
arXiv:1911.06831v1 [quant-ph] 15 Nov 2019 III. ∗ ntrso ope opnns where components, symplectic complex of In terms numbers. in hyper-complex non-commutative are et mn tes hsatcecnen h rpslfrg for proposal the concerns numbers. article quaternic This using th others. among of generality ment, the like topics, several involving upssthat supposes ( h mgnr units imaginary The utri aefntos nsmlci oain quater a notation, symplectic In functions. wave quaternic VI. IV. H lcrncades [email protected] address: Electronic II. A. V. I. fe lotoecnuyo eerh unu ehnc rem mechanics quantum research, of century one almost After ermme htqaenos( quaternions that remember We M nurswehrw a eeaieqatmmcaisby mechanics quantum generalize can we whether inquires QM) References I UTRI UTMMCAISI REAL IN MECHANICS QUATUM QUATERNIC T T C H ETCMLXWV EQUATION WAVE COMPLEX LEFT THE UTRI UNU OMLS REVISITED FORMALISM QUANTUM QUATERNIC NTRODUCTION EQAENCQUANTUM QUATERNIC HE EQAENCVRA THEOREM VIRIAL QUATERNIC HE ONCLUSION V eatmnod ae´tc uaeAlcd,Universidade Aplicada, e Matem´atica Pura de Departamento RA HOE N EEAIE OETMIN MOMENTUM GENERALIZED AND THEOREM IRIAL h xsec faqaencmgei oooeadteredefi numbers: PACS the and monopole magnetic quaternic a of existence the ossec et htrifreiscmaiiiywt th with mechan compatibility quantum its quaternic reinforce on ( that results tests recent on consistency review a After q C M.TenvlrslscmrssteVra hoe,tequa the theorem, Virial the comprises results novel The QM). = vnd et o¸avs90,CiaPsa 58,91501-9 15080, Postal Caixa 9500, Gon¸calves Bento Avenida x 0 + x ,j i, 1 i UTRI UNU MECHANICS QUANTUM QUATERNIC + and x 2 j k + r nicmuaie(ywyo example, of way (by anti-commutative are x L 3 k, RNZFORCE ORENTZ H r ye-ope ubr ihtreiaiayuis[1], units imaginary three with numbers hyper-complex are ) where q EGOGIARDINO SERGIO = I. z 0 H INTRODUCTION Ψ + LETSPACE ILBERT = Contents x z 0 Ψ 1 x , j 0 + and 1 x , oy h emtct,teetnlmn,temeasure- the entanglement, the hermiticity, the eory, Ψ i aefnto reads function wave nic 1 2 x , z j, nrlzto fqatmmcaisthroughout mechanics quantum of eneralization 0 z , 3 oain utri ubrmyb written be may number quaternic a notation, sa ope unu mechanics quantum complex usual e ∈ eea oRoGad oSl(UFRGS) Sul do Grande Rio do Federal 1 ∗ isufiihd hr r pnquestions open are There unfinished. ains R ∈ iino h xetto value. expectation the of nition elcn h ope aefntoswith functions wave complex the replacing C 0ProAer,R,Brazil RS, Alegre, Porto 70 c ( ics tmqaencLrnzforce, Lorentz quaternic ntum . and hs utri unu mechanics quantum quaternic Thus, H ij M,w rsn further present we QM), − = i ji 2 ,cneunl quaternions consequently ), = j 2 = k 2 − = 1. then q ∈ (2) (1) H 1 2 4 8 7 7 7 5 2 where Ψ0 and Ψ1 are complex functions. In fact, a quaternic quantum theory was proposed by and Garrett Birkhoff [2], wondering whether admits a formulation that is independent of a numerical system. It was the fist attempt o obtain a propositional , and another deep question of the article was: why do the wave functions are evaluated over the complex numbers? In other words, Birkhoff and von Neumann wondered a criterion for choosing the complexes out of the four division algebras, namely the reals (R), the complexes (C), the quaternions (H) and the octonions (O), and either what we gain or what we lose with each choice. Ernst Stueckelberg developed real quantum mechanics (RQM) [3–6], and this formulation is considered equivalent to CQM. However, Stueckelberg’s theory is involved; it demands an anti-unitary J that replaces the complex imaginary unit i in Schrodinger¨ equation, and this anti-unitary operator J is specific for each anti- commuting pair of operators [3]. In spite of these problems, RQM is still an object of research, and plays a role within quantum information [7–10] and mathematical physics [11], thus indicating that alternatives to complex quantum mechanics (CQM) may be useful for understanding new physics. The next possibility is to use quaternions to build a quantum theory. The success of this enterprise is only partial, and various unsolved questions remain. The majority of the results in HQM concerns what we call the anti-hermitian HQM, and whose development has been subsumed in a book by Stephen Adler [12]. We remember A† as the adjoint of the operator A, and that an anti-hermitian operator satisfies A† = −A. For mathematical convenience, the anti-hermitian HQM uses an anti-hermitian Hamiltoninan operator in the Schroedinger¨ equation, while the remaining physical operators are still hermitian. Beyond this unexplained singularity of the Hamiltonian operator, the anti-hermitian formulation of HQM presents several problems, like the ill defined , and the exact solutions that are scarce and difficult to compare to CQM [13–29]. The anti-hermitian solutions are difficult to interpret because there are no simple solutions of HQM like the free particle and the harmonic oscillator. Consequently, the exact effects of using a (2), that has the additional degree of freedom represented by Ψ1 and the constraint generated by the quaternic imaginary unit j, are difficult to evaluate. However, a recent series of papers has indicated an anternative to anti-hermitian HQM [30–34]. First of all, it is realized that non-anti-hermitian Hamiltonian may generate probability conserving solutions. In the second article of the series [31], it has been proven that a well-defined classical limit is attainable in HQM without the anti-hermitian assumption. Finally, it has been ascertained that this non-anti-hermitian quaternic theory is defined in a real , where the spectral theorem holds and the is non-abelian [32]. A technique of obtaining quaternic solutions is also proposed in [33] to the case of the free particle. In this article, we continue grounding HQM without the anti-hermitian assumption. The general momentum operator obtained in [30] has been used to obtain the quaternic in Section III and a quaternin- ionic quantum Lorentz force in Section IV. As a by-product, we were oblidged to redefine the expectation value in Section V. However, before considering these results, the next section provides a summary of the results obtained in the three previous articles.


First of all, we point out that HQM in real space has been proven to be mathematically consistent in [32], where the spectral theorem has been proven and the Fourier series and the Fourier transform have been stud- ied. Then, let us entertain the quaternic Schrodinger¨ equation ∂Ψ ℏ2 2 ℏ i = − ∇ − A + U Ψ, where A = αi + βj, U = V + W j, (3) ∂t  2m    where α is a real vector function, β is a complex vector function and the quaternic scalar potential U comprises the complex functions V and W. We point out the position of the imaginary unit i at the right hand side of ∂tΨ. The non-commutativity of Ψ, implies that iΨ 6= Ψi, and hence the choice i∂tΨ in (3) generates another wave equation, which we briefly discuss in the appendix. Irrespective of that, the proposition of (3) demands a series of studies concerning the physical and mathe- matical consistency of the quantum theory described through it. First of all, the a right multiplication of (3) by (−i) does not necessarily generate an anti-hermitian operator, and consequently the equation cannot be treated using the current anti-hermitian HQM formalism. Of course, one could do it, but this means a restriction of the solutions, and we seek the maximal generality. Then, we firstly ascertain the interpretation of the wave func- ∗ ∗ tion as a density of probability. Defining q = z0 − z1j as the quaternic conjugate of the arbitrary quaternion q, the continuity equation [31] reads ∂ρ + ∇· J = g, (4) ∂t 3 where ρ = ΨΨ∗ is the probability density, g is a probability source, J is the probability current and Π is the generalized momentum operator, so that

1 1 ∗ g = Ψi Ψ∗U∗ − UΨiΨ∗ , J = (ΠΨ)Ψ∗ + Ψ(ΠΨ and ΠΨ =−ℏ ∇ − A Ψi. (5) ℏ 2m   h  i  (4) indicates that the probability density is conserved for g = 0, and this is achieved for real U, in agreement with complex quantum mechanics (CQM). In the case of complex potentials (where W = 0), (4) recovers the continuity equation valid for non-hermitian CQM [35, 36] irrespective of the non-hermitian vector potential β. This coincidence permit us to formulate the hypothesis of a relation between HQM and non-hermitian CQM. This idea is of central importance and will be considered in future investigations. A second element of the non-anti-hermitian HQM comes by analogy with CQM, where the momentum expec- tation value is related to the probability current through hΠi = hJi/m. This analogy has been used in [31] to define the expectation value for an arbitrary quaternic operator O as

1 ∗ hOi = dx3 OΨ Ψ∗ + Ψ OΨ . (6) 2 Z h   i The expectation value hOi is always real, irrespective of the hermiticity of O, something desirable physically. Furthermore, (6) recovers the CQM expectation value for complex wave functions and hermitian operators. Conversely, (6) has an interesting consequence: the Hilbert space is real, in contrast to CQM, which is developed over a complex Hilbert space. Thus, the expression for the expectation was obtained using a physical motivation but it must satisfy several mathematical requirements that are necessary to functions that belong to a Hilbert space. The most important requirement is whether the spectral theorem holds and consequently establishes the correspondence between physical and eigenvalues. In a real Hilbert space, the fundamental theorem of algebra indicates that a restricted class of operators may have physical significance. On the other hand, in CQM the more general complex Hilbert space is restricted to a subspace where the wave functions are physically meaningful by using hermitian operators. Such a procedure is not necessary in the case of the real Hilbert space because every eigenvalue is real an potentially meaningful. Only the application can decide the suitable formalism for each physical situation, but the most fundamental mathematical questions concerning these matters were addressed in [31, 32], where the details may be found. A further important consistency test is the Ehrenfest theorem, which describes the time evolution of the quantum expectation values as a classical dynamics, and that has been considered in [31]. For the position expectation value, we have dhri hΠi 2 = − (Ur|i) , (7) dt m h¯ where we define the notation

(a|b)Ψ = a Ψb. (8) We observe that the second term

(Ur|i) = r UΨiΨ∗ − ΨiΨ∗U∗ dx3 (9) Z   is identically zero for real U and pure imaginary for complex U. Consequently, the dynamics of the position expectation value recovers the classical dynamics for real U and recovers the CQM for complex U, another exact correspondence between HQM and non-hermitian CQM. Furthermore, the momentum expectation value gives

∗ dhpxi ∂Ψ ∂Ψ = dx3 UΨ + ΨU∗ . (10) dt Z  ∂x ∂x 

For real U, the right hand side of (10) gives h− ∂xUi, in perfect agreement with hermitian CQM. Using expecta- tion values, we may express (10) as

dhpxi ∂U ∂ = 2 − + 2 −U . (11) dt  ∂x   ∂x As in the expectation value of the position, the dynamics is classical for real U and recovers the CQM when W = 0 and U is consequently complex. Thus, classical limit of HQM is well defined, and the case when the 4 dynamics is non-classical are also known. Anti-hermitian HQM does not address these issues satisfactorily. Finally, the dynamical equation for the expectation values has been obtained in [31], so that d ∂ 1 ∂h(O|i)i O|i = O|i + O, H + , (12) dt ∂t  ℏ ∂t D E  Dh iE which may also be written d ∂ 1 ∂hOi = + ( | ) + O O ℏ H, O i . (13) dtD E ∂t  Dh iE ∂t If Ψ is complex and O is complex and hermitian, (13) recovers the CQM equations for the dynamics of expecta- tion values in the Schrodinger¨ picture. Thus, there are clear evidences of a quaternic theory that contains the complex quantum mechanics as a particular case. However, there is a remaining question, whether (12) and (13) are equivalent or not. This paper considers this question in the following sections, and then let us start considering the virial theorem for HQM.


Let us start with another evidence of a well behaved classical limit of the HQM: the virial theorem. Con- sidering |A| = 0 in the Hamiltonian of (3), the time evolution of the expectation values (13) encompasses the following stationary dynamics d 1 hr · pi = H, (r · p|i) where pΨ =−ℏ∇Ψi (14) dt ℏ D E Thus, we have

H, (r · p|i) = H, r · (p|i)+ r · H, (p|i)    1    = p2, r · (p|i)+ r · U, (p|i) , (15) 2m     where [p2, p] = [U, r]= 0 have been used. Using the identities 2 p , ra]= p · p, ra + p, ra · p and pa, rb =−ℏ δab i (16)         we get ℏ p2, r =−2ℏ p i and H, (r · p|i) = p2 − ℏ r ·∇U. (17) m      Consequently, 1 1 1 H, (r · p|i) = hp2i − hr ·∇(U + U∗)i (18) ℏ m 2   In a stationary state, the time derivative on the left hand side of (14) is zero, and thus we obtain the virial theorem. For real U, the result is identical to the CQM virial theorem. However, using a complex U, where W = 0, an imaginary contribution depending on V − V∗ lacks on the right hand side of (18), the CQM result is not recovered. This residual complex contribution is eliminated because the expectation value (6) is always real, and the pure imaginary components of U do not contribute to (18). We may have a further insight considering equation (12). Firstly,

ℏ 2 H, r · p =− p i + ℏ r ·∇U i , (19) m     and thus d 1 ( · | ) = · r p i ℏ H, r p dt D E 1   = r ·∇(U − U∗) i . (20) 2 D E


For the contributions to be correctly considered, we have to sum (18) and (20), so that d 1 1 1 r · p + (r · p|i) = hp2i − hr ·∇(U + U∗)i + r ·∇(U − U∗) i (21) dt m 2 2 D E

The left hand side of (21) is zero because we are considering stationary states, and now we have the complete quaternic counterpart of the virial theorem, where the non-hermitian virial theorem is recovered for complex U. The result is a piece of evidence that (12) and (13) are not equivalent, and the correct expression for the virial theorem must consider the sum of both of the expressions. In the next section we give further arguments that reinforce the validity of adding (18) and (20) to obtain (21), and in Section V we propose a general expression.


In order to get a quaternic version of the quantum Lorentz force, (13) furnishes d ∂ 1 ∂hΠi = + ( | ) + Π Π ℏ H, Π i , (22) dtD E ∂t  Dh iE ∂t where 1 H, (Π|i) = Π2, (Π|i) + U, (Π|i) . (23) h i 2mh i h i 2 2 2 2 On the other hand, from the total linear momentum Π = Π1 + Π2 + Π3 and from an arbitrary component Πc of Π, we have 2 Π , (Πc|i) = Π · Π, (Πc|i) + Π, (Πc|i) · Π

  = Πa Πa, (Πc|i) + Πa, (Πc|i) Πa + Πb Πb, (Πc|i) + Πb, (Πc|i) Πb. (24)         Introducing the notation

P[aQb] = PaQb − PbQa, (25) we obtain

2 Πa, (Πb|i) = ℏ ∂[aAb] − A[aAb] i , (26)     where ∇ × ∇ × ∂[aAb] = ∂[aαb]i + ∂[aβb] j = εabc i α c + β cj , (27) h   i ∗ ∗ × × A[aAb] =−β[aβb] + 2α[aβb]ij = εabc β β c + 2i α β cj , (28) h   i and εabc is the anti-symmetric Levi-Civita symbol. After defining the vectors ∗ κ = i ∇ × α + β × β , λ = ∇ × β + 2i β × α and B = κ + λj, (29) equation (26) gives

2 Πa, (Πb|i) = ℏ εabc Bc i . (30)    We call B the quaternic magnetic field, and it is a pure imaginary quaternic vector, so that B∗ =−B. In order to handle the quaternic vector B, one defines a vector product between the quaternic vectors X = X0 + X1j and Y = Y0 + Y1j, namely

∗ ∗ X × Y = X0 × Y0 − X1 × Y1 + X0 × Y1 + X1 × Y0 j. (31)  This quaternic vector product is not identical to the usual real or complex vector product, one immediately sees that X × Y 6=−Y × X. Next, using (24), (30) and (31), we get

Π2, (Π|i) = ℏ2 B i × Π − Π × B i (32)   h  i


However, h∇ × Bi = 0 implies that 1 2 ( | ) = A × B − B × A ℏ3 Π , Π i (33) Dh iE ∗ = − 2 α × ∇ × α + β × ∇ × β∗ − 4i α × (β × β ) , D and the second term of (23) additionally renders ℏ U, (Π|i) = ℏ A, U − ℏ∇U and U, (Π|i) =− ∇ U + U∗ . (34) 2     D E D E Consequently (22) allots

d 1 ∂(A|i) Π = ℏ2 A × B − B × A − ∇ U + U∗ + , (35) dt 2  ∂t  D E h i D E where it has been used that ∂Π ∂(A|i) = ℏ . (36)  ∂t   ∂t  Equation (35) neither describes a classical dynamics nor recovers the CQM result in a complex limit. It is physically meaningless. However, as has been done for the virial theorem, let us then consider (12) with O = Π. In this case, we have

dh(Π|i)i 1 = ℏ B × p − p × B + ∇ U − U∗ i + U, (A|i) , (37) dt 2D  E   where it has been used that ∂(Π|i) ∂A =−ℏ = 0, (38)  ∂t   ∂t  and also that ℏ U, Π = ℏ U, (A|i) + ℏ(∇U|i) and U, Π = ℏ U, (A|i) + ∇ U − U∗ i . (39) 2 D  E         In the same fashion as has been done for the virial theorem, we sum (35) and (37) in order to obtain a quaternic quantum Lorentz force

dhΠi dh(Π|i)i F H = + = (40) D E dt dt ∂(A|i) U + U∗ U − U∗ = ℏ B × p − p × B + ℏ2 A × B − B × A + − ∇ + ∇ i + U, (A|i) . D E  ∂t   2   2   

The above result does make sense: it recovers the CQM result in the complex limit and there are contributions for each of the potentials. At the present point, it is too early to know precise the nature of the new quaternic potential and fields A, B and the imaginary components of U, but the existence of a dynamical equation is the first step to ascertain their physical character. As has been said in the beginning of this article, ascertaining the physical meaning of these fields is an exciting challenge for future research. However, we may attain an initial conclusion from the results. The definition of the quaternic magnetic field (29) immediately gives

B = ∇ × A − A × A where A × A = β × β∗ + 2i β × α j. (41)


h∇ · Bi = 0, but h(∇ · B|i)i 6= 0. (42)

Hence, the model naturally predicts the existence of a quantum magnetic monopole, something that is not predicted in CQM. Relations between quaternions and magnetic monopoles are already known [37], and this relation indicates that the result is correct as much as indicates an exciting direction for future research. 7


In Section II an ambiguity in the dynamical evolution of the expectation value was observed in (12) and (13). In Section III and in Section IV we obtained that the sum of (12) and (13) give physically consistent results for the momentum of a particle. Consequently, the results of the preceding sections enable us to revisit the introduction and emend the formalism of HQM. A novel expectation value have to be defined, namely

OH = O + O | i = O | 1 + i . (43)   The expectation value (43) resembles a complexification of the real Hilbert space, something already considered in [38, 39]. In fact, these works argue that real Hilbert spaces must be ruled out of quantum mechanics, while other works point out the fundamental role of complex numbers in quantum mechanics [40, 41]. Furthermore, the formulation of anti-hermitian HQM in a quaternic Hilbert space is also criticized [42, 43]. We understand that our results are in agreement with these previous results. (43) couples a complex structure to a quater- nic operator, where O (O|1 + i) determines a physical measure, thus imposing a difference between the inner product and the physical expectation value. This conciliation between a real Hilbert space and complex numbers must be confirmed→ in future research. Further evidences in favour of (43) are the invariance of the quaternic Ehrenfest theorem, because h(x|i)i = h(px|i)i = 0, and also the unification of (12-13) on a single dynamical equation for expectation values in the Schrodinger¨ picture

d ∂ 1 ∂hO + (O|i)i + ( | ) = + ( | ) + − ( | ) + O O i O O i ℏ O O i , H . (44) dtD E ∂t  Dh iE ∂t The new definition and dynamics for quantum expectation values based on physical grounds reinforce the consistency of HQM. It is another element that compose the whole picture of the theory and that adds on well defined wave equation, expectation values, complex limits, classical limits, and spectral decomposition. We can consider it as a solution that seeks a problem, and hence the research of exact solutions seems to be an urgent direction for future research.


In this article we have revisited and emended the mathematical machinery of HQM in real Hilbert space [30– 32]. The previous results demonstrate that the theory is provided with wave equation, momentum operator, conservation of probability, expectation values, classical limit and spectral decomposition. The further results of the validity of the virial theorem and of the existence of the time evolution for the generalized linear momentum provide further evidences of the consistency of the theory. The existence of a consistent framework is a fact that permit us formulate further questions about quaternic quantum mechanics. A general question about HQM involves its relation to non-hermitian CQM [35, 36], a framework where parity and time-reversal invariances (PT −invariances) replace hermiticity. This approach rendered fruitful theoretical developments [44–49] and also experimental tests of the theory have been done [50–53]. Inquiring whether the quaternic and the complex formulations relate themselves is very relevant. Conversely, specific quaternic solutions are needed to evidence the physical meaning of the pure quaternic terms of the wave function, of the scalar potential and of the gauge field β. Inquiring about a quaternic magnetic monopole is another fascinating question. In fact, the research of exact solutions is the most important trend in HQM, a task that is easier in the present situation of consistency of the theory presented in this paper.


In this section Virial theorem and the quantum Lorentz force are calculated considering the left-complex quaternic Schrodinger¨ equation, namely

2 ∂Ψ h¯ iℏ = HΨ and H = i ∇ − A · i ∇ − A + U (A1) ∂t 2m     where the quaternic vector potential A and scalar potential U are defined in (3). There are a slight variation in the terms of the continuity equation (6), where the source g, the probability density J, and the gauge-invariant 8 quaternic linear momentum operator is Π are as follows

∗ V i − iV 1 ∗ ρ = Ψ∗Ψ, g = Ψ∗ Ψ, J = Ψ∗ ΠΨ + ΠΨ Ψ , and ΠΨ =−ih¯ ∇ − Q Ψ. (A2)  h¯  2m h   i  The Ehrenfest theorem has slight differences in the dynamics of position and linear momentum (7-11) as well, which may be obtained in [31], but the conclusions are identical. Nevertheless, there are many differences in the expectation value dynamics between (12-13) and the dynamical equations obtained from (A1), accordingly

d ∂ 1 ∂ − = ( − ) + + + − O iOi O iOi ℏ H, Oi iO O iOi , (A3) dtD E ∂t  Dh iE ∂tD E d ∂ 1 ∂ + = ( + ) − − + + Oi iO Oi iO ℏ H, O iOi Oi iO , (A4) dtD E ∂t  Dh iE ∂tD E d ∂ 1 ∂ + = ( + ) − − + + O iOi O iOi ℏ H, Oi iO O iOi , (A5) dtD E ∂t  D E ∂tD E d ∂ 1 ∂ Oi − iO = (Oi − iO) + ℏ H, O + iOi + Oi − iO . (A6) dtD E ∂t  D E ∂tD E In the case of the virial theorem, we already have a difference between the results, so that (21) turns into d 1 1 1 r · p + (r · p|i) = hp2i − hr ·∇(U + U∗)i + hr ·∇(iU − U∗i)i + 2Wr · p , (A7) dt m 2 2

The last term of (A7) is absent in (21). This result confirms that the left-complex quaternic Schrodinger¨ equation (A1) is not equivalent to (3). The calculation of a Lorentz force from (A1) reinforces this conclusion. The

2 Πa, Πb = ℏ ∂[aAb] − A[a + iA[ai ∂b] + iA[aiAb] (A8) h   i   2 Πa, Πbi = ℏ ∂aAbi − ∂biAa + Abi − iAb ∂a + iAaiAbi + iAbAa (A9) h   i   2 Πa, iΠb = ℏ i∂[aAb] − Abi − iAb ∂a − iAaAb + AbiAa (A10) h   i   2 Πa, iΠbi = ℏ i∂aAbi + ∂bAa + A(a + iA(ai ∂b) − iAaAbi − AbAa , (A11)   h   i do not seem to enable a quantum Lorentz force. We cannot say that is impossible to get such a result. It is of course an open question, however, the Virial theorem (A7) leads us to expect additional terms the Lorentz force, thence the physical interpretation is probably more difficult, because of this, we consider that this result indicates that only (3) is physically meaningful. The wave equation (A1) with |A| = 0 has been adopted in anti- hermitian HQM [12], and this fact maybe explains the difficulty in obtaining physically meaningful solutions in such framework.

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