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to the beB DKEADro ii Pit Accident nr a Fall of Coac — In STATE OF TIME B ABT \ but seldom-obliged to resort to them , for the extraordi- the quality and textu re 'j f their mercha ndise — tUttt MDBDEB8. • " tjLOBB , • " ¦ THE -* THBO DSHOOI • j _ -^> •* each lady made a purchase the evening of Friday week a number of men and boya On Saturday nig ht tbree > * ^ - *• Ir AilED nary good elects they have, pro duced are most surp rising. adva ntage— and , at lep^tth , men were barbar ously mar. Superln. as usual in a THE BEST Even when the throat appears to be complete ly ex- Then came the most B'-rlons par t of the affa ir . (about ten) were engaged at their work dertd at Asbgr ove, near tho town of Tipperar y, Tbey OLLOWAY 'S PILLS. nea rly gone two or three (at whole proceed- Netherfo n H hausted and the voice to be , tenden t Hay, who be d been watching the pit worked by Mr Crewe , at Bapt lst-ban d , , had been placed as keepers on the farm of a man named MED ICI NE in the short space of half an hour or so, most four ) will, from beginning to end, with Argu srti ke eyes, made wben, about foBr o'olock itt, the risJft ^Mn , a large Redmond Brien , oh which a seizure bad been made A CASE OP DROPSY. completely restore its flexibility and power , and they do ing A of for W MB of ' Tcnr licente.* Nbjtooner was it mude , quanti ty of coal aad spoil , fipw^rds twenty tons , poor-rates. In the cpum of the night four men Extra ct of a Letter from Hr William Gardner , of Hang . not act at a mere tempora ry exciting remed y, nor do they the demaa d , arm ed) EliD* complied wltij; forfaftant iy ditfibe whole suddenl y fell upon two men and a boy, severally named with guns , attacked tbe honse W 0 ing Han ghton, Northamptonshire , dated September leave any lassitude after. than itwas ^ . They killed one of tho I feel it a dispUy.tbeh* relpeotivo Hoe'toeB before Thom as Sims 1«&, 18*7. Haviag felt the great value of tbe remedy, body of saissmen , aged thirt y-five, William ^Mallin , aged men outside . The second was .endetvour lug to etospo- Professo r Holloway. recommen d it, as I am convinced that isston isbal ' superintendent , the con. twont y.two, and Thoma s twelve year a of age : To duty to generally tbe optics of the Rola son, , up the obimney, when tbey fired aad a baJJ passe d —I before informed yea that my wife had been ail persons will find immense benefit from 'the general oatad of Mr Hay tfeistt he was ' Srs, vtotlo n ftwbed acro ss the while loadin g a skip. . Assistance was immediately through his body, The third man they S three times for the dro psy, bnt by the blessing of and per stverin guse of it, aid I sha ll be happy .to answer killed by dash , PARR ' tapped ' and therefo re he, together ,with .the ladies, made rendered by 'barest of tbo men in the pit in removing log out hit brains. — Sod upon yoor pills, and herper tevera nceintaldngthem , any intuiries.—I am, gentlemen, your s, tc, Edwaed 'done , At the inquest held on the bodies with all poselMe dispatch; Next day the walls the ponderous mats of coal and rubbish from tbe 111. LIF E the water hat now been kept off eighteen taoath a by their Pa os, Roya l Laasai ngton Spa. ti retreat evidence wa t given as to tbe circumst ances atte nding tb» were covered with placards , which exhibited In fated men, bnt it was not until after eleven o' olook ceaus, which is a great mercy, ofStro xd murder , and the following ver dict wasreturned :— ' Thafr (Signed) Wim.u k Gasd wes. Tht arUt* j !ara of many hmndre n twei may be had oharaete w 'Mra So acd So't conspiracy the same nigh t that the last body, tbat of Mtiliin waa PILLS. f fearful- looking , the deoeated, Edmand Ragan , Jeh n Waltb from ertry agtat tiu-tttgii ta t tke Kingdom, and ea the * profits exposed ' tben gave r , and defea ted, and drape " j and ' discovered. . When brought up ont of the pit, they Timoth y Dwyer , were barb arousl i — ,.!. ,. —--Hi>na\ T a DISORDER OF THE LIFER AND KIDNEYS . Costise st. y and bratall y mur. thent mes of the drapera ' wives wbb went to make pur- were fonnd to bo quite , dead , and the bodies were can- dered , on the lands ?kla mei1cmh *_ ^ i world waa Extract of a Letter from J. K. Heydon dated 78, King- Dr Loetck 's Wafers givt iastast relief, aid a- rapid of Corro ghbrook , In tbe parish of >^-y^ ^__£0t virtues , ser. It was then foand that ' the hawker *' hud veyed to their late respective homes in tbis parish. On few jeart , and pern ape ^ " ^ t ^ . tie of street Sydney, New South Wales , the 30th Septembe r care of asthm as , •ta snsap aosg, eeugbs, celds, and all cha Bansha , abont the boar -of seven' o' olock' equal to' , taken tbeir departure for Bath earl y in Saturday inquests wye bald on the bodies From the en Sunday Svri aeen success *^^ ^ ^ herev er tri ed, 1847. diserdtri ef tht bre ath ana lang s. vanished , having ... mornin g, tbe 8th of October instant were at , as evidence of thne witnesses it dearl ; by tome person or SbTHedicine °™*^°?£_l_ -id-tim; hmx- ro Professor Holloway. To singers and pub licspeakers they are Inv aluable the morning. y appeared that the persons yet unkn own.' recommendation all hoamne ss, snd wonder , SWAMH O 12f TBE HSIOHBOCBnOOD occurrence was accidental . The working of the Sd - ^^ ^ " .fSiia had So,—I have the pleasure to Inform you that , Stuart A. ia a few boors they r*m»v» UXTEH8IT C SBEM> pit— TBB STATS r tlSOH BB todabad soen toa-toowIetottat ^Ms *" " anda eslbllity «f the vtiee. They belonging which ls wbat Is called a , Donaldson , Esq.,an eminent merchant and agri cultura- folly inareaae tke sower of Uaid sione.—On Sunday night , two sheep 'broken mine,' having been The Clonmel • correspond ent ^^^ ' on me on kavtam ett pleasant tas te. ' ;.» ,. of the Cow Ex AMiwr*, listj and also amagistrate of tbit town, called Cri spe butcher , were killed in a meadow on the previously work ed—was carried on with every precau- medicines to the Prise It lid, 2t 9d, asd Ut per bex. to Mr , writes as follows, under the date of Sunda y—'I the 18th instant , aad ptirchased yonr near to the turnpike , and tbe carcases tion for tho safety ot the men, being * narrow worked ,' have Ssg^^sSaSsriamount of FoosnsK Poon h to be forw arded to his AsxniTS— Ba 8h,va A Ce.i' Ii Bride-lane: Fleet-street , AsSfotdroa d, this moment re turned from a brief visit to Thomai aUMtdictae Venders. : away, the skint , heads, and fat , being left in tho as is custom Jry in broken mines. Tbe coal wbioh fell thetp stations inSew England. He state * that oae of Leaden. Sold by carried Franois Meagher in bfs prison , and I have previoruly belonging to Mr Johnston , batcher , had not been cut , and within thtt last fortni Just time to bit overseers had come to Sydney some time aid. ...Three sheep ght , appear- add a line to my former communicatio n being an afec tton of tte BEWARE OF IMI TATIO NS. OF DR LOCOCK 'S from a Jcld near to the Mote- ing to be ' tender ' bad at to bit bealtb for medical aid, hit dhwrder were aho lately ttule n , been propped up with tries . Ha looks, and indeed it. as EErer and Kidneys — that he had placed the man for PULMONIC WAFERS . welUt ever I remember road. A regu lar aystem of sheep stealing teems to bave The witnesses could only attiib nte the accident to tbe to have seen three months onder the care e-fone of th e best surg eons, Vsstiseipltd persons (Chemists and otters) prepare ' bim ; and hit coura ge ft as high as it waa estab llahedini tbi t neighbourhood , as during the giving way of wbat is called tbe ' knob ,' wbicb is a large conau -U,t and with the withont any good resu lting from the treat ment; the man Counterfeits of tb is popnlar .'remed y. Purchasers are betn in the most glorious days of bis short S% Sta tfaeirrespective about forty aheep have been stolen , many of square piece of coal left to bnt bril - g5&nd-UKTnM At.«««». laea iu despair used your pilla and ointm ent, and mucn therefore cautioned not to purchase any Wafers unleSB last year support and strengthen the liant career . Whatever may Sner iStasia En was com- " at in tte abeva dasea be his sacrifice-and heaven • ^ ted by llr Johh Hxa toh, I*eds. t* hit owa and Mr Donaldson's astonish ment , the words ' Bn Letot s's Waibkb ' appear in White them from meadow s, , closely ad- other portions of the mine. Ona witness stat ed tbat be grant he may not ba (Jomm tmica their means. Now, this called on to seal his devotion to aapp, to iaform jm ** '?e " * pletely restored to hit health by Letters oa a Red flrasnd, on the Goveraraent Stamp joining tbe town. Amongst others who have been robbed was only two yards from tbe unfortunate men at the liber ty by 6tntte mefl,-I aai was effected in about ten days. mart yrdom—he has tke fondest hopes of bin accouBt * of the good efi"te» <* too inroris lnr cure •utsid e each Box ; without which all are counterfeits ahd way ore Mr Dear , Maidstone ; Mrs Tyisen, Poley time of tbe occurrence and added that no accident Balirheto S tin aJ«*tFk too £r. 'Signed) : . . J. B. HEWON. ' ia tbis , country s ultimate freedom. There Ib not ennm erate caset wonld " f' . . an imposKioBi R«v. B* Griffi th , Mr Dawson , Boxley; about him ^£f: House ; Mr Hun t, whatever , with the exception of a broken leg to a boy, the slightest appearance of a SdaWefor me, asdw&icli has prevented my vmtin ^to ' man lyin g in ptiton under to bep n. A DISORDER OF THE CHEST. Mr Bonny, from Mr Luibington e park , &0. Sheep bad happened ia tbe pit until now for tbe space of three a heavy char ge $orm you before , aal can hardlyof ta ll where , and soon to be summoned to tbe tribu nal box ira 203S, f« Lira Extra ct of a Letter from Mr William Browne , of 21, also been stolen from partiea at Merewortb , Mel. years . Yadiots of' Aceidental Death' «er» returned by ^ e man saidhews nted a L bave wbich bas alr eady decided the ' fa te ef bis dear friend so much good Sooth Main-stree t,- Bandon , Ireland , dated March Bathem, There are peculiarities respecting . ftiie ffiey were tohim, they had donehlm pobmefal MtUkmtt ling, and thejar y. He is jast the same as ever—gallant and handM tton a. Jnd , 18l7. gent row . In reUevine liim of an obstoatecoug the iedepredalle ns which raisea suspicion tbat the robbers Madl y and unselfish , honest and tis wEiom is eo*.»; To Profes sor Holloway. truthf ul. He tpeah g anotber said thty were worth ia DAima BtmsniT.—One of the . most alarming and not been driven to them by want , but are batchers of Smith O'Brien since he had taken Sis,—A young lady who was suffering from a disorder have as being tntt ained by tha tame sold, as he waa not like the same num. mysterious attempt s at burglary which bas ef late years way connected wltb tbe trade . Several sheep Sreiani r. balm aelf possessldn of t**e chest, with her Inng t so exceedingly delicate tbat or in tome , , the same qaiet berofi m tbat fiVtl br eathing if ahe took a taken place la this town , Oqeurred on Friday weak. It have been taken away alive ; the beat of the flosk are animated Mni, add eapactally hit wife had had a had leg for years, but she bad the greatest difSculty of ' s Jons -far , during tria l, He is abio- , Another said ded by which was generally accompan ied by nearly appears that two or tbree nights previously an ana ac- eeleoted , and where the beads bave been Wart ) Tbeasow. — Tbe Fssiu a v on taking ona small box, which waB recommen Kttle cold, near ly alwaya latel y etotcaljln bit her oism,while th e hearts of hltfrit ndtl after when she together with such general debility Saturda y week produced immense excitement , by pub- his Class deader , her leg- iras mnch better , and total loss of appetite, cessful attempt was mad e npon tbe honse of Mr Webb , out eff, the act has evidently been done by a practised are wrong with grief. as wellas the of body at ' to oblige her to rest herself when going np but lishing tbe letter of MrTonng to General Napier , wbich had Uienthe second box, it was quite la (j ieen-ttreet , and on Thursday night last ths servant hand. I*ATB AND TBBATMBW Ol" UB ' one flight of stain ; the commenced taking your pills was refused admission on the trial by the crown and O SBIJ! -. Oth er- girl of Dr Bamsboth am obs the Fkeb. .and the other members of tho afflicte d above two what tbo had seen. The door a were as usual Ml fas- with a few boxes of luclfer matonee for sale nected with the unfortuna te gentlema n' PAHa' s Lus Film he was quite (Signed) Willu * Bnow KE. himself , lay s family have received an intimtv hut since he had take n y ietlrtd to bed ' h.n tbus stated tho circumstances under which the tened , and the famil ; the thoug ht on down to sleep under • stack of straw , near Newark . , tion from the Attorney Gan era ' , that it is not the a new tnan. . ' ' letter was made public :—' Before we place this remark in. -silloka teeeadi rn mediattly,thirty-six doienboxes A CUBE OF ASTHM A AND SHORTNE SS wbat ibe hai ob'servid kept the girl awake the greater While "at was asleop ibe matoh es fell ont of his pocket , teotion of tho government to Yoa able document before the publio , it is due to tbe gallant carry the extreme pa. and eixdozen at2s. 9d. OF BREATH. part of the night and aboat three o' clock In the morn- ignited by tome means and set fire to the staob , nalty ef tha at ls.ljd, Williams, Besi- , were , , law into efftot . Hit life will therefore be I am Gentlemen, jours respectfully, Extract at _ Letter front the Rev. David stalro pso brave , and ' generous soldier to whom it was addressed . ' Island of Ing she heard some one aSoending the great , whiob was wholly consumed , to the grea t alarm of tbe spared . Brig gate, Leeds. Jobh Heato ic. dent Wetleyan Minister , at Beaum aris, to state bow its existence beoaahe known , and the cir- 7, *5. she forthwith got out of bed to aictrtain what it was, unlucky vagrant , who ' wat nnhurt by the flames, but The only chan ge made in the tr eatment ComnMnicated by Mr W. WHIT E, Agent fit* Carea . Anglesea, North Wales, January Ht h, 184 cumstances under wbicb Its con'.cnts have been divulged . of Mr Smith- when she was terrified by seeing a man all in black like who bas since been committed to the House of C orrec- O'Brien since bit oonvlction tester. To Professor Holloway. The gallant Napier returned au indignant reply to Mr , is bis separ ation from Mr to me in Sib,—The pills which I reques ted yoa to send me were e sweep. She instantly screamed bu t ' murder ,' which tion for three months. Mea gher , which , from the Gentlemen,—Enclo sedis a stateme nt mad * Toung, stating that he received bis sword from tho great att achment whioh ex- tbat her case maybe or a poor man of ibe name of Hugh Davis; vtbo before he had the effect of making the rascal decamp in doable PosT 'MiCTr ;,—Fat al Acoident witiin Sight oi isted between them person, by a female who requests and that against that soverei gn , is not the least patnfnl part of their similarly afflicted may receive took thtm , wat almost unable to walk for the want of quick time, and in bis descent he let fall a bag contain- ' the hands of bis sovereign , , made known, tbat others wben he tbe i QoEEti.—On Monday about . three o clock, tribulatio ns last night two of the witn esses wire as- done through the ue «f Pass 's Lira breath! and had only taken them a few days ing aboat sixty sovereigns , which he would never unsheathe it. Tha Whigs , through the benefi t as she has , is now easy and , on the family coming Fairy, royal yach t, had arrived near the Spit buoy, from saulted In tbe main street of tbis tbwn but the tppearel quite another main ; bia breat h ' secretary of tbeir oblef, applied to the loyal soldier , , pollc* Puis ; daily and strong. • down, were fonnd all. scattered on. the . flaw; . On exa. Ostorne, on her cour ie to Portsai Quth,' haying on board promptly Interfered , and the assailants 'I had beea afflicted -rithaee rerweaknessa , ta mnch natural , and he is increasing requestin g tbat the letter should be returned in order were taken into- (Signed) Da*id Wiuuhs. minin g the nonce it was discovered that several drawers the Qaeen, Prince Albert ,' and royal children , wbo wero custody. Mr O'Brien , immediately at to ultimately prevent me walking across the loorof tbat this written evidence of the ' conspiracy, ' ' might be on hearing of th» a, medical man for his advice, but had been nimmayed , but nothing was mined at the toon after landed and went by railway fer Windsor , win n olrcumst anoes ,; addressed the tbe houe. I appU*4t» Liver and Stomach destroyed Colonel Napier ' s reply waa wor thy of hit Mowing note to bio Wttku lproTedto ba all in rain. At lat t I waa reetm- SBE Earl of Aldborongh cured of a time. It is mysterfons 'bbw the burglar ifficted an entry, her Majesty ' s trip was nndend peculiarly painful, from . solioitor: — 's Lira Piu s to Complaint. " brave deeds and' honoured name. He peremptorily ' ' aroded by a perso n who had taken Pass as not the slightest mark of violence can be dlecevtred a deplorable accide nt which happened in eight of the " " ¦ ' ' Cl0Dni e1 ©ao) and betb rtltookths whole Extract of a letter from tha Earl of Aldbo rongh, dated rafused —stat ing, at the same time, that be wonld never «» „ r , Oot. 9, 1U8. live diem a trial. I did te, on tbe kitchen (the plaee wbere tbe fellow made bis exit) royal yacht, A ther e boat with seven per sons on board , ' Mt bia r Powta-I entertain feund myself grea tly improved ; I con. Tula Messina , Leghorn , 2let February, 1815 :— ' divul ge Us contents , or allow It to be made public , until the most sincere and Ofthe first box, er the other deors. The hi tches doer Wai locked at proceedi ng to the Grampus frigate, lying at Spltbead , anxious desire that no th e nse of them, for sir weeks, and am now To Prof essor Holloway. should capita lly prosecu te a British subject insult or injury should be offered tfaue d circumstances prevented the possibi lity night , the key tamed in the leek, and tbe ' unfor tunately tbo Whig s ttrong erand feel better than I have beea for year spast; 8rx,—Vario us oha n bung on had , In a sudden squall , upset, when fivo e tber to the. jur y or to the witnesses thro ugh before this time for yonr pontenes it. The chain was unhooked for the offence of which they themselves were guilty. whose in. and while litre I shall blest the aame of yoa and yonr my thanking yon , but tbe key was still in wome n and two men' wero engulfed in a rou gh sea, strement aHty I h ave been oonvlote* yon did. I now take this Bat the samo soldier ' s honour that pledged him : to , and I shall feel ver» 's Im Puis.' ndir j g me your pills as tbe door , and this would seem to indicate that tbe burg- with 1 every pro spect of certain death . • The Gypsey, muoh obliged if you will use Pass any o-jportu nity of sending you an erder for the amount , ahd secrecy nnder certain chenmstances , pledged him to your utmost efforts to maka By applying to me, I bave the liber ty to refer lar mart have been concealed in the ' honse . Besides Cu Mom bouse cutter , however ,.while returning from the known my sentiments npon ' Gentlemen, jour at the same time, to add tbat yonr pills have effected a render tbis letter and the conspiracy it disclosed matter this subjeot. one to ner at her residence. I rema in. tbe above sum of money there was alio between 10* and ' observed tba acoident and a boat, steere d by -'¦¦¦ — Cireatester, May tare of a disorder in my liver and stomach , which all the Grampus , , " Believe me, yours most truly, •bedjeat servant , W. Whits. JQOievere igns in the honse as Mr R. ' of histor y whenever the Whi gs should dare attemp t to most eminent of the faculty at home, and all over the , being the agent to Mr iWhltty, tlde.iurveyo r, and two. men immedia tely ' 881, 18*7. _ Fixby estate deprive of life a British subject, whoso only impute d TO PERSOHS SOI5S ABEOAD. continent, had not been able to effect ; nay 1 not even the the , it continually receiving large sums tf pat off to the spat , and after mncbi beating about , on * Robert Potter , Esq.' . ano- crime was to follow the coarse of policy adapted by them- These Pilla are particularly recom mended to ell per. waters of Carlsbad and Karie nbad. Iwiah to have money on thatscoouu t . Hot tbe slightest cine has yet account of heavy sea and wind , ' picked np Locke , a ATTACK OM A XSMltl of my selves In 1832.. > That daring at tempt—daring as com. OF TBI ttXI ?AM*,. torn going abroad and sabjecting themselves to great ther box and a pot of the ointme nt, in case any been obtai ned that in tbe least point s oat- the burg lar . waterman and saved bit life. The accident having Mr Geor ge Bradshaw . . . .. ;. i.. . - •. ¦ , ' , a jur or of the county , wat at- change of climate. Of hckks tr tax Abht abd Navt, family thouldever require either. --Halifax Guardian. * oh board the royal yacht ing from conio ona conspira tors—bat been made npon obedient servant ^ . been, perceived , she was, by tacked on Monda y morning , within Hissiowas us, Emi6bants , in These celebrated Pills ara wonderfully efficacious in noanced by bis Royal Higbnei s tbe Dake of Cambridge , lowered and pro mptly pteered to tss scene of the dlaae. men rush ed on them and selt ventive ofthe attacks of those disea ses to prevalent Here is the letter ; our readers can now understand * the hone, which thej small the following cemplaints .— to be the most magnificent woman In her Majesty ' s do- i Two Individuals were taken on board and; im- onr colonies, especially in the West Indies, where a " ter , , polled down on his baonesee. The Mes'r s Brad shsw also, its fame is BUlousComplaiats Female Irfegu- Scrofula .orKing s minions , died very suddenly on Frida y week last in tbe it :- box recen tly sold fori Os. -In Americ a, ' , mediatel y conveyed to Portsmouth , where medical as. resisted ,,and t heir assailants ' fled ; they ' appreciated , canting Ague Iarities Evil room where sbe wa« b.-ing exhibi 'H .O., Jane 25( *82. . took ohe ef tbo getti ng known, and its virtuesdnly ted in .New street , slBtanc e was afforde d, and one woman named Moore fellowt prisoner , and the polioahave tbere is no conn try or Asthma Fits Sore Throats 'M t Dear Napier —Sir H. Bunbury told me ef yonr captured tbe otb er . an immense demand for it; and Birmingham . She hud just left tbe Swan Hotel , where recovered bnt the other could not be resuscitated. Out , They ere In Clonmel gaol. ia tha world where £e win not speedily become an Blotches on Skin Gout Secondary Symp- , port she was stay ing, when she was seised with a shivering , therefore onl wise determination not to become a ' Parliam ent man ' — article of extensive traffic andgeaeralutility, as it may be Bowel Complaints Headache toms of the seven , y thr ee Wore brought ashore : Trial or Ma C. G. Prrrr i-iTbe Dablln fit, and expired before ber medloal attends at arrived at least, for the present , The off.r was very tempting, cbmmisiion. had recou rse to to a I eases of sickn ess, with confide nce Colics Indigestion Tic Doulore ax . it is feared that all the o'her t have met a wate ry grave . Is to open on the 2lst inst . Mr Duffy Inflammation Tumours " and yon bave the more merit in dtcHning; I refraine d it to be trie d ab in its simplicity, and in It power to produce relief . Constipation bf Mrs Armitage , who was a native of Harwich , was ie. No more of tbe bodies washed ont of the boat bave been tbis commission, la the Jaundice Ulcera , sommonsea W the oity grand unless the wor ds PAER'S XIPE the Bowel* markable fer her wiight and else. She was thirty .6ix recovered , although up to sunset on Monday ni ht, from writing to you wbllo the matter was undecided , for « Sone art **eamne, Consumption Liver Complaints Venereal Alec- g tbey jury there it a notification tba t » heavy penalty will bo afD in White Lette rs oa a Bed ffrouud , oa the years of age, weighed 91st, 111b., measured four feet I did not wish to obtrude my opinion ; bat I felt that PILLS,' Debility Lumbago tions were orept for. Tbe following are tlie names of ihoio Incurred for aon-attendance .' ;!; . ,.. •eTexnment Stamj, pasted round each bos; also the round the waist, sis fuet round the bast , seven feet one ¦ reason was against your acceptance , is your health , yonr Dropsy . Piles Worms, all kinds wbo were in tbe boat:—Ma ty Waller ,' wife of a sea- Tbe general impression In Ireland b, that tbe ti-Me of the Signature ef the Proprie tors, ' T. and tw's purse , and your comfort wonld bave scffired' by ysur at- . aent-no* f ix Dysentery . Rhematism Weakness, irom iich round the hips , hty-twe inches round the man on board the Grampus. ' Mar y Warren; wife of will not ba carried into , effect , ROBERTS and Co., Crane-court , Fleet-street, London , upper part of the arm - - Dtiri pgone of bar journe ys to tendance in the House of Commons, Tbe history mnst Srysipelas Retention of Urine whatever cause . Wiliiam t Warren , cap tain ' s cook on board the Fire TBIAL OF HB MIAOHBB. a tie Directions. . x , ffeTer aofallklnds Stone and Gravel dsc, &c. have been laid aside. Too . could net, moreover Boxes aa is , 2a Sd and family packet s at the provinces , to be exhibited , it was foand aeeessary to Qaeen steamer. Samuel lVecke, waterm sn. of Goiport, , have Tie C'oBmel correspondent ' Soli ia lid , Sold ai tii* establishment of Professor Holloway, 244, of the FaEEHu ' t Jo oio *3, fcj-allrespecta bl* medicine Tenders thro ughout fit up a horse-box in one of the trains on tbe railway , owner of the boat , Harry Lalaeley, of Gos. been a calm and silent member , bat would have b.en ex- mat. ttf£eac Strand , near Temple Bar , London , and by all respectable waterman , taj» :—'Tbe orown It mor e perplexe d by the {Ww etid , Full dir ectisaaare given with each box. no carriage being sufficientl y large to contain her . The , i Margaret Moore. Mrs Bsddell erting yourself to push on ward the movement faster Droggist ^and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civi- port , sister ip Mar- case of Mr MeBgher than by "an y or all o! last place t she exhibited at. in London were at the ' than It probably will march , or than , pe-haps , aU things lized world, at the followingprices :—ls.l|d., 2s. 9d., is. , garet Moore , wife bf' a seaman on boat d tbe Gramp u . fae otber *. There h ave been several consult a tions as to- The extensive sract ice of Strand Theatre and tbe Cosinorama Room s B geat- coasldered , it is desirabl e It should march . 54., lit., 22s., and 83s. each box, There it a cessiderable , , Carslins Bur ridge , of Croaweli -street; The bodies of the course to be taken, and I believe you will find tbat Messrs B. and L. PERR Y and taring by takin g ft-eet Saturday evening last an ' inquest was held • . ' Let ns go back a moment . the larger sixes. . Oa Mrs Biddell , Csrollne Burrldg o, and Harry Latsbley, at least Maagber ' s case will be . the last on the list Co.lSN .theeontinued deman dfor H.B.—Directions for tha guidance of patients in every "S«an ' The dliplay of energy, and a readiness to aot , on tbe so en _— -*.-«-¦ ttn tflii t r. -(¦- «a»«•.__ at the Hotel. Mr Alfred He eley, surgeon ,. of bave not been picked np, Looke ie not in a fit sta te to apprehensive are tbey of nof getting a verdiot nor wor ^ abeoT cui^Slli A f-uani/, oas disorder are affixed to each box. part of thepeop V, when the Dake of W was on tbe , and of of which havebeen Bristol-street , deposed , that on examining the body of be interrogated at present. Tbit was tbe man saved by such a result influencing ' any subsequent «red and twent y-five thousa ndcopies ere of. coming In , was grea ter far tban I expected . I trials. The sale and high repute of their the deceased internally he was particularly strnok with MrWhitt y, the Tide Surveyor . The body of Mrs Warren most active extrti oas to; procure evidence ar e sold), and the extensive ANTIBIL I0U3 •peak not of the Cockneys, but of tbe men in the north— being made have induced some unp rincipled persons to as- THE BEST APERIENT AND the fatness of the body, their being six inches ef fat at was recognised by ber husband who says be by the crown—groups of wltne Medicines 's Pill of , tiet are being brought in tame the name of PERRY and closely imitate the title of Medicine for General Use is Frampt on tbe bottom of the abdomen , and four Inches towards the ' ' Glasgow , Newcastl e, Birmingham. Are yon awaro that , and bowels belongs to her Majesty s yacht , and the body and sen t off as worthless , end np to tbe honr at . wbioh Work and names of the Medicines. The pub lic ie Health, which effectually relieves the stomach chest. The Kver was 'very large in tbe jtvent of a fight , you were to be invited to tako the ing or prostration of , and . wiighed about of Mary Wallet - was identified by her father. An I write it Is felt that it would not be' safe tha t such persons are not in any way by gentle relaxation , without grip ' the command at Birmingham ? P^rkes gota frank from to risk a tri al hereby caution ed dizziness nine pounds. The stomaoh waa . healthy and contained iiquest was oommenced npsn the bodies on Monday as tha case now tt »nd«. However with the firm ef R. and L. PERRY and Co., of strength. They remove head-ache , sickness, , view , no man. knows what eonneoted to the sto- food, part of wbich bad been digested. ' The heart was ' clock me for yoa wltb tbat , but bad no occasion to aend linden , who do not visit the Provinces, and are only to pains in the chest, &c, are highly grateful afternoon, at four o , at the Ialo of Wight Tavern , an hour may brin g forth , Some evidence may yet be relieve languor large and flabby, bat wilhont structural ' 1 tt . Had he writ ten , I should bave fired a dispatch at be consulted persena lly, or by letter , at their Establish- mach, promote digestion, create appetite , change. The Poitemo ct ), before William John Cooper , coroner for discovered calculated to ensur e a verdiot. The spirits ; while to those of a full habit you with my friend ly rind anxt us counsel , and entreaty present, ment, 19. Beroers-ttreet , Oxford- street, London. and depression of lungs were both congested all over. He opened the the baro ui sVetu, ptodaceA by 1 in being able to bear my strong temporary bier drawn bj a fc orse, . h ave.been . spared from London , snd the army is too or th e aba aeof mercury, with obser- Sir,—I feel pleasure ceiving the.'kindest attention at the hands of Mrs Aldn d, special commission at Clonmel, in order tb conueot ther a fOeneea of in&ctios, and unsolicited testim ony to the excellence of your BiMOHost ow Boabd a Shi p.—Oa Saturda y, the small elsewhere to have pnt down the rebels . In Scot. vstiautaa the married ttate and the disqualifica tions of tbe isle of Wight Tavern . with treasonable practices , Itissopposed toat MrR aJJ *-* • Frampton 's Pill of Health,' which I-consider a most t Tarnball ef Suoderlsnd Ian <*, I believe, tbe most effectual blow would have been whichpre rentit; illustrated by twenty-six coloured en- brig Scep re, , , was lying in Lori . iND Mabbia ge.—A singular affair hat lately Is one of the parties alluded to. ' '' L. safe, efficacious , and very superior , general medicine. Dock laden with struck ,' asd it seems d'ffionlt to have resisted the popular iiuT ings, and by tke detail of cases. ByR.and Monkwearmoutu coals—the hatches happened near Athton. A young lady, an orphan , : . yORtmCATJOS B IU TIPPSBAB T. The widow of an officer, an elderly lady, and near rela- movement , however , say the Duke would PERRY and Co., 19, Berners-street , Oxford-street , Lon- batte sed down , and all ready for sea. One of the boys having a fortune of £1,000 when she camo to ege last . Tbe Tories Inap eator.6«aeral Ciptal a Strange , 21, tive of miae, has used th em—very ra rely having recourse Roberts is makin g a tour don . Published by the authors , and sold by went en board at night, and lighted a luclfer.m atch in 'Woocd h ave succeeded . No donbt tbe discipline under which ' " , ISO, Oxford- to other medicine for a long period ef years. She has re- mon tb , was iu vain by a young man of the .vil- ' through the folipe barra cks in Tipperary, Waterford , an * Paternoste r-rew;Hanney 63, and Sanger the half-deck when a violent explosion took place soldiers live might have proved a stronger element tban Haymarket ; and commended them extensively, and in one instance, in , , lage, and wbo a short time since was thrown into des- Kilkenny, with ,* view to ascertai ning the best plan to* (treet; Starie , 23, Tichkwrne-street , and auppUefl the pnblic enthusiasm , ie., unless the latter was util- LeadenhaU -stree t, Londoa ; 3. and R. which she induced a pnson to adopt them , caused by the gas which had escaped from the coals. pair by hit fair mistres s marry ing a Manche ster bagman fortif ying each tg-inst sadden attacks. "It said that ?Js rdoa, 146, the first box herself they have proved of extraordinary ' veraal or extensive and then it would have carried all go- and Co., Leithwalk , Edinbarg h; D. Campbell, , Tbe deck'w as blows up on each side of the hatch way—¦ wfce had been on a visit in' the village, The affair was . , vernment inttnds to render the police'barrac ks Baimes, efficacy. I think that , perhaps , there is scarcely any ' at s^rocg , Glasgow; 3. Priestly, Lord-street, andT. the long-boat wat lifted from its seat) and the boy was before it. , Tbe task would have been to bring back ' ¦; Argyll-street otber of the many patent medicines before the public ot kept secre t, till .some one informing tba yoang lady ft as poulble . - i; Chsrch -streer, Liverpool; R. H. Ingram, burnt abeut tha head and bands society td ltv former quiet state . Thank God we have Newton, equal value as a 'triend in need;' certainly none pos- much . guardian of the fact , he proceeded to admi nister per go- eoavionoN op smith o'bbiin—-stat * -tarket-plaee, Manchester. TH E GatAT Sia S£ir£«r.--When tho DasJalae fri- ' been spared tbe trial ; 'bnt , asa mitter of speculation , or thb boute — sessed of superior claims. I shall be happy on all occa- nal correction to the young lady, She resente d tbe in- IHB CHOLBBA . Part the First 'Quhae , which arrived at tell me what yoa think wonld have been the result! Am the consideration of tbe Anatomy and sions t» give them my individual recommendation; and gate. Captain M ; Plymouth on su'.t by quitting tbe bouse next day, with Vie intention a dedicsted to obedient servan I right in try conjecture tb at yon would bave refuBed {From our own Correspondent.) ofthe organs which are direct ly er indirectly am, Sir, 'Your t- the 1th instant , was on her passage home from the East of going to Bristol. On the road she met the cavalier "Phyt ialogy 's • •,• the Birmingham invite and kept year sword ' in its scab- engaged ua the process of reproductio n. It it illustrated Ind ies, between the Cape cf Ootid Hope and St Helena , who had o^ee. woied btr ,-r-her old partiali ty for bim re. ¦¦ , Doblih, Oatob sr 9tb. bard ! by six coloured engravings , ber cap tain and most cf her officers add crew at four tamed . Be proposed—she . hesita ted—and was lost. : The braveat Iri shman of modern timeai s convicted Sold by T. Prout , 2*9, Strand , London , Price lsljd ' • Yours'e-er truly , Y Part the Second o' clock one afternoon saw s sea serpen t . The creature LlkH riches , tbey * took onto : themselves wings and fi.d T. . of the crime of High Treason against the Sovereign of the system, pro- and sa 9d per box. Also by , •Treats of the infirmities and decay was twenty micut es, in sight of tbe frigate/ arid passed ' ' ' ' Thanks for your first volume . Jones has come back and Throne of Eagland, and before thia letter meeta the passion sand by the prac- Hea ton , Land , Hay, Haig b, Batne t and Newsome, away , eirrying with them the £1,000, and tbe husband duced by ever indulgence *f nnder her quarte r. Its head appeared to be about fonr ' better .* the publio eye Smith O'Brien will be a tice of solitary gratificati on. It thews clearly the man Saeeton , Reinherdt , Horner , Roabwor tb, Btavelly, and doein ' t know-where to find either . condtmnetl he water Nap ier in his examination ' Felon —a traitor doomed ' ' serin which the baneful consequenc es of this indulgence Brown, Le*de; Bro<>ke , Dewsbury; Bil on and Co., feet oat oft , and there were about abont sixty feet . lets or Mas.—Stasvin g A Jcx r .—A Csdrt of Iu. Major General , , swore that , to the ga llows ; and and destruc- of its body in a straight Une on the surf ace tt's letter was read by him , that T T. were the initials if saved at all from the death a dog, operate on the economy ia the impairm ent Walker and Co , Har tley snd Doohill, Doacai tir; J ad- . It is calculated qolry was held at Castletown ,'to inquire into a ' charge . ef a m d social aad vital powers. The existence of that there must have been nnder water a seoretary to Lord Melbourne that saved only by the will (I will not call it the mercy) of tion of the tot , B pon ; Foggitt, C -ate t, and Thompson , Tbirsk ; length of thirty preferred against Thomas Moore .for tbel murder of of Thomas Young, , nervous and sexual debi lity and incapaci ty,with their ac- or forty feet more, by which it prop illed itself at tbe rate of the letter was la hit handwriting, tbat 'H . O' meant the government he hated. On Saturday, tbe 7th and disorders, are traced Wiley, Easlngwold ; Spivey, Hudd rn firld ; Ward , Rich, Edward Cra lne, by fraotut ing bis skull , in a row in the companying train of sympto ms fifteen miles an honr. -The diameter ef the exposed < HomeJ Offioo,' and that the letter bore the Home Office inst., Smith O'Brien wai fonnd ' Guilty, ' and on , thiB by the chain of connecting resu lts to their cause. This mond ; Sweeting, Kuare sbbrouj h; Harson and W ilton , stteet t of Douglas, en the 12.h of August. The trial part of the body was sbeutsixtee a inches, and When it ' seal and Hoae Office frank. day he will most probabl y receive bio doom, This selection concludes with an explicit detail of the means Darlington ; Dixon, Metcalfe, asd Lingdal -*, Nor iha ller- commenced at eleven o olock on Tbur idsy morning, was ' extended lit Jaws; which w^re fall of Urge jag ged teeth is mournful , indeed—enough. afrnest, to make men try whieh these eSecta may be remedied , and full and tcn * Rhodes , Smith : Spink t and Pannett . Tadcaa Ur; , ai*journed at ten at night; resumed on Ptiday, and again Re for * bad been carried at tbe time the letter was is illustrated by three ' doubt of the existence of JUS TIOE in Heaven aa szople directionsfoi their nss. It Roger toa, H'ckt , Sharp , aad Stick , Bradford * Arna ll tbey teemed snfSc ently cepectont to admit of a tall man adjourned at the same hoar , and terminated , so far aB wrl tUri—the arme d organisation enooura ged and parti- coloured engr avings, which fully display the effects of stand ing upti ght between .them . well as upon earth I A man whose only crime was snd Co., Wainwright , Br ce, and Priettley, Pontefract ; wtta asaes and ip&cbifying were concerned , ' between cipated in by the Whig ministers for tbeir secret object, physical dscay. SHcexmo AccintKT axd Lobs or Lm raosi Goh- the love of his native land , aad a desire to s*e misery ParttheThir d Cotiwelland Smith , Wakefield ; Sutter , L-yland , Hart , eight and nice o'olock on. Saturday nl^ht . The jary as tbis letter demonstrates , the ea'.tir g down of the king ' s vownsa —On Monday a dread ful accident occurred at 1 aid its causes removed from the people of that be- Contains an accurate description of the diseases caused ley, Dtsnton , Dyer, and Lifthoase , Halifax ; Beotb , withdrew , and returned into court at balf.pa.it nine, troops; produced Us effect witbou t ' a fi ght —the king , and by the abuse ef mercu ry ; primary and the village of Bryn tlencyn, near Carnarvon. El'sj beth when one of tlie national arm tment ' reform was carri e d loved country. It is sad indeed, to aee such, thin gs try infection , Rochdale ; Limber t, Boroog bbrid ge ; Ddby and Swales, jury men said tha t, . without , a violation y ielded to tbe ' , , happen in our age! . V secondary symptoms, eruptions of the skin, sore throa t, Wetherb y; Walte, Harrowgate ; Wall, Bainsley, A kin- Jones , a charwoman , brough t .from Carnarvon six. of couscleno 5, thero was no cbanc *'ot agreement , Tbe and the rebel army waa disbanded without ever being . , gonor- Intammation of the eyes, disease of the bones ton , Bri ghonse ; asd alire speotaUa Mediel ne Venders poun ds of gunpowder. As the- evening was very wet, Deemster , however, told them that they must agree oalled upon to fire a shot. But what waa tbe plan ? We Durin g last Saturday the people of Dublin felt con- are shown to depend on this . rhoe a, gleet, stricore, Ac, tbepawder got dam p, and when MreJone t nacb ed home ' ; ' fident of O'Br ien being Bcquitfed 1 , Tbis feeling was Their treatment is filly described in this section. tkroogbo sf the ITnlted Kingdom . At mldblgh t tbey wero called into ' eourt;aga in , ana , as have it here dlsolosed. Tbe rebel army was organised . m were for sion snd ensure its safe arrival at its destination witbont to the edit s Joubn ai, impeach" nov only en the individual 1 . n its most frightful shape, dreadfully scotched. Mr John Diniel and ethers en- a verdict 'bf wilful murder of pry lag det'. ctlves. Mr Parkes , one of ing the character of the informer , Dobbin , tho pri n- ring. Advice for the treat- UNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE. , and four for one of man- the Interference himself, bnt also on the offsp ten d tbe home immediat ely, after the aco'dtat, and tben in con- cipal witness against Smith O' Brien ; The prop rietors ment of all these diseases and thdr consequences is ten- slaughter. On Sunday inornfn g the two for murder gave the leadin g members of the London Union , found the poor sufferers with their clothes on fire of the Frxkm ai- immediately waited en' dered in this tectio a, which, if dnly fallowed up, cannot , and in, on cou'.ltlon tbat 'tbe verdict shonld spf bify that the stant communica tion wltb all the m'nlsters of tbe day, Dalton, and their blackened akin and fl«h bang having heard hia story, got a ail in effecting a cure. Tbis part is illustrated by seven- ing in ra gt from their unanimous yerdlot was only obtained by starvation got the ' frank ,* for tbe admitted purpose of inviting a special train to Clon- ¦jaea . The younges t dau ghter died ^ mel , where the witness arrived whilst teen coloured engravi sgs. soon afterwards , which ,wat a Htersl fact, at the unfortuna te juro ra had gallant officer, a known Reformer , ' to take the command the' J adge was Par ttheFonrth and little hopes are entertained 'by the medical men of ' te head the nor thern clubbiets aga in st charging tba jury atthe conclusion of the'trial. Tho app lica- nothing to eat from Saturday morning. Tbe following at Birming ham , Tresis of the Prevention of Disease by a simple the rec3very of the others. Their nsmee arc Perry R >. while tho London clubbist* occu- newspapers will detail the subae tbe prisoner! tbe BoiIiEB ExPtdsiotr AND Fibe at Mahcdeste b.—On treacherous Whig s ! tbe man who avows himself hostilp and the convenient jury provided for the business, ttate form an important consideration in this section of would be of singular benefit in innumerable cases of cough , but aerions nature of their offence and the position in which Saturday morning last at a quart er before eleven o' olock , to the soverei gn, and optn ly takes the fi Id tgalnst Ms that the pro secution successful. It is a the work. they had placed themselv es wonder how the peop le of an principally their extraordinary efficacy has shown itself , at they might bave been the-work people employed fn Dyohe.street m'll, near forces may bo colled a reb.soo*ier had diction to some of tbe F beeman ' b st&temente , in Sadn. I do not believe the nose, palate , ic. Its action is purely detersive, , and was a etorle s thr ew ' there aro twenty men of any creedi at coughing was about to commence, never once failed <3* wn by the name of * Sa- aba ted than It was discovered tbat cees' s News Letter of this morning :—Saturda y even- aad its bene ficial influence on thesjstem . is undeniable ,giving it a complete and instantan eous Birkenhea d, He wat beat kno the ateam aomewhat or class in Dublin (outside the Castle gate s! who are ' check. A lady in euob « manner as lo «*atter ing, October 7 1848— Sir : I have this instant "friesHa. and 83s. per bottle. also a friend of mine, and who by the by, is po'eon." ' tke boiler &ad exploded , been not enra ged at tbe treatment of Smith O'Br ien. in her 66th —-RecaueTEx, Oot; 16. one tead of the mill and into ebown the weekly Fbeema u' d Jotjbnai. No- The SI. cases of Syriacum er Concentrates Detersive year , is, or rather was. troubled with a har d distress ing ScirtcT B© MoBDxa. —Last j the fire completely over , containing a person residing in. England ' oould be aware of the "fitsence can only be had at 19, Berners-street , Oxford- cough, ahe used them, and wonderfu l was tbe relief night an inques t was held at the North Aylesford Ualon; every wind«w. A larg e quantity of tsriok and iron work letter from Mr Thomas Young, which I was, by process Btate of ' publio feelirg in this "country , ' The ' ftfhigt*. street, London; whereby there is a saving of W. 12s., and sbe experienced , 'Signed) Hinbx Htwri sr. — March Workhouse , -Stroo d, before J. Lewis, Esq , coroner forj oonneoted with tbe boiler was also blown egalnst the of law, compelled to produce at Clonmel on (he trial of had enemies in plato onB last th e patient b entitled to receTt advice witho nt a fee, 8»th 1846. summer, now they have- , Rocheste r, on the body of » young woman of respectable ! feulldlng ; tbe massive iro n doorwas thro wn with torriele Mr Smith O'Brien - I have had no communication what - got tbem in whole brigades ;'' No job they wmch advanta geis spnlicable only totho se who remit 51. wat fonnd at ad early henr on tile pre . overdid * appearan ce, wbo ' force agains t the wall across the yard . Many par ties ever with any editor , or any person connec ted with news- made them suoh _ or a packet. OF ASTHMATIC COUGH S a>st of fees aa the- —— . State—n«-j w •¦I MM WW CURE S . «fco., IN YEOVIL niornlD-; l'ing in the ditch in the fair field , at; with tbe burniag iooa'e and other material - papers and I know not how tba ' ' ' ¦; TriaU ot Consul tation fee, if by letter , it—Patien ts are re- Gamis vlo8» were straok , ,le'ter h«s been obtained 1843. ; . . .; . . , ' :¦; From Mr In«e , Medicine Wareh ouse, ODnoslte near to the nat ion of the Gravetend and Ro. ' ^ '* ,.. . -, ,. .i enested to be as minuts at possible in the description of Stuckey ' " ^ Strood , which Inflloted Some severe soalds , burns , and bMilaes, fortho FcEEM (.H« Joc atUT,; but the r eply attributed to t Bank , Yeovil. From the ibaJlowneis of the ditch Drati w, October 10th. their eases. Gentlemen ,—As a proof of the ohester Ha llway. , bat we have siot hear * of any lost.«j{ life. The mill feeing me by the ' editor being wholl y Imaginary , calls for en After all , , excellence of 'Dr Lo- at a abort distance from Smith O'Brien is senieooed . to Attendance dailj, at 19, Berners -street , Oxford-stree t, ceck's Pulmonic Waf ers,' I may and ber bonnet being the spot , chiefly occopled by power -ioom ~aavert, tho material immediate contradiction, and as Ism told tbe promp test han ged bt> Lendon, from eleven to two mention tbe following , behead ed, and quarte red!! I Suoh an , and from five to eight; en case :—A lady called and pur chased a 2s. 9d. box , and where the body was found , it iseobjectured that she aa«y was very combxstlble , and as ifae See had been thrown mode ot maMog tbat contradiction public wi'-l be through event gandays trom eleven to one. was not expeoted in our days—such an obser ved that she had heard a good character of them , bave come unfairly by her death. It ie stated tbat she toom from the top to the bottom of tbe war e- your journal I request as a favour tbat you will event does Sold by Sutton and Co., 10, Bow Church Yard ; W. Ed- into every , publish not mark the modern history and wat determined te give them a trial , having suffered bad been aeea sta neighbouring publ ic-bouse in company of the British empire ! srards, 67, St Paul's Chu nft Yard ; Barclav and Sans, house, < that par t of the building was ono mas* of flames the following-ol-aerva tioBS :—lst I did not re turn an But who (would wonder " for years from an asthm atic cough, and spent pounds on with a man on the preceding: evening. at anyth ing the Whiga Farring don-street; Butler and Hardin g, 4, Cheapside ; wedts The inquiry in a snort tpace of time, Ecgisesiwere speedily on the "in dignant reply ' to Mr Young— I merely ma<*e some may do! other medicines, and all to no purpose. A few stan ds adjourned ior a week. B. Jo hnson, 68, Cornhffl ; L. Hill, New Ctobb ; W. B. after the s-me lad asked her if she spot and in full play, bu t tbe superintendent at one s pro. ironical and seernfnl remarks upon tbe implied sepposU y called again, when I The HawxEkt t> the Dbaku to in There will be other convictions—and Jones, Kingston; W. 3. Tanner , Egham ; S. Smith , had fotnd any bes she re plied tha t she . .—During tbe past noBBC ^d it Impossible save inn buildiDg, and in ha * tten that I oonii ^-operate arms with a Birm ingham ' execution s— Windsor; J. B. ShiUcock, Bromle y efi t fro m the box ; the hangman will have a prolific ; T. Riches, London , has been completely them .'—merely one 2s. 9d. few weeks, the drapers and mercers of Str oud have been explosion only tho bare wall* attorney and n Lendon tailrT harvest in Clonmel.. street, Greenwich; Thos. Parkes , cured by than en honr from tbe against tbe Duke of Wei Tipperary is Woolwich; Ede and box. Other instances are from time to time ocenrnng, ranch annoyt d by the appearance of certaia individ uals getting into a frightful state. Thiea Co., Doridng ; and John Thurley, High-street Romford were lefc. Ths mill wbb surrounded by small dwelling' , llngton !—2nd . J did not state ' that from my sovereign , which prove the value of thes e lozenges above all other offering similar goods lo their otto for sale at the murders wero committed on last Saturday in thai ofwfaommay be had the ' SILENT FRIEND. cold, He.—1HCB arid of course tbe utmost consternation was produced I trecelved my tword ,' Ac—3rd . The WJsJgs did sot unfortuna te meiicinesfor pulmonary disea8e»,coughs, Subscription Rooms, Stro ad. Sundry suspicions were count y. Mu rders and rob beries will amongst their oooupier a. With grist exirtUns, how- apply to mo ' rt questing that tho letter would ta ret ar d ' Ga«u, July 28, 18*7. afloat concern ing the said individuals , f*m<" on Monday , soon be more frequent tban erer in the Cokk f, Sdkioss.- Tke sadden chan ges of the weather e.ver, tliey were preserved. Tte mill was occupied by &e—4th, I did not at any time promise or atato * tbat south , and WHO SING. last tbe * fcet er h alves' of soma naif-di£eo of Iho town tb e agrarian war of the ensuing winter will re flway* causa considerab 'epain to those affected with IMPOR T ART TO AM. four tenants, three ef srhom were pawer -leom weavers , I wjbW n ever dlval ^c ft* contents , or allowlt ta be made sanguinary mors * Corns aud Bunions, and many pers ms have comp I'age, 01, f he choir nd drapers , accompanied by tba t vigilant po iee officer , Su- small-ware manuf and destructiv e tha n the . ' Rebellion lained From Mr Edward Dj "*!;' ? * * and the feurtb a .clurer . The loss public f&o.— 8th. I did never ' pledge myielf tostere fy ' of that it has near lyrendered them lame, wa ar e o St Pet er's Catholic Church .Leamin gton :- perin tendent Peter Hay, paid a visit to tbencwlv-ma'' last hummer ! Wo shall soon inf rmed Orean lstof * ia variously estimated a* ifeom fl0,000 to £50,(KW, most u-der amy olr tunstancet. * hare a bloody chaos in both by medical men . and those who have experienced ,— Having frequentl y suffered much from emporium of silks and satins. The vtricus ' I did never pled ge myself fo our ill-fated land. . i • Gtntieme n iairilcleB ex- of wbioh is emted by tmwtnves. It is stated that .-ecreey ihe extra srdinarj effects of that celebra ted Plaister relaxation oftbe throat , I have often been obliged toresort for sale were by turns inspected—th e 'tinder any e'reumata nces, nor fa any mtnne r I heard , paied ' yotngmen ' tha catastrophe was ooemlsw$fcy ° abou t half an hour ago; that thre e cases of Jg ona.at Pa ul's Every Man's Friend ,' tha t it entire ly to vario us preparation s ; but since I have had the good some 4eSas&-u> t >he not dUH ever roain tMn any eeeresy t--* of lie esta blishment were most as id8Na-;in,j*;-£' aying h „...__ .., ...... la ibo»Jttei' l »Tjr! p iniline Asiati c cholera twurreo f -ttnight in this eradica .es baft Coras asd Bunions,' fortu ne U try Tr Lococlr/s £almgwe Wafers, I am now fier. _ _ _ NAriMy MijjflM Qeneral. ilif; ; ¦ • o • ¦ • ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : • :¦ - ¦.: ; Octom* 14, 1848. .. -J .,. - , ¦ - - : ¦ THE NORTflE¦ RlV¦ ¦ *«*poUsm~Engla ndechoed tjmp atby. Liber ty Incompa tible with those of pab ltt orfl-ers salaried by Albion; Oae by one our Bast are takes ; the yonth complained may be studied with advantage by a lar ge number of awoke from her 'deraanoy . She wat about to arise, ttatt and revocable at will. No member of the Na- A Swstak Mastis .—A Spartan And onr hopesfai l, Hope-fortsken ; tional Assembly oan during; the Legislature be appointed %t 1 Sn ' Len gthen it,' l the readers of this publication. when the millstone Whigs threw their heavy arm s round tnti;™£?t? ? P ** **** ' * *bt Chamber of tbat his sword was too short . njo nsd When, 0 God! wilt then awaken; ' The present con- or prom oted to salaried public functions of whioh tht PeIHIcsU!IMlaHon , aad rush.d on tUo members nearer to your her neck. The mocked people were goaded into a war present bis fencing master , ' by going a step When, O liberty ! dition ofthe British West India Colonies' is dis- tnou mbants are chosen at will by the eiwutive power . , and WOtt -.de* amtal . Tber. were SOOtol olert on socialorder . The Whigs hare returned , and tne gaols ta tbtol ub anta gonist. ' cussed at considerable length, and with much ability, Tke following, however, are excepted :—-Ministers , , seventy of whom were cnirassieri. The cry Hebemt»ky. The mother of Lord George Bentinck Sinks the moon behindthe , for est, are filled..i, . . was giren, « ' — in more than one ar ticle. The editor contributes Under s.ore ta rts j of State , the Attorney s General ofthe Culrattlert , advanee .' The latter 1mm. died not less suddenly tban her son ; having been found Lostin eloud; Courts cf Cassation and Appeal the dlately closed with the gaar dt and another able and stinging exposure of the Van- When the spirit of history takes ap tht pen whioh writes , Pr efects of tbe Seine , a forions tlraggle detd in ber bed , Dxikly thoa thy way explorest : to aad ot Polioe, the Commander of the ensued. The report wat thin ratte d couver' s Island jot. Ceylon, which, owing to an Immortal words ^ It will not even oondescend record National Guar d of In tbe street that Deadli Notioi .—The following appears at the Twlgf Sa, even when our need It tore tt. Paris and the the gutrd t were killing tht dtixwt. insurrection of the oppressively taxed and badly -go- their Ignoble awne; It will\mi % blank to mark their , representatives charged with temporary The Nati onal Folly Bridge , Bsthnal green :— ' Take notice, any per - Fr eedom! thoa onr trait ignores * missions tc Guard oame up and arreitwd for period It will tell of unexampled material s of progres s foreign countries or to the inter ior of Fra ace. t/guard s, aad took them torn trespassin g on tbete premises are nqaest ed to briaa* la thy bloody shroud. verned natives, is at present exciting considerable . Art. 19 to the Hotel de VOle. An inquir y t t, is represen ted in this magazine b whioh the genius of the people had gathe red togeth er. .—T he clauses of the preoedl ng artiole shall it to take phot into tbeir coffins with them .' in eres y one not be appli cable to Assemblies the affair . , One by one onr Beetare taken ; It will remark , that after , a lapse of pred oat oppor la. elected for the revision Fuiu sai Eimh sxb.—It it calculated that one mil' ' Isaac Tomkins, who administers a smar t philippic of the sonstlt utlon . YlBSNA.—The mlnlttry In tends to puVH 'h an ap. Hastetwel nlty—for geniat, patrio tism, and courage to have made lion atariing is annuall y expended in London on tht to the Bight Hon. Earl Grey, on the ruiniwroug ht dene. Art. 30.—The National Assembly it elected/or thm ptadlx to the laws of tbe pr ess, withou t havin g asked pompous and ostentatio ns interments of the rich". By our i-rfft carte o' ertakes, a new greatness in Britain—that nothing wat the Assembl among the planters by the operation of the blessed Into the y **n, and It Integr ally rtaewtd . y authori ty. The military will be ord trsd Discovbst oi a Satblitb .—Mr W. Lassell, tbe Astro- Thrones and powers again are thaken ; And when an outraged posterity shall look to be in free-tnde system. Though pressed f or room we at the bot- .Art . 81,—The National , Assembly It permanent ; foil arms and oannont on the ' glaoit ; tht de- nomer of Liverpool , announces in the Tikes thedi scovtr f Tet the Avenger eball awaken chasm created by incapa city and treac hery, ne* mocrats mnst give a specimen or two of Isaac's denuncia - veribeleti it may adjour n to any fixed period. Durin g ar. preparing their weap ons. Of an eighth satellite of the planet Saturn , MardtrU .Liberty. tom they will aee the Whig *. B tions of the Manchester schemers. He commences ™ P'owfatton, a commit tee, composed of the members A Dmooba tio PABUAMta *.—Tbe dtmooratlo leaden Abhio Poucx.—Tbe Bradford pollcu have betn sap* SriSTicos . M tht ot f eriin being - by telling • his lordship ' tbat although not very good J. Watson , board and of twenty.five rtprts entativtt named by dissatisfi ed with the maroh of affalrt at piled with new catiasses, whieh they will wear during The Republican October. Lond on : tne Atsembl Frankfor t, bave summoned at a'speech, he can tell a plain, unvarnished tale y, by secret billot, and at tht absolute ma. a conferenoo of men the nigh ts of the winter months. Queen 's Head -passage. jor ity, has a r ight to oenvoke of their own opinions, belonging, to the Dresden and There It now with pen, ink, and paper. He then proc eeds to tell it la oaie of nrgeioy . Tht PsoLirio — in a gar den at Bolam, , . This number completes the first volume of the tfatld ent of the Republio hat alto a right to oonvoke the other constit uent aitembli et, and it has been resolved by Northumberland , a fine pear tree , which after bearing, smitten with the ¦ A . " them ^bfelog* how that seven years ago, ' pros - Republican. Oa the whole the writers in this pub- ssembly. , In aeoord with all men belonging to the contll- some months ago, an excellent crop, aga in blossomed, pects of coffee,' he left England for Ceylon ; con- lication have well acquitted themse lves and deserve H. Duplan pr oposed to auth orise the Nation al Assem- tutnt Chamber of Germ any, to publish a manlfttte de- and now exhibits a seeond. ver ted his three per cents, into 300 acres of the best my to oboose tbe plaoe where l» wished claring thtir disavowal of alt the sou of tha Frankfo-i \T»xHn.oVBi> im Abe»dks» . In MetdeBn, In a papa * support in the future. The editor deserves a word to bold Ut ses- parHament — AN AUTHENTIC. REP ORT OF THE TRIAL OF forest land at the acre and started planter with sions, and to fix the raUltary foroa required for its teco- ,and at the same time annOBDOlng tha fllBOtion Ittlon not probably esoecding seventy-five thou iand, £b , of special commendation for his admirable articles nty an d convocation of» DR PETER MURRAY M'DOU ALL at Liver - a fair prospect of makin g a fortune. Things pro- and for ths • maint enance of ttie. re-pest due to it, new German parliam ent to meet at there are said to be nearly five thousand persons oat of on ' Taxa tion.' The present number contain s in ad- Whioh font was to be at its . Berlin . Th|. assembly, nnder the 7001., on MokdaTi Avqust 2Sth ,1848. London i ressed very well tor two or three years , when , orders . The amendment denomination of employment . g lo I dition to articles by the , editor, W. J. Linton , and Wat car ried by a oentlderabi e m-jority; Central Assembly of the Dtmoeral t of Germany, ' it to Celt asd Saxor ,—Of all races Dr K now affirms J. (fatso n, Qaeen'i Head-passage, Paternost er- meet on , , the Free-traders obtained ascendan riy in the councils • Eugene ,* an Answer of the Polish Democratic Ar t. 32;—Tbe representatives are alwayt re-ellgible. th»2t:hof Ootober. tbe Celtic man bat tbe least self-re spect; the Saxon tha row. Manchester : A. Hey wood, Oldham -street , of the state and—behold the result described by Art. 83, , Society to cert ain unjust reproaches and false accu- —The numbers of tho National Assembly art THE WAB IN HUNGARY . greatest amoun t of self-esteem . the representativ es The mala facts of Dr MDouaU 's trial are well Isaac Tomkins *— sations levelled at the Poles by Lamartine , and , net ot the departmen t whioh electt We wire misled by the Pr tm Qosbb Oid Sot.— Aa old man In Stockport , aged them , bat ef the whole of Franoe Into announcing, In oar onr readers , but the report given In this I would that tome ef the Manchest er politicians conld which answer exhibits the poetical phrase-monger in . last number , tbe conquest of Hangar / from ninety to one hundred years , hat been in the habit known to Art, U,—They cannot receive by tbe Bun of y brief ; a fall and authentic aee a few of the estates abont hare; tbe bnheslowt, with the not much to be envied li ht of a calumnia tor of from their constituents Clvatla . On the contrary , the Hungari ans have for- of using a coffin at a cupboard . He restmble a in this journal was necessari l y, g any fixed directions at to their votet. an eccentr ic individual beyond the Mersey. -re will therefore he welcomed by thousands who their broken doors and-windows ; the onee neatl the br ave men whose « holy cause' he had prev i- mally repudiat ed tha rule of Austria prep arato ry to a port rote-hedges smothered , like the former hopes Art , 35,—The representatives of the people are invio- death itr ogglt A Pomtiv Ebito *.—The editor of the Abkahi AS admire the Doctor , and sympathise with him and his trimme d ously betrayed. The lines in a prec eding column, for tbe defense of their nationality . of tbe proprietor , with rank weedt ; the paths over lable. They oaanot be molested , acoused , or jud ged at Const Laments; , appointed by the Autt rlan government Jo dbxal Bays :— 'W here our office wat two weeks ago family in their present affliction . This pamphlet entitled ' The Lament of the Present' we have ex- now runs the Mlsslsslp grown with grass ; the little flower garden , that tha wife any time f r the opinions which they may have expressed as commander of the Hun garian forces denonnot d by l river . Oat of respeot for tbs pwards of forty pages (small octavo) of trac ted from this number of the Republica n. , father of rivers we left 1' contains u wat once to fond of, tramp led down by buffJoet; the la the National Assembly. the people at a traitor , wat massaortd by the people. , " Stmr qe BsaoEsT —A rath er closely printed mat ter, giving in detail the cross- jettamis e arbour , ia wbich the planter had so often tat Art; 81.—They oannot be arretted in otlmlnal On tbt 28ib, the Hungari an Diet unanimo usly ptistd a . ecoentr lo IndWid aal ef the witnesses for the J matters who died ab out a fortnight ago ia Bradford , having tha ^lamination prosecution ; playing with hit childr en, half torn down, half-hidden , except in flagran te delicto, . nor pros ecuted , rtsolutlon , to tht efftot that , In tbe absence of a govwn- CALEHDAR OF GARDE NING OPERATIONS FOR unlet s after tht sum of £100 to leave to his heirs and successors d!s. the admir able and eloquent speech of Mr Sergeant by jan gle, the resort of wild anim als. And where it the Assembly has authoris ed ths proit- mtn t, il deotid , at a provisional one tht committe t of , OCTOBER . outlon , posed ol it thus :— « "Wilkins the reply for the Cr own; the Judge's plaster-pro prietor and bis family ! He It getting jangle . six who were appointed a fortnigh t before to aid Bsth £50 for burial expenses' aad ' £09 ; VS. Flandln yan i to drlBk ' speecVdeh\ered from fever snd £5 a month , on an unhealthy ,ba t paying et. proposed the iolloirln g additional' para- in war malter s—snoh oommlltte to have unlimited and . «unmiing np, and the harsh. (Prom^the JiiSlcndFhtUt.) , graph :—' ViffxBi U Gabmm .—It it proposed 4 tate ; hit wife and family live, or rather exist, oa thecha- The case In which the representative is taken full powers. , lays ths the bench,' which preceded the still harsher sen- gomdeh of the beaut y of the flower garden dep ends on grante rlty of frieBd t ; for fortunately, my Xord, we have tome in f la dtltelo shall be immediatel y brough t before The way in which Count Limber Boildes, to turn Vauxb all into a winter garden ; ths When we add that the pro fits of this publi- annnali and half hard * , ? wat put to death tence. friends oat Atre—there are no Uaneheiter msnufaoturert y plants, that It requires tome fore- the A-sembly, who will main taln or annul the arres t .' lh« war at follows - sooa at enclosures to be ornamented with a rtprei sntation of tba lied to the support of Mrs sight and attention —no tbe infuriated pbpulact of cation, if any, will be app In Ceylon. to prepare for tbe period when these adt ltlonsl paragraph waa adop ted . Pesth had learned tbat he overlan d jou rney to ludit , things ara wante d. : had arrived to replace tbt M'Douall and her children, we have, we trust, said : Those of our readers who have i Art . 37.—Eaoh representative of tbt people It to re- Archduke Stephen tbey A servant girl fell over one of tbe precipices ot Burns surely pred icted the fate of the Ceylon pit frame , assembled around the bouts In sufficient to induce our readers to expend the trifling , , or greenhouse, shonld tow Ten-week stocks, oelve an indemnit y wbich he ctnsat renonnce . wbioh he had intended to Arthur ' s Seat at E dinbur gh, on Saturday, and was planter s, so pathetically described by Isaac Tom. mignonette take up hit rttld tnot. Findin g sum offourpence in the purchaseof this memorial of , ColIInils blcolor, Erysimum Perofisk lanum, Art . S6.—The slt'.lngs of the Assembly are publio. that tht crowd severely iojured . when he wrote (begging the poet's pardon for &c wat . rlpt for mischief , ht contrived to the Whig persecution of Char tism in 1848. kins, „ ar any other terdi adapt ed for this purpose, that Never theless, the Assembly can form itself into a secret leave the pr tmitts The Cahbbi dos Ohbomi om statfa that Mr Floohton , a they may hm saved ' , auict oitid ovtr the bridge to Buds , of Snettl sbam , has In. se Too mnch praise cannot be awarded to Mr a trifling liberty we have tak en with what he did daring summer , In pots of fine light oommlttee. en the'demand of the numb er of representa- where he tousht refog* in IhehoiiM of the commandsHn - surgeon , veral cases of English soil, so that they may be preserved during winter. These tlre* fixed by,tho regulations ' l ' oholera given chloroform Internall y, in dos«» from four write) :— , . - '' flbttf, Tbs building , hotw ir , was »p»*dlly attack ed , Bobert s, Dr M'Donall's attorney, for the trouble he when pricked out iu sprin gwil fhavs COntldtr sWe , to eight drops , in cold br andy and water wltb mar ked * Our eofee flourith'd fresh and fair ItaTt Art . 39.-—The presence o/one-haJf of the members ot sad iht count , in dlsi'nlst, attem pted to regain P«th in , lias taken in supe rintendin gthe publication of this , of thosa which are town in the open ground a success. It onght not to be ased except by a professional And bonni e bloom'd Our roiet * , and thus the Assembly,.plni one, Is ne*eitary for tho validity ot oartl sgt,ia wto tvd»*nvtr hit ena entlt li to tht Han. * Report.' We trust that the philanthropic object in pr olong thi hmoh of enjoyment . , man Bat Whigs oame like a frost in Ja.ua , 1 tho vote of a law. . tarta n Diet . Whilst qrolila g tht brid ge be was rt oog- . -new, that of obtaining pecuniary assistance for Dr Biennials, plants that usually are town one lessen and , «0 A footman ef Lord Daore was hucg in 1709 for tht And witherM a* our poriet.' Art .—No bill, save In cases of ur gency, shall be site d, his nam e wae piiueanced aloud , end-be wat in- bloom the next, thonld be pat oat where they murder of his'l ordship 's butler The cul M'Donall's wife and children, will he attained hy an are to defini tively voted, except after tbreo deliberations , at not stantly cut down by a number of men arm ed with ipade t . pr it was only Isaac Tomkins, proceeding with his address to flower. Thete are sweetwUJlami , icabtohses Canter - nine teen years of age, W hile writing his confession he extensive sale of this pamphlet. , 1ms than ten daya' .diitance from eaoh other , and soytbee. He was then literally backed and hewed to Earl Grey, says:— bury be'lt , &o, . stopped short at ha wrote , ' I murd— and turning On Thursday, Ootober 6 h, after the adoption of se- pleoci. He has left s widow (a natlv a of Hungary ) and The trailing items ot verbent t, If examined will tt to his keeper, asked 'Pr ay bow do yon spell I know very well what yonr political economy frisnd" , veral unimpor tant articles, tbe Presi dent read tbe fol- eight children. In another account it it stated tbat tht , mnr * found roited ; thest may be cat off and stack round tbe dered ! THE LABOURER - Edited hy F. O'Connor , Esq., will say to our complaints of not being able to grow , lowing letter: — Count first ptobttdei to Buds and tbat it was whilst si let of pott . Lobelias too, thonld be divided and plan ted , Compliment —Bona parte presented Moreau on M.P. October. London : NorthernSt ar Office, coffee to compete with more favoured countries ; they ' Hontiear le President ,—Eleoted by fif t dep srtme ats, makin g tht second attempt to croti the bridge in order on» singly in pott . Some herbaceous vari eties an nearly , occasion wltb a magnificen t pair of pistols, and paid bim and J. Watson, Qaeen' a Head-pa ssage, Pater - will rea d whole chapters of figures from Porter , and I t It my duty to inform yoa that I havt deelded to sit for to communtoatt with tbt Diet, tbat be wis killed In tht ^ ' hard y, but they will be better proteoted , a striking compliment , ' I intended ' said be quote M'Colloch by the yard, to prove that , if we can t Paris, the place jvnere 'I wat bern . mann er described. It may be listed here that the Na- , , ' to havt noster-row. Faniie t may still be str uck, or divided at the case may ¦ " got the names of your vlotor les engraved upon tbem grow coffee to a profit , the ttoner we try and grow eome , — ' Loon Niroiio a BoMAwaTS.' tional Guards had previously resolved not to obey tbe , bat the better. It it a pity wo were be: and late seedlings, that have any good points aboat there was not room for them ' Two contributions by Ernes t Jones are contained tfaiog else that will pay, The President—The dliouui on now opens on Chap- royal commissioner , and that the Diet Itself had de. . when we paid government £5 an them, had better be reserv ed for spring flower ing. t Last week in Perthshir e a person named Read in this number of the Labourer; one an article on not told this in 1811, er T. ef the Constitution relative to the executive power . nooactd at a traitor p who should , , , It often happent that there are tuoh things at toailet any erson attempt to whose stable waB In fUmes, attempted in his shirt to German Literature, the other a portion of a ' roman- acre for land ! The following are tbe artlole i on whlob thlt question give publicity to any royal circulars not duly cennter - geraniums , salvias, kelietropes, bonvardias andcupheat , rescue his herte s rnshed twloe thus naked into the continued from a former numb er. It It mnch to be feared that tha only thing we are , turoi:— i signed by mlnltttr s. , , tic dra ma/ will be to grow ' discontented ' and this (all ot which are beautif ul), that have decorated the onAiTis flimf s, and in hit devoted (fforts wat so bad l likely to grow, , v.—tbx axstoxiva rovsa *. Tht Ban of Croatia hat beenappolot td by tbe Emperor y burned * Mirahean ,' the great French orator is the subject of j followed by a little mor s neglect, and a little border dar ing summer ; thti e may be.carefu lly taken np, Art tl French , , thai he died tn two or three hours afterwards - its brevity . • wUl be . .—The people delegate! the executive Commander In Chief In Hung ary , and of all tbe Imperia l . an essay, whichhaa no fanlt save The discontent. Desperate men do desperate things , and potted in lar ge pott . With allttl s trouble (avoiding power ton oltixsn Tba grouse Bhootlog in the Highlands has, tbit year * mora , who it to take the title of rmldint troop i in that oountry .—Gazette deBreslau, Oot. 4t h. , Murdered Trooper is a story of life in an Iri sh Cesar liked not hungry men ; he thought them dasge damp), tbey may ba kept through the wintt r, and will of th e Republio, been a comparative failure . make tplendi d OKHAT Or THB USX OF CROATIA UT THI HUK OARUN8 . sheeoeen, * to be continued.' The most interestin g of rout he prefe rred plants for the stme purpose , next Art,42 .—The President mutt be a Frenchman born , A printer was fmBd £5 at Bra dford , on W ednesday , ; summer . Yismna , Oct 8rd. —The following bulletin hat b.en the contents of this number is an account of • The Sleek headed mea and such at altep o' nights.' thir ty years of age at least, and never to have lost his pabli shed to-dsy :— for having issued a paper containing vetaet rifieotlag ' Carna tloni tboald be potted with ont - oharao ter of a deteotlve officer without Mezzeri a System of Tuscany.' This account is delay. We quality of a Frenchman . 'On the 2»;h Sept. the right npon the ths Men have not altered mtch daring the latt two thou - usually place a pair In a pint pot Directio ns wing of Jelltchtch wat niual Imprint of bit name and address . taken from a report by Dr Bowrin g on the . in fall, Art . «.—The President is nominated by direct and repulsed , and 80S Cr oats tbraW themselves Int o chiefly sand sears . English human naturo it much tbe tame for their manageme nt, are given in onr first volume a marib . SoxNiMBUii sK.—A few days age a little ^boy &c. . universal suffrage , by ballot, aad by the absolute majority The left wing of Jelltohtoh now advanced , a^el statistic sof Tuscany, Lucca, tor t of thing as Roman human nature. Hy Lord, I Tullpbeds should be Immediatel y prepared , and viotory seven year s, at Bralntree , in a state of somnambulism , and throne of the votet given. • . wat doub tful. At tbit time 13,000 peatantt and Nationa l , m -axzsausxstzx woald have yoa beware ef half ttarved colonists! np In xidgts, tha t they may be levelled dowa any precipitated himself from a tbree story window to ths day, for Art . 44 —Minutes of the elsotoral operation s shall be GuwJi , led by a noble Magyar -nay be br fioy described asaa apportionmeatof the land planting , when tbe weather it ioitable , attacked tba enemy In pavemen t. He was so much injured that no bopea are ' Tond' planters have a lean and hungry look, . Offsets will be immsdlately transmitted to the National Assembly, which the rtar , and the Cr oats into poderior small aepsrate estates, which are ealtU better in the ground directly . , attacked on both tides, lost entertained of hit life being preserved. They think too muoh ; saoh men are dangerous.' will, without delay, decide on- thevalidity ofth e election , tomt thousand! of nun. The loss of the Haagariii i -rated by a classcalled eoniodtttf .on the principle of an Snails will often, at this season, damage auriculas and It is said tbat fonr of the men with tbe expedition In From what I have already tald yon can see that I have aad proclaim the Pr esident of the Republ io, If no candi- wit also considerable. Jellaebioh was driven kaok with xecax ihvkiw of tb s whom -*b»-jcibbtwzkh lahd- polyanthuses : the plants mast be car efully examined search of Sir John Frank lin, having lost their way In a avoided anything like discussion of polities or political , da te has obtained the half of the votes given , or If the kit army to the Lske ot Pta tUrn, Tht Hungtrlan t took ZOU> 4K> TS5AWX—IM USTDIOI *)MDWG TXE SOU, 1K> aod the nnder part of the pots will frequently snow storm , have perished , economy ; I confess I have not studied these tciencet be found condhfeat demanded by Art , 42 are not fulfilled, the Count Z'oby prisoner and upon bim csrr rii asm thk txsajttorvrsa -ns rosous. their hiding piece. , were found somi PsATit io bt MiCBiHBBT —A trave ller says, that In . much, bnt I have studied commontents , common honesty, National Assembly eleots tht Preilde at ofthe Republio , letters from tha baron , tn which the latter invites him . I*o wsirrx n oontract exist* between landlord aad Dahlias.—Should the weather prove fine Thibet they have n prayer.cylloder something ; resem * ani tommonpltM facts. I feel myself uatqua! to cope , these will by an absolute majority and by ballot , amongst the five to enlist tbe Hungarian soldiers. The univer sal cry , tenant It is in fore *for one year only; tht proprietor continue to tfford a great number of fine blooms bling a coffee-roaster , anil rest ing on a movable axle, . with tbo coldblooded Manchest erpoliticals—-I conld not .: Gather eligible candid ates who have obtained the greatest num- of' Death to the traitor ' arose and the Count Z'ehy tnsy exchan ge hit cultivator every year at a fixed period, t eed whenever read y, and ear th np the . , wm fixed In their chapelt or bouses of prayer , which the de* reply, perh aps, to a single one of the many plausible otemi, to guard ber of votes. hung. iut a good tenant generally holds the estate from gene- against sadden frost voatly disposed tarn , and thus perform their deyo'ion t leaders in the Seasonal , bnt then I do not mean to sty . Art . 45— The President of the RapnblU Is ehoted for The Potbzz Zsitd hq and ether journals oonfirm tht . asxtaa to gsnwstton. In the vegetable gard en We ave sorry to say that prayer machines are not tbat I am opposed to their theories. At far aa I can tee , we hops a good br eadth of fonr years , and It re-ellglble only after an interval of four abov e account . The following intelligence it gltaaed In tbe partnership the proprietor supplies aU tbe bro sooli, savoys, bar s been plaited ont llmltad to Thibet .—Ntw York Courier . < of the matte r, universal /««trade appears a very good 4c, , to provide yeart . from various quarters. A Huagarian ttndent named . capital and the cultiva tor the labour aad nten silt. Tbe against the serious defloleney In tbe potato crop . The insurances offices in America have Buffered largely , sort of thing In its way; so, sty Lord , la universal peace As seed The general discussion was declared to be opened. Kolosi,' was the first to out down with hit tword tbit equally divided between them, even as re- p tatees will be of great Importance by tbe destruction of tbe Ocean Monarch The total lots •fxonrt ara miilenium. But I cannot tee how they are at , ws would reco-o-1 M . Felix Pyat declared himself to be opposed altoge- fugitive eount, while the latter wat oronlng the bridge . theprofi tt arising from tbe sale of cattle ; the cul- and the men d tboie who have aay free from disease is estimated at 300,000 dollars. gards presentpra«rta aW«;this , no donb t, arises frera my be- , or any sew t her to th e'idea of having a President at the head of the faora Bads to Pesth. The Infuriated orowd then forcibly only obliged to supply the labour required in rltdei , to store them in layers Thty will be worth tht Letters from Constau tiaopU , of the 15th ultimo, men- tivator It brain—from a ten years' residence within ths . Republio. The National Assembly bad already, he said, entered the Diet, in ord er -to- announce the death of the shonld tbs proprietor be desirous eloudtd trouble. Suppose in an outhouse tion the occurrence of two more fires — one at Pert tbe ordinary cultivatio n; but to it it. Thlt , however, I do nnderttaad , , potatoes were laid on for several months, governed the 8tate , and why shonld ' traitor ,' All tho papers of Count Lunberg (Includi ng , lantations or to reclaim watte lands, the tropics, the floor, jast touching each otber , then procure somedry- occupied exclusively by Europeans , which destr oyed 300 of making new p that before we are told to compete with all tht world, it not do for the future just as it had begun f Tbe As- an imperial order for the dissolution ofthe Diet), and a expense falls solely on him, and he is obliged ta pay the bnrn tolay ashes, say s cart load, to which haa bten added sembly: could,, as tinder the Convention , oarry on the lar gt sum of money houses aad 50 shops ; and the other at T ekklr . Serall , we should be placed in a position to enable at to do to, wbich he brought with him, win at whlct 500 building * fall a prey te tie flames. ¦ cultivator wages for extra work, and alto to keep ap his j two bushels of slackedlime , mix these welltogether , and governm ent by means of committees ; could nomi- handed over by tbe populace to the authorit ies, or it will not Toe free trade . LlKt TBE Wm —Ifr Ma canUy b-»s been appointed new adven tnret at bis own expense, should their produce jast cover the potat oes ; then pnt another layer of pota- nate its mtcisten ; could, ia fact , perform at tbe same Tha iateiOeptad letters found on the Count prove that a*. la also supplied Free trade has certainl y cheapened coffee; bnt , toei and anoth er manager of the government bank at Mauritius , Tbe ban k proT S intoffiolent. The seed for sowing , of sines, and io an, till tha hasp It time, ao to •pent , the /unctions of an exfOUIlVS Or legis- tht Auttrlan Minister of War ptys tht Croatian army has also had much to do with finished hut not, is not yet ia existence but the manager tbat is to be at joint exptnse, tbat required for the support of the then, free trade ; we would have It too high . We taw lative body. with Austrian atomy , that ht bet pro mised to provide , , is te tn gcamU txnmo. to tupplj tome potatoes from whioh the diseased in receipt of a salary of£l000 per annum coMSratoT tbe pTontieAot bringing the unemployed thousands to that condi- , onet had pre. H. de Tocquerille contended for the election of a Pre . them with provisions from the pnbl io magazines that . a good labourer would vioosly been selected , thxt Economise. — The doer por ter .7 tin with ; should be not do so, tion which leaves them no means to purchase coffee, , kept in this way, last season, and sldent by Universal Suffrage . he has 'sent Austrian trti llory, guns How at the , and men, to tbt Forei , quit hia employ, wbich would be the worst thing that or dear. though when removed in the spring , some showed tr aces On Frid ay, H, Fresnaw spoke, at length , in favour ot Croatian army, gn office has had his ChriBtma s boxes struck off, cheap tbatht has encouraged Austrian generals and he has only £100 a year and apartments •could happen , for the system depends solely on good subject, and of disease, it appeared that ita effectshad ia a great mea. an election ot President by the conntry at large , and wet to become traitors to the Hungarian government . Bat Isaac, warming with his , as a Yankee , to what is the fact ? Why he has compensation ? fsith, and a good labourer It indispensable to the well- < sure been arretted by the action of tbe lime and ashes replfed to by M. Grecy, who contended that tbe Assem- whioh they bad bstn tubaltttd by law and by oatb for ths would say, gitting his dander np,' proceeds to insist and onr opinion it . In Iobs of these perquisites and actuall y pays an income being of the landlord. as au , that this Is outaialy the safest way o; bly ought to keep the whole , power , legislative asd exe- short tht Anstfl'B Minister of War wat perfectly ao. , v[Mn gv^and cheap government essential , want- preterving thtra . , tax on upwards of £"250. cutive , la Itt own hands. M . J. de Lsytterie took an qutlnttd with JoUaohl sh'i intentions • he tupporttd this system, Tuscany is highly cultivated. ing which free trade will utterly destroy Ceylon, Priok out cauliflowers * Exemftiov ra ox Poor Rates— On the Slat nit Under . In cottagers gardens , when the opposite view. M. de Lamartin e attendtd the tribnae him by all meant In bit power and consequently, mtdt . an mnch to the regret ef the , , act was passed (llth and 12th Victoria cap. The prod uce, however, Hear the irreverehd revolutionist :—' One hundred kidney bean roda ar a done with, they maybe laid length * at an advanced honr of tha day, and contended earnestly wsr nnder another name agtinit the Hungarian , 85) by consum ed in the wist on eaoh tide of the wbich a former aot is cbntinned for a year exempting exporting economist, is mainly and ten thousand pounds is over mnch to pay for red rows, that in severe weath er, tht In favour ef referring the election of Presi dent to th* na tion , with whioh tba Auttrlin legislative assembl , bint or haulm may ¦ y inhabi tants tram liability to be rated at saoh in reaped home market. M. Ridoli , in an article in the cloth, geld lace and feathers, with two bands of in- be thrown lightly ever them, wbioh voice of the people; \ wished to be at peso*. will afford great ol stock in tr ade, or other proper ty, to tbo relitf ef Ciornale Jgrieob, says :— differen t music ; this won' t do unthplantationcofe t pr otection from catting winds, fros t, be. Oa Saturday, th e Assembly divided on the amend- The agitation amongst the people of Pdtth It very tba poor. —Lon don paper We mnst send home the general Every available space should be crapped vrltia cabfeige; ment of M. Greoy, deolarin g. that there shoul d be no griai . Np ont Is to bt tun in the streets witbout red . mott argent nteetrity Is leu an increased pro at 37*. and 45s. / A Pabi obafh fob Psaes Sociitu*. Tho followinj 'Onr and lettuce thonld be planted in tbeltered situati ons. president ef tbe Repub lio, bnt merely a council of mil feathers In their cap *. Nothing Is beard bat the clang — of turning It to account. What is and staff and oneof the bands of music, and a Uttleof Store all sorts of is a list of tbe wars that bava token plsoe between Eog. 4uce tha n a mode roots, as parsnips, beet, carrots , bo,, nister t, tbe Assembly divided, and the result wat—for of arms and tfcr notie of vebiolt t carrying provisions •-ranting to our agr iculture are those subsidiary under - the gold-lace and feathers !' Aswe five, rank Char tism and manure aad Und RadFtao.ca e.lona-.—1UV 1 year ; 11*41, 25 years ridge np all ground reserved for spring the amendment , 155 •. agslatt U. C4S, Tbe Attembl- and ammunition . Tbt German bourgeoisie ot Pesth art , ; takings which give Increased Talaa to productions and in Ceylon I ' Think ef that Master Grey !' Char- erop » 1191, IS years ; 1221 f years ; 1201. 5 years ; 1339, 21 . tben discussed the amendment proposed by M, Flocon , alto carried away by tha movement ,'and march in arms , nsrketa hle. We possets a prodlg lout quan- and Whiggery has not yet done Fral t trees may years ; 136S 52 years ; 1423 13 yeart ; 1452, 1 month rend er them tism is' put down/ be removed thelatter end of the month , la favour of the nomination of the President by the against Ihe Croats. On the 27th ult ., a battalion of vo- , , ; , genera flj ti*a tolerable quality, but to lender and evergreens now 1512 2 years ; 1521 « years ; 1549 1 year ; 1557 2 years ; tity of wine clapping its wings and crowing, when behold a . Assembly, which amendment wat subsequently with - lunteers left tht btrraob t ef Uj-nlet, followed by a bind , , , , exportatio n has never yet been deemed an ob- 1627 , 2 years ; 1616 1 year ; 1689, 10 years - 1702.11 It fit for voice comes drawn , la favour of a similar amendment ,! pro posed by of women and ohildren , armtd with sabres and -auikttt , , Mt ~Mfg The sole purpose with ns hat yeart ; 1741, t yeart ; 1756, 7 ytar t ; 3 793 9 years ; 1808 jeot of MP '- < er the wide waters of the dark bine tea 1 U, Lablo nd, whioh was rejected. The following is tbe whom tt was lmtottlble to keep back , Kossuth scours , , reade** it suitable for oar home consumption, O' , Fatal Accidxkt .—a,fa tal acoident octoned on Hon. 11 yeart ; and lastly, in 1815 wben this calculation was been to vtsall of tbe Importa nt vote on tbis amendmen t :— the plains and sends into Peitb thousan ds of peasants , , Ever ything Is sold mt tbe earliest mo- crying— 'Delay will he fatal !' day afternoon , at the Rochdale station of the Lancashire made 4 y making, within a period of 700 years f How aSietag .l Teten present , 813 ; for tbe amendmen t, 211 ; against who are eager for tht fray. Cztltd and Eetsbemet havt , 1 ears , , 9CS therefore, in tbe best condition for and Yorkshire Railway , nnder the following circum - . of desolating wart , and the loss of miiiioat of ires. ment [we suppose, ' Awa' Whigs, awa' ! it, 102. tarnish ed 16 nearest market, for 'the consumption of stances :—It appears that a pilot engine leaves Wak efield ,000 men, and Kossuth has promised to JcD QB Bubset son of tlie famous «e] and at the . Awa' Whigs, aw*'! Fin*Jl f,on Monday last, the President anno unced to bring 10 000. .—J u*ge Burnet , . ty in which it It produced ; the Ideas for Rochdale several times per week, for the pur pose of : , Bishop of Salisbury, when young, is said to bave been tha immediate vicini Ye' re bat a pack o' traitor loans, the Assembly that the committee had modified the 43rd LiHBtaa (PoLiRD) , Ootobtr 1st —For several dayt not tether. [Unhappy , ignorant, calling at the vario as stations on the line, to leave and . of a wild and dissipated tarn Being one day found by «f the cultivator go Tell do nse gads at a* I' article of the Constitu tion, which now ttood that :— pstt great excitement hat prevailed In tbt garrison of . Bven oil it not exactly regarded as tike what luggage may be there . At half-past three his father in a very aerlou * humour ' Wbat is the mats well-fedeoltivator. 3 ' Tbe presiden t is named by secret ballot, and by the oar town The Hungarian Rtgimtnt (Grand Duht , exportatio n. Thlt situation of onrproduc- o' clock, on Monday afternoon , the pilot engine was at the . ter with you Tom ,' tald tha Bishop ; wh at are yott an artiole for gical Journal. Edited by Ltjek Burke. absolute majority of ihe voters,-by the direct suffrage Mlohael) desired to itt oat for Hu ngary ; he waa .van on , ' system of Leopold I whieh sought The Ethnolo Rtthdala station. There was a bolster on one of the ruminating on A greater work tban your ' lordship ' tiont is owing to the ., of all the electors of the Frenoh departments and of the point of doing ic whta be heard tbat the Poles of V ' s family, self-depend ent[what an Octobe r. London : H. Hardwicke , 14, Clement' s- waggont , containing a Urge tr ee ; and tb e guard , J , , History of the Reformation ' answered the sou ' Ay, to read er Toseany as one Algeria ' Carried—Fo r, 627 • against , 130. Lembtr g proposed to go to tht attittanct of tbt Hunga- , . bad political economist, and worse lane, Strand. Walker , wat coupling two waggont , or trucks, togeth er ; . wh at it that !' asked tha father. ' The reformation oi ignorant blockhead, The next ar tiole, with a slight modification was rians , Tbe commander appea sed the soldiers by pro- this Leopold L most have been], and its con- commencement of 'A Structur al Analysis when they met the bolster gave way, and the timber went mj8cl f my lerd ,' replied the son. sore-sign , Tbe adopted :— ' Minu tes of the eleotoral operations shall mising tbat he would tet out on the 6th. The agitation , , are traceable ia onr manHera and customs.' right against hit head and killed him . He wat taken to A Pbiudbit-hu DoDOB.—The steam -boat runners ef setueneet of tbe Book of Genesis' occupies some thirty pages bt immedia tely transmi tted to the National Assembly, however , ttlll osntlnntd an d a similar entkntlatm proceeds still farther with hit Iameatatieni the Railway Inn or hotel, to awai t the coroner ' s Im-nut. , Philadelphia have a system of' noseing out' passenger ^ H. Bidolfi of this number of the Ethnological Journal. Mr wbich will, witbout delay, deolde en the validity of the for tb e Hungarian otuio was manifested by the Huti trt . general adoption of the erroneou s Silf-fuffidng The nnfer tnnat e man wat tweaty-flvo year t of age, and as it is railed . The fellow goes on board of an oppo * ever tha Burke bas underta ken this analysis for the purpos e election, and proclaim the President of tbe Repubiie, Tht Wiener Zeltunp , of the f>th instant contains three whkh ha sorrowfully, if not angri ly,dec laret wat married . , eltlon boat and commences tnuffing , as tbongh ha -principle, the book of Genesis is composed If no candi date has obtained half of the votcs'given, or proclamations of she Emper or of Austria wbioh mast ; • pervades everything.' The cause of theselamen tations, of showing tha t FiTAlAcCrDXKT ON THI LlVIR rOOL 4»D BotT RllL« , tmfeU tomethlng nnplea sant , 'What do yon sm>ll t' t)f three separa te documents , each giving a distinc t wsx.—On Saturday last, an accident, which hat since If the oonditiont demanded by artiole 42, are not fol- bring the Hungarian qaestion to a crisis. Tho firs t of aowever, peeps out in tte following little sentence *— fllled tbe National Assembly elesti the President of the soma one enquir es, ' Dead bodies ,' is tbe rtply, ' and 4 all this it that ont of tbe very ltr j e gross version of the « Crea tion,' « Fall,' and «Deluge.' We proved fatal , occurred on the Liverpool and Bury line, , thest proclam ations appoints tbe Master of the Ordnance The remit of , Repnblio by an absolu te maj ori ty and by ballot jamongs t I'll iwear tbey have died of small.pex. ' He then rushes dnce tbe net revenue to the Tuscan proprietor it most are hound to say, after a hasty perusal of this ar- near tbe rice course at Alntree. A labour er name d , , and Captain of tbo Hun garian Guards , Baron Reci sy, •ro th e five ellglblt candida tes whobav t obiain ed thegreates t for the other boat /followed by the fri ghtened voyagers, Ia other words, this boms tjttem. and home in D'ris Wat erton, for ty-two yeart of age, wat filling wag- to tbt post of Presid ent of ttit Hungarian Ministry, and miserable . ticle, tba t Mr Burke appears to have succeeded nurab tr of vote s' —New York Courier. tha labourer an abradant participation gont with earth. When they were fall, he wat in the aot oharges bim with the formation of a ne -/ Cabinet. Tba market ensures to what he terms ' an attempt to dis'.inguish,' &c. ; and M. Marra st next read tha 42ad article Eirior o> Passion .—An American paptr says, under toil, distributes wealth equitably of getting on one of them, when the engine that wat to , whlob had second proclama tion it addre ssed to the Hungaria n civil 'Av.ry dist ressing in the fruits of bis we also feel bound to express onr admiration of that been passed over The Presiden t most bo a date Washington , September 7th , and preven ts the formation aad drive them tnddenl y star ted ; the consequence was tba t :— ' Fr anoh- sad military authorities , and enjoins the rigorous execu- among the populatio n, 's industry and extraordin ary critica l man bora thir ty years of age at least acoident happened this evening at Alexandria , Va A of condition which gentleman the waggons behind dashed agains t him, and he was , , and never have tion of tbe decrees contained la tbt third proolsms tlba, growth of these star tling meastUtle * that «this lost Mb quality of a Frenohman ,' , lady, named Patterson , undertook to chastise her little dangerous symptom of the present talent. But, being unable to see with him badly crothtd. T be wretched man wat at onoe removed whioh Is the most Importan t of tbe three, for it contains oonstltute the mott U. Devtileproposed thefollowlsg addition to the ar. son, but unfortunately struck bim tbe first blow npon country. That ttate it produced subject involves questions of high importanee to to the infirmary , where he died of compound fract ure ot tht nomination ef Baron Jellaohlh, the Ban of Cr oatia , state of society in this ca ttole, ' The Pre sidency shall never bt conferred on a the ttm rie, when he Instant ly fell dead. Tbe mother tembased the vriac-plesespoused by human welfare ;' on the contra ry, being of opinion the leg. The medical man amputated the lamb, but it to the post of Civil aad Military Governor of Hungary, «nttre ybji a -^* general officer nor on any direct or collateral member has become entirel y deranged .' for that it matters not the wort h of a straw to living wat of ao avail , although it appeared that hit constitut ion , with almost unlimit ed powers, tbt dissolution ot tbe Cj ra lgnac and Louis Napoleon appear to bs If. Bidolfi, who looks npon wealth rather at a thing of the families who have reigned over Franoe. ' , General was perfeotl y sound. The inques t was held on Wednet- Hungarian Diet, and tha condemnation of their resolu- on the most friendly terms Tbey were observed marketable exchanges, than the means of affording sub- man and woman, whether the book of Genesis is tions and . day, and wat aboat to be adjourned , in order to afford M. Deville said that so democratlcal Republic or , the proclamatio a of martial law in Hungary, to enter the National Assembly on Thursday seW sistence and enjoyment to the producer in the first in. composed of thre e, or thirty—of one, or one hun- a command to prostoott and atre tt the asett'tnt of tht ght time for the bring ing ef witnesses forward to show that emancipated oountry should confide lit deetlnUs to ml- arm -ia-arm. stance, and then to tbegeneral community . dred documents —we must express our regre t to litary government It waa one of the prlnoipal late Count Lamberg. shewing tha actual resul tsof this erroneous ao blame waa attributable to the engineers, but one of . lessons F chnt MisrsisT —By a curious misprint in aloountry By way of ' see sa much time and talent thrown away on such given by history , in eaoh page of wbioh It wat inscribed . The Breiltmer Ztitung asserts tbit twenty battalions . aelf-sniSc ing principle,' let ns take It. Bidoifi' a own the jury observed thathe wat a maritime man , and that paper , the Rev . Mr Ellis, the husband of a wd'.known a subject. We dare say that some of Mr Burke's The experience of Napoleon thonld not be forgotten. and til bat teries of artillery left Vienna on tbe 6:h atatement of the condition of tbe Tuscan peasantry •_ he wat to proceed to tea to-morrow, ' Perhaps a thort authoress , is described as ' the husband of tbe ' Women readers rather accord with his than with our views; He began by being first Coa ss.1, then wat Consul fur Life, instant, to enforea the execution of the Emperor 's pro* ' Begardi ag man as aa instrument of labour , our agri- ' passage/ obterved tke deputy coton.tr {Vx Statbnm ), of Engl and ." ' and ultimately Emperor. A general offioer wat io every elamatlo ai. culture it costly in tht extreme, but under any other sys- and these who do so will find tbat gentleman s ana- ' ho w far are yoa going f' ' I am going,' taid the man , A youn g man nam ed AsbmoTe, poisoned himself la reipeot unfi t for the Presidency . The rtl gn of tbe tword , tem man woald do leu aad cost more. The cultivator lysis of Genesis well worthy their attention. ' toNew Orleans .' ' Had I known that / obterved Hr Authen tic aocounti from Pes'h represent the Magyar e t lately ; and in a note to his sweethiart in. was that of brutal material , and unin telligent Manch s er , t alwaya careful, his constant Statbam , ' yon should not have been on the jury .'—The , font. popula tion as completely fan&tlo under the Inspiration tltnatlng ing orders it always oa the spo , The * Ou tlines of the Fund amental Principles of To cite an example It was only nec hli Intentions , mingled with his dy thought it—tbit field it my own. He works for hit owa inquest was then adjourned . , essary to oits tne of KeBSUth, who is hurrying from one plaee to another aspVatlons for republicanism Ethnology' contain much valuable informa tion , and present gsvernment , nnder which liberty of thought . advantage not at a mercenary, nor as a slave, nor a ma- DisinssANCzs bt IsisBVCir,—On Tnesda y evening and In order to preach tip a ornsad e, sot only against his Disused Cattle the act of loBt session, for , afford the reader endless food for reflection. of the press was at an end, snd no oltlten was .—By china ; bis loss of time it the ltat tpossible, at be hat tbe a number of Iri sh labourers , amounting to about a sure of immediate foes, bat against Austria Proper . preventing the extension of disease umongat cattle , It is bilng alive on the following day. Parts had ceased distribution of hit henn and oboosei bit oppor tunities ; * The Ori gin of Nations,' being a second ar ticle on dozen or fifteen, assembled at one of the Inns In the to That the Croatlans have been defeated ia one, If J not provided that any petton turning out sheep or taint s be the capital of civilisation ; It was an immense mili- while proceeding to hit field he pullt up the weeds, he the subject , contains many carious speculations. village of Great Crosby, near Liverpool ; they had been two, partial encounters , admi ts no longer of doubt ; bat infected or labouring under dtte&te , on nny htmb, employed by a fanner in the vicinity to dig potatoes , but tary camp, covere d with tents, barra cks, do, by a masterly evolution (for the furtherance of which , gathers together the [-a-urere whieh may have fallen en Here is one *— common , .pen field, roadsi de, or other undivided or resolved to ' her wages. A proposition to M, DevUle' t amendmen t wat njeoted . probably, Jellaebioh had sought the short truce which the roads , which coatribntet to the increase of his dung- TBE ASCIEKT 1S18H . strlko ' for hig nninclo sed land , shall be liable to a peaaltyof tw.nty M. Anthon y^Tbonr et In bis tarn , pro posed that no hill. The araonat ef labour bestowed by the cultivator The Irish fondly cling to tbe belief tbat tbey are de- this (Seat being made to the farmer , it was ol course re. , followed the contest on tht 29th nit.) the Ban has reac hed pounds. member of the families who reigned over Franc e would prove too costly to tbe proprietor if obliged to pay scended from a Spanish stock—a notion that bat very jscted, and Padd y, In a fit of despera tion, attacked tbe should Wleselburg (after occupying Ranb ), whioh is only tomt Vbsted Imtibksts AHMHitmn —Thieves and rogues be eleoted Pr esident or Vice-President of . for It ; it would not answer hit purp ese. It is alway s I am persuaded of inhabitants of the village of Great Crosby , where only , the Republic. ' ten G erman miles from Vienna , and wbere he has r have lost by an ect of the past sesi-ion their last .chan ce often been ridiculed. Nevertheless , Afrer several other speaker s , ruinous in Tuscany to cultivate land by day labourers . his- two policemen wero stationed —a sergeant and a con- , better obanoe of reoslvlng reinfo rcements from tba t oa- to escape for .by 11 and 12 Vlo c 42, permission U its ttnth. There waa at the very earliest periods of Leuis Napoleon ; ., . On the other hand , if the labou rer were to be paid bis nat ion called Iberi or Iberni and Iemi in the stable. The Iri shmen having multiplied ia numbers to ascended tbe tribune , and protested pilal than if he were in the vicinity of the PJat ten Lake. given to amend , at the time for trial thoje • fliws in the tory a , against tho a , wagis in m:nsy, they wonld be inadeq uate to his support . South of Ireland From Iberni we obtain Hlbnnla mora than twent y, all well-aimed , the ohances were de- n me of pre tender , and against the calum- According to the JPt rlA Ckmlte the Magyars are dally indiotmen t* by which so many rasoal s bave crtpt out of . , nies to which be had Voder the existing system, if hit prof its are small they and from Ier nl clearl y comes Erin and the modern Ire- cidedly in favour of the peace-brea kers. The two police- been exposed. He said he felt too reinforced by deserters from the Huagarian regimen ts in punishment, , grateful te the Z are direct ; and In the shape of produce , his household men passed thr ough the village, and were Immedi ately ,m,W electors who had elected bim , to Gallol a, Styris, and even Austria Proper , A Momstib or Blood A. gentleman went a fiBfcin* , land. There were some other minor tribes in Ireland , betray ttate .— wants are fully and completely suppl ied, and at no ex- at tacked by tbree or fear Irishmen with their fork s, their trust . Letters from Pesth dlreot , of tbo 2nd Insta nt , tbo otber and amongft othtr tbing f, hauled in a evidently of Spanish descent . The traditions of tha Ban d»y» pease It is oot possible for the cultivators to make a Irish respecting their Spanish blood are all referable to which they plunged almost in enry direotion ; for , hav- STAT E 07 PAB18. t hat n battalion of frontier troops bad dosertei tht lor K e.s*zed t urtle .' To enjoy the surprise of his Irish . Paris may baiald to ba two bra . rapid fortune , but the better' class of them possess thtir these iberi whe wtre prob abl driven cut of Spain by ing been tur ned out of the bcer-hease la & stato of ex- tr anquil , but the usual gauge and joined the Hungarians. It appears that servant glil he placed it in her hed-roora . Tho next , y of dissolute nnd executed at on« lif.le capital in money. T he marria ga portions they giro the iocurslons of the Kelts or other raot s aBd songb t citemest, they were callous to tbe consaquenoes. One disorderl y mon wlio assemble outsidf ihers , Counts S. and O. Z lohy, were not morning the firs t thing tbat bounce d into tha breakfast , the barri er hauged ia the tseir daughters is a proo f of this ; these are considerable refuge in Ireland , They mnst at tbat time have const', of the p olicemen wbb knocked down , and as soon as he s on Suuday s wero yesterda y more nume- timo, or at the same place—one being room was Biddy, with the exclamat ion of 'Ba Jab:r s, rou* and mor and the otber at Adony. and always iBCreat ing, It is true the landlord frequently grea t bulk of its inhabitan ts, since all Is na- r ecovered , ran away to the station-house , leaving bis e turbulent tha n usual , and so muoh so in lflo of Ctepel in tbe Danub e, I' ve got the devil V ' What devil !' inquired tho head tnted tbe some places ies for J eU assis's; and not only tbe head of the family, bnt the and comrad e, the sergeant , on tbe ground also, and about to , ae to require n military force to overawe Both wer e found guilty of having acted as sp of the house, feigning surprise , • Tbe bull bed bug that tural appellations bave been derived from them , them other members also, both girls end boys, to whom they hence tbe universality and positiveaess ofthe tradition, be bu tchered alive whh tbe pitch-forks. Some women . They mad e no resistan ce however , and scam- lachleh , has been atein * the ehi'.dir for tho last months .—Aew' t per ed off at leave slight bequests by way of dowry, or who inter into for tunately closed round tbe poor fellow to Bave him, the approach of the Mobil es and the Repub- INSURR ECTION AT THK CAPE OF GOO D HOPE. York Courier. have all a little stock of meney laid and probabl t e more than any thing else, lican and Marine Guards . Heuoit —A gentleman had co bid a nvmory and so small speculation! , y h ir screams , An Insu rrection of the Beets ha * again bro ken ont , the great and only advantage of The Midland Florist. October. London : Simp- frightened off the Irishmen ; for imagining that assist- The Red Republicans , it it said , are labouring wltb circumscribed , that he pearce knew wbat ho read. A by. It it, I collider, beaded by Pre term s th-fe form er leader. P/etoriui , at that it ensures tke subsistence of a larg e kin, Mar shall and Co., Stati oners Hall-court . ance might be at hand they moved off down the vlUago, greater energy than ever In pre pat otto nfor another effort , friend knonio g this , lent him tbo samebo -j k to read soven Tuscan economy, , the head of 400 men , r eaohed Bio m Fen teln on tbe , and ensures tbla in a mode inde- This little publication continues its useful career. and the sergeant and the man Westhead covered with ' on a new and improved prlnolp le,' times over and being askol Bfterw erd s, how 'he libed number of labourers, , 17th of J uly, wbenoe he forsardedo messenger to Major ; pendent of men and eveata , and free from the vicissitudes blood , made a final attack to apprehend the ringleade r , ; T he 12th legion of the Nation al Guard of Paris , which it, replied ' I think it is an admirable producti on ; tut In another column will be fonnd the calendar of a , the British resident , offj ring terms of oap itula- , of commerce and the uncerta intletof trade or of ruinous a powerful Irishman in whioh tbey sucoeeded. was commanded by Bar bes, and whioh supplied so many W rden tbo auth or sometimes repea t' the same things. ' -— Isie- Gardening Operations for October extracted from the , tion, M ajor Warden , findin g himself altogether In a ges, Dcatb oi the East, oi Cabusib —We bave to an- hands to the insurgents of Ju ne, was disbanded after batiit . chan present number . . defenceless position , and believin g that if he refuse d to nounce tbe father of that event . The toglon is again re-organleed under A new carricaluM has appra -ed In Paris representing decease of tbe Earl of Carlisle , aooept the proposition mad. Pretorlus oould compel bim We agree with the writer in the Labourer that Viscount Uorpetb who expired on Saturday morning the inspection of General Changarnler and of 22,000 men Aimand Marrast In the year 1888 Tho venera ble pre The Reasoner. Edited by G. J. , , to yield by brin ging a foroe of 1,000 men againo t hira , be . some such principle and modeofapp lyiogthena tional Holyoake. Part last in bit 76th P of whioh it was formerl y composed 14 409 have been die- sldent his eyes protected by a green ehade , aid holding , year . Tiscount Morpe th, M. ., sue , , assented to Ihe conditions , which were that he should , ital is becoming every day more XXIX. London : J. Watson , 3, Queen's Head -pas . ceedt to tbe Xarl dom him qualified. a bell with a fcoblo han d is addr tfisini* tho following labour and cap , wbich necessaril y removes retire beyond the Oraage River , unmolested , with all , sage, Paternoster-row. from tho and M. Thoui et withdrew his amendment , and the words to an assembly otold. men festatlctp, ' The sitting nr gent in this conntry. Onr great manufacturing Honse of Commons to that ol the Lords , publio and private property belonging to British aubjeo ts • • wul thu s original artic le was adopt ed ; as wts also tbo followi ng tbe discussion oa and rommercial system is braki ng down on aB Mr Cooper's Lectures ;' The Rise and Pro gress ocoaslon a vacenoy in tbe representation of tbt tbas permitt ing the Queen 's aut hority, for a time to ef tc-Morrow will agaiB be devoted to Wett Riding , The preetat Strl wat born ar ticle :— — the oonsti-ution. Come, gentlemen , we must at length hands , and the swarm ing myr iads of labourers who of the Swiss Eepubli cs;' an explanation of ' Bud- of Yorkshire be expelled from tbe north ern tide of the river. in A Art . 45. ' The Pre siden t of the Republio Is eleo'ed for bavo dfcne with it. f or subsistence must be pro- dhism ;' and an ably written repl y by Mr Holyoake, pril , 1802. Sir Har ry Smith hat tta rttd for tho scene of opera , ' now depend npon it A correspondent reports a case ol suc- four jesrs, nnd te not re eligible until after an Inte rval oi TeitotaI jI h m Pabhambr t It is stated that Mr If some such com- to certain most illiberal and malevolent attack s of of the Lancet tions, and It was bellivtd would soon bring tbe straggle .— Tided for in some other way. cessful treatment of hydrophobia by chloroform. four years ,' Lawrence Heyw orth is the sole entire abstinent in par- is' s Birmingham Gazette has been the to a oonolusloo, promise as the Mezzeria system is not adopted , a which Ar ve- It is estimated tbat eight persanB who have erected GSRMANY . liament , with the preoption of Broth erte n, who Is eaid more radical chan ge will become inevitable. ' Free hicle, constitute the princi pal contents of this part end endowed churches at their own cost during tbe pre- TBUJMPfl OF TUB POET FKSlTJ OBATE. to be tho oniy man In the house thlt last ".tetAou **ho*a ju'Ib Trade ' has proved an utter failure ; and Social Re- of the Reasoner . From the miscellaneous arti cles sent year have together contributed £50,000 to the Esta< The trial of the poet Fr elllgrath at Dasseldorf , foi Tbe oost ef an eigh«y-gun ship , rigring, , and not drive into Bellamy 's for refreshme nt, , QQQ Anstey did. form can alone stare off Social Betolution. we extrac t the following ;—• Wished Caurcb , having published a potm exoitlng to Insurrection , ««. ordnanc e all complete, Is estimated at £SQf , . a THE NORTHERN STAR October 14, 1848.

MILL IONS. Price Threepence , , the ghost of the self- destroyed planation of Napier's letter, Russell's letter, ever from them. They are too much split im FOR THE WO RKI NG nevertheless A VERBATIM KkPORT (P T11K TRIAL! OP Colonel Brereton, of the I4th Dragoons, must Brereton 's death, the recent acts of English into coteries, and isolated from each other, to MAS AND HIS F AMILY. A HOMB FOR EVERY ISDDSTRlOP Sj ERNEST JONE-tS , AlfD THE .OTHER ,., ¦haunfotbe trail;ors;]as many of his most inti- felony and Irish treason, before they coiitribute be capable of- effecting jany .practical change • CHARTIST LEADERS.^ 5 >¦* *• '' mate;|nends*ai;e^ell.aware.thaUthat gallant a.,far.thinft.to the support, of the Felon,,.Rebel, and>-if they,wer^otso,.?tii.e. nature f, th eir T- PATRI OTS ' AND PATRI ARCHS * ' " ^q UNITED ' officer wasi forced to the commission of suicide and Traitor Whigs...... crotchets, and the selfishness of their princi. AND "' ' " BUILDING BENEFIT ¦|S***» ' "^QmiABLrifAND SOCIETY, , , : r. r< ..-Now Beady, oHe-wBrMon of by the ;ne glect of dirty, to.which,he.was Urged pies, would only caufce-them to do more mis- - Empowered by Act of Par liament to extend over the United Kingdom . 1 by the traitor Whigs when Bristol was in chief, ia addition.;, to what they have.,done- BnroUed and -MR. O'CONNOR'S WORK ON SMALL FARMS, ' THE SPY DAVIS. r ' - flames. already. . !; Wakxi x Esq., M P ' • ' ———— S. DoacoiaE, Esq., M.P. Thojus , . , B. B. Cabb eii, Esq., M.P. How often, and how truly, have we charged The great and crying want of the patrons.-T. TBE CHEAM ST IDmON EVER PUBLISHED. Our attention has been directed to a portion age is, a Totte nham Court , New Road , St Pancras , London. —Dauiel Wiliiah Bern, Seeretary . aitor "conspirators with fostering the ati on of the people—aparty tsmdonOgee. —No. lh Price . Is. (Jd., ' ' . . these tr ofth e examination of Davis, at the Old Bailey, represent ia Parlia- 0Wer_the delusive.power—of Daniel O'Con- ment repr esentin g the people—not Sectiohs Valu e of Snares and Payme nts A new and elegant edition , with Steel Plate of he p on the 2/th ult., which had escaped our notice. classes, and Arr anged is Thbec for Investors. ' Author , of as long as that power was made the in- The Landed 'fi 129 payment ef 2s. fid. per Week, or 10*. per nelli The following appeared in the " Times" repo r t, particular interests, Interest, the Foli Ssar e ... 6*. Month ment of , Whig strength ; and how indig- Railway Interest, the . Colonial Hall Share ... 60 — 1 2* — 5 S — PAIHE'S POUTICAL WORKS. str u and we believe only in the " Times:'' — Interest, the Quarte r Share ... 3D — 0 7j — 2 8J — nant were the traitors, when Sir Robert Peel Banking Interest, the Manufacturing Interest, ' the seollon they Jast published, prioe 3d., i . The resolution respecting the *' Luminaries " was Applicants are r-.gasa xd to ttate ia their form desire to be a member of. and his Government, not haunted by, the ado pted on^tho 14th , at the Orange Tree. *" * the Commercial Interest, the Lawyer Interest STjavEXOBs Solicitob s', or Reoekfiio ** Fees. No ', THB EVIDENCE GIVES BY dread of the living Napier or. the ghost of the At the same time the editor of the Norihkb h Stir —all are represented in Parliament save one— The nresent Ent rance Fee, including Certificate , Roles, tfec, is 4s. per Share, and 2s. for any part of a Share . departed Breretoh, sought to make the archr oame to make a statement in conseque nce of a * ^ Price of Rules incladiag Puatage Is. <• JOHN SILLETT, tlie Labour , Interest, which supports all , , conspirator amenabl to the jaw; and how their ohar ge Baid to have been made againat bim of being Until this OBJECT *. Id his Examination before the Committee on the a spy. He was Jurnedont. the other«. monstrous anomaly is 5th. majority, in the last appeal, declared the law lit. To enable members to build Dwelllsg Houses. 1 —To give to depositinby g members a hiof gher rate of National Laad Company. reme died, we shall neither have just nor cheap- - ^«« " than Uyirid ^ ordinary modes investment. to be " a mockery, a delusion, and a snare,'' Either this story about " the editor of the m__ _ -To afford the means of purchasing both Free- government , nor will discontent with unjust ,t *, m t» **-, ...- «, r ,~a 6:h.—To enable Parents to make Endowm ents for. bftdy of eTidence forms sixteen when wielded against their own coadjutor ; ' Northern Star'" is a lying invent ion of the feold and Leasehold Prc~ -pen.es or Lind. for Thia important and dear government be put down. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ closely prip ed pages, and conclusively proves what now that they fill the Treasury Benches, fellow Davis , or the report er wilfull or b g-d.—To advance Mort gages on Property held by ria |{e Settlements , ' while, y, y The Whigs must not lay the flattering unc- may be done, to explaining what John Sillett has we find every offici al, from the jud ge to the in- mistake , has mis-stated the informer's words. -aembert. 7th.—To purchase a piece of Freehold Land of auf- with Two A cres. ' tion to their souls th at, because they have se- done, former, not only active, but zealous in the sup- Neither Mr O'Connor, nor anyperson member for Westminster, translate his words general knowled ge, or his ^acquaintan ce be able to make up Alewancein; Sickness, per week .. 018 0 fis. d. to a Whig Judge and a packed Jury, in which he with matters which are all-important to* the have to enter int o a more keen compet ition j/enhLv'g Funeral ...... SO 0 6 Allowance in Sickness, per week .. ..0 9 0. declared his readiness to march a hundred school of official red-tapists, who presume to with the lightl y-taxed foreigner, we leave to fKtto Wtfe'a or Nominees ditto .. .. 10 8 0 Member 's Funeral ...... 10 0 0 MR O'CONNOR'S TOJIR. - • determine. Wife's Lying-in ...... 200 Ditto Wife's or Nominee's ditto .. .. 500 . ; thousand armed men upon London ; of course call themselves statesmen. There was a thorough the common sense of our readers to jibst by Fire, from .. .. £5 0 Oto SO 0 0 Wife's Lying-in 100 a detachment of the'Natiohal Guard, to act as and hearty honesty—a straightforwardness of One thing is quite certain, that when the pre- guperannuarion , per week ...... 0 6 0 Loss by Pire, from.. .. £5 0 0 to 10 0 to several , * In reply applications we have umpires between the democracy and .the oli- j purpose, and a frank and fearless manner of sent duties on fore ign corn are taken off, there SECOND DIVISION . Superannuation , per week ...... 0 4 0- ' ' ¦ ¦ Entran ce, according to age, from 4s. 6d. to 9s. 6d. FIFTH DIVISION. to announce that Mr O'Connor s present garchy ? .. . .. calling things by what appeared to him their willtbe a red uction in the produce of Customs Month ly Contribution for Sickness and Management , Entr ance , according to age, from Ss to 8s. Monthly Con. intended tour in Scotland cannot/exceed^ six With these startlin g facts now staring us in right names, which peculiarly fitted him for duties of probably a million and a half or two 2s. Id. tribution for Sickness and Management , ls. Id. days, and therefore it is out of his power to the face, inculpating men filling the highest of- leading an English and a "Country Party." m illions per annum , and that , added to the de- Wood in Allowance inSickaess, per week .. .. 0 15 0 Allowance in Sickness, per week .. .. 0 7 0 attend the numerous places to which he has fices ofthe State, it is almost needless to comment His very prejudices and crotchets—his dogged ficiency announced by Sir Charles Member's Funeral .. •• .. •• 16 0 0 Member 's Funeral ...... 6 0 0 upon the evidence upon which Smith O' ien obstinacy when o d his mind to his last Budget, will make a very pretty item to Wife's or Nominee's ditto .. .. 18 0 0 Ditto Wife's or Nominee's ditto been invited ; as it appears, tbat Thursday, Br nce he ma s up Dit .. .. 8 0 0 has been convicted. , We have set it fo a take any particular course,—his instinctive de- for John Bull to look at. Our inimitable Wife's Lyiag-in -. - . .. 1 15 0 Wife's Lying-in .. o 15 0 the 26th, the day appointed for Mr O'Con- rt h t loss by Fire , from .. .. £5 0 0 to 15 0 0 Loss by Fire ...... 500 length, togeth er with what the " Times' ' calls tecti on of anyt hing mean, dirty, or lying, and Chancellor of the Exchequer Bill then have to p ti , per week „ .. .. 0 5 0 Superannuatio n, per week,. 's visit to Glasgow will be an inconve- t Su erannua on .. .. 9 4 0 nor the impartial charge of the Chief Justice ; and his scorn of all tricks of expediency, were racy borrow at the rate of five millions a year to THIRD DIVISION . SIXTH DIVISION . nient day, as being the annual , fast day in we would make up the deficiency, instead of two millions Entra nce, according to age, from 4s. to 9s* Monthly Coa- Entrance Money .. .. ., .. 080 ask the most ' partial—nay. the of the soil and people. He was a capital spe tribntion for Sickness and Management, is. 7d. Monthly Contribution .. .. ".. 0 10 thai town, Mr O'Connor will have no ob- greatest Whig partisan, whether, thro ughout, cimen of the virtues and the failings of honest and a half. In the meantime , the Ministerial jection ,, if tlie men of Edinburgh and Glas- the Bench has not acted aa the tool of John Bull; and, as a consequence—notwith- journals make tbe most of the improvement in Allowance in Sickness, per week .. .. 0 11 6 Allowance in Sickness ...... 0 0 ' and venture on predic- Member's Funeral 12 0 0 Membe r's Funeral .. ., ., 210 0 gow can agree amongst themselves, to alter administration rather than the impartial ad- standing the incessant attacks of his political the quarter s reven ue, Ditto Wife's or Nominee's ditto .. .. 600 ministrator tions as to future prosperity, which seem to us his route by being at Glasgow, on Wednes- of the law I and we would espe- opponen ts, he achieved more populari ty and Wife's Lying-iH .. 119 9 Ho Levies in this Division. • cially call attention very like moonshine. They say, we are at the lots by Fire, from „ £5 0 0 to 10 9 0 day, and at Edinburgh, on Thursday"; but to the fact to which.we general respect than was ever before secured Superannuation , per week ...... 0 4 0 have before adverted—namel by any public man in so short a time.' end of this period of commercial depression, intimation of the change, if made , miist be y, the difficulty, if Levies according to the deman ds on each division per quarter. not the impossibility, of refuting the evidence Some time before his death, the " Morning and about to commence one of steady and gra- N.R .—The only difference In the two Societies is, the Patriots bave an Accoucbment benefit , tbe Patriarch communicated to Wm through next Satur- of a hire d perjured informer. Chronicle," which is understood to be the organ dually increasing prosperity. For our own "have not that benefit , therefore do not pay levtet for it. day 's "Star. " A re spectable man, upon seeing of the Peelite section ' of the Conservatives, part, we *ee no symptoms of this in the ac- j__— Applications for Agencies requested from all parts of the country inform ation for appoi ntment of the evidence ; adduced against Smith O'Brien, and conscious made evident overtures for a reconciliation, counts as to the state of trade in all the princi- Agencies can be obtained by letter , prepaid , enclosing a postage stamp. pal industrial districts. Trade seems smitten Blank forms and information for the admission of conntry members can be obtained by letter , pre paid , LAND COMPANY. of his ability to refute it, was about to start which were promptly repudiated by the enclosing three postage stamps, to Dabiel Wiluam Rcfet , General Secretary , 13, Tottenham Court , New for Clonmel when he was arre sted for high " Herald " and " Post ,'" on behalf of the with a gener al paral ysis, and appea rs to us as better, for Road. St Pancras . Mr O'Connor begs to acknowledge va- trecson. Such was the treatment of Mr adherents to Protection ; although they ad- if it would grow worse, instead of foreign pros- rious communications f mmdifferen t districts, Tranton, who, was allowed to remain at liberty mitted that the state of the country, under some time to come. As to our COUNTIES and GENERAL LIFE Now ready for delivery, uniform with Tallis's Imperial until the eve ' , pects, it is admitted even by the Free Trade METEOPOLITAN Histories of England and America , Part I., containing very useful suggestions; all of of his departure, although , if.at Whi g misrule _ was such as to render the ASSURANCE, Annuit y, Loan, and Investment Price One Shilling, all implicated in the Whig rebellion, his crimi- dr iving them from office a matte r'of national journals, that they are anything but cheering, SOCI ETY. (Incorporated pursuant to the 7th and 8th which-shall have his best attention, and be in the meantime, the Home Trade is Vic., cap. Ho.) Temporar y Offices, 39, Begent-street, r E HISTORT OF IRELAND , from the earliest nality must have been known to the Argus- importance and necessity. There the matter andthat, Water loo-place, Londoa. period ofthe Irish Aunal s, to the Rebellion of 1818. submitted to the Conference, if not brought eyed offici als of Dublin the best one for Manchester. By and by, By Thomas Wright , Esq., M.A., F.S.A-", &c, &c. Cor- Castle, who, neverthe- appar entl y rested—no progress towards a TRUSTE ES. responding Member of tbe Nation al Institut e of France; forward by any other delegate. less, as in the case of Cuffey and junction haying been made. Since the decease perhaps, our manufacturing Solons and gre at Wal pole others, did Richard Scooter, Esq., I Spencer Horatio , Honorary Member of the Royal Society of Literature , HESITATE until his arrest was considered of Lord George, however, renewed signs of an financiers will learn the A B C of true na- M.P. 1 Esq.. M.P. &c. ; author of'England under the House of Hanover ,' will Edward Vansittart Neale, j Henry Peter Fuller, Esq. ' The Biographi a Britanniea Liter aria ," Essays Illustra- necessary for the conviction of O'Brien. Again, agitation with this view are observable, and it tional economy, and the country get Esq. I tive of the Literature, History, and Superstition of Eng. THE NORTHERN STAR, with regard to the evidence of Dalton, with is not improbable but that it may be ultimately better balance sheets. DIRECTORS. land in the Middle Ages,' aod other works illustrative ot whom the villain Dobbins was confronted, can attained. Bobert Chalmers , Esq., Edward Lomax, Esq ;, St English History. Each part embellished with a beau - SATURDAY , OCTOBER 14, 1818. anything TnurloTV -square , Bromp - John 's Wood, t'fui steel engrav ing, chitflj from Original Drawisg s. By be more satisfactory than the charac- ; We infer this from the very earnestness with OASTLER FOR THE WEST -RIDING. ton ; Samuel Miller, Esq., Lin- H. Warren , Esq., President ofthe New Water Colour ter, the eviden ce, and demeanour of which the more extreme an d honest membe rs Society. that young SamuelDriver,Esq., White- coin's Inn. gentleman ? while the " Times' ' would throw dis- of the Protectionists disclaim all idea of again haJL Sir Thomas Newley Reeve, London : J. and F. T-iLis, los, St John-street , and all THE TREASON GOVERNMENT. A vacancy in the represent ation of the Weary Peter Fuller , Esq., Richmond. booksellers. repute upon him in const quence of the shabbi- serving under the Parliamentary leader who, West-Riding has been caused by the death Piccadilly. Edward Vansittart Neale ness of his dress, and because so great was his as they think, betrayed thej cause into the Palk Griffith , Esq., Esq., South Audley-street " There is bnt a step between the ridiculous and of the Earl of Carlisle, and the consequent GOOD FIT WARRANTED at the Great ' Western "' ' ¦ excitement that he frequently req uire ! a dr ink hands of the Free Traders. At a recent agri- his eldest son to Ironmo ager-lane, Cheap- William A. S. Weftoby ¦ the sublime . ,, . ' elevation of Lord Morpeth , , tide, Esq., Hyde Pa tk place. A Emporium , I aad 2, Oxford.street. Ubsdell and Co. of water. This young gentleman produces the cultural meeting in Essex, Sir J. Tyrrell and the House of Peers. It will be interesting to are now making to order a Suit of beautiful Superfine f AUDITORS. Black, any size, for £3 Is. Patent made Summer Trow - It is not our intention to swell bull-frog most unque st ionable char acter from one of the Major Bere sfor d, the Members for the county, see whether that great constituency still holds HenryPeach Buckler, Esq., 1 Henry Grant , Esq., Shenley sers, 16s; Registered Summer Over Coats , 20s. The Art Whig Felony into sincere and patriotic Trea- Jury , in whose family he had lived as private both alluded, at great length, to the irrepara- by the economical creed which induced them Basinghall -street. | House, Brighton. of Cutting taught Patterns of Garments Cut to Mea- ' sure for the Trade , and sent (post free) 6d, son ; no>itheir treason merits no such distinc- tutor for two years ; he gives the most faithful ble loss which Lord George's death had in- to sfitul Mr Richard Cobden to Parliament. MEDICAL ADVISERS. for Is. eacb , ' WSUamHenry Smith, Esq., I EobertKeate ,Esq., Serjeant or eighteen postage stamps. tion ; but having traced them from felony to and simple account of his every day, his flicted oh the Protectionists. Sir John said— Short as ,the time is>hich has elapsed since F.R .C.S., 2, Fonthii i.j Snrgeen to th6 Queen . il, Address , Charles Ubsdell, I acd 2, Oxford -street rebellion, it now becomes our duty, as loyal every place of hd ging, his means and mode of "It 'is impossible to say what will be the result h is election, it has been sufficient to show the place, Clapham-rise. I Hertford • street , May London. life—but his dress is shab by, tOjthe Country Party,"|and to the country gene- . W. Poller , M.D. iS Fsir. subjects to the constitution, to arraign them and he required :> in up fallacious and injurious character of the policy ,\ drink of water l- ' rall the endeavour to fill the void Half-mooa -str eet, Picca-i IU 1A.11AWS. before an unprejudiced tribunal of .High y^ of whioh t Mr Cobden has been the chief advo- dilly- j Treason, undistinguished hy the high attri- Now, let as see if we can furnish the created by that loss. All I can say—and I do cate and upholder. Wh atever may be the de- BANKERS.—The Union Bank of London , 4, Pall Mall, By approbation of Her Majesty Queen Victoria , so individuall —is, that no earthly considera- East. and H. R. H. Prince Albert. butes of devotion and patriotism. In the case " Times" with a precedent for wardrobe and y pendence of Manchester, and Lancashire ge- SOLI CITORS. an<1 others, the evidence of their tion shall ever induce me to rally again under of York- ~ HOW REAM, of Cuffey co- thirst., .Plunkett, the late Chancellor of Ire- nerally, on forei gn market s, the trade .W. Fisher, Esq., 3, King- 1 W. Chapman , Esq., Rich. ' ; Sir Robert Peel." THE LONDON AND PARIS AUTUMN AND WINTER adjutors, the eunning of their [official , arid; , the iand, was a pensioner in Trin ity College—was the head and leadersh ip of shire is mainly.dependent upon a good home str eet, Cheapsii. | mond, Surrey. PASHIONSfor 1818-19, by Messrs BENJAMIN HEAD of their Judge, convicted Thi s'declaration was received with loud cheers; SURVEYORS. energy them of the educated, fed , and clothed bv charity. M'Gee, demand , and that has not been created by Mr an d Co., 12, Eart -street , Bloomsbnry -square , London ; and and when Major Beresford—after giving some Vincent Joha Collier, E-rq., Richard A. Withall by Q. Besses, Eolywell-street , Strand ; a Tery splendid crime of Conspiracy and Felony ; while the the late archbishop of Dublin, was also a Cobden's measures. They have failed, and the | | , Esq.,7, pau- in which the 3, Morgan -street. , \ Parliament -street. PRINT , superbl y cr loured , accompanied with the most evidence .of Dobbins and his associates, at per student. Curran,; the .luminary of his interesting-details as to the way free trade Coryphfflus has brought forward no- ACTUARY.—Alexander Jamieson asliionable , norel , and extra -fittiog Riding Dress, Hunt- o m convicts them of havin late leader of the Party devoted himself to his , Esq., LL.D^ rig and Frock- Coat Pattern s ; Paletot, Dress Cl n el, g foment ed country, was what is termed in Ireland "A thing better to supply their pla&s. He seems MANAGER. —F. Fearguson Camroux ' views of , Esq. and Morning Waistcoats , both single and double -breasted. the Irish Rebellion; and, to their shame be it POOR SCHOLAR ;"-he-tramped the coun- work—stated his coincidence in the to have had but one idea in his head, and that The objects of this Society are :— Also, the theory of Cutting Cloaks of every description the letter of Tom his colleague, the applause was renewed. The , spoken, Young, of the Home try barefoot, and begged the means to procure disposed of, he is " used up," and practically j To gra nt Assurances upon Lives, with or without par - fully explained, with diagrams , and - every thing respec- j fact of the necessity for such open decla- ticipati oain profits : al«o Immediate and Deferred An- ting style and fashion illustr ated. The meth od oi in- Office, and Private Secretary to Lortf Mel- | pen, ink, and paper, and Jived upon charity ; very laid on the shelf. nuiti es and Endowment s. rations, , something is stirring in creasing and diminishing all the patterns , or any others bourne, Prime Minister to William: IV., and when he became Master of the Rolls, nei- shows that We observe by an article in the " Morn ing ' By combining the advan tages of Life Assurance with particularly explained. Price 10s. addressed officiall the straw , and that a re-construction of Parties READ and Co. beg to inform those who consider it y, and no doubt written ther his former thirst or garb was urged jPotf ," that an intention exists of contesting the business of weU-regulated Building Societies, to This may take place without rend er a life Policy an available and economical means not right to fay the full price for the new system of Cut - officially, to General Napier, convicts them .against hh efficiency. Eldon was a butcher's is 'probable. the Representation of the Riding with the Cf acquiring freehold , leasehold , or otner property, by ad. ting , having recently purchased the old one, that any even beyond causing Sir John Tyrrell, and members of that the hope of mercy, of High son, and subsequentl y became the keeper of his Free Tinkers and Manchester men who have •fasces repayable by periodical instalments , thus : persons having done so within the last year , will be Treason. class, to falsify the statement that they will A cersen desirous of purchasing his lease charged only half price for the vthole ; or any parts of King's conscience. Sugden was a barbers ,i foisted Mr Cobden upon Yorkshire. Ou r old , or otherwis e he new system, published 1318 never again rall y under the head and leader- '' acqu irimg property, will not only obtain a loan nearl y , which will supers ede Can we write withou t a . pang—can we son, and subsequen tly became Chancell or friend.Richard Oastler, the "King Dick " o- equal to its value, but on his death will leave the pr o- everything of the kind before conceived. Particul ars ' ship of Sir It. Peel." It is generally believed, and terms sent, post free. Patent Measur es, with full think without a blush—of the position to which of Ireland. Sir John Elley was a the Factory child, is talked of as the man se- - perty discharged from such loan, in addition to the sum bare- that the ex-Premier has no wish to resume the assured to be paid at his death. explanation , Ss. the set, Patent Indicator , 7s post-fre e. those unhappy rriscreants have reduced footed peasant , when he enlisted lected to head a movement in favour of native ! Registered patterns to measure Is, not in the King's hree -four tiisef the profits will be divided every fire , each post-free. only themselves, but the disrepute they have army, and afterwards became a General officer. active duties of office ; but the junior mem- industry and common sense, in opposition to > years amoBgst the assured intitled to parti cipate, and the Sold by Read and Co., 12, Hart-street , Blooms- bers of his Party are not equally disinclined to rema ining one-fourth will be added to the bury-square , London ; and all Booksellers . Post-office cast upon the administration of justice in this Cobbett was a lab ourer and private soldier, the " buy-cheap and sell-dear " policy of : profits of the orders ) Shareholders. , and Post Stamps , taken as Cash. Habits per - country ? Our readers will bear in mind, that and became a Member of Parliament. It was occupy the Treasury benches. They possess, Messrs Gripeall and Co. It is unnecessary to Prospectuses with tables, and every infor mation , may formed for the Trade. Busts for fitting Ceats on; Boys' as a body,»*considerable business talent and figures. Foremen provided. — Instructions in cutt ing the disclosure of General Napier, so timely, so the; boast of Joh n " Fielden. in the House of say, that on many vital questions we totally f be obtained at the Society's Temporary Offices , 3u, aptitu de, and if they could prevail on the other t Hegent-street , Waterloo-place , or of any of its Agents complete, for all kinds of Style and Fashio n, which can honourable , and so damning to the conspir Commons , that he had worked at the loom in differ fr om Mr Oast ler, but we do believe that in be accomplished in an incredibly abort time. a- section of the Conservative Part tie coon try. tors, was not a secret to us. This gallant infancy ; and has it not been the eternal boast y to join them, thrt honest and hard-handed Labourer would d . the Whi would speedily be driven from officer not only refused to become a party to of . thi s new organ of Whi g Treason , that the gs find a true and warm-hearted Representative e TO BE SOLD. OR LET , AT LO WBANDS, place. But, though Sir R. Peel might neither alone we should d FAMILY ENDOWMENT , LIFE ASSURANCE AND FOUR -ACRB ALLOTMENT , iu an excellent state Whi g Treason in 1832, but he used his know, course of promotion is open to all under our in him, and on that ground ANNUITY SOCIETY. of cultivation , one of the highest rat ed have a seat in the Cabinet, nor a " place in the t. Besides;s 12, Chatham Place A on the es- ledge of the mode of carrying the Reform Bill free constitution, while a young gentleman of be happy to see him in Parliamen , Blackfriars, London. tate, containing the produce bf one acre one rood of as the means of saving Government , his would be the ruling mind, in this however, it appears to us that a period ot jt CAPITAL £500,000. when, several bags of good potatoes , abou t five tons of Frost and his associ- unimpeachable character and admitted ac- , DIBECTOHS the case of such a combination, He would and id carrots and parsnips , some beans and peas, half an acre ates from the gallows,. The Dresent Chief quirements, is damned for his poverty and his re-action—adverse to the false, f oolish, William Butterworth Bayley, Esq., Chairm an. of Swedes and turnips , a bed of mangel pull the strings which moved the puppets, and is John Fuller, wurtzel , about Baron, Sir Frederick Pollock, who defended thirst'?! mischievous theories of the Free Trader—i3 Esq, Deputy Chair man. 3,000 cabbages (now fit for use), celery, &0.; two good virtually.the Protectionist Party would again immensese Ht Bruce Chichester , Esq. Elliot Macnagh ten, Esq. pig-sties, with yards , tan k, &c; three stro ng Frost, at Monmouth, urged by comp assion We have onl fast approaching, and it would be of H. B. Henderson , Esq. Major pigs, agri. y cited instances of men having come under his leadership. This is the more Turner. cultural implements ,

T' i»v> Cook the birth of the ihtld. She had kept company with him bought in, 22s,—In other articles no material alteration. table . . from natural causes' was returned Th* hi* .— . We are happy to Mrs Emma Shaw, a lady of fortune , residing at No, 61 ever sinoe, visited him at hit chamb ers, and alwaj s THE IRON TRADE. Cro ss-exar oinedby Next in importance to the immediate employment ttate that so new oases have shown them selves , Mr Bntt—Jebbitt said he be- on board Westb ourne -terraoe , Bayswater , was oharged on a war. wen t out with him on Sundays. She had received up. Waisai, Tuesda y. — To-doy the first of the quarterly Iieved M'Ma sus did sot know he was of such remedies is attention to proper diet and the Ja stitia or Unite, and the only oase that hat termi - watchin g him. ran t with having assaulted Elisabeth Bell, her cook ,— wards ef for ty letters from him, and th ose produced meetings for this distri ct took place here , but there was Never had sees an '82 uniform. The clothing. Whenever Asiatic cholera is epidemic nated fatally since Saturday wat that of Bidgood transacted , few ofthe representative * same on the ,' who Complainant Btated that on tbe 27th ultimo , defendant were In the colonel' s handwri ting.—Mr Wontner said he very little busin ess box, as the ma ' died on Sauday. The other mea who of the large houses being prese nt. It is generally , con. ker s name, was Lambert , Brown , and there is invariably found among great numbers of were attacked by returned from the country la a very ill humour and the wonld put the letters in as evidenoe, if tha t was required , Co., the disease are recovering . It it , sidered no more than a preparatory meeting, at which-few Dame stree t, Dublin ; 1762 was on the buttons the inhabitants an extraordin ary tendency to irrita- worthy of notioe that (complainant) told her that —Frederiok Mail er, complainan t's cousin , stated that of too an aggravated form of diarrbosa Bhe thonld quit at the expi- sales are effected. The declaration of prices will be.- made , cat tion of the bowels; and tbis fact suggests that every . it now pr ovalent in ra tion of a month Oa tbe tome evening, while In the in May last he went with his conslo to Colonel Blane's, at Birmingham , and finally decided upon at Dudley. Edward Lyons Woolwich, especially amongst children . , ths steward of the Iron Dake article of food which is known to favour a relaxed , bnt ia few oases kitchen , defendant attempt ed to throw bailing water and saw tbe colonel. Sbe spoke to him, and told him That there will not be an advance npon the prices of last steamer , said he remembered arriving at Kingstown hat it terminated fatally . Aa undisp uted oase of , and so far as can he state of the bowels should, as far as possible, be Asiatic over her, and struck her over the arm with the poker , at that she wbb enceinte , aBd that he was the father of the quarter , is certain collected! at pre -, on the morning of the 25th. A tin box was left in cholera has occurred in Woolwich to a lad sent, the trade ia fiat throug hout the district . y resid ing in the same time saying the should like to knock her brains child . Tbe colonel said he was sorry she had brought biicare by M'Ma nus, [whom,he identified), with this avoided—such as every variety of green vegetables, Bowater crescen t, but in this case COflTTON. whether cooked the lady had just re- oat, Sbe wat nnable to get to ber bedroom as defen- oae of her relations to his house, and wished the had direction, that he would either ret urn to England or not, as cabbage , encumber , and toraed from Hamb urg , where the mutt have take s Iaviarooi,, Tues day. the dan t had lacked her door t com- come by herself in such a otse. Witness teld bim thathe — There is a steady demand for that sight or would send a boy for the box. He did salad. It will be important also to abstain from disease. On Thursd oy af terno on Charles , and she was, herefore , cotton te day, and sales to a fair extent have been made , Wilkinson ,, a pelled to remain all night In the kitchen ; there were also (the colonel) had been a sweetheart to his coasla tor aot return for the box. A policeman came and fruit of all kinds, though ripe and even cooked, and coal, weigher , re siding in Sllver.street Step, at firm prices. The transactio nare estimated ; at 5,080 to , Globe road , wages due to her , which th e was unable to get—De- four years , aad ought net now to leave her. The colonel took it. whether drie d or preserved. The most wholesome ney, while engaged on board a tollier lying ta 6,000 bales. the Pool, fendan t denied having struok complainant , l t tben asked her wha t she wanted ? She sold she wanted Manchestkb , Tuesdiiy. — Our market to-day has been The court then adj ourned at a quarter past seven articles of vegetable diet ar e was seized with cholera , He waa conveyed the a ter of well baked, but not home, and whom the char ged with assaulting her. She also Bald some money to go into business witb. After that haze. again dull aod unprofitable. In fact, there-has been little o'clock to half-p sst sine next morning. attended by Dr Todd , and though all known new bread , rice, oatmeal , and good potatoes. Pickles remedies that she (complaina nt) had oharged her more for sundry quested to speak to her privately, aad witness thea weat or nothing doing in the general trade. In most cases The trial of Mr were applied , the man died next morn ing. Oa going ent -vltaess heard Colonel ¦where sales were .ofifected it was at red uced rates and M'Manus was resu med at ten should be avoided. Articles of food and dr ink which , —A pattest in articles paid for by her than sbe ought to hare done ; la ont of the room. , o'olock en Tuesday morning. The the London Hospital , also died yesterday afternoon of Blan d say, • Your cousin is the father of the ohlld.' She those 8pinaers and manufacturers whose contracts ara evidence addueed in ordinary seasons, are generally wholesome, and addi tion thereto she alleged that eamplalaan t' g laa. ran oat have been obliged to accept a shade was intended to prove that the prisoner accompanied Asiatic cholera, He was a teaman , and was sadd-nt y replied, ' Oh no, she liked him (the colonel) too well te lower prices agree well with the individual constitution , may, attaobed in bis vestal guage to her was insulting in the extreme . Complain- for future deliveries. Mr O'Brien all through his campaign, f rom the tbi- in tbe Pool on Thursday last . In ant also 8tr ack lid hare any other sweetheart. ' Witness then west away. WOOLLENS . under this unusual condition , prove highly danger - this case the hospital authoritie s her over the head and arm with the tetion to the poUi» at Muilina hone barracks , to tbe have communicated of a kettl-i otber oppro - Maria Loalse Mailer said sbe resided with he» brother Leeds Tuesday. ous. The diet should be solid rather tban fluid ; with the Board of Health and it is . , and oalled her a tigress and , —There was only a thin attendance of repulse of the insurgents by Inspector Trant and his , expected that a go- brious nam es. The money doe for wageB had beea pre- ia London . She broug ht the child above alluded to merchants in the-cloth halls this morning, aad only a menat the Commons and those who have the means of choosxng, should vernment officer will be tent to investigate from Franoe, of Boulagh. Head constable that and an viously cff«ed to her bat au objeotion was cer tainly —Mr Ballantine addreaud the court for the small amount of business was done , the transactions Crawley proved live princi pally on animal food, other death whioh has occurred in , that he arrested the prisoner on as affordin g the tbe same parish- Bade to paylog to other matte rs for which she had defendan t, saying that that gentleman did not oppoie being principally confined to beavers , pilots, and other boar d an Stepney. , heavy cloths American vessellying abont two miles out- most concentrate d and invigorating diet ; avoidin g overchar ged.—The case wat ultimately disposed of by the confirmation of the order fr om pecuniar y motives, . Woaded blu es and wool-dyed blacks , and, Ths CBotm AT other tabri .es of a lower description t t a ly sideof Cove. salted and smoked meats, pork , salted and . Woolwich, Oct. 10.—Tbe convicts penal ty of tweaty ba t from a strong oonvlction that be wat being made , also me oler b shell fish , on board the Justtt ia Mr loog, convicting dsfeadaat la the ready sale. The evidenoe was almost a repetitio n of that in cider, perry, ginger beer , lemonade are stlti under quara ntine , and shillings and costs. the viotim of a conspiracy. M'r Bingham tild he ahoold , acid liquors of none of tbem ore permitted on Mr O'Brien 's ease. The case for the. crown closed , all descriptions , shore to work ia the Thb Pebssootbd SoaoEON ,—Mary Maokew , a sturdy nst pron oonoeaay opinion at present. He thought the and the oourt rose and ardent spirits . Great modera- Boyal Arsenal. The Indul gence of at six o'clock. being allowed to damiel about twenty-Are years of age, was oharged oase ought to be adjourned[ for a few weeks, to give Col . tion both in food aud drink is absolutely essential smoke has had a wonderful effect , Blano an opportunity for fo' .Dmnvnr, Thursday Morning . , and the men seem to with threatening Mr William James Broadwater , sar - rther inquiry. Comp lainant asanfmtptsiA to safety during the whole duration of the epidemic enjoy tkemselvet very muoh. had placed herself ia lorje dlfflj ulty, Mr Bntt, Q. C, opened the defence of Mr Mr levy, insp-cter of po- Ratcliff-hlghway, and putting htm in bodily fear . in not acquaint - period. One single act of indiscretio n has, in lice for the town , reoelv geoni ing defeadant tbateh s w'js prcga ant till seven months of M'Manus yesterday, ia an address to the jury cha- many ei instructions yesterda y evening —The compl»iaa nt stated tbe oase In a most lugubrious (From the Oitette of Tuesday , October 10.) instances been followed by a speedy to nuke daily returns her pregnancy had -expired He therefore thought racferised by: eloquence, legal acumen, and , we may and fatal atta ck. , the result of whieh will be made tone. The defendant had been maid of all work In his . , , BANKRUPTC Y The intervals public. some person onght to he fotobed from Frlgae to show ANNULLED . add , ingenuity. He has certainl y pnt the case of hia between the meals should not be long ; r "time , when , unfor tunately, he was The foUowing Is house fo some that the child waB thy complainant was oonflaed Jonathan Robins on Ashwortk , Manchester , fustian client in about the best position it could be placed cholera being uniformly found to prevail with extr a- the official retnrn of tho Registrar - smitten by her full-blown charms , and eo far from e Bams manufacturer. ' General of fatal cases wltb . He should Vow order the oase to stand over for before the Court and jury ; bnt the main facts being ordinary intensit y among the classes that observe of choler a ia the metropolitan die- sighing in valu , the damsel smiled propitious ly upon the trict s, for the week three weeks. BANKRUPTS , admitted —of bis participation is the affairs of protracted fasts common ia Eastern and some Euro- ending Satur day, toff 7th last. :— his suit, aad even tually bore him a obubby -faced riflec Mullinahone and Ballingarry, Iu Old-street (sub-distr iot), St take at 89 Hab ere- woe-be-gone self. After tome time, James Buckland , Green wich , licensed victualler — whioh formed the pean countries. , , tiou of hls own Gierge Ackl-ud, Ceylou and overt acts of high treason of which Mr street , wife of a geatlemaa, SS years , ' disease of the he fonnd It necessary to dismiss his fair Ina- Brixton , mercha nt—Robe rt O'Brien On account of the intimate connexion between however , and Thomas Allison, Dean-strett , Soho, stand s convieted, leaves little room for anticipating bowels simulating Asiatic oholera (38 hoars ' duration). ' morata bat paid htr 10s. a week uutl l sho became uu. A Gsntlf pianoforte ma. the external skin and the interna l lining , llt4,v souso Dsownbd. —On Tuesdy nafacturer s-Ja mes Tr emlett , Ottery St Mary , Devou. any other verdic t thanone of ' guilty.' Mr O'C auag - membra ne Ia south sub distr lct, west Londo a, F „ 27 years , hie to tu«se the stur dy little stranger and it was put mornin g jni shire, au ctioneer -Henry of the bowels, warm clothing is of great • cholera t to ormation was forwarded to the various Arm istaad, Barro wford , near kan followed Mr Bntt on the same side, and shortly importan ce. (18 hoars ' dura tion) .' oat he agreeing to defray the costs, which amouu ed Metro polis an and City polioe statio ns that a Colne, Lancashir e, cotton splnuer. after five o'clock the cour t The wearing of flannel next the skiu is In St Barthol omew's Hospital west London M ' This he had done ponotaaUy , but having gentle- adjourned. ther efore ad- , , ., 6s a week . man had oeon found in what is oalled the Birming - INSOLV ENT PETITION ERS ' visable. -Recen t experien ce about 40 years , • Asiatio chelera her incumbrance , he gave her nothing more , , COXVICIIOX 01? T. H MAOT fl POB HIOH IBEABOM. on the Continent seems .' removed bamC *' , Ia Town at So. i never let him have a moment' s >al 01d Oaboommon. Thed eceased app ears to Alfred White , Mar gate , coffee.sh o».keeper-Samuel Cwsmel, Thu rsday Evening. to show that it was useful to wear iu the day (snb-dlttrlot), Bethnal Oreen , , and she ia oonseauencD have fy ferry, Dudley, —A verdi ot of Guilty, time Cheshire-s tre et 2ryears enlargement of and his par tner were in constant ap- m about thirty-five years of age. A gold ring cable chain makor -Micbael M'Mannes , after three hour s' delibera tion a flann el band age round the body, and , a weaver , F., , ' peace ; indeedhe enc.rr ,ie8 the little finger of the Dudley, dealer in drapery goods—Filipi , was hand ed in by the this may be- tbe heart (12 months ' dura tion), oholera Bpasmodio (12 anythi ng but a friendly oall, ae it alwByg left hand , and the Cattaneo (known jur y against Mr M'Manns. come necessary in our own country prehension ot aw , whioh is five feet five ™"P C?«ane o), York , c durin g the damp hoars), * ended in a disturbance , and was exceedingly detrlmeu. inches in length , is MS! phVo « li ensed hawk er Mr Barton handed in a paper , and cold weather of the a** ssed in a pair of blank Falt0r D[' YOTk * «tock maker -Lionel Lemon , which wss read by approa ching season. ' Ia Spitalfields , Whltec hapel, M., 23 years , - oholera tal to tbeir business. It generally required the united trousers and vest, drab R1 ^°on Dne D1-8bsWrei the clerk— ' We strongly recommend CAUTION AGAINST feed ooat ' . l" , jeweller-Robert Fletcher , Rugby the prisoner to IMPR OPER UBDICINK8. complainant and his partner to ejeot ber Y ,bhioher boots, and blaok satin stock. The grocer-£« -Richard \y» _ , the merciful consideration of the (12 hears ' duration). ' strength of ' jody lies at the 0 Ayl ff0i Burj st Edm anl'a crown.' It may be necessar y to add a Ia Whltechapel nort h, a girl, i years, 'Eo glish spore - from the shop, aad she thea invariabl y harangued tho Fishmongers ' Arms , Old Oak com- tailor -John Fr ench, Liverpool , licensed The priso ner, who cosdaoted caution against the * . mon , for identifica tion victu aller-John himself throughout use of cold purgative medicines dlo oholera (7 days' durat ion). passers by on the subject of her wrongs . She was aW , and a cwoner 's jury. i I SJiu est Wr omwicli, re tail brewer-Richard Peas- with great firmness and nonchalance, waa observed , such as salts, parti - (sab-distriot) , St &eorg e.ia.the -Es«t land , Oldoury, Worcest ershire * cularly Glauber salts, Epsom In St Paul , M., in tho habit of waylayi sg him ia the streets when rV ,r Ju stiwablb HouicroB.—Oa Fr iday nie , greengrocer-John Fer * to 8H*ieas the recommendatio n was read. Oab sing salts, and Seidlitz * oholera (2 days' durat ioa) • week an in , Breewood , Staffordshire , dissentin g minister—Wil - powders , which taken, 88 years, from the friendly assistance of his partner , and abu t* „. quest was held at Guy 's Hospit al, "am Smaldoa ordered to ba removed from the dock, the prisoner , in any quantit y, in such a In Mile Bnd Old Town, Lower , Stepney, M. §7 years on the body of Woeds (commonly known as William season , , aad threat ening him. Oa Sunday, despite tho ter ^Qfg James Goodman, aged thirty -niae Woods), Aberavon , previo us to bis leaving, rea ched forward and shook , are dangero us. Drastic pur gatives of all < cholera (9< hoars ' dara tlon) .' , who had died from Glamorganshir e, ship cirpenter — »f lanoe aod scalp el, or even ot that dread of tho fa -r rupture of the bladd er. It app eared Jame s Hardin g, Strangeways , Lancashire , provision hands cordially *with his counsel, Mr O'C aUaghan, kinds should be avoided, such as colocyntb, (the ¦ that about a bowed senna, Mr Cattled en' e registrar) Bote. Mr Todd, the the instrum ents for tooth -drawl ng. she invad / < t_ month ago, the deceased, while dealer —William Smetburst , Manchester , salesman. respactfo llyto tha court , and retired. and aloes, except unde r special this case certified -' « under the influence Mr O'Donohu e medical direction. sorgeoB in , that the abort was a oase surgery and seized her quond am lover by ' the na | r 0 of liquor, attaoked dea manoe named SCOTCH SEQUE STRATIONS. _ was then pnt on his trial , whieh INSTRUCTI ONS of Asiatio cholera : aad the Informan Mitohel l with a very probably will ossopy IN THE EVENT OF AN ATTAC K t states -that her his head ,' aod etraok him, and he was ogalr , ia -ebte * er ho,m e kiol*ed him in the C Forres t, Baldernoc k the court hd to Saturday. fathe r (the deceased) got ap on Thursday of Mr Wttts for hit, rV El / ? ' abd o , Stirling shlre-J If Campbell , 0» CHOL ERA. mornin g, to the puissaut arm , . ,eMe Snfi men, ani^doaused^ the lato of Aberdeen , sur geon—R We hes* it is not intend ed to tr y Mr Mea-mer at atoutfour o' olook with a bowel complalut injury of which he died. The A Burn side, Glasgow , wins If, notwithst andi ng measures , , , for which he had brok en tbe shop window , threate ned* 0 sn00t __ assaul t by merchant —J Qraham , Glasgow, marshal aud superinteu. present, «it is appreh ended there will not be suffi- these precaution ary took tome gia and gioger deceased upon Mitoh ell was shown a person , aad thea weat to his work oa aud excited his fears ia various ways j ' out __ « aggra vated to hi dent of police. cient feme to do so before the onening of the Dablin is seized suddenly with cold, giddiness, board ship, bat which he wat Mne one, and tha t the latter thought commission compelled to relinqui sh no wleh to yield to these soft provocati ves to I 88 , Jur «e his , or before the day in the ensuin g nausea, vomiting, and cramps , under circumstances aboat mid-day. He r eturned home renew the n dan 3r T y tawef StSneS weak iu a oab, and died conuco tion , he sough t.the protectio n of the veri diotl f ft f . T «\, a BIRTn, when it will bs necessary-for the crown «» which instant medical assista nce cannot be pro- yesterday morning at four o' olook law;—The of' Justifia5- ble ^hom cide.' omcew to pro-eed . Tbo medloal gen- defeud aut , wbo seemed somewhat ' alar med at At223 , Gallowgat« , Glasgow , the wife of James Moir. to Dablin, to prepare for the cured , the concurrent testimony of tbe most expe- tlemia was in close attendance to the findln r F cpasussion very last . herself in custody, now appeare d very . ' • B8 I M ft-AOKS IAH-STREET , BoRODOH. tea merch ant , was safely delivered of a flue stout boy, en there. The rumour is, that the spe- rienced shows that the proper Io Lambet h Church , 2nd par t mUd but 0fWPD ^.7 S n- cial commission medical autho rity (sub-district ), at Of sett, dared tbat • James ' was no gentlp- m8R „„, " U8ad lngMr W Pft Be toe , the 8th of Ootober. will bs adjourned , and that when the street daughter of a ohaitmaker « _f i{ fTo o/ ¥. ' 7 ' kroner resumed Ou Tuesday , court waum esita sittings course is to get as sson as possible into a warm bed; , , 11 moathj, oholera (3 to l et ber have a pea' or th of Iw'dwoiJ tne adjo urned inqui ry respeoting the two fires whioh October 10th , at Liverpool , the wife of Dr , Mr Meagher will ta put days' duration ): convolsient (1 hour) .'" , and the pistol of M'Dou»ll , of a daughter , on tnal. As the pr oceedings to apply warmth by means of heated flannel , or which he had expressed to *r.moa law WM notWn _ _ . th sveilin8a of Wedn esday and in Mr O'Dmahu Vs water Mr .W. H . -Whe afley, the regUtr ar stat es * TZi nursuay^i 1last^ ?t . case ara similar to thos s already disclosed on bottles filled with hot , or hags of heated ca- f , ' that Bt the1 bottle , A pretty mar -el h,s wa, /or upon the premise s belonging to Mr S. ths one end of the street mentioned above in the heUaguanl - J aokaon, oil former toafa , ir would ba a mwa momile flowers , sand, bran , or salt, to the feet and , 1 oeatre of inlty in forgiving Wm her rnb , and varnish merohant , No. 75 , Blaok - Friuted by waste of time «d tho road , ifi»a oii8n:*lniin rwhlcU; i« Very aud glvlojr him man-street WILLIAM BIDER , ef No. 5, Macclesfield , ¦pace to sjake anyjtongt hened referenc e along the spine; to have the extr emities dili- l effsaslye at her _;cu.tom ,. for halcoH-Mr Yardle y ' , Soathwark. Having heard the remain- ttreet , in the parish of St. - Anne , ij »y that the to them .* it times—dralnage. ..to. howet * verj ' badf at/ 2a» der ot the Westminst er, at Keagh to pnwner wss proved to hive gently rubbed ; to apply a large poultice of mustard SearUtirtd -hat defendant' s oonduct was, not to be bwae evidenoe tha t it was fonnd possible to col- m»o rn nting voice, io, »r e*t Wlndauli. gtre et, Hay- been with -Ur O'BueB baen very prevalent there. ' . He would lect, the jury «»"*•¦»ia Cit,/ danng the insurrectionary and vinegar over the region of the stomach , keeping however , under all thei circu mstanc es, returned a ver diot in the first oase tha t t*16 of Westmius ter , for the Propriet or, movement at rLulenaule . In Rotber hUhe.aboy^yearB, ' cholera take her owa e hre was JEARGUS O'CO NNOR , Esq., I it on fif teen or twenty (19 hoars ' r ecognisances to keep totpeace , if she J° accidental , and in the second instahoe , M.P. , and pubUshed minut es ; and to take every dura tion)-.' would pletge her - thati there was by the said Wmu si RiDEa , at No. 16, seUnst to go n«»r Hr B-oadwat,-. , . nst sufficient evidence to pwe how -nUl.stre et Grea t Wind. ' hoM w J , m tfeo aworw iMted, , ;Ha ymarket , ia the Citsv of Westaanstar ,-. SatHrdsy, October Uttu im »•"«•«» .