r rf' (. '? ' ".T TJ • _]jf " fi *,? #' rlflaHTV .TO /i tf' J,T'?* »• -dm ' , ¦ ¦ ¦ , l ' ^ «' '¦.:¦" ;. " ::.!• :;/ . „. : ». j . ¦: ;..: f .. -i ¦ ______ , , ., • _ w4 «<\C"*-"" . ._f7 _- ¦*!• v - *^*<x. «c poWN ! DOWN!! DOWN !!! 1 ments to lead* the new wvolWdtt in progr4» les and beneficial pra otiow DOWN WITH THE WHIGS. " to corre ct princ ip ¦ , such as have been now described hyy . ^ TO THE IMPERIAL CHARTISTS. Your Majesty's faithful subjec t v ftq?ERT , Owe*. t, ¦- October s; 1848. V¦ft¦^• " • ¦ Fr iixdsaxd Brother Ch artists , Not afraid to adopt the policy of an enemy wben that policy is . good, I adopt the good addres s op¦ the executive ,to;thb • ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ • ¦ ¦ motto ofthe bad Corn-law Lea gue, .-. * . -people. .; . * ' ;•;;. ; " ONE THING - AT A TIME. " . Daring ; the< late trials fpr political offences at tht In the above motto I have set yoa a task , Old Baileyi Sir John J ermsf her Majesty 's Attor « «oe oi easy accomplishment, and .one most ne- No , OCt6BER"J 4 ; 1848. V / r hey General / was pleased to state, Jn the hearing o cessary to beperformed;itis ,tohurlfrotn officeI VOL- XL 573- LONDON ; SATURDAY t^ ^JZ IZ ^J ^ the Oourt , that that Plan of Organisa tion late.- and from power the " base, bloody, and brutal adopted by tbe Chartist body, was illegal- We ha? Whigs;' ' not npon the same pr inciple upon was relied upon , you can come te no other con; content becomes irresi stible , it oannot be TO THE QUEEN OF THE BRITISH that they were well'igovernedj , and well in- calmly considered the declaration ; and , whilst W . which I have previously urged the necessity bf elusion than that the anniversar y of Kennin g- rous ed and suppressed at the bidd ing of s structed. are prep ared to prove that similar-plans of organ - " : empire; placing them in opposition , because , utterl y dis- ton-common, the 10th of April— will be cele- showman—the mind cann ot be presented in To comprehend the crim es sation have been countenan ced and supported - bf created by the " graced as they now are, they would be useless brated with as much pomp and solemnity, by various form s like the sheet of paper in the superstitions under the names of the reli leading members of both Houses of Parliament ' . ". Letter II. gions even * in that state for which nature designed the people, as the anniversar y of Waterlo o is showman's hand ; it assumes a distinc t posi- of the world , and the evils which they have in- and no prosecutions have ensued from the; adoption , , never the m. by the survivors tf that battle . You are per- tion, and defies terror , however successful it Respected ; Sovereign, flicted throug h so many generat ions upon the of the same we are theless, aware that the ' Chartist body are mar ked objects of Last week it was onr painful duty to record fectly aware .that men, when; they grow old, may be for the moment. ' The exhibit ions of My first public letter to your Majesty , pub human race ,.every page of the histor y of man political pro * scriptio n and persecu tion ; and we feel it to be the expatriation of Cuffey and four others , for will act upon their previous training, instru c- Castles and Oliver were forcibl y urg ed against lished last week, concluded with 'the following must bejstudied and then one ' , some small amount y you, as, u m , acts originated , fostered , encouraged , and ma- tion, and education ; and you must be aware the administrati on then in power ; but da paragrap h:— of the causes of human dut to advise to our j dg ent seems beat * misery may be imagined, We, ther efore , recommend you to aband on ' ture d by the Secretar y of State for the Home that the present mind of Ireland owes its train- they not fade into utter insignificance when • These profound , yet all-importan t subjects, but to enumerate th em such , so incessant and nu- parts of tbe new plan as may have been Department. Yes, he cannot be absolved of ing to the Whigs under the tuto rage of Daniel compa red with the. deep laid schemes of our have been, hitherto tabooed by> the i adopted , gnorance merous have they been throu ghout all ageB , and fall back upon the old. system of organisation of O'Connell , who was made their instrument to present rulers ? What was the threat ened and prejudices of the human rac e; the crime felony, unless he pleads guilty to Their value would be impossible. t ood by all Of yon, t by the for the creation of bo well und ers and s ill prac tised the char ge of delegation of Ins duty to detec- ur ge an excited people to the very verge of dan ger in August last to that prod uced universal goodness, intelli- Again, the infliction of pr ivate proper ty in many parts of England and Scotland —remindi ng was and ti ves, police, spies, and informer.-!. You will treason , halting them at that point which se- Corn Law League in 1842, when trade gence, happiness , shall be explained in the upon mankind has created a cause of disunion , the . old established plan of organi sation le ', you that -hear in mind that whenever a charge was made cured patronage for himself and power for his stopped, the hands [turned out; and the peop succeeding commun.ication. separation , injustic e, oppression , crime , and has been sanctioned by tbe opinions of the hi the ghes -agai nst the police in the Hon se of Commons , guilty confederates ; and it is, therefore , to w ere told to quarter themselves upon To this task I now proceed—a task which no misery, far beyon d all possible estimate. It legal authori ties in this land , and no fear s or doubt the flippant offici al was instantl y prepared with Whi g training tbat the present disaffection enemy—the landlords—not like begging men , other will perform , althoug h so essential to the has also given rise to endless institutions for need be entertained thereon. ¦evidence to establish the virtue, the coHrage, of Ire land must be ascrib ed ; and after the re- but like men MARCHING . TO BATTLE? future securit y, permanent prosperity, and its protection ; to laws, also, which contin ually Distr ust has been freely cast npon your motile the forbearance and loyalty of his brother con- cent exhibition in that country and England , And yet, notwithstanding the threatened dan- happ iness.' of all countries. render it insecure , 'and create great injurious by all political parties , and the late trial s bave af- " spirators. Yon must farther understand that no doubt can exist in any man's mind that the ger, Sir Robert Peel, then in power , gave us a The wor ld, th rough inexperience , has been anxieti es to its temporary possessor. Like the forded an opportunity for tne- ignorant and as- * Mallalieu is a superintendent of police, and united people of both countries will solemnly fair trial , a "JUST JUDGE/ and an impar- hitherto taught to call falsehood truth , and superstitions of the world , it divides man signing to renew their hostility. We, who know you and to call ro , best are aware that you • never bave , at I tlat Marks is an inspector of police, and thatit and impera tively demand the expulsion of the tial prosecutor , and; throug hout , notwith- truth falsehood , and to imagine, , f m man, and nation from, nation ,, is .the , any timo*. anycircurnstances is the duly of those subordinate spies to make fomentors of sedition, felony, and treaso n. standin g the wide-spread disaffection , and the evil good, and good evil. Hence, the world source of continual hatreds , crimes / and dis- or under , , countenanced resorta ta ' violence t for> the. artainm eiit of yonr objects a report or every thin g that comes within their Look over the history of Ireland since 1836, thor ough organisation of the Chartist body, has, so far, been a world Of dipuhioi and orders , in every society in which ft exists; and ; that 1 conspiracies have ever been by you, connected with the duties of their when O'Connell made his compa ct with Lord not a particle of evidence—nay, not a particle crime£*-6f',war, and its miseries. can be defended on no pr inciple of nature , as a body, de- knowledge, nounced ; tha t secret meetings are alike ' Duncannon , then Lord Lietue nant ; reflect of suspicion, that Sir Robert Feel's Govern- ' '* Until men can be united in real fraternity, justice , or common sense. It is the cause of detest able department , to the Spy General once a day, or to you in princ iple an d practice ; and it is with no , if a policeman has upon his triumphant tour throug h Scotland and ment had in anywise fomented disorder , or had there can be no justice or virtue—the names continued pover ty to the mass, retards the oftener, if need be ; that is small degree of satisfaction that we refer to all the the north of England, when he organised the had recourse to the subornation of spies and in of both are familiar , but the practice has not creation of wealth , wastes it to an immense ex- information to communicate, he communicates addresses and public documents issued by the Exe* enthusi asm of the whole country for no other form ers to establish our guilt.
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