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The BG News April 12, 2007

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 12, 2007" (2007). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7752.

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BGSU money taken from a joint account Athletics and the throughout the previous month University Bookstore was secure. are sponsoring a She lined up a moving tnick and 10 friends to help her move. student spirit design Then, on that overcast day six contest. The winning years ago. she left. design will be featured Connie Phillips, 44. found the strength to leave through the love on a T-shirt which for her son and her faith in God. will be available for She believes she was put in her purchase. For more .. f- ,>*< ,>« #r/rv • abusive marriage for a reason — details about the her son lohn. Phillips was ludcy enough to contest visit the gel away from her ex-husband, official Web site at: unlike Alicia Castillon, a Bowling (Ireen resident, who was recently murdered by her ex-boyfriend. Starting in May. ltiillips will lie working as a part-time advocate Women's Bball for Behavioral (Connections, which coach reaches provides mental health treatment ibrWotxi County residents, so she new deal can support others who have gone Curt Miller receives through the same situation. a new contract that Old games still good See ABUSE | Page 6 extends until 2013 | Page 11 Cavs look to Despite technology, board games popular among many playoff run BGSU chapter Possibly looking at a By Freddy Hunt to have in stock. No. 2 seed, the stakes Reporter While classics such as Balderdash and Monopoly make reacts to MU steady sales, Miller said niche games, such as Dungeons are high with four Since the invention of video gaming, the old fashioned and Dragons and Axis and Allies which often involve hazing games left | Page 12 hoard game has heen spending more time in the closet, strategic role-playing, have had inclining sales in the past but with a few friends, a few batteries and perhaps a few three years. One of the reasons for the growing popularity By Chris Sojka drinks, board games are not going anywhere soon. is cost efficiency, Miller said. According to Daniel Miller, owner of New frontiers, a "If you take a family of five out to the theaters, that's like gaining store located next to the Cla-Zel theater, board 100 bucks if you buy popcorn and drinks," Miller said. "A games have been around for a long time and will stay board game only costs alxiut 40 bucks and you can play it A recent hazing incident involving around in one form or another. over and over." the Miami University Phi Gamma "There will probably be a move to electric, like a Miller, who has a master's degree in sociology, said Delta chapter will have repercus- plug in and play," Miller said. "There will definitely one of the reasons why people enjoy board games is sions, but members of the BGSU be a move towards paperless and probably even an because of the social aspect that cannot be found in chapter say it will not effect them. electric dice roller." online gaming. On March b. officials reported In the business world, Miller said classic games are "On the board game you get much better inter- small groups of men were sot- called "evergreen products" because they are always ted at I lueston Worxls. a part in Midwest comes selling year round, which makes them a smart item See GAMES | Page 6 Oxford, Ohio, ftirk rangers con- to a halt due to tacted Miami University to report what they suspected was a hazing surprise snow incident Flights were delayed, The men wen believed to have been left outside for a long period games were cancelled of time without knowing when! and schools were they were or how to get home. closed due to more "Afire had been set in a restroom for warmth. When the park rang- out of season snowy ers asked the men which fraternity weather | Page 10 they were associated with, they lied," said Susan Vaughn, direc- tor of Ethics and Student Conflict North Africa Resolution at Miami University sees increased According to Tom Robertson, suicide attacks member of Phi Gamma Delta at liOSU. the Miami University inci- The Prime Minister's dent will gel "blown over," and office and police shouldn't affect the local fraterni- station in Algeria ty's Phi Gamma Delta lushing in the future. were victims of al- JENGA!: Roommates Stephanie Hayward. Missy Peters, and Melanie Klosterman take a break ECHO VARGAS "I think there will be a negative Oaida's most recent from studying to play a game (The game is Upwords) bombings | Page 8 SeeFRAT|Page2

Do you tip servers when you go out to eat? Learning communities not Low funding puts hybrid bus in park

for all, faculty aim to improve BySanhColbry Reporter ByMoHyMcOb* Reporter "... we don't have Students may wonder why the University is not putting its envi- SAURABHSHARMA. a program that fits Graduate Student. Life The University is recognized for its ronmentally friendly bus to use Sciences many learning communities, but on the BGSU shuttle routes, some students are dissatisfied. every student." but officials in the College of "I do, usually about 15 Associate professor and director Robert Midden | Director Technology say they have rea- percent" | Page 4 ofChapman LeamingCommunity, sons for not doing so. Robert Midden, admits the pro- The main idea of Chapman The Electric Vehicle Institute gram is not for everyone. Learning Community is to restore in the University's College of "Being a part of the Chapman interaction between students and Technology is currently with- <&§>. Learning Community I expected the faculty. Over 160 students are out a license agreement and a lot of community service. There in their first year in the Chapman funding for the hybrid bus. TODAY was a lot of hype about it, and the Learning Community. The bus, equipped with Hybrid ECHO VARGAS 'If 9G NEWS RUNNING CLEAN: One of the University's hybrid buses sits outside a garage. I . Rain/Snow/Wind program doesn't do as much com- Also included in the program Booster Drive which reduces munity service as what was said," are 12 student leaders. High: 43, Low: 32 emissions and increases fuel freshman Hyse Faulk said. All of these students are a pan of mileage, was used on the main pany, but after the company was chief engineer. Midden said the program fac- the learning community to recon- shuttle route over a year ago, in bought out the license agreement "We're actively seeking com- ulty is distraught when students nect learning to their lives and to Summer 2005. waslosL mercial partners," he said. tm are dissatisfied humanity, Midden said. The institute previously The program has been inac- lohn Folkins, CEO of the "One regret is that we don't have Parts of the learning commu- licensed the bus to Goshen tive for six months now, as the Research Institute at the TOMORROW a project that fits every student," Coach, an Indiana based pas- government funding for the bus Partly Cloudy/Windy Midden said. See PROJECT | Page 2 senger commercial vehicle com- also ran out, said Jeff Major, EVTs SeeEVI|Page6 I High: 48. Low: 32 k 2 ■■:•! 12.2007 WWW.BGNEWS.COM

serve the students best, the ty gives students a chance to BLOTTER PROJECT community requires addi- adjust to college and it is much 'agel tional costs lor residence, lor easier to make stronger bonds TUESDAY expenses, close to $80,000 is with other students and profes- nii\ ili.ii allow lor closer con- collected from students living sors," said Kim Merik, sopho- 7:36 A.M. ns between faculty and in chapman. Pees vary depend- more and Chapman leadership Pedestrian reported struck at students are reduced class sizes ing on how many years a stu- Student College Drive and East Merry 28 students pet class and dent has been in the commu- Rachel Zarcmba, a former Avenue. She was taken to Wood County Hospital for treatment. The :. her and faculty offices nity. The starting fee is S27S per member of the learning rom- driver. Jin Huang 25. of Bowling ihefirsl Door of Kohl Hall, semester for a freshman. munity and junior, said she Green, was cited for no drivers where the learning community The remaining $70,000 was dissatisfied with parts of license, failure to yield to a pedes- i- Incited. I Ins set up fosters needed to fund the program the program. While she enjoyed trian and obstructed view .: strong sense of community, comes from the University. The the nature of the classes, when Midden said. money goes toward an array Zaremba had problems with a SHAWNDAHESS ' • I- 4:56 P.M. lint Nathan Turpin. fresh- of entities — faculty to pro- roommate, faculty members FRAT HOUSE ROW: P. Gamma Delia house Palmer Avenue resident given a man, realized the program was \ ide for smaller classes, cost of were not there to help. warning for shooting his bow and not foi him after Joining trips and transportation, guest "After the end of the year A HISTORY OF HAZING arrow in his back yard. I he program had nothing to speaker accommodations and I actually got a letter from Hazing at BGSU: Pi Kappa 8:37 P.M. do with my major, it created a banquets among other things. Chapman saving not to come FRAT Alpha North Grove Street resident report- big hype about stiiit thai never Midden said. back." Zaremba said. From Page 1 ed another man owed him $2. tied," Inrpin said, who is The community aims to Some factors may play into ■ Members were charged ,i marketing major. retain students as well as build students not being in the learn- effect on the fraternities name as with criminal mischief fol- 11:19 P.M. I he community's facult) are relationships. ing community, including any a whole." Robertson said. "Every Bernon Wayne English Jr.. 40. of lowing alleged harassment trying hard to make improve- According to Nick Hennessy, disciplinary problems and a 2.5 chapter has their own way of Bowling Green, arrested at a North in January 2005. ments, according to Midden. associate director In the Office (il'A requirement for student doing things, so, I don't think this Main Street apartment complex ■ Two members of the Surveys, locus groups and ol Residence life, students who leaders. will affect liCSU in any way." on a warrant for failure to appear in fraternity forced their way assessments are all a pan ol ihe get connected right away, like "We really do hope students According to iosh Davenport, court on possession of drug para- into a former member's i onstanl attempt to improve those in the Chapman learn- understand the true nature of the President of the BGSU Phi phernalia charges. room at 2:30 a.m. He was the program. ing community, are much more the program, and can make a Gamma Delta chapter, in the nude at the time. 11:37 P.M. In order to make improve- likely to stay at Ihe University. good choice to see if it's really national chapter's 159 year histo- ■ Another member took South Summit Street resident called ments on the program and to I he learning communi- for them or not." Midden said. ry this is the second time nega- to report he Heard three shots were tive actions have been nationally digital photographs of the coming from the east Police who publicized for the chapter. incident while several oth- ers stood by. arrived at the scene were advised it In 1997, a student in the might have been fireworks. Massachusetts Institute of Source: BG News archives Marc Anthony to pay $2.5 million Technology chapter died of alco- 1146 P.M. hol poisoning, Davenport said. Anthony R. Hoodlebrink 18. of Uv S.irmil M.iull lor 2IXXI through 20W on $155 prewired his tax returns and the But these incidents have not suspended die fraternity indefi- Pemberville. Ohio, arrested for million in income, lie said the entertainer apparently thought occurred within the BGSU chap- nitely, according to Vaughn. Ihe theft at Meijer on East Wooster singer, wlto is married to lenniler the mums had been filed and any ter, he said. men of llii Gamma Delta have Street According to police reports, NEW YORK Marc Anthom Lopez, filed tax returns for 2005. due taxes had been paid. This fraternity, which has 40 until the end of the semester to he went to the shoe section of the has agreed to pay about S2J5 mil- Morgenthau'schiefofinvestiga "We have to be able to show members, has received negative leave their house, as well as take store and replaced his shoes with a lion in hack taxes, interest and lions, Assistant District Attorney intent" to cheat on taxes, publicity due to these events but their fraternity flag down from pair on the shelf He removed the penalties because of his failure to Daniel Castleman. said Anthony Morgenthau said. dlis does not account for all (In- its pole. tags and left the store without pay- ing for the $59.99 shoes. tile returns for live years, prosecu- and Lopez, :i~, do not file jointly He -slid Anthom had [died on different chapters. I'hi Gamma Delta at Miami tors said yesterday so she was not implicated in the professional accountants in the Ryan McNulty, Vice University must now develop Manhattan District Attorney investigation. past and there were no problems. President Of ludicial Affairs for a reorganization plan and WEDNESDAY Robert Morgenthau said that Morgenthau said his office Interfratemity Council at BGSU have it approved by the Office Anthony, who was not prosecuted did not prosecute Anthony, .18. believes the University is trying of Ethics and Student Conflict 12:58 A.M. Set MARC | Page 6 on tax charges, failed to file returns Ixvauscaprolcssional accountant to escape a stereotype caused by Resolution and by the Greek Zachary S Schaeffer. 18, of these events. Office of Fraternal Life before Antwerp. Ohio, arrested for under- "Hazing is a stereotype we they will be able to return to age consumption and misrepresen- a fall 0] -ning for a qualified have been fighting," he said. "It campus, Vaughn said. tation to obtain alcohol at Ziggy puts a negative effect on fraterni- A new member education Zoombas on East Wooster Street. lent I work in part-time selling ties. Many people think all fra- program, risk management ini- Police were called to the scene after [ ternities ate about drinking and tiatives—including alcohol edu- reports that Schaeffer had been hazing only but that is not that cation and education on hazing assaulted. Schaeffer was taken to case on this campus." laws — and University policies the hospital. Got Sweet Skills? Davenport agrees, believing must be included in the plan, 2:46 A.M. that many ignore the positives of she added. Stuffed frog, value $20. reported Greek life, The Phi Gamma Delta chap- stolen from Circle K on East Benefits of the Job "Greek life has an Animal ter's national Web site defines Wooster Street • House stereotype," he said. hazing as any action taken or • I ime Builder "People do not look at Ihe posi- situation created, intention • Pay b


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We Still have a Selection of Houses Available for 2007-2008 Great pay potential • Flexible Hours Bonus Incentives • May - August -- JOHN ' ' I1 :; i" ii• !■ : • Valuable Sales Experience 319 E. Wooster Street. Bowling Green. OH (Located Across From Taco BeB) NEWLOVE Rental Office 419-3S4-22eO * Must have own Car * Houts Mon. thruFrt. 8i30-Si30 Sat 8:30-BiOO www (ohnnowtovoreale state com For more information call 372-0430 or email twhitma. WE'VE GOT A PLACE FOR EVERYONE! DEADLINE APRIL 20th f I ■ WWW.BGNEWS.COM CAMPUS Thursday. April 12.2007 5 GET A LIFE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Part-time teaching SomeevenbtaiKifiomewnttbgsuedu 1 p.m. ARTalks: Richard Benson becomes full-time issue Richard Benson has worked as a By Patricia Alex bU) into the state system at photographer, printer and teacher (or MC I reasonable rates. The pay is a over 40 years, and is Dean of Yale far cry from even a prorated University's School of Art from 1986 Cash-slrapped colleges and version of that of their full- to 2006. He has received two NEA universities in New Jersev time counterparts. publication grants, two Guggenheim are relying more on low-paid, At William Paterson, for instance, :i(> percent of course Fellowships and a MacArthur part-time instructors, with more than a third of classes hours are taught by adjuncts. Foundation Fellowship. His photo- statewide taught by adjuncts. leaching a full load - four graphic work is in the collections of The staff split is even higher courses each semester — the Museum of Modern Art and the at some community colleges, would bringa part-timer about Metropolitan Museum of Art in New where as many as .">() percent S24.000 annually. By contrast, York City, the Yale University Art of teachers are part-time the pay for lull time profes- Gallery and many other institutions lecturers. sors, who often have other and private collections "No phone, no office, less administrative duties, ranges Union Theater pay. no benefits." said Carol from $68,000 to SI20.000. said Shansky, describing her status Steve I lahn. associate provost. as a part-time music instruc- Shansky says she loves the 7 p.m. 9 p.m. tor at Bergen Community work, but not the "kooky" Woo Moclctails College. She has been teach- system. "It's a college teach Conklin Conference Room ing at Bergen for 13 years and ingjob, But obviously there's a also works as a private music trade-off, which is good for the 7:30 pun instructor, performs in a duo college, hut maybe not so good BFA readings and is studying for her doctor- for the adjunct," she said. ate in music education. She hopes for a full lime Featuring work by Tom Bolda. At Bergen. Shansky says she opening someday but those Stephanie Lrveram. Ashley McGhee makes about S600 per credit, slots can be elusive. Keith and John Van Cleve Free and open to or about $1,800 per course per lloeller, a national advocate the public semester. The rates are higher for adjuncts, has written that Prout Chapel at stale colleges - adjuncts nearly a half-million adjuncts at William Paterson University serve as "apprentices to 7:30 p.m. make about SI,000 a credit, nowhere." "Turto & the Hare: and at Hutgers the average is The turnover — or churn just over SI,200 a credit. — among adjuncts has Karen A Story about The use of part-time teach- Thompson, a Hutgers adjunct Sportsmanship" ers has been a growing trend for nearly M) years and presi- by F. Scott Regan for more than three decades. dent of the school's part-timers Produced by the Treehouse Troupe On the upside, the system union, concerned about a loss Theatre for Young People allows for professionals from of experienced instructors. Joe E. Brown Theatre business, industry and the arts Thompson said thai she to bring their real-world exper- ihinks students and their par- tise to the classroom. But critics ents would be taken aback by 8 p.m. worry that the trend has led to a the prevalence of part-time "Looking Back, Moving "Wal-Mart employment model" instructors. Maga/iue rank- Forward" Alumni Gala in higher education - a tow- ings generally significantly Performance wage, transient workforce with underplay the numbers, she little job security despite their s,ns. and many adjuncts don't Whitney Dance Studio. Eppler advanced degrees. want lo call attention lo their Adjuncts receive no health •disrespected positions." benefits although at some schools, like Hutgers, the) can See PART-TIME | Page 7 RANDOM ™TRUE DAILY ADVISING TIP II you cannot register tot a lull s< hedule, consider alternate A lions roar HS0NRENINER ■••; ,', courses, use wait lists, and talk with your can be heard advisor about other options. from 5 miles Students aware after the blood starts rushing away. GETTING PUMPED: ^I'sliman Sarah Crepe* gets her blood pressure checked at the health fair. This was designed for students to Sponsored h\ \dvisin,; Srlnnrl. r health tan change their lifestyles.

Registration begins for: Graduate Students March 19 Non-Degree Graduate Students March 21 Seniors March 27 Juniors April 3 Sophomores April 10 Freshmen April 16 Guest Students April 20

Don't miss out! See your advisor now!

Pre-Major Advising and UPAS 101 University Hall 372-B943 Arts & Sciences 205 Administration Building 372-2015 Business Administration 371 Business Administration Building 372-2747 Education & Human Development 365 Education Building 372-7372 Health & Human Services 102 Health Center 372-8242 Musical Arts 1031 Moore Musical Arts Building 372-2181 Technology 102 Technology Building 372-7581 Firelands 101 West Building 372-0676

Register using My.BGSU.edU To find your exact registration day and time, go to the Office of Registration and Records website at BGSU. Office of Registration and Records Phone419-372-4444 I told you so! - Lany Birkhead, former boyfriend of Anna Nicole Smith, as he

announced that a DNA test proved he was the father of Smith's baby, fromTime. Thuradav, April 12.2007 4

PEOPLE ON THE STREET Do you tip servers when you go out to eat?

Yeah. I do everytirne. "Yeah. I always tip, 'I usually carry cash "Oh yes, always. I am VISIT US AT BGNEWS.COM Usually more than 15 even if they aren't with me to tip, even a server and I know i* Have your own take on percent" good." when I pay with a what it's like to be debit card" stiffed." today's People On The Street? Or a suggestion (or JESSICA FAGER, MITCH LOUGHTON. LAUREL GANS. EMILY DROLL, Junior a question? Give us your Psychology Senior, Interior Design Sophomore. Geography Sophomore, Pre-Dental feedback at bgnewuom and Psychology

Confession should Tipping your server be face-to-face, , T* ensu-r* o- ^(A ^ is not optiona not online ^5*"**-' l-U^. *T"3 "Although students A*) N*. &vi *** ^ *f™ may be low in cash, "While these Web I «rt*4 X rv\ OH* **** there is one notion sites are obviously that many disregard; KRISTENVASAS C01UMNISI eArk f* *~*± advantageous in Two words that appeal most to to properly tip the ft y-r G», U *» + college students are "cheap" regards to the W and "free." Spending most server." i aster has come and gone of our money on tuition and once again, and along with its anonymity they textbooks leaves students little t oiored eggs and fluffy bun- cash to have fun with. proper tips, I would feel better nies, [he holiday also decided offer, personal Many of us spend weekends about seeing my hard-earned to bring us layers of snow this out with friends in downtown cash leave my pocket. year, turning this springtime confessions can Bowling Green. The opportu- So now that you are aware of icsti\ ity into something more nity to eat non-campus food the true life of a server behind closely resembling Christmas. provide a deeper drives us toward eateries that the hustling and bustling to Ami just like during the serve meals that satisfy our bring your food with a smile, ( hristmasholiday, the faithful and more personal cravings. Establishments that next I will give you some tips of "two day Catholics" swarmed offer daily specials and dis- how to properly tip your server. into the church's welcoming experience..." counts are also attractive to According to leanne Sahadi arms in order to get their reli- broke students. from CNN, tipping is expected gious fix satisfied until next Sure, you always had the Although students may be because it's part of your bill. holiday. option lo sit behind a screen low in cash, there is one notion Sahadi states, "Tipping experts lor those of US who consider so your priest couldn't see Deer- - -R,^i many disregard; to properly recommend you tip a waiter ourselves practicing Catholics, your sinful face, but that tip their server. It is not merely or waitress 15 percent for this phenomenon is something always made me feel even students, but numerous indi- adequate service, 20 percent we are quite familiar with. guiltier for not even having viduals who do not seem to for very good service and not Every Catholic knows al least the guts to confess to the understand the concept of less than 10 percent for very one oilier person who attends priest face-to-face. gratuity. Contrary to what you bad service." mass only twice throughout Although this unnatural fear may have heard, the hourly Computing your tip for your the entirety of the yean those of reconciliation may sound wage of a server is not very server can be an easy task. For two days being the well-known ridiculous to some, it is actually high. As a waitress at T.G.I. those who aren't confident in holidays of Christ mas and something that many Catholics Fridays, I only make $3.43 an their math skills, I suggest play- Easter. experience. hour (after a recent minimum ing on your cell phone to see if Although it's sad to admit, In order to avoid this trau- wage increase). Sometimes you have a tip calculator. The il seems that actually going to matizing experience, many MArTMAUK V" : •--' - after taxes I do not even receive tip calculator usually asks for mass to worship and praise people are turning to "online a paycheck! Therefore, the the total bill, tip percent, and our God is just not the "in" confessionals," which are Web money that I depend on is from whether you would like to split thing to do anymore, based sites that offer both critical and guest gratuity. the cost of your bill with anoth- on the dwindling numbers of uplifting support to those who Another fact guests may er guest. Quickly the calculator recipients actually attending seek the opinions of others on CHECK THIS OUT! not know is that most servers does the work and leaves you Catholic ceremonies on a regu- their latest unwise decisions. aren't able to keep all their with the dollar amount you can lar basis across the country. Although it may seem hard Are you opinionated? Love to write? tips at the end of their shift. At leave your server. I lowcver, mass attendance to believe, these sites are actu- T.G.I. Friday's, I'm obligated If you struggle with math, numbers are not the only ally exploding in popularity. Do you want to be part of an award-winning news team? to give a certain percentage here's a quick lesson. If your diminishing aspects of the, which of my cash to the bartenders, bill were $20, move the decimal Catholic Church I hese days. was started in May 2005 bussers, hostesses and food one space to the left for Now included in this category so people could unburden Consider becoming an opinion columnist. We're still filling runners. The more money I a ten percent tip of $2. If you is the act of reconciliation. themselves and receive guid- summer and fall openings. E-mail a 600-800 word test make in sales, the more cash want to tip 20 percent, you Reconciliation, or confes- ance from others, receives as I have to give to my fellow sion, as it is sometimes known, many as 1.3 million hits a day, column to [email protected]. employees. If 1 received more See TIPPING | Page 5 is the act of confessing one's according to the Plain Dealer. sins lo a priest and then receiv- According to the creator of ing forgiveness by performing a the site, Greg Fox, nearly 300 small task known as a penance. and 400 confessions go up Penance can include anything each day. from reciting the Our Lather' And although this may Johnson's win at Masters adds to to performing a kind action seem like a great way to towards someone we have escape the guilty feelings wronged recently. often experienced through According to a current article face-to-face confessions, in the Plain Dealer, "the num- it is actually a trend that is tournament's excitement ber of Catholics participating destroying a traditional act in (he sacrament of penance within the Catholic Church. has dropped dramatically from While these Web sites are Tiger Woods, but that lead the greens are firm and slip- the 1950s, when many lined up obviously advantageous in quickly evaporated after a pery, and par is a good score. "After a few years weekly for confession.'' regards to the anonymity they double bogey on the first hole. The Masters has traditionally I lowever, slightly more offer, personal confessions can Appleby struggled the entire allowed for more scoring, but where it seemed than 25 percent of the nation's provide a deeper and more per- day. and finished out of con- with no rain and lots of wind 69 million Calbolicsgo to sonal experience, according to tention at five over par. this week, Augusta National like Tiger and Phil confession at least once a religious leaders. Sabbatini began the round played much like a U.S. Open year, according to a 2006 poll "The Internet does not at six over par, but quickly rose course. After making the cut Mickelson kept trading conducted by Georgetown take away the guilt. It does One for the ages? That might to the top with a miraculous right on the line at eight over University's Center for Applied not take away the sin," said be a bit of an exaggeration, but eagle putt on the par five par with a pair of seventy- green jackets, it was Research in the Apostolate. Bishop Donald Trautman Sunday's final round of the eighth hole. From over fifty sixes, he appeared to be out I'll be the first one to admit of Erie, Pa., chairman of the Masters certainly was not lack- feet away, Sabbatini played of contention. Never assume refreshing to see a that I don't go to confession as U.S. Conference of Catholic ing in excitement. Throughout the putt about ten feet to the that "the Goose" is out of much as I should. liver since I Bishops' Committee on the the day, there were five differ- left of the hole. It rolled to the contention. relative unknown get a was little, the mention of rec- Liturgy. "Only in the confes- ent leaders. Stuart Appleby, top of a crest, nearly stopping Goosen had the best round onciliation has always made sional do I have the absolute Rory Sabbatini, RetiefGoosen, before turning right and roll- by two shots on Saturday, victory." me squirm. The idea of sitting guarantee that God has for- Zach Johnson, and yes, Tiger ing straight into the center of shooting a two under par directly across from a holy given me." Woods, all had the lead at the cup. Sabbatini remained seventy. After four birdies on recoup that loss. Goosen also member of the church and Besides that, with an online some point on Sunday, Only a factor until the end, but was the front nine Sunday, Goosen finished at three over par. unleashing your deadliest sins confessional, how do you know Johnson was able to keep his unable to recover from two appeared to be in control of And now we come to Tiger. was just never something that who is seeing your boldly dis- cool after seeing his name bogeys on the back nine, and the tournament, leading by He started just one shot made me feel even remotely played sins in the first place? appear at the top of the lead- finished at three over par. two shots at two over par. A behind Stuart Appleby, and comfortable, no matter how Although many confessional erboard. RetiefGoosen has always three putt at the difficult par many times you were told that Appleby began the round been known as a U.S. Open three twelfth hole led to a no one was judging you. See CONFESSION | Page 5 with a one-shot lead over player. At U.S. Open courses, bogey, and he was unable to See MASTERS | PageS


USA HALVERSTADT. CITY NEWS EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are POLICIES: Letters to the Editor E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS as an THE BG NEWS to be fewer than 500 words. These and Guest Columns are printed ALISON KEMP, FEATURES EDITOR attachment to then«wsi?bgn«wv HOLLY ABRAMS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DAVE HERRERA. IN FOCUS EDITOR are usually In response to a current as space on the Opinion Page com with the subject line marled AMANDA HOOVER, OPINION EDITOR issue on the University's campus or permits. Additional Letters to the "Letter to the Editor" or 'Guest 210 West Hall the Bowling Green area. Editor or Guest Columns may be Column." Only e-mailed letters TIFFANY GORBY, COPY CHIEF published online. Name, year and and columns will be considered for Bowling Green State University JOHN TURNER, SPORTS EDITOR GUEST COLUMNS are longer phone number should be included printing. All letters are subject to Bowling Green, Ohio 434031 Phone: (419) 372-6966 CHELCI HOWARD, PULSE EDITOR pieces between 400 and 500 words. (or verification purposes. Personal review for length and clarity before JASON RENTNER. PHOTO EDITOR These are usually also in response attacks, unverified information or printing. E-mail: [email protected] to a current issue on the University's anonymous submissions will not be RACHEL GREENFIELD, DESIGN EDITOR Web site: campus or the Bowling Green area. printed. Opinion columns do not necessarily BRANDON NOBLE, ONLINE EDITOR The maximum number of submis- reflect the view of Th« BG News Advertising: 204 West Hall | Phone: (419) 372-2606 sions (or columns is two per month i I I 1 l4 WWWBGNEWS.COM OPINION Thursday. April 12,2007 5

nobody would have even men MASTERS tioned him as a contender. From Page 4 However, only lohnson was loccer deserves another look able to stand up in the face appeared poised to claim his of both a brutally difficult fifth green jacket. The winner Augusta National course, and of the Masters had come from a scare from world number il wild. There is something LUISSUIUVANDEOLIVIERA there are no time-outs, except "No other sport the final pairing for the past one golfer, Tiger Woods. After special about soccer. I he way UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS for the fifteen minute break sixteen years, which would Woods made eagle at thirteen. a play fluidlv develops into a between the two hakes holds so much appeal tofavoi Tiger, who was lohnson made a solid par at fif- goal is comparable to how a emphasizes the human playing in the final group with teen before sticking his tee shot poet, struggling to u rite, and look at the news during the aspect of the sport ii is passion, virtuous or Applehy. I lowever. another on the par three sixteenth and after many mistakes, MnaVj World Cup In see bow the also why the spun will never striking statistic loomed making birdie. That birdie put finds some inspiration and is streets of the latest winning he popular in the U.S., firsl against Mr. Woods: he has him at even par. I le bogeyed able to complete his work. Of country looked. because ol advertisers, and not, just or not, in never won a major when he the seventeenth hole before B course, that Is gross!) simplify- But win does soccer hold second because Americans was not leading going into the clutch up-and-down pull at the ing a poet's work ora sni cer scuba power over people, waul to be able io understand its veins. But that is final round. final hole to finish at oneovei match for thai matter. comparable even to religion? the whole game by the replays, Even with that fact, Tiger par and win the Masters cham- The sport thai many Alter all there is a sa\ ingin or by looking al stats. I here exactly what makes managed to have the lead to pionship. Americans find boring, and Brazil: There are three things is no lime lo slop and try to himself for a brief time on the After a few yean where il even despicable, holds some you don'l argue about: reli- rearrange youi team; the soccer the most front nine. He made several seemed like Tiger and Phil poetic justit e thai one cannot gion, politics and soccer." samewaj life does nol stop for bogeys before arriving at the Mickelson kepi trading green find in other sports. It's full of l-'irstly it s a democratic you. I his is what makes the human of sports, the par five thirteenth hole at five jackets, it was refreshing lo contradictions and conflicts spoil. Anyone regardless of game so fluid whent ompared over par. After a good drive, see a relative unknown gei a thai elevate ii from a sport to financial status is able to play In sports like looiball or ultimate expression Tiger hit a second that landed victory. I don't think thai ii is an an form and, finally, ma sin err. All one needs is a ball. basketball. about thirty feel left of the hole at all an overstatement to say way of life, and thai can be made out of The referees add another of humanity in its before catching a slope and that this is one of the biggest No other spun holds so anything, synthetic leather or human aspect to the game. rolling to within three feet of upsets in recent sports history. much passion, virtuous or a bunch of bundled up socks. There are only four referees crudest form." the bole. He tapped in the eagle With only one PGA Tour vic- not, just oi not, In its veins. It's democratic not only in — but you can say only three putt to gel back to three over. tory to his credit, winning the bin thai Isexactl) what makes that, but in the fact that the thai really make a difference only things one bad lo look at Inn Nantzand Nickl-aldo, Masters will, undoubtedly, i» soccer the mosl human of besl team is nol necessarily covering thai huge field tin jo\ was linn soccer team, calling the tournament on a life-changing experience for spoils, the ultimate expres- the one with the besl squad, and twenty-two players. 1 his the one thing people knew ( IIS. said thai the roars from lohnson. sion of humanity in Itscrud I here is a human quality to leaves an incredible amount thai even il ii leii them down that putt would affect the other I tele's hoping that it will be esi form. it in which, while money can ol room lor mistakes and every once in a while, il would players, letting them know just as inspiring to other play- I he powei of soccer can help you win, luck and will injusiii es, and ha\ ing no play eventually come back and I luii I igei was on the prowl, ers, showing that Tiger can be be seen in the stands of the play jusl as important roles, review only contributes to bring them joy with that one i lowever, Dger was not able to beaten. It's exciting when Tiger stadium and In the streets lusi look at Heal Madrid, argu- that. Bui life is inn lair and in player, or one season. That mount any more of a charge. wins, but no one likes i" see whenever a game is being ably the richest soccer team in soccer, il you wanl in win. you is why Beckbain's transfer to I le pin his second shot in the him running away with every played, rheonlj place In the world but in the last years need in be able to overcome the us. is useless, because water mi the par five fifteenth tournament the world where I have seen ii has railed to be suet essful oi these obstacles. ii is nol inn of passion, ii is hole, and did not make any I low long until the U.S. Open tens of thousands oi people in attract a very passionate fel- But even with all ibis sue monetary, it's a prearranged mini1 birdies. begins? standing, jumping, chanting lowship, al least compared to cer will never be one of the Strategy like a looiball play, Zach lohnson was a relative and sometimes fighting, for oi her learns. top three sports iii America. Ii and nol an instinctive mea- unknown before the tourna- ninetj minutes straight has i he way the game is played didn'i develop here like il did sure in where oui ol pure gut ment. With odds of 125-1 to Sendcomments to Btendan Keepat been in stum matches in also adds to its popularity In other countries, when in feeling the left wing decides to win the tournament, almost ieepbuligsuedu. Brazil. Andoneonh bad to and iis beauty. The fact that dmesol suffering one of the go lui II

with several numbers. Goto McDonald's or Taco Bell control over. The server has supplement to i he process, bin TIPPING Another fad to be aware of if you don't wani to leave serv- no control of how fast your CONFESSION they should nol overtake the is that many restaurants also ers a tip. food is prepared, or whether ii From I acl of personally telling your From Page 4 suggest what percentage of Servers work haul to deliver is too Inn or too cold. We can sins to God I In i nigh your par- tip you should leave on their exceptional service to their only ensure thai your order ish priest. would multiply si? by two for menu. Some restaurants may guests. We are trained to have is placed promptly. Please do sites do not request that a Reconciliation is a process a 2ti percent tip of $4. If you also include your lip within high-quality food knowledge not punish your server if these postei lisi then name, age and thai lets God's forgiveness prefer to le.nca i"> percent tip, the total of your bill. 11ns is and meet the needs ol all our troubles happen to you. Many stale, some do. \nyuni'i ciulcl overtake the feelings ol soi simply find the middle num- often the case when you dine guests. I personally love my managers will lake your meal potentially see youi hidden row and guilt thai may have ber between $2 and S4, which with a large party of six or job as a waitress because I am oil'your bill, give you coupons, secret thai you've kepi from plagued us lui so lung. It is the would be S3. more on the same check. able to dash around and meet or offer a complimentary des- friends and family for so many process ol opening your heart \\ hen dealing with change Some individuals argue new people on a daily basis. Il scii lui these types of prob- years. to God, hearing his voice and you may wish lo use rounding that they don't like to leave upsets me when a guesi leaves lems. Bui please-, don'l abuse The act ol ret uiicilialion. being one with someone who before computing. Pot exam- tips because the) do nol have a small tip, sometimes no dp ibis privilege. all hough ii can be daunting, is Imes us mi mattei what we do. ple. If your bill was $20.53 much money. My stance is ,u all, after! have done my besl should be you may wish lo round up to thai if you don't have a lot ol in meel their needs. replaced by online help sites $21.00. This strategy can help money, you probably shouldn't Do nol blame your servei Send comments to MichekDommd at and peer-to-peer counseling Vasasat

a I lev iatc l he st rcss of working be going out to a restaurant, for a problem they have no mdomint

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guy who would do these things. some requirements the man "That's the primary area we are focusing on ABUSE clix-slicV would have to meet — the big- EVI f-rom Page 1 The custody battle continues gest one deals with a Christian From Page 1 .... Right now it's a marketing problem, not and financially. Phillips said, "life belief system. "Had i no) none through the sucks." She works part-lime as a I ler tidy home, outlined with University, is working with l"VI to a technical problem." abuse I wouldn't have been as home health aid to support her white walls and brown carpel, acquire a license agreement for strong in my faith as I am now" family was tilled with memories ol the the hybrid bus. Anthony Palumbo | Chief of Operations for EVI she said lo avoid paying i luld support abuse she experienced. Once a contract is secured I'hc ((instant theme through- her husband quit his job. IWs left The front door where he the Research Institute will work to the marketing sector. percent reduction in fuel usage, .in thr immense emotional. lohn with no medical coverage. smashed her thumb and the to propose a budget to EVI. "Right now it's a marketing Major said. physical and financial abuse was Phillips filed for child support newly finished walls after he "There certainly is the hope problem, not a technical prob- Another benefit of Ihe sys- IKT Lull i in t IIHI and how he kept prior to filing for divorce as her punched holes in them had their that that will workout," l-'olkins lem," Palumbo said. tem is the bus can run on just her family led. clothed and shel- attorney advised own story to tell. said. With the electric-diesel the diesel engine if necessary, lered When she got llie deserved Although they lived in the Anthony Palumbo, chief of hybrid system the bus can run unlike other hybrid systems She slays strong for her son and money from hei ex, she stood house together, it lias been altered operations for PAT, said the its engine at a lower power and that have to be taken off route if her own well being, up to him, something she is no so much that the memories have technical work is done. fuel rate while acquiring power, the electric system encounters Her greatest accomplish- longer scared to do, asking; "What laded away I hanks to her neigh- However, the institute is Major said. a problem, according to Fred ment, I'hillips said, is"... that hoy is your problem?" l)ui I lot lie Happ. Phillips was able looking to take the technology The system re-generates heat Smith, equipment maintenance upstairs.1* I hoi*- you're happy with my to get her house hack five years down another avenue — seek- and converts kinetic energy into superintendent for public safe- lohn experienced his father money.'' he replied. after tile divorce. ing marketing partners to help electric energy, which is then ty. Smith was the shuttle driver kicking in the windshield <>t their "jbu owe this to your son," she "Connie is very devoted and them bridge the gap between stored in batteries and used to of the hybrid bus back in 2005. i a when lie was 3 yens old I le snapped hack. knows how to take lime out to the project itself, and the ability the booster drive. Smith said a positive attri- had a temper thai could nut he Phillips, with her strong voice. show she cares for me by just to actually put the hybrid bus This conversion and storage bute about the hybrid bus is its i (unrolled M hen he did not get his said she got the courage to stand stopping over or ollering lo liaby- on the shuttle service route. of energy is what makes Ihe sys- 18-month brake life, compared way Phillips said up to her cx-hushaiid Irom a sit for my kids," Rappsau That's the primary area we tem beneficial to vehicles like to only six months for the other sitting in her green rediner cov- support group at Behavioral I'hillips wauls oilier victims lo are focusing on," Palumbo said, shuttle buses that make fre- shuttle buses. ering hei casuaDj clothed body Connections. know that they are nol alone. She while adding that the direction quent stops. "I think it's an awesome tech- witha blanket, she slated, "It was victims services program coor- suggests keeping support systems the Research Institute is going After running routes with the nology. 1 think it has tremen- hell, to put il l>lniill\."" dinator ofltehavioralOonnetlions Intact and avoiding controlling will hopefully take the project hybrid bus the EVI found a 25 dous potential," he said. Phillips sister and lies! Irieiid Kalhj Mull is a first-hand witness men. Diane Williams talks about the ol Phillips' growth. I ler stance in III could help just one person, dominating|KTsonalil\ of I'hillips' the support group has gone from I'd I*' blessed," she said. "I did play Candyland last year as a ex husband She did not like him uncomfortable to headstrong. Sometimes she feels like an GAMES from day one \nd because he "Ginnieislxvomingawondcr- outcast because the other mem- From Page 1 joke in Commons. Me and my friends was an atheist, he and Diane con- lul acth isl and ollering emolional bers ol her family have happy stantly argued about what the sup|*irt to others," she said marriages, but she has lohn and action with people," Miller said. thought it would be funny so we took Bible said As lliillips sits in her two-story a happier life than before. The impact of sitting around a According to the National cold house, she speaks warmly As she sat in her jeans and table with your buddies, friends it out and played it." (niter for Injury Prevention and about her childhood She talks sleeveless shin, she admits lo liv- and family. If you're playing online I ontrolUehsitc.lTassanlMKc ur about family chores. Sunday ing in tear in the past and how all you don't ever gel Ihe satisfaction :jsler] Gane player pci 1,000 women in intimate rela- dinners, "date nights" and thai has changed. of seeing the expression on your tionships McDonald's on I -'relay nights. "I didn't want to upset the opponents lace when you make alcohol may have an influence on board games for three reasons: Phillips was one of them Because she was brought up beast" she said of the time they a good role," what games people choose. ihey do not make noise, they do As the refrigerator clanks in the in a dose-knit family. Phillips s|H'iit together. Besides buying a game new at "Monopoly, Scrabble. Trivial not light up and the pieces do not other room, she explains how she cxpicssestlicditliculty sometimes Ihe day she let) her husband, local retailers, students can check PurSUtt and strategic games like move by themselves. he told her he wauled her to Ix1 out board games at the front desk Risk it's more like, let's play a board "I used to play, but that was lived through constant insults ol recreating that with lohn. 1 to her brown-eyed curl) haired "It's so hard as a single parent |xx>r forever since she was leaving ol theii residence hall according to game because then is nothing when I was younger," Trusler said. appearance and the feeling of afta giowing up ill a nice, double him and his income. len Page, associate resident advi- Better to do," Edel said. "If there is "I did play Candyland last year as walking on thin ice whenever lie income family to have it I*' the She watched him leave on his sor at Pounders. drinking involved people usually a joke in commons. Me and my was in the room. same with my son," she said motorcycle and thought, "I'd rath- Page said about one board wanna get loud and get into it, so friends thought it would be tunny Ibis went on throughout their She dues hei best er hrpcxir and happy." game is checked out from the you sit down and play charades so we took it out and played it." III year marriage. lliillips and her son gel a pizza That is more than some have. I (Hinders front desk each week or a game like (inch Phrase where Candyiand may be consid- While looking through wed and rent a movie on her paydays Editor's Note Some names haw with the exception of the snow you shout out." ered a childish joke to Trusler, but ding photos, she laughs When asked il she would ever IKVII cluiiifiiil due IO personal week in March, in which several Although alcohol may make according to Jennifer Bcrman, lie doesn't look like I lie kind (il gel married again, she laid out requests. were checked out. some games more enjoyable, the senior, board games geared toward ( had I del. senior, believes the technology trend poses the great- children are some of the best. weather is only one element that est threat of all to the board game, "I baby-sit a lot and we play brings out the'hoard games. according to Taylor Trusler, junior. lots of boardgames," Berman said BOAT LOADS OF Edel, member of the Pacehook Over the loud electronic sym- enthusiastically. group "Catchphrase = Best (lame phony in the arcade at the Union, "I'm getting paid to play board MECCA Ewer, said he and his friends like to Trusler explained people who usu- games, I mean come on, how .Mun:i)>t'iiiciit hit CHOICES... CHECK OUT play when they drink, and thinks ally play video games do not like much better can it get?" OUR Anthony, whose real name is Marco Marc Anthony Antonio Muniz. when il kicked out APARTMENT LISTING MARC Will pay $2.5 From Paqe 2 his state return because of discrep- ancies, said Peter liirrell, an assis- million in back lie said the delinquencies began tant deputy commissioner of the taxes WWW.MECCABG.COM when Anthony changed accoun- department tants. Castleman said Anthony will A state Department of Taxation remit $2.5 million in track taxes, 1 E computer drew attention to interest and penalties to satisfy the general manager of the singer's total owed by him and three of his companies from 2000 to early 2003, companies. \ li ngeiitban said Anthony, who recently produced He said Zayes pleaded guilty Jus wife's first all-Spanish album, April 10 to failing to file federal and "(iimo Ama una Mujer (How a state returns on $2.4 million in Woman lrrves)," signed Ihe pay- income from 2000 through 2004. ment agreement April 3. Zayes will be sentenced June 12 Two of Antlxiny's associates have to a conditional discharge upon pleaded guilty to tax felonies. paying $400,000 in taxes, interest One is Anthony's brother, and penalties and a $50,000 fine, Before You Bigram Zayes, who acted as the Morgenthau said. Sign A Lease

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Popular Culture Studies, with a reception CAMPUS on the eight floor of the library at 6:50 BRIEF p.m. The event will feature a local swing band Hepcat Revival, a silent auction, and Oprah's "little black a live auction for Winfrey's "little black dress" to be auctioned dress" The couture dress, created for Winfiey Brittany Mucptiy may have been the by Badgley Mischka. was bought by a star in the film "Little Black Book." but at woman who wanted it to be shared by the William T. Jerome Library's 40th anni- others and to benefit many Each time the versary celebration, it will be Oprah's "little dress is purchased, it is under the condi- black dress" that steals the spotlight tion that it will be auctioned again to raise The library will celebrate its 40th year money for another charity. of special collections this Saturday, such All proceeds from the event will benefit as the Ray and Pat Browne Library for the library.

Local radio personality teaches ity By Patricia Al.x MCT "Part of the job is

Keva "da diva" Sharp likes to knowing how far you dish on hip hop. Alex Lamb plays mostly heavy metal during can go without going Atomix Mix. And Keith l.ogan and Brian Gartland put on a over the edge." show that their mentor says cel- Lee Harris | Anchor ebrates "the Seinfeldian love of the minutia." "She's a sweet girl; she's smart Personality's the thing in talk and she's mature," said Montone. radio these days and student "And don't forget my accent!" broadcasters at Felician College Garcia added.' in New Jersey are learning to For their part, the students develop their unique voices seem to have a blast doing their under the tutelage of one of the shows. "It's really powerful," said area's premier radio personas. |,ic kir Carroll of Wayne, who "They're all working on their does a show with fellow student shtick," said lohn Montone. Bill O'Neal. adviser for Felician's WRFC. Montone and I larris have each "Some of them are very, very big spent more than 25 years in radio personalities." and have more than a few tips to lohn Montone is the familiar offer the students, such as just voice of the street reporter from how far you can push the enve- New York's 1010 WINS news lope without being censored. radio. "Part of the job is knowing how Montone, who lives in Glen far you can go without going over Rock, has been teaching at the edge," said Harris. For the Felician since 2004. He and most part, the shows feature the another 1010 personality, morn- stuff of college life: dorm issues, ing anchor Lee Harris, helped dating, popular culture. There is launch WRFC in October. The no news programming yet. 24-hour station is delivered Montone said he is proud of via streaming Web cast on the the fact that the station is so stu- Internet — a relatively low cost dent-directed and dominated, technology that allows it to be unlike other college stations that heard round the world. are often staffed by semi-profes- Gyana Garcia's family in the sionals and other local groups, Dominican Republic makes sure "This is a petri dish ol college to catch her show on WRFC. The radio," said Montone."The idea single mom from Wallington is to get them into the studio talks about her life and her 10- making good radio. These kids year-old daughter — "my prin- are employable." cess, everybody knows my prin- A link to WRFC can be found cess" — and plays a mix of light on the college's Web site, hits from recent decades.

quality of part-time teaching PART-TIME staff through a variety of pro- From Page 3 fessional development seminars and mentoring situations. Most adjuncts have contracts "There is a perception that that run only through a semester they are undervalued, but we or school year. Rugcrs adminis- don't undervalue them," said trators say the part-time work- loan Ficke, associate vice presi- force gives them flexibility to dent for personnel at Montclair meet fluctuatingstudent demand State University, where about 34 in particular disciplines. percent of classes are taught by Rutgers and other schools say adjuncts. "We couldn't do with- they monitor and maintain the out them." STUDENT ORGANIZATION l o I n M I IUPJ

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UAO MISSION STATEMENT The University Activities Organization aims to be a premier programming board by providing diverse, entertaining, and quality events that instill ment pride and lasting memories in the hearts of BGSU students. Drvision of Student Affairs 419.372.2486 • I I 8 200? WORLD WWWBGNEWS.COM Real-life nightmare Korea opens arms after U.S. opens frozen bank accounts By Burt Herman The Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea said it would welcome back U.N. nuclear inspectors within a day of receiving frozen funds that have been an obstacle in negotiations seeking the North's disarmament, a U.S. presidential candidate said yesterday. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, speaking in Seoul after a four-day visit to the com- munist nation, said the North had requested an additional 30 MHJDI MOHAMMED AP PHOTO days beyond a Saturday deadline WAKING UP TO A BAD DREAM: ;n06 Anwa was fast asleep when to shut down its main nuclear KOREA NEWS SERVICE ~ ' he was jolted awi' by pa Fl ''I'd onto the front lines as a human shtfld. reactor under a February agree- SETTING A DEADLINE: North Korean lepiesentatives attend a meeting of the Supieme ment with the U.S. and other People's Assembly yesterday m Pyongyang. North Korea. regional powers. However, he said the U.S. Energy Agency In late 2002 at the to negotiations and in February sraeli troops use civilians as shields insisted that was loo long for start of the latest nuclearstandoff. pledged to shut down ils main the shutdown process that he Following years of international nuclear reactor by a Saturday believed would only take a negotiations beset by boycotts deadline in exchange for a U.S. By Josef Federman house in house l was afraid I Others, including an II-year- "few days." and delays, it conducted its first promise to resolve a standoff would die," he said in .i leceni old giri, have been emboldened North Korea ejected inspectors nuclear weapons list in October. overS25 million in North Korean interview to come forward with similar from the International Atomic The Nort h lateragreed to ret u rn funds fro/en in a Macau bank. IInils\ll \! Sameh \mlra I in several years, Palestinians accounts of being compelled to was fest asleep when he was had complained about the army's walk ahead of soldiers looking for jolted awake i>\ poundingai the use ol human shields. Inn prool militants front (loot. Israeli troops wen?on was difficult to come by, rhen International law, iiu-ludingthe WORLD ,i manhunt lot wanted militants in late I ebruary, \ssoi iated Press t ieneva Conventions and I lague Al-Qaida takes credit for BRIEF in ilu'West Kink and decided to h'li 'vision Newsi aptured footage regulations, prohibits placing BGNIWS WIRE SOURCES drafl help ol the incidenl InvohlngAmira. civilians in harm's way during Tlie terror-stricken 24-yeai Ihe video has prompted the military operations. recent suicide bombings Birkhead plans to i ikl Palestinian soon found him arm) to launch a rare criminal The army promises a vigorous take custody of baby sell forced onto the front lines investigation into whether its sol- investigation. "Violations of the By Aidan Lewis The group thai claimed NASSAU. Bahamas (AP)- Larry of Israels shadowy war against diers violated a landmark Israeli law or of nilings of the Israeli High The Associated Press responsibility, al-Qaida in Birkhead said yesterday he doesn't militants, ,i human shield .is he supreme Court 2005 ruling bar- Quirt of lustki' ate viewed with Islamic North Africa, lias carried led heavil) armed soldiers from ring the use ol human shields. seva it\." said Capt Noa Meir. ALGIERS. Algeria — Al-Qaida's out a series of recent bombings plan to share legal custody of Anna new wing in North Africa jeopardizing Algeria's tentative Nicole Smith's baby, a day after a claimed responsibility for sui- peace. The country, a staunch court announced that DNA tests cide bombings that ripped U.S. ally in the waragainsl terror, proved he is the father COME IN AND SIGN A through the prime minister's has been Irving to turn the page A hearing is scheduled foi tomor- office and a police station in on a 15-year Islamic insurgency row during which a |udge is e«pected Algeria yesterday, killing at that killed 200,000 people. to discuss who will raise 7-month-oU MECCA RESERVATION AGREEMENT least 24 people. The attacks Untilrecently.thepeaceefforls Dannielynn. TODAY AND WE WILL GIVE YOU A highlighted the menacing seemed successful: Military Flagship catches fire, M;iii;i",niirn! Inc. spread of Islamic militancy crackdowns and amnesty offers $25.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE TO across North Africa. had turned Algeria's militants crew safely evacuated One car bombing lore holes into a ragtag assembly of fighters BUENOS AIRES. Argentina (AP) MYLES PIZZA!! in Ihe walls of the prime min- in rural hideouts. - The Argentine navy's flagship ice- ister's office, where people in Hut late last year, I lie main breaker caught fue in South Atlantic bloodstained clothes stum- Algerian militant group, the waters off Patagonia, but all of its 296 $25.00 MYLES COUPON $25.00 MYLES COUPON bled toward ambulances. Salafist Group for Gall and crew members were safely evacuated, Two other vehicles exploded Combat, changed its name the armed forces high command said 1045 N. Main St. Bowling Green, Oil. 43402 419-353-5800 outside a police station east of to al-Qaida in Islamic North yesterday the capital, blasting craters into Africa and began targeting for- the ground and damaging the eigners — signs ihe dwindling The fiie broke out in a genera •CERTAIN fERMS 4 RESTRICTIONS APPLY* building. Some 222 people were ranks of Islamic fighters were tor aiea of the Almirante Irizar late wounded. regrouping. Tuesday off Puerto Madiyn


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A The Associated Press Georgia company is seeking federal approval for a laser that etches indel- WASHINGTON — A stubborn ible but edible labels onto the skins of Senale voted yesterday to ease fruits and vegetables The laser device could tag onions, restrictions on federally funded GERKYBROOMl ■'■ cucumbers, kiwis, pears - all manner embryonic stem cell research, RELIEF FROM CHARGES: Former Duke lacrosse players Dave Evans, left, and of produce - according to Dutand- ignoring President Bush's threat Collin Finnerty speak during a news conference in Raleigh. NC. yesterday Prosecutors of a second veto on legislation Wayland Inc. The company wanls dropped all charges yesterday against the three Duke lacrosse players accused of sexu- designed to lead to new medical federal regulations amended to allow ally assaulting a stripper at a party, saying the athletes were innocent victims of a "tragic treatments. it. the Food and Drug Administration rush to accuse" by dn overreaching district attorney. The 63-34 vote was shy of the said yesterday margin that would be needed to enact the measure over presi- dential opposition, despite gains Rapper fails to show made by supporters in last fall's Duke off the hook up in court twice elections. "Not every day do we have the By Aaron Beard be held to account: Durham WHITE PLAINS. NY (AP) - Judges in two cities issued bench opportunity to vote to heal the The Associated Press County District Attorney Mike sick," said Claire McCaskill. D- Nitons. warrants yesterday for the arrest of Mo., a senator less than 100 days RALEIGH, N.C. — The Duke "This case shows the enor- rapper DMX. who failed to show up in following a tough 2006 campaign lacrosse rape case finally col- mous consequences of over- court for either of his pending traffic in which the stem cell controver- lapsed yesterday, with North reaching by a prosecutor," cases sy played a particularly promi- Carolina's top prosecutor say- Cooper said. "In truth. I do not know where he nent role. "It is a noble cause," ing the three athletes were rail- Cooper, who took over the is." said Murray Richman. lawyer for she added. roaded by a district attorney case in January after Nifong the 56-year-old rapper (whose real "We're going to use federal who ignored increasingly flim- was charged with ethics viola- name is Earl Simmons) "Why would money, indirectly or directly, to sy evidence in a "tragic rush to tions thai could get him dis- he be hiding out from a damn traffic destroy embryos," countered accuse." barred, said his own investiga- infraction7" Sen. Tom Cobum, R-Okla., echo- In a blistering assessment tion into a stripper's claim that He said the tapper, whose albums ing Bush's argument against the of the case, Attorney General she was sexually assaulled al a include "Its Dark and Hell is Hot" measure. Cobum said claims Roy Cooper dropped all charg- team parly found nothing to and "Flesh of My Flesh. Blood of My of imminent scientific break- es against the players, all but corroborate her story, and "led Blood." was in Arizona on Tuesday, but PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS AP PMOIO throughs from embryonic stem ensuring that only one per- us to the conclusion dial no had promised to appear Wednesday. cell research arc unsubstantiated, DEBATING FOR STEM CELl FUNDING: Sen Arlen Specter. R Pa. center, and Sen. son in the whole scandal will attack occurred." and thai adult stem cells have Edward Kennedy. D-Mass.. left, look on as Sen Tom Harkin. D-lowa. right, speaks during already been shown to be useful a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. Tuesday, to urge the Senate to pass the ' ^~ ?7^v in a variety of cases. Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act The I louse, which passed simi- m Apartments lar legislation earlier in the year, is expected to adopt die Senate's "This legislation crosses a moral line that NOW AVAILABLE version in the next several weeks 320 Elm Street #G ft *E: 801 Fifth Street: for Bush's veto. would use taxpayer dollars to destroy Huge two bedroom apartments. Two bedroom/one bath 8 unit apartment complex. $435 per month "TTiis legislation crosses a moral Tenant pays electric. $545 per month human embryos, and that's a moral line the plus electric and gas. line diat would use taxpayer dol- 401 ft 407 Enterprise: lars to destroy human embryos, president said he would not cross, and for Two bedroom ranch style apartments 7 ft 525 East Merry Street. and that's a moral line the presi- Tenant pays electric and gas. Large two bedroom apartments. dent said he would not cross, and $395 per month. close to campus. All electric. for those reasons he would veto those reasons he would veto this bill..." Tenants pay $560 per month this bill as well," While House 521 S. Prospect #B: plus electric spokeswoman Dana Perino said Dana Perino | White House Spokeswoman Two bedroom unfurnished duplex. not long before the vote. Pel permitted. $410 per month Capping two clays of debate, thai affects millions of disease suf- funds research. plus all utilities the Senate also appeared ready to ferers and their families. "The one thing we know is we approve a rival measure backed by "It's extremely frustrating to will outlasl him." 332 South Main Street Republicans. It supported research go through this Kabuki dance Stem cells are created in NEWIWE Bowling Green Ohio, 43402 in adult stem cells. a second time with the presi- the first days after conception. Ren la Is 419.352.5620 Hie Senate's action marked the dent." said Peter Kiernan, head They are typically allied from fro- latest act in a drama that blends of the Christopher and Dana zen embryos, which are destroyed science and politics on an issue Reeve Foundation, which in the process. 10 Thuriddy.Apnll2.20O7 NATION WWWBGNEWSCOM Army adds NBC comedy triggers Storms cause cancellations months to By Nathani.l Hernandez site to make constraints • ed Press year tour By Anick Jtsdanun Michael By Robert Burns CHICAGO—HundredsoTaitline The Associated Press Scott The Associated Press flights were grounded yesterday, The boss on "The a major league baseball game NEW YORK — In the NBC series was called and six people were WASHINGTON 'Ihe Office," the boss Michael Office" played by killed in accidents on Icy toads Stretched thin by four Scott turned to Wikipedia for Steve Carell as yet another spring snowstorm years of war, the Army is tips on fending off an employee's hit the upper Midwest, adding three months to request for a pay raise. Viewers North Dakota and South thestandardyearlongtour quickly flocked to the online ency- In the case of the "negotia- Dakota both measured about for all active-duty soldiers clopedia and added their take to tion" entry, viewers quickly added 7 Inches, and up to 10 indies in Iraq and Afghanistan, its entry on negotiations. phony tips in response to clueless was possible iii Wisconsin, the an unpopular step aimed Administrators at Wikipedia advice from Scott, played by Steve National Weather Service said. BSIEC0HEN at maintaining the troop had to limit editing of the entry, Girell, in last week)) episode. "It's kind of flying sideways," APRIL SNOW SHOWERS FREEZES MAY FLOWERS: Chris Ca-lson delivers marl buildup in liaghdad. most recently late Tuesday, plac- One edit simply replaced the hardware store owner Harvey Albert Lea Minn Snow moved into southern Minnesota, with up to 10 inches Thechange.announced ing it in "semi protection" mode. entry with a statement prais- \eu said in Menomonee fells, forecast for the Albert Lea area Minneapolis-St Paul was looking for up to 7 inches by late yesterday by Defense That meant users couldn't make ing the television program. That Wis. "Its not like a gently falling Wednesday Secretary Robert Gates, is changes anonymously or from was followed by the insertion snowfall. It's more tit a net-out the latest blow to an all- accounts fewer than four days old of Scott's tips for getting the of-my-face type of thing." minutes, he said. about the weather," said Pat volunteer Army that has — to discourage those drawn to upper hand, including "sudden- About -100 flights were tan " I lie storm system is moving Howe, spokeswoman for General been given shorter peri- the site specifically because of the ly changing the location" and (('led at O'llare International north right now, but it may circle Mitchell International Airport in ods of rest and retraining broadcast "refusing to talk first." Airport because ol poor vis- around and stay in the area," Milwaukee. We are ready to be at home bet ween overseas The site imposed similar rcstric- Users made more than 100 ibility, said t ity aviation spokes- Cunningham said. done with winter, but that's the deployments. liims on the entry twice before, changes, including those to man Gregg Cunningham, rhe Milwaukee's General month of April in Wisconsin. ... Rather than continue only to see vandalism continue reverse the vandalism, before the airport also hail delays nl one Milt hell International Airport There's really nothing thai any- to compromise soldiers' after they were lilted. site imposed the latest restrictions to 2 hours on both inbound and also had a handful of delays one can do besides book a flight preparedness for combat, Wikipedia is a collaborative on revisions. outbound flights, ami delays at and cancellations. to a warm location before the Gates chose to lengthen reference site where anyone Wikipedia does face vandalism Midway Airport were about 1(1 "I think we are all cranky storm hits." combat tours to buv time. can add, change or even delete from time to time as a result of entries, regardless of expertise. high-profile mentions. The thinking is that the collective rans of Stephen Colbert's wisdom results in a better prod- ComedyCentralshow'ThcColliert WINTHROP & SUMMIT TERRACE uct Overall and members of the Report" flocked to Wikipedia to community can watch for any alter articles on elephants after he NO COMPARISON vandalism and reverse it. said a quote on the program. AMENITIES Winthrop t Summit Terrace PROPERTY A PROPERTY B PROPERTYC Apartment Size 2 Bed /1 Bath 4 bed / 2 bath 4 bed/4 bath 3 bed/1.5 bath In conjunction with Sfbs and Kld» weekend and as a prelude to Earth Week n of Roomates 2 4 4 3 Presenting the 2nd Annual Rent S570 ($285 each) $1196($299 each) $1292($323 each) $900($300 each) Gas $0 $44 all electric $114 Electric $20 $72 SI.10 $97

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\ • \. SPORTS '■I ■ .:,. V '. 11 SIDELINES Making their own move Falcons ink new deal with

TRACK & FIELD Miller including a raise After cancelling By Colin Wilson trip to Cincinnati, Assistant Sports Editor track team heads to California After a 31-4 season, a third straight Mid-American Conference Championship and an appearance in the third round of the After not competing this NCAA Tournament, Curt Miller was on the short list for a few past weekend, the Falcons schools who needed to fill coaching vacancies in their women's are antsy to get back into basketball programs. Yesterday, BG made their move by restructuring Miller's contract, action as they travel to extending it until 2013 and giving him a raise that makes him the Berkeley. Calif., to compete highest paid coach at the school with a base salary of S160.124. in the Brutus Hamilton "This move, plus other new resources devoted to the program, is meant to show our commitment to women's basketball at BGSU," Invitational. said Director of Athletics Greg Christopher in a statement released The Orange and Brown by the BG athletic department. are looking for some strong Miller is now a three-time MAC Coach of the Year and is fresh off a Sweet 16 appearance. His stock has risen greatly since becoming performances from several head coach at BG. This year he was even a finalist for National Coach individuals. TaKarra Dunning of the Year. has qualified for the NCAA The raise was well-deserved for a coach whose winning attitude Mid-East Regional meet at has put BG at the top of their conference and on the national map. "Curt and his staff have done a remarkable job and we the end of May and many intend to maintain the program at the elite status in the MAC," more hope to do so in the Christopher said. next few weeks. Miller's second true recruiting class just finished their senior sea- son with the magical NCAA Tournament run. The Falcons return OUR CALL just three upperclassmen next season and six players overall. Kate Achter is excited about the contract extension as she and Whitney Taylor are going into their senior season. On the way up "It means a lot, |MHIer| recruited me and was a big reason I came to this University," Achter said. "He gets a lot out of me." 'Sid the Kid': Sidney Crosby With Achter as his point guard, Miller has only lost four MAC is officially the youngest games. She is a great fit in his system which was a concern for Achter player ever to lead if Miller were to leave. "Whitney and 1 were pretty worried about it," Achter said. "We the NHL in points didn't want to learn a whole new system." with 120. Now his Miller was given permission to talk with the University of Michigan postseason legacy and was said to be a candidate for the Cincinnati and Louisville posi- begins in Ottawa. Can he tions. Those positions are all filled now, but there are still openings at Kentucky and Duke. live up to Gretzky and his The extension does not set anything in stone, but Miller is four Cups? dative of the gesture. "I am grateful to the administration for their commitment and On the way down support of the our women's basketball program," Miller said in the The : They got statement from the athletic department. Wade back, but Shaq didn't The enthusiasm Miller has shown toward his players and the fan base that supports them may explain the continuing dedication tha( play last night and Miller has shown toward staying at BG. they lost to the "I have truly enjoyed the remarkable ride u it h,\n incredible group basement-dwelling of young women," Miller said. "They have energized our whole com-* munity while being great ambassadors of the University on and off Bobcats. If they the court." beat Cleveland in the first round, they are most likely MAKING A GOOD MARK going to lose to Detroit in HOMETOWN: Girard. Penn. the second. Book it. COLLEGE: Baldwin Wallace (1990) The List The BG News presents our TENURE: Six years

top five title contenders for RECORD: 31-4 in 2006-07 season, 124-60 overall. the Stanley Cup. The NHL playoffs began last night and HIGHEST RANKING: No. 15 (current)

we're excited. AWARDS: MAC Coach of the Year (2005.06.07). 2006. '07 1. Buffalo: They're the WBCA Region 4 Coach of the Year best team in the league based on their record, ltd be hard to count out Chris Drury and company. 2. Detroit: The Wings MSNBC drops Imus simulcast Tribe bats cool off in are playing very well in the By David Crary own employees," NBC news gram will rest with executives second half of the season The Associated Press said in a statement. at CBS Corp. In a statement, especially. Just make The announcement also was CBS reiterated that Imus will be 4-1 loss to Anaheim sure they don't run into NEWYORK—MSNBC said yes- made on air. suspended without pay for two terday it will drop its simulcast Talk-show host Don Imus weeks beginning on Monday, By Chris Jenkins ing rotation because of inju- Edmonton and they should of the "Imus in the Morning" triggered the uproar on his and that CBS Radio "will con- The Associated Press ries to liartolo Colon and lered be all right. radio program, responding April 4 show, when he referred tinue to speak with all con- Weaver. In his second start of 3. Anaheim: Teemu to growing outrage about the to the mostly black Rutgers cerned parties and monitor the MILWAUKEE — Cleveland the season, he made a strong radio host's racial slur against women's basketball team situation closely." couldn't make it two in a row bid to stick around once Colon Selanne looks as good as he the Rutgers women's basket- as "nappy-headed hos." His MSNBC's action came after on its makeshift new home and Weaver return. did in his early 20s. Watch ball team. comments have been widely a growing list of sponsors — field. Joe Saundcrs allowed Saunders (1-0) pitched out of "This decision comes as a out Western Conference. denounced by civil rights and including American Express a run and four hits in 6 2-3 trouble in the third inning, get- result of an ongoing review pro- women's groups. Co., Staples Inc., Procter & innings as the Los Angeles ting Ryan Garko to ground into 4. Nashville: The cess, which initially included The decision does not affect Gamble Co., and General Angels beat the Indians 4-1 at a double play after loading the Predators are geared up for the announcement of a suspen- Imus' nationally syndicated Miller Park last night. bases with one out. He allowed sion. It also takes into account radio show, and the ultimate Saunders, a 25-year-old left- a playoff run and looking See IMUS | Page 12 many conversations with our decision on the fate of that pro- hander, is in the Angels' start- See TRIBE | Page 15 dangerous. 5. New Jersey: Martin Brodeur (below) this year was similar to Jack Nicholson Family and friends bid Robinson farewell in services in The Departed..' You By Mary Foster center. "Coach was known for three days of mourning that know he's a badass, but he The Associated Press how many players he graduated stretched across the state from emphasized it to his and sent on to successful lives." Memorial Hall at the state GRAMBLING, La. — They About 5,000 people attended ability. Capitol in Baton Rouge to began arriving soon after the yesterday's funeral — just across Memorial Garden, a cemetery sun came up over the piney the street from the stadium two miles from the college. woods: football greats, govern- where Robinson and his players A plywood sign hung at the ment figures and everyday people made history. Grambling exit off Interstate 20 — all of them there to say good- "It's like coming to your read "Eddie Robinson, La." And bye to former Grambling football father's funeral," said Robert for the people of this little city coach Eddie Robinson. "Big Bird" Smith, who played for and school, it certainly seemed "Most coaches are rated by Robinson and was an assistant that way. the players they recruit," the coach during Robinson's final Robinson died last week at 88. Rev. lesse lackson said as four years at Grambling. "He He was widely admired as one of he waited for Robinson's was like a father to everyone the nation's winningest college ALEX BRANDON : AP PHOTO funeral to start in the that ever played for him." DOWN THE LINE: Eddie Robinson IV leans into look at h6 great grandfather's brorae covered school's new assembly The funeral wrapped up See ROBINSON | Page 13 casket at the burial for EdAe Robinson, former football coach of GramWtnq State Unrversify i SPORTS 12 Thursday. Apnl 12.2007 WWW.BGNEWS.COM Playoffs start early for Cavaliers

By Tom Withtrt still not the end of the world. The Associated Press You still have to beat some good teams to get where you CLEVELAND — The NBA want to go." playoffs don't officially If the Cavaliers intend to slarl for another 10 days. catch the Bulls, who also have Unless you're the Cleveland an edge in tiebreakers, and Cavaliers, in which case, avoid the Heat, they can't they're already here. afford to lose any of their final Withonlyfourgames remain- four games, beginning with a ing in the regular season, the matchup at home against New stakes couldn't be higher for Jersey today. Cleveland (46-32), locked in After facing the Nets in a pos- a down-to-the wire race with sible playoff preview, the Cavs the Chicago Bulls (47-32) for will host Atlanta on Saturday the No. 2 seed in the F.astem before playing at Philadelphia Conference — runners-up to on April 17 and finishing up the Del roil Pistons. the following night with a home The Cavaliers-Bulls winner game against Milwaukee. *%:«&*: will get a first-round matchup It's the equivalent of a four- TOM OLMSCHEIO I UPPHOTO with the No. 7 seed, currently game series, and they need to IT'S A STRUGGLE: Minnesota Timberworves' Craiq Smith (5) bats a away New Jersey. To the loser, goes win every one. from ' Anderson Varejao. right, ol Brad, during the second quarter m a the No. 5 seed and a best-of-7 "The only way we can get basketball game on April i in Minneapolis series in Round 1 against the to the second spot is for us Courts under construction Miami Heat, who just got hack to sweep, and for Chicago to have to do it the hard way." Too often, Cleveland's star from a stumble once," Cavaliers center The hard way seems to be the endgame scenario has fol- TOP:' r igovo the years, but by md-summer. the women's shoulder injury and are prim- Zydrunas Ilgauskas said. "It's a only way the Cavaliers know. lowed a similar script with tennts team will be looking at a new terns court BG coach ftsmy Dean and her team w# help with ing for another title run. big difference silting fifth and Other than an eight-game LeBron James having to take design and ccferv Let's see, the Nets or Shaq, playing Miami and Detroit and winning streak last month, the final shot. BOTTOM: Construction began last week and the new courts wi be located between Stefler FeW I)-Wade and the defending going that way. To win it all, you the Cavaliers have been wildly Sunday's loss at Detroit was and the soflbaH field The new facibty will consist of two tiers o( four courts each surrounded by a ferae champions? have to go through everybody inconsistent since November. no different than several others «th a oVnbng fountain and electrical outlets That's a slam dunk. eventually. One of their recent problems In recent weeks as James found In addition to the new courts, the team is having a great season with a record of 12-5.4-1 in the MAC "It's critical to get the No. 2 "Looking at it, second place has been an inability to close himself isolated with the ball Builring new courts wll be a recruiting advantage, said Assistant Athletic [Vector Jim Elsasser. Elsasser seed," Cavs coach Mike Brown will have an easier way. It's out games, a deficiency that at the top of the key. Brown's is worhng closely with Geddis fcving of Toledo, the construction company in charge of this project said. "I want to win as many going to be hard to beat a team must be fixed if they have any strategy in these situations is to Tl *> construe ton job r, t o be 120 cbys long and 6 eipected to be competed in JuV games and be seeded as high like (Miami) four times. If we thoughts of making a deep as possible. If you don't, it's don't get (the No. 2 seed), we'll postseason run. See CAVS | Page 15

for the Advancement of Colored ment on whether a two-week sus- People, one of die foremost U.S. pension imposed by CBS Radio Delivery Driver Needed IMUS civil rights organizations. and MSNBC was sufficient. From Page 11 He said he had spoken with CBS Stringer said late Wednesday chief executive Leslie Moonves that she did not call for Imus' fir- Motors Corp. — said they were and hoped die company, after ing, but WBS pleased with die deci- pulling ads from Imus' show for reviewing the situation, would lire sion by NBC executives. the indefinite future. Imus rather than let him return Imus has apologized repeatedly Butitdidnotendcallsforlmus to the air at the end of an unpaid for his comments. I lesaidTuesday lo be fired from the radio por- nvo-week suspension beginning he hadn't been dunking when tion of his program. The show next Monday. making a joke that went "way too originates from WFAN-AM in A CBS spokesman, Dana far." He also said that those who New York City and is syndicated McClintock, declined comment called for his firing without know- nationally by Westwood One, on the remarks by Gordon, who ing him, his philanthropic work or both of which are managed bv is one of at least two minorities on what his show was about would be Are you a morning person? CBS Corp. the 13-member board. making an "ill-informed" choice. Bruce Gordon, former head The 10 members of the Rutgers At the Rutgers campus in Do you have reliable transportation? of the NAACP and a director of team spoke publicly for the first New Brunswick, N.I., about 300 CBS Corp., said before MSNBC's time Tuesday about the on-air students and faculty rallied ear- decision Wednesday he hoped comments, made the day after the lier in the day to cheer for their THE BG NEWS is looking for a mature individual to deliver papers the broadcasting company would team lost the NCAA championship team, which lost in the national for 2-3 hours starting at 6:00 am, Monday through Friday. "make the smart decision'1 by fir- game to Tennessee. Some of them championship game, and add ing Imus. wiped away tears as their coach, their voices to the crescendo "He's crossed the line, he's vio- C. Vivian Stringer, criticized Imus of calls for Imus' ouster. One In return, you receive OUTSTANDING WAGES. lated our community," Gordon for "racist and sexist remarks that of the speakers was Chidimma ($10 - $15 per hour) said in a telephone interview with are deplorable, despicable, abomi- Ai I ii ili ii i Li. president of the cam- The Associated Press. "He needs nable and unconscionable.1' pus chapter of the NAACP Maturity and Reliability a MUST! to face the consequence of that The women, eight of whom are "This is not a battle against one violation." black, agreed to meet with Imus man. This is a battle against a way Apply through BGSU WorkNet or call 372-2607 or email TUC D/" kj C\A/C Gordon, a longtime telecom- privately next Tuesday and hear of thought." she said. "Don Imus to start the application process. '*- "\J lit TV J munications executive, stepped his explanation. They held back does not understand the power down in March after 19 months as from saying whether they'd accept of his words, so it is our respon- head of the National Association Imus' apologies or passing judg- sibility to remind him." From BBA to MBA in 11 months

Where it all comes together Designed for recent BBA graduates, the Accelerated MBA program (AMBA) Contemporary Curriculum allows students to work full-time during Excellent faculty the week and attend classes on Friday evenings and Saturdays. The AMBA Hands-on experience curriculum emphasizes management and Exceptional students leadership skills. Small class sizes and a

Invaluable connections pre-planned course structure allow you to maximize learning in a brief time frame. Convenient schedule tease fJM Explore all the opportunities that our Proven lockstep format AMBA Program offers. This is where your GREAT LOCATIONS Unmatched tuition value future comes together. EFFICIENCIES- at 451 Thurstin across from Offenhauer. $700 for the summer, deposit $225. One person only HAIMI) EILPLLBNCI ONE BEDROOMS- Several locations. $785 for the summer, deposit $225. One person only

TWO BEDROOMS-Several locations. $950 for the summer,

Till! BUT aU'SIVBS* SCHOOLS deposit $225. Two person limit. IN THE WOIXD

II ■i ■ i Cleveland State University ..-JOHN i" ■ M ;; i ■ iii ■■ Nance College of Business Administration 319 E. Wooiter Street, Bowling Gram, OH (Located Across From Taco Bel) NEWLOVE Rental Office. 419-354-2260 216.687.6925 | | [email protected] Hours Mon. thru Frl. 8:30-5:30 Sat 8:30-5:00 Real ZttoU. *?«c. CIEVEIANO STfTE UMVERSTTY IS AN M/lOt COMMITTED TO NONOISCfilMINATKJN 'We've got a place for everyone!" • i WWW.BGNEWS.COM SPORTS Thursday. Apnl 12.200713

ROBINSON CAVS THE BG NEWS SUDOKU From Page 11 From Page 12 9 football coaches and as a mentor take advantage of lames' play- 2 3 1 to the young black men whose making skills to get the best shot lives he influenced for 57 years. possible. 2 7 "He was the most influential However, what has happened person in my life," said Charlie more times than not is that joiner, now a wide receivers lames has been double- and tri- 1 coach with the Kansas City ple-teamed and his teammates Chiefs. "Mis first lesson for all have either stood around and of us was to first become a watched or they've reacted too 3 7 good American, then a good slowly to the defense, forcing MIHURDLAUCK I AP PHOTO football player." lames to take tough shots. The 2(> pallbearers included A FOND FAREWELL Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco pays tribute to Eddie Robinson. lames feels it may be time to 6 1 5 2 at least 15 former NIL play- Monday during a memorial service held in the House chambers of the Capitol in Baton try something new. ers, some of the more than 200 Rouge. La Robinson was the longtime coach of Grambling Stale University football "When you're not successful 4 Robinson sent to that league. at one play, then you do have to 7 6 1 "It feels like the football team center also included U.S. Sen. tunities for the young men he makeachangeandseeifyoucan is getting ready for a road trip," Mary liindrieu. U.S. Rep. William coached. do it another way," he said. "For 1 8 said Gary "llig I lands" lohnson, lefferson and l.t. Gov. Mitch Richard Lapchick, the direc- me, I feel comfortable wherever I who played nine years in the Landrieu. tor of the University of Central am at on the court." NFL "I almost expect Coach to Sen. Landrieu presented Florida's Institute for Diversity Brown is most comfortable 4 1 start rounding us up for the bus." Robinson's widow, Doris, a proc- and F.thics in Sports, wrote a with the ball in lames' hands, Former players slapped each lamation passed by the Senate biography of Robinson. but he's also consideringa tweak other on the back, and hugged and an American Flag that flew "I le loved an America that or two of the half-court set to get 9 7 6 8 4 as they waited for the service to mil 'the nation's Capitol. wouldn't allow him to buy a others involved. begin. Some brought cow bells "When he walked on that field ticket to a game at LSU when he "LeBron's more dangerous SUDOKU Z 8 9 L 6 5 and rang them, a reminder of in 1941, il wasn't flat, it wasn't was a young boy, yet had him with the ball, but I've got to To play: Complete the grid L 6 I 5 I » £ 8 9 Robinson's trips through the ath- even, it was slanted up sharply," lay in state in the Capitol in that make sure that I put him on the so that every row, column 6 £ I I I » letic dorm to wake players for Landrieu said. "It's not level yet, same city." Lapchick said. back side of things more than S 8 9 and every 3x3 box contains class or church. but because of his life its gelling Following the eulogy, I've been doing," he said. "If he's I 9 6 I S £ 17 I 8 the digits 1 to 9.There is no "Every guy here hears that there and we all are beneficia- Robinson's great-grandson, got the ball on the front side of £ Z S I f 8 9 L 6 guessing or math involved. IM'II every morning in his mind," ries of that." 9-year-old Eddie Robinson IV, the play, it makes it easier for the 8 t I 9 6 Z 5 I I Smith said. It's part of what Robinson took over at rang one of the coach's old cow- other teams to load up on him. Just use logic to solve. lit 8 9 I 6 5 E Coach left with us." Grambling State In 1941, when bells, lofting it over his head When we do react, we get great When Pro i hall Hall of the school was the I ouisiana and shaking it vigorously Then looks. When we don't and try to 9 S 8 £ I 6 I fr Z Famer Willie Brown asked all Negro Normal and Industrial the (.rambling Band played the make up our own thing, it makes 6 I t * Z S 8 9 I the people that had played for Institute and strict segregation school fight song one final time it tougher on us and him." Robinson to stand, hundreds ruled the South. As he buill the for Robinson as his former play- As his team readies for the rose throughout the auditorium. program into one of the most ers carried the coffin from the playoffs, Brown wants theCavs to Create and solve your The crowd in the assembly successful, he opened oppor- building. improve on their ball movement, post defense and especially their Sudoku puzzles for FREE. execution. But as much as any- TODAY IN SPORTS HISTORY thing, he wants these final four games to feel like the playoffs. 1947 • Jackie Robinson became the first black player in major league "1 hope in all of these games PRIZESUDOKIL'M baseball history. He played in an exhibition game for the Brooklyn there is that sense of urgency," Dodgers. he said.

Services Offered Wanted Help Wanted TRIBE The BG News Classified Ads BOOK BUY BACK Looking for 1 ticket for Graduation College Pro is now hiring painters to From I At Collegiate Connection ceremony on May 5th al 9:30am. work outside with other students 419-372-6977 531 Ridge St. Will pay lop dollar. Email or call Joe: Earn $3000-5000 Advancement op Starting April 26 330-730-3646. [email protected] poflunmes 1-888 277-9787 or only one baserunner in the next The B<; News will not knowingly accept advertisements that discrim- three innings before giving up a Make up to $75 per online survey: inate, or encourage discrimination Sanderson Stables solo home run to lltonny I'eralta against an> individual or group on Servers needed" Experience req in the seventh. ihe basil ol race. sex. color, creed, Apply in person 100 N Main Si religion, origin, sexual ori- A Prolessional Equestrian Facility lust in Speier finished the sev- & Riding Academy N Baltimore. OH 419-257-0203 entation. iliMlliltilv. si.mis as a vel- Help Wanted enth inning lor Saunders. and ur cm (he hasis of anv other Lessons. Web Based Distance Scott Shields pitched a scoreless Irg.dlv protected sums. Learning. Training. Workbooks, The BG News Advertising Sales Position eighth. Francisco Rodriguez & Educ. Activities Since 1982 'BARTENDING! up lo $300/day No We provide credd 8 exp. necessary. Training provided. Fall 07 Spring 08 retired the side in order in the non-credit courses covering Call 800-965-6520 ext. 174. Musi be personable, detail oriented ninth lor his fourth save in four have own transportation. Ilexible Campus Events 100.200 & 300 levels. chances. Trail riding, contesting and more hours. Apply in person & pick up ap MORRYGASH Delivery & Prep Personnel It was the second game in at DiBenedetto's plication al 204 Wesl Hall K'ED AND KO'EDt Los Angeles Angels a three-game series that was BGSU KENYA 5K BENEFIT RUN Conlacl us al 419-655-2253 or 1432E WoosterSt. pitcher Francisco Rodriguez reads after www.sandersonstables com Apply Monday through Friday Toledo Area moved from Cleveland to Race against AIDS. April 21. 2007 getting Cleveland Indians' Josh Barfield lo REGISTER TODAY! 419-378-0356 into@sandersonslables com Advertising Sales Position Milwaukee after snow showers Earn $2500* monthly and more Sell for The BG News ground oul lo third lo end the game wiped out the Indians' four- to type simple ads online. Musi be personable, detail oriented Welcome Sibs N' Kids! have own Iransponalion. Ilexible game series against the Seattle Come to Down on Ihe Farm hours. Apply in person & pick up ap Mariners over the weekend, true home opener against the Saturday. April !4lhlrom 10am-3pm Personals Full & part-time positions available plicalion al 204 Wesl Hall. leaving unplayable conditions Chicago White Sox on tomor- lo see live animals, play games. & Lawn Maintenance at lacobs Field. row night. eat lood at Ihe Perry Field House! 419-354-1923 BOOK BUY BACK TOLEDO COUNTRY CLUB is hiring Thanks to the retractable root Indians starter lake At Collegiate Connection Looking lor student teacher to chor- lor Servers'Bartenders Day or night at Miller Park, the Indians final- Westbrook (O-ll proved nearly Lost/Found 531 Ridge St. eograph a quincenila. Latin'hip hop shifts. Tues Sal. $10- per hour Ap ly get to play baseball this week as difficult to hit its Saunders Starting April 26 routines Call 419-308-7101. ply in person, Tue. Wed. Thu blwn 2-4pm. 3949 River Rd . Toledo. OH — but they still can't seem to yesterday, giving up three runs Needed, bar and wail stall at 43614 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE escape the w inter weather. and live iiils in six innings. Bill FOUND-RING. Women's reslroom, CAMPUS POLLYEYES Porkys in Weslon. OH. 1st lloor. BA Bldg . Thurs. April 5. To Heavy snow and wind gusts Westbrook allowed four walks, LASAGNA DINNER Send resume lo Uraku Japanese Restaurani claim: call Jeanne, 419-262-6535 to $5.50 pelted Milwaukee throughout and his occasional control porkys [email protected] Now hiring servers and cooks. describe. 352-9638 or call 419-344-2058. 419-352-7070 the day yesterday and were problems led to Angels runs. expected to continue through today morning. I "It's kind of a whileout." Indians manager 1-ric Wedge said before the game, as the 3 BDRM APARTMENTS & TOWNHOUSES snow falling outside the ball- park appeared to be blowing sideways at times. ♦ INTERNET CREDIT The'Brewers sold 16,375 ♦ FREE SUMMER STORAGE tickets for yesterday's game, and many of them showed up ♦ FREE WASHER & DRYER IN ALL HD 3 BDRMS despite the snow as fans filled the field-level seats and part of the second deck. An ener- getic crowd of 19,031 turned *PLUS* out for the series opener on YOUR CHOICE OF THE FOLLOWING UPON MOVE-IN Tuesday night. The series finale is at 1:0.ri BDT $500.00 OFF YOUR FIRST MONTHS RENT on today, after which the Indians will return to Cleveland for a OR COLLEGE $500.00 BEST BUY GIFT CARD NIGHT ** You MUST bring this ad into our office at the time of signing the RESERVATION AGREEMENT for this promotion to be honored. Gift card will be given on day of move in, either 6/2/07 or 8/16/07 or we will discount vour first month rent. ?SITY LAMES LIMITED OCCUPANCY REMAINING!!

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* CERTAIN TERMS & RESTRICTIONS APPLY* k 12 Thursday. Apnl 12.2007 SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM Playoffs start early for Cavaliers

By Tom Withers still not the end of the world. The Associated Press You still have to beat some good teams to get where you CLEVELAND — The NBA want to go." playoffs don't officially If the Cavaliers intend to start for another 10 days. catch the Bulls, who also have Unless you're the Cleveland an edge in tiebreakers, and Cavaliers, in which case, avoid the Heat, they can't they're already here. afford to lose any of their final Withonlyfourgames remain- four games, beginning with a ing in the regular season, the matchup at home against New stakes couldn't be higher for lersey today. Cleveland (46-32). locked in After facing the Nets in a pos- a down-to-the wire race with sible playoff preview, the Cavs the Chicago Bulls (47-32) for will host Atlanta on Saturday the No. 2 seed in the Eastern before playing at Philadelphia Conference — runners-up to on April 17 and finishing up the Detroit Pistons. the followingnight with a home The Cavaliers-Bulls winner game against Milwaukee. T0MOIMSCHEI0 i APPHOtO will get a first-round matchup It's the equivalent of a four- with the No. 7 seed, currently game series, and they need to ITS A STRUGGLE: Minnesota Timberwolves' Craig Smith (5) bats a rebound away New Jersey. To the loser, goes win every one. from Cleveland Cavaliers' Anderson Varejao. right, of Brazil, during the second quarter in a the No. 5 seed and a best-of-7 "The only way we can get basketball game on April 5 in Minneapolis series in Round 1 against the to the second spot is for us Courts under construction Miami Heat, who just got back to sweep, and for Chicago to have to do it the hard way." Too often, Cleveland's star Dwyane Wade from a stumble once," Cavaliers center The hard way seems to be the endgame scenario has fol-

TOP: Keefe Tennis Court KK been detencrdtrig over die years, but by mid-summer the women's shoulder injury and are prim- Zydrunas Ilgauskas said. "It's a only way the Cavaliers know. lowed a similar script with terns team wl be looting a! a new lenms court BG coach ftnny Dean and her team wl help with ing for another title run. big difference sitting fifth and Other than an eight-game LeBron James having to take design and colors Let's see, the Nets or Shaq, playing Miami and Detroit and winning streak last month, the final shot. BOTTOM: Construction began last week and the new courts wJI be located between Steller Field D-Wade and the defending going that way. To win it all, you the Cavaliers have been wildly Sunday's loss at Detroit was and the sortbal field The new facilty will consist of two tecs of lout courts each surrounded by a fence champions? have to go through everybody inconsistent since November. no different than several others with a drrlong fountan and electrical outlets. That's a slam dunk. eventually. One of their recent problems in recent weeks as James found In addition to the new courts, the team is hawrg a great season with a record of 12-5.4-1 ii the MAC "It's critical to get the No. 2 "Looking at it, second place has been an inability to close himself isolated with the ball Building new courts wil be a reaurbng advantage, said Assistant Athletic Director Jm Ebasser FJsasser seed," Cavs coach Mike Brown will have an easier way. It's out games, a deficiency that at the top of the key. Brown's is worknj cbseV with Geddis fVmg of Toledo, the construaion company in charge of this prciett said. "I want to win as many going to be hard to beat a team must be fixed if they have any strategy in these situations is to Tlieconstrution job Globe 120 d^ big and is ©peeled to I* carded n^ games and be seeded as high like (Miami) four times. If we thoughts of making a deep as possible. If you don't, it's don't get (the No. 2 seed), we'll postseason run. See CAVS | Page 15

for the Advancement of Colored ment on whether a two-week sus- People, one of the foremost U.S. pension imposed bv CBS Radio Delivery Driver Needed IMUS civil rights organizations. and MSNBC was sufficient. From Page 11 He said he had spoken with CBS Stringer said late Wednesday chief executive Leslie Moonves that she did not call for Imus' fir- Fall/Spring Semester Motors Corp. — said they were and hoped the company, after ing, but was pleased with the deci- pulling ads from Imus' show for reviewing the situation, would fire sion by NBC executives. 2007 - 2008 the indefinite future. Imus rather than let him return Imus has apologized repeatedly But it did not end calls for Imus to the air at the end of an unpaid for his comments. He said Tuesday to be fired from the radio por- two-week suspension beginning he hadn't been thinking when tion of his program. The show next Monday. making a joke that went "way too originates from WFAN-AM in A CBS spokesman, Dana tar." He also said tltat those who New York City and is syndicated McClintock, declined comment called for his firing without know- nationally by Westwood One, on the remarks by Gordon, who ing him, his philanthropic work or both of which are managed bv is one of at least two minorities on what his show was about would be Are you a morning person? CBS Corp. the 13-member board. making an "ill-infomied" choice. Bruce Gordon, former head The 10 members of the Rutgers At the Rutgers campus in of the NAACP and a director of team spoke publicly for the first New Brunswick. N.J., about 300 Do you have reliable transportation? CBS Corp., said before MSNBC's time Tuesday about the on-air students and faculty rallied ear- decision Wednesday he hoped comments, made the day after the lier in the day to cheer for their THE BG NEWS is looking for a mature individual to deliver papers the broadcasting company would team lost the NCAA championship team, which lost in the national for 2-3 hours starting at 6:00 am, Monday through Friday. "make the smart decision" by fir- game to Tennessee. Some of them championship game, and add ing Imus. wiped away tears as their coach, their voices to the crescendo "He's crossed the line, he's vio- C Vivian Stringer, criticized Imus of calls for Imus' ouster. One In return, you receive OUTSTANDING WAGES. lated our community," Gordon for "racist and sexist remarks that of the speakers was Chidimma ($10 - $15 per hour) said in a telephone interview with are deplorable, despicable, abomi- Acholonu, president of the cam- The Associated Press. "He needs nable and unconscionable." pus chapter of the NAACP. Maturity and Reliability a MUST! to face the consequence of that The women, eight of whom are "This is not a battle against one violation." black, agreed to meet with Imus man. This is a battle against a way Apply through BCSU WorkNet or call 372-2607 or email TLIC Ofl KJCU/C Gordon, a longtime telecom- privately next Tuesday and hear of thought," she said. "Don Imus to start the application process. It- D" IlLllJ munications executive, stepped his explanation. They held back does not understand the power down in March after 19 months as from saying whether they'd accept of his words, so it is our respon- head of the National Association fonts' apologies or passing judg- sibility to remind him." From BBA to MBA in 11 months

Where it all comes together Designed for recent BBA graduates, the Accelerated MBA program (AMBA) Contemporary Curriculum allows students to work full-time during Excellent faculty the week and attend classes on Friday evenings and Saturdays. The AMBA Hands-on experience curriculum emphasizes management and

Exceptional students leadership skills. Small class sizes and a m**** Invaluable connections pre-planned course structure allow you to maximize learning in a brief time frame. Convenient schedule tease IflaM Explore all the opportunities that our Proven lockstep format AMBA Program offers. This is where your GREAT LOCATIONS Unmatched tuition value future comes together. EFFICIENCIES- at 451 Thurstin across from Offenhauer. $700 for the summer, deposit $225. One person only RARNID ElCELLSNCS ONE BEDROOMS- Several locations. $785 for the summer, deposit $225. One person only

TWO BEDROOMS See a locations. $950 for the summer,

THI IIIT ■UIIN1SS SCHOOLS deposit $225. Two person limit. IN THB WOSXD

it ■ i ■ i ■ I 11 I_I Cleveland State University ..-JOHN !• ■ I' : \ M Mi 11 ■;;: ii Nance College of Business Administration 319 E. Woosttr Street Boating Green, OH (Located Across From Taco Bel) NEWLOVE Rental Office. 419-334-2260 216.687.6925 | | Hours Hon. thru Frf 8:30-3:30 Set 8:30-3:00 /Real &>t*te. 1«c. CLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITY IS AN AA/EOC COMMITTED TO NONDfiCWMINATION 'We've got a place for everyone! > k L WWWBGNEWS.COM SPORTS Thursday. April 12.200715

ROBINSON CAVS THE BG NEWS SUDOKU From Page 11 From Page 12 football coaches and as a mentor take advantage of James' play- 2 3 1 9 to the young black men whose * making skills to get the best shot lives he influenced for 57 years. «... > possible. 2 7 "He was the most influential However, what has happened person in my life," said Charlie more times than not is that joiner, now a wide receivers James has been double- and tri- 1 coach with the Kansas City ple-teamed and his teammates Chiefs. "His first lesson for all have either stood around and of us was to first become a watched or they've reacted too 3 7 good American, then a good slowly to the defense, forcing football player." ARTHUR DIAUCK | AP PHOTO James to take tough shots. The 26 pallbearers included A FOND FAREWELL: Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco pays tribute to Eddie Robinson. James feels it may be time to 6 1 5 2 at least 15 former NFL play- Monday during a memorial service held in the House chambers of the Capitol in Baton try something new. ers, some of the more than 200 Rouge. La Robinson was the longtime coach of Grambling Slate University football "When you're not successful Robinson sent to that league. at one play, then you do have to 4 7 6 1 "It feels like the football team center also included U.S. Sen. tunities for the young men he make a change and see if you can is getting ready for a road trip," Mary Landrieu, U.S. Rep. William coached. do it another way," he said. "For 1 8 said Gary "Big Hands" lohnson, Jefferson and Lt. Gov. Mitch Richard Lapchick, the direc- me, I feel comfortable wherever I who played nine years in the Landrieu. tor of the University of Central am at on the court." NFL "I almost expect Coach to Sen. Landrieu presented Florida's Institute for Diversity Brown is most comfortable 4 1 start rounding us up for the bus." Robinson's widow, Doris, a proc- and Hthics in Sports, wrote a with the ball in James' hands, Former players slapped each lamation passed by the Senate biography of Robinson. but he's also considering a tweak other on the back, and hugged ;uid an American Hag that flew "He loved an America that or two of the half-court set to get 9 7 6 8 4 as they waited for the service to over the nation's Capitol. wouldn't allow him to buy a others involved. begin. Some brought cow bells "When he walked on that field ticket to a game at I5U when he "LeBron's more dangerous SUDOKU » £ I Z 8 9 I 6 S and rang them, a reminder of in 1941, it wasn't flat, it wasn't was a young boy, yet had him with the ball, but I've got to To play: Complete the grid L 6 Z 5 I » E 8 9 Robinson's trips through the ath- even, it was slanted up sharply," lay in state in the Capitol in that make sure that I put him on the so that every row, column letic domi to wake players for landrieu said. "It's not level yet, same city," Lapchick said. back side of things more than S 8 9 6 E L Z I P and every 3x3 box contains class or church. but because of his life it's getting Following the eulogy, I've been doing," he said. "If he's I 9 6 L S E * Z 8 "Every guy here hears that there and we all are beneficia- Robinson's great-grandson, got the ball on the front side of the digits 1 to 9.There is no E Z S I 9 8 9 L 6 guessing or math involved. bell every morning in his mind," ries of that." 9-year-old Eddie Robinson IV, the play, it makes it easier for the 8 t L 9 6? S E I Smith said. "It's part of what Just use logic to solve. Robinson took over at rang one of the coach's old cow- other teams to load up on him. 6 S E Coach left with us." Grambling State in 1941, when bells, lofting it over his head When we do react, we get great lit 8 9 1 When Pro Football Hall of the school was the Louisiana and shaking it vigorously. Then looks. When we don't and try to 9 S 8 E L 6 I t Z Famer Willie Brown asked all Negro Normal and Industrial the Grambling Band played the make up our own thing, it makes 6 I t fr Z S 8 9 L the people that had played for Institute and strict segregation school fight song one final time it tougher on us and him." Robinson to stand, hundreds ruled the South. As he built the for Robinson as his former play- As his team readies for the rose throughout the auditorium. program into one of the most ers carried the coffin from the playoffs, Brown wants the Cavs to The crowd in the assembly successful, he opened oppor- building. improve on their ball movement, Create and solve your post defense and especially their Sudoku puzzles lor FREE. execution. But as much as any- TODAY IN SPORTS HISTORY thing, he wants these final four games to feel like the playoffs. 1947 - Jackie Robinson became the first black player in major league "I hope in all of these games PRIZESUDOKIU baseball history. He played in an exhibition game for the Brooklyn there is that sense of urgency," ■ Dodgers. he said.

Services Offered Wanted Help Wanted TRIBE Classified Ads BOOK BUY BACK Looking tor 1 ticket tor Graduation College Pro is now hiring painters to From Page 11 At Collegiate Connection ceremony on May 5th at 9:30am. work outside with other students 419-372-6977 531 Ridge St. Will pay top dollar. Email or call Joe: Earn $3000-5000 Advancement op- Starting April 26 330-730-3646, [email protected] portunities. 1 -888-277-9787 or only one baserunner in the next The BO News will no! knowingly ,u, i-pi advertisements thai discrim- three innings before giving up a Make up to $75 per online survey: inate, or encourage discrimination Sanderson Stables solo home run to Jhonny Peralta against any individual or group on Servers needed" Experience req Apply in person 100 N. Main St. in the seventh. the basis of race. sex. color, creed, A Prolessional Equestrian Facility religion, national origin, sexual ori- Justin Speier finished the sev- & Riding Academy N. Baltimore. OH 419-2570203 entation, disability, status as a vet- Help Wanted enth inning for Saunders, and eran, or on the basis of any ofher Lessons. Web Based Distance Scott Shields pitched a scoreless legally protected status. Learning, Training, Workbooks. The BG News eighth. Francisco Rodriguez & Educ. Activities Since 1962 BARTENDING! up to $300/day No Advertising Sales Position We provide credit & exp. necessary. Training provided. Fall 07 Spring 08 retired the side in order in the non-credit courses covering Call 800-965-6520 ext. 174. Must be personable detail oriented, ninth for his fourth save in four 100, 200 & 300 levels. have own transportation, flexible Campus Events hours. Apply in person & pick up ap- chances. MORRY GASH Trail riding, contesting and more Delivery & Prep Personnel It was the second game in at DiBenedetto's plication at 204 West Hall. K'ED AND KO'ED: Los Angeles Angels a three-game series that was BGSU KENYA 5K BENEFIT RUN Contact us at 419-655-2253 or 1432 E. Wooster St. moved from Cleveland to pitcher Francisco Rodriguez reads after Race against AIDS. April 21, 2007 Apply Monday through Friday Toledo Area getting Cleveland Indians' Josh Barfield lo REGISTER TODAY! 419-378-0356 [email protected] Advertising Sales Position Milwaukee after snow showers Earn $2500* monthly and more Sell for The BG News ground out to third to end the game- wiped out the Indians' four- to type simple ads online. Must be personable, detail oriented, Welcome Sibs N' Kids! have own transportation, flexible game series against the Seattle Come to Down on the Farm Mariners over the weekend, true home opener against the Personals hours. Apply in person & pick up ap- Saturday. April 14th from 10am-3pm Full & part-time positions available plication at 204 West Hall. leaving unplayable conditions Chicago White Sox on tomor- to see live animals, play games. & Lawn Maintenance at Jacobs Field. row night. eat tood at the Perry Field House! 419-354-1923. BOOK BUY BACK TOLEDO COUNTRY CLUB is hiring Thanks to the retractable roof Indians starter lake At Collegiate Connection Looking for student/teacher to chor- for Servers/Bartenders. Day or night at Miller Park, the Indians final- Westbrook (0-1) proved nearly Lost/ Found 531 Ridge St. eograph a quincenita. Latin/hip hop shirts. Tues.-Sat. $10* per hour Ap ly get to play baseball this week as difficult to hit as Saunders Starting April 26 routines. Call 419-308-7101. ply in person. Tue./Wed./Thu. blwn 2-4pm. 3949 River Rd.. Toledo. OH — but they still can't seem to yesterday, giving up three runs Needed, bar and wait staff at 43614 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE escape the winter weather. and five hits In six innings. But FOUND-RING. Women's restroom. CAMPUS POLLYEYES Porky's in Weston, OH. Heavy snow and wind gusts Westbrook allowed four walks, 1st floor. BA Bldg.. Thurs. April 5. To LASAGNA DINNER Send resume to Uraku Japanese Restaurant claim: call Jeanne, 419-262-6535 to $5.50 [email protected] Now hiring servers and cooks. pelted Milwaukee throughout and his occasional control describe. 352-9638 the day yesterday and were problems led to Angels runs. or call 419-344-2058 419-352-7070. expected to continue through today morning. I "It's kind of a whiteout," Indians manager Eric Wedge said before the game, as the 3 BDRM APARTMENTS & TOWNHOUSES snow falling outside the ball- park appeared to be blowing sideways at times. ♦ INTERNET CREDIT The Brewers sold 16,375 ♦ FREE SUMMER STORAGE tickets for yesterday's game, and many of them showed up ♦ FREE WASHER & DRYER IN ALL HD 3 BDRMS despite the snow as fans filled the field-level seats and part of the second deck. An ener- getic crowd of 19.031 turned *PLUS* out for the series opener on YOUR CHOICE OF THE FOLLOWING UPON MOVE-IN Tuesday night. The series finale is at 1:05 EDT $500.00 OFF YOUR FIRST MONTHS RENT on today, after which the Indians will return to Cleveland for a OR COLLEGE $500.00 BEST BUY GIFT CARD NIGHT ** You MUST bring this ad into our office at the time of signing the RESERVATION AGREEMENT for this promotion to be honored. Gift card will be given on day of move in, either 6/2/07 or 8/16/07 or we will discount your first month rent." LIMITED OCCUPANCY REMAINING!!


1045 N. Main St. Bowling Green, OH. 43402 419-353-5800 email: info(gjmeccabg.coni


For Sale For Rent For Rent The Daily Crossword Fix W brought to you by L 05 Honda EXL Accord. 2 door., fully 1 or 2 female subieasers needed. For summer/fall lease. 3 students to loaded, moon-roof. XM radio. Best The Enclave II Apts. Fully turn., 4 share 3 bed. 2 bath condo in resi- 1 K- offer 419-345-1001. bdrms.. 4 bathrms.. free laundry. dential area, on west side of town. | • * ■ ' » '■ ". \i ■ 1 1 1994 economic pact ' 2 German river Rent $350 mo. plus util. Willing to $340 ea mo plus util. Respond to 14 ■• ■' 3 "Vicinity Buy ' Sell / Trade' Rent negotiate. Contact Megan 419-308- 372-7373 or [email protected]. 9228 or Deidre 330-730-0596 H ' 4 Broad comedies New Or Used 5 Dreaded African fly Houses/Apts for 07-08 school year DVD's / Video Games I .1, ^■?2 3 bdm house Close to BGSU p I 6 LPs' replacement Game Systems' And More 12 month leases only 7 Eccentric Off-street parking, W/D, AC. One-2 23 2* | ^m 2fl www.ubboaram 419-494-1588 S. Smith Contracting, LLC ^M 8 Magnani or Pavlova bdrm. apt. off street pkg Close to 419-352-8917 - 532 Manville Ave ;w i. 9 Morose BGSU. All avail. Aug. 15. 2007. 419- ."< 79 I ■ ' Office open 10-2M - F H I 10 Sow's digs CASH FOR BOOKS 352-4773. 419-601-3225 (cell). www bc-apartments com " LH ■ " 11 Government scientist? At Collegiate Connection Quiet tenants preferred 4.,' 12 "Casablanca" role ■ .« ■ 531 Ridge St. 3 bdrm apt. recently remodeled, *' 13 Slide sideways 44 Pearly whites small pets allowed for 2007-2008. Starling April 26 Newly remodeled house. 4-5 bdrm.. A.- ■' *' 1 1 18 Publish 47 Junkie's fix sch. yr.Please call 419-308-3525 49 Become extinct 2 bath, close to dntown. & campus. 40 22 As yet ■■' 47 I I^H 4^ 50 1 24 Former PLO leader 50 One-season plant Ranch house. 3 bdrm., 1 bath. Great May . lease. $1500 mo. plus utiities. 3 bdrm house. $800 plus utils Avail 419-340-2500. 26 Synagogue platform 52 Scarlett's Butler location, quiet neighborhood. Lots of 8/16. Sm. pet allowed. 404 S. Col- H 27 Distributed the deck 53 Imprint clearly updates $142,000 419-308-4162 ■.« •M lege 419.352 4850 & 419 352.6948. ■M ^■u M LB 28 God of Islam 54 Neck part Private entry 1 bdrm. & studio 29 I've got It under con- 56 River of Pisa ■ 6J I 4 bdrm. unfurn. house. 1st of As low as $365 trol 58 Taj Mahal's place 419-352-0590 For Rent Manville. Redecorated May 06, ■ I " 14. 30 Torrent 59 H.S. subj. available May 07 419-352-5239. 31 Speak from a soap 60 Raison d'_ Quiet, 1 bedroom unfurn. apt. on S. ' ' •.- (.'. box 62 CCX x X College Dr. Available August. $360. 32 Medicated 63 Mao __-Tung 525 N. Prospect-3 bdrm., 2 bath, 2 "07-08 Rental 1 & 2 bdrm apts. 303 Call 419-352-9378. 35 Pilfer E. Merry 6 bdrm 3 liv. UP TO 8 All car garage. $1000 M Avail, in May. ACROSS 38 Small needle cases next to campus. $5 Web.Call 419- 439 N. Main 5 bdrm. 2 bath, whole Sublsr needed from May 5 - Aug. 1. 39 Rules, briefly 353-0325 9am-9pm/listing 24/7 @ house SI 500 M Avail, in Aug. 2 bdrm. apt. Each room $255. Free 1 Political payoff 43 Border (on| 316 E. Merry 3. All close to dntn. <- 721 Fourth, 3 bdrm. 2 bath, townhse gas, cable & internet. 330-622-1575. $800/M. Avail, in Aug. 419-353-0494 6 Breeding 45 Goddess of folly more updates @CARTYRENTALS. 11 "My country of..." 46 Part 4 of quote COM Summer lease. Furn. 1 bdrm. apt. 14 Nimbi 48 Drugged to sleep 812 Third St. 2 story, 3 bdrm, 1 Private bathrm., W/D, A/C, swim 15 Breakfast fast food 51 Sage '07 • '08 School Year bath. $840 a mo. ♦util. 5 blocks from pool 8 more. $350 + util. 1st mo. 16 Wapiti 52 German river 1,2 & 3 bedroom apts. available. campus. Private, fenced in back- rent 1/2 price 330-284-4243. 17 Start of Evan Esar quote 53 Adam's grandson ANSWERS For more into call 419-354-9740. yard Coin W/D Very clean. Avail. 19 CBS hit 55 College cheer May 15 Call Phil 419-392-2812. Summer subleaser needed. 3 bedrm 20 Leaflets 57 Bridge holding townhouse on S. College. Pets al- 61 Old sailor ,t V 1 1 0 N oH> S H 1 & 3 bdrm. apts. on Manville by 21 Buddy 1 1 ■ Apts & Houses 07 -08 lowed, nice yard. Not leased for next 22 Roe source 62 End of quote H i a V 1 1 N n d 3 Water Tower. Available May & Aug. 1 ■ * 419-353-8206 year yet. Rent neg. 740-627-6600. 23 Bacon paper 64 Class for EMTs . H •) n 0 H i ! a '1 IV H v - 419-352-5239. l 25 Black, in poetry 65 Coins 1 J V N 1 - i H V | s 0 H .1 The Highlands 27 Ballet performer 66 Follower of sea or way H i i H •i 3 |S 1 M 1 ■3 i v J i s t|H[0 11 0 H - 1 bdrm. apt. across from campus. Available August 15. 2007. 3 bdrm. 1 bedroom apartments 30 Part 2 of quote 67 You therel 1 1 V . n H 1 J 1 1 V 1 Available May 07, 1 yr lease. house, 227 E. Reed. $1000 per mo. $395.00 • $450.00 33 "Telephone Line" band 68 Twenty fins? 34 Merit 69 Calgary NHL player 1 V a ft v a 0 J H 1 1 V $350 mo. & utilities. 1 bdrm. apts. $300 & $350 per mo. Quiet location. Laundry on Site Call 419-897-5997 Year lease req. All close to BGSU. 36 Large-scale 0 b 0 V IV N H V c "1 3 o N <>| H ■ 1 ■■■ Call 419-308-2458 37 Modify ■1 1 Highland Management 40 Part 3 of quote N 0 a J 1* V S ■i 1 12 month leases starting May 2007 419-354-6036 1 * M s V rl •> 1 -J V a Enclave II waives $75 app. lee by 41 Birthplace of Robespierre 11 l s N 0 3 a i H . 424 S. College - 3 BR House signing over my 12 mo. May to May 42 Starbucks order 3 n N 0 a V a n V $795 . util. lease Call ASAP 419-307-0087. Upper floor of house. All util. incl. - 1 I • « 605 5th St -3BRApt. Free cable, W/D. monthly rent. Call s i ' 1 s s V 1 0 1 ' i V H G $675 ♦ util. Furnished room for rent with free- 419-352-9542. 818 2nd St.-2 BR Apt dom of house. $225 mo $100 de- 1432 E. Wooiter, BG $500 • gas/elec. posit. 419-354-6117. 849 6th St. - 1 BR Apt. (419) 3S2-4663 $325 + util. Highland Management 1-2-3 Bedroom Aparlmtnts delivery available - Smith Apt Rentals 1 S 2 bedroom apart. 419-352-8917 354-6036 rUnri: Ham - 9pm Monday- Saturday May 07- Aug. '08 lease From Only $490! PASTA & SUBS Delivery ltam-9»m Monday - Saturday 1457 Scott Hamilton. 4 bdrm. Need On selected floor plans 2-4 subieasers from Aug. 07-Aug. 08. Call 419-276-8843. • Ground floor ranch • Private entrance 2 bdrm apt turn & unturn. • Patio NEED HELP WITH 709 5th Street 1 bdrm apt for grad student. 419-352-3445 or 419-308-1287. • Spacious kitchen APARTMENTS Ivywood*^' • Pets welcome! 2 bdrm apt 4th St S525 month • WMMf IV? Blocks From Campus utilities. Available August 7. & for -FREE HEA1 fall. Call 419-409-1110. in during May or June VAUSTTV WJUAPH i»^ ../,./.„/ \l„,l,/,„j: /,,,„ 2 bedrooms on 7th St. W/D, $650 4 AftUTMIHTJ and gel 2 Months Free!* mo plus utilities. Available May 1st. N n-tini wil, M.i/,.. r.,i;l. 419-287-4337. /.,.,/.,, ./„,/,., H ..,,.;,/../../..,/„... ih.n Move in after that and get Toledo/Northwest Ohio Area ipimil- '.• ' '-...../ .... 2 Bdrm., 2 Full Bath, C/A 2 rooms avail, in 4 bdrm. Enclave 1 PCTCO t 1 Month Free!* Shuttle stop across the street apt. May thru Aug. Each have pri- 1-2 Days per week during school vate bath. Apt includes W/D. $350 5525/month Full Year Lease plus utilities 419-966-6192. Full Time during summer break For Rental Information: 1 MM I SlaiiM MMM VARSITY SQUARE C/A, Pell WafcoiM Contact Jack at 2 subieasers needed for 2 bdrm.apt. apartments On Siti Laundry 1-800-829-8638 May-Aug Very spacious. W/D, $290 NO FXPFR1FNCF NFEDf D • Wll I TRAIN Prtvatt DrtrmcB/Pitlo per person plus util. 419-217-7755. or Steve at 1-800-899-8070 419-353-7715 til \>V (419)352-1150 Jj J 418-252-7881


Management Inc. MOST COMMON SIZE FOR DodooB Renting for SUMMER MOVE OUTS!!! 2007/2008 10X10 UNITS MAY 1-AUG 31 Call 353-5800 or $199.00 Visit Us Online at •TAX(PRE-PAID) items available tor purchase include. Have a few places Locks Tarps. Tape open NOW No reserved urws. units musl be paid lor ID secure your rental contract

Courteous Service. Convenience. Safe Some ot trie reasons to rent from us HilMale Apts.

1082FairviewAva. Rental Office I Unrts located at 1 & 2 bdrm Apts. or 3 bdrm Twnh. Whitman Hardware Dishwasher & Garbage Disposal 15819 Bowling Green Rd West Program: (Woosm Streetl Washer & Dryers (in 2/3 bdrm) Register at University Dining Service locations across campus during March Air Conditioning Mon-Fn 8.00 AM-5 00 Pin- 26th thru April 19th for a chance to participate in the "Dodge Ball Tournament' Carports & BGSU Bus Shuttle Sat 8:00 - 3:00 PM sponsored by Pepsi and University Dining Services. •Ask about internet discount 24/7 access to units

Phone:419-354-7867 The Falcon s Nest at the Bowen-Thompson Student Union 419-354STOR Zza 's @ Night The Black Swamp Pub Trey Aubrey Chily 's Express Convenience Store 842/846 Seventh St. Neighborhood Deli @ Commons 2 Duplexes Left The Buffet @ Commons 3 Bedrooms/2 Baths Kreischer SunDial Shadows McDonald Dining Center NOT 11] Mac's Pizzeria Temptations Convenience Store Evergreen Apts. Founders Dining Center 215E.Po.Rd. Large I or 2 Bedroom Kravings * Efficiencies Destinations Snack Bar and Convenience Store Laundry on Site BGSU Bus Route NOT [2] Twenty-Four (24) contestants and six (6) alternates will be drawn from University Only 15 minute walk to campusl Dining Service locations. There will be four (4) six (6) man teams competing for the top prize. Each contestant will be randomly selected to form the four (4) teams in the tournament. Open to BGSU student who are at least 18 years old. Proper attire Heinislta Aptt. and shoes required. 710*52 N. Enterprise Teams will be competing for the following prizes: 1st place $100 Best Buy, 1 & 2 Bedrooms 2nd place $75 Best Buy, 3rd place S50 Best Buy, 4th place S25 Best Buy. All Washer/Dryer in 2 bdrm BUT [3] contestants will receive a copy of "DodgeBall" the movie. (Each contestant will Walking distance to campusl receive the prize listed above for the place the team finishes.) Gyros The DodgeBall Tournament will be held in the Field House Thursday, April 26th at /ffl&CA Management Inc. Evary 7:00pm . Winners will be not\h~ed by phone and email. Thursday Stop by the Office No Purchase Necessary to Register at 1045 N. Main St. or Check Us Out at SOUTH for full listing, SIDE prices, & pictures! L < i )