-ESA- Space Science Faculty Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech CONSTELLATION is a European Commission Sixth Framework Marie Curie Research Training Network (contract number MRTN-CT-2006-035890) A joint ESA-CONSTELLATION workshop on the formation of brown dwarfs Contact info:
[email protected]! www.rssd.esa.int/BD2009 Gemini Observatory/AURA WORKSHOP Recipes for making brownies: theory vs. observations Scientific Rationale: The origin of Brown Dwarfs (BDs) is an important component of the theory of star formation. Recent ground based and satellite observations are revealing an increasing number of BDs; however, their origin remains somewhat mysterious as their mass is 2 orders of magnitude below the average Jeans mass in star-forming clouds. Explaining why they are so common thus requires detailed understanding of the fragmentation processes during star formation, as well as exploring other formation scenarios. This workshop will focus on recent theoretical and observational progresses in the field of BD formation as well as explore current and future perspectives. Our purpose is to bring together the leading experts working in this field, foster new collabora- tions and, in particular, promote extended interactions among young PhD/post-doc researchers. SOC: L. Spezzi (chair, ESTEC) B. Mer´ın(ESAC) D. Stamatellos (University of Cardiff) V. Konyves (CEA/Saclay,SAp) C. Alves de Oliveira (LAOG, Grenoble) LOC: L. Spezzi (co-chair) J. Walcher (co-chair) G. Beccari Program: 9 September 2009 08:30 - 10:00 Registration + Coffee 10:00 - 10:15 Opening 10:15 - 11:00 I. Bonnell, BD formation, an introductory review Session 1: Observations of BDs Chairman: E. Mouraux 11:00 - 11:30 K.