WHITLEY BAY CHAMBER of TRADE to Shopping, Bars, Pubs, Clubs, Restaurants and Accommodation Free Welcome Velkommen Welkom Bienvenu Willkommen Witamy Vítany Bienvenido Velkominn Benvenuto to Shopping, Bars, Pubs, Clubs, Restaurants and Accommodation Visit www.whitleybayguide.com 3 W This guide has been prepared for the Whitley Bay Chamber of Trade in conjunction with Whitley H I Bay Pubwatch. Content © 2008 Whitley Bay Guide (unless otherwise stated). Concept and T L editing by Paul Irwin and Chris Wilson of 3way Publishing. The views expressed by contributors E Y herein are not necessarily those of the editors. WB Guide and Advertisements herein designed B by Chris Wilson (unless otherwise stated). Whitley Bay photography by courtesy of Brenda Graham A Y (St. Mary’s Island), Sid Smith (Beach, Seascapes and Rendezvous Café), Sam Turner (Promenade G in WB Trail), Geoff Holland (BR WB guide), Clin Houlihan (Clock Tower), and Ross Weeks (Town U Centre). Additional photography © iStockphoto. Images of old Whitley Bay from the Charlie I D Steel collection. Thanks to Alan Moses, Maggie Longton and Bev Ord of the WB Chamber of E Trade, North Tyneside Council, John Fleet of Town Centres Management, Pete Warne, Jonathan Barrand, Ross Weeks of the News Guardian , Heather Carr, Morag Horseman, Sid Smith, Charlie Steel, Peter Mortimer, Geoff Holland, and all contributors for their invaluable help in producing the first edition of this guide. For any submissions and advertising enquiries for the next one please contact us at
[email protected] . In the meantime visit us online at www.whitleybayguide.com for further features, ongoing updates and additions.