Eabd  1877

www.rochesteryc.co April • 2007 m A New Look For RYC n addition to the upstairs dining room, another exciting remodeling project has taken place at the IClub. New signs have been installed at the entry gates and doors, new placemats are in use in the dining room, and new coasters have been introduced in the bar. The banner of the Log and the website have been changed, and new window decals for your car and boat are available for purchase. Over the next few months, all the Club materials will be changed to incorporate our revised logo. Like the Club DVD premiered at the Grand Re-opening of the upstairs dining room, our logo is part of an effort to raise awareness and influence the public perception of our Club. It is a valuable marketing tool and we felt the revision should address the following issues: • CONTINUITY: The Club has a long history and the burgee has been associated with the Club since its beginning. For that reason, we felt it was important to continue to utilize the burgee as our logo. • IDENTITY: Presented alone, our burgee has no meaning to the general public. So a key requirement was Ingham Is One of World’s Top Finishers to incorporate our name into the design. We also wanted RYC’s Mike Ingham just finished the 2007 J/24 Worlds in to establish a signature typeface, so that our name would Puerta Vallarta taking second place, missing only the appear in the same typeface on all our materials. defending Worlds Champ Mauricio Santa Cruz of Brazil. • STYLE: The best logos reflect the qualities of the Mike and fellow RYC members Ernie Ferullo and Bobby companies and their products. The Rochester Yacht Club Bryant, along with master boat builder exstraordinaire, Curt is a well-established premium product. We wanted the Barnes, and friend Jon Faudre had a great regatta, finishing design to convey these qualities, as well as the friendliness and accessibility of the Club. (continued on page 2…) in front of 69 boats. Reid Stava Measures Up! From February 28 through March 10, conformance to class rules.” As Chair of RYC member Reid Stava was in Puerto the US Technical Committee, Reid is also Vallarta, Mexico for the J/24 World a member of the International Technical Championships–but not to race, rather, to Committee, and has been for about 12 measure. “All boats are measured as if years! they'd never been measured before. There “My principal interest is measuring sails, are about 25 items such as mast position, although I've measured all the J/24 boats , sails, etc. The purpose is to validate in the US – 1,500 boats in 12 years!” (continued on page 2…)

5555 St. Paul Boulevard • Rochester, New York 14617 • 585-342-5511 2

Commodore’sDear Members, Message countless hours to make sure this dining room project gets completed on schedule. I am writing this before its completion, but I hope the onset of spring finds you all well there is no doubt in my mind that it will be done on time. I extend and preparing for a very busy season of my sincere thanks to all who have lent a hand in this project. activities. Your Club staff and its many volunteers have been going full force, One of the main things that bring a club and its members together planning for the upcoming summer events. I is the camaraderie that comes from running a top notch regatta and hope that we, as a Board, have been doing our doing it right. This summer's IFDS Disabled Worlds may be one part in keeping you updated as to what is of the biggest regattas the Club will host. Not only will the three going on and what is coming up. I know that Lin and the rest of courses on the lake be a challenge, but the on-shore logistics will be the RYC staff have been making huge efforts to get everyone's even bigger. Just think about getting 150-200 disabled sailors down current email address so that we are better able to keep you to water level, into their boats, and off the dock. The planning of informed. over 300 meals for 10 consecutive days will present another challenge in itself. Our staff and volunteers will have their work cut You may notice in this issue of the Log our first use of the updated out from them, but this is what sets our Club apart from the rest. RYC logo. It really has not changed much but it is a little more up Whether you are a sailor, a power boater, a cruiser, a resident to date. Thanks to Notch Miyake and everyone else on the PR member, a student member or a trial member, I would urge you to Committee for their hard work on this endeavor. get involved with your Club. It's a great time to be a member! As I begin to learn how to try and do this “commodore” thing, it If you have comments or concerns call me at 721-2653 or write to really hits home that the key to this volunteer job is really the other me at [email protected]. volunteers who make this all come together. I have stated before, there is no “I” in the words yacht club. It's our Club and we all have That's all from me this month. I hope you all stay warm! to work together to make it that much better. Most of you would See you around the Club! be amazed to see the group of people who have been working Skip Shumway, Commodore RYC’s New Look (continued from front…) MEMBERSHIP REPORT RYC Membership as of March 15, 2007 • CONSISTENCY: There have been many interpretations of the Resident 407 Scott Blodgett (Resident) burgee over the years. As a result, the overall presentation of our name Non-Resident 106 Proposer: Brian Graves and logo has been confusing and conveyed many different messages. Associate 12 Seconder: John Doyle Any logo must be used consistently to be effective, so we are asking Surviving Spouse 24 Status Changes: everyone to use only the official formats for all Club materials. Privileges 5 To Resident: Templates are available on the Club website or by contacting me. Duane Beckett (Associate) Honorary 21 • FREQUENCY: To be effective, our logo must have the widest Ancient Mariner 50 Kristo Miettinen (Military Leave of Absence) distribution possible and we must take every opportunity to display it. Leave of Absence 30 Decals and coasters with the revised logo are available now. Other Student 24 To Military Leave of Absence: regalia items will be available soon. A new informational brochure Craig Miller (Resident) RJYC56 displaying our logo will be produced and distributed to key community Military Leave 2 To Leave of Absence: organizations. Ready for Election Kevin Maggio (Resident) The final design, by Club member Linda Summers, is simple and Eric Basset (Resident-legacy) To Resignation: elegant. The fluttering burgee conveys movement and activity Ready to Post David Montrallo (Ancient compared to a static burgee. The signature typeface is modern and Mariner) Wilma Darling (Associate) informal. And the dateline explicitly recognizes our long history. I David Castle (Non-Resident) Proposer: Steven Walther think you will agree that she did a great job designing a logo we can all Seconder: Robert Spatola Mark Dailey (Non Resident) Kurt Sertl (Resident) be proud to display. – Notch Miyake Reid Stava Measures Up (continued from front…) Having had a J/24 himself promoted an interest in measuring and unfortunately, traveled alone as he did to Mexico a few weeks requirements in order to be accepted for world qualifying events. ago. His wife, Jane, had accompanied Reid once, and soon to retire “In the late 80s, the J/24 Association decided to from teaching, will again be his able assistant. “She's very organized, impose a weight restriction. So I got involved with the Rochester capable, and a natural.” boats and eventually was asked to join the US Technical Committee “The World Championships in Mexico were absolutely unbelievable! as a class measurer.” He became US Technical Committee Chair in Because of high class qualification measurers, there was a daily boat 1995, overseeing about 40 to 50 measurers. inspection on random boats over a 10 day period. We caught a few A typical year means attending about three to five major regattas–the boats whose crew had misinterpretations, so we serve as coaches and North Americans, National, District, and Great Lakes interpreters on how a boat should be equipped versus acting as boat Championships. Reid also serves as an International Measurer and so police. When I used to race on Bateau Blanc, I'd hear measurers say, has attended the World’s Championship in Chile, the Pan American ‘You can't do this! You can't race!’ with no corrective coaching… Games in the Dominican Republic, and in 2006 measured boats in acting like boat police rather than as an assessor offering a service to two World's… Melbourne, and Weymouth, England. the regatta.” Thus, Reid became a measurer. Until his retirement from Xerox in 2006, Reid used vacation time – Kate Karshick 3 RYC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING March 15, 2007 The Women's Association will organize an Rick Sullivan also reported that the The meeting was brought to order in the RYC boat tour in late spring, according to upcoming Stolze match race series held in upstairs dining room, giving everyone who Mary Lynn Miraglia, RYCWA Vice Buffalo and the Richardson Trophy held attended the opportunity to view the work President. Volunteers are needed to open here at RYC will both be seminars for in progress. Anticipation is high for the their boats to the tour and volunteer their officials. Those people who are interested March 31 Grand Opening. time to help orchestrate the tour. The in being accredited can attend two seminars event will be held in the evening and will within the area. Commodore Shumway announced that be followed by a dinner. Past Commodore Fred Karshick will now Megan Cucci reported on the upcoming also be known as “Admiral” Karshick. We still need a volunteer to coordinate the regattas including the Hospice, Opti Fred's taken responsibility for the RYC's Club Cruise. If you want it to happen, it's Championship and Disabled Worlds; many watercraft, a fleet of over 50 vessels. time to step forward and take the reigns. are still looking for volunteers. Treasurer John Miraglia reported another Dockmaster Tom Kankoski is organizing The Guest Card Policy was tabled for a successful month at RYC. We ended the staff to cover dockmaster duties. He's month because Len Redon, whose month $22,000 better than budget and are received enough applicants and is working committee is developing the details was $73,000 better than budget year to date. with Mary to share staff. unable to attend this meeting. Club Manager Mary B. Smith reported Facilities – Bud Webb reported that Commodores Shumway and Ross as well that the hourly employees completed an maintenance work around the site has been as Tom Kankoski presented an overview of eight-week training session focused on in progress. Four of the cottonwood trees the Member Pavilion project. Skip secured service excellence. Leadership training for that created mess and posed some hazards the City's permission to build the structure. salaried employees is underway and will have been removed. Work on the fence Franz is completing the final plans. The continue for another four weeks. Mary has along the front entrance has been discussion revolved around funding the been interviewing interns and plans on completed. Work is also in progress on the construction. With the capital expenditures having interns working this summer in club deck outside the dining room. for the upstairs renovation, the Pavilion, if management areas. Mary has a busy month built this year, will be funded through Beth Sahrle reported that the House planned. Please check out the upcoming member donations. A lengthy discussion Committee, which has been working on events elsewhere in the Log. was had regarding methods to raise the the upstairs renovations, is also working on funds. Vice Comm Ross will coordinate Sail Fleet Captain Richard Sullivan ran upcoming events and promotions to efforts to solicit donation commitments through the extensive activities for encourage member usage. Also in the from members. One RYC family has the near future. The high school program works is a revised dining survey. They will already promised $25,000. If we can secure started Wednesday, with high school also coordinate a grounds cleanup May 12, commitments for another $75,000 we students sailing amid the icebergs earlier in at 9:00 am. could have the Pavilion open for Memorial the day. The first four Friday nights in Tom Kankoski reported that the launch Day. If you are interested in making a May will feature events in the schedule is published and “dry sail” storage donation please contact Charlie. river in Ideal 18s. Volunteers are needed to assignments will be made in the next two run Club Cruise and the Friday “fish fry” weeks. Have a good month. We'll soon be on the races. If a volunteer doesn't step forward water. these races may not occur. Doc's Steve Labuzetta reported on Junior Yacht John D’Aurizio committee is also addressing scoring. They Club activities. The RJYC Auction will be Corresponding Secretary will be implementing a new scoring system May 4. Expect calls from RJYC members over the coming season including new soliciting donations. High school sailing software and laptop computers. More started yesterday. The Club just completed details will be available at the Skippers a successful trip to Mt. Tremblant. Shipwrecks of Meeting and in the Log. Rear Commodore Fran Antonelli reported Public Relations - Notch Miyake - This that after actions in the closed session, the Lake Ontario committee completed work on the membership stands at 407 Resident WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 promotional DVD which will be presented members, 106 Non-Resident members, 12 5:45 PM DINNER BUFFET • $22 at the March 31 Grand Opening. The Associate Members, no change to other Board also approved the adoption of the categories. Total Active Membership stands (featuring Prime Rib & Chicken Asiago) standardized logo prepared by the at 706. 7:30 PM PRESENTATION committee. Reservations Requested

Please submit articles or photos for consideration for publication Discover what shipwrecks are in the ARTICLES FOR THE in the Log to Karen Gerwitz ([email protected]), waters of Lake Ontario near our Club NEXT LOG DUE Shelly Dinan ([email protected]) or and see the ROAMER (Remotely APRIL 19 Kate Karshick ([email protected]). We reserve the right to edit. Operated Aquatic Motorized Explorer)!

4 2007 SAILING SEASON RYC Sailors… es, it is that time of year again to be found in the updated Sailing Give Match Racing start thinking of our summer sailing Instructions available at the skippers meeting April 25). A Shot! Yseason. Some of us stay in Rochester frostbiting, some travel to With the retirement of the Baums we are Sailing season will soon be upon us and it Florida to participate in and Melges taking a hard look at the scoring system is time to think of new venues for honing 24 events and some travel to Mexico to and a new and improved system will be our sailing skills. Match Racing is held on participate in J/24 worlds. As our sailors implemented. Simplified registration will several levels, from the DST regatta held finished 2nd in both the worlds and Sonar be a must as we will not be able to score yearly in Ideal 18s at RYC to the America's midwinters, it is apparent that there’s some you without a current registration (make Cup held this year in Valencia Spain. The “talent” out there on the race course. sure you have a current PHRF certificate race starts with the pre race “dance” five This year we will again host Wednesday for those who participate in handicapped minutes prior to the start of the race and night races along with Thursday Ideal racing. finishes when the first boat crosses the and Monday series, May Friday All of this could not be done without finish line. Scoring is done on a round night team racing, GO racing on member support. We encourage you to robin series and the individual with the Fridays, Sunday afternoon Sonar races, invite your crew and guests to join our most wins is declared the champion. Memorial day races and several other Club using any of our membership Typically the races are a windward leeward venues already posted on the RYC categories. We also have need for someone finish to windward, on a short course so calendar. to oversee the fleet scoring, organize the that two or three heats can be run at the same time. With the addition of new mark set boats GO fleet, and an offshore fleet captain to with new working engines, the RYC race oversee the PHRF handicapped fleet. The This year RYC members (could be you) management under the direction of Hank list of names of all the current will again compete in the Pacific Yacht Stuart promises us some excellent racing. division/fleet captains is posted on the Club Challenge. Practice for this event website and their next meeting is on April was held March 17, and in the future we Some changes will be apparent to those on 18, so contact them before that so they will host eliminations to determine who the one design course. In addition to a have your input. will represent RYC. mark set boat we will be using the auto start horn with a 3-minute starting Rick Sullivan, Sail Fleet Captain The Richardson Trophy (Great Lake sequence (exact times and sequences will [email protected] Match Racing Championship) will be held at RYC this year and now is the time to put a team together to compete in Buffalo at TEAM RACING AT RYC the Stoltz cup (qualifier for the Richardson cup) in order to compete. For the second year we are promoting We are also invited to the Long Island team racing at RYC. Last year we had series held in ideals and sonars. The Bayview YC will host the Area E 15-20 individuals participate in racing Qualifier and Area AB and C qualifiers will Because RYC has been invited to race using Club and privately-owned Ideal be held in Newport, Larchmont, and these events, we need practice and an 18s. This year we plan to do the same Annapolis. These events are quarterfinal elimination to determine who would be again on Friday evenings, May 4,11,18 events held in May and are a prerequisite best suited to represent us. This is your and 25. for the Prince of Wales (US opportunity to get in on the ground Championship) in Newport in September. Team racing has become a worldwide floor as we build our team racing sport and is quickly working up to be in program. We will be holding Match Racing events contention as an Olympic sport. Check this summer to help individuals hone their Let us know of your intent to participate out the USODA team race nationals on skills, have fun, improve boat handling and the dates your team will be available. July 29. There is a chix’s only beginner skills, and socialize afterwards discussing (Racing in May could spill over to regatta held at MIT on July 2 … all the various strategies which are used. Sunday afternoon sonar sailing if there is levels welcome (sorry chix only). Several members have participated in enough interest.) Amanda Callahan (HWS 2004) Match Racing events and we would like to promises to run a fun quality event. Contact Rick Sullivan with your team give others an opportunity to try. name and dates of availability. If you The Oyster Bay Challenge Masters This year we will be adding One Design can’t put a team of 6 (3 skippers, 3 crew, Regatta will be held in sonars (6/2,3). Sonar races on Sunday afternoon run by no spinnakers), let me know if you are In addition, the Charles River Open Doug Faust in order to take advantage of interested and I will place you with a (6/22,23), Morgan Trophy (8/11, 12), some fine unused sailing time and will be team. Hinman Masters (8/18, 19) and Royal mixing up the venue between fleet, match Thames (9/22, 23) are all regattas which Rick Sullivan, Sail Fleet Captain and team racing. RYC could send a team to compete in. [email protected] If you are interested contact [email protected] or [email protected].

5 RYC WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION RYCWA is proud to present a “Coldwater Creek” Fashion Show Wednesday, May 2

Join us for cocktails at 5:30 pm, dinner at 6:30 pm with the fashion show commencing at 7:30 pm Salad of Mixed Field Greens with Orange Segments & Sliced Strawberries tossed with a Citrus Vinaigrette Choice of: Rosemary-Citrus Roasted Fillet of Red Snapper with a Roasted Artichoke Heart & Toasted Pine Nut Ragout OR Goat Cheese, Apricots, & Sage Stuffed Chicken on a Citrus Zested Chicken Veloute Dry Roasted Wild Rice & White Basmati Blend Medley of Spring Vegetables Authentic Key Lime Pie, Coffee & Tea Please make your reservation before April 27, as this event always sells

SAVE THE DATE! If you are a Past President, save May 23 for your special luncheon! Shaw Festival, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Featuring… PHILANDERER at the Royal George Theatre • 2 pm Bernard Shaw's play is a delightful comedy about three young women in London wanting to join the exclusive men's group at the IBSEN CLUB. The sacred walls inside this club have never seen such action as these sparkling and vitally different young women try to prove they are “unwomanly” women, in order to gain acceptance.

Transportation & Theatre,Costs… $98 (taxes included) OR Transportation, Theatre & Gourmet Luncheon. $120 (includes all taxes & gratuities) Gourmet Luncheon: 12 NOON @ THE GATE HOUSE, RISTORANTE GIARDINO (across the street from the Royal George Theatre) (Menu and Entrée Choices will be listed in the MAY Log)

Call MARYANN HAASReservation 342-3659, or e-mailPolicy her for at MPHPURPLELAD 2007… [email protected]. Open to MEMBERS ONLY, with FULL PAYMENT, by APRIL 12. Make CHECK payable to MARYANN HAAS, and send it to her @ 254 OAKRIDGE DR., ROCHESTER, NY, 14617.

When members call to make their reservations, Guests will be put on a WAITING LIST. If there are SEATS AVAILABLE on APRIL 12, MEMBERS will be NOTIFIED IF GUESTS have an opportunity to join us. CANCELLATION POLICY: NO REFUNDS AFTER JULY 14, UNLESS WE SELL YOUR SEAT.

6 A MESSAGE FROM THE CLUB MANAGER Dear Members, Saturday, April 7, plan to have Breakfast with the Easter Bunny! This Women's Association sponsored event is geared towards I found it fascinating to watch our children from ages 1 through 10. There will be special Easter crafts second floor go through many stages and a clown that makes balloon animals. The main feature for this during the course of its renovation. As event is the Easter Egg Hunt which is great fun. Each child I watched some of our members strip should arrive with a basket to collect eggs and, because this is an paint off the stairwell wall, board by outdoor event, boots are recommended if the ground is wet. board, I thought, now that is truly a Cameras are encouraged for pictures with the Easter Bunny. “labor of love”. It made me realize how uniquely different we are here at Sunday, April 8, Chef George is planning a wonderful Easter our Club, with our many member Brunch. Bring your family down and enjoy the spectacular array volunteers helping to pull the project together and see it to of foods, beautifully displayed desserts, and omelet and Belgium completion, another addition to add to the history book that began waffle stations accented by one of Chef George's own carved ice back in 1877. Just one more thing for Pete Tierney, a member sculptures. We will be serving between the hours of 10 am and celebrating his 69th year at the Club, to say “This is what our Club 2 pm. Reservations are recommended. is all about. I remember when…” Sunday, April 29, the Entertainment Committee has organized And, surely, the new look to our second floor will reignite member family night at RYC. All families are encouraged to come to the passion and enthusiasm for and the spirit of camaraderie Club and enjoy an evening of fun for all ages. We will be serving a in this “second home”. Let's take advantage of all our members' Pasta Buffet and playing Bingo from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. This is efforts by using the Club as a vehicle for your personal and business the perfect opportunity to meet other families or get reacquainted needs. We would be happy to accommodate you and your guests with your buddies from last season. Adults and kids alike are sure at this perfect setting on Lake Ontario. to be amused. Come on down and try your luck! A BIG “Thank You” goes out to Bob and Jackie Fields for And, finally, April brings to completion the RYC Service sharing their spectacular adventure of crossing the Atlantic Ocean Excellence Employee Training, which we took advantage of on the Tall Ship “Starclipper”. Their presentation on February 28 through our NYS workforce development grant. Employees from was outstanding and they packed the house. We have a couple all departments have been developing improved strategies to create more presentations in store for you this spring. On April 18, we a more unified TEAM that together will best serve the members of will be offering a Prime Rib and Chicken Dinner Buffet followed our Club. RYC has its own extraordinary culture, rich in history by a presentation on “Shipwrecks of Lake Ontario”. On May 5, and tradition, and there is much to be proud of. I am very happy Sally Barkow will be here talking about her adventures in sailing. to be part of it. She was awarded the Rolex Yachtswoman of the year in 2005 and is See you at the Club! currently Skipper of Team 7 sailing, racing full time in the Mary Smith keelboat class in the women's match racing circuit. These presentations are ones you won't want to miss.

Richardson Trophy Racing At RYC Is RYC Your Chance To Learn How To Umpire Jr. Sail RYC has agreed to host the 2007 RYC will also host an ISAF umpire Program Richardson Trophy, the Great training seminar. If you’re Lakes match race championship. interested in working the race, this now Regatta Chairman Hank Stuart is your opportunity. Classroom available! asks for your help to make this a seminars will take place Download premier sailing event. Wednesday and Thursday, a copy at Richardson Trophy racing will take September 26 and 27. After the place September 27-30, 2007. seminar, umpires in training will www.rochesteryc.com Twelve teams will compete – two work the Richardson Trophy Spaghetti Dinner for teams from each Great Lake so as event. Contact Hank if you’re many as 48 sailors. interested. Families More information about the Sunday, April 22, 2007 Match racing requires more 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm officials than a normal regatta. In Richardson Trophy, including the l fact, in conjunction with the race, Notice of Race, are available at www.lmsrf.org/yrugl. Buffet Dinner

7 RJYC Annual Auction! SAVE THE DATE! Friday, May 4 Volunteers Needed for As always, your participation RYC’s Annual Grounds Cleanup is appreciated for this, May 12, 9 am the premier fundraiser that the RJYC survives on... STORAGE LOCKERS Please consider the RJYC’s future when an RJYC member contacts you AVAILABLE for a gift or financial support! Contact David Fingar at 385-6616 And… Save the date to join the or [email protected] fun festivities on May 4! for information

RYC Keelboat Program The boats held up well in 2006 and were sailed frequently and raced competitively. Jason Evans has worked on them again this off-season. The recently added sails still sound newer than most on the starting line; this year we're moving the dry sailed boats back to the Club basin and setting up a bottom cleaning schedule. You know the program, and now it's time to try it!

For $395.00 per family (or $295 if you sign up prior to April 1) you can take advantage of the Keelboat Program, with no worries of ownership. Don't be left sitting at the bar or pool wishing you were out on the water when the breeze comes up. Have questions: Call Chris Dorsey at 544-8347 or email him at [email protected]

More details will follow, but if you're interested, fill out the form below and return it with this month’s bill, or fax it to 342-8116, Attention Keelboat Program. Or drop it off at the Club. Name: ______Email address: ______Club Number: ______Bill me once ($395.00)______($295.00 prior to April 1)______Bill me in three installments ($135.00 each)_____ ($100.00 each if registered by (April 1st)_____ I (we) am a ___experienced ____intermediate_____novice _____beginning sailor. I (we) am interested in_____racing ____day-sailing ____instruction. We're planning another Ideal summer for you.

Rochester Yacht Club PRSRT STD 5555 St. Paul Boulevard U.S. POSTAGE PAID Rochester, New York 14617 ROCHESTER, NY Eabd  1877 PERMIT NO. 748

RYC Women’s Association Presents PASTA & BINGO NIGHT Sunday, April 29 from 5-8 pm Children’s Breakfast Buffet Chances to win great prizes!

&Satur Easterday, April Egg 7, 2007Hunt

The party starts in the Banquet Room at 10 am with egg decorating and a visit with the Easter Bunny After breakfast, weather permitting, the Easter Egg Hunt will be held on the lawn of the White House There will be hidden eggs filled with candy and surprises!

Adults $9.95, Children 4-10 $5.95 Pasta Dinner Buffet Children 3 and under FREE! $11.95 Adults, $5.95 children Make your reservation by Wednesday, April 4. 3 and under Free Please include the number of adults, children and their ages. Reservations Requested