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Kenyon Collegian College Archives Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange The Kenyon Collegian College Archives 12-10-1965 Kenyon Collegian - December 10, 1965 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "Kenyon Collegian - December 10, 1965" (1965). The Kenyon Collegian. 2221. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the College Archives at Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Kenyon Collegian by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HE KENYON COLLEGIAN, A Journal of Student Opinion . XCII Gambier. Ohio, December 10, 1965 No. ~t.NYOIV ;;;:~===============o==~~=====================;~() <-.. "0 allege Offers Fezzy Thinking '" <"(', '?t1',. <;: )00 <1 IT astern Busride ~ 196'~~; by ]ohn Smyth BAL Y ANNOUNCES 't U J its last three meetings, Stu- -'? (',,' '"' C,""il has not taken any <, Oy ;ignifi"nt actions, but MID- EAST STUDIES as passed several measures en may be of interest to the Kenyon's new Department of Middle Eastern Studies was the sub- ge_consciousKenyon student. ject of a special assembly last Monday afternoon. Although the pro- USED BOOK CATALOGUE gram will not formally begin until next year, the department is al- be placed in the Peirce Hall ready offering an introductory course, "The Middle Eastern World," ge and will be in operation under the guise of Religion 27-28. It will be closely connected with after the beginning of second the Great Lakes Colleges Association program of foreign study at the esler. Council also recom- American University of Beirut. dedthat 11 ride announcement SPEAKING IN TONES he be placed in Peirce Hall to characterized as "reminiscent of mate the confusion of the TONITE IN ROSSE: the BBC," Professor A. Denis ent student bulletin board and Baly explained that the Middle suer communicate the wishes CRITIC KERMOOE East had been chosen for concen- erspective riders and drivers. tration in the development of a cil then moved to recall- "Varieties of Modernism" is program of non-western studies d that the cigarette machine the scheduled topic of to- because "it has a history of civili- circe Hall be relocated and zation longer than that of any night's lecture by Dr. Frank its place be filled by a trophy Children teok second place 10 the canine species last Sunday when other part of the world" and pro- containing various trophies the Wertheimer Fieldheus was Irandormd into a massive kennel for Kermode of the University of vides a case study of "the inter- the presentation of the Gambier Dog Show. (See Picture Story. p. 5) action of one culture upon an, . scattered about the campus. Manchester English depart- other measures concerning other." ce Hall, Council passed John Uncle Sam: ment. Kermode, according to Although the area is the strong- cart's recommendation that Kenyon's Professor Galbraith hold of three major language- estion before the Sunday Crump, a close friend of Ker- families, Kenyon students will n meal be eliminated by per- When I'm Calling You, HOD-HoD-HoD,HOD-HoD-HoD approach it through the study of ing students to enter the hall by Thomas Au mode, is the foremost young Arabic. Courses in this language re 12:15. Council is also de- With the escalation of the war in Viet Nam, many local critic in England today. are offered at the American Uni- ming the desirability of mov- draft boards have lost close to 50 per cent of their pool of I-A versity of Beirut, an institution the time of the meal to 12:00. Visiting the United States for Boyer is hiring another wait- registrants due to rising enlistments and quotas. The na- which Professor Baly felt able to only this semester, Kermode has lor the Coffee Shop, which is tional draft quotas for December having reached 40,000, draft recommend highly as "several of been making a series of lectures my former pupils are on the ected to open at 1:00 P. M. on boards have become stricter in judging deferment claims and days starting after vacation. from his base at Bryn Mawr. The faculty." Courses in English are hav been forced to take a second look at those deferred. also available for those who have week before coming to Kenyon, ill Schnall reported that the CONTRARY TO MOST FED. not mastered the language or who he lectured at the University of yon bus is available for char- eral programs Washington gives H.S. Presents Auden's Oratorio are not majoring in Middle East- g to New York or any other local boards much leeway in fill- Washington. He has served as ern Studies. This Sunday morning in the ular destination during vaca- ing quotas. National authorities Flexner Lecturer in poetry at s at the rate of 50c per mile. Church of the Holy Spirit, W. THE DEPARTMENT will be only define categories and the Bryn Mawr earlier this semester. tudents to New York would general order of preference. Rare- H. Auden's Christmas Orator- introduced gradually, beginning with one teacher and some basic e to pay only $6 each, and if ly do local boards receive specific io For the Time Being will be Kermode has written numer- ent to Pittsburgh and 20 to courses in Arabic and Middle; instructions as President John- presented in lieu of the ser- ous books and articles, including . York, then the New York son's decree that men married af- Eastern culture. The effort at all mon. a contribution to The Kenyon Re- d be $9 and the Pittsburgh ter August 26 would be classified times will be to approach the area view. Probably his most import- on its own terms and to reveal its would be $2. The trip will as if they were single. The vague AUDEN'S VERSE ORATORIO. history, culture and growing sig- n the 17th or which ever date nature of guidelines is indicated which relates the Christmas phe- ant book is Romantic: Image. pub- nificance to the modern world. est popular. by the rule for deferment of bona nomenon to the general theme of lished in 1957, dealing with the ICHARD POETKER REPOR. fide students "whose activity in Church and State, will be per- dual themes of the isolation of lor the IFC that a state Fire study is found to be necessary to formed by a company of Kenyon the modern artist and his use of shall has inspected the build- the national health, safety, or in- students and the Reverend Mr. the image. Another of his im- "Red Eye Of Love" on the campus and found the terest." The individual board is Rogan. The students, all members ernity lounges in such danger- left to decide which students fit of the Kenyon Dramatic Club are: portant work was an analysis of To Roam Over Hill disorder that the school's in- into this category. James Cowlin, who will direct the poetry of Wallace Stevens. nee policy may be raised or The stress on higher .education the presentation: Ed McGUire, Samuel Beckett, an Irish- ked. has~ led to reclassification of some Chris Connell, Eric Lindner, and IN HIS EARLIER CAREER. man who writes English plays its last meeting, Council en- less successful students to l-A- Jon Schladen. Kermode dealt with 17th century in France, and Moliere, a d Upon a discussion on a- much to their shock. Many boards literature, principally with John lth h ing b t Doubtless, For the Time Being ding the Council constitution f aced WI c OOSIn e ween a Milton. He has published The Frenchman who wrote French married man and a student of the was chosen for its steady, eloquent that substitute members can plays in jest, are the headlin- at meetings. Although no same age who has an erratic study evocation of perilous times. The Living Millon in addition to ision was reached. President record pick the student on the Poem verily rings with portentous works on John Donne and Shake- ers of next semester's produc- t hi academic pur announcements of an epochal na- ett announced that beginning groun ds th a s L L L- speare. In more recent years, tion schedule at the Hill it tit t din th daft ture like the following, t semester, Council will en- sur s cons 1 u e eva I g e r . Kerrnode has become concerned Theatre. e the rule which unseats any OFFICIALS HAVE FOUND These are stirring times for her who misses two consecu- many students fail to keep local the editors of newspapers; with contemporary writers to a meetings without a substi- boards informed of their progress History is in the making; greater degree, but the interest in THE RED EYE OF LOVE, a (Continued on page 8) Mankind is on the march; 17th century works persists. comedy, was written by somebody ____________ '- __ '-- =--=--'--__ -'- '---' =-- =-- named A. Weinstien and first pro. duced in New York in 1961. End- game, on the other hand, is much Gambier Restoration Continues, Undaunted more widely known, but more for Cold weather has done little Robert Schonfeld its author than for its content. Written by the same man who to slow the progress of con- wrote Waiting for Codot and who struction projects around brought Buster Keaton back to Gambier. At one of the main stardom in his first cinematic siles of construction. th~ new script entitled FUm. Endgame is a play with five characters and a dormitory facilities. alated single set. It is described by for completion July 1st.
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