WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 | Volume 78, Number 20

orlando diocese palm beach diocese Venice diocese Refugee Deacon Schools begin children start candidates a new new school year ready to serve academic year cenTral aFrican repUblic Priests use Facebook to express outrage, appeal for help

CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE spoke neither French nor the local language, Sango, suggesting they BANGUI, CeNtrAl AfrICAN had come from nearby Sudan. repUBlIC | Catholic priests “If you don’t come soon to disarm whose villages have been at- these people, we will have to orga- nize confessions and a final Mass tacked have taken to Face- and viaticum” -- giving Commu- book to express outrage and nion to and anointing of someone appeal for help. approaching death -- “and prepare ourselves and the rest of the dis- One priest accused U.N. peace- placed people here for the worst,” keepers of “deliberately abandon- Father Kpangou told U.N. forces on ing” his town and leaving parishio- Facebook. ners to be murdered by rebels. Aid organizations have reported “You were warned, but you de- worsening violence throughout liberately decided to abandon this 2017 in the Central African Repub- town,” said Father Jean-Alain Zem- lic, one of the world’s poorest coun- bi, rector of Zemio, on the nation’s tries. Violence is mainly between border with Congo. armed remnants of Seleka, a Mus- “This community is being sacri- lim-dominated rebel movement ficed, and I will hold you responsi- that briefly seized power in 2013, ble for all those dead and preparing and a mainly Christian militia, An- to die.” ti-Balaka. In an Aug. 20 Facebook message, In an Aug. 19 statement, U.N. offi- Displaced people are seen on the grounds of a seminary Aug. 9 in Bangassou, Central African Republic. the priest said at least 30 townspeo- cials announced a new humanitar- Catholic priests whose villages have been attacked have taken to Facebook to express outrage and appeal ple had been killed when armed ian program, after dozens of civil- for help. (NAtAChA BuhleR, hANDout viA ePA | CNS) groups attacked the police head- ians died in attacks in four cities. quarters and hospital, burning ’s Le Monde daily report- half of Zemio’s 50,000 inhabitants lion inhabitants and have been man rights; support for justice and houses and stealing valuables. ed Aug. 21 that 80 percent of the to flee. widely praised for sheltering dis- the rule of law; and disarmament, He added that Moroccan troops country was believed to be under He added that bodies had been placed people around the coun- demobilization, reintegration and from the U.N.-backed military mis- control of armed gangs, including left on the street outside his rec- try. President Faustin-Archange repatriation processes,” according sion, MINUSCA, had initially tried “a myriad of local militias and mer- tory, while food, water and medi- Touadera took office in March 2016 its website, but also lists protecting to protect local civilians, but had cenaries from neighboring states.” cines had now run out. He told AFP on a pledge of stability and recon- civilians as its “utmost priority.” been unable to prevent “innocent Father Zembi told Agence humanitarian organizations had struction. In an Aug. 7 statement, Stephen women and children being left to France-Presse Aug. 10 that his town, pulled out and MINUSCA forces The 12,870-strong MINUSCA O’Brien, U.N. undersecretary-gen- their sad fate.” 625 miles from the capital, Bangui, were barred “by clauses in their force, deployed under a 2014 U.N. eral for humanitarian affairs, said Meanwhile, another Catholic had been “ablaze” since June 28, contract” from intervening. resolution, is tasked with “facili- he saw “early warning signs of geno- priest, Father Desire Kpangou, said when armed gangs overran it, cut- Catholics make up a third of the tating humanitarian assistance; cide” in the CAR. n the attackers wore turbans and ting telephone lines and forcing Central African Republic’s 4.5 mil- promotion and protection of hu-

Charlottesville’s Victims For 20 million Catholic suffering after people, conflict students ready ‘devastating’ added to to heal mudslide in drought means Sierra Leone no food to eat www.thefloridacatholic.org | Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 FLORIDACatholic ORLANDO DIOCESE Repoe rt r’s Notebook Program aids Francisco Aybar Jacobo, La unaccompanied Cucarita's oldest resident, minors demon- strates how to GLENDA MEEKINS use a of the Florida Catholic staff pilón for grinding ORLANDO | “These students have gone through coffee. so much and they’re just kids.” Coffee is That is how Eli García, a program director at Hope now sent CommUnity Center in Apopka, described the stu- to a mill dents of the center’s Adelante Caminantes! program. where These students are unaccompanied minors, or chil- the pro- dren between the ages of 8-19, who have fled their cess is au- homes and their families in Central America to seek tomated. safety in the United States. (PHOTOS “These kids travelled a long journey,” García ex- BY plained. “They jump the train. They travel the border GLENDA MEEKINS between Mexico and Guatemala. Then they cross an- | FC) other border to here because they are trying to save their lives. You can see how hard it is to leave their families over there who are also in danger. They’re looking to live, to just survive.” “Adelante Caminantes” means “Onward, Walk- ers” and the program focuses on the children’s future while healing their past. Many of the 130 youths reg- istered in the program come from Guatemala, and others come from Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico. Mission work lasts generations García said the caminantes are trying to escape ex- treme poverty, violence and threats and recruitment from gangs. Editor’s note: Florida Catholic reporter Glenda “Their journey (has) been a struggle for them to ar- Meekins participated in a construction mission trip in rive here and find someone who can accept them and Orlando’s sister Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana provide for them once they’re here,” she said. in the Dominican Republic July 22-29. She shares her The children attend school, but many struggle to experience of encountering generations of lives changed learn English. On Mondays and Wednesdays pro- through the efforts of the diocesan Mission Office. gram tutors assist an average of 40 caminantes with general studies, English, a hot meal and basic life- GLENDA MEEKINS skills instruction. There is also one counselor on staff of the Florida Catholic staff to help students suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. García said this is where the students gain LA CUCARITA, Dominican Republic | It was a typical early confidence. morning in the mountain town of La Cucarita and after two “It helps them to be here because it makes them cups of strong Dominican coffee, several of the missioners and feel they’re not alone. They’re not the only ones run- I were preparing to continue painting the mission bunkhouse ning away from violence in their countries,” García while others had gone to the nearby village of Los Frios to work said. “They enjoy being here and they can talk to on tiling the local school. It was then that I met Francisco Aybar someone who’s been through a similar situation. It’s Jacobo walking along the road in front of the mission house. Ja- not only classes, but it’s also a healing process where cobo has lived in La Cucarita for 70 years. He came at the age of they can come and see other students who have gone 15 with his father and four other families seeking to make a life through the same situation.” farming the steep hills along the rich and fertile mountainside. When the students enter the United States, they Jacobo invited me to his home off the main road, through a are automatically placed in a foster home and as- path that meandered through the woods buzzing with crick- signed a social worker to see if there is a family mem- ets and flanked on either side by coffee plants and banana and ber here who can accept them and agree to look af- mango trees. He explained how coffee was once a primary crop ter them. With the help of pro-bono attorneys from when the agricultural founders of La Cucarita first came, but Catholic Charities of Central Florida, they submit they became infected and were wiped out. an application for asylum or apply for Special Immi- “This is a new variety that is more resistant,” said Jacobo. “So grant Juvenile Status (SIJS). far, it is doing well.” Most of the residents are farmers of one type “It is hard to get asylum because it’s hard to relive or another, growing “gandules,” a small bean, corn, auyama (a the trauma (by retelling their story),” García said. type of pumpkin), bananas and mangos. Last year, the harvest “And most cannot afford the cost of the process. It’s was lacking, making an already difficult life even harder, so the expensive, it’s hard and it’s desperate for them. It’s promise brought by the new coffee beans is significant. an anxiety created in them because they don’t know I had the opportunity to meet one of Jacobo’s grandchildren, what’s going to happen.” Miguel Angel, a bright-eyed youth who excels academically and loves playing chess. The opportunity for education has been af- To help the program, contact Teresa Young at 407- La Cucarita residents sort the day’s bean harvest to 880-4673 or emailing [email protected]. prepare it for sale. Please see mission, 2 Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY 2

MISSION: Sister diocese thrives thanks to relationship with Orlando From 1

forded to him by the efforts of the diocesan Mission Office, led by Ursuline Sister Bernadette (Ber- nie) Mackay, director, who has worked to instruct and train many of the locals to be teachers over the years. When she arrived in La Cucarita in 2000, the state provid- ed classes only sporadically. La Cucarita’s mayor and Ja- cobo’s nephew, Fredy Aybar, re- called, “She tried to help us get the state to offer more classes, but they wouldn’t. So she started teaching the adults with the help of the missioners that came. The programs have greatly benefited missioner Lauren rostkowski plays pat-a-cake with a young resident us. Now we have many students of La Cueva, a town down the hill from La Cucarita. The mission going to school abroad and here office annual collection is Sept. 16-17. in the country in different towns. And they are graduating often with high marks.” Community Business Directory Bacilio De Los Santos Comas is one student who has benefited from the increased educational Altagracia “mami” and Fredy Aybar stand with pride in their home ATTORNEYS ATTORNEYS opportunities, and graduated built with assistance from the Diocese of orlando mission office. The from Melbourne Central Catholic wall behind them, full of education awards and photos of Father High School in Orlando in 2017 as Fred ruse and Sister Bernadette mackay, tells of their family legacy valedictorian. Aybar’s son, Luis which is deeply intertwined with the life of the mission. (PHoToS Attorneys-at-law José, was the first to graduate from BY GLENDA mEEKINS | FC) Established 1976 the educational programs insti- Elder law attorneys • Contracts • Wills • Estates tuted by the missions. He began in SUPPORT THE SISTER DIOCESE • Estate planning • Powers of Attorney preschool when classes were still • Medicaid/Nursing home planning • Living Trusts and Estate Planning being given in homes. Later, the Since 1983, the Mission Office has strived not only to empower the people • Probate and Guardianships • All Elder Law and Probate Matters Escuela San Pablo was built, which of the sister diocese, but also to educate and encourage the members of the • Real estate closings • Real Property • Title Insurance went up to fourth grade. Students Diocese of Orlando to use their time, talent and treasure to reach out to those Titusville/Cocoa Beach/Viera • Foreclosures • Collections 321-269-1511 could continue at the mission-built in need. The Mission Office annual collection will take place in parishes the 1519 W. Broadway (SR 426) Oviedo Oviedo, FL 32765 St. Maximillian Kolbe School in weekend of Sept. 16 and 17, and is an opportunity for the people of Central Florida to support the good work being done in the sister Diocese of San Juan de 407-542-3965 407-365-5696 Los Frios through the eighth grade. www.AllenderLaw.com www.cloningerfiles.com If they were eligible, they could la Maguana through educational efforts, pastoral services, construction projects and medical assistance. continue at Loyola Polytechnic School in Azua, a state-run school For a list of donations needed and upcoming mission trips, visit www. with teachers who came from the orlandodiocese.org/ministries-offices/mission-office. mission’s educational opportuni- ties. Here, a residence program is • Employment and labor Bankruptcy Law • General corporate offered at Residencia Nuestra Se- aid and many residents received 10 years depending upon the total • Former Chairman, Bankruptcy • Supreme Court Certified Circuit Court, ñora de Las Lomas, a boarding fa- needed surgeries, and of the nu- number of hours they invested. Committee, OCBA Family Law and Appellate Mediator cility for students in ninth through trition programs that helped de- “It was an education for peo- • Author, “Bankruptcy ... Because Life • Trained and experienced arbitrator 12th grade. crease the infant mortality rate ple,” added Fredy. “They could Happens” 1188 Buttonwood Circle Altagracia, Aybar’s wife — bet- through fortified milk and cereal work hours within their own proj- • Helping people in our community find Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 ter known to La Cucarita resi- provided for all pregnant and nurs- ect and they learned how to work financial peace for more than 20 years 407-865-7473 dents as “Mami” — said, “The ing women and their infants. There construction.” All homes were 816 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando Fax: 407-865-5979 whole mission project has been was also a farming program estab- wired for electricity for later in- 407-228-1300 [email protected] very transformative, as much in lished where pigs were raised for stallation of solar panels. www.bowenbankruptcylaw.com www.robertwraschlaw.com education as in the way of liv- meat and chickens provided eggs. Sister Mackay emphasized, “It ing and sharing, it has increased The building of a church and was a hand up, not a handout.” our solidarity — even more so in Father Fred Ruse’s nine-year pres- Today, rainwater is captured DENTIST education because many profes- ence helped the community grow in acisterns that still requires fil- sionals have come out of it, espe- spiritually. “It has helped to have tering and is used sparingly, but cially in La Cucarita. Ours is the the church here because, in my families make do with what they Andrew J. Chmelir, P.A. smallest town, yet it has the most case, I didn’t go before,” recalled have and find every reason to be Attorney-at-law Creating one great smile after another professionals in all of Las Lomas. Mami. “After Father Fred came, grateful for their blessings. • Criminal law, family law and Dr. David J. Akkara Now there are many teachers in- we began to go as a family. And At the end of the week, as we general practice • Pain-free dentistry cluding my daughter, Fredelina we’ve learned so much. Now, the travelled back to the capital for • Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Lake • Accepts most PPO plans (Nany), who worked in the first day I don’t go to Mass I feel lost. our flight, my eyes could not ig- and Brevard counties • Laughing gas for ALL your visits high school in Guayabal.” One learns a lot about spiritual- nore the majesty and lush vegeta- 351 E. State Road 434, Suite A • Mention this ad for a New Patient Special Nany still teaches today, as does ity and sharing in the sense of tion of the mountains contrasted Winter Springs, FL 32708 3600 N. Formosa Ave. 407-327-8899 Orlando, FL 32804-3098 Mami who serves as a teacher true Church; it gives us a sense of by the poverty that lay at its foot- 407-898-2371 and support coordinator for the peace,” she said. hills. The mission has left La Cu- [email protected] www.jmcflaw.com Fax: 407-897-3303 schools, but the road was not easy. When Sister Mackay arrived in carita changed, but there is still [email protected] Mami rose every Saturday morn- La Cucarita, “there was unstable much work to do. I could not help www.dentistincollegepark.com ing at 2 a.m. for four years to make housing,” she said. Now there are but recall the words of Pope Fran- To advertise in this directory, the long walk to Los Frios, then on about 32 houses. Each resident cis in his apostolic exhortation The hiring of a lawyer is an important to Montecito where she finally re- desiring a home was required to “Evangelii Gaudium” (Joy of the please call us at decision that should not be based solely upon ad vertise ments. Before you ceived her teaching degree. work on the residence alongside Gospel), “Throughout the world, 1-888-275-9953. decide, ask an attorney to send you free Mami also spoke of the medical the missioners. They then paid up ‘let us be permanently in a state of written information about his or her missions where she learned first to 100 pesos, or $2.50 a month, for mission.’” n qualifications and experience. 3 YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017

Above, volunteer Kelly Bilbruck, left, helps kids pick out a backpack during Catholic Charities of Central Florida’s refugee “Back-to-School Bash” Aug. 11. At right, 7-year olds Jawan, left, and Hamzah, right, play in bubbles outside Catholic Charities Refugee Back to School Bash. 57 refugee children received donated backpacks and school supplies at the event in anticipation of the new school year. Dozens of volunteers welcomed families who were treated to a hot dog dinner, face painting and crafts. (PHOTOS BY STEPHEN DOWELL | FC) Refugee children celebrate start of school year

JENNIFER POWERS ture and a new language, and ad- 11, hosted by Catholic Charities of like this helps the kids get what ‘We feel this country Florida Catholic correspondent justing to having a stable home Central Florida in Orlando. they need to start school, some of once again. “The best part was seeing the them for the first time.” is full of mercy and ORLANDO | The Khojas fam- For their 7-year-old son, part of smiling faces of the kids as they The families arrived and were consideration, a ily of six arrived in Central Flori- that adjustment will be starting came up to choose their new greeted by nearly 20 refugee re- da in May, escaping a dangerous the first grade in a new school this backpack,” said Carolina Toro, settlement volunteers who had country of laws and we situation in their homeland of August. He was one of 57 refugee resettlement program manager. prepared a hot dog lunch, played appreciate that. Syria. With the help of Catholic children to receive a free back- “Refugee families don’t have a lot games, painted faces and made Charities of Central Florida, they pack filled with school supplies at of money to spend on things like crafts with the kids. The school — Mohamad have been learning a new cul- a back-to-school celebration Aug. school supplies. Having an event supplies and backpacks, totaling nearly $3,500, were provided by several groups and individuals, there were groups that were look- September 22, 23 & 24 including a group from St. Mary ing to capture him for money,” Magdalen Parish in Altamonte explained wife, Yasmine. The Springs, while Most Precious family fled to Turkey where they Father Bill Deacon Harold Caroline Blood Parish in Oviedo provided went from house to house to live Halbing Burke Sivers Gambale Dirkes the funds for all the food. as cheaply as possible to survive. The event was coordinated “There were many nights we Dynamic Anointed through a U.S. Conference of had to go hungry. I don’t wish speakers! Praise & Catholic Bishops’ program, “Par- this experience on anyone,” said Worship! ishes Organized to Welcome grandfather, Mohamad. “We felt Valli Leone Refugees” (POWR), designed to so alone and not cared for in Tur- increase participation among key. We suffered a lot there. People parishes and other community should live in peace and safety.” groups to assist and welcome The wait was long for the fam- newly arrived refugee families to ily. After their refugee status ap- the community. proval, the family had to wait for “In the past month the volun- the Turkish government to allow teers from our POWR program them to leave, before finally arriv- have logged nearly 700 hours,” ing in Orlando. 2017 Catholic Charismatic said Nicole DeCarufel, Catho- “We feel this country is full of lic Charities POWR coordinator. mercy and consideration, a coun- Renewal of Orlando Conference “Volunteers help build friend- try of laws and we appreciate ships, provide emotional support that,” Mohamad said. “In Turkey, and those extras that newly ar- they treated us like refugees. In The Caribe Royale Orlando rived refugees need to adjust to all the United States, they treat us like the challenges they face.” everyone else who lives here.” 8101 World Center Drive Families like the Khojas have Throughout the summer, youth Orlando, FL 32821 benefited from having mentors case managers from Catholic and volunteers. “When they first Charities have been working to 407-238-8000 (direct) or 1-800-823-8300 arrived, there was no housing provide English tutoring to pre- Reservations can be made by contacting 1-800-823-8300 or the hotel’s main line at 407-238-8000. available for six weeks. Volunteers pare the family’s oldest son for To receive the group rate, attendees must identify themselves as attending the Association Catholic Charismatic brought daily meals to the fam- school. “We are very optimistic Renewal of Orlando Conference. ily,” said case manager Rand Ab- about the new school year,” Yas- dulhadi. mine said. “We want our boys This is the link to register for the hotel online. 11402-0825 https://reservations.travelclick.com/5636?groupID=1726155 “We had to leave Syria when to achieve a high education and Conference link: http://www.showmyevent.com/events/viewEventDetails.aspx?EventID=2929 our village was shelled. My hus- become doctors, so that they can band worked for the court and serve this country.” n Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY 4

TEACHERS HONORED Each school also recognized one • Shawnda Shaughnessy, St. Brendan Schools, teachers teacher from its community at the dioc- Catholic School, Ormond Beach esan kickoff day. The 2017 Distinguished • Lillie Gelfand, St. Charles Borromeo Teacher Award winners are: Catholic School, Orlando Elementary/Middle Schools • Marcia Ochinero, St. James Cathedral honored at kickoff event • Teresa Vogt, All Souls Catholic School, School, Orlando Sanford • Bibiana Fernandez, St. John Vianney LINDA CALDWELL • Barbara Aziz, Annunciation Catholic Catholic School, Orlando Special to the Florida Catholic Academy, Altamonte Springs • Stephanie Ellerbe, St. Joseph Acad- • Agnes Owens, Ascension Catholic emy, Lakeland ORLANDO | More than 1,250 School, Melbourne • Ronda Degnan, St. Joseph Catholic educators packed into Holy Family • Andrea Rivera-Bonilla, Basilica School School, Palm Bay Parish Aug. 7 for the Office of Catho- of St. Paul, Daytona Beach • Lori Edwards, St. Joseph Catholic lic Schools’ annual “Educator Kick- • Veronica Chancery, Blessed Trinity School, Winter Haven off Day.” Centered on the theme, Catholic School, Ocala • Jackie Munoz, St. Margaret Mary “You are bread for the world,” the • Elizabeth Moore, Divine Mercy Catholic School, Winter Park event offered teachers and adminis- Catholic Academy, Merritt School trators of the Diocese of Orlando’s 42 • Julia Ekhlassi, St. Mary Catholic • Mary Iaccarino, Good Shepherd School, Rockledge Catholic schools and early learning Catholic School, Orlando centers a time for worship, fellow- • Lauren Schellenberg, St. Mary Mag- ship, learning and recognition. • Mary McCrory, Holy Family Catholic dalen Catholic School, Altamonte Springs School, Orlando Among the highlights of the day Sandra Basinger, principal of St. Mary Catholic School in Rockledge, • Sissy Revord, St. Paul Catholic School, was the presentation of the St. Te- accepts the 2017 Jenni Heneghan Catholic School Leadership Award • Gretchen Solar, Holy Name of Jesus Leesburg resa of Kolkata award, presented from Bishop John Noonan and Superintendent Henry Fortier, as well as Catholic School, Indialantic • Brunilda Jerez, St. Peter Catholic annually to one parish and one from Heneghan’s husband, Bobby, and son, Colin. (LINDA CALDWELL | FC) • Jean Morgan, Holy Redeemer Catho- School, DeLand Catholic high school that demon- lic School, Kissimmee • Charlene Voss, St. Teresa Catholic strate the compassion and corporal Start to identify 19 impoverished cipal of All Souls Catholic School. • Michelle Watkins, Lourdes Academy, School, Titusville works of mercy exemplified by St. and at-risk children. The goal of the The award is presented annually Daytona Beach • Donna Quinn, St. Thomas Aquinas Teresa. This year’s award went to St. Bedtime Bags program was to help to an educator who exemplifies the • Patricia O’Day, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, St. Cloud Joseph Catholic School in Palm Bay promote healthy bedtime routines spirit, faith life and professional- Catholic School, Melbourne High Schools and Santa Fe Catholic High School that bring families together. ism of Heneghan. Sandra Basing- • Lauren Housman, Our Saviour Catho- • Paul O’Grady, Bishop Moore Catholic in Lakeland. Every Bedtime Bag consisted of er, principal of St. Mary Catholic lic School, Cocoa Beach High School, Orlando St. Joseph Catholic School was pajamas, a storybook, stuffed ani- School in Rockledge, graciously ac- • Jackie Finochiarro, Resurrection • Anita Kealer, Central Catholic High recognized for its “Gifts of Mercy” mal/toy, blanket, toothbrush and cepted the award from Bishop John Catholic School, Lakeland School, Melbourne outreach to the homeless. Members toothpaste, and bath products. Each Noonan and Henry Fortier, super- • Andrea Bosma, Sacred Heart Catholic • Edward Miller, Father Lopez Catholic of the parish and school commu- mentor group received information intendent of schools, as well as from School, New Smyrna Beach High School, Daytona Beach nities prayed and worked together about its child to help personalize Heneghan’s husband, Bobby, and • Diane Etheridge, St. Andrew Catholic to collect undershirts, socks, bath the gifts. Parents also receive a Bed- son, Colin. • Diane Skalski, Santa Fe Catholic High School, Orlando School, Lakeland towels, cloths and personal hygiene time Bag where the toy and book are “Receiving the Jenni Heneghan • Catherine Wilson, St. Anthony Catho- • Adam Long, Trinity Catholic High items for the marginalized in their replaced with a Christmas movie, Award is truly humbling,” Basinger lic School, Lakeland town. The student council mem- snacks for the movie, slippers, and said. “All principals in the Diocese School, Ocala bers, who organized the project a gift card to Publix. The Bedtime of Orlando are outstanding, faith- within the school, also gave their Bags were prepared for delivery by filled people who work tirelessly for school communities every day. It is Linda Caldwell is the director of peers the names of the homeless members of the National Honor So- the good of their schools. As Catho- a blessing to be recognized among marketing, Central Region, for the people they were helping. ciety. The student volunteers said it lic leaders, we all are privileged to these wonderful leaders.” n Diocese of Orlando Office of Catholic “St. Joseph Catholic School and was a wonderful experience. spread the good news of Jesus to our Schools. Church are so excited to receive this “Winning this award is a testa- Pride Mobility • Jazzy Powerchairs • Golden lift chairs • harMar lifts • QuantuM rehab

award,” said Claudia Stokes, prin- ment to our amazing faculty, staff aMiGo cipal. “Since it was a cooperative and student body,” said Matt Fran- effort to help the homeless, we are zino, principal. “We teach our stu- proud that this project was recog- dents to always put others before nized. This award just encourages themselves, and without fail they • essential Medical Presti Ge our community to continue giving.” seek opportunities such as this proj- Members of Santa Fe Catholic ect to put their faith in action.” High School’s “Serving for Christ” The culminating point of the mentoring program and the Nation- awards ceremony was the presen- al Honor Society collaborated on a tation of the 2017 Jenni Heneghan project called “Bedtime Bags.” The Catholic School Leadership Award, students reached out to Florida First named in honor of the late prin- Conference offers new opportunities to form disciples The Ministry Formation Con- stewardship and discipleship, and ference has expanded in both sessions aimed at forming adoles- / PM i size and scope, and is recognized cent peer ministers in addition to

throughout the province and re- the many offerings on catechetical • Pride l gion as one of the best diocesan topics, pastoral care, liturgy, spiri- conference events of its kind. The tuality and prayer. 2017 conference, “Disciples of A discount is offered to parishes Word, Sacrament and Mission” that register a group to attend the will be held Sept. 16, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 conference. For every 10 people ift c p.m., at Bishop Moore Catholic registered in a parish group, a re-

High School in Orlando. bate of $100 will be sent to the par- hairs

The conference is aimed at not ish. To register and view the full 11313-0825 just catechists, but all ministry schedule of workshops, visit www. personnel. New this year is a series orlandodiocese.org/mfc. • shoPrider • drive / devilbiss Pvi convaid Probasics of workshops around the theme of invacare Medical Products • Pacesaver Mobility • tilite wheelchairs • Merits walkers 5 YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017

h, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! ‘O How inscrutable are his judgments and how unsearchable his ways!’ — Rom 11:33 Florida We have all been given the gift of faith My Sisters and Brothers in Christ, II, “Lumen Gentium” (the “Light of the world. You must also prepare lic Advocacy Network (FLCAN), Catholic the World”), notes that we must all yourself! Your formation, then, is www.flaccb.org/florida-catholic- DIOCESE OF ORLANDO Grace and peace of Our Lord Je- “practice the truth in love, and so ever present. Your participation in advocacy-network, to connect, Vol. 78, No. 20 sus Christ be with you. St. Paul in grow up in all things in him who the Sacraments, your life of prayer, educate and mobilize Catholics his letter to the Romans celebrates is head, Christ. For from him the your study of Scripture, your par- across Florida’ seven dioceses on 50 East Robinson St. the wisdom of God’s plan of salva- whole body, being closely joined ticipation in social outreach con- public policy issues pertaining to P.O. Box 1800 tion. Paul indicates throughout his and knit together through every tinue to form you for this splendid life, dignity and the common good. Orlando, FL 32802-1800 407-246-4800 Fax 407-246-4942 letters that both Jew and gentile, joint of the system, according to the duty. Never be satisfied with what It offers you the opportunity to stay despite the religious resistance of functioning in due measure of each you know; always seek God in each up-to-date on public policy issues PUBLISHER each, have received the gift of faith. single part, derives its increase to moment. Learn the deepest mean- of concern to the Catholic Church Bishop John Noonan The methods used by God the building up of itself in ing and the value of all creation, as in Florida and communicate with in making this outreach to love” (Eph 4:15,16). well as its role in the harmonious policymakers. There are many DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS the world stagger human Upon you, the laity, rests praise of God. Assist each other to more resources available to you Jennifer Drow [email protected] comprehension, but are at the noble calling of partici- live holier lives even in your daily through the Florida Catholic, the the same time a dazzling pating in the saving work of occupations. Pope Francis said, Diocese of Orlando website, www. WRITER/PHOTOGRAPHER invitation to abiding faith. the Church. You are called “The life of the Church … is conta- orlandodiocese.org, and Faith Fit Glenda Meekins Like Adam, Abraham, to consecrate the world it- gious light. The more light of Jesus app, www.befaithfit.org, offered for [email protected] Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Mary self to God. All your works, we Christians have, the more light free in the app stores. 407-246-4808 and Joseph and all the Bishop prayers and apostolic en- of Jesus there is in the life of the “The classes and duties of life are To submit a request for news coverage saints, you and I are in- deavors, your ordinary Church, the more alive she is. The many, but holiness is one — that in the Diocese of Orlando, email news@ struments of the Lord. We John married and family life, life of the Church is the contagion sanctity which is cultivated by all orlandodiocese.org. have been given the gift of Noonan your daily occupations, of light.” who are moved by the spirit of God, • SUBSCRIPTIONS, CIRCULATION: faith and God assists us, your physical and mental Read documents and listen to and who obey the voice of the Fa- Contact Tammy Osborne at 1-888-275-9953, through his salvific grace, relaxation, if carried out in speakers to lead you to understand ther and worship God the Father or customerservice@theflorida to make his outreach to the world. the Spirit, and even the hardships the depth of God’s love so that the in spirit and in truth. These people catholic.org We are all the people of God — laity, of life, if patiently borne — all these seed you plant may be fully nour- follow the poor Christ, the humble religious and clergy alike. I know, become “spiritual sacrifices accept- ished. There are many documents and cross-bearing Christ in order Notify us of address changes (temporary however, that you as laity have a able to God through Jesus Christ” (1 available to us through the gift of to be worthy of being sharers in his or permanent) as soon as possible. Please change your address online at www. special calling. Priests were not or- Pt 2:5). You are Christ’s witnesses so technology. Take care in your dis- glory. Every person must walk un- thefloridacatholic.org or call Tammy at dained by Christ to take upon them- that the power of the Gospel might cernment that you are not led astray hesitatingly according to his own 1-888-275-9953. selves the entire salvific mission of shine forth in your daily social and by false teachings. I suggest you go personal gifts and duties in the path the Church toward the world. As family life. to the direct source for Pope Fran- of living faith, which arouses hope • ADVERTISING: Contact Valerie Casko at priests, it is our duty to “shepherd Through your faithfulness, you cis’ words, www.vatican.va. The and works through charity” (Lumen 407-373-0075 or the faithful” and to recognize your prepare the field of the world for U.S. Conference of Catholic Bish- Gentium, 41). [email protected] ministries and charisms, so that we the seed of the word of God; and ops posts speeches, documents and In our daily living, may we bring • CLASSIFIED ADS: Contact Mike Carlock at 1-888-275-9953, or cooperate in God’s outreach to the at the same time you open wider homilies daily at www.usccb.org. forth the depth of the riches and [email protected] world with one mind. the doors of the Church by which The Florida Conference of Catholic wisdom and knowledge of God. n The papal document of Vatican the message of peace may enter Bishops offers the Florida Catho- State Offices: 50 E. Robinson St., Suite G, Orlando, FL 32801-1619; P.O. Box 4993; Orlando, FL 32802-4993; 407-373-0075; Toll- free 1-888-275-9953; Fax 407-373-0087 Council of Catholic Women forms leaders in Christ

EXECUTIVE & EDITORIAL STAFF: LAURA DODSON one-day leadership conference, but i ng a rosa r y or wa l k i ng t he t ra i ls. of St. James Cathedral and spiri- Associate Publisher: Ann Borowski Slade Florida Catholic correspondent we’re rolling out a two-day confer- Matheus facilitated one of the tual adviser to the diocesan coun- Editorial/Online Director: Jean Gonzalez ence. We are bringing back so much major sessions on recognizing, as- cil, presided at Mass and thanked Business Manager: Pat Spencer MELBOURNE | “We came, we good information.” sisting and honoring council spiri- the women profusely for all they Copy Editor: Mary Rose Denaro were fed, we laughed, we learned, With a theme of “Lifesavers,” tual advisers, parish priests and do for priests and seminarians, and Marketing Advertising Associate: Michael Carlock we prayed, we shared, we renewed workshops focused on communica- seminarians. “Ask them, ‘What can also for their generosity to the latest Advertising Graphic Designer: friendships, we met new people, tion, team building, membership the council do for you? What can initiative — the National Council Michael Jimenez and we were reminded: Christ is and utilizing resources. we do to help you in the parish?’” of Catholic Women Purse Club, a Advertising Sales Associate: Valerie Casko our ‘Lifesaver,’” summarized Mary “We build a team by aligning Matheus suggested. “Find ways newly formed foundation to finan- Matheus, president of the Orlando with God’s purposes,” said Linda to say thank you. Create a special cially assist aspirant women to pay Have a comment/want more info/have Diocesan Council of Catholic Wom- Clark, National Council of Catholic prayer for him, donate to his favorite off debts so that they are then free to a story suggestion? Leave your feedback at www.thefloridacatholic.org; click reader en. Women Leadership Development charity in his name.” enter religious life. The offertory col- feedback button on left of screen. The diocesan council’s 35th an- Team presenter from St. Paul Par- Ellen Brighton of St. Joseph and lection brought $1,000 for the Burse nual Lake Yale Leadership Sympo- ish, Leesburg. “Communication is St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Or- Club. Send statewide news releases to sium in Eustis July 29-30 empow- the heart of everything that we do, lando shared that the affiliation do- “This is a refresher for me,” said [email protected] ered 180 women from five dioceses and exercising Christ-like behavior nates $50 per month to their priests Jean Bazley, the incoming presi- to return to their parishes energized prepares us for being on mission to- and celebrates all of the diocesan dent of the Miami Province Florida Our staff meets for prayer each work day at 9 a.m. Send prayer intentions to prayers@ with new ideas, information and re- gether.” seminarians’ birthdays with a Mass Council of Catholic Women. “I also thefloridacatholic.org newed passion to serve. Prayer services focused on the intention. At Holy Redeemer Parish need to hear what the ladies in the “The sisterhood and the bond- lectio divina process and spiritual in Kissimmee, a special dinner is state are sharing. If I’m going to rep- All contents copyright © 2017, The Florida ing are so very special,” said Lena journaling to deepen the experi- held for the seminarians, and they resent them, then I need to meet Catholic Inc., except stories and photos from Ghaffari, chairwoman of the dioc- ence of listening to and responding return to the seminary with gifts of them and know what they’re doing. Catholic News Service. esan leadership team from the Palm to God’s voice spoken to the heart. cookies, crackers and fast-food gift This has been wonderful. They’re Beach Diocese, who led a contin- Sunday sunrise found women pray- cards. accomplishing so much.” n gent of 13 participants. “We hold a ing for life, either on the dock pray- Father Miguel Gonzalez, rector

The Florida Catholic (ISSN 0746-4584) publishes semi-monthly for the Dioceses of Or- per’s policy and standards in Catholic Press Association. The appearance of advertising in all media. Political advertising not accepted. Periodicals postage paid at Orlando, lando, Palm Beach and Venice for $24 per year in Florida, $30 per year in the U.S., and in these pages does not imply endorsement of businesses, services and products. Com- FL 32862 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The $95 per year foreign, by The Florida Catholic Inc., 50 E. Robinson St., Suite G, Orlando, plaints regarding advertising should be made directly to the advertiser or to your local Florida Catholic, P.O. Box 4993, Orlando, FL 32802-4993. Member, Catholic Press As- FL 32801-1619. Publisher reserves the right to refuse advertisements contrary to pa- Better Business Bureau. Readers must exercise prudence in responding to advertising sociation; subscriber to Catholic News Service (CNS). Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY 6

Diocesan students celebrate first day of school

Middle school students gather in the classroom at St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School in Altamonte Springs. (COURTESY)

Students at St. Anthony Catholic School in Lakeland Principal Dawn Helwig of St. James Cathedral School hugs a returning smile student at the start of the school year. (COURTESY) on the first day. (MARIA DEL AMO | COURTESY)

Sister Dorothy Sayers, principal of Holy Family Catholic School in Students at Divine Mercy Catholic Academy in Merritt Island are eager to begin a new school year. Orlando, greets a student on the first day of school. (COURTESY) (COURTESY) 7 YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017

1-4:30 p.m. DIOCESAN EVENTS FYI EVENTS WITH BISHOP NOONAN • Emergency Family Services Caregiving in Faith To submit parish, school, dioc- 16th annual Blue Mass: Friday, Harvest Ball of Bishop Grady clerical/administrative volunteers in Conference: Thursday, Sept. 7, esan or related event information Sept. 29, 12:10 p.m., St. James Ca- Villas: Saturday, Oct. 21, 6-11 p.m., Orlando to assist with data entry, copying, filing and organization. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Mission Inn Resort, to be considered for publication in thedral, 215 N. Orange Ave., Orlando. Rosen Shingle Creek, 9939 Universal Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 10400 County Road 48, Howey-in- the Diocese of Orlando and Florida All are invited to pray for the safety of Blvd., Orlando. Benefits the Bishop the-Hills. Sponsored by Catholic Catholic calendar of events, please • Receptionist with Family local law enforcement, fire/rescue per- Grady Villas scholarship fund. Includes Empowerment Program in Charities of Central Florida, visit www.orlandodiocese.org/ sonnel and public safety officials. Free silent and live auctions, live entertain- diocesan Secretariat of Laity and Winter Haven: Volunteers answer our-diocese/events-calendar/ and parking available at the northwest cor- ment, dinner and dancing. Laurel phones, greet guests, schedule Life, and Share the Care to educate click “Suggest Event.” Submissions faith communities on ways to ner of Orange Avenue and Robinson Hayward: 407-892-6078, ext. 201; appointments, operate copy and minister to family caregivers in should be received 4-6 weeks prior Street. Please arrive early. [email protected]. fax machine. Monday-Friday, 9 the parish. Participants will hear to the date of the event. Not all a.m.-noon. Martha.Murphy@cflcc. submissions will be printed due to org; 863-299-7983, ext. 103. case studies of successful caregiver Order. Limited to eight retreatants svdporlando.org. space limitations and other consid- • Refugee resettlement mentors support programs from various and fills up quickly. faith communities. Cost: $30. erations. Sign language volunteers: in Orlando to “adopt-a-family” Register: www.helpforcaregivers. Parishes throughout the diocese to help introduce newly arrived org/events, 407-423-5311. need volunteer American Sign refugees to American culture COM M UNITY Language interpreters to help deaf and help them learn and practice Domestic infant adoption mission while honoring individuals or hearing-impaired individuals English. orientation/information for service and philanthropy to the EVENTS fully participate in the celebration • Furniture pickups and session: Saturday, Sept. 16, 9-11 community. Honorees are: Larry of Mass each week. Position 50th founding celebration apartment setups in Orlando: a.m., Catholic Charities, 801 S. Kelly, Katie Walsh, Joe Bert, and requires yearlong commitment to of Holy Spirit Parish: Fridays, Volunteers help staff pick up Florida Ave., No. 3, Lakeland. Bill Orosz. For sponsorship, tickets serving one Saturday or Sunday through Tuesday, July 31, 2018, furniture and set up apartments Offered by Catholic Charities, and more information: Jenny Mass per week, and a diocesan 4 p.m., 2309 Holder Road, Mims. for refugees before they arrive. Diocese of St. Petersburg. Provides Vasquez, vasquezj@bishopmoore. background screening. Must be 18 Original founders and their Must be 18 or older and able to lift couples the opportunity to learn org, 407-293-7561. and older. www.cflcc.org/volunteer. more about requirements and children are urged to contact the furniture. Notre Dame Mission laws, ask questions. To preregister: parish office, 321-269-2282, to be • Volunteer medical Volunteer/AmeriCorps Program [email protected]. included in events, even if they professionals such as MDs, PAs, mASes s /prayer based at Hope CommUnity may have left the area. RNs, OBGYNs, EKG technicians, Ministry Formation Center, Apopka, is recruiting Wills and estate, Catholic endocrinologists, orthopedic Conference: Saturday, Sept. 16, 8 sessions additional volunteers for the funerals and funeral planning: surgeons, certified health a.m.-4 p.m., Bishop Moore Catholic Notre Dame AmeriCorps team. Mass in honor of Our Lady Thursday, Oct. 5, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m., educators, general and nurse High School, 3901 Edgewater Opportunities are open to serve of Charity: Friday, Sept. 8, 6:30 St. James Cathedral, 215 S. Orange practitioners needed at each clinic. Drive, Orlando. “Disciples of Word, in a low-income community of p.m., with rosary 6 p.m., St. James Ave., Orlando. Learn how to make [email protected], Lazarus Sacrament and Mission” is for immigrants, people of color and Cathedral, 215 N. Orange Ave., Catholic teaching a part of your Free Medical Clinic in Wildwood; anyone serving in parish or school working poor. Volunteers gain job Orlando. Mass celebrated by end-of-life issues. 407-422-2005. [email protected], St. Luke’s ministry, such as catechists, pastoral skills, earn a stipend of $12,530, Father Tomás Hurtado in honor Free Medical and Dental Clinic in care volunteers, staff members, “Catholics Returning Home”: an education award of $5,775, of patroness of Cuba. Limited Eustis; [email protected], St. pastoral or finance council St. Vincent de Paul Parish, 5323 health insurance for themselves, free parking at northwest corner Thomas Free Medical Clinic in St. leaders, educators. 407-246-4910, E. County Road 462, Wildwood. and if needed and qualified, a [email protected], www. of Orange Avenue and Robinson Informal sessions offered for Cloud. Street. child care subsidy. Service sites orlandodiocese.org/MFC non-practicing Catholics who are in Apopka and Orlando include Life Choices Women’s Interpreted Mass for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal seeking answers to questions about teacher assistants and tutors, Center, a Catholic pro-life deaf: Sundays, 11 a.m. Mass, of Orlando Conference: Friday, returning to the faith. Deacon Dan serving survivors of domestic pregnancy resource center, 600 Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 1014 Sept. 22-Sunday, Sept. 24, Caribe Pallo, [email protected], violence, working at a credit union, E. Altamonte Drive, Altamonte N. Halifax Ave., Daytona Beach. Royale Orlando, 8101 World 352-391-9338. working with first-generation Springs, is in need of volunteer An American Sign Language Center Drive, Orlando. Conference “Passion and Purpose for college students, being an educator lay counselors (training provided), interpreter will be provided to speakers include: Father Bill Marriage”: Saturday, Oct. 7, around farmworker rights, helping nurses to perform ultrasounds sign. Meet in the café, 10:15 a.m., Halbing, Deacon Harold Burke 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Holy Family immigrants to become citizens, (training provided), administrative for a “deaf coffee chat” with Sivers, Caroline Gambale Dirkes, Parish, 5125 S. Apopka Vineland providing resident services in low- assistance, handymen, help with pastries. 386-255-0433. Valli Leone and local musical Road, Orlando. Speaker Dr. Allen income neighborhoods and serving light cleaning, and receptionists. group Eleva. Cost: $30 per person Hunt will help couples discover in other social justice-related Also accepting donations of baby online; $35 at the door. Register key ingredients to a healthy and positions. Bilingual Spanish/English items, especially diapers and wipes. online: www.orlandocharismatic. RETREATS/DAYS happy marriage. Tickets: $25. helpful but not necessary. Service Drop off during office hours. 321- net or http://bit.ly/2uigiLJ. More OF REFLECTION dynamiccatholic.com, 859-980- term begins September 2017 and 422-4168. information: 407-610-1012, 7900. runs through July 2018. Requires [email protected]. San Pedro Center retreats: Arts and crafts bazaar with 35-40 hours a week. Accepting FDS Encuentro Matrimonial Various dates, 2400 Dike a cause: Friday, Nov. 17-Saturday, applications now. Laura Firtel, SUP P ORT Mundial: Saturday, Sept. 23, Road, Winter Park. For more Nov. 18, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 407-484-7736, [email protected]; MINISTRIES/ Wingate Hotel, 5750 Hazeltine information or to register: www. 19, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Stephen Parish Hope CommUnity Center, 407-880- National Drive, Orlando. Enrich sanpedrocenter.org/retreats- gymnasium, 575 Tuskawilla Road, 4673, ext. 231; www.ndmva.org, PEER GROUPS your marriage and grow in programs, 407-671-6322. Winter Springs. Handmade holiday click on service sites, National Direct spirituality and understanding • Senior day: Thursday, Sept. and beach decor, Advent wreaths and then Apopka. Separated and divorced: while improving your 14, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Light breakfast and calendars, garden plants, and Catholic Charities of Central • Mondays, 7:30 p.m., Holy communication skills during event followed by a topic of faith, lunch gifts. No commercial vendors. Florida seeks volunteers for the Redeemer Parish, 1603 N. Thacker, in Spanish. Tomás and Mercedes and Mass. Cost: $15. Supports the parish’s holiday following programs. Visit www. Kissimmee. Sylvester, 407-406-0707. Díaz: [email protected], 407- outreach which serves the local • San Pedro book club: cflcc.org /volunteer or contact • Catholic Divorce Survival 300-9909. More information: www. communities. [email protected] or 407- Guide, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m., enriquecetumatrimonio.org. Saturday, Sept. 23, 9:30-11:30 a.m., St. Augustine Building 100. Led by 658-1818, ext. 1026. Cost: $30, scholarships available; “Come and See” retreat: Father Blase Romano, this month’s • Refugee Youth Services first Fridays, Mass and dinner, Saturday, Sept. 30, 10 a.m.-5 p.m, book is C.S. Lewis’ “The Screwtape ANNOUNCEMENTS Program seeks adults to serve social; St. Margaret Mary Parish, San Pedro Spiritual Development Letters.” Free. Donations are as mentors. Mentors are caring 526 Park Ave. N., Winter Park. Lori Catholic Charities mission Center, 2400 Dike Road, Winter welcome. friends and positive role models, Reinneck, lori@stmargaretmary. Park. For single, Catholic women market (formerly food pantry) and help youths with learning org, 407-645-0284. • Pet blessing: Sunday, Oct. 1, needs donations. Please consider 18 and older. An opportunity English, understanding homework • Coffee and conversation, to ask your questions about 4 p.m. A special blessing in the donating personal care items such Franciscan tradition. Free. assignments, and making sense second Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Our Lady consecrated religious life in the as: toothbrushes, toothpaste, of a new culture. Must be at least • Transitus: Tuesday, Oct. 3, of Lourdes, 1014 N. Halifax Ave., company of other women in mouthwash, floss, hand soap, 18, participate in training, have 7 p.m., Mary Mother of God Daytona Beach. Terre, 386-238- discernment, with input from body wash, shampoo/conditioner, background check and commit to Chapel. Relive the final hours of 3631. religious sisters. Cost: $20, includes deodorant, feminine care products, at least three hours per week. Be St. Francis of Assisi during a simple • “Divorce Care Ministry Adults breakfast and lunch. To register: toilet paper, diapers and baby a mentor and change a life. Jacob. ceremony of prayer, storytelling and Children,” Mondays, 6:30-8 https://comeandseeseptember2017. wipes. Mission Market, 1771 N. [email protected], 410-218-4041. and thanksgiving. Semoran Blvd., Orlando. Donations p.m., Holy Name of Jesus, 3050 N. eventbrite.com. For more • Hospitality volunteers are • “The Franciscan Way of Life”: accepted Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- Highway A1A, Indialantic. Program information: Sister Kathleen needed to staff front desk of Friday, Oct. 27, 4 p.m.-Sunday, 4:30 p.m. 407-658-1818, ext. 2335. teaches children how God’s love Power, 904-610-9228, kpower@ the Mission Market in Orlando. Oct. 29, 1 p.m. Learn how to carry can strengthen and help them find orlandodiocese.org. Volunteers are needed three-four out the charism and witness of hope and joy; parents can attend hours each week to greet guests, the Franciscans in your own daily the adult Divorce Care program the volN U tEers gather food bags, organize the SCHOOL EVENTS journey. Cost varies. same evening. 321-773-2783. needed reception area and restock the Families with incarcerated • Franciscan hermitage retreat: front counter. Bishop Moore Catholic High Thursday, Nov. 2, 7 p.m.-Sunday, loved ones: St. Vincent de Paul Orlando • Mission Market needs School’s Legacy Gala: Saturday, Nov. 5, noon. Silent retreat guided • Third Saturdays, 9 a.m., St. provides volunteer opportunities individuals or groups (maximum Nov. 4, Rosen Shingle Creek, by Franciscan Father Vianney Mary Magdalen Parish, Mother through its stores and food of five) to sort and stock food 9939 Universal Blvd., Orlando. Cunningham, and Jeanne and Tony Teresa Room, 861 Maitland Ave., pantries for students needing donations. Volunteer shifts are Celebrates legacy of the school’s Walter of the Secular Franciscan Altamonte Springs. 407-463-5780 volunteer hours. Apply at Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon, and or email [email protected]. Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY 8 News From around the diocese ORANGE COUNTY ence and environment than mom their classmates, and it will help making it at home. The hope is in differentiating and meeting the that our transition students will needs of all of our children. If chil- Access grows begin to harvest the herbs and dren need extra reinforcement in market them to some of our fami- the classroom, we have special in Morning lies. They want to have their own applications to help us do that,” Star garden little farmer’s market here to help Cox said. “It gives our students the our families.” chance to be 21st-century learn- This past summer, Connor, a ers and interact with technology senior at Bishop Moore Catholic so they can be prepared for future High School, selected Morning OSCEOLA COUNTY learning and the workplace.” Star School’s garden as the site for his Eagle Scout project. Connor Technology is a member of Troop 25 at Good SEMINOLE COUNTY Shepherd Catholic School. advances at school Students at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School in St. Cloud receive The project entailed expand- St. Thomas Aquinas Catho- 25 years of faith iPads as part of an effort to teach digital technology and better ing the garden at Morning Star lic School in St. Cloud began the prepare students for the future. (COURTESY) School, adjacent to the Bishop school year with iPads for each through music Moore campus. He worked with of the students in kindergarten More than two decades ago, teachers. order. Like their patroness, the Seed2Source, who helps main- through eighth grade. Principal Father John Bluett, pastor of St. “Many more have been part members of the order served tain the garden, and together they Maura Cox said all the teachers Stephen Parish in Winter Springs, of St. Stephen’s orchestras and throughout their lives as witness- agreed that the garden could use became Apple certified teach- approached Caryl and Jim De- bands, choirs, lectors, faith for- es to the Gospel and stewards of raised boxes of herbs and vegeta- ers over the summer. The eight grandi, and Betty Lacey, the mu- mation, youth groups, and sound the Church. Each member re- bles so they could be wheelchair courses they took will aid them sic minister at the time, about programs. Two of our early per- ceives a special blessing at Mass accessible. Twelve volunteers in teaching the students how forming a small musical group. formers have sons who are now in along with his or her name on a came in to help Connor complete to properly use the device. The Some 25 years later, the Acts (the program),” she said. “I have plaque on display in the parish the project, which was ready for school also hired Karen Seddon as of Faith musical theater group faith in God and faith in the abili- life center. This year’s inductees the new school year. Home De- a digital educator who will come has performed everything from ties of these parents and young include Craig and Monica Bey- pot donated the wood that was to the school on a monthly basis “Godspell” and “Bye Bye Birdie” people who work so hard every rooti, Suzan Channel, Harry and needed. to teach technology integration to its recent presentation of “Foot- summer to mount a musical pro- Marie Martin, Luis Ocampo and Connor said completing the and project-based learning using loose.” duction.” Beatriz Hernandez, Brian and project felt good. “It’s a nice thing iPads. Caryl Degrandi, who has been Degrandi attributes the minis- Jeanne Pelski. to give them (students) access The technology purchase was producing the summer musi- try’s success to faith and sharing In 2007, the council added the to hands-on learning, whether prompted by the advice offered cals from the beginning, said the a life journey. “We pray for each Junior Order of St. Mary Magda- they’re in a wheelchair or not, no after a recent accreditation pro- group’s inception came about other. We help each other through len. Eighth-graders from St. Mary matter what their abilities,” he cess. In years past, students could when there were very few musi- hard times. We invite young peo- Magdalen School and religious said. bring their own technology device cal groups or camps in the area. ple and parents who are not part education program are selected Sandra Cooney, Morning Star’s — whether a Kindle, iPad or An- “The benefits for the teens and of St. Stephen to participate in each year for their outstanding principal, said that Seed2Source droid — to use in the classroom. the community include self-con- the program,” she said. “Several faith and witness to the Gospel. installed a new gate as well, al- But none of the different devices fidence, imagination and creativ- young people and their families Eighth-graders compose a 250- lowing for improved wheelchair were uniform in upgrades and ap- ity, attaining goals as a cohesive have joined St. Stephen as a result word essay illustrating how they access. The garden has allowed plications. unit, problem solving, compas- of their experience here.” have lived as disciples of Christ. Morning Star students to expand “We found out the Step Up for sion for others, trust and fun,” she This year Justine was recognized their culinary horizons. “They Students Scholarship was going said of the free program. “The fine St. Mary Magdalen for her service to the school and look at (a) recipe and see the pic- up substantially, so we just went arts help people to listen to, em- parish, including as an altar tures of what is needed,” Cooney ahead and added a technology fee pathize with and focus on people honors service server, Vacation Bible School said. “Then they go to the gar- for what wasn’t covered under the who may not be like ourselves. Nine parishioners were in- volunteer and CommunityFest den and identify it. For example, scholarship,” Cox said. “Through Young people and adults benefit ducted into the Order of St. Mary volunteer. Her essay, “I respond they’ll go into the garden and find that, we were able to get a lease- from this life practice, so that they Magdalen in Altamonte Springs with gratitude” exemplified how basil and bring it into the kitch- to-own program through Apple. may apply these skills and work July 23. The order was established she has embraced stewardship as en.” We were able to get the iPads for to change the world. I grew up in in 2005 by the pastoral council to a way of life. “I am most grateful Mary Kelly, Morning Star’s little to no cost, especially for our theater. It changed me.” recognize parishioners who have for my faith,” she wrote. “It’s what director of community partner- scholarship families. That is who According to Degrandi, Acts given of their time, talent and makes believing in God possible, ships, currently serves as a teach- we were most concerned about of Faith takes every teen who au- treasure in extraordinary ways. erases all doubt, and answers all er for transition students. She said during this process.” ditions, whether or not they are Each year, around St. Mary questions.” Justine received an the garden has vegetables, banan- Books are still being used and parishioners of St. Stephen. She Magdalen’s feast day (July 22), expense-paid mission trip with as, avocados, herbs, tomatoes and those with software licenses will conservatively estimates more members are inducted into the the parish youth group. n a peach tree. The transition stu- be replaced, but Cox said, “It will than 1,700 youths have partici- dents use the garden for cooking mainly be used for project-based pated in the program, and some meals and all of the Morning Star learning.” In total, 248 students participants have pursued work in students use the garden in one and 24 teachers will receive iPads, professional, school and amateur way or another. with the remainder to be used in theater as actors, singers, dancers, “Every day they use it for at least the preschool classrooms. musicians, directors, playwrights, 30 minutes,” said Kelly. “They go “They will do the projects with sound and lighting designers, and out and either weed the garden, Tri-County Cremation water the plants, pick the eggs up, or clean the chicken coop.” The younger students take care and Funeral Home voted #1 in central Florida of their own succulents. Many teachers use the garden once a week for a lesson or a cooking project. 11374-0825 24 hour service “The entire school utilizes the garden,” Kelly said. “It al- 10186-0825 407-247-3076 lows them to try new things they www.tri-countycremation.com would not try at home. By grow- ing it themselves, and picking it Michael Blickenstaff, Your Catholic Funeral Director and cooking it in our kitchen, it’s 190 S. Ronald Reagan Blvd. • Longwood, FL 32750 • Fax: 407-332-9455 a whole different learning experi- www.thefloridacatholic.org | Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 FLORIDACatholic PALM BEACH DIOCESE Students head back to school

Kendall Neill, left, meets her “guardian angel” Grace Fee, right, on the first day of class at St. Anastasia School in Fort Pierce. Students in seventh and eighth grades are “guardian angels” to Father David Carr, president of Cardinal Newman High School in West the younger students as they guide them on good behavior and participation at all school Masses, Palm Beach, speaks with students during Mass on the first day of school, as well as other activities throughout the year such as reading and art projects. (COURTESY | St. Aug. 14. (COURTESY | CARDINAL NEWMAN HIGH SCHOOL) Anastasia School) Future deacons ready to serve LINDA REEVES ROBERT LAQUERRE of the Florida Catholic Staff Laquerre has been a parishioner of Our Lady Queen of the Apostles PALM BEACH GARDENS | The Parish in Royal Palm Beach since long journey of discernment, study, 1990, where he is an active mem- formation and sacrifice will reach a ber assisting with the training and new milestone for four men when scheduling of the extraordinary they are ordained permanent dea- ministers of holy Communion and cons Sept. 9, 11 a.m., at St. Patrick assisting with the sacrament of Parish. baptism preparation. “I also serve Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito will on the liturgy committee and I’m call to the altar candidates Lau- an officer in our parish Knights of rence Condon, Robert Laquerre, Columbus council where I serve as Robert Laquerre, Laurence Condon, St. Louis Romero, Oscar Rios, St. Philip Oscar Rios and Louis Romero and the lector,” he said. Our Lady Queen of Joseph Parish, St. Andrew Benizi Parish, ask them to declare their inten- He was born in Woonsocket, R.I., the Apostles Parish, Stuart Parish, Stuart Belle Glade tions to remain obedient to the lo- and moved to the West Palm area Royal Palm Beach cal Church and to its bishop, and 35 years ago, and has been married then the men will lie prostrate as to Arline for almost 36 years. They ogy used in the parish office, assist- becoming a deacon. needs of the Church community.” a sign of total submission to God. have five children: Christopher, 33; ing with annulments, maintaining “At that time, my discernment When asked about his expecta- During prayers of consecration, David, 32; Timothy, 28; Mary, 25; canonical records, and responding was not fruitful, and it wasn’t until tions or vision as he begins on his Bishop Barbarito will lay hands on and Bethany, 17. They also have to pastoral needs and services,” he I attended a Cursillo retreat in 2011 new path as a clergy member, La- each candidate, and the men’s lives four grandchildren: Madison, 10; said. “I also collaborate with the that I was spiritually awakened querre said he hopes to “serve the will be changed forever as they are Hailee, 7; Dylan, 3; and Sean, 1. La- parish staff and committees in the to God’s call and given the grace Church in the image of Christ the ordained permanent deacons of the querre works at St. Vincent Ferrer implementation of pastoral plans.” needed to accept his invitation and servant.” Church. Parish in Delray Beach as pastoral When did he begin thinking begin the journey,” he said. “By the “With this in mind, I approach To introduce readers to the men associate. about serving the Church in a end of the retreat, the Holy Spirit this vocation with an openness to who will become new members of “In this role, I assist the pastor greater role as deacon? Laquerre had transformed my heart of stone share my God-given gifts and tal- the local clergy, the Florida Catholic in the daily operation of the parish recalls several years ago when his into one that desired to proclaim spoke to them this summer. including supporting the technol- pastor asked if he ever considered God’s word and minister to the Please see DEACONs, 2 Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR PALM BEACH COMMUNITY 2

DEACONS manner to build a world that re- Pope Francis flects the love that God has for From 1 greets the all. This means being involved in crowd after ministry at the parish level, and celebrating a that involvement will continue af- mass for the ents wherever they can serve the ter ordination, but now, it will be a Jubilee of greater good of his Church. My little more visible especially as one Deacons in St. heart is to serve and my will is open serves at the altar during liturgy. As Peter's Square to the prompting and direction an ordained member of the clergy a at the Vatican of the Holy Spirit,” he said. “Cur- deacon is necessarily more visible.” may 29. The rently, I am following a path where mass was an my teaching and administrative LOUIS ROMERO event of the experience in the field of adult ed- Romero has been a member of Holy Year of ucation could be used to help the St. Andrew Parish in Stuart for the mercy. (Paul Catholic community in acquiring a past three years. He was born in Haring | CnS) deeper, richer and more meaning- Grants, N.M., and moved to the Di- ful understanding of their faith.” ocese of Palm Beach 10 years ago. Laquerre said the formation He is married to Leona for 25 years journey has enabled him “to rec- and they have three children ages ognize the presence of Christ in 15, 16 and 19. He works at a Chris- my life.” tian residential treatment facility “(This has) made me very ap- in the field of abuse counseling. lyte, lector and extraordinary min- to become a deacon,” Rios recalled. men involved in the program. preciative and thankful for all the “About six years ago, I felt the ister of holy Communion. “So after that, the calling was al- We asked him about any expec- people, especially my wife, fam- tug on my heart to have a deeper Celebrating 25 years of mar- ways present.” tations as he soon begins ministry ily, clergy, Knights of Columbus personal relationship with Jesus. riage, Rios is married to Alma. Rios spoke with Salesian Father as a deacon. He replied by simply and the Cursillo community, who I thought to better minister to the They have four children — Oscar, Joseph Santa-Bibiana, who at the saying that he hopes to be a hum- encouraged and supported me clients at our facility,” he said. “I Evelyn, Andrew and Emelyn, who time was pastor of St. Philip Benizi. ble servant and “share faith and during the past five years of my asked my pastor what he thought range in age from 16 to 26. “I remember asking my pastor live the Gospel with the rest of my formation. It certainly takes a vil- about me becoming a deacon and Rios first felt called to the dia- about my doubt and how would I brothers and sisters in Christ. I am lage of spirited Christians to help without missing a beat, he printed conate 16 years ago, when a semi- know if I was doing the right thing. so grateful to everybody who had someone become a member of the out the application, which was due narian planted a seed to discern He answered me by telling me that a part in my formation, academ- clergy.” in a week. I began a journey that I the vocation. not all seminarians who attend the ics and spiritual life. Thank you so knew I was drawn to, but had no “A seminarian came to our par- seminary become priests, and that much and God bless.” LARRY CONDON idea what it entailed. Six years later ish for the summer and we became I already had done the hardest part All are asked to continue to pray Condon has been a member of here I am, still a little incredulous good friends,” Rios recalled. When by saying yes to the call.” for the men, who have spent years St. Joseph Parish in Stuart for more that I have been chosen to serve, the seminarian asked whether Rios Rios applied to the diaconate in study, discernment and forma- than 20 years and lives in Palm City but more than willing to.” had ever considered becoming program and was accepted and for tion, giving of themselves to be in with his wife, Bonnie. Condon was When asked about any visions as a deacon, he remembers asking, the past five years, studied and dis- service of God and the people of born and raised in Fermoy, County he continues his journey in minis- “What is that?” cerned side by side with the other the Diocese of Palm Beach. n Cork, . try helping people as he has con- “He explained to me what a dea- “I emigrated to the United States tinued to do but now as part of the con did in the parish. After that over 30 years ago,” he said. His Church, Romero said that he hopes my answer was no. For me, that mother Mary, a widow, lives in to work with his wife to reach out was the end of that, but not for Ireland. His father, Noel, died in to married couples in need of him, because every time he had 2016. “All of my siblings still live help and counseling. Teaming up the chance, he would remind me. in Ireland. I have four sisters and with his wife, he hopes to minis- So the seed was planted in me as one brother, and many nieces and ter to couples, save marriages and I wrestled with the idea for more nephews.” strengthen families. “I am truly than a year. A lot of questions came Condon and his wife operate honored to be chosen to serve,” he along: Why me? I’m not worthy and 10186-0825 an automotive retail business in said. how do I know it is a calling from Stuart. He is the stepfather to two God?” adult children and the couple has OSCAR RIOS At the beginning of 2012, Rios’ two granddaughters. Rios has been a parishioner of St. friend, Father Pedro Prada, a priest “I have been a member of the St. Philip Benizi in Belle Glade since of the New Orleans Archdiocese, Joseph Conference of the Society he moved from his homeland of offered his Bible to Rios. of St. Vincent de Paul for over 20 Mexico 30 years ago. He works as “In the front page he wrote a years. My wife is also a member a commercial truck driver and has note saying that he was grateful of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, taken an active role in his parish for for the friendship that my fam- and it was through the society the past 12 years, teaching religion ily and I gave to him. Like always, that we met. I have also served as to eighth-graders and serving as he reminded me that he will keep a catechist for our parish school coordinator of altar servers, aco- praying for me on the discernment of religion for a number of years, preparing children to receive the Eucharist and (the sacrament of) Diocesan charismatic Renewal convention confirmation. I am also involved for the Haitian-creole community. with the parish men’s group.” Date Location It was the nudging of others that actually jolted Condon to start Sept. 15, 5:30 p.m. St. Vincent Ferrer Parish center thinking about the diaconate. Sept. 16, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. 840 George Bush Blvd, “I never thought that I might be Sept. 17, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Delray Beach, FL 33483 called to the ministry of the dia- William E. Boyes conate until my pastor, Father Noel 50th anniversary of the Charismatic Movement. McGrath, asked me to consider the John Farina Special visit by Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito. possibility. My wife convinced me Peter Matwiczyk Speakers include retired Auxiliary Bishop Guy A. Sansaricq to explore the idea more seriously of the Diocese of Brooklyn, N.Y., who in 1987 was selected and as a result of both their encour- • Wills, trusts and guardianship litigation by the U.S. bishops to head the National Haitian Apostolate; agement, I started the journey of • Estate and trust planning and administration Father Jules Campion, Father Luc Philogene and Father Raoul discernment. It is both their faults Mambo, all from Haiti; and Father Gustave Miracle of Boston. that the Church might now ordain contact me! 3300 PGA Blvd., Suite 600 [email protected] 11342-0825 “Our faith in Jesus Christ calls Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 [email protected] Father Yves Geffrard, Diocesan coordinator of Haitian Ministry, 772-466-9617 • 772-971-9080 us to move beyond ourselves and 561-694-7979 [email protected] engage with others in a concrete 11202-0825 3 YOUR PALM BEACH COMMUNITY Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Catholic schools are a team effort LINDA REEVES ten-age youngsters is serving nearly of the Florida Catholic staff 90 students this year and currently showcasing a third class for 4-year- LAKE WORTH | Superintendent olds to better serve the community. of Schools Gary Gelo greeted school Gelo is delighted to be heading principals as they arrived to partici- into the new school year and likes pate in a leadership meeting Aug. 2 to recognize the great accomplish- at host Sacred Heart School in Lake ments of his dedicated teachers, Worth days before the Aug. 14 open- school staff and the leadership of ing of schools. “Welcome back,” he his principals whenever there is an said. “It is nice to see all of you.” opportunity. Gelo invited the 18 principals “The principals and adminis- from the diocesan schools and pri- trators at our Catholic schools pro- vate school operating in the diocese vide true Christian servant leader- to share stories about their summer ship and vision for their schools,” adventures, trips and pilgrimages. Gelo said. “They understand the Some of the men and women went many facets of their vocations as on long journeys and others stayed educators, but remain focused on close to home. A few went on spiri- providing an exemplary academic tual journeys and a couple of educa- program within the context of our tors spent time taking classes. Catholic faith. A priest recently said “I am looking forward to a great to me that he had been in a number year,” said Edward Bernot, princi- of schools and he was impressed pal of St. John Paul II Academy in with how evident our Catholic faith Boca Raton, refreshed and excited is in every aspect of our schools.” to get back to ministry work. “We The Florida Catholic has also had some new hires. I am glad to be visited the schools over the years back.” and had conversations with teach- Attending the meeting was Stacy Gary Gelo, diocesan superintendent of schools, welcomes school principals back after summer break ers and heads of schools. From what McNerney, new interim principal during a meeting Aug. 2. The educators shared stories about vacations, pilgrimages and studies, and were we have learned from the men and at St. Joseph Catholic School in also eager to talk about their school communities and goals for the academic year. (LINDA REEVES | FC) women called to the vocation of ed- Stuart. A parishioner of St. Joseph, ucation, keeping Catholic schools she is excited about her new school oversee the school’s operation with tered on the Eucharist, celebrates center of everything we do.” alive and students filled with the position and eager to begin serving Father Noel McGrath, pastor of St. the uniqueness of each child,” she St. Thomas More Academy spirit of faith and learning takes nearly 260 students. Joseph Parish, she intends to move said, adding that the school is dedi- in Boynton Beach is also going immeasurable time, effort, sweat, But McNerney is not a new face at forward with the school’s mission cated to providing a safe nurturing through leadership changes. The tears and energy; Catholic educa- the school. She previously served as at heart. environment, promoting academic school is in search of a new princi- tion is a team effort. All are asked assistant principal for the previous “St. Joseph Catholic School, excellence, service and cultivating pal at the time of this writing. The to keep students, educators, school eight years. In her new position to rooted in Gospel values and cen- artistic expression. “God is at the school for 3-year-olds to kindergar- leaders and schools in prayers. n Principals all smiles to see doors open for new school year community spirit that flows in the are using our talents to build the ies. Watching and being part of a Administrators feel called to protect, classrooms and hallways and out kingdom of God on earth,” said an child’s growth from pre-kindergar- on the sports fields and places of ac- excited Broz. ten to eighth-grade graduation is a form and educate God’s children tivity. “All Saints Catholic School is As far as school traditions, Broz journey of love and dedication.” a place where all God’s children are said that All Saints encourages stu- Editor’s note: The following Palm Beach, and there are two pri- honored. Each child is nurtured. dents to look toward Jesus and the Dr. Kevin Hoeffner is the first in a three-part vate schools operating in the region. God-given talents are fostered, and saints as role models. Educators St. Anastasia School, Fort Pierce series introducing readers to We thought, as school opens, it was each child is given the opportunity also invite students to open their The diocese’s oldest school, St. the prinicipals of diocesan only appropriate to feature princi- to excel in numerous hearts to the Lord, their Anastasia serves students in grades Catholic schools. pal in a three-part series that will ways from academics to minds to learning, and pre-k to eight. Father Gabriel Rup- appear in the Florida Catholic. sports, the arts and ser- their talents toward ser- pert guided construction of the LINDA REEVES Before school opened, we spoke vice,” she said. vice to others, she ex- school in 1914, and from 1919 to of the Florida Catholic staff to leaders of schools and conversa- She was eager to plained. “The school is 1924 the St. Lucie County School tions steered toward their school share news about two committed to develop- D i s t r i c t PALM BEACH GARDENS | communities, school missions, and new projects that her ing responsible citizens used the fa- Over the years, the Florida Catho- their own dreams and goals to help school is piloting. “One by promoting academic cilities free lic has witnessed great passion meet the spiritual and educational (program) will assess success and preparing of charge. and dedication of men and women needs of the students they serve. students in the areas of students for high school The school called to the vocation of education The following are six interviews language arts and math and eternity,” she add- opened to ministry and carrying out the mis- kicking off the series. so as to best serve all Jill Broz ed. p r o v i d e sion of Catholic education, keeping students continuously,” All Saints moves for- C a t h o l i c the flame of Christ’s love burning Jill Broz she said. “The school will also begin ward with continued support of the education brightly in Catholic schools. All Saints Catholic School, Jupiter a new program that centers on rela- pastors of the Cathedral of St. Igna- September Pope Francis often recognizes Broz is in her fifth year at All tionship building. With technology tius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens, 1926 with educators and commends them for Saints Catholic School, which was and social media, face-to-face con- St. Jude in Tequesta, St. Christopher 52 stu- Dr. Kevin Hoeffner their significant mission. In a recent built as a regional interparochial versational and community-build- in Hobe Sound, St. Paul of the Cross dents. Twitter message, he wrote, “Thank school to serve the six parish com- ing skills are being lost. With this in North Palm Beach, St. Patrick in School enrollment has steadily you to all teachers. Educating is an munities in the Jupiter school’s program, relationships are built Palm Beach Gardens, and St. Peter grown throughout the years, but important mission, which draws area. The school opened Aug. 13, and students move toward support- in Jupiter. in the past three years increased young people to what is good, beau- 2003, with 234 students and today ive classrooms.” “I love being in a community of greater than ever before. Doors tiful and true.” enrollment has more than dou- Broz said the theme of the rela- faith which drives our mission,” opened this year to serve approxi- In all, 450 teachers and admin- bled. The school serves students in tionship-building initiative is “Get- Broz said. “It is truly a gift to partner mately 535 students. Hoeffner istrators serve the Catholic schools grades pre-k to eight. ting to Know You and Each Other.” with the parents to educate their here in the five-county Diocese of We asked Broz to describe the “With Christ as our guide, we children’s minds, spirits and bod- Please see principals, 4 Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR PALM BEACH COMMUNITY 4

PRINCIPALS there are approximately 270 stu- Sacred Heart School was found- “What I enjoy most about my “challenging and varied curricu- dents. The school serves students ed in 1983 with an enrollment of principal position is the interaction lum” that includes an International From 3 in grades pre-k3 to eight. 56 students. The school’s mission with the families, getting to know Baccalaureate program, Advanced “What I enjoy most about being statement proclaims that the insti- them and watching our students Placement courses, dual enroll- pr i ncipa l tute is there to “provide all students bloom and ment credits, honors and regular serves as principal of the school of St. Ann of diverse cultures and abilities an grow,” she level classes, and a learning strat- that opened with a staff of Adrian Catholic education of excellence in a Christ- said. “It’s egies program, according to the Dominican religious sisters. School is centered environment, encour- wonder- school website. “Our community is diverse and greeting age living the Gospel values and ful how we This year, nearly 500 students are was founded on hard work and the chil- prepare them for success in higher all become enrolled at the school that was orig- the love for God in one another,” dren every education and life.” one big Holy inally a branch of St. Ann Catholic he said. “The Adrian Dominican morn- Over the years, the school has Cross fam- School in West Palm Beach. Over nuns instilled a passion for truth ing in the continued to grow, experienced ily.” the years the school has expanded in the Gospel, a love for following car line,” ups and downs, struggled and got Today in programs and opportunities for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and D e m e s back on its feet with Tamposi at the the school young peo- the value of life. The support of said. “I love Susan Demes head. Today, serves about Ana Fundora ple in grades very dedicated Fort Pierce families to see their the school is 100 students. nine to 12, has kept St. Anastasia close to the faces and their smiles, to wave hello advancing “Our families represent families but leaders Church and committed to the mis- and to hear them say good morn- and enroll- from throughout the world. The have held sion of the school.” ing.” ment has ex- array of cultures is fabulous. Also, steadfast to On the school website, Hoeffner St. Ann serves the communi- ploded. The to see the children carried in as in- the mission proclaims, “We pride ourselves on ties that surround downtown West school has fants and seeing them walking out “to educate academic achievement, a culture of Palm Beach as well as the western added facili- the doors a year or so later is a very the whole supportive and dedicated teachers, and northern areas of the county. ties and is special feeling.” p e r s o n : and setting our national, state and The school’s mission is “to provide moving for- The school’s stats are good as far spirit, mind diocesan benchmarks high. How- excellence in education and Chris- ward with as enrollment. “At Holy Cross we and body; Dr. Christine ever, many other schools can attest tian spiritual development through the support will continue to blossom and grow, and to help Higgins to these same goals and character- a strong curriculum rich in Catholic of generous Candace Tamposi literally and figuratively, this year,” all students istics. tradition, academics, international donors. “We will have a waiting list Fundora said. “We are at capacity develop their God-given talents ac- “The mission statement of St. awareness, the fine arts, physi- in most of our classrooms for an with enrollment and have an exten- cording to the Gospel values of Je- Anastasia Catholic School reminds cal development and life learning estimated 255 students,” said Tam- sive wait list. We continue our mis- sus Christ.” us that we are a part of a large com- skill.” The school is authorized as posi about enrollment figures just sion of providing affordable, high- When asked to describe the spirit munity of believers who are hope- an International Baccalaureate before school opened. “Not bad for quality child care and preschool of the school, two words came to ful that Christ’s message will shape World School that “guides students a school that almost closed six years education focusing on faith, family Higgins’ mind: “family communi- the lives of our children. We believe to become global-minded citizens,” ago.” and the foundation of community ty.” “Pope Francis once said, ‘Every- that each child is unique and is cre- said Demes, a longtime educator What is her vision moving for- through family literacy, adult basic one’s existence is deeply tied to that ated in the image of God. We sup- here in the Diocese of Palm Beach. ward? “Our vision is to continue to skills and after-school homework of others and whatever our role is in port our families in the nurturing of When asked about the St. Ann heighten our expectations, but to help for elementary students. the school, we support and care for more than just the child’s mind. It School spirit, Demes said the mem- provide the students the tools they “I have been blessed to be a part one another,” she said. is our duty to develop the body and bers of the school community are will need to achieve such expecta- of Holy Cross, leading a phenome- As the new school year begins, the soul of our children as well. close-knit, faith-filled people. “St. tions. This year, we have applied for nal staff and guiding them to make Higgins’ vision moving forward is “School liturgy, daily prayer, re- Ann Catholic School is a faith-based the National School Land Program Holy Cross a premiere early learn- clear. “My vision for this school year ligious education, Catholic sacra- family community. We are a small to provide lunch and breakfast for ing center where the students are is that we teach and model learning ments, service days, retreats, com- school, which allows all of the stu- all of our students at no cost. We will safe, nurtured and their lives are and serving; that we are intentional petitive athletics, family picnics dents and families to know each work with an organic food vendor enriched spiritually, intellectually in our rigorous academics and in and many other formation oppor- other by name. We are always there approved by this program. We have emotionally, socially and physical- being empathetic servant leaders,” tunities all contribute to an envi- for each other both in good times also tripled the size of our organic ly,” she said. she said. ronment that is guided by the Spirit and bad.” vegetable and fruit garden.” The school is now busyLimited with and not by governments or the ran- As far as school vision, Demes Tamposi also explained that Dr. ChriSTine higginS various community activities,Time aca- dom demands of our society.” wants to continue to increase cat- the school’s faculty members have Cardinal Newman High School, demics, sports, programs and daily Hoeffner is excited about the new echetical efforts this year. “My achieved teacher certificates over West Palm Beach liturgies and prayer. We asked Hig- academic year and he hopes that as vision for the new year would be the summer months. She also Higgins, a parishioner of Our gins about her favorite aspect of the school year begins, he and his aligned with the theme for Cat- pointed out that “as a team, we are Lady Queen of the Apostles, has ministry and this educator did not staff will “embrace what it means to echetical Sunday (Sept. 17),” she working toward our school’s STEM served Cardinal Newman High hesitate to answer. be disciples of Christ, continue im- said, aiming to encourage her team (science, technology, engineering School for the past five years. The “The kids! I love being with proving service to the community, of educators and staff to become and mathematics) accreditation.” school, one of three diocesan high them,” she said,” whether in the fully utilize the new ‘Greenhouse of and “live as missionary disciples, schools, was founded in 1961 to classroom, watching them perform Blessings’ built this summer, and encouraging each student to take ana FunDora serve parishes and families in cen- or compete, or simply listening to help our families and students set up their baptismal role in leading Executive director of Holy Cross tral Palm Beach County. how their day was. It’s about build- concrete goals for spiritual, intellec- others to Jesus Christ.” Catholic Preschool and Center, West Cardinal Newman is a four-year, ing relationships over the four years tual, social/emotional and physical Palm Beach coeducational institute offering a and beyond.” n growth.” CanDaCe TampoSi On the first day of March 2004, He told the Florida Catholic, “I Sacred Heart School, Lake Worth doors opened at Holy Cross Pre- Limited believe that God is present in our Marching into the new school school and Center, established Give a Gift and Spread the FaithTime students and families and that the year with the theme “With Jesus through the generosity of a donor hope for our community is found in our hearts, we can do anything,” to serve families and their children, Your Catholic news at its BEST. First gift subscription $26 in the relationships that we foster Tamposi is at Sacred Heart’s helm, especially immigrants, migrants All other gift subscriptions $20 with each other and with Jesus. encouraging students along their and refugees families. Founding TO ORDER: Call toll free at 1-888-275-9953 • Send a check to our P.O. Box below This position allows me to share my educational path. director Holy Cross Sister Yvonne • Order safely online at thefloridacatholic.org • faith through service and through The longtime educator has Arcand welcomed 14 students on example, and the rewards for lov- served as a principal in diocesan that historic day. Print or e-Edition to: Print or e-Edition to: ing Christ through the children and schools for the past 25 years. Her Fundora, a parishioner of St. Ann Name: ______Name: ______families help me to remain joyful in principal post at Sacred Heart, a and president of the parish council, my vocation.” school that serves pre-k to grade currently serves as executive direc- Address: ______Address: ______eight students, and especially chil- tor of the school, which serves chil- SuSan DemeS dren from low-income households, dren 3 months old to pre-k 4. She City: ______City: ______St. Ann Catholic School, West Palm spans the past 14 years. When asked has been part of the school since its Beach about what she enjoys the most beginnings and on our visits to the State: ______Zip: ______State: ______Zip: ______Located in the heart of West about her vocation, she responded school observing her connection Give a Gift and Spread the Faith Palm Beach, St. Ann opened in by saying, “facilitating students in with the children and families, it is Email: ______Email: ______Your Catholic(REquiREd foR newsE-EdiTioN) at its BEST. First(R giftEquiRE subscriptiond foR E-EdiTioN) $26 1923 as the first parochial school in their attainment of life goals and obvious that Fundora is passionate Send to: P.O. Box 4993 • Orlando, FL 32802-4993 Send to:All P.O. other Box 4993 gift • subscriptionsOrlando, FL 32802-4993 $20 Palm Beach County. It welcomed 91 preparing them for life, college and about the school, students and the TO ORDER:1-888-275-9953 Call toll free at • 1-888-275-9953 407-373-0075 • www.thefloridacatholic.org • Send a check to our P.O. Box below students back then, and this year, heaven.” families she serves. • Order safely online at thefloridacatholic.org •

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Email: ______Email: ______(REquiREd foR E-EdiTioN) (REquiREd foR E-EdiTioN) Send to: P.O. Box 4993 • Orlando, FL 32802-4993 Send to: P.O. Box 4993 • Orlando, FL 32802-4993 1-888-275-9953 • 407-373-0075 • www.thefloridacatholic.org 5 YOUR PALM BEACH COMMUNITY Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Thirty days has September September is upon us. This As we enter September and the BISHOP BARBARITO’S SCHEDULE month brings with it the season of more routine aspects of our lives, it fall as well as the realization that is well for us to take the opportuni- Sept. 4 — Pastoral Center closed in Our Lady Caridad de Cobre, St. Juliana the freer days of the summer have ty to reflect upon what really mat- observance of Labor Day. Parish, West Palm Beach. passed and a more routine sched- ters for us. First and foremost is our Sept. 5 — 10:45 a.m., Mass, John Sept. 9 — 11 a.m., Mass and Florida ule of life is before us. School has relationship with God. We are cre- Carroll High School, Fort Pierce. ordination of permanent deacons, St. begun, vacations are over and new ated by him and in his image and Sept. 6 — 10:25 a.m., Mass, Patrick Parish, Palm Beach Gardens. Catholic expectations are placed likeness. He created us in Cardinal Newman High School, West Sept. 10 — 11:30 a.m., Mass and DIOCESE OF PALM BEACH upon us. order that we might have a Palm Beach. blessing of the parish hall, St. Sebas- The month of Septem- personal relationship with Sept. 7 — 10 a.m., Mass, St. John tian Parish, Sebastian; 4 p.m., Vespers Vol. 78, No. 20 ber is very much like the him and in that relation- Paul II Academy, Boca Raton. for consecrated life, St. Edward Parish, month of January. We are ship to find our purpose, Sept. 8 — 7 p.m., Mass, feast of Palm Beach. 9995 North Military Trail vividly aware that the realization and happiness. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 holidays are over but that God has called each of us 561-775-9500 • Fax 561-630-2698 a new beginning is before to a particular vocation within a family, and many times and most especially enhance our us with new challenges in life and as we live that the sacrifices that go with that love, relationship with God, the more we PUBLISHER LIVING THE Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito and possibilities. While TRUTH IN vocation, in carrying out is a participation in the love and realize who we are and find the joy the summer brought us LOVE the labor that is part of it, life of God himself. As we become God wants us to have. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS time for relaxation and we enter more deeply into more involved in our work and as As we begin September, we are Dianne Laubert more time to be with Bishop communion with him. our children return to school, all reminded of the reality that time [email protected] our families, September Gerald We need God’s fam- of our activity aims at enhancing moves along. In South Florida we brings with it new possi- ily, the Church, to help us our lives and our families in a way do not have the vivid signs of the DIOCESAN EDITOR Barbarito Linda Reeves bilities for our family re- grow in our relationship which brings new life to us. changing of the seasons as is expe- [email protected] lationships as well as for with him as well as with While our children have already rienced in other geographical loca- 561-775-9528 growth in our lives and our rela- each other. The celebration of the undertaken a new school year, Sep- tions. The changing of the seasons tionship with God. The summer Eucharist and the sacraments en- tember is the month that is the real reminds us of the moving ahead of • SUBSCRIPTIONS, CIRCULATION: days will be missed, but September hances that relationship and helps getting down to business of school. life and of our moving through it Contact Tammy Osborne at 1-888-275-9953, brings a renewed outlook since we us to embrace more deeply a life of While most children would be hap- to our ultimate goal which is God’s or customerservice@theflorida have had a change of pace during prayer. Prayer is essential to who py to remain on summer vacation, kingdom. September is a good re- catholic.org the summer and we now look for- we are. In our conversation with there is an excitement and joy that minder of that movement and of Notify us of address changes (temporary ward to living our lives in the full- God we come to know ourselves comes with the beginning of school the importance of our relationship or permanent) as soon as possible. Please est possible way. better and to know the fullness of and the engagement of young peo- with God in that movement. change your address online at www. The first thing that September his love and mercy for us. Without ple’s abilities as they grow in under- Many poems, songs and stories thefloridacatholic.org or call Tammy at celebrates is Labor Day, a reminder this basic realization in life, noth- standing the meaning of life. have been written about the month 1-888-275-9953. that work is a good part of our liv- ing really can fulfill us and give us School challenges children to do of September and the special place it ing in which we engage our talents the enthusiasm for life that a rela- their best, to realize that doing their has between the summer and fall as • ADVERTISING: Contact Valerie Casko at and abilities to support ourselves tionship with God brings. best is true success, and to grow in life picks up a more normal routine. 407-373-0075 or [email protected] and our families, as well is to make September helps us to grow in relationships with friends and new Perhaps the best known, learned by • CLASSIFIED ADS: Contact Mike Carlock at a contribution to others. God cre- our relationship with our families. friends who help them understand all of us as children, is the rhyme, 1-888-275-9953, or ated us so that we could be engaged The time we spent with our fami- who they are and to learn more “Thirty Days Has September.” It [email protected] in labor, not as a burden, but as an lies over the summer is now more about the world which God has cre- goes back to the 16th century and is opportunity to enter into the very enhanced as we enter into the ated for them. So many new aspects not so much about September as it State Offices: 50 E. Robinson St., Suite substance of life. While labor does many aspects of our lives which of knowledge are brought to young is about the movement of time and G, Orlando, FL 32801-1619; P.O. Box 4993; Orlando, FL 32802-4993; 407-373-0075; Toll- bring with it a toil that causes a need are essential to them. Since God people through the subjects they the number of days in the moment free 1-888-275-9953; Fax 407-373-0087 for rest, it also brings with it a ful- created us in his image and in his are taught, the reading they are of time. Groucho Marx remarked fillment which results in a true joy likeness, he created us to be like involved in and the activities they that “Thirty Days” was his favorite EXECUTIVE & EDITORIAL STAFF: which includes rest. Certainly, the him who is a Trinity of love. That undertake. It is well for us to real- poem because it actually tells us Associate Publisher: Ann Borowski Slade very beginning of the Bible reminds is why family life reflects the life of ize that, as adults, our lives still are something. It is not an exaggeration Editorial/Online Director: Jean Gonzalez us of God’s involvement in labor God in the most perfect way. A hus- much like being in school and the to say that September actually tells Business Manager: Pat Spencer Copy Editor: Mary Rose Denaro when he created the world and how band and wife giving themselves more we do our best, grow in our us something about life which is Marketing Advertising Associate: Michael his labor was a source of joy which is to each other results in the life of relationships, understand more very important. Carlock meant to be part of our lives. children in the family. The love about the world God has created, A blessed September to all. n Advertising Graphic Designer: Michael Jimenez Advertising Sales Associate: Valerie Casko

Have a comment/want more info/ Newsbriefs have a story suggestion? Leave your feedback at www.thefloridacatholic.org; Student recognized Christ the King Monastery of the server when he was 8. He is a former in St. Lucie County. A new respite click reader feedback button on left of Poor Clares community in Delray member of the Junior Reserve Offi- care program is aimed at provid- screen. for leadership Beach. His parents — Dorothy and cer Training Corps sponsored by ing short-term or temporary care Terry Lee of Delray Beach — also at- the U.S. Armed Forces and is also of a few hours a week to give care- Send statewide news releases to and service [email protected] tend Mass at Christ the King Mon- involved with Operation Under- givers a much-needed break. The Alexander Lee has been recog- astery and support the Poor Clares ground Railroad, an organization new program is funded through a Our staff meets for prayer each work day at nized for his academicals achieve- there. dedicated to ending the trafficking two-year Allegany Franciscan Min- 9 a.m. Send prayer intentions to prayers@ ments and welcomed into the A member of the university’s of young children. istries grant awarded to the char- thefloridacatholic.org membership of the National Soci- International Dean’s List Society, ity. For more information, contact ety of Collegiate Scholars. Lee, 20, Lee is in his third year of college Program reaches Rob Siedlecki, associate director All contents copyright © 2017, The Florida is a student at Florida Atlantic Uni- studying mechanical engineering of Catholic Charities, at 561-360- Catholic Inc., except stories and photos from out to caregivers Catholic News Service. versity in Boca Raton. He grew up and holds a 3.9 grade point average. 3321. Parishes interested in hosting attending St. Thomas More Parish Lee, a graduate of Atlantic High This fall, Catholic Charities will a caregiver workshop or a parish in Boynton Beach and for the past School in Delray Beach, began serv- offer a new service to caregivers of nursing program should call 561- 10 years participated in Masses at ing at St. Thomas More as an altar the sick, elderly and homebound 345-2000, ext. 256.

The Florida Catholic (ISSN 0746-4584) publishes semi-monthly for the Dioceses of Or- per’s policy and standards in Catholic Press Association. The appearance of advertising in all media. Political advertising not accepted. Periodicals postage paid at Orlando, lando, Palm Beach and Venice for $24 per year in Florida, $30 per year in the U.S., and in these pages does not imply endorsement of businesses, services and products. Com- FL 32862 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The $95 per year foreign, by The Florida Catholic Inc., 50 E. Robinson St., Suite G, Orlando, plaints regarding advertising should be made directly to the advertiser or to your local Florida Catholic, P.O. Box 4993, Orlando, FL 32802-4993. Member, Catholic Press As- FL 32801-1619. Publisher reserves the right to refuse advertisements contrary to pa- Better Business Bureau. Readers must exercise prudence in responding to advertising sociation; subscriber to Catholic News Service (CNS). Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR PALM BEACH COMMUNITY 6

SAFE ENVIRONMENT 15th ANNIVERSARY WHAT IS THE CHARTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE? The Charter is a comprehensive docu- response to allegations of sexual abuse of ment, originally written in 2002 and most minors, ensure accountability and protect recently updated in 2011, to address the faithful in the future. The bishops’ the crisis of sexual abuse of minors by Charter has led dioceses across the nation clergy and other Church personnel. Some to increase efforts already in place to do have called this crisis the biggest in U.S. everything possible to keep children and Church history. As stated in the 2011 young people safe. It also calls for action preamble, “To make effective our goals in the following matters: cooperating with of a safe environment within the Church civil authorities; and disciplining offenders. for children and young people and of A national Secretariat of Child and preventing sexual abuse of minors by Youth Protection and a national review clergy in the future, we, the members of board provide a means of accountabil- the United States Conference of Catholic ity for the future to ensure the problem Bishops, have outlined in this Charter a continues to be effectively dealt with. The series of practical and pastoral steps, and U.S. bishops’ Committee on the Protection we commit ourselves to taking them in of Children and Young People is chaired by our dioceses and parishes.” The landmark Bishop Edward J. Burns of Dallas. Repre- document has enhanced the way the U.S. sentatives from the different regions of the Catholic Church addressed the issue over United States take on roles as committee the past 15 years and is still making a members, including Auxiliary Bishop Peter positive difference. It provides a four-part Baldacchino of Miami, who represents framework to promote healing and Region XIV, to which the Diocese of Palm From left, Dorothy Vilardi, Kathy Casey and Donna Eurich work in the diocesan Office of Safe reconciliation for victims and survivors, Beach belongs. Environments and are part of the diocesan team dedicated to keeping children and vulnerable adults guarantee a prompt and effective protected and safe. (LINDA REEVES | FC) Program focuses on protecting vulnerable LINDA REEVES the resources available from the and other vulnerable people. ing and Dorothy Vilardi is office the years, the process has greatly of the Florida Catholic staff National Center for Missing and “Currently available is the VIR- assistant. Lorraine Sabatella retired changed. The diocese has brought Exploited Children. “Bishop (Ger- TUS Vulnerable Adult Training,” as chancellor of the diocese June 30 the process and record keeping “in- PALM BEACH GARDENS | As ald M.) Barbarito has promulgated Eurich said. “It is available online and is taking on the role of victim house” and has equipment and sites the Charter for the Protection of the use of VIRTUS Teaching Safety or can be presented by the ministry assistance coordinator from Terry for screening at the Pastoral Center Children and Young People marks lessons integrated with KidSmartz leader at the parish level.” Fretterd, who served in the impor- and four other locations including its 15-year anniversary, the staff and NetSmartz resources available The program is not only designed tant volunteer position since 2002. St Jude Parish in Boca Raton, St. Jo- of the diocesan Office of Safe En- from the National Center for Miss- to keep the vulnerable safe but also Her role involves assisting victims seph Parish in Stuart, St. John of the vironments, established to imple- ing and Exploited Children,” Eurich addresses the fact that those who and their families in obtaining the Cross Parish in Vero Beach and Holy ment charter directives, carry out explained about the materials used serve may be faced with a variety of counseling and spiritual assistance Name of Jesus Parish in West Palm changes and updates, and continue in the schools and parishes here. situations as they minister in a vari- they may need. Father Albert Dello Beach. to uphold the charter mission, will “Approximately 16,000 children ety of settings. Russo, new diocesan chancellor and Screening is mandatory for all di- be at the center of attention during are educated yearly,” she added of Concurrently, a correlation to tribunal judge, takes on the position ocesan employees including priests, a national conference this summer. the figure, “based upon two prior “We Believe Catholic Identity” and of Safe Environment coordinator, deacons, religious men and women, Donna Eurich, administrator year’s data.” “We Live our Faith” is the latest edu- overseeing that office and ensuring and people working at schools, par- for education and training for the Priests, deacons, religious, edu- cational tool created, published and that the diocese remains in compli- ishes, the Pastoral Center and other diocesan Office of Safe Environ- cators, school and parish employ- now available free to schools and ance with the Charter. Every dio- entities. All volunteers age 18 and ments, said the office is planning to ees and volunteers 18 and older who parishes across the country. The cese is audited each year by the U.S. older who come in contact with chil- attend the 14th annual conference minister, interact or regularly come diocese is utilizing the education Conference of Catholic Bishops to dren and vulnerable adults are also for VIRTUS program coordinators in contact with minors are required in its own schools and encouraging ensure compliance. The Diocese of required to participate in level-two in Chicago. Eurich will speak at the to receive the latest in education parishes to use the application for Palm Beach has been found to be background checks through both Aug. 23-25 conference organized by from the Office of Safe Environ- religious education programs. in complete compliance each year the Florida Department of Law En- the National Catholic Risk Retention ments: VIRTUS’ “Protecting God’s The Safe Environment align- since audits began in 2003. forcement and the Federal Bureau Group. As part of her talk, she plans Children.” Now, with new tighter ment to these educational materi- Sabatella has directed the Office of Investigation. Diocesan policy to share information about the of- mandates recently put in place, als was developed in the Diocese of of Safe Environments over the years requires all to be rescreened every fice’s latest personal safety educa- these same people must renew this Palm Beach in association with the and was there from the beginning five years. tion initiative, an example of the education every five years to rein- nonprofit National Center for Miss- to first incorporate the Charter’s The Safe Environments Office ongoing diocesan commitment to force what they first learned when ing and Exploited Children, which provisions and get all the parishes, has a full agenda going into the fu- safeguard and protect all children hired or began volunteer ministry serves as a national clearinghouse schools and entities on board with ture. The program keeps growing and vulnerable adults in its care and provide any new safety and on issues relating to missing and what needed to be done. Efforts and looking ahead. This fall changes and to continue to develop new pro- prevention measures. Education sexually exploited children. It is have continued to develop here in are anticipated in safety education grams and initiatives to meet ever- is distributed on a regular basis by published by the national publish- this diocese and in dioceses and for children in schools and parish changing challenges. the diocesan office as well. “Those ers William H. Sadlier. The diocese archdioceses across the country. religious education classes to make Protecting children has always who directly minister to children and these two organizations have “The Catholic Church in the United education more “streamlined,” with been the highest priority of the dio- and youths receive monthly bulle- worked together over the years, con- States has raised the bar in the area a common lesson theme or topic to cese, and polices have been in place tins informing them of various Safe tinuing to develop strong relation- of child protection,” she said during be taught to all, according to lead- in the event of sex abuse allegations Environment issues important for ships and working in solidarity to an interview with the Florida Catho- ers. n from day one. When the bishops safety,” said Eurich. protect children and young people lic. “We have the strongest measures created the Charter for the Protec- and keep the vulnerable safe. in the world in place for protecting For general information about the tion of Children and Young People, VIRTUS EDUCATION children and young people.” office, call 561-775-9510 or 561-775- Catholic institutions and entities The National Catholic Risk Re- MEET THE OFFICE TEAM 9530. For more information on di- were challenged to remain steadfast tention Group hosting the Chicago The women who work in and car- SCREENING AND ocesan policies and procedures for in their efforts. conference designs the VIRTUS ed- ry out the responsibilities and duties FUTURE PLANS reporting abuse, as well as to view Catholic schools and parish for- ucational programs in English and of the Office of Safe Environments Expanded fingerprinting and the Charter for Protection of Chil- mation classes must conduct Safe Spanish. A special VIRTUS train- have all been employed by the dio- background checks were among the dren and Young People, visit www. Environment training yearly using ing is also developed for those who cese for many years in various posi- very first initiatives put in place with diocesepb.org and click on Offices/ approved educational materials. minister to vulnerable adults. The tions. Eurich is in charge of educa- the Charter, and in the beginning, Safe Environments. Victims of sexual Correlations have been created to program is available for all working tion and training. Kathy Casey is ad- the process involved messy ink and abuse by Church personnel can reach align educational material with through ministry with the elderly ministrator of background screen- cards,and outside companies. Over Sabatella at 561-801-0999. 7 YOUR PALM BEACH COMMUNITY Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017

DIOCESAN EVENTS SOCIAL MEDIA FYI TV MASS Follow what is going on around the Diocese of Palm Beach on social media. Permanent diaconate To find more information on events, Televised Mass: Sundays, 10:30-11 Facebook is a simple way to be informed with the latest news in the diocese ordination: Sept. 9, 11 a.m., St. visit www.diocesepb.org/events a.m., CW34 WTVX. Produced by the and spot familiar faces of the Catholic community. Feel free to tag, share and Patrick Parish, 13591 Prosperity or www.catholiccharitiesdpb.org/ diocesan Office of Communications. Farms Road, Palm Beach Gardens. comment on the postings. www.facebook.com/DiocesePB/, www.facebook.com/ events. Questions: www.diocesepb.org/tv- Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito will DoPBCatholicSchools/, www.facebook.com/pbvocations/, www.facebook.com/ Mass or 561-775-9529. To support ordain Laurence Condon of St. Catholic-Charities-Palm-Beach, www.catholiccharitiesdpb.org/, www.facebook. except when stated. Location: the televised Mass or to request a Joseph Parish, Robert Laquerre of com/FloridaCatholic/. Our Lady Queen of the Apostles 1300 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm free Mass missal: 561-775-9529 or Parish, Oscar Rios of St. Philip Beach. 561-626-1300 or www. Office of Communications, 9995 N. Benizi Parish and Louis Romero ourladyofflorida.org: Military Trail, P.O. Box 109650, Palm • Centering prayer: of St. Andrew Parish as deacons org and click on Offices/Safe Beach Gardens, FL 33410. S.W. Third St., Boca Raton. For Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m., main for the Diocese of Palm Beach. Environments. those interested in facilitating chapel. 561-775-9540. Permanent deacon Women of Grace study series • Day of reflection: Oct. 4, 10 Ave., Boynton Beach. 561-734- 2017-2018 School of applications available: in both English and Spanish. a.m.-2:30 p.m. “The spirituality of 9330. Christian Formation: Learn Men interested in applying to Reservations: 561-212-8673, St. Francis,” led by Deacon Dennis Adoration: Mondays, 8:30 more about Catholicism and become a permanent deacon of [email protected]. Demes. Cost: $40. Reservations a.m., 24 hours a day through prepare for ministry work. the Diocese of Palm Beach are To Encounter Christ Available in English and Spanish. required. Saturday, 7a.m., St. Bernadette asked to speak to their pastors (TEC): Sept. 2-4, Cursillos de Parish, Msgr. Cosmo G. Saporito Cost: $10. For schedule of classes: for permission to apply and Cristianidad, 16250 S.W. 112th • Day of reflection: Nov. 1, 561-775-9544, www.diocesepb. 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. “Rekindle Chapel, 350 N.W. California Blvd., download the application from Ave., Miami. Catholic retreat Port St. Lucie. 772-336-9956. org/schools-of-christian- the diocesan website, www. the fire,” led by Passionist ministry for young adults of Adoration: First Fridays, after formation. diocesepb.org/deacon-formation. Brother Edward Hal. Cost: $40. Miami and Palm Beach areas. 8 am Mass, , ending with 7 p.m. Divorce survival ministry 561-775-9540, lpowell@ Reservations required. Reflection, sharing, presentations Benediction, St. Peter Parish, 1701 program: Presented at parishes diocesepb.org. • Silent weekend retreat: by clergy and young adults. Indian Creek Parkway, Jupiter. in the Diocese of Palm Beach, Catholic Charities events Theme: “Finding God and Nov. 3-5. “By His Wounds You Are Healed,” led by retreat 561-575-0837. 12-week program features • “5K Glow Run”: Sept. 9, 7 encountering Christ: Risen and team. Cost: $220. Deposit and Adoration: First Fridays and 30-minute DVD segments on p.m., Mirasol Park, 12385 Jog alive today.” 561-376-9495, registration required. every Saturday, 9:15 a.m.-5 p.m., challenges of a broken marriage. Road, Palm Beach Gardens. [email protected]. For the recently separated and Registration: www.sonshinetec. St. Lucie Parish, 280 S.W. Prima Music, food, awards. Families, Vista Blvd., Port St. Lucie. Also divorced and those divorced for individuals, walkers and runners com. many years. Sponsored by Office ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursdays, 9:15 a.m.-7 p.m. 772- invited. Registration: $35 for “Friends of the Poor” walk: 878-1215. of Marriage and Family Life. adults, $30 for seniors, $30 for Sept. 30, noon-2 p.m., St. Lucie Catholic radio stations are Adoration: Fridays, 8:15 a.m. Registration suggested; space students. Fee includes T-shirt and Parish, 280 S.W. Prima Vista available through the radio, Concludes after the 5:30 p.m. limited. To register: 561-775-9524. glow items. Sponsorship and Blvd., Port St. Lucie. Walk to raise the Internet and application Mass and Benediction, Holy Name • Thursdays, Sept. 7-Dec. 7, donations appreciated. Proceeds awareness and funds for the downloads: WPBV FM (98.3 FM, of Jesus, 345 S. Military Trail, 7-8:45 p.m., St. Vincent Ferrer benefit Catholic Charities Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a www.wpbvradio.com); WJPP West Palm Beach. 561-683-3555. Parish, Kellaghan Hall in the Counseling Program. 561-427- ministry dedicated to helping the (100.1 FM, www.wjppfm.com); family center, 840 George Bush 9423, [email protected]. poor. Two-mile walk begins in the Adoration: Weekdays 6 a.m.- and WDMC (920 AM, www. Blvd., Delray Beach. Cost: $30. Registration: www.catholic parish parking lot. 772-882-8777, 11 p.m.; Saturdays 6 a.m.-noon, divinemercyradio.com). Register: www.stvincentferrer. charitiesdpb.org.. [email protected] . St. Martin de Porres chapel, 2555 Women of Grace ministry N.E. Savanna Road, Jensen Beach. com/divorce; or parish office, 561- • Temporary protected status Festival of crafts: Oct. 28, 8 program is seeking volunteers 772-334-4214 or visit www. 276-6892, ext. 306. re-registration: Assistance is a.m.-2 p.m., Our Lady of Lourdes, to facilitate study programs stmartindp.com. Diocesan Charismatic available through Catholic 22094 Lyons Road. More than for English-speakers and also Renewal Convention for the Charities for Haitian nationals 60 tables of handcrafted items. Youth Adoration for Life: for Spanish-speakers. Training Haitian-Creole community: who need help in re-registering Free admission. Drawings, bake Second and Fourth Fridays, 6 sessions are held at St. Joan of Sept. 15, 5:30 p.m.; Sept. 16, 9 for temporary protected status sale and refreshments. Proceeds p.m., St. Martin de Porres chapel, Arc Parish ministry buildings, a.m.-9 p.m.; Sept. 17, 9 a.m.-3 required by U.S. Customs and benefit needs of the parish. 561- 2555 N.E. Savanna Road, Jensen 319 S.W. Third Street, Boca p.m., St. Vincent Ferrer Parish Immigration Services. Re- 445-4192 Beach. 772-334-4214 or visit Raton. Registration: Martha center, 840 George Bush Blvd., registration procedures extended www.stmartindp.com. Reboot Live: Nov. 2, 7 p.m., Nicolli, 561 212 8673 or mnicolli@ Delray Beach. Commemorates through Jan. 22, 2018. www. Adoration: Fridays, 9 a.m.- St. Jude Parish, 204 U.S. Highway womenofgrace.com. 50th anniversary of the catholiccharitiesdpb.org. 1, Tequesta. Featured speaker: 3 p.m., St. Luke Parish, 2892 S. Parish nurse meetings: Charismatic Movement. Bishop • Catholic Charities Respect Chris Stefanick, a youth ministry Congress, Ave., Palm Springs. 561- Open to all registered nurses Gerald M. Barbarito will visit. Life Ministry is seeking volunteers veteran aimed at setting young 965-8980. interested in health ministry. Speakers: retired Auxiliary to take on roles as respect life hearts and souls on fire for the Adoration: Mon.-Friday 7 For dates, time and locations, Bishop Guy A. Sansaricq of parish representatives, who are Lord. Admission: $20. 561-748- a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturdays 7 call Catholic Charities, Interfaith the Diocese of Brooklyn, N.Y.; essential to help build culture of 8805, www.diocesepb.org/ a.m.-4 p.m., Our Lady Queen of Health and Wellness, 561-345- Father Jules Campion, Father life and spread pro-life message. REBOOT. Apostles, 100 Crestwood Blvd., S. 2000, ext. 256; or email wellness@ Luc Philogene and Father Raoul If you are passionate about Royal Palm Beach. 561-798-5661. Mambo, all from Haiti; Father Youth study group: Sundays, catholiccharitiesdpb.org. saving unborn babies and other Holy Name of Jesus, 345 S. Adoration: Mon.-Friday, 9 Gustave Miracle of Boston; and pro-life work and are interested Charitable giving a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturdays and Father Yves Geffrard, diocesan Military Trail, West Palm Beach. in filling this role within your “Discovering the Eucharist in the guidelines: The bishops of Sundays 9 a.m.-1 p.m., St. Paul coordinator of Haitian Ministry. parish, contact Don Kazimir Florida have developed charitable of the Cross Parish, 10970 Jack 772-466-9617, 772-971-9080. Bible,” encourages young people weekday mornings, 561-360- to read, reflect and respond to giving guidelines of appropriate Nicklaus Drive, North Palm Beach. Unbound ministry program: 3330. Scriptures. 561-766-3563. and inappropriate organizations/ 561-626-1873 foundations. Please visit www. Sept. 22, 7 p.m., St. Vincent Ferrer • Rosary gathering: First Adoration: Fridays, 7 a.m.-9 Prayer gathering: Fridays, diocesepb.org, click on giving and Parish, 840 George Bush Blvd., Saturdays, 9 a.m., near p.m., St. Joan of Arc Parish, 370 5 p.m., on the sidewalks near A then charitable giving guidelines. Delray Beach. Sponsored by the Presidential Women’s Center in S.W. Third St., Boca Raton, 561- diocesan Office of Marriage and Woman’s World Medical Center West Palm Beach, 100 Northpoint that offers abortion services, 962-6007. Family Life. Adoration, Scripture, Parkway, West Palm Beach. Led reflection and Unbound healing 503 S. 12th St., Fort Pierce. Adoration: Thursdays, by Respect Life Office. 561-360- Treasure Coast rosary group leads MASSES/PRAYER following 9 a.m. Mass, until 7 prayers. Unique ministry aimed 3330. at helping all find peace, healing rosary recitation for the end of SESSIONS p.m. in the chapel; rosary at noon and joy to live the life God abortion. 772-465-8298. followed by the litany of the intended. 561-775-9524. Pray the rosary for life: Perpetual adoration: St. Blessed Sacrament; chaplet of the COMMUNITY Saturdays, 9-10 a.m., sidewalks Vincent Ferrer Parish, 840 George Divine Mercy at 3 p.m. and 7:15 Protection of Children Bush Blvd., Delray Beach. 561- p.m., Holy Spirit Parish chapel, and Young People: The just north of the Wellington EVENTS Regional Medical Center, 10101 276-6892. 1000 Lantana Road, Lantana. Catholic Diocese of Palm Beach 561-585-5970. is committed to the safety and Rosary rally in honor of Forest Hill Blvd., Wellington. All Perpetual adoration: St. protection of all children and Our Lady of Fatima: 13th of invited to pray for the end of Anastasia Parish, 407 S. 33rd St., Charismatic healing Mass: vulnerable adults in its care. the month until October, noon, abortions. 561-784-0689. Fort Pierce. 772-461-2233. Third Monday of the month, 7 Victims of abuse by Church St. Martin de Porres Parish, 2555 Perpetual adoration: St. p.m., St. Lucie Parish, 280 S.W. personnel are encouraged to N.E. Savanna Road, Jensen Beach. Joseph Parish, 1200 East 10th St., Prima Vista Blvd., Port St. Lucie. contact the diocesan victim All invited to join on front lawn RETREATS/DAYS Stuart, Fl. 772-287-2727. 772-878-1215. assistance coordinator Lorraine to pray the four mysteries of Adoration: Fridays, following Charismatic prayer meeting: Sabatella, 561-801-0999, to the rosary. In case of inclement OF PRAYER the 8:30 a.m. Mass, concluding Tuesdays, 7 p.m., St. Jude Parish, begin necessary emotional, weather, prayer will take place Our Lady of Florida Spiritual with solemn benediction at 5 21689 Toledo Road, Boca Raton. psychological and spiritual inside parish facilities. Water Center: Retreats and programs p.m., Cathedral of St. Ignatius Main celebrant: Carmelite Father healing. For more information on provided. All are encouraged to available for clergy, religious, Loyola, 9999 N. Military Trail, Richard Champigny. Healing diocesan policies and procedures bring seating. 772-334-4214. men, women, married couples, Palm Beach Gardens. 561-622- Mass last Tuesdays. 561-392-8172. for reporting abuse as well as to Women of Grace leadership/ singles and people in recovery 2565 or www.stignatiuspb.com. Charismatic healing Mass: Last view the USCCB “Charter for the facilitator training: Aug. programs. Season theme: “By Adoration: First Fridays, after Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., St. Ann Protection of Children and Young 26, 9:30 a.m.-noon, St. Joan of His Wounds You Are Healed” (1 8 a.m. Mass concluding at 7 p.m., Parish, 310 N. Olive Ave., West People,” visit www.diocesepb. Arc Parish, Kilby House, 370 Pt 2:24). Reservations required St. Mark Parish, 643 N.E. Fourth Palm Beach. 561-832-3757. Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR PALM BEACH COMMUNITY 8 An interview with the seminary rector JIM DAVIS involved in campus ministry. And a over the years? Is each graduating Q: What challenges do you face A: The bishop and the voca- Florida Catholic correspondent third had been doing some form of class different? as seminary rector? tions director have to be out there work in the world. A: Every graduating class has A: I consider myself the most encouraging every priest to be BOYNTON BEACH | St. Vin- its own personality. Here, our men blessed rector in the U.S.A. I have a vocation director. Every priest cent de Paul Regional Seminary in Q: What are their motivations for look to our 54-year history and the the complete support of the bishops should be looking for his replace- Boynton Beach is enjoying a boom entering seminary? growth of the Church in Florida. of Florida, who provide the faculty ment. That’s very much in line in student enrollment — 117 incom- A: A desire to make a difference And they realize they’re building and finance and the fine students with Christ’s own public ministry ing seminarians, up from 110 last in the world and in the Church. on their predecessors, the Irish they send us. Those are the chal- in saying, “Come, follow me.” year, and more than double the 58 They no longer come because the missionaries who built the Church lenges of a seminary rector: faculty, Every priest should see this who entered 10 years ago. priesthood is considered a source here. For that matter, they’re also finance, students. This is a unique Christ-like way of calling people, The seminary celebrated its 50th of esteem. It’s more a motivation of building on the two millennia of period of our history where we can and with the bishop’s and voca- anniversary in 2013, but didn’t rest servanthood to the people of God. apostles who preceded us. They say it’s all good. tions director’s encouragement. on its laurels: That year, it began And Pope Francis learn the great tradi- And I think that’s being done bet- a two-year project to renovate its has helped remind tion of what it means Q: Nationally, enrollment is up, ter, as evidenced by our increasing old dormitories and build two new us of that in a strong to be a Catholic. but the number of priests is down. enrollment at St. Vincent de Paul. ones. The expansion was needed for way, by talking about They want very How come? When is it expected to a seminary that serves not only all becoming servants, much to be agents of bottom out and turn around? Q: Are you optimistic for voca- seven dioceses of Florida, but two missionary disciples, change for the good. A: I think you’re looking at the tions? If so, on what basis? in Georgia: Atlanta and Savannah. urging us to go to the They’ve certainly unrealistic spike after World War A: I’m optimistic, based on Msgr. David Toups, rector, peripheries and find seen the dark side, II. After the early 1970s, there was the doubling of the seminary paused in preparing for the aca- the lost sheep. Every- and they said that’s a lot of exodus. The men were dis- over the last dozen years. I’m a demic year to talk about the new thing the men do here not who we are, it’s illusioned with what they thought priest in the Diocese of St. Pe- class, why they come, how many is for that. not how the Church would be the changes after Vatican tersburg and I’ve seen men who stay, challenges of the seminary is. They want to be II. Pre-World War II, we’re not too were ordained there, and it gives and other matters. Here’s what he Q: Have teaching forces for good. far off that. Not that we’re out of me great hope. told us. methods changed the woods in terms of needing to I’m also encouraged by the over the years? Q: W hat’s t he recruit. generosity of the bishops and do- Q: What kinds of men are the in- A: They’re of the Msgr. David Toups dropout rate? What nors, who have helped us build coming students? millennial genera- are the biggest rea- Q: Is the secularization of the the campus in the last five years A: They’re typically in their late tion, so we use PowerPoint, social sons for dropping out? country affecting seminaries like to grow and to be sustainable in 20s, and they’ve been involved in media and online platforms as any A: We have a 10 percent attri- St. Vincent de Paul? terms of buildings, infrastructure Church for some time, in things university does. They can do read- tion rate every year, whether from A: I’d say it makes us all the more and an endowment. This insti- like youth and campus ministries. ing material and hand in assign- the man’s decision or ours. There countercultural. Many of the young tution is here for the long term. I Now they’ve felt the call to service ments online. are a number of reasons. They may have not rejected the faith — in think that’s good for the people of as priests. They’re connected with We form the men in four distinct sense a call to marriage. There may many ways, they’ve never been ex- Florida to know. the Church. ways: human, spiritual, pastoral be a recognition that after a pasto- posed to it. We know the message of And as seminary rector and a and intellectual. We give them a ral year, this lifestyle is not for them. Jesus Christ does fill the longing of professor, in and of itself that’s a Q: Are they different than in past master’s degree in divinity as part They may not like always being on the human heart. But to those who very encouraging world to live in. years? of their four or five years here. But call, or being a public person. have discovered the emptiness of I’m surrounded by young people A: The age is decreasing. A de- they get a much more integrated life It could also be our recognition that world, the priesthood can fill with hope and zeal, and a desire to cade ago, they were in their mid- of formation and study. We’re inter- that the man doesn’t have the mor- their hearts. Young people desire make a difference. That’s why our 30s. You could say a third came ested in the whole person. We want al fiber or the personality to take on challenge, identity, mission. own seminary magazine is called directly out of high school into the them to be the best human instru- the person of Christ in the priest- Seeds of Hope. Our job is simply college seminary in Miami (St. John ment to convey the Gospel. hood. It’s a rigorous time of forma- Q: Could the Church be encour- to plant seeds. God will always Vianney). A third came through tion. We want only the best for the aging vocations in some way that provide. Maybe not in the way we secular university, where they were Q: Have seminarians changed people of God. it’s not already doing? expect, but he’ll always provide. n Passionist priest, Father Gardon, dies

NORTH PALM BEACH | Pas- of America in Washington, D.C., Atlanta to serve as parochial vicar sionist Father Emmanuel Gardon earning a master’s degree in library of St. Paul of the Cross Parish until died Aug. 7 after a brief illness. De- studies, and at St. Michael 1994. scribed as a loving, compassionate Monastery in Union City, He was then assigned and gifted man, Father Gardon was N.J., where he was certi- to serve as parochial Specials 96 and joyfully served as a priest of fied in Gregorian chant vicar of All Saints Parish Thursday 50% off all bottles Jesus Christ for 67 years. and Church music. in Hayward, Calif. He of wine up to $100 Father Gardon lived with his Father Gardon’s min- came to Florida in 2000 community of Passionist priests istry was diverse and be- to reside at Our Lady of 3 COURSE SUMMER and brothers at Our Lady of Flori- gan at St. John’s Univer- Florida Spiritual Center. Menus–$30 and $40 pp da Spiritual Center in North Palm sity in New York where he As part of his ministry HAPPY HOUR Beach, where he died. Born in taught from 1957 to 1968. in the south, Father Gar- 3-7 p.m. 50% off all Bronx, N.Y., Father Gardon’s par- He went on to serve as pa- don was a member of the drinks at the bar Father Bar Food $5-$8 ents were the late Manuel and Mary rochial vicar at Immacu- Emmanuel Passionist AIDS pastoral Anne (Casey) Gardon. As a young- late Conception Parish in Gardon team and ministered to SUNDAY SPECIAL ster, he attended Holy Cross Prepa- New York until 1972 and the lonely and forgotten Piatto della Nonna $20 ratory Seminary in Dunkirk, N.Y., then was pastor of St. Michael Par- victims of HIV and AIDS. His min- LIVE MUSIC and at age 22, he professed vows at ish in New Jersey in 1972 where he istry in Florida also included serv- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY St. Paul of the Cross Monastery in served for the next 10 years. In New ing as chaplain of the local fire and Pittsburgh. Jersey, he was active with the Span- police departments. He earned degrees in theology ish community and also served as A Mass of Christian burial was LOCATION PHONE OUR HOURS: 2401 PGA Blvd. Monday-Sunday and competed priestly formation chaplain for the local police and fire celebrated Aug. 9 at Our Lady of 561-775-0186 11138- 0825 and was ordained June 3, 1950, by departments. Florida Spiritual Center and Father Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Bishop Thomas E. Molloy of Brook- He began retreat ministry in Gardon was buried at the Passion- PRICES AND MENU ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE lyn at Immaculate Conception 1982, serving Cardinal Spellman ist cemetery. Donations in his name Church in Jamaica, N.Y. He also Retreat Center in Riverdale, N.Y., may be made to Our Lady of Florida studied at The Catholic University until 1987 when he relocated to Spiritual Center. n www.thefloridacatholic.org | aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 FLORIDACatholic VENICE DIOCESE They’re back

Students at St. Ann Catholic School walk to their first school Mass in Naples Aug. 11. (PHOTOS BY BOB REDDY | FC)

Students at St. Andrew Catholic School get assigned lockers on the first day of Young students at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School in Naples participate in school in Cape Coral Aug. 10. morning prayer Aug. 11. Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR VENICE COMMUNITY 2

Students of Epiphany Cathedral School in Venice came out to witness the “Great American Solar Students at St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples Eclipse” Aug. 21. (BOB REDDY | FC) particpate in morning prayer on the first day of school. (COURTESY) Schools begin academic year Bob Reddy tal in bringing the entire Parish of Notre Dame in Indiana, where of the Florida Catholic staff community into supporting the he has been taking classes the past school. This was evidenced dur- several summers. sarasota | Children across ing a parish cleanup of the school, “I felt it was important to have a Southwest Florida flocked back when more than 40 parishioner strong knowledge about education to school in early August. For the volunteers helped to get the school at all levels,” he said. “I now have students at the 15 Diocese of Ven- ready for the new year. Father a firm foundation upon which to ice Catholic schools, one thing Grady not only lent moral support, make decisions, versus coming at was definitely different: They were but got involved by repainting the issues with little knowledge.” blessed upon their return. white fence that divides the school Father Grady also urged the On Aug. 10, Father Matthew from the church parking lot. The starting a new garden behind the Grady, Administrator of Incarna- parishioners were instrumental in rectory, next to the large park- tion Parish in Sarasota, blessed the getting the employee lounge reno- ing lot of the school. He person- students at the parish school with vation complete, adding personal ally bought the seeds and supplies Father Matthew Grady, administrator of Incarnation Catholic holy water, along with their back- touches to make it special. needed to make sure it can begin School in Sarasota, blesses the backpacks for students on the first packs, praying that each student “This is a wonderful school that right away. day of school Aug. 10. (BOB REDDY | FC) gains the most from the school really focuses on the family, in- “Father Matt is wonderful,” said year while accompanied by Jesus cluding them in every aspect of ed- Incarnation Catholic School Prin- Christ. This scene was repeated at ucation,” Father Grady explained. cipal Colleen Curlett. “His dedi- Catholic schools across the Dio- To help improve his under- cation is unsurpassed. He has a child care center opens cese. standing of education, Father passion for education that is felt in At Incarnation Catholic School, Grady recently earned a master’s the school and is resonating in the Father Grady has been instrumen- in education from the University parish.” n schoolbriefs Academy now of Sarasota Award in the Catholic tion representative Sally A. Jack- schools category by the Sarasota son awarded the school the grant Diocesan Award Program. Each year, the in the amount of $22,898. These program identifies companies that funds have been designated toward Catholic school it believes have achieved excep- STREAM (science, technology, re- The number of Catholic schools tional marketing success in their ligion, engineering, art and math- in the Diocese grew by one in Au- local community and business ematics) academic focus, as well as gust when the Donahue Academy category. development in the International in the town of Ave Maria formally These are local entities that en- Baccalaureate-Primary Years Pro- opened Aug. 17. Purchased in the hance the positive image of small gram. spring, the summer included the business through service to their Faculty and staff gathered for hiring of a new principal, renova- customers and the community two days in May for intensive train- tions to the school and hiring of which help make the Sarasota area ing, which encompassed standards new staff. a great place to live, work and play. and practices, transdisciplinary The 5-year-old children at the Boca Grande child care center of themes, curriculum mapping, and Catholic Charities are ready for kindergarten. The center is located St. Mary receives Cape Coral school an in-depth inquiry into the IB-PYP on Gasparilla Island adjacent to Our Lady of Mercy Parish and serves award receives grant framework. 30 children from ages 1 to 5. Most of the families do not live on the St. Andrew continues to work island, but the parents are employed by local businesses. The children St. Mary Academy in Sarasota, St. Andrew Catholic School in toward IB-PYP certification with participate in daily lessons and activities ranging from American Sign which focuses on educating stu- Cape Coral received a professional ongoing development and best Language basics, colors and shapes, sorting and classifying, numbers dents with special learning needs, development grant from Cape Coral practices in education thanks to and counting, letters and sounds, STEM skills (science, technology, has been selected for the 2017 Best Community Foundation. Founda- community support. engineering, mathematics), art and music. (COURTESY) 3 YOUR VENICE COMMUNITY Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017

APPOINTMENTS Bishop out front speaking against racism Bishop Frank J. Dewane, in consultation with the Priest Staff Report in the streets. Let us unite our- monitoring the subsequent Personnel Board, announces selves in the spirit of hope of- events across the country in the following assignments: Venice | Bishop Frank J. De- fered by the clergy, people of response to the Charlottesville Effective Aug. 7: wane is once again out front in faith, and all people of goodwill protests, and has locally been Father Jonathan Romanoski, calling on all people of goodwill who peacefully defended their urging the faithful to pray and FSSP, to chaplain of the Latin Mass to join in prayer and unity in re- city and country. speak out against hatred. Mean- Community in the Fort Myers/Naples Florida sponse to the violent pro- “We stand against while, Bishops across the na- area. test and deadly attack in the evil of racism, white tion have joined in speaking out Father Joshua Passo, FSSP, from Catholic Charlottesville, Va. supremacy and neo- against the violence. parochial vicar of Christ the King DIOCESE OF VENICE As Chairman of the nazism. We stand with The U.S. Bishops have been Parish, Sarasota, to assistant chap- U.S. Conference of Cath- our sisters and brothers at the forefront on this issue lain of the Latin Mass Community in Vol. 78, No. 20 olic Bishops’ Committee united in the sacrifice and stand ready to work with all the Fort Myers/Naples area. on Domestic Justice and of Jesus, by which love’s people of goodwill for an end to Effective Aug. 9: 1000 Pinebrook Road Human Development, victory over every form racial violence and for the build- Father Timothy Harris, TOR, to Venice, FL 34285 Bishop Dewane sent Bishop Frank of evil is assured. At ing of peace in our communi- parochial vicar of Our Lady Queen 941-484-9543 • Fax 941-483-1121 out the following joint J. Dewane Mass, let us offer a spe- ties. In 2016, a Task Force of the of Martyrs Parish, Sarasota. statement with Cardinal cial prayer of gratitude Bishops Conference proposed PUBLISHER Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston- for the brave souls who sought to prayers and resources to work Effective Aug. 21: Father Jan Antonik, from Bishop Frank Dewane Houston, President of the USC- protect us from the violent ide- for unity and harmony in our parochial vicar of St. Agnes Parish, DIOCESAN EDITOR CB: ology displayed yesterday. Let us country and in our Church. Naples, to parochial vicar of St. Bob Reddy “As we learn more about the especially remember those who To find each of Bishop De- Andrew Parish, Cape Coral. [email protected] horrible events of yesterday, our lost their lives. Let us join their wane’s statements as USCCB Father Krzysztof Piotrowski, 941-484-9543 prayer turns today, on the Lord’s witness and stand against every Chairman of the Committee on from assisting at Ave Maria Parish, Day, to the people of Charlot- form of oppression.” Domestic Justice and Human Ave Maria, to parochial vicar of St. • SUBSCRIPTIONS, CIRCULATION: tesville who offered a counter Since the weekend of Aug. Development, follow the link at Agnes Parish, Naples. Contact Tammy Osborne at 1-888-275-9953, example to the hate marching 11-13, Bishop Dewane has been www.dioceseofvenice.org. n or customerservice@theflorida catholic.org

Notify us of address changes (temporary or permanent) as soon as possible. Please DREs meet for first time in years with new diocesan director change your address online at www. thefloridacatholic.org or call Tammy at 1-888-275-9953. Staff Report of your responsibilities — the edu- cation of the faith — is awesome. • ADVERTISING: Contact Valerie Casko at FORT MYERS | Throughout the Thank you for what you do.” 407-373-0075 or [email protected] Diocese of Venice a group of dedi- The day included encouraging • CLASSIFIED ADS: Contact Mike Carlock at cated men and women serve as pro- participants to refocus on the Lord 1-888-275-9953, or fessional catechetical leaders assist- through prayer. Diocesan Direc- [email protected] ing adults, teens and children of the tor of Evangelization David Glasow parish in their faith formation. gave a presentation about the need State Offices: 50 E. Robinson St., Suite This broad definition of a direc- to have prayer as a focus in one’s life, G, Orlando, FL 32801-1619; P.O. Box 4993; Orlando, FL 32802-4993; 407-373-0075; Toll- tor of religious education, or DRE, not just something that is fit in. free 1-888-275-9953; Fax 407-373-0087 is only the tip of the surface of “Are we fitting prayer in or are we what they do each day in creating a putting prayer as the core of who we EXECUTIVE & EDITORIAL STAFF: prayerful environment where wor- are?” Glasow asked. “This comes at Associate Publisher: Ann Borowski Slade ship, prayer, hospitality and learn- Mass and at personal time. We are Editorial/Online Director: Jean Gonzalez ing are the primary motivators. called to do God’s things God’s way, Business Manager: Pat Spencer Copy Editor: Mary Rose Denaro DREs of the Diocese gathered Aug. and that is in a prayerful way. … He’s Marketing Advertising Associate: Michael 17 at Our Lady of Light Parish in Fort proud of what you are doing, espe- Carlock Myers for an enrichment day which cially if it is hard. He is accompany- Advertising Graphic Designer: served to unite them in a common ing you along the way.” Michael Jimenez goal of serving the faithful within The group also heard about the Advertising Sales Associate: Valerie Casko the Diocese centered on the Lord. lessons learned about the recent Have a comment/want more info/ Diocesan Director of Religious U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Diocesan Director of Religous Education Ashley Fox, left, looks on have a story suggestion? Leave your Education Ashley Fox organized “Convocation of Catholic Leaders: as St. John the Evangelist Parish DRE Natalie Campbell speaks about feedback at www.thefloridacatholic.org; the day, telling the DREs their work The Joy of the Gospel in America” Pope Francis’ “Joy of the Gospel” during a DRE gathering at Our Lady click reader feedback button on left of is necessary and appreciated. About in Orlando, from Fox and Natalie of Light Parish in Fort Myers Aug. 17. (BOB REDDY | FC) screen. 40 DREs from across the Diocese Campbell, DRE at St. John the Evan- were able to attend the meeting. gelist Parish in Naples. Christ they have come to deeply ex- derstanding and a willingness to Send statewide news releases to [email protected] A DRE designs, develops and The Convocation was inspired by perience from their own personal step out of our comfort zone in a directs the parish religious educa- Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation encounter with him. reach to others who are on the pe- Our staff meets for prayer each work day at tion program, which can include “Evangelii Gaudium” (“The Joy of “By taking a look at ourselves ripheries of our communities.” 9 a.m. Send prayer intentions to prayers@ people of all ages — preschool to the Gospel”), and how Catholics are first, we can begin to best prepare The DREs left the day energized, thefloridacatholic.org senior citizen and everywhere in to become more intentional mis- for the work ahead as we go out in having met as a group for the first between. This tremendous respon- sionary disciples. The four days of faith on mission,” Campbell said. time in more than four years. Sister All contents copyright © 2017, The Florida Catholic Inc., except stories and photos from sibility takes a commitment Fox said talks by cardinals, bishops, priests “This work will require that we are Frances Lolar, Religious Sisters of Catholic News Service. is commendable and often under and laity from many apostolates filled with joy and ready to accom- Mercy, DRE of Epiphany Cathedral appreciated. and ministries spoke from their pany others along their journey of in Venice, noted that it was good “I have been there,” she said. hearts with eloquence and passion faith. It will require at the very least to see new faces and hear of new “You do everything and the weight about the love and mercy of Jesus compassion, charity, kindness, un- ideas. n

The Florida Catholic (ISSN 0746-4584) publishes semi-monthly for the Dioceses of Or- per’s policy and standards in Catholic Press Association. The appearance of advertising in all media. Political advertising not accepted. Periodicals postage paid at Orlando, lando, Palm Beach and Venice for $24 per year in Florida, $30 per year in the U.S., and in these pages does not imply endorsement of businesses, services and products. Com- FL 32862 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The $95 per year foreign, by The Florida Catholic Inc., 50 E. Robinson St., Suite G, Orlando, plaints regarding advertising should be made directly to the advertiser or to your local Florida Catholic, P.O. Box 4993, Orlando, FL 32802-4993. Member, Catholic Press As- FL 32801-1619. Publisher reserves the right to refuse advertisements contrary to pa- Better Business Bureau. Readers must exercise prudence in responding to advertising sociation; subscriber to Catholic News Service (CNS). Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR VENICE COMMUNITY 4 Bishop Dewane encourages students to pray

Bob Reddy of the Florida Catholic staff

VENICE | Catholic schools of the Diocese of Venice need to be known as places of prayer. This was the message Bishop Frank J. Dewane carried to the schools as he celebrated Mass at the start of the new academic year. During the first week, Bishop De- wane visited St. Martha Catholic School and St. Mary Academy in Sarasota, St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton and Epiphany Cathe- dral Catholic School in Venice and encouraged the students to pray and for the teachers to incorpo- rate prayer into every aspect of the Bishop Frank J. Dewane speaks to eighth-graders at St. Joseph day. Developing a strong prayer life Catholic School in Bradenton following Mass Aug. 15, the feast of serves to connect Catholics, both the Assumption of Mary. (PHOTOS BY BOB REDDY | FC) present and in the past, Bishop De- Bishop Frank J. Dewane greets students of Epiphany Cathedral wane explained. your grandparents, for each other, of you most, because you are now School in Venice after celebrating Mass Aug. 17. “This is done because the Lord your safety, your health, and for the leaders of the school and young said: ‘You shall be my people and your school. Make this a year of ones will follow your example,” I will be your God’ (Ex 6:7). That prayer.” Bishop Dewane said. “Take this re- means we must live in a particular Bishop Dewane asked the stu- sponsibility seriously. If someone is way, and to do that we have to talk dents, faculty and staff work togeth- sitting alone, talk to them.” with God sometimes. We do that er to encourage prayer. “Become The Bishop also encouraged the through prayer.” known as a school of prayer. Let the students to apply to attend the lo- Prayer must be more than some- world know that you come together cal Catholic high school next year, thing that is done from memory or in prayer for others. It will help you noting that they will have the op- part of a school activity or at meals, each grown closer to the Lord.” portunity to visit the schools in the the Bishop added. Following each elementary coming months. “Those are good places to start, school Mass, the Bishop has a tradi- The students were also given the but each student must pray often. tion of inviting the eighth-graders opportunity to ask the Bishop ques- Stop and pray for others that they to stay behind which offers the op- tions, most of which focused on have the courage to go on, or to heal portunity to give them encourage- what it was like to be a Bishop and if them. Pray in your heart for your ment for the upcoming year. he ever met Pope Francis. The talk Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrates Mass for St. Martha Catholic School parents, your brothers and sisters, “The call to prayer applies to each concluded with a group photo. n and St. Mary Academy Aug. 15. Sebring school enjoys new home, larger student body Bob Reddy ‘The response to our of the Florida Catholic staff relocation has been truly SEBRING | Shortly before 8 incredible and a real a.m., two buses, one white and one yellow, arrived as part of a morn- blessing.’ ing car line at the new home to St. Catherine Catholic School in Se- — Jorge Rivera bring. The buses are carrying stu- dents from Avon Park, Lake Placid expand from its cramped quarters and Wauchula, and represent a to a spacious space that includes a large enrollment increase at the gymnasium and fields. The new fa- school. cility allowed the school to expand From 132 students at the end of to sixth grade this year, with plans last school year, there are now 189 to add seventh and eighth in the students with more coming each future. In addition, the classroom day. That is a rapid and impressive offerings have expanded to in- growth for a school which opened clude more art, Spanish, music and in 2008 with 32 students. physical education including sports “The response to our relocation clubs. There is also an expanded has been truly incredible and a use of technology in the classroom. St. Catherine Catholic School Principal Jorge Rivera greets students Kindergartners line up at St. real blessing,” explained Principal It was more than 10 years ago at the school’s new building in Sebring Aug. 16. (PHOTOS BY BOB Catherine Catholic School Aug. Jorge Rivera, who greets the stu- when St. Catherine Catholic REDDY | FC) 16. dents with handshakes, high-fives School was first proposed before and even a few fist-bumps. “Getting opening in 2008 with just a few pansion in mind. need for the Catholic school across go with St. Catherine. The support everything ready was the effort of grades. Knowing space was lim- “We knew there was a demand,” a large area. “We are already look- is there and our future looks very so many people in the community ited within existing parish facili- Rivera said. “But this has been ing at ways to use our space to its bright.” n who see St. Catherine’s as a source ties, it was not long before capac- wonderful. We have families com- maximum,” Rivera said. “There of pride.” ity was reached. It was on May ing every day asking about what the is a second floor that is available For more information about St. The new home, about a half mile 24 when Bishop Frank J. Dewane school has to offer.” for renovation that we might need Catherine Catholic School, please south of the Parish property, was blessed the new school building The buses are bringing students sooner than later. The possibilities visit http://www.stcatheschool. purchased to allow the school to which was purchased with ex- from beyond Sebring, showing the are endless as to how far we can org. 5 YOUR VENICE COMMUNITY Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Poor Clare Sisters celebrate Feast Day Bob Reddy spiritual cards or planning the lit- of the Florida Catholic staff urgy. The monastery is surrounded by a high wall and the Sisters leave Fort Myers Beach | St. the property only when absolutely Clare was a noblewoman who more necessary. than 800 years ago heard St. Francis On Aug. 11 the Poor Clare Sis- of Assisi and was overcome with a ters annually take time to celebrate desire to imitate him and live a poor the feast day of their patroness, St. humble life for Jesus. Clare of Assisi. The feast concludes St. Francis cut the woman’s hair an annual weeklong reflective con- and gave her a rough worn brown templation of their faith and their robe to wear tied with a plain cord commitment to God. To add to the around her waist. Despite the ef- festive occasion, a Mass was cel- forts of her parents to have her re- ebrated for the Sisters and their de- turn home, she did not. In fact, her voted supporters in which Bishop sister, St. Agnes, soon joined her, Frank J. Dewane was the principle as well as other young women who celebrant. wanted to be brides of Jesus joyful- Bishop Dewane called the Sisters ly. They embraced a life of poverty, a reflection of the Light of Christ prayer and contemplation, solitude that shines within the Diocese. “You and seclusion that they might serve are an example to others for who the Lord and his Church through you are and who you have become this holy manner of living as Fran- in your life. Thank you. We treasure cis had foretold. you for what you represent.” It was with these humble be- The Bishop said there is a special Above, Bishop Frank J. Dewane, and other visiting priests are seen here with Poor Clare Sisters at the ginning that St. Clare became the affinity for the community of Sis- San Damiano Monastery in Fort Myers Beach Aug. 11. Boxed below are a stained-glass window of St. foundress of an order of religious ters, represented by the overflow of Clare of Assisi in the chapel of San Damiano Monestary, and a statue outside the monestary. (PHOTOS sisters now known as Poor Clares. people at the Feast Day Mass, which BY BOB REDDY | FC) A group of seven women from the bespeaks to the impact their exam- Poor Clare religious order have ple has on so many others. He also LEARN MORE ABOUT THE POOR CLARE SISTERS called Fort Myers Beach their home praised the Sisters for praying to St. for the past 29 years. The San Da- Clare to intercede on behalf of the Prayer of Poor Clares miano Monastery of St. Clare is on faithful of the Diocese of Venice. O glorious St. Clare, God has land shared with Ascension Par- “Thank you for choosing to grace given you the power of work- ish. The Sisters first arrived in the the Diocese with your presence ing miracles and the favor of Diocese of Venice in 1988 and the and continued prayers,” the Bishop answering the prayers of those Monastery became independent in added. who invoke your assistance in 2009. Abbess Sister Mary Frances of Je- misfortune, anxiety and distress; Living a secluded life, the Poor sus Fortin said it is a special honor we beseech you, obtain for us Clare Sisters do not minister out- for Bishop Dewane to celebrate from Jesus, through Mary, what side their residence, but dedicate Mass for the Sisters. we beg of you so fervently and their lives to contemplation and “The support we receive from hopefully if it be for the greater prayer for others. They also make Bishop Dewane and the Diocese honor and glory of God and for vows of poverty, chastity, obedience has been remarkable through the the good of our souls. Amen. and enclosure. Their day is set into years,” Sister Mary Frances said. a traditional monastic framework of “We are blessed by this recognition Prayer requests prayer and work. Holy Mass and the of our commitment.” The Poor Clare Sisters do take Liturgy of the Hours are the anchor The homilist for the Mass was prayer requests. This can be done to their day. Father Regis Armstrong, OFM by sending an email to saint Outside these times, there is Cap., of The Catholic University in [email protected] or by visiting seldom a dull moment inside the Washington, D.C., who described www.fmbpoorclare.com. Mass cloister. The Sisters engage in all the Poor Clare Sisters as mirror is open to the public and takes the ordinary tasks of life in a spirit images of their foundress, who en- place in the summer at 6:45 a.m. of sisterly sharing, joy and peace. At tered into a tremendous love affair Sundays, 8 a.m. weekdays. During other times, a Sister might be found with the Lord. the winter, Mass times are 6 a.m. packing up an order of hosts for one “Like St. Clare, you have a mag- Sundays, and 6:45 a.m. daily. Call of the local parishes, taking care of netic energy from listening to what 239-463-5599 before coming as the altar, sweeping the cloister walk the Lord called. … You are a spark these times may change. or doing some laundry. Or you may of light that is brighter still that find a Sister at a desk, doing book- you may be brilliant for the whole Bishop keeping, answering mail, preparing world,” Father Armstrong said. n Frank J. Dewane, and other SAN DAMIANO MONASTERY CHAPEL visiting The San Damiano Monastery of cross so familiar to St. Francis, all priests St. Clare includes a chapel, which remind the Sisters of their roots in As- celebrate was designed to recall the first San sisi, . The Holy Spirit rose window Mass for Damiano Monastery of St. Clare in is based on a window in St. Peter’s the Poor Assisi. The chapel is the heart of the Basilica in Rome and reminds the Sis- Clare monastic home and is where Christ ters of the loyalty and great devotion Sisters on dwells in the Blessed Sacrament. It is St. Francis and St. Clare had to the the feast where the Sisters gather as a com- Church of Rome and the successors of day of their munity throughout the day for Mass, St. Peter. foundress, St. Clare the Liturgy of the Hours and times of If you would like to support the of Assisi. silent prayer and meditation. Poor Clare Sisters, you can mail them The chapel’s stone arch, the San at: San Damiano Monastery of St. Damiano Cross and the handmade Clare, 6029 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers wooden altar in the form of the Tau Beach, FL 33931 Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR VENICE COMMUNITY 6 Religious welcomed in Bishop’s home Bob Reddy Liturgy at Jesus the Worker Par- Mary, Diocese Director of Reli- of the Florida Catholic staff ish in Fort Myers, was excited to gious, said of the evening, “Pope reconnect with other religious Francis has said often, ‘Wherever VENICE | It is a rare occasion men and women. “It is a so rare religious are present there is joy.’ when many religious women and that we can be together,” she said. That was certainly evident at the men can get together to interact “This is a true celebration. We are Bishop’s home. It was a wonderful with each other. The reality is that all so proud to serve in the Dio- celebration of dedication, service throughout the Diocese of Venice cese of Venice and to have Bishop and commitment gathered in one religious women and men are of- Dewane support us in more ways place with our Bishop. It was great ten very busy doing what they have that anyone can imagine.” to greet friends and newcomers to dedicated their lives to do: serving The religious in the Diocese are the Diocese of Venice, as well as to the people of God. a vibrant group of men and women laugh, reminisce and enjoy a deli- As a special “Thank You!” for who reach all aspects of the faith cious meal.” their commitment to their voca- life, Bishop Dewane said. They Religious men and women tion and for all that they do in the work tirelessly in their commit- have been crucial in the forma- Diocese and beyond, Bishop Frank ment to the people they serve each tion of the Diocese, as they served J. Dewane hosted the religious men day, and do it in service to faithful in multiple capacities throughout and women of the Diocese during of the Diocese in honor of God. the early years. The religious pro- an informal dinner Aug. 17 at his Bishop Dewane said it was an vided a crucial supply of support Sarasota residence. honor and privilege to have the for the growing area when the Approximately 45 men and men and women religious pres- number of Diocesan priests was women religious were able to at- ent, recalling how he had religious still quite low. Today they con- tend, while still others were un- woman as school teachers when he tinue to serve parishes, schools able to as they have ongoing com- was young. “I thank you for your and charities in a number of ca- mitments. So it was that many old service, commitment and dedica- pacities, including as pastors, friends caught up with each other, tion to the Diocese of Venice. Many school teachers, religious educa- while religious who might be new of you serve behind the scenes, but tors, elder care providers, social to the Diocese were able to make the impact of what you do is real workers and much more. Each is Bishop Frank J. Dewane speaks to women religious of the Diocese new friends. and lasts.” a reflection of the charism of their during an Aug. 17 gathering at his residence in Sarasota. (BOB Franciscan Sister Myrna Lun- Sister Carmela DeCosty, Sisters religious order, being the light of REDDY | FC) tok, who serves as Director of of the Holy Names of Jesus and Christ in the world. n Volunteers pack 40,000 meals in 63 minutes

Bob Reddy food to feed six people; to sealing Food is of the Florida Catholic staff the bags for transportation around packaged the world; to packing the bags into Aug. 10 NAPLES | St. John the Evange- boxes for their travel to Africa; and during the list Parish proved amazing things finally putting the boxes on pallets second annual could happen in only 63 minutes. ready for shipment. Additional vol- Catholic That is exactly how long it took unteers ran food or the bags around Relief the faithful of the Naples parish to from station to station. Services pack some 40,000 meals. The synchronized effort paid off Helping “That was fun,” said one young quickly as the 5,000, 10,000, 20,000, Hands girl who helped distribute bags to 30,000 and then the 40,000 levels event at St. the dozens of tables set up for pack- were reached. When the final gong John the ing food Aug. 10. went off the exhausted volunteers Evangelist Approximately 350 volunteers cheered for their amazing accom- Parish in — including groups of Scouts, high plishment. Naples. schoolers, senior citizens and young “This was really wonderful and (COURTESY) families — worked in harmony for inspiring to see people gather to- the second annual Catholic Relief gether to help their brothers and Services “Helping Hands” event. sisters in Christ,” Father Ludden The event also drew volunteers of said of the turnout of volunteers other faith groups, neighborhoods, and the frenetic pace that was put and even sports teams from across into getting the work done. “I can’t the Naples area, all inspired to work wait until next year.” toward a common goal. The 40,000 Catholic Relief Services Helping ish hall where the packing event In addition to meal-packing kitchen every month. During the meals packed doubles the total Hands provides meals to refugee took place were images from Jesuit events, CRS Helping Hands funds summer, the youth take the lead from the 2016 event. camps and starving families inter- Father Don Doll, a priest photogra- longer-term, income-generating in supporting the effort, but the The evening started with prayer nationally. The food packaged at pher who has supported the Jesuit projects to build futures free from soup kitchen needs all the help it from Father John Ludden, St. John the St. John the Evangelist Parish Refugee Services with his artistic hunger. CRS Helping Hands was can get each month. In addition, the Evangelist Pastor. Father Lud- event will be distributed to Burkina gifts by traveling to various refugee developed as a partnership be- the Parish supports the feeding den recited the Catholic Relief Ser- Faso, a landlocked country of about camps and capturing the plight of tween Catholic Relief Services and of approximately 2,000 people vices prayer and blessed the effort 17 million in West Africa, where those attempting to live in condi- Stop Hunger Now (SHN). in Immokalee for the annual of the volunteers and those without orphans and other vulnerable suf- tions that are almost unlivable. The The meal-packing event was “Thanksgiving in the Park.” n food they will be helping. fer from chronic hunger because images provided a stark reminder to an extension of activities to help After a few instructions, the vol- of cyclical drought and flooding the volunteers about why the meals the needy. Other outreach efforts For information about other out- unteers heard a gong and got right in the region. The day was coordi- were needed. Additionally, every- at St. John the Evangelist Par- reach efforts of St. John the Evan- to work. Everyone found a job to nated through Rise Against Hunger one was informed that a woman ish include providing support gelist Parish, visit www.saint do — from filling the bags with rice, (the organization that builds these from Burkina Faso was present and for Guadalupe Social Services johntheevangelist.com; CRS at dried vegetables, soy, seasoning, meal programs) for Catholic Relief was overcome with joy by the efforts of Catholic Charities in Immo- www.crs.org or www.crsespanol. and other components; to weighing Services. of the Parish and how it would help kalee. A volunteer parish group org; CRS Helping Hands at www. each bag to ensure it had enough Scattered throughout the Par- her native land. assists at the Casa Maria soup helpinghands.crs.org. 7 YOUR VENICE COMMUNITY Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 refugees learn English Youth from Epiphany Cathedral Parish in Venice assist with the Guadalupe Social Services of Catholic Charities Pantry on Wheels in Immokalee Joan Streit, left, Refugee Resettlement Program of Catholic Aug. 8. Charities volunteer, travels to the Sarasota home of Natalia (BOB once a week to teach her English as a second language. Natalia REDDY is a refugee from the Ukraine who recently came to Southwest | FC) Florida with her family. Streit also teaches English to Natalia’s husband and daughter as well, so the whole family can become self-sufficient in their new life in America. AFA CA M hosts mock election Catholic youth gain memories of doing good for others

Staff Report Middle schoolers from IMMOKALEE | Each summer St. Thomas the youth of the Diocese of Venice More Parish scatter to take part in a variety of ac- in Sarasota tivities including summer camps, sort files while family vacations, sports, going to on a “Just the beach and even some lounging Five Days” around. However, many also took mission trip to Representatives from the Lee County Supervisor of Elections time out to do good for others. Jacksonville Office organized a mock election for the teens enrolled in the To assist them in this effort, par- in June. (COURTESY) AFCAAM of Catholic Charities youth mentoring summer camp. ish youth directors organized many Students learned about the history of voting, why it is important, mission trips and other prayerful and how to register. The teens took part in an election by signing in with identification to receive a ballot, marking their ballots in a activities which kept the boys and voting booth, and securely submitting their finished ballots. “You girls connected to the parish and minder to the youth that there is a which has housed and hosted vis- must register to vote and participate in elections or somebody else encouraged them to reflect the light continuing need to pray for an end iting missionaries for many years. will make decisions for you,” said Artemis Kahl, Community and of Christ for others. to abortion, to pray for the moth- The team worked tirelessly to do Education Services Director for the elections office. (COURTESY) A group from Epiphany Cathe- ers who are considering it, to pray groundskeeping, gardening, and dral in Venice took a trip to Immo- for the lost babies and to prayer for maintenance of the school and kalee Aug. 8 to assist at Guadalupe the people who work in the industry church grounds. Social Services of Catholic Chari- that they may abandon their work to The manual work was hard and Catholic Medical Association ties. This trip included packing 50 do good for others. volunteers couldn’t see who they bags of food and personally deliver- At St. Thomas More Parish in were serving because the students of Southwest Florida meets ing them to the needy at their homes Sarasota the youth also had the were all out of session. But they were as part of a new Pantry on Wheels opportunity to go on a mission told that the work saved the parish program. trip. The middle schoolers went to many thousands of dollars that Filled with a variety of practical a “Just Five Days” trip to Jackson- could then be put toward scholar- food items that can serve a family ville where the team volunteered ships. of four for a more than a week, the in the emergency response office Danny Bo DeLongaig, 15, said, youth knocked on doors in a nearby of Catholic Charities. In five days, “I feel as if more teens should go on neighborhood and offered the food. the team sorted children and young mission trips not only for the experi- Included in the delivery were bot- adult books, baby clothes, 15,000 ence, but for the experience of grati- tled water and processed eggs and pounds of food, and filled 300 bags tude … to be able to go home and cheese. The program is targeting of groceries, made 50 bags of fresh say to your family and loved ones, neighborhoods where it might be vegetables, archived veterans’ files ‘Thank you for all you do for me and too far for people without vehicles and completed demographic data thank you for bringing me into a to reach the offices of Guadalupe entry for the food pantry. happy and healthy household.’” Social Services. Samantha Romanczuk, 13, said Youth from St. Jude Parish in The families were grateful for the the mission trip “made me feel hap- Sarasota and Holy Cross Parish in unexpected bounty and thanked py because I got to help a lot of peo- Palmetto gathered Aug 4-6 for a the youth for taking the time to visit. ple who don’t have homes or people retreat in Spanish called AGAPE, Epiphany Youth Director Coleen that don’t have a lot of food that which the Archangels of St. Jude Roca also prayed for and with the need to help their children grow.” youth group hosted at Holy Cross Bishop Frank J. Dewane meets with Catholic Medical Association families after each delivery. The high school-aged team at St. Parish. There were a total of 43 new of Southwest Florida board members, from left, Drs. Tom Ruane, The youth at St. Raphael Par- Thomas More Parish participated in participants between the ages of 14- John Rodriguez, Stephen Hannan, F. Michael Gloth, and Michael ish in Lehigh Acres spent their last a service week called Young Neigh- 17 for this retreat. Jaquith during a board meeting Aug. 16 at the Catholic Center weekend before the start of school bors in Action, working with other These are just some of the many in Venice. The board discussed strategies that will assist Catholic praying in front of the offices of an parish groups from across the coun- different activities youth took in medical professionals in the area learn about bioethical issues. abortionist in Fort Myers. The youth try on the Winnebago and Omaha part during the summer. Check The board also provided an update on issues, in particular end- were accompanied at the peaceful Reservations in rural Nebraska. back in the Florida Catholic for of-life issues that are being debated in the state Legislature. vigil by their Pastor, Father Dennis While there, the team served the more stories about youths putting (BOB REDDY | FC) Cooney. The vigil served as a re- St. Augustine Indian Mission itself, faith in action. n Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic YOUR VENICE COMMUNITY 8

Through a partnership with Spiritual adoption and gmail.com. CLS offices are located Sports Booster Club. Tickets: $50 DIOCESAN EVENTS Franciscan University of Novena of Masses for Life, at 237 N. Nassau St., Venice. each or $375 for table of eight. Steubenville, the Institute for 25th of each month. Both began Follow on Facebook at Cenacle Includes dinner, dessert, a drink Conclusion of V Encuentro Catholic Studies and Formation on Solemnity of the Annunciation, Legal Services. ticket and admission to the races. Diocesan process, Sept. 20, 6:30 invites those interested in March 25, and continue through www.sjnceltics.org. p.m., Jesus the Worker Parish, 881 Television Mass for the pursuing a master’s degree or Christmas. www.dioceseofvenice. Nuna Ave., Fort Myers. Hispanic homebound in the northern Blue Mass, Sept. 10, 10 learning more about their faith, org/respectlife; Jeanne Berdeaux: laity of the Diocese are invited portions of the Diocese, 9:30 a.m., Our Lady of Lourdes, 1301 to enroll in Dogmatic Theology 941-441-1101, Berdeaux@ to participate in this event under a.m. on the CW Network; in Center Road, Venice. Knights of II: Church and Sacraments. A 33 dioceseofvenice.org. guidance of Bishop Frank J. the southern portions of the Columbus Council 9924 invites percent tuition discount is offered Dewane and Dr. Hosffman Ospino. Save the dates. Diocesan Diocese, 10:30 a.m., on WFTX- all to honor active, retired through the Institute. Kathryn Includes presentation of results of Women’s Conference, Feb 3, TV (FOX-4). Check your local or deceased first responders. Klein DeNinno: 941-766-7334, Diocesan process of V Encuentro 2018, Bishop Verot High School, listings for channel information. Reception will follow in Parish [email protected]. and upcoming projects of Fort Myers; Diocesan Men’s Leaflet missals are available upon Center. Hispanic Ministries in the Diocese. Matt Talbot Men’s Spiritual Conference, Feb 24, 2018, request by calling 941-484-9543 Memorial Mass, Sept. 11, 8 pastoralhispana@dioceseofvenice. Retreat, Sept. 15-17, Our Lady Bishop Verot High School, Fort and asking about the TV Mass a.m., St. Peter the Apostle Parish, org. of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, Myers; Anniversary Mass (North), or by writing: TV Mass, Diocese 5130 Rattlesnake Hammock 3989 S. Moon Drive, Venice. Epiphany Cathedral, Venice, of Venice, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Clausura del Proceso Road, Naples. Home of the 9/11 Cost: $294 for single; $195.80 for Feb 17, 2018; Anniversary Mass Venice, FL 34285. Gail Ardy: 941- Diocesano del V Encuentro, 20 cross, the Mass will honor all first shared, includes meals. To register (South), St. Leo the Great Parish, 486-4714, ardy@dioceseofvenice. de septiembre a las 6.30 PM en la responders, active, retired, living by mail: Send check to Genco Bonita Springs, March 10, 2018. org. parroquia Jesus the Worker, 881 and deceased. All are welcome. Business Systems, c/o Matthew Nuna Avenue, Fort Myers. Los Courage Apostolate, for Safe Environment training. 239-774-3337. Marzano, 2291 J & C Blvd., Naples, laicos hispanos de la Diócesis de men and women with same- As part of the Safe Environment “Called and Gifted FL 34109. Deadline: Sept. 1. Venice están invitados a participar sex attraction, to diminish fear, Program, the Diocese of Venice Workshop,” Sept 15, 7-9 p.m.; Matthew Marzano: 347-796-7131, de este evento bajo la guía de anxiety, misunderstanding, requires that all employees and and Sept. 16, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., St. [email protected]. nuestro Obispo Frank Dewane y misguided compassion, and those volunteers who work with Agnes Parish, 7775 Vanderbilt del Doctor Hosffman Ospino. En Charismatic Renewal golden resentment or anger. It will also children and/or vulnerable adults Beach Road, Naples. Presentation esta reunión les presentaremos los jubilee celebration, Sept. 16, help ensure that those with be fingerprinted and trained in by Mary Sharon Moore and resultados del Proceso Diocesano noon-8 p.m., Charlotte Harbor same-sex attraction will not look Safe Environment. For class times Charlie Hoover of the Catherine del V Encuentro y los próximos Event Center, Punta Gorda. outside the Catholic Church for and locations, contact your local of Siena Institute, Colorado proyectos de la Pastoral Hispana Theme: “A New Pentecost for assistance. Initially, a chapter will parish or Diocesan school or visit Springs. Theme: “Discover God’s en nuestra Diócesis. Para más a New Evangelization.” Joint meet in Port Charlotte area for www.dioceseofvenice.org. Report Call for Your Life.” Sessions will información: pastoralhispana@ English/Spanish session for those from both Sarasota and Fort all abuses against minors to the be on the nature of spiritual gifts, dioceseofvenice.org. youth 13-17. Dynamic speakers, Myers. Contact Franciscan Father Florida Department of Children call and vocation and process of praise and worship, Eucharistic James Gigliotti, current Chaplain: and Families at 1-800-962-2873. Ten Commandments hike, discernment. Cost: $25, includes Adoration, reconciliation 817-229-0752. Local Courage To report abuse by Diocesan Sept. 30, Our Lady of Perpetual all materials and refreshments. and Holy Mass. Adults: $20; email: courage@dioceseofvenice. personnel or volunteers, call Help Retreat Center, 3989 S. Moon Register: www.stagnesnaples.org. youth: $10. Registration: www. com. the Diocesan Victims Assistance Drive, Venice. All grade school-age Ivy O’Malley: 239-592-1949, ivy@ dioceseofvenice.org. Information: Coordinator Barbara DiCocco at Scouts are encouraged to attend. Young adult opportunities. stagnesnaples.org. www.dvccr.org. 941-416-6114. Hike provides outdoor experience The Diocese of Venice offers many “Stand True” Italian- for Scouts to learn about each Red Mass, Oct. 25, 5:30 p.m., opportunities for young adults American dinner, Oct. 7, 5:30-7 individual Commandment in St. Martha Parish, 200 N. Orange to build communities. Through p.m., St. Raphael Parish, 2514 light of Catholic teaching. Lunch St., Sarasota. Celebrated by Bishop programs like Theology on Tap, COMMUNITY Lee Blvd., Lehigh Acres. Benefits follows hike and Scouts can stay Frank J. Dewane to pray that intramural sports teams, and EVENTS youth group. Meal includes Italian to work on requirements for the Holy Spirit grant graces and Parish-organized social events, sausage, lentil soup, chicken guidance upon those who work Religious Awards. Register: Bob there is something available Surviving divorce workshop, cacciatore, pasta, bread and in the civil system. Sponsored Paquette, robertpaquette@snet. for everyone throughout the Tuesdays, Sept. 5-Dec. 5, 7-9 p.m., dessert. Childrens’ plate includes by Catholic Lawyers Guild net. Diocese. Young adults (18-39) are Our Lady of Light Parish, Room pasta and meatballs. Cost: $10 Committee. All are welcome. encouraged to participate in these Diocesan Catholic campout, 308, 9680 Cypress View Drive, adults; $5 children under 12. opportunities to enrich their faith Sept. 30, Our Lady of Perpetual Youth Rally, Nov. 4, Charlotte Fort Myers. Program was created Tickets must be purchased in and make friends: Help Retreat Center, 3989 S. Harbor Event Center, Punta Gorda. to bring hope and healing to advance at Parish. 239-369-1831. Moon Drive, Venice. For all For seventh- to 12th-graders. • Naples area, Theology on Tap, those who have experienced Convocation of Latina American Heritage Girls in the Presenters include Paul Kim, Sara Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. First the pain and loneliness of a Women in Diocese of Venice, Diocese. Register: Bob Paquette, Swafford, and the Ike Ndolo Band. Tuesdays, St. John the Evangelist broken marriage. Presented by Oct. 7, St. Catherine Parish Youth [email protected]. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Parish; second Tuesdays, St. Dr. Sue Ellen Nolan. Cost: $25; Center, 900 U.S. Highway 27 N., Frank J. Dewane. Registration only Agnes Parish; third Tuesdays, St. Scripture Conference, Oct. scholarships available. Register: Sebring. All Latina women are through local Parish youth group, Peter the Apostle Parish; fourth 7, 9 a.m.-noon, Our Lady of Light [email protected]; 239- invited to learn how to share the religious education program or Tuesdays, St. William Parish. Parish, 9680 Cypress View Drive, 267-7088, ext. 229. joy of being a missionary disciple. Catholic school. George Smith, Fort Myers. Speaker: Matthew • Sarasota area, St. Patrick Magnificat breakfast, Registration required. Cost: $20, [email protected]. Leonard with a team from Scott Parish, Sarasota, has a weekly Sept. 9, 9:30 a.m., Holiday Inn includes meals and materials. Iris Hahn’s St. Paul Biblical Center. Post-abortion reconciliation young adult kickball team. Tom Airport, Gulf Coast Town Center, M. Gomez, 863-245-3269; leave a Cost: $15; scholarships available. and healing. Don’t suffer Lelyo, youth@churchofstpatrick. Fort Myers. Speaker is artist message. Online registration required: in silence. There is healing org. and devout Catholic Amberose Oktoberfest dinner dance, http://dioceseofvenice.org/offices/ through Project Rachel. Contact • Fort Myers area, “Rooted at Courville. To register: Lucy Oct. 7, 5:30 p.m., St. William evangelization/bible-study- Fonda: 239-719-7210, project. St. John XXIII,” first Thursdays, Dennet, 239-791-8007; Barbara Parish, 750 Seagate Drive, Naples. training-day/. Questions: Office [email protected]. 7:15 p.m. Kelly Evers, 239-561- Tay, 646-296-2335. Knights of Columbus Council Video testimonials: www. of Evangelization, 941-484-9543, 3022. “Night at the Races,” Sept. 9, 10757 invites all for food, music dioceseofvenice.org/offices/ evangelization@dioceseofvenice. Legal help available for 6:30 p.m., Justin Holecek Student and dancing. Tickets: $30. R.S.V.P. respect-life/post-abortion-help. org. needy. Cenacle Legal Services Inc. Life Center, St. John Neumann by Oct. 2 to Bob Cloughley: 239- Catholic Charities “Witnessing Faith with (CLS), a not-for-profit legal aid Catholic High School, 3000 53rd 262-5205, bobandloiscloughley@ summertime giving appeal. Bishop Dewane,” last Fridays, organization, in partnership with St. S.W., Naples. Benefits school’s gmail.com. Give food, shelter, education 10:30 a.m., on 1660 AM in Naples, the Diocese of Venice, serves legal and support this summer. You and 1410 AM and 106.7 FM in Fort needs of its income-eligible clients can provide the necessities to Myers. Listen anywhere online at in South Sarasota County without eager families and individuals RelevantRadio.com. Join Bishop regard to creed, race, age, sex, yearning to obtain a better life, Frank J. Dewane for his monthly disability, ethnicity or status in the move beyond poverty and achieve talks. You can also find them at U.S. CLS attorneys volunteer pro self-sufficiency. A total of 93 cents http://dioceseofvenice.org/our- bono. To request an appointment: Complimentary of every dollar donated goes bishop/bishop-frank-j-dewane/. 941-244-0308, CenacleLegal@ Consultation directly to clients. Visit www. catholiccharitiesdov.org. RN Health Advocates LLC 2018 Synod of Bishops Preparatory Survey. In anticipation of Synod of Bishops Get the Most from Your Healthcare in Rome in October regarding Empower yourself or your loved one young people, the Synod Office • Family support in managing healthcare when you can’t be there has developed an anonymous online survey for those 16-29 • Coaching, coordinate care, collaborate with all providers • Private and Customized Initial Health History Document Services to give them an opportunity to 11326-0825 cooperate directly with the Synod • Individual wellbeing and preventative coaching process. Available in English • ½ hour complimentary “Meet and Greet” consultation or Spanish at: https://survey- synod2018.glauco.it/limesurvey/ Contact Mary or Charlene Today! index.php/147718. 10075-0825 239-908-6905 • [email protected] Visit online at: www.innerstrengthadvocates.com Master’s level course. 9 NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL NEWS Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017

College Chaplain says: Charlottesville’s Catholic students ready to heal wounds

Carol Zimmermann That’s not to say he doesn’t know The priest, who was out of town Catholic News Service there’s a rough road ahead. As he during the weekend of the “Unite put it in an understatement: “It’s the Right” rally, said he was “hor- WASHINGTON | After the week- obviously been a tough week here rified, saddened, and sickened end of mayhem in Charlottesville, in Charlottesville.” He also said the by the outbreak of racial violence Va., the town’s college Catholic Catholic campus community ap- and hatred that has taken place community was wondering — like preciated and needed the prayers here.” many others around the nation — and support from across the coun- Father Kress was out of town what to do. try. Aug. 12, celebrating a military fu- The protest and counterpro- He noted that tensions have neral Mass for a student’s father in tests making national news were been building since there had al- Williamsburg, Va. He was struck unfolding right in their hometown ready been protests over the town’s by the sharp contrast of leaving the and the rally’s torch-lit march and decision to remove a statue of Con- somber service and hearing about angry chants the night of Aug. 11 federate Gen. Robert E. Lee from the chaos erupting in Charlottes- were even closer to home — on the a downtown park, but he also put ville on his drive back. grounds of their campus, the Uni- the eruption of tensions Aug. 12 in The days after the rally had been versity of Virginia. a spiritual context, saying it “helps busy with student retreat activi- “We started to come together us realize how far we are from the ties, preparations for move-in days as a community Saturday night Community members in Charlottesville, Va., hold a vigil for Heather kingdom of God.” beginning Aug. 18 and events for and Sunday, saying how do we re- Heyer Aug. 16. She was killed Aug. 12 during a white supremacist protest “That stark realization can help the new school year sponsored by spond?” said Dominican Father over a plan to remove the statue of a Confederate general from a city us refocus,” he added, noting that the Catholic student center. But in Joseph-Anthony Kress, University park. (KAte BellowS, tHe CAVAlier DAily ViA reuterS | CNS) the path ahead is not insurmount- the midst of such events. there also of Virginia’s Catholic chaplain. able with faith. would be discussion of what just “As a Catholic community, we of them gathered for a prayer vigil in prayer in God’s presence to ask Dominican Father Joseph Bar- took place, which had already been had to start with prayer and that’s and rosary for peace Aug. 13 at St. for forgiveness and mercy and the ranger, pastor of St. Thomas Aqui- a major topic at a student-leader re- what we did,” said the priest, who Thomas Aquinas, the university’s strength to let his peace reign first nas Parish, had a similar message treat, the chaplain said. was reached by Catholic News Ser- parish church. and foremost in our hearts and in posted on the parish website Aug “We are going to address it and vice at a student-leaders’ retreat off The prayer service was in direct the community.” 13, stating: “These terrible events support each other, making sure campus Aug. 16. contrast to what had just happened “Walking out of that prayer vigil show us how far we still are from the this type of sin, hatred and evil Although the campus had not the previous day when a car plowed was a beautiful moment for me kingdom of God. So much work still doesn’t become a defining part of started its fall semester and new through a crowd of counterprotest- because of the lively spirit of those needs to be done in advancing the our community,” he said. and returning students had not ers, killing one woman and injur- who came together,” he said, add- kingdom through prayer, personal He is convinced this can happen moved in Aug. 12 when the white ing more than 19 others. Two state ing that he was full of Christian example and corporate witness in too, because he said the students supremacist rally was taking place troopers monitoring the events also hope and believed from seeing the our parish that defends the unborn, with whom he had already spoken in Charlottesville, there were still died in a helicopter crash. people there praying that “we can the poor, the elderly, the infirm, are hopeful and determined not some students on campus as well Father Kress described the prayer overcome evil with good if we stand those on the margins of society and only to move forward but to “help as faculty and staff, and about 250 service as a chance to “be united together.” all who are different from us.” wounds to heal.” n Message from pope Francis: Respect the life and dignity of refugees

Cindy Wooden Jan. 14, while in the United States, and to present them to the General entrusts to the Church’s motherly and obligations abroad; stop the de- Catholic News Service the bishops’ conference sets aside Assembly in September 2018. love every person forced to leave tention of underage migrants; pro- an entire week — Jan. 7-13 — as Na- Approving the development of their homeland in search of a better vide migrants, refugees and asylum VATICAN CITY | With millions tional Migration Week. the compacts, “world leaders clearly future,” he wrote. seekers with work permits so they of people fleeing violence, persecu- The pope’s message for the an- expressed their desire to take deci- To fulfill its duties toward mi- can begin supporting themselves tion and poverty around the globe, nual event was released Aug. 21, sive action in support of migrants grants and refugees, he said, the and contributing to their new com- individual nations must expand which is earlier than normal, to and refugees to save their lives and Church needs all of its members to munities; and guarantee the right of options that make it possible for stimulate Catholic involvement in protect their rights,” the pope said act in solidarity with them, whether all migrants and refugees to prac- migrants and refugees to cross their the U.N. process for developing and in his message. He urged Catho- it is in countries of departure, tran- tice their faith. borders safely and legally, Pope adopting a Global Compact for Mi- lics to lobby their governments to sit, arrival or return. “Considering the current situa- Francis said. gration and a Global Compact on include in the compacts proposals ]Pope Francis called for coun- tion, welcoming means, above all, “The principle of the centrality of Refugees. that would ensure the welcome, tries to: “increase and simplify the offering broader options for mi- the human person, firmly stated by Since the U.N. General Assembly protection, promotion and integra- process for granting humanitarian grants and refugees to enter desti- my beloved predecessor, Benedict voted in September 2016 to draw tion of migrants and refugees. visas and for reunifying families”; nation countries safely and legally,” XVI, obliges us to always prioritize up the compacts, the Vatican and For Catholics, he said, “every grant special temporary visas to the pope said. personal safety over national secu- many Catholic organizations have stranger who knocks at our door is people fleeing conflict; uphold the He added even when faced with rity,” Pope Francis wrote in his mes- been participating in the discus- an opportunity for an encounter rights and dignity of migrants and situations in which someone has sage for the World Day of Migrants sions and hearings to formulate with Jesus Christ, who identifies refugees “independent of their legal entered a country without the prop- and Refugees 2018. them. The U.N. hopes to have a draft with the welcomed and rejected status”; educate people in migrant- er legal permits, “collective and ar- The Vatican will mark the day of the compacts ready by February strangers of every age. ... The Lord sending countries about their rights bitrary expulsions of migrants and refugees are not suitable solutions, particularly where people are re- Tours of The iconic turned to countries which cannot Ave Maria catholic church guarantee respect for human dig- will soon be available! nity and fundamental rights.” Nations and local communities, 11280-0825 • Wrongful Death & Serious Injury • Elder Abuse & Neglect A Special Place to Visit, An Inspirational Story the pope said, need to do more to • Auto Crashes • Medical Malpractice Plan a Tour for Fall for integrate migrants and refugees • Abuse & Neglect of Physically & Developmentally Challenged in the communities that welcome Your Group or Organization. them. Integration does not mean Home visit if needed the newcomers will be asked to To schedule an individual or group tour, call: Abogados que hablan español Catholic Lawyer • Boston College Grad Licensed in seven states Former Jesuit Volunteer Corp Member give up their cultural identity, but Carole Carpenter, Director of Parish Advancement (FL, GA, VA, MD, DC, PA and NY) Parishioner – St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church that they will have opportunities to Ave Maria Parish • 239-249-2111 10610-0825 share their cultures and to discover 407-839-0866 • www.maherlawfirm.com the new cultural heritage.n Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL NEWS 10 For 20 million people, conflict added to drought means no food to eat Bronwen Dachs A man walks Catholic News Service by a dead cow in Dong Boma, South Sudan, | Conflict and WASHINGTON April 12. Up to drought are threatening more than 20 million people 20 million people in four countries in South Sudan, with the prospect of famine, and the Yemen, Somalia U.N. has called this food crisis the and northeast largest humanitarian crisis since Nigeria face the world body was formed more the prospect than 70 years ago. of famine this Additional resources and fund- year. (Paul ing are needed “to pull people back Jeffrey | CNS) from the brink of famine” in Ye- men, South Sudan, Somalia and that deaths from famine-related The conflict started in 1991 when northeast Nigeria, the U.N. Security causes have already occurred in clan-based warlords overthrew Council said in an Aug. 9 statement Borno state. Since 2009, more than dictator Siad Barre, then turned that commended efforts by interna- 20,000 people have been killed and on each other. Today, the security tional donors to provide humanitar- 2.7 million forced to flee their homes threat posed by al-Shabab activity ian assistance for the crises in these by the Boko Haram insurgency, in south-central Somalia makes it countries. aimed at creating an Islamic state in difficult for CRS and others running Catholic Church officials and northeast Nigeria. emergency food programs to reach representatives of Catholic aid Carosella said while the sever- remote rural communities, Bunkers agencies spoke with Catholic News ity of the region’s hunger crisis is said. Service about the enormous efforts caused by conflict, the shorter rainy Somalia is a “very undevel- being channeled into meeting the season of recent years has dramati- oped country that relies on rain, needs of those most vulnerable. cally reduced harvests, and much with rain-fed pasturelands,” and Governments “are reducing aid, of Lake Chad has dried up, partly there has been insufficient rain for while needs are skyrocketing,” said because of shifting climate patterns. two years in a row, Bunkers said. Elizabeth Carosella, who works for Many of those forced to flee the Drought conditions in Somalia are the U.S. bishops’ Catholic Relief Ser- violence have sought refuge among expected to continue, and recov- vices in Abuja, Nigeria. communities in remote rural areas, ery will not be until at least 2018, Humans cannot control the she said, noting that these com- CRS said in a statement. More than weather patterns, such as drought. munities are themselves among 766,000 people have been displaced But increasingly, aid officials find the most vulnerable in the region by the drought since November, it access to areas of need blocked by and depend on humanitarian aid said. ongoing conflicts or inaccessible to survive. Remote rural commu- In south-central Somalia, which because of poor infrastructure. nities hosting people displaced by includes the capital, Mogadishu, Jerry Farrell, country representative Boko Haram attacks have been “im- CRS has civil society partners to in South Sudan for CRS, was Save mensely generous despite their own channel its resources for humani- the Children’s country director in poverty,” she said. tarian relief. “Somalia has very well- Yemen until mid-2014. He called Carosella said Maiduguri, the organized communities,” Bunkers the situation in Yemen “horrific,” a capital of Borno state, “used to be a said, noting that local communi- famine that is entirely man-made. trade hub, but its markets have been ties have “stepped in to fill the void Seventy percent of the country’s 14 people” can be properly fed, Bishop payas in this “breathtakingly beau- destroyed” by the Boko Haram at- in education and health services” million people need some form of Hinder said. tiful place,” there are no roads to get tacks. in partnerships with international humanitarian aid. “As the Church is reduced to a any excess food to people outside, “People have lost their liveli- nongovernmental organizations. Yemen has relied entirely on im- tiny group without any structure, he said. hoods and now can’t afford food Somalis are “entrepreneurial ported food since 1991 and “now little can be done from our side at In distributing food airdropped and have no access to even basic people in a desperately poor coun- it is sealed off from the rest of the present,” he said. “As I believe in by the World Food Program, CRS services,” she said. Even where food try,” which has exceptionally active world,” Farrell said. Yemen has been the power of the prayer, I can only finds “some places very difficult to can be found, it is unaffordable for markets, Bunkers said. This is “born embroiled in civil war since 2015, ask the faithful around the world to get to because of active conflict,” he most people, she said. out of necessity” in a country that which includes a Saudi-led blockade keep in mind the suffering people in said. Other places are unreachable She told of a 24-year-old woman has had no functioning government of the country. Yemen — Muslims as well as the few for many months because of flood- she met at a hospital in Maiduguri. for close to three decades, he said. Yemen’s food system has col- remaining Christians, including the ing. People often walk four or five “She fled her village with her four Somalis’ “wealth is held in their lapsed, Farrell said, noting that Missionaries of Charity.” miles to food distribution points in children, all under 5 years old, af- herd of animals,” Bunkers said, not- even hospitals have been bombed, In South Sudan, nearly 2 million South Sudan, he added. ter seeing her husband and parents ing that in times of drought, men and it is “as difficult to get medical people are on the cusp of famine, Farrell said the tragedy of South slaughtered” in an attack by Boko leave women and children behind supplies into the country as it is to Farrell said, and it is hard to get food Sudan “tires me out more and fills insurgents, Carosella said. and follow their goats, sheep or get food in.” The World Health Or- to the hungry because the country me with more sorrow” than even One of her children died in the 32 camels, seeking water and grazing ganization reports 436,000 cases of has “virtually no infrastructure.” Yemen’s situation did. In 2013, two days it took her to walk to the hospi- land. “It’s very rare to resort to kill- cholera in Yemen. South Sudan, a country slightly years after gaining independence tal, where her “malnourished chil- ing animals for food” in Somalia, Bishop Paul Hinder, who heads smaller than Texas, has only 12,000 from Sudan, South Sudan was dren were able to be rehabilitated,” Bunkers said. the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern miles of road, which is “more like caught up in a civil war. Carosella said. “She was looking To help families where animals Arabia from Abu Dhabi, United track than road,” said Farrell, noting “South Sudan is a new country, for livelihood opportunities when I are already in distress, some relief Arab Emirates, told CNS that the that “the lack of infrastructure can’t rich in resources, and all this suffer- met her,” she said, noting that “there agencies “pay the farmer for his goat blockade of Yemen hinders the re- be separated from the conflict.” ing is preventable,” said Farrell, who are so many women in similar posi- and have him slaughter it so that construction of the destroyed sani- In the fertile land of South Su- is based in the capital, Juba. tions.” his family has something to eat,” tary system. dan’s Western Equatoria state, In northeastern Nigeria, the ef- Somalia’s “continuous conflict he said. “The farmers are then able “As long as the minimal infra- which has avoided the drought af- fects of violent conflict as well as and instability,” along with chang- to use the cash at the markets to re- structure in many parts of the flicting other parts of the country, changing weather patterns have ex- ing weather patterns, are respon- plenish their livelihoods.” n country is not functioning, we little grows because of the war, he acerbated poverty and led to 5 mil- sible for its current crisis, Lane Bun- cannot expect that the cholera can said. And even if the residents were lion people in need of emergency kers, CRS country representative for Dachs has covered Africa for CNS for be stopped” or that “the starving still able to grow mangoes and pa- food aid, Carosella told CNS, noting Kenya and Somalia, told CNS. more than 25 years. 11 NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL NEWS Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Victims suffering after ‘devastating’ mudslide in Sierra Leone

Cindy Wooden so much agony and pain here." Catholic Relief Services, the over- Catholic News Service "The burials start today," he seas aid agency of the U.S. Con- said, noting that he was on his way ference of Catholic Bishops, pub- VATICAN CITY | Pope Fran- to a mortuary to help people iden- lished an appeal to donors. cis offered his condolences and tify the bodies of their loved ones. "More than 300 people were his prayers to the people of Sierra Caritas' emergency team of 10 killed and property was de- Leone after flooding and a major medics and about 30 voluntary stroyed" in the mudslide, CRS mudslide Aug. 14 led to the deaths helpers "needs more resources," said. At least 100 homes were cov- of hundreds of people and dis- Charles said. "We have exhausted ered and more than 600 people placed thousands. all that we have, and the needs are were still missing early Aug. 16. "Deeply saddened by the devas- overwhelming." "The death toll is expected to tating consequences of the mud- The team got to the scene of the rise," the CRS appeal said. "Fami- slide on the outskirts of Freetown, mudslide early Aug. 15 and "in the lies affected by the Sierra Leone His Holiness Pope Francis assures first 10 minutes we were there, 11 landslide need food, shelter, wa- those who have lost loved ones corpses," including six children, ter and clothing," which CRS and of his closeness at this difficult were brought into the tent they its partner Caritas will strive to time," said a message sent to Arch- had set up to register victims, he provide. bishop Edward Tamba Charles of said. Idalia Amaya, CRS' deputy Freetown by Cardinal Pietro Paro- One of the survivors is a head of programs and the emer- lin, Vatican secretary of state. 16-year-old girl "who had been at gency response coordinator, said: Pope Francis "prays for all who a friend's house watching movies "The devastation is like nothing have died, and upon their grieving when she called her mother to ask we've seen before. Entire neigh- families and friends he invokes if she could stay over because it borhoods have been washed away A man walks in a flooded street in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Aug. 14. the divine blessings of strength was getting late," Charles said. ... People are in a complete state of (DAwnChArriS, inStAgrAm viA reuterS | CnS) and consolation," said the mes- "Her mother agreed on the con- shock." sage, which was released by the dition that she return home early CRS said in addition to provid- lived through war and then Ebola, In Freetown, Kayode Akintola, Vatican Aug. 16. The pope also the next morning. When she woke ing food, water and mattresses and now this," Amaya said. "But at CAFOD's country representative "expresses his prayerful solidar- up and walked home, there was to those immediately affected by the same time, people from Sierra for Sierra Leone, said: "Things ity with the rescue workers and all nothing there," he said. "She is her the disaster, it would support the Leone are incredibly resilient, and are really bad on the ground. involved in providing the much- family's only survivor." government and religious lead- I know that with the proper sup- Just a few minutes' walk from needed relief and support to the Visiting the hard-hit town of ers with dignified burials of those port they will overcome this latest our office a bridge has been sub- victims of this disaster." Regent, about 15 miles east of who perished. The agency said its tragedy." merged. There are dead bodies In an Aug. 16 telephone inter- Freetown, President Ernest Bai staffers were drawing from the ex- CAFOD, the official aid agency in the water and littering some view from Freetown, Ishmeal Koroma described the devastation perience of CRS' Ebola response in of the bishops of and of the streets, and houses are still Alfred Charles, who is managing as "overwhelming" and pleaded 2014. , said heavy rainfall was under water." Caritas' emergency response, told for international assistance. "People here have already ex- expected to continue, and condi- CAFOD estimated 3,000 people Catholic News Service, "There is Soon after the disaster struck, perienced so much trauma having tions may deteriorate. had lost their homes. n


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Catholic leaders urge everyone FLORIDACatholic to confront ‘sin of racism’ HELP WANTED CatholiC News serviCe Advertising Sales Associate WASHINGTON | The Francis- - State Office in Orlando - can Action Network called on all The Florida Catholic has an immediate advertising Americans, “especially ourselves sales position available in the Orlando Diocese. and those who have benefited from white privilege,” to look within This position requires excellent communication skills and advertising themselves “and confront Amer- sales experience. Must be willing to conduct inside sales calls and ica’s original sin — the sin of rac- will be responsible for selling and servicing an established account ism.” base, as well as prospecting for new revenue growth in both print “White Americans must no lon- and online publications and collections responsibilities. The successful ger stand silent as we continue candidate will create new business relationships through a strong to benefit from the attitudes and work ethic and will be a team player for the Florida Catholic structures that put us ahead of Afri- advertising department. 37.5 hours/week. Print media experience 11354-0825 can-Americans and other minority required. Must have knowledge of Microsoft Office products. groups,” the organization said in an Aug. 14 statement issued in reaction WE’re We offer a competitive hourly wage. to a chaotic weekend in Charlottes- People in Chicago demonstrate in 2016 after a string of nationwide To be considered email a cover letter and résumé to: ville, Va., Aug. 11 and 12. police shootings of African-Americans. Around the country, Catholic HIRING [email protected] The network joined with Catholic organizations, parishes, clergy and laity are taking action and bishops, other Church leaders and bolstering efforts to build peace and battle racism, following a various groups throughout the na- summer of violence. (TAnnen MAury, ePA |CnS) tion in calling for peace after three people died and several others were may act once again to bring together bishop Robert J. Carlson said that injured following clashes between the diversity of people that make up “our nation must deal with the sin pacifists, protesters and white su- our country so that we can live up of racism.” premacists in Charlottesville. to our national motto: ‘E pluribus “That remains true,” it said. “Rac- Franciscan Action Network of- unum,’” said the statement, signed ism is a sin because it is contrary to Sept. 25-Oct. 8, 2015 www.thefl oridacatholic.org FESTIVAL GUIDE B ficials said they were “deeply sad- by Father Kenneth Taylor, president human dignity. What we have seen dened” by the loss of life and in- of the National Black Catholic Cler- in Charlottesville, Baltimore, Fer- juries Aug. 12 and were praying gy Caucus. guson and elsewhere is the result for those “whose lives have been Catholic bishops across the of a society that has put racism, fas- tragically altered by this violence” country were quick to issue a con- cism, nationalism, socialism, indi- and praying for “greater justice and demnation of the racism and ha- vidualism, and other ideologies in peace.” tred on display in Charlottesville. place of God.” The group’s statement also asked Among them were Bishop Francis The General Council of the Adri- for forgiveness from “our African- X. DiLorenzo of Richmond, Va., an Dominican Sisters deplored “the American and Native (American) whose diocese includes Charlottes- acts of white supremacist terrorism brothers and sisters” for all the in- ville; Bishop Michael F. Burbidge in Charlottesville,” adding: “Hatred justices done to them in the nation’s of Arlington, Va.; Cardinal Daniel and bigotry are anathema to civil history and also for times when the N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, discourse, the rule of law and the Publishes: Sept. 22 Franciscan Action Network itself president of the U.S. Conference of ideals of our democracy. As women has “fallen short” in standing up Catholic Bishops; Bishop Frank J. of faith, we add our voice to those Deadline: Sept. 6 for justice for them. “FAN has not Dewane of Venice, chairman of the calling for an end to racist violence done enough to address” the ongo- USCCB Committee on Domestic in our country and pray that we ing issue of police brutality against Justice and Human Development; awaken to the loving imperative of Catholic Schools and Secular Businesses, African-Americans “and other is- Bishop Martin D. Holley of Mem- our being created equal in the im- sues of systemic racism. From this phis, Tenn.; Archbishop Charles J. age of God.” Join us with your ad and... point forward, we vow to do better,” Chaput of Philadelphia; Archbish- “This bold display of hateful rhet- the statement said. op William E. Lori of Baltimore; oric and action (in Charlottesville) • Reach new prospective families The National Black Catholic Cler- Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin of New- impels us to call on elected lead- gy Caucus in an Aug. 14 statement ark, N.J.; Bishop James D. Conley of ers, and all people, to explicitly and • Promote your Open House strongly condemned “the hateful Lincoln, Neb.; Archbishop Gregory publicly condemn white supremacy and racist actions and rhetoric that M. Aymond of New Orleans; and and racism and the organizations • One of our most popular issues has taken place in our country this Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of that embolden and encourage the past weekend. We not only agree Atlanta. movement,” said a statement from with those who have been saying “The angry and violent mob the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. that the positions proposed by the which gathered in Virginia this past “May this grieving time call us Call now for sizes white nationalist groups are op- weekend by word and deed contra- to search our hearts and ask what posed to American values, we also dicted our national creed and code are the ways in which we perpetu- and pricing! say that they are opposed to Chris- of civil conduct,” said Cardinal ate this culture of violence and fear? Dioceses of Orlando and tian values.” Sean P. O’Malley of Boston, add- What actions will we take in re- The organization prayed for ing that neo-Nazism, racism and sponse? What truths will we speak Venice: Call VALERIE at those who lost their lives and those threats against all people of color to contribute to dialogue that brings injured in Charlottesville and for and efforts to “banish immigrants” unity, peace and comfort to those 407-373-0078 their families and friends. Heather from this country “dishonor the ba- who are afraid? We must continue Diocese of Palm Beach: D. Heyer, 32, was killed Aug. 12 sic convictions” of the country’s po- to act,” it said. when a car plowed into a counter- litical and constitutional traditions. The Ignatian Solidarity Network, Call MIKE at 407-373-0077 AD SAMPLE – protest of the white supremacists. “They must be opposed in word and a national social justice education 1/8 page (3.9” x 4”) Two Virginia State Police troopers deed,” he said. and advocacy organization, post- Fax: 407-373-0087 also died when a helicopter they The Archdiocese of St. Louis in a ed on its blog statements from the were in crashed while trying to statement recalled that in the midst leaders of Jesuit-run colleges and

Place Your Order Today! 11389-0825 help with the violent events on the of the 2014 protests in Ferguson, universities and other institutions. ground. Nineteen others were in- Mo., over the fatal police shooting The blog can be found at http://bit. Send artwork to: [email protected] jured in the clash. of a young black man, 18-year-old ly/2x1Lg8U. n We accept .PDF and .JPG files @ 300 DPI resolution. “And we pray that the Holy Spirit Michael Brown, St. Louis Arch- 13 QUICK READS Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017

NATION Religious advised: WORLD Cardinal rejects Nigerian bishops Governor signs bill Stop focusing Genocide of U.S. military urge all to accept on numbers intervention appointment restricting abortion ORLANDO | Sister Mary Pel- Christians VATICAN CITY | A Venezuelan LAGOS, Nigeria | The bishops of insurance coverage legrino, outgoing president of the continues in cardinal rejected the possibility of six dioceses appealed to the priests, Leadership Conference of Women foreign intervention in the country religious and laity of the Diocese of AUSTIN, Texas | Republican Religious, urged participants at the Middle East following U.S. President Donald Ahiara to abide by the directive of Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas signed a group’s annual assembly in Orlan- WASHINGTON | The Trump Trump’s threat to pursue a military Pope Francis and accept Bishop Pe- bill into law Aug. 15 that limits in- do not to focus on dwindling num- administration renews its com- option. “The crisis we Venezuelans ter Ebere Okpaleke as their bishop surance coverage for abortion pro- bers of women religious, but instead mitment to the protection of reli- are suffering is so serious that now and prepare for his installation. The cedures. The measure passed both on the communion they have with gious minority groups threatened an external problem arises: the appeal came in an Aug. 9 statement chambers of the Republican-con- each other. She said the danger of by the Islamic State in the Middle threats of a military option by Presi- after bishops from the Church’s trolled Legislature during a special focusing too much on decreasing East, according to Secretary of dent Trump,” Cardinal Jorge Urosa Owerri province met in Aba. The session that Abbott ordered law- numbers is that it diminishes every State Rex Tillerson in the preface Savino of Caracas said. The cardinal province includes the Archdiocese makers to hold to address several vocation, the Church and even God. of the annual State Department spoke Aug. 13 after celebrating the of Owerri and the dioceses of Aba, issues. Under the new law, Texans “It’s rooted in a corporate God who report on international religious 150th anniversary of the consecra- Ahiara, Okigwe, Orlu and Umua- “will not be forced” to pay for elec- ascribes to human notions of prog- freedom, released Aug. 15. “ISIS tion of his archdiocese’s cathedral hia. Nigerian Church leaders had tive abortions through their insur- ress and growth, rather than rhyth- is clearly responsible for geno- Aug. 13. He rejected the assertion met Pope Francis June 8 to discuss ance plans. Its supporters say it is mic patterns of fruitfulness,” Sister cide against Yezidis, Christians that foreign military intervention the situation of Bishop Okpaleke, an important part of Abbott’s pro- Pellegrino, a Sister of St. Joseph, said and Shia Muslims in areas it con- could solve the crisis Venezuela is who was appointed bishop of Ahi- life agenda. When the law takes ef- in an Aug. 10 talk, adding that con- trolled,” Tillerson said in a state- experiencing. “I — and I am sure all ara by then-Pope Benedict XVI in fect Dec. 1, Texas will become the cern about smaller numbers also ment Aug. 15. “ISIS is also respon- the Venezuelan bishops — reject all 2012, but who has been unable to 11th state to restrict abortion cov- “reflects our fears and our uneasy sible for crimes against humanity foreign military interference, such take control of the diocese because erage in insurance plans. and unresolved relationship with and ethnic cleansing directed at as the Cuban one present for some of protests, apparently by the major- “As a firm believer in Texas val- death.” She said a new emphasis these same groups, and in some time in Venezuela,” Cardinal Urosa ity of priests. On June 10, the pope ues I am proud to sign legislation on deepening communion could cases against Sunni Muslims, said, “and I do not agree with the gave priests in the Ahiara Diocese that ensures no Texan is ever re- be liberating but also challenging. Kurds and other minorities.” threat of a military option.” After a 30 days to write a letter promising quired to pay for a procedure that Sister Pellegrino gave the keynote Since the 1998 International meeting Aug. 11 with Rex Tillerson, obedience to him and accepting the ends the life of an unborn child,” address during the Aug. 8-11 as- Religious Freedom Act, the State U.S. Secretary of State, Nikki Haley, bishop appointed for their diocese, Abbott said in a statement. “This sembly for the association of the Department documents the state U.S. Ambassador to the United Na- or they would be suspended. Father bill prohibits insurance providers leaders of congregations of Catho- of religious freedom in nearly 200 tions and H.R. McMaster, national Kingsley Anyanwu, editor of The from forcing Texas policyholders lic women religious in the United countries around the world, report- security adviser, Trump told jour- Guide, the Ahiara diocesan news- to subsidize elective abortions. States. LCWR has about 1,350 ing to Congress the “violations and nalists that a military intervention paper, said he could not confirm I am grateful to the Texas Legis- members, who represent nearly abuses committed by governments, was “certainly something that we if priests had decided to heed the lature for getting this bill to my 80 percent of the approximately terrorist groups, and individuals.” could pursue.” bishops’ appeal. desk, and working to protect in- 48,500 women religious in the U.S. Ambassador Michael Kozak of the nocent life this special session.” Looking back, she said the “golden State Department’s Bureau of De- People with Blessed Romero Abbott also signed a measure to age” of religious life happened after mocracy, Human Rights and Labor, expand reporting requirements the Second Vatican Council and its which produces the report, spoke Down syndrome could be canonized for complications resulting from call for renewal of religious life in about it in a news conference Aug. ‘disappearing’ next year abortion procedures. “The health the 1960s, it was all downhill, ac- 15, saying the report is used to cre- and safety of women is of the ut- cording to prevailing accounts that ate a fact base for U.S. government WASHINGTON | Iceland is on VATICAN CITY | The archbish- most importance, and we must say women religious left teaching decision-making. Kozak reported its way to “eliminate” people with op officially promoting Blessed Os- have the most accurate data avail- in the schools to take secular jobs, that while conditions for many do Down syndrome, a report from car Romero’s cause for sainthood able in order to create good poli- swapped habits for street clothes remain critical, there are signs of CBS News explained, causing up- said he hopes the process will con- cy,” he said. and became feminists. hope for the future. roar in the pro-life community clude within a year and Catholics over the high numbers of abor- around the world will honor St. Os- tions following prenatal diagnosis car Romero, martyr. “Keeping alive of Down syndrome. With only one the memory of Romero is a noble Day cONfereNce or two people, on average, born task, and my great hope is that Pope UNBOUND with Down syndrome each year, Francis will soon canonize him a Iceland’s population exempli- saint,” Italian Archbishop Vincenzo finding freeDOm in christ fies what pro-life leaders say is the Paglia, the postulator of the Salva- tragic reality of an abortion-driven doran archbishop’s cause, said in The MARIAN SERVANTS of Divine Providence® invite you to a society. CBS news correspondent a homily Aug. 12 in London. In an Elaine Quijano spoke with Icelan- interview with Vatican Radio’s Eng- powerful UNBOUND Day Conference, a day of healing and freedom dic geneticist Kari Stefansson, the lish program, Archbishop Paglia with Matt Lozano. UNBOUND prayer ministry is a sound and founder of a genetic group named was more specific: “We could hope practical way for Christians to experience healing and a greater freedom deCODE Genetics, which looks at that in the next year perhaps it is the people of Iceland’s genomes. possible” that the Congregation for from the influence of evil, and to enjoy a greater fullness of life in Christ. He told Quijano, “We have basi- Saints’ Causes will have completed cally eradicated, almost, Down its review of an alleged miracle at- Saturday, Sept. 16 • 9 a.m.-4:45 p.m. syndrome from our society.” After tributed to Blessed Romero’s inter- being asked what it means for Ice- vention and present its findings to Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. • Optional Mass at 5 p.m. land as a “society” that the nearly all the pope. Recognition of the miracle women choose abortion after Down would clear the way for canoniza- Our Lady of Divine Providence House of Prayer® syndrome diagnosis, Stefansson re- tion. The biggest hurdle in the saint- sponded that it is a result of genetic hood cause was obtaining recogni- 711 South Bayview Ave. • Clearwater, FL 33759 • 727-797-7412 counseling. “And I don’t think that tion that Blessed Romero, who was Tickets: $50 before Sept. 16; $60 at the door heavy-handed genetic counseling shot while celebrating Mass, was a is desirable,” Stefansson told CBS. martyr, Archbishop Paglia said in Bring your own lunch. • Tea, coffee, water and soft drinks provided. “You’re having impact on decisions London. Information and registration at: www.divineprovidence.org/events. that are not medical, in a way.” The Some Church leaders, including For questions, email: [email protected]. head of the Prenatal Diagnosis Unit some who worked in the Roman and Landspitali University Hospital Curia, had insisted Blessed Romero About the speaker... in Iceland, Hulda Hjartardottir, said was assassinated because of his Matt Lozano is director of training and development for Heart of the in her interview with Quijano that political position. But, Archbishop

Father Ministries, led by his parents, Neal and Janet Lozano. Matt earned 11414-0825 by suggesting women get tested for Paglia said, “The essence of his ho- a master’s degree in educational leadership and a master’s degree in genetic abnormalities, like Down liness was his following the Lord by theology. He has four children with his wife, Jenn, and lives in the Philadelphia area. syndrome, they could be directing giving himself completely for his people toward abortion. people.” Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL NEWS 14

RECONCILIATION Scripture AND CANOES readings Jesuit and indigenous pilgrims arrive by canoe Aug. 15 in Kahnawake, an Friday, Aug. 25 Indian reserve south of Montreal. It Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; was the group's final destination after Mt 22:34-40 traveling 540 miles, following a route used by 17th-century missionaries, in Saturday, Aug. 26 an effort to promote reconciliation. (Francois Gloutnay, Presence | CNS) Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Ps 128:1-5; Mt 23:1-12

Sunday, Aug. 27 Is 22:19-23; Ps 138:1-3, 6, 8; Rom 11:33- Question, not pop We prefer good news 36; Mt 16:13-20 Monday, Aug. 28 quiz: Who am I? over hard news St. Augustine, bishop and doctor of the Church Sunday, Aug. 27 etrate deeply into our minds, Sunday, Sept. 3 (deny yourself food), give alms 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10; Ps 149:16, 9; Mt 23:13-22 Is 22:19-23; Ps 138:1-3, 6, 8; hearts and souls: “Who do you Jer 20:7-9; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Rom 12:1-2; (deny yourself money) and pray Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20 say that I am?” “You” — not Mt 16:21-27 (deny yourself time). Forty days of someone else! self-denial is hard enough, but as Tuesday, Aug. 29 As a longtime student and Perhaps we hesitate to an- I like to memorize the Scripture a way of life? Passion of St. John the Baptist then a college professor, having swer honestly for ourselves that I am preaching on. It helps Peter, in a shining moment, 1 Thes 2:1-8; Ps 139:1-6; Mk 6:17-29 been both on the receiving end because, as it was for Shebna, me to chew on the word of God. declared to Jesus, “You are the and the giving end, I can attest the Lord of the palace of whom On one occasion it revealed more Christ, the Son of the living God.” Wednesday, Aug. 30 that there are quizzes and then Isaiah speaks, we fear we’ll get than I bargained for. In the famil- In the next breath, though, when there are QUIZZES! caught simply mouth- iar verse from this Sunday Gospel, Jesus said that he must suffer 1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139:7-12b; Mt 23:27-32 There must have ing the words that “Whoever wishes to come after greatly and be killed, implying been something in have been passed on me must take up his cross that his disciples would Thursday, Aug. 31 the way Jesus asked to us without real un- and follow me,” do you undergo the same fate, 1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 90:3-5, 12-14, 17; the question that told derstanding or com- notice anything missing? Peter took Jesus aside and Mt 24:42-51 the disciples this was mitment. Neither did I. I kept for- rebuked him. “God for- a precipitous moment Perhaps we hesitate getting the words “deny bid, Lord! No such thing Friday, Sept. 1 — something going on to answer honestly for himself.” shall ever happen to you” 1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 10-12; here more than a sim- ourselves because we My memory had a hard (Mt 16:16, 22). Mt 25:1-13 ple “pop quiz” to see if know, as Paul tells us time remembering the When the going got the apostles had done Sunday in the Letter to the Ro- entire verse. “Whoever tough, Peter got going. Word Saturday, Sept. 2 their homework dur- mans, the depth and wishes to come after me He even denied Jesus (not 1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 98:1, 7-9; Mt 25:14-30 ing the past week. No, Father the riches of the wis- must deny himself, take Sunday himself) three times. his was a question that dom and knowledge up his cross and follow Word Maybe we need more thunderously echoes Ben of God are so deep and me” (Mt 16:24). What’s up Paul than Peter. “Offer Sunday, Sept. 3 from their day down to Berinti inscrutable that we with that? Father your bodies as a living Jer 20:7-9; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Rom 12:1-2; our present: “Who do fear “getting it wrong.” In her book “Seeds of David sacrifice,” Paul urges in Mt 16:21-27 you say that I am?” We just find it simpler Heaven,” Barbara Brown the letter to the Romans. As is the case when someone to skim along the surface and Taylor noted, “We prefer Scotchie “Do not conform your- Monday, Sept. 4 catches us off guard with a deep avoid the difficult questions of passages like, ‘Come to selves to this age” (Rom 1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13; and personal question, the faith. me all you who labor and 12:1-2). Lk 4:16-30 apostles mouth the local gossip, Whatever our hesitations are burdened and I will give you Self-denial comes a little easier try to avoid getting more per- may be, Jesus speaks the rest’ (Mt 11:28) or ‘God so loved when done out of love for others. A Tuesday, Sept. 5 sonal, and hope that they can question to us over and over the world’ (Jn 3:16). Comfortable mother denies herself sleep to stay 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; move back to doing the teach- again, waiting for us at each passages, safe passages cushion a up with a sick child. Grandparents Lk 4:31-37 ing and preaching, where they juncture of our faith journey sharp and scary world.” deny themselves a new car in or- get to ask the questions and not to offer an open, honest and We prefer good news over hard der to pay the grandkids’ tuition at Wednesday, Sept. 6 be the ones who have to come personal response — a re- news. We like it when Jesus offers the parish school. For the sake of up with answers. sponse that comes from the comfort and makes us feel better. the poor, a voter denies the party Col1:1-8; Ps 52:10-11; Lk 4:38-44 And in the middle of all their heart — no matter where ex- Didn’t Pope Francis have a few line. (“Deny yourself” may even attempts to deflect this pen- actly our heart may be at that things to say about the joy of the mean denying yourself justice in Thursday, Sept. 7 etrating question, Peter, always moment. Gospel? What does denial have to order to make peace. More on that Col 1:9-14; Ps 98:2-6; Lk 5:1-11 the one to bluster about, does Peter may have been called do with joy? next week.) more than “hear” the question. “rock,” but not because his faith No doubt, denial is not in the “For whoever wishes to save his Friday, Sept. 8 Peter lets it pierce his heart and, was always as rock-solid as it vocabulary of our society. Our life will lose it, but whoever loses Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in doing so, gives a deeply per- appeared to be that day in the culture makes it easy to indulge his life for my sake will find it” (Mt sonal response. He professes region of Caesarea Philippi, but ourselves. Can’t stay away from 16:25). No question about it, the Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6abc; not simply what he’s heard, because he was willing to en- the chocolate, cheese and French “d” in “discipleship” stands for Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23 what he was taught, what gage both the struggle and the fries? Indulge yourself and take a “deny yourself.” will make Jesus happy, what beauty of making the passage cholesterol pill. Better yet, super- Deny yourself, take up the cross Saturday, Sept. 9 will sound good, but rather from “someone else’s faith” to size it. and follow the Lord. St. Peter Claver, priest he speaks from his heart and one’s own personal commit- The internet is a gateway to To take to prayer: What is the Col1:21-23; Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8; Lk 6:1-5 claims his belief in Jesus as the ment to Jesus Christ, the Son of indulgence. You can binge on a Lord asking you to deny yourself? Christ. the Living God. season of “Game of Thrones,” surf n Sunday, Sept. 10 In our hearing of this Gospel, “Who do you say that I am?” the World Wide Web for hours and Ez 33:7-9; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 13:8-10; we may want to offer up similar How deeply will you allow that post puppy posters on Facebook. Father Scotchie is the pastor of Mt 18:15-20 hearsay like the apostles and question to cut today? n More insidiously, you can watch Most Precious Blood Parish in elude the cut of this question. free porn until the sun comes up. Oviedo and his latest book is “Can But at some point in time (in Father Berinti, Missionaries of You can indulge in snide remarks I Say a Prayer With You: A Begin- reality, at many points in our the Most Precious Blood, is pas- and let your inner troll demonize ner’s Guide to Praying With Some- life), each one of us must allow tor of Immaculate Conception others. one.” He can be reached at frdavid- this question of the Lord to pen- Parish in Melbourne Beach. During Lent, we struggle to fast [email protected]. 15 ADVERTISEMENT Florida Catholic Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 11346-0825 Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 Florida Catholic CLASSIFIEDS 16


The ‘expendable children’ Classifieds are just $28 for the first four column lines. For a quote, call Mike Carlock at 1-888-275-9953 Couples who struggle to get dren can become an abstraction, or email [email protected] pregnant are turning with greater mere pawns to be played in the end HELP WANTED VACATION RENTAL DENTAL frequency to the in vitro fertiliza- game of seeking what we want. P/T PARISH NURSE – RN or LPN w/home health tion (IVF) industry for assistance. This attitude of seeing our off- DENTIST – Hi, my name is David J. Akkara, care experience for San Pedro Parish in North Port I am a local Orlando dentist. I provide In some cases, they can end up spring as expendable is becoming (Sarasota County). Send résumé to bookkeeper@ dentistry with a warm and gentle touch. I feeling they are “too preg- more widely accepted sanpedrocc.org. am a practicing Catholic and would love nant” when twins, triplets not only among IVF to be your personal dentist. Please call my or quads arise. 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Please risk, both for the children of DNA in human em- welcome. No pets. 828-389-3302, 706-896-3493. call Linda at 386-428-1496 or 386-295-9414. in utero and for the mother. bryos. The experiments The Florida Catholic wishes you and yours THANK-YOU Because of these risks, OPINION were carried out in the a happy, safe and UP TO FOUR BURIAL PLOTS IN BALTIMORE – Prime location near entrance in Garden of the the pregnant mother will laboratory of Shoukhrat blessed Labor Day. THANK YOU to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Faith Cemetery, Block 8, Sites 1-4, Baltimore, Md. sometimes be advised to Father Tad Mitalipov at the Oregon St. Jude for helping me find employment. – LO $2,500 each obo. Call Lucille at 863-324-4085. opt for a “selective reduc- Pacholczyk Health and Science Uni- tion,” where potassium versity, and involved Thank you chloride is injected into the generation of many one or two of the growing babies to dozens of embryos by IVF. The cause their hearts to seize, followed experiments utilized a new and by death and the gradual reab- highly precise DNA-editing tech- sorption of their bodies during the nology called CRISPR-Cas9 to fix remainder of the pregnancy. This a defective, disease-causing gene can allow the one or more remain- that some of the embryos carried. ing brothers or sisters to grow more While research into understanding safely and avoid further complica- and eliminating serious diseases is Prayer for aPPlication Prayer for aPPlication tions during the pregnancy. Given certainly good and praiseworthy as Prayer for aPPlication to the holy SPirit to the holy SPirit the effort expended by the couple to a goal, the techniques we employ to the holy SPirit You who solve all problems, who light all You who solve all problems, who light all become pregnant in the first place, as we pursue good research goals You who solve all problems, who light all roads so that I can attain my goals. You roads so that I can attain my goals. You roads so that I can attain my goals. You these lethal practices often draw need to be good as well. Doing evil who give the divine gift to forgive and who give the divine gift to forgive and who give the divine gift to forgive and gasps of disbelief from others. that good may accrue is, after all, forget all the evil against me. And that in forget all the evil against me. And that in forget all the evil against me. And that in A New York Times Magazine ar- still doing evil. all instances of my life you are with me. I all instances of my life you are with me. I all instances of my life you are with me. I ticle from 2011 chronicled the saga These research experiments want in this short prayer to thank you for want in this short prayer to thank you for want in this short prayer to thank you for of a woman who selectively reduced performed on human embryos at all things and to confirm once again that I all things and to confirm once again that I all things and to confirm once again that I her pregnancy from twins to a sin- OHSU were morally objectionable never want to be separated from you ever never want to be separated from you ever never want to be separated from you ever gle. Even though she tried to not on a number of counts. If such ge- and in spite of all material illusion I wish to and in spite of all material illusion I wish to and in spite of all material illusion I wish think too much about the two ultra- netically modified embryos had be with you in eternal glory. Thank you for be with you in eternal glory. Thank you for to be with you in eternal glory. Thank you sound shadows within her, she was been allowed to grow up, there may your mercy toward me and mine. - LPG your mercy toward me and mine. - DBP for your mercy toward me and mine. - BS This prayer must be said for three consecutive This prayer must be said for three consecutive This prayer must be said for three consecutive forthright about her justification for well have been unintended effects days. After three days, the favor requested will days. After three days, the favor requested will days. After three days, the favor requested will doing it: “If I had conceived these from modifying their genes, un- be granted. Even if it appears difficult. This be granted. Even if it appears difficult. This be granted. Even if it appears difficult. This twins naturally, I wouldn’t have re- anticipated defects that they and prayer must be published immediately without prayer must be published immediately without prayer must be published immediately without mentioning of the favor. Only your initials should mentioning of the favor. Only your initials should mentioning of the favor. Only your initials should duced this pregnancy, because you future generations would bear. The appear at the bottom. appear at the bottom. appear at the bottom. feel like if there’s a natural order, problems and risks associated with NOTICE: The Florida Catholic and the Dioceses of Orlando, Palm Beach and Venice do not endorse or promote devotional ads. They are printed within then you don’t want to disturb it. this kind of “germ-line therapy” guidelines at reader request. The Florida Catholic charges a reduced rate for these ads. But we created this child in such an raise such serious concerns as to artificial manner — in a test tube, make it doubtful it should ever be choosing an egg donor, having the attempted in humans. embryo placed in me — and some- Even more distressing from the how, making a decision about how moral point of view is the fact that FLORIDACatholic many to carry seemed to be just an- very young humans were treated Publishes: other choice. The pregnancy was all not as ends, but as mere means to so consumerish to begin with, and achieve particular investigative OcT. 6 this became yet another thing we goals. They were created in labora- could control.” tory glassware, experimented upon, Deadline: Sept. 18 Her devastatingly honest ap- their genes were tinkered with and praisal of IVF and the way it deval- they were killed and dispatched ues the lives of children offers an as research fodder into biohazard important opportunity for reflec- waste containers. The purported tion. When we take it upon our- darkness of medieval times was Advertise your parish FREE LISTING! selves to manufacture new human never as dark as the remarkable and school festival Additional events, $10 each. life in test tubes, it indeed becomes ethical blackness that is descending Fall Boutique another “thing we can control,” an upon contemporary “enlightened” Call for Ad Sizes! FEBRUARY Vendor 1 Craft Show object for our own willful manipu- man as he exploits and destroys his Is your event earlier? ■ Our Lady of Lourdes 643 St. Mark Place • Boynton Beach, FL Catholic Church & School lation, another means to realize our own offspring. 561-734-9330 Place an ad in the Sept. 8 issue! 11291 S.W. 142nd Ave., Miami, own goals. This “command and Vigilance and care are required Sunday, Nov. 20 www.ololourdes.org control mentality” over procreation when dealing with vulnerable re- D.I.Y. Discount 10% OFF! 9 a.m.-4 p.m. % Festival 2016 sets up a glide path for us to begin search subjects, and human em- Indoor FREE Event Just provide us with Feb. 4-7, 2016. Hours: Thurs. 6-10 treating our own offspring like raw bryos are among the most vulner- a camera-ready ad! p.m., Fri. 6-11 p.m., Sat. 2-11 p.m., Raffles • Pancake Breakfast • Food Truck 36467-0930 Sun. 12-10 p.m. material, even tempting us to ex- able of God’s creatures, entrusted Unique Christmas Gifts for Everyone We accept high-res .PDF, .TIF and .JPG files Games, rides, food, entertainment, white elephant sale, raffle. ercise an absolute, death-dealing to us as our children, calling for Sample ad not actual size 3.9” × 4” Email artwork to: [email protected] dominion over them. As they are stringent measures to ensure their Sample Directory produced in the laboratory and protection and safeguard their hu- Call Valerie Today! • 407-373-0078 transferred to the womb, our chil- man dignity. n 11273-0825