REACH The PARISH PAPER For Horning and Ashmanhaugh (Associated with the NIB magazine)

AUGUST 2020 No. 513

From your Parish Priest

Since the middle of June, we have been able to open our churches for individual private prayer, on a rota basis across each week. Following further government announcements in July, we are now able to conduct baptism, weddings, and funeral services in church, but with attendance limited to a maximum 30 people (or even less in our smaller churches). Other regular church services are now permitted but limited by the capacity of each church. Also, while we can play recorded music, singing and the playing of wind instruments is not permitted. As from 24 th July, face coverings became mandatory in shops and other enclosed spaces, although the legislation did not extend this to places of worship. However, in common with our sister churches the Church of ‘strongly advises’ everyone attending our churches to wear a face covering while inside the building, except briefly if receiving communion.

Given all the various restrictions, advice, and guidelines, we have agreed that it is not currently sensible to try to re-establish our previous patterns of worship, especially where folk from different parishes were encouraged to come together for benefice services. Conscious that some folk remain wary of public gatherings, we shall continue to prepare a weekly worship video, released each Sunday nominally for 9.30am, though it remains available to be watched at any later time if more convenient. In addition, the churches will be open for individual prayer, as shown below, and we shall also provide a short said communion service in each church, to coincide with one of the opening periods for that church, as shown in the table below. We shall now follow this weekly pattern throughout August and then review again in the light of any feedback from parishioners, and any further direction from government and/or church authorities.

With every blessing, David

August 2020 - Church Opening Times

And Holy Communion Times 10.00am – 1.00 pm 1.00pm-5.00pm Sunday Neatishead Barton Turf (4.00pm HC) Monday Horning Tuesday Ashmanhaugh Wednesday Irstead ( 10.00 am HC) Neatishead (4.00pm HC) Thursday Barton Turf Friday Horning ( 11.00 am HC) Saturday Ashmanhaugh (10.00am HC) Irstead

THE BENEFICE of ST BENEDICT ASHMANHAUGH, BARTON TURF, BEESTON ST LAWRENCE, IRSTEAD, HORNING and NEATISHEAD Rector: Reverend David Smith, telephone 01692 630216 Readers: - Barbara McGoun and Pauline Simpson

A BIG THANK YOU I want to give a big thank you, on behalf of the village, for all the help that has been given by villagers to those who have been in lock-down and unable to get out for things such as their own shopping and collection of their medicines. Not only that, but also for the kindness of those keeping ‘an eye’ on their more vulnerable neighbours. We are travelling together through a most wretched time but the one thing that I hear from everyone that I talk to as I walk my dogs, is ‘Aren’t we so lucky to live in such a wonderful village.’ Barbara McGoun Editor Horning Reach


During recent months we organised a book stall at Whitegates in aid of the and Norwich Hospitals. Purchase was by donations and we are pleased to say that thanks to many of you we collected £256.73 which means, along with the £35 from the Lower Street VE celebration and other contributions we were able to donate £364.12 to the Jenny Lind ward which supports children and young people. Thank you again. Thea and Peter Boshier


MUSEUM OF WELCOME BACK! ‘Welcome to the Museum of the Broads!’ How we’ve longed to say that to visitors all year! Finally, it looks like we should be open at the end of July. Preparations are being made to ensure everything is safe for all on site, and although things may look a little different to before, we are sure our visitors will still enjoy discovering the stories of the Broads. Please check our website for full information, including opening hours, booking details, boat trips, and what to expect when you arrive. With many unsure about taking a holiday abroad or further afield right now, enjoying days out locally as part of a ‘staycation’ could be the new way to unwind. We are blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the country. Enjoy it as many others have done for decades. And try to fit in a visit to your local museum too – we Wish You Were Here! Museum of the Broads, Stalham Staithe, NR12 9DA,


300 Club Winners - July 2020 No. Name. Amount 154 Mrs G Stennett £25.00 127 Mrs S Vernall £15.00 277 Mrs B McGoun £10.00

There may be a few numbers available if you wish to join contact Lin Galley 01692 630330. For hire bookings of the Village Hall or the Mill Suite. Please contact; J. Wright 01603 782260 Email; [email protected]



The editorial chair rests at about thirty feet above sea level, a fair height in a parish whose greatest eminence is thirty-four-feet. From his desk, the editor looks due south across the marshes and Ranworth Broads, to the church of St Helen at about the same level as Horning Church and hardly more than a mile away, its tower dominating the horizon, far overtopping the fifty foot contour to which the ridge rises. If, one clear bright morning, the tower is not to be seen, the editor would not believe his eyes. Yet something like this happened eight hundred years ago, for in the middle of the twelfth century we find a letter from Archbishop Theobald of Canterbury to William, Bishop of Norwich, ordering him to enquire into the disappearance of Ranworth church. It was the Abbot of St Benet’s who was affronted for the church had been given to his predecessor by the Saxon, Egewardus, before the Norman Conquest. The loss of a medieval church meant loss of income. The bishop was dilatory in responding but the abbot persisted in his complaint and finally the king himself commanded the bishop to act. Soon we find the church back in its accustomed place. It had to have been a timber building and was coveted by a neighbouring landowner who simply stole it, porch, nave and chancel for the sake of the profits. You may visit Ranworth church today to see the view from the tower, or if you are a discerning type of visitor, to see the illuminated medieval service book, the Sarum Antiphoner, but most of all, the rood screen, the best example in England according to the specialists. It spreads the whole width of the nave and aisles, and not just of the chancel arch, the ends forming reredoses to the side altars. John Mitchell of the School of Fine Arts and Music at the University of East Anglia has made a comparative study of this and other screens in the region and arrived at some interesting conclusions, demonstrating from similarities of composition, style and execution, that the Ranworth Screen was probably the work of a group of artists whose members, seemingly four, travelled and carried out commissions over a wide area from Hunstanton to Southwold. The artists drew on a common stock of figures and detail, selecting the attitudes of the saints, draperies and incidental features from their pattern books.


The Ranworth panels seem to have been designed by one master although more than one may have carried out the actual painting. For the most part, panels were painted in situ by artists working perforce on their knees. There are stylistic as well as documentary indications as to when the work may have been done, the last quarter of the fifteenth century being most likely. When Richard the Third was desperately offering his kingdom for a horse, dedicated artists in the peaceful Norfolk countryside were quietly applying their skill in paint on wooden panels. Like so much church art, the Ranworth panels were damaged by unloving and unlamented Puritans of the seventeenth century who so much hated the flesh that they painted out even the bare feet of the saints, but moddern skill has moved the obliterating daub, the work being paid for by the Pilgrim Trust. Of the panels, those depicting St George and St Michael are particularly to be admired. The subjects of others, as well as apostles, include some of local significance. St Stephen, the patron of weavers, recalls that these marshes once gave grazing to large flocks of sheep. Another, St Etheldreda, was the daughter of a King of the East Angles and was Abbess of Ely. Another figure of a bishop may have been St Felix of Dunwich, the Apostle of East Anglia. We can see at Ranworth the purpose of the rood-stairway, still persevered in Horning Church but leading nowhere. The rood-loft at Ranworth, though removed, can be seen to have crossed above the screen from north to south in front of the chancel arch where it supported the crucifix and figures of the Virgin Mother and St John. One other interesting feature of our neighbour church is the fifteenth century desk with a plain-song Latin Gloria painted upon it. Those who know the fabric of our own church well, will see affinity between the Ranworth desk and a certain feature of Horning church.

Next Month – Horning Neighbours - Thurne


David Moore, our fixtures secretary, is trying to arrange some matches so that members can remember how to play! Still a few weeks left for playing.

It is good to see the Football Club re-starting. The Bowls Club wish them all the best and the villagers will give them full support.


HEALTH MATTERS – JULY 2020 An occasional update from Hoveton & Wroxham Medical Centre • Appointments . Most appointments continue to be by telephone unless the clinical decision is that a face-to-face appointment is necessary. This will continue for the foreseeable future. We are though resuming health checks and screening activity based on local clinical judgement and national direction. Some do’s and don’ts… Please: • do not come to the Medical Centre if you do not have an appointment. • do wear face coverings/masks when you do attend the surgery. • don’t arrive too early (or late) as our waiting room now has much lower capacity. • do follow the signs, our one-way system and other precautionary measures. • GP Survey . The results of the annual patient survey have been released. It has been encouraging to see that the scores for Hoveton & Wroxham Medical Centre have improved upon last year and that in almost every case we score above the local (Norfolk & Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group) and national averages. You can look at the data at We nevertheless are not resting on laurels and we respond to all feedback. The Patient Participation Group is a valued route for you to voice your questions and concerns. Let the Practice know if you want to discuss anything with the PPG. • Self-Referral Physiotherapy . This service is proving particularly successful with over 90% are then being able to self-treat their symptoms based on the expert advice from Pure Physiotherapy. The service provides a telephone call from a specialist physiotherapist with diagnosis, advice regarding treatment and if necessary, referral on to specialist services. Face-to-face services will be implemented when the current COVID-19 situation allows. For patients with spinal, joint or soft tissue pain, please call Pure Physiotherapy on 01603 791190. • Research . The University of Cambridge CLIMB team are interested in peoples' views on consent and information sharing between NHS services. If you are interested in taking part in their anonymous survey then please follow this link The survey is voluntary and takes 15-20 mins but you can take a break. When asked where did you hear about this survey don’t forget to tick ‘from a GP’ and put Hoveton & Wroxham Medical Centre for our surgery. • Covid-19 Most Vulnerable Patients . The NHS has indicated that the most vulnerable patients can reduce the current strict regime of precautions from 1 August. For those shielding patients, the NHS website provides valuable information on what to do next. • Hospital Referrals . Patients should still expect to wait longer than usual for non-urgent or elective procedures. Each hospital will be contacting their patients as appointments/operations are confirmed. Or alternatively, call Outpatient Bookings via the NNUH switchboard on 01603 286286.



The sermon this morning: ‘Jesus Walks on the Water.’

The sermon tonight: ‘Searching for Jesus.’

*** Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.

*** Miss Charlene Mason sang: ‘I will not pass this way again’, giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.



Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all the help they can get.

At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be ‘What is Hell?’ Come early and listen to our choir practice. *** Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.

*** The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind.

They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon. ***


The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s Hamlet in the church basement Friday at 7pm.

The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

AND FINALLY… The Associate Minister unveiled the church’s new campaign slogan last Sunday. ‘I Upped My Pledge – Up Yours.’



Next Parish Council Meeting: The next Parish Council meeting will NOT be held in the Village Hall Annexe as it will not be open. In addition, the National Association of Local Councils recommends that meetings continue to take place virtually. Therefore the August meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Zoom. The agenda will be on the website and the public are very welcome. If you would like to attend please see the website for the Zoom link or the telephone number to access the meeting

Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Jo Beardshaw

E-mail: [email protected] Parish Council Website:


It is with regret that we have decided to cancel this year’s Lifeboat Day due to the current covid-19 situation. This is a major blow for our fundraising efforts and not a decision that we have taken lightly. We are, however, very grateful for all the kind donations we have received and we would like to say a huge “Thank You” for your continued support.

The plaques on our Wall of Memories are now going up and look great! Whether to remember a loved one, celebrate a special day or simply happy memories of sunny days spent on the beach, there is a place on our Wall of Memories for all. (For details please contact Amanda : 01692 598150 or e-mail: [email protected] ) 10


We have some exciting news which is that we are allowed to play friendly matches vs other competitive clubs as of the 1st August. We will have our games at Horning as follows.

Pre Season: 1st August - Horning FC vs Prostar FC - 2pm. 8th August - Horning FC vs Hornets FC - 2pm. 15th August - Horning FC vs Horsford Reserves - 2:30pm. 22nd August - Vikings FC - 2:30pm 29th August - Eaton Eagles FC - 10:30am.


We have a number of moorings available at its premier position on the River Bure. Available all year round, there are spaces on both the club’s island moorings, on the river and in the river pens. Suitable for keelboats, sailing or motor cruisers.

Enquiries to [email protected]



HORNING REACH Editor: Barbara McGoun 01692 630663 Distribution: Bernice Dunham 01692 630913 DEADLINE FOR SEPTEMBER REACH - 15 h AUGUST email to [email protected] Contributions welcome, but the Editor reserves the right to amend, copy or omit unsuitable articles at her discretion. No responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions, although the Editor does her best to ensure that the information printed is correct. Views expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily those of the Horning Reach.

ADVERTISEMENTS For SMALL advertisements the rate for each insertion is £2.00 for each 20 words . For copy and payment instructions please contact the Editor. Please note that all adverts are placed in good faith in this publication. The Editor suggests you take up references where applicable before engaging the services of any company or persons advertising in this publication.



BURNT FEN ALPACAS LOUISA'S DANCE WORKOUT Burnt Fen Alpacas – For details of our alpaca walks, cream teas or courses please check our website or call Annie on 01692 630553

COMPUTERS Problem solving and tuition, please call Jamie Nickerson 01692-630553 07747-450776 or [email protected] Horning Park Logs for sale - seasoned hardwood, delivered locally - £1 12 a load - Jamie Nickerson Every Tuesday 10:30am 07747-450776 [email protected]

£2 (£1 of which is donated to Samaritans)

All Abilities. Social Distance apply No need to book Tel:0750 1432840


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Enjoy the experience of being at the controls of a Spitfire or Boeing 747.

A truly memorable gift for someone special! 1 hour £50 – ½ hour £30 Aeronautical memorabilia for sale in shop. Pictures – Models – Books – Miscellanea.

For more information or to book, contact Reg: 37 Lower Street, Horning, Norfolk NR12 8AA Telephone: 01692 630271 – 01692 631 553



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BREATHE, RELAX, BE Have a question? Bliss Yoga Friday 10am Give me a ring on 07899 796271 Horning Village Hall, Mill Hill Mallards, 42 Lower Street, Horning NR12 8AA Come along and enjoy a gentle flowing style of Yoga creating strength and stability in the body. Drop-in £8 Ten class pass £70

New additional class: RANDALL CONTRACTORS

Mindfulness and relaxation ROAD RESURFACING Learn tools to help you have a more restful SPECIALISTS IN HOT BITUMEN sleep, build immunity, release stress and just GOLDEN PEA SHINGLE, ASPHALT feel better within yourself. AND SUBSIDENCE BUILD UP

LOCAL REFERENCES AVAILABLE All welcome. ALL WORK GUARANTEED No level of fitness required. 11:30-12:00 2nd & 4th Friday of each month [email protected] £4 Tel: 01638 581064 Mobile 07920 162683 [email protected]



Quality Made to Measure Blinds, Quality, efficient decorating in the Curtains, and Much, Much, More Broadland area.

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PAINTER AND DECORATOR For All Your Needs ---.-...

EST. 1987 In-Store Bakery – Orders can be taken Tel: 01692 631366/ 07748 257176 Chilled Fruit & Vegetables ‘BENITA’ NEATISHEAD ROAD, Groceries * Confectionery * Ice Creams

HORNING, NR12 8LB * Maps * Books & Stationery MEMBER OF NORFOLK COUNTY * Medical * Papers & Delivery COUNCIL’S TRUTED TRADERS * Off Licence * Lottery


L Harmer - Tree & Garden We stock a variety of food including Services vegetables, milk, ham, cheese, bread, deserts, All aspects of tree surgery, felling, beer and cider and now introducing a range of fresh salads. reductions, thinning, crown cleaning. We also stock Tavern Tasty meats which can All hedging work. be ordered for you. Over 10 years’ experience. Fully insured, N.P.T.C qualified. For those who are self-isolating, we will make a home delivery. For a free competitive quotation call 01603 927404 or 07584 124710



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‘ODD JOB’ STAITHE N WILLOW HORNING Fully equipped Handyman and Gardener. Available 7 days a week. • Hedge cutting We are still serving Fish and Chips • Grass cutting on Fridays for delivery or take-away. • General DIY • Small painting jobs • Other meals are available for Flat pack assembly • Home waste removal collection throughout the week. • Fencing Any Home and Garden general Call 01692 630915 maintenance. Call Tom on 07711185154


Rats, Mice, Moles, Wasps, Bees, Rabbits, Fox, etc


Orchard Cottage, School Road Tel/Fax: 01692 631173 Neatishead, Norwich NR12 8XN Mobile: 07711 391839


A BIT OF LIGHT ENTERTAINMENT!! Well, we need a bit of fun…

A bored young man decided life would be more fun if he had a pet. So, he went to the pet store and told the owner that he wanted to buy an unusual pet. After some discussion, he finally bought a talking centipede, (100-legged bug), which came in a little white box to use for his house. He took the box back home, found a good spot for the box, and decided he would start off by taking his new pet to church with him. So, he asked the centipede in the box, "Would you like to go to church with me today? We will have a good time." But there was no answer from his new pet. This bothered him a bit, but he waited a few minutes and then asked again, "How about going to church with me and receive blessings?" But again, there was no answer from his new friend and pet. So, he waited a few minutes more, thinking about the situation. The young man decided to invite the centipede one last time. This time he put his face up against the centipede's house and shouted, "Hey, in there! Would you like to go to church with me and learn about God?" This time, a little voice came out of the box, "I heard you the first time! I'm putting on my shoes!"


The Vicar came to visit the other day. He said that at my advanced age I should be thinking of the hereafter.

I told him, "Oh, I do it all the time. No matter where I am - in the living room, upstairs, in the kitchen, or down in the basement, I am always asking myself: ”Now, what am I here after?'"


VILLAGE INFORMATION USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Doctors’ Surgery Hoveton 01603 782155 Doctor’s Surgery Ludham 01692 678611 Norfolk & Norwich Hospital 01603 286286 Cromer Hospital 01263 513571 NHS Help Line 111 – or visit

Norwich Practices Health Care (Walk in Centre), Rouen Road, Norwich – Open seven days a week. Contact 01603 677500.

DEFIBRILLATORS Village Hall, Mill Hill NR12 8LF The New Inn, Lower Street NR12 8PF Ferry Marina Reception Ferry Road NR12 8PS

Norfolk County Council 03448008020

North Norfolk District Council 01263 513811

Veterinary Surgery Wroxham 01603 783920

Citizens Advice Bureau 03444 111 444

Police non-emergency 101

Samaritans FREE PHONE 116123

MOBILE LIBRARY – Horning and Ashmanhaugh Coronavirus update Considering the current advice from the Government, we have taken the decision to suspend the mobile service for the foreseeable future.

AND FINALLY: “Be nice to the environment. Be nice to animals. Be nice to people. If you do that, you will leave a mark on the world.” ― Enock Maregesi