V::i (-■'': «■ ■ - !0 5 r»T?r.^ ^4jWXvv*" ' V -*

-.7 TMtwnlty lUrehM On” !•. the A daughter was bom Friday at T to monthly meeting ot the Msa- nrflUtcMHiiMt/ W win go to this morohsat The title ott ft tftUclDfUUcinc picture< that Ift to the Hartford hospital to Mr. and chaster Mastersstar IBsrberF Association, priie winner will receive, from the ’ 1 « A r lx ehowa Saturday evAilnf at 0:1s Mia. John McKenna o t Oakland paotpoaed from last Monday, will be club, on order for the amount of TfflOTHT d fiiiD w «s j r f l m f l l m l O r O f t d n Tinker ball under the au^oee of street. held tonlgtat at 8 o'clock tn Paganl'a money taken in at the Uet game. caUoq aqnivalaBt to four years cf " " " w iv B w e w Mancheetar Lodge, Loyal Order of Shop on Pearl street. A report on MDSC FEUOVmiP high aBheol and present rerommen- “MUMS” Friday. 06t, !• Mooaa. Xnvttatlona to the abowtng Rev. Nathaniel Carison and his the laws governing barber shops. The bond Idea is also well thought dattooa from fionner musle teochen bare been aent to many in town. daiightsr. Mias /lolet Oaiiscn, ot With partloular attention as to the out. Each game vrlnner, tn addi­ or achoolo. The Season's Snutft Way Osmelng fff>m 8 to U. There win be no charge made for Kansas, wiU present a boneert of tn- ekMlag hours, win be explain^ at tion to the regular prlw played for, Wins Gradoats Stady Coarac To Say It With Flowers Admiaalon ase. the picture and a door priae la to. be St rumen tal and vocal ssleoUona at the meeting tonight The delegates will receive a bond and on every given. It la open to adults only the Swsdlah Cangregattoiial church to the state convention will make fifth night the bond holders will at JnlHard Sehool In Naw Phone 5463 and admission la by card. tonight at 8 o’clock. They wUl play their report play a special game for some worth York. It Is Annooneed. VOL.LVL.NO.il while prize euch as a radio, studio seven instruments. Including a ^ couch, etc. ' ParkH in ABOUT TOWN The Brotherhood of the-Concordia bia-barp and.a glassophone. Adnils- The Manchester Girl Scout Coun­ (Special to The Hsnld.y Lutheran church wtU begin the Sion will' be free but a collection will cil win bold Its regular monthly An of the pilxea will be number­ New York, O ct IX—A faUoiriadp Flower Shop CUfford R. Burr, who has served bowling season tonight at TiSO.'AU be lifted. The public ie Invited meeting at the Girl Scout hcadquar- ed for each game and displayed so In muslo for graduate study at tha RUST TO CAUSE tera In the Cheney building tomor­ that all can hava a definite Idea ot New At S B. Oenter Sf Z B L ^ha polios commMoner for two members Interested are requested to JuUUard School c f Moirfe here woe Faith E. Spillane ONE IN EVERY END OP EARTH 'i Wrmt ot three years and was sue- row afternoon at 2 o’clock. Members what the club is offering. There Odd FsOews Bldg. \ 5 y LDYAUSTSHALT meet, there at that tlma The state central committee of •Aumobom Hm OpenlBf ir'eeeded to the board by WlUiam P. the Union Party, after a meeting at are requested to present at thia will be no variation of the prizes won by Timothy Cheney of South ' Qnlah at the organisation meeting the party headquarter! at 64 Trum­ meeting questions regarding ocout- u d as each game Is played It will Manchester, It was announced Sat­ off b Scientist Oedarea Air’s Oxygen NORMAL TRADE IS AI board of selectmen a weric ago Members of the Manchester Gar­ bull atreet In Hartford yaa*'erday, Ing, which will b# dlocuosed later at be displayed on a si>e<^l stand, ac­ urday by Emest Hutdieaon, dean SIX CONDEMNED Is Being Slowly Depleted— REBE ADYANCE : today, Saturday gave to Mr. Qulsh den club are reminded of the wish to make public a denial of an a joint meeting of the Council and cording to the number on the pro­ of the ocbojl. Dancinsr Class October meeting to be held tonight But Don't Worry Much. ' the gold badge he has had slhca his existing rumor to the affect that the Leadero’ oosoclatlon. grain. Mr. Cheney, a compoocr apd for­ At the Sfipolntment. * at 7:80 at the T. M. C. A. Three The location for the series Iz ex­ mer piupU o f Richard Donovah, waa Union Party members hava bean In­ AVERSjANDON Washington, O ct 13.— (AP) reels of motion pictures will bo structed to vote either R^ubllcan cellent The large spacious hall granted the fellowship oa a leouft Miaiichestcr Green School Dial 5321 D N T I ^ I T A l The Stanley Group of the Wes- shown after the business session. or Democratic In the etate ticket and lodge rooms at Odd Fellow’r of competitive examinations held at —A leading m u of science says OF NEW PACT ON GOL Thursday, O ct 15th ' leyan Guild will meet tomorrow Ihey are entitled "Alakka", Members are free to vote on the BIG BINGO SERIES Temple will be used and can seat the school during . the past two For ,tbe earth may one day ruot to evening at Fo'clock with Mrs. Alton "Through Canada's Rockies" and state ticket according to their con­ upwards of 700 people without weeks. Other giants were made In 3:80 to 5:30 P. M. Declares New Deal Isolated death, ending oU life on the ‘Sky-line Motoring.” the departments of oeUo, conduct­ planet. Planes Bomb Moorish Ca?- FIND ESCAPED tNMA’^ Hall of 16 Summit street. victions, the committee etatea. The PLANNED BY I. O .O .F . crowding. Right in the heart of Free Delivery ASLEEP IN FOUOB OAR. denial was Issued here by Mrs. Mary Manchester, accessible to trolleys, ing, voloe, violin and fiute to men 35 cents. V/ritlng for the Smithsonian Great Britam and France and women In 17 sUtss. Jobless from Stream of Institution, Dr. Henry Norris BIG BOOST IN The meeting of the National G. Kenton, committee woman from busees and unlimited parking onace Instructions In ' airy; Government Troops Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 18.— Union of Social Justice tonight in the First District Unusually Fine Merchandise to In the vicinity. As a prerequisite for admloalott to Russell described today bow the examinations, the rMaidatet WELDON the air’s oxygen Is slowly de­ (A P )—Search for an escaped in­ J ob s U. S. b More to Tinker ball will begin at 7 o'clock Be Awarded Each Thursday Every bit of merchandise offered Tap . Toe > Ballet and Econptme life ; Relief mate ot I>anvera State hospital sharp, to allow for the public bridge A dental clinic will be held to­ will be of standard make and a were required to show evidence of pleted by oxidizing (rusting) of Also Repulse Attacks REGISTRATION N O T l C E - - ^ morrow morning at 6 o'clock at the Night; Merchants Take Part Ballrooni Dancing DRUG CO. Iron in rocks. ended In a nicely upholstered po­ and setback to follow at 8 o'clock, nationally advertised product In or­ lice crulalng car parked outside Curb Cinrrency Speeda- for which excellent prlsea and Health Center on Haynes street and der that the public will have confi­ Methods Nation’s Scandal "Given time enough," he Dr. Weldon a tonsil cUi^e at 10. sidd, "this inexorable process On Several Fronts police headquarters. door prise will be awarded. A food One of the biggest and most val­ dence In the series which wlU run IN THE STATE Authorities, who bad been sale will also be held during the for thirty consecutive weeks. of rock decay might exhaust tior, Other Nations Are Has Returned To Mrs. Rossa Brookings, local uable bingo seiiea ever offered In the remaining oxygen of our asked to keep a lookout (or the evening. Thomas Conran, the promoter, Aboard Lemdon special en route Inmate, observed a youth sound branch president of the Woman’s Manchester will open Thursday eve­ will have a committee of fifteen to ArlyneM onarty atmosphere and put an end to By ASSOCIATED PRESS His Office and Christian Temperance Union, and a 4 $ .to Detroit, Oct. 13— (AP) — Gov. all that breathes." . asleep ip the cruiser. Question­ Invited io J o b Blo^ ning at Odd Fellows Temple, Main assist him in carrying out the de­ Determined government resist­ Increase Shows Heightened ing revealed be woe the m,8sing The Men’s Friendship club will number of the membera from this tails, Fred Robinson os chairman Alf. M. London, making his first But there still will be plenty Practice nseet tonight at 7:46 at the South and East Center streets, under the Cecilian Club Concert ance today checked the Inourgent tomato of the state Institution, town are planning to attend one or auspices of the Odd Fellows Social and president of the Odd Fellows G a r n l y Michigan campaign thrust, said to­ of time to elect the next Presi­ Man b Street Not Affect­ Methodist church. The guest speak­ more of the seaslona of the state advance on Madrid. Interest in the Coining who had traveled 16 milea from Office Hours Each club. For over three weeks care­ Social club and Harry Sweet as TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13,7:45 P. M. V day that If elected he would solve dent. Dr. Russell figured the the hospital, to find rest to the er will be Rev. J. Arthur Edwards convention at Thoniaeton, tomorrow ful preparations have been made treasurer are taking an active part Teacher of the relief problem and end New end would not arrive for a bil­ At Ban Martin de Valdeiglesias, of the Metho------W ed by Agreement, Sec. ville. Collins k>rlggs will furnish ident, Mrs. Ida B. Wise of Evanston, that plans wore completed. It la expected that play will begin PLANO VOICE SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH Concluding a three-day Ohio drive haps not even then, because ramed sheila on Fascist concentra­ Election; Brown and Cross musical numbers. 111., will be one of the speakers. Mrs. The unique feature of this series every Thursday evening at 8 or Beadera: Vocallsto: the Republican Presidential candi­ man might devise some means, tions, Injuring some Moorish caval­ Ella F. Burr of this town, state HARMONY Kehler Sisters date sped toward Detroit for the Morgenthan Dechres. will be the unusual manner under 8:30 o’clock sharp. Watch the Eleanor 1611Iard to 9 ieet the problem. ry troops, kllUng their moimts and Debate on Dictatorships. president will prealdt. which It win be conducted. Thirty Herald for full page advertisement studio State Theater Bldg David Addy Hale Quartet third major address of his Lake v/recklng several buildinge. ' FEAR 4 0 0 KILLED local merchants will also take part, this week outlining the details fur­ \ToUn, A. La Fine Banjo, F. O. Bradbury States tour and conferences with The Madrid war ministry asserted The underground storage tanka at ther together with every merchant For Appointment Qill 3072 Trumpet, Frank Warren Xylophone, Anthony CBright Hsnry Ford, Edsel Ford and other Its forces had repulsed a strong In­ Washington, O ct 18.— (A P) — the Oakes Filling station are ^Ing Indirectly, there will be bond nights Accordion, L. Oavallinl political and Industrial leadera. New Haven, Conn., Oct. IS.— for special prizes, merchandise that who Is Interested. State Trade School Orcbestra surgent attack at Robledo de Cfiia- Declaring that its alms was morei removed. Mr. Oakes is making, a His speech, to be nationally (A P )—Heightened Interest through­ will really be worth playing for. Admission 26 oenta LANDDN^ STATE veia, blocking the Fascist drive to­ BY TYPHOON, FLOOD normal trade relations, the United change In the company that furnish­ broadcast from Navin Feld tonight, ward El Bscorial, a strategic base out Connecticut tr the coming elec­ es the gasoline to hU station. In back of the Idea of the Mer­ was expected to deal with ‘Treedou States government today put into'' chant Night was the thought of for the attack on Madrid. tion shows Itself not only in the In­ of enterprise’’ in American business. effect what Secretary of the Traask V'i The Girls Friendly society of Bt. keeping the money In Manchester Educations] Club’s At Sandusky, first Ohio stop to-, SCENE DF FDR’S Communiques announced govern­ tensive campaign conducted by both BINGO! ury Morgenthau termed “a new instead of going out of town. The ment troops also had resisted Fas­ Mary's church Is to give an enter­ day, London re-empbaslzed the key­ major parties but also in the in­ Storm CaDed Worst Disas­ EVERY TUESDAY — 8 P. M. plan calls for one merchant to have , Lecture and Tea note of his Cleveland relief address cist attacks on CasUjellos, Import­ of gold standard." tainment this evening In Parish We HAVE The creased numbers of new voters Great Britain tmd France Hall at 8 o'clock. T%e entertain­ that evening’s play In his name. last night—that relief money ’’must ant communications center east of Tuesday, Oct 13 ADDR^TDDAY Toledo; near Olios del Rey and Bar- seeking to have their names placed ter in the History of the similar action as the result o f ment will consist of local talent and The last special game of the eve- go to those In need and not to the on the Hats. D0N7 FORGET THE BIG tSOOOM apollamen who take advantage of gas, north of Toledo; and near three-power agreement by .members of . S t Monica's. .Color­ Fuel You Wmt 8:15 P .M . aatfess;’’'- • ^ ...... Tbs Tumble o f heavy-tanks and armored cora. tbe gleam o f belmeto dnd Teruel, teland from'Yaleneto. - ''’*'*’''' Officials, of. tha jMglatcaca.fiffloe to h n e aatd~dwwbi IS000.00 *blne coaT eotitesC for asserted today that Republican lead­ CABINET DISCUSSES power. purchased by nations not a party i Bring OS yoof photo prob- TONIGHT lief is to find out the facta.” Customs guards at Marseilles, the governor’s recommendation that apparently the hardest hit by the the agree.ment. Jol\nson Paint Co. terns. •chool cbildrene Hiere*t nothing to bay^no Return to States ers were telling ’’political bedtime the state budget be prepared under tj^hoon which crossed and reeroos- 8 O’clock box*topt to tend In. Every achool boy and stories” In "spreading the gospel of Strasbourg an Insult to France, thwarted an attempt to (A M U t t ^ f 609 Main S t Phone 6884 The "The Republican party, as a bl iw up the Spanish schooner the direction of the Chief Executive ed Luzon Izland lazt Friday, Satur­ being announce, trade and $800 AUTOMOBILE c e n t e : girl has an equal chance to win a priae. Ne major reform, prop^es to return fear" about the New Deal setting LONDON DISORDERS rather than the Board of Finance day sad Sunday. strings aUacbed. For full information on how one class against another. Calapl at.its docks there. They dis­ rolsUona also were the subject ^ W. G. Gleimey Co. St. Mary’s Parish’ the administration of relief to the Hitler; Cartoon of Der and Control 'leads to one man Twenty bodies were recovered at pronoimeements to other n ' Coal - Lumber - hlasone’ Supplies to win« and official entry card, p lic^ write Speaking In Lawrence Stadium, covered a burning fuse attached to the government agricultural oObom 35 Games ...... 35c. PHARMACY states. It wdll then be possible for a bebket full of dynamite and other power.” Tokyo dtacloaed that Japan Odd Fellows Block Paint HaU or cqU on tu. Don^ pats wp thU U f chance the communities themselves to de- from an open car, the Chief Ehcecu- He also struck at a recommendo- at Munos. No word has coma from 886 No. Main S t — act today. explosives on the bridge. raaf^ to attend any toternati Tel. 4140 By Membeee of terniine just what form the relief live said he waa certain ths Ameri­ Fuehrer Also Mentioned. Uon by Gov. Chrose that a two-tblrds the vlllagea Ot Ban Jose, Papaya, economic conference Which alma should take." can people would not be frightened Clashes Between Fascists Ariago and Xaragoza, where It was ._ Madrid,.. XXit. 18.<—(A P)—atnb- vote, toatead of a simple majority, stabOtae ourtenelecud SL Monica’s Church, Official Entry Cards Available Heni ^ ’-The Federal government must bJK ’'fairy tales" to November and be neceseOry for ths General Assem­ feared the lose o f ltfe«wae heavy. Range Oil continue to give financial aid added: "The people who talk about born Socialist militiamen, fighting 100 SwriMAh^ trade barriers. A HHitler li 1 1 ^ Paris, Got 18.-t-(AP)—The Ger­ and L ef^ Brofl^t to bitterly to halt on Insurgent ad­ bly to override a governor's ■veto. warned that Germany might Hartford through the states. We Intend to these class dMinctlons ore the very "Haven’t we experienced enough The bulletin numSerM the mloe- PHONE establish a system of federal gran'-s- ones who are encouraging class an­ man Embassy announced today on vance on Madrid, won fresh vlo- tor in Zambalea province at 180. forced Into on International t The cut below shows one of Pinehnrst three delivery tories to six engagements with one-man power in Washington T" war if her loot colonies were and Local Talent In-ald to the states." tagonism. For they tell one story official protest had been delivered Prime Minister. - Brown asked. One hundred were reported to have trucks. For satisfactory delivery of “good things to As conditions for receiving Fed­ Fascist troops, tbe war ministry re­ been swept away to flood waters to returned.) cat” Dial 4151. Ansploes of S t Mary's Girls’ in the east and another story in the to France against a Commanist “In­ Oov. Cross Answers to ffeeettd Step Friendly Society. The W. G. Gleimey Co. eral money, Landon said a “direct west; one story In the city and an­ sult” to Relchsfuehrer Adolf Hitler.' ported today. Mallaoc. financial responsibility’’ would be Government operations in scat­ to the face of Brown’s criticism, Nine 'were known dead to Tarlag, While the Franco-Britlzh-AaoiW'l 3866 ^ o i i c Y other story on the farm. That Is The German charge d’affaires London, O ct IS.—(A P)—Recur­ Admleslon 26 eenta. Coal, Lumber. Masons’ Supplies, Paint placed on state and local govern­ tered sectors brought new assaults the newspaper said, wlU\ one dead can accord did not establish fteOd'.^S made an "oral” protest, the Embas­ ring clashes between Faeciata and (Oonttoned on Page Two) ratios between the three eurreaeielA’I- Sauerkraut Pinehurst Meats Includee Befreehments. 336 No. Main St. TeL 4149 Manchester ments by requiring a l’’fatr" contri­ (Oontinoed on Page Twelve) sy declared, to a French foreign of­ on Insurgent attackers, the mlnlatiy and 18 mtostog in Pongoalnan, 10 VAN’S bution; administrative officials must Leftlate. were brought to the atten- declared, while other Socialist forces mlosnlg In Romblon and nine dead Morgeqtoau sold he regarded It OMrSp-'i Serve with your spare Freeh Pork fice official concerning alleged state­ Icmg “second step" toward ulttoM$i^' SERVICE STATION b'~ selected on a "merit"'basis; and ments during a speech at Stras­ Uon of the BriUsh Cabinet today. repulsed Fascist drives. in Palawan. encouragement must be given Trapped During Night etablllsaUon.. ' ~ ’...'rr... 426 Hartford Road bourg by Maurice Thorez, aecretary- Mlnlstera of Prime Mlnlat«r Stan­ The war ministry claimed these 15c Spare R ib s ...... lb. 20c ' ? “ * * * ■ ' ’’those who are trying to become general of the French Communist achievements: PRIEST 1HREATENS Heavy rains turned etieame Into The flrot step was taken Septoafb'^ self-supporting.” BULLITT PRESENTS ley Baldwln’a government convened 1. 'Soclallet troops at Robledo De flood torrents carrying bodies and her 26, when the eame three adS5‘ S Fresh Rib Party. The noqilnee also pledged ’’an ef­ Tbe French official was declared to dlscuaa meaauree of curbing dem- Chavela resisted auccessfully strong wreckage, to Cabenatuon survlv-re tiooa made a “gentleman’s agreai Apples ficient employment aervice” and a to have promised to transmit the onatratlona, which, on two euccea- attacks by Insurgent columns ■ at­ sold they were trapped during tbe mant" to co-operate la steadying tha ‘ (Sauce with your pork Roast Pork ...... lb. 29c separation of public works from the alve Sundaya, have resulted In riot­ tempting to push toward tha atra- T O GET REPORTER night when water suddenly inun­ exchanges wblls Franca devataad: HIS dlEDENTIALS Nazi objection to Premier Leon bar currency. roast) 2 Worth'»whfle Anniversary Values administration of relief. He said Blum and Foreign Minister Yvon ing in London’s east and Jewish sec­ teglc center of Bl Esoorlal from the dated sections of the city to a depth McIntosh...... Tender, Lean SWEET CIDER his program would take care of Delbos. tion and at Llve’-pon). Fascist-dominated stronghold at of 20 feet. Morgenthau ehoractertaed to* ‘ those genuinely in need but was Some sources predicted the debate Cerebros. An attempt at on aerial .survey first understanding as a “complete - ...... 3V4 lbs. 25c STEWING LAMB, 3 to 2 1-4 lb. Regular “not one designed for political' Tbe German F.mbassy' asserted it cuts. expected an early response from the might center around propjaala to 2. Government militia columns, Father Conghlin Says Boston of the stricken areas woe decided success." He noted that seven oUier ; Pippins .. ..4 lbs. 19o Schaller’s Cider Mill henchmen and ward-heelers.” New U. S. Ambassador to ban political umforma and parades operating from bases at Navas del upon by the national relief commis­ aationa bad followed ITranoe to do- $29.95 Liberality Not Enough French government. And 1 Bunch of O Q A foreign office spokesman said although Bucb drastic action was Rey and Petayos, hindered an In­ sion which Commonwealth President valuation, to some cases simulta­ Fancy Large Cauli­ Cider made Tuesday ana $ 1 9 - 9 5 ’’We shall continue to be liberal,’ not expected to be- approved. surgent drive eastward from San Writer Interfered With Manuel Quezon colled Into on emer­ neously eaoing their tariffs aad Carrots, both fo r ...... O 9 C Value the governor said. "But liberality 1s France Brings Greetings the German protest waa considered gency ee^on. flower, O O ^ Thursday mornings and all in the light ot “calling attention of Spokesmen for residents in. the Martin de Valdeiglesias with strong other tradede restrictions.resU not enough. We have duties that east end declared, they were Ifring in counter-attacks. -The governor o f Psraponga Tbe secretary aoid today's agree- e a ch ...... day Saturday. go beyond mere dollars. We have the French gove'-nment" to state­ His Conference. Sperry & Barnes’ Bag Q a “state of terror" following nu­ 8. Defending SoclaUsts halted a prov'nce asked for funds lmme

Of a fire hydrant on Wlndennare health. All women o f the com­ avenus; and for on appropriation of 318(X)-3400. DuUaa; under general munity are welcome, to attend. $600 for the Installation of an arte­ STATE EMPLOYMENT aupervlalon of the Manager, to gasollua sold, tor ns* In motor ment, Oiarles Oliver, Mtse Milry W MEMORY A Farm Bureau meeting will be sian well at the Ninth School dia- Hollywood \ r giater and place applicants, re-, vehlclM. McGuire, Miaa Marion Tinker, Mias held at the social rooms of the Fed­ trlcL ceive sod snlicit order* and perforin \Cahdidates and Issues Tha percentages o f fatallUaa to Culierly, Wlfred Clark, Frank erated church Thursday at 3 p. m. Court Oaaea SERVICE EXAMS SOON neceamry related work. Minimum SOCIAL CREDIT LEADER Buacb and Paul Moriarty. a t f aoddents In e a ^ o f the years since Topic, "What's New In Lighting, Luka Kalley,. farm lund of Elling­ Hollywood, Oct. 18.— (A P )—1110 ’e 31. Alternative eombtnatlona ot OF T FOUNDER Bnroute— Governor London, ea-. BoAon — Father Charles EL and Including 1928 have been as tol- Lawrence Moonan win be In P o r G i r li. to be led by Mbs Sarah Roberts, the ton was before Judge John B. Ftak Tbe rapid growth ot Shirley Tqm. 3ucatlon and experience: (1) High lowa; 1925, 1.57; 1926, 1.86; 1937, charge of the Y. M. C A., with Mias October 24 Is Final Date for route to Detroit for speech tonight, Coughlin threatens to “ get" reporter new home demonstration agent. In the Rockville J).ty Court on Mon- ple’a menagerie was temporarily school griduatioD or Its equivalent declare* he will end New Deal relief PICTURED BY MACKENSIE 1.SS; 1928, 1.69; 1939, 1.84; 1930, Marion Tinker In charge of - the A t the Republican cadctiil h I Jiy He was arraated in connection checked today. She boa -tost two Filing Applications; Exams and 4 year* o f Bpecial experience: ''abuse*'' if elected. he accuses ot Interferrlng with a 2.18; 193L 3.82; 1933, 3.86; 1938, gamea; at St. James's PsrocbUl and Boyt' or (2) 4 year* of college or univer­ Commeinorate Birth of Sir last Thursday evening at the town wltlr tbe break Into the itora of sheep doga. . to B e N ovem ber 18-14. lEnrqute— President RooeevelL In­ conference; reporter, denying accu­ 3.38; 1934, 3.86; 1935, 8.08. School EMward Quiah wlU take hall, Tolland, Clayton Reed and Charles McCarthy or Vernon ave­ Mack Gordon and Harry Revel, sity tralnmg and 3 year* ot «peclal vading Kansas, say* hi* aim la to facial expression, the hunching for­ The p e r c e n ta l of Injuriee to ac- charge with Paul Moriarty In nue which was discovered on Satur­ experience; or (8) m lieu ol formal sation, says Coughlin pushed him. More Persons Being Kified Kiddies to HaTe Seven Dif* from Kin- Emery Clough were nominated for song writers who worked on her Open competitive exaoilnatlons make the western country "a better Cleveland—Secretaty Roper ac­ Alberta’s Premier Who ward o f Us expansive ahouldera, the ddenta for each year have been i charge of the games. Everett Ken­ representatives. Clayton Reed, day morning when soiiie cak.', pie picture. "Dlmplea,'’ gave Shirley the foi positions In the Connecticut education record, 8 year* ot apedal thrusting out of hta square Jaw, Us follows: 1935, 35.41 1926, 40.3; nedy will handle tbe Weat Side Rec, George WOliaiiis Doring experience; or (4 ) 1 year of employ­ place to Uve In." cuses Republicans of opposing Rupert 'Aiest and Marry Elastland and cigarettes 'were missing. Kuliev dogs as a preaeiit at tbe end of tha State Employment Service will be Richmond, Vs.— Colonel Frank every movement, give the impixj- 1927, 44.7; 1928, 46.4; 1929, 64.; with IVilfred C3arke handling the dergart e n stated that he had '>eon drinking and ment aa a Junior Interviewer m a “ modem efforts In the intereat ot Per Accident in SpHe of ferent Places to Enjoy for Justices of the peace. picture. Everything was lovely un­ held In the Immediate future. These Knox tells eoutherners that London human freedom from economic Rose to Limelight Almost aion that he betievea In Umaelf and 1930, 67.; 1931, 76.8; 1933. 86.7; gamea, while at the East Side Rec, A t tbe Democratic caucus held the charge woe changed from theft til her pony, Samuel, arrived from opportunities ar.a open to men and public employment office. la sure he cannot be wrong. This 1933, 86.; 1934, 84.6; 1935, 83.6. Mark Holmes^ assisted by Frank Mooth of October. Junior Interviewer: Salary range; progiam la "truly Jefferaonian.'* slavery." to High last Friday evening at tbe town to vagrancy. As this was the sec­ tbe Shetland Islands. women alike. On the basis of these Philadelphia— Senator Robinson la true whether be la given his Decrease m Nnmber.. The number of accidents and the Selves On That NighL Busch tn charge of the games. A t ond offense he was given 180 days 31440-1740. DuUes; under tbe direct Erie, Pa.—Representative WlUlam the Hollister SJreet school, Edwin hall. Tolland, Alfred Ludwig and The pony didn't mind Sbirle/s examinations new eligible lists will (D „ Ark.), says London urges bal­ Lemke aaya New Deal farm and O vem i^t Described As fundamentalist Interpretatiofl of number of Injuries In each of tbe James Burke were nominated for In Tolland Jail and vas alto taxed be estabUebed from which subse­ superviaion of a Manager or a obscure passages in the blhle, or Bailey will be tn charge with Mtsa School Durlo( October Connecticut jolne chickens and her ,.et duck, but It Senior interviewer, to register and anced budget "in one' breath" and trade policies are "dlsastroua to yean since 1926 are tbo-wn In tbe representatives. R. Eldred Doyle, the costs of 311.18. He was. com­ didn't like the dogs. SamuePchased quent appointments will be made vast spending "In the next." , speaktpg on politics. foUowlBg table. It la of note that Mary McGuire handling tbe games, .■ With the T throiii;hout the world In place applicants, Yeceive orders and the entire nation.” The results of motor vehicle acci­ Plans are virtually completed for and at the Nathan Hale school Aldo John Lathrop and Nlel C. Anthony mitted to Jail. f-cm over the fence of the corral within the next two years. An Unnsnal Orator. Speaking on contrU ot the press beginning In .1929, reports on acci­ A n Sizes. ’ honoring; the laoth anniversary of The case of Victor Pyka of Man­ Candidates must be citizens of perform necessary related work. In a political talk prior to bla ser­ dents In Connecticut are apparently the monster Hallowe’en Party to be Paganl will talerators of the citizens and merchants of the tion will be piesenlcd by the presi­ gla.rs Was breaking and his nose 1035 ...... 16J156 13,096 to. dent, Mrs. Mae Chapman at the bert B. Crawford, Special Repre­ Overnight A. P, By DEWITT MACKENZIE bond holders 'you never gave us cars, and the amount of gasoline community will again support their SERVICE STATION To the athlete It offers facllit'es nianka Obtainable from Hoard, was cut. sentative, United States Employ­ I presume the slogan, "Get your notice'. They have it now. sales have materially decreased. efforts to provide the children of 426 H artfo rd Road meeting of the Ro-kvlllc Emblem Calgary, Alberta, Oct. 13.— (A P ) for keping in trim. Women and Town Clerk or at Store in club to bo held at lh“ Elks Home ment Service, 154 Grove street. New man,” came from Hollywood; It cer­ No n««dUs« delay when you “And I ’ll show them If we can The Commission's figures, com­ STATE GARDEN CI-UB8 Manchester with a happy and safe One room of Conja Hcnle's home News .—The setting Is the spacious audi­ |dtla also enjoy the opportunities of on Wcdne.eday afternoon, starting Haven, Conn. i tainly never came from the Royal apply fora loan here. Amoxutta handle their bossea, the financiers. piled from statistics supplied by the MEETING OCTOBER 21 celebration of Hallowe'en . It will keeping the bloom of health and Talcottvllle. torium of the Calgary Prophetic Bi­ at 2:30 o'clock. was being emptied todaj, prepara­ Brief descriptions of the positions, Canadian Mounted. Our motto Is up to $300 ep yom personal w « can handle the henchmen all Department of Motor Vehicles, show be remembered by many that last youthful vigor through physical tory to rc-furnltihlng with Nor­ with salary ranges, follow: Greenwich— Michael Mhrlano, 19 ' Maintain the right.” nota, without aeourity of ble Institute, a Fundamentalist or­ right. Don’t worry about that." that the percentage of fatalities to The Federated Garden Clubs of year was thf^ first In the knowledge education. And In tbe Y they find Final plan.s will be made for the year old Greenwich High school ganization, and It Is a Sunday after­ Rockville, Oct. 13—The board of Charity card party which will be wegian fittings when her father ar­ Fiscal Supervisor; Salary range; —MaJ. C. H. Hill, Royal Cana­ endorsera. Premier Aberhart was born In accidents was nearly twice as great Connecticut will hold their annual of the local police that no com­ it with people of their own sort for graduate and banjo player, was The rata oi interest oharged la noon. plaints of vandalism were made on a.asesaor.s of lh< town of Vernon held at the Elka Home on Thurtday rives from Oslo, Norway, $2100-2700. Duties; under the direc­ dian Mounted Police. Ontario of a German father. He Is In 1935 as It was in 1925 and that meeting at the Brooklawn Country ooaipanlona and rivals In competi­ He and hei hrother, Leif, are to tion of the State Director, to main­ killed by an automobile on the Bos­ thrae (3) per cent, per taonth* The audience fills the seats on the married and has two daughters. He the percentage of Injuries In 1935 Club In Bridgeport, on Wednesday, this eve of pranks. Donations of consisting of Jamen A. Elliott, Wil­ evening. October 29, Mrs. Raymond main floor and overflows into the Give yonr child ttn tive apoTt. leave soon to Join her and her tain: a system of accounts as pre­ ton Po.-it road west of hero Police or thlrty*siac i36) per cent, par came to Galgary twenty-five years had more than doubled from the October 21. Mrs. Alden Vose, presi­ prizes or money may be made to liam V. Sadlak Md Clifford R. Hunt Is chairman In cnarge of the Carl Hubbell's the best pitcher 'n annum on nnpaid amount of gallery which nins around three right start, by hav­ But the gymnaslujm. no matter mother In Hollyw-ood. Miss Henle, scribed by the United States Em­ said the car was driven by Isaac M. baceball, including Dean. ago as a school teacher and finally 1925 situation. dent, will preside at the morning Robert Hathaway at the Manches­ FILMS how popular and beneficial It may Knight IS now holding sessions for arrangements lor 'l.ls eimual event. loan. sides of the room—a thousand sim­ ing him—or beiw former world fancy figure skating ployment Service; records of pay­ Phillips. Jr., of New Canaan. —"Dizzy” r'ean, 8L Louis Cardi­ became principal of the leading high business session. In the afternoon ter Trust Company or to any mem­ be, is only a small part of the YM the filing of tax lists. These lists Shidy Club ple country-folk. The percentage of fatalities to.the ber of the committee. must be filed on or befon the first champion, is working In a movie, roll status of employees In the State Danbury—Former Mayor William nal pitcher. school. His reputation aa a teacher total of accidents was 1.57- In 1925, Mr. J. E. Splngarn will give an Illus­ fitted with onr eolen- . CA. Many of the men using Its All women of the comra’jnlty are IDEAL FTNANCmO Their homely dress proclaims Earl Wright, general chairman, DEVELOPING day of N( verabtr and those falling Invited to attend the meeting of the "One In a Million." Service; and Inventories. Minimum A. Braun, 81, of Danbury, who and administrator was excellent. and In 1935, It had Increased to 3.08 trated lecture on "Clematis.” tiao footwear. It pt;ysleal departments through the ago 25. Alternative combination of them as being of small means, but has announced the following aub- to make a list will he charged a pen "We're going to let him furnish served In the General Assembly In ASSOCIATION. Inc. He has always been a rebel In re­ percent. The percentage of Injuries AND PRINTING media of business men's classes are Child Study Club r Tolland which education and experience: (1) High I simply couldu't stand around their faces are shining with the re­ commlttees to handle the affair. protects the grow­ alty of ten per cent additional ac­ will be held In the church social 1888, was Injured fatally by an au­ ligion, and after differing with two In 1925 was 36-4, and In 1935 It was I slness leaders because In tbelr his own room," she said, "and we school graduation or its equivalent doing nothing until I die. And If I 821 Main Street ligious fervor of a Godfearing peo­ or three churches, started Us own CONQUERING THE DROUGHT Prizes and supplies, Robert Hatha­ 8-Honr Service. ing foot. . . . cording to law. rooms this evening, starting at eight tomobile as he crossed a street on 83.6. The Commission points out youth they took advantage of the know he will have all Norwegian and two years of training In ac­ thought I'd be using It In the next OVER IV. r. GRANT STORE ple. They lean forward eagerly to Bible Institute which now has way, W. Henry Weir, Robert Dewey, Blanks may be obtained of tbe as­ his Way homo. Police said the cor q that this means that three persons T . Ihrery one of them In the sta e o'clock. The opeaker will be Miss things." countancy and 6 years of full-time few years, I' dig my own grave. Phone 7281 catch the words of the speaker In branches throughout the province. OoIumbUB, Neb.— The local fire Charles Wlgren, E. Weden and Mra. sessors, town clerk or at the Tal- Elizabeth C. Nickerson, director of was driven by Albert Thiele of —John Van Wyhe, Ireton, la., re- were killed and eighty-three were In­ ‘ ' . In , these pald,..employment...lAcludlng .A.yMMTS. , the .pulplL______A decAd«agp.he bogaa4n.br«>ad«asc .«.6??ra,.haJled.,FtMj4 ., Bch,o,}*» . .h ^ Etb«L.,Qulstv Pantea, abA anMirtain- • ■i-yiosf*r -1 jSt .hotmg men’ ahd women are eettvfile -etote.- AH' e*i*ervi(» ■ men' ‘th'e 'BariraU ts r'• Pfihltd ’ ' " MtislS aij 'a 'ittmulus ifbf em^ Scarsdale.tM.!' A t'first glance he appears to be jured ■W-weiy''I0O''aiB«at>hta#^^^ ware merchaht, as'a fire-fighter ex­ must have recorded some evidence of special experience; or (2) 4 years hla teachings. occurred during 1935. _ trained and prepared for a structlon of, Hartford. has been virtually discarded since of college or university training Groton— Clifton Button, formerly a very ordinary Individual—a bald- He had never taken an active part traordinary after the midnight blaze Ufa Itt clean character and whole- of their service .vlth the towi clerk, Uiilld Meeting the silent film dayo. Greta Garbo of Old Mystic, was fined 325 and headed, thick-set, rather ponderous Since 1925, the Commission’s at the J. C. Ernest farm. eh*ek« Kodak Agency declare their property and then with apecla'lzatlon In accountancy, In politics, and It Is only about three ' laome happiness. The World Wide Guild of the revived It, however, for the death business administration or re'ated costs oi 399.10 on a reduced chaige man of advanced middle-age, who years ago that he became Interested study shows, the number of report' The fire laddies found no water claim exemption. able acldents has decreased 30.6 COLDS Bring oa your photo ptob- t But any institution that would Rockville Baptist church "" will be scene of Marguerite In "Camille." subjects and 3 years of special ex­ of breach of the peace by Judge peers through spectacles after the In the social credit scheme. He fin­ supply when thqy arrived to subdue lenia. C£Hliaie''S0K The assessors are at the town percent, and that since 1030 there eoBilne its activities to Its own held this evening at the nome of She requested negro sfiltu als sung perience: or (3) in lieu of formal Charles F. Willard In Groton (ov/n manner of the near-sighted. ally began to advocate it, with the a fire In 80 tons of fodder and five clerk's office Monday's Wednesdays has been a decrease of 20.3 percent. ^aaenbershlp would fall. The Y rec- Mrs. F. A. Mathcwsi n of East Main by Paul Robeson to get her Into the education record, 8 years of full­ court. In connection with the beat­ Has Unusual Voice result that last year the people tons of hay so they called Scholz, FEVER INC. and Fridays di'-Ing the month of There have been fairly steady de­ firs t day CENTER ’ognltes this to a greater extent street, starting at eight o'clock. proper tragic mood. time paid emp’oyment including 5 ing ol his wife In her homo rcoem- As he talks, however, you begin thrust him Into the seat of power who has a reputation for well-dig­ IJqald* Tablets tbiui most character building groups October and on Monday, Noverhber Nominated At Probate Convention creases through the years since ging. With the aid of flashlights Headache* years of special experience. ly. to sense in his voice an unusual hyp­ on this platform. S alre« R o m ' D ropa and annually does untold work for 2nd from nine to twelve In the Francis O'Loughlin, son of Dr 1925 In the percentage of accident to and automobile headlights he dug a 80 minutes PHARMACY Defense objection: to the "talent Manager: Salary range; 32100- Hartford— A report by Dr. notic quality, such or that of a W il­ Odd Fellows Block .the community at large. Space Is morning; two .o five In the after- and Mrs. Thomas O'Luughlin of this liam Jennings Bryan or a David registrations, to operators licenses, well that by dawn furnished suffi­ raiding" suit Involving Gary Cooper 3000. Duties; to supervise and direct Charles G. Chakcrlan. Sicrc-iry an-l Try .'gUmn outside groupa for meetings, Diain and seven to eight Ir tbe eve city, a student a the Hartford Law m u f f Lloyd George. and to the number of gallons of cient water to extinguish the blaze. **nah.Hy-TlRBi**~World*s were studied today by Federal e.np'oyees and work, and perform eonsultant of the commission to lila ln e a t -BaUgloua gatherings are held rnd nlng. school. Was nominated for Judge ol personally as much of this work a votes. not to sign a new contract. The alent and 8 years ot full-time paid Patently here lo a striking per­ in the various cities have worked Gompany K, 169th Infantry will of Rockville, presiding. There wHh The name of Mi. O'Loughlin was plaintiff studio declared It had de­ employment Including 4 years of sonality.,.,,This becomes even mare organize o-drlll team on Wedneisday a budget .plan for.membership... be aeveral. speakera including . Dep­ veloped Cooper from a gawk, medl- One of -30 Injuries suffered In presented by John Bt McKinstry-and Special experience; or (2) four years motor vehicle - - - ’ I'-n'T -t r '- ' ' evident sis you glane» about the au­ night at the local armory. First "iTrequently, too, boys and young uty Labor Commissioner William 1. ocr . player into a star. the name of James F. Touhey wan of college or university training and proves fatal. The daytime ratio dience. Now they arc quietly wip­ Lieut. Raymond E. Hagerdorn is in men are given wo.k at tbe Y so Fitzgerald. Democratic nominee for presented by Attorney Saul L. Pel- judge James yesterday took un­ TEA 4 years of special experience; or (3) 20S ing tears from their eyes; now they that they may work out their mem- Is only 1 in 40. command of the team. All members Congress from the Second District, zer. der advisement defense demurrers In lieu of formal education 'record, are laughing: now they break Into of the company wishing to Ibecome berahlp fees. Congressman-at-Lurge William M Mrs. Catherine W. Burke, a mem­ that the complaint did not state a 10 years of full-time paid employ­ thunderous applause; voices cry 4> - ' ' A Bach YJ1.C.A. is a club and. home part of the new organization will re­ 's' ' Citron and Miss Erlna Purtell of the ber of the Democratic State Central valid cause for action. ment Including 6 /ears ot special "Amen", and "Yes” . He plays on port to the lieutenant at the Armory of good fellows and the men and State Labor Commissioner's office. committee was halr.nan of the con­ experience; or (4) 3 years of satis­ their emotions like a master musi­ . boys of the community are Invited Wednesday evening at 7:30. Attended Installstlon vention and Mis. Ruth McKlnstry Production notes: factory service as a Senior Inter­ cian. This will be something never at­ to' drop la for a chat with the sec­ A number of the members of Cooley was clerk. viewer, whose duties have Included He is William Aberhart, premier retary and look around the institu­ ^ Charles Kenyon, who has Just tempted before at our local armory Stanley Dobosz Post and Unit of the A probate committee consisting of completed a scree.i version ot the supervisory responsibilities In a of the great Province of Alberta, and National Guardsmen should tion. American Legloi and Auxiliary at­ Leo B. Flaherty, Saul Pclzer of public emp'osmient office. sponsor of the sensational social The drive for sustaining funds .o novel. "Think Fast, Mr. Moto," for HE WEIGHS YOOR ASHES MORE EXACTLY take advantage of their membership tended the Installation of officers of Rockville and Paul Stockser of El­ Senior Interile'.ver: Salary range; credit experiment which proposes to and sign up. It Is believed that the be gained by new memberships fs tlia Earl W. Green Post and Unit of Twentieth Century-Fox, will write lington was app-jlnted. an orl.qlnnl for the same studio. provide every adult citizen with a team will meet weekly after the . pn^yesslng, the campaign commit- Coventry, and Mansfield held in Former Res dent III R-K-O announced the tentative gratuitous Income from the prov­ organization this week. Me reporU. Workers are requested South Coventry. Assisting on the in­ Mrs. Hugh Bailantync of Adams, choice of Ginger Rogers for "per­ ince. Daniel F. Shea, tc have returns in by Friday night, stalling team for the Unit were Mrs. Maas., a former rfi.*ldent of Rock­ THAN A JEW ELER WEIGHS DIAMONDS Premier In Action Company Corresponden Oct. 18. Anna Trinks, Mrs. Mae Chapman. ville la se.-louslv II at her home in fect harmony"—a romantic story JUST ARRIVED! I watched Aberhart In action for Miss Emma Batz-ai-d Miss Jennie Adams. She suffered a sho'ck on \v,th a Swiss locale. Charles Boyer Italian Dish (iardens two hours In that Bible Institute os Batz of the local unit. Saturday night. H< iiu.sband, Hugh has the leading male role. Produc­ The talked, not only to those before Mrs, John Conway Ballantyne was 'ormcrly In r-ewspa tion will start about December 1. Novelty Book Ends •him but. through a microphone of TOLLAND Mrs. John Conway, 89, died at her per work In Rockville and was for­ Dick Purcell and June Travis will Dishes and Novelties the voice of the prairies station, to home at 56 Mountain street, on merly editor and publisher of the play the leads In "Men In Exile," Juat the thing for a bridge people in all parts of the far-reach- Monday. Mrs. Conway vas born in Windsor Herald w'alch he founded. Warner Brother.! announced today. gift. Ing province. Mias HUder Jcdinaon had as Sun­ Ireland September 29, 1847 and Firemen's Bingo Tonight The hk stage play. "Dead End,” I came away with the answer as day guests relatlved' and friends came to Rockville from North Wind­ The regular weekly Bingo games will be adapted for the screen by AUo complete line of Plants to why this man la able In his politi­ from Woroester. Maas. ham In 1839. ' ' sponsored by the Rockville Fire de­ Tess Slesslnger, Samuel Goldwyn and ('ut Flowers. cal speeches to rouse great crowds Mrs.' Marion Carr is vlsiUng rel- She leaves three sons, Frank P., partment will be held tonight In the announced today. to a point of near-hysterla, as he Atlves and friends in New York of Hartford; J. Joseph md Michael Town hall at 8 o'clock. These games frequently does. dty. .1., of Rockville; one daughter. Miss ere drawing large crowdh each week About 2,400,000 boys and girls PENTLAND The premier is a weird composi­ Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Courrler and Mary E. Conway ’ f Rockville; one snd the prizes offered are all pur­ reach legal driving - age every THE FLORIST 17 Oak St tion of the sawdust-trail evangelist, Mrs. Mary Healey left Saturday to slater. Miss Elizabeth Lynch of chased from local merchants. An year. the orator, pie psychologist, and the -visit Miaa Theodosia Currier at Rockville and t-wo grandchildren. other reason Cor the popu'arity of shrewd politician, pluk that strik­ 'Vaasar college at Poughkeepsie and She was a membe! of St. Ber­ the fire department Bingo games Is ing face and hypnotic quality of When Thrilling Events Lead To from there will visit friends at Hop­ nard's church, rhe funeral v/11' he the fact that 50 per cent of the re­ voice. kinsville, Kentucky, for several held on Wednesday morning at nine ceipts Is donated each week to the Mixes In Religion Constant Smoking! weeks. o'clock from St. Be-nard's church Rockville Milk Fund. A door prize He mixes religion and politics Burial will be •' St Bernard's ceme­ freely In his speeches— a ver.v tell­ Mias Ebba Olson, teacher at o' 325 Is offered each week and the When you’re excited...nervous...happy and thrilled, Orant HIU district spent the week­ tery. grand prize lor the season Is an ing thing In a farming community end at her home in Meriden, Coon. Ellington Town Meeting 5800 automobile. not far removed from Its pioneering you smoke many cigarettes without thinking about it. .Mra. Lucy ITafaer had as recent The postponed town meeting of days and largely populated by high­ guests Mr. and Mrs. M errett. Usher the town of Ellington* will be held ly religious folk, many of whom M ake your choice a light smoke. Smoke Luckies— for this evening at elg"' o'clock at the OWX KILLS RATS were reared on Scotch porridge and o f South WllUngton and Mr. and Luckies are a light sinoke o f rich, ripe-bodied tobacco. Mia. Roland Usher of Rockville. Ellington Town Hall. At this time , ( the shorter catechism. ' Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Miller tha budget for 'he, year, calling for Satsop, Wash.— (A P )—Ted Moun- 10 0 10.00 Take this, for example, from the They are made o f the center leaves o f the finest tobaccos And Mra. Laura Judson were guests' 349,714 will be acted upon. Action cer, storekeeper, brought an Injured broadcast In question. Aberhart was o f friends in Hartford Monday. will also be taken on the petition of owl Into his shop anc left It over­ In tbe midst of his sermon and was that money can buy. A n d they are the only cigarette recldents asking for the accepting il night. In the morning he found ilx speaking of worshipers of Mammon. Hr. and Mrs. Bert Clough of Wll- in which you’ll find the all-important throat proteaion Umantic were Sunday guests -of Blather aventxfi Tor the Insts nation dead rata scattered about the, floor. Suddenly he switched Into a scath­ tbelr sister. Miss Grace Emellne Contest Closes ing denunciation of money-lenders. fo iVear n> o f the "Toasting” process. Yes, the only cigarette. Clough. To get the point of this, one must Henry Pero, a student at the know that the .^berhart Legislature Lucky Strike... the, fine-tasting cigarette. . . the ciga­ recently passed an Act making a Lowell Tech school was home over rette that ’’lives happily cver-after’’ with your throat the weekend. OCTOBER 31, 1936 heai^ slosh in private debts. This was done mostly for the benefit of EUOROUIX LT'' Mra. Alice McKee with aeveral of farmers, large numbers of whom her friends from Hartford called on are heavily mortgaged. THE GAS REFRIGERATOR friends Friday and attended the POPULAR MARKET Here Is a part of what went over church supper. 8.T5 Maio'Street Rubinow Building N L Y a few days left for you to get your share smoke, soot and oilier elernenls that the air: * ^“SWEEPSTAKES ” FLASH! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomforde "W hat do they (the money lend­ from Baltimore, Md., and Tolland nVHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP” O of $10,000.00 in Cash Prizes. won't burn In your furnace. Tlie result ers) care whether the people are spent a few days last week at their Is a refined, concentrated fuel tiiat is bimgry or breaking under the bur­ 17 Winners in Alaska and Honolulu! Tolland summer home "StonecrofU'' Get your Contest Blank today. First Prize N all New England no Jewefer Kas ■ den of debt—these worshippers of Mrs. Joseph Du Fore is convalesc­ practically all pure lieaL Thtifs ammon! What do they care Eirran: man and women In tar off ing at her home after an operation l^ednesday SPECIALS! Wednesday $2,500— and 563 other cash prizes. Anybody has a m ore accurate acale than that used hether your babies cry aJl night I Honolulu and six way up north io at tbe Rockville city hospital. That is tile simple reason why Koppers because they are cold and have no chance to win. Drive to any American Oil Com­ by the fuel blender who selects the Aladc* know their popular music There will be held a Well Child Coke gives you more heat, less waste, food— (and bis voice dropped Clinic Wednesday afternoon be­ choice coals used in yaking - Koppers dramatically) so long as they get so well that they have been able to pany dealer cr station and ask for blank. You per ton— wily a ton lasts iongerj—gives. name the top ranking tongs in Your tween 3 and 4 o'clock at the Fed­ STEAKS! STEAKS! Coke. eight per cent!"' erated church. All children of thiK ALL don’t have to buy anything. you heller, quicker, steadier heat — Aberhart has the knack of reacn- Lucky Strike "Sweepaukci" 1-.2-3 town are expected to be present, tu PORTERHOUSE Ing down and gripping the Imagin­ —just like that.Congrttulacions... ONE this is frea of charge and aponaof^ SIRLOIN It weighs to l/5,000,(K)0th of a pound and costs -less to use. * ation o f hia hearers with graphic CobB— rJ U w R M w if C$st and good luck to the many other by the sUte. PRICE! the amount of ashes made by samples and colorful phrases and illustra­ hr-a-way "Sweepttakes" fans. Mr. and Mra. Emery Clough and More than 77,000 families in Connee* tions. And be a lw a ^ speaks tbe rellSSI FMM rrvCiCQMI ROUND AND CUBE Pound o f every Ion ■ of coal that goes intp^ Have you entered yet? Have you fam ily entertained aa /Sunday ticiit'and western Massachusetts say language of the audience — nerver gueaU, Mr. and Mrs. Jobiy barling, Koppers Coke. That Is why we can over their heads. , . Saviais T M Pay Fm tt won your delicious Lucky Strikes? Koppers Coke saves time, w ork and ^ A b niDstrattoB There’s mutio on the air. Tune in Br., and John Darling, it., of New Center Cut Country Roll truthfully say that Koppers Coke' BrttalQt Qfkym money—'and gives better heal. If that H a Is strong also with Us sym- ■Vour Hit Pinde”—'Wednesday M r. a M Mrs. Warren Hayden makes only one small pail of ashes a path!tUc approach to tbe people. Here ondSaturdayaveningslJtten,judges appeals to you, send fo r a K oppers Ser« b a simple little Ulustrei.tion frojn l^LECTROLTTX differs were guasU Monday at the home of Pork Chop! BUTTER ' week in an average furnace. and compere the tunes—then try M r. and Mrs. W. Hoyt Hayden. vice Man for full information. No ob> broodcasL Ebch Sunday solo- i - i basically from evary other - Your L u ^ Strike "Sweepstakes." Mrs. Charles Budd baa returned . 1st* sing religious aonga over the refrigerator. It baa no machlhery For dnly those grades of coal that make ligation to buy— just write or plione. And if yoo'n not already smok­ to the home of her daughter, Mrs. olr. It 1* tbe custom for radio- . . . not a aipgle moving, weu^ " lb. I iiii'iii ...... ' lUtenm to writs In and ask that ing Luckies, buy a padt today sod Lathrop West and family of Snip- lb. the least amount of ashes by this exact Ing port. Thanks to this dm;d9, these aonn be dedicated to tboae more efficient operation, Eleo* try them. Maybe ytm've been mist­ ate Laks aftar an extended visa Lena — Teoderl -measurement— only those types of coal Htra’s Real Aatonatic Control 'who are Ul or to old foUt who are ing something. with relatlvea and friends in New Ko|qMn AnUmuUc H m i Regu. trUuz never uakro a eoaBd. . . that bum readily and steadily are ...celebrAtihg blrtbdajr* or wedding oflere more yeaia cf eompletdy Jersey and Baltimore, Md. lator with'. Daal Control gives annlveraarle*. This Sunday there - Ih a Ladies' Aid supper held at EXTRA SPECIAL! STRICTLY FRESH used in making this belter fuel for perfect, even heal day and night w«a a letter asking that a song be ■atisfaetoty, money-aaving te- tbe Federated church but Friday — save* trips to cellar — saves frigeratlqn.Ownen win teU you hom e use. dedicated to,little Nellie, who had evening was a suoeeas financially fa n and money. been aerioualy 111 for three week*. that Electroluz aetoaUy payi for aad aodally. About e ig h ty were Installed Conutlelp "O f course we shall sfaig for Nel­ itself over a reasonable period of peseent, many from out of town. doz. EGGS doz. LESS W A ST E-M O R E HEAT Ready U> w lie,” said the premier softly In the time. Come in t o d » Std see The October meeting o f the Child the beautifal 1936 ISeetroliiz Three different types of OPPERS at th e lo w microphone. “We ore sorry you Study club win be held et the cash price of *2 V a Z 9 are sick Nellie. We ore glad to models for yourself. Inspect -dburch Tueeday evening, OcL 13th these choice coals are rtssT ri.eca - sing this song for you, and we hope their many worthwhile eopveii- a t 8 p. m. H le i laiaaheUi Nicker- FRESH OR SMOKED b le n d ^ — t h e n reA n ed PluM any focal /ees or Isures jrou wlU be better soon." ienoee. ' Boa, director o f the Bureau of Puo- Not a big thing, but the hypno­ OKE Slighlly Higher tor Upper noora .rJle BeaRh InstnicUen, having Ita by the coking process tism of bis voice was brought into RUDCET PLAN AVANABIZ la Hartford, will oe that rem oves all the full play bare. Many in tbe audience speaker. She sriU tell of her 6 bod tears In their eyes. Maochesfer IN v M m i Shoulders GaeCe. W k aad tha work being done MAKES LESS ASHES ■ETTER HEAT AT LOWER COST BeUoves tn Hlnoaelf the state to taform the AMERICAN OIL COMPANY Virtually all Abeihort's utter­ o f jthe atgU about thalri M tn rnmkmr mt Mmoaa Motor tmMommtr ances ore delivered with on sir ot FOR Pl^OMPT DEUVERY p h o n e Enterprise 1450 m Ss or Youp D e^ei absolute flnaUty. His Inflectton, hfiil 1 1 ’ " . . ■■ ■ 4^*! V'' ‘^'ti-*-:u.i].-^- w>-- ACBSIX MANCHESTER RVENTNO HKRAEDi, M ANOEnm :^ fOMN« TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18,1086 W h IfANCHBSTEB 1EVEN 1NQ HERALD. IfANCHESTER. OONN- TUESDAY. OCTOBER 18.1986 P A O W j • . - V 1..' . . -■ ■ Hafirly»0trr Rooterelt who wags bis head so em­ hod about as threatening a dawn in Results of the Straw Vote Amongr Dr. Townsend phatically and so dramatically pro­ appoarsaoe os anyone would care money in behalf c t her friends. C9iar1ea A Downs. Viola solo by Into privata flrivawayo. Tba teet that called upon to make any payments, graphs ia a bank window. A l __ claims “I—hate—warl" Into a posi- to see. Yet Sunday puosed without Those present ware Mrs, Bmella Or- MRS. TR E V nr Frank Drago, director of the Choral PARKING PROBLEM the owner of the drivawoy was pra- but were warned. by asked her If she knew whniel £ortttim firraid Uon where we win be Ml set to ap­ the development of the erisie ^In BUSY WEEK AHEAD lojwki, Mn. M an OstroWBld, Mn. MARY soclsty and Mrs. Helen Drago Bow­ vented for a period of a eou|>la of »«* ture It was. "Why, yea," she - Mffude Young, Mra. Blsiiehe RoM- man as Ms aoeompanlst. hdurs from getting Into his own SHE KNEW HIM ponded promptly, "that’s the ..- ^ ' PUBU8HEO BT TUB pear, at the very atari of the com­ Alsace, without Germans and by RgcM/Mtek tallle, M n. Katharlns Fontanella, Large attended funeral aerrioes garage or driveway was not thought who owns the Mbool -whars 1 1 K-» iPBBAtJ} PRINTING COMPANT, INC. eWMNCASmhalw. of 'When they parked there, but each It BttMtl 8tr«*t ing war, as the Inradal partner French shooting at each other ’ FOR GOP SPEAKERS the Misses Gladys V. Llptnsl^, Ellen SUES FOR DIVORCE w en held for Mrs, Elmma J. Skin­ BECOMES ACUTE Xenia, O.—(AP)*) —A small girl, k tfanchMter. Conn. and banker of two of the major across the Rhine, without anything SulUvon, Edith Houle, Eleanor Pan- ner a t tbs home ot her daughter, iromlsed not to do It again and tha pupil In McKinley school, stood mom- The langtli of the avtrsgs . THOMAS PfiROUSON 4* 0 or so'that went to the poHoe sta­ lig at a picture of tyluiam McKln- belligerents. And then, of course, much but some scuffling between BEGIN HERB TODAY clera, Mable Ward, Alice L. Ander­ Mra. Frank Mouse Sunday after­ I merdal truck haul’ la the X ^,v G«a6ral M&nftp«r to find the man and return hts son, Eunice Ludwig, Eva C. MuUlns noon. Thera was a profusion ot tion With parking cards were not l«y In a coUec|lpn ot old photo- P o u n d s t O otobar 1, l l t l we shall have to get Into tho butch­ Mobile Guards and Fosolsts. KATE AND CAROLINE HEED money to him. What you’ve done la Statsa is approximately UO live on a rnn-down Blue Grass and Miss Marion R. Mullins. beautiful flowers. The burial serv­ Pabll«b6d Bvftrp Blranint Rsotpt ery again to save our monetary Frenchmen can quarrel more nbt straight, baby. It sdn’t honor­ On One Day A. M. Brown Harold W- Bruce of VVestford ave­ Attaches Parker St. Proper­ ice was in the family plot at the Many Go Into PriYate Drive­ Buodays and Hotldaya Bnt6r«d at the LEMKE LAHPON farm with thdr gnuidfaUier, MA-. able." , stake. ■ profoundly and vociferously among JOB BAM MEED, and two old nue, county chairman ot the Young Wapplng cemetery. Pott Office at Manchester. Conn,, as Republican clubs, and John'C. Nstto Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Bel­ Beodnd Claai Mali Matter. Meantime Mr. Morgenthau, whose themselves—and get together quick­ Negro servants, ALT»Y and ty for $10,000; Charges ways and Find They Have ZEKB. Kate said, ‘We knew you’d feel Will Speak in Three Dif­ of High street, president of the cher and daughter. Miss Blanche SUBSCRIPTION RATB8 legal authority In such matters- Is er when an Interloper threatens to that way about It, Oran’dad. Caro­ Stafford Republican club, will attend Belcher and Miss Bernice Wheeler, One Tear, by Mall ...... {e.oo Kate la engaged to MORGAN line’s already pointed out to me the dinner given by the executive left last Friday morning for an au- P e r M onth, by M all ...... 60 actually nil, la e.stabllshlng the sneak In during the melee—than PRENTISS, bnt la neglected by blm ferent Towns. Intolerable Croelty.^^ Police Tickets. Blnsle Copy ...... t 01 value of the money of the United any othf r people on earth. They that It was a sort of blackmail— committee of the Connecticut Young tomobUa trip through New York Delivered one year ...... ts.oo for EVE ELWELL, Jrat home from demanding $500 for a ham recipe Republican organization at the Ho­ state up to the Adirondack moun­ States by pegging It to sterling— have done It time and again. Let college. Kate and Caroline start to and getting It because I had some­ tel Bond In Hartford on Monday eve* tains to the Saratoga battlefield. Parking along Main street and MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED the value of which Is fixed every any amblllous foreign nation or Louisville with Zeke to deliver four thing on the man. I guess he was a Hartford, Oct 18.—(AP) —The nine, October 19. In an action for divorce on They drove up to Lake George and - PRESS baked hams ordered by a 'dub. Their grounds of intolerable cruelty and on side streets leading off Main The Aaeoclated Press is exclusively day In London by a llttl(r group of dictator make the mistake of trying bad egg of some sort. He ■wouldn’t speakers’ bureau of the headquar­ Work on the Improvements that cross Lake Champlain at the Na­ 0«,3 entitled to the use of republieatlon sedan is struck by a car with an have been so fraid of that traffic have been going on for the past eev- for alimony, brought by Mrs. Mary tional Bridge and through the Green street ia s problem at this time. All of. all n ^ a dispatches credited to It private citizens who are, of course, to jump them now because they are eastern license. The driver, a ters of the Republican State Central eral weeks on the Wasserntan block or not otherwise credited In this cop If he wasn’t But what’s done Is Crannell Trevitt against Thomas mountains Into Maine and back last week parking spaces along 'S& ny p«opl«'nu£c tKi l i ^ t ^ cflrhffnSgj excellent Britons as well as smart having an Internal dispute—and see stranger, gives them $60. for ro- done. He’s gone—nobody knows committee has arranged another and the Robertson block on Main through the White mountains, a per and also the local news pub. palrs and consents to take tbe two busy week for the state ticket nom- street, have emerged from behind Trevltt of 194 Parker street, traffic Main street from the Center south Khed herein. men—but are not the American how quickly they will do It again. where—and good riddance. We've manager In Bast Hartford, proper­ distance of 760 miles. This is have been taken and people, have to cTfryoM All rights ot repuhlicationa of Congress and not such very hot girls and their hams to the city. got his nasty money and turned it Inecs. On at least one day during their scaffolding disguises and Is al­ only one of many trips they have gone onto side streets lirithout being ■peclaj dispatches herein are also re> En route he asks to boy the formu­ the next fortnight, Arthur M. most completed. At both bloclts ty owned by Mr. Trevltt . at the taken this fall. A week ago Sun­ eerved. Americana of any soi-t. Into good money. There now!” northwest corner of Parker and able to fine a parking epace unless whtn circunutflBMd £orce%litm^' NEW YORK’S VOTE la for curing nnd cooking the hofns. Major Meed, overwhelmed by Brown, RepubllCah gubernatorial the huge piste glass windows have day they motored to Mt. Parnasaus they drive one or two streets sway. Full service client of N A Serv* If the Republican orators want a Kate writes out the formula and been installed on the street floor Nye street has been attached by From all Indications there is one Kate's barrage of logic, got up and nominee, will apeak In three differ where they.called on Captain Com­ 'The parking has become so acute row m6n«)r.''^^Tlt«jr forgtt th«t ont of th t functioSS Ice Ino subject on which to stir up plenty asks the stranger $600 for It. He ent towns. Other candidates are Windows and gives the stores In the Deputy Sheriff Harold T. Keating, er, one of the laat of the old time that many persona having private traditional campaign pernonage who paced the floor. Presently he stop­ block the handsomezt display areas to tbe amount of $10,000. Publishers Representative: The of indignation against the Roosevelt hastily pays the sum asked when ped, stock-still in his tracks, and also heavily booked for speaking whaling captains. driveways have found automobiles of fl bank t$ to htlp rfl$pon$ible pdople ia^eed Julius Mathews Special Afsney*.>New la not going to make hla appearance Kate toUs him itiat she has seen engagements. In Stafford Springs. The windows The case is returnable In Hart­ Local people certainly enjoyed administration—Instead of talking broke Into a beaming smile. "You are of the latest designs Uko the ford County Superior Court Novem­ parked in the drives and are not Tork. Chicago. Detroit and Boston. at all this year—old Genernl him steal the license plates from know," he said, pulling at hli The schedule to October 21 is m the Vesper service which was held able to drive into \helr own garages. finnncinl aMiicnnc*. At iM it that i$ tha prim al^ so loudly about relatively Insignifi­ their damaged car. The girls bank follows: large cities. Work Is also continu­ ber 3. Mrs. Trevltt Is represented at the Community church last Sun­ The conditions were such Sunday MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU Apathy. New York Is very, very goatee, "I believe the Lord aei ing on the Flckenger block at the by Attorney Harold W. Oarrlty. function of thi$ bank. It alw art hiu been.^It «l i CIRCULATIONS. cant thinfs - let them get after this the money and buy a new drees for that money! It’ll pay our debts!' Tuesday, Oct. 18— day afternoon. Burdette Hawley, night that owners of garages who 3 far from being the whole of the Kate to wear to a dance- Klllingly—Town hall, Danielson, upper end of Madn street, opposite Mr. and Mrs. Trevltt were mar­ organiat of the South (Jongregation- were prevented from entering the The Herald Printing Company. Ino. outrageous usurpation of govern­ Kate exclaimed Indignantly, "Pa' the Hudson garage, which la owned ried October 10. 1912, according to wajni will be..,It alwayt tb o u ld be.j^ ^ aaeumee no* flnanclal reapnnsihillly United States; tlierc may, Indeed, In Lexington n wealthy and bit­ g p. ra., Brown; Southerlng—Town al church in Hartford played tha driveways because of automobiles i ment by the United States Treasury our debts nothing! It’s going by Elias Seroor. the complaint nnd attachment, filed for typographical errors appearing In tie some question as to whether that ter yoimg mountaineer has Just ar­ hall, 8 p. m.. Albert E. Lavery; Ben­ pipe organ and the quartet of that parked In the way oomplatned to the advertisements in the Manchester Department. give Caroline' her senior year at jamin E. Harwood. Stonlngton — The last of fne caucuses In the today in tbe office of Town Clerk police. I t ' was about I I o’clock ranged with his lawyer to foreclose college. I told you that. Gran'dad.” town of Stafford, prior to the state church sang several selections. Cvenln'g—Herald. That department Is doing Its level great hive Is anywhere near as Im­ a mortgage on tho Me- I farm. He Town hall, 8 p. m.. FrancLs A. Pal- Samuel J. Turklngton. Guests at the home of Mr. and when owners of automobiles started portant In the economy of America The old man seemed not to hear. lottl. and national election on November Warrantee deeds were filed as fol­ Mrs. Wilbur C. Hills over the week­ a parade Into tho police station. In TUEaDAY, OC7TOBER IS best to head us straight Into the Is JEFF HOWARD, owner of coal His face wore a relieved, happy ex­ 3, will bo held tonight, Tuesday eve­ a.s It thinks It Is or as a good many lands and a hater of Blue Grass October 14— ning. The Stafford Democrats will lows, Alexander Little to John and end were Miss Lenora Towhlg, a every case the story was the same. coming war horror—which will cost pression. "Ye's", he told them, "it’ll Norwich—8 p. m., Pallottl, Ann Little for one-half Interest In teacher In Springfield school, who They could not find a place along MONEY ouLslders Imagine It to be. But aristocrats. pay our debts. We can hold up our nominate their candidates for repre HEADING FOR WAR us more in a year than a century of George Q. De Cenzo, candidate for sentatlves, and justices of the peace property at Pearl and Harrison spent the night Saturday, returning tbe street to park and had driven t)Oomloggling and killing of Uttle when 2,900,000 of Its citizens reg­ NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY heads after all." secretary of etate. Ansonia— streets, internal revenue stamps to her home Monday afternoon nnd To grant a'*per$onal loan op to $1000', Caroline aald gently, “TeU us at a caucus to be-held In the War­ Whoever controle the nation's pigs. ister as voters, a clear gain of CHAPTER VI Opera House, 8 p. m., Brown; Sev- ren Memorial "own Hall, at eight Indicating a purchase price of $3,- Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hills and we make only three requireroent$/g| 1. money controls Its destiny. Mr. half a million over any previous about the debts, Gran’dad. You’ve mour—High school, 9:30 p. m.. o’clock. Bernard ,C. Hanley of How 600; and from George . L. Fish to two SODS from Wllllmantic. — When the girls returned from the never really talked to us about bual- Brown. William and Grace A. Irwin for a Hollis Church of South Windsor Horgenthau, It appears, controls registration. It's a pretty good In­ city on the 5 o’clock bus the Major land avenue, who has served one ------You mutt be of age, of $ound character^ ness. Do we owe much?" , October 15— term In the Legislature wrill again lot on the north side of Henry was renominated to run for repre­ • the money of the United States. He TOP COURT DECISIONS dication that the men, women and was Impatiently awaiting them. Al­ The old man sat down again. He Waterbury—6:80 p. m„ Brown, sentative of the town nt the Repub­ [and fitanding. 2. You mutt hare tteadp ineranw or* ready. from Zeke, he knew of the be nominated. There Is likely to be street. has no more constitutional right to children of this country propose to put hla hands on his knees and Lavery, candidate for lletitenant a contest In the second nomination A qult-clalra deed from William lican caucus. Mr. Church has The Supreme Court yealcrday disaster of the morning and a few looked at the floor. He said, "There’s governor: Pallottl; J. Sedgwick served as representative of the 'employment. 3. Two retpontible ptriona mutt do so than the mayor of Rockville, have .something to say about who of the subsequent events. between the present Incumbent, Kanehl to Michael and Frieda dealt with a considerable number of almost $200 owin’ to the grocery Tracy, candidate for treasurer; Aldo Amprlmo of Prospect street, a Klelnschmldt for property on the town for several terms. .lign at co«maker$. The procedure it caty and but he la doing It right now. Per­ New Deal and near Now Deal meas­ shall he the next President. It had been a shock to him, a dry goods and hardware storea. Harwood, candidate for comptroller; The Democratic town committee awaking that morning to hear Zeke member of the police force at the north aide of Welles street was haps Roosevelt knows what bis ures the answers to which a lot of There may be various things to And there’s that $300 thalt I bor­ De Onzo. Naug;atuck—8 p. ,m., State Capitol, and Francis Fagan of filed today. failed to name a candidate for tlie laimple. All you do It to fill out a Pertonal LoOS^ Secretary of the Treasury Is doing, find fault with in the New York sys­ m a y JULY OCTOBER MOV, excitedly phoning a Shelby garage rowed from Judge Prentiss two Arthur M. Brown. Derby— Sterl­ StaffordvlUe. nomination for representative at people would ^ve their ri^ht eyes concerning the Injured car. ing theater, evening, Pallottl, De Application Blank, hBTe two of your fHendt tifo perhaps not. But at all events Mr. tem of reqtdrlng perstmal registra­ years ago without security." Mrs. EUo Scotta and daughter, their laat meeting of the committee. to know DOW, or at least before The old Negro had hardly hung Kate exclaimed quickly, "I didn’t Onzo. Dona of Hartford, Oonn., have re- The party caucus In town ball Mon­ $ 2 5 0 Morgenthau made ar announce- tion before each election, but the (at co>makert and we do.the rett.' .it;. up the phone before the Major had we JNofWi .. ,,„j. tu ra^ , , WAPPING day will make the nomination. tOQNO i m tllat them In any such way as to give a jiystero'opefii^^^ B ’litSep' tSe ’ fe^'s-' Mm 'eomeraa.' ''WHSt’-Aity',' Zeke^ prantlss. Her sklh prickled. The at' the home of her parbfits, a lt. titla tWSiffiu* 'SfiSGratt' South' the American .Secretary of the trallon and the polling pretty close-' ho called. "You’ve been In an acci­ Idt' of being Indtbted to Morgan’s October 16— Mrs. Thomas Bradley, on Morton IVapplng Orange will hold their has been mentioned as a possible CM drtm $ m i V m im f t «W / Pm great deal of satisfaction to any­ dent with the car?” Middletown—8 p. m„ Harwood; nineteenth regular meeting this candidate. Treasury has entered Into another ly abreast. People who will take kindly and auccesoful father was street, for the past wreck. body. "Yesslr, Major Sam,” replied too Intolerable to contemplate. Berlin—Kensington Junior High year this evening at the Wapplhg EVERY SUNDAY “gentlemen’s agreement" with the trouble tc go and register' are lion-dollar fund for u.se at the school, Lavery, Pallottl; Hartford— Lf. Hflrtfert ------There are folks who pretend to be polls Nov. 8 probably Is Just Zeke, coming to hla bedside. "Seem "Yes," said Major Meed. “For Community Church House at eight TEMPUS FUGIT f.lt AM* “Great Britain and France" the pretty likely to go and vote also. like de engine still run first rate, 9:30 p. m„ Pallottl; Bethel—Mason­ o’clock. It is to be a (^mpetltlve Seattle—James Love, 20, of Van­ Lv. MBBchMtSY----- tett AM. FROM THIS BANKI able to keep score, after a fashion, guesswork. two years now. I borrowed 1( to Dim Bmim (t*. |u . ) _ 1 a.OR PJK. effect of which la the establishment It 1s entirely possible that the to­ but one tire Is flat ’cause de left repair the tobacco barn after the ic Temple, 1 p. m.. Brown; Danbury Night between the sisters and couver, B C., had some time on his V • W .t op Supreme Court cases before final In New York hlne fender la bashed again de —High school, 8 p. m„ Brown; New BEHER FREIGHT brothers, with Mrs. Francis Foster hands, so he stopped on a Seattle fitrvRivfjfo of a “new gold standard" for the tal election day vote In the city will After Big Money big storm unroofed It. I'vs felt L«. loiiBa (S*. f u . ) . _____«.ftO P.II. You haye a full yfar in which to rtpay" opinion Is rendered, deeming that wheel." Milford—^Town hall, 9:30 p. m.. as chairman of the committee for street to wind his watch. A tall man TlHnu 6$od Ml* to totlM ladlMtoi 6b stabilization of foreign exchange. It appears, however, that Chair­ mighty badly about not paying him. tho mere consent to review a lower reach 2,750,900; It would seem un­ man Joe Grundy of the Penn­ “Good Lord!" exclaimed the Not that he’s ever pushed me. He's Brown; Danbury—High echool, 8 p. the sisters and Elmer Hart as chair' grabbed It and fled. Love told po­ $•1$ al toaUBdi Tiektt OAm your Io4a in eaty inttallmeutt. Your co- The actual consequence Is probably likely to fall below 2,800,000. By GEORGE ROSS. .{ there.) The Algonquin Is the lair Major. “How did It happen?” m., De Cenzo; New Milford— Town VOLUME SEEN IN man for the brothers. lice: “I was never so surprised In court’s decision Is Indicative of sylvania Manufacturers’ Associa­ been as patient as you please, but THE NEW HAVEN r r makert and your etuta are fully pro* Intended to be the flnancing of tion recently urged that bu.siness New York. Oct. 13.—Columnlstic , of the literati. At the Ansonia live "Seem like a white man In a big hall, 8:45 p. m., De Cenzo. Mr. and Mrs. Truman C. Hills my life.” something concerning one case or Just the same I’ve felt small." October 17— attended tbe wedding of Miss Phoe­ Great Britain's and France's part men of Berks County contribute Chaff: Someone ought to call the opera stars and leading musicians car done hit ua, Major Sam. But he Kate remarked, "The money be­ tec ted by insurance which we uke out oa your that refusal to review is Invariably 5500,000 os their share. Inas­ Liberty Leaguers’ attention to the ; (the walls are soundproofed extra­ right nice an’ perlite aboutf It. He North Canaan—8 p. m.. Pallottl; CURRENT REPORT be Merrill to Edwin James Scher of the coming war out of the ten or longs to Caroline now. I gave It to Old Lyme—Memorial hall, 8 p. m„ merhom last Saturday evening at a final settlement of some other much as $3,000,000 has been Rockefellers. Up In the arch-tem­ thick.) done pay $50 to get us fixed up. He her. She's the one to say if you can life at no cost to you»—wlthoot a medical tocaad- eleven dollar board of gold which spent In the Keystone state on a ple of wealth, the Rainbow Room, The St, Moritz Is home for new done take Miss Kate an’ Miss C’llne Lavery; New Britain—Central Jun­ Storrs Congregational church. A case. Such people arc frequently BEHIND have It." She looked at Caroline ior High echool, 8 p. m.. Brown, De reception followed Immediately i’nation. It*t a simple, busineu-Uke, practical the United States has been hiding single senatorial primary fight, Miss Sheila Barrett, the monolog- ly arrived Europeans, the Warwick an’ de hams In to de city, too—' rather pleadingly, sharing with her Freight carried by the New Haven surprised to find themselves con­ aiirh a figure would not be aston­ Istc, la reciting a sketch by that foe a frequent atop of film notables The Major jerked himself to a sit­ Cenzo. aftef the ceremony at the home of terrice wa have creatad for our cuttomart and undeiground white borrowing Its THE SCENES ishing. the sorrow of the loet year at col­ October Ifl— Railroad and the other rail carriers the bride’s parents, Professor and fronted, some fine Monday later on, of wealth, Clifford Odeta. And In The St. Regia la the local halt for ting posture. "You mean the girls lege which had been so near reality. deficit money at interest from the with a Supreme Court decision that IN THE Big business men In Pennsyl­ the marble halls of Rockefeller Cen­ the 400 between jaunts to Aiken, were with you when It happened?” Now London—Garibaldi Park, 4 of New England during the final Mrs. Arthur R. Merrill of Mansfield. non-customers. It*t available to you ll^yso. bookkeepers of the Federal Reserve vania are aroused, especially be­ ter the other day, I heard a top-hat- Palm Beach and Hot Springs The p. m„ De Cenzo. quarter of 1936 Is expected to in­ There were severs] local people had seemed to them to be quite he bellowed. October 19— who motored to East Hartford First need it., System. cause of the political alliance be­ ted young fellow humming "The In­ Waldorf Astoria Is a hostelry for “Yesslr, Major. Dey shore was Caroline said steadily, "Of course crease In volume by 5.3 per cent Whr put ofi buyins the th in a von impossible. CAMPAIGN tween the administration and or- ternationale." Moscow jold, per­ anyone of affluence. To the Well­ he can have It! We’ve got to pay , Manchester State Armory, 6 p. over the actual amount of freight Congregational church last Sunday On September 26 a Treasury an­ Dey meant to ask you could dey go. m„ Brown; Pallottl. evening where they attended the IISTEN » need—ot paying thoee bllUl We’ll lend A Supreme Court opinion la de­ gahlzcd labor. President Ernest haps. ington go many a chorus or show­ But bein’ as how you came home our debts. The money's yours, transported by the New EJngland you any amount up to $100—quickly—sod nouncement was to the effect that Herald Washington, Oorreapondent T. Weir of the National Steel Cor­ During recent months, the "rip­ girl of Broadway musicals and the Gran’dad. A gift from Kate and me. Thompsonvlllo—High school, 9 p. railroads In the last three months of annual Orange services. The prin­ •Yow Un»en FrioxT you cm have t yctr or longer to reply. livered when It la delivered, and poration—a leader In tho National las' night under de weather—’ m.. Brown. cipal address of the evening was «I r. M. a "gentleman's agreement" had ping rhythms" of a Shep Fields’ Gotham Is unmistakably British. He paused, having with darky Easy come, easy go!" she conclud­ 1935, according to an estimate of U>e thlt auick, friendly lom-ecrvice. See until It baa been delivered all tho New York. Oct. 13 T h e best way Association of Manufacturers, the orchestra, has been the rage. How The Forrest’s permanent guests Bridgeport—Twenty-First Sena­ probable oarloadlnga. made by the by Charles M. Gardner, High Priest __ ue ibout the ceih ^ou need toartlc8 can get some The joints of the body have de­ of the stage, and there she was. in the house they could see him there. sion years jo recapture business that UP AND RUNNING SMOOTH"____ SAYS LEE taken yesterday. (Ilgantle Drive by Mull Birds of a Feather. full view of the footlights—with an too heavy and I’m not a good farm­ The meeting will be held each eve­ had been diverted into other chan­ consolation out of trie miuis of yes­ grees of movement varying from Some of the high spirits of the day er any more. Since I lost my tenant ning at 7:30 In the Baptist church For a week or more Mr. Morgen- About 40,000,000 letters, accord­ Even the hotels that are sup­ assorted collection ot people. Seems fell away from them, for they knew aiiuitorium, and will close with a nels. 'y"-*AMELS set me right!” Gehlbsch says. terday's rulings, but anyone looking ing to tips received by Roosevelt the non-movahle joints of thj skull posed to be fairly cosmopolitan she stepped on the revolving stage. a few years back, ray crops haven't These preparations, at least as far important for everyone in this wide-awake thau, we are told m the dispatches, for Important New Deal dccLslons, that a "session" was unavoidable. been worth the seeds, hardly. Zeke brief Bible study. An open dlscus- "'You know,cbanco isonly 10% o(m y era. So make Camel your cigarette. Enjoy, leaders, will ho mailed from G. O. P. to the freely moving ball and have distinctive clienteles. Thus; After curtain the MacDonalda elon will be held after each lecture as the New Haven Railroad Is con­ has^ been In almost constant secret one way or tho other, before elec­ sources to employes and stocfithold- socket joint of the shoulder. If you The McAlpln and Bristol are well got together, agreed that Elsie was and I are both wearin’ out, and the cerned, were all aimed at one ob­ ing Camels at mealtime and after speeds up They went inside and waited un­ farm hands you hire nowadays don't by Mr. Austin with questions Invited conference at the Treasury Depart­ tion day. may as well fold up the ci in the, last two or three days be­ twist your arm and shoulder populated by southerners. The getting along well as an actress, til the old man was comfortably from those who attend.' jective—greater speed. Not only the flow of digestive fluids—Incresscs alka­ ment with "representatives of Brit­ fore election. around, you will find that the arm New Weston Is popular with the also. She wasn’t paid the usual ex­ take an interest... .No. not even Wednesday, October 28, he will was the actual traveling speed of expectations and put them away. These, It is said, will be of the college girls (The Vassar CHub Is settled In bis favorite chair. Then Uncle Sam is going to finance a freight trains built up by the use of linity—helps bring a sense o f weU-belng. ain - and France, unnamed In the nlbves In several different direc­ tra’s fee, though. Kate said, "Well, Gran’dad, I can apeak on "The Challenge of Dicta­ Giving out vital decisions just "scare" type and the mailing list tions. The elbow la a little different, poor risk like old man Meed." tors" and will outline American powerful locomotives to a point Smoke Camels—for dlgcsdon’s sake—for earlier news but almost certainly will be taken from atockhold,.r see Zeke’s told you what happened Kate and Caroline looked at each which would have been considered before a Presidential election, when being a hinge joint, and In your this morning. We had a narrow es­ Democratic politlca which have sur­ their refreshing "Uft.” Camels set you tight! delegates not of the British or and payroll lists furnished by Jaw you not only have a hinge to keep the power of movement In tables; I have no scalp disease, such other Incredibly. Caroline aald In vived the national crials, and go In­ Impossible a dozen years ago, but they could be used by either side corporations and other employ­ cape but It all turned out beauti­ a queer voice, "You mean we’ve got speed of handling and classification And they do not get on yous nerves. French governments but of the as cami>algn material, ,Ju.st isn t ers. The Idea would be to reagh joint which allows you to open and the joints you should begin to move as dandruff, but my hair Is coming fully." to factors which tend toward Fas- shut your mouth, biit you have a them as soon as the acute period of out very fast, having already one fc—got to leave Meed Meadows, clam in the United States. Mr. Aus- was likewise Increased. The New Bank of England and the Bank of done by tho Supreme Court. nearly every voter, offsetting fa­ Caroline took up the tale: "We Gran’dad? Move out of our house?" till has made a tour of 21 different Haven put a largo fleet of motor vorable business news by fore­ gilding joint which enables you to Inflammation and swelling baa sub­ small bald spot What Is your, ad­ got three of the hams there safely, trucks Into freight service to J’feed" France. push your teeth from aide to side sided. Stiff joints may result from vice?" * He nodded, not looking nt them. countries since 1931. Thursday eve­ casting disaster to busineaa, em­ but one was ruined. It was the only ‘'Where wiu we go?" asked Kate, ning he will take for his subject freight from points oft the media' The effect of the agreement there ployment, and investments .n or In front of the upper teeth. resting too long a time. Answer: I would advise you to one that spilled out of the car. Did lines to fast trains at stations on and then reached is to make it pos­ FRANCE case ot Rooscvelt’a re-election. Movable joints are reinforced and During the Inflammation, lymph lUw the Ice treatment on you"- scalp not flinching. “The Challenge of Another War. you ever hear of such good luqk?" “We’ll have shelter," he repUj Friday evening "The Challenge of the medn line, and also to deliver sible for either Britain or France This story may be exaggerated, joined together by strong liga­ will be exuded and the joint may to Induce a better circulation of freight from the main line points to The French people can play long­ become bound around with material The old man said, “It’s good luck almost cheerfully. "The tei Unemployment and Democracy’s but Democrats are taking it se­ ments. A sprain means that some blood. Treat the scalp at least enough to have you girls safely out Way Out," Saturday night’s sub­ those some distance away. Today, to draw from the gold hoard of the er and more Intimately with politi­ riously enough to be planning on of these ligaments have been tom of a fibrous nature leading to ad­ twice daily, moving the Ice slowly bouse over on the Mount Hebron overnight delivery of freight can be United States whatever sums they cal fire without getting actually of It! And Zeke. Nobody hurt. Re­ road. I’ve held on to that. It’s got ject wdll be “Tha Challenge of Reli­ a fast, punchy comeback from or stretched by a movement which hesions. Skilled manipulation will In over the bald spot Afterwards mas­ markable!” gion and Revolution.” On Sunday, made by tho New Haven, between may desire in exchange for Ameri­ burned than any nation In Europe. Roosevelt over a national hookup. is not in the normal range of the most cases cause the joint to return sage the scalp with coconut oil. 20 acres to It. We can have a almost any two points op *lts sys­ Similarly, they hope to offset ef­ ‘And the man who hit us gave mighty fine garden, there." tha closing day of the Institute, the can dollars In order to protect their It would take a specializing student Joint. The lubricating membranes to a condition of free movement. You may have seme glandular trou­ me $50 to have the car repaired. director wdjl lecture on "The Chal­ tem, and overal^t delivery Is alSo fects of other lost-mlmUe bar­ between the Joints are also usually Where one has once epralned an ble or a hereditary tendency to The tenant house! The girls possible to main points In the South own currencies—or actually for of French hlstoiy with a particular­ rages, such as circulation ot 20,- Gran’dad," Kate sold. Bbe showed were seeing- It as they looked un­ lenge of the Prerant Age.” damaged, and sometimes the blood ankle or dislocated a joint there ia boldness, but the Ice treatment may him the'blUs and then, at a wt^e The closing session Sunday eve­ and W«st up to distances of 600 whatever purpose the gold may be ly retentive memory to list the OOO.OM tabloids In doubtful states vessels of that region may become a weakneset remaining for some help you In any case. believingly at their grandfather. A ning will feature the Passion Play miles. needed. Nominally the amount to for which they understand the G. time and the part may be very look from Caroline, put them back stark “ little six-room house. Its number of times that dlacordant O. P. has let a f300,000 contract, ruptured and fill the joint cavity (Lemons and Balt) Into her purse. "We risked spend­ of Oberammergau, of which Mr. be so drawn Is limited by the size with fluid. easily injured again. I t there Is any porch sagging. Its upstairs win­ Austin has unusual pictures pf tbe political elements In that country and, most of sill, the effect of * Question: H. F ask's: "Is It harm­ ing $10 of it for a drees for me to dows resembling a pair of close-set MIDWEST GAME THRIVES of their equalization funds—but great outlay of cash n-hleh 'her . A sprain makes Itself known by a distortion ot the part the doctor ful to eat lemons with salt?" wear to the Dalton dance Thurs­ players at their daily work and of ON DROUGHT AND ’HOPPERS have come wlthlh an ace of blowing. sharp and severe pain, rapid swell­ should be called immediately, as the ejes In an unhappy face. Beside it the village life tn Oberammergau. either can. Increase the size ot that expect to be unleashed against ' Answer; The use of lemons with day night. A beautiful dress, Gran'- La Belle France sky-high and dis­ ing of the part, local beat, and spratii might be accompanied by a salt stimulates more hydroebiorio a worn-out, untraded orchard. Be­ Notes them In the final clinches. dad, marked down to a fourth of Us hind It a hideous, paint-peeled barn. Pratt, Kas.—(AP) —The gtass- fund at any time, or merely say tributing the pieces in possession sometimes a khlny appearance of dislocation of even a fracture. acid in the stomach and this, in a regular price. Blue satin. Tbe sweet­ Mr. and M n. George Roeebuah cif hoppera and drought, hard as .«y ' that she-has Increased It; with the Center on Pennsylvania the skin. These symptoms occur In Bometimea the vertebrae In* the way, assists in the digestion of cer­ Before It a broken picket fence, Morton etreet have rented the Pan- have been on crops, wera a boon to of several hungry neighbor states— est thing."' separating a weedy lawn from tbe piera tenement on Proipeot street result that our vast gold stock Is at Of course the Democrats, too, the immediate area of the joint. back are injured by apralns or tain kinds of foods, but in the end Major Meed patted Kate’s hand. tbs gams supply In the opinion ot without quite reaching the blow-off will empty their - campaign Chest The patient avoids movement or alight dlsplacamenta. These can pike... .Was that to be their home? and wlU move to it by the first ot Dsn Ramey, state game supervisor. the entire disposition o t sttber or point Is liable to, produce on over-acidity 'I’m mighty glad yuu go' it, baby. November. into such important doubtful weight upon the part. -i usually be corrected by manipula­ of the stomach, consequently this I reckon you’ve been needin’ a new Ha said be never had sera such en both o< those countries any time Of course there have been some states as Pennsylvania, New York immediately following a sprain tive treatmdbt which will restore (To Be Oontlnned) The members o t tbe Btraxxa Post, abundance of quail or the birds In mixture- Is not usually advisable. dress for a long time. You ought’ve No, 26, American Legion, who are they can sell something in this coun- occasions when the stress did not Ohio, and nUnois. But it Is gen­ care should be taken to avoid move­ the part to Ua normal position. In Try taking lemon juice In water such healthy condition. Ha attribut­ erally accepted that the Repub­ people who have a rheumatic ten­ got one for Caroline, too.” on tba various departmant eommit- ed this to ucresse Insect life and ' tty to get the dollars with which fall short of explosion—when ment. If the foot or knee la hurt the between meals. " - -- Kate eald quietly, “We got eome- MALE QUAIL StTS— taes for 1986-37 that were confirmed 1^, licans have far more to spend. Umb should be raise* to relieve the dency sprains are aometlmes the (Itohlng Nose N.ot Always Worms) abaence of rains In mating season. to draw' out the bulUim. Frenchmen s h ^ the blood of Chairman ,W. B. Bell of the G. congestion of blood. Nc walking beginning of chronic' synovitis or thlng else for Caroline—a senior BUT UNOEB PROTEST last Saturday night at a banquet The easiest thing to selt—at a O. P. finance division long ago Question: Mrs. M. X. asks: "Does year at the University of Louis­ and meeting held in the Hotel Bond, POSTMAN ‘CIRCLES GLOBE* THE TEST OlVBI Sttiight down from 4 laOe, op Frenchmen with as much relish as" should be done with a sprained arthritis as the rheumatic toxins a bad Itching . In the nose and a Hershey, Pa. (AP)—A male quail Hartford, are; Community Service; price—^would be European-held notified National Chairman John ankle. The part should bs bandaged tend to settle in the injured area. In ville. You aee, Oran’dad, w< sold 1% TIMES IN U YEAB8 —tnoto* tooiiag—struts Kreamiog—Gcblbach teats If If had been the blood of Germans. Hamilton. In case Hamilton didn't craving for sweets indicate worms? your bam formula to tha- man who went matemal near ucre and batch­ Safety, Sergeant Harris L Hurlburt ■ . \ asithwsrd like a bullet flashlag from a MTotver. Aniertean securlUes; stocks and But tn comparison to the number tightly and cold ^pUcatlons used. these cases one should immediately If so, how can they be gotten rid oi took us to town. 1 made him pay ed a brood—but be did It under pres­ of East Main street; Sons of Legion, already know It, that the 'big Some prefer adhealvc tape and begin, an oranga or granefrult .fast sure. Medford, Okla.—(AP) —If CSw- Anything osa happen. A bump ia tbs sir—a tiny bonds. Or “dumped" merchandise o t times when such a catastrophe money w m to be saved for the by diet?" $500 for it—” . William 3. Labrecbe of 'Bdgewood race B. Warren hadn’t been walking flaw, ana tbs plane Can fly to places ss^dtougn last days, when It would be others a tight bandage. The use of to be continued until all the pain Answer: The symptoms you de­ Bha talked rapidly,., telling tbe Early In t)ie bat'^ning period at atreiet; Awards. Harold W. uhice of In circles, he would have walked one which cahnot be'sold at home but has seemed impossible to avert the cold packs or running water tends has subsided. the Hershey quail farm, the moth­ Westford avenue. dynamited wfaUe tha pilot takes to bis psnchnts. can be unloaded at ra t prices in this plunked Into the key states. scribe are often felt by those with whole ftory while he listened in and one-half times around the worid. But Lae Gehlbsch eats heartily and tujojt hla food. actual occasions of large scale fra­ According to Democrats In to prevent an excessive congestion some kind intestinal parasites pained amazement. er bird left her nest of lO eggs and Miss Marion R« MuUlns of Crater Warren Is Medford's mall carrier. United B t a ta a - ^ gold. Or the Pennsylvania, the biggest flnan­ of blood. qUEtmONB AM) ANBWKR8 but, of course, I cannot say that the father took her place, volun­ street who left Sunday for a three Note the Camel cigantta in bfr head—one of tricide have been surprisingly ity “Exhibit One!" she said, showing Recently be completed 16 years of many he enioys daring and afrar aisala. stocks or bonds o t British and frequent clal effort will be made in the While rest U .important in the be­ this is so Ip yodr case. Why dob’t Caroline’s new bank book with Its tarily at firisL weeks* vacation at Burton. Texas, servee. 'Since be started carrying Keystone state. Political charges ginning, at least for a few days, It (BaU at Twenty-thrm) _ y ie n he became tired of his job as the guest of rolattvea was tander- the mail on Aug. 16, 1931, he has French nlhmUloiti oonoenis. Thrss or four days ago FranM -you have -a goodidiagnosis made neat entry.. . . “And 'ExbiUt Twoltt- for public consumption are to oe should not be Oontlnued, for too Queatlon: D. L. WHtas; *1 am and find out if tbs trouble is caused unwrappl^- a flat packag that ana tried ' to leave, l ^ t ea'*> time eJ a farawen party at bar home be­ walked an average of 60 miles a So w« a rt . being rapidly maneu- looked dlstrosslngly like Spain did discounted and the assertion of tong a time, or the prolonged Inac­ twenty-three yean of age, general he made the effort, the ■iiotbsr bird fore leaving. During tbe evening a week. by some local irritation and gett­ proved to be their Acoverec license drove him back to tba nest Tered, by tha adndnlstimtlon o t Mr. three or four months ago. Sunday Pennsylvania Democrats that K»- tion may allow the joint to heal up health fairly good, and I uae an e r toxic condition, or the irrita­ plates.. aodal time waa enjoyed. Refresh- At that rate, Warren walked more putdicana are raistqg a flve-mU- locked tn one position. If you wish abundance oC fresh fruits and vege­ tion o t lntssU|ial paraattasT 'FlnaUy, eight of tho M eggs menta were also a e rv ^ idtn Mul- than 2,600 miles a year, or 87,600 Major Mead sooka. 'WVU have hstdiad. - . • llns >aa presented with • puna of miles in 15 years. DIGESTION'S SA K E^M O RT CAMB&S ^Ji ' -aV , / ■" ■■■ ■ _ -’ii- If ANCSEarrER BVENINO HEltiLO. UANCREiHd^ti OONN. T D l^ A T , OCTOBER 1^ 19M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTICR. OUNN. TU£SUAY«i?C7rOBER 18,1288 H R l U UJNG NAMED )m Q n 13th o f M onth PROSECUTOR SHEA Sab Freezing Temperatures^ GET$74333 WRACK Baby Turning to Stone DAILY RADIO PROGRAM RADIO BY BOLTON DEMOCRATS ON G. OP. PROGRAM Reported All Over State TAXES W 8 WEEKS TUESDAY, OCTOBER tS (Central and Bsstsm Staedar^ ’n.hs) ^ Mack^Cat Saves Her Life Happy with Her Dolls NsUi All iirosnimi to liey and basis chains or froass thereof unless spsel- (Bastera dtaadard H bm.) fled: coast to rnast (e to o) li'slsnatlona Include all avallabis atatlona Win Oppose Mrs. Maod Wood­ etatisns rtaarva right ts change gregrams withsut grevleus netlos. P. M.. ward for Representative • » ( Cent, taete Poutles on ths A ir: Oet. 18"— (AP) — TUef Part way down ehe illpped and By ASSOCIATED PRESS Glenn eectloD and 82 in West Ha- Arcadia, WU.. Oet It—(AP) —fl Delore*, apparently understanding, riBC-WEAF (RED) NETWORK yen. DASIC — Eatti iraaf »l«r wnso -*tle itOG—teiite end Ram Tliapin Tonight: Republican— CBS 7 east Instices Nominated. fell over the veranda rail. Her lit­ Win Be One of the Speakers Winter knocked oo Connecticut’s More Taken in Since Fiscal Her right arm turned to "stone” by nodded her head slowly sad smiled itiSr* aH5—Parade ol '/euth — uMt( I tmie o f a M vw-yaarold stil. In Waterbury the temperature bashfully. wjsr wus eesh kyw shle wtbr wre aad 11 west, WUHam Hard oomment tle j3ody ricocheted against a burlap door early today, leaving a strong a rare malady, a flaxen haired, two- wgy when wes* wtam trwj waal; KUd- Plana—Dixie;' t'alk un GUm-rweet th* ISth of th « month who bag bung over the rail for refuse, dropped 81 degrees In thirteen and She enjoyed automobile rides, bar waati kad wmnq who .vnw artlnf -.vira OtSD—Press. Radio ^4ewt Period period; WABC-CBS, 9, Gov. A. M. Mr*. Margaret Halliig was eoYnl* '<8 fM t and xraa aaved at the throwing her clear of the structural at Meeting in Recreation bint at more extended visits to a half hours, the thermometer read­ year-old girl cheerfully cared for mother said, and walked about tha wool wood 1:98—Rlue PlaMee Alxed Ouer. Landon from DetrolL ^ natsd for r*pr*s*ntaUv* at th* Year Began Than Two MIDWEST a CANADIAN—wtm) ksbz •:45— Ji45—Renfrew of :he viountea beam*. come. ing an even 82 at 11:80 o'clock laat her dolla today with one hand. house without difficulty, ‘ J:0Q— tird'e ’Semment— DemocraUc — WJZ-NBC, 7:15, Democratic oaueus in Bolton laat : « t til* nine Uva* of a black cat Delores Breaka, toddling about wib* liatp webc wday kfyr cr»t citf I Objoct laaaon to folk* who are Whether she released the black Sub-freezlDg temperatures struck night. Mrs. Breska said the family had SOUTH—wrvs wpif wwnc wava wjax (ixetj The Suniet Serenade—weet Jesse Jones; WMOA-Inter-Clty, 9, nigbt without opposition. Mr*. eat as she was propelled to the Center Thursday. at most localities although at no A t 11 p. m. In Hartford laat night Mills Would Raise. the trim white cottage of her par­ been deluged with letters offering wna-waun wlod warn wmo wab rapl 1:15— 7i15—Ted i4weiM )|»orUeet— Gov. Lehman: WABC-CBS, 10:45, T. Haling waa the candidate for repre- ents, played aa best she could with wjdz wamb kvoo wky wfaa wbap lipre bMle; He P«ete Oroan—frgflt UaxOra Em*, .daughter of grotmd or clutched hlm'tlghuy 1* place did the mercury sink more it was 31 after a drop of nearly 80 “ cures” and giving advice. woal ktba ktha waoe wtar >Ha nut 4i90— 7:90—Rnnny neldr Mlnetrete V. Smith, conunentator. aentativ* two years ago, being de­ not knowm although a horrified than a degree or two below the degree# from Moaday’e high. her active little brother, 11 months The parents took Delores to sev­ wfbo ):45— 7:48—Reeke Oerter's Commehf feated by Mr*. Mavd L. Woodward. __r. ««a Mr*. Soott EUl* of IS Mor- /:00— 9:00—Hammeretein Muela 4all Sodallat—WJZ, WHAM. WSYR, plairmate/etodd watching her. freezing point of 82. Fall blossoms aflffered somewhat old. She ate her meals left-hand:! eral cities foi treatment, but the MOUNTAINoOiaa kdyl kstr ksM kUir WEBR, 7:45, Harry W. Laldler. Jam*8 A. Connors, chairmen of s ti«*t and a pupO at 8 t Peter’a Attorney William J. Shea, proae- Back taxes and interest totaling because she coidd not lift her right. PACIFIC—kfl kgw knmo ahn kpo ksu —baofc: Organ Ceneert—Dixie I ’ atbMl, waa chaalng her black a t A t any rate, Marilyn landed right cutlng attorney of the'Manchester Tbe Weather Bureau at New Ha­ from the frost but most farm prod­ 874,833.86 were collected during tbe ossification continued. Cant. Eait. f:9C^ 8:90—Ken Murray's Shew—to 9 Progressive— WABC-CSS, 10:80, th* Democratic town committee side 1^ , fell backwards on the cat ven reported a low temperature of ucts already have bean harvested. Her mother, Mrs. Aloyilus Delores was in no Inundate d/A- 4:00— 9d)0—Waring'e Pennsylvanians “Roosevelt Progreaslve." presided at the caucus which was IdfOUBd the baekyara Friday evening Police Court and Republican candi- eight weeks from August 15 to Breaka, wife of a local tavemkeepar, 4:30— 5:30—Jack Armatrong — baalc; 1:90— 0:80—The Radio Caravan—to .j I the playful pet acurrled up the and Onto a flight of cellar stalls. 36 In the center of the city at S:S0 Tbe outlook for tonight. Weather ger of death, doctors who treated Chicago String Bnaambla—wait 1:90—10:90—Rooaevelt Progreaa* Fallc Jeffersonlan-Democrats— W EAF- held tn the basement of the Center dste for town representative In the October 10, ’Tax Collector Samuel said Delores apparently waa In no I to tM third floor veranda. i W whole nine lives of the black a. m-i Out at the same time It was Bureau officials aald, ia "cloudy Nelson, Jr., announced today. her at MsuHson a year ago said. 4:4S— S:4S—Jarry Saara a Orchattra 0:45—10:45 — Demoeratio Program— NB(X 10:30, Joseph B. Ely. church, Bolton Center, laet nigbt CM were snuffed out, but X-rays election November 8, will be one of dovm to 80 at the New Haven Mu­ and not much change ' In tempera­ pain and generally seemed quite They prescribed a strict diet, ana SiOO— diOO—Flying rima Advtrturaa alao cat: Strickland GMIIIan—Dlxia 1 followed and it climbed ’The sunount-coilected during tbe nappy. However, tbe child waa ir­ SilS— Si15—Nawai Weakly Hymnala 10:00—11:00—Willard. Roblaen Oreheet# Wednesday: Republican— W EAF- with 19 in attendanc*. In addition _ber toward the roof, but the /taken at Hartford hospital where the speakers at the open meeting to nicipal Airport, 81 in the Spring ture.” said only time could tell tbe extent —«aal; Tam Mix—midweat rapagt —basic: Wm. Hard—went rapeat NBC^ 4:30 p. m., Landon Radio to placing In nomination Mrs, Hal­ the child waa taken disclose that first two weeks of the fiscal year la ritable at times, her mother said, to which other muscles of her body B:30— S:30—Prtaa.Radio Nawa Pariod 10:9^11 (St^Herbie Kay Orehaitra rl, nadaunted, mounted an i r ^ be sponsored by tbe Young Republi­ 11:00—1t:00—Tom Dortey'a Orchattra caubs, Henry AIsl Johnston. ing for representative the caucus __I ‘ that run* upward from the Marilyn has nothing more serious nearly five thousand dollars more probably because of the stiffness of would become rigid. 5i35— 5:35—Jackla Haltar, Tanor Solo can club In the School Street Rec­ her arm and neck.. 5:<*— 5:45—Billy a Batty—weaf onlr; 11:S^1i:9^Me Spitalny A Orchattra also nominated Jamas A. Connors. floor, eeised the animal, and than an Injury to the back of the than tbe Income from two mills In Oorethy Oraitin, Soprano—chain reation building gymnasium. Presi­ the tax rate, baaed on last year’s ’The unusual disease, symptom* of HBC WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK Now York, Oct 13.—(A P )—Over­ L. D. Baton emd George Rost for Itnckliig it under her arm, b^gan to head. 'Hospital authorities said the DEATH BBCOBD SET 5:00— 7:00—Amoa *n' Andy—aaxt only going to NBC’s birthday p a r ty - girl is resting comfortably today. dent Sedrick Straughan of the club WOOD SPENT NOTHING UFE LONG DEMOCRAT taxes. which first appeared a year ago, Oils— 7:16—Tha Veica of Exptrlance BASIC —Baeti wjs wba-wbaa .vbaf Justices of the peace. ’The two lat­ announced' today. Madison, Wls.— (A P )—^The state 5:3’'— f:30—pramaof Romanca wraf. wham kdka wear wxya wiw wayr wmaj joining in the network’s tenth anni­ waa ossifying some ot her muscles. Te Ba AnneuhCad—chain wdl wabv webr waal: Midweat: wonr ter were juatlcee during the past Moving pictures in color* of The first Indication of ossification board of health reported that 17,335 TiOO— 5:00—Lao Ralaman'a Orchaatra wie Kwk Koll wren wmt wood wool kao versary celebration by sending over year and Mr. Connors, who ha* State’s Attorney Arthur M. Brown, TO BECOME SELECTMAN W I U VOTE FOR BROWN was a hard lump on her bead, smd realdents over 60 years of age in :30—.5:30—Wayna Klng'a Orehaatra MIDWB8T A CANADIAN—wtmj k'?hx special programs for retransmission. served a* a juittee for eeverai bind ’em on. Then more all througo :00— 5:00—Intarvlawa via Sidewalk wiba katp vTobo wday Uyfr cret < fcf Each Sunday around noon there. Is Republican candidate for governor, later lumps developed on the back tbe state died of vartoua causes In S:"fl— n:'*0—Fred A-talre Ravoc—In e SOUTH—wrva wptf mrnc vie 7jax years, but waa not a justice the last i^aEAN ARTHUR, McCREA the center and tramp it down to 1985, marking an all time peak for J a symphohic concert from some Eu­ bind the whole. Repeat. Something will be shown during the rally. Manchester and neck. Then the muscles o f toe 5:30—10:30—To Ba Announced wfla-wsun wiod w»m wtpo rsb .(ipl two years, will be tbe three Demo­ Judge William S. Hyde, chairman of arms began to harden. this age.group. 5:45—10:46—Roy Campbcll’c Rcyaliitc wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap .tpro ropean capital's radio. like an old-fashioned dance but you Clarence N, Lupien Flies Ex­ Dean of New London Lawyers 10:00—11:00—Clem McCarthy Sporta— wtar wont ktho ktha wsoo wave weso crats to be elected aa each party the Republican town committee will Date Book Finally she could raise her left east: Amoa 'n* Andy—went repeat wfbo Try these tonight; Lomlnatea three justices of the IN HUARIOUS MOVIE do it alone and your hot and dusty pense Accounting* of $5.82 Pays Glowing Tribute to Re­ WBAF-NBC—7:15. Voice of Ex­ and hay seed goes down your back address tbe meeting on "What Is arm no higher than tbe shoulder. 10:16—11:16—Nano Rodrigo Orohectre MOUNTAIN—klo kglr kahl ktar peace. Expected From the Young RepubU- With Town Oerk. publican Gubernatorial Nom­ Her right arm useless, al­ 10:30—11:30—Newai X. Cuget Orch. PACIFIC—Hxo kffld kex Kga k«ca kjr perience; 8, l,eo Relaman show; 9, and if the horses get restless and Tonight TOWN ADVERTISEMENT 11:00—12:00—Stanley Norrla Orchestra Cente Eeet. Sidewalk Interviews; B:S0, Fred A*- Two Stars Give Exceflent Por- start up quickly you do m r^robatlc cans In the Coming Bleotion."' inee. though Mrs. Breska said Delores 11:30—12:30—Jetaa Crawford at Organ The colored pictures of State’s Oct 18.—Lecture, “The Interna­ tried to scribble when a pencil was 11:43—12:45—Phil Levant's Orchestra 4:30— 5:80—The Singing Lady—east; talre revue; 10:45, R oy Campbell ; trayals in "Adventure in stunt and fly throug^the^alr with Selectman Leland T. lyood spent tional Situation” , by Dr. John N. (rma Glen at the Organ—west the greatest of ease/ I'veTdone did Attorney Brown show the guberna­ placed in the fingers of her right TAX COLLECTOR’S CE8-WABC NETWORK 4:45— 5:45—Orphan Annia—east; Tha Royalists; 11:35, Xavier Cugar or­ BOY SCOUT NEWS Manhattan” at the State. torial candidate in action “on tbe no money in his successful candi­ Norwich, Oct. 13.— (A P )— Arthur Andrews of New York University, hand. a Genttcmen of Rhythm —west chestra, <1 dacy for renominatlon and re-elec­ at Nathan Hale school, sponsored BASIC—East! wabc wade wuko wcao 4:00— 6:00—Newt; Minute Men Quart# CLARA SOETHEROILL, stump," working tn hie office anJ M. Brown, Republican gubernatorial She was quite talkative, her wftab weel wgr wkbw nlirc whk wjr 1:15— 4:15—Don-Uang'fl Animal Story. WABC-CBS—8, Hammerstein mu- Troop 7 tion to the Board of Selectmen this by Educational club. mother said, asking, Jfaan Arthur and Joel McCrea. as 84 North School street carrying on as state's attorney in candidate, la definitely assured of NOTICE OF SALE wdre wcau wjaa wean wfbl wspd t Jcv; 1:25— '1:85—Flve*Mln. Piano Concert sic hall; 8:80, Ken Murray; 9:80, Troop had historical bike from old court. The showing o f the moving year, while Clarence N. Lupien, Next Week “ Delores, where's Daddy?" Midwest: wbbm wfbm tembo 'tmo* 5:80— 0:80 Prest.Rttdie Newt — >a« RupeH Hughes Caravan; 12, Tommy handsome a screen team as ever one real Democratic vote.' Attorney O ct 18.— Ckmflrmand’ reunion of whae kfab krnl sic: The tinging '.ady—midw. nt« golf grounoB to high school where a pictures will take about 22 mlnutei. successful in his second attempt for "Car." 8:85— 6:35—Suneet Serenade — wJb; Dorsey orchestra. regular meeting was held as follows; Sharmed an audience, romp gaily Concordia Lutheran church. In pursuance to the provisions of EAST—wbnx wpz whp whec wiba wfea Planned aa a preliminary to tbe nomination and election to the Abel P. Tanner, 86 year old dean of “ You mean he’s out riding. 'Where wo'c wleo efrb rkao wibx wmaa wen* Walter Cassel. Saritone—chain WJZ-NBC—8. Dude Ranch; 8.80. 1. Roll call and dues. 6 iHots in 5 iMondit 30-lnch proof-teited ;( ,throagh the seajon’s most diverting Fourth Senatorial district rally tn board, spent 15.82, of which 23.5U Oct. 19.—Fourth District O. O. -P. did he g o ? " the General Statutes of the State wnbf 6:45— 0:4^Lo\veli Thomas ~ cast: EMdle Guest; 9. Ben Bemle; 9:30. oome^-romance, “Adventure In the New London County Bar Asso­ rally here. DIXIE —wgHt wefa wbro wqam wdod Orphan Annie—repeat to mldwoRi 2. Got wood, was ready to light The Family the State Armory here next Monday, was for printing and $2.32 was for ciation and a life-long Democrat, “ Far” , the child answered. of Connecticut and tax warrants klra wrec wlac wwl wtoo Itrld :trli 6:0^- 7:00—Easy Aces Sklt^aleo oat Husbands and Wives; 10, Hilde fires. barrel; black walnut atock. No wondar it’e r \ .Manhattan,” which opened this aft­ the meeting Thursday will be open Oct. 24.—Mons-Ypres Auxiliary, “ You mean he's gone fishing," the properly issued to roe as Tax Collec­ * klea Waco Itoma wdbo wbt wdaa vblg 1:15— 7:15—Songs by Tony ;Vueaell WmrOk gasoline. today endorsed Mr. Brown and said 1:30— 7:8I^Lum A Abner—east '»nljr garde, songs; 10:30, Portraits of 8. Tenderfoot instructions given,, the equal of $40 Ouna I See itl Bujr it nowl ernoon at the State theater for a to the public with no charge made B. Vf. V., Hallowe’en masquerade mother explained. tor l>y the Town o f Manchester, you wdbj wwva wmbg wait wmbr dala Harmony. . Tbe campaign expense reports of that be would vote for blm. In a tall, Tinker hail. ktuf kgko wena wdne wnoz kwkh know 7:4WVivian della Yhleea. 3ong 4. Lit campfires. two-day run. for admission. The leaders of tbe are hereby notified that I, Edward wnuTim ’:0(^ 1:00—Muale ’rom )ude Hnch Wednesday is to bring; H awthonie <*Comet” Doctor tbe two Republican candidates have statement Attorney Tanner said: O ct 24.— Seml-formal dance at 5. Yells and ealli from each pa­ In the wake of her personal tri­ Young Republican club expect a J. MacKnIght, Tax Collector for tbe MIDWEST—>wgl wmbd wlsn wlbw Jefh ':80— ’ItSO—Ed luett Veleome Valley WEAF-NBC— 2:30 p. m., Jean .Shflilfl S alfl-P ricfld , T q o I. umphs in “Mr. Deeds Goes to been filed with Town CHerk Samuel “I have known Mr. Brown for Country club, sponsored by degree wsmk wkbn wcco wabt kacj wnax woo 1:05— 3:0(^B, Sernio *nd Lads—to o trol given. pries W large attendance. J. Turklngton in accordance with more than 30 years. In every posi­ 'town of Manchester, Conn., will sell Wnwn 1:30— 9:35—Husbands I Wivea Talk Dickinson, songs; 4^ Henry Busse or­ 6. Stunts given by one scout from Wards history for a T o r o ” and "The Ex-Mrs. Brad­ ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS team of Scandia lodge. Hardy at public auction enough or all of MOUNT.—kvor kis koh ksl kgvo kfbb 9:00—10:00—Hildegarde and ^onge Wards Eamou* Red ----- —— NECESSARY TO PREVENT the state corrupt practice law. tion he has held be has shown him­ 9:30—10:30—Harmony .^ortraite—to o chestra; 6:45, Lurline Fleming, Aui each patrol. bike like this! Delta ford,” Jean Arthur once again dls- This Month the following property belonging to COAST—khj koin kfro kol 5fpy kvi trallan singer. WABC-CBS— 2:15, Heads—cut-priced for Biaya her clever versatility as a INFECTION OF WOUND Four other Republican selectmen, self to be a man of ability, of Oct. 31.— Tali Cedars’ fall formal kfbk kgb 10:00—11:00—Newt: .’ aul Martel Orch# 7. Historical stories given. Electric Horn & $ 2 4 * 8 8 YOUTH KIllED BYIr AIN sterling honesty and kindly heart. ^rysanthemum Plants L,aura. Behrendt and Laura Beh- Cent. Eait. 10:3<^11:SO—Riley 'arley Oreheetra School of the Air; 4, Chirtls mu- 8. Wrestling matches and cock Headlight 1 Troxel Ward Weeki Hard hit­ anunatic actress and subtle oome- seven unsuccessful D.cmooratlc can­ dance at Manchester Country club. rendt Smith of New York CSty to 11:00—12:00—Shandor ivlth Hit Violin 'Toy Only $3 D O W N, By DR. MORRIS F18HBBIN didates for tbe board, and the suc- As state attorney for this county be 4:15— 5j1C—The Greet Uakee Revue i1:08—12:08—Lou 3rlng nnd Orehaatra sicales resume; 5:15, Dorothy (Jor­ fights Saddle & Luggage ting, DuPont or l^er* Next Month •Crimson •Yellow pay taxes due to the Town of Mon- 4:45— 6:45—Wildernete Roads Serlel 11:30^12:30;^, Ride It A w ayl jr>Jdlas-.’;-;AsllMBf!'flBd'lie». IS^v-diiwaaA i -enn. HOW ABOUT THE MEN? GSD. GSC, London, 6:25, Welsh John Krinjack, Patrol leader Of said Manchester, marked, “Map of ^ solve a series of robberies engineer­ from the kind of jf she held the cat aloft and muttered JOSEPH CHARTIER, twenty-eighth day of September, . . . . 7.07 $.82 four weeks ago, Mr. Scanlon told "K sh !"—that waa too much. 1936, A. D. 6.S0-1B . . . . 7.79 9A8 Editor of The Herald: gauze, adhesive tape and similar D IA L 5111 " CoUector.' Tomorrow’s Program I f you have “looked around" for an oil burner, you know that M y Gracious, not being a politi­ materials for use in first aid. If a police he went to Brooklyn and fur­ In certain rural sections a person Manchester, Conn., Sept. 28, 1936. EDWARD J. MacKNIGHT, 6J10-18 . . . . 7.74 9A3 nished police there with a detailed "kshed" is "hexed. Tax CoUector. A. M. several manufacturers make almost Identical claims To the 6.00-19 . . . . 8.16 9.90 cian it does seem sort of queer that orug store is not available, all the 6:30—Blue Grass Roy. Super H ouse Patnt description of his son. One deputy fled. average buyer these claims are confusing. Few buyers know 6.00-29 • e 9 e 8*04’ * - ’ T people pay so much attention to materials to be applied to an open 7:00—Morning Watch—Ben Haw­ what I say. I just suggested th..t vound should be sterilized by boil ejM)-19 • e • • • * ** 10.91 ONE IN 180,000,000 KILLED thorne. what to look for and demand in sa oil burner. A dlfferene* America’s flnsat hoots paint! Quaran- ' a delegate be sent to the Republl- Itig or by heating. A freshly laun- TOWN ADVERTISEMENT 8:00— News. tasd to look aa wtll, cover as much $ 2 .4 9 ean Convention and right away the drred handkerchief or towel is like­ TOWN ADVERTISEMENT of a few dollars In the Initial cost, for Instance, la of alight surfacs and last ts long at any paint London. — (A P )— One passenger RUMMAGE SALE 8:15—Good Morning Melodies. Ogiloh Convenient Termi Town Father called at roy bumble ly to be aterile, because washing, 8:30— Cheerio. importance If the cheaper burner costa several dollars more per mads regardless of rum* Or pries I home to tell, me I ought not to. Then killed in every 130,000,000 carried Thursday, October 15, 9:80 A. M. tn 5-gal. lots M a y Be Arranged heating and ironing will kill germs. M E T A L T U B E 9:00—Radio Bazaar. (Bring container for frts thinner*,) at the Union for Social Justice Frequently we road in the news­ and one Injured in every 4,000,000 STORE IN JOHNSON BLOCK ASSESSORS’ NOTICE TAX COLLECTOR’S year to operate. The sendee life o f one burner might be double is the record of British railways for 9:15— Gretchen McMullen’s Kitchen. rally I Just said a few words in re­ papers of the sudden death nf some (Next to Benson Furniture) As WaUAs 9:30— Food News. that of another, yet how many buyers consider the durability W AR .P WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL gard to the milk situation in Con- 1935, according to the annual report Memorial Hospital The Inhabitants o f the Town of person who baa simply scratched his OloM Tub* Models 9:45— Artistry of Home Making, aecUeut and last night a nice look­ band or finger with a pin or who has of tbe chief InspecUng officer of Linen Auxiliary. Manchester liable to pay taxes are NOTICE OF SALE of a bumerT railways. hereby notified and required to re­ 10:00— “Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage ing young man cadled to see me and had a small wourd on the lip or on A T P R I C E S turn to the Assessois on or before Patch." said Congressman . Roppleman tbr Inside of the nose. In pursuance to the provisions of 10:15—"Office Wife." would like to have me come to tbe first day of November next a Y O U C A N the General Statutes of the State of I0:307-"ju8t Plain Bill. ” Tinker ball tonight and bear what Following a trivial Injury, such as Ust of property owned by them on Connecticut and tax warrants prop­ he has to say and possibly talk the the first day of October, 1936, and 10:45-^Todny's Children. a penetrating wound from a sliver AFFORD erly Issued to me as Tax CoUector 11:00— “ Dgvld Horum.” Study E A C H of the following 6 Points subject over. Well I told him I the Assessors wlU meet them for of wood or a pin, nail or piece of by the Town of Manchest’ir, you are 11:15—"Backstage Wife." didn’t think that waa necessary *s glass, the injured place becomes red­ the purpose of receiving their Ust ’ I wksn't a politician; Just a little hereby notified that I, Edward J. 11:30—How to Be Charming. dened, hot and palnfuL Sometimes RANGE and FUEL QILS at the MacKnIght, ’Tax CoUector for tbe 11:45— Voice of Experience. Carefully... Then Make Your Decision old lady who lived down by Union fed streaks appear running up the Pond, but I would come Just the Town of Manchester, Conn., will sell 12:00 Noon—“Way Down East." ami or leg. at public auction enough or all of P. M. Each point is important. Failure to demand the best available in every point . same. Can’t see any sense in gol ig I f the injury affects the Ilpa or Metered Service Municipal Boildiog but I do know that the milk Investl- the following property belonging to 12:15— Story of Maiw Marlin. might spell the difference between future satisfaction and dissatisfaction. the nose, there may be much swell­ October 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, H , 15, 16, Louise M. King, Milford, Ckinn., to 12:80— Songs That Never Grow Old. lon of Connecticut was finished ing, pain and fever. In a short time Barrels Loaned to Customers 1884 and it proved mismanage­ 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 24, 26, 21, 28, 9 s. pay taxes due to the Town of Man­ 12:46— Gale Page. Sweeping Reduction r the patient may have chilly eensa-' m. to 11:86 s. m. and 1 p. m. to chester: 1:00—-News. L IN IT IA L COST . . . No down payment, three 4. D E P E N D A B IU TT . . . First Oll-O-Matte 39e Set 'Reduced for SPECIAL HEATER ■ hew SPARK PLUS ment and graft, and I cannot seetlone and within 24 hours be serious­ years to pay. Any slight difference in amount of ' whv it should go on until all the 5 p. m. A certaln -plece or parcel of land 1:16—Tom, Dick and Hary. buUt 18 years ago. Hundreds of Installations ly sick. Infections of this type are situated in the Town of Manches­ 1:80— Dan Harding’s Wife. monthly payments more than offset by maximum'" made 16 or 17 years stlU giving efficient, satis­ Word Week 2 -y® WARD w eek^ q q e WARD WEEK 0 1 ^ other states have been investigated fuel and service economy. » e V o / w 2 7 c usually_caused by the germ of the PORTERHELDS Here's Ike October 29, 80 and November 2, ter, County of Hartford end State 1:46— Happy Jack. factory heat. What Other oil burner can show {SALE PRICE s|>s3e»70 SALE PRICE A i C 'before anything waa done here.- And family of streptococci, which also 1 can’t see why Congressman fOr valae leflaT • • ^'Bssi it petfann. 9:00 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. of Connecticut bounded and de­ 2:00— Gey Hedlund and (tompany, such a record? 39e valo* . . . Poll weight Mixing bowl set, 3 oven* Ward* Standard QuallW cause blood polaotilng or sepsis. Spruce and Pearl Streets Phone 6584 to 1 p. m. 2:80—Rosa Lee. Score One for OU-d-Matiol Formsrly 0.00 Equal to Connecticut would have to wait re- Ton'll agm* it's the beil set ior the scribed aa foUows;, to wit: V broom with large bead. proof pieces sixes S, 7 and I Rsg. OOe. Compar* with Whep the originsi place of in­ 2:46—Merry Melodies. Score Fbnr for Oil-O-Matlol 9 inches. Save 12c noWi 113 bsstsrs. Qalst motor. | . porta from other states before ald- money you've ever heszd — here Saturdays, October 10, 17, 24, 81, South on Hilliard S t, Sixty (80) Mad* of good broom com. SS-SSe spark plugs. mg the men they represent, name'y jury Is examined, pus or Infec­ 3:00— "Pepper Young’s Family.” 2. FU E L COST , . . Rated by underwriters lab­ 42 tub* core. tious matter may not bo visible, are only s taw ol Ih* zaaay oat- 9 a. m. to 12 noon. feet; Bast on land owned by Nor­ the Dairy Farmers at Connecticut. man M.' Loomis, one bundr^ and 3:15— Ma Perkin*. j oratories to bum heaviest fuel oil, richer tn heat but the glands under the arm and ■temilnq ieatntsa: . WARD WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL . And I can see why the flat price to Ownera of automobUes, motorcy­ forty-three (143) feet; North on 8:80— Vic and Sade. units than lighter, generally more expensive oUa 8. LBADBRSHIP . . . More than 200,000 Ih- around the elbow, or those in the 3:46—’The O’Nellla. stallBtlons! The William* OU-O-MaUc HeaUng farmers is held back because the cles and tnUIers are reqneeted to said Loomis’s land. Sixty (60) feet necessary to most other burners. .. classifled price Is the goose " that groin, will be enlai-ged, indicating • Aieia Batol Beam Ittlism Corp, naa manufocturad more domestic oU burn­ the way In which the body la trying Ylaflas. . . tdls at * gUnoa where bring la registration of oars. and West on land now or formerly •ays the golden eggs for National of the Eat. of Peter Adams, on*' Seore Two for OU-O-Hatlel er* than any other manufacturer. Not radio*, to pet rid of the infection. boats, Ught bulb* or refrigerator*—but oU burn­ Dairy, Inc. And I can see why the yoa are oa aay wave bead.. > end Evening meetings are for the con­ hundred and forty-three (148) feet; Tlie first thing to do in such ers! Oll-0-M*tie heat* more home* than any /flat i»1ce cannot bs put over Any Plain GARMENT where to tom ioc the sUHoa yoa venience of those who cannot come the west boundary line between the cases ia to get the patient to bed. S SERVICE COST . . OU-O-Matlo is a low vinmimtly and why the farmers sure to the day aessiona. ’raxpajrers are other oU burner In the ivorMI Selected for Rheimi Then wrap the entire leg )r arm in weaA Und of the said grantor’s property WDRC pressure burner, using 2 pounds pressure instead Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Cianterbury Unletfy accepting the report of com- requested to come in the day time and the property now or formerly of 100 pounds or more necessary with high pres­ It is because the mil!', warm, wet dreesinga. Such patients fl Itoe* m s H ly BitoMWes Ch* 985 Hartford, Uoan. 1880 Cathedral. The duPont aetEte I* now using lOl must have aa much fluid as poaslble. if possible and not crowd the eve­ of the Estate of Peter Adams. Be­ sure burners. No pin-point nozzles to replace. ‘. ( i ^ t s are owned by‘the dealers who •■IlB . . . tzipla-innsd to give Ime ning sessions. Eastern Standard Time Oll-O-Matlos! Wbsr* dependability ia demanded Cleaned and Pressed ing the same property conveyed to No strain to wear out parts. you wiU And OU-O-Mstle*. - National Dairy controlled and SAYS TEACHER-WIFE BOLE teprodnettoa of every broadoafl Louise M. Kmg by Horace fl. King, sgtpsnaive plants were paid Jnit as it oeciee ftom ih* toidio. Ehi.;8ervice men having disablUty 8 e o » Three for OU-O-Matiot by . profits from milk. ' And I DDYIOULT TO CABBY OUT compensation rating file same with October 7, 1914 os recorded In the Tuesday, October IS Seot* Five for OU-O-Maticl Manchester Lapd Records, Volume 1 with glee that in this mom- • Pewesiwl fidl-Baag* Be* the Assessors before November 1st. l.Oonrant the Farmers Coopera- Birmingham, Ala. (A P )—A teach­ 52, Page 106. ■ P. M. T” psofloeae. . adentifloally to- A ll lists o f Real Batats must give 100^ PURE PENN Oil I ^re plaTinIng to put up a $50,- er elnce 1896 and the mother of two boundaries of the land, as by law Purpose of Bqle. d:00—Professor O. E. JL Winslow, Keep Yoiir Own ^ o r e Card-^ erPUBEICr AtXaCPTAirCE . . . On-Q-MaUc has "Gimton Tidn" AJlod to silsMldi podoot Rootislio LIJNI ______KIT If .milk, plant on Wetbsralleld children heraelf, M ia Theresa Evans FREE required, or they wUl not bs accept­ ’The above sale ia to be made for “Housing and Heoltbi” been outstsmdingly the world’s moat popular 6UARANTEED12M0 WARD WEEK f A l . observes ’’marriage'and a teaching the purpose of paying taxes. Interest S t B O T T L E SALE FBICB J U T v And I do hope the Stats • iRlsISoBshipb ed. Persons- neglecting to attend d:80—Pop Concert. Fee burner for 18 jreoml It has outsold It* netrast FOOTBALL career are not compatible.” Bring in two gar­ thereon and other legal charges. For quarl ^ hands alt in regwrd to to their .lists on or before ths first S:00—Jimmy FarreU. OU-O-BlatIo eompeUtors nearly 2 to 1. With more than 320 ”N q woman can weak herd all day' • MwltUPefait Mwato-Speech Other Bkimer $ 2 . 9 5 lO'Ao in yoor eontuiier. flung. Their oompiflsoiy 14 ments to be cleaned day of November wtU have ten per Said taxes were levied by the ’Town 5:16— Science ServicB. competitors, a burner must be good to establish 9 9 c at achool and.., tend to the home Oeeili e l . . . vastly eitoaJs voios Point No. 1 such a ^geordl ***•“• $1.79 80-SSc qt. grade! 2 gsL fpetr quart worked hardship on and preaaed and cent added to same. AU persons of Manchester against the above 6:80—Connecticut EJconomlc ooMe>’n Holds plenty tot a bnn* lt«r, 0.00. Masts SAB re* ("flOBaumer. Hurt the small pro- pnqierly tn her off hours,” Mra sad mnsioal raaga. ARVIN MODEL 6S mentioned taxpayer aa foUows: program. Point No. 2 Top grain cowhld*: amo- qnlrsnenla 19 standard can 950—8 fM . can $2.98 Evans dselarM She says ah* "got hare ONE CLEAN* liable to give in Usta of ’Taxable Seore Six for OU-O-RIailoi **▼ workingman! Strong graphsd by Thomas. With , Plus Fed. dealer and played into the Property, Real or Personal are List of October 1, 1924...... $5.40 5:46—News Servloa. metai box) pint botUe. plat**.' Full capacity. —5 qt. can Sic. National Didry, Inc. jr** by” because « i e waa a widow and ED FREE! List of Oedbber, 1, 1926 ...... 2.60 - 6:00—Hartford Public School Be- Point No. 8 booklst 'llo w to Kick.” tax. «T' urged to appear before the Asses­ to bear what Mr. K c^ lived with her mother, ‘V h o really Tm dagU aH . . . aa Arvia aa* A beeaUial aDwava walant oonsola. List of October 1, 1926...... 7.70 rlee—Brown fllxtb Grade—“Safe- Point No. 4 b M to say about tbs milk looked after my ehUdren.” This offer ia good sors. Persona making out their You are interested la oil heat. Won't you 1^ us WARD WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL ginesring sehlsvewsBt that’s re- amdal oovetiag all Amerloaa aad ib& lists wlU be obliged to make oath List o f October 1, 1927...... 3.70 ^ Practiced at Brown BchaoL” Connaetteut I don’t for one week only I fiaotod ia tha dazUy aad fldeltiy List of .October 1, 19288.47 6:10—Nbwb of Youth. Point'No, 5 tako a fro i heating survey of your home, and tell t m o d i About poUtios but 1 have THE FINAL STRAW alga hcoedoaat larrioa. Six-Into snper- and sign same. Persons filing Usta WATER Seml-Glois ei Azvia raoapttoau as ngenta for other persona must List of October X, 1 9 2 9 ..,.., 8_.52 6:80—News Service—’Three Acaa. Point No. 6 you the whole story? There is no obilgatioo ■ koliomine [ROUBLE jafl eaaE and bottlea, peddled 'h*l*codyBa,.with I®" ^ ^ List of October 1, 1930...... 8.74 6:46— Renfrew of the Mounted. rlB Sniliinantie, helped cut the declare under oath, that they have whatsoever. The informatlbh will prove inter­ HEATER Wall Point UGHT Minneapolis — Emil Bekkevold’a Came to.,|ry Ifcle-aew JUeto. todi dyaamto repto- 9 ^ C l 5 0 List of October 1, 1931...... 8.74 7:00—Winiam Hard, PoUUcal Oom- 1 and wbite-waahed •r wasn't exactly stolen. It juat been duly appointed agent and have toentator and Writer. Check any other hutner on tbe above points, hon- esting to you wbethsr you Intend to buf^hia y w .Sa* aad Itoai hevr anehaiora ... dnoer lex eoly'. List of October 1, 1933____ 3.96 3 8 9 2 5 c the.ooars in from sort o f dlelntegratod. fuU authority and knowledge to file 7:15—Sport Ta>% Ted Hnelnff. aniu^thout Uo*. What Is the answer? or n n t. „ FlU in, and send the coupon at oncel 8 lb*. STAR how away othas latooriaal radio such lis t Blanks can be obtained List of October 1, 1938...... 3.96 4 9 c q t . I aa aftainy night, delivered Withinwiuun two deya aftarafter lU pur- 7:30—Bethany Qlris. 4NM>-Matlet 7 9 c iaalBtas AHVOf givaa yoa. WRH 7 METAL TUBES . •8TA9 of the Assessors, ’Town O erk and List of October 1, 1984...... 4.36 RtealMt4.4St : fl» tfl* Amstoo mUk statlop ehaae, aomeotw removed the battery. List of October 1, 1935 ...... 3.45 7:45—Boaike Carter.. Rsg. OOcI AU eWord Wash at tbe several Post Offices In ’Town. Qae . . . Im­ 'Satin * like 1 flay._ Hare’s how you do Ths gensrator and coUa dliBppeared Time and Pfau:e of Sale. 8:00—Hammerstein Muaie HaU. you need to •Rsg. 1.00 yon flU tha wagon boSj next. When Bndl found tha.rmdla- proved bnm- redecorate an finish' for OTHER ARVINS AS LOW AS S l ' S . 9 5 Pleass Note^ November 2nd Ie Auction sale wUI take place >ii 8:30—Laugh With Ken Murray. *t inaureg it down. (Then* ia al- tor mlsalng he began to worry. 3:00—Fred Warlns’a Orchestra. sntira room I bathroom and' Heavy duty.' a tn bay). Than two Mg ★ the last day. ’Thursday, December 8, 1986, A. u combustion I Best quality kitebsawoUs. 20 Ib.cet^ Time marched on, and ao did a SPEQALI $40.00 and your old radio plaeea this new at Eleven O’clock a. m. at the Town '9:35—Nathaniel ShlUtret’a O-cht*- I _ that almost swamp you, rsar wheel and three Urea. Airin in your home. EmU L. O. Hohenthal, Jr., HaU In Maiffiiester. (3onn. tra— Benny Ooednarn'e Swing JOHNSON & LITTLE iflnmt odmar o f tha hayrack.' Tha thlaf or thieves took the heart Band, and Rupert Hughes. thau to hold ’em Chalman, Datowoit Manchester, (3onn., this out o f Emil as well aa his car when Cleaners Thomoa J. Lewie, twenty-eighth day of September, 10:80— DsmocraUo National Coin- PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS I the aUaa Then he found the motor gone. That got 109 Center Street Henry A . Hntrla, A. D. , m l t ^ • TeL 5876 Mnncheeter MONTCOMERY WAR! Bmll angry. He then reported the 221 No. Main I Oppodte the Depot PORTERFIELD^'S Asmrdofr* U:00i^NsW8 flCETlMk thefto to poUash Spsnoei IP e a riflfaeeto I ASM EDW ARD J. U a c K N B J ^ , 824*828 MAIN STREET Manchester, O a n „ O e t S, I$86. Tax OoUsotor| XELEPHONfi ftin mmm mm wi'O' ''"i'itJ»»A Y ,-r W^i-\ EVENING HERALD. MANCHESXmi < TO not daflnitaly lixad, ft>r it vroold ia- GOVERNOR TO CALL Tolvs aa alamant a t riak. tJv OBITUARY ABOOTTOWN ■Tbs iMw agraamant batwaca Lc«- AGAIN TOMORROW NIGHT don, Paris aad Naw Toric, aanouno- 8L ..Mary's Junior ehoir win hava 9d by Seeratary Morganfoan last D EALTACnCS DEATHS SPECIAL SESSION \ rataaaraal Unaomow avanlng at S P U HUS TOWN night, raatorea' gold to its function IN STATE TODAY The Board of Electors win be in 1:80 i« tba-poriak house. Mlaa MU- a t settling internatkmal balances, Beaty Stawart session In the Bunldpal building Henry Stewart of 1 Fuller |dace dred Butharhutd, orgaaiat for the but Instead o f permitting bonks office of the town clerk again to­ choir, win ba ia eharga. and Indlviduala to carry out this died at his home last night after morrow from T to 9 p. m. to make ft Tries to Force U. S. an illness of a year’s duration. Br. Assembly to Conveiie Week Gafdtiu Blackened As Ice function of gold, foe American, Winner of 300-Mile Race Receives Cup new voters. Dr, John N. Aadrawa of New BriUah and French treasury funds Fapal Sejcretory of State Stewart who waa 41 leaves bla wife. Wednesday Mght and Saturday, OHIO STATE IS CHOrCE York Universl^, who_^wUI laetura will do it foamarivas. Local Sport Bra. Emma J. Stewart; three daugh­ from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m., will be the After Election Day, Capi­ tonight at 8:15 ia tha auditorium ESI YEAR SINCE 1928 ® I f t e fate Complete Sob* ters, Helen U, SteUa B . and Gert­ Form s in P laces; B M s Onto Bank Proflta Stops m Hartford On Ifis last (H>Portunlties to be mads a of tha Nathan Rale achool on "Tha Thla removes what has been rude N. Stewart, all of thla town. He voter prior to the state and national also leaves his mother. Bra. Abigail tol Reports. J International Situation", wiU pre- source of rather auhatantlal proflta TO BEAT NORTHWESTERN C hatter Im election November 8, except t ^ aent flrat hand obaervationa regard­ to some of foe large Wall street ‘ Way to Boston. Stewart, and grandmother. Bra. persona who qualify after Saturday ing the European situation today, LOOMS f OR GRID GAME Florence Stewart, both of Hartford; and on or before election day, may after his recent visit to E n g ^ d , banks dnrlng foe large influx of ng two brothers, Benjamin and Albert gold between Jan. 81, 1934, aad foe tricks from foe Hooalers, but foe be made Monday, November 3, from Hartford, O ct 18.—(A P )—Gov. Scandinavia, Ruaoia, Poland, Ger­ A killing white frost mantled latter will have to watch for Card- aid’s trio of grid selectors after tab­ P-'.CktOHCa, Oct, 18.— (AP) —B. H. Stewart, of Brooklyn, N. T.; two 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. in tha clerk’s time foe Bank of France stopped New Haven, O ct 18.—-(AP)— Satherhod Favors Buckeyes ulating foe result at three previous­ f BBADDOOK LACKS ^ Wnbur L. Cross, it waa reported many and several at the oountriee Manchester and vicinity this morn­ well and Frauds. It looks like Ne­ KNOOKODT LUST. ptibUsber of tho Ricbmondi fistera. Bra, Grace Miller and Bra. office. In Southern Bhirope. Dr. Andrews selling gold last month. Under foe Cardinal Pacelli, on a vtrit to foe ly unreported gumna, ia aa follows: Head of NCAA Sees Marked ffiorence Fox, both of Hartford. - reliably today in Capitol circles, ing forcing temperatures in many new plan, foe Federal Reserve braska. SAYS DEMPSEY , Palladium-Item, charged in an speaks under the sponaorship of the sections well below foe freezing United States, stopped off here In foe far west foa Oig gams is For last week-end. Herb Barker of Br. Stewart was a member of will Issus a call "within a day or Bank of New York will Rrt; direct­ fa Headifaer, Likes Duke foe A. P. hit 81 out of 89 games for ^■ddmae prepared for delivery today Nutmeg Lodge, I. B. P. O.. B., of Educational club. Mrs. Arlyne -lint. Flower gardens left unpro- shortly after noon today where he Southern (California ogaliut Wash­ Reviral of Foblic Interest Rochester, N. Y., Oct. IS — K fh a t when the New Deal admlniatra- two,’’ for a special session of the Garrlty will sing and Miss Polly cted during the night were black­ ly for foe U. 8. treasury's stabilisa­ ington State. The Cougars may stir .796, Joek Sutherland of N. B. A, Hartfoid and tho Truf club of Hart­ tion fund, and foe private bankers made a brief appearance .at foe cUokad on 16 out of 36 for .840 and Jimmy Braddock baa oonstdar- k thm took office It “aet put to force WECH PREACHER General Assembly to consider two Olcott will be the pianist After ened and ice formed in exposed Knights of Columbus headquarters in Tdt with Georgia Tech; up some trouble, but foe Trojaiu are able popular appeal, ta a Ukeabla ford the lecture the committee will serve will be out of it. yours truly was right on 14 out of m prem of thla country Into com- The fimerol will be held at 3 subjects, one a t the unemployment areas. The reading within foe town and proceeded to Hartford. rambling again and hardly will stop b Sport H us Fall; Inter* fellow, good fighter, and as game ^l^te submlsaion and a^erence to insurance legislation. Ice cream and boma made cookies. limits at 7 o’clock was 80 degrees. It is notable that foe American in this one. Washington’ will have 26 for .860.. .for foe season thus o’clock Thursday afternoon at the The papal secretary of state, trav- far. Barker has 69 out of 89 for .776 as they miake ’em, yet foera’s ffhe plana laid out or approved by The best Inforinatlon. available It waa the third white frost of foe dollar becomes ’foe pivot in foe new Schmidt Ghres Navy the f3W worries against Oregon State. some little thing lacking to raaka HoUoran Funeral Home, ITS Center INS1RANGECASE season. arrangement, since it is foe only Hing incognito, was greeted as he ..^.the writer 46 out of 66 for .082 sectional Program Is e caiief Executive.’’ street Rev. J. B. Bailey, pastor of was that the Legislature would con­ Tha Girls’ PYiendly society gave stepped briskly out of his automo­ California ia a favorite over U. C. L. him a real hero. Jack Dmpaey, J enjoyable entertainment laet Most of the perishable garden major currency on a fixed gold and Sutherland 44 out of 68 for “Am the facta were revealed week the A. M. B. Zion church, will offi­ vene within a week after election bile, by Supreme Knight Martin H. Edge Over Yale. A. .667... foe old Mauler, believes. week, there waa no doubt that ciate. Burial will be in the Old day for the first special session held night, presenting local talent and a truck had been harvested earlier in bculs, because foe treasury main­ Carmody and Supreme Secretary Down south, Alabama masts Ten­ Lighter Hus Week-end. In a recent Rochester vtalt. ^ 'Dot imly the newapapera of the North cemetery in Hartford. in Connecticut since 1929. number of artists from S t Monica’s foe season, the only damage reault- tains a gold price of |38 an ounce. William J.. McGlnley. nessee in a headliner. Alabama ta Jack Indicated that poaalbty ' Uhitod Statea, but alao their read- Says He and Two Others cburch of Hartford. Rev. Alfred Ing from foe freeze was to flower In other w or^, foe dollar is worth moving along (Steadily, and Tennes­ A reader writes in to ask If Sol Braddock's lack of lust to kill Besides unemployment Insurance, —irdens which have been especially Tall and stately. Cardinal Pacelli By JOOR SUTHERLAND Metzgef of Notre Dame was ever an rora, the dtixena of thla country, the General Assembly will consider M. Lambert accompanied foe young 1-36 of an ounce of gold. England was applauded by several hundred see is atlU Buffering from inexperi­ was bolding back hta davelop- ' iirata confronted with a aerloua people and acted aa master of cere­ iautlful during foe month. has never decided upon a definite Read tVweh, Univeislty of Pitts­ ence. It’s Alabama. All-American... Metzger was on By CHARLES DUNKLBV. mant. FUNERALS an amendment’ to the state law employes. He paused only long burgh outstanding ^ a rd on foe 1920 Ram­ nrilla,” be told membera of the In­ Get $10,000 at Military monies. His ten-year-old daughter, lArge coveys of sparrows and level for sterling slnch ft left foe enough to pose for a picture and The big'game below foe Moson- (Chicago, Oct. 18__(AP) —Inter­ "Jim Is kind-hearted and eym- relative to the meeting of the Presi­ Elizabeth, proved to be a skilled grackles have been circling the bler eleven, hia iligbt physique giv­ land Presa Aaaodatlon at their Mrs. Frank Dowds dential electors. Thla change has gold standard five years ago. Under then returned to hia car. Dlxon line brings together Duke and collegiate footbaU haa booted foe afolzea wlfo a beaten rii^,’’ -82nd fall convention. The funeral of Mrs. Frank Dowds player of some of foe classics by town for foe past week preparatory lost month’s gentlemen’s agree­ ittsburgh, O ct 18.—Driving to- Georgia Tedn Georgia Tech has ing him foe nickname of foe ”w a ^ depression clear out of every college Sack explained. A irport been made necessary under an to making their annual trek south. Those In Party fob" guard...we haven’t been able ‘fThere la little need for men to of 9d Wells street waa held at 8:30 Chopin and Beethoven. The recita­ ment, it has only committed itself Cardinal Pacelli, accompanied by 'd foe middle of foe season, upaet Duke before, but foe Blue box office in foe nation: in what amendment to the Federal Consti­ tions and dances by foe visitors as Saturday afternoon a small flight to find any record of whether or not looms as foe game’s greatest srear remind you that every department this morning from the W. P. Quiah tution which provides for the in­ to preserving "equilibrium” , which tha Most Rev. Francis J. - Spellman, gamro will be played on O ct 17 tl^t Devils appear a fairly safe choice cif the Waahlng^ton government haa Funeral Home and 9 o'clock at St. well as those by local talent were of Canadian geese were seen head­ this fall. he recelvM All-American . mention since the boom days of 1937-28. auguration of the President in ing south over Birch Mountain and ia interpreted here aa meaning pre­ auxiliary bishop of foe Diocese of will go far toward deciding section­ but feel quite certain that he did al­ forma’s Trojana, their eyes on e an elaborate newa bureau atafied James’s church. Rev. Joseph F. Carnarvon, Wales, Oct. IS—(AP) most pleasing. The committee Boston, left MOnhasset, L. I., at 9:30 LouUrtaiM State meets s tough one That, at least, is foe conclusion Roee Bowl date, take on Woahlng- January rather than In March. served sandwiches, doughnuts and Simday several flights were noticed venting disturbing fluctuations. al championships. More than one though we’ve no idea on which team l^^ with many newa writera, to inter- Cleary officiated. Mrs. Margaret —The Rev. Lewis Edward Valen­ France has not definitely decided a. m., bound for Boston. He plan­ In MiasLulppi, but ahould be atne to of Major John L. Orlffifo, president ton State at foe head of foe confer­ Sullivan sang O Salutaria at the of­ Under the present statutes, the coffee for good measure after the enroute to foe warmer climes. may Well have a bearing on foe bottle up Ray Hapci and win. Tex­ ...w lfo a mlUlon and one such all- of the National Collegiate Athletic " f. pret the actlvltiea of each depart­ tine, grave-faced' Welsh preacher, upon a basis for foe devalued franc, ned to have lunch with Bishop Mc- star selections mads each season we ence program. ment of the government in the moat fertory, and at the close of the mass Presidential electors meet In Janu­ program, to more than 100 who mythical national title. as should be able tr overcome a dis­ Association and commissioner of testified at his fdrange trial today but haa only acted to cut ita value AuUffe of Hartford at St. Joseph Ohio State and Northwestern open don’t see how be could possibly have Of foe top-flight tnteraectlonal. : favorable light. To put it boldly, she sang "Softly and Tenderly Jesus ary. The General Assembly Is ex­ were present. college in that city. appointing Baylor outfit athletics In the western conference, contenders, only North Carolina that he went with two other ardent somewhere between 26 and 34 per /been overlooked.. .we’U keep up our .every department of the govemihent Is Calling." Rev. Cleary conducted pected to change this date to De­ NORMAL TRADE IS AIM their Western Conference cam­ In foe Big Six country. Major Biff after a nation-wide survey. The Nationalists to fire a new military cent. While In foe Knights of Columbus paigns in Bvanstoi- in foe middle- research work and print any facta sports a spotless record ao far, wlfo haa Ita propaganda branch under the'service in S t James’s cemetery. cember. Tonight at 7:48, foe Ceclltan club building, Cardinal Pacelli Imparted Jones will keep bis Olclahoma Soon-: directors of afoletlca, who once felt three vietbries for foe aeason. New bombing field because of "my res­ will sponsor a concert at foe South west’s feature. Lynn Waldorf got we discover as soon as posr b le... the gulae of a newa byreau. The bearers were Robert McConnell. ponsibility for the Kingdom of God Commissioner’s Report Papal blessing on foe group that ers-on NebraskVs heels by winning they might as weU crack up their York Unlversl^ was routed by Ohio Sr., William Kerr, Daniel Dowds, Some time ago, the chief execu­ Methodist church, presenting a OF NEW GOLD STANDARD the Wildcats off foe mark much from Kansas. huge stadia and sell them for old Vaee Labor Uniona in Wales” greeted him. Later, le said: faster this fall. They proved their State in its opening game. ”The government haa uaed the la­ Thomas McCauley, Edward McCor­ tive named a special commission to variety of local and out of town "I was pleased to accept an invi­ Robert Pierce, who has charge of huge is foe Vanderbilt Cup that Winner Nuvolarl—seated in his Alfa-Romeo at foe bricks because foe winds would soon Tulane remains unbeaten, but a After he had testified, a Jury de­ entertainers in a program of about 13 MOTHERS TAKE BABES worth'by beating a good Iowa team, foe A, P. teletype machines In The bor uniona and the Newa Writera mick and John Sullivan. liberated for forty minutes and fail­ study unemployment compensation, (Oonttnaed from Page One) tation from the supreme officers of whirlwind Journey’s end—has to have assistance in receiving the emblem of victory from ita donor, George be blowing through empty atands, tie wlfo Auburn stands against foa 16 numbers under foe direction of 18-7. But even in foe face -of foe Herald office, grabbed off a second Vanderbilt. have changed their minu. The Guild to add further burdena to ed to agree on the charges against the work of this commissioner, )t foe Knights of (tolumbua tmd make Purple tuning up on North Dakota Wave. (tolgate’a Red Raiders, aanrapapera and preaa aaaoclatlona was reported today. Is virtually Thomas Maxwell and assistant di­ a visit to. the central office of the place in a mile bicycle race at situation looks rosy to them now. stopped by Duke in their opener, are the preacher; John Saunders Lewis, rector, Mias Ruth Helwlg. rency by buying and selling ex­ TO REVIVAl MEEHNG State while Ohio State was having YETOTOORGANIZE Hartford Sunday...foe bike pro­ by attempting to deny them the author and university lecturer and completed and ita report will be change In terms of ither currencies. organization in foe city where the its bruising battle with Pittsburgh Hugo crowds turning out to after revenge not only for that beat­ right to hire and fire their own em- SURPRISE PROGRAM Knights of Columbus had their be­ gram Is being beld weekly at (Jolt Manchester High school where he games, nome of them warm-up con­ D. J. Williams,, a school teacher. available to' the General Assembly By that I meah, in this market we last Saturday, foe choice has to be Park as a W. P. A. project and ing but also for a 14-6 defeat by . ptoyea, The Judge bound them over to In time for the special session. ginnings.” waa also ar outstanding membei of tests—not battles for a national or Tulane last year. Soufoem Mefobd-' buy sterling or franca. In London Rev. Aycock Speaks to Larjfe foe Buckeyes. A BASEBALL GROUP some pretty classy riders compete "The government haa sent Inapec- FOR GARDEN CLUB trial at the next session of court. Under the Security Act, Con­ HOLD TWO WOMEN they would be buying dollars or A striking figure in his traveling Michigan has done nothing to In­ tha football, basketball and track conference championships— have Ist’s Mustangs, hard-luck toaers to Audience at the Nazarene cassock with the heavy pectoral .. .Bob is using a regular wheel at teams as well as .the debating and convinced Major Griffith that foe ^ ton into newapaper offlcea to ex- They are accused of causing $10,- necticut will not be eligible for francs. dicate that it can halt the Minnesota present but hopes to -acquire a rac­ Nuvolari Of Italy Wins Fordham last Saturday, return borne dramatic clubs. He placed very game is definitely on tlie upgrade. i.^amine the records of publiahera who OOO “malicious damage to the King’s Federal unemployment compensa- "No country wishes through Church on Proximity to Sin. cross on a long, gold chain and foe powerhouse in foe letters Big Ten ing bike 'ere long... to see wbat foeir old coMb, Ray rroperty" by sotting fire to bulld- zuchetto, foe red cap signifying his high in foe freshman class in foe -----* crltlciae ita policiea and ...... ______- ...-Aft- 9P?ratlons to. accumulate, - • , - . r ■. -.V- w s . t , ,th,e, Interest Returning: Morriaon, now at Vanderbilt (tan do ihneh paper currency o f foe ’’ ■'other 'wihlt CSiWtteal F«beiB 'dwfitead “ W - Woiwrlnes a«er a "titarilc Battle ^ TfflMfs Pfaro F om a tira sebobtatio vaptitada' tost :asd::'1tr:foe' ■■ Ekif SatuHtay;' O agateMsfo«ta-to a-gOBta dentil Annn Annfvei^ry W piovlaing for such beh^ts. After the Morlirty Brothers-Blue- English and Mathematics placement "The government haa put anoop- Declaring ho acted "In fear of Last Special Session countries and, therefore, we propose Thirteen mothers and their babies answer questions on reports that he with Nebraska. tie with Pittsburgh drew 71,000. ly wUl keep foa air fUlM wlfo Passed on O ctbberll. (Oontlniied from Page One) flelda gome Sunday, considerable exams. He is .it present a member n on newapapera which are an- God", he said the fire was set to The last special sesslou of the to permit each country to convert attended the Nazarene "Baby is in this country to study foe case Wlsoonaln should give Notre discussion arose among faiu as to Minnesota played Nebraska with paaees. : tagonlatic to it " protest against "Immoral violation the other countries’ paper money in­ of Father Coughlin, Detroit radio Dame a bit more trouble than it has of New England Associa­ of foe frosh football squad’’ ..', foe turnstiles clicking to 63,000. Autom, putting ita undefeated of the natural rights of the Welsh General Assembly was called by the boy in Newport, Vermont, and Night” last night, one of the moat whether foe final score was 8 to 4 r Be aaid the "only explanation" Gov. John H. Trumbull, Governor to gold, the price being fixed each priest in recent seasons, but there Is little or 6 to 4 . . . we confess that we’re Two weeks ago Duke opened its but tied record at stake against De­ Bra. W. W. Bells, president and nation” by tho British government. Blanche Carter, taken in custody at day." popular events during foe two Robinson graduated from M. H. S. Wlmille zig-zagged in wlfo a ter­ troit and Virginia Mliltaiy, Journay- laa that tbeae actlvltiea “were de- her associate officers in the Man­ Cross' predecessor. That session doubt that the Irish will prevail. not at all sure of the answer. . . in season before a reconi crowd of ^.'Olgned to force the preaa of the Before the Judge, demanding that Hartford, Conn. weeks’ aeries of revival meetings Iowa and Ozzie Simmons should re­ tion; Meet Oct. 21. in foe class of 1934...he was a Justifies His Daredevil Repu* rific finish. The third Italian, Dr. Ing to New York to Battle Oolum- chester Garden club arranged a ttas necessitated by the famous.Mc­ our experience, when foe score haa member of the track team for four 26,000 against (Jolgate, and foe United States to submit to a prb- he confine his remarks to those The women were said to be sis­ PLAN EXPLAINED conducted by Rev. Jarrette and Dell pel Illinois In a forillor. been tied in foe last o f foe ninth and Giuseppe Farina, waa running third same day W aahln^n and Minne­ bla, round out foe norfo-acufo inter- surprise program for the meeting relevant to tho case, silenced him, Cook opinion of the Supreme Court ters. Warren O. Coleman, first as­ Aycock of Oklahoma City. Pictures 10 YEAR MEDALS GIVEN years and was outstanding as a dis­ until he was forced out or foe 17th sectional state. l^ .gzam of regimentation." last night in the Y. M. C A. Dur­ New York, Oct. 13.— (AP)— The The Hawkeyes had a week’s let­ a batter connected for a hit with the sota at Seattle turned foem away He asserted that the Federal- Mr. Valentine cried. of Errors which invalidated hun­ sistant United Stajes attorney here, were awarded the winning babies. up following their defeat by North­ The first nieeting of foe commit­ cus thrower.. .this past summer he tation With Smashing Vic­ lap wlfo a broken steering knuckle. In lesser intersectional gamea Da- ing the business session she an­ dreds of state laws on the ground “new type gold standard” announc­ winning run on hose, the game end­ set a new town (record in foe event after admitting a capacity crowd of g-;^Oommunlcatlons Act of 1934 "mode Could Not Be Silent requested that both of them be ed by Secretary Morgenthau was A large crowd attended the meet­ TO TWO K OFnCERS western. The Illini win be getting tee to work out preliminary plana ed as soon as foe batter reached Sixty thousand spectators, 20,001) 40,000. On the same day Indians Paul of Chicago meete Cafoolle U*a nounced that the 10th anniversary "We could not be silent. Life that they did not receive executive brought to New Orleans to face ing. Rev. Aycock spoke for half an over foe Southern California game. with a teas of ±23 feet. .. he played powerhouse at Wasbingtofa and 'our entire oornmiinicationa system of the organization occurred on explained by foreign exchange ex­ for the formation of the Veterans first and the other runner scored... football for three years agj featured tory in VanderhOt Cnp short of the expected attendance, drew 17,800 down in .foe Hoosler ijgubaervlent to the demand of Fed- wouldn’t be worth a straw for us. approval within the time specified charges of conspiracy to violate the hour bn foe danger of remaining Purdue figures to turn back Chicago that, as far aa we know, has always braved a chilly wind to watch the hlUs for a game with Centre college. Boeton University an terU ^ Wasli- October 11, and gave a brief his­ "Establishment of this bombing by the state Conatitutlon. Mann Act. perts today as necessitated by the Baseball Players Association of New In a guard position.. .we’ve never l^akal government because the news- fact that the yellow metal la still too. close to foe brink of sin, from much as it pleases In the Maroons’ been the case in the major leagues, race. "Public interest In foe gime, os tngtbn University of S t Louis. tory of the club which waa organ­ field would make Imminent the The L,eglslators completed the Man Is Also Held which point foe iiSdlvldual wUl lose Social Time Follows Presenta­ Initial Western Conferenct effort of England, will meet at 690 Park known a more likable iad than t i the United States are al- ized in the.."Whlte” house where death ;Mneral utilisation of telephone, sacred and holy. It therefore became necessary, to AI O. Karam of Hartford will ba waa entitled to the homer if he cir­ "wUl be greater this year than It H. Washburn, director of the Man­ 1929. Federal agenta asserted Terry described foe daring of an American . from thfe Ranks. perior, MarquetLe Ic likely to repulse temporary chairman of foe proposed an Hour, Loses One Lap. ^ W^Taph and radio communications chester Community club at that “It Is the instrument of the King­ impliment such an international ar­ cled the bases... haa been for a number of preceding Sports Roundup | r-in media for the collection and dia- How long the prospective special came to New Orleans with foe wom­ scientist who has lived on foe brim Kansas State by air. Michigan State organization and requests the fol­ NAYY MASCOT GOES years. The years of 1987 and 1938 time, waa largely instrumental in dom of Heaven. en from the east and that foe three rangement to preseivr exchange Vaemlnatlon of news." . sesalon will last this year is a mat­ of foe volcano Kilauea in the Ha­ Ten-year medals were presented flgurea to find Mlsoouri much easier lowing delegates to be preset to In Sunday’s game here, however, wltncsaod foe largest crowds that By EDDIE BRIETZ instituting the club, Just after a "It was my responsibility for the resided in an apartment. equilibrium as the Franco-Brttlsh- waiian laalnds. It was said of him. than Carnegie Tech, and should win. Punts and Passes "Evidence con be cited," he sold, Kingdom o f. God In Wales that ter of conjecture. The general Im. last night to Second Lieut Stephen LiECuss and to perfect plans of or' Cobum elected oo run out his bit and New York, Oct. 13.— (AP) — have ever attended footbaU games most successful fall flower show presalon is that the chief, executive • At foe time of the boy’s disap­ American ‘’gentlemen’s agreement" Rev. Aycock stated, that he was so One doesn’t have to look any far­ ganizatlon: / pulled up at third, after Zajac and iirove that the Federal Radio had been held in the building. Mrs. urged me to strike the blow for of Sept. 28, to provide for a move­ Frey and First Sergeant Thomas Modena’s wlnged-mercury on wheels HOME FOR ELI TILT In this country. New York, O ct IS.—(A P )—Daio |Ft'.Uomimlaaion haa been used to Intimi- favora a brief aesalon. One Republi­ pearance he waa In care of Mrs. accustomed to hearing foe roar of ther than the east to' pick out a half Robert and Peter Wilson, Brldge- Shaw had tallied. .. and according to By ASSOCIATED PRESS Bells Stated that Miss Mary Chap­ Wales. John Cheler, who lives, across foe ment of gold between foe three Paganl at an assembly o f^ m p a n y "With foe depression foe attend­ devil dept; The Roosevelt raceway ja>^ats the newapapera of the United can- Senator, however,,; asserted the glano volcano in tempest, that dozen games, the outcome of which port;-'- Jack Dunleavy, Danbury; foe rule book, Cobum was entitled is no longer a legend to Amcricui ance decreased, and 1932 registered man of Forest street was the first "There is a higher law than the street from foe apartment Terry oc­ coim tries. he would stand complacently on foe K at foe State Armory last night may mean a lot when championahlps Columbus—It wasn’t exactly what ta called foe toughest dirt track 1: .Btatea. The mailed Hat of the Fed- thc.e should be no attempt made to Thomas O’Connor, Al. O. Kamm, to a triple...the rule reads: "If, in automobile racers. the low point. Since then foe at­ president; others Included Charles law of the English state. Our cupied. Without provision to ship gold, a brim surrounded by a rain of falling Both officers enlisted in the com­ are decided. Hartford; James Burns, Meride.i: you’d call a hint but Coach B’rancis oral government has been held over allegiance to. Christianity la infin­ rush conalderatlona of tmemploy- the lost half of foe final Inning, with Schmidt of Ohio State took it Just Tazlo Nuvolari of Italy, known tendance haa been steadily Inoreoa- course in foe world. Taalc Nuvolari, M. BurpHey who was also deeply Mrs. Cheler told police, foe boy large flow of funds, say from I»n- ashes and in foe midst of deadly pany as privatoM and rose through Navy is going to find the going Robert Peterson, Middletown; foe winning run on base, foe bats­ Middies Goat Retarns to Bal- ^ . telegraph, telephone imd radio com- interested in forming the Garden itely higher than our allegiance to ment insurance legislation. had been left wlfo her whTle his fa­ foe various non - commissioned the same. After ^oing what Pitt throughout the world aa foe great­ Ing. In foe Western Oonference In winner of yesterday’s 300-mlle Van­ ^ » :j^ le s to force them to dp things "The General Assembly,” the don to. New York, would mean gases. much rougher when Yale moves into Archie Kilpatrick, Herman Bronkle, man drives home that run, credit club; Mrs. W. J. Taylor. C. W. the laws of England.” ther went to Florida in search of grades to their present ranks. Venable Stadium, Baltimore. The Manchester; Bills Pollard, Olaston did to fals team by sheer power last est daredevil of fotf dirt traekp on 1936 it was 36.308-per cent ahead of derbilt cup event aaid foe race waa ^^Whlch the Washington government Senator said, “should be given every heavy sales of British sterling in This condition is also true o f foe Bball be given him for as Inany tfaiore as the ^LocaJ Boy that in 1933. The present demand Blankenburg of Talcottville, Mrs. J. work. foe open market and purebaaea of individual regarding CSirlstianity, Following the drill and review, a Middies have come along rapidly, bury; John Nagle, Charles McBnroe, Saturday, Schmidt gave indications the basis of bis spectacular record harder than any he ever drova ia % thought'might eventually result In F. I>. R.’S MOTHER IN STATE opportunity to consider the subject bases as, '.n foa Judgment of foe of­ that he planned to add a power at­ of 80 victories in 148 races, made for tickets makes it safe to predict R, Lowe, Walter Wlrtalla and Mrs. She said she gave foe two women dollars. This would send foe British the speaker said. Proximity and social hour was held in foe ban­ however. I suspect that the running New Haven; Harry Noyes, West ficial scorer, he would have made Europe.,. .after four hours in fot g tte intimidation of the newapapera. Bells. carefully. Personally, I should be permission to take George to a association wlfo sin hardens foe in­ quet ball. Short addreaaes wera and passing of Schmidt will offset Haven; Arthur Nichols, Wlllimau- tack to foe Buckeyes’ "razzle daz­ hi:, first appearance in America that the crowds at foe 1936 games saddle, Tasio only wanted a drink ' ^ B has emploired this same fear to Hartford, Oct. 13.— (A P )—Mrs. opposed to any effort to Jam any currency sharply lower. under normal conditions; that num­ zle” repertory. The first move was Who Made Good.'' wUl be materially greater than The decorations at last night’s movie emd that they did not return. Gold, foreign exchange authori­ dividual and foe careless one soon given by officers and members' of any edge the Efils might have in ma­ tlc;- Joseph Connor, Walter Ahern, ber, however, not to exceed foe num­ yesterday and whizzed over the of water at foa finish-plus hta f i e r c e radio stations to broadcast meeting were in the main the new James Roosevelt, mother of Presi­ such legislation through hastily.” drifts away from foe path of Cauls- terial. I pick Navy in a close game. Waterbury; Charles Schulman, to put a couple of bigger men, Paul partly paved pretzel of Roosevelt those in 1986, liras....H . G. Satalnger, sports ed .^'.gcograms spreading the New Deal dent Roosevelt, crossed the state ties explain, ia in effect a reservoir fo t company. ber of baaes ad/anced by the run­ Birkholtz and BiU PhtIUps, Into foe Amateur Problem. Corean chrysanthemums, in all the for settling international balances. tlanlty. South Norwalk; Arthur Morin, ner; except whan foe batsman Raceway to an easy victory in the of foe Detroit Newa (but wiM jKcpaganda.” border from Hyde Park, N. Y„ to LEADING FAIRFIELD CITIZEN Penn Testa Tiger Rockville; William J. Tracy, Rebelle varsity backfield. inaugural of the 390-miIe George Annapolis, Md.. Oct. IS.— (AP)— "The orreatest problem that con­ lovely shades of Barly Bronze, Gol­ When American purchases of sterl­ Mrs. Aycock will give her life drives a fair ball out of foe playing should be connected with foa Cham­ den Apricot and Indian Summer lunch wdth her friend, Mrs. John DIES IN N. Y. HOSPITAL. Princeton received its first major Carpenter, Bristol. Vanderbilt cup race. Bill wtB be "going home" when the fronts oollege football ta that of ber of Commerce) broadcaat that Wallace Riddle of Farmington, to­ ing and British purchases of dollars story at foe morning Simday school field,, he shall .•ecilve credit for a Chapel HIU, N. C.—When North pink and white Corean hybrids and next Sunday and a large attendance HOLY NAME SOCIETY test in tackling Pennsylvania at Enigiblllty of members, applica­ home run, provided he legally Both reckless and skillful, the Navy meets Yale Saturday In Balti­ keeping it on an amateur basta. As eight of-foe American drivers hail­ BOY SCOUT NEWS seedlings. Miss Mary Chapman day. New York, Oct. — (AP) — in ordinary financing of trade about Franklin Field. T1 e Tiger will have tion forms, benefits, and member­ Carolina goes to New York play roaring Roman piloted his 12- more. foe game has grown in popularity Governor Cross, his executive sec­ TALCOnVILLE balance, no gold need be shipped. is expected at this meeting. Large touches each base in proper o^ er” New Ydrk University Saturday it ed from Detroit.,, .no doubt about brought a large bouquet of roses and Oliver Gould Jennings, a lea^ng crowds have been attracted each ita hands full, fiut should win. The ship dues, also means of financing . .. it follows then, to our way of cyllnder Alfa Romeo over the course And, Bill, the Navy’s tough goat there are many plans being put in­ foa big Italian cart 'being foe faet- a fine late aster developed by Bur­ retary, Philip Hewea of Avon, and citizen of Fairfield, Conn., died of But when foe movement becomes PLANS HUSKING BEE situation at Penn is better this trip. will be subjects to be discussed. wUi be foe first Tar Heel invasion of mascot, will be going homo as foe to effect, all of which tend, in some ai Troop 1 Mrs. Hewea were alao guests of evening last week to hear foe tal­ thinking, that foe runs scored by of 1,200 hairpin turns in four hours, eet on foe track. . . . they averaged bank. Beautiful dahlias and a num­ Ruth Emily Lyman was promoted pneumonia today at Harbor hospl- one-sided, then It is necessary to ented evangelists from the Aliddle All foe Quakers have to do Is settle foe East since 1928. That year Caro­ 32 minutes, 44 seconds for,an aver­ "local boy who made good." form or other, to lead toward oora- Sil - The meeting opened at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Riddle, who Is the v ^ e of the Sunday from the Cradle Roll to the Zajac and Shaw counted, making lina played Harvard at Cambridge, between 130 and ISO mllea per bour ber of flowers new to many of the Ul. settle foe difference by shipping W est down to playing the sort of football foe score 6-4 ... Cobum would have age of 65.908 miles per hour. It In 1934, the Navy found him morcialtam in foe game. A abort talk was given by Dr. Rey- former ambassador to Argentina. beginners’ department T>f the Sun­ gold, if a big fluctuation in foe ex­ The Holy Name society of S t Maos., and took a 30-0 drubbing. roaring down-foe etraigfataway.... members were brought by Mrs. A1 He was admitted to foe hospital that might be expected of the man simplified matters a lot if he’d only ^ave him first place money and al­ roaming foe Baltimore stockyards, "The problems that are found In Nuvolari wae eo far ahead from foe - mdds. Next, new officers were put "Tm a very go< d Democrat,” Mrs. day school. Sunday. change rate ia to be avoided. B rld^t’s church la to sponsor a power at hapd, amateur afoletlca are now peculiar ^'iBto office. The new patrol leaders bert Hemingway. Riddle said. Two weeks ago she husking bee to be held in Hollister gone as far as first.. .our apologies most aU foe lap trimmings by a a forlorn vagabond who had hitch­ halfway mark on ha waa p^tively For entertainment appropriate With him at foe time of bis death Equalization Funds. Army and.Harvard collide ,n an­ Sport Briefs to Bert McConkey and any others Hamilton, N. Y.—Tulane, which decisive time advantage of min­ to that institution. 'They are to are Bill Shea, Edward Newberry, was Mrs. Roosevelt’s guest at Hyde Harry Appleby, Georgia Tech street school hall on Friday eve­ sprang a pair of upsets in its first 11 hiked his way from the west with lonesome. readings wore given and several were hia wife and two Sons. Of course, the British treasury's other traditional scrap. Dick Har­ that want ’em... utes 87 seconds over Jean Pierre a load of cattle. Cockleburrs adorn­ be found in aU of life’s competitions. '^Albert Griswold and Hayden Grls- park. The two women have been back, wears glasses built in a special equalization fund, and the Ameri­ NORTH COVENTRY ning, November 6. Major John G. low has done a fine Job at Cambridge two games this season by beating None of our human institutions, . Roaring road, notaa: Herbert Bay­ reels of motion pictures shown. Mrs. Hospital authorities said that as Wlmille o f France. ed his whiskers and his only recom­ ard Swope, chairman of foe Naw . wold. The sunlstant patrol leaders friends for many years. headgear during grid games. far aa they had been informed foe can treasury’s stabilization fund, Mahoney is general chairman of foe but foe Crimson Is paired with too By ASSOCIATED PRESS Mississippi and tying Auburn, isn’t football included, are perfect, but are Norman SouthergiU, Walter Bells, Miss Mary Palmer tho treas­ The Young D^mocraUe club will committee in charge. The membera The above interpretation of tho This time advantage waa almost mendation. was his undeniable lork hoee racing commtaaion, waa could keep foe rate Stahl by ac­ able a team. An injury has put going to catch Coach Andy Kerr of the fact that foe public expects am­ • m Amstrong, Ralph Stone and Robert urer and-Mrs. Norman Ash, the sec­ body would be removed to Fairfield hold its rally at foe Town Hail /j in of foe Holy Name society will be as­ New Haven—When Cllht Frank, disputed situation is open to plenty equal to three laps of the four-mile toughness. spied wandering about....Joe Wil- retary served ice cream, home made for burial. cumulating huge balances of each Dobion, who lookeo so well at full­ who threw the passes that beat of argument, as we’ve already learn­ (Jolgate napping. Preparing to meet ateur athletics tS be perfect ta dls;' ^Jteuthergill. The senior patrol lead- South Coventry tonight at 8 o’clock. sisted in the venture by women of back, out of Army's lineup for the the Green Wave in New 'York City course—fraught with hazards but Now, his whiskers arq combed, coursging. llama aaid be-probably waa looking ara Bob Qabbey and Bill Leon- cookies and cupcakes. Dr. A. C. Herring, one of foe at­ others currency on paper by ordi­ Among foe speakers will be the can­ foe parish. There la to be a meet­ Penn, showed up for Yale’s first ed in talking abotit it with a num­ bloodless yesterday-as 30 out of bis spreading horns painted blue tending pbyalcians, said that de­ nary transactions through banking seasob, but the Cadets still have ber of fans, and we’U be glad to re­ Saturday, Kerr called for a Monday "So long as foe newspapers, edu­ for foe mutuel m’achlnea... .foa iSKd. Junior assistant Scout mas- didates for (tongreas from foe Sec­ ing of all commltteea held tonight at practice after foe Quaker contest 45 starters survived to foe end'of and gold, hia hooves oiled and hia aoldler-attendaata at foe flag pole spite foe fact that Jennings was "a chainnels, but neither fund would Monk Meyer and others. with his arm in a aling, Ell boosters ceive foe opinions of our baseball- scrimmage this week instead of foe cators, and foe public generally pro­ Bob Pratt The tuunes of the ond District William Fitzgerald and S o’clock in foe church basement at Temple and Carnegie Tech meet usual day of rest ' what was regarded as foe world’s long white hair well washed and almoat broke foeir arma hoisting QUARRYVILLE SOCIETY AUTUMN very vigorous old gentleman," bis presumably .,ant to accumulate too Senator Dlmock. and candidates which foe sub committees will be experienced momentary - consterna­ minded readers on foe m atter... test agalust foe prostitution of am­ apw patrols are: Shea—Flying In Philadelphia Friday night In the most dangerous race. Thirteen of combed. And, he wears a blue navy ateur athletics, wo may have no foa Italian and French emblems...' rEi«le; Newberry—Biasing Arrow; By Helen Welshimer age bad a good deal to do wlfo his much foreign currency at a time from foe town. P. L. Laforop is named and plans started for the tion. However, Major Frank Wan- we.’re far from infallible and are al' Initial major.sectional .esl for each. ways open to conviction... South Bend, Ind.—Although the them completed foe 800 miles and blanket, decorated with “N’s” and fear that football will go 'the way foe race waa bald ri|^t in foa heart. Griswold—Stag; H. Griswold— succumbing to foe dlseasa. when gold values of currencies are candidate for representative. husking bee. dle who keeps foe bulldog gridders stars. SUPPER ON FRIDAY \ ^ E went wandering through the ordu ^ Tech has been through two wearing situation probably will be remedied 17 others were*kASink^liMw AansrMaMniwrifdilinMmat when North Carolins comes to bat- veteran pilot of GranvlUe, has scor­ Monoheater High’s soccer team rsar fender wtilla skidding around a tado, 286 3-4, Panama, drew 8. Temple which won ita fourth- Ua N. Y. U. The Violet lacks the ed with nine mounts at foa Naw blanked Briatol Saturday in foe Red sharp curve. Otherwise foe daring Pittsburgh—L6e Shepard, 131 1-3, straight by baatlqg Boston College I jw U rday; Bobert Max- Now Haven, O ct 18.— (AP)— manpower to cope with foe soufo- 14-0 yesterday throws its unde­ ' South Main street and York traek. After foe cloee of foe and White’s first C. C. I. U clash at invader apad along like a man out Cleveland, outpointed ’ Sammy An- Former Senator Hiram Bingham READERS* SBETKai BUREAU emers. WRESTLING foi foe oountty air. feated record right back on foa fire t o ( 32 Ridge street characterised os ridiculous" today Cleaned and Pressed M fa C New York aeason foe latter port at foa seaaon, 2 -0 ...Schleldge and gott 180 1-3, Washington, Pa., 10. Ray Morrison returns to his old PhlladeiphlA-Chlef UtUe WiSf, Bad Look For Brivta against Carnegie Tech Friday night. PMrtwday: Mrs. Alice a New York oolumnist’s report Intl- rnmmm U U . M l Etelrtk A v * . Ham M k . a a this month, Stout will ahttt to Greens taUled 'or foa locals...foe Flaiafleld, N. J.—Nat Llften, 126, MORE stamping grounds at Dallai when he faU szamlnaHon t o ' membership in 332, Trinidad, Colo., threw Tiny But for mechanical miahapa and Pittsburgh, stopped Jackie Cor­ Grid Oottaths Clash 'aSS LgrdaU street m atlng ha and his -wife, foe former JEncIgeed find...... cantalaeoittfarwhldtRltiMaaDiflw takas his Vanderbilt taam to meet Maryland to finish out foe northern Roebuck, 823, Hugo,.Okia., 10:57, Big ten warfare gets down to se­ P E P POW ER Joseph ScagUa Attreda Mitchell of New London, Called for and Delivered season before beading south to foejCantraluie I..CUUWI Connecticutuoniiecccui Aasodctlooizasi a human overslgbt, foe race might coran, 127, EUzabefo, 7. 8. M. U. This tan'* going to be easy, of FootbaU Officials wUl be 1held at WUiniagton, Del.—Siraie Ducek, hava raaultad In a ona-tw6-forae rious business in a schedule topped y- Intended to soparate. .^ t a a o f "Caadlallght.'* tha new booUat o f poamt but foe Commodores are foe favor­ Miami. Buffalo—Ralph de John, 168 1-3, ECONOMY OazotyB Relii- foa Klngswood jcbool gymnamnasium In 338, O m a ^ defeated MUm Muzur- flniah for foa Alfa Romeo team. Syracuse, outpointed Paulle Ma- by a battle of goliaths between With "It ia a ridiculous story," ha aaid, iflr Helan Wctahimaiv at 10 ecata'ia ofiMh ites. George Washington continues ki, 338, Mew York, tWO* straight Northwestern’s victorious Wildcats 1 atzeist, James "appaienUy baaed on the fact that Mrs. Payne Whltnqy has changed Hartford tonight at 7;807:30 o'clook...o'c Brivio, foe taarU-luck man of foe Iwmey, 188 1-3, Buffalo, 6. DIAL 7100 TODAY! ta entertoln foe south, meeting Ar­ fails. classic, had second place clinched and Ohio State’s power. Minnesota’s PUee, Tito Mrs. Bingham wiU ba in Florida Kama ------...... ^ kansas on Friday nlAt- Arkansas her plans about seeding a large Washington —PhUl Furr, 146, mighty Gophers -meet Michigan; I street Mrs. with her mother all winter and I Prank Robinson, Manehaater High Portland, Me.— Walter Duaek, srifo two laps to go when bis motor Washington, outpointed Johnny haa a well-rounded attack. The Ra- etable of horsea to California to grad, has bsen awardsd ons of two 181 Omaha, defeated Aba Kaplan, Purdue’s surprising Boilermakers (Jsfhat dough- have taken a small house in Wash­ ztirbacks lost r. close' one to Texas race this winter. Due to injurtee became overheated. Lueaa, 147, Camden, N. J., 10. ington. Charles Lewis Beach Memorial 178, New York, two straight falls. The tilted Italian got back from take oo (foicago, and Dllnota facM Or Honey Befunded. Christian, but George Washington and ailing horsee, bar Green tree Terra Haute, Ino.-^Dave Barry, Iow a The skyrocketing Hooaiera of tHrs. Uitchall ia 93 yaais old and State...... '.. 1... SeholarsUps at Omnsetleut State Mimtreal—Gy WiUiams, 338,-Tal­ foe pits in tine to regain hU nm- BprlngQsld. Hi., gnd Jimmy Buckler, U. S. CLEANERS & DYERS cannot be picked in this one. etable, in charge tA BUI Brennan, coU ags...fos Otmnseticttt Campus, lahassee, Fla., defeated Hank Bar- Indta,iia run up against foe Big Six Aianchester will need my wife by her sdda while ^ w^Aao»R#wawawa»»www^awawawaawa%wwywaae a* »36 MAIN STREET Nebraska masts its secoi)d Big: WiU be repreeented by only a few ner-up position but mecbanica had LouisviUi, drew lOi powerhouse, Nebraska, which gave I will be campaigning for foe Ra- WB OPERATE OUR OYYN PLANT the eoUsgs a(sskly, writes of Frank: bar, 333, Boston, two out at foias .fooughtlessly laft .bis motor hood Ten foe in a row in ladlaiM. The thoroughbreds. The stable has not “Ba sntwsd ooUa^ this year with Hoiyoka, Maas.—Tony Dupre, 116 Minnesota all It eould handle last Motor Sales, Inc. pnblicaa Uckat’’ - folia (Barber unable to return for unattached and he was forced to 8-4, ManelMstar, N. outpointed SO Start Otartar Stroal Mnsken wU^havp to watch . for ,yet algaad a jockay for tha winter.; aa «zesUsnt sebeiisde trom totrd). , week. ■■ atc^ .again, IcMng ^ dMuoa as Ruby jp c ^ 4 9 , n g Hollyolta, 13. On foe im t coast. Boufoera Call-

J., - ' y -• /\ia> HANCf '‘EVEN ING H113KALU. lU N C H i^ i'!!‘T»-"i''' ' - -i*- -'i'^ "r. »!i//;r> . 1 v i ^ ‘>»iiaaw*KB\MOUU3Nnt Op kV5t 0\\,' ' /;• y* NOUQ « £ WO«E Young''iflf*~r»e got -a lot o< My husband la not worth shoot­ •600 - things I want to talk to you y about, ing, a woman remarked, and he MM6 V' »w M t€9t igttm s ^ 3 » £ ^ r deaw^ positively rehises to take out any Young Husband—Tkat’a good, more life insnraaoe. VVt TO fou usually-want to talk to m* ^about .a lot of things you haven't Judge—(to ooople)—caught on a g o t pork benoh. akT What are your LOST AND POUND 1 PROFESSIONAL HOUSEHOLD .GOODS 6t HQUSES FOR SALE 72 nation should take the form of legal nameat action against Communists or first meeting will be Friday eve­ SERVICES 2 i CAULIFLOWER SUPPLY Game Warden—What’s th* Idas Me—Bsa Pettan GOOD USED COAL RANOIiS— FOR SAUfi—nV B ROOM bunga­ against newspapers pubilsnlng.Tho- ning from 7 to 8 at the home of LANDOirSSTATE Jean Isham. Mrs. Laura Squle(; of hunting with last year’s license T She—-Anne H owa liOBV—40fAU j b o s t o n buU doff. JOHN OOCKCRHAU—PlAnod tun­ You’ll find an excellent aaiortment low, low price, small amount casb, rez’s remarks rather than in a pro­ balance low monthly payments. will be the leader for the group. You know better than thaL don’t Telephone 80»7. Beward. ed repaired and rebuilt. Price rea* St Watkins Brothers. Bay State test to the government HIT BY COLD WAVE jrouT with wanning cabinet, (Ifi; Charm Inquire 8 Uncobr stmsL Arnold Mason spent the week-6nd Th* Mail Who Says The Art Of eonable. 38 BIffelow street. Dial Hunter—Nothing wrong bs that Convsraatloa Is 0«*d Never Stood SCENE OF FDR’S in Meriden. i ^ 4319. Crawford Royal, (20; Oakland as far aa I can a**. Pm only shoot­ Outaldo Of a 'Phone Booth Waiting PERSONALS 8-20, (30; Modem Olenwood Ft FOR s a l e :—FIVE ROOM bunga­ Prices Expected to Rise Sharp­ Rev. Mr. MelUnger and daughter low, all Improvements, garage, 1 Margaret took part In tba rellgloua ing at t&s birds I mlsssd last y*or. For So moon* To Finish Talking. STOUACH ACID, “ ffM palM. jn (28; Fairy Crawford, (2S; Cliarm ly As Amoiiiit of Produce 2.1 Crawford ROyal, (30; Modem 1-2 acree of land, artlslai water ADDRESS TODAY ONE IN EVffiY play "The Lost Church” glven Sun­ dlffeetlo;! victim*, why i.ulTerT For REPAIRING OffCi-ed Is Reduced Greatly. Moat People Would Uk* To Stay Olenwood F, (30; Empire Craw­ supply. Inquire Burton Keeney, day evening in the Congregational ffuick reUef get a free aample of church in. WilUmantlc. sum. But Not Bad Blough To Take mSTOBY RBPBATS. LAWN MOWER SHARPENING, ford Royal, (4B. Watkins Brothers, 896 Keeney street Tel. SS3L (OoBtiBaad from Page One) Udga, a doctor'* prescription at C2ayton Hunt went to Hebron • BlMTOtMe HornsU, N. T.—The dlaiy o t Mr*. tmtt repairing. Key msUcing, vacuum 93B Main street. The cold weather last night and Arthur Druff Store*. SIX CONDEMNED Sunday evenlng^tb take a part in a H. B. Hurd, of Almond, tells Its own cleaner* cte., cleaned, recondltion- not my why aad never will be my this morning baa damaged cauli­ Minister—So you want to b* aa I ed. Tool •bsrpenlnff. Braitbwalte, LEGAL NOTICES 7H temperance play “The Prironer at story of repeating history. FOR SALE—CHAMBERS fireless way.” flower In several of the sections aviator. Tell me why yon hav* Th* •ntriss: 03 Pearl «treet gas range, In good condition. Call the Bar” In charge of Mr. Pretty- Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox AimJMOKILES FOR SALE 4 U«VOR PBRMIT Mr. Roqpevelt did not mentlorf his that supply the Manchester Auction such an ambition. Bdpt 80, 1988—Moved 100 Rhodd 6393. NOTICH OP APPlslOATlOlf AVERSUNDON man of New Haven, of the Conn. Republican rival by name.' Ha de­ Market This will send prices up, Tommjr—So I can fly over th* Island' Rsd pullsts to winter quar- IffSi FORD RDAPtTER. »98; 1980 Thli U to ptvi noiloo that I, John clared the "leaders” who were dis­ but the supply WlU be reduce Yes­ Temperance League. P m c K N E V W o r t l e , t h e W o R L P ' e U k z i b s t W h i t e M a n FOB. SALE—GOOD used furniture, Jotiph Konnody of 7 Rotomnry (Oontlnoed from Pag* One) David HimL a sophomore at Wor­ Bchoolhouse'and drop prioks cn it tora. Ford roadster, 166: 1930 CSjevrolet PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 28 Place. Manoheater, Conn., have filed seminating "this silly falsd fear” terday there were sold 909 crates parlor heaters, and othe- good cester Polytechnic Institute, spent Oot. 1, 1985— Stolsa In the night, OUR BOARDING HOUSE coupe, 190; 1930 Essex coupe, (70. an application dated 6th of October. are the men "whose blindness to or No. 1 quaUty cauUflower and 140 Keep Him Awake ASK FOR BOOKLET “A Career or buys In iqtscellaneous mdse. Call the duty of administering relief so thy..-week-end and Columbus Day 100 Rhode Island Rsd pullets. No down payment, (2 weekly. Cole 19S6. with the Liquor Control Com* facts and refusal to act caused the crates o f No'. 2 quaUty, one o f the To ebureh, on Sunday morn, more Beauty” . Hartford Academy at 33 Oak atreet. mlseion for a Club Permit for the wisely, so sympathetically, that at lUs home here, returning to Wor­ Bspt 80, 1986—Movsd 100 Rhod* Motora 8463. dale of alcoholic liquor' on the real fear and the teal danger of largest day’s offering of cauliflower oft be says, he’d go If his wife Island Red pullets to winter quar­ C H C ^ R I O , Halrdresdng, 693 Main atreet, national disasterjn 1932.” human values will not be destroyed. this season. , cester Monday afternoon. S A V , 3 U S T Hartford Phone 7-876i. premleea of 08 Kaat Center atreet. And we have the duty of doing Twenty-six new voters were would agrs* not to tak* hsr elbow, ters. , Muncheater, Conn. The hualneaa la The Crisis Is Over. The total soles yesterday amount- Oct. Ip 1686— Stolsn In tha night, I CAME TO BAT, 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 owned by Waahlnffton L. O. U^oclal After outlining in detail the ob­ everything within our power to iis- ed to (1,191,05 and broughtthe~total a week ago, and ten more last WHAT I6TH IS eist real recovery. That means to Rastus—Sam, I hates a bad loser. 100 Rhode Island Red pullets. Manchester Club of 68 Kaat Center street^Man* jectives and philosophy of his ad­ sales so far this year to (160,030.28, urday. A few remain to he dvO'‘ M A O e A HIT^— HELP WANTED— FOR SALBJ—PIANO In good con­ cheater. Conn., and wilt be conducted get real Jobs for the unemployed. this coming Saturday, whlcb wdU Moses—Y*ab, Dcs, dat’s so. But O LD WOME Vi/EEK^ ministration as having been based, With sales today -and tomorrow It I'd rather play wld a bad. loser any FEMALE 3.5 dition, or will exchange for com­ by John Joaeph Kennedy of 7 Roae* ”ln both these duties the present end It for this year, except for a Evening Herald mnry Place. Manchester. Conn., aa generally speaking, on economic se­ win mean that the sale sface the day dan with any kind of a winner. A TREAT FOR BACHELORS SE E \OU AT THE bination stove. 12B North school administration has a record of mis­ meeting the day before election for I SEE THET^E^ WANTED—YOUNQ girl for house­ permittee. curity, freedom of religion and full market reopened on August 15 wUI Chicago—u «<«rK*« wutos le e U*e WANTED—TO BUY 58 national crisis with flying colors. the members of this administration the Ten (Tommandmsnta, but he does mon they will hear the Rev. Clin­ OKILV IWTHE lalUtla Bumeer* end sbbrevlatleBB 100 PERCENT PROFITS SelUng We have not lost our self-respect. Sold yesterday at the Manches­ time for the other meetings. kisb some one would tell his wife ton C. Cox deliver Sunday. eoBot BS a 'ord sad aoBipoaad have condemned one-sixth of our Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hurlbutt and TOODLE—OO/ magnifleent |1 assortment 21 DOING FALL CLEANING? Save We have not changed our form of ter market werd 009 crates No. 1 there are only ten. Mr. Cox said he would write the BUEACHERS/ word* as two wurda Mlnlmani cost ta people to live In' a separate econo­ two daughters and hts mother, Mrs. erte* ot thrss uata Chrlatmaa folders. 00c bargain all your rags. Higher prices paid government. mic world of their own. Isolated cauUflower, high (1.15, low 70 cents; Minnie Hurlbutt, of Cortland, N. Y., sermon—on marriage— from an­ Una ralas ear dar far tranalaat box, Gift Wrappings, BJverydays. now. Highest prices for all kinds Turning to peace, the President from the main stream of our na­ 140 crates No. 2 cauliflower, high The play went along smoothly un­ Bda' ' T h e Poet’s Colum n swers to a queatlonnali-e mailed Extra bonuses. Free sample offer. of Junk. Wm. Ostrinsky. Phone said the United. States had taken tional life. They have been cata­ 76 centSv low 85 cents; 163 baskets spent tho week-end and Columbus til the dungeon scene whan the tra­ UWaatlTa Manh St, t**t tomatoes, high 85 cento, low 50 Day at their former home here. members of the congregation. Soma Caab Char*a Schwer, 1013 Westfield, Mass. 6879. the lead among the nations of the logued, registered,, regimented and gedian shouted—I’m mad, I’m mad! BEAUTY cento; 19 baskets No. 2 tomatoes, questions .touched on birth control, a Conaaeatits uajra I atai I eta There are different Ideas of beauty, world in ‘‘restoring economic peace controlled by a Federal bureaucracy and some one in the gallery yelled— "December-May” romances, the rs- I CbnaseatlT* User • atai tl eta CHRISTMAS CARD Wonder box, which is so essential to military which promises them no future. high 26 cento, low 18 cento: 21 bush­ ru bet you ain’t half os mad aa the t Oar ...... I 11 etai It ota Each hath Its own trend of thought;. els lima beans, (1.60 a bushel; 12 lation of money to marital bllL_, 31 folders. Sell* (1. 100 percent What to one is real beauty peace.” “All that they can hope for is che people that paid to see the Show. All urdara tor lrr*in>la> laatrtioaa ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD .58 bushels turnips, high 40 cento, low the advisability of mix marriages will ba abarsad *l tbs oea Uaia rata profit. Birthday, Gift Wrapping, To another may seem as naught. No Interference, bare necessities of life. In this SO cents; 30 bushels No. 1 potatoes, POLICE COURT concerning religion, and ”ln-laws." gpaclal ratas It-r lOO* tarm aaarr Everyday boxes; personals. Re­ FOR BENT—PLEASANT furnish­ ”Wc propose, of course,” he add­ separate world they are deprived of Before Getting Angry At Our day adyartitin* «>«>.. vpua ragoaai. quest samples. Chilton Greetings, ed room, nice location, continuous To one the pretty face attracts. the hope and opportunity that- is 96 cento a bushel; eight bushels No. In Police Court this' morning Friends Because Of Ttaelr PoUtical Ads ordarad Cot thraa at ala days ed “ no interference with the affairs '2 potatoes, 50 cento a bushel; eight aad atoppad bafort tka tbird oi dtib 177X Lincoln street, Boston. hot water (3.50 per week, free With lines that to paint are fair; of other nations. We seek only by their birthright, x x x charged with intoxication, William Views We Should Reflect That We GERMAN GOVERNMENT HELPS J parking. 98 Pino street. “ W e must help them win .bsu:k half bushels string beans, $1 a half Lapham, 44, o f 176- E2dridge street May Have Some Queer Ideas Of Our day will ba oharaad oaty far tba ac­ There are those wrlth Illy hands. force of our own example to spread bushel. BUILD RUSSIAN CATHEDRAL tual aumbar at .Imaa tba o appaar* And others with golden hair. their independence.” was placed on probation for three Own. Berlin (AP)—The German gov­ ad. eharslns at tha rata aaraad. bat HELP WANTED— MALE 36 tke gospel of peace in the world.” . do,:^.irf«5a„pt,r.a.t»«da.,eaaL,b^ Tho Pr^tdent already had made Landon said ’’politics” In relief months by Judge Raymond A. John­ ernment contributed 30,0(a, marks APARTMENTS—FLATtL- TmderrtheNew^DraFwBSr’^^'Hatton*^ son, • H ew a * arrested early -yisster- Mrs. Watts —May 1 halT*' sens* os Six tlaia mat atoppad aifar tha WANTED— INTELLIGENT young But thete -ls ft bea-nty-bf fith-Tnbre' th roe'rea r (812,(KX)) towards the building o f • •rib day, TENEMENTS 63 worth. train last night in' western Kansas al scandal,’’ a “disgrace- to the ad­ day afternoon at his home by Po­ stationery T new Russian cathedral In a south- Wo “till lorbldo": diaplay llaot aot man, for bookkeeping and cashier It Is hidden away In the heart. ministration,” and ”a . humiliation XOLUMRIA liceman Rudolph Wirtalla, In re­ Clerk—Are you a guest of tha ho­ aold. work at Popular Market. and three others were scheduled wsstorn suburb of Berlin, further FOR RENT—MODERN flat, all And of these outward gildings. to the American people.” sponse to a complaint by Mr. Lap- tel? funds being provided by the Russian Tha Marald wlU aoi ha raapaaaibia later today at Florence, Emporta Mr. and M ra Payson Todd and laa aiota shap oua laeorroat loaartloa MAN, RELIABLE, TO become an Improvements, excellent location. It may not have a part. and Olathe. Speaks at Sandusky hem’s wife. Mrs. Watts—1 oeftainly am not! smigre colony bar*. Again today at Sandusky, the two little sons “of ^wley, Mass., The case of Anthony Cocopard, 26, Pm paying (10.00 a day. ot aay aiyartlaaraaai ordarad tar automobile and accident claim ad- 43 Church street. He also has to make a- brief talk Tha Russian irthodox Bishop Ty- Bora tbao ona tlna. It Is seen in deeds of kindness. nominee said toftt “ the proof” of the spent the week-end and Columbus of Essex, charged with driving chon ceremoniously laid the corner­ Tha'Inadaartaai omitaiua «i iBeer* Ji-ster In your territory. Insurance before dark at Kansas City, Kansas, Day as guests at the parsonage. iwat piibllaBtlOB at adiartlaia* will ba FOR RENT—ONE five room flat, Its sympathy to prove; Roosevelt administration's “failure” without a license and with taking Listening to rumor Is much more stone o t the gacred edifice, which experience unnecessary. Nc selling. all Improvements, good location. And all along life’s pathway. In front of the new Wyandotte coun­ was that eleven millions were Job-' Eight young boys, members o f the on automobile without the permis­ fun than llstoning to fact And Is raatlila - only by oanotllB'.loa ot tbo Write Associated Adjusters, Box ty courthouse and later at Kansas bears the name o f “ Cathedral of the ohsiwa loado tor tba aarylaa raadarad. Apply Edward J. HoU. Telephone Reflects the Father's love. less after 7H billion dollars had Sunday school , class of Mrs. Marlon sion of the owner, Dillon Motor more generally prsctlosd. Resurrection of CSiriet.” All Bdyartiaamabta bbbi ooDtorB fi64A, Milwaukee, Wls. CARRIE A. TAYLOR. City, Mo., In the Municipal autdi- been spent for relief. — Hutchins, met Friday evening nt Sates company, was continued imtll 4642. torlum. '' m atyli, oopy aad typography witb October 12, 1936. After last night’s speech, Landon Mrs. Hutchins’ home, and formed a tomorrow morning, before which h* Referee (after pronouncing fight raxulatloBB antoraad by tho pabllah* WANTED—2 FIRST class carpen­ ”We arc gaining peace and secur­ conferred with a number of Ohio JOB OF COUNTING SHEEP ars aad tbay raaarva tha rl*bt to ters. None other need apply. David Boys’ club, their principal object at will be given a mental examination. a draw)—I’d Ilka my daughter to odlt. rayisa or lOHc aar oopy eoB> FOR RENT— FIVE ROOM flat. In­ ity at home,” the President said promlnents, Including Harvey and the present time being to study na,- meet you two boys some evening. WON’T BE SO SOPORIFIC )ET THE 6MBUJM(S Chamber*. Telephone 6260. COLUMBUS. here. ”I am confident that I have aldarod obJaatioBabla. quire 223 Spruce atreet. Russell Firestone of the tire manu­ ture. James Laldlaw of Stores met First Pag—Ob, Is shd,interested Tucion, ArU. (AP)—Counting SALTS'■FCWCLVDB CUnUNO HOUH8—Claaaldaa adb to On castic walls of romance lands the support of tho American people facturing fandly, before retiring In sheep Is umally considered a steep Na t i o n a l l y KNvjWN manufac­ with them and assisted In the for­ PUBUC RECORDS In boxing? ba pobllabad aaaat day maat ba ra- FOR RENT— 6 ROOM tenement, Where dusty stones and Ivy cling— In seeking peace and security producer, but forest rangers expect dalvad by It o'elnek aooa; thtiurdaya turer iceks representative calling a downtown hotel. mation of the club. . Buddy Isham Referee—No, she’s Interested in AND MACK' all Improvements, garage If dealr- There still Is spirit ot the Ume abroad.” Other stops today were scheduled they will have to be very wide a m t t m Stilt a m on laminated bakeittc users in was chosen president and CUiauncey dancing. ed. Inquire 17 Lilac street. Town. When courage dared a mighty thing. at Toledo, O., and Monroe, Mich., Squier, Jr., secretary and treasurer. Marriage Uoenses awake Indeed If they succeed in the TELEPHONE YOUR New England. Interesting and before reaching Detroit at 12:35 p. Applications for marriage licenses task aasl^ed them In the Catalina profitable connection with exclu­ WiUlanf Macht, Jr., will be the Mrs. Blnks— Row’s your daugh- )b ink. 9kmtatM Fm) WANT ADS. T9 RENT-THREE room apart' Beside the shores on moonlit nights m. (e. 8. t.) have been ipade to Town Cleric ter’s golf* mountains, near here. sive territory open. Address Manu- CABINET DISCUSSES adult leader for the group. Ada ara aacapiao ovar tua uiapboaa ment with electric Ice box and When waves are warmer than the Samuel J. Turklngton as follows: They are attempting a count of fae'urer, care of Herald Printing sands, Thirty members of Ckilumbla Mrs. Jinks—She says she’s going at tha CaAROtl KAThi (lyaa abova stove. Apply Ekiward J. Holl, 866 BELORADE MUSEUM BOUSES FrancLs Kelsey Burr,' salesman, round m less and less every week. wild, big horn uieep which stay in aa a wohyaataa , to advartioara bat There roams the spirit of the heart Grange went to Bolton Grange Fri­ ot OKI HY SMITH Co., Hanctacster, Conn. Main street, 'fel. 4643. LONDON DISORDERS REUC8 OF RUSSIAN CZAR son of Mr. and Mrs. Loqis St. Clair Mrs. Binka— I don’t doubt that. I the moat Inaccessible heights. W il­ Joyce Speaks U p By JOHN (L TERRY tha CABll HATB8 will Ov aoeaptad aa That gripped the helm with mighty day evening and put oi. part of the liam Chester is in charge, assisted TUU. PAfU BVr It paid at tba bual. program, it being Neighbors’ Night. Burr, of 302 West Center street, asked about her golf. -ANYWAY, 1 PONT aaaa oKlaa oo or batora tha aavaaib bands. Belgrade. — (AP)—A museum, and Miss Marion E. Legg, teacher, by James and Francb Knagger, two KouhM3U f o o l I A U . /fMfiBCtlffMTtxi HOUSEHOLD G(HH)S 51 (OontiDued from Page One) A sketch “How to get rid of an KNOW y0U-W H V «HOUtP 1 day tollowlB* tba drat laaartloB of HOUSES FOR RENT 65 perhaps the only one of Its kind In daughter of Mrs. Minetta A. Legg, Are Yon Important! of the best mountain clli^ ers the ««H T , I'LL TgU. You WHY KNOW WHO Z AMfJi , aaeh ad otbarwiat tba CHARUB And through the restless city veins, agent” was put qn by Mr. and Mrs. o l 87 Foster street. servioe could obtain. They expect to I PO a n y ■XnAINIWB Z CAM* IN H * n - X «AW GOOD USED-COMBINATION coal the world, has been opened here to It's never seemed to me that I filled tlATW wlU ba oallaclad. No raapontl. FOR RENT—6 ROOM single, mod­ Am ong the crowded breathing United States” has spread to the houses objects pertaining to the life Clayton Hunt, Miss Marion Holmes Richard Cfiierrlngton, real estate complet* the count in six weeks. TO Y O U ? YOU «NMK N-ANP t x'M jo v c » unruMomi' W e l l f ” Mllty far arrora la talaphoaad ada and gas ranges; Service Stewart, ern conveniences, splendid neigh­ hpacc, British capital. and Miss Gladys Rice. A group of an Important place. MV will ha aaaumad aaa thafr aaoeraey of Nicholas n, the last czar of Rus­ broker, o t Brooklyn, N. Y „ and Miss In fact, rve often thought that all I NgARP YOU «WI7tN OFF • iw c m (30; Victory Crawford, (40; Gold borhood, central. Oarage. Tel. There la preserved a sacred bond The paper declared an organiza­ younger people with Chaune'ey LAriUAIOIOL RUNF TH» eawaat ha traaranlaad. sia. Helen A. Oawford, secretary, did was taka up spaoe. THV MgRTV — Medal Glenwood, (40. Watkins Which even age cannot deface. tion has been formed to force Jew­ Squier as bus driver, put on an act RESOLUTION WONDERFUL, nAnnunoN/ n tn »f m y INDEX OF 834J. It 1s particularly rich In photo­ dcughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. So willingly, and anxiously, I’v* trisd Brothers, 938 Main street. ish shopkeepers to pay dues In the graphs. statuary and articles- used with the school bus, as a back­ Crawford, o f 36 Hamlin atreet. THINKS TEXAS OOVERNOR HDMB-ANP X P O ^ HAVB And eturdy Monuments of Time to help friends out; Austin, Texas (A P I-A resolutioh CLA^inCATlONS FOR RENT—MODERN six room "window and property protection by Nlbholas and his family. King ground. Rodney B. Wilcox, clerk, o f 878 TO ACCOUNT FOR MY FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD fuml- Are shaken by tho echoed cry— And though Pve hoped I’ve aided la a "wonderful thing” In the opin­ filtthb A house, with sleeping porch. Call society.” Peter II of Yugoslavia is a patron Mr. and Mrs| Lester Hutchins mo­ Woodbridge.etreet, son of Mr. and AC7ION«-LBA«r OF Baguaaiaau ...... u ti-re, Including Coolerator, also Manchester Construction Company, “There la no need to call him gone. tored oyer the Mohawk Trail Sat­ , them, their, silence mode me ion o f (3ov. James AUred. Ss*yrIa*aB a and the opening was attended by Mrs. George H. Wilcox, and Mist doubt. ■ 4 .7 0 VteUif , combination gas and coal range, 4181 or 427F. For no great man can ever die!” urday to enjoy the autumn foliage. “ When people ore dlesatlsfled, let Daatha 0 * FLORIA DORIA many notables. Gertrude Lois Howe, cashier, daugh­ This week two persons said to me— qard ot Thaaka ...... B with oil burner. Coll after 6 REICH PROTESTS SPEECH A Junior (3holr is to be formed ter of Mrs. Bessie E. Howe, of 182 them gather In convention and paee o’clock,' 22 Clark street, off from FOR RENT—SB /tCN room single, It Is estimated 100,000 Ruroian how very dear you’ve grown! a resolution: they will feel better, ’ la Mamarlam ...... r emlgrek, many of whom are said to among the young people, and the Wadsworth street extension. Loat aad Wound ...... <1 ML Nebo Avenue. with all Improvements with or Pve never told you, but you’ve been Is one of the governor’s observa­ AaBOBBeamaBia ...... I OF FRENCH COMMUNIST be loyal to the czarlst principles, the best friend I have known I tions. Paraeaala ...... I without furniture. Manchester live In this country. They raised This knowledge means a lot to me— Even the governor feels the reso­ // Aatamahlloa Green section. Apply Edward J. BUUJTT PRESENTS funds for the "Russian Home" In and I am telling you lution urge at timiM, he admitted. i / ' AutoBubitaa tor Bala ...... a Holl. Telephone 4642, 866 Main SL which the museum Is located. AutoBobllaa tor Baohaaea « • « « I (Oentlnaed from Page One) Because Pm sure you silent friends He eases tha feeling by telling his Auto Aeaaaaorlaa—Tlraa d HIS CREDENTUIS FLAPPER FANNY - By Sylvia fe«l Just like my friends do. secretaries abo’jt it, which, he point­ Anio Rapalrla*—Palatla* 1 FARMS AND LAND two “ Incidents” at the Strasbourg MAKES OWN UGHT —Lyla Myers. ed out, "serves the same purpose.” Auto oouvoia dehoolt ...... t»A meeting. BY A trator, 82 WiUow atreet, Hartford. wlnteri-rellef speech delivered In “Doctors tell me I am a phenome­ LETS 'SHCW THE CQtCH^ J U 6 T WATCHIhJ* ...... - . .. POLK'E Military Honors Ot-I-WE TOCTBALL FMELD IPOS/.., YOU TO MV WIFE, giwwy sirevwn^ VJAXT, QUIET WASH FER PROMOnOM MB'S RsHdlag—CoBiracIlB* Germany Oct. 6. non never before witnessed,” be WATBR TRICKLB Plarltia—Nuraartaa |l A battalloq of Republican guards The second, Gennan officials de­ HE'S r^ADE A MIS­ EASV.HE'S AN’ G O L O rH C S cerr-BUT HE'S says. “Scientists established the FELLAS, IHC OWIN' REASOW THRU V40LE.B Saairai Otraalora In gala uniform rendered the mili­ clared, was the use of a cartoon at ptmnce In my body of current of TAKE IN HIS TEAM WBAfeEn DISTUKIT POUND TH' KIND WHO kaatlos—Plamhln*—'Rooflaira ' « It 4 3 4 3 tary honors as the new ambassador, w e '»»c o h “twe s e c o n d P U N C M C D IMA. WITH taaaraooa ...... la the partisan session which showed several volts and with little'ampere SELECnoM S! 0E T MV SIZE. WILL H IT SUMPM* Slilliatry—Uraaamalilog accompanied by thesbigh personnel the following picture; power. Towards evening my ‘cur­ TEAM IS BECAUSE SOME- PAN— 1 LOVE ■' U 2> OUVJj 'E R H E SOAA8 CWhtAkr** OUTTHEPE AND ueytaa—Trockip*—S.uiuraga . . . . FIRE CHRISTMAS o f the Embassy, arrived st the pal­ A red-nosed Hitler sitting on a rent’ becomes less powerful, and la BOD/ ELSE IS PUA/IWa TO OEE AND AINT WOULDNT AKl‘ -WCLL,HBinB Pahlle Paaaangar Barvlaa .lO.A ace. PLA/ TfcLlR HEADS HEAR IT*THaa”5 (lalaiiBg—Paaarlaa ...... South building with crumbling columns la­ strongest when I am well rested in OUB POSITIONS A LUTLE VOU BE S O OOES ANoHiER ProfaaatOBal Saryloaa ...... CARDS Plerr* de Fouquleres, Introducer belled Culture, Religion and Art the morning. OFF ^ A U . tJlSTANT. of ambassadors, presented AmbaS' BETTEP f RUINED WEEK,* Rapalrla* ...... In Large Variety with a skeleton In uniform on one “ It la BUfftcientlj strong to enable ^ lATELV. AN* A MOTHER'S Tailoring—Uyalag—Olaaalag 4 3 2 1 sftdor Bullitt to H. Lebrun. With side of the chancellor who held on me to read In bed with light sup­ RUINED RAN- Tollat Oooda tad dartlea . . the President was Yvon Delbos, olive branch In one band tho other Wantad—Buainoaa ga.vlaa . . plied by my own body." ' irnT T North Blench flnance minister. raised In a Fascist salute.. A blood- Kdacatlaaal 25 Beautiful Cards Replying to Ambasasdor Bullitt, iluuraaa aad C'Snaat...... red dagger was between Hitler’s MAN THINKS 1894 LUCKY...... It M. Lezrun said he would find the Prlyata (aatruetloa ...... II S 4 3 2 teeth. GIVES DATA TO PROVE IT Uaneiag ...... II*A fo r 39c French unanimously In accord with Bead Hitler’s Book MHalaal—UramatlF . ___...... It hla efforts to reinforce eoitUal rela­ Wanted—laatmeilb* . . Thores was charged with reading Washington, Kans. (AP)—Sher^ 'L..^ ...... a 10 tions of th* two countries. passages from Hitler’s book "Mein iriaaactal AMBULANCE Dewey-Richman man F. Lull believes In a lucky num­ UuuUa—diacks—Slortgagaa _(Dougan) FresldenPs Reply Kamp” (My Struggle) to support ber and its 1849. Bualataa Opportunltlaa ...... Co. **ne secular friendship uniting his contenUon Uiat “ Ckimmunlsta He and his. wife were born that llooay to Uiaa ...... our two nations,” said the President, alone raise their voices against Hit­ year. For years they have bad car Ual* aad .rfiaatSaaa S«SO corrasponda In a manner never ler who seeks only to Isolate and de­ llaense No. 1894. HEVf VA b e t t e r . „•!** 'g>«‘«d—Pamala ...... |» more efesr to the Instinctive wishes stroy France." HeLP'MVHEARrr.»)8?£^ Halp W tn i^ -lla la ...... M (Hoiloran) In the Republican primary this NOT MIT AAV RAPA. daleamaa Waatad ...... II.A and thoughts o f our two peoples. “Communists are ready to reach year UiU was running second In the REAlBAABiHe MV HEARTyNOWM^ {•yv. The principles of Uberty, democracy an understanding with German peo­ m e v e b ,mimd that, n o w f LOOKS .ILLSAh' IT DOES.'AND - v J ^ ‘- - O O K » y Halp sVaaiad—Slsla or Paaala.. |t race for nomination for counW HITTIN' > *»»•* Agauui Wantad ...... : ...... II.a and peace are to both peoples the ples and even with Hitler but only treasurer. It appeared he was beqt- t h e b e a p e e l e v e n g u v s AS IF HE ditoatlooa Wantad-Famala . . . Is 3060 'with h is Ruwwiwa a n d VOUR, objects of a veritable cult. For both, within the framework of the League en with 1,873 votes to 1,879 for his ON OUP THCAM AW'ELEVEN HAS HIS HEAKT, dltuatloat Wantad—Mata ...... lb (Quish) PLUMBING they constitute the most precious of Nations and with Indlvlaible klCKlMa,ITbOOKSTO amployniaai Aganoiat ...... SI opponent The absentee ballots came ON THAT CTTHEP OOIFIT! LAST , h<»* diaeh— M s —Poaltvy— Tahlrim Ageaey tor patrlmbny and remain the laws of peace and ooIlecUve security," In, boosting Lull’s total to 1 ,^ , MEASIFTHE ONLY Oega—BIrta— Pau ...... si Btaaderd pacific progress and human digni­ Thores said at the rally. THE ONLY ACMANTACSe y e a r ’s 4 3 4 0 enough to win. 'thing w e l l nrrd wow, : u»a dioak—Vahleiaa...... it Sanitary ty.” The Germans said the Incident t h e y 'd h a /e w o u ld b e SRARK, Ppnltry and auaolloa ...... it Kroebler • Crant IS A GUY V/Ho CAW Wantad - Paia —Pooltry-^aak' 4S M. Lebrun declared he was deeply threatened to btOk recent efforts to- BED SHIRTS IN VOGUE IF THEV' c a r r ie d SHOT- COACH.' and Brign* ITai dal— MtaedlUaaowa HOSPITAL touched by the greetings from Pres­ wsird Franco-German reconciliation ADD UPA tor OF fo-:.' Beauty Wat* ident Roosevelt as evidenced by the recent visits of a u w s * ^ ) C H t h e y lArUelaa foi Bala ...... si London— (A P )—A wine red shirt, S E V E N S y y n ^toea^rlaa ...... si FIXTURES and MATEIUAI.8 He expressed In turn his "warm­ Dr. HJalmar Sohacht, German min­ generally worn with a gray suit, is laulldiBg llatartalB ...... st 5 1 3 1 est wishes to r good fortune for him ister of economics, to Paris and Paul ; Ulamoad— Waiahaa—.Itwaliy . . SI one of uie latest fashion erases for Tiaatrleal APPlIaaaaa—Radio . . St S T A N D A R D and paid tribute to the late Ambas­ Baatid, EYench mlniater o f economy, men. - « ...... WATER DEPT. sador Straus as a “great diplomatic to Berlin. Dark blue shirts with gray suits “Fsnny, when can I have a latchkey?” , Oardan — Partu-Dairy Predaola 10 repraaentative, on eminent citisea of "The trend of the conversations PLUMBING CO. are more popular than ever since the "When ^ have enough sense, darling, to come in so early you ' II prafouqd..ltberal spirit and a ^evoted thus far.Is not serious," a foreign Dalmatian fishermen referred to M l Blain St. Phone 8SM don’t need it” S a "* * * laatrumanfa ...... it 3 0 7 7 friend’’ whose death caused "real office spi^esmab acknowledged, ex­ icing Ekiward os “the man In the MNda and Surra Malpmasit 14 sadness’’ In- EYance. pressing the opinion German Indig- blue shirt” laaeMa at tha Stdrar^...... is (After 5 P. M.) 0'.«*Ti***ciiyiei.wa ClOLCHEM ^ L E N C S T.mnaaawV.eiw. "^-^juaSod—To Bay ...... N B 0 /o?/.e aa B yad ■ aSila B iaatla 706S MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Lew W en W an ts A ction By THOMPSON AND COLL r.M.Me.y.9. 7*U»ai Board A L L E Y OOP A Call For Help By H A M LIN ... ttaatod ...... I MANC'HESTER http J9oai« —RaaoHa 'BrnRABtABU ...... I MUST RfeneviBER “rWAT , 1 ALL IS» OfeSCURED BUT fi!;^EANWMILE, A TMOuiAND BtROONS, MISTER ORDEC», OR HO ORDERS, G O aO O N HfBOiS. LESSEE, NOW, DtNNV- WHICH 'NOW, WHAT TH' HECK.T HM*m -' &OOP aPOLITV GOSH/ TH' PRn JU-,.,. I i f W A TE R CO. (fWYME. It UNPOUe.TePLV IN Tl-IE f JACK - PUT IF WE’R E TO CABHV air Harvard hai had few playera In I—Rooa— •Board . . . .r . . :. 8 ISjM iLe. THE NAME O F THE TOWM- UEW_ PM NOT A60VINa FROM F WAV.SHOUU? WE (a O TFINP SUMWN'S COM iK?LAN' COM iN CARCIE& i w e KEY TO IN LITTLE OUT OUR PART OF THE SCHEME MERE DLL I’M CERTAIN MVRA her illuttrious gridiron tackgrMni ft*"** f " ■«»» ' / / S £ aADUGN... I------U5 A NiCB^ j m e y - - FA5T-. MEB8E WKP BETTER. watl, rUta. Tawamawta.. 5 9 7 4 JACK’S AND LEW * SECRET ' T w e BORDER TOWN TO S E T TH O SE MOKAPLE HAS FTCKED UP OUR TRAIL t that toiHWd Eddie (3 aey in abiHty. The b iMda^ h a far Raws u . ACTIVITIES. BISHT NOW.* SHADOW OF DERMIER f o r t r e s s F7ANS, w e SHOULD <5rr S E T v t a r r o u t a t h ' v ^PP WAAS ...... M.. quiet, unassuming feliow, who later he- MV DESTINATlOl IS O P T w e PIZOCEEO TO COUMIRyK.'AT OMOE caiiie head coach of hia alms mater, wat a WAV^ G A S CX). D E ieN lE K /. AU-eywxY BUMPED — member of that grwt 1919 Crinuon team ^0* ••• a w •■••••* mBM THE MAN that went undefettod—bdcausc of Eddha r teto iSW « 5 0 7 5 WITM ■ Harvard came up to the Piincetoii game \9t9pt i 9 l n THE CM^K witlKiut a mark against her But the Tiger O L A 56E 5 thi'Oatened to besmirch the record when it ELECmuC CO. R e scu e s 10 3 ***lr?t*****— * led. - . jn the last minutes of pla.v. T w e Cksey. running behind Captain Bill Mur­ -5181 B tP E R . ray. Ralph Horween, and . •••••••• earned the ball on ncarl> every play He swept nearly the length of the fiel^ and EVENING HERALD finally took a pan from Babe Felton for the touchdowA 5 1 2 1 Casey wu namtd AU-Amerka halfback tbatyear. T 4 K «4Md

J J 1. * *^r r • -A