Children’s Services

Early Help Guide for Lead Professionals

January 2015

Better Together For Children

Early Help Contact details: 01922 650763

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There are times when children and their families need some extra help and in Walsall we’ve committed to working together to provide support as soon as possible so children get the help they need, when they need it, in a way that works best for them and their families: our pledge to them is to offer ‘Early help, early on’.

The first part of this guide aims to give practitioners who take on the role Lead Professionals for a child and their family an overview of the Early Help Assessment framework and how it should be used to support better outcomes for children, young people and their families in Walsall.

The second part of this guide aims to give Lead Professionals an overview of services available in Walsall to make a single agency referral to or can be pulled in as part of a multi- agency plan.

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1. Early Help Overview and context

Early Help in Walsall means providing support as soon as possible to build family resilience and well-being.

• Support is evidence and needs led and can occur at any stage in a child or young person’s life.

• A commitment across the partners to integrated approaches to ensure we tackle problems early on for children, young people and their families.

• It is our shared responsibility - all partners, all agencies - to work with children, young people and their families to keep them safe, build on strengths, reduce risk and prevent problems from escalating.

2. What is a Early Help Assessment

The Early Help Assessment (EHA) is our standardised approach to assessing children and young people’s needs and deciding how they should be met.

The EHA is a key element of our strategy to delivering more effective early intervention and prevention and is a tool for the identification of children and young people considered to be in need of additional multi agency support.

We’ve listened to what children, young people and families have told us matters to them and the EHA and plan helps us to deliver on our promises to them:

- Between us all, we ‘hold the baton’ for children and families so their journey from needing to receiving help is smooth and swift - we will take responsibility for joining up with one clear trusted lead – there isn’t any ‘they should have’ because the bottom line is that ‘we are they’ - Our assessment is an engagement with children and families rather than an event - We will join up around families so that the right people work with them, at the right time, in the right way to provide the help they need - We make sure that everyone can confidently sign up to the plan…and plans are promises to deliver - -We will involve children and families in informing and shaping decisions about them.

Once completed the EHA will serve as a useful way to share information and to track and review a child or young person’s progress. At the point an EHA is completed by a practitioner they are also encouraged to consider and identify any future likely or predictable difficulties a child may face, for example the transition to secondary school. The EHA form should be used by practitioners in all agencies who work with unborn babies, babies, children, young people and their families.

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Before starting an Early Help Assessment, it is essential to ensure we are joined up in our approach in assessing and meeting the needs of children and young people in an effective way. Therefore, a check must always be made with the MAST to confirm the safeguarding thresholds and to check whether an EHA has already been completed and logged by another professional.

If you have any queries about completing a Early Help Assessment please contact the Early Help Team via email [email protected] or telephone on 01922 650763

3. Your role as the lead Professional

Anyone working with children and young people can take on the role of Lead Professional.

The Lead Professional will act as a single point of contact that the child or young person and their family can trust, and who is able to support them in making choices and in navigating their way through various pathways for support.

The Lead Professional should co-ordinate services from differing agencies, ensuring children receive appropriate interventions when needed, which are well planned, regularly reviewed and effectively delivered and making the required impact.

The Lead Professional is responsible for supporting the family to play an active role, building their resilience and enabling them to become self sufficient.

4. Standards in completing a Early Help Assessment

Before you start an Early Help Assessment, please contact the MAST on 01922 658170 or email [email protected] to check and confirm the safeguarding thresholds and to check whether an EHA has already been completed and logged by another professional. This will ensure we are joined up in our approach in assessing and meeting the needs of children and young people in an effective way from the outset.

The Early Help Assessment will help us to build a picture of the needs of the child/young person and their family. The analysis of the needs will aid us to understand the package of support that is needed to improve outcomes for the child/young person and their family.

The Key principles of a good assessment are:

- Focuses on the needs and views of the child/young person – it provides a clear picture of what life is like for this child at that current time and starts to build a picture of what positive change that needs to happen to secure better outcomes for that child. - Clear analysis of needs including child/young person and their family’s strengths, concerns and any risks and vulnerabilities that need to be considered as part of the plan - A clear Action Plan that focuses on outcomes – what positive changes need to happen for the child/young person. - An action plan with clear accountabilities - it has clear roles and responsibilities for each agency, child/young person and their family as part of the plan - Undertaken in a timely way 4 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

The timeliness of an assessment is a critical element of the quality of that assessment and the outcomes for the child. Within Early Help we strive to provide a timely support to children and young people and their families and have therefore put in place the below timescale for Early Help Assessments and plans:

- Completed a EH assessment within 15 working days of allocation - Multi agency plan in place within 25 working days of allocation

Completing the form

PART 1 – Early Help Consent Form

Early Help is a voluntary offer to the child/young person and their family and is based on collaboration – you are working with the child or young person and their family to find solutions. If the child/young person and/or their parents/carer don’t want to participate, you can’t force them.

You can use the ‘information for families about Walsall’s Early Help Offer’ to help explain the process and benefits of engaging in Early help to families – See Appendix A

If you are increasingly concerned about the safety or welfare of a child or young person by the decision not to participate in Early Help, seek immediate advice from MAST (01922 658170 or email [email protected])at the end of the discussion.

It is important that the consent form is completed and signed by child/young person, parent and lead professional before you the start the Early Help Assessment.

PART 2 – Early Help Assessment

Details about you as the Lead Professional

Your role, position and relationship to the child, young person and their family i.e. how long have you been involved? What service do the child/young person and their family receive from you?

Information from the referrer

Children’s Services Early Help team will be providing the information from the referrer provided to MAST in this section, including the contact details of the referrer.

As the identified Lead Professional it will be important to contact the referrer to discuss the concerns in more detail as part of gathering relevant information to inform an analytical assessment.

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Relevant information gathered from MAST

Children’s Services Early Help Team will be providing you with any essential and relevant information gathered from the multi-agency screening processes that will help you as the lead professional in analysing the need of the child/young person.

Overview of the agencies already involved at the point of referral

Where possible this information will be provided by Children’s Services Early Help Team. Through discussions with the child/young person or the family you will also be able to establish additional services that are working with the child/young person.

Children/Families voice

It is essential that every assessment is informed by views of the child as well as the family. Every assessment should be child centred and pending the child need, age, the relationship with the lead professional this can be gathered using different methods:

- Discussion with the child - Observations - Creative methods including play, drawing - Questionnaires

In Walsall we have commissioned Outcome Star as a tool to help Lead Professionals in ensuring that the child’s voice is central to every assessment. Lead professionals trained in this tool will be using this as an integrated part of the assessment. Information on the next available training in the use of this tool can be obtained by contacting our Children’s Service Workforce Development Team on 01922 650715 [email protected]

You should consider the child or young person within their family relationship and community, including their cultural and religious context. It will help to use plain, jargon- free language which is appropriate to the age and culture of each person, explaining any unavoidable technical and professional terms.

What is the story?

This is the part where you start analysing the information gathered through the referrer, MAST, Child/young person and other professionals using the below assessment framework as a guide.

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You should explore areas around your immediate concern, so as to look behind the presenting issues and come up with a more holistic view. You do not need to comment on every element; include only what is relevant.

The section includes: Development needs – try to detail as much information as possible about the child’s/young person’s general and physical health, emotional well-being such as self esteem, behavioural development, relationship and social skills with family and peers, education – such as at risk of school exclusion. Parents/carer’s skills/capacity and needs – details regarding basic care, safety and protection, emotional warmth and stability including family environment, frequency of house move, school changes, encouragement and praise, etc. Extended family, social circle and environmental factors – details regarding relevant families history, extended family support, housing, employment and financial situation, social networks, and issues such as domestic abuse and/or substance abuse. What is going well – what are the child/young person’s/family’s strengths and resources. What is anyone worried about – within the child or young person and parent/carer identify what changes are wanted. Are there any risks or vulnerabilities to consider in the plan that all parties need to be informed of and be aware of as part of the plan – in this section you need to consider any areas that could impact on following areas: - Protecting children from maltreatment - Preventing impairment of health or development - Ensuring children grow up with safe and effective care

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PART 3 – Action plan

Having undertaken the early help assessment there will be immediate identified actions to put in place. At this point you will decide whether these actions can be delivered by you and the family without requiring any other agency involvement or if an Early Help planning meeting needs arranging.

You will need to complete the action plan in partnership with the child / young person and their family. The plan will be a key vehicle through which families, children / young people understand what needs to be changed and how the early help services will work together to support sustainable change.

The practice principle is the action plan is written for the family and reviewed in a timely manner this will usually be 6 weekly interval's but can be earlier or later depending on the needs of the family.

The plan should be written clearly in a family friendly language and should be focused on outcomes – what positive change needs to be achieved for the child/young person Identify clear and timely actions – what will be done to help to achieve this positive change Be accountable – identify who is responsible for completing actions or activities

Some principles you need to think about to draw up an effective plan: • Ensure you have addressed the current reason for involvement; • Ensure actions are achievable, specific and measurable; • Ensure actions have timescales; • Encourage what is working well; • Include the family’s ideas in order to effect what needs to change; • Draw on the key people who need to take action (this may include family and friends); • Be updated and reviewed; • Be given to the family and practitioners involved

Consent to share and store information

Explain that with their consent, the assessment will be stored securely by your agency, and will also be copied to the Early Help Service for logging on a central database.

Once they agree, ensure you get the child/young person and parent/carer to sign.

PART 4 – Review

Some services may be delivered to parents but should always be evaluated to demonstrate the impact they are having on the outcomes for the child.

Worker and manager should regularly ask whether the help given is leading to a significant positive change for the child and at what pace.

All multi agency plans should be reviewed every 6 weeks to ensure there is timely and effective reflection on progress against action and the impact achieved. The outcome of this reflection should decide whether to revise the plan, refer back to the MAST or close the case, or whether sufficient

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sustainable progress has been made and that needs can now be met through step down to single agency or universal services.

Questions to consider as part of the review: - What are the improvements for the child? - Is the help provided leading to a significant positive change for child? - How do you know – what is the evidence?

See Early Help Review Flowchart below Comment [e1]: Moved up

Early Help Review Flowchart

5. Early Help and Resource Panel

The Early Help and Resource Panel is a multi agency panel that meets every two weeks. It includes representatives from Health, Education, and School exclusion, Parenting, Targeted Youth Support, Children’s Commissioning, Housing, Short Break Disabilities and Early Years. The panel is there to provide support to professionals whom have identified un-met needs (a need that can’t be met by 9 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

any of the partners involved in the plan) for a child, young person or family in the Early Help process. The panel can offer advice and guidance, signposting or referral to agencies that could meet the need or in some circumstances funding. To submit a case for panel or discuss the panel further please contact: Early Help 01922 650763 or email [email protected]

Example: 13 Version 2.2 Isabel Vanderheeren November / December 2014 Children’s Services Referral request: funding for 5 hours buddying for 8 weeks support for a child with autism ‘Unmet’ need: parents have attended a parenting course, but could do with some additional support in putting learned strategies in place in the morning to ensure their son is on time for school and ready to learn. Outcome: morning routines are in place which means that the child is happy, on time in school and ready to engage with education

For more information on the Early Help and Resource Panel and referral form see Appendix C & D

6. Early Help Services available in Walsall

Below is a service guide for you as a Lead Professional to support you with navigating the child/young person and their family through the range of services available to them. These services can be referred to as single agency interventions or can be contacted to ‘pull on’ as part of the Early Help Assessment plan.

The guide is organised in themes following categories which are aligned with the priorities identified as part of our Early Help Strategy:

- Generic Family Support service - Supporting children with School ready - Supporting children and young people in attainment and achievement - Mitigating the impacts of poverty for families - Tackling Domestic Abuse - supporting family Mental health - Reducing young people’s risky behaviour

Each category lists a range of services in Walsall as well as useful links to resources and guidance that will help you in providing preventative and single agency targeted intervention within your own organisation.

This guide is regularly updated, so we recommend professionals to access use through the website rather than keeping a printed copy

If you have any comments or additions for this guidance, please contact Isabel Vanderheeren, Strategic Lead Early Help Tel: 01922 650434 or Email: [email protected] Or Please email [email protected] or telephone 01922 650645

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Family Support

Children’s Centres are currently located in the The centres offer a wide range of services to families in Alumwell/Pleck community. their area, including : Tel: 01922 637794 Children’s centres provide services for every child Sessional childcare Email : [email protected] aged 0-19, and their families, in Walsall. All their Teenage parent groups services are suitable for children with special needs or Healthy lifestyles Bentley disabilities and extra support is available when you Venues for Parenting Classes Tel : 01922 746592 want it. Email : Training including : [email protected] Literacy and numeracy Birchills In-house computer courses Cooking Tel: 01922 646574 Email : [email protected]

Sure Start Blakenall Family Support, including: Tel : 01922 476698 Confidential advice on housing, debt, welfare Email [email protected] rights Parenting advice/interventions One to one and group parenting interventions Tel: 01922 405037 Help for families whose first language is not Email:[email protected] English Brownhils Confidential support to access other services, Tel: 01543 370734 such as Domestic Abuse, substance misuse Email : [email protected]

Contact the centres directly for information on the Chuckery & Paddock services they can provide Tel : 01922 642382 Email : [email protected] Darlaston Tel: 0121 526 5537 Email: [email protected]

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Edgar Stammers Tel : 01922 471392 [email protected] Fibbersley Park Tel : 01902 366220 (ext 2) [email protected] Greenfield Tel : 01922 694143 Email: [email protected]

Hatherton Tel: 01922 712507 Email: [email protected] Leighswood Tel : 01922 653765 Email : [email protected] Lighthouse Tel: 01922 652672 Email [email protected] Sure Start Palfrey Tel : 01922 642382 Email: [email protected] Pelsall Tel: 01922 653780 Email: [email protected] Pheasey Park Farm Tel : 0121 366 7639 Email: [email protected] Streetly Tel : 01922 658046 Email:[email protected]

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HELPFUL LINKS Parenting programmes are proven to be effective at For referrals please call Parenting Programmes helping all parents to increase positive relationships, Tel : 01922 653383 promote children’s development and manage services/parent/parenting behaviour in constructive caring ways. Walsall Early help consent form 270314.docx –see also Family Information Service (FIS),

Research Paper: Overview of current research by Centre for Child and Link: Assessing Parental Capacity to Change when children Family Research, Loughborough University, June 2014 are on the Edge of Care em/uploads/attachment_data/file/330332/RR3 69_Assessing_parental_capacity_to_change_Fin al.pdf

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Walsall NHS Walk-In Centre Obesity Management Clinic These clinics are available without any referral 19-20 Digbeth, Market Square, Walsall WS1 1QZ Phlebotomy Tel : 01922 605730 Smoking cessation clinic Walsall School Nursing Service The service is based at Harden Health Centre but can be We accept referrals from parents and carers of Harden Health Centre, Harden Road, Walsall delivered in a variety of settings such as the clinics, children & young people who are aged 5-19 years WS3 1ET schools and community settings. Where appropriate Referrals can be made directly to the Tel : 01922 423349 home visits can be arranged. department via the standard Children's Referral Email: [email protected] Form and are accepted from: Schools See Appendix E for named school nurses contact Any professional details Bereavement Support

The Lullaby Trust When a baby dies suddenly and unexpectedly, the Telephone the help line Bereavement support death is a terrible shock and can be one of Monday – Friday 10.00am – 5.00pm 0808 802 6868 the most distressing events that can ever Weekends and public holiday 6.00pm – [email protected] happen. The Lullaby Trust offer confidential 10.00pm support to anyone affected by the sudden Calls are answered by trained befrienders, all and unexpected death of a baby or young with personal experience of bereavement toddler. This is available immediately or at any later time. This support is for families, friends, carers and professionals.

They have different ways of support through this difficult time; provide a range of services and can provide details of other organisations which might be helpful.

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Walsall Bereavement Support Service Walsall Bereavement Support Service offers support Globe House, 3 Bradford Place Walsall, West to residents of all ages who live in the Walsall Call the helpline for an appointment or just Midlands, WS1 1PL Borough, irrespective of their relationship to the someone to talk to. Adult helpline : 01922 724841 deceased person, the cause of death or the time Adult Helpline: 01922 724841 Child & Family Helpline : 01922 645035 that has elapsed since the death. Child and Family Helpline: 01922 645035 Their service is offered by means of telephone, individual support or group sessions and in some cases a combination of all three.

The Swing Walsall Bereavement Support Service Globe House, 3 Bradford Place, Walsall, West WBSS has also developed a local children and young Call 01922 645035 Midlands people's bereavement service called THE SWING. WS1 1PL Bereavement support workers are either qualified Email : [email protected] counsellors or trainee counsellors working towards qualification and they all offer their services and skills voluntarily.

Cruse Bereavement Care Cruse Bereavement Care offers support after the Telephone 0844 477 9400 or email Tel : 0844 477 9400 death of someone close. They offer someone to talk Email : [email protected] to, face-to-face and group support from trained bereavement support volunteers across the uk. They also offer: -information, publications and support for children -advice for employers on how to respond when an employee is bereaved and what can be done to ensure that the impact on both the individual and the organisation is minimised.

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Child Bereavement UK Child Bereavement UK supports families and Support and information Clare Charity Centre, Wycombe Road, educates professionals when a baby or child dies or 0800 02 888 40 Saunderton, Buckinghamshire, HP14 4BF is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. Tel : 01494 568900 They also train professionals, helping them to better Training for professionals : understand the needs of grieving families. email: [email protected]

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Family Information Service (FIS) Walsall Families Information Service (FIS) is a FREE, Walsall FIS Central Children’s Library, Lichfield Street, impartial service that gives advice and up-to-date See Walsall, WS1 1TR information on a variety of things that affect families in Tel : 01922 653383 Walsall. Email: [email protected] They aim to help mums, dads, grandparents, uncles, aunties Times: and carers by giving them the right information and advice Tues – Fri 10am to 6pm that will empower them to make the right decisions for Saturday 9am to 5pm their families. They also offer help and advice to Closed for lunch approx 1.30pm to 2.00pm professionals who are working with families across the borough. Time 2 Start Funded childcare for 2 year old children – parents who get [email protected] Walsall FIS Central Children’s Library, Lichfield Street, any of the following support payments may qualify for 15 Applications forms are available from Walsall Walsall, WS1 1TR hours of funded early education and childcare for 2 year FIS on 01922 653383 or online at Tel : 01922 653383 olds: Email: [email protected] Income Support Income-based Job Seekers Allowance Income-related Employment & Support Allowance Child Tax Credit with an annual income of less than £16,190 Support under Part V1 of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999 The Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit

Free Early Years Education for 3 & 4 Year Olds Every child aged 3 & 4 years is entitled to 570 hours of free See See Walsall FIS or Walsall Early Years Free Education Early Years Education each year from the term after they years-places-for-3-and-4-year-olds/ for details Links. turn age 3. This is regardless of family situation or income Other enquiries to Ross Capp Provision is through a range of providers – schools, For providers: Education Development Centre, Pelsall Lane, Rushall, nurseries, etc. Parents can choose their provider and do not WS4 1NG have to pay for any additional services, such as lunch, or years-entitlement-resources/ Tel:01922 686521 additional hours. Parents need to know that providers must Email: [email protected] clearly show the ‘free hours’ on invoices. Please refer parents to the guidance issued by the Council. 17 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

Walsall Early Years Team Provides support and information for prospective or A contact form is available on their website. Education Development Centre, Pelsall Lane, Rushall, existing childcare provider on a range of topics including WS4 1NG free early years education, quality assurance, training and Tel : 01922 6563383 qualifications, business planning and sustainability. Email: [email protected] HELPFUL LINKS Email: [email protected] Training, quality improvement and family learning programmes, produce specialist publications, offer

information and advice to early years professionals

and parents and campaign to positively influence

childcare policy and practice. Walsall’s Local Offer sets out information on what is offer/ available for children and young people from birth to Email: 25 years in one place. It covers Universal, Targeted [email protected] and Specialist Provision. Tel: 01922 653383

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Walsall Young Carers Project A young carer is someone under 18 who helps look after Walsall Carers Centre, The Crossing at St Paula’s, somebody who cannot manage otherwise because of age, Referrals can be made by : Darwall Street, Walsall WS1 1DA illness or disability. This may mean doing the housework, Children’s services Tel : 01922 610810 shopping or jobs for people of the same age. It could also Social Care & Inclusion Email : Email: [email protected] mean lifting or washing. Self referrals are also accepted Being a Young Carer often means having to put caring before their own needs: Walsall Young Carers Project provides support and activities to give them a chance to be a young person

Sandwell Young Carers Project This service is for Young carers aged 5 – 18 years. Professional and self referrals are accepted. But The Old Vicarage, 44 Bratt Street, West Bromwich, The organisation provides the family must be in agreement to the referral B70 8SB One to one and group support to young carers. and a referral form must be completed Tel : 0121 525 7667 Workshops and accreditations. Email : [email protected] Youth and play sessions. Day trips and residential breaks. They also refer, signpost and advocate with young carers and their family members.

Consultation & Inclusion Support Service The Consultation and Inclusion Support Service (CISS) is Contact the following for assistance : (CISS) made up Advisory Teachers of a number of teams which work together to support Telephone: 01922 686375 The Early Years SEN Team pupils with Fax: Educational Psychologists special educational needs and provide advice and support 01922 686376 The Special Support Team to schools

See: Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools Useful publication with factsheets, advice and guidance, system/uploads/attachment_data/file/326551/ Departmental advice for staff and resource links on how to promote positive mental Mental_Health_and_Behaviour_- June 2014 health and recognise and support a full range of mental _Information_and_Tools_for_Schools_final_we DfE publication health issues in school age children bsite__2__25-06-14.pdf

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BACE Behaviour, Attendance and Complementary Education Please contact the following for assistance: Behaviour, Attendance & Complementary Education (BACE) Attendance Services provides support and advice to pupils, schools and parents Telephone: 01922 686370 on Contact times: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm Monday to matters of behaviour, attendance and exclusions including Friday the Behaviour Support and Reintegration education of young people in public care. Telephone: 01922 686370 BACE provides support for schools alongside their policies Contact times: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm Monday to and strategies, regarding the management of pupils with Friday social, Child Protection Issues emotional, behavioural and attendance difficulties. Telephone: 01922 686233 The Service also provides support for excluded pupils and Contact times: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm Monday to helps with Friday planning their transition into an appropriate educational Exclusions and Pupil Placements placement Telephone: 01922 686233 Contact times: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Thursday 9.00 am to 4.30 pm Friday Home Tuition Telephone: 01922 686370 Contact times: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday Speech & Language Therapy Service The Speech and Language Therapy Services comprises of Contact : Speech and Language Therapists, Nursery Nurses and Telephone 01922 858726 Bilingual Co-workers. All have specialist training and experience in working with children with speech and language difficulties. The Service provides support to children 0 to 19 years in clinics, schools, some voluntary/private settings and families’ homes.

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Walsall Parent Partnership (PPS) Walsall Parent Partnership Service provides specialist Telephone: 01922 650330 (answerphone also support, advice and information to parents/carers of available) children with special educational needs. The aim is to give Fax: 01922 634093 parents/carers the confidence and information they need Email: [email protected] to express their views and take an active part in their child’s Website education

SEND Walsall’s Local Offer sets out information on what is Email: [email protected] (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) available for children and young people from birth to 25 years in one place. It covers Universal, Targeted and offer/ Specialist Provision. It includes services for children, young people and their families. It makes it clear what they can expect from a range of local agencies - including their Tel: 01922 653383 statutory entitlements and what is available in early year’s settings, schools (including Academies and Free Schools) and colleges. It covers health and social care services

including how to access them. You can use the links at the

bottom of the page to see what is available.

HELPFUL LINKS Comment [e2]: Need info

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Housing in Walsall

Housing Standards and Improvement Team Walsall has a range of housing options accessible either Housingstandardsandimprovement@walsa Tel: 01922 652171 directly by the individual or through the Council’s Housing Services. Help and support to maintain tenancies and create stable homes for children can be provided either by the Council’s own services or by Registered Providers (previously Social Landlords). There is also a range of private landlords.

The Council’s Housing Standards and Improvement Team provide help, advice, advocacy and an inspection service overseeing the rented sector.

Housing for 16 to 25 year olds (excluding care Housing for 16 to 25 year olds (excluding care leavers): Contact the Council’s Housing and Advice leavers): The team will work with young person to provide the right Support Team outcome that best meets their needs. This includes working Tel: Advice and Support 01922 653405 with the family to help a return home where this is the best Email: [email protected] option, or placing in supported accommodation or supported lodgings. From October 2014, Walsall Council introduced its own support workers for young people in supported accommodation. They work towards creating sustainable tenancies giving young people a more stable setting to build their adult lives and maintain EET.

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Registered Providers Social housing located across the borough. Some Click on links below for all contact details and organisations have properties only in single areas of the up to date information: borough whilst others, such as Whg and Caldmore Accord are more widely spread. Whg is the largest Registered Accord Housing Association provider in Walsall with around 19,000 properties across Beechdale Community Housing the borough. Association Housing Group Each organisation has their own tenant support schemes, Caldmore Area Housing Association including money advice, Domestic Abuse, fuel poverty Hanover Housing Association schemes, and employment support. Harden Housing Association Heantun Housing Association Further help and advice is available from the Money, Home, Housing 21 Job Team or the Council’s Housing Services. Jephson Housing Association

Mercian Housing Association

Midland Heart Housing Association Nehemiah Housing Association Sanctuary Housing Association Walsall Housing Group WATMOS Housing Co-operative

Benefits Service Walsall Council is responsible for dealing with: Further advice can be obtained from : Benefits Services, Walsall Council, Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall, WS1 1 XU Council tax reduction (including second adult [email protected] Tel : 0300 555 2855 reduction) Email: [email protected] Housing benefit Direct customer contact: Free school meals Call: 0300 555 2855 Walsall crisis support scheme - awards (PDF TextBox: 01922 654000 110KB) Email: [email protected]

Third party enquiries will need consent for claims information

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ORGANISATION AND CONTACT DETAILS SERVICE / ACTIVITY SUMMARY REFERRAL Department for Work & Pensions The Department for work and Pensions (DWP) are Tel helpline to contact the local jobcentre, to Tel helpline : 0845 604 3719 responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance cancel or change appointments : policy. As the UK’s biggest public service department it Tel: 0345 604 3719 See: administers the State Pension and a range of working age, disability and ill health benefits to over 22 million claimants and customers. claim Jobseeker’s Allowance online. Job Centres in Walsall Tel : 0845 6060 234 Jobcentres are part of Jobcentreplus and provide help, New Benefit Claims: advice and guidance on benefit claims and are where Telephone: 0800 055 6688 Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) and other benefit claimants go Textphone: 0800 023 4888 Find your nearest Jobcentre Plus. to sign on and see their advisers. Welsh language: 0800 012 1888 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

Calculators -Use one of the following:

entitled to - for information on income-related benefits, tax credits, contribution-based benefits, Council Tax Reduction, Carer’s Allowance, Universal Credit and how your benefits will be affected if you start work

Turn2us - for information on income-related benefits, Universal Credit and tax credits Child Support Agency Helpline To help separated parents with maintenance payments. Child Maintenance Options National Helpline, PO Box 55, Brierley Hill, DY5 1YL See Child Maintenance Options (CMO) for free advice Telephone: 0800 0835 130 Tel : new applications 0845 609 0062 Textphone: 0800 988 9888 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm Please note charges were introduced in 2014 for using the Saturdays, 9am to 4pm Child Maintenance Service: Find out about call charges 30th June- application and enforcement charges th 11 August – use of the Collect and Pay Service They’ll talk with you about arrangement options. If you decide to use the Child Maintenance Service, they’ll give you a reference number and explain how to apply.

24 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

ORGANISATION AND CONTACT DETAILS SERVICE / ACTIVITY SUMMARY REFERRAL Tax Credits May be paid as Child Tax Credits or Working Tax Credits, or Contact Tax Credit direct for further HMRC a combination of both and is means tested based on information Tel : 0845 302 1444 household make up and income. Tel : 0845 302 1444

All Tax Credit Claims are dealt with by HMRC but claimants can get help with understanding their entitlement, making a claim or dealing with enquiries or problems through any of the recognised welfare advice services in Walsall or their Jobcentre Adviser Child Benefit Paid to parents with children and is now taxable if earning Most activities can be completed online: HM Revenue and Customs - Child Benefit Office over £50,000pa. PO Box 1, Newcastle Upon Tyne,NE88 1AA Download CH2: Tel: 0300 200 310 To claim, complete form CH2 Textphone: 0300 200 313 and return will the original copy of the child/ren’s birth child-benefit-claim-form-ch2 certificate(s) to: Website: Child Benefit Office (GB) Other changes: benefit/overview Washington Newcastle upon Tyne /hm-revenue-customs/contact/child-benefit NE88 1ZD

The website has easy to follow links including all forms and how to obtain a replacement Birth Certificate. Walsall Citizens Advice Bureau Walsall CAB is a member of the national association of Telephone 139 – 144 Lichfield Street, Walsall WS1 1SE Citizens Advice Bureaux and provides free, independent, Visit the town centre bureau Tel : 01922 700600 confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights Attending one of our Outreach Venues Email: [email protected] and responsibilities. They aim to:- Sending an email

To provide the advice people need for the problems they face.

To improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives.

25 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

ORGANISATION AND CONTACT DETAILS SERVICE / ACTIVITY SUMMARY REFERRAL AGE Uk Can offer help on benefits, healthy living and a person’s Tel: 0800 169 6565 or visit their website Tel : 0800 169 6565 care journey. 1. Independent Living Centre (ILC) The service provides advice, support, information and For more information, look at the Independent 9 Wisemore signposting details to help people improve and/or Living Centre leaflet (PDF 343KB Walsall maintain their quality of life, including various health WS2 8EZTelephone 01922 650790 conditions, holidays for disabled people, welfare benefits, Daily drop-in service (half days). These are for Textphone 0845 111 2910 housing, Motobility, complex issues such as Occupational anyone who is a Walsall resident and is Deaf, Email: [email protected] Therapy and equipment. Deaf, blind and/or has sensory support issues

Baron Davenports Charity Who: Birmingham based charity providing grants to three Requests are considered every 6 to 8 weeks. Portman House, 5/7 Temple Row West, Birmingham B2 categories of people living within a 60 mile radius of Payment is made either directly to the retailer, 5NY Birmingham City Centre: e.g. Argos or can be to the requesting body. Tel: 0121 236 8004 Almshouses, hospices and residential houses for Payments do not go directly to the benefactor. Website: older people In all cases, receipts are required either from Email: [email protected] Charitable organisations for the benefit of the requesting body or the retailer where children/young people payment is made direct to them. Failure to Individual widows, spinsters, divorced ladies supply receipts is likely to result in the charity aged 60 plus with a maximum weekly income of withdrawing support as they need to evidence £174 and savings of less than £10,000. their spending. Single mothers and fatherless children. What: How: For single mothers or fatherless children; a single For single mothers and fatherless grant payment for the item requested, e.g. white children – individual letter from goods, holiday, etc. Single fathers are not eligible Children’s Services’ (or other) due to the terms set out within the trust deeds. professional. Charitable organisations established to benefit Charitable Organisations – individual children aged up to age 25; single grant to help letter from the charity, see website for with a special project e.g. equipment, running details costs, and ‘almost anything’. Older ladies – application form Older ladies; twice yearly grant payments downloaded from the website

26 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

ORGANISATION AND CONTACT DETAILS SERVICE / ACTIVITY SUMMARY REFERRAL Short Term Benefit Advances What and When How From April 2013 the Discretionary Social Fund was Claims are made directly through the local replaced by a Payment on Account Provision introduced Jobcentre Plus Office. To qualify for a STBA, the through changes set out in the Welfare Reform Act 2012 claimant must be eligible for, and have claimed, This means that ‘interim payments’ and Crisis Loans any contributory or means tested benefit, see formerly paid when benefit claims were delayed or there list below. was an urgent need, ceased to exist and were replaced by -income support (IS) Short Term Benefit Advances (STBAs). (Reg19 SS(PAB) -jobseeker’s allowance (JSA) Regs) -employment and support allowance (ESA) and These payments are ‘Payment on Account’ meaning they incapacity benefit have to be repaid by the benefit claimant through -universal credit (UC) (please refer to UC deductions from their claim and future benefit payments. guidance and terminology) Who -pension credit (PC) and state retirement STBA can be claimed at the start of a claim before the first pension payment is received, or where there is a ‘change in -maternity allowance circumstances that significantly increases the amount of -bereavement and widow’s payments benefit to which the claimant is entitled’. -carer’s allowance -industrial injury benefits There is no right of appeal to a disallowance but claimants A STBA cannot be paid where the claimant is can seek a Judicial Review. appealing against a disallowance of the benefit claimed. Claimants must prove they are ‘in financial need’ as defined by DWP regulations: ‘serious risk of damage to the health or safety of the claimant or any member of their family’. ‘‘Family’ means (your partner or any children for whom you or your partner are responsible’ Crisis Support Local Crisis Support replaced Crisis Loans from DWP in Walsall Crisis Support Scheme – Walsall Council April 2013. Each local authority is able to establish their To claim: own criteria for help and some areas may not have a Tel: 0300 555 2836 me_web_site-2.pdf scheme at all. Email: [email protected] Walsall Crisis Support provides crisis support to people in To find details of schemes in other areas: emergency circumstances. Each case is individually assessed, help is in goods or services, not cash. Applications can be supported by professionals working

27 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

with families/ individuals. Vulnerable families are given priority although this scheme has limited funds.

All applicants will be expected to engage in holistic support to help prevent future crisis.

Walsall Weather – see also Appendix B Information for over 60’s, low income families and people Council Housing Standards 01922 658373 living with disability produced by Walsall Council. The Walsall Benefits Team 0300 555 2855 or document gives advice on the free flu jabs, the correct twitter@phwalsall temperature for your home to keep warm and save money and financial support.

Walsave Credit Union Promotes financial inclusion, accepts benefit payments, Visit branch, telephone or email. Email: [email protected] bill paying. Walsave work with other organisations to Main Branch: Lichfield Street, Walsall WS1 1UZ build resilience. See Tel: 01922 653310 Services: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9am to 5pm Wed 9am to 12 noon Saving Accounts =1&sf=1 Loans Bloxwich Branch: 181 High Street Bloxwich WS3 3LH Budget Accounts Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm Sat 9am to 12 noon Childcare Provision Junior Savers

Illegal Money Lending Team National organisation based in Birmingham working to To report a Loan Shark: Tel: 0300 555 222 Illegal Money Lending Team identify and prosecute Loan Sharks, engages with local Facebook: Hosted by Birmingham Council communities, will speak to teams and run campaigns in PO Box 12971 local areas. Historically have been able to offer small Twitter: @loansharknews Birmingham amounts of funding. B33 0TD Local contact for professionals wanting to See their website for a range of useful resources for arrange team briefings or other events: children and families, including educational material for Chris Connor children: Email: loan-sharks-lessons-safer-lending-and-borrowing [email protected]

28 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

HELPFUL LINKS Primary school age resource for teaching children about From ILM/Loan Sharks site above g%20Drip%20Drip%20Drip%20primary%20resource.pd water bills f?nid=2102437 Links to Children’s educational packs on ‘Keeping your Money Safe’ Cold Weather Plan published in November 2015 by warnings.html Walsall Council

29 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services


Crisis Point Crisis Point is a registered charity and company offering Blakenall Village Centre, Second Floor, 79 Thames Road, psychotherapy, counselling and support to victims of Crisis Point can provide specialist consultancy Walsall, WS3 1LZ sexual crime, this service is also available to the families days for you and your team or provide bespoke Tel : 01922 722777 or supporters of these people. training packages to assist you and your team on how to help and assist victims of sexual crime.

Private General Therapeutic Counselling for staff members of your organisation where your HR policy/s direct the need for such professional care. This counselling is of a general nature and not limited to experiences of sexual crime.

West Midlands Police, Walsall Safeguarding Children Board, Walsall NHS, Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council and Sexual Violence Forum are amongst organisations to have received training/presentations/consultations from Crisis Point. Think U Know CEOP's Thinkuknow programme provides a range of free CEOP provides training and education Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre, 33 educational resources - films, lesson plans, presentations, resources for practitioners to use with children Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, WS12 2WG practitioner guidance, games and posters - to and young people to increase their Tel : 08700 000 3344 professionals working with children and young people. understanding of online safety. There are two Through the use of educational materials you can help to ways to access CEOP’s resources: empower and protect young people from the harm of Registration on the Thinkuknow sexual abuse and exploitation, both online and off. website – this provides access to a range of education resources for 5-16 To access these resources you will need to register on the year olds site Attendance on CEOP training

30 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

ORGANISATION AND CONTACT DETAILS SERVICE / ACTIVITY SUMMARY REFERRAL Walsall Safeguarding Children’s Board Bringing together organisations who work with children, More information can be accessed on the The Hollies, 10 Lichfield Road Walsall, WS4 2DH young people and their families to safeguard children and Safeguarding Board WebsiteEmail Tel : 01922 659520 young people in Walsall. [email protected] Email : Email: [email protected] Walsall Domestic Violence Forum They provide an initial point of contact, IDVA and support Stepping Stone 0800 389 5790 Walsall Domestic Violence Forum, Sneyd Hall Road, services such as : SAYA 0800 389 6990 Bloxwich, Walsall, WS3 2NP Stepping Stones Support Group which is a 24hr SAYE 07796672053 Tel : 01922 406767 help line. The support workers are there to listen and provide information to enable the victim to make informed choices. SAYA – offer support, information and advice to women who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse SAFE : S.A.F.E works with male perpetrators of Domestic Abuse who wish to change their abusive behaviour. The aim is to help make partners and children safer through working with the perpetrator while supporting the woman DARA – Education Programme. The DARA education programme is specifically for use where there are children in the family and the Parents are currently in a relationship or seeking to reconcile.

Domestic Abuse help from other services Childrens Centres: confidential advice, support and Direct through organisation signposting. Registered Providers: most have DA support workers or IDVAs providing confidential specialist help, advice and support and ‘safe house’ Schools and colleges: refer to Pastoral Support, Student Welfare and Safeguarding

Walsall Council HR – currently developing a support policy for employees who are victims or perpetrators.

31 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

HELPFUL LINKS Women's Aid is the national charity working to end Tel : 0800 2000 247 domestic violence against women and children. They co-ordinate and support an England-wide network of EMAIL: [email protected]* over 300 local domestic violence organisations, Please note we cannot respond to emails ew=directory&did=761 providing over 500 local refuges, outreach services by telephone as safety may be and advice centres. Our work is built on over 30 compromised. If you wish to speak to years of campaigning and developing new responses somebody please call the number above. to domestic violence. Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse General enquiries: [email protected] (CAADA) is a national charity supporting a multi- agency and risk-led response to domestic abuse.

They provide practical help to support professionals and organisations working with domestic abuse victims. Useful information website on ‘what is abuse’ and how to recognise the signs Useful discussion and campaign document aimed at /uploads/attachment_data/file/276921/ThisIsAbu preventing teenagers aged 13 to 18 from becoming seDG.pdf victims or perpetrators of Domestic Abuse

32 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

ORGANISATION AND CONTACT DETAILS SERVICE / ACTIVITY SUMMARY REFERRAL SUPPORTING FAMILY MENTAL HEALTH Aspire Counselling What Service is Provided: Aspire Counsellors are fully qualified and 18 Jervis Court, Dog kennel Lane, Walsall, WS1 A multi agency and multi disciplinary service they comply with the BAC Ethical 2BU specialising in the assessment and treatment of Framework for Good Practice in Tel : 07930 367 330 moderate to severe mental health difficulties that Counselling and Psychotherapy children and young people experience. The Service Aims to: Referrals to the Specialist CAMHS Team are made by Primary Mental Health Service, Provide specialist assessment and GP's, Paediatricians, Children’s Services treatments in accordance with best practice and Youth Justice. and NICE recommendations. CAMHS has teams located in both Dudley To provide appropriate information for and Walsall. young people and their families and for other agencies in accordance with Please contact : confidentiality and consent to share Email : [email protected] protocols. Consultation and liaison and training for There is also a contact form on their universal and targeted services including website professional carers.

Assessments and treatments in centres that are equipped, family friendly, non- stigmatising and culturally competent. The service welcomes children, young people and their families view on service review and service development

33 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

ORGANISATION AND CONTACT DETAILS SERVICE / ACTIVITY SUMMARY REFERRAL KOOTH is an online counselling service that provides No referral process – all young people in Tel : 0845 330 7090 vulnerable young people across Walsall, between the ages of 11 Walsall can use this service and 25, with advice and support for emotional or mental health problems. offers users a free, confidential, safe and anonymous way to access help. –

The free service includes:

drop in chats with counsellors

booked 1:1 chats with a counsellor themed message forums a secure email service a variety of self help feature an on line magazine a secure email service a variety of self help feature an on line magazine

CAMHS A multi agency and multi disciplinary service specialising in the Referrals to the Specialist CAMHS Team are Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service assessment and treatment of moderate to severe mental health made by Primary Mental Health Service, GP's, difficulties that children and young people experience. Canalside Abbotts Street Bloxwich Paediatricians, Social Workers and Youth WS3 3AZ The Service Aims to: Justice. Tel: 01922 607400 Provide specialist assessment and treatments in accordance with best practice and NICE recommendations. To provide appropriate information for young people and their families and for other agencies in accordance with confidentiality and consent to share protocols. Consultation and liaison and training for universal and

34 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

targeted services including professional carers. Assessments and treatments in centres that are equipped, family friendly, non-stigmatising and culturally competent.

HELPFUL LINKS Self-harm is a person’s way of expressing deep Freephone: 0300 555 0535 distress when they can’t put into words or even E-mail: [email protected] thoughts what they are feeling. Whilst self-harm is Online: Feedback Form mental-health/self-harm/ not a mental illness, a person with a mental illness is more likely to self-harm than other people. It’s not to do with attention-seeking, although it is a cry for help; the adrenalin rush created by some forms of self-harm actually brings the person some temporary relief from their inner anguish. YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to Call (for general enquiries about improving the emotional wellbeing and mental YoungMinds): 020 7089 5050 health of children and young people. Email: If you are an adult worried about a child: [email protected] general enquiries: ymenquiries@youngminds. or use the form at the bottom of this page. We'll try to get back to you within 48 hours. Write: Suite 11, Baden Place, Crosby Row, London, SE1 1YW

For more information please call us on 01922 XCMS Provides Counselling, Mediation, Advocacy and a Family 234 914 | 07869 560905 Xpressions Counselling & Mediation Services Ltd Contact Millennium House, Lower Hall Lane, Walsall, Centre for children, young people and adults.

35 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

WS1 1RL To provide a safe friendly, professional and impartial Tel : 01922 234914 service to all individuals To rebuild relationships, raise awareness and seek to empower To improve outcomes for young children and their families To provide a confidential environment To develop professional relationships and working boundaries with families, local authorities and professional bodies alike To work within policies and procedures of the accredited bodies. Counselling Play therapy Xpressive Arts Mediation (Conflict & Family) Family contact Centre – Supported and Supervised Various Workshops Training Health & Fitness (Evolution Personal Training Studio) Intolerance (food and non food) testing

36 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services


Addaction views its customers as investors in the services Clients can self-refer, drop in directly at their they deliver, through commissioning at local authority or office or a Doctor may refer. Addaction central government level, health and criminal justice 231 Stafford Street, Walsall, WS2 8DF initiatives or via funds raised from charitable trusts, Tel : 01922 646262 corporate partners or individual donations. They see service Email: [email protected] users and their families as the beneficiaries of what they do.

Family & Carer Education & Support Group (Faces) FACES will offer a free, confidential and non judgemental [email protected] Walsall Addaction – DIP, 231 Stafford Street, Walsall, support service to families and carers of substance misusers WS2 8DF Tel : 01922 748879 Email: [email protected]

Lantern House Assist individuals with drug or alcohol related problems. Contact direct for an appointment 130 Lichfield Street, Walsall, WS1 1SY Tel : 01922 608600

T3 Young Person’s Substance Misuse Service Who we are We are more than happy to discuss issues and 21 Jervis Court, Dog Kennel Lane, concerns you may have about an individual you Walsall, WS1 2BU Walsall T3 YPSMS Service works with young people 10 – 19 know or are working with, and their suitability Tel : 01922 637505 (up to 25 if the YP has a learning disability) who are affected for a referral to the T3 Young People’s Service. by or who have drug or alcohol problems. Our aims are to identify and ensure appropriate care When the decision has been made to refer we pathways to treatment, support and education take place, would ask that the referrer complete a referral which reflect individual need, and also to reduce the harm form, giving details of other professionals who caused to the individual service users and the wider are involved in working with the young person, community through substance misuse and associated crime problematic issues, current alcohol/drug use and anti-social behaviour. etc. A team of qualified staff with drug/alcohol and young person knowledge and training will provide an initial and We also accept referrals either directly from the young person, their family or friends. Again 37 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

comprehensive assessment of need, access to specialist a referral would only be accepted where the prescribing pathways, structured care planning, therapeutic young person is aware of and consents to the interventions and motivational support. referral

The service offers:

Appointments at a convenient time place for the YP, including school, home, youth club, etc. Comprehensive needs assessment Personalised support plan Written and verbal advice, information and support Harm minimisation advice Advice and support on sexual health 1:1 Support/Interventions Community support Auricular Acupuncture Primary health and access to BBV screening Prescribing and Detoxification Services where appropriate Mentor and Volunteer Opportunities Youth Offending Drug Worker based at WYOT

HELPFUL LINKS For parents who are engaging in a drug or alcohol NSPCC PUP (Parents Under Pressure) programme and are the main carer of a child under 5.The This is a 20 week programme available in programme is a supportive service which helps parents to Coventry, Bristol and Ipswich. childhood/our-services/services-for-children-and- build a safe caring relationship with their baby or young Independent evaluation report due 2016. families/parents-under-pressure/ child. Workers will work closely with parents to make sure they are getting the help and support that’s right for them and their family. The service will build on parents strengths, encourage parents to feel calm and in control and learn practical parenting ideas. Parents will meet with their worker once a week, usually at home so they are able to get to know their worker really well and build a good relationship to get the support they need. 38 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services


British Pregnancy Advisory Service bpas supports reproductive choice and health by Referrals are not necessary. Visit their website Tel : 08457 304030 advocating and providing high quality, affordable services for all the relevant information. Email: [email protected] to prevent unwanted pregnancies with contraception or end them by abortion. We also offer a range of other reproductive health services. bpas is Britain's largest single abortion provider caring for over 65,000 women each year. It also provides pregnancy testing, counselling, STI screening, contraception, and vasectomy through our 36 consultation centres and 19 clinics located throughout the UK. bpas also provides specialist contact centre services to the NHS such as Central Booking Services which speeds up access to abortion treatment across a range of NHS and agency providers Brook Brook provides sexual health services and education across Appointments are not usually necessary as they Tel : 0800 802 1234 the UK for young people under 25, plus a range of training work on a ‘drop in’ basis. programmes for professionals using engaging booklets, Call 0800 802 1234 for the nearest centre leaflets, posters and teaching materials.

WPH Counselling and Education Service WPH is a charitable organisation funded primarily by Appointments can be arranged either through The Haven, 55 Upper Forster Street, Walsall, WS4 2AB Walsall NHS Clinical Commissioning Group. They offer a direct referral from statutory organisations or Tel : 01922 649000 specialist service relative to pregnancy (Walsall Pregnancy by telephone contact or alternatively an initial Help) and a general counselling service and educational discussion on their out of hours helpline. service (WPH Counselling and Education Services). They Telephone: 01922 649000 have a ground floor counselling facility for disabled clients Fax: 01922 649322Email: with external ramp access for wheelchair users and, within [email protected] an adjoining building, there are disable toilet facilities [email protected]

39 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

ORGANISATION AND CONTACT DETAILS SERVICE / ACTIVITY SUMMARY REFERRAL Family Nurse Partnership Programme Young women who meet the criteria are invited The Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is evidence based Harden Health Centre to join the scheme by their midwives before innovative programme of specialist support for first time Harden Road, Walsall, WS3 1ET the 28th week of pregnancy. Self-referrals and mother’s under 20 years of age. 2-5% of babies born each Tel : 01922 426252 referrals from other agencies that meet the year will have poor outcomes and incur high costs and criteria are also accepted. children born to teenage mothers are more likely to have poorer outcomes. FNP is a preventative programme that utilises a psycho- educational approach, which focuses on adaptive change, it benefits children and families who have the poorest outcomes, i.e. mothers with low psychological resources, i.e. low educational achievement, limited family support and poor mental health.

The programmes goals are to improve the outcome of pregnancy by helping women improve their pre-natal health by making healthy lifestyle choices, and , to improve children’s subsequent health and development by enabling parents to provide competent care for their children,. And to improve women’s life course by planning subsequent pregnancies, and obtaining economic self-sufficiency School Nursing Service The School Nursing Service delivers the Healthy Child They accept self referrals from parent and Harden Health Centre, Harden Road, Programme (5-19) for children and young people who carers of children and young people who Walsall, WS3 1ET are aged between five and nineteen years old. are aged five to nineteen years of age. Tel : 01922 423349 We work in partnership with children, young people Young people can also access the service and their families to ensure that children’s health for confidential advice. needs are supported within their school and Referrals can be made directly to the community. We support children once they start in department via the standard Children's full time school aged four years old. Referral Form and are accepted from School Nurses are Registered Nurses who have schools and any professional. graduate level public health qualifications in the Email health needs of children and young people. They work :[email protected] in teams supported by community staff nurses, nursery nurses, clinical support workers,

40 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

immunisation nurses and administrative staff. They offer health reviews to school aged children at key transition times (for example year 7), and when a child or young person is referred to Walsall School Nursing Service. They deliver the school immunisation programme and the National Child Measurement Programme. They can offer support, advice and signposting for a range of health issues including emotional health and behavior, growing up, puberty & sexual health, smoking & alcohol, medical needs, healthy eating and lifestyles.They e deliver group sessions to teach children and young people skills to improve their confidence and self esteem. They also support the local Parenting Strategy by delivering Parenting Programmes.They work closely with other health professionals including health visitors, GPs and Community Paediatricians. We also work with professionals from other


Barnardo’s If you identify a child where you are concerned they could An outline of the work of the advocates is Tanners Lane be a victim of trafficking, international or internal, then available here : Barkingside they should refer as normal to Children’s Services by http:/ Ilford contact MAST on 01922 658170. Children’s Services will Essex then refer either to the advocacy scheme or the You should refer to the scheme through IG6 1QGTelephone: 0208 550 8822 @comparator’ group (as required for the evaluation). contacting our single point of contact : Fax: 0208 551 6870 Support from the advocate will not replace work to be MAST on 01922 658170 undertaken by Children’s Services if the child is assessed as requiring Children’s Services intervention, but will be in addition.

41 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

ORGANISATION AND CONTACT DETAILS SERVICE / ACTIVITY SUMMARY REFERRAL Walsall Street Teams Advice & support for women working in prostitution and ‘at The referral form can be found on their website Bradford Street Centre, 51 Bradford Street, Walsall, risk’ young people under the age of 18 years under downloads WS1 3QD Tel : 01922 621208

HELPFUL LINKS Office of the Children’s Commissioner’s Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Gangs and Groups Link: ‘If only someone had listened ‘ Final Report Final report November 2013 tent/publications/content_743 Report November 2013 Sue Berelowitz, Jenny Clifton, Carlene Firimin MBE, Dr Sandra Gulyurtlu and Gareth

See weblink

CEOP Report June 2013: Threat Assessment of CSE

and Abuse OP_TACSEA2013_240613%20FINAL.pdf

NSPCC Share Aware – Parent’s Guide to helping keep children safe online Resources for keeping safe on line nts/advice-and-info/share-aware.pdf

42 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

Reducing Young People Risky Behaviour . Youth Support Services A team of experienced and trained youth workers provide a Further information on individual clubs and Contact address: range of activities to support young people’s personal and activities in the different areas can be found at Blakenall Village Centre, Thames Road, Blakenall, social development through targeted support Walsall WS3 1LZ Tel : 01922 714966 The team have a great focus on reducing risky behaviour in Email: [email protected] young people in particular Anti-Social Behaviour.

HELPFUL LINKS Prospects have worked in Walsall for many years providing careers and support services to young people aged 13–19. We currently provide targeted information, advice and guidance (IAG) to young people in these age groups as part of Walsall Council’s integrated young people’s support services (IYPSS), working very closely with the council. Prospects' operations manager is part of the Council’s IYPSS internal management team in an innovative integrated arrangement. Our operations manager plays a key role in many children's and young people's groups particularly concerned with NEET reduction and participation in learning

43 Version 4.1 Isabel Vanderheeren February 2015 Children’s Services

Appendix A

Early Help Referral Form v2.1 44

52854 03/14 APPENDIX B

Staying healthy and protecting your home from the extreme cold weather

Help for vulnerable with boilers – Foundations Independent Living Trust The Council has secured a small amount of funding from the Foundations Independent Living Trust to assist with boiler replacements. The funding is to assist the most vulnerable residents of Walsall who suffer with severe illness’s relating to cold and damp living conditions and are in receipt of certain means tested benefits. Note the funding that is offered from F. I. L. T will only cover 50% of the cost of works. Customers will be advised of further payment assistance at the telephone interview stage. Contact the Energy Efficiency Team on 01922 658 373 for more information.

Keeping Safe and Warm Look after yourself by having hot meals, plenty of fluids and being active regularly throughout the day. Layer your clothing and wear shoes with good grip. You can contact Walsall Lifestyle Link on 01922 444 044 for more advice. Keep warm by setting your heating to the right temperature (18-21°C or 65 - 75°F) Get your heating and cooking appliances checked out – carbon monoxide is a killer contact Gas Safe on 0800 408 5500 to find a local Gas Safe engineer for an inspection. Get your flu jab if you are aged 65 or over, pregnant, have certain medical conditions, love in a residential or nursing home, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person. For more information contact your doctor or phone NHS111. If you are worried about paying your energy or winter bills contact the National Independent Energy Saving Advice service on 0300 123 1234.

Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Walsall Council has nominated two contractors to work with residents of private homes to try to help as many people as possible with home insulation and or heating works. ECO is not council money, it is from energy companies and the decision to help individual households rests with the contractor and will be based on assessment of your home / boiler and confirmation of your benefits. If they are able to help the agreement to undertake the works is a private one between the householder and that contractor. Contact the Energy Efficiency team on 01922 658 373

Avoiding frozen water pipes Stopping pipes from freezing The following is a guide to limit the potential of frozen pipes and what to do in preparation.

Lag exposed pipes with insulation Install loft and cavity wall insulation (special attention should be taken over pipes in loft spaces) Stop any dripping taps and valves, the water could freeze in the waste or overflow pipe and cause a blockage Keep the property warm, and if you are going away consider leaving the heating on low and ask a friend or relative to inspect periodically Try to stop any draughts Know where to turn the water off Keep the phone number of a reliable plumber and electrician to hand Get suitable insurance cover and now what the policy requires you to do and what it will cover

If you get a frozen pipe or suspect a frozen pipe If you turn a tap on and only a trickle of water comes out, you may a frozen pipe. Try to locate if safe to do so the suspected area of the frozen pipe. Likely places include;

Pipes running against outside walls where your water supply enters your home through the foundation and Pipes in loft spaces.

Early Help Referral Form v2.1 45

If you find a frozen pipe try to gently and slowly thaw it out. There are a number of ways including;

Keeping the tap open (with a bucket or similar underneath to collect any water i.e. so you don’t cause a flood etc.) As you treat the frozen pipe and the frozen area begins to melt, water will begin to flow through the frozen area. Running water through the pipe will help melt more ice in the pipe. Apply heat gently to the section of pipe using for example a hot water bottle, wrapping pipes with warm towels or towels soaked in hot water (you may need to keep replacing the towels to keep them warm. Apply heat until full water pressure is restored. If you are unable to locate the frozen area, if the frozen area is not accessible, or if you cannot thaw the pipe, call a plumber. Be prepared for the pipe to leak after you have thawed it out (buckets, bowls, towels etc) as it may have either hairline cracks or have expanded and damaged a joint. Check all other taps in your home to find out if you have additional frozen pipes. If one pipe freezes, others may freeze, too.

If in doubt always contact a plumber.

Why pay more for your gas and electric than you need to. The Energy Efficiency team will again be promoting Walsall’s Big Switch. The phone lines for registration will open on the 3rd December 2014. The Auction will take place on the 3rd February 2015. Residents can call 01922 652 500 to register their details that include KWH consumption for both gas and electric, name of current supplier and their tariff name. Residents can also register on line by visiting


 01922 658373

Professionals can contact SCOTT SOUTHALL – Walsall Healthy Homes Officer direct for further advice on the number above

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the Early Help and Resource Panel members?

Panel members are representative of the agencies providing targeted Early Help to children aged 0-19 years and up to 25 for children with a disability in Walsall.

Early Years Mental Health School Health/Health Visiting Housing Education YSS (TYS) DV Alcohol/substance misuse Inclusion Early Help

What does the Early Help & Resource Panel do?

The panel will have two strands, the first part will be to have responsibility for quality assurance of early help assessments, the panel will also offer advice and guidance in relation to the assessment. The second strand will be to offer advice and guidance in relation to any unmet need, this may include signposting to other agencies to support this, or in some circumstances this may include funding , however the identified the lead professional must clearly evidence throughout the assessment that this need cannot be addressed through any other means.

Who can refer to the Early Help & Resource Panel?

Any professional who has completed an assessment and identified that a child, or young person has unmet needs.

When should professionals make a referral to the Early Help & Resource Panel?

When they have undertaken an assessment that identifies needs that cannot be met entirely within their own service area but it is unclear who can provide the best solution to meet the additional needs.


When they require advice about what solutions can be found to meet the child/young person’s Early Help needs. The Panel will consider childcare and other financial support, however this will need to be evidenced that it is an unmet need that is impacting on the child or will prevent significant positive change for the child.

When shouldn’t referrals be made to the Early Help & Resource Panel?

If an assessment of the child or young persons needs has not been undertaken.

Early Help Referral Form v2.1 47

When there is a clear solution to meeting the child’s needs.

How to refer to the Early Help and Resource Panel?

Complete an Early Help referral form which is available from the Mywalsall Send the form with the assessment to Early Help Admin Team, 01922 650763 or Email [email protected] if you do not have secure email please phone and fax your paperwork to 01922 686440

Why does there have to be a completed assessment prior to referral to panel?

Professional decision making needs to be based on properly assessed need to ensure that the best outcomes are achieved for children and young people.

Does the Assessment have to be on an Early Help Assessment form?

The Early Help and Resource Panel endorse the Early Help Assessment Form (EHAF) as this will demonstrate analysis of the assessment information. Other types of assessment will be accepted where there is sufficient information and analysis to inform professional decision making. This could include, Passport Assessment, Health Assessment and Social Worker assessment.

What if the panel receives an assessment that is insufficient to help them make a decision?

In this instance the person who has completed it may be asked to undertake some further work, before it is brought to panel. If required a professional will be offered guidance regarding this by Early Help Advisors.

Why is an additional referral form required?

The referral form helps the panel understand what is required. Whether that is identifying a solution for an Early Help need or ensuring that the most appropriate service is involved.

Does the referrer have to attend the Early Help and Resource Panel meeting?

It will not always be necessary for the referrer to attend the meeting as they will receive timely and appropriate feedback afterwards. However, if they wish to attend to present their referral and be part of the discussion relating to it they can contact the Early Help admin team and book a time to attend.

Will the referrer receive feedback from the panel meeting?

The outcome of the meeting will be recorded on the referral form and a copy will be returned to the referrer after the meeting.

How often do the meetings take place?

Meetings are currently happening every two weeks on Thursday mornings. The frequency of meetings will be reviewed and may be adjusted in response to need.

What if the service required is not provided by an agency represented on the panel?

The panel will provide guidance about what type of support would be appropriate and information about which other services are available locally to meet these needs including how they can be accessed.

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Appendix D

Walsall Early Help Referral Form

for targeted early help support v 1 Nov 2014 for targeted early help support v 1 Nov 2014

Please send completed forms along with an Early Help Assessment and any other assessment to;

Early Help Admin Team, 01922 650763 or Email [email protected] if you do not have secure email please phone and fax your paperwork to 01922 686440

Fields marked with an * are mandatory. Others may be left blank providing this information is included in the accompanying assessment

You may wish to have a consultation with an Early Help Admin Team, 01922 650763 or Email [email protected]

Date of referral

*Name of Referrer *Organisation *Contact Details

*Name (of child/ren or young person/s) *DOB/EDD

Ethnicity of Child:

*Name of parents/carers

Address of parents/carers

(if different to child’s)

*Telephone Number

1) *Please confirm there is consent for information being shared and used for purposes of providing services to the child/young person and their family. Yes No

2) *Please confirm who this referral has been discussed and agreed with. Parent Child

Young person Other (please specify): Early Help Referral Form v2.1 49

3) *What current assessment information are you sending in to support this referral? *A copy should be sent with this referral form if Compass has not already been sent one

My Star/Teen Star/Family Star Health/Care Plan Passport Assessment Early Help Assessment Other, please state: Social Work Assessment

Early Help Plan

4) What is the reason for your referral (what do you hope to achieve for this child/young person)? Please include breakdown of any costs associated with this.

Associated Costs:

5) What do you want the outcome (goal) of the intervention to be for the child/young person and how will you know when it has been achieved?

Early Help Referral Form v2.1 50

6) *Are you requesting; (select ONE only) Allocation or advice through the Early Help & Resource Panel

Allocation for a specific service.

Do you wish to attend the Early Help Panel meeting to present your referral and be part of the discussion relating to it?

Yes No

*Please note it is not a requirement for you to be present for your referral to be considered.

(for office use only)

Panel Outcome

Discussion/key notes


Agree Spend £ Provider: Purchase Order N.o: Invoice:

Early Help Referral Form v4.1 51

Appendix E


School Nurse Name Secondary Primary

Claire Arnold Joseph Leckie Whitehall Infants Whitehall Jnr Palfrey Infants Palfrey Jnr Hilary Lodge Farm Lee Bromwich Willenhall E Act Abbey Jubilee Acd New Inv Inf New Inv Jnr Sarah Burt Mirus Academy Mirus Primary Blakenall Heath Bloxwich C of E Busil Jones Christ Church Rivers Pri Mayfields Reeta Chaudhry Brownhills Brownhills West Watling Street Millfield Elmore Green Sharon Edge West Walsall E Act Alumwell Inf Alum Well Jnr Delves Inf Delves Jnr Diane Evans Queen Mary's Boys Charles Coddy St James Ryders Hayes Angela Green Streetly New Leaf Blackwood Lindens Butts Palfrey Girls Debbie Hughes Walsall Academy Pelsall Village St Michales CofE Little Bloxwich St Patricks RC Rachel Keen Grace Academy Kings Hill Old Church Country Birdge Moorcroft Wood Woodlands Beacon Hydesville Abu Bakr Laraine Marston St Francis Assisi St Francis Primary St Mary Angels RC Greenfields Girls/Primary Abu Bakr Boys David Matthews UTC Edgar Stammars Sunshine Manor Reedswood Rushall JMI Cladmore Tryphine Molineux Queen Mary Girls Leamore Goldsmith St Mary's Mount Studio Alison Payne Alridge Leighswood Cooper & Jordan Whetstone Fields Park Hall Inf Park Hall Jnr Judy Pocok Pool Hayes Comp Pool Hayes Fibersley Pinfold Salisbury Jane Lane Jean Rollings Shire Oak St Johns CofE Walsall Wood Castlefort Radleys St Bernadettes Lower Farm Teresa Stokes Shelfield Barcroft Rough Hay St Josephs St Thomas Cant Amanda Street Blue Coat Blue Coat Inf Blue Coat Jnr Chuckery Croft Birchills St Peters Emanuel Sallyann Sutton Shepwell Centre Elmwood Phoenix Trevor Woolnough St Thomas Moore St Giles King Charles Bentley West Rosedale Short Heath Castle

Walsall School Nurses can be contacted via the Single Point of Access at Harden Health Centre, Walsall, Ws3 1ET

or telephone: 01922 423349 or email: [email protected]