,",1~<1 c6T \iI ...... IOI ..... 1991 CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 ~&(W11 21 SERIES 21 RAJASTHAN cqp,- XII - en am "§ PART XII- A & B Ri1 &II 'iI ~ 'I. U l;ow I 9 f«t Chi (m-q q ~ R~&ICfiI am llTlf q ~ UI2IH'ICfi "iFFiIOFti ~) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK (VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY AND VILLAGE & TOWN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT) Ri1&11 ~~q( ~ DISTRICT JODHPUR am: .tit. 'ffilR 'l4~CR1 f.i~~ICf), \JI"PIOHI m ~ R.P. TOMAR JOINTDIRECTOR CENSUS OPERATIONS RAJASTHAN (iii) ~, 41\J1'lICflIU CMT ~ cit ~ l!,Ct ~ltjl~Cfl ~ cf; fc:m: ri m lR ~if&~<tli1 3Wm: J:RR "Cfl«IT ~I "\J1"1lIURT <Wf R~~11'1i1, ~lR ~ ~ l!,Ct _.nr ~ mlf q ~ ~ m ~ cf; fuQ: 3ffi1T-.3ffi1T Wlilfffif fif;{!, \jff W~I ~ ~ ~ fcli 1r 1fu1CflI~ ?~\J1'llfcl<i, ~, fm.rr ~ l!,Ct '~~3IT cf; ~ ~~, ~~H('4Cfi WIT ~ ~ ~I • ~ ~ ~ cf; ~ 'qflf ~I ~ cF 'qflf '<ti' it m mlf~ it ~-T "\J11-~mIT it "*ifm ~ eft lf1TI ~ CMT 'qflf ~' it mlftur ~ cf; m it mlf m (Iqi CMT ~ ~ cf; ~.r it cnt~ cf; m lR ~ "\J1"1lIURT m\ fu:<rr lp.Jf ~I ~ "\J1"1lIURT m\ ~ ~ ~ ~, mit ~ tit ., \J1'l~&<II, ~-R, ~ "Z1I1fu q ~ ~ tit \J1'l ~ &<II q "Cf)llf <lif.i qrffi tit ;fl- ~ m it ~ ~ "Cf)llf Cfi8 qy-ff, ~11'I1h1 Cfl "Cf)llf <lif.i qy-ff q "Cf)llf 1 Cfif.r qrffi cf,t Wf.lT W-~ mlf~;$m Wrftf~ q m m lR eft 1f1:IT tl ~o <ft.~. RHflKi1I, ~ ~ cr.r.T, ~ q ~ *wnfilt{l, ~ B ~ ~ Cf.T ~ 'M, ~ ~ ~ Cfit fi ~ it qR:UQJ;;dl cf; Wl ~ Cfi\ wmmr ~ ~, ~ cf; W;f ~I ~ 2~, 1994 (iv) FOREWORD Population Census provides data-base for economic and social planning to planners and administrators at all levels. The village and town-wise Census data compiled and processed by the Directorate of Census Operations, Rajasthan are being published in the form of District Census Handbook for each district separately, which, I am sure, will be found quite useful, informative and interesting by the planners and administrators as well as academicians and research scholars. Each District Census Handbook comprises two parts. Part-A of the book provides information on the amenities available in each village/town and Part-B gives the Primary Census Abstract at village level in the case of rural areas and at ward/town level in the case of urban areas. Primary Census Abstract is an important table which gives number of households, population, literates, population of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, main workers cross classified by nine industrial categories of workers, marginal workers and non-workers by sex at village/town/pancnayat samiti/tehsil and district level. Dr. V.S. Sisodia, Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan and his colleagues who have compiled the voluminous data and completed these comprehensive volumes in a reasonable time deserve to be congratulated for the accuracy of the work and timely publication. JAIPUR M.L. MEHTA October 2, 1994 Chief Secretary Government of Rajasthan (v) U'RI16FII fuc_;rr ~ ~ CfiT ~ 1951 <!it 7jf.fffURf <fi ~ 31Wl1 M 1f1lT ~I (fGf -u WR 3R (fcfi m ~ 7jf.fffURf <fi ~ ~ ~~ <fi Wt 7t 3fu1<f,I~ ~ <!it ~ W ~I fu;rr ~ CfiT ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ffi ~ ~ ~ :iIT ~ <!it ~ -u ~ WJo;r 1mT ~ M \jffijT tl ~ 3FT ~ <fi WHwr ~-T(f M it m JWf 3m ~ Cfit ~ ~ 'l1,+iif&tctll 3th: Wll~<f)~ ~ wn ~ ~ 1J1lftcf; ~mTI eft ~ffi cf; em: it ~~ mc<fM %1 ~~, ~-~,~, ~ 3W: ~3TI it fuQ: ~~ ~ ~ ~ 3"'* %1 3ffi'l1it flrm 'l1,1i ITR1 -g;furclirm it 'l1, +i &II ~ ~ it ~ >i ~ \9 'r f 'l1 '1 11 01'1 I *11 {fa 1~ i, 3iTf~q; 311~ B 1~ If~ Cf,-m~fuq; ~ am W1 "it m <ll -q~ 11"1"11 am ~ (cni-rm) cnr -wrn 'l1,li oHI 'BR m-q~~ ~ ~ ~I 1961 qft GI'1 110HI ~ ~ -q~ Brc1T 'l1'1 110HI :f~m it ~ <fiT ~, -q~IIBf.t<f) mf~, 'l1,lIOHI BI{fUl l1i am -qM"fl1Cfi GI,IIOHI m\ "8"fur 1Wf am m f.Rfu<f;r.t B fOOl R1 <1 qft llt ~ 1 1971 cp1 'l1, II ° HI <ll ~ ~ ~ 31T\ ~1':f ~ 0-ii it fwrr GI:]lIOHI-g;ftr<tlTm <ll ~T 'qIlf Q<f)I~I<1 ~ <Prl 'qIlf-"<f) if 1Wf 311\ m f.Rftrcwt ~ 'qIlf-~ it 1JPf am 'WiTT -q~TIl1"<f) 01,11°1,1 m\ -q~ ~ WI !PII+if.j<f) Bif&lcN 31h Brc1T 'l1,lloHI BI{fUl41 eFt BI01R1d ~ :S1Z fvrm 'l1'1 II°I,1 ::rfu:rCfiT <fiT 'liJlT-Tf 'lft 1FliTfm fcn<rr 75fRT ~ iWR ~~~ ~1 cf; ~CfifR it ~ ~u mm cf, CfiRUT cfi ~ /~e:r \fT'T i'nr it ~1t J;fcnrfm 1~: M \iTT ~I 1981 it lHl1 31T~ m f.Rfu<tlT it lfiPfif eFT 17-TT ~'l ~~ <ll m~-WT fvmT GI'1110HI-g;f~~F3n- if CQ~ 1t PritTfIlM '1ft BfiOli fC1 (1 cp1 ~ 1 198 1 cp1 ~:] II ° HI ~ ~ ~ J;f~"<f) RG it ~ if ?;T 'lil'IT if -qCf,Tfm fcn<-rr Tf7TI 1 'qIlf-"<f) if "!:f111 am m ~fucfint BfU1R1d m~ 'liJlT-~ if ~~ ~ (fcfi <ll31]~m ~/~~m ~~ J;fT~nl1"<f) 'Jt:]lIOHI m<: mtr m-m 3ffi CfiMlT (crri-m) "<tlT m~ 'l1,lIOHI m<: BfiOliR1d ~I 3<::1'6{°1 ~ f'tnJ: ~ <it "it~ cg m ~ ~frMm eFT 1Wf f.Rfucf;r if \("<f) ~ R'lfT W 31T\ <IT?; ~ ~n 3~ 1Hl1 if 3~-T 1@ ~ iT ~~ hIT it 0'8" F'i Cf,e d+i ~ cp1 ~u <ft lfi, ~ ~ -:rfrM ~ ~TI ~mr~ ~1d1f 31l iH'Hill ~ cp1 CQ~ 31lq~~<f)dl:m "iT 1\T m cf, fu"t?: 1TJ1l" if -q~ ~ ;$~, J;f~ ~ 3'f ~ am ~~rn B'-fW:Il Cfi1frnft1:if ~m CQ~ 1t 1RT <ll mit 0j I, <f)1 D GJ lfi I ~m -qCfiR, 1Wf Qcfi ~~ cfi lfT1f cfi ~ if 'lft ~ "iifl'\ ~ 3~-T ~ lfi m -q(irCfi Fvm if 3flTRf 1TrTI cp1 "8''&TI CfiT 'q(fT r.rc1 ~I ~ 31"'H~<f)al "<flTIf:qil1 "Cf))" 31lq~~<f)dlm cir 't-<lR if nsrn :£1Z m fRfffiiT:m it '4t lFfr qffi ~ mif fctcRuT -I V en ~ Cfi\1<fT 1f1n m 7:1T~-f.r1fm ~ '1i1fBfm if irm 1f1Tftcp 31T\ 3R ~frf;-mt -q?;R m ~ fu1J: ~ ~ "<f)\ ~ 1 ~ fcrcRuT it qrf I 3W: qrf II cnOO <tt ~ '1i1f~ qft ~ 311\ ~ ~frf'n:iT ~ ~h R~ Tf\( 1~ 31C1fiTI, ~f.:ra \ifTfcr<IT 311\ ~~ 'l1, \311 R1 liT cp1 W'&TI (f~ -q~ ~:mrr 0/-11"'* /cfi~ cf; ~ it :q;ilRf: fcrcRuT IV 31T\ fcfi:RuT V it \("<f)-~ Cfim11 '4t ~T WI t 991 cR ~ cR Rill ~ ~ ;$ Q~j(jI<f){OI Cfif mrcn ~ ~ %~ t 98 t it 3fffT7TI W ~I WnN, ~ ~ cfi C1N it fuQ: t 99 t cR ~ it :wfu 0frT1JRT m\ cfi w It ~ ~ ~ Tf\( ~I :p5'T Cfip:f m qrffi Cfif 11 m It 3mTI11'fcfi ~ ~ <rIT ~ m 1981 cR ~ it Tffi mit 3iWm ~ R<:rr 1f1lT ~nl ~ 3fc:1l7.1T, ~ ~ "8l\ it 0-6 31T?I ~ <fit ur-~-cm:"3RWw '1ft ~ GTI\ BMR1d <!it ~ t ilTfcf, ~ ~ 3W-ftf. f"lN'H~II~ "{WJ{dT ~ ~ wfi ~ 199 t <fit ~ cf; ~ 7 <N ir "<f)l1 3TI?I cfi ri ~ cR ~-R 1iRT lfI1T %1 3Wffl %fcf; 3CFf #-Rt i:r ~ ~ cR 3th: aW-T<tl m fcr<mr cwtm Wm: "<tl8 it ~ MI 1991 it ~ cR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fcf; JWf R~R! 1<f)1 3il\ !Wlfir<tl 0frT1JRT m\ tr q{PJlJ Ij(j rrrfu~~ m~ 1\ ~ cfi ~ ;$ ~m 1\ ~ ~ m 1\ ~ ~ fcf~ ~lTl 3iRlT %fcf; 1W1 R<F~ICf,1 3fu: ~ ~ ~1{~~~l:R~cfi~-um-~cR~m1\f~Cf'IBI\{iCf,~~tr~Mmfc1<t'I\1I\{i<f) ~ <ll fuQ: ~ ~ It ~ H ~ mir Q~IIBRq; ~ m-at %1 (vi) ~ ~~ "lIT ~ ~ ~ Ji1lf R~I'fiI~ ~ -m\ ~ cr.r m"'fiB qftr~, ~-f.rffirr3Tr am:~~cwfeN~~tfi~~ 1981 ~cmT~ 1991 *~1tmJi1lfq)~3ffi~3ffi zyrr miIs ~ -rrt ~I <rn' ~ ~ W'fiR .am ~ Wro.r Cfif ~ wmr tl ~ wmR ~ ~ <tt 'ffi1m ~ mR :r m cf.T %3W: ~ ~ m <tt altt ~ ~ ~:sr. <fIB: R1«tR41, ffurcp, \lRlTURT Cfiflf, ~ ~ f.IfuT 1t ~Q am: ~ fcfi1r 7fI-T ~I ~ J:i<fiTm <tt m, ~ am: ~ Cfif q;rf ~ n-Jj~RN1~R (~MIN1Cfi 3WPf.f) m. ~.1:fr. ~ am: ~ ~ ~ 1:!:1'. ~. ~3lT mr m ~ 1flIT l'lT1 ~/~ ~ !l<3if1'fi<ol 1t \t'fi%\qal <tt ~ ~ ~ _ 'W: '!R ~ftn:-'3J1Tl'UR1' 3~ ~ M~(:lqol ~ 3'lR 'li\ ~ ~ M:fNal::m eN ~ ~ M~~qoIlCllCfi fuurorr m q;B cfi futt ~ n t1~RNi~ (m.3i.) :sr. 1:!:1'. ~. t.; ~ tt"k~i1 it m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <tt 'ttCfi-lfcJi ~ ~ ~ ~ ctt ~1ttrN1Cfi 3WT1R' JNT7T it Wihrr eft 7f{1 <rn' Cfiflf ~ ~.~. ~, n ~ -gro fcri<rr 1flIT am: m'Q;f.~. mtt', ~ ~ 3fR m ~ ~ ~ 31c€t m:rrm c€t13iWll it ~ n-ll~I<Ni~R (~) :sr. m.~. wr:r.am MH"II(( cnftn:r 31T tt~I<Ni~ (~) R fiRr<ft >m:r l1l'1ffi Wm: 'fiB it ~ tt"k:~i1 FPTII ~ \M;r.a: 1i~ 'lfRa tfi t1 ~ I{f8j ~-? I< 11 ¥, 1992 (vii) PREFACE ublication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is P continuing since then with some innovations/modifications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable di~trict level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each State Govt./Union Territory administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on some of the basic demographic and socia-economic characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities! facilities in each Village and town of the respective districts.
Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education and Literacy ***** Minutes of the Meet
Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education and Literacy ***** Minutes of the meeting of the Project Approval Board held on 14th June, 2018 to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) 2018-19 of Samagra Shiksha for the State of Rajasthan. 1. INTRODUCTION The meeting of the Project Approval Board (PAB) for considering the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) 2018-19 under Samagra Shiksha for the State of Rajasthan was held on 14-06-2018. The list of participants who attended the meeting is attached at Annexure-I. Sh Maneesh Garg, Joint Secretary (SE&L) welcomed the participants and the State representatives led by Shri Naresh Pal Gangwar, Secretary (Education), Government of Rajasthan and invited them to share some of the initiatives undertaken by the State. 2. INITIATIVES OF THE STATE Adarsh and Utkrisht Vidyalaya Yojana: An Adarsh Vidyalaya (KG/Anganwadi-XII) has been developed in each Gram Panchayat as center of excellence. An Utkrisht Vidyalaya (KG/Anganwadi-VIII) has also been developed in each Gram Panchayat under the mentorship of Adarsh school to ensure quality school coverage for other villages in the Gram Panchayat. Panchayat Elementary Education Officer- Principals of Adarsh school have been designated as ex-officio Panchayat Elementary Education Officer (PEEO) to provide leadership and mentorship to all other government elementary schools in the Gram Panchayat. These PEEOs have been designated as Cluster Resource Centre Facilitator (CRCF) for effective monitoring. Integration of Anganwadi centers with schools- Around 38000 Anganwadi centers have been integrated with schools having primary sections for improving pre-primary education under ECCE program of ICDS.
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Art of Osian Temples by Asha Kalia Art of Osian Temples (Socio -Economic and Religious Life in India) This book is a result of several years of intensive research which consisted of several visits to the pleasing hamlet of Osian, the libraries and museums of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and New Delhi. Osian of today is a small town, but in its heyday, it was a bustling city and trade centre of Northern India. Here convoys brought grains and produce, the citizens were contented and happy. To demonstrate their love for God, for what He had given them, they built shrines and temples. The temples of Osian are comparable in beauty to those of Khajuraho and Bhubaneswar. The temples of Osian, though in a poor state now, have preserved their record well. The temples read like an illustrated book. In this book, an attempt has been made to show what India was like during the reign of Gurjara-Pratiharas. The sculptures of Osian show us what people wore, how they amused themselves, how they worshipped, how they lived, what their social life was like and what they believed in. This book is presented in sixteen chapters. Each chapter is self-contained and deals with a specific aspect of culture. Chapter One introduces the book, Chapter Two talks about the social life whereas Chapters Three through Six tell us about the dress, weapons, cosmetics, educational systems and how the people passed their leisure-time. Chapter Seven of the book deals with the economic life and Chapter Eight tells about the religious beliefs and method of worship.
LIST OF STATE PROTECTED MONUMENTS S. Name of the Monument Place No. District-Ajmer 1 Akbar’s Fort or Magazine or Daulata Khana Ajmer 2 Main Entrance of the Akbar’s Fort Ajmer 3 Toda and Digambaron Ki Jain Chhatries Ajmer 4 Chamunda Devi Temple Ajmer 5 Santosh Bavala ki Chhatari Pushkar 6 Gopinath Temple Sarwar 7 Ghantaghar Ajmer 8 Noorchashma Ajmer 9 Toran Stambh, village, Baghera Baghera 10 Shukar Varah, Mandir, village, Baghera Baghera 11 Agra gate Ajmer 12 Usari gate Ajmer 13 Madar gate Ajmer 14 Alwar gate Ajmer 15 Shivling Nand 16 Fort Sarvar 17 Fort Fatahgarh 18 Shiv Mandir Ajaypal 19 Kotwali Gate Ajmer 20 King Edward Memorial Ajmer District-Alwar 21 Alwar Palace Alwar 22 Tripoliya Alwar 23 Fateh Jang Gumbad Alwar 24 Krishna Kunda Alwar 25 Raj Garh Fort Raj Garh 26 Bhartahari Gumbad Tijara 27 Fort Indore 28 Khanzada Ki Kabaren Indore 29 Ancient Palace of Bada Gujar Chief Raj Garh 30 Pathan Kabren Tijara 31 Cenotaph of Moosi Maharani, located in the primises Alwar of Rajprasad near water tank (Sagar) the main monuments is 89x89 feet, the surrounding area from East to West-313 feet and North to South-173 feet. 32 Bala kila Alwar District-Baran 33 Shiv Temple or Bhand Devara Ramgarh 34 Hindu Mandir Baran 35 Group of Temples Kakuni 36 Fort Ramgarh 37 Temple Bansthuni 38 Fort Nahargarh 39 Old Temple Khandela 40 Maszid Shahabad 41 Badal Mahal Shahabad 42 Fort Shahabad 43 Fort Kelwara 44 Shiv Mandir Noorpur 45 Shiv Mandir Nagada 46 Mandir Badera 47 Mata Ka Mandir Bara Khera 48 Mandir Dhuman 49 Mandir Bichalas 50 Group of Temples Saharod
Knowledge Partner Resurgent Rajasthan Revelation beyond the Obvious 1 2 Resurgent Rajasthan Revelation beyond the Obvious Title Resurgent Rajasthan – Revelation beyond the Obvious Author MRSS India Date April 2017 Copyright No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by photo, photo-print, microfilm or any other means without written permission of FICCI and MRSS India Disclaimer The information and opinions contained in this document have been compiled or arrived at from sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty expressed is made to their accuracy, completeness or correctness. This document is for information purpose only. The information contained in this document is published for the assistance of the recipient but is not to be relied upon as authoritative or taken in substitution for the exercise of judgment by any recipient. This document is not intended to be a substitute for professional, technical or legal advice. All opinions expressed in this document are subject to change without notice. Neither MRSS India and FICCI, nor other legal entities in the group to which they belong, accept any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss however arising from any use of this document or its contents or otherwise arising inconnection herewith. Many of the conclusions and inferences are specific inferences made by MRSS India in their expert capacity specifically in tourism sector and does not have any correlation with financing related outlook that as a research organization may have.
Marwar Yatra by Sanjeev Nayyar September 25, 2014 I Visited
Marwar Yatra By Sanjeev Nayyar September 25, 2014 I visited Marwar in February 2013 for the Jaisalmer Desert Festival. During a ten day trip covered other parts of Marwar as well. Took a train from Mumbai to Jodhpur from where I hired a taxi. Here is the travel program. 1. Jodhpur to Bikaner via Nagaur. 2. Bikaner to Jaisalmer. 3. Jaisalmer to Barmer. 4. Barmer to Jodhpur, train to Mumbai. This travelogue is presented in the sequence of places as I travelled. Format is name of place, what to see and link to photo album. Every photo has detailed captions. 1. Nagaur Jodhpur to Nagaur is about a two hours drive. Places to see Cattle Fair, Fort, Mirchi bazaar. Fair held every February. At cattle fair look for Nagaur Ox, Black stallion, camels by gypsy. To see pics of Nagaur Cattle Fair http://www.esamskriti.com/photo-detail/Nagaur-Cattle-Fair.aspx Next was the Ahhichatragarh Fort, is famous for its wall paintings. It is not a very big fort but something special about it. To see pics of Nagaur Fort http://www.esamskriti.com/photo- detail/Nagaur-Fort.aspx The town is best visited during the Ramdeoji Ka mela and Tejaji ka mela (fair) in February and August respectively. 2. Karni Mata Mandir About one hour from Nagaur is the world famous Karni Mata Mandir, the deity is an incarnation of Ma Durga. It is the only temple where rats are worshipped, has a richly carved entrance with silver doors. To see pictures of temple http://www.esamskriti.com/photo-detail/Karni-Mata- Mandir-Bikaner.aspx 3.
Magnificent India Delhi-Agra-Jaipur-Bikaner-Jaisalmer-Jodhpur-Udaipur- Mumbai (15 Nights/16 Days)
Magnificent India Delhi-Agra-Jaipur-Bikaner-Jaisalmer-Jodhpur-Udaipur- Mumbai (15 Nights/16 Days) Day 01 : Arrival Delhi Meeting and assistance on arrival and transfer to hotel. Overnight at hotel Day 02 : Delhi Today full day sightseeing of Old & New Delhi Morning Old Delhi visiting, RAJ GHAT and Shanti Vana – the cremation sites of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, JAMA MASJID, one of the largest mosques in India and Drive past Red Fort and Chandni Chowk. Rickshaw ride at Old Delhi Afternoon New Delhi visiting, QUTAB MINAR, the tallest stone tower in India; INDIA GATE – A War Memorial Arch. Also drive past the PRESIDENT’S HOUSE, PARLIAMENT HOUSE, GOVERNMENT SECRETARIAT BUILDINGS and CONNAUGHT PLACE – the heart of New Delhi and a busy shopping center. Overnight at hotel Day 03 : Delhi-Agra (By Surface/03 hrs) Today drive to Agra. On arrival check in at hotel Afternoon visit the world famous Taj Mahal built by Shah Jahan in 1560 in memory of his queen Mumtaz Mahal to enshrine her mortal remains. This architectural marvel is a perfectly proportioned masterpiece fashioned from white marble that stands testimony to the skill of 20,000 craftsmen brought together from Persia, Turkey, France and Italy and who took 17 years to complete this 'Love Poem in Marble'. (Friday closed). Later visit the Agra Fort containing the halls of private & public audiences & other palaces. Shah Jahan spent here years of confinement at the hands of his son Aurangzeb, looking wistfully at the Taj Mahal from the Fort. Overnight at Hotel Day 04 : Agra – Fatehpur Sikri- Jaipur (By surface/06 hrs) Today drive to Jaipur.
Itinerary - 1 Rajasthan Cultural tour Duration: 7 Nights / 8 Days Palaces to visit – Delhi – Agra – Jaipur – Pushkar – Jodhpur – Udaipur – Delhi. Day 1: Arrive Delhi Welcome to Delhi, the capital of modern India. On arrival, you are received and transferred to your hotel. The rest of the day is free you to relax. Overnight in Delhi. Day 2: Delhi – Agra [ 250 kms / 04 hrs ] After breakfast visit on a sightseeing tour Old Delhi in the morning covering Jama Mosque, the Red Fort and Mahatma Gandhis memorial Raj Ghat. In the afternoon , set off on a sightseeing tour of New Delhi covering Safdarjang's Tomb, Qutab Minar and Humayun's Tomb after drive to Agra . Upon arrival and check in hotel. Overnight in Agra . Day 3: Agra – Jaipur [ 250 kms / 04 hrs ] After breakfast visit a city tour to experience the TAJ MAHAL (closed on Fridays), an extravagant marble monument of love, built by Shah Jahan in 1653 as a memorial to his queen Mumtaz Mahal. One of the Seven Wonders of the World, this beautiful mausoleum in pure white marble took 22 years and 22,000 craftsmen to build. Continue your tour to the Agra Fort, an original red sandstone fort built by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1565. The forts maze of courtyards, its marble mosque and lavish private chambers reflect the grandeur of the Mughal Empire. After drive to Jaipur enroute visiting Fatehpur Sikri, the deserted 16 th century red sandstone city built by Emperor Akbar. Here you visit the Bulund Darwaza (The Gate of Victory) - the tallest gateway in the world, and the superb white marble tomb of the famous Sufi saint Shaik Salim Chishti.