1935-01-04 1.Pdf
i —. E#l- •:js. w*^ *** 'E^:- J f .« s . ' IJET uS'iJSTXE •_-•> J : -: BEWARE OF fCS ROADS ' Throujhout J9S5:*> ***** J Ji>rive.{ Slowly. Yon.Are KespuisLble TSortiviil*^A Better Kaie j- ' 1 For-Your soruwii F« Your Life AmJTh2torOt%«35 • • i-Jj^'^iii u ::jS*sL.Z. -:'.te= ^oi^64, SK; ;^> :¾^¾^ ^: - laSf--^----".-; Northville, Michigan, Friday, JSiiuiry. 4, 1935" $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE a.=^ ,-.,.-,. -..-^¾¾¾¾¾^ r+^ 4&S^ T .EEJiirfICYv ROADSit?r\-kiSQ , ^LDirrSift^TffiTT NORTHVlLLMH^TMV/TI f Eir 11^ U= ^HEC^tA3cE?i ~; H »1 ••" ••".-• • ' : 3 --• '•'''' - -"•: : ^ - -n ••:: • • = '" " -- ' : f IS DISCONTINUED i'c Will ; MH -E:^EE,E E^ d:- -. *:-t:.j-a::^^H-.--'.. :---41= I*- i' Warnier Weather Gomes; But Gives Way^To Predictions! E [E Formal' notice;.£as been., .received;. <-. '.'.' ..'."Of More Snow AndELbw Temperatures- .' EE i B f" -JDeposa'crs ^te;JBsd^,,tk3i; oh i>EE. Ur. -..' .-,--.. •-•* liiili iilsi •^/3i-- --:-..--=-- - •:>.-'--..-:"'%'<-. .- ,.. ... 0=?i--jcember;3i, Sertw^oeat federal taSci, Oil : \& allchecis was diSxffitiiued. -. |. i -... o:ChiU^blasts and^icy;stre.et^-that hacLprevailed ^or I jnea^lyEa^yreeki gave way^ednes^ay .and early Thursday { The twoseeht elSS-tax wasrlev-.! fto a:^n«ralJt&atv;i.;E-v•;-^5¾¾-E.-;E-:.EE-: i: -ft " I t :^::^-:¾¾¾¾¾ aadia its crg££al], # ilffi : - jfoA-sail^tb^fii^nfSi^ediintil; r- _ :-,-, .^ •-- "- - E- --- -'- -,| EE^oittyflie-^as-^KlyQmg^^ga|nEl^^^aV;-hdw-eve¥, j eiiit : t f iiulyl, 1955. ^Howevery'S-i .tlfe'-Iast • •'• E '"E^ r-. :.. - •"-. ~ . - - ; fSiEs-EE -::-E. „". -,; -. '•' iwhen a strong.^!ei-%pn^ng Mo^an^fur'ther indications- 'session of'Cosisress" "the closicsrdate if-. -• - --*:- -ts~ ^ '-- -ir> •• '• ' i93?r RoU ,bf $5d,^Jr:39 is Da g w Ra 0 5 ChiS'^ ]^a^T5 Be Fo>^ ; - E-- :•• E i Gaice In L<kal [Gyma&ixxim^s change :o the"Sst 3^¾ i^:i ° *^ : ^J ^^f*™ • Lower Thoa That Of .^'Annual Dabc^Sporisored 1.- The low^ tem^ei«rareJxecorded .during .the week' Termed- «»ic-.vi-^"Most Cruciali '• j^ norfc«-.iras 3ssBed.:tfirSs*h:tlie;-.
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