503 PLANNING COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting held on 8th September, 2016. Present: Councillor F.T. Johnson (Chairman); Mrs. M.R. Wilkinson (Vice-Chairman); Councillors Ms. R. Birch, J.C. Bird, Ms. B.E. Brooks, L. Burnett, Mrs. P. Drake, J. Drysdale, C.P. Franks, E. Hacker, Mrs. V.M. Hartrey, N.P. Hodges, H.J.W. James, P.G. King, A. Parker, R.A. Penrose, A.G. Powell, Mrs. A.J. Preston, G. Roberts and A.C. Williams. List of Public Speakers: Name of Speaker Planning Application No. and Reason for Speaking Location Mr. L. Blight 2016/00219/FUL - United Objector or their Reformed Church, Windsor representative Road, Barry Mr. J. Hurley 2016/00219/FUL - United Applicant or their Reformed Church, Windsor representative Road, Barry Mr. P. Jones 2016/00649/FUL - 8 Francis Objector or their Road, Barry representative Mr. O. Griffiths 2016/00778/FUL - Land at Applicant or their Former Bus Depot Site, Chapel representative Terrace, Twyn yr Odyn, Wenvoe 299 ANNOUNCEMENTS – Prior to commencement of business of the Committee, the Chairman read the following statement: “May I remind everyone present that the meeting will be broadcast live via the internet and a record archived for future viewing.” 300 APOLOGY FOR ABSENCE – This was received from Councillor H.C. Hamilton. 301 MINUTES – RESOLVED – T H A T the minutes of the meeting held on 28th July, 2016 be approved as a correct record. TRIM/Planning Committee/2016/September 08 Minutes - LM 504 302 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillor N.P. Hodges Application No. 2016/00219/FUL - United Reformed Church, Windsor Road, Barry - The nature of the interest was that Councillor Hodges was a local resident to the application site.
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