
Raising the

Nadine McQuarrie Clement G. Chase Department of Geosciences, University of , Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA

ABSTRACT Shallow-marine rocks exposed on the 2-km-high, 45-km-thick in the west- ern indicate that it was near sea level during much of the Phanerozoic. Isostatic cal- culations, however, illuminate the difficulty in maintaining a 45-km-thick crust at or near sea level. We propose that an isostatically balanced, 30-km-thick, proto–Colorado Plateau crust was thickened during the Late Cretaceous to early by intracrustal flow out of an overthick- ened Sevier orogenic hinterland. This plateau would have been supported by a thick (>70 km) crustal root, which is proposed to have been the source region for hot and weak mid-crustal ma- terial that flowed eastward from the plateau toward the low-elevation proto–Colorado Plateau.

Keywords: crustal flow, crustal collapse, Colorado Plateau, Sevier, Laramide, high .

INTRODUCTION that the thick and/or dense mantle necessary to both a thick crust and high elevation within the The question of how to raise the Colorado maintain a 45 km crust at sea level be removed or modern during the Plateau to its present elevation of ~2 km has altered by complete (Bird, 1984), or partial Cretaceous-Paleogene. Estimates of paleocrustal troubled geologists since the early descriptions of (Zandt et al., 1995) of the litho- thicknesses can be made through combining bal- G. K. Gilbert. The present crustal thickness is 45 sphere, or ablation of the lithosphere by low- anced cross sections with sedimentation and prov- km (Zandt et al., 1995; Mooney et al., 1998), and angle subduction (Spencer, 1996). A strong enance studies of the Sevier foreland (DeCelles its regional average elevation of 2 km indicates argument against mantle processes is the ~15 m et al., 1995; Coogan et al., 1995; Camilleri et al., that Airy isostatic equilibrium prevails. During geoid anomaly of the Colorado Plateau. Typi- 1997; Chase et al., 1998), whereas paleobotanical much of the Phanerozoic, however, the plateau cally, large geoid anomalies (30+ m) indicate evidence provides estimates of paleoelevation was near sea level. Global crustal-thickness maps mantle compensation, whereas smaller anom- (Wolfe et al., 1997; Chase et al., 1998). indicate that there are currently no regions of alies (15+ m) indicate crustal compensation for Recent studies of the kinematic development of continental crust with the breadth and thickness elevations of this magnitude. the Sevier -and-thrust belt paint a picture of of the Colorado Plateau at sea level (Mooney et extreme crustal thicknesses from the taper-build- al., 1998), which suggests a thin continental crust PALEO–CRUSTAL THICKNESSES OF ing, antiformal duplexes (e.g., the Willard and for the Colorado Plateau and southern Rocky THE WESTERN UNITED STATES Canyon Range culminations) in the frontal part of region for much of the Phanerozoic. At the end of the Cretaceous, the thick crust of the thrust belt to the metamorphic terranes within We propose that the pressure gradient from an western North America supported a high-eleva- the western region that record deep burial of mio- overthickened and overheated hinterland crust of tion plateau, similar to the 4-km-high, 70-km- geoclinal rocks (Hodges and Walker, 1990; the Sevier orogenic belt drove intracrustal flow thick Altiplano-Puna plateau of the modern Andes Camilleri et al., 1997; Lewis et al., 1999). The that thickened the crust and isostatically raised (e.g., Coney and Harms, 1984) (Fig. 1). Recent highly metamorphosed rocks of the Sevier hinter- the Colorado Plateau. The viability of this pro- quantitative estimates of paleoelevation support land (Fig. 1) indicate pressure (560–100 MPa) posal is tested in three ways. First, is it isostati- cally possible to account for changes in elevation Thickness contours (Coney and Harms, 1984) by reasonably varying crustal thicknesses? Sec- 30 ond, are the necessary viscosity and topographic 40 40 Internal zone (Hodges and Walker, 1992) gradients reasonable? Finally, does the geologic Metamorphic core complex 40 50 50 evidence support intracrustal flow as an uplift Sevier fold-and-thrust belt 30 mechanism for the Colorado Plateau? 60 30 20 40 ? Proposed 30 km crust 30 COLORADO PLATEAU UPLIFT MODELS 20 Models for raising the plateau range from 30 45 crustal thickening through horizontal shortening, 50 40 60 40 magmatic injection (Morgan and Swanberg, Figure 1. Distribution and amount of thickened Sevier 1985), and complete displacement of the lower A hinterland from Hodges and Walker (1992) (shaded crust (Bird, 1984), to varying mantle thicknesses 30 areas) and Coney and Harms (1984) (isopachs). and densities (Zandt et al., 1995; Spencer, 1996). B Dashed isopachs refer to proposed proto–Colorado Plateau crustal thickness. Lettered core complexes 50 Problems with models that invoke crustal refer to locations discussed in text: A—North Hum- N 20 processes include minimal shortening by Lara- boldt, Pequop, Raft River, and Albion , B— mide (<1%), few volcanic rocks, and C 60 Snake Range, C—Funeral Mountains. isotopic and geochemical signatures that indicate 30 native Proterozoic crust and lithosphere beneath 45 30 the Colorado Plateau (Bowring and Karlstrom, 500 km 40 ? 1990). Uplift involving mantle processes requires

Geology; January 2000; v. 28; no. 1; p. 91–94; 4 figures. 91 Western region thickening and local extension Wasatch Large thrust sheets culmination Pz Mz Mz Pz Pz Pz Pz Z Basement Z Basement

Archean to Paleoproterozoic basement rock sedimentary rocks 0 20 40 km Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks Mesozoic synorogenic sedimentary rocks scale sedimentary rocks

Figure 2. Simplified tectonic cross section of Sevier fold-and-thrust belt across northern and in middle Cretaceous time (Camilleri et al., 1997). Cross section shows thickening in western region and in region of Wasatch culmination and passive transport of large thrust sheets in region between.Thrusting in western region is simplified as single thrust system. and temperature (550–800 °C) conditions that The heat required to initiate flow may be due to the Colorado Plateau suggested by Bowring and correspond to 25–35 km of burial beneath thick depth of burial (Carter and Tsenn, 1987), removal Karlstrom (1990). Crustal flow eastward from the thrust sheets (Hodges and Walker, 1990; Camilleri, of the lithospheric root due to convective instabil- Sevier hinterland implies the presence of a topo- 1998; Lewis et al., 1999). The central part of the ity (Zandt et al., 1995), and/or radiogenic heating graphic or uplift gradient across the Colorado thrust system contains large, far-traveled thrust due to tectonic thickening of fertile layers within Plateau. Deeper levels of the crust are exposed in sheets that contain very little internal deformation the Sevier hinterland (Patino-Douce et al., 1990). the western plateau than in the eastern plateau, and local relief (DeCelles et al., 1995; Camilleri and Spencer (1996) demonstrated an eastward- et al., 1997) (Fig. 2). Late Eocene paleoflora in RAISING THE COLORADO PLATEAU declining gradient in . sediments overlying the central thrust sheets indi- Isostatic Balance cate deposition at an elevation of ~2.5 km shortly We present a three-layer model under the Viscosity and Topographic Gradient Estimates after extension began, suggesting a substantially assumptions that the Cretaceous crust of the A simple model of intracrustal flow can be de- higher elevation in the Late Cretaceous (Wolfe proto–Colorado Plateau–southern Rockies prov- veloped by assuming that weak crust behaves as et al., 1997; Chase et al., 1998). ince was ~30 km thick and isostatically balanced a Newtonian fluid and travels through a channel at sea level (Fig. 3). Addition of 14.5 km of of specified thickness and length. Viscosity esti- INTRACRUSTAL FLOW mobile crust (2800 km/m3) reproduces the present mates and equations are based on the analytical Support for mobile crust underneath a Sevier structure of the Colorado Plateau (Fig. 3) and approach presented by Kruse et al. (1991). The plateau comes from coeval extension and contrac- increases its elevation by 2 km. Volumetric calcu- channel is assumed to have distinct boundaries, tion in the Sevier hinterland (ca. 85–50 Ma) lations indicate that thickening the Colorado the upper crust is assumed to have no flexural (Hodges and Walker, 1992; Camilleri et al., 1997; Plateau–southern Rockies province by 15 km re- rigidity, and the flow is steady and uniform. Two- Camilleri, 1998; Wells et al., 1998; Lewis et al., quires a 30 km decrease in crustal thickness of the dimensional linear viscous flow through a chan- 1999). This syncontractional, ductile extension Sevier Plateau (assuming 100% exten- nel is described by the equation probably reflects attainment of a critical thickness sion). Although a 30 km decrease in crustal thick- Ddp3 that gravitationally loaded the footwalls of faults ness seems unreasonable in light of the present- q = , (1) and induced thermal failure (Wernicke, 1990). The day thickness of the Basin and Range, continuing 12µ dx same metamorphic core complexes that record crustal shortening could have maintained an equi- significant burial in the Late –Early Creta- librium between material flux into and out of the where q is flow rate, µ is viscosity, D is channel ceous (Fig. 1) also show significant unroofing, ex- system. Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary contrac- thickness, and dp/dx is lateral pressure gradient. humation, and attenuation in the Late Cretaceous. tion rates of 3–4 mm/yr in the fold-and-thrust belt Hodges and Walker (1992) noted several examples suggest 100–140 km of shortening over this time B of 85–55 Ma extension in the Sevier hinterland. period (e.g., Elison, 1991, and references therein). Colorado Plateau at A 2 km elevation Hodges and Walker (1990) cited evidence for If similar contraction rates occurred over the life Colorado Plateau at sea level 1.5 km 400–600 MPa of decompression in the Funeral span of the orogen (110 m.y.), as much as 450 km 2450 1.5 km 16 km Mountains by the Late Cretaceous, corresponding of shortening may be possible. Recent studies of 2450 2800 16.5 km to 15–20 km of isothermal exhumation. In the the Sevier hinterland (e.g., Bartley and Gleason, 2800 2800 14 km "channel" Pequop, North Humboldt, Raft River, and Albion 1990; Camilleri et al., 1997) have documented Mountains (Fig. 1), extensional fabrics record Late large-scale thrusting that would substantially 2950 13 km 2950 13 km Cretaceous crustal attenuation and normal faulting increase Elison’s (1991) conservative (~300 km) (Camilleri, 1998; Wells et al., 1998). Much of this estimate of total Sevier belt shortening. Figure 3. Crustal columns used in isostatic syncontractional extension and presumed crustal A virtue of thickening the Colorado Plateau by modeling. A: Proto–Colorado Plateau crust attenuation (as much as 30%–50%) occurred middle crustal flow is that it maintains the strong ~30 km thick and isostatically balanced at sea level. B: After addition of 14.5 km thickness of through the process of plastic crustal flow and the lower crust proposed by Zandt et al. (1995) and mobile crust (2800 km/m3), column represents development of ductile shear zones (Hodges and the distinct isotopic and geochemical signatures present crustal structure of Colorado Plateau Walker, 1992; Camilleri, 1998; Wells et al., 1998). of the Proterozoic crust and upper mantle beneath balanced at 2 km elevation.

92 GEOLOGY, January 2000 The driving force for middle crustal flow is the For viscosities of 1019–1020 Pa· s, the slope strain recorded by the upper crust is strongly excess pressure due to a topographic gradient ranges from 0.1° to 0.5°. This range of topo- influenced by preexisting structures, strongly de- from the Sevier plateau to the proto–Colorado graphic slope across the Colorado Plateau corre- coupled from the deformation in the lower crust, Plateau. The initial pressure gradient can be sponds to a range of 1–5 km in elevation. and surface shortening is insufficient to explain approximated by the difference in pressure under Horizontal emplacement of mobile middle the crustal thickness. the thick and thin crust and can be expressed as crust would be favored by a vertical least com- pressive principal stress, as expected in the fore- DISCUSSION dp ρ g h land of a compressive orogen. The work zone for Figure 4 depicts a five-step kinematic sequence = mc , (2) dx L 2 initiating the channel would be at the front of the for the lithospheric, crustal, and proposed topo- propagating fluid middle crust, and the resisting graphic development of the Basin and Range– ρ where mc is the density of the mobile crust, g is forces would be from elastic deformation and Colorado Plateau transition zone as constrained gravity, h is excess elevation of the Sevier plateau, gravity. However, a pressure gradient sufficient to by geophysical modeling of Zandt et al. (1995). and L is length scale of transport. The flow stops drive the fluid through the entire channel is suffi- The first step (100–90 Ma; Fig. 4A) shows the when lateral pressure variations are removed and cient to propagate the tip forward (e.g., Spence half of the mobile material (which corresponds to and Turcotte, 1985; Lister and Kerr, 1991). 5 the original difference in elevation) has moved 0 half of the distance from the thick to the thin re- GEOLOGIC IMPLICATIONS 20 gion. Thus equation 1 can also be written Intracrustal flow from a Sevier plateau should 40 A have disrupted the foreland-basin geometry. 60 Isopach maps for the foreland basin indicate a 80 q = hL . (3) 100 4 t widening of the basin in Campanian time 120 (83–74 Ma), the locus of sedimentation remain- 100-90 Ma By combining equations 1 and 3 and assuming ing along its western side. By Maastrichtian time 100 150 200 250 300 that pressure gradients over the time, t,may be (74–65 Ma), however, the foreland was a broad 5 represented by an average pressure equal to half area of regional platformal subsidence (Roberts 0 20 the original pressure, we can solve for the vis- and Kirshbaum, 1995), possibly a result of lat- 40 B cosity required for complete flow: eral eastward injection of mid-crustal material 60

beneath the foreland. 80 Dg3ρ t The process proposed for raising the Colorado 100 µ = mc , (4) 3L2 Plateau should also be applicable to the high- 120 elevation Rocky Mountain region. The same time 90-70 Ma Values for the viscosity equations are taken period used to constrain viscosity estimates, 100 150 200 250 300 from the isostatic model, geographical extent of 85–50 Ma, corresponds to the duration of the 5 uplift (Spencer, 1996), and timing estimates for Laramide . Crustal flow from the hinter- 0 initiation of extension in the hinterland (Hodges land to the foreland would have decoupled the 20 and Walker, 1992; Camilleri, 1998; Wells et al., upper crust from the lower crust, provided a mid- 40 C 1998). Boundary conditions that were varied in crustal detachment zone through the basement, 60 the calculations include duration and length of and allowed for eastward propagation of the con- 80 100 70-45 Ma flow. The time duration of 35 m.y. spans the ini- tractile strain in the form of Laramide uplifts. This 120 tiation of extension within the Sevier belt (85 theory would predict the eastward migration of 100 150 200 250 300

Ma) and the earliest inception of core-complex the Laramide strain front in conjunction with mid- 5 development (ca. 50 Ma). The younger limit is crustal flow, as documented in the 0 based on the assumption that rapid thinning of region (Brown, 1988). The same decoupled zone 20 the crust during core-complex development also would have inhibited the upward propagation 40 60 would have quickly reduced the topographic load. of stresses from the subducting slab. Therefore, D ρ 3 ρ 80 Using mc = 2800 kg/ m , m (density of mantle) = the uplifts would be a result of purely in-plane 100 3300 kg/ m3, g = 10 m/s2, L = 700–1400 km, stresses, removing the need for particular vergence 45-20 Ma 120 h = 4 km, D = 15 km, and t = 35 m.y. yields vis- directions and allowing individual uplifts to more 100 150 200 250 300 cosities ranging from 1019 to 1020 Pa s (varying easily respond to preexisting weaknesses. A fur- Basin and Range Colorado Plateau · 5 with L), similar to those proposed for the Basin ther implication of our model is that the Sevier 0 and Range (Kruse et al., 1991) and for the forma- fold-and-thrust belt and Laramide uplifts are 20 tion of high plateaus (e.g., Royden, 1996). These merely different expressions of strain that devel- 40 3 60

viscosities and densities (2800 kg/m ) require oped in response to the same driving mechanism. E Depth (km) temperatures of 600–900 °C, which correlate A modern analogue of intracrustal flow from a 80 100 with pressure-temperature (P-T ) data from the high plateau may be the eastern margin of Tibet, 20-0 Ma 120 Sevier hinterland (Hodges and Walker, 1990; where uplift and outward growth of the eastern 100 150 200 250 300 Patino-Douce et al., 1990; Camilleri et al., 1997; margin and a lack of evidence for young, large- Distance (km) Camilleri, 1998; Lewis et al., 1999). scale surface shortening have been documented Figure 4. Schematic diagram showing five The topographic slope needed to drive lateral (Royden et al., 1997). Royden et al. (1997) pro- important stages in development of western crustal flow is approximated by posed that this high area formed during conver- North America, emphasizing topographic (exaggerated), tectonic, and lithospheric evo- gence as material flowed eastward and south- µ (ρρ− ) lution that led to demise of Sevier “Plateau” dh = 12 L mmc (5) ward away from the high plateau. On the eastern and creation of Colorado Plateau. Figure is 2ρ ρ . dx tDmc g mc margin of Tibet and on the Colorado Plateau, the after Zandt et al. (1995).

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94 Printed in U.S.A. GEOLOGY, January 2000