(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date WO 2014/089431 Al 12 June 20 14 ( 12.06.20 14) W P O P C T

(51) International Patent Classification: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every G01N 33/574 (2006.0 1) C12Q 1/68 (2006.0 1) kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, (21) International Application Number: BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, PCT/US2013/073569 DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, (22) International Filing Date: HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR, 6 December 2013 (06.12.2013) KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, (25) Filing Language: English OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, (26) Publication Language: English SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, (30) Priority Data: ZW. 61/734,040 6 December 2012 (06. 12.2012) US 61/779,446 13 March 2013 (13.03.2013) US (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, (71) Applicant: DANA-FARBER CANCER INSTITUTE, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, INC. [US/US]; 450 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215 UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, (US). TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, (72) Inventors: LODA, Massimo; 9 Coolidge Road, Belmont, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, MA 02478 (US). PRIOLO, Carmen; One Winchester TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, Street, Apt. 202, Brookline, MA 02446 (US). PYNE, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). Saumyadipta; CR Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, University of Hyderabad Published: Campus, Prof. CR Rao Raod, Gachibowli, Hyderabad- — with international search report (Art. 21(3)) 500046 (IN). (74) Agent: HOLLOWAY, Minita, G.; Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, P.C., 600 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 022 10- 2206 (US).




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(57) Abstract: The invention provides methods and products to identify metabolic status of Aktl and Myc in tumors, and to treat o cancer. The method comprises performing an assay to measure a profile of metabolites in a prostate tumor sample obtained from a subject, wherein the metabolites are differentially produced in prostate tumors with high Aktl expression versus prostate tumors with o high Myc expression; and comparing, with at least one processor, the profile of metabolites with an appropriate reference profile of the metabolites to assign an Aktl and Myc metabolic status to the sample based on results of the comparison. METABOLOMIC PROFILING DEFINES ONCOGENES DRIVING PROSTATE TUMORS


This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e) of U.S. Provisional Application Nos. 61/734,040, filed December 6, 2012, and 61/779,446, filed March 13, 2013, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.


This invention was made with Government support under National Institute of Health (NIH) Grant ROl CA131945. Accordingly, the Government has certain rights in this invention.


Prostate cancer is the most common cause of death from cancer in men over age 75. Many factors, including genetics and diet, have been implicated in the development of prostate cancer. Proliferation in normal cells occurs when nutrients are taken up from the environment as a result of stimulation by growth factors. Cancer cells overcome this growth factor dependence either by acquiring genetic mutations that result in altered metabolic pathways or by affecting metabolic pathways de novo with targeted mutations in critical metabolic . Altered metabolic pathways, in turn, stimulate cell growth by either providing fuel for energy or by efficiently incorporating nutrients into biomass. Metabolic alterations may occur as a result of altered pathways, in turn a consequence of genetic events. Alternatively, metabolic alterations may be primary events in cancer but require genetic alterations in critical pathways for oncogenesis. A fundamental unanswered question is whether all oncogenic drivers (such as Myc or Akt) harness a similar metabolic response or whether each oncogenic event results in its own specific metabolic program. This is important because if the latter is true, targeting selected metabolic enzymes/pathways together with the putative driving oncogenes could become a powerful and targeted approach in cancer therapeutics. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION

It has been discovered, surprisingly, that metabolic profiles are specific to oncogenes driving human tumors, specifically prostate tumor. Accordingly, in some aspects, the invention involves identifying Aktl and Myc status in a prostate tumor by performing an assay to measure a profile of metabolites in a prostate tumor sample obtained from a subject, wherein the metabolites are differentially produced in prostate tumors with high Aktl expression versus prostate tumors with high Myc expression, and comparing, with at least one processor, the profile of metabolites with an appropriate reference profile of the metabolites to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample based on results of the comparison. According to some aspects of the invention, a method to identify Aktl and Myc status in a prostate tumor is provided. The method comprises analyzing, with at least one processor, a profile of a set of metabolites in a prostate tumor sample obtained from a subject to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample, wherein the metabolites are differentially produced in prostate tumors with high Aktl expression versus prostate tumors with high Myc expression, and the profile of metabolites is compared to an appropriate reference profile of the metabolites. In some embodiments, the appropriate reference profile of the metabolites comprises profiles of the metabolites in prostate tumor with high Aktl expression, in prostate tumor with low Aktl expression, in prostate tumor with high Myc expression, and in prostate tumor with low Myc expression. In some embodiments, the metabolic profile comprises at least 5, at least 10, at least 25, at least 50, at least 75, at least 100, at least 125, at least 150, at least 175, at least 200, at least 225, at least 250, at least 275, at least 300, at least 350, at least 375, at least 400 metabolites, at least 450 metabolites, at least 500 metabolites, at least 1000 metabolites, or at least 1500 metabolites. In some embodiments, the metabolic profile of the tumor sample is measured using one or more of mass spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance or chromatography. In some embodiments, the metabolites are selected from Table 1. In some embodiments, the computer assigns a status of high Aktl/high Myc, high Aktl/low Myc, low Aktl /high Myc, or low Aktl/low Myc to the sample. In some embodiments, the profile of metabolites of the tumor sample is compared using cluster analysis. In some embodiments, the cluster analysis is selected from the group consisting of: hierarchical clustering, k-mean clustering, distribution-based clustering, and density-based clustering. In some embodiments, the differentially produced metabolites are selected using a threshold of p value < 0.05. In some embodiments, the methods described herein further comprise determining a confidence value for the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample and providing an indication of the confidence value and the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample to a user. According to some aspects of the invention, a method to treat prostate tumor is provided. The method comprises obtaining a prostate tumor sample from a subject, measuring a metabolic profile of the tumor sample, wherein the metabolites are differentially produced in prostate tumors with high Aktl expression versus prostate tumors with high Myc expression, comparing the metabolic profile to an appropriate reference profile of the metabolites, and treating the subject with an Aktl inhibitor when results of the comparison of the metabolic profile indicate high Aktl expression in the tumor sample and/or treating the subject with a Myc inhibitor when results of the comparison of the metabolic profile indicate high Myc in the tumor sample. In some embodiments, the Aktl inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of (a) a low molecular weight compound or high molecular weight compound which inhibits the phosphorylation of Aktl, (b) a low molecular weight compound or high molecular weight compound which inhibits the expression of Aktl, (c) an antibody which inhibits the phosphorylation of Aktl, (d) an antibody which inhibits the expression of Aktl, (e) a siRNA or shRNA against a polynucleotide encoding Aktl, (f) an antisense polynucleotide comprising a nucleotide sequence complementary or substantially complementary to the nucleotide sequence of a polynucleotide encoding Aktl, or comprising a part of said nucleotide sequence, (g) a ribozyme directed to a polynucleotide encoding Aktl, (h) a mutant of Aktl which dominant- negatively acts on Aktl or a polynucleotide encoding said mutant, and (i) an aptamer against Aktl. In some embodiments, the Aktl inhibitor is Perifosine, Miltefosine MK02206, GSK690693, GDC-0068, or AZD5363.. In some embodiments, the Myc inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of (a) a low molecular weight compound or high molecular weight compound which inhibits the expression of Myc, (b) an antibody which inhibits the expression of Myc, (e) a siRNA or shRNA against a polynucleotide encoding Myc, (f) an antisense polynucleotide comprising a nucleotide sequence complementary or substantially complementary to the nucleotide sequence of a polynucleotide encoding Myc, or comprising a part of said nucleotide sequence, (g) a ribozyme directed to a polynucleotide encoding Myc, (h) a mutant of Myc which dominant- negatively acts on Myc or a polynucleotide encoding said mutant, and (i) an aptamer against Myc. In some embodiments, the Myc inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of 10058- F4, JQ1 and Omomyc. In some embodiments, the metabolic profile of the tumor sample is measured using one or more of mass spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, or chromatography. In some embodiments, the metabolites are selected from Table 1. In some embodiments, the metabolic profile of the tumor sample is compared using cluster analysis. In some embodiments, the cluster analysis is selected from the group consisting of: hierarchical clustering, k-mean clustering, distribution-based clustering, and density-based clustering. In some embodiments, the appropriate reference profile of the metabolites comprises profiles of the metabolites in prostate tumor with high Aktl expression, in prostate tumor with low Aktl expression, in prostate tumor with high Myc expression, and in prostate tumor with low Myc expression. In some embodiments, the metabolic profile comprises at least 5, at least 10, at least 25, at least 50, at least 75, at least 100, at least 125, at least 150, at least 175, at least 200, at least 225, at least 250, at least 275, at least 300, at least 350, at least 375, at least 400 metabolites, at least 450 metabolites, at least 500 metabolites, at least 1000 metabolites, or at least 1500 metabolites. In some embodiments, the differentially produced metabolites are selected using a threshold of p value < 0.05. According to some aspects of the invention, a method to treat prostate tumor is provided. The method comprises obtaining a biological sample from a subject, measuring a level of sarcosine in the sample, comparing the level of sarcosine in the sample to a control sarcosine level, and treating the subject with a Myc inhibitor when the measured level of sarcosine in the sample is increased relative to the control level. In some embodiments, the Myc inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of (a) a low molecular weight compound or high molecular weight compound which inhibits the expression of Myc, (b) an antibody which inhibits the expression of Myc, (e) a siRNA or shRNA against a polynucleotide encoding Myc, (f) an antisense polynucleotide comprising a nucleotide sequence complementary or substantially complementary to the nucleotide sequence of a polynucleotide encoding Myc, or comprising a part of said nucleotide sequence, (g) a ribozyme directed to a polynucleotide encoding Myc, (h) a mutant of Myc which dominant- negatively acts on Myc or a polynucleotide encoding said mutant, and (i) an aptamer against Myc. In some embodiments, the Myc inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of 10058- F4, JQ1 and Omomyc. In some embodiments, the level of sarcosine in the sample is measured using one or more of mass spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance or chromatography. In some embodiments, the biological sample is selected from the group consisting of a urine, blood, serum, plasma, and tissue sample. According to some aspects of the invention, a method to identify Aktl and Myc status in a prostate tumor is provided. The method comprises performing an assay to measure a profile of metabolites in a prostate tumor sample obtained from a subject, and comparing, with at least one processor, the profile of metabolites with a reference profile of the metabolites, the reference profile of the metabolites being profiles of the metabolites from prostate tumors with high Aktl expression and from prostate tumors with high Myc expression, to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample based on results of the comparison. According to some aspects of the invention, a method to identify Aktl and Myc status in a prostate tumor is provided. The method comprises performing an assay to measure a profile of metabolites in a prostate tumor sample obtained from a subject, and comparing the profile of metabolites with reference profiles of the metabolites with at least one processor programmed to recognize profiles of high Aktl versus low Aktl expressing tumors and high Myc versus low Myc expressing tumors, and assigning, with at least one processor, an Aktl and Myc status to the sample based on results of the comparison. In some embodiments, the methods described herein further comprise determining a confidence value for the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample, and providing an indication of the confidence value and the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample to a user. In some embodiments, the methods described herein further comprise determining whether the confidence value is below a threshold value, and providing an indication that the confidence value is below the threshold value. According to some aspects of the invention, a computer-readable storage medium is provided. The storage medium is encoded with a plurality of instructions that, when executed by at least one processor, performs a method comprising comparing the profile of metabolites with reference profiles of the metabolites with at least one processor programmed to recognize profiles of high Aktl versus low Aktl expressing tumors and high Myc versus low Myc expressing tumors, and assigning, with at least one processor, an Aktl and Myc status to the sample based on results of the comparison. In some embodiments, the method further comprises determining a confidence value for the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample, and providing an indication of the confidence value and the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample to a user. In some embodiments, the method further comprises determining whether the confidence value is below a threshold value, and providing an indication that the confidence value is below the threshold value. Each of the limitations of the invention can encompass various embodiments of the invention. It is, therefore, anticipated that each of the limitations of the invention involving any one element or combinations of elements can be included in each aspect of the invention. This invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and the arrangement of components set forth in the following description or illustrated in the drawings. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced or of being carried out in various ways. Also, the phraseology and terminology used herein is for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. The use of "including," "comprising," or "having," "containing," "involving," and variations thereof herein, is meant to encompass the items listed thereafter and equivalents thereof as well as additional items.


FIG. 1. Classification of prostate tumors by genomics and protein expression levels. The Venn diagram in (A) shows the number of tumors characterized by both copy number change at the PTEN or MYC locus and high phosphoAKTl or MYC expression levels, and the number of those with either one alteration. Twelve and eleven tumors harbor 10q23.31 (PTEN locus) loss and 8q24.3 (MYC locus) gain, respectively, representing only 26% (7/27) of phosphoAKTl- high and 13% (2/15) of MYC-high tumors. K-means clustering was used to segregate 4 prostate tumor subgroups, i.e. phosphoAKTl-high/MYC-high (black dots), phosphoAKTl -high/MYC- low (red dots), phosphoAKTl-low/MYC-high (green dots) and phosphoAKTl-low/MYC-low (grey dots) (B).

FIG 2. Enrichment of metabolic pathways across classes and systems. In heatmaps (A) through (C) the normalized enrichment scores of the most significantly enriched pathways within each of the 3 systems - cells, mice and human tumors are shown. Each row represents a KEGG pathway and each column an individual sample. Brown/green colors are used to denote high/low enrichment. Hierarchical clustering is used for unsupervised identification of the higher-level enrichment classes, which are well preserved across all 3 systems. The phenotypic labels of the samples are indicated as by a colored band on top of the heatmap, while the dendrogram represents the distances among them. In plot (D), we summarize the overall differential enrichments across the two classes of samples, Akt versus Myc, with simultaneous metabolic set enrichment analysis (akin to gene set enrichment analysis) measurements in all 3 systems. This information is depicted as points in 3-dimensional space, where each point represents a particular pathway, and each dimension a system. Enrichment of a pathway in Akt versus Myc overexpressed classes are given by positive and negative scores respectively. The top 5 positively enriched pathways (i.e. in high Akt samples) in all 3 systems, and the top 2 negatively enriched pathways (i.e. in high Myc samples) in all 3 systems, as chosen with an enrichment p-value threshold of 0.05, are highlighted as red and green points respectively.

Fig. 3. Relative mRNA expression of metabolic genes in RWPE-1 engineered cells. (A) Glucose metabolism; (B) Lipid metabolism; (C) Glutamine metabolism. (D) Diagram showing metabolic enzymes up-regulated in RWPE-AKT (red), RWPE-MYC (green) cells relative to control (blue) or to each other. (E) For each pathway, its normalized enrichment scores in each system and their average are shown. The top 5 most enriched pathways in the high-Akt samples across all 3 systems are shown in red. The top 5 most enriched pathways in the high-Myc samples across all 3 systems are shown in green. Also shown in light green that some pathways which have high enrichments in Akt-high both mice and human tumors have low enrichments in cells. (F) Relative mRNA levels of GLUT-1 in human prostate tumors.

FIG. 4 is an illustrative implementation of a computer system.


A fundamental unanswered question in cancer biology has been whether metabolic changes are similar in cancers driven by different oncogenes or whether each genetic alteration induces a specific metabolic profile. This invention is based, at least in part, on the surprising discovery that metabolic profiles are specific to oncogenes driving human tumors, specifically prostate cancer. Thus, prostate tumors exhibit metabolic fingerprints of their molecular phenotypes, which impacts metabolic diagnostics and targeted therapeutics. Accordingly, aspects of the invention relate to methods aim at indirectly identifying Aktl and Myc -driven tumors, and methods to treat cancer. The metabolic profiles of the tumors are compared to appropriate reference metabolic profiles to determine if the tumor is "driven" by either Aktl or Myc oncogenes. This methodology can also be applied to other oncogenes (or tumor suppressor genes), combination of these and to any other type of cancer. According to some aspects of the invention, a method to identify Aktl and Myc status in a prostate tumor is provided. The method comprises performing an assay to measure a profile of metabolites in a prostate tumor sample obtained from a subject, wherein the metabolites are differentially produced in prostate tumors with high Aktlexpression versus prostate tumors with high Myc expression; and comparing, with at least one processor, the profile of metabolites with an appropriate reference profile of the metabolites to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample based on results of the comparison.

The AKT1 (v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1, also called AKT) gene encodes a serine/threonine-protein kinase that is involved in cellular survival pathways, by inhibiting apoptotic processes. Aktl is also able to induce protein synthesis pathways, and is therefore a key signaling protein in the cellular pathways that lead to skeletal muscle hypertrophy, and general tissue growth. Since it can block apoptosis, and thereby promote cell survival, Aktl has been implicated as a major factor in many types of cancer. Aktl was originally identified as the oncogene in the transforming retrovirus, AKT8 (Staal SP et al. (July 1977) "Isolation of transforming murine leukemia viruses from mice with a high incidence of spontaneous lymphoma". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74 (7): 3065-7). Akt possesses a protein domain known as Pleckstrin Homology (PH) domain, which binds either PIP3 (phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate, PtdIns(3,4,5)P3) or PIP2 (phosphatidylinositol (3,4)-bisphosphate, PtdIns(3,4)P2). PI 3-kinases (phosphoinositide 3- kinase or PI3-K) are activated on receipt of chemical messengers which tell the cell to begin the growth process. For example, PI 3-kinases may be activated by a G protein coupled receptor or receptor tyrosine kinase such as the insulin receptor. Once activated, PI 3-kinase phosphorylates PIP2 to form PIP3. PI3K-generated PIP3 and PIP2 recruit Aktl to the plasma membrane where it becomes phosphorylated by its activating kinases, such as, phosphoinositide dependent kinase 1 (PDK1). This phosphorylation leads to activation of Aktl. As used herein "Myc" refers to a family of genes and corresponding polypeptides. The Myc family encompasses Myc proteins having Myc transcriptional activity, including but not limited to, c-Myc (GenBank Accession No P01106), N-Myc (GenBank Accession No P04198), L-Myc (GenBank Accession No. CAA30249), S-Myc (GenBank Accession No. BAA37155) and B-Myc (GenBank Accession No. NP_075815). Myc is a regulator gene that encodes a transcription factor. Myc proteins are most closely homologous at the MB1 and MB2 regions in the N-terminal region and at the basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper (bHLHLZ) motif in the C-terminal region (Osier et al. (2002) Adv Cancer Res 84:81-154; Grandori et al. (2000) Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 16:653-699). In the human genome, Myc is located on chromosome 8 and is believed to regulate expression of 15% of all genes through binding Enhancer Box sequences (E-boxes) and recruiting histone acetyltransferases (HATs). By modifying the expression of its target genes, Myc activation results in numerous biological effects. The first to be discovered was its capability to drive cell proliferation (upregulates cyclins, downregulates p21), but it also plays a very important role in regulating cell growth (upregulates ribosomal RNA and proteins), apoptosis (downregulates Bcl- 2), differentiation and stem cell self-renewal. Myc is a very strong proto-oncogene and it is very often found to be upregulated in many types of cancers. Between 30 and 70% of prostate tumors have genomic loss of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), leading to constitutively active phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein Kinase B (PI3K/AKT) pathway, while 8q amplification including the MYC gene occurs in -30% of prostate tumors. Thus, these are recognized as the most frequent genetic alterations in prostate tumors. Both activated Akt and especially Myc overexpression faithfully reproduce the stages of human prostate carcinogenesis in genetically engineered mice (GEMMs). Recent literature shows that MYC promotes glutaminolysis, whereas AKT activation is associated with enhanced aerobic glycolysis and/or increased expression of glycolytic enzymes in different cell types, including prostate. However, the impact of these oncogenes or the genomic alterations causing their activation on the metabolome of human prostate tumors had not been fully elucidated. "Assign an Aktl status" means identifying, with at least one processor, the sample as having a metabolite profile that is similar to or characteristic of a prostate tumor with high Aktl expression or with low Aktl expression. "Assign a Myc status" means identifying, with at least one processor, the sample as having a metabolite profile that is similar to or characteristic of a prostate tumor with high Myc expression or with low Myc expression. In some embodiments, the sample is assigned by the processor a metabolic status of high Aktl/high Myc, high Aktl/low Myc, low Aktl /high Myc, or low Aktl/low Myc. As used herein, a "high Aktl" or a "high Myc" metabolic status indicates that the expression level of Aktl or Myc in the sample is similar to or characteristic of prostate tumors having constitutively activated (phosphorylated) Akl or prostate tumors overexpressing Myc. In some embodiments, a "high Aktl" or a "high Myc" status indicates that the expression level of Aktl or Myc in the sample is similar to or characteristic of prostate cells having constitutively activated (phosphorylated) Aktl or overexpressing Myc. In some embodiments, a "high Aktl" status indicates that the expression level of Aktl in the sample is at least 2-fold, at least 3-fold, at least 4-fold, at least 5-fold, at least 6-fold, at least 7-fold, at least 8-fold, at least 9-fold, at least 10-fold, at least 20-fold, at least 30-fold, at least 40-fold, at least 50-fold, at least 100-fold, or more higher than that in prostate tumors or prostate cells in which Aktl is not constitutively activated. In some embodiments, a "high Myc" status indicates that the expression level of Myc in the sample is at least 2-fold, at least 3-fold, at least 4-fold, at least 5-fold, at least 6-fold, at least 7-fold, at least 8-fold, at least 9-fold, at least 10-fold, at least 20-fold, at least 30-fold, at least 40-fold, at least 50-fold, at least 100-fold, or more higher than that in prostate tumors or prostate cells in which Myc is not overexpressed. Conversely, a "low Aktl" status indicates that the expression level of Aktl in the sample is similar to or characteristic of prostate tumors or prostate cells in which Aktl is not constitutively activated. A "low Myc" status indicates that the expression level of Myc in the sample is similar to or characteristic of prostate tumors or prostate cells in which Myc is not overexpressed. In some embodiments, a "low Aktl" or a "low Myc" status indicates that the expression level of Aktl or Myc in the sample is at least 2-fold, at least 3-fold, at least 4-fold, at least 5-fold, at least 6-fold, at least 7-fold, at least 8-fold, at least 9-fold, at least 10-fold, at least 20-fold, at least 30-fold, at least 40-fold, at least 50-fold, at least 100-fold, or more lower than that in prostate tumors or prostate cells in which Aktl is not constitutively activated or Myc is not overexpressed. As used herein, "metabolites" are small molecule compounds, such as substrates for enzymes of metabolic pathways, intermediates of such pathways or the products produced by a metabolic pathway. Metabolic pathways are well known in the art, and include, for example, citric acid cycle, respiratory chain, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, hexose monophosphate pathway, oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, production and β-oxidation of fatty acids, urea cycle, amino acid biosynthesis pathways, protein degradation pathways, amino acid degrading pathways, and biosynthesis or degradation of lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Accordingly, small molecule compound metabolites may be composed of the following classes of compounds: alcohols, alkanes, alkenes, alkines, aromatic compounds, ketones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, imines, amides, cyanides, amino acids, peptides, thiols, thioesters, phosphate esters, sulfate esters, thioethers, sulfoxides, ethers, or combinations or derivatives of the aforementioned compounds. Preferably, a metabolite has a molecular weight of 50 Da (Dalton) to 30,000 Da, most preferably less than 30,000 Da, less than 20,000 Da, less than 15,000 Da, less than 10,000 Da, less than 8,000 Da, less than 7,000 Da, less than 6,000 Da, less than 5,000 Da, less than 4,000 Da, less than 3,000 Da, less than 2,000 Da, less than 1,000 Da, less than 500 Da, less than 300 Da, less than 200 Da, less than 100 Da. Preferably, a metabolite has, however, a molecular weight of at least 50 Da. Most preferably, a metabolite in accordance with the present invention has a molecular weight of 50 Da up to 1,500 Da. In some embodiments, at least some of the metabolites used in the methods described herein are differentially produced in prostate tumors with high Aktl expression versus prostate tumors with high Myc expression. In some embodiments, the metabolites that are differentially produced in prostate tumors with high Aktl expression versus prostate tumors with high Myc expression are used in the methods described herein. By "differentially produced" it means that the average level of a metabolite in subjects with prostate tumors having high Aktl expression has a statistically significant difference from that in subjects with prostate tumors having high Myc expression. For example, a significant difference that indicates differentially produced metabolite may be detected when the metabolite is present in prostate tumor with high Aktl expression and absent in a prostate tumor with high Myc expression or vice versa. A significant difference that indicates differentially produced metabolite may be detected when the level of the metabolite in a prostate tumor sample of a subject with high Aktl expression is at least 1%, at least 5%, at least 10%, at least 25%, at least 50%, at least 100%, at least 250%, at least 500%, or at least 1000% higher, or lower, than that of a subject with high Myc expression. Similarly, a significant difference may be detected when the level of a metabolite in a prostate tumor sample of a subject with high Aktl expression is at least 2-fold, at least 3-fold, at least 4-fold, at least 5- fold, at least 6-fold, at least 7-fold, at least 8-fold, at least 9-fold, at least 10-fold, at least 20- fold, at least 30-fold, at least 40-fold, at least 50-fold, at least 100-fold, or more higher, or lower, than that of a subject with high Myc expression. Significant differences may be identified by using an appropriate statistical test. Tests for statistical significance are well known in the art and are exemplified in Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by Petruccelli, Chen and Nandram 1999 Reprint Ed. In some embodiments, the differentially produced metabolites are selected using a criteria of false discovery rate <0.2. In some embodiments, the differentially produced metabolites are selected using a criteria of p value <0.05. In some embodiments, the metabolites used in the methods described herein are selected from Table 1 or Table 2. In some embodiments, the metabolites used in the methods described herein comprise at least 5, at least 10, at least 20, at least 30, at least 40, at least 50, at least 75, at least 100, at least 200, at least 300 of the metabolites described in Table 1 or Table 2. As used herein, a "subject" refers to mammal, including humans and non-humans, such as primates. Typically the subject is a male human, and has been diagnosed as having a prostate tumor. In some embodiments, the subject may be diagnosed as having prostate tumor using one or more of the following tests: digital rectal exam (DRE), prostate imaging, biopsy with Gleason grading evaluation, presence of tumor markers such as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and prostate cancer staging (Lumen et al. Screening and early diagnosis of prostate cancer: an update. Acta Clin Belg. 2012 Jul-Aug;67(4):270-5). In some embodiments, the subject has one or more clinical symptoms of prostate tumor. A variety of clinical symptoms of prostate cancer are known in the art. Examples of such symptoms include, but are not limited to, frequent urination, nocturia (increased urination at night), difficulty starting and maintaining a steady stream of urine, hematuria (blood in the urine), dysuria (painful urination) and bone pain. Cancer or neoplasia is characterized by deregulated cell growth and division. A tumor arising in a tissue originating from endoderm or exoderm is called a carcinoma, and one arising in tissue originating from mesoderm is known as a sarcoma (Darnell, J. ( 1990) Molecular Cell Biology, Third Ed., W.H. Freeman, NY). Cancers may originate due to a mutation in an oncogene, or by inactivation of a tumor-suppressing genes (Weinberg, R.A. (Sept. 1988) Scientific Amer. 44-51). Examples of cancers include, but are not limited to cancers of the nervous system, breast, retina, lung, skin, kidney, liver, pancreas, genito-urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, cancers of bone, and cancers of hematopoietic origin such as leukemias and lymphomas. In one embodiment of the present invention, the cancer is prostate cancer. In some embodiments, the methods described herein are performed using a biological sample obtained from a subject. The term "biological sample" refers to a sample derived from a subject, e.g., a patient. Non-limiting examples of the biological sample include blood, serum, urine, and tissue. In some embodiments, the biological sample is a prostate tumor sample. Obtaining a prostate tumor sample from a subject means taking possession of a prostate tumor sample of the subject. In some embodiments, the person obtaining a prostate tumor sample from a subject and performing an assay to measure a profile of metabolites in the sample does not necessarily obtain the sample from the subject. In some embodiments, the sample may be removed from the subject by a medical practitioner (e.g., a doctor, nurse, or a clinical laboratory practitioner), and then provided to the person performing the assay to measure a profile of metabolites. The sample may be provided to the person performing an assay to measure the profile of metabolites by the subject or by a medical practitioner (e.g., a doctor, nurse, or a clinical laboratory practitioner). In some embodiments, the person performing an assay to measure the profile of metabolites obtains a prostate tumor sample from the subject by removing the sample from the subject. It is to be understood that a prostate tumor sample may be processed in any appropriate manner to facilitate measuring profiles of metabolites. For example, biochemical, mechanical and/or thermal processing methods may be appropriately used to isolate a biomolecule of interest from a prostate tumor sample. The levels of the metabolites may also be determined in a prostate tumor sample directly. The levels of the metabolites may be measured by performing an assay, such as but not limited to, mass spectroscopy, positron emission tomography, gas chromatography (GC-MS) or HPLC liquid chromatography (LC-MS), [(18)F]- fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET), and magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI). Other appropriate methods for determining levels of metabolites will be apparent to the skilled artisan. The methods disclosed herein typically comprise performing an assay to measure a profile of metabolites and comparing, with at least one processor, the profile of the metabolites to an appropriate reference profile. In some embodiments, the levels of at least 5, at least 10, at least 25, at least 50, at least 75, at least 100, at least 125, at least 150, at least 175, at least 200, at least 225, at least 250, at least 500, at least 750, at least 1000 or at least 1500 metabolites are measured and compared to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample based on results of the comparison. The assigned Aktl and Myc status along with additional information such as the results of a PSA test and prostate imaging, can be used to determine the therapeutic options available to the subject. A report summarizing the results of the analysis, i.e. the assigned Aktl and Myc status of the sample and any other information pertaining to the analysis could optionally be generated as part of the analysis (which may be interchangeably referred to herein as "providing" a report, "producing" a report, or "generating" a report). Examples of reports may include, but are not limited to, reports in paper (such as computer-generated printouts of test results) or equivalent formats and reports stored on computer readable medium (such as a CD, computer hard drive, or computer network server, etc.). Reports, particularly those stored on computer readable medium, can be part of a database (such as a database of patient records, which may be a "secure database" that has security features that limit access to the report, such as to allow only the patient and the patient's medical practitioners to view the report, for example). In addition to, or as an alternative to, generating a tangible report, reports can also be displayed on a computer screen (or the display of another electronic device or instrument). A report can further be transmitted, communicated or reported (these terms may be used herein interchangeably), such as to the individual who was tested, a medical practitioner (e.g., a doctor, nurse, clinical laboratory practitioner, genetic counselor, etc.), a healthcare organization, a clinical laboratory, and/or any other party intended to view or possess the report. The act of 'transmitting' or 'communicating' a report can be by any means known in the art, based on the form of the report, and includes both oral and non-oral transmission. Furthermore, "transmitting" or "communicating" a report can include delivering a report ("pushing") and/or retrieving ("pulling") a report. For example, non-oral reports can be transmitted/communicated by such means as being physically transferred between parties (such as for reports in paper format), such as by being physically delivered from one party to another, or by being transmitted electronically or in signal form (e.g., via e-mail or over the internet, by facsimile, and/or by any wired or wireless communication methods known in the art), such as by being retrieved from a database stored on a computer network server, etc. The Aktl and Myc status of the sample isolated from a subject is assigned by comparing the profile of metabolites of the sample to an appropriate reference profile of the metabolites. An appropriate reference profile of the metabolites can be determined or can be a pre-existing reference profile. An appropriate reference profile includes profiles of the metabolites in prostate tumor with high Aktl expression (i.e. prostate tumor or prostate cells having constitutively activated (phosphorylated) Akl), in prostate tumor with low Aktl expression (i.e. prostate tumor or prostate cells not having constitutively activated Akl), in prostate tumor with high Myc expression (i.e. prostate tumor or prostate cells overexpressing Myc), and in prostate tumor with low Myc expression (i.e. prostate tumor or prostate cells not overexpressing Myc). A lack of a significant difference between the metabolic profile determined from the subject and the appropriate reference profile is indicative of the Aktl and Myc status of the sample. In some embodiments, the methods described herein involve using at least one processor programmed to recognize profiles of high Aktl versus low Aktl expressing tumors and high Myc versus low Myc expressing tumors to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample. The at least one processor assigns an Aktl and Myc status to the sample isolated from the subject based on the profile of the metabolites of the sample. Typically the at least one processor is programmed using samples for which the Aktl and Myc status has already been ascertained. Once the at least one processor is programmed, it may be applied to metabolic profiles obtained from a prostate tumor sample in order to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample isolated from the subject. Thus, the methods may involve analyzing the metabolic profiles using one or more programmed processors to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample based on the levels of the metabolites. The subject may be further diagnosed, e.g., by a health care provider, based on the assigned status. The at least one processor may be programmed to assign a Aktl and Myc status to a sample using one or more of a variety of techniques known in the art. For example, the at least one processor may be programmed to assign a Aktl and Myc status using techniques including, but not limited to, logistic regression, partial least squares, linear discriminant analysis, regularized regression, quadratic discriminant analysis, neural network, naive Bayes, C4.5 decision tree, k-nearest neighbor, random forest, and support vector machine. The at least one processor may be programmed to assign a Aktl and Myc status to a sample using a data set comprising profiles of the metabolites that are produced in high Aktl prostate tumors, low Aktl prostate tumors, high Myc prostate tumors and low Myc prostate tumors. The data set may also comprise metabolic profiles of control individuals identified as not having prostate tumor. In some embodiments, the at least one processor is programmed to assign a Aktl and Myc status to a sample using cluster analysis. Cluster analysis or clustering refers to assigning a objects in a set of objects into groups (called clusters) so that the objects in the same cluster are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other clusters. Cluster analysis itself is not embodied in a single algorithm, but describes a general task to be solved. Cluster analysis may be performed using various algorithms that differ significantly in their notion of what constitutes a cluster and how to efficiently find them. Popular notions of clusters include groups with small distances among the cluster members, dense areas of the data space, intervals or particular statistical distributions. In some embodiments, one or more particular algorithms used to perform cluster analysis are selected from the group consisting of: hierarchical clustering, k-mean clustering, distribution-based clustering, and density-based clustering. A confidence value can also be determined to specify the degree of confidence with which the at least one programmed processor has classified a biological sample. There may be instances in which a sample is tested, but does not belong, or cannot be reliably assigned a particular classification with sufficient confidence. This evaluation may be performed by utilizing a threshold in which a sample having a confidence value below the determined threshold is a sample that cannot be classified with sufficient confidence (e.g., a "no call"). In such instances, the classifier may provide an indication that the confidence value is below the threshold value. In some embodiments, the sample is then manually classified to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample. As will be appreciated by the skilled artisan, the strength of the status assigned to a sample by the at least one programmed processor may be assessed by a variety of parameters including, but not limited to, the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and area under the receiver operation characteristic curve. Methods for computing accuracy, sensitivity and specificity are known in the art. The at least one programmed processor may have an accuracy of at least 60%, at least 65%, at least 70%, at least 75%, at least 80%, at least 85%, at least 90%, at least 95%, at least 99%, or more. The at least one programmed processor may have an accuracy score in a range of about 60% to 70%, 70% to 80%, 80% to 90%, or 90% to 100%. The at least one programmed processor may have a sensitivity score of at least 60%, at least 65%, at least 70%, at least 75%, at least 80%, at least 85%, at least 90%, at least 95%, at least 99%, or more. The at least one programmed processor may have a sensitivity score in a range of about 60% to 70%, 70% to 80%, 80% to 90%, or 90% to 100%. The at least one programmed processor may have a specificity score of at least 60%, at least 65%, at least 70%, at least 75%, at least 80%, at least 85%, at least 90%, at least 95%, at least 99%, or more. The at least one programmed processor may have a specificity score in a range of about 60% to 70%, 70% to 80%, 80% to 90%, or 90% to 100%. The above-described embodiments of the present invention can be implemented in any of numerous ways. For example, the embodiments may be implemented using hardware, software or a combination thereof. When implemented in software, the software code can be executed on any suitable processor or collection of processors, whether provided in a single computer or distributed among multiple computers. It should be appreciated that any component or collection of components that perform the functions described above can be generically considered as one or more controllers that control the above-discussed functions. The one or more controllers can be implemented in numerous ways, such as with dedicated hardware, or with general purpose hardware (e.g., one or more processors) that is programmed using microcode or software to perform the functions recited above. In this respect, it should be appreciated that one implementation of the embodiments of the present invention comprises at least one non-transitory computer-readable storage medium (e.g., a computer memory, a USB drive, a flash memory, a compact disk, a tape, etc.) encoded with a computer program (i.e., a plurality of instructions), which, when executed on a processor, performs the above-discussed functions of the embodiments of the present invention. The computer-readable storage medium can be transportable such that the program stored thereon can be loaded onto any computer resource to implement the aspects of the present invention discussed herein. In addition, it should be appreciated that the reference to a computer program which, when executed, performs the above-discussed functions, is not limited to an application program running on a host computer. Rather, the term computer program is used herein in a generic sense to reference any type of computer code (e.g., software or microcode) that can be employed to program a processor to implement the above-discussed aspects of the present invention. An illustrative implementation of a computer system 700 that may be used in connection with any of the embodiments of the invention described herein is shown in FIG. 4. The computer system 700 may include one or more processors 710 and one or more computer- readable tangible non-transitory storage media (e.g., memory 720, one or more non-volatile storage media 730, or any other suitable storage device). The processor 710 may control writing data to and reading data from the memory 720 and the non-volatile storage device 730 in any suitable manner, as the aspects of the present invention described herein are not limited in this respect. To perform any of the functionality described herein, the processor 710 may execute one or more instructions stored in one or more computer-readable storage media (e.g., the memory 720), which may serve as tangible non-transitory computer-readable storage media storing instructions for execution by the processor 710. According to some aspects of the invention, methods to treat prostate tumor are provided. In some embodiments, the methods comprise obtaining a prostate tumor sample from a subject; measuring a metabolic profile of the tumor sample, wherein the metabolites are differentially produced in prostate tumors with high Aktl expression versus prostate tumors with high Myc expression; comparing the metabolic profile to an appropriate reference profile of the metabolites; and treating the subject with an Aktl inhibitor when results of the comparison of the metabolic profile indicate high Aktl expression in the tumor sample and/or treating the subject with a Myc inhibitor when results of the comparison of the metabolic profile indicate high Myc in the tumor sample. In some embodiments, the method to treat prostate tumor comprises obtaining a biological sample from a subject; measuring a level of sarcosine in the sample; comparing the level of sarcosine in the sample to a control sarcosine level; and treating the subject with a Myc inhibitor when the measured level of sarcosine in the sample is increased relative to the control level. Sarcosine, also known as N-methylglycine, is an intermediate and byproduct in glycine synthesis and degradation. Sarcosine is metabolized to glycine by the sarcosine dehydrogenase, while glycine-N-methyl generates sarcosine from glycine. In some embodiments, the level of sarcosine in the sample is measured using one or more of mass spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance or chromatography. As described herein, the biological sample includes, but is not limited to urine, blood, serum, plasma, and tissue. "Treat," "treating" and "treatment" encompasses an action that occurs while a subject is suffering from a condition which reduces the severity of the condition or retards or slows the progression of the condition ("therapeutic treatment"). "Treat," "treating" and "treatment" also encompasses an action that occurs before a subject begins to suffer from the condition and which inhibits or reduces the severity of the condition ("prophylactic treatment"). An Aktl inhibitor includes, but is not limited to (a) a low molecular weight compound or high molecular weight compound which inhibits the phosphorylation of Aktl, (b) a low molecular weight compound or high molecular weight compound which inhibits the expression of Aktl, (c) an antibody which inhibits the phosphorylation of Aktl, (d) an antibody which inhibits the expression of Aktl, (e) a siRNA or shRNA against a polynucleotide encoding Aktl, (f) an antisense polynucleotide comprising a nucleotide sequence complementary or substantially complementary to the nucleotide sequence of a polynucleotide encoding Aktl, or comprising a part of said nucleotide sequence, (g) a ribozyme directed to a polynucleotide encoding Aktl, (h) a mutant of Aktl which dominant-negatively acts on Aktl or a polynucleotide encoding said mutant, and (i) an aptamer against Aktl. In some embodiments, the Aktl inhibitor is Perifosine, Miltefosine, MK2206 (Hirai et al. Mol Cancer Ther. 2010

Jul;9(7): 1956-67), GSK690693 (Rhodes et al. Cancer Res April 1, 2008 68; 2366), GDC-0068 (Saura et al. J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr 3021), or AZD5363 (Davies et al. (Mol Cancer Ther. 2012 Apr;ll(4):873-87). A Myc inhibitor includes, but is not limited to (a) a low molecular weight compound or high molecular weight compound which inhibits the expression of Myc, (b) an antibody which inhibits the expression of Myc, (e) a siRNA or shRNA against a polynucleotide encoding Myc, (f) an antisense polynucleotide comprising a nucleotide sequence complementary or substantially complementary to the nucleotide sequence of a polynucleotide encoding Myc, or comprising a part of said nucleotide sequence, (g) a ribozyme directed to a polynucleotide encoding Myc, (h) a mutant of Myc which dominant-negatively acts on Myc or a polynucleotide encoding said mutant, and (i) an aptamer against Myc. In some embodiments, the Myc inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of 10058-F4 (Huang et al. Exp Hematol. 2006 Nov;34(ll): 1480-9.), JQ1 (Delmore et al. Cell. 2011 Sep 16;146(6):904-17) and Omomyc (Soucek et al. Cancer Res June 15, 2002 62; 3507). The inhibitors described herein are administered in effective amounts. An effective amount is a dose sufficient to provide a medically desirable result and can be determined by one of skill in the art using routine methods. In some embodiments, an effective amount is an amount which results in any improvement in the condition being treated. In some embodiments, an effective amount may depend on the type and extent of cancer being treated and/or use of one or more additional therapeutic agents. However, one of skill in the art can determine appropriate doses and ranges of inhibitors to use, for example based on in vitro and/or in vivo testing and/or other knowledge of compound dosages. When administered to a subject, effective amounts will depend, of course, on the particular tumor being treated; the severity of the disease; individual patient parameters including age, physical condition, size and weight, concurrent treatment, frequency of treatment, and the mode of administration. These factors are well known to those of ordinary skill in the art and can be addressed with no more than routine experimentation. In some embodiments, a maximum dose is used, that is, the highest safe dose according to sound medical judgment. In the treatment of prostate tumor, an effective amount will be that amount which shrinks cancerous tissue (e.g., tumor), produces a remission, prevents further growth of the tumor and/or reduces the likelihood that the cancer in its early stages (in situ or invasive) does not progress further to metastatic prostate cancer. An effective amount typically will vary from about 0.001 mg/kg to about 1000 mg/kg, from about 0.01 mg/kg to about 750 mg/kg, from about 0.1 mg/kg to about 500 mg/kg, from about 1.0 mg/kg to about 250 mg/kg, from about 10.0 mg/kg to about 150 mg/kg in one or more dose administrations, for one or several days (depending of course of the mode of administration and the factors discussed above). Actual dosage levels can be varied to obtain an amount that is effective to achieve the desired therapeutic response for a particular patient, compositions, and mode of administration. The selected dosage level depends upon the activity of the particular compound, the route of administration, the severity of the tumor, the tissue being treated, and prior medical history of the patient being treated. However, it is within the skill of the art to start doses of the compound at levels lower than required to achieve the desired therapeutic effort and to gradually increase the dosage until the desired effect is achieved. The Aktl and/or Myc inhibitors and pharmaceutical compositions containing these compounds are administered to a subject by any suitable route. For example, the inhibitors can be administered orally, including sublingually, rectally, parenterally, intracisternally, intravaginally, intraperitoneally, topically and transdermally (as by powders, ointments, or drops), bucally, or nasally. The term "parenteral" administration as used herein refers to modes of administration other than through the gastrointestinal tract, which include intravenous, intramuscular, intraperitoneal, intrasternal, intramammary, intraocular, retrobulbar, intrapulmonary, intrathecal, subcutaneous and intraarticular injection and infusion. Surgical implantation also is contemplated, including, for example, embedding a composition of the invention in the body such as, for example, in the prostate. In some embodiments, the compositions may be administered systemically. The present invention is further illustrated by the following Examples, which in no way should be construed as further limiting. The entire contents of all of the references (including literature references, issued patents, published patent applications, and co pending patent applications) cited throughout this application are hereby expressly incorporated by reference.



Generation of AKT1- and MYC-overexpressing RWPE-1 Immortalized human prostate epithelial RWPE-1 cells were infected with pBABE retroviral constructs of myristoylated AKT1 (RW-AKT1) or MYC (RW-MYC), containing a puromycin resistance gene. Infection of pBABE vector alone (RW-EV) was used as a control. Cells were transduced through infection in the presence of polybrene (8 g/mL), and retroviral supernatants were replaced with fresh media after 4 hours of incubation. Twenty-four hours later, Puromycin selection ( 1 g/mL) was started. Cells were grown in phenol red-free Minimum Essential Media (MEM) supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), 0.1 mM non- essential amino acids, 1 mM sodium pyruvate and penicillin-streptomycin (Gibco, Life Technologies).

Transgenic mice Ventral prostate lobes were isolated from 13 week-old MPAKT (4) and Lo-Myc (5) transgenic mice and from age-matched wild-type mice (FVB strain) within 10 minutes after C0 2 euthanasia. Tissues were snap-frozen in isopropanol cooled with dry ice immediately following harvest and stored at -80°C until metabolite extraction.

Human prostate tissues Fresh-frozen, optimal cutting temperature (OCT) compound-embedded radical prostatectomy samples were obtained from the Institutional tissue repository at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Brigham and Women's Hospital (40 tumors and 2 1 normals) and from an independent collection of archival tissues (21 tumors and 4 normals; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute). All samples were collected with informed consent approved by the Institutional Review Board. The presence and percentage of tumor was assessed in each tissue sample on frozen sections. One case was excluded from the study because of no tumor evidence. DNA, RNA and proteins were purified from serial 8-µιη sections of each OCT-embedded tissue block. The remaining tissue was processed for metabolite extraction.

Metabolite profiling Metabolite profiling analysis was performed by Metabolon Inc. (Durham, NC) as previously described (Evans, A.M., DeHaven, CD., Barrett, T., Mitchell, M. & Milgram, E. Integrated, nontargeted ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography/electro spray ionization tandem mass spectrometry platform for the identification and relative quantification of the small-molecule complement of biological systems. Anal Chem 81, 6656-6667 (2009); Sha, W., et al. Metabolomic profiling can predict which humans will develop liver dysfunction when deprived of dietary choline. FASEB J 24, 2962-2975 (2010)). Sample Accessioning. Each sample received was accessioned into the Metabolon LIMS system and was assigned by the LIMS a unique identifier that was associated with the original source identifier only. This identifier was used to track all sample handling, tasks, results etc. The samples (and all derived aliquots) were tracked by the LEVIS system. All portions of any sample were automatically assigned their own unique identifiers by the LIMS when a new task is created; the relationship of these samples is also tracked. All samples were maintained at -80 °C until processed. Sample Preparation. Samples were prepared using the automated MicroLab STAR® system (Hamilton Robotics, Inc., NV). A recovery standard was added prior to the first step in the extraction process for QC purposes. Sample preparation was conducted using aqueous methanol extraction process to remove the protein fraction while allowing maximum recovery of small molecules. The resulting extract was divided into four fractions: one for analysis by UPLC/MS/MS (positive mode), one for UPLC/MS/MS (negative mode), one for GC/MS, and one for backup. Samples were placed briefly on a TurboVap® (Zymark) to remove the organic solvent. Each sample was then frozen and dried under vacuum. Samples were then prepared for the appropriate instrument, either UPLC/MS/MS or GC/MS. Ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy (UPLC/MS/MS). The LC/MS portion of the platform was based on a Waters ACQUITY ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) and a Thermo-Finnigan linear trap quadrupole (LTQ) mass spectrometer, which consisted of an electrospray ionization (ESI) source and linear ion-trap (LIT) mass analyzer. The sample extract was dried then reconstituted in acidic or basic LC- compatible solvents, each of which contained 8 or more injection standards at fixed concentrations to ensure injection and chromatographic consistency. One aliquot was analyzed using acidic positive ion optimized conditions and the other using basic negative ion optimized conditions in two independent injections using separate dedicated columns. Extracts reconstituted in acidic conditions were gradient eluted using water and methanol containing 0.1% formic acid, while the basic extracts, which also used water/methanol, contained 6.5mM Ammonium Bicarbonate. The MS analysis alternated between MS and data-dependent MS scans using dynamic exclusion. Raw data files are archived and extracted as described below. Gas chromatography'/Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS). The samples destined for GC/MS analysis were re-dried under vacuum desiccation for a minimum of 24 hours prior to being derivatized under dried nitrogen using bistrimethyl-silyl-triflouroacetamide (BSTFA). The GC column was 5% phenyl and the temperature ramp was from 40° to 300° C in a 16 minute period. Samples were analyzed on a Thermo-Finnigan Trace DSQ fast-scanning single-quadrupole mass spectrometer using electron impact ionization. The instrument was tuned and calibrated for mass resolution and mass accuracy on a daily basis. The information output from the raw data files was automatically extracted as discussed below. Quality assurance/QC. For QA/QC purposes, additional samples were included with each day's analysis. These samples included extracts of a pool of well-characterized human plasma, extracts of a pool created from a small aliquot of the experimental samples, and process blanks. QC samples were spaced evenly among the injections and all experimental samples were randomly distributed throughout the run. A selection of QC compounds was added to every sample for chromatographic alignment, including those under test. These compounds were carefully chosen so as not to interfere with the measurement of the endogenous compounds. Data extraction and compound identification. Raw data was extracted, peak-identified and QC processed using Metabolon's hardware and software. These systems are built on a web-service platform utilizing Microsoft's .NET technologies, which run on high-performance application servers and fiber-channel storage arrays in clusters to provide active failover and load-balancing (Dehaven, CD., Evans, A.M., Dai, H. & Lawton, K.A. Organization of GC/MS and LC/MS metabolomics data into chemical libraries. J Cheminform 2, 9 (2010)). Compounds were identified by comparison to library entries of purified standards or recurrent unknown entities. Metabolon maintains a library based on authenticated standards that contains the retention time/index (RI), mass to charge ratio (m/z), and chromatographic data (including MS/MS spectral data) on all molecules present in the library. Furthermore, biochemical identifications are based on three criteria: retention index within a narrow RI window of the proposed identification, nominal mass match to the library +/- 0.2 amu (atomic mass units), and the MS/MS forward and reverse scores between the experimental data and authentic standards. The MS/MS scores are based on a comparison of the ions present in the experimental spectrum to the ions present in the library spectrum. While there may be similarities between these molecules based on one of these factors, the use of all three data points can be utilized to distinguish and differentiate biochemicals. More than 2400 commercially available purified standard compounds have been acquired and registered into LIMS for distribution to both the LC and GC platforms for determination of their analytical characteristics. Data analysis: For studies spanning multiple days, a data normalization step is performed to correct variation resulting from instrument inter-day tuning differences. Essentially, each compound is corrected in run-day blocks by registering the medians to equal one (1.00) and normalizing each data point proportionately (termed the "block correction"). For studies that do not require more than one day of analysis, no normalization is necessary, other than for purposes of data visualization. Second, for each sample, metabolite values are normalized by cell count (cell lines) or tissue weight (mouse or human prostate tissue). Third, median scaling of each metabolite across all samples and imputation of each metabolite by the minimum observed value of that compound were performed. Finally, quantile normalization of every sample was applied to ensure statistically comparable distributions. To obtain differential metabolites across 3 classes, MYC-high, phosphoAKT-high and control, we used the one class-versus-all permutation based t test, as implemented in GenePattern (Reich, M., et al. GenePattern 2.0. Nat Genet 38, 500-501 (2006)) to identify compounds associated with MYC or AKT overexpression. A p-value threshold of 0.05 was used to determine the significant compounds. GeneSet Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) (Subramanian, A., et al. Gene set enrichment analysis: a knowledge-based approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102, 15545-15550 (2005)) was used to measure the enrichment of KEGG defined pathways 23 both within (i) individual samples and (ii) across MYC-high and AKT-high samples, as previously described (Subramanian, A., et al. Gene set enrichment analysis: a knowledge- based approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102, 15545-15550 (2005); Barbie, D.A., et al. Systematic RNA interference reveals that oncogenic KRAS-driven cancers require TBK1. Nature 462, 108-112 (2009). Gene set-size- normalized enrichment scores (NES) from GSEA were used to determine the extent and direction of enrichment for each pathway in different systems that were represented by at least 2 metabolites. The mean NES of the 3 systems was computed for each pathway and the pathways that are consistently enriched across all systems were detected as outliers using box-and-whisker plots (with 75% or more times the inter-quartile range from the box).

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) arrays

Two-hundred-fifty ng of DNA extracted from 60 prostate tumors and 6 matched normal tissue samples were labeled and hybridized to the Affymetrix 250K Sty I array to obtain signal intensities and genotype calls (Microarray core facility, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute). Signal intensities were normalized against data from normal samples. Copy-number profiles were inferred and the significance of somatic copy-number alterations was determined using the GISTIC module in GenePattern. The heat map was generated using DChip 2010.01 (http://biosunl .harvard.edu/complab/dchip/download.htm ). mRNA expression analysis

Total RNA was isolated from RWPE-EV, RWPE-AKT1 and RWPE-MYC cells (RNeasy Micro Kit, Qiagen Inc., CA) and from the prostate tumors and matched normal controls (AllPrep DNA/RNA Micro Kit, Qiagen Inc.). Two micrograms of RNA from each isogenic cell line were retro-transcribed with the Superscript™ First-Strand Synthesis System (Invitrogen, Life Technologies Corporation, NY), and 5 ng of cDNA were used per each gene expression reaction with the specific TaqMan probe (Applied Biosystems). For the human prostate tissues, 300-400 ng of purified RNA were retro-transcribed using High Capacity cDNA Reverse transcription kit (Applied Biosystems). One hundred ng of cDNA was used to perform relative real time PCR using custom micro fluidic cards (Taqman Custom Arrays, Applied Biosystems) and Applied Biosystems 7900 HT Fast Real-Time System, as described by the manufacturer. All samples were run in duplicate and normalized to the average of actin, gus and 18S rRNA, which have stable expression in our experimental conditions. Data were analyzed using the AACt method and obtained values were expressed as n-fold the calibrator (RWPE-1 cells or the average of 8 normal prostate tissues) set as 1. Probes and primers included in the fluidic card were purchased from Applied Biosystems. One-sample T-Test was applied and significance was defined with p<0.05.


To profile the metabolic heterogeneity of prostate cancer in an oncogene-specific context, phosphorylated AKTl- or MYC-associated metabolomic signatures from prostate epithelial cells in monolayer culture, transgenic mouse prostate and primary nonmetastatic prostate tumors were integrated. The aim was to identify patterns of metabolomic changes that were different for the two oncogenes but common for the three biological systems.

First, it was determined whether genomic alterations at the PTEN or MYC loci would be predictive of active AKTl or MYC overexpression in a cohort of 60 prostate tumors obtained from the Institutional Tissue Repository. These tumors were pathological stage T2, 22 high Gleason (4+3 or 4+4) and 38 low Gleason (3+3 or 3+4). Genomic DNA and proteins extracted from sections of each tumor or nontumoral matched control sample were assayed by Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) arrays and western blotting (phosphorylated AKTl and MYC). SNP arrays revealed that 20% of these tumors harbored lOq loss and 18% harbored 8q gain. K-means clustering of phosphorylated AKTl and MYC western blot densitometric values was conducted in parallel to segregate 4 prostate tumor subgroups, i.e. phosphoAKTl- high/MYC-high, phosphoAKTl-high/MYC-low, phosphoAKTl-low/MYC-high and phosphoAKTl-low/MYC-low (Fig. IB). Importantly, the genomic alterations only counted for 7/27 (26%) of phosphoAKTl-high tumors and for 2/15 (13%) of MYC-high tumors, suggesting the protein signature to be the most accurate to assess activation of AKTl or MYC (Fig.lA). In addition, levels of phosphoAKTl and MYC were not associated with the Gleason grade of the tumors.

Next, to define differential metabolic reprogramming induced by sole activation of AKTl or overexpression of MYC in non-transformed prostate, mass-spectrometry based metabolomics of prostate epithelial RWPE-1 cells genetically engineered with constructs encoding myristoylated AKTl or MYC, and transgenic mice expressing human myristoylated AKTl or MYC in the prostate was performed. Interestingly, while both RW-AKT1 and RW- MYC cells showed significant changes in intermediates of glycolysis, only RW-AKT1 cells exhibited the aerobic glycolytic phenotype (Fig. 2A). These results were even more pronounced in vivo (FIG. 2B and Fig. 2C), with exclusively the MPAKT transgenic mouse prostate being characterized by both very high levels of glucose metabolism intermediates and lactate (Fig. 2B). In turn, MYC overexpression was associated with a distinctive signature of lipids, including enrichment of metabolites sets of unsaturated fatty acids both in transgenic mouse prostate and in human tumors. When applied to primary non-metastatic prostate tumors stratified by the expression levels of phospho-AKTl and MYC, the pathway enrichment analysis revealed that MYC-high tumors rather show a negative enrichment of glycolysis compared to phosphoAKTl-high and nontumoral prostate tissue (Fig. 2C).

Next, the AKT1 and MYC metabolic signatures were compared directly. The list of metabolites with fold changes and p-values (phosphoAKTl-high vs. MYC-high) per data set (RWPE cells, probasin-driven transgenic mice and prostate tumors) is given in the Table 2. Pathway enrichment analysis by GSEA was used to determine which metabolic pathways were commonly enriched in the genetically engineered models and in the prostate tumor subgroups defined above, specifically comparing high AKT1 with high MYC background (Fig. 2D). Complete lists of the metabolite sets tested, the number of metabolites per set, and the enrichment scores are included in the Table 3. In detail, gene set-size-normalized enrichment scores (NES) from GSEA were used to determine the extent and direction of enrichment for each pathway in the 3 data sets. Five pathways with highly positive NES and 2 pathways with highly negative NES across biological systems were defined as outliers (FIG. 2D and FIG. 3E). This analysis showed that AKT1 exquisitely drives aerobic glycolysis and other glucose-related pathways such as the pentose phosphate shunt and fructose metabolism, whereas MYC is a promoter of lipid metabolism (FIG. 3E). On the one hand, enrichment of the glycerophospholipid, glycerolipid and pantothenate/coA biosynthesis metabolite sets, as well as higher levels of lipogenesis-feeding metabolites such as citrate, were distinctively associated with MYC overexpression in RWPE cells, suggesting that MYC induces synthesis and/or turnover of membrane lipids. This would be justified by the higher proliferation requirement of these cells. On the other hand, it was intriguing to find higher levels of omega-3 (docosapentaenoate and docosahexaenoate) and omega-6 (arachidonate, docosadienoate and dihomo-linolenate) fatty acids in the ventral prostate of Lo-MYC mice and in MYC- high/phosphoAKTl-low prostate tumors relative to MPAKT mice and phosphoAKTl- high/MYC-low tumors, respectively (FIG. 3E). These are essential fatty acids, therefore obtained from extracellular sources. Although the precise role of these unsaturated fatty acids in prostate cancer is not completely understood, the data reveals that prostate cells may increase their lipid needs early during transformation, as seen in Low-MYC mice. One possibility would be that these lipids are used as energy sources via oxidation.

Finally, it was determined whether the metabolome changes associated with the oncogenic transformation of prostate epithelial cells are accompanied by transcriptional changes in key metabolic enzymes. Consistent with the metabolite profiling of RWPE-1 cells, glycolytic enzymes such as the glucose transporter GLUT-1, the hexokinases 1 and 2, and the AKR1B1 were significantly increased upon AKT1 overexpression/activation (FIG. 3A, 3D), whereas only a moderate increase in hexokinase 2 occurred in RWPE-MYC cells. When looking at lipogenic enzymes, instead, two key enzymes of the glycerophospholipid metabolism, choline kinase and cholinephosphotransferase-1, were both induced by MYC overexpression (FIG. 3B,3D), validating the enrichment of the glycerophospholipid metabolic set in RWPE-MYC cells (Fig. 3B). The glutamine pathway was also affected by the activation/overexpression of AKT1 and MYC. While both oncogenes increased the mRNA levels of the neutral amino acid transporter ASCT2, only MYC significantly induced glutaminase, the glutaminolytic enzyme responsible for the conversion of glutamine into glutamate (FIG. 3C, 3D). In addition, sarcosine, an intermediate of the glycine and choline metabolism previously identified as a progression marker in prostate cancer, increased exclusively in the prostate of Lo-MYC mice. Associated with the sarcosine increase were a concomitant elevation of the intermediate betaine and a decrease in glycine levels. These results suggest a dysregulation of the sarcosine pathway upon MYC overexpression.

To identify unique mRNA expression changes in phosphoAKTl-low/MYC-high (n=5) and phosphoAKTl-low/MYC-high (n=13) prostate tumors, a qPCR-based expression profiling analysis was performed of 29 metabolic genes in the 2 tumor groups relative to normal prostate tissues (n=8). Consistent with the metabolomics results, high MYC expression in a phosphoAKTl-low context in human tumors was associated with decreased mRNA expression of the glucose transporter- 1 (GLUT-1) (Fig. 3D, 3F). No decrease in GLUT-1 expression was found in phosphoAKTl-high/MYC-high tumors (n=3) (Fig. 4e). Altogether, these results suggest that MYC activation affects glucose uptake and glucose utilization rate in prostate tumors. In summary, the data demonstrates that individual prostate tumors have distinct metabolic phenotypes resulting from their genetic complexity, and reveal a novel metabolic role for MYC in prostate cancer. The evidence that MYC overexpression inversely associates with GLUT-1 mRNA expression and with the AKT1-dependent "Warburg effect" metabolic phenotype in transformed prostate cells opens novel avenues for the metabolic imaging of prostate cancer patients whose tumors harbor 8q amplification or PTEN loss and/or show MYC or AKT1 activation. Through large-scale metabolite analyses and isotopic labeling approaches, as well as generation of metabolic set enrichment pathways, it was found that AKT1 drives primarily aerobic glycolysis while MYC does not elicit a Warburg-like effect and significantly enhances glycerophospholipid synthesis instead. This regulation is Gleason grade- and pathological stage-independent. These results demonstrates that human prostate tumors exhibit metabolic fingerprints of their molecular phenotypes, which may have impact on metabolic diagnostics and targeted therapeutics.

Table 1: List of metabolites tested.

Id Compound KE Family Pathway GG _Id M3718 2 amino p cresol NA Amino acid Phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism 0 sulfate Ml 126 alanine COO Amino_acid Alanine_and_aspartate_metabolism 041 M1139 asparagine COO Amino_acid Alanine_and_aspartate_metabolism 8 152 M1585 N-acetylalanine C02 Amino_acid Alanine_and_aspartate_metabolism 847 M1599 aspartate COO Amino_acid Alanine_and_aspartate_metabolism 6 049 M2218 N-acetylaspartate C01 Amino_acid Alanine_and_aspartate_metabolism 5 042 M3155 3-ureidopropionate C02 Amino_acid Alanine_and_aspartate_metabolism 642 M443 aspartate COO Amino_acid Alanine_and_aspartate_metabolism 049 M55 beta-alanine COO Amino_acid Alanine_and_aspartate_metabolism 099 M1577 2-aminobutyrate C02 Amino_acid Butanoate_metabolism 261 M2771 creatine COO Amino_acid Creatine_metabolism 8 300 M513 creatinine COO Amino_acid Creatine_metabolism 791 M1302 methionine COO Amino_acid Cysteine,_methionine,_SAM,_taurine_me 073 tabolism M1570 cystathionine C02 Amino_acid Cysteine,_methionine,_SAM,_taurine_me 5 291 tabolism M1589 N- C02 Amino_acid Cysteine,_methionine,_SAM,_taurine_me acetylmethionine 712 tabolism M1594 S- COO Amino_acid Cysteine,_methionine,_SAM,_taurine_me 8 adenosylhomocyst 021 tabolism eine M2104 2-hydroxybutyrate C05 Amino_acid Cysteine,_methionine,_SAM,_taurine_me 4 984 tabolism M2125 taurine COO Amino_acid Cysteine,_methionine,_SAM,_taurine_me 245 tabolism M3145 cysteine COO Amino_acid Cysteine,_methionine,_SAM,_taurine_me 3 097 tabolism M3145 cystine COO Amino_acid Cysteine,_methionine,_SAM,_taurine_me 4 491 tabolism M590 hypotaurine COO Amino_acid Cysteine,_methionine,_SAM,_taurine_me 519 tabolism M1416 gamma- COO Amino_acid Glutamate_metabolism aminobutyrate 334 Ml 647 glutamine COO Amino_acid Glutamate_metabolism 064 M3267 pyroglutamine NA Amino_acid Glutamate_metabolism 2 M3348 glutamate, gamma- NA Amino_acid Glutamate_metabolism 7 methyl ester M3394 N-acetylglutamine C02 Amino_acid Glutamate_metabolism 3 716 M3566 N-acetyl-aspartyl- C12 Amino_acid Glutamate_metabolism 5 glutamate 270 M53 glutamine COO Amino_acid Glutamate_metabolism 064 M57 glutamate COO Amino_acid Glutamate_metabolism 025 M1494 5-oxoproline C01 Amino_acid Glutathione_metabolism 879 M1573 S- C03 Amino_acid Glutathione_metabolism 1 lactoylglutathione 451 M2127 glutathione, COO Amino_acid Glutathione_metabolism reduced 051 M2772 glutathione, COO Amino_acid Glutathione_metabolism 7 oxidized 127 M3301 ophthalmate NA Amino_acid Glutathione_metabolism 6 M3459 ophthalmate NA Amino_acid Glutathione_metabolism 2 M3515 cysteine- NA Amino_acid Glutathione_metabolism 9 glutathione disulfide M1177 glycine COO Amino_acid Glycine,_serine_and_threonine_metabolis 7 037 m M1284 threonine COO Amino_acid Glycine,_serine_and_threonine_metabolis 188 m M1516 sarcosine COO Amino_acid Glycine,_serine_and_threonine_metabolis 213 m Ml 648 serine COO Amino_acid Glycine,_serine_and_threonine_metabolis 065 m M3141 betaine COO Amino_acid Glycine,_serine_and_threonine_metabolis 719 m M3393 N-acetylthreonine C01 Amino_acid Glycine,_serine_and_threonine_metabolis 9 118 m M3707 N-acetylserine NA Amino_acid Glycine,_serine_and_threonine_metabolis 6 m M1568 4- C01 Amino_acid Guanidino_and_acetamido_metabolism 1 guanidinobutanoat 035 e M1567 3-methylhistidine C01 Amino_acid Histidine_metabolism 7 152 M1574 histamine COO Amino_acid Histidine_metabolism 388 M3235 1- C05 Amino_acid Histidine_metabolism 0 methylimidazoleac 828 etate M59 histidine COO Amino_acid Histidine_metabolism 135 M607 urocanate COO Amino_acid Histidine_metabolism 785 M1301 lysine COO Amino_acid Lysine_metabolism 047 M1444 pipecolate COO Amino_acid Lysine_metabolism 408 M1495 saccharopine COO Amino_acid Lysine_metabolism 449 M3543 glutaroyl carnitine NA Amino_acid Lysine_metabolism 9 M3675 N6-acetyllysine C02 Amino_acid Lysine_metabolism 2 727 M396 glutarate COO Amino_acid Lysine_metabolism 489 M6146 2-aminoadipate COO Amino_acid Lysine_metabolism 956 M1299 tyrosine COO Amino_acid Phenylalanine_&_tyrosine_metabolism 082 M3219 3-(4- C03 Amino_acid Phenylalanine_&_tyrosine_metabolism 7 hydroxyphenyl)lac 672 tate M3255 phenol sulfate C02 Amino_acid Phenylalanine_&_tyrosine_metabolism 3 180 M3394 phenylacetylglycin C05 Amino_acid Phenylalanine_&_tyrosine_metabolism 5 e 598 M3512 phenylacetylgluta C05 Amino_acid Phenylalanine_&_tyrosine_metabolism 6 mine 597 M3610 p-cresol sulfate C01 Amino_acid Phenylalanine_&_tyrosine_metabolism 3 468 M64 phenylalanine COO Amino_acid Phenylalanine_&_tyrosine_metabolism 079 M1408 putrescine COO Amino_acid Polyamine_metabolism 134 M1419 5- COO Amino_acid Polyamine_metabolism methylthioadenosi 170 ne Ml 549 agmatine COO Amino_acid Polyamine_metabolism 6 179 M3749 N-acetylputrescine C02 Amino_acid Polyamine_metabolism 6 714 M485 spermidine COO Amino_acid Polyamine_metabolism 315 M603 spermine COO Amino_acid Polyamine_metabolism 750 M1514 kynurenine COO Amino_acid Tryptophan_metabolism 0 328 M1834 indolelactate C02 Amino_acid Tryptophan_metabolism 9 043 M2342 serotonin COO Amino_acid Tryptophan_metabolism 780 M2767 3-indoxyl sulfate NA Amino_acid Tryptophan_metabolism 2 M3267 C- NA Amino_acid Tryptophan_metabolism 5 glycosyltryptophan M3395 N- C03 Amino_acid Tryptophan_metabolism 9 acetyltryptophan 137 M3709 tryptophan betaine C09 Amino_acid Tryptophan_metabolism 7 213 M437 5- C05 Amino_acid Tryptophan_metabolism hydroxyindoleacet 635 ate M54 tryptophan COO Amino_acid Tryptophan_metabolism 078 M1366 trans-4- C01 Amino_acid Urea_cycle;_arginine-,_proline- hydroxyproline 157 ,_metabolism M1493 ornithine COO Amino_acid Urea_cycle;_arginine-,_proline- 077 ,_metabolism M1638 arginine COO Amino_acid Urea_cycle;_arginine-,_proline- 062 ,_metabolism M1670 urea COO Amino_acid Urea_cycle;_arginine-,_proline- 086 ,_metabolism M1898 proline COO Amino_acid Urea_cycle;_arginine-,_proline- 148 ,_metabolism M2132 citrulline COO Amino_acid Urea_cycle;_arginine-,_proline- 327 ,_metabolism M3438 stachydrine CIO Amino_acid Urea_cycle;_arginine-,_proline- 4 172 ,_metabolism M3680 dimethylarginine C03 Amino_acid Urea_cycle;_arginine-,_proline- 8 626 ,_metabolism Ml 125 isoleucine COO Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 407 sm M1212 beta- NA Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 9 hydroxyisovalerate sm Ml 649 valine COO Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 183 sm M3277 2- NA Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 6 methylbutyroylcar sm nitine M3344 isobutyrylcarnitine NA Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 1 sm M3393 alpha- NA Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 7 hydroxyisovalerate sm M3440 isovalerylcarnitine NA Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 7 sm M3510 isovalerylglycine NA Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 7 sm M3542 tiglyl carnitine NA Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 8 sm M3543 2- NA Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 1 methylbutyroylcar sm nitine M3543 hydroxyisovaleroy NA Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 3 1carnitine sm M60 leucine COO Amino_acid Valine,_leucine_and_isoleucine_metaboli 123 sm M1509 N- C03 Carbohydrate Aminosugars_metabolism 5 acetylglucosamine 878 M1509 N- COO Carbohydrate Aminosugars_metabolism 6 acetylglucosamine 140 M1582 fucose COO Carbohydrate Aminosugars_metabolism 1 382 M1592 N- COO Carbohydrate Aminosugars_metabolism acetylneuraminate 270 M3237 N- COO Carbohydrate Aminosugars_metabolism 7 acetylneuraminate 270 M3347 erythronate NA Carbohydrate Aminosugars_metabolism 7 M1205 galactose C01 Carbohydrate Fructose,_mannose,_galactose,_starch,_a 5 662 nd_sucrose_metabolism M1470 mannose-6- COO Carbohydrate Fructose,_mannose,_galactose,_starch,_a phosphate 275 nd_sucrose_metabolism M1505 sorbitol COO Carbohydrate Fructose,_mannose,_galactose,_starch,_a 3 794 nd_sucrose_metabolism M1533 mannitol COO Carbohydrate Fructose,_mannose,_galactose,_starch,_a 5 392 nd_sucrose_metabolism M1580 maltose COO Carbohydrate Fructose,_mannose,_galactose,_starch,_a 4 208 nd_sucrose_metabolism M1587 maltotriose C01 Carbohydrate Fructose,_mannose,_galactose,_starch,_a 7 835 nd_sucrose_metabolism M1591 maltotetraose C02 Carbohydrate Fructose,_mannose,_galactose,_starch,_a 0 052 nd_sucrose_metabolism M3126 fructose COO Carbohydrate Fructose,_mannose,_galactose,_starch,_a 6 095 nd_sucrose_metabolism M577 fructose COO Carbohydrate Fructose,_mannose,_galactose,_starch,_a 095 nd_sucrose_metabolism M584 mannose COO Carbohydrate Fructose,_mannose,_galactose,_starch,_a 159 nd_sucrose_metabolism M1202 fructose-6- C05 Carbohydrate Glycolysis,_gluconeogenesis,_pyruvate_ 1 phosphate 345 metabolism M1414 3- COO Carbohydrate Glycolysis,_gluconeogenesis,_pyruvate_ phosphoglycerate 597 metabolism Ml 544 glucuronate COO Carbohydrate Glycolysis,_gluconeogenesis,_pyruvate_ 3 191 metabolism M1572 glycerate COO Carbohydrate Glycolysis,_gluconeogenesis,_pyruvate_ 258 metabolism M1592 fructose 1,6- C05 Carbohydrate Glycolysis,_gluconeogenesis,_pyruvate_ 6 bisphosphate 378 metabolism M2048 glucose COO Carbohydrate Glycolysis,_gluconeogenesis,_pyruvate_ 8 293 metabolism M2067 1,5- C07 Carbohydrate Glycolysis,_gluconeogenesis,_pyruvate_ 5 anhydroglucitol 326 metabolism M3126 glucose-6- COO Carbohydrate Glycolysis,_gluconeogenesis,_pyruvate_ 0 phosphate 668 metabolism M3698 Isobar: fructose NA Carbohydrate Glycolysis,_gluconeogenesis,_pyruvate_ 4 1,6-diphosphate, metabolism glucose 1,6- diphosphate M527 lactate COO Carbohydrate Glycolysis,_gluconeogenesis,_pyruvate_ 186 metabolism M599 pyruvate COO Carbohydrate Glycolysis,_gluconeogenesis,_pyruvate_ 022 metabolism M1208 ribose COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 3 121 M1475 ribulose 5- COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism phosphate 199 Ml 544 6- COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 2 phosphogluconate 345 M1577 ribitol COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 2 474 M1583 xylose NA Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 5 M1596 arabitol COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 4 474 M1834 xylulose COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 4 310 M2763 UDP-glucuronate COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 167 M3234 UDP-glucose COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 4 029 M3297 UDP-glucose COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 6 029 M3516 UDP-N- COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 2 acetylglucosamine 043 M3585 ribulose COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 5 309 M4966 xylitol COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 379 M561 ribose 5-phosphate COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 117 M575 arabinose COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 181 M587 gluconate COO Carbohydrate Nucleotide_sugars,_pentose_metabolism 257 Ml 640 ascorbate COO Cofactors_and Ascorbate_and_aldarate_metabolism 072 _vitamins M3345 gulono- 1,4-lactone C01 Cofactors_and Ascorbate_and_aldarate_metabolism 4 040 _vitamins M3259 heme* COO Cofactors_and Hemoglobin_and_porphyrin 3 032 _vitamins M1899 quinolinate C03 Cofactors_and Nicotinate_and_nicotinamide_metabolis 722 _vitamins m M2215 nicotinamide COO Cofactors_and Nicotinate_and_nicotinamide_metabolis 2 ribonucleotide 455 _vitamins m M2766 1- C02 Cofactors_and Nicotinate_and_nicotinamide_metabolis 5 methylnicotinamid 918 _vitamins m e M3147 nicotinamide COO Cofactors_and Nicotinate_and_nicotinamide_metabolis 5 adenine 004 _vitamins m dinucleotide reduced M3238 nicotinamide COO Cofactors_and Nicotinate_and_nicotinamide_metabolis 0 adenine 005 _vitamins m dinucleotide phosphate M3240 trigonelline C01 Cofactors_and Nicotinate_and_nicotinamide_metabolis 1 004 _vitamins m M3301 nicotinamide C03 Cofactors_and Nicotinate_and_nicotinamide_metabolis 3 riboside 150 _vitamins m M5278 nicotinamide COO Cofactors_and Nicotinate_and_nicotinamide_metabolis adenine 003 _vitamins m dinucleotide M558 adenosine COO Cofactors_and Nicotinate_and_nicotinamide_metabolis 5'diphosphoribose 301 _vitamins m M594 nicotinamide COO Cofactors_and Nicotinate_and_nicotinamide_metabolis 153 _vitamins m M1508 pantothenate COO Cofactors_and Pantothenate_and_CoA_metabolism 864 _vitamins M1828 3 - COO Cofactors_and Pantothenate_and_CoA_metabolism 9 dephosphocoenzy 882 _vitamins me A M2936 coenzyme A COO Cofactors_and Pantothenate_and_CoA_metabolism 010 _vitamins Ml 827 riboflavin COO Cofactors_and Riboflavin_metabolism 255 _vitamins M2134 flavin adenine COO Cofactors_and Riboflavin_metabolism dinucleotide 016 _vitamins M5341 thiamin COO Cofactors_and Thiamine_metabolism 378 _vitamins M1561 alpha-tocopherol C02 Cofactors_and Tocopherol_metabolism 477 _vitamins M3342 gamma-tocopherol C02 Cofactors_and Tocopherol_metabolism 0 483 _vitamins M3155 pyridoxate COO Cofactors_and Vitamin_B6_metabolism 5 847 _vitamins M1202 cis-aconitate COO Energy Krebs_cycle 5 417 M1211 isocitrate COO Energy Krebs_cycle 0 311 M1303 malate COO Energy Krebs_cycle 149 M1437 succinate COO Energy Krebs_cycle 042 M1564 citrate COO Energy Krebs_cycle 158 Ml 643 fumarate COO Energy Krebs_cycle 122 M3345 alpha-ketoglutarate COO Energy Krebs_cycle 3 026 M3705 succinylcarnitine NA Energy Krebs_cycle 8 Ml 143 phosphate COO Energy Oxidative_phosphorylation 8 009 M1548 acetylphosphate COO Energy Oxidative_phosphorylation 8 227 M2078 pyrophosphate COO Energy Oxidative_phosphorylation 013 M1114 deoxycholate C04 Lipid Bile_acid_metabolism 483 M1550 carnitine COO Lipid Carnitine_metabolism 0 487 M2218 palmitoylcarnitine C02 Lipid Carnitine_metabolism 9 990 M3219 acetylcarnitine C02 Lipid Carnitine_metabolism 8 571 M3232 hexanoylcarnitine C01 Lipid Carnitine_metabolism 8 585 M3265 3-dehydrocarnitine C02 Lipid Carnitine_metabolism 4 636 M3440 stearoylcarnitine NA Lipid Carnitine_metabolism 9 M3516 oleoylcarnitine NA Lipid Carnitine_metabolism 0 M3674 deoxycarnitine C01 Lipid Carnitine_metabolism 7 181 M7746 prostaglandin E2 COO Lipid Eicosanoid 584 Ml 846 eicosapentaenoate C06 Lipid Essential_fatty_acid 7 428 M1932 docosahexaenoate C06 Lipid Essential_fatty_acid 3 429 M3250 docosapentaenoate C16 Lipid Essential_fatty_acid 4 513 M3403 linolenate [alpha C06 Lipid Essential_fatty_acid 5 or gamma (18:3n3 427 or 6)] M3571 dihomo-linolenate C03 Lipid Essential_fatty_acid 8 242 M3747 docosapentaenoate C06 Lipid Essential_fatty_acid 8 429 M3185 butyrylglycine NA Lipid Fatty_acid,_beta-oxidation 0 M3543 hexanoylglycine NA Lipid Fatty_acid,_beta-oxidation 6 M1836 azelate C08 Lipid Fatty_acid,_dicarboxylate 2 261 M3178 3-carboxy-4- NA Lipid Fatty_acid,_dicarboxylate 7 methyl-5-propyl-2- furanpropanoate M3239 sebacate C08 Lipid Fatty_acid,_dicarboxylate 8 277 M3725 2-hydroxyglutarate C02 Lipid Fatty_acid,_dicarboxylate 3 630 M3680 n-Butyl Oleate NA Lipid Fatty_acid,_ester 2 M1794 2-hydroxystearate C03 Lipid Fatty_acid,_monohydroxy 5 045 M3458 4-hydroxybutyrate COO Lipid Fatty_acid,_monohydroxy 5 989 M3567 2- NA Lipid Fatty_acid,_monohydroxy 5 hydroxypalmitate M3775 13-HODE 9- NA Lipid Fatty_acid,_monohydroxy 2 HODE M3440 valerylcarnitine NA Lipid Fatty_acid_metabolism 6 M3241 butyrylcarnitine C02 Lipid Fatty_acid_metabolism_(also_BCAA_me 2 862 tabolism) M3245 propionylcarnitine C03 Lipid Fatty_acid_metabolism_(also_BCAA_me 2 017 tabolism) M1210 phosphoethanolam COO Lipid Glycerolipid_metabolism 2 ine 346 M1497 ethanolamine COO Lipid Glycerolipid_metabolism 189 M1512 glycerol COO Lipid Glycerolipid_metabolism 2 116 M1536 glycerol 3- COO Lipid Glycerolipid_metabolism 5 phosphate 093 M1550 choline COO Lipid Glycerolipid_metabolism 6 114 M1599 glycerophosphoryl COO Lipid Glycerolipid_metabolism 0 choline 670 M1600 phosphoethanolam COO Lipid Glycerolipid_metabolism ine 346 M3439 choline phosphate COO Lipid Glycerolipid_metabolism 6 588 M3441 cytidine 5'- COO Lipid Glycerolipid_metabolism 8 diphosphocholine 307 M3745 glycerophosphoeth C01 Lipid Glycerolipid_metabolism 5 anolamine 233 M1481 inositol 1- C01 Lipid Inositol_metabolism phosphate 177 M1993 myo-inositol COO Lipid Inositol_metabolism 4 137 M3237 scyllo-inositol C06 Lipid Inositol_metabolism 9 153 M542 3-hydroxybutyrate COl Lipid Ketone_bodies 089 M1105 linoleate COl Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 595 M1110 arachidonate COO Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 219 M1121 margarate NA Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid M1336 palmitate COO Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 249 M1356 nonadecanoate C16 Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 535 M1358 stearate COl Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 530 M1359 oleate COO Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 712 M1361 pentadecanoate C16 Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 537 M1365 myristate C06 Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 424 M1780 dihomo-linoleate C16 Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 5 525 M3241 docosadienoate C16 Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 5 533 M3241 docosatrienoate C16 Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 7 534 M3241 myristoleate C08 Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 8 322 M3250 dihomo-alpha- NA Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 1 linolenate M3298 adrenate C16 Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 0 527 M3344 palmitoleate C08 Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 7 362 M3358 eicosenoate NA Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 7 M3397 cis-vaccenate C08 Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 0 367 M3397 10-heptadecenoate NA Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 1 M3397 10-nonadecenoate NA Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 2 M3517 mead acid NA Lipid Long_chain_fatty_acid 4 Ml 926 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 0 oleoylglycerophos phoserine M1932 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 4 stearoylglyceropho sphoinositol M3263 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 5 linoleoylglyceroph osphoethanolamin e M3387 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 1 eicosadienoylglyce rophosphocholine M3395 1- C04 Lipid Lysolipid 5 palmitoylglycerop 102 hosphocholine M3396 1- C03 Lipid Lysolipid 0 oleoylglycerophos 916 phocholine M3396 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 1 stearoylglyceropho sphocholine M3421 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 4 arachidonoylglycer ophosphoinositol M3425 2- NA Lipid Lysolipid 8 docosahexaenoylgl ycerophosphoetha nolamine M3441 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 6 stearoylglyceropho sphoethanolamine M3441 1- C04 Lipid Lysolipid 9 linoleoylglyceroph 100 osphocholine M3465 2- NA Lipid Lysolipid 6 arachidonoylglycer ophosphoethanola mine M3487 2- NA Lipid Lysolipid 5 docosapentaenoylg lycerophosphoetha nolamine M3518 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 6 arachidonoylglycer ophosphoethanola mine M3525 2- NA Lipid Lysolipid 3 palmitoylglycerop hosphocholine M3525 2- NA Lipid Lysolipid 4 oleoylglycerophos phocholine M3525 2- NA Lipid Lysolipid 6 arachidonoylglycer ophosphocholine M3525 2- NA Lipid Lysolipid 7 linoleoylglyceroph osphocholine M3530 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 5 palmitoylglycerop hosphoinositol M3562 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 6 myristoylglycerop hosphocholine M3562 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 8 oleoylglycerophos phoethanolamine M3563 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 1 palmitoylglycerop hosphoethanolami ne M3568 2- NA Lipid Lysolipid 7 oleoylglycerophos phoethanolamine M3568 2- NA Lipid Lysolipid 8 palmitoylglycerop hosphoethanolami ne M3660 1- NA Lipid Lysolipid 2 oleoylglycerophos phoinositol M1203 pelargonate COl Lipid Medium_chain_fatty_acid 5 601 M1206 undecanoate NA Lipid Medium_chain_fatty_acid 7 Ml 642 caprate COl Lipid Medium_chain_fatty_acid 571 Ml 644 heptanoate NA Lipid Medium_chain_fatty_acid Ml 645 laurate C02 Lipid Medium_chain_fatty_acid 679 M3396 5-dodecenoate NA Lipid Medium_chain_fatty_acid 8 M2112 1- NA Lipid Monoacylglycerol 7 palmitoylglycerol M2118 1-stearoylglycerol DOl Lipid Monoacylglycerol 8 947 M2744 1-linoleoylglycerol NA Lipid Monoacylglycerol 7

3 glutamylalanine M3753 gamma- NA Peptide gamma-glutamyl 9 glutamylmethionin e M3445 gamma- NA Peptide g-glutamyl 6 glutamylisoleucine M1575 hippurate C01 Xenobiotics Benzoate_metabolism 3 586 M1828 2- C07 Xenobiotics Benzoate_metabolism 1 hydroxyhippurate 588 M3532 catechol sulfate COO Xenobiotics Benzoate_metabolism 0 090 M3609 4-vinylphenol C05 Xenobiotics Benzoate_metabolism 8 sulfate 627 M3609 4- NA Xenobiotics Benzoate_metabolism 9 ethylphenylsulfate M1554 2-ethylhexanoate NA Xenobiotics Chemical M2071 methyl-alpha- C03 Xenobiotics Chemical 4 glucopyranoside 619 M2772 glycerol 2- C02 Xenobiotics Chemical 8 phosphate 979 M2774 triethyleneglycol NA Xenobiotics Chemical 3 M1203 4-acetamidophenol C06 Xenobiotics Drug 2 804 M3308 N- C16 Xenobiotics Drug 0 ethylglycinexylidi 561 de M3317 2- NA Xenobiotics Drug 3 hydroxyacetamino phen sulfate M3317 2- NA Xenobiotics Drug 8 methoxyacetamino phen sulfate M3342 p- NA Xenobiotics Drug 3 acetamidophenylgl ucuronide M3434 desmethylnaproxe NA Xenobiotics Drug 6 n sulfate M3436 3-(cystein-S- NA Xenobiotics Drug 5 yl)acetaminophen M3566 lidocaine D00 Xenobiotics Drug 1 358 M3746 penicillin G C05 Xenobiotics Drug 8 551 M3747 4-acetaminophen C06 Xenobiotics Drug 5 sulfate 804 M3863 cinnamoylglycine NA Xenobiotics Food component (plant) 7 M1833 quinate COO Xenobiotics Food_component/Plant 5 296 M3244 genistein C06 Xenobiotics Food_component/Plant 8 563 M3245 daidzein CIO Xenobiotics Food_component/Plant 3 208 M3393 piperine C03 Xenobiotics Food_component/Plant 5 882 M3745 ergothioneine C05 Xenobiotics Food_component/Plant 9 570 M2069 erythritol COO Xenobiotics Sugar,_sugar_substitute,_starch 9 503 Ml 825 paraxanthine C13 Xenobiotics Xanthine_metabolism 4 747 M1839 theobromine C07 Xenobiotics Xanthine_metabolism 2 480 M3440 1,7-dimethylurate C16 Xenobiotics Xanthine_metabolism 0 356 M569 caffeine C07 Xenobiotics Xanthine_metabolism 481 Table 2: Metabolite concentration fold changes and p-values for RWPE-AKTl cells, MPAKT mice and phosphoAKTl-high/MYC-low tumors compared to RWPE-MYC cells, Lo-MYC mice and MYC-high/phosphoAKTl-low tumors, respectively.

Table 2: RWPE cells Metabolite KEG Statisti Pvalue BH Fold Change (RWPE- G ID c AKT1/RWPE-MYC) fructose_1,6-bispho sphate C0537 119.86 0.0099 0.0203 4.738624407 8 76864 98 53072 glucose C0026 20.652 0.0099 0.0203 51.51377553 7 26182 98 53072 kynurenine C0032 15.701 0.0099 0.0203 3.045622149 8 55617 98 53072 hypoxanthine C0026 13.706 0.0099 0.0203 2.286526654 2 19099 98 53072 1- C0410 10.403 0.0099 0.0203 5.157499278 palmitoylglycerophosphoch 2 2463 98 53072 oline ribulo se_5-phosphate COO 11 9.2656 0.0099 0.0203 3.76062704 7.2 38432 98 53072 arachidonate C0021 9.1818 0.0099 0.0203 2.097490562 9 7886 98 53072 docosahexaenoate C0642 9.0776 0.0099 0.0203 2.48420095 9 3373 98 53072 ribose_5-phosphate COO 11 8.4183 0.0099 0.0203 9.618227338 7 09746 98 53072 N-acetylneuraminate C0027 8.2778 0.0099 0.0203 2.462617276 0 50689 98 53072 palmitoylcarnitine C0299 7.1633 0.0099 0.0203 4.155427482 0 47714 98 53072 docosapentaenoate C1651 6.3561 0.0099 0.0203 2.024159333 3 27711 98 53072 lactate COO 18 6.0866 0.0099 0.0203 1.979031832 6 34561 98 53072 threonine COO 18 5.4245 0.0099 0.0203 1.20625138 8 35734 98 53072 sphingosine C0031 4.9272 0.0099 0.0203 3.942420982 9 67217 98 53072 malate C0014 4.8486 0.0099 0.0203 1.180212973 9 8646 98 53072 putrescine COO 13 4.3635 0.0099 0.0203 1.716300482 4 17765 98 53072 carnitine C0048 4.1491 0.0169 0.0328 1.181253854 7 48079 96601 40889 serine C0006 4.1452 0.0099 0.0203 1.286416228 5 86144 98 53072 glutamine C0006 4.1451 0.0099 0.0203 1.45086936 4 66486 98 53072 tryptophan C0007 4.1209 0.0099 0.0203 1.207529259 8 33202 98 53072 isoleucine C0040 4.0168 0.0181 0.0334 1.291948938 7 6246 96361 57825 histidine COO 13 3.7451 0.0099 0.0203 1.448776697 5 26323 98 53072 leucine C0012 3.5995 0.0099 0.0203 1.325546255 3 6152 98 53072 UDP-glucuronate COO 16 3.5439 0.0161 0.0323 1.33853376 7 74822 96761 93521 phenylalanine C0007 3.4049 0.0099 0.0203 1.248853872 9 97548 98 53072 guanine C0024 3.3158 0.0099 0.0203 2.620464264 2 05992 98 53072 tyrosine C0008 3.2913 0.0099 0.0203 1.289289976 2 34315 98 53072 proline C0014 3.2692 0.0099 0.0203 1.594939743 8 5609 98 53072 oleate C0071 3.2603 0.0317 0.0509 1.191404393 2 83573 93641 73139 stearate C0153 3.0379 0.0281 0.0465 1.140029894 0 17062 94361 81988 asparagine COO 15 2.9694 0.0181 0.0334 1.270943015 2 67579 96361 57825 uracil COO 10 2.9622 0.0253 0.0438 1.32443449 6 93391 94921 63954 nicotinamide_adenine_dinu COOOO 2.8487 0.0321 0.0509 1.380002307 cleotide_reduced 4 9095 93561 73139 1- C0391 2.6748 0.0099 0.0203 2.483788951 oleoylglyceropho sphocholi 6 74262 98 53072 ne ornithine C0007 2.5614 0.0603 0.0917 1.253497526 7 00158 87922 89642 gulono- 1,4-lactone C O104 2.2182 0.0479 0.0739 1.552385728 0 29087 90402 3116 valine COO 18 2.0415 0.0769 0.1125 1.191354427 3 2656 84603 15958 uridine C0029 1.6232 0.1345 0.1848 1.33283102 9 28155 73085 35322 inosine C0029 1.6054 0.1559 0.2067 1.340389058 4 54242 68806 49348 lysine C0004 1.5842 0.1411 0.1909 1.151833443 7 68139 71766 4534 choline COO 11 1.4746 0.2037 0.2639 1.345176677 4 67131 59248 60844 adeno sine_5 '-tripho sphate COOOO 1.4298 0.2151 0.2755 1.257939688 2 48319 56969 94319 acetylcarnitine C0257 1.1983 0.2471 0.3062 1.205609184 1 86024 5057 51793 eicosapentaenoate C0642 1.0005 0.3221 0.3948 1.294857331 8 8253 35573 75864 3-pho sphoglycerate C0059 0.9025 0.3985 0.4683 1.306676106 7 80834 20296 64059 propionylcarnitine C0301 0.8398 0.3969 0.4683 1.091033094 7 96929 20616 64059 beta-alanine C0009 0.5963 0.5644 0.6252 1.100163038 9 60195 87103 14763 methionine C0007 0.5852 0.6380 0.6994 1.048323339 3 86137 72386 255 betaine C0071 0.4872 0.6594 0.7159 1.085759788 9 08252 68106 93944 alanine C0004 0.4582 0.7976 0.8266 1.014615243 1 35877 40472 4558 glutathione,_oxidized C0012 0.4568 0.6988 0.7376 1.026015667 7 20572 60228 85796 adrenate C1652 0.1198 0.9932 0.9932 1.081585609 7 20035 0136 0136 UDP-N- acetylgluco samine C0004 0.0971 0.9124 0.9287 1.020584246 3 38409 17516 10686 glycine C0003 0.0825 0.9224 0.9305 1.004706923 7 12239 15517 78486 nicotinamide COO 15 0.8966 0.9208 1.02609055 3 0.1129 20676 53667 01051 cholesterol COO 18 0.7696 0.8049 1.020336263 7 0.3191 46071 50936 04758 glutamate C0002 0.6854 0.7371 1.012534599 5 0.3749 62907 95957 26118 urea C0008 0.6968 0.7376 1.082956245 6 0.4270 60628 85796 64095 gamma-aminobutyrate C0033 0.5648 0.6252 1.078318168 4 0.5906 87023 14763 36165 5-oxoproline C O187 0.5186 0.5972 1.101709722 9 0.6512 96261 86603 58364 palmitate C0024 0.5034 0.5857 1.065072979 9 0.6872 993 03268 87197 UDP-glucose C0002 0.5484 0.6190 1.25586995 9 0.8296 90302 88064 64305 S-adenosylhomocysteine C0002 0.3637 0.4364 1.060712256 1 0.9425 27255 72705 96354 ascorbate C0007 0.5306 0.6049 1.196504701 2 0.9511 93861 91002 30088 pentadecanoate C1653 0.3507 0.4253 1.560279788 7 0.9772 29854 53227 07694 guanosine_5'- C0014 0.2261 0.2833 1.298414486 _monopho sphate 4 1.2917 54769 14766 13384 caprate C O157 0.1935 0.2536 1.12199237 1 1.3225 61288 32032 71824 5-methylthioadeno sine C0017 0.2207 0.2796 1.106583491 0 1.3813 55849 24075 70394 adenosine_5'-diphosphate C0000 0.0095 0.0203 1.596442366 8 1.5052 9808 53072 98233 fructose-6-phosphate C0534 0.1423 0.1909 1.614290762 5 1.6478 71526 4534 14474 cytidine_5'- C0030 0.1011 0.1424 1.118772265 diphosphocholine 7 1.6484 79764 01149 25787 guano sine C0038 0.0987 0.1407 1.462171557 7 1.7932 80244 61848 86389 ino sitol_ 1-pho sphate C0117 0.1191 0.1656 1.527744384 7 1.7951 76165 83936 27438 adenine C0014 0.0731 0.1083 1.246252244 7 1.7995 85363 52356 49967 pelargonate C O160 0.0873 0.1260 1.24618128 1 1.8394 82523 963 28678 hypotaurine C0051 0.0641 0.0962 1.42070142 9 2.0727 87163 80744 58483 cysteine C0009 0.0319 0.0509 2.267677642 7 2.2224 93601 73139 96709 adenylo succinate C0379 2.00E- 9.12E- 10.83302465 4 2.2873 04 04 17591 linoleate C0159 0.0459 0.0718 1.19157127 5 2.3455 90802 21252 38274 arginine C0006 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.498777516 2 2.3557 04 04 86576 glycerol_3 -pho sphate C0009 0.0261 0.0439 1.512845547 3 2.3626 94761 14746 1644 scyllo-inositol C0615 0.0177 0.0334 1.570691312 3 2.4444 96441 57825 98861 palmitoleate C0836 0.0231 0.0419 1.348678628 2 2.4690 95361 72558 99284 pyrophosphate COOOl 2.00E- 9.12E- 22.19112918 3 2.4992 04 04 82383 spermidine C0031 0.0241 0.0430 2.930265588 5 2.5471 95161 9763 75419 creatine C0030 0.0251 0.0438 1.511098738 0 2.8075 94961 63954 52448 glutathione,_reduced C0005 0.0087 0.0203 1.274109649 1 2.8331 9824 53072 37036 laurate C0267 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.467115317 9 2.9436 04 04 4984 acetylphosphate C0022 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.224222457 7 3.0480 04 04 03937 adenosine C0021 0.0259 0.0439 1.301957807 2 3.1768 94801 14746 24097 nicotinamide_adenine_dinu C0000 0.0169 0.0328 1.631472907 cleotide_pho sphate 5 3.2611 96601 40889 85332 myristoleate C0832 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.709976347 2 3.2978 04 04 85963 glucose-6-phosphate C0066 2.00E- 9.12E- 2.345491734 8 3.6601 04 04 74305 citrate COO 15 0.0085 0.0203 1.236763118 8 3.8344 9828 53072 36092 cytidine_5'-monophosphate C0005 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.811603131 5 4.0964 04 04 83485 myristate C0642 0.0067 0.0203 1.489863819 4 4.2070 9864 53072 7113 myo-inositol COO 13 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.370642583 7 4.2597 04 04 88648 fumarate C0012 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.510804551 2 4.2689 04 04 76999 uridine_5'-monophosphate COO 10 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.922261646 5 4.3101 04 04 03285 spermine C0075 2.00E- 9.12E- 3.934229574 0 4.5267 04 04 87877 glyceropho sphorylcholine C0067 2.00E- 9.12E- 7.148421913 0 4.6093 04 04 15684 1-methylnicotinamide C0291 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.259641237 8 5.0932 04 04 01852 butyrylcarnitine C0286 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.544844116 2 5.4356 04 04 24344 fructose C0009 2.00E- 9.12E- 2.160039345 5 6.6987 04 04 92894 choline_pho sphate C0058 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.810762669 8 8.4538 04 04 23521 adenosine_5'- C0002 2.00E- 9.12E- 2.021279539 monopho sphate 0 8.9696 04 04 13192 S-lactoylglutathione C0345 2.00E- 9.12E- 3.238772345 1 10.326 04 04 3094 aspartate C0004 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.672765754 9 10.421 04 04 13385 pantothenate C0086 2.00E- 9.12E- 2.38346229 4 10.558 04 04 63989 nicotinamide_adenine_dinu C0000 2.00E- 9.12E- 2.061232441 cleotide 3 10.706 04 04 73596 phosphate C0000 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.939572376 9 10.872 04 04 11685 glycerol COO 11 2.00E- 9.12E- 1.612824216 6 11.186 04 04 75245 flavin_adenine_dinucleotid COOOl 2.00E- 9.12E- 2.813638126 e 6 15.614 04 04 44522

Table 2: Mice cytidine_5'- C000 3.92833 0.0021995 0.014957 1.662146089 monopho sphate 55 5838 6 009 thiamin C003 3.45465 0.0077984 0.030216 1.598836673 78 2887 4 179 malate COOl 3.22286 0.0079984 0.030216 1.426765535 49 7661 179 lactate COOl 3.17280 0.0069986 0.029744 1.803881231 86 3844 051 glycine C000 3.15306 0.0187962 0.058097 1.31995762 37 8661 4 1 471 serine C000 3.05775 0.0161967 0.053094 1.552959004 65 7208 6 1 143 riboflavin C002 3.01990 0.0143971 0.049630 1.64953552 55 9796 2 1 074 leucine COOl 2.93105 0.0091981 0.033809 1.261816088 23 7916 6 454 scyllo-inositol C061 2.79237 0.0021995 0.014957 3.705486601 53 7804 6 009 mannose COOl 2.75269 0.0021995 0.014957 1.959596598 59 6427 6 009 citrate COOl 2.73498 0.0309938 0.087815 1.527179249 58 7498 0 1 77 tryptophan C000 2.58345 0.0065986 0.028949 1.571086987 78 9194 8 049 fructo se-6-pho sphate C053 2.58008 0.0265946 0.077533 2.491828548 45 1431 8 1 429 sorbitol C007 2.44373 0.0115976 0.041507 8.880967365 94 4936 8 488 butyrylcarnitine C028 2.38699 0.0263947 0.077533 2.60845214 62 6272 2 1 429 choline COOl 2.26894 0.0681863 0.165595 1.257780595 14 0153 63 452 uridine-2',3'- C023 2.17277 0.0079984 0.030216 3.159365678 cyclic_monopho sphate 55 8942 179 ascorbate C000 2.14621 0.0487902 0.127605 7.139154413 72 2519 42 248 ribulo se_5-pho sphate COOl 2.13211 0.0345930 0.094093 2.065713503 99 0125 8 1 181 aspartate C000 2.08695 0.0145970 0.049630 1.69706794 49 7772 8 1 074 phenylalanine C000 2.02154 0.0541891 0.136476 1.319360097 79 555 62 408 spermidine C003 1.88572 0.0971805 0.207358 1.869906627 15 9393 64 528 prostaglandin.E2 C005 1.86176 0.1059788 0.215121 3.173288966 84 4058 04 155 gluco se-6-pho sphate C006 1.83823 0.0913817 0.203736 1.818559261 68 2381 24 302 glycerol COOl 1.74446 0.0953809 0.207358 1.378443437 16 9954 24 528 N-acetylglucosamine C038 1.74436 0.1113777 0.216066 5.212405739 78 4762 24 376 adenosine_2'- C009 1.73016 0.1855628 0.286779 2.223593936 monopho sphate 46 3833 87 008 fructose C000 1.70875 0.0021995 0.014957 2.546501911 95 4 6 009 lysine C000 1.68990 0.1159768 0.216066 1.800193662 47 4121 05 376 glycerol_2-pho sphate C029 1.67424 0.0727854 0.170669 1.795693849 79 6236 43 314 tyrosine C000 1.65095 0.1139772 0.216066 1.166769141 82 9636 05 376 manno se-6-pho sphate C002 1.60743 0.1323735 0.236878 1.371543598 75 9929 25 94 threonine COOl 1.58804 0.1523695 0.254368 1.326419463 88 2323 26 638 ergothioneine C055 1.56679 0.1463707 0.250529 2.047100977 70 4854 26 894 hypotaurine C005 1.56383 0.1533693 0.254368 1.663143775 19 1201 26 638 phenylacetylglycine C055 1.52626 0.2117576 0.299140 2.122666545 98 1401 48 172 phenol_sulfate C021 1.45842 0.1841631 0.286779 2.08333105 80 5372 67 008 hypoxanthine C002 1.40355 0.1847630 0.286779 1.187168862 62 5145 47 008 cis-vaccenate C083 1.38892 0.2401519 0.329905 1.602106655 67 1857 7 736 adenosine_5'- C003 1.37670 0.2069586 0.299140 1.737664047 monopho sphate 0 1 0664 08 172 ribo se_5-pho sphate COOl 1.37338 0.2019596 0.299140 1.702070354 17 6856 08 172 glycerol_3 -pho sphate C000 1.34163 0.2043591 0.299140 1.315510733 93 5345 28 172 creatine C003 1.29048 0.2301539 0.319397 1.179965058 00 3341 69 345 methionine C000 1.22736 0.2563487 0.348634 1.225165514 73 9038 3 273 cystine C004 1.11255 0.2683463 0.361337 1.656942531 9 1 097 3 1 633 erythritol C005 1.10935 0.3673265 0.471286 2.612403046 03 9211 35 875 ribose COOl 0.96634 0.3571285 0.465415 1.283462636 2 1 5111 74 488 isocitrate C003 0.94241 0.3593281 0.465415 1.220029866 11 0074 34 488 carnitine C004 0.92036 0.4037192 0.508387 1.067957102 87 0002 56 211 glucuronate COOl 0.89619 0.5790841 0.673123 1.21671571 9 1 4973 83 495 cis-aconitate C004 0.67890 0.4903019 0.600730 1.092276423 17 2233 4 304 spermine C007 0.65028 0.5366926 0.651698 1.157754191 50 8357 6 1 232 adeno sine_5 'dipho sphorib C000 0.61207 0.5540891 0.661018 1.074048371 ose 20 3031 82 673 proline COOl 0.53628 0.5716856 0.670252 1.08788306 48 5082 63 156 7-beta-hydroxycholesterol C035 0.51191 0.6570685 0.750935 1.13242841 94 3231 86 527 oleate C007 0.49536 0.9036192 0.945789 1.24564639 12 4144 76 468 guanine C002 0.30611 0.9110177 0.945789 1.101595185 42 6255 96 468 N 1-methyladeno sine C024 0.29339 0.7886422 0.875090 1.058292571 94 7754 72 023 S-adenosylhomocysteine C000 0.28735 0.7850429 0.875090 1.067193013 2 1 4295 9 1 023 2-hydroxystearate C030 0.20387 0.8262347 0.903294 1.053769973 45 351 53 541 arabitol C004 0.16652 0.9082183 0.945789 1.046380428 74 3847 56 468 ethanolamine COOl 0.16001 0.8790241 0.941317 1.033889323 89 9445 95 248 inositol_ 1-pho sphate C011 0.12690 0.9026194 0.945789 1.032424174 77 9671 76 468 beta-alanine C000 0.02935 0.9546090 0.976141 1.00604818 99 8416 78 614 urea C000 0.9680063 0.982454 1.003877952 86 0.01126 99 255 3049 glutamine C000 0.9856028 0.992903 1.007969293 64 0.04094 79 641 7438 fucose C003 0.9958008 0.995800 1.021033485 82 0.07929 4 84 3687 stearate C015 0.9406118 0.969115 1.027200106 30 0.12056 78 268 5217 N-acetylneuraminate C002 0.8394321 0.906053 1.080760497 70 0.24163 14 7 1 7282 glyceropho sphorylcholine C006 - 0.7914417 0.875090 1.031687002 70 0.26074 12 023 411 alanine C000 0.7460507 0.845524 1.072507219 4 1 0.33944 9 228 9007 daidzein C102 0.8302339 0.903294 1.132101137 08 0.39682 53 541 8559 phosphoethanolamine C003 0.6164767 0.710515 1.137601266 46 0.52912 05 524 7619 guanosine C003 0.5692861 0.670252 1.137600738 87 0.61216 43 156 4197 creatinine C007 0.5432913 0.653872 1.117408011 9 1 0.61256 42 765 9424 cytidine C004 0.4831033 0.597291 1.038949728 75 0.75247 79 451 4325 hippurate C015 0.4115176 0.513453 1.812097642 86 0.96385 96 273 0443 dimethylarginine C036 0.3303339 0.436169 1.226991293 26 1.01055 33 077 6019 palmitoleate C083 0.3737252 0.475015 1.48008998 62 1.02765 55 277 1832 allantoin C023 0.3225354 0.430047 1.22909512 50 1.09160 93 324 1809 1- C039 0.1441711 0.250529 2.299674594 oleoylglyceropho sphochol 16 1.23565 66 894 ine 1207 1- C041 0.1829634 0.286779 2.398375439 palmitoylglycerophosphoc 02 1.31311 07 008 holine 0736 N-acetylglutamine C027 0.2099580 0.299140 1.344494727 16 1.32387 08 172 446 inosine C002 0.2133573 0.299140 1.049579003 94 1.32868 29 172 5132 nonadecanoate C165 0.2045590 0.299140 1.242624843 35 1.35622 88 172 0614 uridine C002 - 0.2047590 0.299140 1.208592686 99 1.38603 48 172 1066 glycerate C002 0.1655668 0.271290 1.56500217 58 1.39483 87 32 5645 urocanate C007 0.1967606 0.299140 1.066816486 85 1.41469 48 172 7383 stachydrine ClOl 0.1817636 0.286779 1.076436018 72 1.42347 47 008 7496 arabinose COOl 0.1473705 0.250529 1.08338153 8 1 1.63116 26 894 8606 linolenate_[alpha_or_gam C064 0.1383723 0.244397 2.095455054 ma;_( 18:3n3_or_6)] 27 1.63634 26 874 6218 genistein C065 0.1257748 0.228071 1.133305744 63 1.64238 45 719 2231 trigonelline COlO 0.1129774 0.216066 1.478233048 04 1.64780 05 376 7362 erythronate C016 0.1155768 0.216066 1.092209671 20 1.72764 85 376 3931 xylitol C003 0.1127774 0.216066 1.091316003 79 1.74319 45 376 5697 palmitate C002 0.1245750 0.228071 1.40183288 49 1.74605 85 719 1908 campesterol C017 0.1039792 0.214260 1.854858177 89 1.80622 04 178 4883 4-guanidinobutanoate COlO 0.0699860 0.166984 1.794083739 35 1.83539 03 147 9006 1-methylimidazoleacetate C058 0.1021795 0.213791 1.094316851 28 1.86189 64 088 6377 choline_pho sphate C005 0.0975804 0.207358 1.360639257 88 1.86869 84 528 3128 cystathionine C022 0.0759848 0.174045 2.476129175 9 1 1.94037 03 191 6865 3-ureidopropionate C026 - 0.0767846 0.174045 1.102582726 42 1.99448 43 191 0853 adenosine_3'- C013 0.0671865 0.165595 1.516930206 monophosphate 67 2.00888 63 452 1945 cysteine C000 0.0455908 0.121575 1.946237595 97 2.18720 82 685 3269 uridine_5'-monophosphate COOl 0.0075984 0.030216 3.259640455 05 2.19665 8 179 8136 5-oxoproline C018 0.0173965 0.055021 2.154245824 79 2.22668 2 1 554 6297 alpha-tocopherol C024 0.0505898 0.129815 1.111658614 77 2.23824 82 546 325 adenine COOl 0.0321935 0.089353 1.87737174 47 2.45736 6 1 558 3752 pantothenate C008 0.0163967 0.053094 2.761840905 64 2.55495 2 1 143 2589 docosahexaenoate C064 0.0001999 0.002472 2.150603511 29 2.68282 6 233 2525 docosapentaenoate C165 0.0029994 0.018541 1.835848861 13 2.71806 746 9448 pyridoxate C008 0.0267946 0.077533 1.140050442 47 2.73835 4 1 429 2083 cytidine_5'- C003 0.0065986 0.028949 1.687784683 dipho sphocholine 07 3.09346 8 049 0689 arginine C000 0.0063987 0.028949 1.197039482 62 3.17829 2 049 3058 linoleate C015 0.0047990 0.024172 2.648550608 95 3.34103 4 943 7454 5-methylthioadeno sine COOl 0.0055988 0.027194 1.77421305 70 3.67291 8 561 5952 3-dehydrocarnitine C026 0.0043991 0.023010 3.030002448 36 3.81248 2 782 8098 xanthine C003 - 0.0001999 0.002472 1.416735201 85 3.97425 6 233 0304 glutamate C000 0.0041991 0.022843 1.68866346 25 4.02728 6 431 9964 phosphate C000 0.0025994 0.016834 1.351048477 09 4.35681 8 728 2631 arachidonate C002 0.0001999 0.002472 2.05447056 19 4.52771 6 233 2505 betaine C007 0.0001999 0.002472 2.132690945 19 4.78793 6 233 0679 nicotinamide COOl 0.0001999 0.002472 1.242336465 53 4.83336 6 233 2163 taurine C002 0.0021995 0.014957 1.3311185 45 4.89047 6 009 9424 adenosine C002 0.0001999 0.002472 2.130704285 12 5.52674 6 233 0727 pseudouridine C020 0.0001999 0.002472 2.21339505 67 5.63559 6 233 0595 UDP-glucose C000 0.0001999 0.002472 2.727880622 29 5.73802 6 233 0226 cytidine-3'- C058 0.0001999 0.002472 3.0266933 monopho sphate 22 5.84226 6 233 4043 dihomo-linolenate C032 0.0001999 0.002472 4.764943624 42 12.0694 6 233 4017 sarcosine C002 0.0001999 0.002472 13.98934706 13 25.3256 6 233 6958

Table 2: Human tumors 2 40404 6521 8209 creatine C0030 3.1647 0.01459 0.27734 1.33537068 0 06233 7081 4531 cytidine C0047 3.0059 0.02719 0.40176 2.333657123 5 0461 4561 9646 lactate COO 18 2.9537 0.01319 0.27734 1.388641177 6 16944 7361 4531 cytidine_5'- C0005 2.8796 0.01379 0.27734 1.568545877 monopho sphate 5 10664 7241 4531 UDP-N- C0004 2.8609 0.02019 0.32890 1.984143569 acetylgluco samine 3 88679 5961 5647 inosine C0029 2.7604 0.01439 0.27734 1.491261092 4 42558 7121 4531 histamine C0038 2.5360 0.04859 0.44314 2.471158482 8 10991 0282 3371 phenol_sulfate C0218 2.4373 0.05418 0.45759 2.039715077 0 911 9162 7369 glutathione,_reduced C0005 2.3962 0.04799 0.44314 2.100982459 1 76322 0402 3371 1,5-anhydroglucitol C0732 2.3410 0.04759 0.44314 1.635022329 6 62169 0482 3371 pyruvate C0002 2.3053 0.06938 0.46529 1.743049791 2 45621 6123 5176 maltotriose C O183 2.2901 0.08058 0.48350 3.655638074 5 35808 3883 3299 urea C0008 2.2843 0.06638 0.46529 2.103980913 6 07214 6723 5176 glucose-6-phosphate C0066 2.2793 0.06418 0.46529 2.329128567 8 52365 7163 5176 S- C0002 2.2735 0.03279 0.43981 1.352588589 adenosylhomocy steine 1 86198 3441 7919 taurine C0024 2.1909 0.07578 0.47685 1.77187529 5 41908 4843 598 glutathione,_oxidized C0012 2.1877 0.06798 0.46529 2.01563179 7 30524 6403 5176 maltotetraose C0205 2.1639 0.11417 0.54234 2.146561165 2 87577 7165 1532 adenosine_5'diphospho C0030 2.1512 0.09138 0.51452 1.995777382 ribose 1 06354 1724 5666 5-methylthioadeno sine C0017 2.1027 0.05698 0.46405 1.341762849 0 98431 8602 0047 ascorbate C0007 2.0899 0.09398 0.51452 1.847117019 2 03443 1204 5666 manno se-6-phosphate C0027 2.0386 0.13437 0.56735 1.841302621 5 34098 3125 3196 maltose C0020 1.9784 0.08678 0.50734 2.10652292 8 87143 2643 4685 guano sine C0038 1.9461 0.06618 0.46529 1.184773035 7 26345 6763 5176 N-acetylneuraminate C0027 1.8748 0.21255 0.66076 1.684556067 0 57437 7489 3847 glutamine C0006 1.8641 0.11137 0.54234 1.283122061 4 28402 7724 1532 mannitol C0039 1.8541 0.15916 0.61395 1.771333318 2 7422 8166 7209 dehydroisoandrosteron C0455 1.8539 0.12377 0.54709 1.411160733 e_sulfate 5 18677 5245 0582 catechol_sulfate C0009 1.8005 0.12477 0.54709 1.588529525 0 13285 5045 0582 trans-4-hydroxyproline C0115 1.7959 0.16156 0.61395 1.442095143 7 99807 7686 7209 phenylacetylglutamine C0559 1.7753 0.27914 0.68435 2.577157033 7 41794 4171 3452 N-acetyl-aspartyl- C1227 1.7687 0.17336 0.63022 1.637257633 glutamate 0 13793 5327 6896 creatinine C0079 1.7478 0.12097 0.54709 1.274099083 1 9424 5805 0582 nicotinamide COO 15 1.7007 0.15256 0.61027 1.25418923 3 72921 9486 7944 N-acetylaspartate C O104 1.6962 0.19996 0.65129 1.569771486 2 49859 0008 8312 ergothioneine C0557 1.6466 0.18556 0.63022 1.307208836 0 30524 2887 6896 beta-alanine C0009 1.6269 0.17636 0.63022 1.477852965 9 64981 4727 6896 mannose COO 15 1.6265 0.20375 0.65432 1.416041172 9 34076 9248 5473 tryptophan_betaine C0921 1.6032 0.18116 0.63022 1.497837098 3 11561 3767 6896 choline_pho sphate C0058 1.5992 0.21735 0.66076 2.134075496 8 88114 6529 3847 piperine C0388 1.5879 0.20895 0.66076 1.496167125 2 17194 8208 3847 theobromine C0748 1.5425 0.25634 0.67181 1.699841541 0 97536 873 0465 hippurate C0158 1.5321 0.23815 0.66628 1.87941845 6 23814 237 602 ino sitol_ 1-pho sphate C0117 1.5008 0.19876 0.65129 1.283656967 7 14292 0248 8312 3-methylhistidine C0115 1.4957 0.18256 0.63022 1.153833753 2 33462 3487 6896 coenzyme_A COOOl 1.4830 0.27394 0.68435 1.362349373 0 56194 5211 3452 cysteinylglycine C0141 1.4778 0.18796 0.63022 1.313383292 9 06304 2408 6896 glycerol_3 -phosphate C0009 1.4540 0.22915 0.66539 1.303381796 3 30776 4169 6035 adenosine_5'- C0000 1.4311 0.23635 0.66628 1.484766413 dipho sphate 8 74873 2729 602 deoxycholate C0448 1.3987 0.50549 0.76214 1.357954808 3 27925 89 757 phenylacetylglycine C0559 1.3952 0.46670 0.74935 1.391377916 8 50142 6659 9987 N-acetylputrescine C0271 1.3927 0.29334 0.68950 1.789939705 4 4986 1332 3336 hexanoylcarnitine C0158 1.3635 0.34033 0.71805 1.503644559 5 20304 1934 6389 4-acetamidophenol C0680 1.3550 0.44411 0.72978 1.479625675 4.2 41212 1178 2101 nicotinamide_adenine_ C0000 1.3448 0.27394 0.68435 1.792508776 dinucleotide 3 852 5211 3452 myo-inositol COO 13 1.3336 0.24255 0.66628 1.28150763 7 83666 149 602 cholesterol COO 18 1.3308 0.27694 0.68435 1.138722283 7 87533 4611 3452 3-aminoisobutyrate C0514 1.3079 0.38192 0.71805 1.602561188 5 78379 3615 6389 adenosine C0021 1.2536 0.26934 0.68435 1.713276852 2 18674 6131 3452 phosphate C0000 1.2299 0.24075 0.66628 1.09104206 9 34813 185 602 penicillin_G C0555 1.2053 0.70305 0.91437 1.406842867 1 83457 9388 8922 aspartate C0004 1.2013 0.28694 0.68623 1.308740642 9 19034 2611 7752 scyllo-inositol C0615 1.1905 0.33773 0.71805 1.50662793 3 27917 2454 6389 urate C0036 1.1776 0.33213 0.71805 1.301153419 6 40063 3573 6389 7-alpha-hydroxy-3- C1733 1.1766 0.34373 0.71805 1.281875544 oxo-4-cholestenoate 7 47545 1254 6389 pipecolate C0040 1.1736 0.41611 0.72978 1.504667056 8 63806 6777 2101 nicotinamide_adenine_ C0000 1.1723 0.47430 0.75052 1.563657688 dinucleotide_reduced 4 02867 5139 0241 anserine C O126 1.1584 0.39052 0.71805 1.210618102 2 06973 1896 6389 paraxanthine C1374 1.1542 0.48930 0.75087 1.531871859 7 35688 214 2644 phosphoethanolamine C0034 1.1426 0.34893 0.71805 1.494782606 6 17764 0214 6389 citrate COO 15 1.0987 0.33153 0.71805 1.24868118 8 33522 3693 6389 alpha-tocopherol C0247 1.0852 0.38752 0.71805 1.290527511 7 10151 2496 6389 p-cresol_sulfate C O146 1.0672 0.44951 0.73205 1.460053194 8 45671 0098 9302 arabitol C0053 1.0486 0.36792 0.71805 1.203265501 2 87356 6415 6389 uridine_5'-diphosphate COOOl 1.0115 0.37512 0.71805 1.103932441 5 88945 4975 6389 3 - C0088 1.0115 0.37512 0.71805 1.103932441 dephosphocoenzyme_ 2 88945 4975 6389 A quinolinate C0372 1.0115 0.37512 0.71805 1.103932441 2 88945 4975 6389 2'-deoxyinosine C0551 1.0115 0.37512 0.71805 1.103932441 2 88945 4975 6389 sebacate C0827 1.0115 0.37512 0.71805 1.103932441 7 88945 4975 6389 azelate C0826 1.0115 0.37512 0.71805 1.103932441 1 88945 4975 6389 6-phosphogluconate C0034 1.0115 0.37512 0.71805 1.103932441 5 88945 4975 6389 fructose C0009 0.9987 0.47730 0.75052 1.348612629 5 32523 4539 0241 homocarnosine C0088 0.9739 0.43371 0.72978 1.118525395 4 96509 3257 2101 erythritol C0050 0.9680 0.36632 0.71805 1.223530988 3 81213 6735 6389 2-hydroxyglutarate C0263 0.9036 0.49070 0.75087 1.239519184 0 70379 186 2644 flavin_adenine_dinucle COOOl 0.8972 0.40771 0.72978 1.091839845 otide 6 86084 8456 2101 3-pho sphoglycerate C0059 0.8926 0.42711 0.72978 1.335202731 7 37896 4577 2101 glyceropho sphorylchol C0067 0.8922 0.41591 0.72978 1.256250614 ine 0 61738 6817 2101 ribose C0012 0.8797 0.64407 0.86892 1.307059676 1 37026 1186 444 acetylcholine C O199 0.8791 0.44491 0.72978 1.370712507 6 22109 1018 2101 xylulose C0031 0.8378 0.48930 0.75087 1.514763173 0 86371 214 2644 1,7-dimethylurate C1635 0.8362 0.46470 0.74935 1.091151065 6 86685 7059 9987 spermine C0075 0.8153 0.47670 0.75052 1.353323086 0 71256 4659 0241 carnosine C0038 0.7894 0.78984 0.92033 1.25247823 6 37851 2032 7145 pseudouridine C0206 0.7719 0.48110 0.75087 1.144829751 7 80805 3779 2644 xylitol C0037 0.7464 0.49470 0.75194 1.193974941 9 79833 106 5611 agmatine C0017 0.7241 0.74005 0.91609 1.424265546 9 32598 199 1782 5-hydroxyindoleacetate C0563 0.7041 0.75164 0.91609 1.316137169 5 21017 967 1782 isocitrate C0031 0.6972 0.51509 0.76261 1.206810699 1 55242 6981 1114 2-hydroxystearate C0304 0.6950 0.69686 0.91437 1.320713987 5 11635 0628 8922 pyridoxate C0084 0.6943 0.54769 0.79062 1.083699919 7 72025 0462 6685 4- C0680 0.6696 0.94021 0.98897 1.324502651 acetaminophen_sulfate 4 44149 1958 1436 glycerol_2-pho sphate C0297 0.6540 0.70525 0.91437 1.192696288 9 25364 8948 8922 galactose C O166 0.6302 0.90301 0.98511 1.335333127 2 2944 9396 2068 2-aminobutyrate C0226 0.6132 0.60307 0.83842 1.102669936 1 66453 9384 7436 2-hydroxybutyrate C0598 0.6030 0.71385 0.91437 1.179598702 4 30254 7229 8922 glycylleucine C0215 0.5333 0.77144 0.91609 1.147544092 5 8166 5711 1782 cis-aconitate C0041 0.5158 0.63707 0.86459 1.086153528 7 81155 2585 8509 caffeine C0748 0.4634 0.97320 0.99502 1.266641105 1 70208 5359 6107 heme C0003 0.4595 0.72325 0.91609 1.155470112 2 03759 5349 1782 4-vinylphenol_sulfate C0562 0.4508 0.70085 0.91437 1.045559892 7 40239 9828 8922 serotonin C0078 0.4111 0.92261 0.98897 1.257767671 0 33551 5477 1436 indolelactate C0204 0.4074 0.71125 0.91437 1.042746396 3 93479 7748 8922 uridine_5'- COO 10 0.3869 0.74545 0.91609 1.059177357 monopho sphate 5 22582 091 1782 ribulose C0030 0.3862 0.73525 0.91609 1.131219725 9 67724 2949 1782 adenosine_5'- C0000 0.3816 0.79104 0.92033 1.168782463 tripho sphate 2 22434 1792 7145 histidine COO 13 0.3782 0.74785 0.91609 1.053692586 5 15548 043 1782 N-acetylthreonine com 0.3728 0.76564 0.91609 1.055872423 8 13536 6871 1782 glucose C0029 0.3599 0.78364 0.92033 1.194566578 3 47046 3271 7145 3-(4- C0367 0.3599 0.85662 0.96212 1.047229626 hydroxyphenyl)lactate 2 0493 8674 4816 betaine C0071 0.3400 0.76764 0.91609 1.04759208 9 11458 6471 1782 adenine C0014 0.3276 0.75164 0.91609 1.082169065 7 95462 967 1782 2-aminoadipate C0095 0.2677 0.82543 0.94099 1.046817541 6 58001 4913 5801 arginine C0006 0.2510 0.83943 0.94747 1.036651855 2 31631 2114 7831 gamma-tocopherol C0248 0.2318 0.87342 0.97618 1.090608496 3 0112 5315 1234 spermidine C0031 0.2293 0.99100 0.99540 1.0838126 5 10575 18 092 nicotinamide_ribonucl C0045 0.1820 0.89222 0.98511 1.133131703 eotide 5 58732 1556 2068 lidocaine D0035 0.1722 0.91121 0.98897 1.028583696 8 40862 7756 1436 succinate C0004 0.1585 0.90301 0.98511 1.051040907 2 21544 9396 2068 sorbitol C0079 0.1093 0.94361 0.98897 1.042315556 4 6012 1278 1436 cytidine_5'- C0030 0.1015 0.94281 0.98897 1.016316771 dipho sphocholine 7 9355 1438 1436 methyl- alpha- C0361 0.0971 0.96540 0.99149 1.048610069 glucopyranoside 9 9625 6919 8997 stearoyl_sphingomyeli C0055 0.0937 0.95860 0.98897 1.029155736 n 0 79078 8278 1436 putrescine COO 13 0.0922 0.98840 0.99540 1.059834522 4 45224 232 092 2-hydroxyhippurate C0758 0.0633 0.99040 0.99540 1.00706226 8 0477 192 092 docosatrienoate C1653 0.0322 0.99500 0.99540 1.017231183 4 01351 1 092 kynurenine C0032 0.0229 0.95780 0.98897 1.004661722 8 19927 8438 1436 N-acetylglucosamine C0014 0.0159 0.95760 0.98897 1.004489199 0 1034 8478 1436 stearate C0153 - 0.99540 0.99540 1.002009807 0 0.0155 092 092 0318 N-acetylmethionine C0271 - 0.94161 0.98897 1.003991726 2 0.0201 1678 1436 15272 guanine C0024 - 0.92141 0.98897 1.01052316 2 0.0355 5717 1436 56161 sphingosine C0031 0.94981 0.98897 1.023790417 9 0.0378 0038 1436 83518 quinate C0029 0.89402 0.98511 1.050596138 6 0.0981 1196 2068 78665 deoxycarnitine C0118 0.90221 0.98511 1.015591531 1 0.1145 9556 2068 32588 proline C0014 0.83063 0.94221 1.021668257 8 0.1974 3873 1558 47279 alanine C0004 0.79924 0.92033 1.025560863 1 0.2223 0152 7145 79819 cysteine C0009 0.79524 0.92033 1.071373533 7 0.2306 0952 7145 6041 gluconate C0025 0.94881 0.98897 1.204717508 7 0.2404 0238 1436 52951 choline COO 11 0.79664 0.92033 1.021974646 4 0.2434 0672 7145 34682 acetylcarnitine C0257 0.80723 0.92487 1.049967419 1 0.2443 8552 6331 71553 1- C0410 0.75664 0.91609 1.135681491 linoleoylglyceropho sph 0 0.2548 867 1782 ocholine 89749 propionylcarnitine C0301 0.74245 0.91609 1.061850266 7 0.2751 151 1782 32712 saccharopine C0044 0.76044 0.91609 1.046367894 9 0.2872 791 1782 5988 palmitate C0024 0.71245 0.91437 1.039708784 9 0.3540 7508 8922 14159 adenosine_5'- C0002 0.68066 0.91288 1.102051391 monophosphate 0 0.3653 3867 409 12674 alpha-ketoglutarate C0002 0.76884 0.91609 1.276380806 6 0.3658 6231 1782 33807 N-acetylalanine C0284 0.68466 0.91288 1.058891644 7 0.3750 3067 409 glyceropho sphoethanol C O123 0.61667 0.84700 1.370587487 amine 3 0.4591 6665 1684 62522 valine COO 18 0.60747 0.83942 1.061104128 3 0.4856 8504 4842 48159 malate C0014 0.59988 0.83842 1.087512039 9 0.5065 0024 7436 37595 hypoxanthine C0026 0.62367 0.85148 1.072294605 2 0.5114 5265 4793 42281 N-ethylglycinexylidide C1656 0.56348 0.80336 1.679342042 1 0.5172 7303 2309 59887 gamma-aminobutyrate C0033 0.56728 0.80336 1.217157809 4 0.5179 6543 2309 32626 xanthine C0038 0.58508 0.82345 1.307873952 5 0.5181 2983 0125 75386 4-hydroxybutyrate C0098 0.54249 0.79062 1.333623809 9 0.5584 1502 6685 87839 carnitine C0048 0.56588 0.80336 1.053788746 7 0.5739 6823 2309 12686 myristate C0642 0.54789 0.79062 1.057091142 4 0.5802 0422 6685 15656 1- C0410 0.53569 0.78798 1.227319819 palmitoylglycerophosp 2 0.5829 2861 6919 hocholine 03686 fumarate C0012 0.51169 0.76252 1.201943393 2 0.5907 766 9847 87109 pantothenate C0086 0.50809 0.76214 1.122139149 4 0.6194 838 757 7029 hypotaurine C0051 0.43891 0.72978 1.404934212 9 0.6861 2218 2101 34721 citrulline C0032 0.43971 0.72978 1.154093441 7 0.7172 2058 2101 1526 N6-acetyllysine C0272 0.42291 0.72978 1.158806251 7 0.7266 5417 2101 22361 nicotinamide_riboside C0315 0.43231 0.72978 1.333837262 0 0.7356 3537 2101 71863 ethanolamine COO 18 0.42671 0.72978 1.147102652 9 0.7441 4657 2101 0792 serine C0006 0.41631 0.72978 1.139770884 5 0.7568 6737 2101 29716 threonine COO 18 0.41231 0.72978 1.13742408 8 0.7695 7536 2101 46045 fucose C0038 0.37892 0.71805 1.304574983 2 0.7811 4215 6389 90415 glycine C0003 0.43151 0.72978 1.099792275 7 0.8000 3697 2101 35095 sarcosine C0021 0.36512 0.71805 1.37892641 3 0.8094 6975 6389 16649 N-acetyltryptophan C0313 0.28574 0.68623 2.372048471 7 0.8131 2851 7752 14177 asparagine COO 15 0.38512 0.71805 1.149741446 2 0.8527 2975 6389 30293 1-arachidonylglycerol C1385 0.34413 0.71805 1.154020568 7 0.8639 1174 6389 41256 ornithine C0007 0.33473 0.71805 1.304123674 7 0.8872 3053 6389 08148 butyrylcarnitine C0286 0.35132 0.71805 1.230570118 2 0.9075 9734 6389 91738 5,6-dihydrouracil C0042 0.33753 0.71805 1.358845909 9 0.9326 2494 6389 80872 1- C0391 0.25614 0.67181 1.746513462 oleoylglyceropho sphoc 6 0.9747 877 0465 holine 16816 glycerate C0025 0.28894 0.68623 1.250272854 8 1.0113 2212 7752 92979 1-stearoylglycerol D O194 0.31153 0.71748 1.248927124 7 1.0144 7692 0746 11909 isoleucine C0040 0.26674 0.68435 1.127636431 7 1.0446 6651 3452 35456 N 1-methyladeno sine C0249 0.30873 0.71748 1.105498762 4 1.0472 8252 0746 91868 3-hydroxybutyrate C0108 0.21735 0.66076 1.838434169 9 1.1010 6529 3847 27329 5-oxoproline C O187 0.24895 0.67181 1.21147617 9 1.1046 021 0465 00786 tryptophan C0007 0.23055 0.66539 1.19928843 8 1.1219 3889 6035 3614 ribitol C0047 0.22355 0.66539 1.374021712 4 1.1258 5289 6035 16518 methionine C0007 0.17856 0.63022 1.243998417 3 1.1294 4287 6896 16374 nonadecanoate C1653 0.22535 0.66539 1.456461102 5 1.1513 4929 6035 78406 glutarate C0048 0.14237 0.58616 2.141975907 9 1.1964 1526 8481 21325 glutamate C0002 0.25374 0.67181 1.105792357 5 1.2540 925 0465 41416 lysine C0004 0.16156 0.61395 1.478345503 7 1.2546 7686 7209 80803 docosapentaenoate C1651 0.17936 0.63022 1.449894385 3 1.2656 4127 6896 56087 dimethylarginine C0362 0.14397 0.58616 1.467794919 6 1.2676 1206 8481 23363 eicosapentaenoate C0642 0.11417 0.54234 1.609937133 8 1.3850 7165 1532 1701 riboflavin C0025 0.10937 0.54234 1.384043971 5 1.4192 8124 1532 42579 linoleate C0159 0.11957 0.54709 1.354780572 5 1.4359 6085 0582 54261 3-dehydrocarnitine C0263 0.10037 0.53224 1.431415076 6 1.5342 9924 7039 02089 adrenate C1652 0.11357 0.54234 1.361190854 7 1.5498 7285 1532 64721 tyrosine C0008 0.09478 0.51452 1.214296185 2 1.5552 1044 5666 21319 glycerol COO 11 0.13297 0.56735 1.188535382 6 1.5899 3405 3196 69819 palmitoleate C0836 0.07218 0.47023 1.380817004 2 1.5971 5563 7381 00074 cystine C0049 0.04359 0.44314 2.303976537 1 1.6185 1282 3371 23501 guanosine_5'- C0014 0.07738 0.47685 1.460997765 _monopho sphate 4 1.6534 4523 598 33932 phenylalanine C0007 0.06418 0.46529 1.267094175 9 1.6767 7163 5176 72892 dihomo-linoleate C1652 0.03939 0.44314 1.869440782 5 1.7482 2122 3371 64892 linolenate_[alpha_or_g C0642 0.05398 0.45759 1.502230891 amma_( 18:3n3_or_6)] 7 1.7862 9202 7369 21798 leucine C0012 0.03579 0.44314 1.368682405 3 1.7956 2841 3371 83069 uracil COO 10 0.03739 0.44314 1.882501068 6 1.8197 2521 3371 05221 docosapentaenoate C0642 0.00239 0.07815 2.727908389 9.2 1.8610 952 5797 03744 docosadienoate C1653 0.04159 0.44314 1.872861712 3 1.8797 1682 3371 14016 docosahexaenoate C0642 0.01419 0.27734 1.949122819 9 2.0516 7161 4531 74201 arachidonate C0021 0.02819 0.40176 1.49143101 9 2.1995 4361 9646 92552 xanthosine C0176 0.00199 0.07815 2.98512127 2 2.7665 96 5797 94703 dihomo-linolenate C0324 0.00219 0.07815 2.115186614 2 3.0168 956 5797 25355 cis-vaccenate C0836 0.00079 0.07815 2.464331393 7 3.2424 984 5797 99914 oleate C0071 0.00199 0.07815 1.718089283 2 3.4556 96 5797 77401

Table 3: List of metabolite sets tested by GSEA in RWPE-AKTl cells, MPAKT mice and phosphoAKTl-high/MYC-low tumors compared to RWPE-MYC cells, Lo-MYC mice and MYC-high/phosphoAKTl-low tumors, respectively.

Table 3: GSEA RWPE-AKT 1 BOLISM LYSINE_DEGRADAT 3 1.1647791 0.232464 0.781218 0.993 42 ION 92 3 VALINE_LEUCINE_A 4 1.1625785 0.249019 0.716509 0.997 36 ND_ISOLEUCINE_BI 6 1 6 OSYNTHESIS TRYPTOPHAN_MET 2 1.1446722 0.156 0.704471 0.999 4 ABOLISM 7 PHENYLALANINES 3 1.1393136 0.267206 0.660530 0.999 32 YROSINE_AND_TRY 5 7 PTOPHAN_BIOSYNT HESIS SPHINGOLIPID_MET 2 1.0989345 0.467479 0.724003 0.999 27 ABOLISM 68 73 LINOLEIC_ACID_ME 2 1.0814053 0.438931 0.720706 1 10 TABOLISM 3 76 VALINE_LEUCINE_A 3 1.0684689 0.409448 0.704040 1 36 ND_ISOLEUCINE_DE 83 3 GRADATION PURINE_METAB OLI 15 1.0494529 0.418 0.6976 1 18 SM GLYOXYLATE_AND 6 0.9852336 0.479253 0.790752 1 39 _DICARBOXYLATE_ 6 1 35 METABOLISM PROPANOATE_MET 3 0.9705611 0.549808 0.775374 1 47 ABOLISM 5 44 3 STARCH_AND_SUCR 6 0.9616955 0.438356 0.748519 1 0 OSE_MET ABOLISM 5 16 PRIMARY_BILE_ACI 2 0.8673413 0.764948 0.871419 1 57 D_BIOSYNTHESIS 4 85 PENTOSE_AND_GLU 2 0.8546371 0.735234 0.847279 1 2 1 CURONATEJNTERC 2 6 ONVERSIONS GALACTOSE_META 6 0.8524428 0.683229 0.811391 1 0 BOLISM 6 8 5 BUTIROSIN_AND_N 2 0.785421 0.783838 0.860099 1 55 EOMYCIN_BIOSYNT 4 14 HESIS CYANOAMINO_ACI 5 0.7407034 0.856262 0.875800 1 28 D_METABOLISM 6 86 43 ASCORBATE_AND_ 5 0.6605475 0.834331 0.922207 1 22 ALDARATE_METAB 5 33 5 OLISM D- 2 0.4928650 0.983193 0.987651 1 8 1 ARGININE_AND_D- 3 3 65 ORNITHINE_METAB OLISM Table 3: GSEA-RWPE-MYC THREONINE_MET ABOLI 266 847 SM TYROSINE_METABOLIS 2 -0.769539 0.7391 0.8955 1 19 M 3044 87 PHENYLALANINE_META 3 -0.5310729 0.9564 1 1 19 BOLISM 356 THIAMINE_METABOLIS 3 -0.48144296 0.9747 1 1 30 M 5725 SULFUR_METABOLISM 2 -0.44120446 0.9849 0.9952 1 30 906 599

Table 3: GSEA MPAKT PENTOSE_PHOSPHATE_ 6 0.99357647 0.5415 0.8660 0.999 52 PATHWAY 02 383 GLYOXYLATE_AND_DI 9 0.99266577 0.4915 0.8127 0.999 18 CARBOXYLATE_MET AB 254 5177 OLISM PRIMARY_BILE_ACID_B 4 0.97943664 0.4799 0.7916 0.999 19 IOSYNTHESIS 1967 929 PHENYLALANINE_MET 4 0.9507707 0.5589 0.8009 0.999 46 ABOLISM 3534 2 GALACTOSE_METABOL 6 0.9412344 0.6054 0.7720 0.999 33 ISM 159 8287 THIAMINE_MET ABOLIS 4 0.934541 0.5882 0.7441 0.999 18 M 353 93 SULFUR_MET ABOLISM 2 0.820349 0.7212 0.8819 7 1 1215 321 VITAMIN_B 6_METABOL 2 0.79861397 0.7831 0.8696 22 1 ISM 3255 3636 PANTOTHENATE_AND_ 6 0.6654045 0.8526 0.9783 23 1 COA_BIOSYNTHESIS 5225 193 AMINO_SUGAR_AND_N 8 0.6636729 0.8347 0.9391 39 1 UCLEOTIDE_SUGAR_M 2806 5343 ETABOLISM STEROID_BIOSYNTHESI 2 0.6605123 0.8568 0.9049 19 1 S 5885 515 BETA- 6 0.6585342 0.8615 0.8715 26 1 ALANINE_MET ABOLIS 9843 74 M

Table 3: GSEA Lo-MYC

Metabolite set No of Normalized NOM FD F R metabolite Enrichment p-val R W A s Score q- E N val R K p- A val T M A X BIOSYNTHESIS_OF_UNSATUR 9 -1.4511175 0.05380 0.9 0.5 33 ATED_FATTY_ACIDS 334 9 1 9 84 LINOLEIC_ACID_MET ABOLISM 3 -1.3828204 0.02185 0.8 0.7 13 7923 99 72 8 ARGININE_AND_PROLINE_ME 12 -1.368322 0.13865 0.6 0.8 10 TABOLISM 547 69 03 6 1 D-GLUTAMINE_AND_D- 2 -1.3359506 0.09611 0.6 0.8 10 GLUTAMATE_METAB OLISM 4516 06 48 89 TAURINE_AND_HYPOTAURINE 5 -1.302605 0.13806 0.6 0.9 24 _METABOLISM 707 05 08 PYRIMIDINE_METABOLISM 13 -1.2765912 0.16359 0.5 0.9 7 918 8 1 39 82 PURINE_METABOLISM 15 -1.1867205 0.20042 0.7 0.9 25 194 83 76 46 ASCORBATE_AND_ALDARATE 4 -1.151681 0.27309 0.8 0.9 7 _METABOLISM 236 03 83 2 1 PENTOSE_AND_GLUCURONAT 6 -1.126041 0.296 0.7 0.9 7 E_INTERCONVERSIONS 87 92 6 1 GLYCINE_SERINE_AND_THRE 12 -1.0248519 0.428 1 0.9 8 ONINE_METABOLISM 96 ARACHIDONIC_ACID_METABO 2 -0.998357 0.51394 0.9 9 1 LISM 42 76 12 GLYCEROLIPID_METABOLISM 4 -0.9906563 0.51873 0.9 7 1 77 13 07 ALANINE_ASPARTATE_AND_G 4 -0.98792636 0.52545 0.8 10 1 LUTAMATE_METABOLISM 83 49 14 HISTIDINE_METAB OLISM 5 -0.94616646 0.55298 0.8 10 1 65 68 22 GLYCEROPHOSPHOLIPID_MET 7 -0.9143583 0.60640 0.8 27 1 ABOLISM 3 6 1 77 FATTY_ACID_B IOSYNTHESIS 4 -0.8648357 0.65252 0.8 44 1 525 93 8 1 STARCH_AND_SUCROSE_MET 6 -0.83841366 0.68253 0.8 7 1 ABOLISM 97 79 5 1 GLUTATHIONE_METABOLISM 7 -0.8241191 0.66395 0.8 24 1 11 53 19 NICOTINATE_AND_NICOTINA 3 -0.7469816 0.75903 0.9 32 1 MIDE_METABOLISM 6 1 09 3 1 PORPHYRIN_AND_CHLOROPH 3 -0.7453042 0.79352 0.8 10 1 YLL_METABOLISM 224 65 97 CYSTEINE_AND_METHIONINE 9 -0.69749016 0.81779 0.8 1 26 _METABOLISM 66 75 75 UBIQUINONE_AND_OTHER_TE 2 -0.60078293 0.95368 0.9 1 9 1 RPENOID- 42 16 QUINONE_BIOSYNTHESIS 8

Table 3: GSEA PhosphoAKITl-high tumors ATE_METAB OLISM 4 058 15 TAURINE_AND_HY 7 1.135569 0.34843 0.784422 0.999 18 POTAURINE_META 5 206 46 BOLISM STEROID_HORMON 2 1.096952 0.40812 0.833977 0.999 6 1 E_BIOSYNTHESIS 8 38 6 BUTIROSIN_AND_ 2 1.084745 0.38477 0.812859 0.999 7 NEOMYCIN_BIOSY 6 367 5 NTHESIS PURINE_METABOL 18 1.081133 0.38162 0.773313 0.999 65 ISM 5 544 76 VITAMIN_B6_MET 3 1.063477 0.43485 0.770494 13 1 ABOLISM 9 916 46 HISTIDINE_METAB 9 1.036168 0.39861 0.789806 69 1 OLISM 8 35 84 OXIDATIVE_PHOSP 7 1.017663 0.48181 0.789418 76 1 HORYLATION 7 817 9 PRIMARY_BILE_AC 4 0.997255 0.53710 0.791082 66 1 ID_BIOSYNTHESIS 8 94 74 ALANINE_ASPART 11 0.941104 0.57046 0.859121 37 ATE_AND_GLUTA 65 98 6 MATE_METABOLIS M GLUTATHIONE_ME 12 0.920246 0.59689 0.861145 23 1 TABOLISM 06 92 2 GLYCINE_SERINE_ 12 0.919948 0.56437 0.825586 13 1 AND_THREONINE_ 16 39 14 METABOLISM GLYCEROPHOSPH 9 0.910182 0.56949 0.809673 92 1 OLIPID_METABOLI 2 15 37 SM TYROSINE_METAB 5 0.814156 0.73867 0.921916 13 1 OLISM 3 595 GALACTOSE_MET 6 0.799382 0.72180 0.907651 84 1 ABOLISM 4 45 6 D- 3 0.791209 0.76491 0.886062 28 GLUTAMINE_AND_ 94 86 44 D- GLUTAMATE_MET ABOLISM PHENYLALANINE 7 0.782357 0.77151 0.866642 53 . 1 METABOLISM 7 8 3 PANTOTHENATE_A 10 0.769474 0.74523 0.852961 79 1 ND_COA_BIOSYNT 7 395 2 HESIS THIAMINE_METAB 4 0.732962 0.80626 0.870043 13 1 OLISM 4 225 04 CITRATE_CYCLE_T 8 0.64468 0.85315 0.934756 1 13 CA_CYCLE 984 1 PENTOSE_AND_GL 7 0.598778 0.90226 0.944108 1 98 UCURONATEJNTE 877 7 RCONVERSIONS GLYOXYLATE_AN 12 0.575859 0.91247 0.933276 1 28 D_DICARBOXYLAT 1 67 E_METABOLISM

Table 3: GSEA MTC-high tumors ADATION

RIBOFLAVIN_METAB0 3 -1.06163 0.444690 1 1 3 1 LISM 26

CYANOAMINO_ACID_ 5 -0.99628294 0.522026 1 1 5 1 METABOLISM 4

D-ARGININE_AND_D- 2 -0.9939161 0.493723 1 1 43 ORNITHINE_METABOL 84 ISM

SULFUR_METABOLIS 3 -0.97494125 0.510964 1 1 109 M 93

GLYCEROLIPID_META 3 -0.85183764 0.657841 1 1 39 BOLISM 15

TRYPTOPHAN_METAB 6 -0.8230189 0.703804 1 1 149 OLISM 4


CAFFEINE_METABOLI 6 -0.750715 0.719387 1 1 5 SM 77

SPHINGOLIPID_METAB 4 -0.6737419 0.894988 1 1 158 OLISM 06

BUTANOATE_METABO 9 -0.6569208 0.864935 1 1 7 1 LISM 04

VALINE_LEUCINE_AN 5 -0.6417897 0.848739 1 1 50


ETHER_LIPID_METAB 2 -0.63222766 0.9 1 1 139 OLISM

LYSINE_BIOSYNTHESI 5 -0.5990712 0.943662 0.99707 1 166 S 49

BETA- 12 -0.5383798 0.981432 0.99758 1 190 ALANINE_METABOLIS 4 583 M

FATTY_ACID_METAB 0 3 -0.50268257 0.985472 0.97233 1 28 LISM 14 02

The foregoing written specification is considered to be sufficient to enable one skilled in the art to practice the invention. The present invention is not to be limited in scope by examples provided, since the examples are intended as a single illustration of one or more aspects of the invention and other functionally equivalent embodiments are within the scope of the invention.

Various modifications of the invention in addition to those shown and described herein will become apparent to those skilled in the art from the foregoing description and fall within the scope of the appended claims. The advantages and objects of the invention are not necessarily encompassed by each embodiment of the invention.

What is claimed is: CLAIMS

1. A method to identify Aktl and Myc status in a prostate tumor comprising: performing an assay to measure a profile of metabolites in a prostate tumor sample obtained from a subject, wherein the metabolites are differentially produced in prostate tumors with high Aktl expression versus prostate tumors with high Myc expression; and comparing, with at least one processor, the profile of metabolites with an appropriate reference profile of the metabolites to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample based on results of the comparison.

2. A method to identify Aktl and Myc status in a prostate tumor comprising: analyzing, with at least one processor, a profile of a set of metabolites in a prostate tumor sample obtained from a subject to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample, wherein: the metabolites are differentially produced in prostate tumors with high Aktl expression versus prostate tumors with high Myc expression, and the expression profile of metabolites is compared to an appropriate reference profile of the metabolites.

3. The method of any one of claims 1-2, wherein the appropriate reference profile of the metabolites comprises profiles of the metabolites in prostate tumor with high Aktl expression, in prostate tumor with low Aktl expression, in prostate tumor with high Myc expression, and in prostate tumor with low Myc expression.

4. The method of any one of claims 1-3, wherein the metabolic profile comprises at least 5, at least 10, at least 25, at least 50, at least 75, at least 100, at least 125, at least 150, at least 175, at least 200, at least 225, at least 250, at least 275, at least 300, at least 350, at least 375, at least 400 metabolites, at least 450 metabolites, at least 500 metabolites, at least 1000 metabolites, or at least 1500 metabolites.

5. The method of any one of claims 1-4, wherein the metabolic profile of the tumor sample is measured using one or more of mass spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), or chromatography. 6. The method of any one of claims 1-5, wherein the metabolites are selected from Table 1.

7. The method of any one of claims 1-6, wherein the computer assigns a status of high Aktl/high Myc, high Aktl/low Myc, low Aktl /high Myc, or low Aktl/low Myc to the sample.

8. The method of any one of claims 1-7, wherein the profile of metabolites of the tumor sample is compared using cluster analysis.

9. The method of claim 8, wherein the cluster analysis is selected from the group consisting of: hierarchical clustering, k-mean clustering, distribution-based clustering, and density-based clustering.

10. The method of any one of claims 1-9, wherein the differentially produced metabolites are selected using a threshold of p value < 0.05.

11. The method of any one of claims 1-10, wherein the method further comprises: determining a confidence value for the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample; and providing an indication of the confidence value and the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample to a user.

12. A method to treat prostate tumor comprising: obtaining a prostate tumor sample from a subject; measuring a metabolic profile of the tumor sample, wherein the metabolites are differentially produced in prostate tumors with high Aktl expression versus prostate tumors with high Myc expression; comparing the metabolic profile to an appropriate reference profile of the metabolites; and treating the subject with an Aktl inhibitor when results of the comparison of the metabolic profile indicate high Aktl expression in the tumor sample and/or treating the subject with a Myc inhibitor when results of the comparison of the metabolic profile indicate high Myc in the tumor sample. 13. The method of claim 12, wherein the Aktl inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of (a) a low molecular weight compound or high molecular weight compound which inhibits the phosphorylation of Aktl, (b) a low molecular weight compound or high molecular weight compound which inhibits the expression of Aktl, (c) an antibody which inhibits the phosphorylation of Aktl, (d) an antibody which inhibits the expression of Aktl, (e) a siRNA or shRNA against a polynucleotide encoding Aktl, (f) an antisense polynucleotide comprising a nucleotide sequence complementary or substantially complementary to the nucleotide sequence of a polynucleotide encoding Aktl, or comprising a part of said nucleotide sequence, (g) a ribozyme directed to a polynucleotide encoding Aktl, (h) a mutant of Aktl which dominant- negatively acts on Aktl or a polynucleotide encoding said mutant, and (i) an aptamer against Aktl.

14. The method of claim 13 wherein the Aktl inhibitor is Perifosine, Miltefosine, MK02206, GSK690693, GDC-0068, or AZD5363.

15. The method of claim 12, wherein the Myc inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of (a) a low molecular weight compound or high molecular weight compound which inhibits the expression of Myc, (b) an antibody which inhibits the expression of Myc, (e) a siRNA or shRNA against a polynucleotide encoding Myc, (f) an antisense polynucleotide comprising a nucleotide sequence complementary or substantially complementary to the nucleotide sequence of a polynucleotide encoding Myc, or comprising a part of said nucleotide sequence, (g) a ribozyme directed to a polynucleotide encoding Myc, (h) a mutant of Myc which dominant- negatively acts on Myc or a polynucleotide encoding said mutant, and (i) an aptamer against Myc.

16. The method of claim 15, wherein the Myc inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of 10058-F4, JQ1 and Omomyc.

17. The method of any one of claims 12-16, wherein the metabolic profile of the tumor sample is measured using one or more of mass spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), or chromatography. 18. The method of any one of claims 12-17, wherein the metabolites are selected from Table


19. The method of any one of claims 12-18, wherein the metabolic profile of the tumor sample is compared using cluster analysis.

20. The method of claim 19, wherein the cluster analysis is selected from the group consisting of: hierarchical clustering, k-mean clustering, distribution-based clustering, and density-based clustering.

21. The method of any one of claims 12-20, wherein the appropriate reference profile of the metabolites comprises profiles of the metabolites in prostate tumor with high Aktl expression, in prostate tumor with low Aktl expression, in prostate tumor with high Myc expression, and in prostate tumor with low Myc expression.

22. The method of any one of claims 12-21, wherein the metabolic profile comprises at least 5, at least 10, at least 25, at least 50, at least 75, at least 100, at least 125, at least 150, at least 175, at least 200, at least 225, at least 250, at least 275, at least 300, at least 350, at least 375, at least 400 metabolites, at least 450 metabolites, at least 500 metabolites, at least 1000 metabolites, or at least 1500 metabolites.

23. The method of any one of claims 12-22, wherein the differentially produced metabolites are selected using a threshold of p value < 0.05.

24. A method to identify Aktl and Myc status in a prostate tumor comprising: performing an assay to measure a profile of metabolites in a prostate tumor sample obtained from a subject; and comparing, with at least one processor, the profile of metabolites with a reference profile of the metabolites, the reference profile of the metabolites being profiles of the metabolites from prostate tumors with high Aktl expression and from prostate tumors with high Myc expression, to assign an Aktl and Myc status to the sample based on results of the comparison. 25. A method to identify Aktl and Myc status in a prostate tumor comprising: performing an assay to measure a profile of metabolites in a prostate tumor sample obtained from a subject; and comparing the profile of metabolites with reference profiles of the metabolites with at least one processor programmed to recognize profiles of high Aktl versus low Aktl expressing tumors and high Myc versus low Myc expressing tumors; and assigning, with at least one processor, an Aktl and Myc status to the sample based on results of the comparison.

26. The method of any one of claims 24-25, wherein the method further comprises: determining a confidence value for the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample; and providing an indication of the confidence value and the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample to a user.

27. The method of claim 26, wherein the method further comprises: determining whether the confidence value is below a threshold value; and providing an indication that the confidence value is below the threshold value.

28. A computer-readable storage medium encoded with a plurality of instructions that, when executed by at least one processor, performs a method comprising: comparing the profile of metabolites with reference profiles of the metabolites with at least one processor programmed to recognize profiles of high Aktl versus low Aktl expressing tumors and high Myc versus low Myc expressing tumors; and assigning, with at least one processor, an Aktl and Myc status to the sample based on results of the comparison.

29. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 28, wherein the method further comprises: determining a confidence value for the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample; and providing an indication of the confidence value and the Aktl and Myc status assigned to the sample to a user. 30. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 29, wherein the method further comprises: determining whether the confidence value is below a threshold value; and providing an indication that the confidence value is below the threshold value.

A . CLASSIFICATION O F SU BJECT MATTER IPC(8) - G01 N 33/574, C 12 Q 1/68 (201 3.01 ) USPC - 435/7.23, 6.14 According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) IPC - G01 N 33/574, C12Q 1/68 (2013.01) USPC - 435/7.23, 6.14

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched USPC - 435/7.23, 6.14 (keyword limited - see terms below)

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) Electronic data bases: PatBase, Google Scholar, Search Terms: prostate cancer, metabolic profile, metabolomic profiling, metabolic phenotype, metabolite, Akt1 , Myc, inhibitors of Akt1 or yc, mass spectrometry.NMR, PET, computer-readable, processor


Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

Y CLEGG et al. MYC cooperates with AKT in prostate tumorigenesis and alters sensitivity to 1-3, 12-17, 24-30 mTOR inhibitors. PLoS One 4 March 201 Vol 6 No 3 e17449 pages 1-14. Especially pg 2 col 1 para 3.

Y HU et al. Proteomics revisits the cancer metabolome. Expert Rev Proteomics August 201 Vol 8 1-3, 12-17, 24-30 No 4 Pages 505-533. Especially pg 5 1 col 2 para 3.

Y FLAVIN et al. Metabolic alterations and targeted therapies in prostate cancer. J Pathol January 1-3, 12-17, 24-30 201 1 Vol 223 No 2 Pages 283-294. Especially pg 3 para 2 .

Y WO 201 1/084108 A 1 (YU et al.) 8 January 20 1 (08.01 .201 1). Especially pg 65 In 5 12-17

Y US 2006/0088894 A 1 (WRIGHT et al.) 27 April 2006 (27.04.2006). Epsecially para [0014], 24-30 [0017], [001 8], [0097]. [01 17], pg 13 table 1.

Y US 2012/0021 983 A 1 (TSICHLIS et al.) 26 January 2012 (26.01 .2012). Especially para [0032] 14, 17/14

Y WO 2012/064967 A2 (CHU et al.) 18 May 2012 ( 18.05.2012) entire document, especially pg 15, 16, 17/16 In 19; pg 5 , In 21-23

A US 2009/0047269 A 1 (CHINNAIYAN et al.) 19 February 2009 ( 9.02.2009). Especially para 1-3 [0012], [001 3], [001 7], sheet 1 fig 6.

I Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C . | |

Special categories of cited documents: later document published after the international filing date or priority document defining the general state of the art which is not considered date and not in contlict with the application but cited to understand to be of particular relevance the principle or theory underlying the invention earlier application or patent but published on or after the international "X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be filing date considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is step when the document is taken alone cited to establish the publication date o " another citation or other "Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be special reason (as specified) considered to involve an inventive step when the document is document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other combined with one or more other such documents, such combination means being obvious to a person skilled in the art document published prior to the international filing date but later than "&" document member of the same patent family the priority date claimed Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report 1 February 2014 (01 .02.2014) 1 4 FEB 2014

Name and mailing address of the ISA/US Authorized officer: Mail Stop PCT, Attn: ISA/US, Commissioner for Patents Lee W . Young P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, Virginia 2231 3-1450 Facsimile No. Box No. 1 1 Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet)

This international search report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article 17(2)(a) for the following reasons:

1. □ Claims Nos.: because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely:

2 . □ Claims Nos.: because they relate to parts of the international application thai do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such an extent that no meaningful international search can be carried out, specifically:

3. X Claims Nos.: 4- , 18-23 because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 6.4(a).

Box No. Ill Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of item 3 of first sheet)

This International Searching Authority found multiple inventions in this international application, as follows:

1. □ A s all required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers all searchable claims.

2. □ A s all searchable claims could be searched without effort justifying additional fees, this Authority did not invite payment of additional fees.

3. □ A s only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claims Nos.:

4. □ No required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant. Consequently, this international search report is restricted to the invention first- mentioned in the claims; it is covered by claims Nos.:

Remark on Protest The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest and, where applicable, the payment of a protest fee. □ The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest but the applicable protest fee was not paid within the time limit specified in the invitation. □ No protest accompanied the payment of additional search fees. Form P SA 2 10 (continuation of first sheet (2)) (July 2009)