Do Not Open Your Test Until You Are Told To Begin

University Interscholastic League

Spelling and Vocabulary

Part I

District I Meet 2014-2015


The following test items are comprised of list words, forms of list words, and non-list words. Part I has two sections: Part Ia (Proofreading, 15 items) and Part Ib (Vocabulary, 15 items). You will have 15 minutes to complete Part I of the test, items 1 through 30.

Contestant Number______For Contest Director use: Score Part Ia ______

Score Part Ib ______

Score Part II ______Tie Breaker Score ______

The Tie Breaker is not graded unless there is a tie and then only the papers of the tied individuals are graded. All those who are tied are awarded a place before others who have a lower score than those tied are ranked. Total Spelling Score ______

(Please have two persons double the scores)

Scratch paper

Contestant Number______University Interscholastic League Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 District I Meet Part Ia Part Ia Proofreading: 15 Points This is a test to determine your ability to recognize misspelled words. In each of the following sets, one word is incorrect. Errors may be in capitalization, accent marks, hyphens, or spelling. Most of the words are from the general and the vocabulary lists in UIL WORD POWER; however, up to twenty percent may be from other sources. Do not correct words with alternate spellings if the word shown is a correct form of the word. Write the word correctly in the numbered blank at the right. Each blank is worth one point. Graders 1. sabbatarian absenteeism squamous 1. ______ moufflon cire

2. cadaster triumvirate irritability

2. ______ # spare ribs marbleize 3 3. discountenance synosure voyageur # 2 3. ______ phlegm covenantor # 4. 1 microseism septectomy beautific 4. ______ scrofulous catharsis

5. chakra hebdamod fungistat 5. ______ pokerfaced inadvertence

6. Sakarov Yom Kippur tessera 6. ______ breathtaking neonatologist

7. weather-strip skepticism non-sectarian 7. ______ cum laude genotype

8. quadrennial certiorari magistracy 8. ______ ontogeny chocaholic

9. Saqqara suggestibility Madagascar 9. ______ fantacini proxies

10. nemitoad Simon Legree zincography 10. ______ forbear hallux Continue working to the end of this part of the test - # 30

Graders #3 #2 #1

Errors on this page 

UIL Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 District I Meet Contestant Number______Part Ia Proofreading: 15 Points

11. knight-errant cutaneous griseous 11. ______ collophon dichotomous

12. copyrightable intraocular bowdacious 12. ______ annuitant teeter totter

13. palooka moot court turretted 13. ______ jacal ensiform

14. aurochs seperatist Hippocrates 14. ______ hemeralopia tortellini

15. maguscule ytterbium orgeat 15. ______ anhydrous subsistence

Continue working to the end of this part of the test - # 30 Graders #3 #2 #1

Errors this on page 

Errors on previous page  Part Ia: Proofreading 15 Points

- Total Errors in Part Ia: -______

Score for Part Ia: =______

Contestant Number______University Interscholastic League Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 District I Meet Part Ib Part Ib Vocabulary: 15 Points This is a test to determine how well you know the meanings and origins of the words on the Vocabulary portion of the list in UIL WORD POWER. Test words are taken from the bulleted word list, their roots, definitions, and synonyms or antonyms. There are no misspelled words on this section of the test. Select the best answer from the answer choices given for each of the following test questions. Please use CAPITAL LETTERS to write the letter of your answer in the numbered space at the right of the question. Each blank is worth one point.

16. Denise’s severe______prompted her to avoid shopping malls and overcrowded restaurants. 16. ___ A. algophobia B. bioaccumulation C. otolaryngology  D. agoraphobia E. exacerbation

17. Her broken ______in her pinky finger prevented Sue from taking part in the piano recital. 17. ____  A. ampullae B. drumlin C. scotopia D. hydrocephalus E. phalange

18. Don’t try to______me with your slick sales pitch; I’m on to your sneaky scam!

A. contemn B. commemorate C. interrogate 18. ____  D. bamboozle E. condescend

19. The dance most associated with Gypsies is the _____.

A. ballonet B. bouzouki C. flamenco D. basso profundo E. courante 19. ____ 

20. When we moved to the new subdivision, our next door neighbors sent us a beautiful ______as a housewarming gift. 20. ____  A. secretariat B. Luisẽno C. eupnea D. mantissa E. gloxinia

21. Concerned about the ______of storm season, the new residents of Moore, Oklahoma, made plans to build a safe cellar. 21. ____  A. imminence B. moratorium C. immunity D. facileness E. exhortation

22. Even though he should have acted with more maturity, the young man exemplified nothing more than______judgment when he posted slanderous remarks about his ex- girlfriend on Facebook. 22. ____ 

A. copious B. reiterative C. demagogic D. crocodilian E. sophomoric

23. The root of the name for the medical condition _____ comes from the Greek and means “to astound.” 23. ____  A. cataplexy B. glossolalia C. precipitin D. zoophobia E. hemiplegia

Continue working to the end of this part of the test - # 30 Graders #3 #2 #1

Errors on this page  UIL Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 District I Meet Contestant Number______Part Ib Vocabulary: 15 Points

24. Because she moved______from one random topic to another, her teacher gave her a failing grade on her research paper. 24. ____  A. astutely B. succinctly C. en masse D. desultorily E. ad hoc

25. She proudly placed her new Indian ______on the tile floor by the front door.

A. cheval glass B. dhurrie C. proselyte D. cartouche E. gazebo 25. ____ 

26. The ______evidence provided at the trial, such as the lack of gunshot residue or fingerprints at the scene of the crime, convinced the jury of the plaintiff’s innocence. 26. ____  A. categorical B. sensate C. sympathomimetic D. testate E. exculpatory

27. The ______of the brave Navy Seal team saved the lives of the American sailors.

A. eclecticism B. adjuration C. callowness D. neoliberalism E. intrepidity 27. ____ 

28. The housemaids washed and ironed all the ______before setting the table for the gala.

A. linsey-woolsey B. monandry C. napery D. isinglass E. arrearage 28. ____ 

29. Using advanced methods of ______, the physical therapist was able to give his patient relief from chronic back pain. 29. ____  A. ufology B. kinematics C. narcosynthesis D. physiology E. physiatry

30. After a lengthy______from both the high school principal and guidance counselor, Karen remained adamant about removing her son from all AP classes. 30. ____ 

A. exemplification B. expostulation C. indiscretion D. complicity E. appeasement

Graders #3 #2 #1

Errors on this page 

Errors on previous page  Part Ib: Vocabulary 15 Points

-Total Errors in Part Ib:_-_____

Score for Part Ib:______

+ Score for Part Ia:______

Total Score for Part I _____

University Interscholastic League

Spelling and Vocabulary

District I Meet 2014-15

Part II and Part III Tie Breaker

Pronouncer’s Copy

University Interscholastic League Spelling 2014-2015 District I Meet Part II Outside Word Time Order Word Pronunciation Part of Speech Definition Elapsed 1. embrocate (èm¹bre-kât´) verb To moisten and rub (a part of the body) with a liniment or lotion.

2. rancorous (ràng¹ker-ùs) adjective Exhibiting bitter, long-lasting resentment or deep-seated ill will.

3. collation (ke-lâ¹shen, kò-, ko-) noun 1. The act or process of collating. 2. a. A light meal permitted on fast days. b. A light meal.

4. vicinage (vîs¹e-nîj) noun 1. a. A limited region around a particular area; a vicinity. b. A number of places situated near each other and considered as a group. 2. The residents of a particular neighborhood. 3. The state of living in a neighborhood; proximity.

1 5. pampero (pàm-pâr¹o, päm-) noun A strong, cold southwest wind that Minute blows across the Pampas.

6. Gemara (ge-mär¹e, -môr¹e) noun The second part of the Talmud, consisting primarily of commentary on the Mishnah.

7. volant (vo¹lent) adjective 1. Flying or capable of flying. 2. Moving quickly or nimbly; agile. 3. Heraldry. Depicted with the wings extended as in flying.

8. liturgy (lît¹er-jê) noun A prescribed form or set of forms for public Christian ceremonies; ritual.

9. counterclaim (koun¹ter-klâm´) noun A claim filed in opposition to another claim, especially in a legal action.

2 10. cabal (ke-bàl¹) noun 1. A conspiratorial group of plotters Minutes or intriguers; a secret scheme or plot.

11. contrition (ken-trîsh¹en) noun Sincere remorse for wrongdoing; repentance.

12. unlicensed (ùn-lì¹senst) adjective 1. Having no official license. 2. Done without permission; not authorized. 3. Lacking moral restraint.

13. tomalley (te-màl¹ê, tòm¹àl´ê) noun The soft, green liver of cooked lobster, considered a delicacy.

14. basilisk (bàs¹e-lîsk´, bàz¹-) noun 1. A legendary serpent or dragon with lethal breath and glance. 2. Any of various tropical American lizards of the genus Basiliscus, characterized by a crest on the head, back, and tail and the ability to run on the hind legs.

3 15. sutler (sùt¹ler) noun An army camp follower who peddled Minutes provisions to the soldiers.

16. abasement (e-bâs¹-ment) noun The act of lowering in rank, prestige, or esteem.

17. entomology (èn´te-mòl¹e-jê) noun The scientific study of insects.

18. brusque* (brùsk) adjective Abrupt and curt in manner or speech; discourteously blunt.

19. misconstrue (mîs´ken-str¡¹) verb To mistake the meaning of; misinterpret.

4 20. targetable (tär¹gî-te-bel) adjective That can be directed at a target. Minutes

21. gill-netter (gîl¹nèt´er) noun 1. One who uses a gill to catch fish. 2. Nautical. A boat used in fishing with gill nets.

22. hortatory (hôr¹te-tôr´ê, -tor´ê) adjective Marked by exhortation or strong urging.

23. perorate (pèr¹e-rât´) verb 1. To conclude a speech with a formal recapitulation. 2. To speak at great length, often in a grandiloquent manner; declaim.

24. mullion (mùl¹yen) noun A vertical strip dividing the panes of a window.

5 25. laccolith* (làk¹e-lîth´) noun A mass of igneous rock intruded Minutes between layers of sedimentary rock, resulting in uplift. Pause for students to turn page

26. cassation (kà-sâ¹shen) noun Abrogation or annulment by a higher authority.

27. gambusia (gàm-by¡¹zhe) noun Any of various small livebearers of the genus Gambusia that feed on mosquito larvae and are often used in mosquito control.

28. illiteracy (î-lît¹er-e-sê) noun The condition of being unable to read and write.

29. scaffolding (skàf¹el-dîng, noun 1. A temporary platform, either skàf¹ol´-) supported from below or suspended from above, on which workers sit or stand when performing tasks at heights above the ground. 2. A raised wooden framework or platform. 3. A platform used in the execution of condemned prisoners, as by hanging or beheading.

6 30. philology (fî-lòl¹e-jê) noun Literary study or classical scholarship. Minutes

31. derring-do* (dèr´îng-d¡¹) noun Daring or reckless action.

32. gabion (gâ¹bê-en) noun 1. A cylindrical wicker basket filled with earth and stones, formerly used in building fortifications. 2. A hollow metal cylinder used especially in constructing dams and foundations.

33. hirsute (hûr¹s¡t´, hîr¹-, adjective 1. Covered with hair; hairy. her-s¡t¹) 2. Botany. Covered with stiff or coarse hairs.

34. superfluity (s¡´per-fl¡¹î-tê) noun 1. The quality or condition of being superfluous. 2. Something superfluous. 3. Overabundance; excess.

7 35. jacquard* (jàk¹ärd´, je-kärd¹) noun 1. A fabric with an intricately woven Minutes pattern. 2. A special loom or the method employed in the of a figured fabric.

36. anorak (àn¹e-ràk´) noun A heavy jacket with a hood; a parka.

37. demurral (dî-mûr¹el, -mùr¹-) noun The act of demurring, especially a mild, polite, or considered expression of opposition.

38. ferine (fîr¹ìn´) adjective Untamed; feral.

39. asinine* (às¹e-nìn´) adjective 1. Utterly stupid or silly 2. Of, relating to, or resembling an ass.

40. lissomely (l î s ¹e m -lê) adverb 1. Easily bent; supple. 2. Having the ability to move with ease; limber.

41. gumption (gùmp¹shen) noun 1. Boldness of enterprise; initiative or aggressiveness. 2. Guts; spunk. 3. Common sense.

42. parastatal (pàr´e-stât¹l) adjective Owned or controlled wholly or partly by the government. 43. Omniscient (òm-nîsh¹ent) noun God. Used with the.

44. caisson* (kâ¹sòn´, -sen) noun 1. A watertight structure within which construction work is carried on under water. 2. A large box open at the top and one side, designed to fit against the side of a ship and used to repair damaged hulls under water. 3. A floating structure used to close off the entrance to a dock or canal lock. 4. a. A horse-drawn vehicle, usually two-wheeled, used to carry artillery ammunition and coffins at military funerals. b. A large box used to hold ammunition.

9 45. vacillatory (vàs¹e-le-tôr´ê, - adjective Inclined to waver; irresolute. Minutes tor´ê)

46. mussel (mùs¹el) noun 1. Any of several marine bivalve mollusks, especially the edible members of the family Mytilidae and in particular Mytilus edulis, a blue-black species raised commercially in Europe. Mussels are often found attached to rocky surfaces or the sides of ships. 2. Any of several freshwater bivalve mollusks of the genera Anodonta and Unio, found in the central United States, that burrow in the sand or mud of lakes and streams.

47. biflagellate (bì-flàj¹e-lît, -lât´) adjective Having two flagella.

48. depilate (dèp¹e-lât´) verb To remove hair from (the body).

49. quinquennial (kwîn-kwèn¹ê-el, adjective 1. Happening once every five years. kwîng-) 2. Lasting for five years.

10 50. cantankerous (kàn-tàng¹ker-es) adjective 1. Ill-tempered and quarrelsome; Minutes disagreeable. 2. Difficult to handle. Pause for students to turn page 51. cordovan (kôr¹de-ven) noun A fine leather originally made of goatskin but now more frequently of split horsehide.

52. purview (pûr¹vy¡´) noun 1. The extent or range of function, power, or competence; scope. 2. Range of vision, comprehension, or experience; outlook. 3. Law. The body, scope, or limit of a statute.

53. germane* (jer-mân¹) adjective Being both pertinent and fitting.

54. purdah (pûr¹de) noun 1. a. A curtain or screen, used mainly in India to keep women separate from men or strangers. b. The Hindu or Muslim system of sex segregation, practiced especially by keeping women in seclusion.

11 55. Bosporus (bòs¹per-es) noun A narrow strait separating European Minutes and Asian Turkey and joining the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmara. It has been an important trade route since ancient times.

56. incunabulum (în´kye-nàb¹ye-lem, noun 1. A book printed before 1501; an îng´-) incunable. 2. An artifact of an early period.

57. similitude (sî-mîl¹î-t¡d´, - noun 1. Similarity; resemblance. ty¡d´) 2. a. One closely resembling another; a counterpart. b. A perceptible likeness.

58. Evangelist (î-vàn¹je-lîst) noun Any one of the authors of the four New Testament gospel books: Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.

59. hoyden* (hoid¹n) noun A high-spirited, boisterous, or saucy girl.

12 60. removable (rî-m¡¹ve-bel) adjective That can be removed Minutes

61. lickspittle (lîk¹spît´l) noun A fawning underling; a toady. 62. maelstrom* (mâl¹strem) noun 1. A violent or turbulent situation 2. A whirlpool of extraordinary size or violence.

63. catena (ke-tê¹ne) noun A closely linked series, especially of excerpted writings or commentaries.

64. Taino (tì¹no) noun 1. A member of an Arawak people of the Greater Antilles and the Bahamas who became extinct under Spanish colonization during the 16th century. 2. The language of this people.

13 65. prepossessing (prê´pe-zès¹îng) adjective 1. Serving to impress favorably; Minutes pleasing. 2. Archaic. Causing prejudice.

66. ethology (î-thòl¹e-jê, ê-thòl¹-) noun 1. The scientific study of animal behavior, especially as it occurs in a natural environment. 2. The study of human ethos and its formation.

67. novercal (no-vûr¹kel) adjective Of, relating to, or characteristic of a stepmother.

68. impolitic (îm-pòl¹î-tîk) adjective Not wise or expedient; not politic.

69. curmudgeon* (ker-mùj¹en) noun An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions.

14 70. roguish (ro¹gîsh) adjective 1. Deceitful; unprincipled. Minutes 2. Playfully mischievous.

Pause for students to turn page

University Interscholastic League Spelling 2014-15 District I Part III Tiebreaker *Outside Word

Time Order Word Pronunciation Part of Speech Definition Elapsed

1. immersion (î-mûr¹zhen, -shen) noun 1. a. The act or an instance of immersing. b. The condition of being immersed. 2. Baptism performed by totally submerging a person in water. 3. Astronomy. The obscuring of a celestial body by another or by the shadow of another.

2. chanticleer (chàn¹tî-klîr´, shàn¹-) noun A rooster.

3. oculogyric (òk´ye-lo-jì¹rîk) adjective Of or relating to the turning of the eyeballs in the sockets.

4. aubergine* (o¹bèr-zhên´, o¹ber- noun Eggplant cultivated for its large jên) edible, ovoid, glossy, usually purple-skinned fruit. 2. Color. A blackish purple.

1 5. scirrhus (skîr¹es, sîr¹-) noun A hard, dense cancerous growth Minute usually arising from connective tissue.

6. rufous (r¡¹fes) adjective Color. Strong yellowish pink to moderate orange; reddish.

7. hexamerous (hèk-sàm¹er-es) adjective 1. Having six similar parts or divisions. 2. Botany. Having flower parts, such as petals, sepals, and stamens, in sets of six.

8. crocheted* (kro-shâd¹) verb Made by looping thread with a hooked needle.

9. antennule (àn-tèn¹y¡l) noun Zoology. A small antenna or similar organ, especially one of the first pair of small antennae on the head of a crustacean.

2 10. haggadist (he-gä¹dîst, -gô¹-) noun Judaism. 1. A haggadic writer. Minutes 2. A student of haggadic literature. 11. mete (mêt) verb To distribute by or as if by measure; allot.

12. chargeable (chär¹je-bel) adjective 1. Suitable to be charged, as to an account. 2. Liable to be accused or indicted.

13. adhesiotomy (àd-hê´zê-òt¹e-mê) noun Surgical division or separation of adhesions.

14. archipelago (är´ke-pèl¹e-go´) noun 1. A large group of islands. 2. A sea, such as the Aegean, containing a large number of scattered islands.

3 15. oeuvre* (œ¹vre) noun 1. A work of art. Minutes 2. The sum of the lifework of an artist, a writer, or a composer.

16. ingurgitate (în-gûr¹jî-tât´) verb To swallow greedily or in excessive amounts; gulp.

17. Helot (hèl¹et) noun One of a class of serfs in ancient Sparta, neither a slave nor a free citizen.

18. targetable (tär¹gî-te-bel) adjective That can be directed at a target.

19. segued* (sèg¹wâd´, verb 1. Music. Made a transition directly sâ¹gwâd´) from one section or theme to another. 2. Moved smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to another.

4 20. throes (throz)) noun A condition of agonizing struggle or Minutes trouble.

University Interscholastic League Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 District I Meet Part I Key (Fold on the lines between columns to facilitate scoring. ) Capitalization required ______

1. Sabbatarian 11. colophon 16. D 24. D

2. spareribs 12. teeter-totter

17. E 25. B 3. cynosure 13. turreted

4. beatific 18. D 14. separatist 26. E

5. hebdomad 15. majuscule 19. C 27. E

6. Sakharov

20. E 28. C 7. nonsectarian

8. chocoholic 21. A 29. E

9. fantoccini 22. E 30. B

10. nematode

23. A University Interscholastic League Spelling 2014-2015 District I Meet Part II & III Key  Outside Word * Capitalization Required 1. embrocate 26. cassation 51. cordovan Part III - 2. rancorous 27. gambusia 52. purview Tiebreaker 3. collation 28. illiteracy 53. germane* 1. immersion 4. vicinage 29. scaffolding 54. purdah 2. chanticleer 5. pampero 30. philology 55. Bosporus 3. oculogyric 6. Gemara 31. derring-do* 56. incunabulum 4. aubergine* 7. volant 32. gabion 57. similitude 5. scirrhus

8. liturgy 33. hirsute 58. evangelist 6. rufous 9. counterclaim 34. superfluity 59. hoyden* 7. hexamerous 10. cabal 35. jacquard, 60. removable 8. crocheted* 11. contrition Jacquard* 61. lickspittle 9. antennule 12. unlicensed 36. anorak 62. maelstrom* 10. haggadist 13. tomalley 37. demurral 63. catena 11. mete 14. basilisk 38. ferine 64. Taino 12. chargeable 15. sutler 39. asinine* 65. prepossessing 13. adhesiotomy 16. abasement 40. lissomely 66. ethology 14. archipelago 17. entomology 41. gumption 67. novercal 15. oeuvre* 18. brusque* 42. parastatal 68. impolitic 16. ingurgitate 19. misconstrue 43. Omniscient 69. curmudgeon* 17. Helot, helot 20. targetable 44. caisson* 70. roguish 18. targetable 21. gill-netter 45. vacillatory 19. segued* 22. hortatory 46. mussel 20. throes 23. perorate 47. biflagellate 24. mullion 48. depilate 25. laccolith* 49. quinquennial 50. cantankerous

Do Not Open Your Test Until You Are Told To Begin

University Interscholastic League

Spelling and Vocabulary

Part I

District II Meet 2014-2015


The following test items are comprised of list words, forms of list words, and non-list words. Part I has two sections: Part Ia (Proofreading, 15 items) and Part Ib (Vocabulary, 15 items). You will have 15 minutes to complete Part I of the test, items 1 through 30.

Contestant Number______For Contest Director use: Score Part Ia ______

Score Part Ib ______

Score Part II ______Tie Breaker Score ______

The Tie Breaker is not graded unless there is a tie and then only the papers of the tied individuals are graded. All those who are tied are awarded a place before others who have a lower score than those tied are ranked. Total Spelling Score ______

(Please have two persons double check the scores)

Scratch Paper

Contestant Number______University Interscholastic League Spelling & Vocabulary 2014-15 District II Meet Part Ia Part Ia Proofreading: 15 Points This is a test to determine your ability to recognize misspelled words. In each of the following sets, one word is incorrect. Errors may be in capitalization, accent marks, hyphens, or spelling. Most of the words are from the general and the vocabulary lists in UIL WORD POWER; however, up to twenty percent may be from other sources. Do not correct words with alternate spellings if the word shown is a correct form of the word. Write the word correctly in the numbered blank at the right. Each blank is worth one point. Graders #3 #2 #1 1. self-abnegation pneumonic miestersinger 1. ______ turquoise escargot

2. Passamaquoddy Uraguay Egyptology 2. ______ Paramecium Yugoslavia

3. urticaria chromophyll keratitis 3. ______ nephropathy idiopathy

4. stereoscopy Saturniid Zephyrus 4. ______ schismatic accruement

5. paradyme sequacious nescience 5. ______ amateurish sciolist

6. sycophancy ancillary sycamore 6. ______ calipsonian harquebus

7. arrhythmia Rubenesque burgage 7. ______ arachnaphobia heuristic

8. psychiatrist heirocrasy illuminant 8. ______ viscidity fuliginous

9. apivorous homoptorus macrography 9. ______ peridot hypergolic

10. Tiahuanaco Guatemalan papeterie 10. ______ metalographer Macedonia Continue working to the end of this part of the test - # 30 Graders #3 #2 #1

Errors on this page 

UIL Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 District II Meet Contestant Number______Part Ia Proofreading: 15 Points 11. entourage golgotha kalsimine 11. ______ guerrilla triphibian

12. chemisette wunderkinder craniectomy

12. ______ coercive tendonitus

13. heteronym bivwacked osteoporosis

13. ______ disciform sinoatrial

14. adcititious chronometer plutocracy

14. ______ amercement phytology 15. disembogue arriviste escucheon 15. ______ larvicide embryonic

Continue working to the end of this part of the test - # 30 Graders #3 #2 #1

Errors this on page 

Errors on previous page  Part Ia: Proofreading 15 Points

- Total Errors in Part Ia: -______

Score for Part Ia: =______

Contestant Number______University Interscholastic League Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 District II Meet Part Ib Part Ib Vocabulary: 15 Points This is a test to determine how well you know the meanings and origins of the words on the Vocabulary portion of the list in UIL WORD POWER. Test words are taken from the bulleted word list, their roots, definitions, and synonyms or antonyms. There are no misspelled words on this section of the test. Select the best answer from the answer choices given for each of the following test questions. Please use CAPITAL LETTERS to write the letter of your answer in the numbered space at the right of the question. Each blank is worth one point. 16. Clearly, lengthy UIL words like “extraterritoriality” and “immunodeficiency” can be characterized as______. 16. ___  A. polysyllabic B. labiovelar C. phantasmic D. gressorial E. presumptuous

17. The new principal’s primary focus was to ______the blatant mistakes made by his predecessor. 17. ____  A. reunify B. corroborate C. redress D. concretize E. elucidate

18. The word “ ______” originated from a Latin expression meaning “to give up for safekeeping”. 18. ____  A. remand B. historicize C. sequester D. contemn E. abscise 19. After inhaling too much coal dust, the miner was treated for chronic______.

A. siderosis B. otosclerosis C. naprapathy D. orthogenesis E. polygamy 19. ____ 

20. At one time, the word “______” referred to a seat, especially a throne.

A. breviary B. munificence C. gynarchy D. palladium E. siege 20. ____ 

21. Besides being colleagues, Sally and Ann enjoyed a sisterly, ______relationship.

A. monogynous B. sororal C. anemophilous D. visceral E. reprehensible 21. ____ 

22. Because I hate ______, I always explain myself in great detail.

A. eccentricity B. clemency C. candor D. contrivance E. equivocation 22. ____ 

23. The ______Florida climate left the vacationers wishing for the cooler weather of their home in Colorado. 23. ____  A. subaqueous B. crocodilian C. perfervid D. torrid E. interfluvial

Continue working to the end of this part of the test - # 30 Graders #3 #2 #1

Errors on this page  UIL Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 District II Meet Contestant Number______Part Ib Vocabulary: 15 Points 24. Instead of prose, the storyteller opted to use______to tell his tale.

A. novella B. tintinnabulation C. ethos D. isinglass E. versification 24. ____ 

25. The homeowner used an insecticide spray to destroy the ______under the eaves of the roof. 25. ____  A. vespiary B. myrmecophile C. perissodactyl D. wheatworm E. sedile

26. The musician’s masterful use of the organ’s______awed the concertgoers.

A. globule B. kymograph C. Aeolian harp D. vox humana E. oratorio 26. ____ 

27. Many Australian visitors often mistake the ______for a kangaroo, even though it is generally smaller with a more colorful coat. 27. ____  A. wallaby B. kookaburra C. widow’s mite D. marsupium E. carabao

28. The artist used various types of wood when creating his beautifully colorful ______.

A. tenterhook B. chenille C. unction D. xylography E. scriptorium 28. ____ 

29. The______regiments of the French army wore brightly colored uniforms which were just as impressive as their precision drills. 29. ____  A. obsequious B. multifaceted C. coryphée D. Zouave E. dé modé

30. An Italian tailor displays the white silk______worn by the late Pope John Paul II in the window of his tiny shop. 30. ____ 

A. bouquetier B. zucchetto C. cri de coeur D. cribriform E. tiara

Graders #3 #2 #1

Errors on this page 

Errors on previous page  Part Ib: Vocabulary 15 Points

-Total Errors in Part Ib:_-_____

Score for Part Ib:______

+ Score for Part Ia:______

Total Score for Part I _____

University Interscholastic League

Spelling and Vocabulary

District II Meet 2014-15

Part II and Part III Tie Breaker

Pronouncer’s Copy

University Interscholastic League Spelling 201415 District II Meet Part II Outside Word Time Order Word Pronunciation Part of Speech Definition Elapsed 1. accolade (àk¹e-lâd´, -läd´) noun 1. a. An expression of approval; praise. b. A special acknowledgment; an award. 2. A ceremonial embrace, as of greeting or salutation. 3. Ceremonial bestowal of knighthood.

2. elegist (èl¹e-jîst) noun The creator of an elegy.

3. resilient (rî-zîl¹yent) adjective 1. Marked by the ability to recover readily, as from misfortune. 2. Capable of returning to an original shape or position, as after having been compressed. See synonyms at flexible.

4. wanderlust (wòn¹der-lùst´) noun A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel.

1 5. contraltos (ken-tràl¹toz) noun Music. Minute 1. The lowest female voices or voice parts, intermediate in range between soprano and tenor. 2. Women having a contralto voice.

6. macaque* (me-kàk¹, -käk¹) noun Any of several short-tailed monkeys of the genus Macaca of southeast Asia, Japan, Gibraltar, and northern Africa.

7. saponaceous (sàp´e-nâ¹shes) adjective Having the qualities of soap.

8. cardiopathy (kär´dê-òp¹e-thê) noun A disease or disorder of the heart.

9. Empire (òt¹e-men èm¹pìr´) noun A vast Turkish sultanate of southwest Asia, northeast Africa, and southeast Europe. It was founded in the 13th century by Osman I and ruled by his descendants until its dissolution after World War I. Originally a small state controlled by Ottoman or Osmanli Turks, it spread rapidly, superseding the Byzantine Empire in the east.

2 10. myositis (mì´e-sì¹tîs) noun Inflammation of a muscle, especially a Minutes voluntary muscle, characterized by pain, tenderness, and sometimes spasm in the affected area.

11. codicil* (kòd¹e-sîl) noun 1. Law. A supplement or appendix to a will. 2. A supplement or appendix.

12. Celotex (sèl¹e-tèks´) noun A trademark used for a building board that is employed as insulation or paneling.

13. thoracic (the-ràs¹îk) adjective Of, relating to, or situated in or near the thorax.

14. Augustinian (ô´ge-stîn¹ê-en) adjective 1. Of or relating to Saint Augustine of Hippo or his doctrines. 2. Being or belonging to any of several religious orders following or influenced by the rule of Saint Augustine.

3 15. emend* (î-mènd¹) verb To improve by critical editing. Minutes

16. fuscous (fùs¹kes) adjective Dark brownish-gray in color.

17. manioc (màn¹ê-òk´) noun 1. A shrubby tropical American plant (Manihot esculenta) widely grown for its large, tuberous, starchy root. 2. The root of this plant, eaten as a staple food in the tropics only after leaching and drying to remove cyanide.

18. potlatch (pòt¹làch´) noun A ceremonial feast among certain Native American peoples of the northwest Pacific coast, as in celebration of a marriage or an accession, at which the host distributes gifts according to each guest's rank or status. Between rival groups the potlatch could involve extravagant or competitive giving and destruction by the host of valued items as a display of superior wealth.

19. sansevieria (sàn´se-vîr¹ê-e, -vê- noun Any of various tropical Old World plants èr¹-) of the genus Sansevieria, having thick, lance-shaped leaves and often cultivated as a houseplant.

4 20. faultfinding (fôlt¹fìn´dîng) noun Petty or nagging criticism; carping. Minutes

21. van Gogh (vàn go¹, gôKH¹, vän noun Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890 KHôKH¹), Dutch postimpressionist painter.

22. pendent* (pèn¹dent) noun 1. Something suspended from something else, especially an ornament or a piece of jewelry attached to a necklace or bracelet. 2. A hanging lamp or chandelier. 3. A sculptured ornament suspended from a vaulted Gothic roof or ceiling. 4. One of a matched pair; a companion piece.

23. tae kwon do (tì´ kwòn¹ do´) noun A Korean art of self-defense; a style of karate.

24. Methuselah (me-th¡¹ze-le) noun A Biblical patriarch said to have lived 969 years.

5 25. profiteer (pròf¹î-tîr¹) noun One who makes excessive profits on Minutes goods in short supply.

Pause for students to turn page

26. dudgeon (dùj¹en) noun A sullen, angry, or indignant humor.

27. aggrieved (e-grêv¹d) adjective Feeling distress or affliction; treated wrongly; offended.

28. (kûr¹zê-mîr´) noun A fine woolen cloth with a fancy weave.

29. nihilism* (nì¹e-lîz´em, nê¹-) noun 1. Philosophy. a. An extreme form of skepticism that denies all existence. b. A doctrine holding that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. 2. Rejection of all distinctions in moral or religious value and a willingness to repudiate all previous theories of morality or religious belief. 3. The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary for future improvement.

6 30. kleptocracy (klèp-tòk¹re-sê) noun A government characterized by rampant Minutes greed and corruption.

31. flambéed (fläm-bâ¹d, fläN-) verb Drenched with a liquor, such as brandy, and ignited.

32. obstruent (òb¹str¡-ent) adjective Obstructing or closing natural openings or passages of the body.

33. Airedale (âr¹dâl´) noun A large terrier of a breed having long legs and a wiry tan coat marked with black.

34. distrait (dî-strâ¹) adjective Inattentive or preoccupied, especially because of anxiety.

7 35. expandable (îk-spànd¹eb-el) adjective 1. [That which can be] Increased in size, Minutes volume, quantity, or scope of; enlarged. 2. [That which can be] expressed at length or in detail. 3. [That which can be] opened up or out; spread out.

36. paregoric* (pàr´e-gôr¹îk, -gòr¹-) noun A camphorated tincture of opium, taken internally for the relief of diarrhea and intestinal pain.

37. legendry (lèj¹en-drê) noun A collection or body of legends.

38. fluorocarbon (fl¢r´o-kär¹ben, flôr´-, noun An inert liquid or gaseous halocarbon flor´-) compound in which fluorine replaces some or all hydrogen molecules, used as aerosol propellants, refrigerants, solvents, and lubricants and in making plastics and resins.

39. diapason (dì´e-pâ¹zen, -sen) noun Music. 1. A full, rich outpouring of harmonious sound. 2. The entire range of an instrument or voice. 3. Either of the two principal stops on a pipe organ that form the tonal basis for the entire scale of the instrument. 4. The interval and the consonance of an octave. 5. A standard indication of pitch.

8 40. cachalot (kàsh¹e-lòt´, -lo´) noun Sperm whale. Minutes

41. contradistinction (kòn´tre-dî- noun Distinction by contrasting or opposing stîngk¹shen) qualities.

42. bruit* (br¡t) verb To spread news of; repeat.

43. Quechumaran (kèch´¢-mä-rän¹) noun A group of languages found mostly in the Andes highlands from southern Colombia to northern Chile and Argentina, composed of the Quechuan and Aymaran languages.

44. ampersand (àm¹per-sànd´) noun The character or sign (&) representing the word and.

9 45. metatarsus (mèt´e-tär¹ses) noun 1. The middle part of the human foot Minutes that forms the instep and includes the five bones between the toes and the ankle. 2. The corresponding part of the hind foot in quadrupeds or of the foot in birds.

46. noctilucent (nòk´te-l¡¹sent) adjective Luminous at night. Used especially of certain high clouds.

47. habiliments* (he-bîl¹e-ments) noun 1. a. The special dress or garb associated with an occasion or office: b. Clothes. 2. Characteristic furnishings or equipment; trappings.

48. frutescent (fr¡-tès¹ent) adjective Relating to, resembling, or assuming the form of a shrub; shrubby.

49. oscitancy (òs¹î-ten-sê) noun 1. The act of yawning. 2. The state of being drowsy or inattentive; dullness.

10 50. Vedic (vâ¹dîk, vê¹-) adjective Of or relating to the Veda or Vedas, the Minutes variety of Sanskrit in which they are written, or the Hindu culture that produced them.

Pause for students to turn page

51. gnomon* (no¹mòn´, -men) noun 1. An object, such as the style of a sundial, that projects a shadow used as an indicator. 2. The geometric figure that remains after a parallelogram has been removed from a similar but larger parallelogram with which it shares a corner.

52. human-interest (hy¡¹men-în¹trîst, - adjective Treating people and their problems, ter-îst, -trèst´) concerns, or achievements in such a way as to arouse the interest or sympathy of the reader or viewer. 53. committal (ke-mît¹l) noun 1. The act of entrusting. 2. The act or an instance of committing to confinement. 3. The act of pledging oneself to a particular view or position.

54. poliovirus (po¹lê-o-vì´res) noun An enterovirus, separable into three serotypes, that is the causative agent of poliomyelitis.

11 55. exigent (èk¹se-jent) adjective 1. Requiring immediate action or Minutes remedy. 2. Requiring much effort or expense; demanding.

56. dapple-gray (dàp´el-grâ¹) adjective Gray with a mottled pattern of darker gray markings.

57. concordant (ken-kôr¹dnt) adjective Harmonious; agreeing.

58. surfeit* (sûr¹fît) verb To feed or supply to excess, satiety, or disgust; satiate.

59. hustings (hùs¹tîngz) noun 1. a. A place where political campaign speeches are made. b. The activities involved in political campaigning. 2. Chiefly British. A court formerly held in some English cities and still held infrequently in London. 3. Chiefly British. a. A platform on which candidates for Parliament formerly stood to address the electors. b. The proceedings of a parliamentary election.

12 60. pluperfect (pl¡-pûr¹fîkt) adjective 1. Grammar. Of, relating to, or being a Minutes verb tense used to express action completed before a specified or implied past time. 2. More than perfect; supremely accomplished; ideal.

61. Freudian slip* (froi¹dê-en slîp) noun A verbal mistake that is thought to reveal an unconscious belief, thought, or emotion.

62. superable (s¡¹per-e-bel) adjective Possible to overcome; surmountable.

63. batrachian (be-trâ¹kê-en) adjective Of or relating to vertebrate amphibians without tails, such as frogs and toads.

64. deferment (dî-fûr¹ment) noun 1. The act or an instance of delaying or putting off. 2. Officially sanctioned postponement of compulsory military service.

13 65. pavan (pe-vän¹, -vàn¹) noun 1. A slow, stately court dance of the 16th Minutes and 17th centuries. 2. A piece of music for this dance.

66. Worcestershire* (w¢s¹ter-shîr, -sher) noun A piquant sauce of soy, vinegar, and spices.

67. discrepancy (dî-skrèp¹en-sê) noun 1. Divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims; difference. 2. An instance of divergence or disagreement.

68. antenatal (àn´tê-nât¹l) adjective Occurring before birth; prenatal.

69. Quetta (kwèt¹e) noun A city of west-central Pakistan west- southwest of Lahore.

14 70. lagniappe* (làn-yàp¹, làn¹yàp´) noun 1. A small gift presented by a storeowner Minutes to a customer with the customer's purchase. 2. An extra or unexpected gift or benefit.

University Interscholastic League Spelling 2014-15 District II Meet Part III Tiebreaker Outside Word

Time Order Word Pronunciation Part of Speech Definition Elapsed 1. viscid (vîs¹îd) adjective 1. Thick and adhesive. Used of a fluid. 2. Covered with a sticky or clammy coating.

2. bioluminescence (bì´o-l¡´me- noun Emission of visible light by living nès¹ens) organisms such as the firefly and various fish, fungi, and bacteria.

3. escapement (î-skâp¹ment) noun 1. A mechanism consisting in general of an escape wheel and an anchor, used especially in timepieces to control movement of the wheel and to provide periodic energy impulses to a pendulum or balance. 2. A mechanism, as in a typewriter, that controls the lateral movement of the carriage. 3. a. An escape. b. A means or way of escape.

4. acetaminophen (e-sê´te-mîn¹e-fen, noun A crystalline compound, C8H9NO2, às´e-) used in chemical synthesis and in medicine to relieve pain and reduce fever.

1 5. fossiliferous (fòs´e-lîf¹er-es) adjective Containing fossils. Minute

6. condescension* (kòn´dî-sèn¹shen) noun 1. The act of condescending or an instance of it. 2. Patronizingly superior behavior or attitude.

7. defrayal (dî-frâ¹el)) noun Undertaking the payment of (costs or expenses); paying.

8. Angelus (àn¹je-les) noun Roman Catholic Church. 1. A devotional prayer at morning, noon, and night to commemorate the Annunciation. 2. A bell rung as a call to recite this prayer.

9. navicular (ne-vîk¹ye-ler) noun 1. A comma-shaped bone of the human wrist, located in the first row of carpals. 2. A concave bone of the human foot, located between the talus and the metatarsals. Also called scaphoid.

2 10. pancreatitis (pàng´krê-e-tì¹tîs, noun Inflammation of the pancreas. Minutes pàn´-)

11. quantitate (kwòn¹tî-tât´) verb To determine or measure the quantity of.

12. candelabra* (kàn´dl-ä¹bre, noun Large decorative candlesticks having -àb¹re, -â¹bre) several arms or branches.

13. mala fide (mâ¹le fì¹dê, mä¹lä adverb With or in bad faith. fê¹dè) & adjective

14. eversion (î-vûr¹zhen, -shen) noun 1. a. The act of turning inside out. b. The condition of being turned inside out. 2. The condition of being turned outward.

3 15. unanalyzable (ùn-àn´e-lì¹ze-bel) adjective Difficult or impossible to analyze. Minutes

16. paralogism (pe-ràl¹e-jîz´em) noun A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion.

17. Daliesque (dä¹lê-èsk¹) adjective [Being like] Salvador Dali, the Spanish surrealist artist known for his flamboyant personal style and his disquieting interpretation of fantastic images in meticulously rendered .

18. diffidence (dîf¹î-dens, -dèns´) noun The quality or state of being diffident; timidity or shyness.

19. delegitimize (dê´le-jît¹e-mìz´) verb To revoke the legal or legitimate status of.

4 20. Voltaire (vol-târ¹, vòl-, vôl-tèr¹) noun Pen name of François Marie Arouet. Minutes 1694-1778.French philosopher and writer whose works epitomize the Age of Enlightenment, often attacking injustice and intolerance. He wrote Candide (1759).

University Interscholastic League Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 District II Meet Part I Key (Fold on the lines between columns to facilitate scoring.) Capitalization required ______

1. Meistersinger (M) 11. calcimine, kalsomine 16. A 24. E

2. Uruguay (U) 12. tendinitis, tendonitis 17. C 25. A 3. chromophil 13. bivouacked

4. saturniid 18. C 26. D 14. adscititious

5. paradigm 15. escutcheon 19. A 27. A

6. Calypsonian (C)

20. E 28. D 7. arachnophobia

8. hierocracy 21. B 29. D

9. homopterous 22. E 30. B

10 metallographer

23. D

University Interscholastic League Spelling 2014-2015 District II Meet Part II & III Key  Outside Word * Capitalization Required

1. accolade 26. dudgeon 51. gnomon* Part III – Tie Breaker 2. elegist 27. aggrieved 52. human-interest 1. viscid 3. resilient 28. kerseymere 53. committal 2. bioluminescence 4. wanderlust 29. nihilism* 54. poliovirus 3. escapement 5. contraltos 30. kleptocracy 55. exigent 4. acetaminophen

6. macaque* 31. flambéed (accent 56. dapple-gray 5. fossiliferous

7. saponaceous required) 57. concordant 6. condescension* 8. cardiopathy 32. obstruent 58. surfeit* 7. defrayal

9. Ottoman Empire 33. Airedale 59. hustings 8. Angelus, angelus

(O,E) 34. distrait 60. pluperfect 9. navicular 10. myositis 35. expandable 61. Freudian slip (F, s) 10. pancreatitis 11. codicil* 36. paregoric* 62. superable 11. quantitate 12. Celotex 37. legendry 63. batrachian 12. candelabra* 13. thoracic 38. fluorocarbon 64. deferment 13. mala fide (2 words) 14. Augustinian 39. diapason 65. pavan, pavane 14. eversion 15. emend* 40. cachalot 66. Worcestershire* 15. unanalyzable 16. fuscous 41. contradistinction 67. discrepancy 16. paralogism 17. manioc 42. bruit* 68. antenatal 17. Daliesque 18. potlatch 43. Quechumaran 69. Quetta 18. diffidence 19. sansevieria (no cap) 44. ampersand 70. lagniappe* 19. delegitimize 20. faultfinding 45. metatarsus 20. Voltaire 21. van Gogh (v, G) 46. noctilucent 22. pendent, pendant* 47. habiliments* 23. tae kwon do 48. frutescent 24. Methuselah 49. oscitancy 25. profiteer 50. Vedic

Do Not Open Your Test Until You Are Told To Begin

University Interscholastic League

Spelling and Vocabulary

Part I

Regional Meet 2014-2015


The following test items are comprised of list words, forms of list words, and non-list words. Part I has two sections: Part Ia (Proofreading, 15 items) and Part Ib (Vocabulary, 15 items). You will have 15 minutes to complete Part I of the test, items 1 through 30.

Contestant Number______For Contest Director use: Score Part Ia ______

Score Part Ib ______

Score Part II ______Tie Breaker Score ______

The Tie Breaker is not graded unless there is a tie and then only the papers of the tied individuals are graded. All those who are tied are awarded a place before others who have a lower score than those tied are ranked. Total Spelling Score ______

(Please have two persons double check the scores)

Scratch Paper

Contestant Number______University Interscholastic League Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 Regional Meet Part Ia Part Ia Proofreading: 15 Points This is a test to determine your ability to recognize misspelled words. In each of the following sets, one word is incorrect. Errors may be in capitalization, accent marks, hyphens, or spelling. Most of the words are from the general and the vocabulary lists in UIL WORD POWER; however, up to twenty percent may be from other sources. Do not correct words with alternate spellings if the word shown is a correct form of the word. Write the word correctly in the numbered blank at the right. Each blank is worth one point. Graders #3 #2 #1 1. mephitical mordatella venography 1. ______ concinnity drosophilia

2. Aloe vera Doppler effect Fibbonacci sequence 2. ______ Parsons table Llasa apso

3. Hodgkins’ disease Munich Pre-Raphaelite 3. ______ Calvinism Bella Coola

4. lexicographer professoriate balbriggan 4. ______ housemaid’s knee tarmack

5. osteoclassis boisterousness cryptogenic 5. ______ surplice boa constrictor

6. Saiva scorched-earth policy anti-aircraft 6. ______ ill-conceived neuroleptic

7. nine-to-fiver meritricious musquash 7. ______ neuroanatomy treacly

8. Greco-Roman Corregidor Benedictine 8. ______ Fifth Column Clydesdale

9. truculence streudel jicama 9. ______ interdisciplinary allegretto

10. Llano Estacado Vietnamization Encyclopedist 10. ______ Serengheti plain Nubian Desert Continue working to the end of this part of the test - # 30

Graders #3 #2 #1

Errors on this page 

UIL Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 Regional Meet Contestant Number______Part Ia Proofreading: 15 Points

11. contemporaneous unchallengeable tobogganing 11. ______ petite bourgeoisie cinemateque 12. atlatl weiner schnitzel bichon frisé 12. ______ kakapo Djakarta

13. dactylography dysfunctional hypochoristic

13. ______ beriberi pharmacologist 14. incorporeity abrachia geodosy 14. ______ credibility gap necrophagous 15. aluminiferous lactobacillus rapscallion 15. ______ squallid teratogen

Continue working to the end of this part of the test - # 30 Graders #3 #2 #1

Errors this on page 

Errors on previous page  Part Ia: Proofreading 15 Points

- Total Errors in Part Ia: -______

Score for Part Ia: =______

Contestant Number______University Interscholastic League Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 Regional Meet Part Ib Part Ib Vocabulary: 15 Points This is a test to determine how well you know the meanings and origins of the words on the Vocabulary portion of the list in UIL WORD POWER. Test words are taken from the bulleted word list, their roots, definitions, and synonyms or antonyms. There are no misspelled words on this section of the test. Select the best answer from the answer choices given for each of the following test questions. Please use CAPITAL LETTERS to write the letter of your answer in the numbered space at the right of the question. Each blank is worth one point.

16. The bullying victim was in______daily as she sat alone in the cafeteria.

A. Coventry B. ostracize C. residuum D. limpet E. syndactyly 16. ___ 

17. The 17th century lute-like______was on display in the university band hall.

A. theorbo B. coyotillo C. Dardanelles D. yakitori E. piccalilli 17. ____ 

18. The hard-working teacher was viewed by her ____(s) as both a sage and a scholar.

A. noctambulist B. oculist C. confrere D. hackamore E. ogress 18. ____ 

19. The mountain climbers eagerly began to climb the steep______.

A. anaclisis B. Mogadishu C. aiguille D. transom E. Yucatec 19. ____ 

20. We were told to address the patriarch of the Armenian Church as Your______.

A. Camembert B. Orion C. Beatitude D. Rawalpindi E. De Valera 20. ____ 

21. After spending years in a cramped apartment, the family was overjoyed to now be living in a simple, but ______, new home. 21. ____  A. convivial B. pavid C. capacious D. predacious E. diluvial

22. Four stone _____ lions guarded both entries to the bridge.

A. meteoric B. copious C. couchant D. demagogic E. reiterative 22. ____ 

23. The unexpected ______of the baby grand piano from the third story of the apartment building resulted in cries of protest from the crowds on the street below. 23. ____  A. defenestration B. denigration C. interment D. nidification E. ambiversion

Continue working to the end of this part of the test - # 30 Graders #3 #2 #1

Errors on this page  UIL Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 Regional Meet Contestant Number______Part Ib Vocabulary: 15 Points

24. The hurtfully snide, ______remarks made by the comedian prompted many in the audience to leave the auditorium. 24. ____  A. mordacious B. impetuous C. raptorial D. salubrious E. euphemistic

25. At the Oscars gala in Hollywood, many stars appeared in overly______attire, suggesting that they enjoyed flaunting their celebrity. 25. ____  A. hackneyed B. charismatic C. dilatory D. valorous E. orchidaceous

26. In English grammar, a verb functioning as an adjective is called a(n)______, as the word “stewed” in the expression “stewed tomatoes.” 26. ____  A. homograph B. pleonasm C. iamb D. participle E. synopsis

27. After her bath, my dachshund Penny’s ______was soft to the touch.

A. pelage B. virgule C. latissimus dorsi D. foramen ovale E. vox humana 27. ____ 

28. Politicians, in an impassioned plea for voters’ support, often make ______orations.

A. prolific B. scurrilous C. reverential D. perfervid E. vincible 28. ____ 

29. The word ______is derived from the Latin word for “plunder.”

A. predacious B. argillaceous C. serpentine D. seminivorous E. omnifarious 29. ____ 

30. Also known as Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, ______is a childhood disorder characterized by rapid onset of old age. 30. ____ 

A. Bell’s palsy B. parosmia C. progeria D. bulimarexia E. malaise

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University Interscholastic League

Spelling and Vocabulary

Regional Meet 2014-15

Part II and Part III Tie Breaker

Pronouncer’s Copy

University Interscholastic League Spelling 2014-2015 Regional Meet Part II Outside Word Time Order Word Pronunciation Part of Speech Definition Elapsed 1. colubrine* (kòl¹e-brìn´, adjective Of, relating to, or resembling a snake. kòl¹ye-)

2. ineluctable (în´î-lùk¹te-bel) adjective Not to be avoided or escaped; inevitable.

3. behindhand (bî-hìnd¹hànd´) adjective 1. Being in arrears. 2. Being behind time; slow.

4. malefactor (màl¹e-fàk´ter) noun 1. One that has committed a crime; a criminal. 2. An evildoer.

1 5. Adversary (àd¹ver-sèr´ê) noun Theology. The Devil; Satan. Minute

6. piscivorous (pî-sîv¹er-es, pì-) adjective Habitually feeding on fish; fish-eating.

7. wherewithal* (hwâr¹wîth-ôl´, - noun The necessary means, especially wîth-, wâr¹-) financial means

8. apivorous (â-pîv¹er-es) adjective Zoology. Feeding on bees.

9. brochette (bro-shèt¹) noun 1. A small skewer or spit used to broil or roast meat, fish, or vegetables. 2. Food broiled or roasted on a small skewer or spit.

2 10. insessorial (în´sè-sôr¹ê-el, adjective Perching or adapted for perching. Minutes -sor¹-)

11. penitential (pèn´î-tèn¹shel) adjective 1. Of, relating to, or expressing penitence. 2. Of or relating to penance.

12. quinoa* (kî-no¹e, kên¹wä) noun A goosefoot (Chenopodium quinoa) native to the Andes and cultivated for its edible seeds.

13. autobahn (ô¹te-bän´, ou¹to-) noun An expressway in Germany and German-speaking countries.

14. galopade (gàl´e-pâd¹, -päd¹) noun 1. A lively round dance in duple time, popular in the 19th century. 2. The music for this dance. 3 15. jitney (jît¹nê) noun 1. A small motor vehicle, such as a Minutes bus or van, that transports passengers on a route for a small fare. 2. Archaic. A nickel.

16. elegiacal (èl´e-jì¹ek-el, adjective 1. Of, relating to, or involving elegy î-lê¹jê-àk´-el) or mourning or expressing sorrow for that which is irrecoverably past. 2. Of or composed in elegiac couplets.

17. antipathies (àn-tîp¹e-thêz) noun 1. Strong feelings of aversion or repugnance. 2. Objects of aversion.

18. malleable* (màl¹ê-e-bel) adjective 1. Capable of being shaped or formed, as by hammering or pressure. 2. Easily controlled or influenced; tractable. 3. Able to adjust to changing circumstances; adaptable.

19. isthmus (îs¹mes) noun 1. A narrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of land. 2. Anatomy. a. A narrow strip of tissue joining two larger organs or parts of an organ. b. A narrow passage connecting two larger cavities.

4 20. telolecithal (tèl´e-lès¹e-thel, adjective Having a yolk that is concentrated at Minutes tê´le-) one end.

21. echolalia (èk´o-lâ¹lê-e) noun 1. Psychiatry. The immediate and involuntary repetition of words or phrases just spoken by others, often a symptom of autism or some types of schizophrenia. 2. An infant's repetition of the sounds made by others, a normal occurrence in childhood development.

22. strongylosis (stròn´je-lo¹sîs) noun Infestation with strongyles, any of various nematode worms often parasitic in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals, especially horses.

23. guillemot* (gîl¹e-mòt´) noun Any of several auks having black plumage with white markings.

24. dorsolateral (dôr´so-làt¹er-el) adjective Of or involving both the back and the side. 5 25. palapa (pe-lä¹pe) noun 1. An open-sided dwelling with a Minutes thatched roof made of dried palm leaves. 2. A structure, such as a bar or restaurant in a tropical resort, that is open-sided and thatched with palm leaves.

Pause for students to turn page

26. raconteur (ràk´òn-tûr¹) noun One who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit.

27. craniosacral (krâ´nê-o-sàk¹rel, adjective 1. Of or associated with both the -sâ¹krel) cranium and the sacrum. 2. Of or relating to the parasympathetic nervous system.

28. hidrosis* (hì-dro¹sîs) noun 1. The formation and excretion of sweat. 2. Sweat, especially in excessive or abnormal amounts.

29. epiphenomenon (èp´e-fî-nòm¹e-nòn´) noun 1. A secondary phenomenon that results from and accompanies another. 2. Pathology. An additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease.

6 30. wushu (w¡¹sh¡¹) noun The Chinese martial arts. Minutes

31. bureaucratese (by¢r´e-krà-têz¹, - noun A style of language characterized by tês¹) jargon and euphemism that is used especially by bureaucrats.

32. milieu* (mîl-y¢¹, mê-lyœ¹) noun An environment or a setting.

33. Marengo (me-rèng¹go) adjective Browned in oil and sautéed in a sauce of tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, onion, and white wine.

34. broadband (brôd¹bànd´) adjective Of, relating to, or having a wide band of electromagnetic frequencies.

7 35. anti-Semitism (àn´tê-sèm¹î-tîz´em, noun 1. Hostility toward or prejudice Minutes àn´tì-) against Jews or Judaism. 2. Discrimination against Jews.

36. conchiferous (kòng-kîf¹er-es) adjective Having or forming a shell. 37. Bismarck* (bîz¹märk´) noun The capital of North Dakota, in the south-central part of the state on hills overlooking the Missouri River. It was originally a camp for laborers building the Northern Pacific Railroad. Population, 49,256.

38. inter alios (în´ter â¹lê-os´, adverb Among other persons. ä¹lê-os´)

39. anisette (àn´î-sèt¹, -zèt¹) noun A liqueur flavored with anise.

8 40. promulgation (pròm´el-gâ¹shen, noun 1. (The act of) making known (a Minutes pro´mel-) decree, for example) by public declaration; announce officially. See synonyms at announce. 2. (The act of) putting a law into effect by formal public announcement.

41. nom de plume (nòm´ de pl¡m¹) noun A pen name.

42. skijoring (skê¹jôr´îng, -jor´-) noun A sport in which a skier is drawn over ice or snow by a horse or vehicle.

43. bifurcate* (bì¹fer-kât´, bì-fûr¹-) verb To divide into two parts or branches; To separate into two parts or branches; fork.

44. ataractic (àt´e-ràk¹tîk) adjective Relating to or producing calmness and peace of mind.

9 45. bandoneon (bàn-do¹nê-òn´) noun A small accordion especially popular Minutes in Latin America.

46. antipsychotic (àn´tê-sì-kòt¹îk, adjective Counteracting or diminishing the àn´tì-) symptoms of psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, paranoia, and manic-depressive psychosis.

47. suable (s¡¹e-bel) adjective Subject to suit in a court of law.

48. hot-dogging (hòt¹dôg´gîng, noun Slang. Performing daring stunts or -dòg´gîng) acrobatic feats, especially while skiing or surfing.

49. mechanotherapy (mèk´e-no-thèr¹e-pê) noun Medical treatment by mechanical methods, such as massage.

10 50. miscegenation* (mî-sèj´e-nâ¹shen, noun 1. A mixture of different races. Minutes mîs´î-je-) 2. Cohabitation or marriage involving persons of different races. Pause for students to turn page

51. pastille (pà-stêl¹) noun 1. A small medicated or flavored tablet. 2. A tablet containing aromatic substances that is burned to fumigate or deodorize the air. 3. A pastel paste or crayon.

52. coccygeal (kòk-sîj¹ê-el) adjective Of or relating to the coccyx, a small triangular bone at the base of the spinal column in human beings and tailless apes.

53. hauteur* (ho-tûr¹, o-tœr¹) noun Haughtiness in bearing and attitude; arrogance

54. epoch-making (èp¹ek-mâ´kîng, adjective So significant and momentous as to ê¹pòk-) characterize the beginning of a period

11 55. compunction (kem-pùngk¹shen) adjective 1. A strong uneasiness caused by a Minutes sense of guilt. 2. A sting of conscience or a pang of doubt aroused by wrongdoing or the prospect of wrongdoing.

56. ophthalmoscope (òf-thàl¹me-skop´, noun An instrument for examining the òp-) interior structures of the eye, especially the retina, consisting essentially of a mirror that reflects light into the eye and a central hole through which the eye is examined.

57. sui generis* (s¡¹ì´ jèn¹er-îs, adjective Being the only example of its kind; s¡¹ê) unique

58. anarthria (àn-är¹thrê-e) noun Loss of the motor ability that enables speech.

59. luminiferous (l¡´me-nîf¹er-es) adjective Generating, yielding, or transmitting light.

12 60. toponymy (te-pòn¹e-mê) noun 1. a. The place names of a region or Minutes language. b. The study of such place names. 2. Anatomy. Nomenclature with respect to a region of the body rather than to organs or structures.

61. heterochromatic (hèt´e-ro-kro- adjective 1. Of or characterized by different màt¹îk) colors; varicolored. 2. Consisting of different wavelengths or frequencies.

62. epexegesis* (èp-èk´se-jê¹sîs) noun Additional explanation or explanatory material.

63. polyphony (pe-lîf¹e-nê) noun Music with two or more independent melodic parts sounded together.

64. Galápagos (ge-lä¹pe-ges, noun A group of volcanic islands in the Islands -làp¹e- ì¹lendz) Pacific Ocean west of the mainland of Ecuador.

13 65. Jeffersonian (jèf´er-so¹nê-en) adjective Of, relating to, or characteristic of Minutes Thomas Jefferson or his political attitudes and theories.

66. Burkitt’s (bûr¹kîts lîm-fo¹me) noun An undifferentiated malignant lymphoma lymphoma usually occurring among children in central Africa, characterized by a large osteolytic lesion in the mandible or by a mass in the retroperitoneal area and associated with the Epstein-Barr virus.

67. chukka* (chùk¹e) noun A short, ankle-length boot, usually made of suede, having two or three pairs of eyelets.

68. avocados (àv´e-kä¹doz, ä´ve-) noun 1. Tropical American trees (Persea americana) having oval or pear- shaped fruit with leathery skin, yellowish-green flesh, and large seeds. 2. The edible fruits of this tree.

69. bona fide (bo¹ne fìd´, fì¹dê, adjective 1. Made or carried out in good faith; bòn¹e) sincere 2. Authentic; genuine:

14 70. poniard (pòn¹yerd) noun A dagger typically having a slender Minutes square or triangular blade.

University Interscholastic League Spelling 2014-15 Regional Part III Tiebreaker *Outside Word

Time Order Word Pronunciation Part of Speech Definition Elapsed

1. unforeseen (ùn´fer-sên¹, -fôr-) adjective Not or realized beforehand; unexpected.

2. xanthous* (zàn¹thes) adjective 1. Color. Yellow. 2. Having light brown or yellowish skin.

3. concomitance (ken-kòm¹î-tens) noun 1. Occurrence or existence together or in connection with one another.

4. hamadryas (hàm´e-drì¹es) noun A baboon (Papio hamadryas) of northern Africa and Arabia, the adult male of which has a heavy mane.

1 5. afebrile (â-fèb¹rel, â-fê¹brel) adjective Having no fever. Minute

6. calliope* (ke-lì¹e-pê, kàl¹ê-op´) noun An instrument fitted with steam whistles, played from a keyboard.

7. phosphorescence (fòs´fe-rès¹ens) noun 1. Persistent emission of light following exposure to and removal of incident radiation. 2. Emission of light without burning or by very slow burning without appreciable heat, as from the slow oxidation of phosphorous.

8. epidural (èp´î-d¢r¹el, adjective Located on or over the dura mater. -dy¢r¹)

9. holystone (ho¹lê-ston´) noun A piece of soft sandstone used for scouring the wooden decks of a ship.

2 10. autochthon* (ô-tòk¹then) noun 1. One of the earliest known Minutes inhabitants of a place; an aborigine. 2. Ecology. An indigenous plant or animal.

11. accretionary (e-krê¹-she-nèr´ê) adjective 1. a. Showing growth or increase in size by gradual external addition, fusion, or inclusion. b. Showing something added externally to promote such growth or increase. 2. Biology. Showing the growing together or adherence of parts that are normally separate. 3. Geology. a. Showing the slow addition to land by deposition of water-borne sediment. b. An increase of land along the shores of a body of water, as by alluvial deposit. 4. Astronomy. Showing an increase in the mass of a celestial object by the collection of surrounding interstellar gases and objects by gravity.

12. Gallicize (gàl¹î-sìz´) verb To make or become French, as in form, character, or custom.

13. heinously (hâ¹nes-lê) adverb Wickedly or reprehensibly; abominably.

14. Occam’s razor* (òk¹emz râ¹zer) noun A rule in science and philosophy stating that entities should not be multiplied needlessly. This rule is interpreted to mean that the simplest of two or more competing theories is preferable and that an explanation for unknown phenomena should first be attempted in terms of what is already known.

3 15. (gro¹grân´) noun 1. A closely woven or Minutes fabric with narrow horizontal ribs. 2. A ribbon made of this fabric.

16. caloreceptor (kàl´e-rî-sèp¹ter) noun A sensory receptor that detects warmth.

17. gyrostabilizer (jì´ro-stâ¹be-lì´zer) noun An instrument having a heavy gyroscope whose axis spins in a vertical plane to reduce the side- to-side rolling of a ship or aircraft.

18. orthopsychiatry (ôr´tho-sî-kì¹e-trê, noun The psychiatric study, treatment, and -sì-) prevention of emotional and behavioral problems, especially of those that arise during early development. 19. off-Broadway (ôf¹brôd¹wâ´, òf¹-) adjective 1. Of, relating to, or being theatrical activity that is chiefly experimental and inexpensive, carried on outside the New York City entertainment district. 2. Located outside the Broadway entertainment district.

4 20. bouillabaisse* (b¡´ye-bâs¹,b¡l¹ye- noun 1. A highly seasoned fish stew Minutes bâs´) made of several kinds of fish and shellfish. 2. A combination of various different, often incongruous elements.

University Interscholastic League Spelling and Vocabulary 2014-15 Regional Meet Part I Key (Fold on the lines between columns to facilitate scoring.) Capitalization required ______

16. A 24. A 1. mortadella, 11. cinematheque drosophila (D) 25. E 2. Fibonacci sequence 12. Wiener schnitzel 17. A (F,s), Lhasa apso (W,s) (L,a) 26. D 3. Hodgkin’s disease 13. hypocoristic 18. C (H,d)

4. tarmac 14. geodesy 27. A 19. C

5. osteoclasis 15. squalid 28. D 20. C 6. antiaircraft

29. A 7. meretricious 21. C

8. fifth column 30. C 22. C

9. strudel

23. A 10 Serengeti Plain (S,P) University Interscholastic League Spelling 2014-2015 Regional Meet Part II & III Key  Outside Word * Capitalization Required 1. colubrine* 26. raconteur 51. pastille Part III Tiebreaker 2. ineluctable 27. craniosacral 52. coccygeal 1. unforeseen 3. behindhand 28. hidrosis* 53. hauteur* 2. xanthous* 4. malefactor 29. epiphenomenon 54. epoch-making 3. concomitance 5. Adversary 30. wushu, wu shu 55. compunction 4. hamadryas 6. piscivorous 31. bureaucratese 56. opthalmoscope 5. afebrile 7. wherewithal* 32. milieu* 57. sui generis* 6. calliope* 8. apivorous 33. Marengo 58. anarthria 7. phosphorescence 9. brochette 34. broadband 59. luminiferous 8. epidural 10. insessorial 35. anti-Semitism (a, S) 60. toponymy 9. holystone 11. penitential 36. conchiferous 61. heterochromatic 10. autochthon* 12. quinoa* 37. Bismarck* 62. epexegesis* 11. accretionary 13. autobahn 38. inter alios 63. polyphony 12. Gallicize 14. gallopade, galopade 39. anisette 64. Galápagos Islands 13. heinously

15. jitney 40. promulgation (accent required) 14. Occam’s razor*,

16. elegiacal 41. nom de plume 65. Jeffersonian Ockham’s razor*(O,r)

17. antipathies 42. skijoring 66. Burkitt’s lymphoma 15. grosgrain 18. malleable* 43. bifurcate* (B, l) 16. caloreceptor 19. isthmus 44. ataractic 67. chukka* 17. gyrostabilizer 20. telolecithal 45. bandoneon 68. avocados 18. orthopsychiatry 21. echolalia 46. antipsychotic 69. bona fide 19. off-Broadway (o,B) 22. strongylosis 47. suable 70. poniard 20. bouillabaisse* 23. guillemot* 48. hot-dogging 24. dorsolateral 49. mechanotherapy 25. palapa 50. miscegenation*