Lanco Infratech Limited
RED HERRING PROSPECTUS Dated October 23, 2006 Please read Section 60B of the Companies Act, 1956 100% Book Building Issue LANCO INFRATECH LIMITED (Our Company was originally incorporated on March 26, 1993 as “Lanco Constructions Limited” in Andhra Pradesh with its registered office at 1-8-50/G, 2nd Floor, Krishna Nagar Colony, Prenderghast Road, Secunderabad – 500 003 and received its certificate of commencement of business on March 31, 1993. With effect from June 2, 1994, the Company shifted its registered office to Ground Floor, Visaka Towers, 1-8-303/69/3, Sardar Patel Road, Secunderabad – 500 003. The Company further shifted its registered office, with effect from July 12, 1998, to Lanco House, 141, Avenue #8 Road #2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 034. On November 24, 2000 the Company’s name was changed to “Lanco Infratech Limited”). Registered Office: Lanco House, 141, Avenue #8, Road #2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 034, Andhra Pradesh, India; Tel: (91 40) 235 40695/697/701/703; Fax: (91 40) 2354 0699; Contact Person and Compliance Officer: C. Krishnakumar; Email:; Website: www. PUBLIC ISSUE OF 44,472,381 EQUITY SHARES OF RS. 10 EACH FOR CASH AT A PRICE OF RS. [●] PER EQUITY SHARE AGGREGATING RS. [●] MILLION BY LANCO INFRATECH LIMITED (THE “COMPANY”) (“THE ISSUE”). THE ISSUE COMPRISES A NET ISSUE TO THE PUBLIC OF 43,972,381 EQUITY SHARES OF RS. 10 EACH (THE “NET ISSUE”) AND A RESERVATION FOR ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES OF UP TO 500,000 EQUITY SHARES OF RS. 10 EACH, AT THE ISSUE PRICE. THE ISSUE WOULD CONSTITUTE 20.00% OF THE FULLY DILUTED POST ISSUE PAID-UP EQUITY CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY.THE NET ISSUE WOULD CONSTITUTE 19.78% OF THE FULLY DILUTED POST ISSUE PAID UP EQUITY CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY.
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