9/21/2020 From the Fall of the Wall to the War on Terror: How the 1990s Shaped Our World | Humphrey School of Public Affairs Humphrey School of Public Affairs From the Fall of the Wall to the War on Terror: How the 1990s Shaped Our World

When the Berllin Wallll fellll on November 9,, 1989 — or 11/9 — many Americans shifted their attention away from foreign pollicy,, and onlly re-awakened to worlld affairs on 9/11,, lleading some observers to mistakenlly callll the intervening years the "holliday from history.." In their new book,, America Between the Wars: From 11/9 to 9/11,, Derek Chollllet (http://www.atlanticpartnership.org/?(http://www.atlanticpartnership.org/? p=408) and JJames Golldgeier (http://elliott.gwu.edu/faculty/goldgeier.cfm)(http://elliott.gwu.edu/faculty/goldgeier.cfm) examine how both Democrats and Republlicans strugglled to define America''s rolle in the worlld after the collllapse of communism.. Mapping the forces that have shaped the post-Colld War era,, Chollllet and Golldgeier willl discuss how the llegacy of the 1990s is allive and wellll in the 2008 presidentiall campaign,, and is vitall to understanding what is llikelly to persist in the next presidentiall administration no matter who wins..

Support for this event was made possiblle in part by a generous gift from the Walllliin Foundation (http://www.wallinfoundation.org/)(http://www.wallinfoundation.org/)..


Derek Chollllet is a senior fellllow at the Center for a New American Security in Washington,, D..C..,, where he allso teaches at ’’s Security Studies Program.. He served in the State Department during the Cllinton administration,, as foreign pollicy adviser to former U..S.. Senator ,, and assisted former U..S.. Secretaries of State James A.. Baker III and with their memoirs.. He has written or coedited four books on American foreign pollicy,, and his articlles have appeared in the Washington Post,,Financiall Times,, Los Angelles Times,, Washington Monthlly,, and numerous other publlications..

JAMES GOLDGEIER https://hhh-d7.prd.umn.edu/event/fall-wall-war-terror-how-1990s-shaped-our-world 1/3 9/21/2020 From the Fall of the Wall to the War on Terror: How the 1990s Shaped Our World | Humphrey School of Public Affairs James Golldgeier is a professor of polliticall science and internationall affairs at The George Washington University and a senior fellllow at the Council on Foreign Rellations.. He has authored or coauthored four books on foreign pollicy,, and his articlles have appeared in publlications,, inclluding Foreign Affairs,, Foreign Policy,, The Nationall Interest,, the Washington Post,, Financiall Times,, and TheWeeklly Standard.. He has helld fellllowships at Stanford University,, the Brookings Institution,, the Library of Congress,, and the Woodrow Wilson Center and has served at the State Department and on the Nationall Security Council staff..

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This event was co-sponsored by the Counciill on Foreign Relations (http://www.cfr.org/)(http://www.cfr.org/) and the Humphrey Schooll of Publliic Aaiirs (/index.php)(/index.php)..

September 18,, 2008 https://hhh-d7.prd.umn.edu/event/fall-wall-war-terror-how-1990s-shaped-our-world 2/3 9/21/2020 From the Fall of the Wall to the War on Terror: How the 1990s Shaped Our World | Humphrey School of Public Affairs 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Humphrey Forum,, Humphrey Schooll of Publlic Affairs

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