Important FAQ about Bhutan and what you should know before booking a trip :

1. Where is Bhutan ?

Bhutan is a small landlocked country in the eastern Himalayas, between and China. The landscape offers subtropical plains, forests in the south to subalpine forests and snow-capped mountains in the north. Bhutan is a predominantly Buddhist country and is considered the last bastion of Mahayana Buddhism.

2. I have to use a tour operator to book a trip to Bhutan ?

It is an official requirement that a license from a Bhutan tour operator must be valid to reserve a trip to Bhutan.

3. I need a visa to enter Bhutan ?

All tourists who wish to enter Bhutan need a visa, which is obtained by a Bhutan tour operator. The organization of the visa we do together with our touristic company of Bhutan and before your trip. The visa currently costs USD 40 and is already included in the price of the trip.

4. How do I get to Bhutan ?

There are several airports from which you can fly to Bhutan (the main ones are , Calcutta, , Dhaka, , and Singapore). Currently, two airlines fly to Bhutan: it is Drukair and Bhutan Airlines. There are also three border crossings, where it is also possible to enter the country by land. The three points are only along the border with India. All trips to Bhutan must be made by a local tour operator. That's why we work with Bhutan Travel Coordinator. Together with the managing director, Pema Tshoki, we formed the tour presented here. Upon request, our partner organizes a flight to Bhutan.

5. Why travel to Bhutan is so expensive compared to neighboring countries?

To control tourism in the country, the Kingdom of Bhutan has introduced a daily tourist rate of 250, - US $ (outside the rainy season). From that money 65, - US $ goes directly to the people and is used for free education, medical attention and poverty reduction. This rate also guarantees that only the most demanding tourists travel to the country, respecting the unique culture and values of the Bhutanese. An unforgettable and unique experience without mass tourism is guaranteed. Likewise, this strict policy serves for the protection of culture, traditions and the environment. So Bhutan serves only high-value tourism and low damage to the country. This fee is already included in the price of the trip and will be paid directly to the local authority by our local partner.

In addition, our trips to Bhutan include all accommodations in a 3-star category. All meal costs and the extensive excursion program, as well as all transfers and an English speaking tour guide are included in the price.

6. How is the food in Bhutan?

The most characteristic of Bhutan cuisine is the spiciness. Chilies are a part of virtually all dishes and are considered so important that most Bhutanese do not eat a dish that is not spicy. Apart from that, rice is the main ingredient of most of Bhutan's meals. It is accompanied by one or two garnishes of meat or vegetables. Pork, veal and chicken are the most consumed. A wide selection of western and Indian dishes is also available at many of the country's restaurants.


All the accommodations we have chosen together with our local partner are 3 star hotels.


The complete food is included in the tour price. The first day begins with a lunch and on the penultimate day the meal ends with dinner. Departures from Bhutan are very early in the morning, so breakfast is generally not required. If you leave the country around noon, of course you will also be served breakfast on the last day.

Culture program:

The extensive cultural program is included in the price of the trip. The trip is accompanied by a tour guide who speaks English.


All transports are included. Trips are made in a private vehicle with a driver with official license, in case of a larger group in a minibus. The pick up is made directly at the airport.


All entree fees are included in the price.

What else is included in the price?

Mineral water and snacks throughout the tour.

Upon request a blessing for a Buddhist monk. What is not included?


Health insurance

Cancellation insurance

Improve the hotels to 4 stars or, if possible, to 5 star category.

Alcoholic beverages

All activities outside the program

Detailed travel itinery 1. day

Upon arrival at the Paro International Airport, you will meet your guide and private driver who will accompany you during the rest of your trip. It takes an hour to get to the capital . On the way you can see the Wangchu Chhu River with beautiful views and hills. While driving to the capital of Bhutan we also find a picturesque view, where three rivers merge. Along with the tourist guide, personal preferences are analyzed to adapt the itinerary to your personal interests.

When we arrive at Thimphu, we first enter our hotel and then relax for a few hours to rest from the exhausting trip and prepare for a great adventure in Bhutan. Your guide will pick you up after lunch at the hotel and in the afternoon we visit the city. The Buddha Point (located in the Kuenselphodrang Natural Park) is one of the largest Buddha statues in the world, the Buddha Dordenma symbolizes indestructibility and gives the world an air of peace and happiness. The view of the valley of Thimphu from the point of Buddha is spectacular and beautiful, the National Monument of Chorten (built in 1974 in honor of the Third King, every day many Bhutanese come to pray and turn the wheels of prayer; great place to observe people and take photos) and then we go to the Textile Museum. The museum has attracted national and international attention and has compiled an extensive collection of ancient textile artifacts.

Arrival to Paro – Bhutan Buddha Dordenma

2. day

After breakfast, we visit the Institute of the 13 Arts, where typical handicrafts are presented (for example, painting, woodwork, bamboo work, embroidery, etc.). Later it follows the Institute of Traditional Medicine. Founded in 1988, the institute houses an impressive large-scale laboratory and manufacturing facilities. Before lunch, head to the National Library, which houses many manuscripts and historical books, as well as a series of photographs of relations between India and Bhutan and Bhutan's cultural practice. It is also the house, with the largest published book in the world.

In the afternoon we visit the "Paper flower factory". The factory continues to preserve the traditional craft paper of Bhutan. They use two types of tree species, namely the Daphen and Dhekap trees. The factory uses the traditional method to make the authentic role of Bhutan known as Dhe-Sho. Then we walk through Thimphu, the only capital in the world where there is not a single traffic light. The police manage and organize the traffic. It is possible to visit the bazaar and the vegetable market. Later in the evening we visited the Semtokha Dzong (Monastery), also known as the Mantra Secret Monastery. We have the opportunity to be present in the prayers of the monks. The monastery was founded in 1629 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgay and is the first monastery built in Bhutan.

Culture Crafts

3. day

Today we travel to Punakha: our next destination is the winter capital for the monks. Punakha Dzong is one of the most beautiful forts and was built in 1637. On the way, we reach the Dochula Pass (3,100 meters) and enjoy the beautiful mountains of Bhutan. On clear days, enjoy an impressive 360 degree panoramic view of the Himalayas. Here you will also visit 108 stupas built by the royal family.

After lunch, it is possible to take a short walk to the Chimi lhakhang (temple of fertility), built in the 14th century. Many couples come here to pray for a pregnancy and receive a blessing. Those who already have children pray for their protection.

We walk through the village of Sopsokha, popularly known as the town of Falo. This is how the Bhutanes banish evil eye and malicious gossip.

Later we visited Punakha Dzong. The fort has a historical and cultural significance and was built in 1637 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. In the past it was the capital of Bhutan. In 1907, the first Gongsar king Ugyen Wangchuck was enthroned in this place. The beauty and complexity of the architecture is particularly unique here.

Dinner and overnight in Punakha.

Travel distance: approx. 100 kilometers Travel time: approx. 2:30 hours

108 stupas in the altitude of 3.100 meters Punakha Dzong

4. day

On a winding mountain road that crosses oaks and rhododendrons and a high pass, we reach the hidden valley of Phobjekha. The Gangtay village is located at an altitude of 3,000 meters and is a place of natural beauty, virgin countryside and local tradition and culture.

In the afternoon, we will explore the town and during a walk we will have the opportunity to know the biodiversity in the Phobjekha valley. Depending on the season, special birds can be observed.

In the evening, we visit Gangtey Gonpa, the only Nyingmapa monastery in the Kingdom of Phobjikha Valley. If the Gangtay Tilku is present, a hearing can be arranged for a blessing. Those who do not suffer from high blood pressure and who do not have heart problems can later enjoy a hot stone bath in a traditional wooden latina. The body will benefit from the minerals in the heated stone and the soothing power of medicinal herbs.

We spend the night in the valley of Phobjekha in a hotel or, if you wish, and if possible we can also sleep together with a family, to know and understand the typical life of the Bhutanese.

Lodging in Phobjekha

Travel distance: approx. 100 kilometers Travel time: approx. 2:30 hours Phobjekha Valley Monks during preaching

5. day

Today we go on a five-hour trip to Bumthang, a trip full of unforgettable and spectacular landscapes with terraced farmland and an impressive canyon with river. On the way we stopped at the stupa of Chendebji. According to legend, the stupa was built to contain demonic spirits. Later, Bumthang continues: a place where many ancient Buddhist temples and monasteries are located.

In the afternoon, we continue towards Trongsa. There was the original home of the royal family. Here we can visit the Trongsa Dzong. In the village of Chummy you have the opportunity to see the famous Yatha weaving.

We sleep in Bumthang.

Travel distance: approx. 200 kilometers Travel time: approx. 5:00 hours

Bhumtang Bhumthang Valley 6. day

After breakfast, visit the Tamshing Lhakhang Monastery, founded in 1501 by Terton Pema Lingpa, where you can see very old Buddhist paintings and the Kurjey Lhakhang Temple, one of the most interesting monuments in the country. If the weather is good we take lunch in the form of a picnic in the valley.

When the weather is fine, we head to Mebar Tsho later. Lake Mebar Tsho is called "The Burning See" and is on its way to the Tang town. Meber Tsho is one of the most sacred places in the region, as it commemorates the famous Terton Pema Lingpa religious treasure. He is considered the incarnation of a disciple of Padmasambhava who discovered a treasure in the lake at the end of the 15th century. Later we will know the cotton industries of the valley and visit the "Red Panda" brewery, a cheese factory and a distillery, where you can taste beers, cheeses and liqueurs.

We slept once more in Bhumthang.

Monastery Walking in the nature

7. day

Today there is the possibility of knowing the typical agriculture of Bhutan. We go to a farm and we can walk a little in the valley and talk to the farmer. Later, in a live demonstration, we know the production of Bhutan noodles made in a traditional way in this region and then we will have lunch on the farm.

Then the trip back to the hotel is made and, if you wish, you can participate in a presentation of typical textiles of the region. Bhutan textiles are special, colorful and complex arts that are an integral part of Bhutan's culture. Ms. Leki Wangmo and Ms. Rinzin Wangmo are teachers in Bhutan. In the textile show of approximately two hours, there is also a presentation of the fabric. If you want, you can wear typical clothes to take pictures and try.

We slept once more in Bhumthang. We know to make the tipical noodles You can try the tipical clothes

8. day

Today we fly from Bumthang to Paro. After a 45-minute scenic flight, our plane lands at and we go directly to our hotel.

In the afternoon, we visited the 7th century Kitchu Lhakhang Temple, one of the first Buddhist temples in the country. A cultural heritage of the Kingdom of Bhutan can be visited at the National Museum. Then we walk through Paro and you can get to know the area. You can also take a short walk to see the monastery "Nest of the tiger".

The overnight stay is in Paro.

Khichu Lhakhang National museum 9. day

Today the Taktsang Monastery, also commonly known as the Monastery of the Tiger's Nest, awaits us. For most of the visitors of Bhutan this is the absolute highlight of the trip. The monastery is a sacred site and offers incredible views. Depending on the condition, the walk lasts approximately two to three hours at an altitude of about 3,100 meters. On the way there are small cafes where you can have a coffee or tea. As an option, part of the route can be done in horseback riding. This beautiful monastery almost seems stuck on the rocks and below is a pine forest. The road is worthwhile and the tempting ideas about the monastery will be unforgettable. The views of the Paro valley and the red flower rhododendron is an absolute dream.

After the visit to the monastery, the guide takes us to the hotel. Optionally, we can explore the city on our own or prepare for the night. A cultural event awaits us to finish our trip.

The monastery „Nest of the tiger“ Horseback riding

10. day

The guide will take you to the International Airport in the early hours of the morning to continue your trip. An unforgettable tour in Bhutan - the land of happiness - comes to an end. Goodbye or Tashi Delek! Condition:

The trip does not require special conditions. The walks are easy to handle for anyone.

Character of the trip:

The trip is formed in a direction with the return by plane. At your request, each tour can be individually adapted to the personal wishes of travelers. We are very happy that trips to Bhutan can be made from one participant.

Pre-existing diseases:

We must know if you are taking medication and / or there is a pre-existing disease. In case of emergency we can save your life. Keep in mind that medical options and access to doctors are not always immediate, especially in rural areas.

Important notes:

Our local partner (Bhutan Travel Coordinator) tries to do all the mentioned program as planned. Unfortunately, it may happen that the weather or other reasons require a change in the itinerary.

Also consider the travel advice of your Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After your reservation and sending the confirmation of travel we expect the payment of 20% of the price of the trip. We request the missing amount at least two months before the start of the trip.

For the trip there is not a minimum number of participants. From two, three or more participants, we can offer you a discount on prices. The trip begins and ends at the Paro International Airport. Upon request, our partner will arrange a flight to Bhutan from India, Nepal, Thailand or Singapore. Depending on the place of departure. Round-trip costs are around US $ 450 (from Kathmandu Nepal), around US $ 650 (from India) or up to approximately US $ 1,000 (from Thailand or Singapore) for the round-trip flight to Bhutan.

Before sending the travel confirmation, we want to personally talk if the trip is suitable for you and includes your needs and wishes. We also like to talk about an individual itinerary for you.

The information was compiled for you on 27. of June 2019.