Official Committee Hansard
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Official Committee Hansard SENATE ENVIRONMENT, COMMUNICATIONS, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND THE ARTS REFERENCES COMMITTEE Reference: Australia’s national parks, conservation reserves and marine protected areas FRIDAY, 21 APRIL 2006 BRISBANE BY AUTHORITY OF THE SENATE INTERNET The Proof and Official Hansard transcripts of Senate committee hear- ings, some House of Representatives committee hearings and some joint committee hearings are available on the Internet. Some House of Representatives committees and some joint committees make avail- able only Official Hansard transcripts. The Internet address is: To search the parliamentary database, go to: SENATE ENVIRONMENT, COMMUNICATIONS, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND THE ARTS REFERENCES COMMITTEE Friday, 21 April 2006 Members: Senator Bartlett (Chair), Senator Adams (Deputy Chair), Senators Lundy, Marshall, Ronaldson and Wortley Participating members: Senators Abetz, Allison, Boswell, Bob Brown, George Campbell, Carr, Chapman, Colbeck, Conroy, Coonan, Crossin, Eggleston, Chris Evans, Faulkner, Ferguson, Ferris, Fielding, Forshaw, Humphries, Joyce, Ludwig, Ian Macdonald, Marshall, Mason, McGauran, Milne, Moore, Nettle, O’Brien, Payne, Robert Ray, Siewert, Stephens, Watson and Webber Senators in attendance: Senators Bartlett, Moore, Ronaldson and Siewert Terms of reference for the inquiry: To inquire into and report on: The funding and resources available to meet the objectives of Australia’s national parks, other conservation reserves and marine protected areas, with particular reference to: a. the values and objectives of Australia’s national parks, other conservation reserves and marine protected areas; b. whether governments are providing sufficient resources to meet those objectives and their management requirements; c. any threats to the objectives and management of our national parks, other conservation reserves and marine protected areas; d.
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