Legislative and Executive Calendar
S. PRT. 111–72 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE CALENDAR ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESS CONVENED JANUARY 6, 2009 FIRST SESSION ! ADJOURNED DECEMBER 31, 2009 CONVENED JANUARY 3, 2010 SECOND SESSION ! ADJOURNED DECEMBER 22, 2010 PATRICK J. LEAHY, Chairman FINAL EDITION 79–487 CC U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 2013 SENATE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY 1 ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESS PATRICK J. LEAHY, VERMONT, Chairman HERB KOHL, WISCONSIN JEFF SESSIONS, ALABAMA DIANNE FEINSTEIN, CALIFORNIA ORRIN G. HATCH, UTAH RUSSELL D. FEINGOLD, WISCONSIN CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, IOWA ARLEN SPECTER, PENNSYLVANIA 2 JON KYL, ARIZONA CHARLES E. SCHUMER, NEW YORK LINDSEY O. GRAHAM, SOUTH CAROLINA RICHARD J. DURBIN, ILLINOIS JOHN CORNYN, TEXAS BENJAMIN L. CARDIN, MARYLAND TOM COBURN, OKLAHOMA SHELDON WHITEHOUSE, RHODE ISLAND AMY KLOBUCHAR, MINNESOTA AL FRANKEN, MINNESOTA 3 CHRIS COONS, DELAWARE 4 BRUCE A. COHEN, Chief Counsel and Staff Director WILLIAM D. SMITH, JR., Republican Chief Counsel for Senator Sessions 5 BRIAN A. BENCZKOWSKI, Republican Staff Director for Senator Sessions 6 1 January 21, 2009—The Senate agreed to S. Res. 18 and to S. Res. 19, making majority and minority party appointments to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary for the 111th Congress (CR S726–S730). 2 May 5, 2009—The Senate agreed to S. Res. 130, appointing Senator Specter to the majority, and S. Res. 131, making minority party appointments to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary for the 111th Congress (CR S5164–S5168). Senator Specter served as the ranking minority member from January 21, 2009 until his appointment to the majority. 3 July 7, 2009—The Senate agreed to S.
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