182 Earth and Plarzetaty Science Lcrters, 88 (1988) 182-192 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.. Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands wir 141 for

stu An accreted continental terrane in northwestern Peru bai the T. Mourier C. Laj ’, F. Mégard 3, P. Roperch 4, P. Mitouard ’ and A. Farfan Medrano An ere, ’ Laboratoire de Géologie H zslorique, Universitè Paris XI, 91405 Orsay (France) litic Centre des Faibles Radioacrivités, Laboratoire Mixte CNRS-CEA, 91190 Gu-sur-Yvette (France) disc Centre Géologique er Géophysique, USTL, place E. Baiaillon, 34000 Monipellier (France) ORSTOM, Laboratoire de Gèophysique Interne, Universitè de Rennes, 35042 Rennes (France) 1% Instiiuro Geofisico del PerÙ, Lima (PerÙ) sug this Received September 24,1987; revised version accepted January 4,1988 gon the A paleomagnetic study of over 250 cores from 26 sites sampled in Early to Late Cretaceous and Paleogene volcanic, stuc plutonic and sedimentary formations of the Lancones basin in the Piura province of northem Peru, indicates that most ~ ECU of these lithologies carry a stable primary remanent magnetization whose direction is significantly different from that istei of coeval formations of stable . A clockwise rotation ranging from 90 O for the lowermost units to 35 o for the uppermost ones has been documented, although the lack of precise chronology has not allowed a detailed arei temporal description. Four sites from Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) formations in the Amotape-Tahuin Range €FOI also show a 110 clockwise rotation and yield evidence for a northward displacement. When considered together with resu previous geological studies, these data are consistent with the hypothesis of the accretion of an Amotape-Tahuin pot1 continental terrane to the Peruvian margin in Neocomian times. The accretion was followed by in situ rotation, suggesting a dextral shear regime. These results indicate that the geodynamical evolution of northem Peru is more tine closely related to the processes observed in Ecuador than to those classically assumed for the Central of Peru. Neo cal relai 1. Introduction south. The paleomagnetic data from this segment thar: have been interpreted in terms of oroclinal bend- And During the last decade a large number of ing [13], but it has been recently pointed out that paleomagnetic studies has shown that the western block rotation in a distributed sinistral shear could 2. G active margin of North America is a mosaic of account for the results as well [14]. allochthonous accreted terranes of widely differing The Central Andes, in which no ophiolitic su- T sizes, some of which have undergone large latitu- ture has yet been recognized, have generally been and dinal transport. The accretion and subsequent considered as a genuine marginal orogen formed Peru coastwise translation and rotation of these ter- exclusively by subduction since the Early Jurassic Nort ranes are a major characteristic of the North [15-171. Nevertheless, a number of potential sus- the American orogenic belt [l-61. pect terranes have been identified by different the i In contrast, the role and extent of microblock authors. The paleomagnetic results from this zone part collisions in the building and shaping of the indicate counterclockwise rotations in Peru and em Andean Cordillera is still a wide open problem, northernmost Chile and clockwise rotations farther Hua and one which may have different answers in the south in Chile, and have generally been interpret- In three different major segments of the Cordillera ed in terms of an oroclinal bending (the Arica the F documented by the geological observations (Fig. deflection) [18-211. hilore recently Beck [14] has Amo 1). North of 3 OS latitude, the Andes of proposed an alternative explanation in terms of mass1 and Ecuador appear to be a cordilleran orogen in-situ block rotations in response to shear Amoi related to the accretion of oceanic crust, as evi- (sinistral to the north and dextral to the south of metal denced by ophiolitic sutures included in the belt the Arica bend). Paleo and by recent paleomagnetic and structural stud- Clearly, although the existing paleomagnetic forml ies [7-121. Ophiolites are also present in the Mag- results already allow some tectonic speculations, marir ellan Andes of Chile and Argentina in the extreme many more are needed before a pattern can emerge other

0012-821X/88/$03.50 0 1988 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. ORSTOM Fonds Documentaire I. F


with unambiguous tectonic implications, such as for the North American Cordillera. In this article we report on a paleomagnetic study from formations located in the Huanca- bamba Andes of Northern Peru, which represent the connection between the Northern and Central Andes. This segment has generally been consid- ered as part of the Central Andes, since no ophio- litic suture has been recognized in it. However, discrepancies in the stratigraphic and paleobio- logic records briefly described in the next section suggest that the major coastal Paleozoic massif in this zone (the Amotape-Tahuin Range) has under- gone a geological evolution different from that of the stable craton to the east [22]. Other very recent studies of the geology and of the gravity field in Ecuador and northem Peru also suggest the ex- istence of several allochthonous terranes in this area [10,23]. Both these previous geological and geophysical observations and the paleomagnetic results reported here are consistent with the hy- pothesis of the accretion of an allochthonous con- I tinental terrane to the Peruvian margin in ! Neocomian times, suggesting that the geodynami- cal evolution of northern Peru is more closely related to the processes observed in Ecuador [7] than to those classically assumed for the Central Fig. 1. The Huancabamba Andes and their position within the Andean orogen (modified from Mégard [ll]).I = accreted Andes in Peru. oceanic terranes (Northern Andes); 2 =coastal area of the Huancabamba Andes; 3 = integral Peruvian Andes (Central 2. Geological setting and paleomagnetic sampling Andes); 4 = volcanic and plutonic Cenozoic belt; 5 = sutures; 6 = presumed suture; 7 = main intracontinental overthrusts; 8 = actual trench. The Huancabamba Andes extend between 3 OS and 8"s over southern Ecuador and northern Peru, and represent the connection between the Northern and the Central Andes (Fig. 1). One of metamorphic event is observed in the Paleozoic the major features of this segment is the change of massifs situated farther east, e.g. the Olmos massif the Andean trend, from N20 O W in the northern of northem Peru, the Cordillera Real of Ecuador part of the Central Andes to N20 O E in the North- or the Maranon geanticline. Rather, the Paleozoic ern Andes (Fig. 2). This bend is known as the evolution of central and eastern Peru is char- Huancabamba deflection. acterised by Late Devonian/early Carboniferous In the coastal area of the Huancabamba Andes, Eohercynian folding not observed in the the pre-Mesozoic basement outcrops in the large Amotape-Tahuin massif [22]. Amotape-Tahuin Range, in the Paita and Illescas The Mesozoic record of the coastal area shows massifs and in the Lobos de Tierra island. In the a complete hiatus of post-Permian and pre-Albian Amotape-Tahuin Range it consists of polyphase deposits. Albian carbonates unconformably over- metamorphic rocks of Precambrian and early lie the Amotape-Tahuin pre-Mesozoic basement Paleozoic age, unconformably overlain by con- and are in turn overlain by flysch series of late formable to disconformable Devonian to Permian Cretaceous age. Both these and the Albian marine and continental sedimentary series. On the carbonates grade eastward into mixed volcanic other hand, no pre-Devonian deformational and and partly volcanoc1,astic sedimentary rocks which 184 fill the Lancones synclinorium. A different evolu- C tion is observed in the Olmos massif, where the tectc basement is unconformably overlain by a nece conformable to disconformable platform se- na1 1 quence, similar to that observed in the remainder tion of northern Peru, consisting of cdrbonates of Tri- form assic to Liassic age, volcanic and/or clastic rocks yield of middle to late Jurassic age, deltaic siliciclastic relia1 rocks of Neocomian age and carbonates of Albian pillo to Santonian age [22]. mass Paleogeographic reconstructions [22] of the tilts Huancabamba Andes show that two different samg volcanic arcs were successively active during the of b Mesozoic. A middle to late Jurassic and earliest sume Cretaceous volcanic arc trended NNE. It was been situated east of the Olmos massif and can be Tl traced from the coastal area of southern and ling I central Peru to the Subandean hills of ,Ecuador. a sin This arc was suddenly replaced in the early Creta- used ceous by a younger arc situated about 150 km to cores the west of the Olmos massif, much closer to the dent1 present trench. Paleontological and radiometric magr data [7,24] indicate that the arc jump occurred A between the Valanginian and the Aptian about in th 130 Ma [22]. Fig. 2. Main geologic features of the Huancabamba Andes. inch The Cretaceous volcanics are mainly located in I = Tertiary basins; 2 = Jurassic volcanic arc; 3 = Cretaceous assoc the Lancones synclinorium, between the Amo- volcanic arc; 4 = Pre-Albian basic complex; 5 = Meso- brecc tape-Tahuin Range and the Olnios massif (Figs. 2 Cenozoic undifferenciated series; 6 = Paleozoic units of the com€ Amotape-Tahuin coastal range; 7 = Precambrian/Paleozoic and 3). They consist of a basal pre-Albian undated basement (OM:Olmos massif; MG: Maranon geanticline);' sedin basic complex represented by pillow-lava flows 8 = Peru Trench; 9 = hypothetical suture; IO = main thrusts; of th intercalated with hyaloclastic breccias and scarce II = axes of major folds. Hu = Huancabamba. suyo volcanoclastic strata, intruded by dykes and sills agglo of basaltic to andesitic composition. This basal Lanc complex is unconformably overlain by the Albian Seno: to Senonian volcanic arc and volcanoclastic series villag of the Lancones synclinorium [25]. These in turn tainel are intruded by granodioritic plutons not precisely siltstc dated but certainly of post-Senonian and pre- Oligocene age [25]. 3. RE One of the initial aims of the paleomagnetic study was to sample the three Paleozoic massifs to 3.1 obtain a direct comparison of their stable In paleomagnetic directions. No suitable site, how- isoth ever, could be located in either the Olmos massif acqui or the Maranon geanticline, so that the sampling Fig. 3. Map showing the location of the paleomagnetic sites. AF has been conducted only in the Amotape-Tahuin I = Paleozoic series of the Amotape Range; 2 = Paleozoic series (SIRI massif and in the different units of the Lancones of the Olmos massif (Occidental cordillera); 3 = Pre-Albian site. 1 synclinonum. The location of the sites sampled basic complex; 4 = Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary series perfo of the Lancones synclinorium; 5 = post-Cretaceous intrusives; for the paleomagnetic study is shown schemati- 6 = Cenozoic marine sediments of the Talara basin; 7 = major drillec cally in Fig. 3. folds; 8 = sites of sampling. that t t f 9 _*. - i


Careful attention was paid in the field to the tectonic setting of the sampled sites since it is necessary to restore the formations to their origi- nal horizontal position for the correct interpreta- tion of the paleomagnetic results. Some volcanic formations contained interbedded sediments that yielded precise bedding corrections. In others, less reliable criteria were used, such as the attitude of pillow-lava paleoslopes or columnar jointing in massive flows and sills. For all these sites typical tilts were of the order of 15-20". Only the sites 0.00 I I I I sampled in the granodioritic plutons were devoid O ' 260 ' 400 600 'C of bedding ,plane indications, and we have as- Fig. 4. Thermomagnetic behaviour of pillow-lavas from the sumed that these post-tectonic intrusions have not Lancones substratum indicating that the magnetization is car- been significantly tilted. ried by magnetite. Arrows indicate heating and cooling curves. The cores were obtained with a portable dril- ling equipment. The corer is a 25-mm barrel with a sintered diamond cutting edge and water was that the median AF destructive field of the SIRM used as a coolant. At each site a minimum of ten is always lower than 3 mT. The Curie balance cores were drilled and each core was indepen- experiments (Fig. 4) indicate the presence of a dently oriented with a special device using both a single magnetic phase with a Curie temperature of magnetic and a sun compass. 580". Thus all the results are consistent with a A total of 300 cores were obtained from 26 sites magnetic mineralogy dominated by magnetite. in the different units of the synclinorium. These Measurements of remanent magnetization were ides. include: 15 sites from the pillow lava basalts and made using either a spinner magnetometer or a eous associated basic to andesitic flows, fine grained LET1 3-axis cryogenic magnetometer, depending [esc- breccias, sills and dykes of the basic pre-Albian on the intensity of the samples. The highest mag- the complex in the Suyo area; 5 sites from Albian netization intensities are those of the pillow basalts )zoic he) ; sediments, sills, and associated flows at the base of the lowermost units, which range from 0.5 to 15 usts: of the volcanic and volcanoclastic series, north of A,", somewhat lower than those usually associ- I Suyo; 4 sites from Albian to Senonian andesitic ated with submarine basalts dredged on oceanic agglomerates, sills and dykes interbedded in the sea floor. Much lower NRM, of the order of Lancones series; 2 sites situated in the post- 2 X A/m are observed in the sedimentary Senonian to Upper Eocene granodiorites near the paleozoic units from the Amotape-Tahuin Range. village of Las Lomas. Four sites also were ob- In this case we have used the double precision tained in the tilted but undeformed Carboniferous measuring procedure of Vandenberg [26], which siltstones of the Amotape range. involves four independent measurements of each sample in connection with the cryogenic magne- 3. Results tometer. Both thermal and AF stepwise demagnetiza- 3.1. General magnetic properties tions were used. Although both methods isolated In order to identify the magnetic carriers the the same stable component of magnetization for isothermal remanent magnetisation (IRM) samples of the same core, the AF method some- acquisition in fields up to 1.6 T and subsequent times failed to decrease RM intensity to values ites. AF demagnetization of the saturation IRM lower than 1045% of the NRM. The thermal :ries (SIRM) were studied for at least one sample per method, on the contrary, always yielded very con- bian site. In addition, Curie balance experiments were sistent results and was used routinely. :ries performed on samples from the different sites All samples were stepwise demagnetized with ves; ajor drilled in the pillow lava units. The results show 12-15 steps between room temperature and the that the IRM saturates in fields of 0.15-0.2 T and limit of reproducible results, which ranges be- 186


AND 86 87 Pale' AND 86 84 Mo= 970 Site Ma= 1275 '1" - Subs ANI ANI ANI ANI ANI "T'W ANI ANI AND86 92 ANI r--N4 r--N4 AND 86 96 N4 M.=121 AND 86 73 AND 86 96 ANI M,=5.5 ANI ANI ANI


Fig. 5. Typical thermal= demagnetization diagrams from the sampled formations. The 300 'C step is indicated on each diagram. Voh ANI tween 450" and 580". At each step the low field thogonal diagrams, some of which are shown in ANI magnetic susceptibility was measured for volcanic Fig. 5. As an exception three sites sampled in the ANI and sedimentary samples. The maximum changes dykes and sills of the Suyo area are characterized ANI observed over the entire temperature interval were by an unreasonably high within-site scatter, al- ANI ANI of the order of a factor of two. This indicates that though single samples present perfectly linear de- ANI the magnetic carriers have not changed drastically magnetization diagrams. This was also observed in ANI during the thermal treatment. a site sampled in volcanic breccia, in spite of the ANI fact that these formations have clearly been de- 3.2. Paleomagnetic results posited at high temperature, and in one of the two In general the rocks yielded reliable paleomag- sites sampled in the granitic intrusion. We have netic results. Stable and consistent primary chosen to reject these highly scattered sites (Kc Intn paleomagnetic directions were isolated after heat- 10). On this basis 5 sites were rejected. ANI ing at 200-250 " C, sometimes less, and were pre- The results obtained from the sites of Creta- Com cisely determined for most of sites using or- ceous or post-Cretaceous age from the Lancones Subs Volc

TABLE 1 Paleomagnetic results from the Pennsylvanian formations of the Amotape-Tahuin Range

Site n Before bedding correction After bedding correction k a95 ('1 sync age ('1 (O) ('1 I(") D I D belc AND8676A 14 277.0 80.0 237.0 58.7 32 6.6 AND8676B 9 284.0 70.0 273.5 41.0 18 10.8 AND8612B 10 332.0 72.0 249.5 66.6 21 9.7 Palt AND8619 8 273.0 63.6 259.0 32.2 50 7.0 Ran sylv Mean value (after bedding correction): REE N = 4/4; D = 257 O, I = 50.3'; K =19.2 cr95 = 15.9 o wea Concordance/discordance sfatistics (from [4 and 281) stuc Substratum: R*AR=108+2l0 F+AF=26+19O groi 257

--r*-nrrl.. ~ I 187

TABLE 2 Paleomagnetic results from the substratum and the volcanic formations of the Lancones Basin

Site n Before bedding correction After bedding correction k a95 (O)

D (O) ("1 D (O) (O) Substratum AND8678 10 97.4 0.8 98.8 -11.3 28 8.4

I AND8679 10 98.4 1.7 99.7 - 11.5 13 13.7 AND8680 7 89.7 5.2 90.2 - 9.0 12 15.3 AND8681 9 93.6 - 23.0 89.7 - 44.3 25 10.4 AND8682 9 100.0 - 36.2 100.0 - 36.2 37 7.5 AND8683 10 79.3 - 12.0 78.0 - 23.0 43 6.8 *- AND8684 13 85.5 - 4.7 86.5 - 3.L 51 5 .o AND8685 10 78.0 0.8 79.0 5.2 115 4.0 AND8686 10 91.3 -0.2 91.3 -0.2 20 9.8 AND8687 9 91.3 - 2.6 91.3 - 2.6 48 6.7 AND8688 5 81.6 5.8 81.6 5.8 216 5.2 AND8689 5 99.2 - 17.5 99.2 - 17.5 76 8.8 Mean value (after bedding correction):

Tam. N=12/12; D=90.3", Z= -12.3'; K~21.8;agj=8.60 I Volcanicformations AND8690 13 49.7 - 18.9 51.0 - 10.2 268 2.4 own in AND8691 7 49.5 - 26.5 24.8 - 35.5 43 8.0 1 in the AND8692 11 52.0 -11.0 52.0 - 11.0 19 9 .O :terized ,I AND8693 9 50.4 - 29.3 62.9 - 24.1 28 8.0 ter, al- AND8694A 7 70.7 7.2 69.5 9.9 10.1 16.5 ear de- AND8694B 7 62.2 - 24.4 69.2 - 19.5 27 10.2 AND8695 11 56.0 - 22.5 61.0 - 10.1 143 3.0 Ned in AND8696 7 71.6 -16.9 67.9 21.0 108 5.1 1 - of the AND8697 10 66.0 - 25.0 66.0 -25.0 98 4.5 :en de- Mean value (after bedding correction): .he two e have N=8/9; D=58.9", Z=-16.7"; Kz36.3, a9,=8.2" I 5 (K< Intrusive formation AND8673 12 37.7 - 19.1 37.7 - 19.1 526 1.0 Creta- Concordance/discor$ance statistics (from[4,28]): ncones Substratum: R k AR = 93.4k7.3" F k AF = -7.Ok9.6 O Volcanic formations: R f AR = 62.0+7.2O F f AF= -11.4k9.6O

synclinorium and those from the sites of Paleozoic ding correction). Because the sites have similar age in the Amotape range are described separately bedding plane attitudes it was unfortunately not below: possible to perform a fold test. However, the very high value of the inclination observed before bed- Paleomagnetic results from the Amotape-Tahuin ding correction (- 75 ") can hardly be related to Range. The results obtained from the Penn- an overprint of the remanent magnetization since sylvanian formations in the Amotape-Tahuin the deposition of the sediments. For this reason Range are reported in Table 1. Despite the very we interpret the result as a primary, rotated re- i.9 O weak magnetization of al1 the samples, the four verse paleomagnetic direction. studied sites are characterized by reasonably grouped paleomagnetic directions (N= 4/4, D = Paleomagnetic results from the Lancones syn- 257", I= 50.3", k = 19.2, ag5= 15.9", after bed- clinorium. The results obtained from 21 reliable 188

N = 37.7", I = -19.1") was obtained from one fo Y (D of the two sites sampled in the granitic intrusion. wl ba 4. Discussion ce 3c + For the interpretation of the paleomagnetic data, the paleomagnetic directions recovered from PC the sampled lithologies must be compared with tic those from coeval formations of stable South America (SOAM). Unfortunately, the apparent Pa A B C ro polar wandering (APW) path for SOAM is still Fig. 6. Stereographic projection of the mean directions of somewhat ill defined, both for the upper BC paleomagnetic vectors for the Lancones synclinorium forma- tic tions. Open circles correspond to upper-hemisphere projec- Carboniferous and the Cretaceous, so that some W; tions. Full circles correspond to lower-hemisphere projections. uncertainties might exist for a very precise geody- ne Big circles correspond to the 95% confidence area about the namical interpretation of our results. mean. A. Basic substratum of the Lancones synclinorium. B. re Post-Cretaceous granodioritic pluton of the Lomas area. 4.1. Upper Carboniferous results qL To interpret the Late Carboniferous results we fo have used the APW curve for South America E sites in the Lancones synclinorium are reported in given by Irving and Irving [27]. The sampled Table 2, and also represented on the stereograms sediments have been assigned biostratigraphically CI of Fig. 6. It can be seen from the table that the [28] to the Pennsylvanian period, about 315-290 ar- mean paleomagnetic direction obtained, after bed- Ma. We have used the 300 Ma reference pole ba ding correction, from the sites sampled in the obtained after smoothing with a 30 Ma window as fe: pre-Albian basement (N = 12/12, D = 90.3", I = our Pennsylvanian reference pole. fe - 12.3", K = 21.8, ag5= 8.6 ") is significantly dif- In Table 1 the results are analyzed in terms of PC ferent from that obtained for Albian to Senonian concordance/ discordance, where the rotation R in1 volcanics above the unconformity (N= 8/9, I> = and the flattening F parameters were calculated EI 58.9", I= -16.7", K= 36.3, ag5=8.20 after by the equations given by Beck [4] and modified PC bedding correction). by Demarest [29]. ml Unfortunately, because some of the sites are The observed direction differs from the ex- tic virtually horizontal and all the others never tilted pected one by a very significant (108 * 21) " clock- Pr more than 15-20", no fold test could be per- wise rotation and by a significant (25.8 5 19) O PC formed, for either the pre-Albian basement or the flattening, implying a northward transport of some tr: Albian to Senonian volcanics. As an exception, at 17" in latitude of the Amotape Tahuin Range site AND86 91, which is a sill, a bedding plane with respect to stable South America. be tilting 30" was measured on sedimentary beds all It must be stressed that the evidence for the da around. Using this value, and thus assuming that northward drift does not result from the particular fls the sill was emplaced before the tilt, the choice of the 300 Ma pole; 290 or even 280 poles Al paleomagnetic direction from this site significantly give the same result. However, about half of the fls deviates from the other results while a good con- relatively large errors on R and F anse from the en sistency is observed if no bedding correction is accuracy of the pole and half from the observed na applied (Table 2). This suggests that tilting has (yg5. Thus, refinements of the South American th occurred before the emplacement of the sill, which APW path, and not only additional sampling of th seems unreasonable from a geologic point of view, the region, would certainly contribute to a more ot because no large post-tectonic hypovolcanic epi- accurate description of the geodynamical evolu- SY sodes have been documented to date. The result tion of the Amotape-Tahuin block wi from this site is thus not fully understood at cl ( present and has been rejected from the final statis- 4.2. Cretaceous results sit tics. A peculiar characteristic of the Cretaceous poles tis Finally a trustworthy paleomagnetic direction from SOAM is that they are not distributed uni- us c

_- +--- -

189 me formly but rather along a highly elongate pattern, Irving and Irving [27], whch would be our best on. which, if real, would imply that the pole swung choice for the pre-Albian substratum and the back and forth several times during the Creta- volcanic formations respectively. Therefore our in- ceous. The total spread of the “streak” covers over terpretation is not seriously biased by a particular 30 O, making the choice of a particular Cretaceous choice of the reference curve. :tic pole quite difficult. Finally, the 35 O clockwise rotation of the post- om Part of this streak has, however, been ques- Cretaceous intrusion (with no northward displace- 4th tioned by Ernesto [30] on the basis of uth ment) needs confirmation from other coeval sites, paleomagnetic results from the Mesozoic volcanic ent before any conclusion can be derived from it. ,till rocks from the Serra Geral Formation in Brasil. The paleomagnetic results from the Paleozoic Beck [14] also recently analyzed possible explana- and Cretaceous units of northwestern Peru indi- Per me tions for the streak (genuine apparent polar cate a geodynamical history different from that of -.,,.-w alldcr, ktïa-ciatü~ddefür;;;ation üi a geozag- stab!e South P,zer;,ca. !?he:: considered tegether dY - netic explanation) and concluded that they do not with the previous geological observations, they are readily account for the elongated pattern. Conse- consistent with the hypothesis of the accretion of quently, he has assumed a single Cretaceous pole an Amotape-Tahuin allochthonous continental we for SOAM, not significantly different from the terrane to the active Peruvian margin in the Early ica Early Cretaceous pole of Emesto. Cretaceous, after a moderate northward displace- led The assumption of a unique pole for the entire ment of this block with respect to the stable Cretaceous might appear to be a rather crude craton. As a direct consequence of this collision, 290 approximation, especially when, as in the Lancones we assume that the late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous ole basin, results from Cretaceous formations of dif- subduction zone died out and was replaced by a r as ferent ages have to be compared. Indeed, a dif- late Cretaceous subduction zone situated - 150 ference between the Early and Late Cretaceous km more to the west, to which the Albian to late of pole positions, essentially affecting the expected Cretaceous Lancones arc is associated (Fig. 7). R inclinations in northem Peru, is documented by The results of a recent gravity survey [23] in ted Emesto’s results [30]. However, we have used the this area also support this hypothesis. A strong ied pole given by Beck [14], because no precise radio- (100 mgal) positive Bouger anomaly over the en- metric dates are available for the studied forma- tire Amotape range and the Lancones syn- ex- tions, only their relative stratigraphic position is clinorium has been interpreted as evidence for Ck- precisely known. Thus a choice of a particular pole for each formation would be somewhat arbi- 3) O #me trary. %e As for the Paleozoic, the Cretaceous data have been analyzed in Table 2 in terms of concor- the dance/discordance using the rotation R and llar flattening F parameters [4,29]. For both the pre- )les Albian basement and the volcanic units the the flattening parameters are not significantly differ- the ent from zero, showing that no significant latitudi- UPPER JURASSIC ALBIAN TO UPPER CRETACEOUS fed nal movement of these units has occurred since :an their formation. The rotation parameters are on the contrary different from zero and from each Fig. 7. Hypothetical model for the geodynamic evolution of the of north Peruvian margin during Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous ore other: the pre-Albian basement of the Lancones times. I = oceanic type crust; 2 = Amotape-Tahuin continen- ,lu- synclinorium has undergone a large, 94”, clock- tal block; 3 = actual outcrops of Paleozoic rocks (OM:Olmos wise rotation significantly different from the 63’ massif; MG: Maranon geanticline); I = continental South- clockwise rotation of the volcanic formations America; 5 = Volcanic arc; 6 = Trench, 7 = faults and suture; situated above the unconfomity. Again, essen- 8 = actual coastline; 9 = hypothetical convergence direction; 10 = values of clockwise rotations. a, b, C: Successive hypo- )les tially identical results would have been obtained thetical positions of the Amotape-Tahuin continental block mni- using the 110-120 Ma and 90 Ma poles given by before accretion. 190 dense oceanic basement underlying the entire area. 5. Conclusions fo: In our interpretation the lowermost basic units of tel the Lancones synclinorium are considered to be The absence of notable Mesozoic northward tu< part of an island arc caught in the suture zone displacement is a common feature of the ro between the Amoptape-Tahuin block and con- paleomagnetic data available for the Central and tinental SOAM. Southern Andes which all document significant yic The difference in the rotation parameters be- rotations without any compelling evidence for large @ tween the basic complex and the overlying volcanic latitudinal displacement or accretion processes CI units indicates that about 25-30' of the total during the Mesozoic and the Tertiary. Oroclinal ac rotation of the Lancones area are related to pre- bending has thus been inferred to explain the th or syn-accretion processes (Fig. 7), as has also observed deviated paleomagnetic directions is been documented in other studies elsewhere [19,20,21]. Recently, however, Beck [4] has ques- th [4,51,32]. As no northward drift has been docu- tioned the oroclinal interpretation, pointing out su mented for the Cretaceous units, the 60 O rotation that shear regimes due to oblique convergence th of these units has occured in situ. Coherent block could act as major factors in the Andean building in rotations about a vertical axis have been docu- processes. For instance, dextral and sinistral shear PC mented by paleomagnetic studies in many areas of respectively south and north of the Arica bend fu tectonic activity [2,5,32-361 and appear to be a (Fig. 1) could arise as a result of the angular ie: widespread characteristic of lithospheric deforma- relation between the convergence and the trend of SP tion in response to shear. the margin. If this hypothesis is confirmed by AI The results obtained here thus suggest that future work, the lithospheric processes in the some distributed dextral shear must also exist in Central Andes would appear to a certain extent Ac this zone between the Nazca plate, the Amotape- similar to those observed in North America 14,321. Tahuin block and stable South America. The Nevertheless, the absence of large latitudinal dis- av minimum amount of shear necessary to account placements and accretion processes is a striking mc for the clockwise rotation of the Amotape Tahuin difference between the Central Andes and the mi Range can be roughly estimated from the amount North American Cordilleras. CU of the rotation itself using a block model of dis- On the other hand, the general pattern of the W( tributed deformation by faulting [33]. Assuming Northern Andes is comparable to the one ob- FI for the shear zone a width of 150 km, i.e. the served in western North America, with accretion all amplitude of the Jurassic to Cretaceous arc jump, and coastwise transport of allochthonous terranes Di a 60" rotation implies a minimum northward and/or of forearc slivers. This is evidenced by Pr' displacement along the Amotape block since the paleomagnetic results on the Bonaire block of PO Cretaceous of the order of 250 km. Such a dis- Venezuela and northern Colombia [14,37-401, by 01 placement is undetectable with paleomagnetic structural studies in the Central Cordillera of Col- TI methods and thus not inconsistent with the ob; ombia [8.9], and by geological, gravimetric and served results. However. one would expect such a paleomagnetic data on the Western Cordillera and Re shear to be associated with strike-slip faulting, bût the coastal part of Ecuador [7-121. 1 none has yet been documented in the field. So far, The different tectonic regimes observed along the geological evidences of Cretaceous and post- the Andean margin are certainly a consequence of 2 Cretaceous active faulting along the Amotape the changes in the direction of convergence be- range have been considered as purely extensional tween the South American and Nazca plates [14]. features. Further structural studies are thus needed According to recent plate tectonic models [41,42] 3 in this area and special attention should be paid to the convergence has been much more oblique in the faulted edges of the Amotape-Tahuin Paleo: the Northern Andes than in the Central ones, 4 zoic range where strongly dipping fold axes could during the Late Cretaceous and the Paleocene. be related to strike-slip faulting. The significance This is due to the different trends of the margin in of the long NE-SW trending parallel lineaments these two segments of the Cordillera. In the 5 crossing southern Ecuador and northwestern Peru Northern Andes the strongly oblique subduction [37] should also be checked in the field. has provided the dextral shear regime responsible 6 191

for terrane transport and accretion. Parts of these America: implications for displacements of crustal blocks terranes have certainly been truncated along longi- within the Western Cordillera, Baja California to British .rd Columbia. in: Geophysical Framework of the Continental tudinal wrench faults with consequent clockwise United States, L.C. Pakiser and W.D. Mooney, eds., Geo- he rotations. logical Society of America, in press. nd The paleomagnetic results from northern Peru 7 T. Feininger and C.R. Bristow, Cretaceous and Paleogene int yield new evidence for a possible pre-AIbian geologic history of coastal Ecuador, Geol. Rundsch. 69, 'ge (Mesozoic) northward transport, for an Early 849, 1980. ;es 8 W.J. McCourt, J.A. Aspden and M. Brook, New geological Cretaceous terrane accretion and for in situ post- and geochronological data from the Colombian Andes. ia1 accretion clockwise rotations (Fig. 7), suggesting Continental growth by multiple accretion, J. Geol. Soc. he that the geodynamical evolution of Northern Peru London 141, 831, 1984. ns is more closely related to the processes observed in 9 J.A. Aspden and W.J. McCourt, Mesozoic oceanic terrane 3S- the Northern Andes than to those classically as- in the Central Andes of Colombia, Geology 14, 415. 1986. 10 T. Feininger, Allochthonous terranes in the Andes of )Ut sumed for the Peruvian Andes. As discussed above, Ecuador and Northwestern Peru, Can. J. Earth Sci., 24, ice they also infer the existence of strike-slip faulting 266, 1987. ng in the Huancabamba Andes which is presently 11 F. Mégard, Cordilleran Andes and marginal Andes: a :ar poorly documented. Finally, they show that care- review of andean geology north of the Arica elbow (18OS), nd ful additional structural and paleomagnetic stud- in: Circum Pacific Orogenic Belts and Evolution of the lar Pacific Ocean Basin, J.W.H. Monger and J. Francheteau, ies are still needed to investigate the precise litho- eds., Am. Geophys. Union, Geodyn. Ser. 18, 71, 1987. of spheric processes ocumng along the Northern 12 P. Roperch, F. Mégard, C. Laj, T. Mourier, T. Clube and by Afides. C. Noblet, Rotated oceanic blocks in Western Ecuador, he Geophys. Res. Lett. 14, 558, 1987. nt Acknowledgements 13 I.W.D. Dalziel, R. Kligfield, W. Lowrie and N.D. Opdyke, 21. Paleomagnetic data from the southernmost Andes and the We wish to thank Myrl E. Beck for making Antarctandes, in: Implications of Continental Drift to the is- available unpublished results, which have been Earth Sciences, Vol. 1, D.H. Tarling and S.K. Runcorn, ng most useful to us, and for a critical review of the eds.. p. 37, Academic Press, London, 1973. he manuscript. Catherine Kissel helped us with dis- 14 M.E. Beck, Jr., Analysis of Late Jurassic-Recent cussions and measurements at all stages of this paleomagnetic data from active plate margins of South he America, J. S. Am. Earth Sci., in press. work. Yves Saint-Geours, Director of the Institut 15 D.E. James. Plate tectonic model for the evolution of the jb- Français d'Etudes Andines (IFEA), in Lima solved Centra! Andes, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 82, 3325, 1971. on all kinds of major and minor problems for us. The 16 E. Audebaud, R. Capdevila, B. Dalmayrac, J. Debelmas, G. les Dllrector of the Instituto Geofisico del PerÙ kindly Laubacher, C. Lefevre, R. Marocco, C. Martinez, M. Mat- tauer, F. Mégard, J. Paredes and T. Tomas, Les traits by provided the necessary permits. The financial sup- géologiques essentiels des andes centrales (Pérou-Bolivie), of port has been given by the CEA, the CNRS, the Rev. Geogr. Phys. Geo!. Dyn. 15, 73, 1973. by ORSTOM and the INSU ASP Blocs et Collisions. 17 F. Mégard, Etude géologique des Andes du Pérou Central, Ol- This is Contribution 903 from the CFR. Mem. ORSTOM 86, Paris, 1978. nd 18 H.C. Palmer, A. Hayatsu and W.S. 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