17 November 2017 To
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Vivienne Geary Head of Law and Governance North Tyneside Council Quadrant The Silverlink North Cobalt Business Park North Tyneside NE27 0BY This matter is being dealt with by: Michael Robson Tel: (0191) 643 5359 e.mail: [email protected] 17 November 2017 To: All Members of Planning Committee Dear Councillor Planning Committee – 21 November 2017 I refer to the agenda for the meeting of Planning Committee to be held on 21 November 2017 and attach the following supplementary papers for consideration at the meeting: 1. Addendum in respect of item 5.1 – 17/01146/FUL, Visitor Centre, St Mary’s Island, Whitley Bay (ST. Mary’s Ward) 2. Addendum in respect of item 5.4 - 17/01197/FUL, Land East of 16 Front Street, Annitsford (Camperdown Ward) 3. Addendum in respect of item 5.7 – 17/01256/FULH, 27 The Oval, Benton (Benton Ward) 4. Addendum in respect to Item 6, Woodlands, North Shields, Tree Preservation Order 2017 (Preston Ward) Please bring these papers with you to the meeting. Yours sincerely Michael Robson On behalf of Vivienne Geary Head of Law and Governance Circulated to: All Members of the Planning Committee comprising: Councillor Anne Arkle Councillor Frank Lott (Chair) Councillor Brian Burdis Councillor Wendy Lott Councillor Sandra Graham Councillor Gary Madden Councillor Muriel Green Councillor Paul Mason Councillor Ed Hodson Councillor David McMeekan(Deputy Chair) Councillor John Hunter 1 ADDENDUM Item No: 5.1 Application 17/01146/FUL Author Julia Dawson No: : Date valid: 1 August 2017 : 0191 643 6314 Target decision 21 November 2017 Ward: St Marys date: Application type: full planning application Location: Visitors Centre St Marys Island St Marys Island Access Road Whitley Bay Tyne And Wear NE26 4RS Proposal: Refurbishment of lighthouse, refurbishment and internal re-planning of visitor centre, partial demolition of visitor centre entrance, construction of a single storey extension to visitor centre east elevation, construction of a two storey extension in place of demolished visitor centre entrance, construction of ancillary external storage and plant rooms and renewal of causeway ADDITIONAL AND AMENDED DRAWINGS AND INFORMATION UPLOADED TO APPLICATION on 17/10/2017: Environmental Statement (updated Oct 2017); Responses to Planning Application Consultation Responses; Revised Causeway Arrangement and Sections; Indicative Construction Programme; Viewing Deck Management Plan; Volunteer Profiles; Habitat Creation Plan, and; updated HRA and Non Technical Summary. Applicant: North Tyneside Council, FAO Mr Chris Bishop Quadrant East Silverlink North Cobalt Business Park North Tyneside NE27 0BY Agent: Beaumont Brown Architects LLP, FAO Mr David Brown The Old Brewery Castle Eden TS27 4SU RECOMMENDATION: Application Permitted 1.0 Representations 1.1 A further four objections have been received since the completion of the Committee report. These objections are set out below: Adverse effect on wildlife Affect character of conservation area Providing two first floor viewing platforms Increasing the height of the causeway. Development is not just about coffee shops and cakes. This development is a another grotesque phenomenon like the developments on Longsands Beach that no one is happy about. The noise from the construction and constant stream of people on the viewing deck is going to be evasive. ADDEND Committee Addendum Report 1 Printed:11/17/2017 2 St Mary’s is a tranquil spot and we must preserve its character and uniqueness. No doubt the visitors will also bring more cars, litter and lots of noise. Any building on St Mary’s Island should not be used as a public entertainment space. This is a nature reserve and the natural and peaceful environment is the main reason that people visit the island. The viewing platform will invade the privacy of the residents on the island. There will be increased litter as a result of any commercial operation on the island, there will be increased traffic for deliveries etc. Increasing the height and width of the causeway with a view to increasing footfall and vehicular access would be a disaster for the island. Following the meeting (details set out below) we are in favour of the overall plans however there are three exceptions around design, operation and development which are a major problem for us. It is now clear to use that the extension and enclosed viewing platform will be significant loss of light based on the current design. Therefore we strongly object unless this can be rectified. The viewing platform management plans do not go far enough in controlling potential disturbance. The nearest platform is only a few feet from our house. Please ensure that plans restricting the use of the nearest platform to use are written into the planning conditions. This musty clearly state that it is not an entertainment space, and no use of the platform in the evenings. The proposed working hours of 6am to 9pm, 7 days a weeks are completely unreasonable. We of course recognise the access issues that there will be for working around the tide. The working hours should be restricted to the normal working hours ad then any variations agreed with the residents rather than the other way around. We are very concerns that the request for extended hours, 7 days a week for the duration of the programme plus the access restrictions represent an intimadatory attempt to encourage us to move out into temporary accommodation. 1.2 In paragraph 10.12 of the Officer report it states that, ‘an addendum will be provided to the Planning Committee to advise on the outcome of a meeting between the applicant and residents. 1.3 The following key points arose in the meeting: 1.4 Hours – Residents reiterated concern about control of hours of work and the need for agreed quiet periods. Their ideal would be in line with usual residential times i.e. 8am till 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am till 2pm Saturday with no Sundays or Bank Holiday working. Applicant emphasised the need for flexibility beyond this due to the unique access issue with tides and the restrictions on works to the designations of the site. Principal raised of involving residents in advance in viewing programme of works so their view is considered and there are no surprises. 1.5 Access – Residents accepted that vehicle access would not be possible during the period of causeway construction (scheduled for 9 weeks) however ADDEND Committee Addendum Report 2 Printed:11/17/2017 3 access across the causeway for residents would be maintained to allow them to access their home throughout the work programme. Should access not be possible for any unforeseen reason residents should be compensated for costs of suitable alternative accommodation. Agreed two annual car park passes will be issued to residents to ensure that they can park on the landside car park if required during the work programme. 1.6 Viewing Platform - Agreed with residents that timing of occasionally Astronomy events would be agreed in advance with residents. Agreed that the South viewing platform would not be used for such events. 1.7 Residential Access – agreed that area beyond causeway turning point should be for residential access and shouldn’t be blocked by contractors during the construction programme and should be sign as residential access only. 1.8 Loss of Light to East of Residents Cottage – Concern raised with regard to potential reduction in light resulting from installation of glass enclosed viewing area. Agreed to look at this with architects to assess potential impact and any necessary mitigation. 1.9 Noise – Residents reiterated view that noise survey focussed on garden/amenity area and did not account sufficiently for noise impact on cottage. 1.10 Communication – Agreed that a single point of contact with the site manager should in place so that residents can raise any concerns directly and also that they can have adequate arrangements to cross the causeway when required. 1.11 Officer Comments 1.12 Officer advice remains that subject to conditions to control the operation of the site (conditions 11 and 20), and viewing desks (conditions 12 and 13) that it would not result in any significant harm in terms of the amenity of surrounding residents. The proposal would therefore accord with policy S1.4 and DM6.1 of the Local Plan and the advice in NPPF. ADDEND Committee Addendum Report 3 Printed:11/17/2017 4 ADDENDUM Item No: 5.4 Application No: 17/01197/FUL Author: Maxine Ingram Date valid: 7 September 2017 : 0191 643 6322 Target decision 7 December 2017 Ward: Camperdown date: Application type: full planning application Location: Land East Of 16 Front Street Annitsford NORTHUMBERLAND Proposal: Development of 10 dwellings on land to the east of Front Street, Annitsford Applicant: W Hedley & Sons, West Lane Farm Backworth NE27 0BG Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP, Miss Jo Evans 1-3 Oldgate Morpeth NE61 1PY United Kingdom RECOMMENDATION: Application Refused 1.0 External Consultees 1.1 Newcastle International Airport 1.2 The following comments were received from NIA on the 15 November 2017: 1.3 Noise 1.4 The development site is located circa 300m south of the eastern approach to the Airport where aircraft are typically flying at around 1300ft. It is also close to the helicopter landing pad at Cramlington Emergency Hospital. 1.5 The noise contours produced for the Airport’s 2013 masterplan indicate that the development site is beyond the Airport’s 57 dBLAeq,16h noise contour. However the Airport is in the process of revising its Masterplan, based on new growth forecasts up to 2035. New noise contours have been produced for these revised forecasts, which also include an outer 54 dBLAeq,16h contour. The development site falls within the 54 dBLAeq,16h line in our contours for 2035. Therefore the site is forecast to experience noise levels up to 55 dBLAeq,16h as the Airport grows.