USOO7347 199B1

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,347,199 B1 Lewis et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Mar. 25, 2008

(54) PRESSURISED METERED DOSE INHALERS 6,004,537 A 12/1999 Blondino et al. (MDI) 6,006,745. A * 12/1999 Marecki ...... 128.200.23 (75) Inventors: David Lewis, Parma (IT): David 6,026,808 A * 2/2000 Armer et al...... 128.200.23 Ganderton, Parma (IT): Brian Meakin, 6,045,778 A 4/2000 Jager et al. Bath (GB); Paolo Ventura, Parma (IT): 6,131,566 A * 10/2000 Ashurst et al...... 128.200.14 Gaetano Brambilla, Parma (IT): 6,143,277 A * 1 1/2000 Ashurst et al...... 424/45 Rafaella Garzia, Parma (IT) 6,149,892 A * 1 1/2000 Britto ...... 424/45 6,150,418 A 1 1/2000 Hochrainer et al. (73) Assignee: Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A., Parma (IT) 6,241,969 B1 6/2001 Saidi et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6.253,762 B1* 7/2001 Britto ...... 128.200.14 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,290,930 B1 9, 2001 Blondino et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 6,315,985 B1 11/2001 Wu et al. 6,413,496 B1 7/2002 Goodman et al. This patent is Subject to a terminal dis 6,451,285 B2 9, 2002 Blondino et al. claimer. 6,645,466 B1 1 1/2003 Keller et al. (21) Appl. No.: 09/831,888 7,018,618 B2* 3/2006 Lewis et al...... 424/45 2003/0077230 A1 4/2003 Blondino et al. (22) PCT Filed: Nov. 23, 1999 2003. O157028 A1 8, 2003 Lewis et al. 2003/O190267 A1 10/2003 Lewis et al. PCT/EP99/09002 (86). PCT No.: 2003/O190287 A1 10/2003 Lewis et al. S 371 (c)(1), 2003. O190289 A1 10/2003 Lewis et al. (2), (4) Date: Jul. 19, 2001 2003/0206870 A1 11/2003 Lewis et al. 2005/0129621 A1 6/2005 Davies et al. (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO00/30608 2005. O142071 A1 6/2005 Lewis et al. 2005. O152846 A1 7/2005 Davies et al. PCT Pub. Date: Jun. 2, 2000 2005. O1540 13 A1 7/2005 Davies et al. (30) Foreign Application Priority Data 2005/022O718 A1 10/2005 Lewis et al. Nov. 25, 1998 (IT) ...... MI98A2559 Jul. 30, 1999 (IT) ...... MI99A1712 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (51) Int. Cl. A6M 16/00 (2006.01) EP O 372 777 6, 1990 (52) U.S. Cl...... 128/200.23; 128/203.15 EP O 504 112 A2 9, 1992 (58) Field of Classification Search ...... 128/200.11, EP O 642992 3, 1995 128/200.12, 200.14, 200.23, 203.12, 203.15, 128/200.24; 420/49, 52,582: 239/338; 424/45, 46 See application file for complete search history. (Continued) (56) References Cited OTHER PUBLICATIONS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS R.O. Williams, III, et al., European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, vol. 44, pp. 195-203 (1997). 3,361,306 A 1, 1968 Grim ...... 222.402.13 3,622,053 A * 11/1971 Ryden ...... 222/402.1 (Continued) 4,185,100 A 1, 1980 Rovee et al. 4,499,108 A 2, 1985 Sequeira et al. Primary Examiner Teena Mitchell 4,579,854. A * 4, 1986 Iwakuma et al...... 514/312 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, 4,835,145 A 5, 1989 MacDonald Maier & Neustadt, P.C. 5, 192,528 A 3, 1993 Radhakrishnan et al. 5,415,853. A 5, 1995 Hettche et al. (57) ABSTRACT 5,435,297 A * 7/1995 Klein ...... 128.200.23 5,605,674. A 2f1997 Purewal et al. 5,642,728 A 7, 1997 Andersson et al. The invention relates to the use of pressurized metered dose 5,653,961 A 8/1997 McNally et al. inhalers (MDIs) having part or all of their internal surfaces 5,676.930 A * 10/1997 Jager et al...... 424/45 consisting of stainless steel, anodised aluminum or lined 5,683,677 A * 11/1997 Purewal et al...... 424/45 with an inert organic coating; and to compositions to be 5,695,743 A * 12/1997 Purewal et al...... 424/45 delivered with said MDIs. 5,891419 A 4, 1999 Cutie 5,954,047 A * 9/1999 Armer et al...... 128.200.23 5,955,058 A 9/1999 Jager et al. 32 Claims, No Drawings US 7,347,199 B1 Page 2

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ABPI Compendium of Data Sheets and Summaries of Product U.S. Appl. No. 10/546,619, filed Aug. 23, 2005, Razzetti et al. Characteristics, Datapharm Publications Limited, London, pp. 81-82, (1996-1997). * cited by examiner US 7,347,199 B1 1. 2 PRESSURISED METERED DOSE INHALERS WO96/32099, WO96/32150, WO96/32151 and WO96/ (MDI) 32345 disclose metered dose inhalers for the administration of different active ingredients in Suspension in the propel The invention relates to the use of pressurised metered lant, wherein the internal surfaces of the inhaler are partially dose inhalers (MDIs) having part or all of their internal or completely coated with one or more fluorocarbon poly Surfaces consisting of stainless Steel, anodised aluminium or mers optionally in combination with one or more non lined with an inert organic coating. The invention also fluorocarbon polymers. relates to compositions to be delivered with said MDIs. Said applications do not however address the technical Pressurised metered dose inhalers are well known devices problem of the chemical stability of the active ingredient but for administering pharmaceutical products to the respiratory 10 they rather concern a different problem, namely that of the tract by inhalation. adhesion of micronized particles of the Suspended active Active materials commonly delivered by inhalation ingredient to the internal Surfaces of the inhaler, Such as the include bronchodilators such as B2 agonists and anticholin can walls, valves and sealings. It is also known from Eur. J. ergics, , anti-leukotrienes, anti-allergics and Pharm. Biopharm. 1997, 44, 195 that suspensions of drugs other materials that may be efficiently administered by 15 in HFA propellant are frequently subjected to absorption of inhalation, thus increasing the therapeutic index and reduc the drug particles on the valves and on the internal walls of ing side effects of the active material. the inhaler. The properties of an epoxy phenol resin coating MDI uses a propellant to expel droplets containing the of the aerosol cans have been studied to circumvent this pharmaceutical product to the respiratory tract as an aerosol. problem. For many years the preferred propellants used in aerosols WO95/17195 describes aerosol compositions comprising for pharmaceutical use have been a group of chlorofluoro , ethanol and HFA propellants. It is stated in the carbons which are commonly called Freons or CFCs, such document that conventional aerosol canisters can be used to as CC1F (Freon 11 or CFC-11), CC1F. (Freon 12 or contain the composition and that certain containers enhance CFC-12), and CCIF CCIF. (Freon 114 or CFC-114). its chemical and physical stability. It is suggested that the Recently, the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) propellants such 25 composition can be preferably contained in vials coated with as Freon 11 and Freon 12 have been implicated in the resins such as epoxy resins (e.g. epoxy-phenolic resins and destruction of the oZone layer and their production is being epoxy-urea-formaldehyde resins). phased out. Actually the results reported in Tables 5, 6 and 8 respec Hydrofluoroalkanes (HFAs) known also as hydro-fluoro tively on pages 16 and 19 of the cited application demon carbons (HFCs) contain no chlorine and are considered less 30 strate that flunisolide decomposes only in plastic cans (Table destructive to OZone and these are proposed as Substitutes for 8), and that the percent drug recovery in compositions stored CFCS. in aluminium, glass or epoxy-phenol formaldehyde resin HFAs and in particular 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFA coated vials is practically the same (Table 8). In other words 134a) and 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane (HFA227) have there is no difference between aluminium, glass type III or been acknowledged to be the best candidates for non-CFC 35 epoxy/phenol-formaldehyde resin coated aluminium vials propellants and a number of medicinal aerosol formulations coated by Cebal. No data are reported for other types of using Such HFA propellant systems have been disclosed. epoxy resins. Many of these applications, in which HFAS are used as It has now been found that the chemical stability problems propellant, propose the addition of one or more of adjuvants of active ingredients in solution in HFA propellants can be including compounds acting as co-solvents, Surface active 40 eliminated by storing and delivering said composition agents including fluorinated and non-fluorinated Surfactants, employing metered-dose inhalers having part or all of their dispersing agents including alkylpolyethoxylates and stabi internal metallic Surfaces consisting of stainless steel, ano lizers. dised aluminium or lined with an inert organic coating. In the international application no PCT/EP98/03533 filed The preferred material for the aerosol cans is anodised on Oct. 6, 1998 the applicant described solution composi 45 aluminium. tions for use in an aerosol inhaler, comprising an active In the case of epoxy-phenol resin coating the choice of the material, a propellant containing a hydrofluoroalkane suitable coating will be opportunely made on the basis of the (HFA), a cosolvent and further comprising a low volatility characteristics of the active ingredient. component to increase the mass median aerodynamic diam The most widely used epoxy resins in can coatings are eter (MMAD) of the aerosol particles on actuation of the 50 produced by the reaction of epichlorohydrin and bisphenol inhaler. A (DGEBPA). Variations in the molecular weight and in the Compositions for aerosol administration via MDIs can be polymerisation degree result in resins of different properties. Solutions or Suspensions. Solution compositions offer sev Phenoxy resins are other commercially important ther eral advantages: they are convenient to manufacture being moplastic polymers derived from bisphenols and epichloro completely dissolved in the propellant vehicle and obviate 55 hydrin, characterized in that their molecular weights (MWs) physical stability problems associated with Suspension com are higher, ie, ca 45000, than those of conventional epoxy positions. resins, ie. 8000 and lack terminal epoxide functionality. The widespread use of these formulations is limited by Other multifunctional resins are epoxy-phenol-novolac their chemical instability, causing the formation of degra and epoxy-cresol-novolac resins obtained by glycidylation dation products. 60 of the phenol-formaldehyde (novolac) or of the o-cresol WO94/13262 proposes the use of acids as stabilisers formaldehyde (o-cresol novolac) condensates respectively. preventing the chemical degradation of the active ingredient The inhalers according to the invention effectively pre in aerosol solution formulations comprising HFAS. Among vent the chemical degradation of the active ingredient. the selected medicaments ipratropium bromide is com Surprisingly and contrary to what reported in the prior art prised, for which many composition examples are Supplied, 65 with regard to flunisolide, we found a considerable degra in which the active ingredient is in combination with an dation of the tested active ingredients when their formula organic or inorganic acid. tions were stored in glass containers type III. US 7,347,199 B1 3 4 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION low concentrations, it does not substantially affect the chemical stability of the compositions. Pressurised metered dose inhalers for dispensing Solution Examples of active ingredients include: anticholinergics of an active ingredient in a hydrofluorocarbon propellant, a Such as ipratropium bromide, oxitropium bromide, tiotro co-solvent and optionally a low-volatility component char pium bromide; acetal corticosteroids Such as , acterized in that part or all of the internal surfaces of said , rofileponide; chetal corticosteroids such as inhalers consist of stainless steel, anodised aluminium or are flunisolide, acetonide; other corticosteroids lined with an inert organic coating. Such as propionate, furoate; short or long acting beta-adrenergic agonists such as Salbutamol. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE 10 formoterol, salmeterol, TA 2005 and their combinations. The INVENTION active ingredients when possible may be present in racemic mixtures or in form of a single enantiomer or epimer. Pressurised metered dose inhalers are known devices, As said before, WO 94/13262 teaches that problems of usually consisting of a main body or can, acting as a chemical stability of medicaments and in particular of reservoir for the aerosol formulation, a cap sealing the main 15 ipratropium bromide in aerosol Solution compositions can be body and a metering valve fitted in the cap. Solved adding an acid, either an inorganic acid or an organic MDIS are usually made of a conventional material such as acid, to the HFA propellant/cosolvent system. aluminium, tin plate, glass, plastic and the like. Examples of compositions containing ipratropium bro According to the invention, part or all of the internal mide in HFA 134a/ethanol systems further containing an Surfaces of the inhalers consists of stainless steel, anodised inorganic acid such as hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric or aluminium or is lined with an inert organic coating. One of Sulfuric acid oran organic acid such as ascorbic or citric acid the preferred coating consists of epoxy-phenol resin. Any are provided. kind of stainless steel may be used. Suitable epoxy-phenol We found that in Solution compositions comprising ipra resins are commercially available. tropium bromide, a propellant containing a hydrofluoroal Active ingredients which may be used in the aerosol 25 kane, a cosolvent and further comprising a low volatility compositions to be dispensed with the inhalers of the component: invention are any ingredient which can be administered by a) different decomposition rates occur with different inhalation and which meets problems of chemical stability in acids: for example we found that ipratropium bromide (20 Solution in HFA propellants giving rise to a decomposition ug/dose) in a composition of 13% (w/w) ethanol, 1.0% 30 (w/w) glycerol. 20 ul/can of 1N hydrochloric acid and HFA when stored in conventional materials cans and in particular 134a to 12 ml/can rapidly decomposes and after 3 months in aluminium cans. storage at 40° C. gives 85.0% average of drug remaining: In the compositions to be delivered with the MDIs of the b) ipratropium bromide with or without acids is stable in invention the hydrofluorocarbon propellant is preferably stainless steel, anodised aluminium or in Some types of selected from the group of HFA 134a, HFA227 and mixtures 35 epoxy phenol resin lined cans; thereof. c) Surprisingly certain kinds of materials, such as glass, The co-solvent is usually an alcohol, preferably ethanol. coatings proposed in the prior-art to overcome the physical The low volatility component, when present, is selected absorption phenomenon of the active ingredient, such as from the group of glycols, particularly propylene glycol, perfluoroalkoxyalkanes and fluorinated-ethylene-propylene polyethylene glycol and glycerol, alkanols such as decanol 40 polyether Sulfone resins, or certain kinds of epoxy phenol (decyl alcohol), Sugar alcohols including Sorbitol, mannitol, coatings turned out to be completely unsatisfactory and lactitol and maltitol, glycofural (tetrahydro-furfurylalcohol) ineffective in preventing its chemical degradation. and dipropylene glycol, vegetable oils, organic acids for Another preferred active ingredient for the preparation of example Saturated carboxylic acids including lauric acid, solution compositions in a HFA?cosolvent system to be myristic acid and Stearic acid; unsaturated carboxylic acids 45 dispensed by MDIs according to the present invention is including Sorbic acid, and especially oleic acid; saccharine, budesonide. ascorbic acid, cyclamic acid, amino acids, or aspartame, Previously HFA/budesonide compositions have been esters for example ascorbyl palmitate, isopropyl myristate described, in which budesonide is present in Suspension in and tocopherol esters; alkanes for example dodecane and the propellant system and the composition further comprises octadecane; terpenes for example menthol, eucalyptol, 50 additional ingredients such as particular kinds of Surfactants limonene; Sugars for example lactose, glucose, Sucrose; (EP504,112, WO 93/05765, WO 93/18746, WO 94/21229). polysaccharides for example ethyl cellulose, dextran; anti In WO 98/13031 it is reported that suspension formula oxidants for example butylated hydroxytoluene, butylated tions of budesonide have a propensity to rapidly form coarse hydroxyanisole; polymeric materials for example polyvinyl flocs upon dispersion and redispersion which may deleteri alcohol, polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl pyrrolidone; amines 55 ously affect dosage reproducibility. There is also a tendency for example ethanolamine, diethanolamine, triethanolamine; for budesonide to deposit from suspension onto the walls of for example cholesterol, cholesterol esters. The the container. low-volatility component has a vapour pressure at 25° C. To achieve stable suspensions of particulate budesonide it lower than 0.1 kPa preferably lower than 0.05 kPa. is employed in the prior art a composition containing a The aerosols compositions to be delivered with the pres 60 mixture of HFA propellants to match the density of the surised MDIs of the invention may contain from 0.2 to 2% propellant mixture to be substantially identical to the density by weight of said low volatility component. of budesonide, up to 3% of an adjuvant Such as ethanol and Propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, isopropyl Small amounts of Surfactant. myristate and glycerol are particularly preferred low-vola It is stated in the document that the levels of the adjuvants tility components. 65 are low to avoid significant solubilization of drug, leading to The function of the low volatility component is to modu a problem of chemical degradation and particle size increase late the MMAD of the aerosol particles. Being used at very On Storage. US 7,347,199 B1 5 6 In the Solution compositions of the present invention anodised aluminium, Standard aluminium, glass cans or in budesonide is chemically and physically stable. cans having different internal coatings and were stored at The aerosol compositions of the invention distributed in various conditions. inhalers having the internal Surfaces consisting of stainless The results are reported in Table 4 and 5. steel, anodised aluminium or coated with an inert material 5 The percent drug remaining in the compositions, mea and preferably with epoxy-phenol resin are stable for long sured by HPLC, shows the favourable effect of stainless periods and do not undergo chemical degradation. steel, anodised aluminium and inert coating on the chemical Also in this case a considerable degradation of the active stability of the active ingredient in respect to standard ingredient was noticed when glass containers were used. aluminium or glass cans. The best results have been obtained Analogously flunisolide and dexbudesonide (the 22R 10 with stainless steel, anodised aluminium cans and with epimer of budesonide) solutions in HFA propellant contain epoxy-phenol or perfluoroalkoxyalkane coatings. ing ethanol and a low-volatility component are stable when stored in inhalers having the internal Surfaces consisting of EXAMPLE 4 anodised aluminium or coated with epoxy-phenol resin. Evident degradation of flunisolide was noticed when glass 15 A composition containing 48 mg of dexbudesonide (200 containers were used. ug/dose), 15% (w/w) ethanol, 1.3% (w/w) glycerol in HFA It has been also found that the low volatility component 134a to 12 ml can was distributed in epoxy-phenol lacquered may also act as a co-solvent, thus increasing the Solubility of aluminium cans and was stored at 40° C. the drug in the formulation and increasing the physical The percent drug remaining in the composition after 8 stability and/or allowing the possibility to decrease the months, measured by HPLC, was 95.4% (average value quantity of co-solvent required. referred to two tests). The following examples further illustrate the invention. In The control of the epimeric distribution showed that there the examples and tables the different types of epoxy phenol is no transfer from the 22R to the 22S epimer. resins are indicated with numbers in brackets corresponding 25 EXAMPLE 5 tO: (1) Epoxy-phenol lacquered aluminium vials coated by Compositions containing 7.2, 12, 16.8 mg of dexbudes Cebal onide (corresponding to 30, 50 and 70 ug/dose respectively), (2) Epoxy-phenol lacquered aluminium vials coated by ethanol, 0.9 (w/w) PEG 400 or isopropyl myristate (IPM) in Presspart 30 HFA 227 to 12 ml can was distributed in aluminium ano (3) Epoxy-phenol lacquered aluminium vials coated by dised cans and was stored 70 days at 50° C. The results are Nussbaum & Guhl reported in Table 6. (4) Epoxy-phenol lacquered aluminium vials coated by The percent drug remaining in the composition measured Presspart, other than (2) by HPLC shows the favourable effect of anodised alu 35 minium cans on the chemical stability of the active ingre EXAMPLE 1. dient. The control of the epimeric distribution showed that there is no transfer from the 22R to the 22S epimer. A composition containing 4.8 mg of ipratropium bromide (20 ug/dose), 13% (w/w) ethanol, 1.0% (w/w) glycerol and EXAMPLE 6 HFA 134a to 12 ml/can was distributed in stainless steel, 40 anodised aluminium, standard aluminium cans or in cans The fine particle dose (FPD: weight of particles having an having different internal coatings and were stored at various aerodynamic diameter lower than 4.7 m) of dexbudesonide conditions. solution compositions in HFA 134a or HFA 227, prepared The results are reported in Table 1 and Table 2. following the examples 4 and 5, was determined. The percent drug remaining in the composition, measured 45 The experiments were performed using the Andersen by HPLC, shows that stainless steel and anodised aluminium Cascade Impactor and the data obtained are average values cans as well as epoxy-phenol resins (1), (2) and (4) coated from 10 shots. cans are effective in preventing the chemical degradation of The results, reported in Table 7 and 8 show that dex ipratropium bromide, differently from glass cans or other budesonide formulations of the invention are characterized tested coatings. 50 by a very low dose and a very high fine particle dose. The FPD gives a direct measure of the mass of particles within the specified size range and is closely related to the EXAMPLE 2 efficacy of the product. The effect of different acids on the chemical stability of EXAMPLE 7 the composition of Example 1 was studied. 55 Citric, ascorbic and hydrochloric acids were added to the A composition containing 60 mg of flunisolide (250 formulations in the amounts reported in Table 3. ug/dose), 15% (w/w) ethanol, 1% (w/w) glycerol in HFA The stability of the compositions was tested after 1, 2 and 134a to 12 ml/can was distributed in anodised aluminium, 5 months storage at 40°C. in epoxy-phenol resin (4) coated 60 glass cans or in cans having different internal coatings and CaS. were stored for 41 days at 50° C. The results are reported in Table 9. EXAMPLE 3 The percent drug remaining in the composition, measured by HPLC, shows the favourable effect of anodised alu Compositions containing 12 mg of budesonide (50 65 minium and inert coating with epoxy-phenol resins on the ug/dose), 13% or 15% (w/w) ethanol, 1.3% (w/w) glycerol chemical stability of the active ingredient in respect to glass in HFA 134a to 12 ml/can were distributed in stainless steel, CaS. US 7,347,199 B1 7 8 EXAMPLE 8 TABLE 2-continued The solubility of ipratropium bromide and micronized budesonide in ethanol, glycerol and their mixtures has been investigated. Percent ipratropium bromide (IPBr) recovered after storing the The tests were carried out at room temperature. composition of Example 1 for 30 and 60 days at 50° C., or for 96 days at a) Solubility in Ethanol. 40° C. in cans of different types (average values referred to two tests). About 8.5g of absolute ethanol were weighed into a flask. % RESIDUAL IPBr The active ingredient (Ipratropium Bromide or Budesonide) 10 was added in Small amounts, under magnetic stirrer, until no (% RESIDUAL IPBr RELATIVE TO t = 0) further dissolution occurred (i.e.: a saturated Solution was obtained). The flask was stirred for about 40 minutes, and left to settle overnight prior to analysis, to let the system t = 30 days t = 60 days t = 96 days equilibrate. The flask was kept sealed, to avoid evaporation. CAN TYPE t : O at SO C. at SO C. at 40° C. The solution obtained was then filtered and tested for the 15 amount of active ingredient, according to the conventional Glass type III * 48.5 41.5 analytical procedure. (—) (—) B) Solubility in Ethanol/Glycerol Mixtures. The required amounts of ethanol and glycerol were * according to Eur Pharmacopoeia 3" Ed Suppl 1999 weighted into a flask, and mixed by a magnetic stirrer until a homogeneous phase was obtained. The solubility of ipratropium bromide in ethanol is 42.48 TABLE 3 mg/g. Percent ipratropium bromide (IPBr) recovered after storing the The solubility data of ipratropium bromide in ethanol/ 25 glycerol mixtures are listed in Table 10. compositions of Example 1, with different acids added, in The solubility of micronized budesonide in ethanol is epoxy-phenol (4) coated cans (average values referred to two tests) 31.756 mg/g. % RESIDUAL IPBr Solubility data of micronized budesonide in ethanol/ (% RESIDUAL IPBr RELATIVE TO t = 0) glycerol mixtures are listed in Table 11. 30 The data show that both the tested active ingredients are t = 1 month t = 2 months t = 5 months rather soluble in ethanol, and that their solubility increases Acid = 0 at 40° C. at 40° C. at 40° C. even when Small percentages of glycerol are added. The increase in solubility is maintained also in presence Citric of HFA propellants. 35 (0.6% w/w) 98 98 99 94 TABLE 1. (100) (101) (96) (0.3% w/w) 99 99 1OO 97 Percent ipratropium bromide (IPBr) recovered (100) (101) (98) after storing the composition of Example 1 40 (0.07% w/w) 99 98 99 96 for 8 months at 40 C. in cans of different types (99) (100) (97) CAN TYPE % RESIDUAL IPBr Ascorbic 119 113 112 110 (95) (94) (92) Epoxy-phenol resin (4) 96 Hydrochloric Perfluoroalkoxyalkane 57 Fluorinated-ethylene-propylene? 78 45 polyether sulphone (Xylan 8840) (4 Il-1N) 101 100 104 96 Stainless steel 96 (99) (102) (95) Standard aluminium 46 (10 Il-1N) 101 98 98 97 (97) (97) (96) (20 Il-1N) 100 95 98 97 50 (95) (98) (97) TABLE 2 None 97 97 98 95 Percent ipratropium bromide (IPBr) recovered after storing the (100) (101) (98) composition of Example 1 for 30 and 60 days at 50° C., or for 96 days at 40° C. in cans of different types (average values referred to two tests). 55 % RESIDUALIPBr TABLE 4 % RESIDUAL IPBir RELATIVE TO t = 0 Percent budesonide recovered after storing the composition of t = 30 days t = 60 days t = 96 days Example 3 (13% ethanol) for 7 months at 40 C. in cans of different types CAN TYPE t = 0 at SO C. at SO C. at 40° C. CAN TYPE % RESIDUAL BUDESONIDE Epoxy phenol resin 99 89 88.5 93.5 60 (1) (90) (89.5) (94.5) Epoxy-phenol resin (4) 100 Epoxy phenol resin 97.5 90 88.5 89 Fluorinated-ethylene-propylene? 93.5 (2) (92) (90.5) (91) polyether sulphone (Xylan 8840) Epoxy phenol resin 98.5 56.5 46 52.5 Stainless steel 97 (3) (57.5) (47) (53.5) Aluminium 68 Anodised aluminum 94 89 87 9 O.S 65 Perfluoroalkoxyalkane 100 (95) (92.5) (96.5) US 7,347,199 B1 9 10

TABLE 5 TABLE 8 Percent budesonide recovered after storing the composition of Example 3 (15% ethanol) for 33 and 73 days at 50° C. in cans of Fine particle dose (FPD) values of dexbudesonide solution formulation in different types (average values referred to two tests). HFA 227 containing: dexbudesonide 15.12 mg can (63 g shot) % RESIDUAL BUDESONIDE (% RESIDUAL BUDESONIDE RELATIVE TO t = 0) ethanol 7% (w.fw) low volatility compound 0.9% (w.fw) 10 CAN TYPE t = 0 T = 33 days t = 73 days HFA 227 to 12 ml can (valve chamber volume = 63 ul) Epoxy phenol 99.3 97.0 95.4 MMAD = 2.0 m resin (1) (97.7) (96.1) Epoxy phenol 99.5 96.6 95.6 Low resin (2) (97.0) (96.1) Epoxy phenol 99.3 96.6 95.9 15 volatility FPD FPF Metered dose Delivered dose resin (3) (97.2) (96.5) Compound (Ig) (%) (Ig) (Ig) Anodised 99.9 99.2 97.7 aluminium (99.3) (97.8) Glass type III * 86.15 80.4 IPM 45.0 75.5 63.9 59.7 (—) (—) PEG 400 48.5 78.9 65.5 61.5 * according to Eur Pharmacopoeia 3" Ed Suppl 1999 These results have been confirmed storing the same formulation up to 7 IPM = isopropyl myristate months at 30° C., 40° C., 45° C. and 50° C. FPF = fine particle fraction (Fine particle dosef Delivered dose x 100) 25 FPD = weight of particles having an aerodynamic diameter lower than 4.7 TABLE 6 In Metered dose is given by the sum of delivered dose and actuator residue Percent dexbudesonide recovered after storing the compositions of Delivered dose is the dose delivered ex actuator Example 5 for 70 days at 50° C. in anodised aluminium cans average values referred to two tests). 30 % Residual dexbudesonide TABLE 9 Metered (% residual dexbudesonide dose Ethanol Low vol. comp. relative to t = 0 Percent flunisolide recovered after storing the composition of Example 7 for 41 days at 50° C. in cans of different types (average values (Ig) % (w.fw) 0.9% (w.fw) t = 0 days t = 70 days referred to two tests). 35 30 5 PEG 400 95.8 95.8 % RESIDUAL FLUNISOLIDE (100) % RESIDUAL FLUNISOLIDE RELATIVE TO t = 0 IPM 98.1 96.8 (98.7) CAN TYPE t = 0 t = 41 days t = 93 days 50 8 PEG 400 99.0 98.0 (98.9) Epoxy phenol 98.4 99.2 101.4 IPM 98.0 99.4 40 resin (1) (101) (103) (101) Epoxy phenol 101.9 99.7 101.9 70 7 PEG 400 95.7 93.75 resin (2) (97.8) (100) (98.0) Epoxy phenol 101.7 99.2 101.2 IPM 100.4 96.3 resin (3) (97.5) (99.6) (96.0) Anodised 101.6 100.4 100.7 45 aluminum (98.8) (99.1) IPM = Isopropyl myristate Glass type III * 97.5 (—)

TABLE 7 * according to Eur Pharmacopoeia 3" Ed Suppl 1999 Fine particle dose (FPD) values of dexbudesonide solution formulation in 50 HFA 134a containing: TABLE 10 dexbudesonide 14.4 mg can (60 g shot) ethanol 8% (w.fw) Solubility of pratropium Bronide in ethanol/glycerol mixtures low volatility compound 0.9% (w.fw) HFA 134a to 12 ml can (valve chamber volume = 63 ul) Ipratropium MMAD = 2.0 In 55 Bromide Ethanol (%) Glycerol (%) Solubility (mg/g) Low volatility FPD FPF Metered dose Delivered dose 1OO O 42.8 Compound (Ig) (%) (Ig) (Ig) 92.6 7.4 74.O 91.9 8.1 74.7 91.3 8.7 90.5 IPM 39.9 73.6 57.9 54.2 60 IPM 39.4 774 53.2 SO.9 88.4 11.6 98.0 82.6 17.4 115.6 IPM = isopropyl myristate 71.4 28.6 196.7 FPF = fine particle fraction (Fine particle dosef Delivered dose x 100) 60 40 271.6 FPD = weight of particles having an aerodynamic diameter lower than 4.7 40 60 3.07.2 21.1 78.9 265.7 Metered dose is given by the sum of delivered dose and actuator residue. 65 O 1OO 734 Delivered dose is the dose delivered ex actuator. US 7,347,199 B1 11 12 10. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 9. TABLE 11 wherein said B-adrenergic agonist is selected from the group consisting of salbutamol, formoterol, salmeterol, and TA Solubility of micronized Budesonide in ethanol/glycerol mixtures 2005. Budesonide 11. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim solubility wherein said active ingredient is ipratropium bromide. Ethanol (%) Glycerol (%) (mg/g) 12. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 1OO O 31.756 wherein said active ingredient is oxitropium bromide. 92.5 7.5 36.264 13. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 91.9 8.1 36.277 10 91.3 8.7 37.328 wherein said active ingredient is tiotropium bromide. 87.7 12.3 38.364 14. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 83.3 16.7 37.209 wherein said active ingredient is flunisolide. 71.4 28.6 35.768 60 40 28.962 15. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 39.9 60.1 14840 15 wherein said active ingredient is . 21.1 78.9 3.990 16. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim O 100 O.214 wherein said active ingredient is . 17. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim The invention claimed is: wherein said active ingredient is mometasone furoate. 1. A pressurized metered dose inhaler, said inhaler con 18. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim taining a solution comprising an active ingredient, a hydrof wherein said active ingredient is budesonide. luorocarbon propellant, and a cosolvent, wherein said 19. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim inhaler has an internal Surface and all or part of said internal wherein said active ingredient is ciclesonide. Surface is anodized aluminum. 20. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 2. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 1, 25 wherein said active ingredient is rofileponide. wherein said solution further comprises a low-volatility 21. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim component. wherein said solution further comprises a low-volatility 3. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 2, component, said low-volatility component is selected from wherein said low-volatility component is selected from the the group consisting of propylene glycol, glycerol, polyeth group consisting of propylene glycol, glycerol, polyethylene 30 ylene glycol, and isopropyl myristate, said active ingredient glycol, and isopropyl myristate. is selected from the group consisting of a B-adrenergic 4. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 1, agonists agonist, ipratropium bromide, oxitropium bromide, wherein said active ingredient is selected from the group tiotropium bromide, flunisolide, triamcinolone acetonide, consisting of B2 agonists, steroids, anticholinergic agents, fluticasone propionate, mometaSone furoate, budesonide, and mixtures thereof. 35 ciclesonide, rofileponide, and epimers thereof, and said co 5. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 1, solvent is ethanol. wherein said active ingredient is selected from the group 22. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 21, consisting of a B-adrenergic agonist, ipratropium bromide, wherein said active ingredient is ipratropium bromide. oxitropium bromide, tiotropium bromide, flunisolide, triam 23. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 21, cinolone acetonide, fluticaSone propionate, mometaSone 40 furoate, budesonide, ciclesonide, rofileponide, and epimers wherein said active ingredient is oxitropium bromide. thereof. 24. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 21, 6. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 5, wherein said active ingredient is tiotropium bromide. wherein said B-adrenergic agonist is selected from the group 25. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 21, consisting of salbutamol, formoterol, Salmeterol, and TA 45 wherein said active ingredient is flunisolide. 2005. 26. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 21, 7. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 1, wherein said active ingredient is triamcinolone acetonide. wherein said co-solvent is ethanol. 27. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 21, 8. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 1, wherein said active ingredient is fluticasone propionate. wherein said propellant is selected from the group consisting 50 28. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 21, of HFA 227, HFA 134a, and mixtures thereof. wherein said active ingredient is mometasone furoate. 9. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 1, wherein said solution further comprises a low-volatility 29. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 21, component, said low-volatility component is selected from wherein said active ingredient is budesonide. 30. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 21, the group consisting of propylene glycol, glycerol, polyeth 55 ylene glycol, and isopropyl myristate, said active ingredient wherein said active ingredient is ciclesonide. is selected from the group consisting of a B-adrenergic 31. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 21, agonist, ipratropium bromide, oxitropium bromide, tiotro wherein said active ingredient is rofileponide. pium bromide, flunisolide, triamcinolone acetonide, flutica 32. The pressurized metered dose inhaler of claim 21, Sone propionate, mometasone furoate, budesonide, 60 wherein said B-adrenergic agonist is selected from the group ciclesonide, rofileponide, and epimers thereof, said co-sol consisting of salbutamol, formoterol, salmeterol, and TA vent is ethanol; and said propellant is selected from the 2005. group consisting of HFA 227, HFA 134a, and mixtures thereof.