SALLY WAGENMAKER, WAGENMAKER & ) OBERLY LLC, an Illinois Corporation, and ) Judge Jerry A
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, LAW DIVISION JAMES S. MACDONALD, ) ) Plaintiff, ) v. ) ) Case No. 2020 L 011785 SALLY WAGENMAKER, WAGENMAKER & ) OBERLY LLC, an Illinois Corporation, and ) Judge Jerry A. Esrig SCHECHTER, DOKKEN, KANTER, ) ANDREWS & SELCER, LTD. d/b/a ) SCHECHTER, DOKKEN, KANTER CPAs, a ) Minnesota Corporation. ) ) FILED DATE: 2/18/2021 5:59 PM 2020L011785 Defendant. AMENDED COMPLAINT Plaintiff, JAMES S. MACDONALD (“MacDonald”), by and through his attorneys, Roetzel & Andress, LPA, for his Amended Complaint against the Defendants, SALLY WAGENMAKER, in her individual capacity, WAGENMAKER & OBERLY LLC, an Illinois Corporation, and SCHECHTER, DOKKEN, KANTER, ANDREWS & SELCER, LTD., d/b/a SCHECHTER, DOKKEN, KANTER CPAs, a Minnesota Corporation, states as follows: PARTIES, JURISDICTION & VENUE 1. Plaintiff James S. MacDonald, D.Min. (“Dr. MacDonald” or “MacDonald”), is a resident of Kane County, Illinois. Dr. MacDonald is a founder and former Senior Pastor of the Harvest Bible Chapel (“HBC”). In addition to serving as HBC’s Senior Pastor for nearly 30 years, MacDonald has also brought his ministry and bible teaching to millions of people around the country and the world through his independent broadcast ministry, Walk in the Word (“WITW”). 2. Defendant Wagenmaker & Oberly LLC (“W&O”) is an Illinois law firm located at 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604. 3. Defendant Sally Wagenmaker (“Wagenmaker”), is an individual and an Illinois attorney and is a partner in the law firm W&O. 4. Defendant Schechter, Dokken, Kanter, Andrews & Selcer, Ltd., d/b/a Schechter, Dokken, Kanter CPAs (“SDK”) is an accounting firm located at 100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 1600, Minneapolis, MN 55401.
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