Courier Gazette : May 23, 1925
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Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday The Courier-Gazette By The Ceurkr-Gautte., 469 Main St. Established January, 1846. Eatarid a* 8«eand Class Mail Matter. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, May 23, 1925. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80.................Number 62. The Courier-Gazette : "the caldron" MAIN STREET AS IT LOOKED BEFORE THE 1853 FIRE THREE-TIN E8-A-WEEK High School Magazine With DECORATION DAY ALL THE HOME NEWS Seething Title Is a Warm Subscription $3.0(T fier year payable la ad vance ; single copies three cents. Article. A Memorial Day For Our Loved Ones ! Advertising rates based upon circulation I and very reasonable. NEWSPAPER HISTORY Hot from the press comes the new ARTIFICIAL WREATHS, SPRAYS AND | Tho Rockland Cassette was established In High School magazine—no longer ' 1846. In 1874 the Courier wae established IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BASKETS I and consolidated with the Gazette In 1882. known as “Whims,” hut renamed The Free Press was established In 1855, and KATHLEEN M. SNOW ............. LIBRARIAN In 1891 changed Its name to the Tribune, i “The Caldron.” Hot from the flames Buy Early and Get Your Choice These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. ! would he a more fitting expression, Week days: 0 a. m. to 9 p. m. perhaps, for the original cover de Sundays: 3 p. m. to 6 p- m. Carnations, Tulips, Roses, a few Snapdragons. ••• sign hy Jasper Chapin shows a cal [These are not library notes, but i and Stocks, Bright Colored Geraniums ••• My rule Is to go straightforward ••• dron In action. random reflections by the Librarian *•« in doing what appears to me to be ••• The student editors devote one on her resumption of duty after a : in Bloom, Choice Seedlings, Pansies right, leaving the consequences to ••• page “in memoriam” to three of their vacation trip to the Pacific Coast.] ••• providence —Franklin. ••• schoolmates who have recently died Will Blossom All Summer- z •* ♦ ♦ • • .«. .«. .«. .«. .«. ■«. JtJ —Maurice Frye, Oct. 31, 1924; Caro T wish Bliss Carmen had written lyn Perry, Feb. 25, 1926 and Phyllis We Have Them Vagabondia Songs for the Spring ENDOWMENT FUND Nelson, March 5, 1925. time, then there could have been an Alden Watts Allen the new princi appropriate verse at the beginning pal of the school, comes In for a por of these notes—the kind that express THE LITTLE FLOWER SHOP Winslow-Holbrook Post Has trait an# appreciative sketch, while a es that brim-full-of-enthusiasm Senior tribute Is paid to Miss Anna feeling one brings back after two (SCENES FROM AN OLD PANORAMA—NO. 5) SILSBY'S Drive Next Week—Grif E. Coughlin, “three years our prin months of meandering. cipal, four years our teacher, al [This Is one of a series of 8 views of the 1 Iarrington, who dealt in hats thought to he a fireproof struct 399 Main Street Rockland fin Chairman. west side of Rockland's Main street, made ways our friend." It seems harder to adjust oneself from a panorama painted about 1850. The and caps, and who had a familiar ure and when the conflagration NEXT TO WESTERN UNION. TEL. 318-W The editorials are "peppy" conclud Courier-Gazette Invites communications from The $5,000,000 American Legion to the realm of Ethel M. Dell and co- its readers In connection therewith ! trick of ipinching one’s nose and came the proprietors calmly ing with an injunction for the stu sob writers while that glorious-glad- Fund drive will be held In Maine May the front end of his hat until closed the shutters and removed dents of Rockland High School to to-be-at-home-dyfrig-to-talk-about-it [ , . 24 to 30. This fund is to take care "wake up!” and show the citizens of feeling still envelops one. The mer? j '' orking northward from they came together. none, of the contents, figuring of the widows and orphans of all Rockland that “we are go-getters in intention of settling down to work School Street we COlTie HOW to the Unless memory is at fault the that the fire would burn itself out veterans of the World War. Al stead of a drawback to our school and again is enough to bring all the seen- ( ori i , g ff , ,, k third store was a millinery kept when it encountered this brick community." though the drive Is being put on hy the ery of the past two months in a slow- 1 . by Miss Frances J. Kirkpatrick. obstacle. The first indication The literary department radiates moving panorama before one's eyes. ; story wooden Structure, which American Legion, the widows and Dr. Thomas Frye had his of that the hotel \vas afire was when with the following communications: Perhaps 'tis the reward of the ama- , wag replaced aftcr the bjg fire by flames began to shoot from the orphans of all ex-service men are to "The Ghost," H. L. P„ '26; “A Mid teur traveller. fice in this original building and That many automobile owners carry receive the benefits from the fund. night Visit," Mary Pratt '25: “That > • ' another wooden structure, which J. M. Murphy and Enos Crockett chimneys. The building was Shorthand," Virginia Sargent, '25; The purpose of the fund is to keep ’Twas a “high spot .trip”—necessa in turn gave way to the present did daguerreotype work, which doomed even while the owners insurance that covers injuries to widows or ophans of ex-service | “Promoting School Activities." Her rily so, if one was to see Havana, 3-story brick Spofford-Spear they continued in the second had been congratulating them men from being dependent on local bert L. Prescott '25; “Oil. That Day!” Panama and its canal, and tour others or damage to the property of selves ujton its indestructibility. charities for support. Hilma Kisklla '25; “Caught In a through all of Southern California block. building. Nor in mentioning in others, but if their own CAR IS The local Post of the American; Storm,” Anther Elwell '25; "Lord in two short months. Old Atlantic The corner store of the block this connection the I second Next north of the Commercial Legion has chosen Milton M. Griffin Nose." Abe Fein '25; “A Wood" might have easily robbed us of our shown in the picture was kept by Spofford block, should we fail House was the grocery store of J. DAMAGED, THE POLICY DOES chairman of the local drive. The ’ (poem), Class of '25. enthusiasm bad she chosen to behave I “Col,” other members of the committee are Other departments all of which are Charles A. Macomber,1 to mention Abner R. Bills, G. Lovejoy. NOT PAY A CENT! in true March manner. A day of w|K)se The store on the corner was Kenneth V. White, Nell Packard, Ed. well lived up to are Social, Jokes, light showers, however, was the onlv merchandise was of a | whose shoemaking shop for a DO Hayes. Ralph ,W. Brown, E. Carl also a grocery, but carried a Athletics. Exchanges, Alumni. An break in the calm, warm weather varied character, ranging front generation occupied the second Moral), Earl Alden, Carlo Ferrara, other highly essential factor in the which nearly made one forget one fruit and confectionery to hooks j floor, a noted character in its more varied stock, such as dry That you should carry insurance Donald Kelsey, Everett Libby, Al- | success of any newspaper or maga- was on shipboard. Panama pro goods, crockery ware, etc. It mond Hall and Theodore Perry. The , zjne is found in the advertising col- and fane)' goods. At the rear proprietor and a great resort for PROTECTING YOUR OWN CAR, vided a light breeze ais we slowly was a sort of menagerie and, the wits of the (lay. The only was kept by George W. Kimball, Auxtllary of Winslow-Holbrook Post • Umns. Nelson S. Crockett, business made our eight-hour trip through grandfather of S. T. Kimball, because the other fellow very often will appoint its committee Monday, manager, and his associates per- that stui>endous man-made passage, aquarium, which was the delight survivor of his crew of a dozen YOU other local organizations which formed their task In a most thorough the Panama Canal, and even the Pa of boys and girls from far and! or more workmen (hand, there esq. have appointed committees, or j ,nanner. either will not or cannot pay for the cific refused to live up to her repu near. The colonel had cages of were no machines) is, we believe, Going up Limerock street a agreed to help, are the Forty Club The caldron editorial board is damage he does to your car. tation of rough seas, hut remained canary birds, howls of gold fish,I Joseph J. Veazie, who has a shop hit we come to Diamond block, and the Rotary Club. More work- I ma(je us thus: satisfied with a minor roll and an so-called because it was painted ers arc needed. Charles C Phillips ................ FicuMy Advisor occasional high fog. cages of squirrels, potted plants now on Myrtle street, mnur? •A general mass meeting will be Philip w Rounds. '21 ............Editor-In-Chief and what not. To every boy and j Comes now the famous old checkerboard‘fashion. Oliver H. That we have a SPECIAL FORM of held in the rooms of Wlnslow-Hol- i Arte E Brawn. "26 . Assistani Editor-In-Chief brook Post Monday, at 7.30 p m 1 Be»nor 8n°»- ......... <’Usa EdlIur ’Twas rose season in California. girl who came into his store on I Commercial House, a 4-story Perry kept a clothing store, and May M.