Welcome to campus 2010!

LUCY MOORE | STUDENT LIFE F2 FRESHMAN PRESS | NEWS MONDAY | AUGUST 28, 2006 Latino Grill spices up campus By Greg Allen Freshman Press Reporter

Students upset by last year’s loss of Taco Bell may have their Spanish food cravings satisfi ed with the opening of the Latino Grill. The new food station replaces the now closed Philly cheese steak station and, for the time being, still sports its old placards. It remains to be seen whether the grill will be as popular as Washington University’s latest food court addition, Asian Concept, now the second most popular station in Mallinckrodt. The University dining ad- ministration cited both fi nan- cial and student concerns as reasons for the change. “When we surveyed stu- dents, a little less than half were interested in having a Taco Bell,” said Marilyn Pol- lack, director of fi nancial planning. “We wanted to bring something back that we knew students would like.” The University believes that the sizable minority of students who favored keep- ing Taco Bell is larger than the number who would have preferred keeping the Philly station. “The Philly station was not doing great business,” said Pollack. “You can look at the stats and ticket sales. The business for that station had kept sliding.” Those looking for a re- placement for Taco Bell may not fi nd an exact match. “It’s more global,” said Marc Foley, executive chef at Bon Appetit. “It’s not Mexi- can; it’s Caribbean, Spanish, Central American—it’s cross cultural.” The menu offers items like- ly unfamiliar to students, in- cluding plantain-coated mahi- mahi sandwiches and sweet potatoes covered in mango mojo sauce. This isn’t the fi rst time the MEREDITH SCHLACHTER | STUDENT LIFE company has used a Latino theme. Jim Madison prepares food at the new Latino station at the Mallinckrodt Food Court on Monday, August 22. “Bon Appetit has run Latin stations at other universities… every campus they service. scale Spanish cuisine,” said scale dining service in a food f o o d i s g o o d — i t ’ s j u s t t o o e x p e n - was always the fastest place [and they were] very popular, Seeing a lingering desire Pollack. “We had a tasting court. sive.” to eat on campus, and it will a lot of what the students were for Latin food, Bon Appetit recently, which everyone was “Wash. U. is making everything Other students were not be sorely missed.” looking for,” said Foley. worked with the University very impressed with.” too nice for its own good,” said receptive to the dining theme Foley was quick to say, over the summer to create a So far, reception to the grill Taylor Hermes, a senior in the col- switcheroo. however, that the new station station that caters to the stu- has been lukewarm. Some lege of Arts & Sciences. “Looking at “It’s horrible,” said Brian is not a cookie cutter concept dent body. students are partially put off price, there aren’t any more cheap Stowe, a senior in the School the company stamps out at “The new concept is up- by the attempt to put an up- p l a c e s t o e a t i n M a l l i n c k r o d t . T h e of Engineering. “[The Philly] Surprisingly wide range of Freshmen adjust services avaliable at SHS

By Amber Pollock to get information on diabetes, for any of the services offered. to new housing Freshman Press Reporter eating disorders and other weight “I think it has helped get the concerns, and follow up visits are word out about these programs. Washington University Stu- also available. The point was to make it more By Opti Logdberg the old ones. Wild mentioned trum where they will be d e n t H e a l t h S e r v i c e s o f f e r s a v a - SHS has a well-equipped men- convenient for students to access several reasons for replac- friends and room together Freshman Press Reporter riety of services, many beyond tal health facility. It provides help the service,” said Glass. ing the traditional residence all four years, and at the oth- w h a t w o u l d b e e x p e c t e d f r o m a for students dealing with issues Students may also call 5-6666 halls, including increasing er end are the people who’ll campus healthcare provider. of stress, depression, and adjust- to schedule appointments. As the class of 2010 adjusts demand for modern dorms, be in here [the ResLife cen- Situated in the Habif Wellness ment issues. to new rooms, the South 40 wel- privacy issues and the fact ter] by October requesting Ce nte r i n D a r d ic k Ho u s e , St u - These services may be of par- comes a new building, Liggett that the University had some a roommate change. Most dent Health Services (SHS) offers ticular interest to freshmen, since Hosue. The new dorm is one of extra money to renovate or people are somewhere in the a range of specialized treatment the changes associated with go- many building projects Washing- rebuild since the loans for middle.” options that include physical ing to college could cause some ton University has undergone to the old dorms were paid off The other major concern for therapy, travel medicine and a reshape the campus’ look. in the mid-1990s. freshmen usually involves which men’s clinic. The University plans other Nearly everyone has res- d o r m t h e y w i l l o c c u p y . S t u d e n t s The treatment center recently housing changes in the near fu- ervations about the room- have long debated the differenc- m o v e d f r o m U m r a t h H a l l t o i t s ture. According to Rob Wild, as- mate situation. Wild said es between traditional and mod- new location, a change that has sociate director in the office of that a very high percentage ern dorms. While some staunchly a l l o w e d m o r e s e r v i c e s t o b e o f - residential life, Lee and Beau- of students were happy with defend the old dorms and others fered. mont w i l l soon be tor n dow n , their roommates. tout the perks of the new ones, “Most people, when they think though the exact date is still up “There are several differ- the overall percentage of stu- about health services on campus in the air. Rubelmann and Um- ent levels of compatibility dents who love their individual sort of would think about more rath will follow not long after. with roommates,” he said. traditional things that colleges Modern dorms will replace There’s one end of the spec- See HOUSING, page F3 and universities might offer,” said Dr. Alan Glass, director of Student Health Services (SHS). H e e x p l a i n e d t h a t s o m e s t u - dents might not realize the range of services offered by SHS. The S H S t r a v e l m e d i c i n e c l i n i c o f f e r s students physicals and immuniza- Class of 2010 larger tions necessary to travel abroad. The men’s clinic, which is of- fered one half day a week, focus- es on the health needs of male patients. than expected The newest addition to the SHS staff is a sports medicine special- ist who offers a sports medicine By Rachel McMillan pected to arrive on campus. “For orientation itself, we clinic one half day a week. Two Freshman Press Reporter While the admission rate want to make sure there are days a week, SHS collaborates has centered around 19-21% accommodations for every- with the physical therapy depart- in past years, more students one, so we have more people ment at the University School There is not a single in- accepted offers of admission involved in staffing all of the o f M e d i c i n e t o p r o v i d e p h y s i c a l coming freshman from Ida- this year, creating a class orientation events. We have therapy services to students. MEREDITH SCHLACTER | STUDENT LIFE ho in the class of 2010. that is about 100 students formed more groups for the SHS also offers dietary coun- Yet, it is one of the largest larger than was expected. freshman reading program seling with Registered Dietician of these problems. These services classes to date as more stu- This year also marked so the groups won’t be any C o n n i e D i e k m a n , w h o o f f e r s a d - c a n b e h e l p f u l e v e n i n s i t u a t i o n s dents have accepted offers the University’s largest ap- bigger than they ordinarily vice on making healthy eating that are not really complicated or of admission to Washington plicant pool with just over would,” said Coburn. choices and meeting one’s nutri- severe. University than ever before. 22,000 students compet- Choices 101, an orienta- tional needs. “In a lot of cases the earlier “When we made our ad- ing for admission to the tion program that freshmen “ W e a l w a y s w a n t t o s e e m o r e you start to work with a problem mission decisions, we were country’s sixth-most selec- will be attending in Edison students,” said Diekman. the less complex the solution can planning on a freshmen tive college, according to Theatre, will also be broad- Appointments can be sched- be,” said Glass. class that would have ranged U.S. News and World Report cast in the Gargoyle on a big uled with her at 5-6666, option The accessibility to these ser- from about 1350 to 1370,” rankings. screen television. three. vices has improved recently, not explained Nanette Tarbouni, Karen Levin Coburn, as- “Even though we have two Both individual students and only due to the new location, but director of undergraduate sociate dean for freshman shows, we can’t even fit half student groups can schedule a also the implementation of on- admissions. transition, already recogniz- of the freshman class in Edi- one-hour appointment to review line scheduling. Students can go This year, between 1450 es the effects the larger class eating habits and receive advice. to the SHS website any time of and 1470 freshmen are ex- is having on the school. See CLASS SIZE, page F3 Students can also use this service day and schedule appointments MONDAY | AUGUST 28, 2006 STUDENT LIFE | NEWS F3 Freshman Press MONEY FOR COLLEGE Participants NOW News Sports Greg Allen Naoto Eguchi Opti Lodgberg Molly Jennings Rachel McMillan Jamelah Neal Amber Pollock Forum Scene Kayla Dalle Molle Katie Keeley Elizabeth Slater Audrey King Dennis Sweeney Hillary Price Rebecca Saunders Cadenza Photo/ Because Aunt Joan needed more Botox®*. She got a facelift, you got the tuition bill. Not to worry: a Campus Door student loan can cover up to 100% of your education costs, with online approval in less than a minute. Sam Bear All without the painful side effects. Eric Lee Graphics ShaSha Lu Lucy Moore Vanessa Poon Sarah Saunders ® *Botox is a registered trademark of Allergan, Inc. 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HOUSING v FROM PAGE F2 setup remains high. positive outlook. A new resident of Danforth, Despite the trouble with Emily Rogers finds herself pleased the housing crunch, things with her new home. have run smoothly, said “My bedroom at home was Wild. He attributes the mini- pretty big, so I wanted some- mal trouble with housing or- thing like that here,” she ganization to the openness said. “I also liked the car- of the students. pet, the A/C and the private “In May, when we real- bathroom.” ized we were going to have Most people could find this problem, we recognized happiness in either a tra- the trouble it would cause ditional or modern dorm, people. And I think that ev- but one person has a rather eryone’s reactions have been unique situation. great,” said Wild. “There’ll Geran Kostecki resides “in be some people upset, of an old triple, in the oldest course, but on the whole, I building, on the top floor, in think the flexibility of the the room farthest away from students has just been won- the parking lot. I hate it. And derful.” I love hating it. It’s great.” While his opinion may not be shared by many in a simi- lar situation, his floormates enjoy such a refreshingly

CLASS SIZE v FROM PAGE F2 son Theatre,” said Coburn. as Harvard, Northwestern Other adjustments being and Stanford all utilized made for the freshmen in- their waitlists to increase clude additional sections of class size, while Washing- Writing 1, more peer and ac- ton University met capac- ademic advisors, and accom- ity without a waitlist, which modating for longer lines an- Tarbouni described as “an ticipated during mealtimes. anomaly”. “In many ways, [the large The number of freshmen class size] won’t be notice- admitted is determined by able. Once we get past the the deans of the five schools, housing crunch and some the Office of Residential of the sections of classes, I Life, and the Admissions Of- think the class of 2010 will fice, who work together to get absorbed in [the rest of set a goal that fluctuates by the academic body],” said design from year to year. Coburn. “We really did make of- Tarbouni speculates that fers of admission that we the unusually large number thought would translate into of freshmen this year can a smaller freshmen class be attributed to the increase than has happened in real- in visitors during April Wel- ity,” explained Tarbouni. come and Celebration week- Next year, however, she ends. plans to extend fewer accep- “I think our students are tance letters and to utilize so happy and so enthusiastic the waitlist system in order and so warm and welcoming, to have a freshman class that who could say no?” she that is more in line with the exclaimed. University’s target range. Competitive schools such F4 FRESHMAN PRESS | SPORTS MONDAY | AUGUST 28, 2006 SSPORTSPORTS Freshmen: Welcome to v St. Louis home to more than just Cardinals baseball; fans also enjoy football and hockey in the Gateway City

By Molly Jennings The big sports stories in close to the eastbound lanes Fans eager to attend sold- Tickets have to be pur- and ends with bringing the Freshmen Press Reporter St. Louis these days center of Highway 40, the new Busch out games do have other op- chased online or through a Stanley Cup to St. Louis.” on Cardinals baseball. Cur- Stadium houses the typical tions. For example, the web- Ticketmaster outlet and are This burden should be light- rently leading the National baseball stadium dining es- site not available on game day. ened considerably by the Here in St. Louis, opportu- League Central Division, St. tablishments but also sever- allows fans to buy and sell Prices range from $44 to $91 acquisition of Erik Johnson, nities for major league sports Louis sports fans look to the al more unique storefronts, tickets to games. The price a ticket for single game tick- the Blues’ first round, num- fans abound. From division Cardinals for inspiration af- such as a Cardinals-themed of these tickets can range ets, so for those on the typi- ber-one-ranked draft pick. leaders to last place league ter last season’s depressing Build-A-Bear Workshop where from $7 to upwards of $500, cally meager student budget, In spite of their blatantly finishers, a team exists here performances by the Rams customers can stuff and out- depending on the location of watching the games on tele- awful 2005-2006 record (21- to suit any fan’s taste. and Blues. fit their very own the seats. vision is probably a better 46-15), the Blues have actual- The Cardinals hype has (the Cardinals ). option. The regular season ly raised ticket prices for the been further heightened by Love for the old Busch games are all broadcast on 2006-2007 season, citing var- Cardinals: the construction of a new stadium still flows in fans’ Rams: either CBS or FOX, and the ious Savvis Center improve- stadium. Located impossibly veins. Mary Morris, a fresh- season opener versus the ments as justification. Even man from St. Louis, believes Broncos will air Sun- with the 10 percent blended that the new stadium “has Although they did make day, September 10th at noon increase in ticket prices, newer, better facilities for St. Louis proud by playing on CBS. however, the Blues will still the team and is very pretty,” in the Superbowl at the end have more affordable tickets but misses the old stadium of two consecutive seasons than most of the other NHL because “it had so much his- (winning in 1999 and los- Blues: franchises. Tickets sell for tory.” ing in 2000), since then, the as little as $8.00, and can be As a result of a growing Rams’ football record has Currently ranked last in purchased either online or at fanbase and the new stadi- been slightly less impres- the National Hockey League the Blues ticket office, which um, Cardinals tickets can be sive. for the first time in their 40- is located at the main Savvis both difficult to find and ex- They last appeared in the year history, the Saint Louis Center entrance at Av- pensive. To combat this, the playoffs in 2003. This sea- Blues are hoping to improve enue and 14th Street. Cardinals are offering “First son, however, they will most this season. Ticket availability is rare- Pitch Tickets” for only $5.50 likely benefit from a new Last season saw the loss ly a problem. After enduring apiece. head coach, Scott Linehan. of many of the team’s best such a terrible 2005-2006 sea- Here’s the catch: in order Brian Burwell, a sports col- players, such as Al MacInnis son, many fans have moved to purchase these tickets, a umnist for the St. Louis Post- and Chris Pronger, as the old on. Those who attend Blues fan must be one of the first Dispatch, considers Linehan owners prepared the team games and follow the team 125 fans to visit the Eighth to be, “self-assured and orga- for sale. The new owners, truly “bleed blue” and gener- Street Ticket window after it nized,” traits that will hope- Dave Checketts and Sports ally have a very intimate re- opens at 9 a.m. the day of the fully help him effectively Capital Partners, have said lationship with the team. game. Each fan pays $11.00 lead the Rams and improve that Sports Capital Partners Although the Blues rarely for two randomly assigned last season’s 4-7 record. is “committed to St. Louis” manage to pack the Savvis KRT CAMPUS tickets. A First Pitch ticketh- The Rams play at the Ed- and “dedicated to restoring Center, those who attend the St. Louis Cardinals starting pitcher Chris Carpenter pitches against the older could have seats in the ward Jones Dome, opened in pride and honor in the St. games possess a genuine in- Cubs in the eighth inning. The Cardinals beat the Cubs, 5-3, at luxury boxes or the nose- 1995 and located in the heart Louis Blues.” Checketts also terest in the sport and the in Chicago, , Sunday, August 20, 2006. bleed sections. of downtown St. Louis. believes that “it all begins well-being of the team.

The rivalry that wasn’t Freshman By Naoto Eguchi waged “war” against Wash. hopeless clichéd mascot (a game. Altogether, Wash. U. Freshmen Press Reporter U. bear), a school so insecure in just never recognized Emory Emory students began its location and stature that as a formidable opponent or athletes adjust to their “attacks” by vandalizing it includes its location in its a school of comparable aca- Washington University is a col- the underpass between main official name.” demics. lege with Division III athletics. This campus and South 40, leav- In response to such Op-Ed In a short period of time, life at Wash. U. t r a n s l a t e s a s a l a c k o f a s t a d i u m ing spray painted statements, articles, Wash. U.’s Student the rivalry that Emory SGA packed with overly excited, slight- “Wash. U. girls are ugly-Em- Life retaliated with a couple President Dhir hoped would ly drunk and brightly painted stu- ory University” and “Emory newspaper articles of its own, explode into something simi- By Jamelah Neal letically,” and he described dents. But one can’t expect much owns U, George Washington and, on campus, students lar to that of the UCLA Bruins Freshmen Press Reporter his feelings about begin- m o r e f r o m a s c h o o l b e t t e r k n o w n is dead.” sold T-shirts that read, “Emo- and USC Trojans dwindled ning classes on the August for its academic prestige. Adminis- Wash. U. students did not ry was my safety school.” into more of a one-sided ef- Freshmen varsity ath- 30th by saying, “I’m a little trators of schools with Division III retaliate, but to ensure the But it wasn’t long until Stu- fort to boost school spirit letes report that they are nervous; I mean, I’ve never athletics, including Wash. U., are success of their plan, Emory’s dent Life’s front pages were just like it began. adjusting well to college done college before. Wash. well-aware of this reality. Department of War scattered adorned with a story con- So, for those freshmen life, partially because they U. has a lot of good resourc- But in the fall of 2005, Em- flyers reading, “Die Emory cerning allegations of a ho- who are unaware, curious, or are on a team with other es, so I won’t be left in the ory University’s Student Gov- Die! Go Wash. U,” which led mophobic physics professor. in anticipation of the Wash. students who have been dark.” ernment Association Presi- Emory students to believe that Soon enough, the “Emory was U.–Emory rivalry, they should through the freshmen ex- Three freshmen soccer dent Amrit Dhir led a plan to the toilet paper dangling off my safety school” T-shirts be forewarned the intensity perience before. players, Cassandra Sca- defy such reality by sparking their dorms and surrounding found their places in boxes, does not even begin to com- The relationships that man, Emily Bylsma and they are developing with Caryn Rosoff had a bit to their fellow teammates say about their experience and coaches are helping to at Wash. U. thus far. These soften the rough patches athletes, who have two that many other freshmen three-hour practices each experience. day, say that they have de- Timothy Taylor of Baltimore veloped good relationships is one freshman athlete who will with their coach and the be representing the Red and other upperclassmen play- Green this year. He is a member ers. of the varsity football team, a fa- All three athletes say vorite to win the University Ath- that they chose to come to letic Association title this fall. Wash. U. mainly because Taylor, who has devel- of the school’s academics, oped a strong relationship with Rosoff adding that the with his coach and fellow people here were also very STUDENT LIFE ARCHIVES players, spends the ma- kind. Dorm life seems to Last fall Emory’s Student Government Association created a Department of War to foster a rivalry with Wash. U. Some Emory students came to St. jority of his days with his be going fairly well for the Louis and vandalized the underpass. team and says that the up- girls. perclassmen are extremely Rosoff, who lives in Koe- helpful to him. nig said, “I love it”, while a fabricated rivalry between trees was the work of Wash. shoved aside to some corner pare to the Duke Blue Devils “They are always giving Cassie, who lives in the two Division III athletics U. students. The vandalism of a storage room. and UNC Tar Heels’ rivalry, me advice and being good Rubelmann dorm reported teams, the Emory Eagles and was supplemented with an It wasn’t so much that but attendance at Wash. U.– leaders,” he said. that dorm life there was the Wash. U. Bears. editorial written by Emory Wash. U. lacked school spirit Emory sporting events has Residing in Elliot Hall, “Okay.” His hope was to increase SGA Representative Jacob Sil- that the rivalry so quickly increased. he is also very impressed With the end of the school spirit and to do so, verman in Emory’s school pa- faded away from the minds with his dorm. month coming soon, the Dhir formed Emory’s Depart- per, The Wheel, which stated of students; the student body “I live in a suite with two girls have mixed feelings ment of War, took on the po- that Wash. U. was, “a school just never felt any reason to bathrooms,” he exclaimed. about the start of school, sition of “Supreme Ruler” and without identity, down to its play along with Emory’s “war” Taylor said that he came but agreed, “It’s a little to Washington University daunting, but we’ll work it because it was, “the best out.” situation for him fi nancial- IM sports: where the action’s at ly, academically and ath-

By Eric Lee pertinent for incoming fresh- with them.” exists for new or average ath- Freshmen Press Reporter men with the need to priori- Intramural Director Lynn letes while more experienced tize their time. Imergoot said, “I think stu- players can test their skill in “It’s less time consuming dents feel that pressure from the A-League. Freshman year is the per- and less demanding. I have parents. The fact that you There is also a point-based fect time to try new things to make sure I have time for can play sports really takes league for freshmen residen- and explore new opportuni- school,” said incoming fresh- stress off.” tial colleges that continues ties. In addition to meeting man Andy Harding. “It’s a The IM sports are broken for the entire year. At the end with your professors and good way to avoid becoming down into three divisions of the year, the team that has saying goodbye to your par- spherical and gaining the in addition to special events accumulated the most points ents, consider signing up for freshman 15.” and a number of co-ed sports. wins the points trophy in the Flag Football tournament “I would definitely recom- Special events include activi- addition to unbelievable at the Intramural Office. mend intramural sports to ties such as the Home Run amounts of pride and joy. IM sports are a more infor- incoming freshmen,” said Derby and Euchre Tourna- According to Imergoot, the VANESSA POON | STUDENT LIFE mal way for athletes to play rising junior and intramural ment. buffet of teams in co-ed along Freshman soccer players Caryn Rosoff, Emily Bylsma and Cas- sports without the high level basketball veteran Stephanie The co-ed sports include with the presence of a women’s of commitment necessary for Leu. “After you play sports Ultimate Frisbee and Inner sandra Scaman relax on a couch in Koenig after a long day of a varsity sport, especially with them, you will bond Tube Water Polo. The B-League See IM SPORTS, page F7 practice. MONDAY | AUGUST 28, 2006 FRESHMAN PRESS | FORUM F5 FFORUMORUM Where Thucydides LUCY MOORE | EDITORIAL CARTOON and Zoltar collide conceptions, I was waaaaay school a year early and By Dennis Sweeney off. While people really are went in the mean time to Freshman Press Reporter very smart here, the thing Iceland to learn the lan- I realized during my ArtSci guage by spending time weekend over the summer with local shepherds and y original and during my time here helping build homes for the thoughts on the so far this August is that poor in a secluded glacier big Wash were smart people aren’t neces- town. M these: it would sarily “not normal.” Just The funny thing is, our be a place where people because you can break 2200 fictional Icelandic traveler walked around with pensive on your SATs doesn’t mean could very well be the same looks on their faces, from you can’t perform in an kid who started that “No, their Chemistry 407 class You F***ing Ignoramus, to their eighth level Japa- Washington University is in nese course; and when they “Just because you St. Louis, ” group stopped their formal intel- can break 2200 on on Facebook. Here would be lectual endeavors to satisfy a display of the personal- their stomachs, they would your SATs doesn’t ity (crude, but hilarious) do it with a friend over a that maybe I didn’t expect conversation on the crisis mean you can’t per- to come from the smart in the Middle East and how form in an intense people at Wash. U. it relates to the crop deficit If you can willingly pick in southern Brazil. People game of kickball as up Icelandic among the na- would be smart, and moti- tives, but can also appreci- vated, and different than well.” ate the humor in verbally normal people. assaulting all the jerks who In some ways, I was a intense game of kickball as don’t know where Washing- little bit right. This is the well. Placing a high value ton University in St. Louis first place I’ve been where on academics doesn’t mean is, I’d say you’ve become a anyone has asked me out- you don’t also place a high well-rounded human being. right if I was a Democrat or value on beer. And a poten- And that’s what kind of a Republican. Never before tial future in the empirical human beings seem to be have I heard Homer and field of medicine doesn’t here. Thucydides thrown into a mean you aren’t willing to It’s important to remem- conversation so naturally. drop a buck on a tarot-card ber that people here have As everyone talks about dispensing wizard named done some pretty amazing registering for classes, the Zoltar. stuff. But it is the real kick- rhetoric doesn’t include What we have here is er that these same people “have to,” “sounds boring” a number of undercover are very personable and fun and “this sucks,” nearly as smart and high-achieving to be with on a non-intellec- much as “want to,” “sounds people. I love the moments tual level as well. so interesting” and “ohmy- in a conversation when you While the scene here on god I wish I could take are talking to someone campus doesn’t quite jive everything.” These all of about normal stuff, like with my odd preconcep- which sets apart the stu- where they’re from, what tions of crazy-smart people dent population here from their dog’s name is, etc., with only Plato and the hu- most others I’ve seen or and then all the sudden it man pancreas on the mind, heard of. somehow comes up that it seems to me that, really, But in a lot of my pre- they graduated from high that’s a damn good thing. Talking long-distance: Bite your You ignoramus, Washington University tongue and say Hakuna Matata is in New York

By Kayla Dalle Molle way to measure weight. Come dog is. Once I have shat on breasted Malagasy housewife diverse, I have never lived Freshman Press Reporter on. Fourteen pounds? Who are their romantic fantasies of Ita- on an island off the coast of By Elizabeth Slater in such close proximity to you kidding? ly it is their turn to dispel the Madagascar. Freshman Press Reporter people from so many different “So you’re from Italy…isn’t ridiculous stereotypes I have As we all know, there’s states and countries. My hall utside of the USA, that where the Eiffel Tower been fed about university life more to a book than its cover, have been a native New has people from Missouri to Americans are seen is?” in the USA. When I tell them and as educated people it Yorker my whole life. I California, Georgia to Japan. as constant rivals Just kidding. I’ve never seen Laguna Beach, is our job to counter these have never owned a car, I Approaching someone in New Oin an increasingly Kidding again. Yes, I was driven a car, played a drinking [often] inaccurate generalisa- Idon’t have my license and York often results in frightened competitive world—stupid, actually asked this my third game or gone to senior prom I tions. Wash. U. is immensely I can name every stop on the looks or mean glares, but at fat, khaki shant (the shant of day on campus. Out of Italy garner looks worthy of a leper. diverse which is why it is so D train line. The night before Wash. U. people are more than course being a uniquely vague people are especially fasci- Africa is, like, THE coolest important to be mindful of I left for college, I did a very happy to be asked a question. garment in that it is neither country EVAR. the different cultures students New York thing and sat on the In fact, they seem to enjoy it. pants nor shorts) wearing “They are shocked When people learn I have bring with them to campus. stoop outside my building with In New York, I can walk down rivals responsible for rap- a South African mother, sud- I’m sure every student here my friend, people watching at a street with people from the idly homogenizing distinct to know that Venice denly the pasta is dropped has at some point fallen vic- one in the morning. New York Dominican Republic, Russia cultures through their desire on the fl oor and I’m monkey tim to stereotypes associated City with it bustling streets, or Pakistan, and never say a to guzzle the remaining drops smells like death girl—full of valuable knowl- with where they come from. crowded subway cars and hun- word to them, but at Wash. U. of what was once an ocean of and is constantly edge about living in the Other international students dreds of thrift stores has been everyone seems to get along so natural gas; deep-fry any- motherland with all them at Wash. U. have been asked if my home since I was born. It is easily. People from these places thing not securely fastened flooded, that we crazy lions and tigers. The they live in igloos in Canada, in my blood. are no longer strangers, but my to a hard surface, arbitrarily questions range from the tame ride elephants to school in In- Despite my deep attachment neighbors. develop their own units of don’t actually eat “did your mother grow up in donesia or get jailed for chew- to New York City, I decided that Leaving New York, I was measurement, watch “the spaghetti with a hut?” to the wildly offensive ing gum in Singapore. Just for college I wanted to experi- afraid that I would never game” on TV with a six pack “wait, so is your WHOLE fam- like assuming everyone from ence a place that was slightly again be able to walk out of of reduced calorie urine and meatballs, and that ily racist?” A good friend from Illinois is a Chicagoan, from different, which is how I set my apartment and enter the give every average schmuck Johannesburg once was told Long Island is a JAP, Tennes- my sights on Wash. U. With subway or hop on a bus that I his own reality TV program. a businessman is as by an excited American, “oh see a hick and a farmer, a population of 348,189, St. could count on arriving every 5 And spin-off. And clothing likely to pee on your my gosh…you’re from South such generalizations are not Louis is, yes, quite unlike New minutes. And while I’m pretty line. And book deal (A semi- Africa…I have a friend from restricted to areas outside of York City, which has a popula- sure that St. Louis’s public biographical novel loosely in- building as his dog Ethiopia!” the US. And while the realities tion of eight million. One of transportation system does not spired by a true rags-to-riches There is no language called are certainly not as interesting my biggest fears about leaving compare to that of New York, story no less). is.” “African.” Again, reality is far as the fantasies we concoct in NYC was that I would be leav- I have learned that people are But the reality is that Amer- from it. Those cool monkeys our heads, in learning to dis- ing a very diverse and exciting much more than willing to icans aren’t any stupider than nated by the Italian culture, with the red butts aren’t so tinguish between the two we environment. But, I’ve already help you around campus or people from other countries. and I am equally interested cute when they poo all over are able to peer into cultures discovered many interesting direct you to your dorm. The stupidness of respective in understanding their own. your car. Or when they chase and truly understand some- things about the area: Chuck I guess my point is that I populations just manifests They are shocked to know that you while biking and rip your thing “foreign.” Berry plays at Blueberry Hill, was afraid that by leaving New itself in different ways. Like Venice smells like death and shorts off to get an apple Like the metric system. the South Grand holds a mul- York City I would end up in a the French still thinking they is constantly fl ooded, that we you’ve concealed underneath. It’s better. titude of ethnic restaurants, sheltered and isolated envi- won the World Cup (It’s time to don’t actually eat spaghetti And the closest I’ve come to and, according to the fortu- ronment. New Yorkers can be accept the facts. We schooled with meatballs, and that a Simba was his face painfully Kayla Dalle Molle is a fresh- neteller at Union Station, I’m provincial. We think our city you.). Or the English thinking businessman is as likely to stretched across the child’s man in Arts & Sciences and is going to inherit an aged stone is the only city. Though people that stone are actually a good pee on your building as his T-shirt sported by a large- from Milan, Italy. mansion. here are more likely to have More importantly, what heard of Nelly than the Harlem has made adjusting to Wash. Diplomats, they all have inter- U. so much easier than I had esting stories to tell and are all anticipated was how friendly motivated, driven, and excited and open-minded everyone has about their futures. been. Already I am learning The people I have met have new things that were not as been more than willing to popular in New York City. For talk to me about themselves example, at my high school it and to tell me about what they was more relaxing to listen to have learned about St. Louis. the blaring sound of a siren The friendly attitude of the than the chorus, but at Wash. staff and students has made U. my roommate has actually me much more willing to view managed to get me to listen Wash. U. as a second home to to, and enjoy, A cappella. Who the city. knew that A cappella groups Also, being in a place where could sing such entertaining two-bedroom apartments do

VANESSA POON | STUDENT LIFE covers of Outkast? not cost more than one million While New York is very dollars is a defi nite plus. F6 FRESHMAN PRESS | CADENZA MONDAY | AUGUST 28, 2006

n. a technically brilliant, sometimes improvised solo passage toward the close of a concerto, an exceptionally brilliant part of an artistic work arts & CCADENADENZA ZA entertainment And what do you watch?... Bonding through entertainment

By Michelle Stein but if they bring all these enjoy their entertainment as Freshman Press Reporter heavy dramas you can tell much as the rest of us, but they’re kind of intense,” said between the laws regarding Even though Washington freshman Natacha Lam. what they can bring into the University students come Regardless of movie choice, country and traveling halfway from different backgrounds, DVD collections can be conver- around the world, DVDs and all freshmen can bond over sation starters. CDs take a back seat to the entertainment. Almost every- In fact, movies are Um- necessities for college. one entering the University rath 1’s fl oor theme. Over the “We are just as into [en- this fall has brought with summer, students gave the tertainment] as you guys, it’s them the staples of relaxation: Resident Advisor a list of their just that we can’t lug our stuff music and movies. Students four favorite movies. The RAs around like that. So we have here may plan on activities, used these to make door signs our iPod, our laptop and that’s classes and athletics, but there with the students’ names, it,” said freshman Aparna is nothing like a little study their favorite movie cover Misra. music or a favorite television and a famous quote from the As tuned into the entertain- show to help relax after a long movie. According to RA David ment scene as the freshman day. Kramer, walking into the class is, few people know The general opinion among dorm room gives the residents about the perks Wash. U. of- the freshmen class is that an instant bond. fers students. nothing helps you relax more “Any movie that’s really Ruckus music player allows col- than laughter. Regardless of funny, you can always feel lege students to download unlim- whether the fi rst DVD packed comfortable quoting that mov- ited music from the Ruckus site. The was “Arrested Development” ie and it gives you an instant one drawback is that songs cannot or “Super Troopers,” cinematic connection with that [other] be added to CDs or iPods. Most entertainment is kind of a big person,” said Kramer. students, however, agree they will deal here. Since all of the dorms have listen to music on their computer. Knowing what kinds of televisions in their lounges, it As everyone moves into the entertainment a person pre- is not necessary to bring your dorms this year, try asking fers is an opening into their own television or DVDs to en- questions about music or mov- personality. joy college entertainment. ies too, not just about classes “[Movies] are a great way for “A lot of fl oors bond over and majors. people to get to know who I or shows like ‘Lost’ or ‘Grey’s See if when your roommate MEREDITH SCHLACTER | STUDENT LIFE others are without asking the Anatomy,’ and everyone fi nds thinks of college, they think of same questions. If they bring a friend’s dorm room or the “Animal House” as well. Freshmen’s doors in Umrath were adorned with pictures of their favorite movies to make them feel more at all this comedy, you can tell fl oor’s lounge,” said Kramer. home. they’re kind of lighthearted, International students Tune in! to fall television As the fall television season draws near, students at Washington University eagerly await the return of their favorite shows. Fans of “Lost,” “Grey’s Anatomy” and season fi nale spoilers “Gilmore Girls” weigh in with their predic- By ShaSha Lu tions and conspiracy theories. Freshman Press Reporter Lost

“Lost” ended its second season with a satisfying yet puzzling bang, Gilmore leaving fans to further question the fates of the characters and the meaning behind the island. Michael betrays the group as he sails away, possibly toward safety with Walt. Hurley is released and Jack, Sawyer and Kate remain behind in the hands of the Others. Back at the hatch, Finally, with its witty Desmond makes his ultimate sacrifi ce when he releases the buildup sayings and charismat- Girls of electromagnetism on the island with the turn of a key. Perhaps this ic characters, “Gilmore electromagnetism had been the very cause of Flight 815’s crash. Girls” lures loyal fans Residential Advisor Allison Cartwright thinks the aftermath of the who now fi nd themselves wondering about Rory crash could be a sociological experiment, a test of how long people will and Lorelai’s future. persevere. The season fi nale ended with Lorelai’s ultima- Junior Jake Greenblatt sees the island from a similar angle, compar- tum to Luke to marry now or never. When Luke ing the survivors to “lab rats.” He also wouldn’t mind if the aftermath balks, Lorelai ends up in the arms—and bed—of of the crash were “one giant dream,” although it is hard to say if other KRT CAMPUS Christopher. fans would warm to such an explanation. The cast of Lost poses on a large rock. Meanwhile, Rory gives Logan a tear- ful goodbye as he departs for London. Will Logan ever return? “Logan will Grey’s come back for Rory but only after he ‘does his own thing’ in London,” Anatomy said junior Doris Romero. Moving from the pandemonium of the island to the “He’s truly in chaos of Seattle Grace Hospital, “Grey’s Anatomy” gives love with her.” a window into the ongoing drama between its doctors, interns and patients. Finishing off the season, Meredith reunites with Derek—known to fans as Dr. McDreamy—and deserts her newfound man, Finn. In addition, Burke wakes KRT CAMPUS up to the possibility that he may never be able to operate Alexis Bledel plays Rory on the WB’s again, and Izzy quits the internship after Denny’s sudden “Gilmore Girls.” death. Although most students seem to agree that Meredith is ultimately destined for Derek, some feel that the doctor should feel more remorse for his actions in the second sea- son. Rumor also has it that Mark, Derek’s best friend and How accurate are these predictions and theories? We’ll Addison’s former lover, will return this season, leading the fi nd out in a few weeks. Lost season 3 premieres Oct. 4 way for a love quadrangle. KRT CAMPUS The cast of Grey’s Anatomy poses on a stair- at 8 p.m. on ABC, Grey’s Anatomy premieres Sept. 21 at case. 8 p.m. on ABC and Gilmore Girls on Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. on the WB. MONDAY | AUGUST 28, 2006 FRESHMAN PRESS F7 Secrets From The Sea: Pirates of the Caribbean Three By Sarah Saunders million, surpassing “Finding Elizabeth and Barbossa pass ter seeing the second movie, Freshman Press Reporter Nemo” at $866.9 million. through the Orient and con- it’s obvious that they have With the success of the front Captain Feng in search basis in fact. Director Gore second installment of the of charts to the World’s End. Verbinski summarizes the Few films are released trilogy, many audiences Recovering the ship and its plot of this highly anticipat- that both touch audiences wonder what surprises are beloved captain is especially ed movie by saying, “it [Pi- worldwide and begin a cul- in store for the final in- critical for William Turner rates] is a conference of the tural phenomenon. stallment. Despite Disney’s because only the Black Pearl world’s pirate leaders and a One such movie is “Pi- denials, possible titles for can overtake the Flying treacherous journey to the rates of the Caribbean.” In- the third movie include, “At Dutchman and thus, release literal ends of the earth.” spired by the Disney amuse- World’s End” and “Uncharted his father from undersea There are many questions ment park ride, “Pirates” has Waters.” bondage. to be answered in this last shocked Disney executives Joining the returning cast This foreboding destina- part of the trilogy, to be with the amount of treasure is Chow Yun-Fat as Cap- tion, where Jack and the released on May 25, 2007. earned. tain Sao Feng, a nemesis of Black Pearl are suppos- Among them: How did Bar- Despite lukewarm re- Will and Elizabeth. Famous edly located, is described bossa return from the dead? views, “Pirates of the Carib- rocker Keith Richards makes as a “purgatory,” with white Will Elizabeth and William bean: Dead Man’s Chest” a cameo appearance as Cap- sands and crabs wielding finally get married? Will Bill rocketed to number one tain Jack Sparrow’s father, swords. Speculation in- Turner be rescued? And who immediately after its re- Captain Grant Sparrow. dicates that such a scene will gain control of Davy lease. Opening with the As indicated by the end- was filmed in the Utah Salt Jones’ heart? Fans will have highest earning weekend in ing of “Dead Man’s Chest,” Flats, the home of the white to wait until next summer history, the movie continues Will and Elizabeth team up deserts. This cap-off to the to discover the answers. to retain the number one with their former enemy “Pirates” trilogy is sure to But, as any true “Pirates” position for seven weeks in Barbossa to rescue Jack and contain the same unbeliev- fan knows, the most devoted the foreign box office. It is his Black Pearl, having to de- able effects that graced the supporter can wait until the the sixth biggest release of feat the Jones/Beckett/Feng first and second films. end of the world. all time, and has grossed a alliance. On their journey Of course these plot ideas KRT CAMPUS worldwide total of $923.8 to the world’s end, Will, are pure speculation, but af- Johnny Depp plays Captain Jack Sparrow in Disney’s “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies. Get involved on campus, but choose wisely “ ” By Rebecca Saunders have traditional houses (located pointing out the best clubs Freshman Press Reporter in the area of campus known as and classes. “Frat Row”), but sororities do not. Finally, if you want to Whether that is a benefit or a be an active member of the Little Miss Sunshine Although moving in, drawback, Thornton asserts that Wash. U. community, but you is worth the trip setting up your dorm and nearly 25 percent of Wash. U. need to earn a little cash on getting acquainted with students are active participants in the side, a job may be the your roommate may seem Greek life. right way to get involved for By Sam Bear points they ring true to the most dysfunctional) mem- daunting, other tasks await “Wash. U. is unique in you. There are many jobs Freshman Press Reporter reality of human imperfec- ber of the family. you during these upcoming that Greek isn’t all you are,” available on campus for tion. To match its colorful weeks that should promise said Thornton. students. Thornton recom- Kinnear’s character is cast of characters, “Sun- to be more thrilling. Unlike schools where mended stopping by Corner- The family road trip simultaneously annoying shine” has an equally Unlike the activities of fraternities and sororities stone, which offers tutor- story is about as new in and bemusing, and Arkin’s entertaining and talented the first few hectic days, “make or break” students, ing for money. Or, she also Hollywood as the moving character probably belongs group of actors. Kinnear’s picking classes and joining Wash. U. students take part recommended the “knock- picture, but “Little Miss in jail. Yet both at various performance is one of the clubs should be more relax- in a wide array of activities ing on doors” policy, where Sunshine,” the smash hit at points in the movie are best of his career. He is ing—especially with a few and sometimes do not list students just go around to tips. Greek life right off the bat. the science labs to see if any Without question, the Thus, even if you are just a faculty are looking for lab easiest way to begin the least bit interested in Greek assistants. You never know all-important club search is life, give it a try. until you try. through the Activities Fair. Student government is a Beyond the carting of This year, it will take place great opportunity for all the ridiculously heavy micro- on September 6, the first budding entrepreneurs and waves, refrigerators and Wednesday after classes leaders. televisions up countless start, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. “I knew I wanted to get flights of stairs, there are on the quad. Director of Stu- involved,” said Vice Presi- less physically and mentally dent Activities Julie Thorn- dent of Student Union Bobby strenuous duties. Whether ton, said the Activities Fair Jones, and for him, govern- the table for Greek life, is, “the best place to start.” ment was a good choice. Medieval Fencing or govern- Advised Thornton, “Dare Additionally, Jones joined ment attracts you at the yourself to do something Film Board and from there Activities Fair; or the job different.” got involved in the Social market is calling you, get Similarly, Student Union Programming Board. involved in some way during President Paul Moinester Although all these ac- your freshman year. advised incoming freshman tivities may seem enticing, Just don’t take on too to find something they love. Moinester suggests not to much. Remember, it is your It may seem contradictory take on too much too soon. first semester at college and to find something different “Take on smaller respon- it will take some adjusting. and something you love do- sibilities…and talk to your Shop around at the fair, go ing, but if you’ve never tried RAs,” advised Moinester. to half a dozen meetings and it, how do you know if you’ll “They know the time com- then pick a couple that really love it? It’s all in the risk, mitments for different interest you. Pick something and there is no better time clubs.” new and different. Spread to take risks than in college. Never forget that your your extracurricular wings KRT DIRECT Greek life is a popular way to RAs are there to help with and fly. Abigail Breslin (left-right), Toni Collette, Steve Carell and Greg Kinnear star in “Little Miss Sunshine.” get involved on campus. At Wash- everything from helping ington University, fraternities you set up your computer to this year’s Sundance Film genuinely endearing. The at his best when playing Festival, rings nothing of screenplay is laugh out an everyman, and Frank the standard “vacation” loud funny. Still, the film Hoover perfectly fits that fare. possesses a subtlety that profile. Performing Arts Department News “Sunshine” is about isn’t found in mainstream Carell’s first shot at a Olive (Abigail Breslin), a Hollywood. more dramatic role cap- young girl with dreams Carell’s character is gay, tures the intensity of Bill Placement Auditions for Dance A.E. Hotchner Studio Theater, Sign up at the bulletin board of beauty queendom, who but at no point is he the Murray, whom the role was Classes Mallinckrodt Center outside the PAD offi ces wins a spot in the Little flamboyant stereotype that originally written for, while Monday, August 28, 10am Miss Sunshine beauty so often appears in films. maintaining the charisma pageant. Her mother (Toni There are no cheap and sentiment that made Annelise Mertz Dance Studio, Auditions for Fiddler On The Roof* *Students who wish to audition for Collette), Dr. Phil-wan- jokes or common gags in him so lovable in “The 40 Mallinckrodt Center and Kokoschka Fiddler On The Roof must prepare nabe father (Greg Kinnear), “Little Miss Sunshine,” and Year-Old Virgin.” Thursday, August 31 and Friday, 16 bars of music as well as a self-decided mute brother even when the story seems Ton i Collette’s perfor- PAD Welcome Party September 1, 7-11pm monologue. (Paul Dano), drug-addicted, headed for overplayed co- mance is admirable, Paul Tuesday, August 29, 4-6pm Olin Studio One, Women’s Building retirement home-exiled medic ground, Arndt takes Dano continues to build on grandfather (Alan Arkin) it in a new and interesting his reputation as a terrific and suicidal uncle (Steve direction. young actor, Abigail Breslin Carell) all pile into the The family’s yellow could become the next beat-up family Volkswa- Volkswagen minibus not Dakota Fanning and Alan IM SPORTS v FROM PAGE F4 gen minibus for the long only provides the setting Arkin was born to play this trip from Albuquerque to for most of the movie but is dirty-mouthed grandpa. league ensures that all involved gether a basketball team ev- shirt.” Redondo Beach, California also the source of some of The bottom line is that will get a chance to play. And, with ery year.” Imergoot invites all fresh- to make Olive’s dream a its best humor. “Little Miss Sunshine” is 16 different sports ranging from IM sports also present a men to participate in the IM reality. Between a clutch that the must see summer indie, billiards and arm wrestling to clas- great way to relax and simply sports system. Freshmen “Sunshine” is as profane won’t go to first or sec- able to capture the best of sics like soccer and basketball, it is enjoy the time you have on can check out http://intra- as it is outrageous, but at ond gear and a horn that comedy. certain every incoming freshman campus. “It’s different [from to get its heart, the movie is a sounds like it’s constantly It’s funny, heartfelt and can find a sport that suits them. coached sports.] You’re play- information and visit the IM delightful and ultimately signaling off Morse code, absolutely entertaining Varsity athletes are also ing with your friends. Your office located on the second touching family story. first time directors Jona- from the first frame to the welcome to participate in IM coaches don’t tell you what to floor of the Athletic Complex The screenplay by Mi- than Dayton and Valerie last. sports, but not in their cho- do--it’s more like a fun com- to sign up. chael Arndt is fantastic. Faris give the van enough sen sport. “For example,” petition.” In addition, “Each His characters are flawed, personality to qualify it as says Imergoot, “the varsity winner of a team sport wins but even at their lowest the last (and not even the girl’s soccer team puts to- the coveted IM Champions t- F8 FRESHMAN PRESS | SCENE MONDAY | AUGUST 28, 2006 SSCENECENE Beyond the bookstore: Finding your textbooks for reasonable prices

By Hillary Price With a little research, and shipping costs, from Freshman Press Reporter however, students can find different websites, includ- both used and new books ing and amazon. Most new freshmen at for much more reasonable com. Washington University prices. Another more local op- spend a great deal of money Facebook groups help tion is the Lock and Chain during their first few days students selling books book sale at the beginning on campus. Dorm accesso- reach potential customers of each semester. Orga- ries and ethernet connec- within the Wash. U. com- nized and run by Wash. U. tions are pricey, but they munity. Students belonging students, Lock and Chain seem cheap when compared to the “WashU Books Listing collects used textbooks to the price of textbooks. (textbooks)” group can post from students at the end of The cost of college information about the books each semester. The sellers textbooks is skyrocketing; they want to sell and inter- set their own prices at this a study by the Govern- ested students can contact time. Lock and Chain stores ment Accountability Office them directly to negotiate the books until the begin- recently reported that the prices. This way, students ning of the next semester cost of textbooks has risen can simply pick up their when they have a book sale. at twice the rate of inflation books from the previous Sellers receive 75 percent over the past 20 years. owners. of their asking price, which According to the College There are countless on- is usually more money than Board, the average college line websites selling used the bookstore would pay for student spent between $801 and new college textbooks. used books. Twenty percent and $904 on textbooks for Some, like, a divi- of the leftover money goes the 2005-2006 school year. sion of eBay, allow students to charity and the other 80 Buying from the book- to set a price for their books percent is used for Lock and store is certainly pricey, but and then sell those books to Chain sponsored activities, many freshmen consider it other college students. like the Major/Minor fair, the only option; they rarely A Google search for “col- George Washington week know enough upperclass- lege textbooks” brings up and Sophomore Sizzle. men to find cheap used hundreds of similar sites. So, don’t get burned with books and the bookstore On bookstore prices. Explore MEREDITH SCHLACTER | STUDENT LIFE seems so close and conve- students can compare text- other options and expand Students can often fi nd course books online for less than the prices charged at the campus bookstore. nient. book prices, including tax your wallet.

Forced triples force freshman to adapt to cramped housing

By Audrey King many students to be cre- be like having two room- Freshman Press Reporter ative and learn to live with mates instead of one.” their housing situation. Generally, these appre- Still, some freshmen are hensions come from the Washington University reasonably apprehensive horror stories about awful expected, at most, 1,350 about their living, particu- roommates everyone has students to accept their of- larly those in traditional heard from upperclassmen, fer of admission, but more dorms. but not everyone has some- students accepted and as a Matt Herman, who lives thing frightening to say. result, some members of the in Rubelmann, pointed out “It was a new experience class of 2010 found their the lack of basic amenities having to accommodate housing assignments disap- in his dorm. two other people’s agen- pointing. “I would like to have das…I learned to be flex- Maryse Pearce, a fresh- a door on my closet,” he ible,” said Min Qi, a current man living in Beaumont, lamented. senior who lived in a triple requested a modern double, Plus, being able to fit ev- in Beaumont her freshmen but, like many incoming erything into a small room year. freshman, has a traditional can require innovation. Along with learning the triple. “Whatever doesn’t fits gets necessary skill of how to “I was really upset at hauled back to Kansas,” live with someone else, hav- first,” said Pearce. After said Christine Hansen. ing a roommate or room- seeing her room and mov- Besides the reduction in mates creates a more social ing in, however, Pearce has “home comforts” that mem- atmosphere. changed her mind and de- bers of the class of 2010 Roommates bring their cided, “I like my dorm, it’s will experience this year, friends back to the shared a nice size—it’s worked out such as having to share room, which brings more well in the end.” a communal restroom, opportunities to meet With so many students, kitchen and laundry area, people. both upper and lower another general area of con- Living with someone also LUCY MOORE | STUDENT LIFE classmen, unable to secure cern arises: roommates. means less strain on your Due to a larger than normal freshman class, some double rooms have been converted into forced triples. the housing they wanted, Jessica Williams was as- wallet because they can Chancellor Mark Wrighton signed a triple in Umrath help to share the burden sought to explain the influx and worries about, “the of buying/renting a fridge, students total, may find Residential Life Rob Wild versity Bookstore and a lot- of incoming students. compromises that we’ll have microwave or other parts of this year particularly dif- and the offices of Residen- tery number at the front of “It’s not easy to predict to make.” a room. ficult because those rooms tial Life are, “acknowledg- the class for housing next who will accept our offer,” Jen Sisto, also in a triple Those students who were weren’t originally designed ing that its not an ideal year to all students still in a he said. but in Rubelman, said she, assigned a second prior- as a triple room. situation,” and providing a second priority triple by the The Chancellor expects “wasn’t sure what it would ity or “forced” triple, 45 Associate Director of $200 gift receipt to the Uni- end of August.

Compiled by Katie Keeley and Rebecca Saunders WORD ON THE STREET Freshman Press Reporters “What is your favorite place to study?”

Abel Samet Jessica Harvath Cat Karayan Kim Crouch Andy Schupanitz sophomore senior junior graduate student senior

“Last year it was my room in “The East Asian Library - it’s a “Whispers Cafe - actually the “The Chem Library - no one’s “The third fl oor of the Olin Umrath, or downstairs in the beautiful place.” booths, but they’re not always ever there.” Library, because it’s always common area.” open.” quiet.” MONDAY | AUGUST 28, 2006 FRESHMAN PRESS | SCENE F9 The Loop: Restaurants and more By Katie Keeley and Audrey King Freshman Press Reporters

For incoming freshmen, the restaurants in the Loop provide a great alternative to their same old dining routine by having fun and surprisingly affordable places to eat, along with being accessible to stu- dents without a car (i.e. you) through the overpass near the Women’s Building. Fitz’s As the name implies, Fitz’s specialty is its root beer. Upon walking fi rst entering, custom- ers can see part of the bot- The Red Sea tling process through a glass This small restaurant is only for the truly ad- window. Unlimited refi lls are venturous. One specialty is wat, almost like a stew, included with every soft drink which is available with chicken or lamb. It is eaten ordered, and each time the with injera, a spongy fl atbread that resembles patron can try a different type a bubbly half-cooked pancake. Most entrees are of Fitz’s soda. The food is won- served with a choice of vegetables such as yellow derful, with everything from split peas. They occasionally have live music at burgers and BBQ chicken pizza night, though shows are mostly for those 21 and to Oriental salads and chicken older. VANESSA POON | STUDENT LIFE parmesean. The root beer fl oat is enormous and very messy to drink, consisting of a full mug of root beer with multiple scoops of vanilla ice cream bal- anced on top. Upstairs, Fitz’s offers additional seating, a bar, pool tables, darts and more. Saleem’s VANESSA POON | STUDENT LIFE Come to this location for the belly dancing entertainment on Fridays and Saturdays starting at 8:00 p.m. For stu- dents inexperienced in Persian cuisine, this location provides a great opportu- nity to try some basics such as hummus, tabbouleh and falafel. Saleem’s has tons The Pageant of options, especially for vegetarians, including a delicious eggplant platter. With its fl ashy The price varies from $8, or cheaper if marquee announc- you split, to $16 if you get the kabobs. ing an array of Also, they don’t lie; there is a lot of gar- upcoming shows, lic involved, so bring gum! VANESSA POON | STUDENT LIFE the Pageant is one of St. Louis’s premiere concert venues. Con- veniently located on the Delmar Lop, the For a hands-on experience, get the Pageant is a great Spring Rolls. Unlike most Vietnamese res- way for students Miss Saigon taurants which feature this dish just as a (either with cars or pre-made appetizer, at Miss Saigon, all the without) to get off ingredients are brought out to the table campus and hear for your own assembly. To start, make the their favorite bands. rice paper pliable by soaking it in warm The Pageant attracts water, then, put in the fresh ingredients everything from The that make up the roll: shredded carrot, Killers and the Fray peanuts, basil, mint, parsley, lettuce, cilan- to Edwin McCain tro, bean sprouts, vermicelli noodles and and Cyndi Lauper. seasoned pork (or chicken). The wrap is With such a wide dipped in a fi sh sauce and makes a mostly array of artists, stu- healthy, fresh alternative to campus food. dents are bound to The best part, it’s only $12.95 and can fi nd concerts that fi t easily feed three people. Be sure to ask their musical tastes. specifi cally for mint and basil, though, because they might not serve it. VANESSA POON | STUDENT LIFE VANESSA POON | STUDENT LIFE

Tips from the pros: Activities: Tried and true Upperclassman insight for or something new?

Compiled by Hillary Price freshmen By Katie Keeley to quit as Student Union ate their own clubs and Freshman Press Reporter became more of a com- majors,” said Jonathan mitment. Beninson, a law school As a freshman at Wash. U., you have probably received all kinds of advice. We are not going The soccer program ac- student. to tell you to “go outside your comfort zone”, but we have compiled a list of tips for freshman With the Activities Fair tually drew Moinester to He was able to continue coming up on Sept. 6, the University but he was the business he was run- straight from the mouths of upperclassmen. Some are funny, some are practical, some are some incoming freshmen not afraid to try student ning when he arrived at bizarre, but all are useful. Enjoy. look forward to exploring government in his upper- the University. new interests while many classmen years. As easy as it is to con- • Deadbolt your door before Center Court Brunch. • Find a favorite shower stall others anticipate continu- “I felt like I had gotten tinue a familiar activity you go to sleep, or someone and always use that one. That ing much-loved activities all I could out of soccer as a freshman, many stu- could card in. • Do not go out into the hall- way, you will always know from high school. So what in general and felt that dents also take advantage ways with beer or any other where to set the temperature. is the trend here among SU would help me develop of the wealth of opportu- • Use your ID card for laun- open alcoholic beverage. new students at Washing- more as a person.” nities here. Abel Samet, dry, because quarters are • Keep your door open as ton University—to stick SU Vice President a sophomore, remarked scarce and inconvenient. • If you live in a new dorm, much as possible. You’ll with the tried and true, or Bobby Jones also came that he continued partici- close your bathroom door make more friends. to take risks and possibly in as an athlete but soon pating in mock trial, as he • If you want food delivered before you take a shower, discover new passions? felt that the large time had done in high school, late, try Pointers, a pizza unless you want your entire • Pay attention to the rules According to Director commitment prevented but also tried crew for the place on Big Bend. They are dorm to hate you when the about attaching things to the of Student Activities, ac- him from exploring other first time last year. open until 2 a.m. steam from your shower sets walls, or you might get fi ned tivities vary from person options. “I heard about it at the off the fi re alarm. at the end of the year. to person. “I wouldn’t have come Activities Fair and some • Remember to bring your “Some use college as here if not for football,” people on my floor were ID card when you go to frat • Keep up with your ID card, • Use the UPass, it is much an opportunity to rede- he recalled. But after two doing it,” he explained. parties. because they cost $20 to cheaper than cab fare. fine themselves,” said years on the team, he Incoming freshmen replace. Thorton. “There are even left in order to further will have many options to • If your fl oor is divided in • Go to events with free food. students that want to develop his interests in explore in their free time. some way, do not limit your- • Christmas lights enliven do everything they did music, film and making Stanley Rokaw hopes self by only meeting people every dorm room decorating • Check the nutritional facts in high school and then an impact on campus. to continue speech and on your side. Try to hang scheme. of foods you eat at Bear’s Den some,” she noted. Gina Anderson, a ris- debate, depending on how out on the other side to meet on the website, some might Occasionally, new ing senior, was involved much time he has after people there, too. • Try the chicken fi nger bur- shock you. students are intimidated in community service or- classes and studying. Aa- rito in Bear’s Den. by the idea of classes and ganizations and Key Club ditya Khatri participated • To avoid a freezing or • Take your roommate con- studying at the Univer- in high school. She still in debate and Science scorching shower in the • Make friends with the tract seriously. sity and put off joining participated in organizing Olympiad in his high old dorms, set your shower housekeeping and mainte- any activities for the first events her first two years school, but now is chang- handle slightly right of cen- nance staff, as well as the • Do a good job fi lling out semester or even at all, at the University, though ing his focus to intramu- ter, and leave it there. These cooks in Bear’s Den. our room condition report but Thornton cautiously the events were mainly rals and volunteer work. showers take a few minutes so you don’t get charged for advises against that strat- social. Now, however, she “I want about the same to warm up. • Before you go out for a dents you did not make. egy. has returned more to her number of activities and night of revelry, makes sure Student Union Presi- original focus of ser- time commitment, but • Take advantage of the fi t- you know how to get home. • Take advantage of free dent Paul Moinester obvi- vice. Last year, through want to do something ness center above Bear’s Den, It is never a bad idea to have stuff during Orientation. ously involves himself Mr. Wash. U., Anderson completely different,” and try fi tness classes during a “designated walker” with with the University com- helped raise $23,000 for explained Khatri. their week of free classes in your group. • Try to make friends out- munity outside of class. City Faces, which provides So, freshmen, if you September. side your fl oor. “Everyone was involved art programs for city have a passion for some- • If you go to a party at an in high school,” he said, teens. thing specific, by all • To adjust your bed’s height, apartment near the Loop, do • Get a large trashcan. “but you can’t do all of Even if the University means, go for it. turn the bed upside down not walk back alone at night. the same activities in does not already have a But Bobby Jones, who and hit it with some blunt People have been robbed in Thanks to Anna McGrew college because all those group pertaining to a pri- in high school participat- object or jump on it. Pull the that area. (sophomore), Steven Knudsen things take more time or interest of a freshman, ed in student government sides off, then fl ip everything (senior), Stephanie Chang (ju- here.” the school is very open to only his sophomore year, right side up and re-attach • Your RAs will always be on nior), Teri Mcclerklin (senior) Moinester grew up developing new clubs. discovered, “The Activi- the sides at the height you the fl oor during the fi rst two and David Stein (senior) for playing soccer year-round “Wash. U. is really ties Fair is such a good want. weeks, so do not try to have their insight and advice. in multiple leagues, but gracious and accepting resource. Keep an open any parties. after two years of playing to what you want to do, mind.” • Try not to sleep through at the University, he had allowing students to cre- F10 FRESHMAN PRESS | ADVERTISEMENT MONDAY | AUGUST 28, 2006