowment F und hase 3)F und ndowment F und nterest F thics F perating F und for S und oundation und und cademic F riest SpecialI und riest E und und nterest F nterest und und und und t. Justint. Martyr School nterest F und und und ndowment F und nterest F ations und nterest F und nterest F und und und und und (Stocks andMutual Funds) ElectronicallyHeld Checks CONTRIBUTION TYPE RealEstate** Closely-held Stock** Restricted Stock** Wire Transfers Community Foundation) (Vanguard, Fidelity, Schwab, Charitable GiftFund IRA Charitable Rollover Security CertificatesPublic Securities, Public Credit Card Contributions the orange catholic foundation This inforThis mation intended is to be general nature. in Please discuss your year-end tax with planning accountantyour orother professional advisor. ** Subject to review andapprovalby theOrange Catholic Foundation Board Directors. of website our Tax visit ID#33-0934571. or information more for 714.282.3021 call Please year. the a throughout need. considering assets will are complexyou documentation accept the you We identify If you help can specialty. we that our so possible is as soon it as us fact, call In year, please the of end assets. the before complex gift asset of complex transfer the with you help to available is Foundation Catholic Orange The giving guide website, our on online number. form This available is Catholic Foundation account broker withthe Orange Send donation form to your Grove, CA92840. 13280 ChapmanAve, Garden Orange Catholic Foundation checks: Mail memo line. The yourname of the on fund Foundation, indicating the to the Orange Catholic Send acheckmade payable needed to review. the options anddocuments 714.282.3021 to discuss Director at Bobruk Cindy Please contact Executive 714.282.3021 for options. Director at Bobruk Cindy Please contact Executive 714.282.3021 for options. Director at Bobruk Cindy Please contact Executive corresponding instructions. Wesend you will the Please call714.282.3021. Orange Catholic Foundation. a distribution(grant) to the visit theirwebsite to request Gift Fundadministrator or Please contact your Charitable thedate on older transfer. of for is This donors 70½years or Orange Catholic Foundation. IRA distribution directly to the representative to transfer your Contact your IRA 714.282.3021 for instructions. the stock certificate, then call irrevocable stock power, and3) letter,1) Agifting 2)an Gather thefollowing: button our on website, the “donate now” Contribute with online PROCESS of yourof transfer writing. in Orange Catholic Foundation Please make sure to the notify your mail. confirmation receipt with to consider requesting a check arrives, you may want To confirm the date your require paperwork. additional Check contributions donot within 60dayswithin the gift. of appraisalneed aqualified Per theIRS, giftsof estatereal 60dayswithin the gift. of appraisalneed aqualified will Per theIRS, stock held closely timely manner. credit the appropriate fundina your wire transfer sowe can Orange Catholic Foundation of Please make sure to alert the atimely in way. Orange Catholic Foundation grant received is by the Act today to ensure your gifting advice on strategies. administrator for specific assets contact your fund For otherretirement 714.282.3021. number andinstructions at us gift. Call for theaccount received to process the 3 documentsAll must be TIPS please call714.282.3021.

more complex giftsbefore theend of D additional timefor theO contributionscharitable andgrants thisyear andinthefuture. P T he chart belowhe chart provides information important to helpyou planfor your

transferred. and low the price day on value the average is high of processing thetransfer. The the broker depends on Timing the busiest times. weeks for processing during arrives, butplease allow 1-2 thedaycheck basedon it Foundation processes your The Orange Catholic the restrictions. variesTiming on depending Immediate estate 2-3months. giftsin can review andprocess real varies,Timing buttypically we 1-2 within can review closely-held stock varies,Timing buttypically we Typically, days. 3business processing thetransfer. institutionfinancial the depends on Timing the calendarend of year. process adistribution by the Friday, December 8, 2017to managers have of adeadline Some charitable giftfund your transfer. Please allow 3-4weeks for processing year-end gifts. days8-10 business for for more information. Allow Orange Catholic Foundation Varies, please contact the ESTIMATED TIME

range Catholic F ecember. F oundation to accept andprocess DEADLINE FOR DONORS end gifts. daysbusiness for processing year- the currentof year. Allow 8-10 Foundation by Dec.31, 2017 Received at the Orange Catholic the current year. Postmarked by Dec.31, 2017of possible. Catholic Foundation as assoon Please contact theOrange the current year. Foundation by Dec.31, 2017of Received at the Orange Catholic possible. Catholic Foundation as assoon Please contact theOrange possible. Catholic Foundation as assoon Please contact theOrange the current year. Foundation by Dec.31, 2017of Received at the Orange Catholic grant processed is by year-end. December, 2017to ensure your Foundation of by thebeginning transfer to theOrange Catholic Please recommend your grant the current year. Foundation by Dec.31, 2017of Received at the Orange Catholic documentation. the current2017 of year withall Foundation prior to Dec.31, Received at the Orange Catholic or general questions, lease allow

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 21 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 22 right companies,” saidR that your investments alignwiththe the church, you want to make sure “I change, water sustainability). environmental stewardship (climate banking, andaccess to health) and justice (i.e., worker rights, responsible child sexual exploitation); economic human trafficking, pornography and in order to promote human dignity (i.e., seeks to influence corporate behavior pornography producers. CBISalso (weapons manufacturers), tobacco and embryonic stem cell research), violence contraception,abortion, andhuman screens address life ethics (covering companies. CBIS from theproducts or services of these help Catholic investors avoid profiting teachings —screens are intended to contradict Catholic ethical andsocial thatin activities fundamentally that screen companies involved CBIS employs investment strategies health care systems. and universities, religious institutes and that includeCatholic dioceses, colleges billion inassets globally, withinvestors Christian Brothers. CB IS manages $7 firm founded in1981 by theD socially responsible asset management I with theassistance of Christian Brothers F donations, theO funds to Christ Cathedral campaign F values andeach donor’s intent.” and grant fundsthat supportCatholic reflects it: we raise, manage,grow investors expect itandourmission Catholic F executive director of theO presidentsaid Cindy Bobruk, and hand withourinvestment strategies,” values of ourCatholic faith go handin “We understand that thedeeplyheld carriesgreattask responsibility. million.Butmore thishuge than$45.4 currently managing 68fundstotaling of O has beenblessedto serve theD T nvestment Services (CBIS oundation manages andgrows funds rom parishandschoolendowment f you believe intheteachings of he O range, itsparishesandschools,by range Catholic F oundation. “Catholic ’ Catholic investment c range Catholic oundation ( atholic responsibleinvesting ic Brutocao, a ), aCatholic e LaSalle iocese OCF range ) corporation who is not aware that its based coalitions might approach alarge F proxy voting. management, shareholder resolutions and through engagement withcorporate active ownership efforts are accomplished policies, andinindustries asawhole. CBIS to encourage changes intheircorporate screens, CBISengages withcompanies violate Catholic teaching. A investments donot includecompanies that program that seeks to ensure that OCF the implementation of thescreening R Julie T Mercy.” F that matter to you like poverty, whichP allowing your voice to beheard onissues biggest advantage asa Catholic investor is Cathedral CampaignT in LagunaH parishioner at S or example, CBISalong withother faith- rancis highlighted during theYear of esponsible I catholic moral teachings driveocfinvestments anner, D ills andamemberof theChrist nvesting team, oversees t. T t. irector of CBIS imothy Catholic Church ask F long withthe orce. “Your ’ Catholic ope ’ teaching. companies that might violate Catholic need not compromise onwhenscreening something OCFbelieves Catholic investors competitive returns ontheirinvestment, Catholic investors alsoexpect highly rights andhuman dignity.” shareholders from risk and to protect human their role andwhat they needto doto protect think companies have agreater awareness of that might change corporate behavior. AndI more aware of the power of active ownership work,” saidT have often been among theleaders inthis with companies, andCatholic institutions because of ourintervention andourwork “I have seen an incredible amount of change suppliers. the large corporation to from demand action investors might affectgreat change by asking CBIS and coalition members, these active servitude. With information presented by suppliers engage inchild labororindentured anner. “Catholic investors are c atholic responsibleinvesting • • • • • • general obj e parishes, schoolsandother ministries. short-term securityandsupplemental revenue for Catholic income generation andprotection of inorder capital to provide I parishes, schoolsandother ministries inperpetuity. provide asource of investment income andgains for Catholic perpetual growth of assets andprotection of T capital. O E purpose ncome-focused accounts are invested withtheobjective of investment obje of peoples andthecommongoodof humanity. ofthe world markets finance and that the interestsserve in part due its play “It ethics once again important that is ndowments andother long-term fundsare invested by the range Catholic F investment guidelines. Catholic Responsible Investing: A weighted fixed income/equity index. return over athree to five‐year period compared to asimilarly Performance: T of 3.5% -5% of the rolling average. Withdrawals: P expected returns. Diversification: F return consonant account’s withtheparticular risktolerance. offersgreatest the potential for realizing optimal long‐term total invested infixed income andequitysecuritiesinamount which those required to meet projected liquidity needs are to be Achieve Optimal Long Term Total Return: F corpus. Preservation of Maintain Capital: purchasing power of the -- Audience Pontifical Council with “Justice andPeace” eriodic withdrawals basedonneedwiththegoal he portfolio shouldrealize acompetitive rate of unds invested to maximize risk‐adjusted oundation withtheobjective of long-term c tives ligned withUSCCB’s own unds inexcess of June 2014 16, c hese funds tives andguidelines 8.5% average return (after fees) for allportfolios in2016 • • • • • • optimizing risk,return&spending • • • 20% O 20% D 10% P 10% P 9%I 31% D 40% D 20% P 40% D funds $100,000 andmore: funds than$100,000 Less asset alloasset c nternational actively managed Growth 100% invested inBalanced Fund assively managed “small cap” companies assively managed “large cap” companies omestic andinternational Value style iversified bondportfolio pportunistic bondportfolio assively managed “large cap” companies omestic value style stocks iversified bondportfolio Diversified Portfolio ation:

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 23 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 24 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Loo CHRIST C ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ While thousandsenjoyed theJOURNE Mass 4,500+ attendees celebrated 40th anniversary Mass viewed internationally onE H theology andassociate dean of theA A Keynote presentations from D T More than500 runners tookin theChrist part Cathedral 5K D JOURNE more than40,000 across theglobeviewed itonAOL Live. Approximately 25,000 visitors to thecampuseach month Cathedral Catholic Corporation) School, D communities5 primary actively engaged oncampus(P H H 47 active parishministries 10,000 peopleat Mass each weekend and Chinese) Mass celebrated in4languages (E 31 Masses celebrated weekly 11,236 glasspanesof glassform Christ Cathedral’s exterior which isequippedwith270 ranks and 16,061 pipes H parish faith communities 214 peopleemployed oncampuswithinthediocesan and 340,000 square feet of office space 1,642 parking spaces H Officially named Christ Cathedral on June 9, 2012 Closed escrow onF in F 35 acre campusacquired for $57.5 milliononN he Cultural Center transformed into andphoto anart exhibit ugustine I ixon, P eather King, Angelus columnist andauthor ouse Ministry each week undreds of poorandhomelesscared for through H ome of oneof theworld’s largest pipeorgans, H ome to former S I Mr. &Mrs. F D Catholics at Work OC A A nertia E nertia king back ederal Bankruptcy Court Farmers &Merchants Joseph Bank•St. Health - ctive N upont R T hrone hil Wickham, AndyMineo, andJordan F Y Concert featured Matt Maher, Colton Contributing Sponsors Christ Fest Sponsors iocese, Cathedral Memorial Gardens, andChrist nstitute; D ngineers etwork Presenting Sponsors esidential Care, I Christ Fest 2016 t. Callistus parishsincet. moving, June 29, 2013 ebruary 3,2012ebruary r. P ATHEDRAL errucci ia D e Solenni,professor of moral nc r. T Won By O Mr. &Mrs. T Mr. & Mrs. T My Saint MyH L Kenny theP W im Gray, president of the oyola I nglish, Spanish,Vietnamese, TN ugustine I Y C nstitute for Spirituality ne Clothing ONCERT live, errance Barry rinter imothy S nstitute; and ovember 17, 2011 ero eliz ... azel Wright, trader elping arish, Won By O Mr. &Mrs. T Mr. & Mrs. T My Saint MyH L Kenny theP oyola I nstitute for Spirituality ne Clothing errance Barry rinter imothy S ero trader Cathedral campus. to work to complete thefundraising for theChrist more than$110 millionin cashandpledges andcontinue and donors throughout the diocese, we have raised By theclose of 2016, with thesupportof parishioners all thepastors and priests inourdiocese. our new cathedral will becommemorated inhonorof presbyterate, totaling close to $800,000. T more. note Ofparticular are the sacrificialgifts ofour and 16 donors have provided gifts of $1 millionor more than 24,000 families in our We have beenblessedwithgiftsandpledges from Cathedral project have beenused. designated for specificpurposes outside of the Christ followed scrupulously; noparish,school, or other funds T to meet ourliturgical andministerial requirements. funds necessary to renovate Christ Cathedral campus F the campaign in the parishes in 2014, F campus. the acquisition andrenovation of theChrist Cathedral priests, pastoral ministries, localparishprojects, and $100 million to support Catholic education, retired was launched in2012 withagoal to raise more than O oundation hascontinued to work toward raising the ollowing the conclusion of theF he ur first-ever diocesan campaign, F F oundation ensures that donor intentions are for orange catholic foundation fundraising leads efforts Plan Che Submit for Cast your bread upon the waters: after a long time you may find it again. again. Cast it long timeyoumayfind waters: uponthe aftera yourbread Permit PROPOSED CHRIST C 2016 dec

christ ck/ Contra Sele D 2017 or Christ F may or Christ iocese of O c fore range Catholic ted c tor he altar in he altar F O ATHEDRAL C orever, orever range, Ecclesiastes 11:1 c Proceed with ver onstruc Notice to june 2017

R Christ Cathedral Campus as of December 31, 2016 al Tot P P P E (IT&I Catholic E E astoral Ministries arish Share for L ndowment for R ndowment for Catholic Schools enovation andS rojects andN c tion Approved Campaign Grants christ cathedral grant totals ONSTRUC apital nfrastructure) ducation E From Inception to 12/31/16 for christ forever Construc jan/feb Completion eeds etired P ocal date for 2019 upport target nhancements TION TIMELINE c riests

tion ampaign

(D Dedic spring Cathedral ate TB 2019 Christ & ation

70,051,033 $ 6,199,000 $ 10,214,526 $ 7,234,229 $ 5,223,075 $ 40,340,229 $ 839,974 $ A 2018)

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 25 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 26 prayer suggestion for each of the11stations. E to Christ Cathedral campusfree illustrated guidebooks in opportunities,, F T ornament. gifting $100 ormore received a Christmas season holiday as shown inthepicture onthebottom D right. be offered annually at theE from BishopKevin Vann andaprayer intention that will come withacertificate of authenticity, aletter ofthanks D Cathedral and its34-acre campus. an endowment for theongoing maintenance of Christ will beusedfor renovation work andalsobeputin F . from of sections thecathedral namedinhonorof various andsecureselect theirH Catholic cathedral, supporters of thistransformation may a complete renovation into afullyrestored andsanctified world at large. Whiletheiconic 1981 landmarkisundergoing Catholic Church, theO Christ Cathedral is rising anew as a beacon of faith for the to come. a perpetual H one of the iconic structure’s 11,236 glasswindow panesas transformation of Christ Cathedral by digitallydedicating all over theworld toof the opportunity beapart the T program hea of Mercy. T Spiritual andCorporal Works of Mercy during theJubilee Year response to P T stations ofmercy or more information onH unds raised through theH he O he S nglish, Spanish,andVietnamese that includeareflection and edication range opportunities from $40 to $10,000 and tations of Mercy are apermanent installation created in humanity, opening our hearts to the hopeof tothe openingourhearts humanity, Mercy is the bridge that connects Godand that Mercy bridge the is range Catholic F being loved forever despiteoursinfulness. venl Shine like world inthe lights he O his ornament offer will continue in2017. eavenly Light that willshinefor generations ope F range Catholic F rancis’ callto renewed reflection onthe Philippians 2:15 Francis range County community, andthe y lights oundation isproviding people eavenly Lights dedication virtual piphany Mass each January eavenly Lights dedications eavenly Lights donation oundation provides visitors onors

worship space. and milestone events inour apermanentplace with We see abeautifulway to themas honorloved ones ofa part thetransformation of Christ Cathedral. These gifts of Heavenly people enable tobe Lights Cynthia E Bobruk, the O range Catholic F xecutive D oundation. irector of

our lad y oflav ang shrinepro je c t Cathedral. for the millions, Catholic and non-Catholic alike who visit Christ the magnificent shrinethat will forever serve asa gathering point become of part theproject andto take inthecompletion part of Vietnamese Catholic Community are excited to invite allto and communicate withtheVirgin Mother. BishopVann andthe in theMarian CourtasaCatholic symbol for allto appreciate Christ Cathedral. T to construct anO P celebrates thebeginning of theO T he Vietnamese Catholic Community of theD roject, whichwas enthusiasticallyroject, approved by BishopKevin Vann, our lad ur Ladyof LaVang shrinewithinthecampusof he O ur Lady edifice will belocated outdoors y oflav ur Ladyof LaVang Shrine iocese of O ang shrinepro range 2. 1. T 5. 4. 3. he project israising fundsfor thefollowing five elements: D P P roject donors whohave pledged orpaid $3,000 from lease seepage 31to view theO ecember 2015 through 2016. A Annual D on Christ Cathedral Campus worship, pilgrimage andevangelization andreconciliation Shrine to O and Vietnamese Catholic church Library that willprovide history of theMarian apparition contemporary means of communication the Word of GodandtheCatholic teachings through La Vang Media to use all forms of media to spread and theVietnamese Catholic Center and site work,Vietnamese ministries inUSandVietnam D Mary doration, P esignated fundsfor Christ Cathedral for Sanctuary impossible for God.” in S words of theAngel GabrielintheAnnunciation draws usto herSon,we willhear once more the Blessed Mother’s prayer andlove, andthat asshe shrine willhelpallwhocome here to know of our life of Christ Cathedral. I of O shrine of O to buildhopefully the most iconic and beautiful I amprayerfully asking for your support inhelping search of anew life andfreedom. people inO the anniversary of thearrival of theVietnamese P of the establishment of the We have just celebrated the40th anniversary “Marian Court” ontheCathedral grounds. a shrineinwhat willbeappropriately termed the able to honorMary asO reflection, guidance in prayer, we are going to be I ampleased to announce that aftermonths of development of ourChrist Cathedral Campus, A rovidentially, thisalsohappensto coincide with s we c bishop kevin vann t. L t. range, asan integral of part thecampusand iocesan Marian D uke’s G ospel: “D a note from ur Ladyof LaVang to serve asaplace of rocessions to honorandpay homage the ur Ladyof LaVang here intheD ontinue onthe journey of the range County, wholeft Vietnam in o not fear…for nothing is ays withMasses, E ur Ladyof LaVang with t isourprayer that this ur Ladyof LaVang Shrine je D iocese of c t O iocese range. ucharistic

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 27 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 28 * T o view the2016 audited financialstatements Orange visit ourwebsite the orange c statements offinancialposition december 31, 2016 and2015 atholic foundation C atholicF oundation. org the orange c condensed statement ofactivities andchangeinnetassets december 31, 2016 atholic foundation

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 29 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 3030 T E Jim &P T L F D John &L of Angels Cathedral inL D Mike &E D I John &D R Bill &H T R Gerda Khouw -T Michael &L P Mr. &Mrs. Michael E Ben &CarmelaD John L Janet L FAITH S P Michelle R R Jack &Kingsley Croul ADORATION D Anonymous DEVOTION Anonymous JOY Cathedral campaigns, aswell capital astheO We are grateful to thefollowing leadership donors whohave generously supported theF Gift from S John andL Kent, Ginni, Kyle, &Kelsey Valley Valerie R Wayne &LisaS I Joseph &Karen P Anthony &Melinda Moiso I Cathedral regarding theChrist Cathedral Guild,please visitourwebsite. n honorof theS christ c thank you eVecke F usan &T rank P im &S he Walker F he P eter Sr. &Carolyn Shea aul &P ob &BerniN oger &T rmaJean &T ichard &R ennis &L ouglas &Barbara S eeann &A r. &Mrs. R n Memory of BishopWilliam Johnson n Memory of James Mears he Joseph F eter +&Mary+ Muth F . Curci F . &S . Curci F elen Close -I am Muzzy -T teph Busch atricia G allagher ucy Curci F afferty -I rin H orothy Shea -SheaF racy Kirwan imothy S amily F ohe ynne Jilot yn McKinney usan Mears Guild recognizes donors who supported campaigns at these capital the $100,000 or more level. ynn Joseph egina H obert H obert usan Kavanaugh l Baldwin&F amily -F agan homas T eal amily telmar amily amily F isters of S oundation u erricone n Memory of R trader &F unsaker amra &F amily tephen n honorof O . F he MuzzyF amers &Merchants Bank racy F lynn oundation amily os Angeles t. Josepht. of O oundation amily F athedral guilddonors amily amily

amily Charities amily ichard Q. R ur Lady oundation to range afferty our ur Ladyof LaVangShrine P A R T George &Cornelia M.Keulen Scott & Kerry Kavanaugh William &P T G.A Gilbert Anonymous (2) HOPE D Yvonne &D T Matt & Coral H Kent &Karen H Laura Khouri&Michael K.H T Marie Gray John W. F Andy &Joan F Gabriel &Maria F A Jacqueline L Carrie E D D D T T -T Michael &Brenda Carver S Jeffrey &Laurie Cadieux T -T R P -Berg F R F T A Argyros F -I ommy & R teve &S oundation imothy &D imothy &Amy Guth imothy &Jennifer Buckley he D ilbert &Jackihe Gilbert Cisneros F he R he T aul &Jacqueline Brady onald &Carol Berg alph &O ichard &R llen &Kathie L llen &F lan &Jeannine Arnold an Murphy F onald +&D ennis &Cheryl D r. T n Memory of P he Carver F he Brutocao F homas &D errance K.&E oger &LindaChaixF onald R.A stelle D rances E amily T uzanne Cameron amily F ord onagh Linzmeier obyn Jankovich atricia Kaszton oberto Brutocao amien Jordan guirre F iann L ehn D orothy “D oundation imiano eslin ayden r. Cynthia Coad oheny F und amily F lves F rust oundation llsworth errucci atricia A eVecke amily upont &Marc W. Carlson evereux amily T lizabeth L amily olly” +Karcherolly” oundation oundation . A rust amily F ayde lves roject asChrist Cathedral Guilddonors. T . Barry . Barry oundation oundation &C.J. &Marilyn Schreiber -I D Burton &LindaYoung Charles &Annette Walker D D Jim &S T Kenneth &Valetta T -O George &E T D Mr. &Mrs. Chinh D S &Jennifer Mostero R John &D T F T +&P Marguerite (P P P T William &Jean O R James &Coleen Snyder -I Janice S Shea H H. Michael &H P Jeanne &John Sawyer Ann &Craig R R R T P P ony N rish &John +O ait E tephen &Cathy Muzzy und imothy &Mary Mc F imothy &A he R atricia Manzo aul &N aul &Virginia Schloemer&F atrick &D atrick &Jill O enita Mollmanenita obert R.&Claudiaobert L and &R ick &Michelle Ptak avid &Amy Zak r. T r. R r. andMrs. Ky N n Memory of R n Memory of P or Christ F homas T oberto &Mary Jo Velasco ’Connell F nvironmental obert F obert hilip L guyen omes &Shea P usan T irianni ancy S osemary Sperry enise McGraw eborah P den O . Martin + lanna P rong Vo &F . &Barbara C.McCullough eggy) F ecca ommel rtiz olly Schwartz amily F t. P t. ’D orever andtheChrist guyen ’Connell ’Connell F hilip S. onnell ichard &Marie Zak ierre uy N or more information somas ait owers riend-Martin adden . R oundation T roperties guyen edwitz &F amily irianni amily he Christ rust amily Ms. Jenny D Miss Viet T Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. T D Mr. andMrs. KhiKim Chase H Vietnamese Catholic Mothers and Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Vien Van Bui Cathedral P A Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Quan L Mr. andMrs. Katherine T D Mr. andMrs. KhanhL Mr. andMrs. H Spirit P Vietnamese T Mrs. H Ms. Kiem GiaH Mr. andMrs. Joseph Vu H Mr. andMrs. T T T Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs CanD Ms. T Ms. T Ms. L Ms. Kim AnhD Mr. William D Mr. T Mr. andMrs. H Ms. L Ms. O Ms. D Mrs. R Mr. andMrs. P Mrs. H Mr. L at the $3,000 or more level from T and sacrifice to theO T shrine pro our lad thank you he F he F ve Maria L eacon andMrs. P r. andMrs. H ospitality Group at H he O hank you to allof ourdonors whohave generously supported theircommitment odd T oc V. L racey D oanne D ucia Mai ina GiaoD iem L amily of KhoaandT amily of AnandT anh N.L i T ong L uong L ur Ladyof LaVangShrine P arish . L . D uu y inh T e egion of Mary at Christ arish e T . L o o e o o hird D u Quang H y uan L hi T hanh L hong L ick Cabral e ai H ung D ai T uy D o rinh oang o hi H at D . D uynh aul Cho oan ao e ominican O oang e ong inh e u e ang oly SpiritP hao ur Ladyof LaVang ShrineP . L a hao oang e y oflav rder at H arish to je D roject recognizes donors whohave supported ecember of 2015 through oly c the t donors Coordinator: Ms. MichelleD Members: Mr. L Pro Co-Chairs: D DIOCESAN LAVANG COMMITTEE Mr. T Mr. S Mr. Brandon N D D Ms. Vivian N Med Choice P Monsignor T Mr. L Ms. T Mr. T R R Ms. T Ms. Mai T Ms. H Ms. Cindy N Ms. Christina T Mrs. T Mr. Vinh N Mr. T Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. N Mr. andMrs. Josh Viet N Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Cuong N Mr. andMrs. Anthony T Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. GiaD Mr. H Mr. andMrs. John T Ms. Vy V. P Mr. andMrs. Chi H.&AnP Mr. andMrs. KhacKinh T Mr. andMrs. H everend T ev. BinhT r. Michael N r. andMrs. KhaN rung N an N je uong Vu andMrs. Chung P inh N hanh Van N ung X.N eresa L ieu N roject. oa T hanhhai D ang c Mr. T guyen hi N t Manager: E hi N guyen guyen guyen T ham ien N uyen Van N guyen uan P guyen go . N guyen andD guyen guyen oan N guyen harmacy am X.N guyen uong N amilton T ung T goc &D hanh N guyen . N guyen guyen D r. H ham ram ac Van P uong Quang Vu, Mr. LiemVan N inh T guyen guyen ecember 31, 2016. hai ran guyen uan D guyen guyen guyen guyen uy N guyen ran inh T ran guyen ran r. H ham guyen lysabeth N uy L ham, Mr. T ran N oang LanD ham e, R guyen ao ev. Chris T guyen, P ri GiaMa, Mr. BinhL o uan P h. D Ms. T Ms. Beverly Vu Mrs. H Mr.and Mrs. AnhN Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Quan D Mr. andMrs. L Mr. andMrs. L Mr. andMrs. KhanhVu Vietnamese Marian D Cathedral P Vietnamese Community at Christ H Vietnamese Charistmatic A Christ Cathedral P Vietnamese Charismatic A A Mr. andMrs. N Mr. T Ms. T Ms. N Ms. T Ms. L Mrs. N Mr. andMs. LillianT Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Kieu T Mr. andMrs. John T Mr. Anthony Vo at Christ Cathedral P D Commission at Christ Cathedral P Vietnamese SocialA Vietnamese Sacred H dmiral A r. T oly SpiritP . guyen, Mr. Cung D ham, andMrs. Cindy Bobruk homas T yler KhiemT uyet T ekhanh T hin T hoa V. T hung T annah N goc Kim K.T ustin andD hi Vu e . T arish ran arish rong Vo andF ran ran uan Xuan D u T ran uong Q. Vu uc T hinh Van T hinh T ghia T guyen Vu ran ran hi Vu ran arish ran goc Vu . Vu ran ran ruong wareness . Vu r. N arish evotion A eart A o, ran atalie T . Vu ssociation at amily ssociation at ssociation ssociation ung arish

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 31 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 3232 Mr. andMrs. Belz Gary Mr. Michael Bell Mr. andMrs. T Ms. LisaBeeny George Beckman Mrs. P Mrs. CamilleBauer Ms. Mary J. Bartee Mr. andMrs. T D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. John Barganski Ms. Barbara D Bank of America-Merrill L Bandai AmericaI Mr. andMrs. William Bamattre Mr. E Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. E Mr. andMrs. A Joe andBarbara Baldo Mr.and Mrs. L Mr. andMrs. A Mr. andMrs. Marcelo V. Bada Mr. andMrs. Anthony Babiak Mr. andMrs. Matthew A Mr. andMrs. Ananias T P A Mrs. E A Mr. andMrs. H T Mr. andMrs. Michael A Mr. andMrs. James A Ms. Mary Arquilla Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. A Mrs. Margaret Armstrong Mr. andMrs. L Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. F Mr. andMrs. George Arambula Ms. Joanne E Mr. andMrs. James Anton Mr. andMrs. T Anonymous (4) Ms. R Mr. andMrs. John Andrews Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Kwang An Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. D Ms. Connie A Mr. andMrs. Manuel A Mr. andMrs. James M.A Ms. L Mr. andMrs. Anthony A the P Mr. O Mrs. Joanne A A N Mr. andMrs. E erry andT erry he John A arish ve Maria L ugustinian R ctive N r. R adine Abi-Jaoudeh uben andMaria Barron dmundo Baluyot ourdes A illar) ose Marie Angiuli scar E auline Beauchamp lizabeth A etwork iana A ust R egion of Mary at Christ Cathedral . A . Appel ydia Baker lvarez ecollect F errance Barry . Baranski rank Arciero homas Bejarano homas Antekeier aul Arnold aul Amorino dward Baldyga duardo Abad obert G.Arnold obert olando Arenz dger alph andCynthia Balo lo gazzi lfred E lan Baer lan R.Arnold an Barnes avid Andreshak ennis Ames ector A ustin eal E ncorporated yjian O range Catholic F . Baldwin state Company . A guilar . Armour lvarez yroso ugustyn athers (at O llen zzara thank you ube lvarez T ynch he following list represents donors who pledged ormadegifts of $3,000 ormore to ur Ladyof oundation programs andfundsbetween January 1,2016 andD Martha R.Cengr CBMC Catholics A Mr. andMrs. Jerry Cassidy Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Michael Caspino Mr. andMrs. Antonio Carungay Mr. P Mr. andMrs. R D Mr. andMrs. Jerry Carpino Mr. andMrs. Kenneth Carpenter Mr. andMrs. Mike Carney Mr. andMrs. Michael Card Anthony andJulie Cao Mr. andMrs. John Cannon Mr. andMrs. Lawrence Cancellieri Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. William Campbell Jim andL D Mr. andMrs. Christopher Callero Ms. A Mr. andMrs. Jeffrey Cadieux Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. GlenButo Mr. andMrs. T T Mr. andMrs. D Ms. R Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. William Burfeind Mr. andD Mr. andMrs. Vien Van Bui Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Sean Buckner Mr. andMrs. T James Buckingham Mr. andMrs. R Mrs. D Mr. andMrs. Mark Brown Mr. andMrs. R Mrs. E D Ms. Josefina Breen Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. William Bowermaster Mr. andMrs. Wilbur Bolton Mr. andMrs. John Bogler Mr. Christopher Blake Mr. andMrs. Brett Bittel Mr. andMrs. Birtcher Art Mrs. Mary Binns D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. R Mr. andMrs. F Mr. andMrs. Michael Bernay Ms. Barbara Benun Ben’s A Andrea Bendzick Ms. L Ms. Mary Carol Belz he Busch F ennis andMavi AnnBrockway r. andMrs. Martin Carr rs. Michael andE r. BartonBelleciandD atrick Carroll obert Biggs obert ucy Bencivenga uth Burns licia Cafferty dwina Broderick iane Brown G &B sphalt, I sphalt, ynn Campbell r. R t Work OC irm aymond Bukaty TD T imothy R.Busch J. D imothy Buckley red Bevi eter Burns aul Brady onald Cassell Brouhleobert afael Carrete ichard Campo ick Cabral icardo Brutocao avid Busby avid Brach avid Boynton avid Bigley uc Bui al Brand nc. hanh Linh lisa Campbell 2016 donors r. Mary Kotob . CPA Mr. andMrs. D P D D Ms. Constance D Mrs. SandraD Mr. andMrs. Greg D James andKathleen D Mr. James F Mrs. Kim D Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. James D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. T D D Mr. R Mr. andMrs. John L D Mr. andMrs. N D Mr. James Cruickshank Mr. andMrs. Jack Croul Mr. andMrs. T John andE Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Mark Cousineau Mr. andMrs. F Katharina Coughlin R Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. William Corbin T Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. E Mr. andMrs. Martin Comer Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. John Collins Mr. andMrs. Dwight Collins Mr. Charles Coffey D Mr. Christopher Coad Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Jerry Clements Clearinghouse CDFI Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Kenneth Clark Mr. andMrs. William Claprood Mr. andMrs. L Mr. R Mr. andMrs. Cisneros Gilbert D Mr. andMrs. F Mr. andMrs. R R Mr. andMrs. Chun Choo Mr. andMrs. E Mr. andMrs. BenChoi D Mr. andMrs. GilChico Mr. andMrs. P Khi Kim Chase Ms. Maryann Chapralis Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Kenneth Champagne Mr. andMrs. R homas andJamie Copenhaver aolo andT everend S everend Quang V. Chu onald andP eacon andMrs. Chris Ciraulo eacon andMrs. P r. Watson D r. LionelD r. John Czochanski andD r. andMrs. John Cupp r. andMrs. Mark Cruz r. T homas Coad andD obert A obert Ciulikobert ao vangeline Crabtree teven Correz ecember 31,2016. ’L heresa D . D . Curry e Sa atricia D una erence Clingan avis ewis Clapp rank Coughlin imothy Collins rancis Cincotta hi T heodore Cramer aul Chey dmond Connor dward Choi obert Conwayobert onald Cichocki oger Chaix aymond M.Clark aymond Chao arensbourg aniel Coverdale oug D evin D ominick Corradino uy D elson Cunningham avis at D aul Cho ao . Curci avis eGrave egrassi aniels aniels e Jesse ang arling r. Cynthia Coad r. H yun Kim D Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. R Mrs. Kathleen D Mr. andMrs. Maury D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. John D Mr. andMrs. Matthew D Mrs. D Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. Bobby D Mr. andMrs. Jim D Carrie E Mr. James D Mr. andMrs CanD Ms. T Ms. T Ms. L Ms. Kim AnhD Mr. William D Mr. T Mr. Sang D Mr. andMrs. Mark D Mr. andMrs. KhanhN.D Mr. andMrs. P Ms. Kathleen F Mr. andMrs. Keith E EW Mr. R Mr. andMrs. P D Ms. I Mr. andMrs. William E Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. BobD Mr. andMrs. D Mr. James D Mr. andMrs. Ken D Mr.and Mrs. Jerry D Mr. R Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. A Mr. andMrs. Bradley E Mr. andMrs. Scott E Ms. Katherine Eaves Mr. andMrs. Gerald Dyer Mr. andMrs. Mario D Carlson D Mr. andMrs. GullermoD Ms. L Mr. andMrs Michael D Mr. T Mr. andMrs. George D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Christian D Mr. andMrs. BenjaminD Mr. andMrs. Walter D Mr. P Mr. andMrs. Michael D Mr. BobD Mr. andMrs. S William andBarbara D Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. James D Mr. andMrs. Woong D We're for responsible eachother avery is concrete andgivingalms Father way toacknowledge that. r. andMrs. N r. andMrs. L r. Jacqueline D TN rma E odd T om D racey D aul D oy E ichard E oanne D ucetta D ina GiaoD iane D stelle D nglish owson uncan oyle . D sparza o esloge Jr. obrott oller o elashmit o vleth o o unn eonard R.E ad D tephen D imothy D icolas D erry E erry atrick D aul E atrick D obert E obert llen E an D ennis D on E onald D ai T ung D o allon o oheny F idier uP . D illahunty ike oan ont and Mr. Marc oll nders omier off onahue oidge yrich llsworth isenbart o ven ong inh uron onley eWald thank you illiplaine razba . D evereux onahue irk ikio ongbang rickson uclos onovan unleavy llis uncan oyle onovan opudja oundation eL ubia o u upleich ietterle spinosa orenzo Mr. andMs. ScottGreen Mr. T Mr. andMrs. George Grayson Mrs. Marie Gray Mr. T Mr. andMrs. AndrewG ray D Mr. Matthew Gorry Mrs. AnnGore Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Antonio Gonzalez Mr. andMrs. Victor Gomez Mrs. Christine Goldmlan Mr. R Mr. andMrs. Carlos Go R Mr. andMrs. AndyGlosecki Ms. R Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Joe Gionet Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Angelo Giambrone Gia D Gia D D Mr. andMrs. S Mr. Mark Geissler Mr. andMrs. William Gayle Mr. andMrs. F Mr. andMrs. John Garrett Mr. andMrs. John Garrett Mr. andMrs. Armando D Mr. andMrs. T Mrs. Carol Gangloff Mr. andMrs. P Ms. Carole Gabos Mr. andMrs. Christopher F Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Jess F Mr. andMrs. Michael F Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. John A Mr. andMrs. BillF Mr. andMrs. D Mr. R Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Mark F Mr. andMrs. John W. F John andLaurie F Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Xavier C.F Mr. andMrs. S Mr. andMrs. Michael F Ms. Madrienne F Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Joseph F Mr. andMrs. Mike F Mr. andMrs. Michael F D Mr. andMrs. GabrielF Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. William F D F Mr. andMrs. D armers &Merchants Bank everend SeamusGlynn r. andMrs. Guyottschalk r. andMrs. James Ghormley r. andMrs. Mamerto Garcia ichie andD r. AmericaF homas M.Grebel homas Gray obert Goekeobert onald F ose Girton inh KhoaandT inh AnandT ranz r. LiliaF avela-O ony Ganje teven Gex teven F imothy Gooch rancisco Garza homas F aul Gallagher aul F obert Girardiobert F obert ichard F ichard F avid Giordano avid Gill avid F an F ouglas F F elbert lorance 2016 donors reeman orce hao erons ricioni rost itzpatrick oster . F igueroa ranzetta hao ’Brien ong ournier lanagan ay errucci reeman reet leming alsken uhrmann ris lynn innane oose ord onseca lejandra Garcia urman Mr. andMrs. Laszlo H Mr. andMrs. John H Ms. L Ms. H Bertha Mr. andMrs. Bud andMary AnnH Mr. andMrs. Chris H Mr. andMrs. Matt H Mr. andMrs. Gregory H Mr. andMrs. R Mr. Lawrence F Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. R Mr. D Mr. andMrs. Kevin H Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMs. P Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. R Mrs. P Ms. Mary H Mr. andMrs. Jim P Mr. andMrs. S D Ms. Shawn H Mr. andMrs. D Ms. N Mr. andMrs. E Miss Viet T H Mr. andMrs. Charles T A Mr. andMrs. Jeffrey H F Mr. andMrs. R T Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Jeff H Ms. D Ms. Joan H F Mr. andMrs. T Mr.and Mrs. T Ms. Kiem GiaH Mr. andMrs. N Mr. andMrs. Joseph Vu H D Ms. S Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Jack G Mr. andMrs T Mr. CarmenGullo Mr. andMrs. F Miss Mary C.Griffith Mrs. Margaret Greinke Mr. andMrs. William H Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. H Gilbert T Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. R Mrs. H H Mr. andMrs. Wyn H Mr. andMrs. William H Mr. andMrs. Clark H Mr. andMrs. Kai H Mr. andMrs. L Mr. andMrs. Sanford H rieu H ed andKim H lorence H loyd andS lvie andMarie H avid andD r. andMrs. R oly SpiritF is H upe H usan H aniel AH ands Christian Service P onna H ancy H atricia A ong L anh inh T oover ansen ernandez arrigan uzanne H e T ale ebbie H orum errmann arpen ornyak atrick andR ernandez homas H imothy Guth obert H obert u Quang H uke S.H uzanne H imothy H red Guido homas H eter H dward H obert H obert oy H udy H andy H ichard H ichard H ichard H ichard H ebert oyt aniel H avid H . H am H rinh . H oang hi H arrington ettich eim . H oldermann amar arrison olmes ellwig yben oang oang effernan arper anley emans ollingsworth auber artwich ammers arrigan olbrook orras egedus arley amra erzfeld ebner ung su . H oban urst olman archarik eimann eim unsaker oward artman ull obin einlein arrell a inkle obin H oang rogram artnett enry

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 33 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 3434 Ms. Mary F Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Chet Krygier Mr. Victor Kriss Mr. andMrs. Mark Krikorian Mr. andMrs. Kory Kramer Mr. andMrs. John Krakowski Ms. L Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Lawrence Klementowski Mr. andMrs. Mike Kleine Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Craig Kistler Mr. andMrs. R D Mr. O Mr. andMrs. Yohan Kim Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. Bryan Kim D Mr. andMrs. Chan &Quynh Kieu Mrs. Gerda Khouw D Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Ken F Mr. andMrs. Michael Kehoe Mr. andMrs. John Kehl Mr. andMrs. Mel Keegan Mr. andMrs. T Mr. Charles Kaupke Mr. andMrs. Kauffman Curtis Mr. andMrs. N Mr. andMrs. William Kaszton Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. John Kaniewski Mr. andMrs. Bryan Kaltenbach Mr. andMrs. D Kalczynski Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. John Kaisersatt Mr. andMrs. A Mrs. N Bradley andP Mr. T D Ms. D Mr. andMrs. S.Michael Joseph Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. D F H Mr. andMrs. William John Mr. andMrs. Michael Joerger Mr. andMrs. F Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. N Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. William Jakobi Mr. andMrs. S D Mark andKris Jablonski Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. H H amily F r. Gregory Kirkorowicz D r. E r. andMrs. Aaron Kheriaty r. andMrs. P r. andMrs. Laurence Jackson oward A uynh D lizabeth Kim imothy Joyce ynn Kozlowski onita Josephonita k G.Kim ancy Jumper oundation oan D . Jones &Shirley V. Jones rances Kusch amela Judd eter Joson erry Kuoerry ommy J. Jankovich ernando Jimenez tanley Jaglowski homas Kleinbauer homas Keddy aul J. Kim aul Kartiko awel andMaggie oger T S.Kimobert yan Kerrigan gnel Kagoognel avid Kofoed ana Karcher amien Jordan enis P ennis Jilot a Minh T uane Jorth arvey I ai H orman Katnik eville Jeharajah O range Catholic F uynh . Kelter . Kalscheur . Kirwan thank you vory T hanh Linh he following list represents donors who pledged ormadegifts of $3,000 ormore to ownes oundation programs andfundsbetween January 1,2016 andD Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. GonzaloL Mr. andMrs. Littleford Mr. andMrs. Brent Little Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. GuyL Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Keith L Mr. andMrs. Marcos L Mr. andMrs. Jose L Mr. andMrs R Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Joseph Lins Mr. andMrs. T Khanh L Jenny D Mrs. D D Gerard andE T Mr. andMrs. Jeremy Laster Mr. andMrs. R Mr. F Laloo Vision I Mr. andMrs. L Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. William B.Mangold Mr. andMrs. S Mr. andMrs. R R Ms. L Mr. andMrs. S Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Charles F Mr. andMrs. Joseph Maag Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. Joseph L Ms. O Ms. D Mrs. R Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. BrianL N Mr. andMrs. BillyL Mr. andMrs. Kent L Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. T L Mr. andMrs. John L Mr. andMrs. R Mr. James L D Mr. George J. L Mr. andMrs. Michael L Mrs. T Mrs. H Mr. Quang T Mr. L Mr. BichN.L Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Quan L Mr. andMrs. N Mr. andMrs. Katherine T Mr. andMrs. H ammy Lathrop eVecke F everend Khai-H r. andMrs. C.P r. andMrs. John L orm L oc V. L rancis Lanak ucia Mai iem L anh N.L u T i T ebra Lawler uong L ussier . L e andChristmas L . L . L e amily F uu y e e ee hanh L e DDS e stelle Lattimer nc. ichard L y eonard Lady teve Mandala idney Mackin imothy L imothy Labuda imothy L imothy J. L hanh L onald L oger Larsen eynaldo Macatula L obert L obert hong L alph L alph B.Linzmeier ichard Majchrzak ean Lissner ugh L uan L ien L athan L edger atrick Lauder oan Mai oundation owery uong e ee opez ucas uu eonis ynch oritz utz e e oconte e u eMay owenberg ubanski ydon ombardi e opez 2016 donors . Mac L e Blanc eyden uberski o . L eVecke e e ean D N Med Choice P Mrs. S Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. John McKinney Msgr. J. Michael McKiernan Mr. andMrs. Mark L Mrs. Mary A Mr. andMrs. John Mc Graw Mr. andMrs. R Mr. R T Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. George Muellner Mr. andMrs. Jerome Mostero Mr. andMrs. T Ms. T Mr. Jonathan Morrison Mr. andMrs. Brook Morris D Michael andE Mr. andMrs. Monnig Gary Ms. R Mrs. Mary Moline Mr. andMrs. John Million Millie and Severson,I Mr. andMrs. Mark J. Meyers Mr. andMrs. GeneMergelmeyer Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Martin Menichiello Mr. andMrs. A Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. R T Mrs. AnnMc D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. D Mr. andMrs. John McCarthy D Mr. andMrs. S D Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Michael Mc L Ms. Catherine Mc D Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Jack Maxwell D Mr. andMrs. Claude A Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Jeremy Matteson Mr. andMrs. Charles Mathews Mater D Chris Masson Mr. andMrs. S Mr. Angel Martinez Mr. andMrs. Jim Marshall Mr. andMrs. R D D Mr. andMrs. Joseph Marilley Mr. andMrs. P Mrs. P Mr. andMrs. D Ms. LindaMann Mr. andMrs. Gordon Mann he H he H avid Mello, Jr. avid andCarlynMoreno eacon andMrs. R r. andMrs. William McCarthy r. andMrs. John McAndrew DDS r. andMrs. T r. andD orman andE obert Murrayobert aniel J. McClory heresa Morrison enita Mollmanenita onorable F onorable D usan Mears atricia Manzo ei Catholic H r. Michael Marino . McKenna homas Mauro om McMillen lizabeth Morales teve Mc Arthur teve andLaurie Martinson homas Morrissey atrick J. Marantette obert Musscheobert Muetingobert oger A onald Mcobert Whinney Marrujoobert harmacy ileen Meinhardt aymond Menard alph Mayberry ichard Merdian ichard Mauch gustin Mendoza ean McCormick III ominic Manna rances Munoz avid Mc Eachen andMrs. Mc Eachen ecember 31,2016. eynaldo Marin . McKenzie onnell . McGonegal ncorporated igh School . Maurer III ean thank you 2016 donors Mr. andMrs. R T Mrs. AnnMc D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. D Mr. andMrs. John McCarthy D Mr. andMrs. S D Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Michael Mc L Ms. Catherine Mc D Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Jack Maxwell D Mr. andMrs. Claude A Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Jeremy Matteson Mr. andMrs. Charles Mathews D D Mr. andMrs. Joseph Marilley Mr. andMrs. P Mrs. P Mr. andMrs. D Ms. LindaMann Mr. andMrs. Gordon Mann Mr. andMrs. R Mr. R Med Choice P Mrs. S Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. John McKinney Msgr. J. Michael McKiernan Mr. andMrs. Mark L Mrs. Mary A Mr. andMrs. John Mc Graw Mater D Chris Masson Mr. andMrs. S Mr. Angel Martinez Mr. andMrs. Jim Marshall Mr. andMrs. R T Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. George Muellner Mr. andMrs. Jerome Mostero Mr. andMrs. T Ms. T Mr. Jonathan Morrison Mr. andMrs. Brook Morris D Michael andE Mr. andMrs. Monnig Gary Ms. R Mrs. Mary Moline Mr. andMrs. John Million Millie and Severson,I Mr. andMrs. Mark J. Meyers Mr. andMrs. GeneMergelmeyer Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Martin Menichiello Mr. andMrs. A Mr. andMrs. R D N he H he H avid andCarlynMoreno avid Mello, Jr. eacon andMrs. R r. andMrs. William McCarthy r. andMrs. John McAndrew DDS r. andMrs. T r. andD orman andE obert Murrayobert aniel J. McClory heresa Morrison enita Mollmanenita onorable D onorable F usan Mears atricia Manzo ei Catholic H r. Michael Marino . McKenna homas Mauro om McMillen lizabeth Morales teve Mc Arthur teve andLaurie Martinson homas Morrissey atrick J. Marantette oger A onald Mcobert Whinney obert Musscheobert Marrujoobert obert Muetingobert harmacy ileen Meinhardt alph Mayberry aymond Menard ichard Mauch ichard Merdian gustin Mendoza ean McCormick III ominic Manna rances Munoz avid Mc Eachen andMrs. Mc Eachen eynaldo Marin . McKenzie onnell . McGonegal ncorporated igh School . Maurer III ean It not forgift;rather, is Iameager the that Philippians 4:17 theprofit Iameager for which accruestoyour account. Mr. S Mr. andMrs. James Muzzy Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. D R Mr. andMrs. George N My Saint My H Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. John O Mr. andMrs. William O Mr. andMrs. George O Mr. andMrs. Sang Bum N Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Shawn H. T Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. N Mr. andMrs. N Mr. andMrs. Martin N Mr. andMrs. L Mr. andMrs. L Mr. andMrs. Josh Viet N Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Cuong N Mr. andMrs. Chu V. N Mr. andMrs. Anthony T Vivian N Mrs. R Ms. Bette E Bret andSandraN Mr. andMrs. Bryan N Mr. andMrs. T Ms. Van H.N Ms. H Ms. Cindy N Ms. Christina T Mrs. T Mr. Vinh N Mr. T Mr. T Mr. S Mr. Brandon N Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. T Minh D Joe andAnnN D D Bà CucN A Mr. andMrs. D Mr. Marco N Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Jason N Mr. N T T R R R R Ms. T Ms. Mai T ung X.N hanh Van N everend T everend T everend S everend Joseph Chuan N ev. BinhT llan andT r. Michael N r. andMrs. KhaN rung N an N tephen Muzzy andD inh N eresa L ilo A oa T hanhhai D osemary N . N go guyen guyen guyen hi N guyen . N hi N guyen guyen . N uyen Van N hai N y N homas P . N guyen guyen ikac . N guyen iccolai guyen guyen guyen andD guyen ony N oan N ai Kim N guyen ong N ong B.N hanh Q. N huy N homas N issen onald N hu K.N ick Muth ichard N avid Musser am X.N on Myers on N guyen ung N ero uong N goc &D han V. N guyen guyen hanh N guyen . N guyen elson inomiya guyen guyen ikols guyen aul D guyen guyen guyen ’Connor guyen icoletti inh guyen guyen guyen guyen guyen ielsen guyen guyen guyen uy N guyen guyen agy ’Connell guyen guyen ’Connell guyen inh T thank you . N guyen guyen avid K.N oh r. Catherine Muzzy r. H guyen goc N guyen ran N oangLan D guyen guyen aval, AM o Mr. R Mr. andMrs. BrianR Mr. andMrs. John R R Mr. Michael R Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. R Mr. T Mr. andMrs. James R Mrs. Valerie R Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Joe Querriera Mr. andMrs. S Mr. andMrs. George W. Quan Mr. andMrs. Qualls Gary Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Joe Pulice Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. P Barry Ms. D Mr. andMrs. Knox P Mr. andMrs. Jerry P Ms. SandyP R Mr. andMrs. James P Mr. andMrs. ArthurP D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. AbeP Mr. andMrs. T R Mr. andMrs. Michael P Mr. andMrs. James P Monsignor T Chung P D R Mr. andMrs. Jack D Mr. andMrs. SamP Mr. andMrs. Joseph P Ms. R Mr. andMrs. Manuel P Mr. andMrs. Keith P Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. John P Mr. andMrs. Matt P Mr. Marc A R andJaniceGary P Ms. R Mr. andMrs. Lawrence P Joseph andJennifer P Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. L Mr. F Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. A Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. O Barry Mr. andMrs. J.P Mr. andMrs. N D Ms. Vy V. P Mr. andMrs. Chi H.&AnP Mr. andMrs. R everend E everend KhoiT everend T everend Bruce A aytheon Corporation r. andMrs. James P r. andMrs. F r. Vu P rancisco O homas R onald P osemary P amona P eborah P han andD ham &L ham . P imothy J. P dward P ossehl uan P ontius aulhus alph ay afferty and Mr. R rank P arkinson ee R teve Querner imothy P imothy P heodore R eter O atrick O obert R obert alph O ichard R ichard A ichard Purpura ichard A lejo M.andCathy R.O avid P ae S.P enis P eil O roctor erez seguera at O . P uong Vu ham r. Victoria D arzych . P oy P 2016 donors han earlman erricone ’Connor easley . P oettgen Jr erample azzano rice erez ezzlo rendergast echsteiner ’Keeffe rotage ickett erez atterson ierog ’N ’R zorkiewicz ark ipp han ahm into asch erry erricone arker erez eters rtiz app ourke . R . Ptak han adilla somas aulsen eil arker asmussen III adecki ham uong ichard Crampton rtiz Mr. andMrs. R Shamrock S D Mrs. E T Mr. andMrs. Joseph Serio Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. D Mrs. CarmelaSellers Mr. andMrs. F Mr. andMrs. William Scott Mr. andMrs. John K.Schwind Mr. andMrs. Scott L Mr. andMrs. T Ms. P T Mr. andMrs. Jack Schoellerman Mr. andMrs. Gordon Schmitt R Mr. andMrs. Gregory Scherer Mrs. D Mr. andMrs. F Mr. andMrs. John Sawyer Mr. andMrs. Joseph Sardina Mr. S Mr. andMrs. E Mr. andMrs. Manuel Santos D Mr. andMrs. Jose A Santa Margarita Catholic H Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Jose C.Salazar Ms. D D Mr. T Mr. andMrs. Kenneth R Ms. AnneR P Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Michael R Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. F Mr. andMrs. Jeff R Mr. andMrs. Craig R Ms. Michelle F Mr. andMrs. D Miss A Mrs. Kathleen R Ms. Julie R Mr. andMrs. T R Mr. andMrs. SamR Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. D Mr. Joe R Mark andAmy R Mrs. Mary AnnR Mr. andMrs. Jose B.R Mr. andMrs. Michael R Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. D Ms. Jenny Shin D Mr. andMrs. P Shea F Mrs. N he Serra Club of O he A atrick andKelley R everend Kenneth A everend James C.R r. andMrs. R r. andMrs. Michael Santoro r. andMrs. Jerome Safarik r. andMrs. Michael Shepard tephen Saporito homas Saeman atty Schriver eborah Salas l &Mary AnnSchoellermanF ileen V. Serra ianne Schautschick ancy Shanafelt lejandrina R amily Charities ice ivera ussell upply Company, I ichard Severoni rederick Seibert red Sayre rank R im S.R homas Schulte eter Shea Sr. obert Selvaobert on R R obert R. obert mmanuel Sanvictores aymond P alph R . R ichard Salemme an Selmi an R ean R onald M.R arold R obe hoades einhard ohe obles oos unolfson ogers iela lfredo Santana usnak . Schuster ief ommel range County ork iehl . Schmit istoff ies owe ovzar egullano eger ue yder . Seymour edwitz edfern igh School nc. oundation

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 35 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 3636 Mr. andMrs. T Charles andJanyce S D Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. P Ms. Karen S S S Mr. andMrs. Bryan S Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Wayne J. S Mr. andMrs. Gerhard S Mr. andMrs. D D Mr. andMrs. John S Mr. andMrs. I S Bob andGerry Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. Greg Spierkel Ms. GaiSpickard Mr. andMrs. R Sony P Mr. andMrs. Jeffrey Sobieraj Mr. andMrs. James Snyder Mr. andMrs. W. Gary Smuts R Mrs. P Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. L Mr. andMrs. Bret Smith Mr. andMrs. James Skorheim Mrs. Janice S D Mr. andMrs. Gerald S Cynthia L Mr. andMrs. Joseph S Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Marshall Short Mr. andMrs. James G.Shontere Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. James Shipe Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Jack S Mr. andMrs. James S Mr. andD Mr. andMrs. S Ms. Carol Marie S Mrs. R Mr. andMrs. Budianto S Mr. andMrs. Bradford S Mr. R D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. James E Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Jose T Mr. andMrs. William T Mr. andMrs. Andrew T Mr. andMrs. T D Mr. andMrs. Andreas T Mr. andMrs. William T t. Juniperot. Serra Catholic School Josepht. H everend Christopher H.Smith r. andMrs. Arthur S r. andMrs. S r. andD r. andMrs. R r. andMrs. Kenneth T obert S obert atricia Smith uth S ictures -Columbia T r.S Gary r. T . &William E ully tokx imurda ealth homas S irianni vano S teven S ichard J. T om T eland Smith teven S imothy S imothy T homas S eter Smith eter T atrick S aul S oland S obert T obert S obert and Sperry ichard Shiraishi ichard S an S avid T ouglas S ean T tacy ims ummerfield O ait tauber t. P t. amayo weeney tammen ellone ennyson tamegna erkoski range Catholic F tirrat trauss utton wearingen tanowicz . T treit addeo umpter impson zymczak iegl toll ally ilvey hacker . S ierre ymons alley ait tringer aylor tephen Sr. trader Sr. aeubel tauber ecca thank you trom telmar uhwayudi ester imon, Jr. F T riS he following list represents donors whopledged ormadegifts of $3,000 ormore to tar oundation oundation programs andfundsbetween January 1,2016 andD Mr. andMrs. H Mr. andMrs. GiaD Mr. andMrs. D T T T Nhung Ms. T Ms. L Mrs. N Mrs. Cindy N.T Mr. andMs. LillianT Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. N Mr. andMrs. Kieu T Mr. andMrs. KhacKinh T Mr. andMrs. John T Mr. andMrs. H D Mr. H T D Mr. S Mr. andMrs. Mark T Mr. andMrs. E Mr. andMrs. Mark T Mr. andMrs. T D Mr. andMrs. John T Mr. andMrs. Christopher T Ms. Corine T D Mr. P Mr. andMrs. Michael T Mr. andMrs. Chris T Mr. andMrs. John A Mr. andMrs. N Mr. D Mr. andMrs. S Mr. andMrs. Joseph T Mr. andMrs. D Mr. George T A Vietnamese Charismatic A Mr. andMrs. A Ms. Maria andR Mr. andMrs. R D Concordia Velasco Mr. andMrs. Michael andGabrielaVasquez Bishop Kevin W. Vann Mr. T Mr. andMrs. Christopher Van R Mr. andMrs. Anthony Van Coutren Mr. andMrs. Kent Valley Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Mary U Monsignor John U Michael andR D Mrs. Christine T Mrs. SandyT Mr. andMrs. T Mr. R yler KhiemT racy I hoa V. T dmiral A r. T r. andMrs. D r. andMrs. Craig T r. andMrs. E r. andMrs. R r. andMrs. I u andD om Vandorpe teven T uyet T atrick T obert T obert ekhanh T uy T ieu N ndustries goc Kim K.T ran ran ruong ustin andD guyen T . T r. T oner urley rippel rujillo urner urk van T ran ran oberto Velasco ric T u T ocio U ran onald T tephen T im Valles hinh Van T hinh T homas T homas T ugene T obert T obert oger C. Velasco lbert Verkuylenlbert aniel U u T amilton T ung T guyen T ghia T eneese T ran urnquist osaro L ran ran royan rell urpin ram inh T ran ran ran ran omberlin hai ran hiede ravers hress . T ran tick ruong ranga 2016 donors r. N ormey pton ran ruxaw rapani . T idgewell urner reska homas ully ran . Ventigan ran ran ran ran ran atalie T ssociation at Christ Cathedral rujillo uiten ung E Mr. andMrs. J. Barry Z D R.W. Zant Co Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. E P Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. John Weiler Mr. andMrs. Max Wasinger Mr. andMrs. Scott Ward Mr. andMrs. D Mr. R Mr. andMrs. Michael D Mr. George Wall Mr. andMrs. Quentin Wall Mr. andMrs. Charles Walker Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. F D Mr. andMrs. S Mr. andMrs. P Mrs. Margaret Yorba Mr. andMrs. E Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Keith Wood Mr. andMrs. SeokJin Woo Mr. andMrs. Kenneth Wohlford Mr. andMrs. N Ms. Mira Winters Mr. andMrs. GuyWilson Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Charles Wieser Mrs. Mary Whitehead Mr. andMrs. Michael White Mr. andMrs. Scott Whitcher Ms. T Ms. Beverly Vu Mrs. Minh Vu Mrs. H Mr.and Mrs. AnhN Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Quan D Mr. andMrs. L Mr. andMrs. L Mr. andMrs. KhanhVu Mr. andMrs. John T Mr. andMrs. Cong Vu H Mr. Vincent Von D Mr. Anthony Vo Mr. andMrs. H D Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. D at Christ Cathedral Vietnamese SocialA Vietnamese Sacred H at Christ Cathedral Vietnamese Marian D Vietnamese Community at Christ Cathedral at H Vietnamese Charistmatic A aulita Yu nrique andL eacon D r. R r. andMrs. T uong Vu ichard andKim Yu obert Wanzongobert hin T oly SpiritP annah N ecember 31,2016. enis andP hi Vu homas Vo upe Z uan Xuan D uong Q. Vu uc T uk Won Youn rancis J. Waclawik aul Yost dward Zacherl duardo Yepez oy Williams Whalen obert hilip Vlaic ichard Zamboni ichard Wade avid Zak avid Zahn an Villella onald Ward ereck J. Worrell ai T icholas J. Wittner guyen Vu arish . Vo er Ahe hi Vu goc Vu . Vu uniga eggy Zaun eggy wareness Commission . Vu evotion A eart A immermann . Walz . Vu ssociation ssociation ssociation thank you 2016 donors Mrs. H Mr.and Mrs. AnhN E Mr. andMrs. J. Barry Z D R.W. Zant Co Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. E P D Mr. andMrs. S Ms. T Ms. Beverly Vu Mrs. Minh Vu Mr. andMrs. T Mr. andMrs. Quan D Mr. andMrs. L Vietnamese Sacred H at Christ Cathedral Vietnamese Marian D Vietnamese Community at Christ Cathedral at H Vietnamese Charistmatic A Mr. andMrs. P Mrs. Margaret Yorba Mr. andMrs. E Mr. andMrs. D Mr. andMrs. Keith Wood Mr. andMrs. SeokJin Woo Mr. andMrs. Kenneth Wohlford Mr. andMrs. N Ms. Mira Winters Mr. andMrs. GuyWilson Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. Charles Wieser Mrs. Mary Whitehead Mr. andMrs. Michael White Mr. andMrs. Scott Whitcher Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. John Weiler Mr. andMrs. Max Wasinger Mr. andMrs. Scott Ward Mr. andMrs. D Mr. R Mr. andMrs. Michael D Mr. George Wall Mr. andMrs. Quentin Wall Mr. andMrs. Charles Walker Mr. andMrs. R Mr. andMrs. F Mr. andMrs. L Mr. andMrs. KhanhVu Mr. andMrs. John T Mr. andMrs. Cong Vu H Mr. Vincent Von D Mr. Anthony Vo Mr. andMrs. H D Mr. andMrs. P Mr. andMrs. D at Christ Cathedral Vietnamese SocialA aulita Yu nrique andL eacon D r. R r. andMrs. T uong Vu ichard andKim Yu obert Wanzongobert hin T oly SpiritP annah N enis andP hi Vu homas Vo upe Z uan Xuan D uong Q. Vu uc T uk Won Youn rancis J. Waclawik aul Yost dward Zacherl duardo Yepez oy Williams Whalen obert hilip Vlaic ichard Zamboni ichard Wade avid Zak avid Zahn an Villella ereck J. Worrell onald Ward ai T icholas J. Wittner guyen Vu arish . Vo er Ahe hi Vu goc Vu . Vu uniga eggy Zaun eggy wareness Commission . Vu evotion A eart A immermann . Walz . Vu ssociation ssociation ssociation D We are grateful to themany donors whohelpuscontinue “planting theseedsfor ourfuture” andnurturing our planted, andnurtured andcontinues growing stronger year by year. grove onthefront andbackcovers represent thefoundation of ourdiocesan communityat onetime, that, was iocese withtheirgenerous donations to the O If your donorlisting isnot shown, please contact Hank Evers, Director of Development andCommunications at 714.282.3047 [email protected] to make thenecessary changes. Thank you! range Catholic F oundation. We believe our themeandtheorange

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 37 orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 38 S P tewardship E astoral Services Appeal PSA P Debbie Lea our team Consultant, P Consultant, Andre Cindy Bobruk, ExecutiveCindy Bobruk, Director &President We are grateful for your prayers andsupport.” You are of part that journey, anditisourprivilege to serve you. “We are onaninspiring andexciting journey. T Senior A Suzanne Nunn D ony Jennison D Anna Oroz Be Communications rogram A and S Giving Specialist Brad Kimb irector of P onor Services & F of P D Vice P Vice P verli Legua unds A of O onor Services w Hudson Coordinator hilanthropy tewardship ducation & ccountant perations Linda Ji verton resident resident ssistant ssistant lanned D irector of D arish all c D onor R o

elations &Campaign Coordinator evelopment &Communications E xecutive D Senior F S ta Ro Yolanda Wright ce E irector &P D xecutive A xanna P unds Coordinator y Velaz Cind Michelle D ata E Hank Evers ntry Clerk y Bobruk resident a quez ssistant y ton ao 2016 Greg Weiler S F Lisa Marcus Becky L R Will F R P F John A D Planned GivingC D R S F D Investment C Kevin H A R Grants C R Jacqueline D Christian D Governance &Nominating C P D Michael T Birtcher -ChairArt Finance C Msgr. John U F Jacqueline D D Birtcher -T Art Chris D A Executive C E Christian D May Chan F A tacey Settelmayer teve Muzzy ernando Jimenez ernando Jimenez -Chair r. Jim R r. Kerry Beaulieu r. Jim R atty Bornhop aige T obert Lamm obert Brownobert Brownobert rrol Mathieu perry and Sperry yan Kerrigan -Chair udit C lan Arnold lan Arnold-Chair arren Kaya avid Boynton -Chair on H on H r. Gregory E Clark, Board Co &Volunteersmmittees etter unsberger unsberger ecca ust ubia -Vice-Chair auber omaka A specialthankyou to theleaders whoassisted thefoundation onitsvarious committees ies ies ommittee reska ubia -Chair ubia ommittee Orange c ommittee rell upont uP ommittee reasurer ont ommittee and projects during the2016 F (Chair) - Secretary d.D ommittee

ommittee atholic foundation iscal year (January 1–D Stra Jacqueline D Philanthropy C Sr. Katherine (Kit) Gray A Andy T Planned GivingSub-C Chris S R D S Becky L Gunnar undersen Bishop T T N Bishop T L Mark D John L R Msgr. Lawrence Baird T S Bishop Kevin Vann F F S D Msgr. H Art om Burnham ucy D usan S teve Muzzy usan S teve Muzzy im S r. Christopher Smith r. S perry and Sperry ic Brutocao lan Arnold ean McCormick ean McCormick ancy Byrne D • Seniors Beth Vasquez Jill Schachter R Greg Weiler John A D • Gif obert Lamm obert on H r. Vincent N teve Sallot tegic PlanningT trader (Co-Chair) . Curci t C unn alley -Chair t Accept ubeau trader trader (Co-Chair) omaka unsberger -Chair imothy F im F ust athedral C olquin reyer uP /End ofLife guyen &D ont -Chair reyer ecember 312016) ance ommittee ampaign T r. Marilyn D ask F ommittees orce

ask F itty - Co-Chairs orce (2016)

orange catholic foundation 2016 annual report 39 God’s power and glory and majesty and love is so vast that our minds shrink away from trying to understand how it can be. Love is what we understand best because God planted it in our hearts, in our souls, in our very being if we only grasp it, embrace it, and not turn it away. Let us be happy in what we know about God and try to satisfy our yearning of wanting to know more, even though our “knowing” can never be complete. I pray this:

Love Eternal, Love Divine Given for me and mine Given for thee and thine Given for all mankind Eternal Love O’Divine Love Given from above Gentle as a dove Gentle as a dove Amen

An excerpt from a writing by Angel C. Martinez 1928 ~ 2017 †

The Orange Catholic Foundation 13280 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove, California 92840 Telephone 714.282.3021 •