Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 110 / Monday, June 9, 2014 / Notices 32915

Dated: May 29, 2014. description remains dispositive. A full Companies at this time; instead, Paul Piquado, description of the scope of the order is consistent with our practice, the Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and contained in the memorandum to Paul Department will complete the review Compliance. Piquado, Assistant Secretary for with respect to the RHI Companies and [FR Doc. 2014–13433 Filed 6–6–14; 8:45 am] Enforcement and Compliance from issue appropriate instructions to U.S. BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P Christian Marsh, Deputy Assistant Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Secretary for Antidumping and based on the final results of the review.2 Countervailing Duty Operations, Information on the record shows that DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ‘‘Decision Memorandum for the Fengchi did have sales of subject Preliminary Results of the merchandise during the POR.3 International Trade Administration Countervailing Duty Administrative Methodology [C–570–955] Review of Certain Magnesia Carbon Bricks from the People’s Republic of The Department conducted this Certain Magnesia Carbon Bricks From ,’’ dated concurrently with and review in accordance with section the People’s Republic of China: hereby adopted by this notice 751(a)(1)(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as Preliminary Results of Countervailing (Preliminary Decision Memorandum). amended (the Act). For each subsidy Duty Administrative Review; 2012 The Preliminary Decision program under review, we preliminarily Memorandum is a public document and determine there are countervailable AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, is made available to the public via subsidies, i.e., that there is a International Trade Administration, Enforcement and Compliance’s government-provided financial Department of Commerce. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty contribution that gives rise to a benefit SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce Centralized Electronic Service System to the recipient, and that the subsidy is (the Department) is conducting an (IA ACCESS). IA ACCESS is available to specific.4 In making these findings, we administrative review of the registered users at https:// relied on AFA for Fengchi, because it countervailing duty order on certain iaaccess.trade.gov, and is available to all did not act to the best of its ability to magnesia carbon bricks (MCBs) from the parties in the Department’s Central respond to our request for information; People’s Republic of China (PRC), Records Unit, located in Room 7046 of as such, we drew an adverse inference 5 covering the period of review (POR) the main Department of Commerce in selecting among the facts available. January 1, 2012, through December 31, building. In addition, a complete With respect to the remaining 2012. We preliminarily determine that version of the Preliminary Decision companies for which we initiated the application of adverse facts available Memorandum can be found at http:// reviews and that did not file no- (AFA) to the sole mandatory enforcement.trade.gov/frn/. The signed shipment certifications, we will assign respondent, Fengchi Imp. and Exp. Co., and the electronic versions of the to entries made by these companies the Ltd. of Haicheng City and Fengchi Preliminary Decision Memorandum are all-others rate from the investigation. Refractories Co., of Haicheng City identical in content. Accordingly, and consistent with (collectively, Fengchi), and the section 705(c)(5)(A)(ii) of the Act, we Preliminary Determination of No relied upon the all others rate from the Government of the PRC (GOC), is Shipments necessary because they failed to investigation because the rate calculated On December 13, 2013, the cooperate to the best of their ability in for the sole mandatory respondent in Department received timely no this proceeding. The Department also these preliminary results of review is shipment certifications from RHI AG preliminarily finds that certain based entirely upon facts available. We and its affiliates: RHI Jinding companies made no shipments of consider the use of the all others rate Magnesia Co.; RHI Refractories () from the investigation, which was based subject merchandise to the United Co. Ltd.; RHI Refractories Liaoning Co., States during the POR. Interested parties upon a calculated rate for one of the Ltd.; RHI Trading Branch; and mandatory respondents in the are invited to comment on these RHI Trading (Dalian) Co., Ltd. preliminary results. investigation, to be a ‘‘reasonable (collectively, the RHI Companies).1 method’’ for calculating the all others DATES: Effective Date: June 9, 2014. Because there is no evidence on the rate because it represents the only rate FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: record to indicate that these companies in the history of the countervailing duty Brandon Steele, Enforcement and had sales of subject merchandise during order on MCBs from the PRC that is not Compliance, International Trade the POR, we preliminarily determine zero, de minimis, or based entirely upon Administration, U.S. Department of that the RHI Companies had no facts available.6 Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution shipments during the POR. As a result, Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; pursuant to 19 CFR 351.213(d)(3), the 2 See, e.g., Magnesium Metal from the Russian telephone: (202) 482–4956. Department intends to rescind the Federation: Preliminary Results of Antidumping review with respect to the RHI Duty Administrative Review, 75 FR 26922, 26923 Scope of the Order (May 12, 2010), unchanged in Magnesium Metal Companies. However, the Department From the Russian Federation: Final Results of The merchandise subject to the order finds that it is not appropriate to rescind Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 75 FR includes certain MCBs. Certain MCBs the review with respect to the RHI 56989 (September 17, 2010). that are the subject of this order are 3 See the January 13, 2014, Memorandum to the currently classifiable under the 1 See the December 13, 2013, Letter to the File, ‘‘Certain Magnesia Carbon Bricks from the People’s Republic of China: Customs Data of U.S. following subheadings of the Secretary, ‘‘Certain Magnesia Carbon Bricks from China: Notice of No Sales.’’ In our Initiation Notice, Imports of Magnesia Carbon Bricks.’’ Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the we stated that any company named in the notice of 4 See sections 771(5)(B) and (D) of the Act United States (HTSUS): 6902.10.1000, initiation that had no exports, sales, or entries regarding financial contribution; section 771(5)(E) 6902.10.5000, 66815.91.0000, during the POR must notify the Department within of the Act regarding benefit; and, section 771(5A) 6815.99.2000, and 6815.99.4000. 60 days of publication of the notice in the Federal of the Act regarding specificity. Register. See Initiation of Antidumping and 5 See sections 776(a) and (b) of the Act. Although the HTSUS numbers are Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews and 6 For a list of topics discussed in the Preliminary provided for convenience and customs Request for Revocation in Part, 78 FR 67104, 67104 Decision Memorandum, see Appendix I. For a full purposes, the written product (November 8, 2013) (Initiation Notice). Continued

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Preliminary Results of Review Parties are reminded that briefs and Anyang Rongzhu Silicon Industry Co., Ltd hearing requests are to be filed Bayuquan Refractories Co., Ltd We preliminarily determine the electronically using IA ACCESS, and Tianxing Ceramic Fiber Composite following margins exist for the POR: that electronically filed documents must Materials Corp Changxing Magnesium Furnace Charge Co., Ad valorem be received successfully in their entirety Ltd by 5 p.m. Eastern Time on the due date. Company net subsidy Changxing Wangfa Architectural & rate Unless the deadline is extended Metallurgical Materials Co., Ltd (percent) pursuant to section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Changzing Zhicheng Refractory Material Act, we will issue the final results of Factory Fengchi Imp. and Exp. Co., this administrative review, including China Metallurgical Raw Material Beijing Ltd. of Haicheng City and the results of our analysis of the issues Company Fengchi Refractories Co., China Quantai Metallurgical (Beijing) of Haicheng City (collec- raised by the parties in their comments, within 120 days after issuance of these Engineering & Science Co., Ltd tively, Fengchi) ...... 66.27 Cimm Group of China Rate Applicable to the Re- preliminary results. CNBM International Corporation maining Companies Under Dalian Dalmond Trading Co., Ltd Review 7 ...... 24.24 Assessment Rates and Cash Deposit Requirements Dalian F.T.Z. Huaxin International Dalian F.T.Z. Maylong Resources Co., Ltd Disclosure and Public Comment In accordance with 19 CFR Dalian Huayu Refractories International Co., 351.221(b)(4)(i), we assigned a subsidy Ltd We will disclose the calculations to rate for each producer/exporter subject Dalian LST Metallurgy Co., Ltd parties in this proceeding within five to this administrative review. Upon Dalian Masoo International Trading days of the date of publication of this issuance of the final results, the Dalian Mayerton Refractories Ltd notice in the Federal Register in Department shall determine, and CBP Dalian Morgan Refractories Ltd Dashiqiao Bozhong Mineral Products Co., Ltd accordance with 19 CFR 351.224(b). shall assess, countervailing duties on all Interested parties may submit written Dashiqiao City Guangcheng Refractory Co., appropriate entries covered by this Ltd comments (case briefs) for this review. We intend to issue instructions administrative review no later than 30 Dashiqiao Jia Sheng Mining Co., Ltd to CBP 15 days after publication of the Dashiqiao RongXing Refractory Material Co., days from the date of publication of this final results of review. Ltd Federal Register notice, and rebuttal Pursuant to section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Dashiqiao Sanqiang Refractory Material Co., comments (rebuttal briefs) within five Act, the Department also intends to Ltd days after the time limit for filing case instruct CBP to collect cash deposits of Dashiqiao Yutong Packing Factory 8 briefs. Rebuttal briefs must be limited estimated countervailing duties, in the Dengfeng Desheng Refractory Co., Ltd 9 to issues raised in the case briefs. amounts shown above for each of the DFL Minmet Refractories Corp Parties who submit case briefs or Duferco BarInvest SA Beijing Office respective companies shown above, on Duferco Ironet Shanghai Representative rebuttal briefs in this proceeding are shipments of subject merchandise encouraged to submit with each Office entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, Eastern Industries & Trading Co., Ltd argument: (1) A statement of the issue; for consumption on or after the date of Fengchi Mining Co., Ltd of Haicheng City (2) a brief summary of the argument; publication of the final results of this Fengchi Refractories Corp 10 and (3) a table of authorities. review. For all non-reviewed firms, we Haicheng City Qunli Mining Co., Ltd Interested parties who wish to request will instruct CBP to continue to collect Haicheng City Xiyang Import & Export a hearing, or to participate in a hearing cash deposits at the most-recent Corporation if one is requested, must file company-specific or all-others rate Haicheng Donghe Taidi Refractory Co., Ltd electronically a written request to the Haicheng Ruitong Mining Co., Ltd applicable to the company, as Haiyuan Talc Powder Manufacture Factory Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and appropriate. These cash deposit Compliance, U.S. Department of Henan Boma Co. Ltd requirements, when imposed, shall Henan Kingway Chemicals Co., Ltd Commerce, within 30 days after the remain in effect until further notice. Henan Tagore Refractories Co., Ltd publication of this notice in the Federal These preliminary results are issued Henan Xinmi Changzxing Refractories, Co., Register.11 Requests should contain the and published in accordance with Ltd party’s name, address, and telephone sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Hebei Qinghe Refractory Group Co. Ltd number, the number of participants, and Act, and 19 CFR 351.221(b)(4). Huailin Refractories (Dashiqiao) Pte. Ltd a list of the issues to be discussed. If a Hualude Hardware Products Co. Ltd request for a hearing is made, we intend Dated: June 2, 2014. Jiangsu Sujia Group New Materials Co., Ltd to hold it at the U.S. Department of Paul Piquado, Jiangsu Sujia Joint-Stock Co., Ltd Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Forever Imp. & Exp. Trading Co., Ltd Compliance. Jinan Linquan Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230, at Jinan Ludong Refractory Co., Ltd a time and date to be determined. Appendix I Kosmokraft Refractory Limited Parties should confirm by telephone the List of Topics Discussed in the Kuehne & Nagel Ltd. Dalian Branch Office date, time, and location of the hearing Lechang City Guangdong Province SongXin Preliminary Decision Memorandum two days before the scheduled date. Refractories Co., Ltd I. Summary Liaoning Fucheng Refractories Group Co., Ltd description of the methodology underlying our II. Background conclusions, see the Preliminary Decision III. Scope of the Order Liaoning Fucheng Special Refractory Co., Ltd Memorandum. IV. Discussion of the Methodology Liaoning Jiayi Metals & Minerals Ltd 7 See Appendix II. V. Recommendation Liaoning Jinding Magnesite Group 8 See 19 CFR 351.309(c)(1)(ii) and 19 CFR Liaoning Mayerton Refractories Co., Ltd 351.309(d)(1). Appendix II Liaoning Mineral & Metallurgy Group Co., 9 See 19 CFR 351.309(d)(2). List of Remaining Companies Under Ltd 10 See 19 CFR 351.309(c)(2) and 19 CFR Review Liaoning Qunyi Group Refractories Co., Ltd 351.309(d)(2). Liaoning Qunyi Trade Co., Ltd 11 See 19 CFR 351.310(c). ANH (Xinyi) Refractories Co. Ltd Liaoning RHI Jinding Magnesis Co., Ltd

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LiShuang Refractory Industrial Co., Ltd Huawei Refractories Co., Ltd of the Data Workshop is a report which Lithomelt Co., Ltd Lianzhu Refractory Materials Co., Ltd compiles and evaluates potential Luheng Refractory Co., Ltd [FR Doc. 2014–13259 Filed 6–6–14; 8:45 am] datasets and recommends which Refractory Group Co., Ltd Mayerton Refractories BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P datasets are appropriate for assessment Minsource International Ltd analyses. The assessment webinars Minteq International Inc produce a report which describes the National Minerals Co., Ltd DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE fisheries, evaluates the status of the North Refractories Co., Ltd National Oceanic and Atmospheric stock, estimates biological benchmarks, Orestar Metals & Minerals Co., Ltd projects future population conditions, Oreworld Trade () Co., Ltd Administration Puyang Refractories Co., Ltd and recommends research and RIN 0648–XD318 Almatis Co., Ltd. (HQ) monitoring needs. The assessment is Qingdao Almatis Co., Ltd. (Manufacturing) independently peer reviewed at the Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico and Qingdao Almatis Trading Co., Ltd. (Sales Review Workshop. The product of the Office) South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Review Workshop is a Summary Qingdao Blueshell Import & Export Corp documenting panel opinions regarding Qingdao Fujing Group Co., Ltd Public Meeting Qingdao Huierde International Trade Co., Ltd the strengths and weaknesses of the RHI Refractories (Dalian) Co., Ltd AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries stock assessment and input data. RHI Refractories Liaoning Co., Ltd Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Participants for SEDAR Workshops are RHI Trading Shanghai Branch Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), appointed by the Gulf of Mexico, South RHI Trading (Dalian) Co., Ltd Commerce. Atlantic, and Caribbean Fishery Rongyuan Magnesite Co., Ltd. of Dashiqiao ACTION: Notice of SEDAR 39 post-data Management Councils and NOAA City workshop webinar for Highly Migratory Fisheries Southeast Regional Office, Shandong Cambridge International Trade Inc Species (HMS) Smoothhound sharks. Shandong Lunai Kiln Refractories Co., Ltd Highly Migratory Species Management Shandong Refractories Corp SUMMARY: The SEDAR 39 assessment of Division, and Southeast Fisheries Shanxi Dajin International (Group) Co., Ltd the HMS Smoothhound Sharks: A Data Science Center. Participants include: Shanxi Xinrong International Trade Co. Ltd Workshop; a series of Assessment Data collectors and database managers; Yi Xin Sheng Lai Refractory stock assessment scientists, biologists, Materials Co., Ltd webinars; and a Review Workshop. See Shinagawa Rongyuan Refractories Co., Ltd SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. and researchers; constituency Sinosteel Corporation DATES: The SEDAR 39 post-data representatives including fishermen, SMMC Group Co., Ltd workshop webinar will be held on environmentalists, and non- Tangshan Success Import & Export Trading Tuesday, June 24, 2014, from 10 a.m. governmental organizations (NGOs); Co., Ltd until 12 p.m. central standard time international experts; and staff of New Century Refractories, Ltd (EST). Councils, Commissions, and state and Tianjin New World Import & Export Trading federal agencies. Co., Ltd ADDRESSES: Tianjin Weiyuan Refractory Co., Ltd Meeting address: The meeting will be The items of discussion during the Vesuvius Advanced Ceramics () Co. held via webinar. The webinar is open data webinar are as follows: Ltd to members of the public. Those Wonjin Refractories Co., Ltd Participants will discuss and review interested in participating should data analyses and decisions since the Xiyuan Xingquan Forsterite Co., Ltd contact Julie A. Neer at SEDAR (see FOR Yanshi City Guangming High-Tech Data Workshop. FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT below) to Refractories Products Co., Ltd request an invitation providing webinar Although non-emergency issues not YHS Minerals Co., Ltd contained in this agenda may come Bayuquan Refractories Co., Ltd access information. Please request Yingkou Dalmond Refractories Co., Ltd webinar invitations at least 24 hours in before this group for discussion, those Yingkou Guangyang Refractories Co., Ltd advance of the webinar. issues may not be the subject of formal Yingkou Guangyang Refractories Co., Ltd. SEDAR address: 4055 Faber Place action during this meeting. Action will (YGR) Drive, Suite 201, N. Charleston, SC be restricted to those issues specifically Yingkou Heping Samwha Minerals Co., Ltd 29405. identified in this notice and any issues Yingkou Jiahe Refractories Co., Ltd arising after publication of this notice Yingkou Jinlong Refractories Group FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Julie Yingkou Kyushu Refractories Co., Ltd A. Neer, SEDAR Coordinator; telephone: that require emergency action under Yingkou New Century Refractories Ltd (843) 571–4366; email: julie.neer@ section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens Yingkou Qinghua Group Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd safmc.net. Fishery Conservation and Management Yingkou Qinghua Refractories Co., Ltd SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf Act, provided the public has been Yingkou Sanhua Refractory Materials Co., of Mexico, South Atlantic, and notified of the intent to take final action Ltd to address the emergency. Yingkou Tianrun Refractory Co., Ltd Caribbean Fishery Management Yingkou Wonjin Refractory Material Co., Ltd Councils, in conjunction with NOAA Special Accommodations Yingkou Yongji Mag Refractory, Ltd Fisheries and the Atlantic and Gulf Yixing Runlong Trade Co., Ltd States Marine Fisheries Commissions, This meeting is accessible to people Yixing Xinwei Leeshing Refractory Materials have implemented the Southeast Data, with disabilities. Requests for auxiliary Co., Ltd Assessment and Review (SEDAR) aids should be directed to the SEDAR Yixing Zhenqiu Charging Ltd process, a multi-step method for office (see ADDRESSES) at least 10 Zhejiang Changxing Guangming Special determining the status of fish stocks in Refractory Material Foundry, Co., Ltd business days prior to the meeting. Zhejiang Deqing Jinlei Refractory Co., Ltd the Southeast Region. SEDAR is a multi- step process including: (1) Data Note: The times and sequence specified in Zhejiang Huzhou Fuzilin Refractory Metals this agenda are subject to change. Group Co., Ltd Workshop; (2) Assessment Workshop Zhengzhou Annec Industrial Co., Ltd and a series of Assessment webinars; Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq. Zhengzhou Huachen Refractory Co., Ltd and (3) Review Workshop. The product

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