Cultural Resources Existing Conditions Report, North Shore Road Environment Impact Statement, Swan and Graham Counties, North
CULTURAL RESOURCES EXISTING CONDITIONS REPORT, NORTH SHORE ROAD ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT, SWAIN AND GRAHAM COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA FINAL REPORT ARPA Permit GRSM 03-001 SEAC Accession No. 1850 Submitted to ARCADIS G&M OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 800 Corporate Center, Suite 300 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 By TRC GARROW ASSOCIATES INC. 501 Washington Street, Suite F Durham, North Carolina 27701 Project No. 02427 Authored by Paul A. Webb with contributions by Heather L. Olson and David S. Leigh January 2004 ABSTRACT/MANAGEMENT SUMMARY Cultural resource background studies have been undertaken as part of the North Shore Road Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which is designed to determine the feasibility of and assess the potential environmental effects associated with fulfillment of a 1943 agreement among the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI), the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Swain County, and the state of North Carolina, calling for the construction of a road along the North Shore of Fontana Lake in western North Carolina. This road proposal originated in the early 1940s with the construction of TVA’s Fontana Lake in Swain and Graham counties. Due to the inundation of parts of the Little Tennessee and Tuckasegee valleys, road access was cut off to some 44,000 acres lying above the reservoir pool on the north side of the lake. Rather than construct a road to access the area during wartime conditions, the TVA acquired the entire 44,000-acre area and subsequently transferred its ownership to Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP). Although limited road construction took place between 1948 and the early 1970s, construction was stopped in 1972 due to environmental and engineering concerns.
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